THE ' -Jit-Bi fl- , ,1, "A -J- .. .... ' . . ._> *? ? .______ _____-_ '. '. BY JULIAN A. SELBY. - -. : ? . "Let our Just Censure COLUMBIA. S. a. THURSDAY MORNING*, OCTOBER 3, 1867. ??? VOLUME III-NO. 168. PUBLISHED DAILY AMD TBI-WEEXLY. THE GLEANER, EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING. BY JULIAN A. SELBY, Office on Main stroet, a tow doors above Taylor (or Camden) street. TERMS-IN AD VANCE. SUBSCRIPTION. Daily Paper, six' months.$4 00 Tri-Weekly, .? " .2 60 Weekly, " " .1 60 ADVERTIFEHENT8 Inserted ab 75 cents per square for the first Insertion, and 50 cents for each subsequent. Weekly 75 cents each insertion. JOT A liberal discount made on the above raitt when advertisements are inserted by the month or year. AGENTS. 'Spartanburg-Hiram Mitchell. J. lt. Allen, Chester. .Julius Poppe, Anderson C. H. 8. P. Kinard, Newborry 0. H. W. T. Sims, Union. J. M. Allen, Greenville. Nash ?nd Ula Fairfield Speech. With the desire to "redder unto Croser," eto., we publish tho follow? ing statement and certificates from Beverly Nosh, and several of bis colored friends, relative to what be said at the Fairfield meeting: MESSRS. Enn^BS DAXCY PHOENIX : I see in your pup or of Sunday morn? ing, tho 8th, a paragraph beaded "Beverly Nash and that sp co cb." This yon said was copied from the Winnaboro News. ?iese same par? ties, I believe, said a short time since, that I made that speech before a Union League. Now, they say that it was at a barbecue. It is a pity those men in the habit of misrepre? senting others, have not always good memories. First he said that I said, that before rebels and Democrats shoo11 have the ballot, and that be? fore . 7onld see otu- wives snd daugh? ters slaves, that I would shoulder my musket and go into the field, and seo thc hills covered with breeching bones, and the gullies running with blood. Now, he says, that I said be? fore I would remain under the white man's power, and pointing to the crowd arouud, asked them would they follow me. This is a mis-state? ment. He says, that I said, that the whites would get down on their knees to us, and that there had been 210 negroes murdered in South Carolina, ?meaning those that had been hung.) L'Iris is also a mistake. If those par? ties will publish the whole speech, I will be glad to see it. They seem ambitious to gain public notoriety, by connecting themselves with my name. Let them-these men-exult ia the enjoyment of a little fleeting notoriety. I deny the charge of making an incendiary speech. What has become of the story about walk? ing with tho white women? I sup? pose that tho affidavit-takers could not swallow that. But I am done. The euglo don't feed upon carron he leaves it to buzzards to hunt up. Yours, W. B. NASH. COLUMBIA, December 8, 1867. COLUMBIA, S. C., December 9,1807. We, the undersigned, were present on the 9 th of Novembor, when W. B. Nash spoke in Fairfield. He never said that tho people must not contract until the 1st of February next; nor did he say that the white Eeople would get down on their neos to them, and that they could do better without the white man than they could without us. The charge, that rather than see tho white man remain in power, he would shonlder his musket and see these hills blenched with bones and tho gullies run with blood and pointing to the crowd asked would they follow him and they answered "yes, yes," is not trne. 8. B. THOMPSON, JAMES EAVES, J. C. FITZSIMONS, WM. HOLMES, J. R. TRICE. lili* words not to contract fora th.rd-for it was tho little end of nothing-were spoken by me, in my speech after Nosh had spoken. J. R. TRICE. The following entry appears among tho proceedings of the Alabama Con? stitutional Convention on the 6th ultimo: "Mr. Strange, of Macon, offered an ordinance, but the Clerks could not read it, neither could Mr. Strange himself. The ordinance was dis? posed of somehow or other." This is by no means a strange cir? cumstance, for, as Vance said, these follows are nearly all men of mark, as they-can't write. [Norfolk Virginian. \ Thc Union Lcagne. At a meeting of Council No. 10, Union League of America, held in their hall, December 4, 1867, the fol? lowing preamble and resolution were unanimously adopted: Whereas this Council and all other flnnno.ihi of tho Union League ol America have been misrepresented; therefore, Resolved, That a Committee of Ten be appointed, with the Presi? dent of this Connell, to prepare an addross to the people of the State. S. D. THOMPSON, President. J. D. JAMISON, Aqting Secretary. FETJTXW-CTTIZENS: We have had various reports derogatory to and denouncing tho Union League of America.' We, knowing theso to be false, and that they are made by bad and evil-diBposed men, ignomnt of our object, and that, if oar cvgani zation was better known in the South, the condition of our State would bc I different to what it is, and opposition ' to ns would cease. Our object is to I preservo our liberties ns a people, maintain the supremacy of the same, protect aud strengthen all in their rights of property and person, de? mand and sustain thc education and elevation of the laborer, and instruct our people in the duties of American citizenship. That we cherish no j animosity to the white people, is ! proven by our conduct and behavior i during the war-when every advan? tage to make mischief was in our power; when nearly every whiteman ! that could bear arms was sent to the j front; though we knew that our free I dom was being contended for by tho Union armies, and that our brethren were in the field; and though we loved the flog of our country and hailed its approach with delight and joy,-yet we can point proudly to ? these days, and say that, though we loved freedom, we aro willing to for? get and forgive the past. We wonld ask, what cause have we to breed strife, now that Congress has de dared us citizens of this glorious nation? All we ask is for peace and our rights. Lot the only rivalshir. j between the white man and the blacl man be who can do most to restore I our State to the Union, and restore her to that state of prosperity, I wealth and honor that she should occupy. We would call your atten? tion to the fact, that during the un? settled state of affairs in 1SG5, om quiet demeanor in every publii gathering goes to show that wo hav< no disposition to trespass upon tin rights of tho whites. We wouk i welcomo all of tho people of tin State to join ns. Wo want all loy a men to come forward, and let us mee and bury the prejudice of casto, fo the love of our State and our com mon country. The impression tba we are hostile to the whites of tin South is wrong. We have no preju dice to any man for his color. Wi advocate the rights of all men. W< believe in political equality. W advocate manhood suffrage. We asl for nothing for ourselves that wo ar not willing to grant to others; no will bo satisfied with anything less What man of reasuu will sa that, having been raised t tho condition of freemen and citi zens by the Government of th United States, would wo not b wanting in manhood, did wo not con tend for all of tho rights of Amer can citizens. What would become c us-what would be our condition-i we aro left hero by the Government free only in name, and without th power of protecting our rights undi the law? Would the Governmei bavo kept faith with us if it had don so? No longer slaves, does not sense of right and justice doman that the rights of freemen should I given us? ltofuse to concedo th right, and the people of the civilize world would laugh to scorn tho free dom that was given us, by that fa seeing and lamented statesinai ? Abraham Lincoln. We cannot b lieve that tho white man has the rig] to cast a ballot and to exorciso a pol tical right, and then deny that rigl to us, because our skin is a litt darker than his, and whose intel! gonce may bo no loss than his ow, No, no-God forbid. Now that v are men and freemen, we will nov* rest contented until we aro reco nized as full citizens-with all of tl rights, civil and political, which a pertain to any and all citizen When these rights are granted VJ instead of being an element of co stant fear and discord, we will be i element of wealth and strength. It becomes us now, as true men, heal the bleeding wounds of o country. We see the industrial i sources of the State-we see that tl agricultural, commercial, finan c: and manufacturing interesta of i State prostrate; let us forget the past and bend ourselves to the task. We | should avoid every unjust measure. We love our country; we love our State. We would do nothing to bring discord between the white and colored citizens. We behove the time has come when the exigencies of the State demand [?uni every mnn who loves his country and has a voice, should exert it in the cause of peace. Every good citizen owes it to himself, bis country and bis God, to aid in this good work of restoring our State ? to civil government. We invite nil true South Carolinians to como to the rescue. We would be happy to greet all. We ask for no social j equality. Let that regulate itself. Let us stand or fall by our commu nitv. W. B. NASH, WM. SIMONS, N. E. EDWARDS, J. R. TRICE, JAMES DAVIS, E. B. THOMPSON, J. C. PITZSIMONS, HAMPTON MIMS, S. B. THOMPSON, D. FOREST, ADAM THOMAS. Harvey's Bat and Mice Paste. GET RID OF THE RA TS. HARVEY'S RAT PASTE exterminates Rats, Mice, Roaches and Ants from your store-room, corn houseR or cribB, your kitchens, your houses; eaves you mo-1 hey in providing for there thieves; a snro I cure for theso depredators and dost rovers. For sale by FISHER A HEINIT8H, Aug 7_Druggists^ The "Queen's Delight" Almanac FOR 1808. JUST PUBLISHED, a now and interest-1 ing CALEN I) AH for. the peoplo, con? taining much valuable information; a book for everybody-a guide to long life, health, ' wealth and happiness. Call and get ono, at the Store. FISHER A HEINITSH, Nov 19_Druggists. l?g. J?s&fii: ??He i 5- M ? f3* g S o2.ST2.g B ?3-fe-J o 1M ra 5-S ?C-S-?"B -o tr* ?? ??\ f?ffeS-? S Bg3 ?VMSKl 5 sf* M s ?sill?n 1 3 S ?* ^gS^sqs-S 2 fit? 9 wB'EP'aSS?? S e-H P SS sS? |Vc|lt? g ll?! 1.3slliifils s silEhiiiJsi s -ll i ?i's ? ?rf rt g pl . B- 3 le S tesl B ?c? " LATEST STYLES. JUST RECEIVED, at tho "Industrial Association," Ladies' Sacque Patterns, of tho latest ntylo. Also, very beautiful Braiding Patterns, for YOKO Drosses and Gowns. A constant supply of Braiding and Embroidery Patterus, sui?ublo for all Btylos of work, can be had. Remember, ladies, it matters not how small may bo tho purchase, every little you contributo to this Association is so much given towards tho support of tho poor and destitute of our land. September 8 Gunpowder ! Gunpowder '. ! WE have been appointed agents for tho salo of DUPONT'S CELEBRATED GUNPOWDER, aud offer it at wholesale at tho following low ratos: Rule Powder, in 25-lb. kegs, host quality, $7.25 per keg. Rifle Powder, in 25-lb. kegs, second quali? ty, f ?.25 per keg. Blasting Powder, iii 25-lb. kegs, best quality, $1.75 per keg. lu quantities of ten kegs or moro, it will bo delivered at depot of either of tho roads at a reduotion of 25 couts por keg. Wo will also furnish half and quart? r I kegs, and cannister powder by tho caso, at proportionate prices. Terms cash, in Unitod States currency, beforo delivery. _J. & T. R. AONEW. FANCY GOODS. . CALAFAOIO GLOVES and PADS, Corn Plasters, Meen Fun, a toilet powder, Lubin's, Coudray'a, Yankee Soaj Buff, Ivory and Wooden Conibt, Comb Brushes, Bay Bum, Hair Brushes, fine assortment, Colognes, Toilet Extracts, Sponges, Tooth-Picks, Sucking Bottles, Tubes and Nipples, Night Tapers. Italian Violin Strings, and various other things too numerous to 1 mention, for salo by FISHER A HEINITSH. Oct 8_DruggWBj, THOS. E. GREGG & CO., BROKERS. STOCKS. Bonds, Gold sad Exohacge bought and sold. Office at GREGG A OO.U July 81 SPECIAL NOTICES. WHJEATOH*B OINTMENT will ?raro tue Itch. Yr'HEATON'f OINTMENT will cure Salt Rheum. WHEATON'S OINTMENT ouroe Old Boree. WHEATON'S OINTMENT euros all Diseases of | the Skin. Price 60 cents-br mail 60 cents. All Druggists a?il it. WF.FFJ? * POTTEIT Boston, Mass., Proprietors. Sept 18 fly IT is a matter of congratulation that we have at last had a reliable Tonio intro? duced in Panknin's Hepatic Bitters; manu? factured at the Boothby Dr. CF. Panknin, tho well known Charleston Chemist; and which can be used by aU persons, regard? less of age or BOX, who require a tonic medicine. Ask your family physician, and ho will be suro to recommend them. For salo bv aU druggists. April 10 wly Du. C. H. MIOT, Agont. A COUGH, A COLD, OR A SORE THROAT, requires immediate attention, and Bhonld bo checkod. If allowed to con? tinuo, Irritation of tho Lungs, a Perma? nent Throat Disease, or Consumption, is often tho result. ItltOWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES Haring a direct influence to tho parts, givo immediate relief. For BRONCHITIS, ASTH? MA, CATARRH, CONSUMPTIVE AND THROAT DISEASES, Troches aro used with always good BUCCOSS. ? Singers and Public Speakers usc them to clear and strengthen tho voico. Obtain only "Brown's Bronchial Tro? chee," and do not take any of tho worth? less imitations that may bo offered. Sold everywhere. Oct 27 t4mo FAITH WELL F<)VNDEO.-In old times, at the common^omont of every sea? son, it was the fashion to tako a strong cathartic as a safeguard against a chango of temperature. It was a worse than sonseless practice. Tho people of our day understand the matter bettor. Instead of | depleting tho system they ro-inforce it. In the method they adopt they exhibit a who discrimination. Instead of resorting to tho vitiated stimulants of commerce, or any of tho compounds derived from them, they put their faith in tho only absolutely pure invigorant procurable in tho market HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. Their faith is well founded. Never has any tonio medicine boon prepared with such scrupulous precision anil conscien? tious care. It is a vegotablo compound of | which every ingredient ia sound, whole? some and medicinal, in the true aenso of j tho word. Now, wo have three prominent national complaints. One-half of tho adult population of tho United States suf? fer more or less, either from diseases of j tho stomach, derangements of tho liver, or affections of tho kidneys. In no other land under Heaven aro these maladies BO general as in this country, and Uostctter's Bitters is a specific for them all, unless organic in their origin, and, therefore, be? yond euro. And lut those who aro fortu? nato enough to bo exempt from them at present understand ono great fact, viz: that un occasional use of this vitalizing tonic will as certainly prevent them aa tho sun will prevent tue earth from freezing where its genial beams descend. Dec 4_t? BATCHELORS HAIR PYE.-This splendid Hair Dye is thc best in the world. Tho only (rue and perfect Dye-harmless, reliable, instantaneous. No disappoint? ment. No ridiculous tints. Natural black or brown. Reiuediej thc ill effects <;f bad dyes. Invigorates the hair, leaving it soft and boautiful. Tho genuine is sighed Wil? liam A. Batchelor. All others aro mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all druggists and perfumers. Factory 81 Barclay etreet, New York. KTBeware of a counterfeit. Dec ll ly KEW MARRIAGE GUIDE.-An Es? say for Young Men, on Physiological Er? rors, Abasos and Diseases, incident to Youth and Early Manhood, which create Impediments to MARRIAGE, with sure means of relief. Sent in sealed letter en? velopes, free of chargo. Address, Dr. J. SKILL?N HOUGHTON, Howard Associa? tion, I'hiladelphia,_Pa. _ Sept 25 3nio OM C?MSfGMMEMTt WITH Orders to Hell! Of\ BOXES Low Grades TOBACCO. OU 10 boxes Extra Eine Tobacco. 60 boxes Low Priced Segara. 15 " Smoking Tobacco. 5 bales Cotton Yarns. Oct 80 ALFRED T0LLE8ON. New Mackerel. KITS No. 1 Choice MACKEREL, for B?1(? bv E. ft G. D. HOPE. 39 TO THE LADIES! FRESH AB RIVALS bv steam-. er from New York of U10FINE8T and OHEAPEST mum Evor offorod in Columbia; also, CLOAKS, ? CORSETS, ZEPHYR WORSTED, HAIR BRAID8, ic, Ac., at MRS. C. E. REED'S, next door to Mr. E. Pollard's drng store, Main at. DRESS-MAKING in all branches. Nov 12_gmo Just Received and For Sale, 6BALES GUNNY BAGGING, two pounda I to the yard, 10 oohs GRRENLEAF ROPE, i 10 coila MANILLA ROPE, low for cash, by E. St G. D. UOFK. 1 NOT 16 ? To Fanners and Planters. WE OFFER for salo the following Fer? tilizers of the Lodi Manufacturing Company, vis: Double Refined POUDRETTE, prepared from night soil of New York city, at New I York price?, $25 nor ton of 2,000 pounds, freight added. Also. NITRO-PHOnPHATE cf LIME, sq??I in i every respect to Peravian Quano, made from floured bone dust and night soil, eu {>erior and far cheaper than any Phosphate n market, at $65 per ton, in Charleston. A fair trial, howovor small, hi respectfully solicited. J. H. EN6LOW A CO., Charleston, 8. C. Bead the following testimonials: Al Home, near Marietta, Qa., Oct. 16. A. J. Roberts & Co., Atlanta, Ga. Gentlemen: I am well pleased with the result of the uso of tho "Doable Refined Poudrettrt" on my crops. I tried it on both corn and cotton, and am satisfied whorover it was applied tho yiold was more than double what it would have been without it. I rogrot exceedingly my not using it moro extensively the present year, bat will try to mako up my loss by purchasing a larger quantity next spring. I regard it as the cheapest, most reliable, and easiest man? aged fcrtilizor within my knowledge, and cheerftdly recommend it fas I have tried it thoroughly) to tho farmers of this section, and particularly to those planting cotton, from tho fact of its causing (it to mature from ton days to two weeks earlier than it would without tho uso of tho Poudrotto. I also used .v on my gardon, and found it ol much benefit to all kinds of plants. Very respectfully, Ac. G. 8. OGLESBY. Extract from a lotter received from Prof. Martin, of Hampden. Sidney College, Va., dated July 1,1867: Tho Double Refined Poudrotto ia operat? ing liko a charm on my crop, and attract? ing universal attention from aU beholders. I am already satisfied that it is tho-cheap est and surest renovator of our worn-out lands. - High Slioals, Ga., October 4, 1867. James R. Dey, Esq. Sir: The Double Refined Poudrette 1 bought for two other parties in connection with myself-ono of them used it on cottoi and corn, and thinks it answered finely the other put it on cotton, on very pool ground, and thinks it doubled bis crop. ] used it on corn. It answered finely, ant was thought by tho hand that cultivated the crop io be fahy equal to Rhode's Supei Phosphate. I also used it on about ai acre of cotton, and I am clearly of opinioi that it is tho best and cheapest fertilize] in use, and I expect to order several toni thia winter. Yours, very respectfully, ISAACPOWELL. EVaxUle, Schleg Co., Ga., Oct. 4, 1867. Tho Double Refined Poudrette, pur chased of you last spring, I think, in creased my crop of cotton 150 pounds pe: aero; put it npon worn-out pine land, a the rate of 200 pounds per acre, drilled il with cotton seed. YourH, ic, S. MONTGOMERY. Salisbury, A". C., August 10, 1867. James R. Dey^Esq. J)car Sir: i can safely say that yon Doublo Refined Poudrette is far superio to au j other fertilizer for cotton; fori hav given it a fair trial this neanon. Yours, JEHU FOSTER, Jn. Savannah, Ga., SejUeniber 25, 1867. James R. Dey, Esq., President. Dear Slr:" I nsed the Doublo Refine Poudrette, bought of you last spring, o: corn. I think it increased tho yield one half. I consider it an excollont manure Respectfully, T. HOLCOMBE. Ridgeway, S. C., September 21,1867. Mr. James R. Dey. Sir: 1 applied tho Doublo Roflnod Pon drotto by itself, and in combination wit other fertilizers, on cotton, and am please with it; so much so that it is my preson intention to purchase a larger supply < you the next year to apply to my cot to crop. Yours very respectfully, HENRY C. DAVIS. Rocky Mount, Edgecomb Co., X. C. -Vir/? t J un H M R. Dey, Et.q. ?s/r.- In reply to your inquiry of the r< suits of our experience in tho Hine of yot improved Poudrette-purchased of youf< this year's cotton crop-wo would bog lea^ to say that tho present season has bec ono quite unfavorable to the action of a fertilizers. Several kinds of manures worn used 1 UM. with the except i n of your PouUrutt with little or no effect to tho crop. Where the Poudrette was used, it ga' us near half a balo moro per aero, at caused tho cotton to open much earlie and wo would, therefore, recommend tl samo as a concentrated manure for tl growth of cotton, as well as improvemc to tho soil. Yours, very respectfully, HENRY P. ST?LTS & BRO. Address for further particulars, LODI MANUFACTURING CO., Nov H 3mo CG Cortland Street, N. Y. FRESH SUPPLIES. OA A NKW SUGAR-CURED HAM8, ??\.t\J 1,000 lbs. Breakfast Bacon, 6,000 lbs. Clear Sides and Shoulders, 200 bags Country Flour, 15 bbls. Frosh Biscuit, assorted, 25 boxes English Dairy Cheese, 6 hbds. Bacon Sides and Shoulder 10 bbls. Fi osh Buckwheat Flour, 6 " Golden Svrup, Smoked Beof and Tongues, with a 1 asaortment of Pickles, Sauces, Ketchu ic. ito., tor sale low, by Nov 21_?A G.D. HJPE FLOUR, FLOUR. 1 AA BBLS. NORTHERN FLOUR, JA/VJ 50 bags Choice North Carol Flour, 50 b?rrela and packages Now Hal Buckwheat, 10 barrels Hocker's Self-Raising Flo on hand, and for sale low, by Nov SO_J. & T. R. AGNEW Walbing Machine* told Clothes Wringew. CLOTHES WRINGERS and Wash Machines, constantly on hand, and ?ale, by Oj. B, AONlfo Buckwheat Flour, SELF-RAISING-6 lb. papers. Oct 25 JOHNC.8EBCaUt84.iO0 FISHER & LOWRANCE, COLUMBIA. S. C. NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! GREAT DECLINES IN DOMESTICS ! WE do not bolieve in nursing stock. It muat and shall bo sold. Gall and seo for yourselves, at J. SULZBACHER& CO.'S, Opposito Fisher * Lowranco's, Main street, Columbia, 8. C. We have on hand a large and well se? lected stock of DEY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, Hosiery, Hats, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, and GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. Nov 10_ ISAAC SULZBAGHGR, AT THE SIGN OF THE Green Spectacles. HAS on hand a splondid assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES, A?. Having moved to the Main street, he. is determined to continue to sell goods j at rates LOWER than can be purchased REPAIRING, in all its branches, at unusual low rates. I ALL WORE GUARANTEED^ ?FOR ONE YEAR. HAIR JEWELRY made to order ! and mounted, by h L SULZBAOHEB, Main street, Oct 18 One door South Phceniz offioo. HARVEY'S OINTMENT. HARVEY'S OINTMENT will cure ITCH. Harvey's Oointmcnt will cure Hu? mors. Harvey's Ointment for Diseases of the Skin. Harvey's Ointment for Totter and Ringworm Harvey's Ointniont for Fore Heads. Frico 23 cents & twx, onlv. For salo bv FISHER A HEINrrSH, * _Noy_15_Druggists. NEW THEORY OF HEALTH The Life of all Flesh ie Blood. The Health of all Life is Fuvity of Flesh. Without Purity of Blood no Flesh free from Disease. y A N Antidote to Disease? TUP, GREAT AMERICAN ALTERA? TIVE and BLOOD PURIFIER, is tho most perfeot vegetable compound of alte? ratives and tonics, making it tho most effective, invigorating, rejuvenating and blood-cleansing cordial known to the world for the cure of all those diseases winch mav he traced to a vitiated condition of tin.' blinni. The thoory is that blood is tho lifo of all flesh, and if impure, the life of all disease. Lifo and health is only to bo maintained by the circulation of pure ar? terial blood. It is obvious, therefore, to ovary relloctiug mind, that unless the blood ?B pure, in supplying the waste tis? sues with material, it most be the causa of innumerable ills and constitutional dis? orders, such as Scrofula, Rheumatism, Hepatic Disorders, Inflammations, Fevers, Liver Complaint, Consumption, King's Evil, Carbuncles, Boils, Itching Humor of tho Skin, Erysipelas, Skin Diseases, Tetter, Roughness or Hie Skin, Pimples, Blotches, Pain? in the Bones, old Ulcers, Syphilis and Hyphilitio Sores, todigaa?on, Inflam . mellon of Gie Bladder aniKidneys Faina S th* Bach, General Debility, ?nd for aU WtmuMM* arising from deficiency and. poverty of blood. COPYRIGHT SECURED. IroMrM only by E. H. HETNITSH, Pharmacist. For sale by FISHER & HEINITSH, NOT 88 Droggists, Columbi*, 8. C.