Tg* ^TRTlifSL.'gg. jflk.."l^lHL*r4r!3 L?iroox, Jan? ?9.^?he Le*d*y-ek 8' o5olook this morning, passed the dis-ee fabUsttment bill to a sec?nd reading. In tbe Gammons, a motion waa mado to go into, committee on the new Opera? tivo commercial treaty tvith France, tbe present treaty expiring, before the next session. Bright opposed the proposition in a strong speech. Tho Hons? decided the matter by a vote of 101 against and 156 in favor. The Prince of Wales and Dake of of Cambridge were present during'-the entire proceedings last night in the Lords. i Lassa?, the Spanish envoy to Eng? land, has resigned. PARIS, ?Tune 19.-A crowd of people followed the fanerai of the rioters killed at the recent tumultuous demonstration. There was no disorder. Eight hnndivd of the rioters recently arrested were discharged and two hun? dred held. MADIUD, June 19.-Serrano took the regency oath, load vivas following. The Cabinet is as follows : Prim, War and President; Solvela, State; Herrera Grace and Justice. V/AsMuiIton New?. "WASHINGTON, June 19.-The Brick? layers Association have expelled six mem? bers, ior working with colored brick? layers at the Navy Yard. Internal retenue receipts to-day, nearly a million dollars. Treasury messengers, heretofore digni? fied personages, hereafter are to scrub and sweep. The revenue officials report the sei? zure .of stxty illicit stills in the mountains of Virginia, Tennessee and North Caro ? lina. . - It is stated that ou Grant's return, thc Cabinet will consider and adopt a posi? tive poUcy regarding Cuba. Secretary Fish disavows any agoncy, direct or indi rect, in the recent proceedings agaiusl the O?ban. The Herald says the President, it ii understood, favors granting belligerent rights to the Cubans, but the Cabinet is against him. Secretary Fish strong!} evmpathizes with the Cubans, as does nlsa Secretary Borie; but Attorney-Gene ral Hoar and Secretary Boutwell art pronounced against them. Ulm?n's distillery, in Baltimore, wai seized to-day. The parti zan s of Delano demand th? assistance of the marines, to Buppres illicit distillation in the suburbs of Phila delphia. The people drive oil the reve .. fine officers with stones. The steamer Crioket, plying betweei Key West and Havana, was wrecked to day. Domestic New?. CHARLESTON*, Juue 19.-Sailed steamship Jas. Adger, New York; sch] B. N. Hawkins, Providence, B. I. "WILMINGTON, N. C., Juno 19.-Th steamship Mary Sandford is shore a the mouth of the Cape Fear ..iver, in ' leaking condition. A tug has gone t her assistance, with steam pumps. MONTGOMERY, ALA., June 19.-Th D?mocratie Convention at DadesvilU . for the Third District, nominated J. C Parkinson for Congress. He is a North em man by birth, who settled in Aikei ip 1865, and has invested largely in th State. The nomination was quite nue* pee ted to him, as he has devoted his tin: to manufacturing and farming, and wa notknownnsapoliLicir.n. BOSTON, June 19.-The Custom Hous authorities say the clenrauce of tb steamer Delphine, on Thursday nigh1 was in strict conformity with law. Ht warlike oharaoter is unquestioned, bi her destination is known ouly to partit who control her. SAN FRANCISCO, June 1' -The Col redo for Panama, took S75,OU0. 1,2( Chinese arrived yesterday, by eailir vessels. The mst has appeared in who and barley. Affairs lu Virginia.. RICHMOND, June 19.-The Conventn atStauntou adjourned sine die, last nigl after a resolution of thanks to the ci zens, beads of publio institutions ai railroads, for courtesies. The Chesapea and Ohio Railroad will be completed Greeubrier White Sulphur Spring next Wednesday. The valley of Virginia will yield ? millions bushels of wheat this season. The alleged Cuban recruiting o rik was released to-day, by the United 8tal Commissioner-no evidence against hi No change will be made in the Cc servative Legislative tickets, on accou of Gen. Cunby's opinion that the ti oath must be taken by members of tl Legislature. Notice. MAYOR'S OFFICE, COLUMBIA, Juno 17, lfcGS THE following regulations, aB sanitary IU sures during tho summor mouthe, will observed by citizens interested, to wit: That lime, or some other disinfecting ag? be used at least once a week in all privies i cesspools within the limits of tho corpurat until tho 1st of November next. That tho owners or occupants of all lots t are overgrown with weods or rank vegetal shaR cause the same to bc cut down and stroyod. Dy order of tho Mayor. > Jnne 18 G J. 8. McMAH?N. City Clor] _ Flour Barrels. 300 FLOUR BARRELS for sale HH??dby E. & <;. D. non - May 20 ul 10c*. better on shipping grades, with less doing-su? perfine 4.. 90(00.?5.1 ' Wheat closed a shade easier. Coru irregular, closing; ajeadior. Whiskey closed dull, at 1.03(^1.Oi. Pork dull, nt 32.S7. Lard-kettle 20@2OV; Gold steady, at 36f-8. Money easW. Bank statement favorable. Freights firmer. BALTIMORE, June 19.-Cotton less firm, at 33. Flour active, at previous rates. Whent a shade firmer-prime red 1.60@1.65. Corn dull. Wheat yellow 86?; clear sides 18*?. Lard 19,4?. I CHARLESTON, June 19.-Cotton qniet; sales 70 bules-middliuga 31; receiiHo 853. AUGUSTA, June 19.-Cotton market dull and drooping; sales 90 balen; receipts 26-middlings 31. SAVANNAH, June 19.-Cottou market dull-middling 30^ ; sales nominal. MOBILE, June 19*.-Cotton market ir? regular and closed dull; sules 100 bales low middling 30; receipts 176. NEW ORLEANS, June 19.-Colton dull and nominal-middlings 31':.'@32; sales 90 bales; receipts 37. Gold 36k. Flour -superfine 5.90(g}6.00; double 6.25; j treble 6.50. Corn-white l(?V2o better. | Mess pork 34.75. Bacon qiiiet-shoal- j ders 15; clear rib 18lc; clear 19. Sugar ' firmer-prime l3(a)13V?; common 10(0) j ll. Molasses iuac'ive and nominal, ? Whiskey quiet-Western rectified held ; at 9?f7i97j:{. LONDON, June 19-3 P. M.-Consols 1 92?.i'. Bonds 80'4. ; LIVERPOOL, June 19-3 P. M.- Cotton ? quiet, dull and unchanged. HAVRE, June 19.-Cotton on snot 14?; ; afloat 142 }?. J3E3 T 1ST -A. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, | Hartford, Conn. Geo. Huggins, Agent. Golumbia, S. C. ACCOltDING to the report of th?.- New York j Superintendent of Iusuruioe Companies for the fiscal year, thc actual available Cash Asmete of the Alena amount to ?5,15:j..">92. Un tho 5th of Jure instant, this Compmy completed the fiftieth year of Its exiet-^iee- a venerable age. Thc- -Et ja, besidce being fu?i o? years, if ful! of honors. It has long enjoyed thu reputation of being the leading Fire Insurance Company in America. Since its organization, it has paid losses 1 amouutiug to o\-er $'23,000,000. Over 5b)0,Oo0 ? have been paid in Columbia. One of the principal causes of the Kreat euc- ' cess of the JEtna ii the careful ".lar.aer in i which it? riHke are distributed; so that when a I great calamity comes, ibo weight n.ll- comps- I ratively light, and without impairing its capi- . tal. Another cause of its great success i-> the honorable and prompt manner in which it hut | always paid claims. Tho Atna has been represented in Columbia ; by the undersigned for twenty- ygars. Risks taken on Buildings, Dwoiliugs, Mer- | chaudiso, Cotton and Furniture in Columbia ! and adjoining Counties. All claims fur looses , adjusted aud paid at this Agency. GEORGE HUGGINS, Agent, Office No. S Columbia Hotel Building, Juhe lg 2_ Columbia, S. C._! Great Bargains , TO EE'RAO AT. TUE ' SIGN OF THE BIGvBOOT AND HAT. j HM^NJ?I I AS? RECEIVING ?tty? ^?BasfiS^. weekly supplies di- tWlm ' KT^?1L'OFC trom Hiebest fmnj ^g^HpMc*sZ35oii\.r.ufaciuier* in Philadelphia, Halt;.nore and North Caroliua, and have made such arrangement* with them as will enable me to offer rare inducements to purchasers. Persons wishing to buy BOOTS, SHOES and HATS, will save money by giving me a call, aa "quicit sales and short profits" is my motto. A. SMYTHE. June 1 Oppooite Columbia Hotel. Something Extra Fine! ^ ifcjJ THE Triumph .Soda Water Ap ^a^Jfcg&K paratuo is in full operation for the jWfejWK tftaaon. with choice Syrups lu ado jB^SBSpL '' pure j nice of fruit, nt Confectionery and Bazaar and Ice Cream Sa loon._May 30 Velocipede Rink. JANNEYSJIALL. THIS HALE ia now open to tho public as a Velocipede Rink. Persons desiring to Joaru the use oi the Ve? locipede ; which is considered a very healthy exorcise) will find a variety of Machines, suited to ?,11 tastes. No charge for instructions. May 28 Imo? DENTISTRY DR. D. L. BOOZER, grateful for thc 'liberal patronago ho has received from tho citizens of this city and tho surrounding District, during the past year, respectfully an? nounces that ho now permaneptly establishes himself in Columbia. All operations on the natural Teeth faithfully performed. ARTI? FICIAL CANES, in every approvod method, carefully and satisfactorily executed- among which he would Call special attention to that known as Reynold*' Patent; and of his suc? cess in constructing Artificial Cases by thia beautiful and durable process, he ia enahb d, with confidence, to refer to hi* patients ami to tho patentee. Office on Main itrcK-t, over First National Bank. Jan 8 Jos. DANIEL POPE. A. C. HASKELL. POPE & HASKELL, A TTO li .V S Y S A T L A W AND SOLICITORS I\ KQl ITV, Omeo-Law Rango, Columbia, S 0 May 5 C City Taxes. ITY COUPONS, receivable for Oily Taxes, for salo by GREGG, PALMER A CO. oRGASBiBm- Pora tABSB snows nt ONE. :(@a??mnnsnrf y ? ,?> J " ' ' .' .-' ;>..., ^ -. ----; "I^S^X^-^- COLOSSAL AGGREGATION OLYMPIAN SPORTS NATURE'S WONDERS. ivtjv Jt?? Oolt O. -??- Ames' wV\w ^ ^ew Orleans Circus & Menagerie vV^vkdwW^1^ r"'? organization ?f Oie kind estant, projected and equipped V,y rj^^rs ' with Southern capital,managed and directed by Southern men, and y^r^ j The mest fascinating, accomplished and elegant iu the Arcuic Pro? fil TV j A LECION OF iMALB ARTISTS. \Sfi3fL&& \ They havo frw ?qu?le and no superiors in phase? of daring ar.d agility. ?av'TV 1 A Dl? OF LIO-v TAMERS. HIV? 14?. t ? ^lu^? aa;' female, the personification of miraculous and iucoreprehen S\\^sm VT ' sible courage and fortitude. '1J^^ A M0ST EXTENSIVE MENAGERIE. t^ilrvv^J^ Of Wild Bea?ts of nearly everv known species, and of every 300 y jjj ' " graphical range fr m tho Frigid to the Torrid Zones. IvaLv3^^ i A HERD OP TRAINED HORSES. ^ I Schooled almost to tho point of rationality. Miracle? of equine ac ? iraf ? complishmenta. 'vixc^t^' Clowns, Musicians and Comedians, XVI X JFL TT G- Gr X S T & , OFFER FOR SALE a LARGE STOCK of choico Druge, Chemicals and Sundries, at Low Prices, at Wholesale and Retail, CALOMEL, MORPHIA, CASTOR OIL. QUININE, OPIUM, EPSOM SALTS. SUP. GARB. SODA, BLUE STONE. TURPENTINE. KEROSENE OIL. PATENT MEDICINES, ALCOHOL. PROPRIETARY ARTICLES, nnd ? wholesale agents for HEINITSH'S QUEEN*8 DELIGHT._ DR. T. T MOORE, Dental Surgeon, IS now prepared to execute in the mos scien? tific manner all branches of hie profession. Teeth extracted without pain bv use of NI? TROUS OXIDE GAS. Persons desiring bia service would do well to engage au hour. Office over Messrs. Bryan & McCartcr'a Bookstore, Maiu streot, Columbia. S. C. April ll 3mo Arrivals. PURE CIDEi? VINEGAR, for tablo and pickling purposes, the same quality which my customers have heretofore pronounced "ihe boat we have over used." White Wino Vinegar-warranted. Orango Braun H AMS-above commendation. Bologna Sausages, Dessicated Codfish. For sale by GEO. SYMMERS. June 1_ Desirable Residence for Sale. A Lot, containing one-third of au acre, with a noat commodious DWELLING HOUSE, having an up-stairs of five ROOIUH. a Basement of fire Kooma, Bathing room with shower bath, all necessary out? buildings nnd in good repairs. Inquire atthit* ogee._j_March 28 Fire and Lite Insurance. II. K. NICHOLS ?fc CO., AOENTS, COLUMBIA, H. C., REPRESENT OLD COMPANIES, with ag? gregate accumulated Capitale, January 1, I860, of $23,879,174 00. April 30 RE INS UR BP._3m o General Commission Business. CONSIGNMENTS OE PRODUCE, ' Orders for purchase of Merchandize, ??liiprnonta of Colton, and GENERAL COM? MISSION BUSINESS, solicited bv MARK E. COOPER, Main street. Best references given. March *?1 3mo Fm&ffl&^ WiueSv '?i??iSk??rs, 2bbacc