. -t ai Hilm ? ifoi Kii mi ?j?dtt ^3t^^uSff^^?^^S^y. II cart s and -Tree?. from''fetag^imtf l?ps St'gray-ey"?u'morn",'** A ?rusher tide ot lifo W gusuing; , x?. Abouttho bottom -of tire thtfru . The maiden bud is coyly bb'.shhig. I feel upon me, like a hand , " Lifting me up, the weight of Spring; ' And as the baby leaves expand, My spirit seems awakening. Hath, then, this mingled life of ours Aught of a tidal ebb and ?QW? Hath niau a sympathy with flowers, And with thepi droop, revive and grow? it may be so; for life is life, lutcnsuor subtle, lessor mor?; And Wages the eternal strife With (loath and darkness world all o'er. In youth wc seek toicarve our name Deep-lettered on tho heart? of worth. And fancy wo may ;racc the same ? %?l time restorot?i earth to earth. Nor know that, as on bring tree, Rough bark will overgrow our toil. .As snrelv will the work!; and we Rut hail this knowledge with a smile: A .s nile, tu think it 'scaped our sense: ?low like in this wert- hearts and trees; So soft ro eourt our confidence, So ywift to hide our memories. When you ofSir oats to a ho'^se, ho may suv neigh, but he doesn't noan it. Why do bulls and turkey-cocks get enraged at seeing a' wicked man? Because his sins are as scarlet. , It is not quite us dangerous to bc snapped at by a dog as by a gun. A hungry man may digest advic?, but it makes a poor dinner. Truth and time aro the good man's friends; pity they are so slow. ? sour temper bites lines into one's face like aquafortis. Military buttons are very attractive to a woman, especially it" they are bachelor's battons. Some hypocritical prayers in church ?ir? intended to cheat the congrega? tion, others the Lord. There are some people who can't possibly be too lazy; the only times when they don't do evil is when they do nothing. The cattlcplague in England has now broken out among the sheep, ac? companied by all its most fatal characteristics. New York Advertwements. DEVLIN & CO., l LOT H1 i ll AT ! si M? WK UM; r: the season with a large snick "r- 'h-gant CLOTHING and FUR? NISHING GOODS in our Ready-made De? partment. *\Ye have also secured the ser? vices of first-class artists in our Custom Denarl mont., which is likewise supplied with the FINEST an A REST FABRICS of the Home and Foreign Markets, ?i',, those w !?> wi :i to order bv in-iii j will j,'- seul (ou implication) SAMPLES OF GOODS*-with directions for measuring, which, if correctly followed, will secure a BEVLIN & CO.. i'.ro.id vv ay. cor. Grund street. New York, ft roadway', wft*. Warren #:;-e?t. New York. Sent 2?)' Imo FENN EB, BENNETT & BOWMAN, (Snc'sors to Hotchkiss, Fenner** bennett.) GOW. MERGHE?iTSt. i i ; T \'SE ] ' S Tit EE T, ?K1f Yo UK. ASI> . MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. 1-ilWS. i ;.NNKU, :i. BENNETT, D. W. HOWMAN. jtTib T. A. TOBIN', who wasffor'a length ly I_ o' time connected with thc old firm of Hotchkiss, Fenner & Bennett, has an inter esl ::i thc present firm, and will devote his attention principally to the State of South Carolina. His, address "will be Clinton, Laurens District. Oct 3 "mo To the Citizens of South Carolina. The termination of a sanguinary contest, winch for thi* past four years hftsprcsentcd an impassable barrier to all social er com inercia! intercourse between the two great bcctions of our country, haring at length luiypily cl?ared away all obstacles to a re . ..IITMI of those relations which formerly . l>o;?iythis auspicious ev?nt, to gr* ct my South? ern friends, and to solicit from them a re? newal of that extensive business connection rhk-h for a quarter of a century'has beou calamity to which I hara adverted. -.*?(p&-fl^elyneeesW^^ i cf .^business re-union. I should repeat the ; warmpg so often given ?o my: friends-to beltana of ah thoa? spurious and deleteri? ous eonii. rands which, ?Uder the 'apdcion? ahdv&lse titles of Imported Wines, Ban? dies, Holiand-'tiin, Liquors, A?.v'T*av.~be*n equally destructiva fco -tb* health of fear, citizens as prejudicial to th? interests ?f | tba legitimate importer. Many years of my past life hav?"bert g.. t9Q?MBmLY???*% ML?MAGMXR,) WHOLESALE and RETAIL T) EG tm inform tbonifrizsi* of Columbia Jl'ind tho peoplo of th? neighboring ftountry, Hiat they ar? now receiving, ?ad har? reeeifod, a great Tarictiy of . ; . * (g t H ? ' '' 1 Dry Goods AND GROCERIES Of'all descriptions, suitable te all seasons and all manner of persons. They have, among many otliRr articles, frosh svpplioa of tho foho w?rg: J GROCERIES. COFFEE, TEAS, (Green ami Blick.) SUGAR, (white and brown) MOLASSES, (New Orleans.) CHEESE, MACKEREL. CLAP T T WINE. CANDLES, Sperm, Tallowed Adam'tin*. Cracker?, Wine, Soda, Sugar, Bflstoa. Candies, Almonds. Brazil, Walnut and other Nuts. Soaps. To?ot, Castile, Fancy. Comnn. With erery variety of Grocery. Copperas, Soda, Dine Stone, Xe. Spices.Cloves, Cinnamon, Allspice, Gin? ger, Nutmegs, ?c. Shoe Blacking, Brashes, Cu" -ni?*. Horse Brushes, &e.' " . Knivos and Fork*. Ma*tcau?. Starch, Mustard. , TOBACCO AND Gt?a?S. Bent SMOHiNG and ?HEW'G TOBACCO. Spanish and American CIGARS. Of Tobacco f.ld stand, ia Assembly street, b> j Sept ll SULZBACHER A C<)> j Cotton Wanted. THB behest prices paid for COTTON and for all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. I Farmers and country merchants will lind it ! to their a?Tantagfc to call and see. j Sopt ll 8ULKB-ACHER A CO. Charleston Advertisements. ? rORWAR0t?S ACOMMtS'N I MERCHANTS, CHARLESTONAND ORANGER' the purchase of family rsnpplfcs. OilicO; corfter Accommodation Wharf and East Har, Charl?e?en, S. C. Oc t 0 Imo wi. m (Eortnrrly ?o?irun, Jeffers ?E :< ARE prepared to ivce>vo and forward all COTTON and MF.1K 1HANDIZE, con? signed to their oarc. at. Or.angehurg* and Hopkins' Turn-Out, on South Carolina Railroafl. On completion of the road to Columbia, thor will cTTON and other ; COUNTRY PRODUCE will he receive! and j sold- or. if desired, will l>e forwarded to j Nev. York for sale. Citslr advance r-- will be ; made on such Cor .gnments. I . Aug 29 $2ni0 5 j roily ER KING AND SOCIETTjJiTS., . CHELESTON, $. C. rBOPKTETORS, S. K. LO HING. CHAS. iL RENNETT. Sept'll t Imo ^Ship|>ing, Commission . ". ? . -v ' : AKD FOB WARDING MERCHANT*, 76 EAST BAY, Tiro doora /kntGi of Jtorth AHmtti* W!mrf dH?ELltSTOK, S. C. HAYE constantly on fcaixl a full snnniy of GBOCER?E6, at lovat warkt rates. Advahnns made ?n consign? ments. .*? .. Sept 17 ) ?li LB?E COMPOSED OF THE NEYty ?tKB FIRST-CLASS STEAMERS MONEKA, Capt. XarthuiitH, * 9 v AND - ETKZXi'V li, SOVDEK,Capt. AVi;:cln a; . a. FOR NEW YORK DIREG'?f j Th' a?? favorite passenger stw.vn'i: CAP3T.'MAKr'IMAlf, WILL leave Accomu .dation Wharf an ?THURSDAY. Oct .-r'?6, ?t-o'oloek. These Vissels alternating weekly, offering everv Thursday to the traveling publie * FIRST-CLASS PASSENGER BOAT, with superior accommodations. There will be a mall bag keptattheoflinu of the Agents, closing always an hoar.be? fore the sailing of each? steamer. For Passage or Freight, applv to WILLIS & CHISOLM,Ageni*. ' Oct 5 ' Mills House, Charleston. ARCHIBALD GETTY 4 C0.7 S? ?x?]|p x? in ? AND eos?. ?EneHA?TS3 ' 12i"> and 128 Meeting W, G rt A RLES TO N. S\ 6. F. A. WILCOXSON, Agent; Oraugeliurg, S. **, EDMUND A. SOUDER k CO.. Philadelphia. LIVINGSTON, FOX & CO., Agents. New Tor!.. Sir LIBERAL ADVANCES mad- ott t \ >N SIGN MEN TS. Aug 15 2nTo? fi fi! \RLEST0\ TO HEW YORK. AYLMSme COAST Line! THE hew ftr?fc idass ?-teamer M? NEKA. Charles P. Marsbman, Csn? mander. Steanft r C A M *- B RLE-GE, J. W. BalcRj Commander, ' Will leave Charleston., S. C.. dirent mr New York, alternately THURSDAYS each week. ? For freight or passage -having haa?i sonii State Room accommodations-apply io F. A. WILCOXSON, Agent, Orangehurg, S. ?J. ARCHIBALD GETTY & Co.,. Uti and 12*. Meeting st,. Charleston, S. G. LIVINGSTON, FOX * CO.. Agents. Aug 15 arno *7ew York. GOOB HEWS FOB. ALI. ! I RE-OPENING OE THE THROE IN CH?RLESTOm IMMENSE ATTRACTION AT THE Wholesale Shoe House! ? '' m. i33 MEETIIiG STiEET, * KSTAISLISHED IV 1S3?, I TS nttw re-opeaed, after a stispension of four years, with greater facilities tba* ?vor. ! A The proprietor now offers for ?alo j AT WHOLESALE ONLY, at the lowest possible quotations, anti receiving IMMEK?E i CONSIGNMENTS semi-weekly from th? largest and most reliable manufactories. Tho proprietor takes pleasure in calline; thc attention of the trade-the local rner ; chant:) of the Stales or Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama and FlorMa-to the extensive .stock of HOOTS. SHOES, If ATS. THUNES, "tc. ORDERS NEATLY A X 1> VHOMELY ATTENDED TO. EDWARD DALY, Sept 24 AGENT FOR MANUFACTURERS. BOOTS, SHOES, THUS .11 HATS, wv W 'Vt? HAVING been appointed Agent for the sale of BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS andHATSt hv several of the most prominent manufacturers at the North, and nov/ located a ? NO. 138 MEETING STREET. CHARLEST?fS, S C.. I offer lins CHOICE STOCK OF (?OOHS for yalu by the PACKAGE ONLY. tu> The Trade will please noticei VU EDWARD DALY, Agent. 1 Kept 24