-?-ixotion Sales. By Durbec & Walter. THIS DAY, September 2, at 9? o'clock, we will sell, A lot of Furniture, Crockery, Glassware, Violin, Guitar, Mandoline, Chemical Appa? ratus, Clothing, Books, Spices, &c. Also, Gold Chains, Watches, Bracelets, Silver plated Ware, Shot Guns, Cooking Stove, 1 obi. Molasses, &c. Sept 2 2 COFFEE. 1BAG JAVA COFFEE. A.NU 5 bags BIO COFFEE. Just received and for sale by BI CH ARD CALDWELL. Sept 2 "2 MIXED CANDIES. STICK CHOCOLATE DROPS. GUM DROPS. Just received and for sale by RICHARD CALDWELL. Sept 2 1* illSE & B?tOW?Nt (COMMISSION MERCHANTS) Haye Now in Store Cases of OroolsLery, cfc? c. Sept 2_ 3 Nurse & Baldwin HAVE now in store LIQUORS. &c. Several acres of BUILDING LOTS to leuse. Sept 2 3 Orlando Z. Bates RESPECTFUL EY informs bis former customers and friends, an?! the publie in general, that ho has established himself on tho corner of Gates and Washington streets-ouc square South of thc Shiver House-where ic: has opened, and oilers for salli, the following new and carefully purchased GOCDS. viz: SUGARS, COFFEE, TEA, Soda Biscuit, Boston Crackers, Butter, Flour, Soap, Starch, Cooking Soda, Washing Soda, Pepper, Spice. Ginger, Candles, Codfish, Mackerel. Cheese, Ground Pepper, London Mustard, Mason"s Challenge Blacking. Mason's Black Writing Ink, Sardines, Fish Hooks, Mate'.es, brooms, Buckets, Washboards, Corn, G. D. Caps, Waterproof Caps. Tobacco, Padlocks, etc. All of which lmtst and will bc sold as cheap us the cheapest. Sept 2 (i New Goods. TUST deceived at Mrs. S. J. COTCH E'lT'S, Assembly street, two doors South of tlie Catholic ('burch, ELEGANT FRENCH BONNETS, Milan Caps, Bushes for Bonnets, Infant hushes, Waterfalls with Combs, Waterfall Nets, Black and Colored Belts, Fancy buckles, Straw Trimming, Ladies' Fancy and Plain L. C. liandk'fs, Hoop Skirts, Crape Collars, Fancy Duttons. Toilet Soaps, Liibiu's Extracts, and a variety of other goods. Supt 2 1* STORE! PU'koii.-t Street, one door below Plain Stree/. CDATE'S assorted SPOOL COTTON. HAIR and TOOTH BRUSHES. Black ELASTIC CORD. TOILET COMBS. SOAPS. ENGLISH PINS. Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs. Muslin Handkerchiefs.* Colored Handkerchiefs. Agate Buttons. Gent's Bia* and Colori d Neck Tics. With a variety of tine Morocco Pocked Books, Maying Cards, Lead Pencils, &c. WHOLESALE AX DIR ETA IL, BY\ E. H. MOISE & CO., Dickens street, ono door below Plain. Sept 2 _ _ 2 _ Chimnies and Wicks. FOR EEROSENE LAMPS. By E. II. MOISE ?- CO.. t'iekens'strcct, one door below I'la in. " Sept 2_2_ To the Editor of the /'/KWO'X-Sm: We re. grot to notice, in your issue of Tuesday last, the declination of Mr. John Caldwell to serve as a candidate for thc Convention, believing his services to bc important to tho State, we re-nominate him for that situation, feeling assured that, if elected, hu cannot and will not refuse to serve. Sept l :}?_M ANY VOTERS. ?)1UYATE and TRANSIENT BOARD, at a private house, can be obtained at Mus. II. K. STE BEE'S, . Assembly street, nt ar Lumber. _ aillai_ . Notice. , TOURING the temporary absence of?the \J subscriber, he will bc pleased to receive and execute any commission connected with business-buying Drugs and Medicines, Groceries, Hardware, Books, tee., and sell inc anv products thatmav be forwarded, on usual cash terms. E. H. HEINITSH. Ofiiee No. 20 North 10th street, Philadel? phia, Pa. aug 31 ;6 kerosene Oil, KEROSENE Oil I Kerosene Oil. JUST received and for,sale at $1.50 per gallon, bv E. H. MOISE & CO., Pickens street, one door below Plain. _Sept 2_2 CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK OF GROCERIES AND wm mmi& \ CONSISTING or : BBLS. SUGAR-Drown, Crushed, CTlied. " NORTHERN POTATOES, libls. NORTHERN ON IONS. Boxes E. D. CHEESE. COLGATE'S NO. 1 SOAP. MATCHES. Sacks Coffee, Kits No. 1 Mackerel. Kegs Lard, Butter, Bids. Fleur, " .Molasses, at 50c. per gal. '* bourbon Whiskey. Boxes'Tobacco. Boxes No. 1 Herrings. Bosos Sardines. ? Boxes Raisins. 5,000 Spanish enid American Segars. Boxes Adamantine Candles. Drooms, buckets, Kneading Troughs. Boxes Soila Cluckers. " Wine '* Congress " Parma " boston " i " Butter I " Water A USO, A choice selection of WINKS, li li A NTH ES, WHISKEY, ALE AND CORDIALS, VIZ: Monongaltela, bourbon and live Whiskey. Deacock Madeira, (1S42.) Byass' Sparkling Edinbnrg Ale. French Cordial and Moiet & Chaudon's Champagne. h*Or salo at WHOLESALE ANO RETAIL, BY E. H. MOISE & CO., Pickens street, one door below Plain. DRYG00DS, OBY BY E. n. MOISE & CO., Picketts Street, one dour b&oic Plain. Sept 2 _ i POPULAR SCHOOL BOOKS. FOR SALE BY Townsend & North, At the Very Lowest Rates. JGRIMERS-iiTgreat variety. . SPELLERS-Webster's, Wilson's, Den man's Smith's, and Hazen's Speller and Definitions. GRAMMARS Smith's, Bullion's English, and Bullion's Analytical and Practical. READERS-Sander's Scries from one to five, Wilson's Series from one to four. Parker and Watson's Scries from one to five. ARITHMETICS- Davies' Series, Stoddard's Series, Smiley's, and Pike's. GEOGRAPHIES-Montieth & McNally'sSe- I rios from one to four, Mitchel's Series j (Modern and Ancient), Colton "?t Fitch's Scries from one to three. Together with various authors on United States, English and French History, Alge? bra, Geometry, Rhetoric, Botany, Familiar Sciences, ti reek, Latin and French School Books, .Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles and Testaments, ?t wholesale or retail. Terms strictly cash. Address TOWNSEND NORTU, Sept 2j*wi Booksellers. Perfumeries, Shoes, ~\\7"E beg li? announce to our customers, TT that we have a large stock of the ab<>ve goods, together with a general and well assorted stock*, and are offering it at as low as anv in this citv. Sept 1 :? _ZEALY, SCOTT & BRUNS. Chimnies. LAMP CHIMNIES and WICKS. ALSO, . An assortment of LAMPS. AND KEROSENE OIL. Sept 1 3_ZEALY, SCOTT & BR?NS. Y. P. M. AND WH?SSEY. ?Zealy, Scott Sc Bruns. Sept 1_3_ WINES, &C % ? TE have now on hand a full stock of VV the best brands. OLD ROUT, SHERRY, MADEIRA, CLARET, Hock, Haut Santerne WINKS; Heidsiek Cham? pagne, Ac ZEALY, SCOTT A BRUNS. Sept 1 3_ ZEALY, SCOTT & MUNS KEEP on hand, and with late arrivals hy personal selection, thc ch?)ieest and best assorted s toe? in thee.; - , renoir-tin;; of: DRY (?D' >DS, LADIES' SHOES, GENT'S .* . PERFUMERIES, , SOAPS. GROCERIES of ail kinds, Radio' STRAW HATS, Gold's FELT Cheaper than Charleston wholesale or retail price-,. Spice- of all kinds. Soda, Rutter. Reston and Ginger Crackers. Uss. Jamaica Ginger, Corn St areli. , . Ground ' ?inger, Mackerel- No. 1 at 12* cents. Sept 1 :) ZE VLY, SCOTT A RRUNS._ ST.-1860-X. RITTERS. . STOMACH STOUGHTOX'S " SACHEM " ST. DOMINGO " All low and cheap, for cash. Sept 1 3 ZEALY, St OT'!' & BRJL'NS." Russ ! Russ ! HAVE von ever tried his preparations? ST. DOMINGO WINE. ST. DOMINGO PUNCH. ARRACK PUNCH. Crin Cock Tail. Whiskey Cock Tail. I Ginger Cordial. Blackberry Wine I At ZEALY, SCOTT A BRUNS'. Sept 1 3 PICKLES, MUSTARD, SALCES; ALES, CAPIS, CHEESE. BEST AUKS in qvinrtsand pints. Rest I'ORTEit. in quarts and pints. CHOW-< 'HOW, and' Plain Pickles. CA ITS, fresh. Worc.es ?-rehire SAUCE. MUSTARD, Bml-head. "* (Moutard.) Pine Apple Chi cse. English Dairy " Sept 1 3 /KAIA, SCOTT A BRUNS. Shoes, Shoes */TEX'S PUCK BALMORAL. jlVJL Men's LACE BOOTEES. Men's CA LF BROGANS. '. SPLIT BROGANS. Youth-*' Ruff balmoral. Ladies1 Buff buck Shoes. " Kidd Shoes. " Cloth Sh.les. Tip Balmoral Shoes. Split Shoes. Of the best manufacture. Sept 1 3_ZEALY, SCOTT A BRUNS. RISS?. ' A LARGE assortment of instructed. j; H. RAGGETT. E. M. SPEIGHTS. Aug 8 26_ C. JS. Chichester, REAL ESTATE BROKER. 18 T.ROAD STREET, CHARLESTON. A GENT for the purchase and sale of /V REAL ESTATE in any of the Southern I Mates. I AJ.SO, I For tho REPAIRING, RENTING, &c, < f cit v prop.-rt v. Owners ?>t" property in Charleston, un? avoidably detained in the ii,? country, can have their property taken euro of and promptly attended to by sending to above a Power of AU >rncy, to assume ct ntrcl ol tin- same, until the owner's : turn. I.iiCr rn::iici us to the i neuti^n of propf rty m jured by shells, w.d otb- : .\,-?- with > < ? -- ble expeiiacof repairing, Henton application j?- Wanted to pflrejiase, for partie., seeking investmentof Real Estate, in South Carolina, several PLANTATIONS, in work ing order, in the upper portion of thc Stat*. Aug H 26_ 'Willis & Chisolm, Faet?n, CommU^on MerchantK, AND SHUTING AGENTS. OFFICE, itn.Ls norsE, CHARLESTON, S. C. E. WILLIS. A. K. CJIIS0LM. WILL attend to tho purchase, ?ale and shipment (to foreign and domestic ports) ot COTTON, RICK, LUMBER, NAVAL STORKS; to the collection of Drafts, Purchase and Sale of all Securities. Con? signments of Vessels solicited. Kr.KJ-.HS To: Messrs. John Eraser A Co., Charleston, S. C. Messrs. Ceo. W. Williams A Co., " Messrs. George A. Hopley & Co.. " George Schlev, Esth day ol' \ngu..d instant, they aro requested to meet at Ow tus" Cross Roads, j on THURSDAY, the 5th day of October i next. I The Direction ";'i mee' at the same ola ce I on WEDNESDAY, Mu -th dav of the %aro? month.