The daily phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, July 31, 1865, Image 1

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THlEl iDAIIY4s >1-TE(NX. DAILY PAPER $10 A YE AR. "LET OUR JUST CENSURE A TTl'XJ) THE TRUE EET TSakspear. TBI-WE EKLY 7 A YEAR. By J. E. SELBY. COLUMBIA, S. C., MOlfDAY MiGRNIN, JULY 31, 1865. VOL, 1.--NO. 10 o THE PHONIX HS PUBLISHED D A IL Y AND TR I- WK ERL Y AND T1IK WEEKtv mnsm l"VT.U?'V.'KD}Ti:sD.\Y. BT JULiAN A. SELBY. T E R M S-I X A I) V A X C E. .'. sruscRnTioK. Dailv Fape*$ .six months -.S"> 00 .Tri-weeklv, " " ...,.:5 50 Weekly, * " . " . 2 CO Single conics o? the Daily and Tri-Wcekly, 10 cent.-'; ol the Weekly, 15 cents. A.' IVEIITIS KMENTS Inserted "in either the Daily orTri-Weeklv at SI per square for the first insertion, und 7-> cents for each subs?quent insertion, lu thc Weekly, $1 ;t square. irs -special notices 1"> cents a Une. The South Carolina. Deleg-ation Feeling* of the People of the State. A d?l?gation of South Carolinians, composed of Hon. B. F. Perry, re? cently appointed a provisional gov? ernor; Hon. Janies h. Orr. .C. J. El? ford, J. W. Grady, AV. Y. LPitch and Poster Bl<Klgett, arrived at Willard's yesterday. These gentlemen, includ? ing Governor Perry, wert! appointed by the people of Western and North? western South Carolina to e.nae. to Washing] on and a.-%t.he appointment of a provisional gbvemorf?r the State. On their \yay hither they received in formatiou of tho appointment ?if one of their number to that odie, , but con? cluded to continue ?heir journey for the purpose of eom-adtatiou with the President :is to the measures to be adopted in thc reconstruction of civil government at home. The mail faeili Lies, and even the asual^modes wf iff tersommunication, i-i South Carolina had bern so completely destroyed that several days had elapsed> after the Charleston delegation hud started rn Washington before that fact was known in thc V. e. tern and North-west? ern counties, comprising tho most' populous portion of the Slate-, and this Relegation was appointed for those comities in order that they might bc properly represented herc. They art-, however, much*,gratified ai the selec? tion ot Governor Perry, win? resides in ivis part of the State, and has al? ways been a consistent opponent of secession, having fought against it in the secession convention of 1831 ami 18?2, and itlso iii thc one Lei 1 in 1852, and repeatedly opposed i? in public speeches since. Thin delegation rep? resent the people of South Carolina b> be unanimous in then* acquiescence in the present order of affairs, and. not only satisfied with then* costly experi? ment of setting up a government for themselves outside of the Union, and convinced of their inability to. break up, the Union, but are willing and anxious to accept the ro-u*?t as au unavoidable conclusion, and deter? mined to do all in their power to be? come a useful member of the old United States! It .is their determina? tion toijpsc no time in repairing the damages that have accrued, and they expect to be the first of tjie rebel States to present their new constitution at Washington. One good result of the - necessity 'for a provisi? mal government is that it will ?i|iord an opportunity long desired in vain by a In rge majority of the people of tho State to amend their constitution and establish a fair -and equal and liberal basis of- repre? sentation in their Stall- government. Politically the people of South Caro? lina will be blessed by the reconstruc? tion, ridding them of an insufterable tyranny by which thwy have until now been hopelessly oppressed.-(for. Xeic York Herald. The Washington correspondent of the New York Herald writes as follows under date of the 2Lst instants ' Governor Perry l?ad, by appoint? ment, an interview with the President this evening, for a full intercbjpige oi views in regard to. the reconstruction of State government in Sont ii ( !nrolina, and other matters pertaining to his office. . , The publication of ( ?ovcriior-Porry'.? speoeh, of July. 3, has excited a storm of indignant opposition on the part di the more radical of tito supporters oi the Administration. The Goverooi has, however, had very satisfactory ino rvie,w -. with the Presidontand mosi - - J . 11 1 er of. the members of tho Cabinet. They ?expreas great confidence in the loyalty and patriotism of Governor Perry, and believe that he will administer the ^luties of his office with a loyal spirit, and vfith the siygle desire to restore as speedily as possible the blessing? of assured peace and constitutional loyal government to the people of that State. The explanations which Governor Perry has given of that speech, and the circumstances undfc which it wan delivered, have largely obviated the unfavorable impression which some passages in it arc unques? tionably calculated to convey. Governor Perry and the accompany? ing delegation will leave for ?South Carolina on Monday next. The Tribune, of the 22d instant, says: -We have heard it suggested that Go? vernor1 Perry's remarkable speech at i Greenville was prompted hy a spirit 1 of thorough loyalty-that lie only said I what he must say in sympathy with ! the lal? rebellion in order to gain the j attention and influence the course of his hearers. We suspect that there is much truth in this repr?sentation, but it only deepens our conviction that I South Carolina is not yet ripe for re? construction. . Charles J. Elford has boen appoint? ed Assessor of Internal Revenue for j the Third District ?f South Carolina. j STATIC COTTON RELEASED.-It ap ? pears that the State of North Carolina I bad several hundred bales of cotton at the close of the war. and at the sar ! ronde]1 of the Stub- by (.Icu. Joseph E. I Johnston as a portion of his depart I mont. Soon after the surrender this cotton j was taken in charge by the" agents o? ? the United States Treasury Depart ! ment, as it was alleged that the cotto] j had been purchased, to be used hy tin i Stato in payment for clothes. ms anc ' provisions for her soldiers. Larg? j numbers of bales we believe had boei ? shipped to New Yurie, and mossfil" I had beeil s.Md for the benefit ol ! United States. ! But when full and fair represent;. ibm was.made to the President of V:;. ! true financial condition of Nort h Caro \ lina, he ordered her cotton to be rc stored to lier, and thc proceeds of ni ?.that had been sold tobe paid io he j agents. . J? j Thus by thc hind interference of th \ President our State is again in posses j .sion of ample fund'; to begin her civ j government. The expenses of th Convention and the Legislature tim j must follow it, eau be paid wi thou inconvenience to any'one-:i:ni if i I should turn ont to be absolutely-neco j sary, it may be that enough of th i ! money eau be appropriated to pay-th present United States taxe.; on lands ! it will prove more economical to do s than to allow the citizens' lands toi i forced into market and sacrificed t i meet the demands of the tax gathe: I ors. - Raleigh Standard. I TnE SOUTHEHN PLANTEES' PLAN. T?he St. Louis Democrat'says: I A gentleman who lias been intimal with' Southern planters for thirl I years, gives us information of tl I course which some -of these cottc j growers have determined to pursue i j relation to the cultivation of the j lands. It is simply to let the lam j out to any one, blade or white, wi j may wish to engage in such emplo j ment, at a certain amount of the pr j duet per acrv,frr per bale, if the artic raised is cotton. ' One planter, at the mouin of R< Uiver, who has (i,(M)0 acres to Vent this way, proposes to retrain on fourth of a hale asa compensation f his laud, and for ginning the cotton , .small amount additional, which w bring the price up to about one-tlii '. of the crop-the same propovti as th;*t charged for all eon? lands other other sections of the count] ; This method has proved success! everywhere else, and there is no reas '' why cotton culture and the Southe part of the country should be an ? ' ception." , -^-.- . ? The Postmaster-General has arra] i ed the compensation and other pri I' rainaries for resuming the transpoi E ti on of thc Southern mails at : earliest practicable period, and is u r dually restoring the service inJr-li b I stab-s " r ? ?????i-i?^?tr?*?--mtmM ? --M-Bi UMBI COLUMBIA, i -. . i l?onday Morning-, July 31. 1335. j The Plioefiix a-: Large. ? We trust that our readers will pleasantly employ 'their eyes, this morning, in the contemplation of the Phoenix on the wing! She spreads new vans to the breeze. She longer a mere cock boat : she expands the canvass^f a sion]) of war, and we have reasonable hopes of rigging her put, in due season, as a first cia: s frigate. Meanwhile, bow she sails in her new rig, as a well proportioned, well rigged and a'flmirably freighted sloop-of-war. She carries the ring of I peace to, and good will to the ?rest of tin; people of ?lie earth; ye! she carries guns also, but only, for legitimate defence. She is 710 pintie, no absolute war ship, bu i she means to sail freely in free waters, tier ac j commodations will bi- found exe. IS wt. j and we cater for ::11 tastes, thc scold j and the bachelor, fair and pensive^ j damsels, heroes? of the tented field, j and Rood, qujet, sedate families, who j have the wisdom to see and enjoy the. whole various world in iii?' modest precincts of a paternal how. Wo sha1! care for farmer and planter, for ? crops and seasons, for thc artisan. LUM ! manufacturer, the mechanic- d'or thc interests, hi brief, of all parties who have manhood enough for labor and I perforniance ; who. having found out j their vocation, are earnestly ) I on its farijiful exerc- . Y.', i rust thal .our readers vi:! bi j .el] ..satisfier" I with our future perform:.', neos us wit] . ?. ir appearance. V<%ity. dear road' rs. the growth of the .'.?. has beer . wonderfully rapid. But, a little-ovo: three months airo the bird sprutv.r onl 1 % I of tho ashes^of Columbi:;, dmd am 'ashes upon her lit cl . wings. snrJun; grievously of the smoke? of nun. scorched, 'shrivelled, am i altoger-?w; j bare of her plumage :nd divested o ] symmetry and beauty. Yo?-well Iv i member how small v rc the v. ings shs spread; how rapidly, month affe: ? month, they-rrev.'. fd] now she quad .j rup!es the dimensions* of that tiin ! bird, which first soared from tho-asho: jon the 21st of March. "Wo h:iv< j nursed her well. fi should be evi I dent now to ai# .. 0 fri<*ids tl tat w 'have faithfully.guarde*] her growth i that we are resolved upon her growth . and, from the dates ot the past, {.he; j will all reason. Uly cen jcentre that sue ! cossive progress in the future wi] bring her to prop .rfciruis which wil enable her to soar with the proudest the type, we trust, ai the future i: , our beloved city. I To dismiss our figures, we navy tut j to this, thai we are now better able t i supply, with various contents, th columns of our paper. We ure no1 'daily in receipt of exchanges Croma points of the Union, which are source of intelligence. Werindi be-able soo to afford, as much information- new we call it-and we trust as much inte lectual-enjoyment, us any sheet in th South, however broad its surface We shall be able io receive telegraphs despatches from the press associatio \md perfect our exchanges with th chief cities of the country', beside I procuring foreign newspapers at evei opportunity. The readers ot! tl j Pluoenix are assured that w< shill n< I content ourselves with even thc pb j sent decided improvement of ot j sheet, but shall, as occasion oil -? ; need counsels, continue Co enlarge 01 dimensions, extend our varieties ar ' improve our qualities. The Phoenix having fully left her nest, will not he content to remain stationary. SI ie will grow even as thc g. jat oak springeth from the little ??corn. Her first growth is a sufficient guaranty for what may be expected in her future career. Wo entreat of our friends, city and country, to help us till her sails, to sepd ns the cheering breeze and hang forth the signals of [encouragement. Tim. mails now being resumed, news pipers may be seat in almost any direction. Ours- shall bc made up always with promptnessand forwarded without delay. Our tri-weekly, cer? tainly, cnn regrdariy bc forwarded to nearly?every section of Hie l?tate; and the few points which at present tardily receive their papers, will rind the delay, to lessen rapidly in the course of a very few weeks. We refer our leaders to our advertisement in another column. * SUMTE a, S. C., July 22. 1865.-A most distressing occurrence took place in-an adjoining District a few nights ago. An old gentleman, ros it ? not in the country, who, from the cireum stances, mast have anticipated ano prepared fora visit from robbers, hear? ing seine one on his premises at night, hailed three times, and receiving ho answer, fir<>d his gun with fatal e*Teet at the object of his "suspicions- and his fears.. Advancing to ascertain the effect of his shot, with indescribable anguish he discovered th? body of he; son in thc last agonies of death --a son who had long been "a prisoner at the Northland whose partial deafness pre? vented Iiis hearing his faLher's'eiial ?"a.;. . .:ee from Ie ?ie, he was tins strangely killed ; he stopped 'Upon '.ts threshold, by the hither whom he loved and longed to meit. A I w moments more and his rei aro would havj' given joy and gladness to the. entire household- a household now wrapt, in grief inconsolable by this most terrine and a.fuicting# event,. \ sad warning to ail; for even inPche present, unsettled state of tho eonntry. hud notwithstanding the comparative iiiipunity with which robberies and i nardie rs have been committed in some neighborhoods, one cairn ot be too cautions :u the use of fire-arms. [(Ju>'r<:spouil'uil Cl?irlcsion Coi . ter. - .-' D iso nv . r.'svim.\ i'v.\i? AT On VNGBURG. -WV learn hy a gentleman from Oraugeburg, S* C., that a number oi the ? Firs! Ohio Cavalry Lave been guilty lately of some very disgraceful proceedings in that town. < rn Thurs? day or Friday last, a large, part;, of them visited the store of .fem A Johnston, and instead of giving the protection asked foi", cleared the store ol' everythingiu it. wanton:;,- destroy? ing and throwing in the street what? ever they did not appropriate ro them? selves. Messrs. Jones it Johnston Lad a large stock of liquors, \jdiich they were disposing of to the planters in exchange for cotton and other pro? duce. They had refused to sell liquor to the soldiers, exceptio olfieers, and it was snjyposed this refusal had en? raged the men and led to the pillaging of the store:, Their loss is estimated at between two ami three thousand dollars. The Post Commandant did all in his power to arrest the parties, but was ?nanle to sa vi" the store. We learn that some of the same party afterwards proceeded'to the hotel and caused some disturbances there, break? ing glasses, furniture, &c. . The next day the cavalry left foi" thc Eastern part of the State. [Charleston Courier. There are but four revolutionary pensioners living: Lemuel Cock, born in Connecticut, September 10, "e759; Samuel Downing, born in New York, November 31, 1701; James Barham. Litdh place unknown, May, 1 TGI ; William Hutchings, born in Maine. 1701. Abraham Day, a revolutionary pensioner, 110 years old, died at Cornish, Marlie, June 1. . Gen. N. P. Bank- Las bdoase a practicing lawver in-the citv of New Oi'leans. . THE . GOLD 31 ARKET. -The Herald, of 22d, makes the following report: The gola rnark?Wias been dtul, and I the hulls have stoutly resisted the tea : porary tendency towards a decline, i The opening price WHS H2??, after j which it reached h; ; but afterwards it I improved, and at 5 o'clock warf steady I at 142?.?. Gold wasabuudantearly in I flu .lay. but at the elprr it war- scarce. ? There has boen no further sale by the ? Treasury The' steamer Europe took . ' out S77.000 bj specie. Foreign ex* change is firm at the reduced, rates. Bankers' sterling at. sixty days i# quoted nt 108%@109; short "sight I09i?(d>1.????; qomnfbrcial bills 108^ II ROBSON ; UAs KLSCSXLD Tar. * - Commission Bigness 1 AT IIIS OLD STAND, ' Crt EAST WAV. CTIAKLESTO-.v, S. C. I iii" Particular attention given to the aale of Cotton, Flour, Corn, otc; und, from h's' j long experience., be feels confident < ' j?:''ing general satisfaction. June 20 5* i TI??: OM\GKBEHG A VD COLX'&BIA.' STAGE LINE SENDS A CARRIAGE OE i ?SntLN<i WAGON to Otangev I .^tfiSi????.burg ai :i !' M. Tuesdays, Thursdays mil Saturdays, makins connection with Charleston ?tramo ibo following, morning. . ? < Ui arrival of train on Monday. "Wednos I day mid Friday, a vehicle starts'tor Colura I Ilia. For, passage apolv to .'. i! FowLesor j E. Oottin, x,i the sti.iV of i:. M. STOKES, Plain st r-'.-t. Tune 29 a*. TUE subacril er is now pening f'j>" sale, i. ibo cor? ot' mil'- ; nd Camdon tracts, fomicrlv the Upper atinn House, tl - following .u-t:c.;. b < ?inw?ro'W >'.? >>>?:?. cuOiC* ...>.,..:.'Si~-;? :.-.;!, \damatitiae ?Di.KS . . i.e.. f?::*t. r ' .; : v-i?,X?\ m-A i'd t MS? i:' i Ps j FISH. SARDINES. MACKEREL, : . WCAV.EX) nnd Nc. 1 HERRINGS, j Family ami t'oiier. SOAPS, 1 Extra Hyson TEA, ! straw Wrapj >; J ig fAjPEit N'*st* W.b-n Ri ?WT,S ami BOXE8. ; Buckets,;ms.and Bn akc-L? . ?Mi'.n S. ..t: Tobacco. ( balla um WELL. ' INSURANCE;-' ! CKTOJ AXTA,, ?V1A?AR1^ : WVXOVK??. . UBP'-BUC : THE CXDEHYMP!?' POLICY OF iri3?fSA?SI rs isscED in r* H. E. NICHOLS, Agent, . ( OL 1 'MJ>lM} S. . '. police . ?' insurance, issued by foin _/ c.niuanics. which is mad? to'meet tho i noeessili-'s rn' thc bushiest* community, by ? securing, willi despatch, large lines o? In I snv.-uicc with ri liable Cornnani^fs. npon ! uniform, plain au'l simulociutiUons, tiiere ] by obviating the necessity of'applying to j varions ?..parat?'' O?ticos U<r Cnsnrince to' 1 the amount tu< ; ?ire se vi r;t?b able "> accept; I and of holding umu rons parare .Po?cics, ?.thc conditions and written portions of rwhich rarely agro'c, ren?-ria?? ?J ci.r.ieidt. j for thc assured t.> become familia? willi ?md J harmonize tin ir -..?ri.. eomlic?ng condi . by ?he conditions of thc Underwriters* Policy bat one set o', papers is required to pro*,.'- ;i h:r.s to. ibo several e. -npanies insuring under ?, thereby .- .no ad justmeiil simple und oxueditious. Thc cash a ssi ..- of i-a.1i Company issuing ' thc fud? r writers" Policy of Insurance cs I coed lud? a million of dollars, making a j sc. iiritA in thc aggregate of three million I dollars: M.S.', i Agent for lin Hartford, .Etna., Home, i ?'h.n'uix. International, Metropolitan, Con ? jmt-iital. 3b venants. Croton, Now j-.", lund, I City, Wa.-biugt.Mt, North Anuru-.,:' r.nd '? other lirst class fire insurance companies, I and will, in a few days*, resumo thc Lifo Insurgence Branch for several of thc largest life insurance comptmiea in thu United Stages. ? j ALSO, ? Agent for thc New York Accidental insur? ance Coinpanv, insuring Travelers, Railroad Conductors, Expressmen, Mechanics and others, against all accidents. Toe amount I premium bi inc so small aa ! the bciiofit so great this Company presents inducements , for all ?ak* eut a policy. S<? medical ! C* For cards, hand bills and ?nore full expia - I ration, edi 5,1 o.;r oiiioo,, at present at '?Bryce's tl? :-vz:. 10 Malier & ?eaii'q ! ?nd Kenneth s. Gibbon's st^"t* ? 7n\y '.'!> ?V ' H. E NIC??OLS, Agent,