The daily phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, November 21, 1872, Image 1

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won id qui t eatingf^ utisk arid cornstalk free lanche?, add go home to hie father'* mansion in that oity. '.Bat instead ol haying Teal for dinner, and making the, yoang man's brother take a back seat, the old 'man waited until he c?nld gel a tight grip on the yonng man, and then gave him such a "bonnoiDg" ho won't ??prodigal" again for six weeks. This energetic parent says he rejoices more over one boy that' runs away and staya, Umn.the whole family who sponge their living off him at home. [Tittuvitle iYew. ' Charles M. Barrel!, a staving oondoo tor of the Maine Central Railroad, brags on the face that darin g the last twenty year* he has traveled over 800,000 miles with?nt losing bis head, springing a leak, bnngioghia eyes, bn rating a hoop or having any other aooidect whatever. Mr. Barrel! never drinks, hence hie keg is never fall. A Dunbury boy whose imagination had become diseased by too close devo? tion to dime ??velis, tdarieu ufT to Beek fame as a slayer of beara and Indiana. He took all his' toys, indlnding a hand sled and a enajre dram, bade his litie brothers and. sisters an ?ffeotionate.f a re well, and was gone nearly two hoars. Qhe.tripped lightly o'er the crossing, lisping "Dear Auguutus," and was on the point of embracing him, when a rude boy ran np, and holding oat b bandle of papers, cried out, "Misses, yoa dropped your reading-room," and shied away down a dark alley. The Yanderbilt of Melbourne is known as "Big Clarke." He enjoys an inoome of 81.000,000 yearly, which he has gained as a btitoher, grazier, and usurer. He spends next to nothing, and lunobes daily off the cheapest dishes at the oheapBSt restaurants. FRESH Family Groceries. PICKLED New York BEEP ROUND3. P10K1.KD? Salmon Bellies, North Carolina Mullet, Ac. Bmokkd?New York Pig Hams and Stripe, i v Nova Scotia Salmon, Beef Tongues, Ac. Canned?Succotash, Lima Beans, Peas, Salmon, Mackerel, Lobsters, Poars. Peacbea, Green-gagea, Mushrooms, Tmfflea, Asparagus. PnXBxavED?Canton Ginuer, Pears, Citron, Pioe-applea, 8tra>wberriea, Quinces, Blackberries, Raspberries, Ac. Jellies?Guava and general assortment. T*ah?Gunpowder, Imperial, Japan. Souchong, and Engliah Breakfast, soluutod by an expert, and ?nent in any market. Coffees?Mooha, Laguayra, Rio, O. G. Java, Raw and Roasted. also. The Downer Mineral Sperm Oil, absolute? ly safe as a candle, brilliant as gas, and cheap as kerosene; have all the necessary Burners. Wicks, Chimneys, to fix old lamps. NovflO_ GEO. SYMMEBB. LIGHT ! LIGHT I LIGHT ! I offer for Bale the MINERAL SPERM OIL ! I T will uuL iguitu under 5??= r ahrenheit, JL and conseqnsutly ia absolutely aa/e. It will not Take Fire In oaae of breakage of the lamp. The Oil will extinguish the flume. It burns with great brilliancy in the DUAL BURNER, requires bnt little attention, and no trim? ming. The Oil never gams in tbe Lamn, as it absorb a no sxygeh from the atmosphere. It does not deteriate by ace. The Oil itself has no odor while burning. It gives a light of ten candle power, at a cost not exceeding one-half cent per hoar. Call and sea tbe Oil and experiment with it. Hov io imo FRED. J. BROWN. M. Exchange Cook-Fit. THERE will be a number of matches fonght at tbe Exchango Cook Pit, on NOVEMBER 2<J and SO, _ifor $50 a aide, and $ 100 on the odd.gj xj 3 Two Gentlemen, OR a Gentleman and bis Wife, wishing BOARD during tbe winter, in a small, Suiet family, will piease call at MBS. NEW ?M'S; on Riohland street, between Lincoln and Gates streets. Nov 19 G Mess. W. M. Fine, THE moat unexcelled CATERER in the coun? try, and Proprietor Of the State Capitol Restaurant Has refitted and replenished bis Restaurant, and is prepared to furnish the beat tbe mar? ket affords in MEATS, PISH and GAME. OYSTERS in abundance, guaranteed To be Served in a atyle to suit the most fastidious.. Raw, Stewed, Fried or Roasted. IMBIBERS need not be alarmed, aa the im? bibing department has been fully restocked. And the Smoking man oan be kopt Alive, As we have a fine- selection of CIGARS on baud. N. B. MEALS eerved at all hoars. DAY BOARDERS taken at aery moderate rates. Nov 19_ Carriages. A LARGE STOCK or TOP and ?OPEN BUGGIES, ROCKAWAYS, OAUhlOLETTS, PHX. TONS, and a late stylo of English Di g Gart, for aale at very reason? able prices, at the Repository, oornor Latly and Assembly street*. Nov 17_* W. K. GREENFIELD. Notice. 1PLANTERS will please come forward and settle for fertilizers, before the FIRST OF DECEMBER N?X I. COPELAND A BEARDEN. Colombia, November IB. 1872. Nov lfl IS* For Sale. A DESIRABLE COTTAGE RESI? DENCE fur sale, on Washington street, now occupied by 0. N. G. dutt. SEIBEL-j A EZELL, Agonta, Nov 11 thm Real Estate Brokora. Don't Bay Dangerous and Explosive Kerosene Oil. HEINITSH has the boat OIL. Go there and get it. Just received a lot of tbe beat OIL in tbo market. For aale at Nov C } E. II. HKINITSH'S Drug Store. BY J. A. SELBY. OOLT Tliis unrivalled Medicine ia warranted not to contain a single particle of Merouby, or any injurious mineral substance, bat ie PUKELY VEGETABLE. For FORTY YEARB, it has proved its great value in all diseases of the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. Thousands of the good and groat in all parts of the country vouch for its wonderful and peculiar power in purifying the Blood, stimulating tbo torpid Liver and Bowels, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. SIMMONS' LIVER REGU? LATOR is acknowledged to haveno equal as a LIVER MEDICINE. It contains four modical elemonts, never united in the same happy proportion in any other preparation, viz. A gentle Cathartic, a wonderful Tonio, an unexceptionable Altera? tive, and a certain Corrective of all impurities of tue body. Bnch signal success has attend? ed its use, that it is now regarded as the GREAT UN VAILING SPECIFIC for Liver Complaint and the painful offspring thereof, to wit: DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPA? TION Jaundice. BiliouB attacks, SICK HEAD? ACHE, Colic. Depression of Spirits, SOUR STOMACH, Heart-hum, Ac., <fco. Regulate the Liver and provent CHILLS AND FEVER. SIMMONS' REGULATOR Ie manufactured onlv by J. H. ZEILIN tc CO., Maoon, Ga., and Philadelphia. Pi ice 11 00 per package; sent by mail, post? age paid, ft 25. Prepared ready for use in bottles, $1 50. SOLU RY ALT. DR UG GISTS. KM" Beware of all Counterfeits and Imita? tions "i.e. Sept Mi?; ipeoial Notices. 75 The Illb That Flesh abb Heib To, are many, but a romedy for them all is furnished by nature. There ie no doubt that for every disease there is an antidote in the vegetable kingdom. The aboriginees were the victims of many and loathsome maladies, yet tbey found in the wilds of their forests remedies sure and powerful. Acting on this belief, DR. TUTT'S SAR8APARILLA AND QUEEN'8 DE? LIGHT is offered the public as a most highly concentrated vegetable com pound, possessing extraordinary power for the cure of Rheuma? tism, Neuralgia, Scrofula, Ulcers, Swelling of the Glands, Eruptions of the Skin, Femalo Diseases, Liver Complaint, Secondary Syphi? lis, the effect of meroury, A.c. It is a moat powerful altorativc and blood purifier, and at the same time so harmless that it may be used by all. Watch out for Chills and Fever, and prepare the system for resisting its atta-.-k by using Dr. Tutt'u Liver Pills. Dr. Tuft's Ruir Dye is Used in Europe, and America._ _ N10J?1T1 CAUTION! Worcesicrsh'e Sauce Buyers are cautioned to avoid the numerous Counterfeits and imitatione ( tiered for salo. JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS. New York, Oc t20 i ly_A gouts for theU n i I ed States. tNorth Carolina Hay. BALES good N. C. HAY, for pale ow by HOPE A GYLES. J. CAEN, French Dyeing, Cleaning and Scour? ing Establishment. OFFICE comer of Laurel and Sumter sirs., Columbia, S. C. Special attention given to KTD GLOVES, Laoe Curtains, Carpets, Ao. Nov 0 lnio* Seed Wheat. BUSHELS Red Spring SEED WHEAT, "or sale hy_._HOPE & GYLES. New Publications. NEW JUVENILE BOOKS. London edi? tions, illustrated. New standard works for libraries. Now Novels, in cheap binding. Also, a fresh stock of WRITING DESKS, Portfolios, Gold Pens, Pen-Knives, Pockbt Books, Photograph Albums of all sizes, Fancy Brackets and Book Shelves, and a gonoral variety of Letter, Note and Cap Papers, En? velopes and Fancy Stationery, for sale by Nov ? R. L. BRYAN. Non-Explosive Oil, JUST received and for sale, at G. DIERCKS'. The premium non-explosive MINERAL SPERM OIL. Also, burners suitable for the use of this Oil. Wbolosalo and retail, JNovJS _ Buckwheat Flour. EW SELF RAISING BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, at G. DIERCKS'. Nov 14 50? N Oats and Corn. 1AAA BUSHELB FEEDING OA18, ? VJUU 700 bushels White Coin, for sale low for cash._HOPE A GYLES. Carriage Materials. BUGGY WHEELS. Bpringa and Axles. Buggy Beats. Spokes ?ad Felloes, Shafts and Poles, Enameled Leather and Olotk, Also, Darn Leather, Bolts, Dubs, Maleablo Castings, Paints, Varnishes, Ac., Ac, on hand and for sale low by ObtaO_JOHN AONEW A BON. Lawyers, IVke Notioo. THE second volume, new series, of RI? CHARDSON'S LAW KEPORTS is now ready, and fur salo by R L.BRYAN. Horses and Mules. - ON tho 1st of December,.. TL-.fifths undersigned will rooelVfclm /p*F>about ilfty head or first Hrl olass KENTUCKY STOCK. ?L? _Noy_13 _ _W. H. A J M. TALHOTT. Seegers' JBeerisPure. IT don't contain Oocoeulus Indiens Finb Ilorrjos to make sleepy or headache. JMBIA, S. 0., THURSDAY Mi DRY GOODS. I0OTS 0? SHOES. HATS AND CAPS. MILLINERY AND DRESS - MAKING. All these new, fresh, cheap, and up to the highest possible stand? ard. Call and see how the people appreciate our efforts to serve the mu? tual interests of buyer and feller. R. C. SHIVER & CO. Not 13_ LOOK AT THIS Ladies' beautiful SILK TIES, mm & IIAXDR'FS, Value 75 eonta for P.0 cents. 1.00 for 75 ccuts. 1 50 for 1.00. C. F. JACKSON. Oysters. Fish and Game. j?Sz. MY RESTAURANT is opened &gp> for the soason. A ^W^*^ call from my old pa. ^KS2vKL=* 1 irons solicited. MEALS served in every stylo at all hours. Families fur? nished with Charleston and Norfolk OYS TEUS, aH cheap as the cheapest. LUNCU every day from 11 A.M. to 1 P.M. North? east corner of Market. Nov 2 lmo D. HcOUINNIS. O Y ST E R S ! Stewed, Fried, and on the Shell. ttPj^ fmj} HAVING made our arrangements ^%r*llsVr ^or tlio Oyster season, wo are pie ^5*\%W pared to furnish our friends and natrons with OYSTERS, in all styles. We ii"po that polite it tout ion to our friends may give satisfaction to all who may favor ne with their patronage. Wu t>hall endeavor to please tho eye as well as taste, remembering that "cleanliness is a virtue." Noy l 3mo F. D. KONEMAN. An Old ADAQE. "Look to your own interoet," should be especially observed bv those who wish CIOARS and TOBACCO. Th'orcforo, tho "Indian Maid" Wants a Call from thoso who indulge in tbo luxury of smoking, aa she is sure she can suit the taste of the moat lastidious Young Man with "Money." "GOLDEN BUG" or "PEACH." Everybody aond an order. _ Nov 12 CA^I?GES BUGGIES! YOU can f elect from the largest stock in tbo Stato by calling at the Repository, corner of Washington and Kumter streets, near Post v. flies. Bo euro to call and exa? mine. JOHN AGNEW, Proprietor. M. J OALNAN. Agent._ Nov 7 Buffalo Tongues, NEW sugar-cured HAMS, Brop.ktaet Strips, Smoked Beef, for sale low. HOPE A. GYLES. A whole family oured of bilioasucsa with one box of Heinitsh's Blood and Liver Pills. This is cheap praotice. How la U? Why, the pi", ^? / rrrrd. Attend the Ti ORNING, NOVEMBER 21, 187 Wanted Immediately! mi mi mm TO call at our new r tore and see our new stock of USS)jL VjTv^V^JU'IO, ! And seleotyour >RE88 GOODS, CLOTHS, Caaeimeree, Twoedu, Kerseys, j Jeans, Linscys, Blankela, Flannela, Cloaks, Furs, Woolen Balmoral and Boulevard Skirls, Col larSj Ties, Shawls, Scarfs; everything in the Motion lino, as well as Brown and Lleachod Bbeetmg and whirling. Call at ouce, or you will lose a No. 1 chance. PORTEIt & STEELE. F. 8.?Wo aro now receiving onr second lot of those cboico Gharlottcsvillo (Va.) Woolen Mills OASSIMERES. P. A S. I Nov 5 i JUST RECEIVED. J_00 CASE8 CANNED GOODS, "w 100 boxes OANDY, 50 boxes SOAP, 200 barrels FLOUR, 100 barrels Whiskey, 100 dozen Axoi, 200 duzen rocket-Kuivcs, 100 dozen pairs Traco Chains, J 100 dozon Door aud Pad-Locke, [ 100 bundles Tics, } 100 bales Bagging. For sale to-day, at New York prices an \ car? riage, having been purchased mainly before the late inflated prices. _L?RICK & LOWRANCE. IT LUST f f^HE place to buv overvthiug wanted. Tbo 1 boat selection of PERFUMERY ever offered in Columbia, the following brand of which staudu conspicuous: OUR CHIEFTAIN. With every bottle of this Perfume sold, a pic? ture of General R. E. Lee is given. ORE ? LEY & GRANT PRIZE BOXES, Containing C^ndy aud Pictures of tbeae dis tinguislied ofli.rials. PERFUME ATOMIZERS, for refreshing and reviving the nerves. CIGARS, of the finest 11 Ivors mid beat brands. FRENCH CANDIES, in ail variety; also, plain aud assoitcd, together with many othet desirable articles too numerous to mention. Nov 5 ?. V. ANTWERP. ?nn and BlastiDg Powder. rilLIE undersigned are agents for the celo JL brat cd POWDER manufactured at Wil? mington, Delaware, by Messrs. Dupont, De Nemans A Co., and have constantly en band a full assortment of the various kinds manu? factured by hhid lira, consisting in part of RIFLE i'Ott DEHj in win ie, half n-d traar U r kegs, DEER POWDER, in 25 pound kegs, BLASTING POWDER, in 25-pound kegs. DIAMOND GRAIN aud RULE POWDER, in 1-pouud canisters. All other brdiids will he furnished at <*bort notice from the Charleston Magazine. For sale in quantities to suit purcl.aHei? bv Oct 24 J O U N AG N K W A BON. WM. GLAZE, COLl'MBM, 8. v., WOULD in\ito atten? tion to his stock of Watches and Chains, In great variety, for ladies' and gouts' wear. j Jewelry, in Diamond, Pearl, Coral, And other alyles, new and beautiful. Stiver Mini I'luUil Ware*, In groat variety, plain and, of rarest patterns. Table Cutlery, Communion Sets, Music Box?r, from $50 Up, Masonic Je wels, etc. Sped tl attention given to orders, sent C. O. I)., with privilege to retui u, or exchange, if not unproved on sight Oct 22 2nio Bonds lor Sale. rill IE Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta X Railroad Company will sell f 100,000 or ita FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, bearing interest at the rate or 7 per cent, per annum, at 80 and accrued interest ou 100?making the in vestor nearly 'J per cent, per annum, in addi? tion io the (Recount. Apply to M. P. Pegram, Cashier First National Bank, Charlotte, C. Bonktlght, Treasurer, or Sept 25 WM. JOHNSTON. President Apples! Apples'! 1 (\ BARRELS NORTHERN APPLES, Xv' 2 Barrels CRANBERRIES, Just ro l ceivod and for salu by HOPE A GYLES. Stork's Restaurant. Oysters and Other Befreshments. THE undersigned bogs to in form his friends tliat his SALOON and a*. RESTAURANT is in full operation, ud be is vropared to supply MEAl S at all hours OYSTERS, in ami out of the shell, From Norfolk, Charleston, and Indian Key, when the weather permits. Import? d and domestic SEGARS, Baltimore LAGER BEER, cto. A. STORK. J)et 2? Oysters. MY OYSTER SALOON is open for tho season. My friends are in _vitod to givo mo a call. OvHtore served in all attics. G. DIEKCK6. jOct18 _ For Sale. O AHA RUSH ELS of COKE can bo bad m?9\J\J\J at the Oaa Worka, at a rate, in pniut of economy, iqnal to Red Ash Coal, at |8 00 per ton. J. A. J. DERRICK, Oct 30 Superintendent me Event." 2. VOL. VIII?NO. 210. Visitors to Columbia duhxmo TAin WKXK WILL NOT FORGET to call and EXAMINE THE IMMENSE STOCK of JIEW AND CHOICE GOODS Opened the last few days at The Grand Central DRY 800OS ESTABLISHMENT or W. D. LOVE & CO. ANOTHER caeo of yard wide PRINTED CRETONB, jaet received; Belling at lGJo a yard. Cheapest goods ever told in this market. Our stock of CARPET8, RHAWLB, CLOAKS, SCARFS, FURS, BLANKETS "and DRESS GOODS has beon largely replenished, aB well as every other department in the Btiin, to meet the wants of the trade during Fair week. A full line of KID GLOVES opened, In ono and two Buttons, in all colors. Nov a WM. D. LOVE A CO. R E M O V A L. m. H. BERRY'S F LIN ITU RE WARE-ROOMS, opposite the old stavd, In New Three-story Brick Store, NEXT TO WHEEL BE HOUSE. NOW on hand, and receiving, the largest at""V of first class FURNITURE Lvor shown in this market, consisting of WALNUT PARLOR, DINING-ROOM and CHAMBER RUITS, in various new Btyles, direct from the best manufactures, and at prices to suit the times. PICTURE FRAMES made to order, in Wal? nut or Gilt BED 8PHINGS, SPRING BEDS and MAT? TRESSES on hand and made to order. Children's CARHIAGES, WHEELBAR? ROWS, Ac. From long experience In the business and reliable quality of goodB we feed confident we can compete with any house South of Haiti more. Thankbil for past favors, we hope to continue to merit the same liberal patronage. Nov 5 _lmo _ FALL OPENING AT 8. & W. C. SWIM'S! mnE large-t stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING nt retail in the State. Everylhingnu tho way of HATS, Some our own stylcu. A new feature is the Dagnerrean Gallery formerly occupied by Messrs. Wcarn A His. fitted up for our Custom Trade, and filled with tho choicest FRENCH AND ENGLISH C.4SSIHERES AND VEST1NGS, Which we are making to order, under a gua? rantee to pleaso. R. & W. C. SWAFFIELD. Sept ID_ SULZBAOHER'S NEW OPENING:! THE MOST MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF JEWELRY SOUTH OF THE POTOMAC. HAVING moved from my old stand to Wearn's new Art Build? ing, and opened tho largest a ?d finest stock of WATCHES, ULO?KS. JEWELRY, DIA? MOND?, solid and Plated Wa^o, Cutlery, and fancy artiolos genuially, evor dieplajed in this city, I ask my many customers and friends and the public to call and exauiiuu tor themselves. I have the latest fashions in JEWELRY and PLATED WAKE, of tho most artistic and boantirnl stylos. All my goods are from first class manufacturers ouly. Terms, net cash. Repairing and Engraving a specialty. All work guaranteed. Oat II ISAAC SULZHACHEH. New Books. THE SPEAKER'S COMMENTARY, bv Bish? ops and other Clorgy of the Anglican Church. Vol. I. 15. Aunt Jane's Hero, by Author of Stepping Heavenwards. $1.50. Hannah, a new Novel, hv Miss Muloch. 50o. Jan 14 DUFFIE A CHAPMAN. ' J. H.jONARD; Q IHIT'S recentlyreturned from too North, and em prepared to exhibit the moat com? plete and elegant stock Ol 5 ?. . t DRY GO ODS Ever broagbt to this market, consisting ol the latest and most popular styles hi DRESS GOODS, OA SSI ME RES, Ac, with a fad Uno ol HOSIERY AND GLOVES! id select ? dow Shades And select assortments of Carpetiriga, Win 1 and Curtains, Bogs, Mat tint 7* CLASS DRY OOOD8 ESTABLISHMENT. THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Is under dircclies isd ^supervision of . MRS. A. MoOOBHIGK, So generally known throughout the State for her skill and taste, offers unusual attractions, the stock having been carefully selected by herself, and placed at Agares to meet ail wauls. jo, Tho celebrated HOWE SEWING MACHINE ' Aod AMERICAN BUTION-HOLE AND OVER-SEWINQ MACHINE constitute a pro? minent feature la the lioe of i?v business, being justly considered the most efficient and I satisfactory now in use. The public generally are invited to givo me a call. J. H. EIN ARD, Or Main Street. , Oct 4 Onn door South of Columbia Hotel'.' FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING HATS, OAFS AND GENTS' FIRMSHING GOODS ?!! E are receiving and will continue to re? ceive through the season the best W Ready-made Clothing That cannot be surpassed, if equaled, by any Custom-made. We have the very latest J fashions in Meltons, Diagonals, Cheviot Beavers, Tricots, Black Drees Frock, Black Doe Pants, French and American Dress I Tests, Cloth. Bilk and Bilk Velvet. A spendid line of Men's, Youths' and Boys' UNDEH-CLOTHlNG.Wbite and Fancy Shirts, I Cheviot and Negligee Half Hose, Under-wear, {Cardigan Jackets, Neck Wear, Suspenders, I Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Shawls, Car? pets and Traveling Bags. SILK HATS?FALL STYLE. r We have marked our Goods for net cash. SIN ARD & WILEY. Oct 1_ ., MILLINERY. To the Lsd lea--Great Attraction a. MRS. O. E, REED has just se? lected in New York and other cities a superior stock of MIL LIN ERY and other goods, con? sisting of e'egant BONNETS and UA I'M, in Velvet. Silk, Crape and Straw. Also. Infants'Caps, Bate and Cloaks, La lies' and Chfl <3*" dr< it's Dresses, Furs, Ac; Orr.a naracnial Oair in evniy style and variety; Corsets, Ladies' Unde-rwar , ai.d many other articles too numerous to mention. 1 habkful for past favors, she hope t 1 a continuance from the Ladies of Columbia ar it elsewhere, who will please cull and seo lor themselves that all of the above will be *ohl v, r\ lew. Oct 27 lm_.i STR?NGE" BTJTTEUE! Custom-Made GLOTHiNG, Gents' Furnishing: Goods, HATS AND CAPS AT COST. ii THIS plan. ?0 unusual at, Ihiu t>eat*on of tho J?ar, has1 been ml pt< d. miil will be con* tinned bv our hnnse until JANUAhY 1.1873. ??>r a spscial purpose. All visitors to theutiy,wliOi'ouHnit th?ii ueisoual eomfoit iind tin.11.cial inti r? sr, ebou!*1, b> all mi am \icii the store ot S STRAUS A liP.O , t.'olumhiH Ho-el Bl ck; N R. 'laving piiirhiisvd nur goods for cash, und at ttin lar^SMi l'ii-iiu--<~ bonnes in America, we chal ?nee competition. Nov 8 FMITUB! ?PNTTURE! THE handsome**, novelties in our line in this city. MEDALLION PARLOR SUITS, hi Trench Ooteliue. AI .So, French and American Walnut Chan bor Suits, Dressing Case*. Bedsteads, Chairs, Ac. Funerals served in the ..out style. The largest Furniture Warehouse in the oity, and the best stock. FAOAN BROS., Main street, Site of Januey's Hotel. Nov 2 Imp To Rent, A DWELLING HOUSE, containing ei.nht room , situated on Laurel street, between Bull and Marlon. All necessary out-buildings on tho premises. Possession given <>u tho first of November. Apply at office of POl'E A IIASKKLL. Oct fi To Rent. MTO an approved tenant, I will rent the "Walker House," situated on Upper Roundary streit. Apply to S.-nt '20 Jtt. O'NEALK. Jn. For Rent. t'FHAT l.?rguand commodious STORE now occupied by Messrs. Porter*. Steele. Pcissr.nm 11 rlvtn the 1st of October. For terms, inquire of G. DIERCKS. _Aur_24_._ Desirable Kesictence for Sale. Tfl'K desirah'o ono and a half story DWELLING, located on the Bouth-west comer or Lady and Marion streets, is offered for sale. Tho honso has all the mo dorn improvements, with a Mansard roof. Tho lot contains half an sore. For terms, apply to T. M. POLLOCK. April 20