The daily phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, November 10, 1872, Image 4

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Dkebdkn, November 0.?Six oases of cholera: three fatal. Two were Amerw can?a child and young lady. The pc* Hoo authorities say it is only cholera morbus. The'first base oame from Peath. Nick, November 9.?Cardinal Luigi Amat, Vice-Obaooellor of the Roman Churoh, is dead. itinerlenn Walter?. Charleston, November 9.?Arrived? otoamship James Adger, New York. Memphis, November 9.?A despatoh from Helena says the. cargo of tbe steamer Katie will be saved, except tbe cotton iq the hold, which will bo slightly damaged, but ultimately saved. Tbe machinery, furniture and state room doors of "tho boat are all that oau be saved. ? Mat-amok ah, November 9. ?A letter re? ceived here from President Lcrdo and Minister of Foreign Relations states that * tho Mexican Frontier Commission will etuotly investigate complaints as to oat tlo stealiug, and that the Mexican Go? vernment will aid that of the United States in putting an end to all disturb? ances. The Mexican Government is re Botved to fester internal improvements, to qonneot Mexico and the United States, and to encourage foreign immigration. Fort Monk?e, Va., November 9.? GoL Titus G. Rico, a recluse, who has b?en living on an old barge hero since | the war, committed, suicide lost night, by shooting himself, through the head n Henry tifla. Some twenty years ago he was a prominent citizen of Richmond, and was ooloriel oftlm'faraouso "151aek Horse Cavalry" during llie war. He acted as a Government pilot on James River. He was a native of Connecticut, and about seventy'years old. Galvekton, November 9.?Texas is largely Democratic, with four out of six ?Congressmen. Richmond, November 9.?Should tbo same losses and gains the mid? land portions. Grant'wil). carry Virginia by about 3,000. Albany, ?a , November 9.?The ma lady is here. Two deaths. ? MiiMeiiis, November 9.?Tbe steamer Gate was two years old, and cost $105, - ?000; inshred for 660,000. She can be raised/ She belonged to Miles Owen, of Memphis. OjBj?Aa.o, November 9.?The editor and', proprietor of. tho Evening Journal was fined for con tempt of court. Cause, comments upon a pending trial. Baltimore, November 9.?Greeley's majority will not reach 1,500. The dele? gation stands four Democrats and two Republicans'. New Youk, November 9.?Col. Henry M.-Baker, of Meughor's Irish Brigade, is dead. . The Tribune concedes Virginia, Ala? bama and.- Tennessee to Grant, claims Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mary land'.and Missouri, with Texas doubtful, and (gives Grant 42,000 in Ohio and 129.009 in Pennsylvania. Washington, November 9.?It is stated that M. H. .Laugston, colored, will succeed Selioitor Bristow. Con? gressman (Bi ogham succeeds Curtin as Minister, to Russia. ProbabMties?In the North-west, and thence over the Western lakes, brisk North easterly to South-easterly winds, olouqy weather and rain, extending to? morrow to. the lower Ohio Valley and Michigan; on the lowor lakes and thence to the upper Ohio Valley and in New England, clear weather and Northerly winds; in.' the Middle and South Allan tic States, Northerly to Easterly wind?, cloudy weather and light rain; clearing weather in the Gulf Stales, with North? westerly winds. The stockholders of the Palrioi have retolved to suspend publication after Monday. There is no abatement of the horse disease in Chicago. It has reached Cincinnati. Some oars are running here, drawn by four feeble horses. Nashville. November 9.?Brown has been olectod Governor by from 3,000 to 6,000. Greeley's majorityia 8.000. Whithomo has been elected-in the Sixth Distriot. The Republicans and inde? pendents have the Legislature. St. Louis, November 9.? Ninety-one Counties give'Greeley 23,000 majority. The, Democratic majority on joint ballot is fifty-six, and eight Democratic mem? bers of Congress. ? Grant's majority in Illinois is about 56,000. The Republicans have thirty seven majority on joint ballot. San Fkanoibco, November 9.?The result of the election in this State and iu Nevada is very significant'. Oanghlan, Republican, candidate of the raikoad monopoly for Congress, who is defeated by Luttroll, Liberal and Democratic, ran 3,693 behind his ticket. Page, Re? publican, another railroad candidate, who ia elected, ran behind Grant over 4,000. The Central Pacifis Railroad in? terest named both of these candidates. In this oity, tbe railroad question was taken entirely cut of polities. In Ne? vada, Kendall, for Congross, who has a good record, and in against a railroad monopoly, although a Democrat, is elected; while tbe State gives 2,000 ma? jority for Grant, and J. P. Jones, who is opposed to a railroad monopoly, secures the United States Senatorship. Vlnpinclal mo commercial. Nbw YonK, November 9?Noon.? Stocks steady. Gold very strong, at 13J?. Money firm, at 7. Exchange? long 8%; short 10)^. Governments dall and strong. State bonds dulf but steady. Cotton weak ? uplands 19 j^; Orleans 19%. Flour declining. Wheat dall and heavy. Corn drooping. Pork steady? mess 10.00@16.12. Lard steady?steam Freights quiet. 7 P. M.?The bank statement ehows $1,625,000 Iosb in reserves; decrease in loans $625,000; increase in speoio $1,500,000; deorease in legal tenders 33,500,000; deorease in deposits 81,000, 000. Cotton weak and %o. lower; sales 891 bales. Flour inaotivo and 5@10o. lower?oommon to fair extra 7.10@9.15; good to choice 9.20@12.00. Wheat in hotive?winter red Western 1.58(5)1.65. Pork-- firm, at 10.001 ' Lard Bteady. Freights quiet. Cotton?receipts. 0,231 bales. Bales of Iii tares 15,500 bales, as follows: November 185-16. 18J?: Decem? ber 18J?; January .18.%, 18>?; February 18&. 1811-16; March 1813-16, 18%; April 19%; May 19#. Sterling?long 8%; short 10#. Gold 13^@18%: Go? vernments firm. ' Baltimore, November 9.?Cotton dull ?middling 18%; receipts 602 bales; ex? ports 190; sales 140; stock 2,640. Floor steady. Wheat?prime to choice sam? ples firm; others dull? and unobanged. Corn steady. O its dull?Southern 41. Pork scarce?16.?5@17.00. Shoalders KafiK- Lard?tierces 8>*. Whiskey firm, at 95. . Lonisvmin, ^.ovtbiber 9.?Grain quiet. Corn?mixed 45; white 47. Flour steady?extra family 6.50@7.25; fuuoy 8 50@9.75. New mess pork 15.00. Lard?tierces 8%; kegs 0>?. Shoulders no sides here. Whiskey steady. St. Louis, November 9.?Flour and corn dull and unobanged. Whiskey steady, at 90. Pork steady, at 16. Ba? con quiet and only limited jobbing de? mand. Lard 'unchanged?steam 1% on spot. Galveston, November 9.?Cotton steady?good ordinary 16>^(?^16j^; re? ceipts 1,492; sales 600; Btock 44.030; weekly receipts 12,409. Cincinnati, November 9.?Flour dull and unchanged?7.00@7.25. Corn Qrm ?old 42; new 37@38. Pork nominal, at 13.50. Lord steady?steam 1%\ kettle 7-2^(a>7%. Bacon nominal?shoulders 5J?; rib sides 10; clear rib aides lOjvj. Whiskey 91. Auousta, November 9.?Cotton in fair demand?middling 17>.:; receipts I 1,202 bales; 8ules 980. Memphis, November 9.?Cotton dull? middling 16J?@18%; low middliug 17;^ @17?4; good ordinary 17; receipts 1,701 bales; shipments 1,339; stock 26.543. Modile, November 9.?Cotton quiet and firm?good ordinary 17 V^; low mid? dling 17?4 ; middling 18j-?; receipts 1,427 bales; exports 1,041; 'sales 300; stock 24,890. Bobton, November 9.?Cotton quiet? middling 19?^; receipts 2,037 bales; sales I 400; stock 3,U00. New Orleans, November 9k?Cotton in fair demand?good ordinary 17^4;| low middling 17^; middliug 18^; re? ceipts 2,622 bales; exports 3,211; sales I to day 1,000; last evening 2,600; stock 114,242. . Charleston, November 9.?Cotton dull?middling 17%@njil low mid? dling 17^; good ordiuarv 17 j^; receipts 2,121 bales; sales 200; stock 33,303. Savannah, November 9.?Cotton in moderate demand and . fair offerings? good ordinary 17%@17ki; low middling 17%@173?; middling. 18(o)18%; receipts 4,092 bales; exports 459; buIcb 2,235; stock 73,519. Philadelphia, November 9.?Cotton quiot?middling VH%. Wilmington, November 9.?Cotton firm?middling 18 <^; receipts 372 bales; sales 28; stock 2,139. London, November 9?Noon.?The j Bank of England has advanced tho rate one per cent. The rate now is seven. Pabis, November 9.?Rentes 52f. 95a. Liverpool, November 9?Evening.? Cott m opened dull and closed unchanged I ?uplands 9?4; Orleans 10%@10>4; ??leb | 8,000 bales; speculation and export 1,500; | sales of Orleans for November 10. Worn to a Shadow.?Flesh, muscle and mind alike deterioate when tho stora- oh falters in its duty and the! bowels do not perform their part asj scavengers of the system regularly aud naturally. In chronic dyspepsia, the body is usually emaciated, the muscular fibre loose and flabby, and the brain in? capable of prolonged or vigorous exer? tion. Every organ, every member, even the immortal mind itself, is, to a I certain extent, dependent upon the sto? mach for support. Strengthen and re-j galate this feeder of the system with Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, when it| fails to perform its functions properly. A good appetite, an increased flow of the gastric juice, and perfect digestion and assimilation, will assuredly be the result. The manner iu which tho great tonic and alterative effects a cure of dyspepsia is dlreot and simple. It stire? lates tbe digestive organs, cleanses with? out convulsing the bowels, regulates the! flow of bile and determines it into the right channels, and exorcises a tran qntlizing influenae over the nerves. N10f3jl Hotel Arrivals, November 9, 1872. Nickerson Hotim 3 W Shackleford, city; I FDBusb, Gaud OHR; GJStub, S O; E Tweedy, T R Rhodes, J P Consta? ble, Augusta; S O Hayes, Philadelphia; Sam Dulore, E Coffin, Charleston; Mr. Green, Greenville; H 8 Darby, city; T B Legare, Oraugeburg; A J Dodumead, wife, three ohildren, nephew, oity; R W Brooks, O L Rhodes, Baltimore; T G Price, Helena; J T Best, Hard Scrnbble; Mr and Mrs H A Walker, Mrs H W Wbittikor, Springfield; L F Meyer, Phi? ladelphia. W^Hendrix House?C P Bryson, Walhalla;' O B Jones, N O; H L Keendon, Frog Level; G E Boggs, E W Aiken, Charles? ton; W H Anderson, New York. Columbia Hotel?3 3 Moher, Charles? ton; J H Cawley,. Darlington; G H Spencer, J S Browning,"Charlotte; F G Whitehead, USA; J H Rion, Winns boro; E O Williams, Oharieston; J L1 Lumsdeu, Charlotte, NC; J Ellis, U M Hired), Pa; J Y Settle, Baltimore; Nat Federlio, N Y; J E Carey, T K Carey, R W Hamilton, Baltimore; V E MoBce, Greenville; R G Bonham, S C; J W WilkcB, Chester. A colored 'gentleman went to Marian na, Florida, tbe other day to oonsult one of tho most conscientious lawyers, aud after stating his case, said, "Now, Mr. ?-, I know you's a lawyer, but I wish you would, please sir, jiss tell me do truff 'bout dat matter." : " 111 j .' 1 ??. . ' 1 1 . ?-. The New Issue of Gee end a cks. ?The public are profoundly surprised at tbe semi-official announcement conveyed in the following Washington despatch: "It can bo stated with truth, and about which there is no official conceal? ment, that 61.000,000 or $5,000,000 of the reserve of $41,000,000, tho issue of which the Treasury Department con? siders is left to the discretion of the Sec? retary, was made use of when tbo Assist? ant-Treasurer at N^cw York was instruct? ed to buy .bonds end Bell gold, apart froui the.' usual mouthly programme. This Was on tbe 7th of October, more than' four weeks ago Since that time no further amount ?f tuo reserve has been used, nor is'there tho least probability that it will again soon be drawn upon." So far as this action may imply that the Secretary of the Treasury has aban? doned his ideas of construction, Mr. Boutwell is to bo congratulated upon having at least learnt something. This, however, is tbe sum of what can be said iu favor of this extraordinary exercise of power. $44,000,000 of legal tender notes were, in accordance with the orders of Congress, "retired and can? celed," attd therefore to *all intents and purposes became extinct as Government obligations and as a purt of our circulat? ing medium. Not a word in the law authorizing the liquidation of those notes conveys the most shadowy impli? cation that tbeir extinction was other? wise than absolute aud Una), and there has not been a line of subsequent enact? ment which conveys any power to re? place the retired notes by new issues; yet Mr. Boutwell professes to believe that the issue of an amount of legal ten? ders equal to tho whole $14,000,000 re? tired is left to his discretion. Such uu assumption can be based only upou tbe most strained und violent con? struction of vaguely expressed provisions of law, which no official oould bo justi? fied ia regarding as adequate authority for suob important uctiou. If Mr. Bout? well really had it iu bis power to expand the circulation ot legal tenders to the extent of S4-1.000.00U, tho country would quickly seo to it that he wore deprived j of such a momentous discretion; for they uro iu no mood to place in tho hands of any official an authority which implies such immeuee arbitrary control over tbe monetary interests of tho nation. Tho enlightened sentiment of the country is emphatically iu favor of tho exemption of our monetary affairs from Govern? ment interference; aud it was in obedi? ence to this feeling that contraction was suspended, aud the volume of tho green? back currency fixed at 8350.000,000. The business portion of tbo community will be alarmed at the discovery thut a Secretary of tbo Treasury ?'usurps the prerogative of determining how much currency the country uee'ds, and of mak? ing unauthorized issues, secretly, upon his own bare dictum. While all were glad to havo tbe relief lately afforded by tho Treasury, yet there are few who will not regard this advant? age as having been bought at the cost of official usurpation and by the exercise of a power most dangerous to the financial interests of the country. Mr. Boutwell did well to purchase $5,000,000 of bonds and sell $5,000,000 of gold; the good effects of that action amply justify it; but it was not necessary to his affording that aid to tho market that bo should make irresponsible issues of greenbacks. Including tho amounts subject to the order of disbursing officers, the Secretary held nearly $10,000,000 of currency ut the time of these operations, $5,000,000 i of which could have been allowed to re? main in the hands of local national bauk depositories, without any inconvenience to the Department, und yet with identi? cally the- same results to. tho market as arose from this unauthorized issue of $5.000,000 new legal tenders. Upon other grounds, this policy of unauthorized expansion is to be deeply regretted. Looking at these questions as the public do, the action will be re? garded as unfavorable to the public credit, as warranting a now inflation of the gold premium, as justifying a new lease of speculation, and as pointing to an indefinite postponement of specie payments. To tbe business public at large, this action will bo discouraging, and by our foreign critics it will be con? strued as a re-action toward a condition of things which thoy havo regarded with much distrust. I New York Daily Bulletin. The Outlaws.?We learn that the out? laws in Robeson are beooming moro bold and defiant. For somo months past thoy have been keeping very close, and no? thing was apparently known of their whereabouts or what thoy were doing; but within the last week or two they have come upon tbe surface again and are putting on as bold a front as ever. We mentioned a day or two since tho fact of Stephen Lowrey boing present at a Jus? tice's Court ut Union Chapel Church, on Saturday last, and now wo learn that Stephen Lowroy, Androw Strong and a white man from South Carolina, who has lately joined the band, were in tho vici? nity of Moss Neck on the following Sun? day, They were all hoavily armed, but showed no disposition to distutb anybo? dy.? Wilmington Star. At Sheffield, England, a man was re? cently fined for boing robbed. Tho ma? gistrate refused to entertain his com? plaint against a lewd woman for robbing him, and thon proceeded to say: I shall fine you ten shillings and costs for being drunk in a public place. I j believe that you were robbed, and it is Because I believe you were robbed that I impose this Hue. I am only sorry I cannot impose a heavier penalty. It w an intolerable nuisance that men with large sums of money in their pockets should get drunk and support a class of thieves in the town who aro rolling in wealth, and who aro enabled to profit better by thieving than they could by honest labor. A man who allows him? self to bo robbed in tho way you have j doue is a public nuisance. "WtixTJmn'T You Thpit'on It?"?A good story has boon told on a lisping officer in tbe United States army, having lee i victimized by a brother officer, (noted for bis oool deliberation and strong nerves,) and his getting square with him in the following mannor: Tho cool joker, tho captain, was always quizzing the lisp? ing officer, a lieutenant, of his nervouB nesa. '?Why," said he, one day, in the pre? sence of his oompauy, "nervousness is all nonsense; I tell yon, lieutenant, no brave man-will bo nervona,'ijg^. - "Well," inquired Lid It/f?ftfti ml "how would you do; tbpose a enell with an inch futhoff tboald .drop itthelf in a walled angle, in whictf.yoj? bud taken thelter from a company of tharp-thooth erth, and whero it was thcrtaiu, if you put out your notbe, you'd get pep pored?" "How?" said tho captain, winking at the circlo, "why, take it oool, aud spit ou the fuaee." ' Tho party broke up, and all retired except tho patrol. The next morning a number of soldiers were assembled on the parade, and talking in clusters, when nloug came the lisping lieutenant. Lazi? ly opening bis eyes ho romnrked: "I want to try an experiment tbith morning, and theo how extbee'Jiogly cool you cau be." Saying this, ho walked deliberately into the captniu's quartern, where a fire was burning ou tho hearth, aud placed in its hottest centre n powder canister, and instuutly retreated. There wus but ouo mode of egress from the quarters, und that was upon tho parade ground, the road being built up for defence; tbe occupant took ouo look at tho canister, comprehended his situation, and iu a moment dashed at the doj., but it was fustened on the outside. "(Jhurley, let me out, if you love mi shouted the captain. "Thpit ou the canitldei 1" shouted he, in return. Not a moment wus to bo lost; he hud ut lirat snatched up a blanket to cover his egress, but now, dropping it, be raised the window, and out he bounded, tans culottes, sans everything but a vory short under-garment, and thus, with hair almost on eud, be dashed upon a full I parade ground. The shout which hailed him brought out tbe whole barracks to Bee what was tho matter, and tbo digui ?ed captain pulled a sergeant in front of him to hide himself. ??Why didn't you thpit ou it?" quired the lieutenant. "Because there wore no sharp shooters in front to stop a retreat," answered tho Quptain. "AU I got to tbay, then, itb," said the lieutenant, "that you might thnfelyhave doue it, for there wathu't a thinglo grain of powder in it." Tho captain bus never spoken of nervousness since. A New York Mail letter tells bow a Chinuman learned to smoke a cigar: As the pull's curled out from his lips, bis facu was wreathed in smoke and smiles. Ele took it out and in silvery accents ?aid: "Him good." Here a pause and more pull's of smoke, "llim heap good." Another pause and the pulls more rapid. "Him bully heap good." Yet another pause and he put one bund up to tbo jigar. "Him berry bully heap good." Here both bauds went up aud the silence tvas broken by?"Him big berry bully neap good." And then a change came 3ver the spirit of bis dream as his face gauged from pie crust to dust and isbes, and things assumed a tinge no onger celestial but cerulean, until, with i gesture indoscribable in its express? iveness, be slowly enunciated: "Him muchee mucheo big berry bully heap *ood, but mo no berry well here. ' Lie re he took off bhr washing busin, as mined an attitude indicative of digestive lisarrangement, and?let history draw a rail over what followed." The Vice op the Aob.?A lively ser? mon on the "Vioe of tho Age" was ?rcacbed in St. Louis, on Sunday last, by Rev. Dr. Holland, of that city, and in the course of bis remarks he said: "The middle claases spend their iucome in keeping up false appearances. They, too, must wear dove-colored pantaloons aid shiny boots. They must weur dia? mond studs aud seal rings and carry young ladies to tho opera in hired car? riages, at tbe rate of three hours' nse [or three days' wages. They must take l turn now und then at billiards, stand treat to the cocktails, bet upon their ve? racity when called in question, aud, last ?f all, lest they should be deemed timid, must demonstrate their nervo by 'fight? ing tho tiger,' until it claws the lust dime out of their pockets, aud claws lasting scratches upon their souls." ?.?? Groenvillo is said to bo looking up. Tho Mountaineer says: "Evidences of material improvements in our city are manifested in several quarters. Stores I and dwellings aro not only projected but | several aro now iu process of completion. From abroud tbero are various inquiries for local habitations in our midst,, whilst tbero is also a good demand for places of business. In tho past few weeks several residences have been sold to parties who have been living olsuwhero." Judge Malier, who was elected last winter Judge- of tbo First Judicial Uir ouit, ban decided that- a witness can claim only $1.50 por day whilo detained at court, no matter how mauy cases he may be a witness iu. Tnis ruling also do? orcases tbe foes of tbe clerk, sheriff und solicitor, and hau already effected a sav? ing in tho court expeuses of Beaufort County alouo of 82,000. Another Gin-house Bukned.?The gin-bouse of Mr. n. McKeo, on Braes' island, near Poootaligo, was destroyed by firo on tho 4th inst., together with | about $3,000 worth of scod and ginned cotton, which was stored therein. The ] firo originated in tho upper story, and is supposed to have been caused by n pipe smoked by one of tbe bunds employed about thu bouse. The Utioa (N. Y.) Observer eats:' ?*A gcntloman well-known iu tbe Southerii put of Ibis State, M. E. Harmon, pur? chased a plantation in South Oaroiiui. in tho year 1668. Iu 1869, ho paid theme a ! forty dollars in taxes. In 1870, the taxfe t were $183. Iu 1871, tho texus were $540. For the year 187*2, tuxes to the amount of $1,000 were levied ou the plantation, whereupon Mr. Harmon abandoned the property." The New Orleans Picayune ol the 30th stys: "About half-past 12 o'olook yester? day, a young man, named John Yinoont, who lately resided on St. Philip street, between Miro and Tonti streets, repaired to the St. Louis Oemetery for the pur? pose of trimming his mother's grave, and while engaged in this mission of love, fell, dead at the tomb. Tue verdict was utsrt disease." - Tbe Gauloia* report that Count von Aruim bad demanded of President Thiers a disavowal of Gen. Duorot'e or? der of the day is contradicted. Further Paria advices say that France will pay to Germany this week 209,000,000 franos, and will continue simiUr instalments until the 1st of January, when but two milliards of the war indemnity will re? main unpaid. At a "guessing party," sometime ago, Dr. ii-propounded the following: "A boy went fishing. He ?aught five, and ou his return was us lend what he had done with tbom. He replied that be had giveu three to bis father and four to his uncle. How did he do if?" For some moments the company rovolved tho mutter, and gave it up. "Why," the doctor said, "the boy lied, of course." A laborer working in a rolling mill at Terra Haute, Iudiuua, died in that city recently. Upon examining his trunk, bunk certificates and other securities were found amounting to nearly $50,000. Ho proved to be Thomas Evans, a Welsh? man, of Pittsburg, Pa., where it is thought, from evidences found, that ho has u wife still liviug. 1 'You are from the conti try, are you not, sir?'' suid u dandy olork in n book? store, to a handsomely dressed ?Quaker, who bad given him some trouble. "Yes." "Well, here iu an essay on the rearing of calves." "Tbat," said Amiuidab, us be turned to leave the store, "thee had bet? ter preseut to thy mother." Tbe trial of Mrs. Enily E. Lloyd ,for tbo murder of her daughter Maud occu? pied tbe Circuit Court of London Coun? ty, Va., for several days. The jury finally brought iu a verdict of "not guilty." This singular case of alleged poisoning is of especial interest to medical men. Dr. Patte, of Helton, Kansas, on Tuesday evening, prescribed oblorul for a patient, who oomplnined that he could not keep it ou bis stomach. The doctor, to convince him that it could be kept down, took tbo doBO himself, aud died from the effects of it. Eben L. Childs, Chief Clerk in the Post Office Department at Washington, died suddenly at Albany, N. Y., on Tues? day night lust. He was Beventy-three years of age, and had been connected with tho Post Office Department for over forty years. Ou the 30th Octobor a grange of Pa? trons of Husbandry was orgunized at Mechanicsvillo by Capt. J. S. Riohard Bon, with twenty-five members. On tbe samo day with tho above, a grange was organized by Capt. Richardson St Bishop ville, under auspicious oiretiinstances. A mouse, which bad put in the night making a nest in the amplest part of a L if aye tie gentleman's paotaloonB, occa? sioned all tbe stamping the, other morn? ing, aud gavo rise to the report that the gentlcmau was reconstructing his mo tber-in-law.?Iadianapolis News. To this Point.?The following speeoh was made by tho winner of a prize in a footrace: "Gentlemen, I have won this cup by the use of my legs; I trust I may never lose tho use of my legs by tho use of this cup." Tbe name of the humorous genius of tbe Danbury News iB Riley. The sheet iron cat man of the Titusville Press ia called Leonard, and the infinitesimal oolioquialist of tbe Lonisville Courier' Journal iB knowu as Pudmac. Ex-Governor Bullock entertained Se? nator Sumner und a large party of dis? tinguished Americans' ot a dejeuner athiB residence in the Champs Elysees, last week. A Connecticut man has invented a machine by which one man can muke 4,000 keys in u day, or double^he num? ber which cau be made with any tool now in use. Near Carboudale, III., lies one of the greatest coal deposits knowu. For a distance of fivo square miles the earth is underlaid with a bed of almost pore car? bon, nine feet uud two inehes thick. Tbo Gorman Government have an? nounced to Mr. Bancroft tbat they have no bill of exponses against tho United States in tho matter of tho Sau Juan ar? bitration. There is n conspiracy on foot to get up a revolution in Coata Rioa. Tbo Go? vernor of Bay Island, learning of a con? spiracy to imprison him, fled to British Honduras. Tho text of the judgment which con? demned tbe pseudo General Cluseret to death by default has been posted up nt tbo gate of tbo Miuistry of War, that being his last known resilience in France. 800 men aro employed on tho Ait-Line Road from Atlanta, Ga., to Charlotte, N. C. The books for subscription to tho Ninety-six Railroad have been opened, and tho prospects for building the road are favorablo. Barnwell will havo au agricultural fair aud races this mouth, commencing on Monday, the 25th instant, aud closing on Friday, tbo 29th Hiiyti is annoyed by the demand of tbe French Minister for .$54,000 compensa? tion duo to French citizens for damages iu tho late revolution. A Western gentleman has invented a praotieal application of somnambulism to domestic industry. The teuderesY . of husbands daring his waking momenta, I whenever bis wife does anything to dis? please him, he is sure to be seized with? a-fit of sleep-walking, in whioh he ad ministers to her a sound castigation, and the most ourious part of the affair is that on these occasions be is so very fast asleep that nothing will wake him until the whipping is thoroughly accom? plished. Negro eqnality is being enforced wilh a vengeance in- Washington City. A "colored gentleman" applied at a restau? rant for a plate of me cream, worth fifteen or twenty cents. The keeper, a white man, refused to sell him tho cream, thereby violating an Act of Assembly, Consequence:- The white man, who chose to do as he pleased with his own cream, was tried, fonnd guilty, fined $100, and deprived of bio license to keep a restaurant. Dr. Dio Lewis gives the following eure ? for dyspepsia: "Have a right good talk, with a fanny anecdote or two, and half a dozen* hearty laaghB, with each meaL This eating alone at a restaurant and shoveling in the provender in solemn si? lence, will give dyspepsia to an ostrich." A Vermont genius has supplanted "Old Probabilities" by the invention of a waistcoat-pocket barometer, which renders its possessor tho signal Bervice of predicting the weather for the next twenty-four hours. - The Washington hangman thus ad? dressed the last man. be .strangled: "Jenkins, it affords us'consolation, that yon are prepared tb meet y??f Iiordl" The Republicans in the Spanish Cortes arc determined. to push the impeach? ment proceedings forward against the Sagosta ministry. A man in Iowa has coughed a Minie ball out of his lungs, which was shot into it at Pittsbnrg Landing. The famous "BiUaArp" ' (Charles Smith) now has editorial charge of the Rome (Qa.) Commercial. The Texas and Pacific Railway is haul? ing iron on wagons from Alexandria to Shreveport. -Z^xxcjtloxx S?le?. Positive Sale, to close Consignments. DY D. G. PE1X?TT0 & S0N8. WE will positively sell, on MONDAY MORN? ING, the 11th, at 10 o'clock, at our Auction Room, tho following GOODS, to close con? signment*: D. S. BACON BIDES ?nd 8IIOTJLDER8, Smoked Bided and Shoulders, Kama, Flour, Butter, Cbeoao, Smoked Beef, barrels Pickled Pork, Brooma, .Sec, &o. Conditions oaeh. Nov 9_' ? Estate Bale. BY SEIBELS & EZELX, Auctioneers. WILL be Bold, on TUESDAY MORNING, the 3d of December, at 10 o'clock, in front of the Columbia Hotel, tho following described property: The large and valuable HOTEL, situated on Riohardauu street, known act tho COLOMBIA HOTEL. One unimproved Lot, situated on Biobard aon atrcsut, Eaul side, between Lady and Oer-, vais etrenta. Ono Lot ou Richardson street, West sine, between Lanrt-1 and llichland streets. Ono Lot, aituated on Assembly street, East aide, botwoon l'lain and Taylor streets. Ono Lot on the South-weat corner of Ger? vais and Pnlaski streets. ? .?, Ono square of Land, containing four acres, and bounded by Assembly, [Gates. Indigo and Tobacco streeta. For terms of sale apply to CHARLES O. MARSHALL, Columbia, Q. C. Purchasers to pay for papera. s CHARLES O. MARSHALL, Nov SjStn* J. KIN8?B Bj J> AVIS._ Wanted, . PAST duo City or Columbia COUPONS, for ? which the highest cash price will be paid. SEIBEL8 A EZELL. Nov 10_1_ For Saie. HARES in tho Capital Building and Loan Association. Apply to D. ?AMBRILL, Broker, Main street. Nov 10_. _1_ Myrtle Lodge No. 3, K. of P. THE regular convocation of this iLodgo will be hold TO-MORROW 1 Monday) EVENING, at 7} o'clock, at 'Maaouio Hall. By order. L. M. HOLLAND, Nov 10 1 9 Recording Scribe. S School Notice. , THE subscriber will open his School on MONDAY, the 11th in et,, (in tho houao formerly oooupied by Dr. O'Connell, bumter street. He will also teaoh a Night School at aanie place. A share of pablio patronage Is respectfully soUoited. For par? ticulars apply to J. J. MoCANTS. Nov 10 _ a Shepherd Dog-. r^^-. STRAYED or stolen, that tho X?5^C!rr,ub'hbrod I>00 on exhibition at the gSBBsFair. Marks?long ooarse shaggy hair, of a dark yellowish brown color, with black down the back, white ring around neck, breast, feel and tip of tail white, ears in? clined to black; had on whon last seen a col? lar aud chain. A liberal reward will be paid for bis delivery at the store of Messrs. Hope .V Gylea. C. O. MARSHALL. Nov 10_ 1? BELL SCHNAPPS, Distilled by tho Proprietors, AT SCHIEDAM. IX HOLLAND. AN INVIGORATING TONIC AND MEDICINAL IIEVE?ACE. Warranted perfectly pure, and fteo from all deleterious aubatancos. It is distilled from Baulky of tbo ?nost quality, and the Ahomj ? tio. Jumper Bshnv ov Italy and designed expressly for cubes of Dyspepaia or Indigos tion, Dropay, Gout, Rhonmatlsm, General Debility, Catarrh of t.he Bladder, tho Back and Stomach, and all diseases of the Urinary O/k????- 11 ?i7ea 2-re?t relief in Asthma, Oravel and Calcu'- in tho Bladder, strengthens and invigorated the system, and is a cortain provontativo and euro of that dreadful scourge, FkvEB ani> Aouk. CAUTION 1 Ask for "HtfDSOK* G. Wolpe's Bkll Sobsapm." Fur "ale by all rcspec.tublo Grocers and Apo? thecaries. HUDSON Q. WOLFE k CO., Solo Importers. Office, 1*8 South William afreet, New York. Sept 18 3>no