THE PHCENTX, p OBU8HBD DAIZ.T AMD TBI-WXlkltT. '?fHK GLEANER, BTBBX WBBNB8DAT MOBNINQ. 3Y JULIAN A. SELBY, EDiToa 4sd rnorniEToa. Office on Hicuaraaon Street, near Taylor ?*- Dook and Job Printing of every doaorlp elon promptly and faithfully attended to. _ aUBSOBIPTXOH. D Ally, aix months, $1 00: Tri-Weekly, 2 6Cf Weekly, 1 50. ADVEfiTIBBVXHTS Inserted in the Daily at 75 oents per square for the Ant and 60 oents eaoh subsequent In? sertion. Long advertisement* by the week, i aonth or year, at reasonable rates. Virgil ob t&o Horse E?I?w?*? zxTnioTraoM dbtdek's tbanslatioh of tub OEOBQIOS?THIBD BOOK. "The riotor horse, forgetful of his food, The palm renounces, and abhors the flood; Ee paws the ground, and on his hanging ears A doubtful sweat in clammy drops appoarv; Paroh'd is his hide, and rugged are hie hairs. Suoh are the symptoms of Iiis young disease; But in Time's process, when his pains in? crease, He rolls his mournful eyeB, he deeply groans With patient sobbings, and with manly moans, He heaves for breath; which from bis lungs supply'd, . And feton'd from far, distends his lab'ring side. To his rough palate his dry tonguo succeeds And 'roapy' gore he from hia nostrils bleeds." A grocer in Qaebeo advertises "the peculiar delicacies of the far-off Ind. and the finely-flavored and humanizing leaf of the still farther Cathay; the mure ezoiting, though not less delicate, berry of Brazil, and the spices, augara and luscious fruits of the Antilles; the su? gared oondiments and the blood-enrioh ing wines of the Mediterranean, and the salt-cured and brain-renewing fish of our own stormy golf." What he means to say is, that he sells tea, coffee and cod? fish oheap for cash. Horeisagood business-like epitaph: "Here lies Jana Smith, wifo of Thomas Smith, marble-cotter. This monument was ereoted by her husband as a tribute to her memory and a specimen of bis work. Monuments of the same style ?250." The Bev. Bobert Gollyer made a ten? der allusion to "gin-mills," the other day, saying ho wished that "all whiskey shops were down in hell, obained up in the bottomless pit for a thousand years, and a new chain ready at the expiration of that time." ADanburyman was much surprised to hear that Froude is a historian. He thought he was somebody oomo over here to fight Maoe. THE ORIGINAL HOWE SEWING MACMNE. THE best now in use. Ghallengos the world in perfection of work, strength and beauty of stitch, durability of construction, ease of operation, and great range of work;, makoe the same stitch on eaoh Bide, and is as noiseless as any other shuttle machine. It contains the material for its own repair. It has less wearing points than any other. It gives off thread in proportion to the thickness of fabric sewed, thereby avoiding Blow motion over seams. Tho prcsser foot is easily Bwung out of the way, making it convenient to set needles and Adjust work. All those who havo UBOd the "HOWE" will have no.other. Givo it a trial. Agent's wanted for every town; also, oan vassorB for the city. Apply to E. W. SOBEVEN, Local Agent, three doors below HeinitBh'B Drng Store, Main street._Oot 21 lmo. AC\(\ OASES CANNED GOODS, *?* J\J 100 boxes CANDY, SO boxes SOAP, 200 barrels FLOUR, 100 barrols Whiskey, 100 dozen Axes, 200 dozen Pocket-Knives, 100 dozen pairs Traoe Chains, 100 dozen Door and Pad-Locke, 100 bundles Ties, 100 bales Bagging. For salo to-day, at New York prices an 1 car? riage, having been purchased mainly before tho lato inflated pricoB. L?RICK & LOWBANCE. Replete. WE do not wi?h to ho "frantic" in our style of advertising, but we do beg a discriminating publio to peruse tho few lol lowing items before oating or drinking any? thing "purchased oleowhore:" Yes, madam, (wo aro talking to tho ladies now,) our stock is replete with everything no ccssary to supply tho modest larder, or tickle the appetite of tno fastidious opicure; in fact, anything from BUTTER to BROMA, MACK? EREL to MUSHROOMS AI.30, Cheddar Chocso and tho eurowry Limberg er, with tho llnest assortment of English And American CRACKERS, PICKLES, SAUCES, POTTED MEATS, Calf's Foot and other JEL? LIES and PRESERVES, ever offered in Co? lumbia. And, Mr. Mann, (we have talked to yon be foro,) and you know p retty well how it is your? self. You have shown it in your actions, and we thank you sinceroly; we only promise to do sb wo havo been doing. When madam has attondod to tho gastronomioal arrangement, and tho oloth has been taken from tho table, the proper ingredients may bo had, as usual, to aid digestion, and creato that "feast of reason and the flow of soul" which Moot &. Ohandon, Latour Blanche or Chateau Yquoni alone cau create in generous souls. "Jos so." Our stock of fino imported SHERRIES. PORTS. CLARETS. HOCKS, and other WINES, always in full supply. Our Brandies aro unapproachablo, and this standard shall bo maintained. Oct 20_PJSO^ SYMMERS. Oats and Corn. 1AAA BUSHELS FEEDING OATS, ,\JUU 700 bushol? White Corn, for sale low for cash. HOPE .t GYLES. Seegers' Beer is Fare. IT don't contain Oooocnlns Indiens Fish Berries to mako sloepy or hcadaolio. Seed Barley. K/\ BUSHELS solootod now crop BARLEY. DU For Bain by HOPE & OYLES. The Doctors Recommend Seegcrs'Beer TN preference to London Portorand Scotch Alo. Why? They know it is unadulterated PPPPPP1" pjf p PPPPPPPPPP ppppp ppppp. ppppp ppppp PPPPPPPPPP ppppppppp ppppp ppppp ppppp ppppppp ppppppp THE Proprietor of tho Phcbhix uaB fitted up and thoroughly furniuhod hie office with latest improved material for exocntiou of all hinds Printing. RRRR RRRRRR BRRRRKRRRE RRRR RRRRR RRRR RRRRR RRRR RRRR RRRR RR RR RRRR R R RR ' RRRR RRRR RRRR RRRR RRRRRR RRRRR RRRRRR RRRRR ... The Type, Berder, Rule, Ornaments,Cute,&o are of MODERN BTYLE and carefully selected nnmnmm iinTTTnmm munn iiiiinn iiiiiiiii Iiiiiiiii iinrrni iiininii iimnn ininmiiini iiiiiiiiiiiiiii The Presses are APPROVED Hoe, Adams ty?includ Bed and of the MOB PATTERNS? and Liber ing Platen Cylinder NNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN NNNNNN NNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNN NNNNNNN NNN NNNNN NN NNN NNN NNNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN Professional Men, "crchs-rts, Slahcfaolcrera and Mechanics, supplied with any stylo work TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTT A largo stook of Cards,Card Board, Paper, } BillHeads.&c on hand. TTTT iiiiiiiiniini iiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiinin iiraiiii inniiii iimnn niimii iiimiii iiiiiiiii iiniiininm iiiiiiiiiiinii With tho LARGE AMOUNT OF MATERIAL on hand, tho style, quality and cost of work c sumo I fail to give satisfaction. NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNN NNNNNNN NNN NNNNNNN NNN NNN NNNNNNN NNN NNNNNN ' NNN NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN OrdorBfrom abroad will receive IMMEDIATE ATTENTION, fti^d work promptly forwarded. GGG GGGGG GGGGGGGGG GGGGG GGGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GGGGG GGGG GGGGG GGGGGGGGG GG GGGGGGGG GG rhitis tho ouly tho interior of two, threo and ER8, CIBCUS can ho put np in plain Black or and examine spe J.A.BELBY, establishments tho State whero four ehcctPOST BILLB, Ao., Ao., good stylo, either Colored. *trCal) cimens. Proprietor. SIMMONS' HEPATIC COMPOUND; OB, IMPROVED LIVER CURE, For all Derangements of tbe Liver, Kidneys, Skin, Stomach and Bowels. PUT np in liquid form, already propared for immediate nao, tbns saving time and tronblo, and insuring proper proportion of each valuable ingredient. It ia mild and gentle in it a otlon. It removes bile from the Bye tern. It gives tono and strength to the whole frame. It gives the liver a healthy oharaoter and restores the sinking and drooping body to health and strength. -This medicine has been tried by thousands and never lound wanting. Under ita ;u fluorine the face will have the b oom of health, tbe cje its lustre, the brain its power. It will invigorate the feeble, and prove tbe greatest blessing to tboto who suffer. Try it for yourselves and you will recommend it to your friend*. For sale by druggists and dealers everywhere. KING: & ROSBOROUGH, Walda, Fla., Proprietors. Aug 22 JUmo DOWIE, MOISE f Freight and Pnt-ti-i gr-ri- between the Northern cities and tbo South and "ft est. Corufoitible Night. Cais, with tbe Holmes Chair, without extra charge, bavo been introduced on the South Carolina Railroad. FirstclaBs Eating Saloon at Branchville. On the Georgia Railroad, firet elate Slte-irg Cars. Freight promptly transferred from Steamer to day and night trained the Reuth Carolina Railroad. Close connection mado with other Reads, dediva ring Freights at dhlant points with great promptness. The managers will nae every exertion to tatifejv their patrol hthat the lino via Charleston cannot be surpar-eed in cWi-nalih hiid tL? rah deliver} cl gee-cit. For further information, applv to J. M. Sei kihk, Suj erii.tei.d? i t. CLsrh Hi n. b. C; P.D. Habell, General Agent, P. O. Box 4,970; Oftice ?17 Broadway, N. Y.: S. B. PieKFNS.General PasBonger and Ticket Agent, South Carolina llailroad. ALFRED L. niEli, July 16 46mo Vice-Prebident South Carolina Railioad, Charleston, S. C. TIIK (.KAM) GIFT CONCERT. GIFT MONEY ALL UP! ?$ 50 0,0 0 OS In Bank to Pay Prizes. A FULL DRAWING IN SIGHT. mnE GRAND GIFT CONCERT, for the I benefit of the Public Library of Ken? tucky, is postponed to SATURDAY, the Tib of December, for the following reasons: 1. The failure of certain agenis to make re? turns in time for the drawing to tako place September 28. 2. The accumulation of ordern during tho last lew days to mich an extent that it was not possible to fill them and have the drawing on tho 28th. 3. The general expressed deeiro of ticket holders that a full drawing might he had, oven if it made a short postponement neces? sary. 4. Tho belief oi tho management that by a Bhort postponement the remnant of uusold tickets oau ho disposed of, and all the prizes paid in full, without the necessity of any pro rata Beating down. For these reasons, coupled with tho oarncet desire to bont?t tho Public Library by alar^er balance, and tho ticket-holders by larger g:!ta, tho concert aud distribution have been i-imt* poned to Saturday, the 7th of December, i672. On that day and no other tho drawing will positively and unequivocally come off in tho grubt hall of the Public Library building, be? ginning at precisely C o'clock A. II., and con? tinue until tho whole 1,000 gifts are awarded. Tho payment of thugifts will begin tho third day after tho drawing, and continue for six months, in -current funds, by the Farmers' and Drovers' bank, or by eight draft upou the Fourth National Bank, New York, at tho op? tion of the gift ticket-holders. of um?. One Qiand Gift,Cash. $100.000 One Grand Gift.$50,000 1 Cash Gift $25,000 I 4 Cash Gifts.$2.000 each 1 Cash Gift. 20.000 | 15 Gash Gifts. 1,C00each 1 Cash Gift. 15 000 I 2(lt;neh GiltB. 900each 1 Cash Gilt. 10,000 I 21 Cash Gifts. HOOcaub 1 Cash Gill. 0,000 25 Cash Gifts. 700each 1 Cash Gilt. ?000 I ?5 Cash Gifts. (iOOcach 1 Cash Gilt. 7 000 45 Cash Gifts. 50CCS0U 1 Cash Gilt. 0.000 | 50 Cbsh Gifts. 400oach 1 Cash Gift . 5,000 ! CO C'a^h Giftu. 800each 1 Cash Gift 1,01)0 1100 Cash Gifts. 200each 1 Cash Gift. ?.000 | f.!2 Cash Gilts. 10(1 each Total, Girts, all Cash.$500.000 PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole tickets. $10; halvfs, $5; miurlrtrs, 12.50; 11 whole liukttn for fl(?; 2H for f225; 50 tnt t500; 113 for 11,000; 225 for (2,500; 575 for $5,000. No discount on leas tha.. $100 worth of tickets ut a timo. Tho money necessary to pay in full all the ottered giftu is now upon deposit in the J-'ai in - ers'land Drovers' Bank, as will be seen by the following certificate of tho Cashier: Faumkks' anu' Bank. Louisville, Ky., Sept. 20,1872. This is to certify, that there in now on de ftusit in Ibis bauk over half a million of dol ars to tho credit of tho Gift Concert fund, $500,000 oi which is held by this bank, as Treasurer of the Public Library of Kentucky, to pay off all gifts to bo awarded at the draw? ing. R. S. VEAC1I, Cashier. Hon. John BamiES, Manager of the Royal Insurance Company, Liverpool, and Colonel Jilson P. Johnson, Proprietor of the Gait House, will act as a committeo on the part of the Trustees to tako charge of the tags be? fore the drawing, count them, place them in tho wheel, and personally seo that corres? ponding numbers for all tho tickets sold go mto tho wheel. After tho drawing is over, the wheel, with its contents, will he placed in the hands of a committeo on tho part of the ticket-holders, to satisfy themselves whether all tickets sold woro represented in drawing.| Blind children, in full view of tho audience will alternately draw tho tngB from one of tho glass wheels aud tho gifts belonging lo them from the other, and tho olVnsitil record of the drawing thus conducted will ho kopt by three tellers chosen from different banks in the city. Tho drawing will ho published in tho Louis? ville papers and New York Herald, and official copies mailed to all parties out of Louisville to whom tickets have been sent by hitter. The remnants of tickets *et unsold will be fumishod to thoeo who first apjrly for thoni, and as general a distribution of them will he made among agents as their limited number will permit. No agent will bo pormitted, on any account whatever, to hold or sell a ticket for the management after November 25,1872. This postponement has boon mado by ad? vice of tho Trustees, with the sole object of tho real benefit of both tho ticket-holder and tho Public Library, and all concerned may rest perfectly assured that tho positive ami final programme here announced will he car? ried out to tho letter. THOMAS E. RRAMLETTE, Agent Public Library Kentucky, Public Li? brary Unitding, Lnuitviile, Kentucky. Xkitfmih-.u 20. 1872. Oct 5 swlG Continued Brilliant Success of Ditson & Co.'s Gems of Strauss! THIS lino collection, now "all the rngo,' contains among its Gems, (which 1111 250 large music pages,) German Hearts, Aqua? rellen, 1,001 Nights, Manhattan, Morgenblat ter, Artist Life, Love und Ploasiiro, Burger sino, Blue Danubo, Marriage Bells, Bonbons, Wiuc. Women and Song, ami many other popular Waltzes, Pizzicato, New Annen, Tritsch Tratsch, and other Polkas, with a goodly number of first rato Quadrille?, Galops. Mazurkas, Ac. Price, in hoards, $2 50; cloth, ?3. Sent, post-paid, fur retail price. The Great New Church Music Book, THE STANDARD, Still "waves," and is nn tho point of being troduccd t<> a multitude of Singing Schools now to commence. Tho authors aro L. O. Emerson, of Losten, and fl. It. Palmer, of Chicago, neither of whom will ho satisfied with less than twice tho ordinary circulation of Church Music Books. Do not fuil to send (1.25, for which, for Iho prcsmt, spoeinien copioB will he sent Price, SI.50. OLIV Kit DITSON V CO., Boston. OHAS. H. DITSON & CO., Now York. Not 1 fwV IK.V J UK GKM'INK Standard Scales, niftr? tlian 350 UlflVi-i-tit AOKX1S ALSO roil TUB UK! D HAWK It. BIotH lica I ioiiH. AtARM MONEY FAIRBANKS & CO., Uli Broadway, New York, Uii'i Ualtimnre nt., Baltimore. 53 Camp st., New Oilcans. FAIRBANKS & EWING, 715 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO., 118 Milk street, Boston. Vor sale by loading Hardware Dealers. Sept 18 witting Hams, S. C. Shoulders and Strips. Q (\f\/\ LBS. Sugar-Cured KHOUL ij*\J\ f\J PU1S. Hants, Brcskfafet Ba? con and Srririk- 1 Tuv. ues for sale by Sop117 HOPE A- GYLES, Look Out for K. K.'S! i?X)?O^uVa"C?,UUlbja- T?b(: Maroli 5>s .TMilN <'. SEKGFJlSV Seed Rye. 1 K A BUSHELS PIUMK ItYE, for Stud. ' For sale for cusli ohlv. Sept 8 HOPE \ GYLES. A winde family cured of biliousness with one box of lleiuittth'H I Mood and Liver Pills. This is cheap practice. How is it? Whv, I he Important for Reference, J. W. & E. Chisholm & Co., Importers and Manufacturers, OFFER to tho trado the largest atock of Human and Imitation HAIR GOODS, FAN OY GOODS, JEWELRY, LACE GOOD8, etc, that can be found in New York city. Send for sample parcel. 447 BROADWAY. Sept 7_4mo Philadelphia and Southern HAIL STEAMSHIP LINE TO WILMINGTO.V, N. C. IS composed of two first class STEAM SHIPS, ol 800 tone each; sailing from each port every WEDNESDAY.**Through rates to all points South and South-west as low aa by any other route. Insurance one-half per cent. Prompt and certain despatch given. For rates on general merchandize, cotton, sheet' ing, &c, apply to W. L. JAMES, General Agent, Philadelphia. WORTH -*>-*% Deposits of $1 and Upwards Received, INTERESTALLO WED A T TUE RATE Ol SEVEN' PER VENT. PER ANA'LH. ON CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT. AND SIX PER CENT. COM? POUNDED EVERY SIX MON T?S ON A CCO UN TS. OFFICERS. Wm. Martin, President. JobuB. Palmer. Vice-Presidcnt. A. G. Brenizer, Cashier. J. H. Saw-, er, in geneial charge. Jobn 0. Bl Smith, Assistant Cashier, Directors. Wade Hampton, William Martin, A. C. Has kell.F. W. McMaster,E. H. Heiuitsb, JohnB. Palmer, Thomas E. Gregg, Colombia. J. Eli Gregg, Marion. G. T. Scott,Nowberry. W.G. Mayea.Newberry. B. H . Kutledge,Charleston. DanielRaveuel, Jr.. Charleston. Mechanics, Laborers, Clerks, Widows, Ol* phanB and others may here deposit th cir sav? ings and draw a liberal rate of mlerest there on. Planters, Professional Mon andTrustoei wishing to draw interest on their funds until they require them for business or other pur. poses: Parents desiring to set apart small turns for tneir childron.and Married Women und Minors (whose deposit b can only be with drawn by thomeolves, or, in case of death, by their legal representatives,) wishing to lay naidefunds for future use. are here afforded an opoortnnity of depositing their means whore they will rapidly accumulate, and, at l.boHamotimo,be aubjectto withdr&walwhen ieerled^__Ang 18 Columbia lYEusic Store. LyBrand & Son fTIAKE pleasure in calling the attention of I tho public to an examination of their STOCK OF MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, con I aisting of Pianos, Church and Parlor Organs, Melodeons, Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Flutes, Accordcons. Brass and Silver Band Instru? ments of all kinds. Also, Sheet Musio and Instruction Books for every class of Musical Instruments on band at all times. Sheet Music sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of nncc; and all kinds of Musical Goods sent by Express, when ordered, to any part of the State, marked C. O. D. Good Second-hand Pianos and Organs for sale cheap, for cash. Pianos, Organs and Melodeons tuned and re? paired in a satisfactory manner; and will give especial attention to Packing, Removing and Shipping PianoB for other parties to any poiu desired, at moderate prices. All orders promptly attended to and satis? faction guaranteed to tboso favoring ua with their patronage. Send for our catalogue of Sheet Music and Musical Merchandise, hi chardann street, a few doors abovo PueRNix office, Columbia, S. C. Nov 7 MOSES GOLDSMITH & SON, ColonadeRow, Vendue.Range,Olidrleston, S. C, in Scotch, Pi? and American Bar Iron, KEEP const antlv on band a full supply of all kinds. In bloro, 100 tons EG LIN TON PIG. Nov 28 _ly WHEELER & WILSON'S .; Sewing Machines. HIGHEST l'UENIVAi 2 smmm ' By Committee of Practical Machinists. fiMl V. simplicity, durabiiilv, ease of manngc JL mint und great range of work of this Machine has made it the universal favnrito, and lending family Sewing Machine than twenty years, and Itemed it is no export in< ht to buy one. For sale on monthly instalments, second door below I'litr.NiN office, Columbia, S. C, by A. J. PURSLIJY, Feh 27 Agent for Pursley & Trump. ACkutain O ur. kou Chiles and Fever? First take tlies Blood and Liver Pills, to work off the bile and purify tho blood; throo or four will be Huflieient. Then take a tablo spoonfnl of IIEIMTSII'S CHILL CURE. It has been tried; \rc know it. ioo Rust-Proof Beed Oats. BD8HELB, for Seed. For sale by Bept 8 _HOFE & OYLES. Change of Schedule. Booth Carolina Railboad Comtabt, OciUMBXA, 8. C., Bept. 20, 1872. ISaMMPE, Change of Schedule ?aMHta?l3E 38Sto go into effect, ou and after Sunday, 29th iuBtant: mail amd pabbekgeb tbaik. Leave Columbia at. Oam Arrive at Charleston at.4.80 p m Leave GharlestoDat.8.80 a m L rrive at Columbia at.*.... 6.20 p m night express, fbxiobt akd accommodation train, [Sundays excepted.] Leave Columbia. .7.50 p m Arrive. ..6.80 a m Arrive Cbarleaton 7.10 p m Leave.. .6.46 a m Oamden Train will.ruu as follows: Leavo Camdon at.7.20 A. M. Arrive at Columbia at.'.. .11.66 A. M. Leave Columbia at.??.?. 2.10 P.M. Arrive at Camden at. 6.66 P. M. A. L. TYLER, Vice-Presides 1. B. B. Piceinb, General Ticket Agent. Charlotte.Columbia and Augusta R. R SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, COLOMBIA, 8. 0., September 22,1872. SSimb^pSBfiHB ON and after this date, BMgtyW 'tifi.following schedule will he run over this road: going bouth, Train No. 1. Train No. 2. Leave Charlotte.7.15 A. M. 8.20 P. M. Leave Columbia.2.29 P. M. 8.80 A. M. Arrive Auguata.7.42 P.M. 8.20 A.M. qoibg north. Leave Augusta.6.36TA. M. C.C0 P. M. Leave Columbia_11.63 P. M, J1.C8 P. M. Arrive Charlotte.C.15 P. M. 6.00 A.M. Standard Time ten minutes slower than Washington; six minutes ahead Columbia. No. 1 Train daily. No. 2 Train daily, Bun days excepted. Both trains make close con? nection to all points North, Bonth and West. Through tickets Bold and baggage checked to all principal points. JAMES ANDERBON, General Sup. E. R. Bqbbet, Gen. Freight and Ticket Agent Change of (Schedule. Wilmington, Columbia ic, ArorsTA B. R. Cf. Superintendent's Office. Wilmington, N. C, October?, Ib72. AFTER this date tho following schedule will be run by trains on this road: dat exfbebh tbain [daily.~] Leave Wilmington [Union Depot J 8.25 A. M Arrive at Florence. 9.65 A. M. Arrive at Columbia. 2.40 P. M Arrive at Augustn. 7.42 P.M. Leave Augusta. 6.35 A.M. Leave Columbia. 11. 25 A.M. Arrive at Florence. 4.16 P. M. rrivH WilmiTigtnn [Union Depot] 10.25 P- M, night expbebb tbain. Leave Wilmington [Union Depot] 5.45 P. M. Arrive at Florence. 11.86 P. M. Arrive lit Columbia,. 8.40 A. M. Arrive at Augusta. 8.20 A.M. Leave Augusta. 6.50 P. M. Leave Columbia.10.20P.M. Arrive at Florence. 2.12 A.M. Arrive at Wilmington. 8.00 A. M. Oct 8 JAB. ANDERSON, Gen'l Sup't. Greenville and Colombia Bailroac. Saal s?gjau passenger nSS^Ir> TRAINS run daily, Sundays excepted, connecting with Night Trains on South Carolina Railroad up and down; with Trains going North and South ob Charlotto, Columbia and Augusta and Wil? mington, Columbia end Augusta Railroads. up. Leave Columbia at.7.15 a.m. Leave Alston.9.05 a. m? Leave Newberry.10.40 a. m. Leave Cokcehury. .'i.2.CO p. m. Leave Belton.8.E0p. m. Arrive at Greenville.5.80 p.m.. down. Leave Greenville at.7.80 a.m. Leave Belton. 9.80 a.m. Leave Cokesbury.11.16 a. m. Leave Newberry.2.30 p. m.. Leave Alston.4.20 p.m. Arrive at Columbia. 6.00 p.m. Anderson Branch and Blue Bidge Division. down. up. Leave Walhalla. 5.45 a. m. Arrive 7.15 p. m. Leave Perrjville (i.25 a. ro. C.S5 p. m. Leave Pcndlolon 7.10 a. m. 5.50 p. m. Leavo Anderson 8.10 a. m. 4.50 p.m. Arrive at Belton 9.C0 a. m. Leavo 8.50 p. m. Accommodation Trains inn on Abbeville Rranch Mondays, Wednesdayp and Fridays. On Anderson Branch, between Belton and An? derton, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. TB.OMAK uuDaiuEAB, Gen. Sup. Jabfz Nobton, General Ticket Agent. Richmond and Danville Railroad. iwsp CONDENSED TIME _ _'* TABLE, in effect on and alter Sunday, October 13.1872: GOING NORTH. stations. mail. expbees . Leave Greensboro.2.00 A. M. 11 10 A. M. Leave Danville. 4.40 A. M. 1.62 P. M. Leavo Bnrkville. 9.44 A.M. 6.3GP. M. Arrivo at Richmond.. .12.45 P. M. 9.30 P. \. GOING SOUTH. Leave Richmond. 1.C0P.M. 5.10 A.M. Leave Burkville. 5.12 P. M. 8 28.A. M. Leave Danville.10.C0 P. M. 12.67 P. M. Arrivo at Greensboro. .12.25 A. M. 8.80 P. M. Trains leaving Richmond at 1.50 P. M., and at 6.10 A.M., connect at Greeueboio v.itb trains on North Carolina Division, lor all points Seuth. Passengers leaving Richmond at 1.50 P.M., connect at Grerreloro. with train for all pr ints East ol Greensboro. Pas? senger train leaving Raleigh at C.40 P. M.. connects at Greensboro with Northein-houi d Mail train, arriving in Richmond at 12 45 P. M. JOHN R. MACMURDO, General Freight and Ticket Agent.. T. M. R. '1 alcot, Engineer and Gen. Snp't.. NORTH CAUOL1NA DIVISION. GOING NORTH. stations. mail. FXrREffl. Leave Charlotte.7.10 P. M. 0 80 A. M. Leave Salisbury.10.02 P.M. 8.87 A.M. Leave High Point.12.10 P. M. 1017 A. M. Arrive st Orccnsboro. 1.(9 A.M. 11 00A.M. Leavo Greensboro.... 2 00 A. M. 11.10 A. M. Leave Company Shops 3.40 A. M. 12 20 P. M. Leave Ilillsboro. 4 55 A. M. Leave Raleigh. 8 05 A.M.. Anivo at Goldfcboro. .11 10 A. M. GOING SOUTH. Leavo Goldsboro.3 to P. M. Leavo Raleigh. C. 10 P. M. Leave llillnhoro. 9.16 P. M. Leavo Company Shops 10 55 A. M. 2.16 P. M. Arrive at Greensboro. 12.20 A. M. 8.30 P. M. Leavo Greensboro_1.10 A. M. 4.00 P. M. Leavo High Point.... 2.02 A.M. 4.89 F. M. Leave Salisbury. 3 58 A. M. 6.13 P. M. Arrive at Charlotte... 0.25 A.M. 8 10 A.M. >. Passenger train leaving Raleigh 6.40 P. M-, connects at Greensboro with Northorn bound train; making quickest timo to all Northern cities. Price of tickets paroo aB other routes. Mail trains daily, both wa>s, over entire length of road. Express dally between Com? pany Shops and Charlotte Sundays excepted. Pullman Pn1t?en Cars on night trains between Charlotte and Richmond, without change. S. E. ALLEN. Gen. Ticket Agent. W. H. Gbekn, Master Transportation. Summer Schedule S. & U. R. R., DOWN TRAIN. UP TRAIN Arrivo. Leave. Arrive. Leave Sparlanburg.. 5.80 5.25 Bateavillo. 0.00 0.00 4.J3 4.68 Pacolet. 0.08 6.18 4.40 4.45 JoncsviUe. 0.43 6.48 4.05 4.10 Cnionville. 7.25 7.50 3.05 8.25 Santuc. 8.20 8.!25 2.30 2.85 Fish Dam. 8.40 8.45 2.10 2.15 Bhellon. 9.15 9.20 1.35 1.4P Lyles' Ford... 0.40 0.46 1.12 .17 Strother.10.05 10.10 12.50 .66 Alston. ll.oo 11.0C May21 THOS. IV, JETER.President