THE HAILY Daily Paper $10 a Year. 'Let ?ur Jost Censure PHONIX. Attend the True Event.' Tri-Weekly $7 a Year BY J. A. SELBY. COLUMBIA, S. C., SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2, 1865. VOL. I-NO. 211. THE PHONIX, PUBLISHED DAI LT AND TRI-WEEKLY, BY JULIAN A. SELBY. TERMS-m ADVANCE. SUBSCBXPTION. Dailv Paper, six months.$5 00 Tri-WeekiY, " " .3 50 AD ?-IiltTISKMKNTS Inserted at $1 per square fi>r the first in? sertion. a:nl 75 cents for oach subsequent. ?S" Special notices 15 cents a lino. Counting House Calendar for 1SGG. CD CD CP i-l Jan. Feb. Mar. j Apr May Jan? li Um 3 4 si lioiulitli in hs i?i MMM) M s io i ICU !?23iS4 I ?)'31 July Adg. Sept. Oct. NOT. Dec. SilO 16U7 13114 80 81 ll lU 18114 18'H 10 ll U M 17 38 8 S 10[ll 15 1? 17:ls ii ta M it tv 80 [ii fZ. ll IS 14 15 1? ?lill? li'M 17 128,20 14 16 21 ID tain i I 4 6 e 1?10 ll M 13 18 17118 18 to SJ 14 aS'?6:17 71 8 0|10 VJ 13 14 i: If, 17 19 20?21 S3 ? 14 Klsr tatalaol. 8 4 6 6 71 8 PLANS FOR SOUTHERN DEVELOP? MENT.-Tho want of capital in tho South, which is now so sensibly felt by the planters, with their bare yet fertile lands, aud also the enterpris? ing business men of that section, has suggested ninny plans for advancing the general prosperity by again bring? ing forth the capabilities and resour? ces of the country, and building up its trade. Among other projects lately canvassed, which appear to be practicable, and certainly would be of the highest usefulness if carried out, is the establishment of a joint stock company, with a capital of $5, 000,0??, to be used for the develop? ment of the industrial resources of the Southern States. It is proposed to raise this capital in the North, commencing at Baltimore, and even to seek it in Europe, if necessary. It is to be loaned to planters and land? owners in the South, secured by mortgages? on property, the cash valu? ation of which is to be at least 50 per cent, over the amount advanced. For this the mortgager is to pay interest at the legal rate prevailing in his State ; but, in addition, he is to bind himself to consign tho products of his estate to the agents of the company, at some specified point, who will thus act as factors, aud find interest enough in the project, it is believed, to insure its succ?s. The usual fac? tors' commissions of 21._, per cent, on the sales, as well as purchases for the planters, would thus accrue to the joint stock company. While, there? fore, the planter would realize the immediate benefit of the needed loan, the company's business, if properly managed, it would seem, must be handsomely profitable. In addition to this scheme, a number of Ameri? can and English bankers and capital? ists interested in the production of cotton, are making inquiries in rela? tion to organizing a national cotton growing company in the South, the latter being influenced chiefly by the failure of the English attempt to pro? duce the staple in India to the extent desired. In connection with all these plans, the labor question, of course, comes up, and much will depend upon the success!ul issue with the freedman in his relations to the white population.-Ballimore Sun. Dr. Vaughan has published in the British Quarterly Jicview a record of a conversation which he had at Wash? ington with Gen. Grant. We copy the following from it : "Say what you will," said the General, "this war has been the biggest job of its sort that has been done in this world; and it will be a chapter to itself in thc his? tor of war; nothing like it has gone before." This is evidently a high compliment to the valor, skill and endurance of the late Confaderates. A LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING in tho Post Office, Colum? bia, S. C., December 1, 18G5. Persons calling for letters on this list will please say "They are advertised." Allen, Isaac ? "Lee, Mrs Carrie E Anderson, Mrs Jane Lee. Miss Anna Austin, Miss MA 2 Lebby, Miss Kate Aldredgc, M Latimer, Dr J P Ander8on,MissWD 2 Liner, Adam Anderson, Chas S Levrch, Dr Aldrich, Th os It McCants, K P Anmann, M S MeKinzev, Hernav Arbuthnot, Kev J L McLaughlin, Mrs M Burke, Miss F McGuire, B Bahei!, Miss Elav McGee, W A Bughman, Mrs John McCullock, Mrs S J Broady, Mrs Dora Miller, Laurens 2 Braun", Mrs Bose Moore. Mrs H J Brown, Mrs James Mack, Mrs Mary Brown, Mrs Anna Middleton, W J 3 Brown, Edmund Mitchell, Mrs M Brown, Jim Munson, Mrs E j Brown, J G Murrell, Mrs Susan Brown, Mrs Hannah Muir, Miss Jane 2 Brown, J J Muckenfuss, Dr B A Brown, Wm Motley, Philip 2 Barnum, J T A E A Munn, John Brackctt, Samuel Myers, Nathan Brash, Fred H Moffett, G H Burton, Bcubcn Moore, Kobert Braun, Dr F McFeat, Wm T Bingham, J St M Magrath, E Boggs, Ishmael Macleish, Archibald Beckman, John Marshall, George Beard, W Marsh, John Beaty, James Mood, Rev H M Ball, Thos A Murrav, Aile Calhoun, Miss Eliza Murrell, B W Cay cc, Mrs E lt Mrs Million ChecsboroughjMrsII Mason, C A Cherry, Mrs Cecil Norris, Mrs Lizzie 2 danton, Mrs S S Nelson, Phillip W 2 Carolina, Francis Nesbitt, Ccnty Cannon, Monsieur Nesbitt, James Coleman, Dr C T Nipson, Francis Conway, John O'Ncale, Mrs Jamos Coumbe, John Ousmaker, Mrs C Cease, Moses O'Ncale, Robert Davis, James Owens. James L Dcsause, Ben 2 Owens, Col S H Donkins, Richard 2 Price, Sirs Rebecca Delania, Granton Parish, Miss Alonza Dike, S A Patterson, Mary Dill, Capt E G Pollard, Wm Dodge, Eugene li Pallaw, W A . Dcano, Mrs S A Porcher, John S ! Dral'ts.aTcsse Price. G W ! Edmunds, Mrs M C Reed, Miss Nancy j Edwards, Mrs C C Rives, Mrs S W Edmunds, Mrs Sarah Rawley, Rufus L I Eagle, John Richardson, DA Lavena, Sam Richards, Jas Erwin, E M Rogers, C A Co Evans, James W Roper, Mrs Martha F.lias, L Ruse, Miss Carrie Edwards, Jouii Smith, Abram ! Fenton, Mrs B Smith, Wm j Fenton, Mrs Martha Smith, Augustin Ford, Rebecca Smith, Dnniel Ferguson, Robert Smith, H A ! Floyd, J W Smith, Sarah I Faust, John Sill, J M Farristcr, John Stone, Richard G Fraser, John A Co Shepard, Mrs E Green, Miss Dorr Shepard, A Gordon Green, David Sligh, W II Gill, Dick Stores, J Goode, Isaac Slate, J B Grinevald, A Scoring, Miss E or C I Hennhson, J M Shirley, John W j Holmes, Mrs A G Sibcrs", Henry I Howell, Dafl'ena Steinmier, L 7. Huffman, Mrs S 2 Spier, T J Honey, Mrs John E Steele, P II upper, Mrs Mary Tailor, Miss J A Hanckel, Mr Treager, Miss II E Hiam, Mr Taylor, Rev Charles Heckman, S A Thompson, Mrs Jab Hix, Wm P Tucker, J J Hornsby, J S Yenning, Mrs W Heslop, Mr Washington, Jos I Harrison, James jr, Washington, Mrs M j Henry, David S Walker, Ed J i Iscnhower, Daniel Walker, Mrs Betsey j Jacocks, Miss Sarah Walter, G H Joyner, Miss Frank Walters, Dr E H Jones, Miss Eva G Watson, John M ? Jonson, Mrs Nancy Wannamakor.Miss M Jackson, T A Wagner, Max I Jenkins, Ed Wells, Miss EUaJ ; Jones, John li Walter, H j Jones, William WLiidcn, W W i Johnson. GM 2 Wightman, Rev J T ? Johnson, Sam Wight, Wm H Judge, Capt John Wilks, Mes M L F j Kcnncday, Butler Williams, W H 2 Koker, Miss Delia Williams, Mrs Ned i Knight, Miss J Wood, W L I Kahler, J H Wildman.YoungA Bro I Kinowly, Linman Yates, Dr Jos Dec 2 1 J. C. JA NN EY, P. M. Hats and Caps. *\X7"E have just opened a beautiful lot of VV GENT'S and BOYS' DRESS HATS and CAPS, in Felt, Cassimere, Plush, Vel? vet and Silk. All of thu LATEST STYLES and at LOW FIGURES. SHIVER & BECKHAM Nov 30 :t Next to Shiver House. LUMBER. PARTIES wishing their orders for LUM? BER tilled with despatch, can be sup j plied at Die Columbia Steam Saw Mill. HANAHAN A WARLEY, Agents. Headq'rs District of Western S. C., FOURTH SEPARATE BRIuADE, COLUMBIA. S. C., November 30, 1865. GENERAL ORDERS NO. 33. IBEFORE a MUitary Commission, . which convened at Headquarters, District of Western South Carolina, Fourth Separate Brigade, Columbia, South Caro .ina, November 15th, 1865, pursuant to Special Orders No. 37, dated Headquarters, District of Western South Carolina. Fourth Separate Brigade, Columbia, South Caro? lina, November 11th, 1865, and of which Lieut. Col. N. HAUGHTON, '25th Regiment Ohio Veteran Volunteers, is President, was arraigned and tried: John. Dook, citizen of Abbeville District, South Carolina. CHARGE FIRST: A ti en-j}' to Rill. SPECIFICATION: lu this, that John Doak, civilian, did, without provocation, attempt to kill one Freedman, named Solomon, by shooting tho same with a double-barrelled shot gun, on the plantation of Mr. Palmer. AU this in Abbevillo District, South Caro lin'a, on or about tho 1st dav of September, 1865. CHARGE SECOND: Violation of General Order No. 90, from War Department, A. G. 0., dated May llf/t, 1865. SPECIFICATION: In this, that John Doak, civilian, did visit a Tournament, at Abbe? ville, South Carolina, for tho purpose of shooting John Metcalfe, Capt. 56th Regi? ment N. Y. S. Veteran Volunteers, and Commanding Sub-District of Abbevillo, South Carolina, and also to capture a horso which was taken from the said John Doak, civilian, by one of the Freedmen working on Mr. Palmer's plantation, and who de? livered the same to tho United States au? thorities at Abbeville, South Carolina. All this at Abbeville, South Carolina, on or I about the 8th day of September, 1865. To which Charges and Specifications, the accused pleaded as follows: To the Specification First Charge, ''JVoi G" I J/." To the First Charge, "Not Guilty." To the Specification Second Charge, "Not Guilty." To the Second Charge, "Not Guilty." FINDING. The Commission having maturely con? sidered the evidence adduced, linds the accused John Doak, citizen of Abbeville District, South Carolina, as follows: Of the Specification of tho First Charge, " GuMy," except the words, "with a dou? ble-barrelled shot gun." Of the First Charge, "Guilty." Of thc Sp?cification of the Second Charge, "Gu Vt i)." Of the Second Charge, "Guilty." SENTENCE. And the Commission do, therefore, sen? tence him, the said John Doak, citizen of Abbeville District, South Carolina, to be confined at hard labor for the period of two (2) years, at such place as the Command? ing General may direct. II. The proceedings and findings in tho foregoing case of John Doak, citizen of Abbeville District, South Carolina, are ap? proved. The sentence is confirmed, and ! will he carried into effect at Castle Plnck ney, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, I under the direction of the Commanding I Officer thereof, to whom .!.:<. prisoner will bc sent undor guard The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. By order of Brevet Major-General A. AM KS. J. A. CLARK, Capt. 15th Maine Vols., A. A. D. C., and Act. Ass't Adj't. tien'l. Nov 30_1 Still they Come! ANOTHER OF Groceries, JUST RECEIVED BY CHIMU) k HEW, GERVAIS (OR BRIDGE) STREET, OPPOSITE STATE HOUSE, COLOMBIA, S. C, EXTRA FA1HTLT FLOUR. SMOKED BEEF*. BACON-Clear Side?, liam?, &f. MACCAROFfl. SUGAR-all kinda, at lowest rate*. APPLES. POTATOES. Received This Day ! 25 bbls. TURK ISLAND SALT. 10 bbls. IRISH POTATOES. 2,060 lbs. BACON. [ Whi ;h we offer at lowest market prices. A N assortment of LAW BOOKS, includ J\. ?ne the SOUTH G ABOLI NA LAW and EQUITY REPORTS, in set? or volumes, can bo found at R. L. BRYAN'S, one door EaRt of Nickerson's Hotel. NOT 25 jfi*_J. J. McCARTER. ninthing ! R. & W. C. SWAFFIELD ARE IN BEGEHT OF A LA&GE ASSORTMENT OF FINE READY-MADE CLOTHING ! CONSISTING or: OVERCOATS, BLACK FROCK COATS, BUSINESS SUITS, Ac. These goods were made expressiv for this market, in the LATEST STYLES, and such as we can recommend to our cus? tomers. We pav particular attention to MAKING GARMENTS to order, and have a large and well selected stock of our COATINGS, CLOTHS and CASSIMERESto select from. We trv to give a GOOD, TASTY, WELL FITT?NG GARMENT, at LESS PRICE THAN THE SAME CAN BE OBTAINED ELSEWHERE. HATS, FURNISHING GOODS, Ac. Dec 1 3* BEDELL'S ROW. To Rent, A HOUSE near the Charlotte Rail ffHfc road, across the brick bridge. Also, ?mtwo PIANOS to hire. Apply to Nor 30 3? G. W. LOGAN. Arsenal Hill. Partnership Notice. WE, thc undersigned, have formed a limited partnership for the transac? tion of MERCANTILE BUSINESS, in the city of Columbia, for the period of five years from this date, (unless sooner deter? mined by death or bv mutual consent.) The name of the Arin is A. C. DAVIS. John English, tho special partner, fur? nishes six thousand dollars in cash; A. C. Davis, the general partner, furnishes his time, labor and skill. JOHN ENGLISH. N'v 26 30 A. C. DAVIS. Stolen! Stolen! ON thc night of the 20th instant, Jim Washington, a negro man, belonging formerly to Mr. O'Kcller, of Greenwood, S. C., andsaid to have a wife at Wilmington, N. C.. who belonged to a Dr. Derozet, of that place, whore bc (Jim) expected to go as soon as he was in funds, stole from thc yard of Dr. Parker's residence a large dou? ble-cased Gold Watch, marked on the back "T. H. P.," with a Gilt Chain; a fl >ublc case Silver Watch, (common;) a suit 'if i.- w Blue Clothes; several pieces of Under? clothes, marked "W. E. Haskell, jr.;" and Fifty Dollars in currency. A liberal reward wit l bo given for thc ar? rest of thc said Jim Washington, or for t ie recovery of the articles lost, or for any information that will lead to his arrest. Nov 30 3? W. E. HASKELL, JR. For Sale. TWO desirable RESIDENCES-one >n Richland, the other on Laurel street. For terms, apply to I F. w. MCMASTER. Nov 26 *7 No. 5 Law Ran; French, and Hosie on the Piano. MADAME V. H. VALLORY and daugl - tor will give instruction in tho above branches, on reasonable terms. Resident* in the College Campus, Ward S. Nov 19 To Rent, MY late RESIDENCE, at the cor jijt uer of Bull and Upper Boundary streets. ALSO, The BRICK HOUSE at present occupied by Mr. Wm. H. Heyward, on Laurel street. Both places are commodious and com? fortable, with every convenience for a re? spectable familv. Possession will bo given first of January next. J. W. PARKER. Nov 23 _% For Sale, COLUMBIA CITY PROPERTY. THE undersigned is authorized to sell a number of HOUSES and LOTS, situ? ated tn various portions of thc city. A"ot? is thc time for capitalists. They may bo treated for on advantageous terms, if ap? plied for soon to W. A. HABRIS. Nov 2S $12 To Builders. PROPOSALS are wanted immediately from Builders for the erection of a turee-story BRICK BUILDING, 22x100 feet, on Main street. The work to bi'done in the 1 est manner and of finest quality material. For further particulars, applv at this office. Nov 29 3* " A LARGE AND GENERAL Supply of all DESIRABLE GOODS to be found at thc store built on the lot occupied by G. Gr. Newton before tbo march of SHERMAN Through Columbia. The stock on baud IS Considered one of the best in the city, and is TO BE Sold at the LOWEST MARKET PRICKS. Tho goods EXHIBITED At this store will compete with that of ibo best houses in New York and Charleston, and will be sold AS Cheap as any in the abovo cities. We are determined to sell at the above store lower than any in the city. A Call at this establishment will SHOW That we are in earnest. NOT SO Scott & Heriot? NOTICE. WE respectfully inform the public Hot wo nave commenced opening oar stock sf DRY GOODS, MILLINERY GOODS, FANCY"GOODS, And are receiving more daily, which we offer at the following low prices: ENGLISH PRINTS, 35 ets. DELAINES, all styles, from 35 cts. up? wards. Cheare, new, 40 eta. Alpacca, all styles, 50 cts. Black Coburgs, from 45 ets., upwards. French Fantasie, from 75 cts., v.pwar-da. Rcpis Goods, flinn 50 cts., upwards. Beautiful balmoral Skins, $3.50. Shawls, from $2.50, upwards. Cloaks, latest styles, from $7.00, up warda. Trimmed Hats,"latest styles, from $3.50. upwards. A large assortment of Bonnet Ribbons, from 20 cts., upwards. And manv other Goods too numerous to mention. Ladies would do well to give as a call before purchasing elsewhere-. ABELES, MYERS & CO., Nov 28 G_Bronson's Old Stand. " COMMISSIONER'S SAL?T j RICHLAND DISTRICT-TN EQUITY. John Logan, George W. Glenn, et ux et aL, vs. Rufus J. Reid, Joseph Clippers, et ?tx I et al.-Jlill fur Sale of+Iteal ?state. IN pursuance of the order of the Court in the above cafe, I will sell, on the FIRST MONDAY in January next, at 10 i o'clock a. m.. at the Court House, in tho j city of Columbia, S. C., two SQUARES OF LAND in said city, containing four acres each-one lot bounded ss follows: On the North, by Plain street; on the East, by i Winn street; on the South, by Washington ' street; on tho West, by Barnwell stiftet. i Tue other square, or lot, bounded as fol j lows: On the North, by Blanding street; on ' the South, hy Taylor street; on the K??t, by Laurens street; anil on th? West, by ? Winn street. Ono of these squares in so situated aa U? be a most eligible location for private resi? dences; the other scpiar*, opposite til? depot of the Columbia and Charlotte Rail? road, is well situated for stores or husrnc-.sst establishments. These squares, or lota, will be so sub-divid< d as to suit purchasers, as well those who seek investments as f.b?3? who desire to provide themselves a com? fortable home. A map, with the lota num? bered, can be seen ut my office, xi any time after the fifth day of such pros. THUMS.- -One-fourth cash; balance on av credit of one, two ami three years, witt? interest payable annually until* tho whole; debt be paid, secured by bond and mort? gage of the premises. Purchasers to. p*:--' for papers. D. li. DESAUSSURE, C. E. R. Etc Nov 28 fl'2 Tho friends of Dr. A. N. TALLEY noiui nate him as a candidate for Mayor at th** ensuing election in April next. Nov 2 *