? *OB&isSa4?'.aLY AWDTSI-WMStyt. ' '? ' J Kviit* WK?KKaD?YkollNIS?. ;/ 4?UVrAC.?. SEl,pY, . aOAT?A A?JO ^?OmiETUOl.. 4. )ffioa on E?ohaxoson Street, noar Taylor W Book and Job Printing of oVory descrip? tion promptly and faithfully attended to..? anoBoatPrioa. v D*Uy, ?ii months, i* 00; Tri-Weekly.. Ii 6C; Weekly, 150. APTKBTIBKMEWTB Idaerted in the Dairy at 7ft oents per square 1 ?r tho first and 60 oents eaeh subsequent in? sertion. Long advertisements by the week, isonth or year, at reaaoqable rates._ Bind Plest Under the apple tree, spreading and thick, Happy with only a pan apd a atlek, On the soft grase id the ahadow thai lias, Our little Fannie ia making mud \ ice. On her brown apron and bright drooping head, Showera of pink and white blossoms are shod; Tied to a branoh that aeema meant Just for that, Dances and nnUera he* little straw hat. Dash, full of Joy in the bright summer day, Zealoualy ehaeea the robins away, Barks at the squirrels, or snaps at the fliea, All the while Fannie ia making mud pioe. Sunshine and soft summer breezes aatir, Whllo ahe ia busy, are busy with her; Cheeks rosy, glowing, and bright sparkling eyes Bring they to Fanny, while making mud plea. Dollies and play things ate all laid away, Not to come out till the next rainy day; Under the blue of theae aweet anmmer akiea, Nothing's ao pleaaant aa making mud piaa. Gravely ahe atlra. with a aerioua look, "Making believe" shots a true pastry oook; Sundry brown splashes, on forehead and eyea Show that our Fanny ia making mud plea, Bat all the soil of her Innocent play. Clean aoap and water will soon waab away; ?Many & pleasure in daintier gross, Leaves darker traoea tbanFannj'a mod pies. Ait BtnuBBABsrao Situation.?Max Adelox aaya: That little affair of Need ham's, that some of the papers have been telling about, was oertainly unpleasant? at least to Needham. Need ham owned a deep-moat bod w a tob-dog which always bayed him welcome home, and snatched monthfuls of ohops out of the legs of strangers. Needham took that faithful animal along with him one day to guard his clothes while he went in swimming. Needham bathed for an hour, and mean? while the dog went to sleep on Need ham's garments. When Needham oame ?at the dog did not recognize him in his nude condition, and refused to let him oome near his garments. Every time that Needham would grab for a suspen? der or a sock tho dog would bite a mouth* fnl out of his arm or leg, and whenever Needham would make a dive for a boot or undershirt that animal would seize him by the oalf and shake him. * So Needham stood, there in the sun pretty nearly roasted, and he spent the after? noon dodging in and out of the water to avoid the Dorcas societies and female students at the boarding school, and the factory girls coining down the road. At last, when the dog went to sieop, Need? ham- orept np behind him, caught bim suddenly by the tail and flung bim across the stream, Before the dog oould Bwim back, Needham got most of his clothes npon his bleeding body and limbs, and the dbg oame siding np to him,'looking aa if he expected to be rewarded for bis extraordinary vigilance. And yet they say that the dog is man's beat friend. The Virginia City (Nev.) Montonian has found a natural son of Napoleon I at Alder Gnioh, to whioh plane he oame in 1864. He ia poor bnt very haughty and misanthropic, and it was only with the confidence inspired by having in his {?ossesaion a few dainties and a flask of iquor that the reporter dared to ap? proach tho recluse in his 'shanty, and ask for his story. Unlike the famous "Needy Knife-grin dor," the sago had a wtory to tell; he acknowledged that he bad hated 1 ?human hyenas" so early in life's bright morn as the hour when last he sat on bis mother's knee. This mo? ther.was the daughter of a man living near Esslisg .'.t the time when Marshal Lennes and the Emperor fought the brilliant battle of Aspern, and it was to his house the mortally wounded marshal was brought on a litter. Napoleon oame afterwards, saw the girl, became ena? mored of her, and wou soon the father of this reolnse, who, hating everybody therefor, and despising himself, came at last to die at Alder Gulch, the victim of circumstances and a broken hoart. Aa one of tho results of the epizootic, a Memphis despatch reports this: "Mrs. Gates was drawn to tho Grand Opera lion so last night, through the rain, in a hack manned by eight negroes, while a public spirited youog oitizon went for his bride in an ox wagon." BOOTS, SUOES AM) HATS, ? LADIES' and GEN- ?^ TWV TLEMEN'S DOUBLE- Bam Lj ^ SOLE BOOTS ana fl H' "VW? SHOES, from tho beut-aflS^ manufacturers. Work warranted. HATS. Just received, an invoico of FASHIONABLE HATS. J. ME1Q1IAN. Nov 5_*_ 25 More Supplies OF SOUSED TKIPE AND PIGS FEhT. Prime Now York Pickled Tig Tork. Smoked Tonguos. Best Sugar-ourod II ?ihr. Best Sugar-cured Breakfast Bacon. Tin foil oovorod Bologna Sausagos. Now York Beef Hounds, "Cornod." FAUITli, NUTS, ETC. 200 paokagea RAISINS, quartor, half and whole boxes. ? Naples Walnuts, Texas Pecans, Brazil Nuts, Almonds, c-to. MIKCE. MIC AT. Assortmontof Importod CltAOKERS, Pickles Sauces and Condiments, very full. LIQUIDS. Well, tboso claim a special notico, and we shall oxp&tiato thereon in a day or two. Menulimo, please call and exumine. Nov 28 GEO. UYMMER8. SOltlBLG PAilFi6 6tlAM nriHiaG?AN? 1b now so wefV.known Yn"4n i X" the^Southern' States- (or lie remarkable effect* as ad agnncy'for jncroaiiug the pro? duces of labor, aa not to require special re? commendation from ue. Ita use for seven vdKrapaBthaB established its character for reliablo excellence. The large fixed eepital inveated by the company in this trade affords the surest guarantee*)! the coutinuod cxoel lenes of this Guano. The supplies put into market this season are, as heretofore, prepared under the per- | sonai superintendenee of Dr. fcH. Julian Rave no I. Chemist of the Company, at Oharleaten, 8. 0.; hence planters may rest aaaured that ita quality and composition are precisely the same as that heretofore eold. J.N. R0B80N, Balling Agent, Charles ton, 8. O, JOHN 8. REESE 4 CO., General Agents, Baltimore. TxniiB?148 cash; 153 time, wit hont inte? rest. To acoommodate planten they can order now and have until the first of April to de? cide as .to whether they wiU take at time or oaah price. When delivered from the faotory by the car load, no drsyago will be charged. Nov 22_8 mo Fresh Family Groceries. PICKLED Mew York BEEF HOUNDS. Pickled?Salmon Bellies, North Carolina Mallat, 4c. Smoked?Now York Pig Htm? and Stripe, Nova Scotia Baimon, Beef Tongues, Ac. Canned?Sncootash, Lima Beans, Peas, Baimon, Mackerel, Lobsters, Peara. Peaches, Greengages, Muahroomo, Truflloa, Asparagus. Prxbxsvsd?Canton Ginger, Pears, Citron, Fi??-applea, Strawberries^ QuiuoSB, Blackberries, Easpberriea. 4c. Jilmkb?Guava and general aaaortment. I TxAS?Gnnpowder, Imperial, Japan. Souchong, ana Bngllah Breakfast, selected t>y an expert, and finest in any market. ; Cof^imS?Mocha, L?g?ryrr-, O. G. Java, Raw and Roasted. ALSO, The Downer Mi.nk?al Spebh Oil, absolute? ly safe aa a candle, brilliant ae gaa, and cheap aa kerosene: nave all the necessary Burnera, Wicks, Chimneys, to fix old lamps. Nov 20_GEO. 8YMMERB. Stork's Restaurant. Oysters and Other Refreshments. THE undersigned begs to inform vhia frienda tnat his SALOON and _ 0BE8TAUBANT ia in fall operation, .and he is prepared to supply MEALS at all hours. OYSTEBB, in and out of the shell, from Norfolk, Charleston, and Indian Key. when the weather permits. Imported ana . domestic BEGABS, Baltimore LAGER BEER, eto. A. STORK. Oct 25_ Oysters. s~\ MY OYBTEB SALOON ia open ^?\l?w for the season. My friends are in r\SEF Titod to givo mo a call. Oystore servedin all stvles. G. DIEROKB. Pot 18_ j Oysters. Fish and Game. MY RESTAURANT ia opened for the eoaaon. A iiillll i eall from my old pa- r^=?=S15? 'trona soUcited. MEALS served in every atyle at all boars. Familios fur? nished with Charleston and Norfolk OY8 |TER8, as oheap aa the cheapest. LUNCH ' every day from 11 A.M. to X P. M. North? east oornor of Market. Nov 2 lmo _ D. McGUINNIB. OYSTERS! Stewed, Fried, and on the Shell. #?i fmh HAVING made our arrangements ^lawldjgaFior the Oyator season, wo aro pro ^S^aw pared to furnish our friends and patrona with OYSTERS, in all styles. We hope that polite attention to ocr frienda may , givo satisfaction to all who may favor us with j Ih?ir p>trchsg~. We ;hs!! *nd??.vor to nlease j the eye as well aa taato, remembering that "oleaallneaaia a virtue." Novl3mo_F. D. KONEMAN. LIGHT! LIGHT ! LIGHT I I offer for aale the MINERAL SPERM OIL! IT will not Ignite under S00? Fahrenheit, and consequently la abiolutely aafe. It will not Take Fire In case of breakage of the lamp. The Oil will extlnguiah the flame. It burns I with groat brilliancy in the DUAL BURNER, I require: bot little attention, and no trim? ming. The Oil never game in the L?um, &s it absorbs no oxygen from the atmosphere. It does not deteriate by age. The Oil itaelf has no odor while burning. Itjjives a light of ten candle power, at a oost not excooding one-half cent per hour. Call and aee the Oil and experiment with it. Nov IS lmo_FRED. J. BROWN. Mess. W. M. Fine, THE most unexcelled caterer in the country, Proprietor Or the State Capitol Restaurant Haarefittod and replenished bis Restaurant, and ia prepared to furnish the boat the mar? ket afTords in MEATS, FISH and GAME. OYSTERS in abundanco, guaranteed To be I Served in a stylo to suit the most fastidious. Raw, Stowed, Friod or Roasted. IMBIBERS need not bo alarmed, as tho im? bibing department has been fully restocked. And tho Smoking meu can bo kept Alive, As wo have a Gno selection of CIGARS on hand. N. B.. MEALS served at all hours. DAY DOARDEUS takon at very modorato rai.ee. Nov19_ Fresh Biscuits. FARINA, Poarl, Oyster,Wine. Butter, Milk, Pio-nic. Cream, Corn Hill, Lemon, Soda, &c, all fresh. For sale low bv OctO_HOPE A OYLES. Carriage Materials. BUGGY WHEELS. Bpringe and Axlos. fbiggy Seata. Spokes and Felloes, Shafts and Poles, Enameled Leather and Cloth, Also, Dat-h Leather, Bolts, Hnbs. Maloablo Castings, Paints, Varnishes, Ac, Ac, on hand and for sale low by Oct 29_JOHN AQNEW A SON. Good Things. BREAKFAST BACON, TIGS' FEET SOUSED, SMOKED BEEF, BUFFALO TONGUJ S. CHOICE GOSH EN NUTTER. All fresh and for sale low for cash by JnnolG HOPE Si OYLES. The Great , Drtfg Hone?. - I E. H. HEINIT?H ,: ? _HAS thoranBtoomnletq8t in attending to their extensive orders. 1 They now oall attention, also, to tboir standard oolleotiona of VOCAL AND IN? STRUMENTAL MUSIC. The whole set is one of the most valuable Mnaioal Libraries that could be devised, as each eontains from 200 to 250 pages ot the moat popular Music of the day. Price of each book in Boards, ?2.60; Cloth, 13.00; Full Gilt for Presents, $4.00. The price would be at retail, for tho pieces separately, about $400. In this form, all the books, inclnding the new and favorite Clems ol StrauBS, (now having a splendid eale.) may be had for $32.50. Musical Treasure, Vocal and Instrumental. vocal on lt. Silver Cord, Wreath of OemB, Genta of Oer I man Song, Gems of Scottish Song, Oems of I Bacred Song, Shower of Pearls, Duets, Opo ratio Pearls. IMSTBOXRHTAX.. Home Oirole, Vol. I; Home Circle, Vol. II; Pianist's Album, Piano Forte Oems. Any of the above books mailed, post-paid, for tho retail price. OLIVER DITSON A CO., Boston. OHAS. H. DITSON A CO., N. Y. Not 27_wfT Bonds for Sale. THE Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad Company will sell $100,000 of its FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, bearing interest at the rate of 7 per cent, per annum, at 80 [ and accrued interest on 100?making the in? vestor nearly 9 por eent. per annum, in addi? tion to the discount. Apply to M. P. Pegram, Cashier First National Bank, Charlotte, C. Bouknight, Treasurer, or Sept 25 WM. JOHNSTON. Preaident. Seed Rye. 1 KC\ BUSHELS PRIME RYE, for Seed. J.OU For sale for cash only. Sept 8_._HOPE A GYLES. The DoctorsRecommend Seegers'Beer IN preference to London Porterand Scotch Ale. Why ? They know it is unadulterated New Books. THE SPEAKER'S COMMENTARY, by Bish? ops and other Clergy of tho Anglioan Church. Vol.1. $5. Annt Jane's Hero, by Antbor of Stepping Heavenwards. $1.50. Hannah, a new Novel, by Mies Muloeh. 50c. Jan 14_DUFFIE A CHAPMAN. Lawyers, Take Notice. THE second volume, new series, of RI? CHARDSON'S LAW REPORTS is now ready, and for salo by_R. L. BRYAN. LeRoy P. Yonmans, Attorney at Law, COLUMBIA, ? O. ?ICE Law Range, Bauskett's building, up bt airs. Yonmans & Sheppard. Attorneys at Lav, Edgefiela, S. C. LxR. F. YO?MANS. JNO O. SHEPPARD. Aug 27 Gmo Beegers' Beer is Pure. I"T don't oontain Oooocnlns Indiens Fisb L Berries to make sleepy or headache._ Mince Heat. JUST reoelveu, a iui of uuoioc MINCE MEAT.-_GEO. SYMMEB8. Oats and Corn. 1AAA BUSHELS FEEDING OATS, ?VmJ\J 700 bushels Whits Corn, for I sale low for cash. HOPE A GYLES. R E M OT A L. H. BEBHY'S FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS, OFP0B1TE 1UE OLD STAVD, . . In New Three-atory Brick 8tore, EEXT TO WHEELER nOUSE. NOW on band, and receiving, kthe largest stock of first clasB FURNITURE Ever shown in this market, consisting ot WALNUT PARLOR, DINING-ROOM and CHAMBER RUITH, in VBTions new styles, I direct from the best manufactures, and at prioos to auit the times, PICTURE FRAME? made to order, in Wal? nut or Gilt BED 8PIIING8, 8PRING BED8 and MAT I TREBBES on hand and made to order. Chihlren'e CARRIAGES, WHEELBAR? ROWS, &c. From long experience in tho business and reliable quality of goods we feel confident we ? can compete with any bouse South of Balti? more. Thankful for past favors, we hope to {continue to merit the samo liberal patronage. Nov 6 lmo THE handsomest novolties in our lino In this city. MEDALLION PARLOR SUITS, in French ! Ooteline. ALSO, French and American Walnut Chamber I Suits, Dressing Cases. Bodsteads, Chairs, Ac. FunoralB served in tho best style. The largest Furniture Warehouse in tho city, and the best stock. FAGAN BROS., Main Btreot, Bite of Janney'a Hotel. Nov 3_lmo BUT TUB CKNV1NB Standard Scales, Blore than 950 r-r>.? HmUflcatloni. AGENT? ALSO FOE THE BEST AO Mill MOSKY DRAWER. FAIRBANKS & CO., 311 Broadway, Now York, 1GG Baltimore at., Baltimores. 53 Camp St., Now Orleana. FAIRBANKS & EWING, 715 CboBtnut street, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS. BROWN & CO., ? 118 Milk street, Boston. For sale by leading Hardware Dealers. Bent 18 wtSmo Hains, S. C. Shoulders and StripB. LBS. Sugar-Cured MU?UL ?^VJKjyj DEltS, Hams, Breakfaat Ba cou and Smoked Toncnos, for salo by _8epta7_ _HOPE ? GYXE8._ Choice Family Flonr. pf f\ BARRELS STRICTLY PRIME, for uU sale at reduced rates. . Auguat 10 _HOPE & GYLES. Seed Wheat. rjff BUSHELS Chilean Whito SEED I tJ WHEAT?a choice variety, ?u basbobj Rod Spring Wheat. For f^r i greonbacks._HOPE 7ilino Davb?THURSDAYS. WM. A. COURTENAY.tAnent, Charleston, S. C. TO BAIiTIMOltK. FALCON, Hainie, Commander. MARYLAND, Johnson. Commander. SEA GULL. Dutten, Commadiur. Tottil capacity 40,000 bales month! v. Sailing Days?Every Fifth Day FAUL C. TRENHOLM, Afc-cut, Charleston,8. C. TO BOSTON. Steamship MERCEDITA. SallB cvtry other Saturday. JAMES A DO till A CO.. ?RentB, Charleston, 8. C. Rates guaranteed as low ae thoso of competing lines. Maiinc Itisuiaitce, one-hull of one per cent. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING AND THECUGH TKKLTS Can bo had at all principal Railroad Offices in Oeorgia, Alal num. '11 mh sH e and Mississippi State Rooms may be secured in advance, without extra rl.aue. b; rdrii? i-ciiig Agents of tho Steamehips in Charleston, at whose offlc*s in allcatis u>. I hihi i cl 'I iel < Is should be oxebanged and Bertha assigned. The Dtrongb Tickets by lids rtdttt inelnde Transfers, Meals and State Room, while on shipboard. The South Carolina Railroad, Georgia Railroad, and th< ir cei i u-tii j I'i if have largely increased their facilities for tho rapid n oycmeiit r>f Freight ami 1 ?sin jm between the Northern citiea and tho South and W est. Comfoi tibbs Kit. Id Cain, with I he Hohn? a Chair, without extra charge, Pave been Introduced on the South Orubi it 1 ?iln m! First class Eating Saloon at Uranehville. On the Georgia Railroad, flfht eist? t-liiiii; tins Freight promptly transferred from Slcnmn- to dn\ and ideld It aim (?) il.i PmiOi Carolina Railroad. Cloae connection made with other Roads, (!rli\eiii p. 11? i| 1.1?-tit ditti til points with great promptness. The managers will use cyciy i xtrHoti lot alulj il. thut tho Hue tjiVi Cliarlcaton cannot be unpaged in dii-patcli? i??i ll . a?? fa dihVi ij i i |.mhk For further informal ion, apply to J.M. Ski fcWK, Hut < ril tu d< i i ( lit'..-'', n. s. < ? P.D. Hahell, General Agent, P. O. Box 4,070; Office 1117 Broadway, N. Y : S. P I i< ki n>.General Passenger and Ticket Api nt,Kon?l. Carolina Itailrcad, AI 11111? i.. 'M t Kit, July l? }Gmo Vice.Pieeldenl Hotilli ('audit n llaibond, Chnilfsb n, S.C. O1 7 j". , Ipgortant for Reference. J. W. & K. Chisholm & Co., '- Importers and Hannf?ctnrera, - FFEB'te tbe trade the largest stock of Human and Imitation HAIR GOODS, FAdSpY GOODS. JEWELRY, LACE GOODS, etc., that ? cap- -he found in New York city. Send fof samplo parcel. ?47 BROADWAY. Sept.7 _ tog Philadelphia and Southern j HAIL STEAMSHIP LINE TO WlUirjfGTON, H. C. IS composed of two first elaaa STEAM? SHIPS, ol 800 tons each; aailisg from each port every WEDNESDAY.fcThrough ratea to all points South and Bouth-weat as low aa by any other route. Insurance one-half percent. Prompt and certain deapatch given. For rates on general merchandize, cotton, shoot? ing, Ac, apply to W. L. JAME8, Oenoral Agent, Philadelphia. WORTH * WORTH, Agents. Wilmington, N. O. A. POPE, Gen'l Freight Agent W., C. Il A. R. R., Wilmington, N. 0. _Sept 14 _8 mos CENTRAL NATIONAL BANE OF COLUMBIA,B. O, Present Capital, $150,000. AUTHORIZED CAPITA!., #500,000. CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, bearing in tereat at the rate of Beven (7) per oent. per annum, will be Issued. NOTES; Hille of Exohange and other evi? dences of debt discounted, and money loaned on collaterals: Stocks, Bonds, Gold, Silver bought and aold. Drafta on all the prominent cities in the United States bought and Bold. Directors?J. Eh Gregg, John B. Palmer,F. W. McMaster, R. D. Senn, of B. D. Seen k Son; O. W. Bearden, of Copeland k Bearden; R. L. Bryan, of Bryan k McCarter: W. O. SwsScld, o? R< A W, 0. Rwaffield; John C. Seegera, W. B. Stanley. officers. President?John B. Palmer* Cashier?A. O. Brenizer. Assistant Cashier?O. N. G.Bntt. Sept 28 CITIZENS' SAVINGS BANK or SOUTH OAKOLI1TA Deposits of $1 and Upwards Received, ?-??? INTERESTALLO WED AT THE RATE Ol SEVEN FEE CENT. FEE ANNUM. ON OERT1F1CA1ES OF DEPOSIT, AND SIX FEE VENT. COM? POUNDED EVERY SIX MONTHS ON A CCO UN TS. OFFICERS. Wm. Martin, Preeidont. JohnB. Palmer. Vice-President. A. G. Brenizer, Cashier. J. H. Sawyer, in gtuei al charge. John C. B. Smith, Assistant Cashier. Director*. Wade BamptoD, William Martin, A. C. Has? ten, F. W. McMaster. E. JJ. Beiniteh, JchnB. Palmer, Thomas E. Gregg, Columbia. J. Eli Gregg, Marion. G. T. Boott.Newberry. W.G. MayeB.Newberry. B. H.Rutledge, Charleston. DanlelRavenel, Jr.. Charleston. Mechanics, laborers, Clerks, Widows, Ol? phans and others may here deposit theira&v? ings and draw a liberal rate of interest there? on. Planters, Professions! Men and Trustee' wishing to draw interest en their fends nntU they require them for business or other pur* poses: Parents desiring to set apart small inns for their obtldren,and Married Women and Minors (whose deposits can only be with drawn by themselves, or, in case of death, by I their legal representatives,) wishing to lay asidefunds for future uae. are here afforded an opoortunity of depoatting their means where they will rapidly accumulate, and,at I the same time, he aubjoetto withdrawalwheji leaded._Aug 18 Columbia Music store. LyBrand & Son TAKE pleasure in railing the attention of the public to an examination of their STOCK OF MUSICAL. MERCHANDISE, con? sisting of Pianoa, Church and Parlor Organs, Molodeons, Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Flutes, AccordennH. Brass and Silver Band Instru? ments of all kinds. Also. Sheet Music and Instruction Books for every class of MobIcs) Instrumente on hand at all times. Sheet Mnsto aent by mail, poat paid, on receipt of price; and all kinds of Musical Goods sent by Express, when ordered, to any part of the State, marked 0. O. D. Good Second-hand Pianoa and Organw for sale cheap, for caah. Pianos, Organs and Molodeons tuned and re? paired in a satisfactory manner; and will give I especial attention to Packing, Removing and Shipping Pianoa for other parties to any poin dosired, at moderate pi ices. All orders promptly attended to and satis? faction guaranteed to thoao favoring us with their patronage. Send for our catalogue of Sheet Music and Musical Merchandise. Ri? chardson street, a few doors above Pbcekix office, Columbia, 8. O._ Kov.7 , ? WHEELER & WILSON'S Sewing Machines. HIGIIRST PRKMIVM By Committee of Practical Machinists. IMl E simplicity, durability, ease of manage? ment and great rar.g? of work of this Machino ban made it the universal favorite, and loading family Sowing Machine for more than twenty > earn, and hunco it is no experi? ment to buy one. For sale on monthly instalments, second door bolow Puikmx office, Columbia, S. C,by A. J. PURSLEY, Fob 27 _ Agent for Pnrsley kTrump, North Carolina Hay. BALES good N. C. 11 AY,for Kalo ow by HOPE A OYLES. ,?? Apples! Apples! 1 (\ BARRELS NORTHERN APPLES, 11/ 2 Rarrols CRANBERRIE8, last re reived and for sale by HOPE A GYLEB. ACkhtain Cukk von Chii.m ano Fkvkk Fir*?t tako the Blood and Liver Pills, to work riff the bile and purify the blood; three or four will be xnftichnt. Then hike a table spoonful of I1EINIT8I1 h CHILL CURE. It has boon tried: we know it 75 mm H rti a i j n n r i ~k ?vi J?eed Whea$, - . -? ? 5Q fS^^Vi&j&tt? Charjge or 8 ched?le.' BOOTH OAHOIJNA BArLSOAD COMPANY, < ? Colombia,*}. O., Sept. 26,1872. 2fJRH6BHH&. Change of SchouuJo atamigtyiaT BW.'-to go into effect on id after bbnday, 20th Instant: . MAJI-A?D FABBBBOXJl TBAW. Leave Columbia at. 9 am Arrive at Charleston at.4.80 p m Leave Charleston at.v.30 a m i rriye at Columbia at.6.20 p m nioht kxpbebs, tokiobt amd ACCOMMODATION , tbaih, [Sundays excepted.] Leave Colnmbia. .7 60 p m Arrive. ..C.SO a m Arrive Charleston 7.10 p m Leave.. .Gib ant Oamden Train will run aa follows: Leave Cam den at.. 7 20 A.M. Arrive at Columbia at.11.6ft A. M . Leave Colnmbia at. 2 10 P. M. Arrive at Camden at. 6.65 P. M. A/ L. TYLER, Yioe-Preaident. 8. B. Pioxihb, General Ticket Agent. I Charlotte Colombia and An gutta R.B SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. Colombia, 8. O., September 22,1872. -~| ON and after thin date, 'following schedule will be I rnn over this road: QOINO SOUTH. Train No. 1. Train No. 2. Leave Charlotte.7.16A.M. 8.20P.M. La ave Colnmbia..... 2.29 P. H. 8.80 A. M I Arrive Augusta.7.42 P. M. 8.20 A. M. ooixo xobtb. I Leave Angmrta.6.86 A. M. 6.60 P. M. Leave Colnmbia. ...11.68 P. M. 11.(6 P.M. Arrive Charlotte.6.15 P. M. 6.00 A.M. Standard Time ten minntee slower Iban Washington; six minatea ahead Colnmbia. No. 1 Train daily. No. 9 Train daUy, 8nn daya excepted. Both trains make close con? nection to all points North, South and West. Through tickets -old and baggage checked to all principal points. JAMES ANDERSON, General Bop. E.R. DonaxT, Gen. Freight and Ticket Agent Change of Schedule. Wxlmtkoton, Columbia A AooTjsta B. It. Co. S?pxrihtxhdkst'b Oxncs, Wilmington, N. P., October 7, 1872. I AFTER this date tho i following schedule will be ran by trains on this road: DAT BXFBSBB TBAIH [DATLT. ] Leave Wilmineton [Union Depot j 8.26 A. M Arrive at Florence.. v.bo A. Li. Arrive at Colnmbia. 2.40 P. M. Arrive at Augusta. 7.42 P. M. Leave Angnsta. 6.86 A. M. Leave Colombia.11. 25 A.M. Arrive at Florence. 4.16 P. M. Arrive Wilmington [.Union Depot] 10.26 P. M. NIGHT KXPBXfiS TBAIH. Leave Wilmington [Union Depot] 5.46 P. M. Arrive at Florence.11.86 P.M. Arrive at Colnmbia. 8.40 A. M. I Arrive at AugUBta. 8.20 A. M. Leave Angnata. 6.60 P. M. j Leave Colnmbia.10.20P. M. [ Arrive at Florence. 2.12 A.M. Arrive at Wilmington. 8.00 A. M. Oct 6 JAB. ANDERSON, OenTEnp't. Greenville and Colombia Bailrosd. PASSENGER _ITBAIN8 run daily, Sundays excepted, connecting with Right TrainB on South Carolina Railroad trp and down; with Trains going North and South on Charlotte, Columbia and Augutta and Wil? mington, Columbia and Angnata Railroads. dp. Leave Columbia at.7.15 a. m. Leave Alston.9.06a.'m. Leave Newberry.10.40 a. m. Leave Cokeabury.2.C0p.m. Leave Belton.8.?0 p.m. Arrive at Greenville. 6 90 p.m. down. Leave Greenville at. .... 7.80 a. m. Leave Belton.9.30a.m. Leave Cokesbnry....11.15 a. m. Leave Newberry.2-30 p. m. Leave Alston.4.20p.m. I Arrive at Colnmbia.6X0p. m, Anderton Branch and Blue Bidge JHvition. down. dp. Leave Walhalla. 6.46 a. m. Arrive 7.15 p. m. Leave Perry vibe 6.25 a. jo. 6.85 p. m. I LeaveFendleton 7.10 a.m. 5.50 p.m. Leave Anderson 8.10 a. m. 4.60 p. m. I Arrive at Belton 9.00 a. m. Leave 8.60 p. nr. Accommodation Trains run on Atb?. Leave Charlotte.7.10 P. M. GM) A. M. Leave Salisbury.10.02 P.M. 8.37 A. M. Leave High Point.12 10 P. M. 10 17 A. M. Arrive at Greensboro. 1.(0 A. M. 11 (OA. M. Leave Greensboro- 2 00 A. M. 11.10 A. M. Leavo Company Shops 3.40 A. M. 12 ?0 P. M. Leave Ilillsboro. 4 56 A. M. Loavo Raleigh. 8 06 A. M. Arrivo at Goldaboro.. .11 10 A. M.? GOING SOUTH. Leavo Goldsboro.3 (OP. M. Leave Raleigh. 0 40 P. M. Leave UillMboro.0.10 P. M. Leave Company Shops 10 55 A. M. 2.16 P. M. Arrivont Oreentboio.12 20 A. M 8 e'O P. M. Leavo Greensboro-1.10 A M. 4.(0 P. M. Leave High Point.... 202A.M. 4.5^9 P. M. Loave Salisbury. 3 68 A. M. 613 P. M. Arrivo at Charlotte... 6 25 A.M. 8 10 A M. Passenger train leaving Raleigh 0.40 P. Mi, connects nt Greensboro with Northern bound train; making qnickcat timo to all Northern cities. Price of tickets aaroc as other rente s. Mail trains daily, both was*, over entire length of road. Express daily between Ce>m panySbopa aud Charlotte Fnndays cxciptee!. Pullman Palace Cars op nipbt trains be Iw ce n Charlotte and Richmond, withe-ut change. 8. E. ALLEN. Gen. Ticked Agent W. n. Green, Master Transrortaticn. Sommer Schedule S. & H. B.R., mmfKBiq DOWN TRAIN. UP TRAIN JMESSar? Arrive. Leave. Arrive*. Le av< \ Spartanburg.. 5.30 6.26 Batesville. 6 00 ?.00 4 fS 4.5S jPacolot. 0 08 0.18 4.4? 4.4f Uonrsvith*. 0.4? 0..18 4.05 4.10 lUnionvillo. 7.2? 7.60 3.06 8.25 Santnc. 8.20 8.2,r> 2.30 2.85 Fish Bain. R.40 8.45 2.10 2.1.1 Sholton. 0.16 0.20 1.85 1.4P Lvlea' Ford... 9.40 9.45 1.12 .17 Strut her. 10.06 10.10 12.60 .5", Alutoti. 11.(DO i%0f May 24 Til OS. B. JETER. President