The daily phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, June 18, 1869, Image 1

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THE PHOENIX. ?OBLtflHII) DAII/ff AMD TU'TMILT. TH? GLEANER, EVERT WEDNE8DAT MOBNIMO. BY JULIAN A. SELBY, EDITOR AMD rnoPRiKTon. Office on Main Street, above Taylor. -o A ?xv nt? for Phoenix ?nd Glean*?. H tau* MITCHELL.Spartaoburg 8. I'. KIVABD.Newberry O. H Jtnfos POPPE..?jtdoreon O. H JAMES GRANT .Union J. R. AXJ.SK..Chester THE DAILY 'Let onr Jnst Censure PHONIX Attend the Trne Event.' BY J. A. SELBY COLUMBIA. S. C.. FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 18, 1869 VOL. V-NO. 77 TERMS-IK ADVANCE. s H in io?. Daily, Six Months :.14 00 Tri-Weokly, Six Mouthe. 2 50 Weekly. Six Months. 1 50 ADVERTISEMENTS. Per Square, (l? linos.) first Insertion.SO 75 Each subsequent insertion. 50 Weekly, oach insertion. 75 mw A liberal discount made on the abov* ates when adver Useme td? are Inserted by ihe month. ??-Hook amt Job Printing of all kinds nrnmntlv .n,l f-Ul.#..ll- . Tile Boston Pernee Festival. F. Emeral, the New York correspond? ent of tho Mobile Register, writing under date of -June 8, says: Every one is talking of the Boston Penco Festival. Of course you have long ago beard all about this peculiar Yankoe idea of celebrating tho tia von tot peace by tho biggest kind of uproar. The Bostonians intend to prove to tho world tb at they cnn make moro noise in a given timo than any other people. They have already the biggest org.tu iu the country, aud tho only Buller in the civilized world. Auy ronsonublo mun would Ruppose that these two things could make noise enough to satisfy the most insatiate Yankee, but it seems that they want still moro din and discord. Consequently, the thunderous uproar of tho Peace Festival has been imagined. Everything counccted with this festi? val is to be conducted on a scale of tho utmost immensity. First, there is to be the opening prayer by tho Rov. E. E. Hale, accompanied by the orchestra of 1,000 performers, all the bells in the city and a battery of 100 fifteen-inch cannon. This will unquestionably be tho most im? pressive prayer ever addressed to an American audience. Then the national parody on tho British nation's anthem will be sung. This parody, entitled "America," is a great favorite with the New Eogland Yankees, who firmly believe that thc English stole the tune from them, and called it "God save the Queen." The Bostonians have added a new verse to it, for this particular occasion, which ad? mirably expresses the patriotic senti? ments of the 8,000 New Englanders, whe applied to Qcn. Grant to bo appointed to consulates in those favored regions ol Europe, whero Democracy is a pleasant theory, and not, as in Boston and New York, a particularly dirty reality. Hen is the verse: "My couutry, 'tis of theo, Sweet land of the Palidee And whiskey rings Land whore our fathers 'fit,' Land where their children spit, Land whence I long to 'git,' Of thee I sing." After tho national anthem, there wil be a grand terpsichorean interlude-a the minstrels say-consisting of a war dance by Messrs. Chandler and Sumnor the former of whom has kindly consente! to keep sober for this occasion only and the latter of whom has been polite!; loaned by the Peace Society, of which h bas long been a prominent member. Th rumor that Mr. Sumner was the origina projector and mauagor of the Peace FCE tival, is, I kuow to a certainty, totally in correct. He has never had any coonee tion with this enterprise, or indeed wit any else of a festive nature, and his sei vices UH dancer were only secured a da or two since, Next ther? is to be a comic song b Mr. Greeley, setting forth the Beauties c Protection and the Enormities of Fre . Trade. If this song should provo to h half as comic as his articles on tho sum subject, now in course of publicatiou i the Tribune, it can hardly fail to bo tremendous? success. Minister Daniel E. Sickles will thc recite an original odo in praise of peat and forgiveness accompanied hy th whole musical strength of the orchestr with tho exception of tho canuou, tl sound of which makes the General rath nervous, owing to tho shock received I him on the field of Gettysburg, whereb tho cruel inhumanity of tho Fedei commander, he was exposed to the ii of the enemy. Tho ode has been Bet music in a Key particularly pleasing Sickles, and ono with which he has nun happy associations. In this ode ho w exhort his hearers to shoot their mast lino enemies, and to forgive the wum who havo wronged them, providing th will maleo a confession in writing. T moral effect of this ode will, it is thong! be exceedingly beneficial to tho au euee. A splendid symphony, entitled "T Murder of the Innocents," composed a Boston physician of rare musical ab tics, and dedicated to Hie women of Al Boob usc tts, will next bo performed by I orchestra, and oven if ir shuni 1 provo be tho wura! musical nbnrlinnof the n, will beyond que.iliou, bo ?anded lo I skies by the follow !owosiu<?iiof Ibo cc poser. After tho symphony; Madame Par? Rosa will Hing tho ballad, "My Loi Uko tho U-2d, Ked Boso." She will dressed as it dower girl, and will her husband, Oar! Ll*?a?, in a little lu basket by Uer side. Tho original j grain m ii incl nd nd a dance by Mada llosa, bat it was afterward? found t no architect would undertake to e struct a stage strong enough to end the airain to which such a porforma would subject it. Timo would fail mo wero I to attoi to tell ol all tho varied delights in wi tho Bostonians will indulge at this ft ral. Therefore, I will not mention temperance address which is to bo va by Gen. Hooker, nor the oomio song titled "Only Sixty Days," to bo sung Mr. Seward, ov thu beautiful SUD School anthem, sung by 5,000 i.: Bostonians, 1'ioilrst Hues of which ;i "I wnui bi he a ?tale man, And with ibo e uki . ; ii iad; A cn rp.*-', -b , he.>?do mo, Aud gr?e..!; rc'-tl iu my h.lid." kv The wliolo performance will conclude with a prayer on the flying trapeze by Henry Ward Beecher, accompanied by a fusil hui o from 10,000 Sharpe's rifles. There will also bo a grand banquet in tho oveuing, at which 20,000 people will partake of hasty pudding and pumpkin pie-the spoons for the occasion having been generously loaned by Gen. Buller. I won't oven so much as allude to tho little side shows which will be in pro? gress on tho Boston Common during tho festival. These will offer such iuiuor at? tractions as n Champion Eating Mal oh, by Reverdy Johnson and a distinguished Connecticut amateur; a grand historical pain ling, showing tho British Ministers in tho uct of launching tho Alabama, which is intended to arouse tho hatred of all honest mon against thnt peiiidious violation of neutrality; uud another pic turo showing tho Arago steaming down Now York harbor, bound for Cuba, with arms aud a regiment of iillibusters to help tho Cuban rebels, which is calcu? lated to awaken tho sympathies of every? body with a gallant people, who, though not recognized as belligerents, aro waging war against the chicken-coops of their Spanish oppressors. Also, there will bc a panorama of Sherman's March to the Sea, with real houses burning with red fire, and reul bummers robbing real women; and a theatrical representation of Mrs. Surratt undergoing a trial before a military com? mission for tho crimo of having buen a mother; a crime which the truo Massachusetts woraau regards as the height of folly and wickedness. Madame Bestell will, of course, be present, aud expects to coutribute great? ly to the attructious of tho, festival. There will bo a tremendous diu inside the Boston Coliseum for a week, and a still more tremendous dinner at all tho hotols everyday during tho same period. All tho newspaper men in this city ex? pect to be present at tho festival, and I know of a dozou reporters, each ono of whom is now engaged in negotiations to secure tho wasbmg of his other shirt in time for the opeuing of the Coliseum. Tho "GOO distinguished living American statesmen" (? kuow there is at least that number, for a photographer in this city offers precisely that number of photo? graphs in precisely the language I have quoted,) will bo there, and I <>m by no menus without hopes thut some jf them may hear noiso enough to induce thom to bo silent for the rest of their unna? tural lives. Consoled by this hope, I remain your veracious chronicler, P. EMERAL. SALE OP THOROUGHBREDS.-Valley Brook farm, on tho Passaic, Now Jersey, the properly of Mr. James S. Watson, was, on Wednesday, tho scone of con? siderable activity, in cons?quence of the proprietor offering at public sale a num? ber of thoroughbred horses, mares and colts. Among the prominent gentlemen present were Governor Bowie and F. Hall, Esq., of Maryland; Thomas Dos well, of Virginia, and several from Ken? tucky and Alabama. Thomas Puryear, Esq., of Mobile, purchased Canonicus, a two-year old chestnut colt, by Prophet, ont of Jessio Dixon, at $2,800. The same gentleman purchased a chestnut colt, by Censor, out of Julia, by Glen? coe, grand dam Sallie Ward, by John R. Grimes, at 81,500, who also bought a brown colt, by Censor, out of The Gloamin, by Glencoe, grand dam Bluo Bonnet, for $2,250. Mr. Thomas Dos well, of Virginia, purchased a bay colt, by Jerome Edgar, out of Clingtian, (sis? ter to Climax,) by Balrownie, for $1,200, and a bay lilly, by Jerome Edgar, ont of the imported maro L'Anglaise, by Hob bio Nebine, for $850. THE Firm CAW.-\ good story is told of two farmers who lived a few miles apart. Ono day one called on the other, happening around at dinner time. Thc person called upon, by the way. was a rather penurious old fellow. Ho was sealed at the (able enjoying his dinner. The visitor drew up to tho stove, looked very wishfully towards tho table, expect? ing the old bumer io invite him to dino. Tue old farmer kept on eatiug. .'What's the news np your way, neigh? bor?" still eating, ".No news, eh?" "No, i beliero not." V ??ontly a thought .1 ruck tho visitor. "Well, jes, friend, 1 did hear of ono item of news Mint's worth mentioning." " I ! \ what is that?' "Neighbor John had a cow that has iivo calvi a." ' ?-. Um! ;:.,? Good gracious! What] in the thunder does the fifth call do whoo Um others aro suckiug?" "Why, lie : lands and looks ou just OS I do, like a dumb fool." "Mary, put oil another plato." PURITAN PRAYING.-Choptanka had his wife arrested for assaulting him with a fire-shovel while at Iiis d?vorions. It was un aggravated But Mrs. Choptanks asked lo bo hoard, aud sho said thal little Choppy "didn't tiaro give her uny sara in his .u;k; but ho abused her iu his players, aud on ilii? occasion ho wei ou his 1? lei s, with a crowd about ;::o doo-, gathered Lhere by his 'hol? li vin' d allin i * i m 'J -ord Lo forgive this iihsav?ed ^ >-,u iu; make her tell i ?in Liu . . O, :.. d' ho hollered, 'and :.. i 1 I?? r ; ^..i Uli ." about ?nd lyiii' lo .im : i'm ..??%,' v -.i I couldn't Kta:i.I it, u.-.d ju.ii ! > ': Lim .?-. o.i willi Mm flat o' ? I) ?liovel, uttd . do jt again." THK NIQQEH IN WASHINGTON.-In Washington they bavo passed au ordi? nance compelling the keepers of theatres to admit colored peoplo to any part of tho house. Porhnps there aro not enough of these in Washington who can pay for I good places to qnito crowd all the white j people out; bnt if there should he a jain at auy lime, the darkies must, apparent? ly, hnvo tho preference, us wo supposo there,is no Rtntulc directly compelling tho admission of white men. All tho le? gislation in favor of tho negro in Wash? ington is likely to make that au oxcep tionahly agreeable city for gentlemen und Indies of color. Wo should not bel astonished if this finally led to tho settle? ment thero of all tho wealthy darkies in tho country, and of such an influx of others ns to crowd ont white shop-keep? ers, restaurateurs, tailors, servants aud laborers. Iudeed, there is no need for anybody thero hut darkies, legislators and reporters; aud if these had tba place to themselves, it might bo better for tho country.-IWexo York Herald. FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS AT ONE PuUi.- Tho steamer Java, of tho Cunard line, was boarded on her arrival by Deputy Surveyor Kirk, with Deputy Burton as a right bower. Among the passengers wero two persons suspected of having false bottoms to their trunks, and tho officers "went for them." Ex? amination proved their suspicions to bo well grouuded, and 810,000 worth of rings, watches and diamonds changed hands iu a twinkling. The feminine de? tective officers of the Custom House were equally alert, aud captured on the persons of two gaily dressed damsels, on tho samo vessel, $5,000 worth of jewelry. Thero was weeping and wailing and gnashing of gums and store teeth on board the Java.-?Veto York paper. Tho bump of destructiveness-A rail? way collision. Speolal Notices. 43-PHIL.OSOPIIY OP MARRIAGE:.-A NEW COUBKE OF LECTURES, as delivered at tho New York Museum of. Anatomy, embracing tho subjocts: How to Live and What to Live for; Youth, Maturity and Old Age; Manhood Gene? rally Ito vic wed; The Causo of Indigestion; Fla? tulence and Nervous Dist anos accounted for; Marriage Philosophically Considored, Ac. Ac. Tbeso lectures will bo forwarded on receipt of four stamps, by addressing Sec'y Baltimore Museum of Anatomy, 71 West Baltimoro street, Baltimore, Md. May G ly THK NARltlAOR RINO-Essays on the Errora of Youth and Follies of Ago in regard to Social Evils, with certain help for tho erring and unfortunate. Sent in sealed letter enve? lopes, free of charge. Address HOWARD AS? SOCIATION, Box P, Philadelphia, Pa. May 22 Smo First of the Season. PA BAGS NEW FLOUR, from the Excrl tJ\J sior Mills, Augusta, warranted brat quality. For sale by_E. A G. D. HOPE. Good ! Better ! ! Best ! ! ! READER, it you want Ibu beat HAM in market, try one of Thomas & Co.'s Ken? tucky Hams, ?nhl only bv _May31_J. AT. It AGNEW. Pipe? '. Pipes I ! ?yf\ DOZ. Assorted Brier Root, with Motul Screws, 20 Doz. do., with Maerschaum Lining,? 1 Gross^Cane PipjPs. JOHN C. SEEGERS. Butter and Cheese -| (\ TUBS Choice GOSHEN BUTTER, lXj 20 Boxes Prime CHEESE. Jnst roceivod bv steamer and for sale bv April 27 J^.i T. IL AGNEW. Notice. PARTIES wanting REAPERS,THRESHING MACHINES, .Vc, will do well to make, their orders aud inquiries at once. Prices from $51) to $500, at. Factory. Mch ll FISHER. LOW RANCE A FISHER. REMOVAL. THE Oflico of tho Citizens' Savings Bank will be removed to-morrow, 7th Instant, lo their new office, corner Richardson and Tavlor streets. THOMA R E. GREGG, Cashier. June C Beer! Beer'.! SOME dealers in HUM eily have been in doubt that I could bold out supplying them with Beer this suinmer. I now inform tho public that I have a largo supply of old Lager Beer on hand, which 1 put again it any Reer brought from tho Noclh, or even imported from Ger? man V", as lo purity aud strength, i um r<.. v to le'i t lt by the Beer ? ale. June 13 JOHN C. RE Efl K IV*. THE CELEBRATED A.T. STEWART & CO. Sole Agents FOR THE UNITED STATES. 18 FOR SALE AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BY W - 3D- Xiovo Oo. Columbia, Bomb. Carolina. Juno 9 Imo New York Advertisements. IMPROVED FRENCH RANGE AND Hrt-?,:oLg;o J^uLrn-l-tTXjL'Q MANUFACTUKKD BY BRA51 HALL. DEANE tb CO., 217 and 219 Water street, N. Y. _ Aril-U 19_3mo Needles and Fishing Tackle. ANDREW CLERK A-.CO. respectfully inform '.lie piiblio and lucir old cPftomcra, that they ..lill contiuuo business in lucir ohl store, No 48 Maiden Lane, New York. Tboir assort? ment of Einlauft Tackle is toe largest anil most c?mplete of any in the United stales. 'J hey aro niuo Bola Agents Tor tho Warrin Needle, which, for tho Inst thirty years, han enjoyed a reputation for quality and uniformity of teni per superior to all others. March 21 :!nio ST. CLOUD HOTEET TU IS NEW and Commodious FODSE, located corner Broad way and Forty second stroct, _ 'Now York, possesses advan? tages over all other houses, for the accommo? dation of its gueatB. It was built expressly for a ?rst-class family boarding house-the r noms being largo and eu suite, heated by stoam with hot and cold water, and furnished second to noue; while tho culinary department ls in the moHt experienced hands, affording guests an unequalled tablo. Ono of Atwood's Patent Elovatois is also among tho 'modern improve? ments' and at tho service of guests at all hours. Tho Broadway and University Place Cars pass the door every four minutes, running from the City Hall to Central Park, while tho Sixth and Seventh Avenuo lines are but a short block on citbor side, affording ample facilities for com. ninnie.! I in g with all depots, steamboat land? ings, pl .icen of amusement and business of the great metropolis. MORE A HOLLEY, March 19 Gmo Proprietors. AVER'S SARSAPARILLA, FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. THE reputation thia excellent medicine en? joys, is derived from its Icu res, many of which are truly marvellous; inveterate caseB of Scro? fulous Disease, where tho system seemed sat? urated with corruption, havo been purified and 'cured by it. Scrofulous affections and disorders which were aggravated by the scrofulous con? tamination until they were painfully afflicting, have boen radically cured in such great num? bers in almost every section of the country, that the public scarcely need to be informed of its virtues or uses. Scrofulous poison is oue of the most destruc? tive enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and unfelt tenant of tho organism undermines ttie constitution, and invites tho attack of en? feebling er fatal diseases, without exciting a suspicion of its presence. Again, it seems to breed infection throughout tho body and then, on some favorable occasion, rapidly develop into one or other of its hideous forms, either on tho surface or among tho vitala. In thc b.ttcr, tubercles may bo suddenly deposited in tho lungs or heart, or tumors formed in the liver, or it shows ita presence by eruptions on the skin, or foul ulcerations on somo part of the body. Heneo tho occasional usoof a bottle o? this SARSAPARILLA is advisable, even when no activo symptoms of disease appoar. Persons afflicted with tho following complaint? generally find immediate relief, and at length cure, by tho use of thia SA BSA PAR ILLA i St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Read, Ringworm, Sore Eyes, Sore Ears and ot hy eruptions or visible forms of Srrcij'id'jus diasaso. -. Also, in the more con? cealed forms, as" Dyspepsia. Dropsy, Heart Dis? ease, Fits, Epilepsy, Neuralgia and thc various Ulcerous aiTcctious cf the muscular and nerv? ous stoma. Syphilis or Venereal and Mercurial Diseases arc cured by it, though along timo is required for subduing those obstinate maladies by any medicine. But long continued use of this me? dicino will ennffho complaint. Leucorrhata or Whites, Utet ine Ulcerations, and Female Dis. eases, are commonly soon relieved and ulti? mately cured by Us purifying and invigorating effect. Minuto directions in each caso aro found in our Almanac, supplied gratis. Rheumatism and Gout, when caused by accumulations of extraneous matters in the blood, yield quickly to it, as also Liver Complaints, Torpidity, Con? gestion or Inflammation ot thu Liver ural Joun dice, when arising, a.s they often do, from the rankling poisons tu tho blood. This SA RSA PA ?ULLA is a great restorer for the strength and vigor of the system. Those who uro Lan? guid and Listless, Despondent, Sleepless and troubled with Nervous Ajtpreheusions or Fears, or any of tho affections symptomatic of Weak? ness, will lind immediate relief and couvhicin ovidoi-ee of its restorative power upon trial. PREP A HEH ll Y Dr. J. C. AYER Si CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. April 2 tf?no vjrV?XTK D.-AGEN TH-$75 to $200 per VT month everywhere, malu and remide, lo introduce tho Genuine Improved Common Stum FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, 'lins machino will stitch, hem, foil, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider, in a meet sup? rior m. oner. Price only $18. Tu ly warranted for Uv? years. Wc will pay ?l,!)"0 for any machino thal will -e-v a stvongur, moto beautiful, or I ino e e'.i ic K ; in thoti our-. It makes the ? "Elastic Loeb Stitch." Every atcon I stitch fan lie eu'., st i'd I he clot h ejiiuol be pulled upurl ir ii hoiil leming it. We pay agents from \7.i io ?20U per month ?ind expensf s, or n coin mii-kion from which (winn Hint amount cnn he ma-ie. Address SECOMB & CO., Pittsburg, Pa., st. Loni-!, Mo., or Boston, Mass. CAUTION.- Dn not bo imposed upon \<\ other parties palming off worthless cast-iron machines, under t oo -<amo name or otherwise Our? is tho only genuino and really practical ebean machine manufactured. May29 3mo WANTRO-AGEN I'S-To sell the Ameri? can Knitting Machine. Price $25. The simplest, choaposl and beal Knitting Machine ever invented. Will knit 20,000 stitches per minute. Liberal inducements to agonis. Ad? dress AMERICAN KNITTING MACHI NE CO., Boston, Mass., or St. Louis, M J. May 29 3:no Solace and Virginia Leaf. (? GROSS SOLACE, > 2 " Vi:-i rinia I.caf- frosh from the Fac? tory, for salo at tho Ala and Lagor Beer Depot. April 20 JOHN 0. BEBO ERM. Scythes and Grain Cradies. OA D0/" r!' .ffin'a B<?t GRAIN CRADLES, 6 i\0Z. fi -o .tn?! tdx Finger Crain Cradles At low or o. ?1 ?21''n li ?. Xr. T. fl. AGNEW. Cow Peis. i>AA BUS'I ELS COW TEAS for pah* low Uvy vj in quantities of I wen lt lnt?li?;? o more. E. k G. D. ll >VU, Charleston Advertisements. SODA WATER. THE UNDERSIGNED ia agent for A. J. Moree ?c Bon's justly celebrated Soda Water Apparatus, consisting of marble draught stands, silver plated draught stands, generators, fountains, Ac., which ?ill bo ?old ] at manufacturera' prices, with freight only added. Descriptive price hut and catalogue I sent lo any add recs. Choico Syrups ona all tnuteriala required in tho manufacture of Soda | Water constantly ou hand. E. H. GARDNER, May G 113_Charleston, ft O. Economy in Fuel and Labor. SINCE our introduction of tho Im proved Koropono STOVES, they have steadily gained in public fuvor, ?ind aro now need not only for various cutinarv purposes, but nls<> (or PRESERVING FRUITS, DISTILLING HOSE WATER, PREPARING LARD, Ac. In tho Nursory and Siek Room, they aro invalu? able. Dentists, CkemistB and Manufacturera, and others who need PORTABLE HEATING APPARATUS, will And them admirably adapt? ed to their wants. A largo supply of tho abovo, and also of tho superior OAS STOVES, on hand and for Palo | at manufacturer's priccB, wholcealo and retail, by J. B. DUVAL fe SON, No. 337 King at., ono door North Liberty April 3 gmo_Charleston, S. C. J" ctxxxejs? 33. Spear 236 King street, Opposite Kasel, CHARLESTON, S. C. CAN BE FOUND a good selection of I Fino WATCHES, JEWELRY. SILVER, _i PLATED WARE and FANCY GOODS; SPECTACLES and EYE-GLASSES, to suit all ages. Masonic Emblems, Jewels and Regalia, on hand and made to oidor. Watches, Jowelry, otc, carefully repaired. Diamonds and other precious stones Bet to order. G. W. Jathro, formerly of Greenwood, S. C., can be found at the above establishment, and will be pleased to ace bia frienda. April 8 13m o AIMA Saracenia; or, Fly Trap Bitters. THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY, for Dyspepsia, and Ncrvoue Dieordere, Gene? ral Debility, ftc; prepared by G. W. A I M A R , Cliemist and Druggist, Charleston, S. C. SAVANNAH, GA., March 3. 1867. Mn. G. W. AIMAII-Dear Sir: A member ot my family, suffering long from Dyspepsia, has experienced moro relief from your ''Saracenia Bitters," than from any other medicine abe baa ever tried. It ia moat excellent for invigo? rating tho B.vatem and creating au appetite. I regard it aa decidedly tho moat beneficial of all dyspeptic rem?di?e. Youre, very respectfully, N. J. DARRELL. Sold by all Druggists. Goneral Agents, RISLET tc Co., 141 Chambers Btroot, New York. April 9_lly _ L. E. CORDRAY. C. A. TROUCHE. STEAM SASH, BLIND DOOR JPACTORY. L. E. CORDRAY & CO., KO. 2 PRITCHARD STREET, OXTOSITK J. F. TAYLOR k CO.'S MACH IN ll SHOI'S CHARLESTON, S. C. SASHES, GLAZED AND UNGLAZED, al wava on hand. PANEL DOORS, HOT-HOUSE SASHES, MOULDINGS, ac, Mado up at short notice, and ut tho April 13 LOWEST TEUMS. _?3W_?_ NOTE.-Wo would call Ibo particular atten? tion of our friends lo tte abovo card. I*. 1'. TOALE has a large Factory, and autth facili? ties as enable him lo supply the boal work of his own niako at low price*. A very large and complete assortment alwuvs <>n hand, at hid Factory, HORLBECK'a WHARF, near North eastern Railroad Depot, Charleston, S. C. N. B.-Order? from the country solicited, and strict at tout ion paid to shipping in good order. April (! i ly TAYLOR'S PATENT Saw Sharpener and Deepener, ! For Cong and Circular Stm Mi'!*. HAV INO purcb.nJ'1 'he Patent Righi for Ihn Rtuto of Sou II Carolina, for tin above, wo are now prepared to lill orders foi ? i he .-.une. Tho advantages of this Machine nro econo? my, despatch and perfection in Looping all kinds of Saws in perfect order. By its u*e, the teeth of (lie Si.w aro kept at , a uniform depth, angle and size. Fully ono-fourth and hotter lumber can bo cul per day where this Machine i-> used, the! Saws running straighter, b eer, faster ami cut smoother. A Saw can be sharpened in Ave minutes, and in the most perfect manner. The price of the Machine eau bo saved lu a few months in ibo cost of files and labor. For further Informa? tion apply to CHISHOLM BROTHERS, May l t fm'J Charleston, C. SOUTH CAROLINA STATIC Agricultural and Mechanical Magazine. (Official Organ of the South Carolina State Ag? ricultural and Mechanical Society.) AT an early date, tho subscribers will pub? lish tho first number of a Monthly Maga? zine, devoted to tho development of tho mate? rial interests of thia State, and tho wholo South; and will distribute 5,000 copies gratuit? ously, so that every one may sr o what it is be? fore subscribing. They intend lo mal.c it the best and?handaomeSi indus!ri,'1 magazine ever published at the Sonia, rmi they a.-!; (he cor? di; 1 co-opciatir.u of every good citizen in this enterprise, which nu?st redound lo Iba publie welfare. Perrons wi hiss coplea of tho brat number, will p?es e ?end ihoir adrirw* io WALKED, EVANS A COGSWELL, May 9 12 Charleston, b. C. J. N. HOBSON, Commission Merchant, NOS. 1 AND 3 ATLANTIC WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. HAVING ample m can M for advauccp, a busi? ness expericiico of twenty yearp, and confining hiniHelt strictly to a COMMISSION BUSINESS, without operating on his own ac? count, respectfully solicits consignments of Cotton, Floor, Wheat, Corn, etc. Shippers of Produce to bim may. at their option, have their consignments sold either in Charleston or New York; thus having tho ad? vantage of two markets, without extra com? mission. RKFBBENCKS: r.i-i op W. M. Wightman, S. C.; Col. Wm. John* H, Charlotte. N. C.; Rov. T. O. Summers, Tennessee; Hon. John P. King, Augusta, Ga.; Mcssru. George W. Williams t Co., Charles? ton, S. C.; Messrs. Williams, Taylor Sc Co., New Y (irk._April 28 fly FURNITURE, SOFA WAREROOMS, 175,177 and 179 King Street, Cliai'loston, fil. O DANIEL H. SILO OX, REErS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, a largo and well selected assortment of O a b in e t Furniture, OF TUE LATEST AND MOST APPROVED STYLES, Which ho offers at prices that cannot fail to please. Also, CHAMBER AND COTTAGE SETS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. The liest Assortment over offered in this inarkot. N. B.-Goods carefully packed for shipping. March 19 iSmo SILVER and PLATED WARE, SPECTA? CLES AND EYE-GLASS) S, in great variety, with th? best equality of PERISCOPIO LEN? SES, which are a nptrd ? i' h great care. WATCHES AND JEW El RY repaired. Cumoos, Diamond*) and Precious Stonea mounted to order. J ? ??EM ALLAN, 307 King strei t, Charleston, S. C. April 21 *3rn 'S HEPATIC BITTERS. THEY CURE DYSPEPSIA, ATf D AU DI1KASM Or TUB STOMACH AND LIVER. TIHT A KI Tri OVMLNnrii CT TUE MEDICAL, FACULTY. HEGEMA1N ?Sc CO., AGENTS, NEW YORK. Manufactured by C. F. PANKNIN, CEEU13T AH3 ArOTHXCAKY, c ri A rt JK S T O N", ?. c. J63"For Sate ly Druggist* Everytrherc.-%& Feb 5 _il STOLL, WKBll & CO., WHOLESALE DRY GOODS, ?87 j I ?SO Domestic Store. ! K,M1 bT" | Lace Store. Feb 27 CHARLESTON. S. C. lr PUMPS. TgV.tiitY.iOUY who bas use fi r a PUMP u'iOtild buy MORRELL S Fi RE ENGINE, DEEP WELL, and BOUCE PUMP Send lor u circular. POOLE St HUNT Jan IS fimo Baltimore, Maryland. Good Investments. ?O AAA CHARLOTTE AND SO. CA. ftOd t\)\t RAILROAD BONDS, 15.000Columbia and Augusta Railroad Bond? 110,000 " ?. .? .* Stoc? 120,000 South Carolina " 11.000 City of Wilmington Bonds, 15,000 " " Memphis " $0,000 New State Bonds, ?H.OOO City of Columbia Coupons. For salo by_GREGG, PALMER h CO. Hilliard Tables for Sale. TWO fine BILLIARD TABLES in completo oidor, Marble ant} Slate bedding, with Balls,Cue and Counters included. Soar it- Griffith's make. Will ho ?old low. Call at Dec ll G. DIERCK'B. Wanted. ? AST DUE COUPONS ?nd Bonds o'eily of Colu nbia. GREGG, PALMER t CO.