The daily phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, February 05, 1873, Image 4

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t mnp n cb-kix. fJ ?t ?TiBTWBDJtaaDAT mossing. ' 3 Y jut I AN! A. SE t B Y ' MpiToa AMD pboxjubtob. Office o u Eiaharason Street, near Taylor ?t?fre , striaitie . 't tor Book and Jab Friuuhg dt evarv,a?Harip Uoa promptly and faithfully attended to... ,X-U ' snaa?BiPno?.' ? *. ?< Daily, six months, U 00; Tri-Weekly. <* 6\T, Weeklyt.1 U0. . rt' advertisements Inserted in the Daily at 70 conta per square for the first and 60 oonts bach aUbtsoquent in? sertion. Long advorti?emontB,by the *wo?k, taonthor yeariatreaaonayie.rateB. . . '''Contradiction* ''JicconeiiteoV ' TT'"' . . TheroJllngbtonegt^^^^ ??-roTin'g man no money; And Btagnant streams gain filthy dro^a; .Tho. wandorlug bcee make honey. Thus here vre hare a paradox, . Yet all as true ae preaching; . A sermon trite,'most orthodox, "To aRis plainly teaching: 1 " '?vT- i ( ' - i . Some bUv at home year after year, Without the leaBfcomrbotlon; Seme ever wander far and near, j O'er continent and o^eab;' . All in their placo, and all be right, ?< With 1 nowl ed gft ? g emaall j glisten, IT traveled oneo will talk anu larile The others read and listen. A i^PiMriuttH'i.' Swam'-^The New4, Or? leans Times tells this story: -A- ?? "Hot many days ago a fashionable up? town reotory was visited by a obarming I yonng lady, who, with a Jftco eoffuaod ' with blushes, informed clhe- reverend divine .that she .contemplated entering! into the holy bonds of matrimony, and; that; as her fiance was somewhat retiring in disposition, and especially sensitive to any reference to their mutual affection,, she had called to arrange the preliminabl ries of their marriage. The minister.| was somewhat taken aback, but tho con? fused fair one presented a liconse, made j out indue form,, and at'onoe proceeded to a disoasaion of the. all importarit step. "The day and hour for the oeiemony were fixed,.and,promptly at the appoint? ed time the yonng couple arrived at the Clergyman's residence. The candidates for nuptial honors remained in a Bittiog room of the reotory, which, by-tbe-by; is in the immediate vicinity of the, church, until the final preparations were j made. The minister donned bis sur? plice, and, repairing to the ohurcb, an? nounced himself ready. : "Several minutes elapsed, bat the wedding party did not appear. The au? dience became impatient, and at length even-the clergyman felt constrained to repeat: bis admonition. What was the Burpriae of all.when the returning mes? senger. an noun cod that.the bridegroom positively refused to enter'the church. The minister visited him personally and rebuked him for his apparent lack of de? cision, but expostulation was useless. The unhappy youth had' no objection to the silken bond, and were the fastenings adjusted in the reotory it might be done instanter, but to appear in a ohurob, and' before that crowd of people, was im? possible. Tho minister-was equally firm, and stated positively that the ceremony mast take placo in the temple. After many tears on the part of the. brido, and earnest protestations oh the'part of her timid lover, the sorrowing ptir departed, and, if rumor is to be credited, they etill remain in a state of single blessed? ness. *' Mrs. Fartington wants to know why some of the sewing maohine advertisers do not call ther machines Geres, Her nephew, who is learning the heathen misogny, tells her that Ceres first taught sowing. Buffalo Tongues, NEW sugar-cured HAMS, Brot.kfW Strips, Smoked Beef, for sale low. HOPE <fc OYLB8. Choirs, Masioal Classes. Conventions, Academies. ATTENTION 1 To the following.Choice List of NEW CANTATAS! ORATORIOS! ANTHEMSt New and attraotivo Cantatas. FORTY-8IXTH PSALM,-Dudley Buck. $1 CO FESTIVAL CANTATA* E. Tliayer. 1 26 GOUNOD'S CHORAL MUSIC, - - - 00 Well worthy of caroful study. MUSICAL ENTHUSIAST, DeicUt, - - 50 - An amusing and very molodioua musical extravaganza. NEW ORATORIOS. ST. PETER, J. K. Etiine,.1 75 PROP1QAL SON, Arthur Sullloan, - - 1 00 Fine cfifectivo compositions. antheIFbooks. sabbath OUE8T, Emerson db Morey. 1 00 duck'S NEW MORTETTE collec? tion, - - - ".2 50 BAUMBAOH'S HACKED qua bt ET TEH, [New,] - -.2 50 IN press?NEARLY REXdY. STRAUSS' DANCE MUSIC. Violin and Piano. - -- -- -- -- - - -1O0 Tho abovo books ecnt, post-paid, for retail prico. OLIVER DIT80N A CO.. Bostou. OHAS. H. DITHON & CO., New York. Jan 31_fm Unprecedented Success OS HI B 8 IN G The Singer Sewing Machine BKOZIVBD FIRST PREMIUMS, 18 7 2, at State Fair, Atlanta, Ga., Anderson Fair, S. C, Darlington Fair, S. G. Look at their sales: 181,260 Machines sold in 1871; 52,784 more l/ian any company. The Singer Manufacturing Company. Main /street, Columbia, 8. C. W. J. WAY, Nov 18 Km Agent. STATE OF ?ODTH CAROLINA, EXECUTIVE dkp A ItTMKNT. WHEREAS information has been received at this department, that' a mardor was commit tod by one MOSES OANNPN, upon the body of James Jaoksoh?ln.Darlmglon Counly, add that the b lid Moses Cannon has fled trom justice: '? t- ? ?v-'"''"?.i " ?1 ?Now, therefore, I, FBASKLIN J. MOSES, Jh., Governor of I ho .South Carolina, Iq order that Justuse*'may bo.' uud tho majesty of.' theMaw ?Vhadicated; do borcbv offer a reward ofTWO HUNDRED DOLLARS for the apprehshsitan -and delivery in any jail in this Stato of t*^%aaid Mosob Cannon, with proof to convict. .... i Baid Moses Cannon is represented as being a dark brown - man j ?about five feet five inches In, height, slightly (bow-legged, about tldrty I years of aee, and weighing about one hun? dred and thirty pounds. In testimony whoreof,! have hereunto set my hand, and caused tho great seal of the ?p .State ta-bo affixed, at Colombia, this 3d JJ day of Pebruary, A- D. lbV'J, aud in the c_, ninety-toovbtftb year of the, independ? ence ?f tho United States of America. FRANKLIN J. MJSES, Jr., Governor. H. E. Haymb, Secretary of State. Feb* _3. Pacific Guano Company's (capital $1,000,000.) soluble Pacific guano. ??? THIS GUANO is now so weR known in nil the Southern States for its remarkable effects as an agency, for increasing the oro dects of labor, jSB not to require special re? commendation Trom us. Its usr for seven years past has 'established its character for roliablo excellenoe. Tho large fixed capital invested by the company in this trade affords I the surest guarantee of the continued excel? lence of this Guano. ' Tho supplies put'into markot this Reason aromas heretofore,- prepared under the por eoQal euperihtondonoe.of Dr.fJt. Julian Rave? ned, Chemist of the Company, at Charleston S. O.; henco planters may rest assured that Its quality and composition ? are precisely the eamo.aa that heretofore eold. i wo J.N. ROBSON, Selling Agent, Charleston, 8. C. 1 JOHN 8. REE8B A CO., General Agents, Baltimore. ? Thumb?148 cash' $68 time, without interest. To accommodate plauters they oan order now and have until tho'flrst of April to de? cide as to whether they will take at time or oash prioe. When delivered from the faotory by the carload, no dray age will beoharged. Nov 27 . ? >_3mo I Valuable Pharmaceutical Preparations | ? tob 8.v.i.k bt EDWARD H.HEINITSH, QKALXB IW CHOICE D RUGS, Family Medicines,, BROMIDES CALCIUM. Sodium, ) ammonium, Bromides Potassium, Morphia, Cadndnni, Iodides,Qainia. Chlor, Propylamia, Iodoform. Bou dalt'a Pepsin, Wine of Beef, Vinum Cibi et Pen i Cum Cinchonia, Wine I of Beef, Iron and Barke, Pure Tasteless Cod Liver Oil,Elixirs of Bark, Pepsin, Bismuth. Elixirs of Gentian, Wild Cherry, Iron, Beef i and Whiskey, Valor Ammonia, Beef and Brandy, Hypopho?pbites, (Churchill's.) Acid Phosphate, (Horsford's.) Life Food, and i Nerve Force. Proprietary preparations of recognized ! worth. Queen's Delight Compound takes tho place of Sareaparilla, a valuable alterative. Blood and Liver Pills, an alterativo Pill, an anti-dyspoptio and dinner Pill, mild yet effectual in its action, nicely sugar-coated. A desirable family medicine, worthy the atten? tion of Physicians. Dec 21 f MEDICAL ON MARRIAGE?Happy relief for young men from tho effects of errors and abuses la oarly life.. Manhood restored. Impedi? ments to marriago romoved. Now method of treatment. Now and remarkable reme? dies. Books and circulars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address HOWARD ASSO? CIATION, No. 2 South Ninth street. Phila? delphia, Pa. an institution having a high reputation for honorablo oonduot and profes oional skill._DeclSSmo Fresh Family Groceries. PICKLED Now York BEEF ROUNDS. FioaxzD?Salmon Bellies, North Carolina Mullet, Ac Smoked?New York Pig Hams and Strips, Nova Kcotia Salmon, Beef Tongues, Ac. I Canned?Succotash, Lima Beans, Peas, Salmon, Mackerel, Lobstors, Pears. Peaohcs, Greon-gagos, Mushrooms, Truffles, AsparaguB. PnEBKnvRD?Canton Ginger, Pears, Citron, Piuo-anplos, Strawberries, Quinces-, Blackberries, Raspberries, &o. I Jci.i.ieh?Guava aud general assortment, j Teas ? Gunpowder, Imperial, Japan. Souchong, ; and English Brrakla* ucdectod by an export, and 11 nekt any mftrkot. [ CorFBES?Mocha, Lngaayra, Rio, O. G. Java, Raw and Roasted. also, The Downer Minehai. BrEBM On., absolute? ly safe an a candle, brilliant as gas, and cheap an kcroeene.; have all the necessary I Burners, Wicks'/Chimneys, to fix old lamps, Nov 20_GEO. bYMMKRH. Stork's Restaurant. Oysters and Other Refreshments. THE undersigned bogs to inform >bin friends that his SALOON and ^RESTAURANT is In full operation, and he is prepared to supply MEALS at all hours. OYSTERS, in aud out of the shell, from Norfolk,'Charleston, and Indian Key, when the weather permits. Imported and domostio SEGA Its, Baltimore LAUER BEER, eto. A. STORK. _0ct20 OYSTERS! Stewed, Fried, and on the Shell. HAVING mado our arrangements ^b^*?r for tho Oyster season, wo aro prc ^*^kw pared to furnish our friends and Ea Irons with OYSTERS, in all styles. We npe that polite attention to our friends may givo satisfaction to all who may favor us with their patronage. Wo shall endeavor to ploase the eyo as well as taste, remembering that "cleanliness ie a virtue." Nov l3mo_ _ F. D. KONEMAN. North Carolina Hay. BALES good N. O. HAY, for sale ow by HOPE & GYLES. 75 rjpn 18Well-known HOTEL. eitn*tc in tho centre et the li? rY? X every convenience and eomlorb 11 travolrr* on hu*! ni t ihr city, ofLTrds S'bo Fropviotor, having aeoured the Hurviccii < f polite und clU^i-nit a?!>i*t.'.ui? pi. ?i mm: eif in epareno means and yaius in itu management to auataiu the high rvp't a i ? : i1 jo; ud by tbo h< d with tin re of Phclau "COLUMBIA" as a First Class liuuec. Attaohed to the Uoueo ie * handsome BILLIARD ROOM; fnri & Coilender'a boat and moBt improved Tuhl a. TELE'lRAPH OFFICE in rotunda of tho House. A'taO, baili Rooms; equaled by none in the city. VtJl. OllMAX, Proprietor, E. T. BunDKi.i, late of "Charleston Hotel," ht-d J. F. Oadsim::.-, AttLtMita. Jan 23 WHEELER HOUSE, OOLU2H iIA,S. O. THE undersigned, for many years (bo hopes favorably) known to the community of Columbia, 8. O, and to tbo traveling public generally, bega to inform bis friends and the public that ho has leased for a term of years the buibling just erected ut (he corner of Main and Plain slrcetp, (oppotito lt. ?. Shiver & Co.'a Dry Uooda Store,) which will open this day as ? first olass Hotel and ReBtauraut, to bo known tie tho "WHEELER HOUSE," and trim la he will receive tbo patronage of his friends aud the traveling public in aid of hiB enterprise Neither expense uor trouble baa been spared In provide all modern conven ionciea, and great pains bavo been taken to atcuro tbo beut, hio?t rolliblo and courteous help in all tho departments, whilst tho general management will be under hin own supervision and receive his undivided attention. A special feature of this establishment will be tho opening of a fine suite cl rooms for the accommodation pf Ladi?>?. where Meals and Oyetore will bo served at all hours. TIIKO. M. t'OLLOOK. Jan 15 Grand Excursion Trip TO NEW ORLEANS AND MOBILE, tia tue Atlanta and New Orleans .Short Line. to tue Grand Mardi Gras Carnival at hew orleans, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1873. THIS is a splendid andgorgoous trip that no one should fail to tako. A full traiu of Pullman's Palace Sleeping Cars, runuiug through from Atlanta to New Orleans, with? out change, thus depriving the trip of all the discomforts of ordinary travel, and giving to it all the comforts of a magniQeent homo, and for a email consideration, giving our people an opportunity of seeing tho fiuest OARNI i TAL FESTIVAL ever wuneeaed in this coun? try. Tho ATLANTA AND NEW ORLEANS SHOUT LINE has alonk perfected arrange monte for excursion ticket?, aud a train of Pullmau's Palace Sleeping Cars through with ! out change This lioe in 1C2 miles shorter thau anyothor route, and nearly one day lcaa time uud travel. L. P. Quant, Superintendent Atluuta and WeBt Point Railroad. Q. J. Forbacbe, Superintendent Western Railroad of Alabama. Q. Jordan, General Superintendent Mobile and Montgomery Railroad. S. H. Si:uanton, Superintendent New Or leanB, Mobile and Texaa Railroad. Excurtioniats are particularly requested to notice tbo above, and guard agaiuat being dc oeived by any other lines assuming tho title of "Atlanta and New Orlcana Short Linn." I am the sole ageut of this lino iu Georgia and tho only ono authorized to arrange for excursion tickets goiug through on this line without change. Tickets over tbia lino on sain at tho Union Paaaooger Depot, Atlanta, good on any pas '< ?engor train from Fe-bruary 20 to March 10. Pare for the Hound Trip, - - 824 85. Sleeping Car fare extra. Sections or Berths can bo secured by au drcueing Pullman Palace Car Company, At? lanta, or tho uudorbigued. W. J. FIO?8TON, Jan 83 General Passenger Agent. Columbia Music Store. A FAMILY ARTICLE. Agents Make $12.50 a Day, $75 a Week entirely New Sewing Machine for domestic use. O.Vl.Y FIVE DOLLARS. With 'he Xc>c Patent Button-IMe Worker, Patented June 27. 1871. AMOST wonderful and elegantly construct? ed SEWING MACHINE for Family Work Complete in all its paite, uses the straight Eye-Pointed NeeiUe, m.lmhkkadinu, direct uprigbt 'rosiTlYE motion, new Tension, Self-Feed nnd Cloth Quidcr. Operates dy Wueel. aud on a TAnr.k. Liqld Banning. Smooth and noinviea-i, like all good high priced machines, lias Eatenl Check to pro vent the wheel being turned the wrong way. Uses tho thread direct from tho npoot. Makes tho Elastio Lock Stitch, (rtneat and etrong est Btitch l;nowu;i firm, durable, close aud rapid. Will do nil kinds of work, fine and coarse, from cajibuic to heavy doih or lea? ther, and usea all descriptions of thread. This Machine in UKAViLT constructed, to give it sTuknotii j all the parts of each Machine being made alike hy machinery, and beaut if ul ly finished and ornamented. It ia very easy to learn, litnii'i, smooth and silent in opera? tion. Reliable at all limes, and a Practica!.; Scientific, Mkcuamcai, Invention, at greatly reduced price. A good, cheap. Family Sewing Machine at ?n*t. Tho Urft und only aucceas in producing a valuable, substantial and reliable low-priccci 8 -wing Machine. Its oxlreuio low price v aches all conditions. Its simplicity and utrength adapts it to- ail capacities, while its many merita make it a universal favorite w herever ueed, and create* a rapid demand. II' IS ALL IT I". RECOMMENDED. '?1 can eueur'nlly ami confidently recom? mend its nee lo those who arc wanting a really good Sewing Machine, at a low prise. "MRH. J. P. WILSON. "Rutherford Park, Borgen Co., N. J." Price of each Machine. "Claas A," "One," (warranted for fiva years by apocial certifi? cate,) with a'l the futures undieverything com? plete belonging to it, including Self-Thread? ing Needle, packed in a strong woodeu box, aud dulivoreil to any part of tho country, hy expruts, free of farther charge*, on receipt of price, only Fivk Dollars. Safj delivery guaranteed. With each Machine, we will send, on receipt of SI extra, tho new patent BUTTON-HOLE WORKER. One of the m.?at Important and useful inven? tions of Iho ago. So simple and certain, that a child can work the lineat button-hole with regularity and ease. Strong aud boautiful. Special Terms and Extra Inducements to Male and Fem u.r. .\>jtints, store-keepers, Ac., who will establish agonciea through the coun? try ami keep our > kw Exhibition and Sale. Country Rioiitb givoii to smart agonta riiBK. Agent's compute outfits fur? nished without any r.vru.\ ojiAudu. Samples of frowin;'. descriptive circulars containing Ii?, engraving*, .Ye., ?Vc, LyBrand & Son rjlAKE pleasure in calling the attention of] sL tho pnblio to an examination of their STOCK OF MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, con? sisting of Piauos, Church aud Parlor Organs, Mulodeona, Violins, Guitars, Hr.tijuB, Flutca, AecordeouB. Braea and Silver Batid Instru ments of all kinds. Alao, Wheel Mti-ic and Inatruction Book? for eveiy china of Musical | terms. Instrumenta on bund at all times. Sheet I sent free. Wo ilsosupply Music sent by mnil, post paid, en receipt oil AClUCUhl U U '>). IMPLEMENTS, prico; and all kinds of Miulca! floodK tent by Latest Pate:it ? ami Ini;.ruvt:ut nU for the Express, when ordered, to nry put of tho j Farm nnd fhirdwt. Mowcr?, R' ij>rrs, Culti Statc, marked 0. O. D. Good Socond'huud I valors. Peed Cniter.i, Harrows, Farm Mills, Pianos and Organs for sale cheap, for cash. | Planters, 11 arvotter?. Thresher* nnd nil arii Pianos, Organs and MolodeoDH tunodand ro-1 ?loa noe>U'd lor laini ?vorl.. liuro Seods in paired in a satisfactory mnniici; and will give especial attention lo Packing. Removing and Shipping Piuuoa for other parties to any poin duaired, at model ale pticcs. All orders jiromptly attended to :iud featis faction guaranteed lo those favoring uawith their patronage. Send for onr batslogUeof Shoot Mueic and Unsieal Merchandi**. Ri j chardson street, a few doors abovo PuotNIX ofrico, Columbia. 8. 0. Nov 7 Water Notioo. ALIi peraons using oity water are hereby notified that from sod after this date the ordinance in relation to the using of water will bo strictly and rigidly enforced. All per? sons leaving their hydrants or water spouts running will bo fined asprovided by ordinance. Ov order or tbo Mayor. CD AS. BARS)UM, Deo 31 City Clerk. Lawyers, Take Notice. THE soeond volume, now aoricn, of CfJABDSON'S LAW REPORTS is ready, and for sain by R. L The Doctors Recommend Seegers 'Reer TNpreferoncelo Loiidoii Porter and Scotch Alo. Whyf They knowII is nnadulteratQd A wholo family cured of biliousness with I one box of lleinitab's Blood and Liver Pills Thisis cheap practice. HowisitV Why, the p,n. . -r<>d. large variety. Not way o.ita. 'J ho wonderful multiplying I'dmiAS (*oiin, Jl per hundred, .Vo., All money sent in pout oflics money ordern, regUtorcd letters, dratts, or by ex? press, will bo ut our riok, mid uro perfectly secure. S^fe d< livery of all g<jod.< guarautcod. "An old and responsible firm that sell tho beat gooda at llio lowest price, and can be re liod upon by our readers."?Farmer's Jour? nal, A tie Yotki Address ?>i der?, A. CATELEV, Siiperiutoudrot, Coiner Qrconwich and Conrtlai dt t-ta., N. Y. Nov 12 tn^fim r X. K.'S! M).. in Columbia, ?en at JOHN C. SEEGERS lo be RI dow RRYAN. O Look Oat I 10.000 March 28 LoRoy F. Y?umans, Attorney at Law, COLUMBIA, S. PFICE Law Range, Raunkctt'? building, up ntalra. Youman8 &Sheppar<l, Attorneys at Law, Edgefle'a, S. C LbR. F. YO?HAN8. JN? C. DflKrPARD. Aug 21 6mo Fresh Biscuits. FARINA,Pearl,Oyster,Wine, Putter. Milk, Pic-nic Cream, Corn Hill, Lemon, Soda, Jkoi, all freah. I'or aalo low bv Oct? HOPE .It GYLES. VWIOX BAVUfttfl BAUE, j .( -TIW/1IJ?: Im-- ?"(..? fit? < 'I , OVS COLVMDIA, S. O. .. Authorized Capital, ?500,000.. j Subicrtb8d Capital, $144,C0O. THIS BANK is now open for tho ' transac? tion of a GENERAL BANKING, EX? CHANGE and BAVIN?? DEPOSIT ,BUSI? NESS. DEPOSITS OP ONE DOLLAR AND TO? WARDS will bo received, and inteteBt A\ lowed at the rate of Beven Per Cent, per* an? num on .Gtrtifiaates ot Deposits, and Six Per Cent, ou Accounts; also, General Deposits ro ceivod, subject to Checks at any timo. COLLEO riONR attended to at all accessible points, and remittances rondo promptly. The Bank is located next door to the Caro? lina National Bank, aud will for tbo present have tho uso of the very Buperior Vault of that Bank. This gives depositors an addi? tional guaranty fot tho safe-keeping of their funds. This Bank is also mado capable, by its charter, of acting as Executor, Administra? tor, Guardian, Trustee, &c, bv appointment of any person or court of competent authori? ty, and is now ready to accept and execute trusts of this character. All funds of this kind will draw Soven Per Cent. Interest from the timo of deposit until paid nut.' J. P. SOUTHERN, Pretident. G. M. WALKER, Cashier. DiBECToas-lt. C. Shiver, S. L. Lcaphaxt, J. H. Kinard, W. B. Gnlick, Gco. Symmore, A. Cooper._Dec SO 3mD "CITIZENS' SAVINGS BANK ? OF ? t SOUTH CAROLINA. Deposits of $1 and Upwards Received, INTEREST A LLC WED A T TUE RATE Ol SEVEN PER CENT. PER ANNUM, ON CERT1F1CA1 ES OPDEPOSIT, AND SIX PER CEET. COM? POUNDED EVERY SIX MONTHS ON A CCO UN TS. OFFICERS. YTro. Martin, President. johuB. Palmer, Yice-President. A. G. Brenizer, Cashier. J. II. Sawyer, in general ehaige. John O. B. Smith, Assistant Cashier. Directors. Wade Hampton, William Martin, A. C. Has? sel!,F. W.McMaster.E. 11; UeinittL, John B. Palmer, Thomas E. Gregg, Columbia. J. Eli Gregg, Marion. G. T. Scott,Nowberry. W.O. Mayes.Newberry. B. H. Rutledgo, Charleston. DanlelBavenel, Jr.. Charleston. iiochanicB, Laborers, Clerks, Widows, Oi phana and others may hero deposit theireav ings and draw a liberal rate of interest there on. Planters,ProfessionalMon sndTmstoec wishing to draw interest en their funds until thoy require them for business or other pur? poses; Parents desiring to sot apart small ?ums for their children, and Married Women and Minors (whose depositsoan only be with* drawn by themselves, or, Id case of death, by their legal representatives,) wishing to lay asidefunds for future use. are here afforded an opcortunity of depositing their means where thoy will rapidly accumulate, and, at '.hosametimo,be b abject to withdrawalwhen leodod._Aug 18 CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK OF COLUMBIA, 8. O, Present Capital, $150,000. AtTIIOKIZKU CAPITA!., 85CO.OOO. CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, bearing in torest at tho rate of seven per cent, per annum, will bo issued. NOTES, Bills of Exchange and other cvi deuoes of debt discounted, and money loaned on collateral*: Stocks, Bonds, Gold, Silver bought and sold. Drafts on all tho prominent cities in the United States bought and sold. Directors?J. Eli Gregg.John B. Talmer.F. W. McMaster, R. D. Senn, of R. D. Sonn A Son; G. W. Boarden, ot Copoland & Bearden; R. L. Bryan, of Bryan & MoCarter: W. O. Bwa?ield, of R. & W. C. Swafficld; John C. Seegers, W. B. Btanley. OFFIOKH8. President?John B. Palmer Cashier?A. G. Brenizer. Assistsnt Cashier?O. N. O. Butt. Sept 28 POORS, SASHES, BLINDS, WOOD MOULDINGS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELS AND ALL KINDS OF FANCY GLASS. LARGE ST0OK. LOWEST HATES. ORDER WORK SOLICITED. Send for estimate and price list. 1CEOGII Ac TIIOUVK. 251 AND 25C CAN AI, 8TIIU-T, Dfily KEW YOHK CIIY. WHEELER & WILSON'S Sewing Machines. HIGHEST PREMIUM : m By Committee of Practical Machinists. 1WIH simplicity, durability, caseof manage? ment and great raiifje of woik of this Machine hue mmle it Iho ui.ivcrsal favorite, aud leading family Sewing Machine for more than twonty years, and hcueo It iu no experi? ment to buy ouo. For sale oil monthly instalments, eocond door below Pncr.Nix office,Colombia. H. A. J. PURRLEY, "on 27 Agent for Porsloy A Trump. New Goods. K (\ BOXES RAISINS, OV t 50 Half boxes IlaiMns, 6!) quarter boxes Raibiur, 7-r? n,s citron. 10 bncketa Mince Meat, 1.C?0 Orangep, 10 bbla. Northnru Apples, lOdoz jars Prunes, 2 doz. jar* Ginger Preserves, SO drama S.m^rna Figs. For* ale bv Doc 4 HOPE A OYLES. Cheese and-Biscuit. K/^V BOXES ENGLISH DAIRY QOSTIEN, 0\J Pine Apple sod Y. A. CHEESE. 50 boxes assorted Biscuit. For sale low. EecS HOPE ic GYLES, 'Chaug?cf Schedule gO-Jnto effect on after B?na??, 29?i ihetsnf." j Leave Colombia ftt...i.?am Arrive at Charleston, at.4.30 p n. LeaveCharlestonatj....,...,9.8C s m ? rrive at Columbia at. .. ?.20 p. tt NIGHT express, KHF.10i1t AKD Ae.COMHcDAIIG> TBAin, {Sundays excepted.) ? Leave Columbia.'.-7.30 p n? Arrive.. .fl.3C ?'? Arrive Charleston 7.10 p m Lc&?e.. .6.46 ? n> Camden Train will run as follows: Leave Camclrn at. 7,20 A.M. Arrive at Columbia at............. 11.66 A. M . Leave Columbia at.jlVi..- 3 00 P. M. Arrive at Catuden at..- 6.66P. M. A. L. TXLER, Vice-President. 8. B. Pickikb, General Ticket Agent. Charlotte.Colombia and AugUEts R. B .BDPERINTENI'BNT'S OFFICE. Cox-dhdia, 8. O., 8tpt?mber 22, lb72 iSs?i?^?fe, ^N ?oa?fter this^ate, ||SH9s!5lc^25KitfoUov1 mg echcdulowilJ he i run over this road: GC'INO BOUTII, Train No. 1. Train No. 2. Leave Charlotte...7.15 A. M. 8,20.1?,?. |Leave Colombia.... 2 29 F. M. . 8.30 A. M Arrive Angusta.7.42P.M. ? 8.20A.M. IHMKO north. ? Leave August?..6.96 A.M. 6.60P.M. Leave Columbia_11.68 P. M. 11.(6 P. M. Arrive Charlotte.C.15 P. M. 6.00 A. M. Standard Time ten minutes1' eloper iL at Washington; six min?fce ahead Colnreiia. No. 1 Train daily. No. 2 Train daily, Sun? days excepted. Both trains ftske close con - I nection to all points North, Booth and Went. Through ticketB sold and baggage checkt <"? to- all principal points. ' r .' JAMES ANDERSON, Genera) Enp. E.B. DoBBEy.Gen.FreiphtsDdTjchet Agen t Change of Schedule. Wilmikqioh, Columbia &? Auotsta B. B. Co. Bufkiuntihdekt'b Office, Wilmington, N... C, October 7, lb72. Bffli.t3& AFTER jthis gate thv W aS3r* following schedule nil I be run by trsins on t hip road: DAY BXPBESS Til A IK [DAILY.3 Leave Wilmington (.Union Depot | 3.25 A. M Arrive at Florence.... 0.65 A. M Arrive at Columbia. 2.40 P. M Arrive at Augusta.... 7.42 P.M. Leave Augusta........ 6.86 A. M. Leave Columbia. 11.26 A.M. Arrive at Florence."... 4.15 P.M. ArriveWilmiiigton [Union 1H yet] 10.25 P. M . niuut express 1ba1n. Leavo Wilmington [Union Lcjot] 0.45P. hi. Arrivo at Florence. .... 11.36 P.M. Arrive at Columbia.. .3.40 A.M. Arrive at Augusts..8.20 A.M. Loavo Augusta....i.: 6.60P. If. Leave Columbia. 10 20P.M. Arrive at Florence. 2.12 A.M. Arrive at Wilmington. 8.00 A. V. Oct 8 JAB. ANDERSON, Gen'ISop't. urteiivinc ana toltn.bia Baiiu sc. I' A 8 S E N G E R TRAINS run daily, Sundays excepted, connecting with Night Trains on South Carolina Railroad up and down; with Trains going North and South on Charlotte, Columbia and Aflgotta and Wil? mington, Columbia and Augusta railroads. up. Leave Colombia at. 7.15 a. no. Leave Alston....i.V...0.06 a.m. Leave Newherry.......10.40a. in. Leave Cokesbury...,.2.00 p. m. Leavo BeltoD..8.60 p.m. Arrive at Greenville.', .v.. 6 80 p. m. noww. ' Leave Greenvllle at7.?0 a. to. Leave Leiten..... .?.?... 9, SO a. m. Leavo Cokesbury..........11.15 a. to. Leave Newberry.2.30 p. m. Leave Alston.4.20 p.m. Arrive at Columbia... 0 CO p.m. Alliierten Branch and Blue Bidye JHviticn. down. } dp. Leave Walhalla. 5.45 a. m. Arrive .7.15 p. m. Leave Perryville 6.25 a. to. .6.85 p. to. .; LeavePendleton 7.10 a.m. 6.50 p. m. Leavo Anderson 8.10 a. m< 4.60 p. zu. Arrive at Bellen 9.C0 a. m. Leave 8.60 p.m. Accommodation Trains inn on Abbeville Branch Mondays, Wednesdaja and Fridays. On Anderson Branch, between Bclton and An? derson, Tuesdays, Thursdays and 8atnrdays. THOMAS LOLA MEAD, Gen. Bup. Jabbz Ncbtqx. General Ticket Agent. "Richmond and Danville Bailrcad. Q CONDENSED TIME STABLE, in effect on and allor Sunday, December 22.1872: GOING NORTH. stations. kail. kxi'bfsr. Leave Greensboro.2.00 A.M. 11 10 A.M. Leave Danville. 4.40 A. M. 1.62 P. M. Leavo Burkville. 9.44 A.M. 6 86 P.M. Arrive at Richmond.. .12.46 P. M. 9.30 P. M. GOING SOUTH. Loavo Richmond. 1.60 P. M. 6.10 A.M. Leavo Bnrkville.6.12 P.M. 8 28 A. M. Leave Danville.10 CO P. M. 12.67 P. M. Arrive at Greensboro. .12.25 A. M. 8.S0P. M. Trains leaving Bichmond at 1.60 P. M.. arid at 5.10 A. M., connect at Greensboro with trains on North Carolina Division, for all points South. Passe tgc rs lcavirg IticLx&cnd at 1.50 P. M., connect at Greenttoro v?ith train for all poiDta East of Greenebmo. Fae sengcr train leaving Raleigh at 6.40 P.M., connects at Grccntsboro with Northern-be in <: Mail train, arriving in Richmond at 12 46 P. M. JOHN It. MACMUI1DO, General Freight and Ticket Agent. T. M. R. 1 alcciT. Engineer and Gen. Sup't. N OUT II CAltOliJNA DIVIHC N . GOING NORTH. 6tation8. maid. BXrREtS. Leave Charlolte.7 10 P. M. 6.25 A. M. Leavo Salisbury.9.60 P. M. 8.34 A.M. Leavo High Point.11 f.8 V. M. 10.17 A. M. Arrive at Greensboro. 12.60 A. W. 11 (OA. M. Leave Greensboro- 145A.M. 11.10A.M. Leavo Company Shops 3 Ztj A. M. 12 20 P. M. Leave Ilillsboro.4 63 A. M. Leave Raleigh. 8 06 A. M. Arrive at GolduLojo.. .11.(5 A. M. GC1KO SOUQH. Leave Goldsbrro. 1.(0 P. M. Loavo Raleigh. 7.45 P. M. P.M. ......... LeuvoConipauyShops 12.05 A. M. 2 15 P. M . Arrive at Greeiitlci o. 1.30A.M 3.20 P.M. Leave Greensboro? 2.15'A M. 4.CO P. M. Leavo High Feint- 3 04 A.M. 4.43 P.M. Leavo Salisbury....1 67 A. M. 6.22 P. M. Arrivo at Charlotte... 7.20 A.M. 8 80 A.M. Passenger train leaving Raleigh 7.45 P. M., connects tit Grceusboio with' Northern hound tndu; making quickest time to all Northern cities. Price of tickets rair e as other rentes. Mail trains daily, both wajs, over entile length of road. Express daily between Com? pany Shops and Charlotte Sundays excepted. Pullman Palace Carson idelittrainsbetncen Charlotte and Riehmond, without change. 8. E. ALLEN. Gen. Ticket Agent. W. II. Gbeen, Master Transportation. Bummer Schedule S.& V. R. B., DOWN TRAIN. UP TBAI&* Arrivo. Leave. Arrive. Sp&rtanburg.. 5.30 6.26 Batcaville. 6.00 6.00 4.68 4.53 Pacolet. . 0.08 6.13 4.40 4.41 Jencsvillo. 6.48 6.48 4.05 4.10 Unionville. 7.25 7.60 8.06 8.2t Santno. 8.20 8.25 2.80 2.85 Fish Dam. 8.40 8.45 2.10 2.15 IShelton. 0.15 9.20 1.85 1.40 LyleB1 Foril... 9 40 9.45 1.12 .VI Jthcr. 10.05 10.10 12.50 .55 Alston. 11.00 11.0? May 24 THOB. B. JETER. President Seegerg' Beer is Furo. [T don't contain Ooooeulna Indlenef Fieb Berries to make sleepy or headache.