The daily phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, September 05, 1865, Image 1

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'DAILY PAPERL $10 A YEAR. J"LET OUR JUSr"CENSUBE ATTEND, THE TRUE B VENT't, TI-WEEKLY $7 AWYEAR. MyI. A. SELBY, COLUMIAP S. C.; TUESDAY MORNEW9. SEPIIENBER 5,1865. .VOL. L -NO. 1 TSE PHOENIX IS PUBLJSH~U> I> AIL F AND, TRI-WEEKL T. . ASD THK ' % wimv wmm EVERT WEDNESD AT. % BY JgLIAH A. SELBY. TERMS-IN ADVA NC E. SUBSCRIPTION*. Daily Paper, six months.W|6 00 Tri-WeaBy,? " " ..?. Weekly, " - ?" -.2 00 Single copies of the Daily and Tri-Weakly, 10 cant?; of the Weekly, 15 cents. ADVERTISEMENTS Insertad in either the Daily or Tri-Weekly ai $1 per square for the first insertion, and 75 cents for each subsequent insertion. In tho Weekly, SI a squared . aarSpecial notices 15 cents a line.. TheConstitution of Virginia, under the restored Government, differs from the Virginia Constitution of 1851 much' less than is generally supposed. The. changes, however important, are not numerous. In the Code of Vir? ginia, issued, in the year 1860, and liberally distributed throughout the 'State to justices, clerks and others, and now accessible to most persons, .will be found at full length the former Constitution: ?. With these preliminaries, w? at Once consider the Alexandria Consti? tution. Prefixed to it are the old bill of rights and preamble. Articles I and U of the former Constitution are contained unchanged. Article ITT, ou . qualification of voters, in the old, is greatly changed in thc new Constitution. Eesidence prerequisite to voting is reduced to one year in the State and .six months in the county, city or town. But the great and important change consists of two parts, namely, disfranchise , ment of voters and disability for * office-holding, by reason of participa? tion in the rebellion. All persons are disfranchised who, since, the first day of Januaay, 1864, have ' ' voluntarily giveh aid or assistance, in any way, tb those in rebellion against the Govern? ment of the "Waited States', for the purpose Sf promoting thess-ame." The ' Legislature have power to relieve from this privation and restore the right of franchise, ."when, in 'their opinion, it will be safe to do so." Ac? cordingly, the Legislature, by Act of the 22d June, I860, in extra session at Bich mond, restored the franchise to all )hose deprived as aforesaid, who should take the oaths therein pre? scribed, to wit: that in the Amnesty Proclamation of President Johnson of .the 29th May, 1865, and that to sup? port the restored government of Vir? ginia. But persons excluded from the benefit of ?aid Amnesty Proclamation, until pardoned by the President, are excepted from such enfranchisement. Persons excluded from the amnesty, by reason'of the $20,000 exception, are, nevertheless, enfranchised by said Act? The disability for office .holding is, next to the- disfranchise? ment of voters, the most remarkable part of the instrument. No person can, according to its terms, "vote or hold office under this Constitution who has held office undet the so-called Confederate Government, or under any rebellious State Gov^fcnment, or who has been ? member of the so called Confederate Congress, or a member of any State Legislature in rebellion against the authority of the United States, excepting therefrom ?.unty officers." This proscription and impracticable rule will, doubtless, be expunged at an early day. It is impossible to continue such a provi? sion among a people who are recog? nized as loyal, an d, who claim a Repub? lican Government. Tho, reason and necessity of* such a -proscription, if ever of sufficient cogency, liave wholly ceased; and the Executive an* the Legislature have united in recom? mending and promoting ito abroga-; lion. The Legislature, at the e,\tra session above-mentioned, by an Act passed on the 21st day of jjgft 1865, entitled "An Act lo provide for tho amendment of the third article of tho Constitution," invested the Governor with discretion : to ascertain the sense of the qualified voter.-? on the proposi ..tion to empower thc next Genera} Assembly to amend the third '.rticle of the Constitution-that wfcch im? poses* the disfranchisement and disa? bilities1-so that, in virtue of the high authority Aus invoked and exercised, the loyal people of the State may be ?ontpletely rehabilitated., This result is so necessary and 'wise that wo must soon, witness its consummation. In thi3 event, Article III of the old Con? stitution, will be substantially if not literally .restored. Article IV-legislative department -has undergone several and consider? able changes. ; They are mainly the results or incidents of the war, in the midst of which the new Constitution, was proclaimed. Such tus arise from the disseverance of the Old Dominion^ and the abolition of slavery will readily be understood. The Alexan? dria 'Constitution d?chires that the House of Delegates shall consist of not less than eighty and not more than one hundred and four members, and the Senate of a number not Jess than one-third and not more than one half the' number of the House. It apportions representation in the House ancPSenate among the counties and pities, and provides for future re-ap? portionment ia 1870 and decennially thereafter, in jax. enumeration* of the inhabitants of the State. ? The Gene? ral Assembly is to meet annually. In this article, sections 19, 20 and 21 I of. the former Constitution, headed "slaves and free negroes," have been substituted in the now by sections headed "slavery or. freedom," declar? ing slavery abolished and forever pro? hibited. Another section relates tc the public debt encuita apportionment between Virginia and West Virginia. It declares that ho ordinance of the Wheeling Convention adjusting the .Hebt between the two .shall be binding on this State. Another section of thij article* prohibits the Legislature from paying au y debt dtr obligation iucuired by the rebellious State authorities al Richmond. It also forbids any county, city*o? corporation to levy, or coiled any tax to pay any debt created in ak' of the rebellion. The sinking func created and regulated by the 29th sec? tion of ti^e former Constitution, ap pears to be entirely omitted from tin nWh. Instead of that, the 29th sec . tion of ?he new Constitution provides that no debt shall be contracted by tin State, except for casual deficits in tin "revenue, or the discharge of a previ ous liability, or for military purposes If the State become a stockholder ii any internar" improvement, the stool shall be paid for at the unie of sub scription, or a tax shall be levied fo: the next year to pay the subscriptioi in full. Article V, of the Executive Depart ment, in the late Constitution, remain unchanged, except by this audition "Until the members of the Board o , Public \ybrk8 shall be elected* by di rection of the Legislature and quali fled, the authority^ and duty of th Board are devolviUf on the Goveruoi Auditor and Tre?irer of the Com monwealth; and tfie Secretary of th Commonwealth shall discharge th duties of t?ie^slerk^of Aaid Board." Article Vjf relating to the Jud oiary, ia very nmterially changed i the newt?onstitutionv The latter pr< vides for a Couft pf Appeals, to coi sist of three judges, for district court and for sixteen circuit courts. Tl judicial term is not changed, but tl mode of election or appointment radically,, different from that lately i force, .it is provided that the judg< shall be chosen by the joint vote i the two houses, of the G&ieral Assoc bly, from persons nominated by tl Governor. The several circuits ai districts are defined in the Constit tion. In other respects, the form constitutional provisions ou the juc ciary ard"Continued unchanged. ^ Ju tices of?the peace, besides their p diem for court service, may by law 1 aMowed fees and emoluments for otb services. . In conclusion of our exhibit of t Alexandria Constitution, in which 1 have stated all imnortant changes, a; omitting Only tko minor and triv ones, we may remox??that thc body the instrument Hf other matters is transcript of the former Constitutic In respect to the judiciary, the chan is at most but of debatable proprie It involves an abandonment of poi lar election of judges and adopt: meade of appointment somewhat re? sembling that in the Constitution of the United States. The change is -not of a character to excite much, if any, reprobation;" to many it -will be pre? ferable to the superseded mode. The inhibition of an appropriation to in? ternal improvements is a change of great consequence. It is well calcu? lated lo elioit discussion; but at pre? sent, when our public debt^and other burdens arc,so heavy as '? b? truly oppressive, there woidd bc scarcely any disposition to augment them, in? dependent of this inhibition. J?or the present, therefore, our poverty and exhaustion may reconcile us to the provision so consistent wtth them. The abolition andr interdiction of skr Ty contained in tho new Consti? tu?, m are but the irreversible fia* cf this generation, rendering discussion of the subjectwholly superfluous and unprofitable. The disfranchisement and disabilities inflicted by the new Constitution have in part been, and will soon in whole be expunged, and be. substituted by euch enlightened and liberal provisions as will remove all just complaint ind satisfy sound public sentiment. Should these ex? pectations be realized, we shall find the Alexandria Constitution much more endurable than many may have imagined.-Richmond Times. . J Drug Store ?^or Sale. THE STOCK and FIXTURES of a whole? sale, and retail DRUG STORE, in tho town of Newberry, S. C., prominently situ? ated, and of good patronage, will be ?o?d at a bargain, if applied for soon. Satisfactory reasons assigned for selling. Address Box 88, Newberry, S. C. , Sept 4_*_fi LAWRENCE. BALDWIN & CO. HAMERS AND BROKERS, NO. 70 WAEL BTI11ET, NEW, YORK. s SOVERNMENT SECURITIES and other STOCKS, RONDS, "vc., bought and on commission. DEWITT C. LAWREi*CS> member N. Y. Stock Exchange. SIMEON BALDWIN, Jr.., member. N>. Y. Petroleum and-Minin^ Board. CYRUS J. LAWRENCE. WM. A. HALSTED. Sept 4 Gmo For Sale. PRICE $2,000 CASH. ALARGE commotions HOUSE, in tho village of Maybinton, Newberry Dis? trict, v/ith 80 acres of excellent land-some of it very prime-attached to it. Ou the premises a large kitchen, smoke-house^ and a^vcry extensive set of stables and fodder houses. Tho house contains 9 rooms-3 of them very large, about '24 feet by 20, afford? ing every facility for the establishing of a large store, and ample accommodation for a family. Of the 80. acres of land,* 30 aro wooded, original growth. Maybinton was, formerly, a place of very considerable trade, and as the Union and Spartauhurg Railroad is not now in working order, and not likely to l?e so for many years tq come, thc above property offers great advantages to any one wishing* to engage in the country trade. Apply to tho subscriber on the premises. Sept 1 2_WM. ROPER. South Carol i nu-Hichln?d District. Rv Jacob Bell; Ordinate of ravi District. WHEREAS Martha j. Townsend hath applied tonio for letters of adminis? tration on all and singular the. goods, chat? tels and credits of Samuel Townsend, late of the District aforesaid, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all anilsingular the kindred and creditors of the saiddeceafced, to bo and appear be? fore ?rie, at our next. Orilrnnry's Court for the said Dist rict, to be holden at Columbia on Friday, tho eighth day of September next, at ?0 o'clock a. m., to show cause, if any, why the said administration sfffculd not be granted. Given under my hand.and seal of thc Court, this twiBity-fourth day o? August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun? dred and sixty-five, and in the ninetieth year of American independence.a JACOB BELL, Aug 30 tu2 Ordinary Richland District. MS COLUMBIA, S. C. .?^ THE undersigned, having leased lim the LARGE' and COMMODIOUS JUiii BUILDING knowu^as the "Columbia Methodist Female College," will open it asa FIRST-CLASS HOTEL,*oii September 7. T. S. DICKERSON, Proprietor. Iii" Papers throughout the State insert twice a week for live weeta, and scud bills ? to thi? O?CC-. j Au? 17 ft SHOES, &C. J??T received from Philadelphia and Bal? timore and will bo opened this morning, a fine assortment of Cant's, Ladies' and Misses' SHOES, mado to order expressly fof this market, consisting in part of the following: . .? .Gent's Calf and Kid Congress GATTERS and BALMORALS. Gent's Doublo Soled GATfEBS and BAL? MORALS. Gent's Calf Douhlo Soled OXFORD TIES and BUCKLE SHOES. > Ladies* Calf, Kid and Goat GAITERS and BALMORALS. Ladies' Cloth Congress GAITERS and BALMORALS., . Ladies' English Kid SLIPPERS. Misses' fino BALMORALS and GAITERS. Misses' Strong BOOTEES, for school. Those in want aro invited toj call and ex? amine onr stock. SHELTON, CALVO & WALSH. Sept 4 ,_._ ITRB AND LIFE INSURANCE. H. E. NICHOLS, Agent. FOR the following FIRST CLASS COM? PANIES: ' New York Underwriter's Agency, Capital.,.$3,000,000 Homo Insurance Company, New a York, Capital. 2,000,000 International Insurance Compa ' ny, New York, Capital. 1,OOQ,000 Continental Insurance Company, New York, Capital. 1,000,000 Hartford Fire Insurance Com? pany, Hartford, Capital. 2,000,000 Metropolitan Insurance Com? pany, New York, Capital. 1,000,00(1 Home Insurance Company, Sa? vannah, Capital. 2,000,000 Phoenix Insurance Company, Hartford, Capital. 500,000 Columbia Insurance Company, New York, Capital. 500,000 New England Mutual Life Insu? rance Companv, Boston, Capi? tal. 5,000,000 New York Accidental Insurance Company, insuring against ali.accidents. With several other well known and relia? ble companies, thc aggregate capital amounting to over $20,000,000. Risks taken in any ono spot to amount of $200,000. Office at Mr. Hussung's house, corner of Assembly and Washington sts. Aug l?JGm HOW LEE & CO., Auctioneers, General jCom. Agents p and Exchange Brokers, COLUMBIA, s. c. ANY business entrusted to them wiU re? ceive prompt attention. . ( TOLD, SILVER, SECURITIES and BANK NOTES bought afld sold. Befer to .Messrs. WILLIS ?t CHISOLM aud'Me.ssrsT JOHN FRASER AJCO., Charles? ton, S. C. < GEORGE SCHLEY, Esq., and Messrs. F. C. BARBER A CO., Augusta, Ga. Messrs. STENHOUSE & McCAULEY, Charlotte, N. C. Office for the present at Mossrs. Zealy, Scott & Mons._? Ang 16 fitufS DAVIDSON COILE GE, CHAH LO TTE, N. C. THE exercises of the College, and of thc Preparatory Department connected with it, will be resumed on the 28th of SEP? TEMBER. As a measure necessary to the support ol the Institution in thc existing derangement pf its finances, tbp Board of Trustees have sus]|endcd, for twelve months, the privil?ge of using Scholarships in the payment ol tuition. Tuition $20 for the session of five months, and Board $10 per month-payable in ad? vance, in specie, or its equivalent in curren? cy or provisions. . It is desirable that Students should brinj with them such books as they may require also such articles -of furniture for theil rooius as they may bc able to transport. For other particulars address the subscri ber, to t?? care (for the present) of Dr. E Nye Hutchison, Charlotte. J. L. KIRKPATRICK, Ang 22 Imo ,_President. FENCER, BENNETT & BOWMAN (Suc'sors to HotchMss, Fenner & Bennett, COM. MERCHANTS, 40 VESSEY STREET, NEW YORK, AND ? MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. THOS. FENNER, H. BENNETT, D. W. BOWMAN MR. T. A. TOBIN, who w? for a lengtl of time connected with the old firm o Hotchkiss, Fenner ft Bennett, has au inter cst in the present firm, and will devote hi attention principally to the State of Sont! Carolina. His address will be Clinton Laurens District. jm- Aug 4 Imo ^School SfoWlrls. r_ TREMISSES MARTIN will open a Schoo: for ( i iris on the FIR* MONDAY in Oe tolicr. Besides the usual English studiei lessons will bo given in Latin, French an Music. A few boarders will be receive ?uto tho family. Apply at their residence o TJIaading attest. . " Av?ust 17 JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE BY* t m AT HIS RESIDENCE, - . Corner Blanding and Bpil Streets, FINE CORSETTS. Black SEWING SILK, Ladies' BUCK GAUNTLETTS and GLOVES. Ladies' White KID GLOVES." Ladies' Mourning and Emb'd H'DK'FS. SILVER THIMBLES, SCISSOR. Key Rings, Crape Collars. Cologne, (pure and tine.) Lubin's Extracts, Pomade. Butterfly Cravats, China Dolls. Fancy Tuck Combs. Blaek Flax Thread, Satinets. Cassimere, for suits. ' Embroidery Cotton, Silk Gloves. Silk Tissue, for veils. Bleached Shirting, Leather Belts. DeBoge, for travelling dresses. Ladies' Merino Vests. ? Low-pricod Ladies' Hose. i"ancy Vost and Dress Buttons. Diaper Pins, Agate Buttons. Gent's Linen Collars, Matches. Black and Colored Silk Belting. Brooms, Black and C reen Tea. Spool Cotton, all numbers. Mourning Calico. Boys' Half Hose, Felt Hats. Ruta Baga Turnip Seed, ifcc. Aug 22 i Orlando 2L li?tes RESPECTFULLY informs his former customers and friends, and the public in general, that he has established himself on tho corner of Gates and Washington streets-one square South of tho Shiver House-where lie has opened, and offers for sale, the following new and carefully purchased GOCDS, viz: SUGARS, COFFEE, TEA, Soda Biscuit, Boston Crackers, Butter, Flour, Soap, Starch, Cooking Soda, Washing Soda, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, . Candles, Codfish, Mackerel, Cheese, Ground Pepper, London Mustard, Mason's Challenge Blacking, Mason's Black Writing Ink, Sardines, Fish Hooks, Matches, Brooms, Buckets, Washboards, Corn, G. D. Caps, Waterproof Caps, Tobaaco, Padlocks, etc. All of which must and will be sold as cheap as the cheapest. Sept 2 G 3 OOO ?ow iLUE ?^0NE'for 8410 * aug 30 ZEALY^SCOTT & BRUNS ' LADIES' UNDER GARMENTS. ALARGE assortment of the above, just received, at low prices. aug 30 ZEALY, SCOTT & BRUNS. Notice. DURING the temporary absenco of the subscrilier, he win be pleased to roceivo and execute any commission connected with business-buying Drugs and Medicines, Groceries, Hardware, Bioks, &c.', and sell? ing auv products that may be forwarded, on usual cash tertos. E. H. HEINITSH. ' Office No. 20 North 10th street, Philadel? phia, Pa. _aug 31 y> PRIVATE and TRA?EENT BOARD, at a private house, can be obtained at MRS. H. K. STEELE'S, Ass?mbly street, near Lamber. aug 31_ " j3 CONNER'S , United States Type Foundry, Nos. 28, 30 and 32 Contre street, near the Oitv Hall, New York. TO PRINTERS ANf PUBLISHERS. THE undersigned beg to call vouf atten? tion to their new series of SCOTCH CUT FACES, from Pearl to Pica, just finish? ed, specimens of which can be furnished on application; surpassing, if possible, their original Scotch Cut Faces, which have given such universal satisfaction throughout the United States. THE FANCY TYPE DEPARTMENT ex? hibits an unsurpassable quantity of styles, of home origin, and selected fromE?gland, France and Germany. And their new Ame- . rican Scripts,- Round Hand and Italian Scripts, Bordering, etc., aro not to be ex? celled in this or any other country; and this tho undersigned mako bold to say of their specimens-as they have reached a point originally aimed after-that is, to excel in quality of tho article furnished, nnd in tho variety of styles presented for selection surpassing all similar establishments. Tho suveral stylos have only to be seen to l?o appreciated. Particular attention is flailed to their German department, wherein is shown? as splendid Gorman faces and styles as can bo seen in tho Gorman Confederation or tho -United States.- Particular attention having been givon to the selection, in obtaining tho stvlea from tho best type foundries throughout Gormany, whether for Book, Jon or Newspaper Printing. All Typo cast at their establishment ia 1 now manufactured from tho metal known as Conner's Unequalled Hard Type Metal. ?JJ- Every article, necessary for a perfect Pvinthm Office furnished as above. ! Sept *l JAMES CONNEB'8 SONS.