THE DAILY *'Lot our fast Censures Attend the True Event." BY J. A, SELBY. * COLUMBIA, S. CM SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 3, 1872. VOL. VIII?NO. 195. Thk Presidential Candidates Con? trasted.?Miss Anna Dickinson deli? vered an exoellent address npon the po? litical topics of the day at the Cooper Union, in New York oity, on Friday night of last week. In it, she said of the eoming Presidential election: "Can any one hesitate for a moment for whioh box he will reach when he drops tho ballot? No, never! Above all, I can see why tho South?nay, in passing, I can see why the Democrats of the North?should accept Horace Greo ley rather than Grant. I can sec tbat the Sonth can vote for Greeloy and can? not vote for Grant. They are quite ready to accept Republicanism when in its best form. They are not willing to accept the spurious Republicanism which has been given them for the last four years. If they vole to aocept Gen. Grant, they vote to accept a centralized government. If they vote for Horace Greoley, they vote for a constitutional government. If they vote for General Grant, they kiss the chains whioh bound them. If they vote for Horace Greeley, they strike hands with the men who struck off those chains, and say, 'Lot ns work together in the good cause as bro? thers.' If they vote for Goneral Grant, they are as a Christian turning Turk, who spits upon his oross?a soandaloas and shameful transaction. If they vote for Horace Greeloy, they simply turn their backs to tho wrong and go forward to the better day dawning." Thbeatened Exodus op the Rouma? nian Jews to the United States.?A letter has been reoeived at the general land office setting forth that a movement is on foot by tho Israelites of Europe for settling a colony of Roumanian and Continental Jewsjin America. It appears there is a company formed, possessing a paid up capital of $1,500,0(10, who con? template settling in this country some 8,000 families, comprising 40,000 per? sons, and the question is presented to the general land office whether the United States Government will extend to the company a title to a tract of land ?say 250,000 acres?for this purpose, on condition that so many families should be located annually, it being the, desire to have but one settlement. In refer? ence to the sobjeot, Mr. W. W. Curtis, the acting commissioner, replies that there is no law providing for the disposal of publio lands in the manner proposed, even if a compact body of land com? prising such an area could be found, but shows how the title may bo acquired by the heads of those families under exist? ing laws, and furnishes the writer with the necessary oirculars relative to the publio lands of the United States. Tho frequent calls from Europe and else? where for large bodies of land for the purpose of founding colonies would in? dicate that special legislation is neces? sary if such enterprises are to be en? couraged. The Massachusetts Historical Society, at a recent meeting, was greatly gratified by receiving from the Rev. A. P. Pea body, of Cambridge, (a minister of the Gospel of forgiveness,) what purported to be the "identical cane" with which 3ir. Brooks assaulted Mr. Sumnor. We suppose that the eooiety accepted this interesting relio with due gratitude; but wo would suggest, as Mr. Sumnor is n member of tho society, that it would bo considerate- to have tho cane put out of sight whenever the Senator may bo ex? pected to attend. Not that he need feel much about the matter, after all, for au inquiry shows that tho Rev. Dr. Pea body's relio is a spurious one, tho matter having been investigated with great gusto by the Boston newspapers. Tho cane is described no of ebony, with a sword afctaohed to the handle. Now everybody knows, without reading the long extracts from tho testimony at the trial which the newspapers see fit to give, that the cane which Mr. Brooks used was of gutta-percha, and that it was broken into pieces at the time of the assault; so that tho Rev. Dr. Peabody's accuracy was about upon a par with his good taste.?Neio York Tribune. Homicide.?On last Tuesday, near Drake's Mill, Jacob Drake, colored, was killed by Ben. Drake, also oolored. Tho weapon used was a hond-spike. Bon. Drake has not yet been arrested. No particulars.?Marlboro Times. A Card. CIRCUMSTANCES entirely beyond my con? trol havo delayed the completion of tho botol, at tho corner of Main and Plain streotH, known as the "Whoeler House," and I find that, contrary to my expectations, I shall bo uuablo to open tho same during fair week. The hotel will bo completed vory soon, when comforts of a homo shall bo guaranteed. Nov 2 _THEO. M. POLLOCK. Wanted Immediately and Positively Ten or More "Dry Goods Men." YOUNQ MEN socing this notice, under? standing tho "Dry Goods" business, wanting work, and having a good record vouched for by some good citizen, can com? light along to us. Wo will guarantee them work. We arc over-run and must have help IMSIBDfATELY. Tbio oiler optm f.?ur (4) daye from tho 1st. R. O. SHIVER St CO. Nov 2_8 Gone Up. __ TRAT iB, wo havo gono up ? higher, and taken tho store it- formerly occupied by M. II. ^ Berry, one door from R. ft \Y. w O. Swafllold, on Main street, whore wo invite iuspoction to our largo supply of CROCKERY, GLASS and othor WARE and Ilonsc-furnishing Goods gonorally. Tho ladies aro particularly invited to ex? amine our handsome stock of gooils in tho abovo lines. Wo guarantee first clasu arti? cles and low prices. Nov 2 2 _N^TI?*! _ PEIXOTTO. Citizens' Savings Bank of S. C. A LL SAVINGS DEPOSITS made in this IJL Rank on or beforo tho 5th day of each calendar month will bear interest for that month as if deposited on the 1st instant. NOV 1 5_J. 0. B. SMITH, Ass't Cashier. For Sale. 2(\r\(\ BUSHELS or COKE can bo had 9\J\J\f at the Gas Works, at a rate, in point of r.conemy, equal to Und Ash Coal, at $8 00 per ton. J.A J. DERRICK, Oct 00 . ?viorintendent. Special Notices. On Marriage? Happy relief for Young Men from the effects of Errors and Abuses in earlv life. Manhood restored. Impediments to Marriage removed. New method of treat? ment. New and remarkable romedios. Books and circulars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Addrosa HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2] South Ninth street, Philadelphia, Fa. Aug 12_3mn Asthma? Any medicine which will alle? viate tbo paroxysms of this dreadful diseaeo J will bo hailod with joy by thousands of Buffer era. Tbo cortiOcatea which accompany Jonah ] Wuitcomb's Remedy aro from the moat relia Die sources, aud attest to its woudoiful power, evon in the most sevcro cases. Joseph Pur net t & Co., proprietors, Boston. Free Advertising ?From family to fami? ly, from city to city, from State to State, the fa mo of Dii. Walker's Yeoetable Yineoar Bitters, as a specific for all derangements of tbo stomach, bowels and liver, is coutiuually extending. Ita voluntary missionaries are j innumerable, and publio enthusiasm in Hb I favor spreads faster than a prairie Qre. Don't Slight Your Teeth.?Remember that upon their labor, tbo health of tbo sto? mach depends. Keep them porfect, and in order to do eo, manipulate thorn with a brush dipped in tbo fragrant Sozodont, ouco or twico a dav. Who Will Sum ri?it ia now 24 yoare since Dr. Tobias' Venitian Liniment was put before the public; warranting it to cure Chronic Hhouniatism, Headacbo, Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Old Soros, Paine in the Limbs, Back and Chest, and it baa nover failed. Sold by all Druggists. Depot, 10 Park Place, N. Y. For Dyspepsia, indigestion, depression of spirits and genoral debility in their various forms; also, as a preventive against Fever and Ague, and other intermittent fevers, tbo Forro-Phospkoratod Elixir of Calisaya, made by Caaweli, Hazard A, Co., Now York, aud auld by all druggists, is tbo boat tonic, and as a tonic for patients recovcriug ironi fever or | other sickness, it has no equal. Thuraton's ivory Pearl Tooth Powder. ?Tbo best article known for cleansing and Breserving the teeth and gums. Sold by all | niggista. Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle. F. 0. Wells & Co., New York. Chrlstudoro'a Ilulr Dye at anda unrivaled in tho world. No lady or ge r Ionian of dis? crimination uses any other. It is tho most porfect, reliable and effective Hair Dye in tho world: Manufactory, GS Maidon Lane, N. Y. Carbolic Salve, recommended by Thysi- I cians aa tho groat Healing Compound. Price | 25 cents per box. John F. Honry, solo Pro? prietor, 8 Gollogo Place, New York. Itlalcy'a Bucha ia a roliable Diurctio und I Tonic for all doran rements of iL ; urinary and genital organs. Tbo genuine, aa former? ly Bold by Haviland, Hariai Risloy and their branches, ia now prepared by II. W. Risloy, tho originator and Proprietor; and ] tho trade supplied by hie successors, Morgan I Si Risiuy, New York. SvapntH, or opium purified, tho moat pcr feot auodvne in tho market, made by procesa of Dr. I. M. Bigolow, Detroit Medical College, ia always uniform in strength, which is rarely tbo caso in other preparations of opium. Piatt'H Astral oil has a world-wide repu? tation aa the surest and best illuminating oil. Over 2,000,000 gallons bavo been sold tor the past two years, from which I no accidents of | any description have occurred. Send tor cir- | cuiar. Oil House ot Charles Pratt, estab? lished 1770, New York. We IIuvu Frequently Heard mothers! ^ay thoy would not bo without Mrs. Winslow'a | Soothing Syrup, from the birth of the child until it has finished with tho teething t>it*? under any consideration whatever. Tho Secret of Beauty?What is il? Tin longer asked, for the world of fashion and all tho ladies know that is produced by using a delightful and harmless toilet preparation kuown aa G. W. Laird's "Bloom of Youth." Ita beautifying c-fTeeta aro truly wonderful. Depot, 5 Gobi street, Now York. Oct 2 tt Siorirs Restaurant. Oysters and Other Refreshments. THE undersigned hege to inform .bia friends tliat bis SALOON aud 'RESTAURANT is in full operation, and bo is prepared to supply MEALS at all hours. OYSTEhS, in and out of the shell, from Norfolk, Charleston, and Indian Key, when bho weather permits. Imported and domestic SEGARS, Baltimoro LAGER I1EEH, etc. A. STORK. Oct 2C._ New Goods! Mew Goods!! . I offer to the public as fine a Stock of vsa Goods for gentiomou'a wear as can be soon in this market, consisting of Eng IBLlieh. French and American CASS1 MERES, SCOTCH GOODS. VESTING, .to. Tbo DAVIS SHIRT always on hand. My block of Embroidered Veet Paiterns ia quite a no? velty. I am also Agent for Wanuumaker .t Brown, the largest clothing house in America, samples of wIiobo goods may bo Been on my counter. I guarantee satisfaction in all cases, and solicit a share of publio patronage. Sopt27__ _G. D. EU EU HARDT. FOUND AT LAST ! rilllE place to buy everything wanted. Tho JL bout selection of PERFUMERY ever offered in Columbia, tho following brand of which stands conspicuous: OUR CHIEFTAIN. With every bottle of this Perfume ttold, a pic? ture ol General lt. E. Lee is given. GREELEY & GRANT PRIZE BOXES, Containing Candy and Pictures of these dis? tinguished officials. PEUFUME ATOMIZERS, for refreshing and roviving tho nerves. CIGARS, of tho finest flavors and best brands. FRENCH CANDIES, in ail variety; also, plain and aasortcd, together with many other desirable articlos too nurucrou.j to mention. Oct 20_(LV^ ANTWEBIV Gnn and Blasting Powder. 11HE undersignod aro agents for tho cele? brated POWDER manufactured at Wil? mington, Delaware, by Messrs. Dnpont, Do Ncmaus Ss Co., and bavo constantly on hand a full assortment of the various kinds manu? factured by said firm, consisting in part of RIFLE POWDER, ill whole, half and quar? ter kegs, DEER POWDER, in 25-poliiid kegs. BLASTING POWDER, in 25-pound kegs, DIAMOND GRAIN and RIFLE POWDER, in 1-pouud canisters. All other brands will be furnished at short notice from the Charleston Magazine. For sale in quantities to suit purchasers bv Out 2J JOHN AGN E\V ? HON. Fresh Biscnits. FARINA,Pearl,Oyster,Wino, Butter, Milk, Pic-nic, Cream, Corn Hill, Lemon, Soda, ,Ve., all fresh. For sale low bv Oct t) HOPE ?t GYLES. Grand Operatic, Ballad Concert; CONDUCTED by Mr. KOEPPEIt, in behalf of tho South Carolina Monument Associ? ation. At NICKEUSON IIALL, TUfcSDAY EYENINQ, Novembor 5,1872. PROGRAMME?PAKT FIRST. 1. Ovorturo to William Toll. 2. Upon tho Meadfl.Gumbert 3. La Co Darem.Don Giovaui I 4. Variations for Yiolin.Do Beriot 5. M'Odi.Lucrczia Borgia G. Homo of My Heart.:.Lurlino 7- Trio.Attila) PART SECOND. 1. II Mariuaao../.Balfo 2. Dual Voco.\_Trovatore 3. Merco Dol Don.Vopros Siciliennes 4. La Vendetta.Lucrczia Borgia 5. Lo Traitrc..Vepres SieilienucB 0. II Raviso.Sonambula 7. Trio.Lucia di Lammcrtnoor Managern.?Gen. J. S. Prust?n, Gen. M. C. Butler, Col. William Wallaco, Col. McMaeter, Capt. Bacbmau, J. S. Bichardsou, Esq., B. L. Leaphart, Esq.. Dr. Gcorgo Howo, Jr., E. | Hope, Esq., It. Keonan, Esq , W. C. Swaffield, Esq., B.C. Shiver, Esq., Col. E. R. Dorsey, Col. S. B. Picktus. Charlca Wright, Esq. Admission $1. Doors opon at 7 P. M.; con cort to begin at 8 P. M._Nov 1 ATTRACTION FOIL TUB FAIR.i IRWIN'S HALL-TTwo Nights Only! November 4 und 3. JUST returned from Europo, ANDERSON, tho ILLUSIONIST, asaiated by LEONA and COLUMBIA ANDEUSON. Also, YOUNG AMEBICA. Prof. SUUBEBT, emiuent Pianist and Com? poser, of Nilsson Opera Troupe, baa heeu en? gaged for this occasion. Tho iERIAL SUSPENSION, by Lcona An? derson, which ha-i created so much seuaation throughout Europe and the Sandwich I ?lande, will be introduced in an entirely different manner from that ever witnessed on the American continent. i loo beautiful and costly proeenta will be distributed anioug tho audience at each per? formance. t(V Admission SI. Doors open at 7. Com? mence at 8. Reserved seats can bo had at tho Hall, on FRIDAY, Novembor 1, without extra charge. Bee small hills. Ac. Oct 23 N 1,2 3.5 THE handsomest novellicB in our lino in this citv. MEDALLION PARLOR SUITS, in Fnnch Cotelinc. also, French and American Walnut Chamber Suits, Dressing Cases. Bedstoids, Chairs, Ac. Funerals served in tho ;?eot stylo. The largest Furiiitnro Warehonse in the city, and Hie best stock. FAG AN P.HOS., Main street, Site of Januoy'a Hotel. Nov 2 lino Oysters, Fish and Game. MY RESTAURANT is opened for the season. A <_.^f^ call from my old pa- - v 'irons solicited. MEALS nerved in every stylo at all honrs. Families fur? nished will] Charleston and Norfolk OYS? TERS, as cheap as the cheapest. LUNCH every day f i om 11 A.M. to 1 P.M. North oast corner of Market. Nov 2 lnio_ 1). MoflUINNlH. Norfolk Oysters. . I AM now prepared to supply the -?bbst Norfolk OYSTERS coming to thii market, ill any quhlility, large or small, and doTj competition as to prices. I Oysters elelivered in miy part of tho city. Country orders solicited. J. D. BATEMAN, Agent, Nov 1 t?l Columbia lee tlon-o. O Y 8 T ERS f Stewed, Fried, and on trie Shell. HAYING made our arrangemcnta for tho Oyster season, wo are ]?ro parod to furnish our friends and patrons with OYSTERS, hi all styles. We nope that polite attention to onr friends may give satisfaction to all who may favor us with their patronage Wo shall endeavor to please (ho eye as well as taste, remembering that "cleanliness is a virtue." Nov l_lmo P. D. RON F.MAN. Oysters. f~\ MY OYSTER SALOON is open \\Mf for Hit season. My friends are in ilif vitotl to give mo a call. Ovstcra served in all styles. G. D1ERCKS. Oct 18 THE ORIGINAL HOWE SI WHO MCfllJil. fTUIE best now in use. Challenges the J_ world in perfection of work, strength and beauty of stitch, durability ol construction, ease of operation, and great range of work; makes tho sumo stitch on each side, and is as noiseless aa any other shuttle machine. It contains the material for its own repair. It has less wearing points than any other. It gives off thread in proportion to the thickness of fabric sewed, thereby avoiding slow motion over seams. The presset' foot is easily swung out of the way, making it convenient to set needles and adjust work. All those who have used the "IfOWE" will have no other. Give it a trial. Agouts wanted for every town; also, can? vassers for the cily. Apply to E. W. SOREVKN. Local Agent, three doors below Hoiuilall's Drug Store, Main street Oct 21 lino. Lawyers, Take Notice. 1MIV. second volume, new series, of RI? CHARDSON'S LAW REPORTS is now ready, and lor sale by B. L. RItYAN. Trucks and Wheelbarrows. JTORE TRUCKS, Canal and Garden Whee! arrows, just received and lor side liv Oct 27 JOHN At iN K\V A- SON. A Certain Ct io: fob Cim.i.s AxnFi.vr.u? First take (ho Blood and Liver 1 ills, to work Off the bi'f and purify Dm blood; three or four will bo snflicioi t. Then take a table spoonful ol HElNITSll'S CHILL CURE. H has bocn tried; wo know it. The Great Drag House. E. H. HEINITSH fTIAS the most complete stock of DRUGS, MEDICiNEM, PATENT MEDICINES, AND HEALTH-RESTOR1NG MEDI? CINE5!, ever imported into this market. At HEiNITsn'S you will find the largest varioty of Chemicals, new Pharmaceutical Preparations, now* Remedies for Men, Wonieu and Children. An defiant assortment of Toilet Soaps and Toilet Requisites, Perfumery, Novelties, Po? mades. Hair Preparations, Hair Dressers, and Hair Restorers and Boautiliers. Over 100 dif? ferent patterns Engli&h Hair Brushes. Every variety of English and French Tooth Brushes. New Medicinal Cont'eetious for Coughs, Throat and Lunge. The most important consideration in regard to this extensivo and tine supply of goods is that they arc so reasonable iu'price. Pur? chased at low prices, they will bo sold on the Bame terms. Prescriptions and Family Medicinoa sup? plied with host medicines, at reduced nrices, at E. H. HEINITSH'S Get 30 t_Drug and Chemical Store. MILLINERY. To the Ladies?Great Attractions. MRS. C. E. REED baa just eo-i lected in New York anu other citieB a superior Btock of MIL? LINERY aud other gooda, con siatingof olegantBONNETSand I HATS, in Velvet, Silk, Crapo and Straw. Also,Infauts'Caps, Hats and Cloaks, Ladies' and Chil? dren's Dresses, Fure, Ac; Orna namcnlal Hair in every Btylo and variety;] Ooracts, Ladies1 ?nderware, and many other | articles too numerous to mention. Thankful for past favoi o, si e hope* lor a continuanco from tho Ladies of Columbia aud elsewhere, I who will pleaso call and see lor themselves | that all of tho above will bo sold very low. Oct 27_lmo Replete. WE do not wish to bo "frantic" in our style of advertising, but we do beg a discriminating public to peruse tho few fol? lowing items betoro eating or drinking any? thing "purchased elsewhere:" Yes, madam, (wo are talking to tho ladies now,) our stock is replete with everything ne? cessary to supply the modest larder, or tickle the appetite of the fastidious epicure; in fact, anything from BUTTER to BROMA, MACK EllELto MUSHROOMS. ALSO, Cheddar Cheeeo aud the eurowry Limberg er, with the finest assortment of EDglish and American CRACKERS, PICKLES, SAUCES, POTTED MEATS, Cairs Foot and othor JEL LIES and PRESERVES, ever offered iu Co lumbia. And, Mr. Mann, (we have talked to yon be fore,) and you kuow pretty well bow it is your? self. You have shown it in your actions, and wo tliank you sincerely; w.i only promiso to do as we have been doing. When madam ban attended to the gastronomicll arrangement and tho cloth has been taken from the table the proper ingredients may be bad, as usual to aid digestion, and create that "Teas reason and the lbtw of soul" which Moot .V. i Cliaudnu, Latour Blanche or Chateau Yquoui alone can create in generous souls. "Jen so." Our clock of fine imported SHERRIES, PORTS. CLARETS, HOCKS, and other WINES, always in full supply. Our Braudics are. unapproachable, and thi standar l shall be maintained. Oct 23 PEG. SYMMERS. Carriage Materials. BUGGY WHEELS, Springs aud Axles, Buggy Suats, Spokca and F^lloou, Shafts ami Polos, Enameled Leather end Clotli, Also, Da.'h Leather, Bolts, Hub*. Malonble Casting*, Paints, Varnishes, Ac, Ac, ou baud aud for sale low by Oct 2'J JOHN AG NEW A. SON. D Every "Man Should EAL with the merchant who makes specialty of his bufeiness, and by this means Refuse to Pay Extravagant pi ices, which, like Exorbitant Taxes, Fall heaviest on the man who works iho hardest. Tho "Indian Girl" having made a specialty of domestic Cigars, has proven to all who have called on her, that in this lino I who nfieia inducements that places her far) ahead nf competition in prices, and is now determined to run ahead in Havana Cigars, having recently received the largest assort-1 ment in I bo city. Parti* swishing to purchase | by the box will please bend for priou list. Michigan Fine Cut in bulk, Iu?Jtreceived. .-v .1. PERRY, Oct 25 "Indian Oirl" Cigar Storo. PATRILNIZE HUME ENTERPRISE! O'AUItlAUKS AM) UUGGIKS! ALARGE stock or CARRIAGES and BUGGIES, of our own manufacture, war? ranted to ho suiierior stock and workman? ship, now in the Repository. Also, a number of good Northern-made Vehicles, which are offered for sale at reasonable prices. Carnage and Wagen Manufactory. Having added a number of skilled workmen to the former force, wt? are prepared, with the best selected materials, to execute orders for CARRIAGES, BUGGIKH and WAGONS, of any stylo. Also, REPAIRING and PAINT? ING,which wo warrant to give satisfaction. JOHN AG NEW, Proprietor. M. J. CALNAN, Agent. Ocl 10 _ 3mn For Sale, APLAN I'ATION in Sumter County, known as the Bradford Spring- Place. It eon-I tains ~~>;\ acren of hind, fifteen miles from 1 Sumter C. H. and about tho suinc diatniico from Caniden. For particulars and lerins, apply,toMessra BLANDING.v B1CHABDSON,! Attorneys at Law, Sumter 0. II. Sept 1 A Valuable Tract of Land For Sale, i fllHE snbscrib( r offer* for sale his PLANTA | .1 TION, near Abbeville Court House, pari : of it wit Inn I he corporate limits ol the town, i It contains iir-O aeiea ?I laud, ?evenly.llve ol 1 which is good creek bottom. <>n it ii a coui | foriable 1>?< Hing llouso, <;io J'oit-e, und ail i necessary out-buildings; also, a Vineyard ol Scuppei'iidug Ornpea of seven arris, in full bearing, with a St one ilnuso, Cellur, and nil ' appliances for making\ and a line colle'c I tion of Fruit 1 reea. It. h. IIOV. IE. J sent I Abbi viHe t: II . S. C Seed Wheat. ! *?t-\ BUSHELS 11 ilSpring?EP.P WHEAT, i i)\ J : r i ale by HOPE GYLES. LOOK AT THIS. Ladio.V beautiful SILK TIES, SCARFS & IM'DK'FS. Value 75 conta for 30 ceute. 1.00 for 75 conta. 1.50 for 1.00. C. F. JACKSON. _Oct 20_ N. N. N. A NEW MOVE. NEW GOODS and NEW STORE WE bavo moved into onr NEW STORE (adjoining Messrs. Hoyison A Sutpbou) with an entirely NEW AND FRESH STOCK of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, To which we invito the attontion of bnycre, both city and country, feeling assured that wo can supply their several wants in tho Dry Goods line to their entiro satisfaction. A call and examination ia earnestly solicited from all. Alao, ploaso remember our terms aro STRICTLY CASH. PORTER & STEELE. Oct 0_ J. H. KIN ARD. ???? IHAVE recently returned from tho North, and am prepared to exhibit tho moat com pleto and elegant atock of DRY GOODS Ever brought to thia market, consisting of tho latest and most popular styles in DRESS GOODS, CABSIMERES, Ac, with a full line of HOSIERY AND GLOVES! And select aaBortmenta of Carpetinga, Win? dow Shades and Curtains, Rugs, Mattings, and all other articles usually found in a FIRST CLASS DRY GOODS ESTABLISHMENT. Tho grand oponiug of tho nrni ULI A On THURSDAY, October 10, under the di? rection aud eupcrvieion of MRS. A. McCORMICK, So generally known throughout tho State for her skill and taste, offcra unusual attractions, the stock having been carefully selected by herself, and placed at figures to meet all wants. Tho eclebratod HOWE SEWING MACHINE And AMERICAN BUTTON-HOLE AND OVER-SEWING MACHINE constitute a pro? minent feature in the lino of my bnsincse, being justly considered tho moat eflicient and satisfactory now in use. Tho public generally aro invited to give me a call. J. H. KINARD, Oh Main Street, Oct 1 Oue door South of Colombia Hotel. BAXTER & SEIBELS. A T T () IUI E Y 8 A 'a LAW, COLUMBIANS. O. &S~ Office Main street, nearly opposito Co? lumbia Hotel. JAMBS M. BAXTER. J. T. SEIBELS. Oct 24_ LeRoy F. Youmans, Attorney at Law, COLUMBIA, S. U. /"VFFICE Law Range, Bauskett's building, \_/ up stairs. Youmans &Sheppard. Attorneys at Lain, Edycfivla, S. C. LkR. F. YOUMANS. JNO C. SUEFPARD. _Aug 27_ _Cruo For Sale. MA handsome and oomraodious RESI? DENCE, well located, on a large lot. Apply to v>ct 20 f. WALTER S. MOSTEITH._ To Rent, ...^ A DWELLING HOUSE, containing f?jtj eight room*, Situated on Laurel atreet, ??^butween bull and Marion. All necessary out-buildings on the premises. Possession given on tho first of November. Apply at uftico of POPE & HASKELL. Oel I5__ For Rent, I ^ THAT LARGE STORE, in tho Co Sh? Iwmbia Hotel Block, recently occupied "'by Messrs. Lovo St McCrcerv. Apj>lr to \ Oct 1 C. O. MARSHALL. Desirable Residence for Sale. . .. THE desirable one and a half story f?;;wDWELLING, located on tho South-weM corner of Lady Htid Marion Streets, is oflcrod for sale. The houso has all the mo? dem improvements, with a Mansard roof. Tho lot contains half an aero. For terms, apply to T. M. POLLOCK. To Reut. TO an approved tenant, I will rent the . ."ir "Walker," situated on Upper ?ufXboundary street. Apnlv to S< j?l 20 !'.. (PNF.ALE. ,Tn. For Rent. j+z^ Til NT liirge and commodious STORE ;.,:;; now occtiph d hj Messrs. Porter?' Steele. KSJlliPoMHesnitui given ||ic Ii I of October. For b i nts, inquire of G. DIEJtCKS. Aug 21 V Now Hulled Iluckwheat. > BARRELS?flrst of tho season. For /' mlo bv Oi.o. SYMMERS. WM. GLAZE, COLUMBIA, 8. C, WOULD invite atten? tion to hie stock of ? Watches and Chains, In groat variety, for ladies' and gents' wear. Jewelry, in Diamond, Pearl, Coral, And other styles, new and beautiful. ? Biiv. r and Platcrt Wares, In great variety, plain and fancy, of rarest patterns. Table Cutlery, Communion Sets, Music Boxes, from $50 Up, Masonic Jewels, etc. Special attention given to ordors, sent 0.0. D., with privilogo to return, or exchange, if not approved on Bight._Oct 22 2mo SULZB AO HEB'S NEW OPENING! THE MOST MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF JEWELRY SOUTH OF THE POTOMAC. HAYING mrved from myoid j MUNDS, Solid ami Plated Y>*u.?e, Cuiiery, and I fancv articlo-j generally, ever displayed in 'this* city, I ask my many customers and I friends and tho public to call and examine for I themselves. i I liavo the latest fashions in JEWELRY and I l'LATED WARE, of the most artistic and ! boautiful styles. All my goods are from first class manufacturers only. Terms, not ca?h. I Repairing and Engraving a specialty. All work guaranteed. _ Qot 11_I3AAC BULZRACHER. I FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING HATS, OAFS USD II L LI 10 I'LILUOHKIU OUUUiS i i i E aro receiving and will continue to re coivo through tho season tho best w Ready-made Clothing That cannot bo surpassed, if equaled, by any Custom-made. Wo have the very latest fashions in Moltoua, Diagonals, Cheviot Beavers, Tricots, Black DresB Frock, Black Doe Pants, French and American Dress Vests, Cloth, bilk and Silk Velvet. A spendid lino of Men's, Youths' and Boys' UNDER-CLOTBlNG.Whito and Fancy Shirts, Cboviot and Negligee Half Hose, Under-wear, Cardigan Jackets, Neck Wear, Suspenders, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, .Shawls, Car? pets and Traveling Bags. SILK HATS?FALL STYLE. *S*Wo have marked our Qoods for not cash. SIN ARB Sc WILEY. Octl FALL OPENING AT LtLisMMnn rjpBE largest stock of READY-MvDE CLOTHING at retail in the State. 1 Everything in tho way of HATS, Some our own styles. A new feature ib tho Daguerrean Gallery formerly occupied by Meaera. Wearn & Hix, fitted up for our Custom Trade, and filled with tho choicest FRENCH AND ENGLISH CASSIMERES AND VESTIXGS, Which wo aro making to order, under a gua? rantee to please. a K. & W. C. SWAFFIELD. Sept If) JoJST RECEIVED. ztOO cases canned goods, rxxryj 100 boxes CANDY, 50 boxes SOAP, 200 barrels FLOUR, 100 barrels Whiskey, 100 dozen Axes, 200 dozen Pockot-Knives, 100 tfoxen pairs Traco Chains, 100 dozen Boor and Pad-Locks,. 100 bundles Ties, J 100 bales Magging. I Fur sale to-day, at New York pricoa an I car? riage, having been purchased mainly before tho laic inflated prices. L?RICK & LOWRANCE. AngjjO_ New Books. nPlHE SPEAKER'S COMMENTARY, by Risk X ops nod other Clergy of tho Ariglioan Church. Vol.1. $u. Aunt Jane's'Hero, by Author of Stepping Heavenwards. 11,50. Hannah, a new Novel, bv Mies Mnloch. .10c, Jan 11 DUFFIE & CHAPMAN.