Tri-weekly phoenix. ([Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1875, December 09, 1871, Image 2

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COLUMBIA. S. C. Saturday Morning, December 9 1871. Ttl? Hing, the Pl?nderest-?, ?nd tko Co? lored People-Oar Coarse. Any one who baa been reading the Columbia Union ol late will readily per . oeivo what the game of the ring and itu allies is. The Union ia the willing tool of the ring and their aider and abettor, It will perform ita an tica, and gothiougt its Japanese-like tricks, just as Scott, Parker or Kimpton may pull the string i' that moves ita petty soul. It may bi called the Scott-Parker-Ktmpton-ite, or ' better still, the BOBBBBS/ OWN. Whet we desire to seo indications of the dc vices that we must expose pro bono pul ?feo, we no tie*, the drift of the Union articles. For this reason, we notice i i. For this purpose, we watoh it. Othei wise we would leave it to TOBC unnotioe ' in its oorrupt bed. What, now, has been the marked pu _ pose of late, ever sinoe we have drive home upon the ring their monstroi swindles, and suggested the hitherto u oponed sea of fraud-not unopene ; however, to tbe/anoreof few? What tl purpose of the Union? It is plain. Tl object is, if possible, to excite o gait the native whites the passions and pi ^ judi?os of the blacks. The gams is t old one. The harp of a thousand strin is once more to be played on. It w by the artful arraigning of the Cnroli white man against the Carolina bia man that the "thieving carpet-baggei 1? were enabled to come between and f ten upon the prostrate body of Soi Carolina. This has been going on the last three years-tho last three die / troua years. On one side has stood a long line ? white men, with a deep sense of wroi standing almost unarmed, but prc ? und erect evon in their poverty. ?U the other side has'stood fae them a dusky line pf hlaok men, fear to be re-enslaved, and sensitive ab their newly acquired rights, and flush t )o, many of them, with the lust ,/ power. \ Between these two compact lines, prostrate form of South Oaroliuu been lying, bound hand and foo Federal bonds-a prey tb the Nortfc adveuturers and their Southern al! who have united to outrage and rob '. Lake vampires-like vultures-they 1 fastened upon their victims; whilst ' opposing Hues have stood weak ape . tors of a common ruin. - This bas been tho spectacle, now, when tho gorged' birds of p - alarmed by the crack of the Care . rifle,.are Becking to take wings and - away; now, when these two hit h 1 hostile lines are about to close apon : common destroyers, tho game ta aga: array the lines against each other; tho vultures may escape. The trie " transparent. The prominence give -thia Ku Klux business-the eflbr Governor Soott io his infamous mee to magnify Ku Kluxism, and to m financial sooundrelism-tho, .ef?oih i the corrupt Union to muddy the poli waters, to enable the sharks to esc - and to escape itself-the appeals ol Union to the passion a and prejudio the colored people; its suggestions - desire on the part of the "white D .'.orate" to re-enslave the negro, o - drive bim away; its bose slanders i " the white men of the State; its artfi tempts to mislead tho colored pe 'and to change the issue between robbed and the robbers, between honest and thc rascally-all this p the proposition we have laid down. Will the colored people be dece . We know not. Ono thing we do b The ..bites do not intend to bo dece Whether with or without the h colorad man's help, we intend to tra vultures-to patch the robbors in own nets. They bavo dug their pit. We shall give a powerful im . to fonl WRONG as it descende into il JLet tho conspirators kuow tba . avengers are upon their tracks, lated, outraged South Carolina bleeding, prostrate, wounded b. band of Federal power, and by th vices of the most unblushing acorn that tho world ever saw, appeals to true son in the State, and to adopted son. Let us all say, nair ruiiuiauH and adopted citizens, we save you, we shall save you-B helping and approving. Friends i Slate, of whatever nationality, of ever political oreedl let ns beg yi nil tho great interests involved, ai all our hopes of future prosperity, despair of the Stato. Never, fe moment, have we despaired of an ultimate triumph. Uuder Goc issue is in our own hands. But w* combine aud aot. We munt ure the present nest of robbers and dlers and aot with prudence, tnot i g-icity. Hope and work. Let a i lar public sentiment lead to r publio action. The true men State muet save the State. Let I onr part, and the prostrate form I mother State will once more stunt j ro clad iu the robes of her DIGNT I bearing thu sceptre of a renewed But first let us move uuder tho of juBtioe against the shameless who now control tho treasury people, but to rob it within and the forms of law. Our objective point is obviou point of attuok is before us. 1 this city, is Parker, moving in audacity in our midst, and rollin stolen gains. Here is Scott, wea lating, treacherous, trembling band-writing on the wall. He Attorney-General mote io pertinent answer to the charge of necessary com? plicity with the other members of the Financial Board. These are all here the members of the State Financial Board, and responsible J for oar present ?nances. And in New York walks Ki m pion. No report, yet, of bia stew? ardship-but'tho evidonoos, irresistible, of his orimes. These are the men to be beld to answer for high orimes and mis? demeanors against the peaoe, the parse and the dignity of the State. <???.> Tho Atiorney-General'i Pie?-Oat Be? . Joinder. Oar readers will observe in to?daj'e PHONIX the communication of Attbr uoy-Gonoral Chamberlain, in brief re? sponse to the general charges we have directed against him of grave official misconduct. It is now oar daty, and also oar pleasure, to give to Mr. Cham berlaia the opportanity for defence ic these columns. He mast feel that oolj a sense of public daty could have in duoed as to make the oharges we han against him and others. We ahoald fee ' dishonored, if, for personal malevolence or party ends, we should assail any per son, however high or however humble At any time, we prefer to praise, rathe than to blame. lu this case of Hr Chamberlain, our regrets have been spe oial, that so much of education an? ubility should have been linked with B muoh of fraud and corruption. We rc cognize ia tho Attorney-General tb polish, the plausibility and the trainin which oome of high cultivation. But h must bear in mind, and the public mot bear in mind, that in proportion to man's abilities and resources are his oe pacities as well for evil as for good. Wo now address ourselves more esp? oially to the points made by the Attoi uey-General. The Attorney-General, a know, ia not wanting in the power c discrimination. He must, therefore, a< knowledge that the duties of the pnbli journalist are distinct from those of tb advocate. The journalist, like the lav yer, or any other person, owes a pan mount allegiance to truth, and is respoi i aible before Heaven, as well as man, (< i the information wbioh he sets fortl This must be true, to the best of b knowledge and belief. At the san time, it is not expected that he sba with legal precision givo time, place an citoum8tances. We shall, however, no proceed to give the grounds upon whir, we have charged, and do now speoii cally charge, the Attorney-General wi! officiai misconduct: 1. We charge the Attoruey-Gener with ueglect of duty in connection wi the TJ md Commission swindles. Th there have been swindles of the oorrup est kind aud of great extent, is a fa admitted over and over again by M Chamberlain's own party. ' How is ?hat, as a member of this Board, M Chamberlain, as member and Attorne General, did not institute legal prooee inga to arrest the wrong doers or tl Commissioner, and to protect the publ interests? Uuder the Act of 1869, " provide for the appointment of a Lai Commissioner and to define his duties the Govornor, the State Treasurer, tl Oomptroller-Gonoral, the Secretary State and tl i Attorney-General, are d dared to be au Advisory Board to tl Land Commissioner, and said Comm sioner, in the discharge of his duties, is be governed by their instructions and c vice. This Act was passed in 1869. '. 1870, the Act was so amended as make the Land Commissioner subject a majority of the Board. Now, this we have to say to Mr. Chai berlain: What have you to plead for t logical and reasonable inference that y must have boen cognizant of these Lai Commission frauds, or else you int have been criminally negligent, or ol you must have boen weak as a cliil Are we unreasonable in saying that, respects the acknowledged Land Coi mission swindles, you must choose L tween gross neglect of duty or orimii complicity? Even if yon could ba done nothing practicable to arrest t corruption, yon could at least have i uoonoed the thing, and come out of t business. But you were silent; 2. We charge tho Attorney-Gene; for grave neglect of duty, and appnre complicity in connection with our pi sent ruiued and corrupt finances. T Governor, the Attorney-General and t Treasurer were, by legislative actic constituted a Financial Board, with ? thority to appoint somo responsible ba or banker in New York to aot as Fine 3ial Agent of the State, and to be sc ject to their direction and oontrol. It understood that Kimpton was your si gestion. But, pasting on, we reme that as a member of this Finano Board, yo? became charged with hi rusts aud serious responsibilities. Y ire a mau of fine legal attainmen We have had oooaeiou to notice ye powers of analysis and your general ai men. We tako it that you are not ei to be fooled-that your penetration considerable. Such beiug the case, I; i? it that tho enormous boud swind mtely brought to light escaped y< sharp eyo? You a member of the Fin nial Board and the Attorney-General (he State! Is this not another oase logical deduotiou ou our part? In absence of proofs from you, have ; the public the right to decide that nit you have been blind, or criminally n iigent, or particeps criminis? Again. Let us call this to the Atl ney-Genernl'a attention: lu Augt 1870, at Chester, iu this State, he as? ed that tbe whole publio debt of So Carolina was but $6,183,349.171 In 1 vern ber, 1871-a little more tb tm oue year-be aasiats tbe Treasurer, as we learn, to make np that statement putting the State debt at $15,767,908.98L- Aud you. Mr. Attorney-General, a member of the Financial Board and a 1 a wy ur (rom Massachusetts! Is it unfair or unrea? sonable for the publio to decide that you have muoh to explain? 8. We charge you, lastly, aa having signally failed to do your duty as tho Attorney-General of South Carolina-as the law officer and the prosecutor of the State.. In utter disregard of your obligations as laid down in the Act defining your duties, and in defiance of the duties in? herently belonging to your office, yon have not proteoted the intereats of South Carolina. Yon have failed to bring be? fore the bar of justice notorious crimi? nals holding high pluces in the Govern ment. You have been weighed in the balauoe and found wanting. Even now, whiist grave duties dovolve upon you, in connection with the monstrua corrup? tions of the State officiate, you have abandoned your trust, and are engaged in prosecuting the citizens of the State who have been lead into a falae position by circumstances for which you yoursel! are in part responsible. We can have no pleasure in purauint you or any other official charged witt misdemeanors. Heaven knows that wi would prefer this day to plaoe a wreatl around your brow, rather than to la: these charges at your door. But we oai ao other. Our outraged State plead for vindication and relief, and in com mon with our associates in feeling an< resolve, we are marching on in the patl of duty. We desire no success, sav what shall come from truth and justice We shall uso no weapons Bavo those tba are legitimate. But so far as the publi interests shall require it, we shall no shrink from any duty that our posit io. demands.. Desperato ailments requir .tern remedies. These we must apply. . ?Look on Tbia Picture and Tlien o Tum." CLINTON*, LAU HENS Co., S. C., December 5, 1871. While Joe Crews aud his uhque wer lin Laurens, all waa confusion, turnio land riot. Since they left, all has bee I peace and order, as much so as an ?County in the United States. Now, se i Gov. Scott's picture. Gov. H JO Lt give us a specimen of somebody's speed ?(somebody's nemo not given,) but doc not give Joe Crews' speech at Wu tor lot ?as attested by more than thirty geoth I men who beard it. A majority of Go Scott's judgea are not of bia part] Among them is Judge Orr, au old-tun Democrat! As far as I know, until r? oeutly. Gov. Scott did cot make a Bingi Appointment in Laurens outside of bi party. Gov. Scott received adeputatio of gentlemen from Laurena kiudly, au from bis manner, led them to supp?t ne believed them. Waa this or was not hypocrisy? If the Beform party ha ?ot exposed the swindles of Gov. Seo and his clique, how else could they hav stopped their reckless, if not thieving career? Gov. Scott was oppoaed to ma tial law, but now defends it stoutly. Se his message. Gov. Scott says South Ci rolioa is not taxed higher than otb? States; but he does not say she is nt increasing her debt far more rapidly; bi is not thia putting off the evil day? Tb time will come when the debt must I paid or repudiated. Gov. Scott taxi the poor man out of his home, and the points to the "homestead!" You mm give un a better bid, Gov. Scott. Whet ten years ago, I was worth four times ? much as I am now, my State tax wi $95. My tax last year waa nearly $801 or twelve times a8 muoh ?cf valorem; an yet Gov. Scott says our ta\es aro n< high. To the press and people of Sout Carolina, hold in, hold in! The game to exasperate you to words and deeds < violence, so as to give Grant a pretext t "let slip the dogs of war." Not quii one-half of the people of South Can lina (the whites) pay taxes. Thia shoul he remembered in comparing the tax < ibis State with what ia paid in othi States. Soo tho tax of Delaware. 1 South Carolina, the tax payera have n representation. Is that the caae in ac other republican government in tl world? Those who levy tho taxes do ui pay thom. Why is Gov. Soott so sensitivo aboi the oredit of the State? Ia it becuui the want of it stops the profits and sp> oulatioos of the ring? Certainly it uot because be wishes to reduce tl taxes. "Beware of little debts." "Thin what you do when you go into debt, says Dr. Frankliu. Why should poi South Carolina go iu debt at all? Wou! it not be better to wear the "old ooat little while longer?" Wo sadly need school of political economy. If oi Legislature could keep a fuir ledger a count, and see on the balance-sheet ho wo stand, If they are houest, they woul know how to shape their oourse. WI. shall teach such a school? Shall Lesli or Hurley,"or Crewt? "It is foolish I lay out money in a purchase of repon ance." Wo have received the following con muuicatioQ, with a request to publiai We respectfully ask the authorities l examine into the matter: COJOUMBIA JAIL, December 7, 1871. Mn. EDITOR: I, etti behalf of the pi xonera from York Gminty now contint m this jail, ht-g the uso of the o lu mi of your most excellent paper, to iufor the authorities aud the public how v ure treated. We aro very reluctant complain, but we do thiuk that furbeu ance sometimes ceases to be a virtu The furnaces and ventilators ure vet poorly heated, and wo aro only al lo wi au average of one puir of blaukets every two men; while the witnesses ou side get from two to three pairs apieo and also have the privilege of fire ou side; and only this eveniug, n stove w pnt up for their especial benefit. Io r gard to our faro, wo got enough brea but wo do not get hut about a bc pound of very poor boef, about he cooked Wo get a half pint of coff per day, while the witnesses get the will of both. A PRISONER. -? ? #. > There was a heavy fall of show, < Thursday last, ia Anderson, Abbevil and Lanoaster. MB. EDITOR; Yonr frequent references to mo of late, in connection with what jou call the "bond iranda," lead me to say a single word. I have been before the people of this State aa a pnbHo officer for nearly four years, and during that period I believe I have received and deserved the respect of the oommuoity generally. With op portunities as abundant aa those of other pnUio officers, to injure others, or to enrioh myself at the expense of the publia, I have never, to my knowledge, been suspected, either by my political associates or opponents, of using my office, or my official knowledge and in? fluence, for unworthy or dishonest par poses. Now, hpwever, yoa and others, while making no direct charges, nor furnish? ing any proof to sastaiu your allujions, are seeking to convince the public that I have been a party to some great public wrong. I, therefore, break silence Bim ply to Bay to all, whether friends or foes, that I have neither committed nor sanc? tioned, nor winked at any fraud whatso? ever, either io connection with bonds or any other matter. For all that I have done I am responsible, and I do not Beek any immunity; but I have neither done nor consented to any act which was not justified, in my honest judgment, by the demands of my official duty. Yon mast, therefore, pardon me if I say to you that your attacks give me no uneasiness; though it would uot be true if I were to say that I do not regret them. After four years of houest en? deavor to so oonduot myself as to give no occasion to political iutolerauce, even to charge me with official misconduct, and after earning the enmity uf mauy of my own party, on account of my opposi? tion to what I believed to be corrupt men ond measures, I find you and others ready to denounce me ns a dishonest public officer, and calling upon me to clear myself from charges which are wholly vague and of which tbe proofs are only darkly described as "forthcom? ing." No man knows better than you that your demand is wholly unreasonable and unfair, and that no worthy purpuse oan be subserved by such a course. Until, therefore, you can make distinct onarges, I prefer to let my character, now pretty weil established in this com munity, stand against all your attacks. D H. CHAMBERLAIN. CoiiUMBiA, ?. C., Bvc 7, 1871. i . ? ? . Further ?Iftlssfc. ul that Message. "Now is tbe winter of >iur (your) discontent." [Richard III-Ad 1 But "Do just >nd fear nut; let ail the eude j thou aim'st at oe thy God's, thy country's aud I truth's." j lu that portion under the Ku Klux j head, contained in the message, he make. a hobby horse of the raid made ou the Uuionville jail by u band of disguised persons, (which every law-abiding citi? zen disapproved of,) and took therefrom, (us reported at the time,) nine colored people, out of eleveu, wbo were impli? cated in tho murder of a one-armed tuan, named iStevens, Scott sa\s: "Colored mon, ch rged with offences aud impri? soned on probable cause, were taken from the jail aud inhumanly butchered, to evade the effect of a writ of habeas corpus, whioh had been issued in their behalf." Now, ho was on the picket line at that time, in this way: It was said at that time, that two colored mon wore left in j iii, who, it was supposed, were not equal? ly implicated with those who were taken by the raiders, (as they were called;) but those two were afterwards tried by a jury of tho country-six colored aud six white men-couvicted und sentenced to be hung, and were hung; and if they were innocent, und only put in jail upou probable cause, why did he (Scott) with? hold his clemency? Now, one of three things is oertain-that be stopped short of publishing the whole affair in bia document, for political reasons; or he did not think that the case deserved his clemeuoy; or, thirdly and lastly, he al? lowed thoso innocent colored people to bo banged by the neck for a charge of murder on probabilities. Hts organ down below, it is to be hoped, will now stop riding thut poor ' horse so much. It is referred to by that paper every ouce in awhile; but it only uses BO much of the whole allair as he thinks will suit the ears of his readers, j and try to make them boliove that no I murder was committed on Stevens and Smith, (the latter being a deputy, who assisted the sheriff in arresting the par? ties for the murder of Stevens.) Smith was fired on by one of the party through the crack of a house, (which was re ? ported in the papers at the time.) where tney had gone to dofy the arrest of the ! officers of tho law. Smith lingered for two or three days from the effects of his ' wound, and died. "Oh! shame, whore is thy blush!" I think that in this 'document, culled a message, instead of as ! in the case of ? spider, that spins his I web for tho purpose of catching flies, thal, the spider has becu caught in his owu web. SUMTER. Notice. As chairman of a meeting of citizens, hold iu responso to tho circular of Qen. Hampton and other?, in relation to a State fund, to be usod in behalf of the eminent counsel engaged to defend the meu prosecuted under the Enforcement Aot of Congress, and to test the consti tutionul questions involved, tho under? signed was authorized to appoint a com? mittee, to consist of two persons for each ward iu tho city, uud for oaoh elec? tion preoillut iu the County. Tho following citizens aro requested to uct au u committee ou subscriptions, to report to tho chairman: Ward No. 1-K. D. Soun, W. Press. Brown. Ward No. 2- John Caldwell, J. T. Sloan, Jr. Ward No. 3-J. C. Seager?., W. C. Fisher. Ward No. 1-Edward Hopo, Rolaud Kennen. Killian's-Eli Killian, John L?rick. Camp Orouud-J. H. Kiuslur, W. P. Bookter. Gadsden-Warren Adams, T. B. Wes? ton. Garner's Ferry-Samuel G. Henry, J. J. Lucius. JOHN X*. THOMAS, Chairman. A mau and his wife out Weat recently hanged themselves (or hanged each other-nobody known which) iu a socia? ble way, on opposito bed-posts. It is supposed that they had so many broach os botweou thom that they could not keep up without a pair of suspenders. MI f~ i rna i i i SPEECHES OF M?86RS. W. J. WHIPPER (COLORED) ARD TIM. HURLEY ON GOVERN? OR SCOTT.-The Charleston Courier gives as the reports; WHIPPER'S SPEECH.-At the oatset he disclaimed any intention, as the author of the resolution deferring the reading of the message ou Tuesday last, to slight the Governor. There were bat few things to which ho would refer in the message, which, in his opinion, was not such a message as un honest mau would have presented to a Legislature. Per? sonally, he entertained the kindest feel? ings towards B. K. Scott, but officially, bia opinions would be seen in tho re? marks which he was about to make. The great question contained in the mes? sage was tho question cf thc nuances. The Governor bad attempted to quiet the people of the State by what he called "a true exhibit of the debt of the State." I This exhibit the speaker proceeded to dissect, and show by figures and facts its falsity. ' He said, eveu taking the Go? vernor's statement, financial ruin was steering the pooplo in tho face. But what rumors were abroad in the laud? He had beard enough to believe that Go? vernor Scott's -statement did not show half the uotual debt of the State. The report of the Treasurer, which accompa? nied the message, shows, on the face of it, that it is false. He theo alluded to the report of tho "committee, of citi? zens," whioh has already been published. This report, said he, is only based upon what accounts they were shown. Hon many of the accounts they were allowed to see, God only knows. The report shows, iu every line of it, a predispo.-d (ion on the part of the committee tc cover up the tracks of the monsters whe have pluudered the State. He did no mean to impugn thu motives of thi committee. But who were they but met who would, most naturally, spring tc the iuvitutiou, such as had been extend ed them. They were of that class o tuen who were interested in the 8tutt bonds. The report itself was drawn out be stiid, by the repreoeututivo ol a bani which had invented its money iu bond? aud it won natural fur them to atteiup to bolster up I heir tottering fortunes. He honestly believed the debt of tb State to bu $18 OUO.OUU to $20.000,00d and years heuet-, w?eu the trutu wool, biive u bearing iu this matter, bis pre dictions would bn v. nth d Hut. whi? ttier U was 8ll,UM),OUU, ur 8l5,UUO,UOU <>r Sit), OOO, ODO, the result wu* the ?mu -hua tidal mili. All this showed thu die G .vr-rtiiueiit had proved itsell a fut ?ne. The question uaw was, 'Ts ther a remedy, and if so, is thu General Ai ?rieuiidy educated up tu the point of aj I p ymg it." Figures will show (said ut j io any calen luting, reasoning mind, thu we cannot carry on thu Government t it now exists without laying a lox c j tweuty or twenty-two mills ou the do i lar. Will you dure to levy that tun ' Your constituents will never stand i I It remains for yon, tuen, to accept ill .only remaining remedy-there is OG ! tbiug left us-no aro diiveu to t-epndii ' lion. We need no Act of the L 'gish ! ture to accomplish tbit?; wu huve but t j - u b m 11 q i let ly, mid the result will brin I "U reputiiutluu. Wo can forget to pat i au Act tu provide for the pnymeut of tl: j i o ten at. ou tho public debt, and this wi ? bo virtual repudiutiou. I um not iute ested iu bonds of au y kimi, aud, for om I do uot iuteud to allow the roeu to ei joy them whom I have assisted iu bois mg into power. The timo has now cou when we must either do something < give up the attempt to carry ou the Gi verumeut. I, for one, will uot shat the ignominy of this mao, (the Goveri or,) and uot share his bonds. He hi shown in his messago that he hus vii j lated the law, uud it is uow tho time f< action. I um ready for impeach men i ready to see tho guilty go to the peu teutiary. Enough is known not only I I impeach them, but to send thom to sou I narrow confin?e, there to meditate upc their pust crimes. HURLEY'S SPEECH.-He said thut as member of the joint committee, whit was to report iu u few days, he had i tended not to say anything ou the su jeot, but ho wus prepared to say th much. A lie, upon my soul, alie. Th every stutemeut contuiued ia that me sage, in reference to the debt of tl State, was a lie. Ho was, moreove prepared to tmy thut tho debt of tl State was moro to-day luau B. K. See dared to tell the people. Ho thank* God that iu the constitutional and otb conventions hu had persistently refusi to vote for the men who to-day ought bo iu the penitentiary. (Whether ought to be there or uot-soto voa Last year I garo him the name of t! dog killer. This year hu bis earned tl name oi credit killer. Well, this cret killer says that this will be his lust a ii ti ul message. I doubt if ho iu tellii tho truth iu thut fraud. If there is ai mouey left iu tho Treasury I have : doubt ho will try to buy himself again, and the wires are even uow bei laid. He will attempt again to fo himself on the State. There uever w a Governor who made aa many diff?re statement? concerning the finances the Stute. But that is uot his fault, t cause he pau'l tull tho truth, eveu if were to try. Why, eveu the boo which he exhibited so ?ri?ingly to t Tax-payers' Convention were prepar for the purpose. He then asserted tl the decliue in the price of bonds w caused by the Governor. The rapid c oliue was caused by Scott to enable h to purchase bouds enough to-cloak the over-isnuo. Ha had stolen &10.0UI OOO aud ruu d?>wu thu pneu lu irder buy and cloak up his iiiuft. He did know what injury tlie G ?vernor ever 1 to the man thal wrote the m "?sage, t that uiuu will certainly bo ublu tu wr over his tomhslont', when he dies, I I tho mau who kilted cook robin, fl? ( aol believe thut SU OUU.OOO would o.?t thu iruild. Ho knew, tor u fact, tba mau WK? in New lurk lust summer w: ? blank commission in lils pocket, try 1 to get Home broker or bunker to nege ute tho sterling bonds. This comm binn waa signed in blank by thu Govei or, und was hawked around among t ll naumai men, who were begged to tu the loan and negotiate it. So fur as t Legislative expenses, to which the C vernor had referred, there wus thia to said: If the Legislature were to rem fl in session \ear in uud year out, the 1 puudituro would not be half us great thut caused by the Governor's stock o] rations. Lie believed that tho metub of tho L gisl-iture hud made up tb minds to hoist one of those fellows thu ring, uud if they were truo to the selves they woul 1 begin by impeachi the Governor. I "Wo will," from Ju Mobley. ] THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION IN Aua US At the recent municipal electiou iu I gusta tho cutir? Democratic ticket \ elected. TUK UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT Ku KLUX TRIADS-FRIDAY, December 8. The Court convened at ll o'clock, Hon. Hugh Lt. Bond presiding, aud Hon. George S. Byran, associate, on the bench. | Mr. Rtanberry, for the defence, in the case of the United States vs. Allen Crosby, et al., indicted for conspiracy under the Act of 20th April, 1871, rend j from Kent's commentaries, page 478, showing that the common law of Eng? land, as modified by statute, down to the reign of James I, prevailed in the United States Courts, and not the unmodified common law as to which the court seemed ia doubt yesterday. The ques? tion before the court, and for the con? sideration of which the court adjourned yesterday, was, whether in a criminal trial in tbe United States Court for offences less than capital feiony, the citizen was entitled to the ritfht of per? emptory o ballenge. Judge Bryan stated that after a dose OT uno i nation of the decision in the case of the United States vs. Reid, 12th Howard, he was satisfied that the quea I lion was dependent entirely upon the fact, whether or not there exists in the State of South Carolina a right to per? emptory challenge in similar offences prior to the passage of tho judiciary Act of 1789. Mr. Staoberry-I am creditably in? formed, may it please your Honors, that such a right did exist in this State, even so far back as 1712. and that the number of peremptory ohullenges allowed in all oases of olergyab!? felonies, ic which event we are out off by the Act of 1866 just one-half, having ten instead of twenty. Mr. Johnson-Do I nudersteud tho opinion expressed by his Honor Judge Bryan to be tbe decision of tbe court? Judge Bond-No. I am of the opi? nion that tbe rule of the common law, by which no peremptory challenges were uttered in such coses, should pre? vail. After some consultation, however, Judge Bond announced that as his asso? ciate had evidently given the question much earnest attention, be would yield to bim aud grant the right to the pri- ! nouer of ten peremptory challenges. Cul. YV. B. Wilson, of York, special j oouusel for the prisoner, Sherod Chil? ders, then arose and addressed the court, <.* "i'iloW?! May it please your Honors, in thia case important and grave preliminary points bave been made by the defence, because it was the firslcase presented by ; the Government. We desire, now, toi state TO the court, as counsel for the pri-1 souer at the bar, Sberod Childers, that i he voluntarily coufeased to an officer of I I the Government that he was with the ! I party charged in the indictment. He j ? enters, now, the plea of guilty; but, bu- ; I fore sentence by tbe cou it, will ask to I submit affidavits that he was not an ac- j ? tive participaut in, or even cognizant of, ' j the octa of violence alleged. If the acta j ? are of the atrocious oharaoter elated by j i tbe Attorney-General of the State, io bis j i opening speech, ve are oertainly uot j here to defend, excuse or palliate them. Tho other prisoners, Hezekiah Potter, j William Moutgomery aud Evana Mur- , phy, also plead guilty. Mr. Staoberry claimed for the prison? ers that in putting in the plea of guilty, they surrendered no right of exemption from punishment, from the fact that the offence confessed was committed prior to the passage ot the Aot of Congress of 20th April, 1871, under which they were iodioted. Mr. Corbiu replied, that as a matter of faot, the assault and battery upon Amzi Karney was made on the 22d Maroh last, some time prior to the passage of tbe Act; but the conspiracy was a continuing one, the conspirators being banded together, having a regular system of by-laws, regulations, &o. Upon motion of Mr. Corbiu, an order was passed to release Merrit Fuller, who has been confined for nine months in the jail of Edgefield to await bis trial, nudvr a charge of votiug at tho electiou of the 19th of Ootober, 1870, without Oeing qualified to vote. I. D. Witherspoon, Esq., made appli? cation for bail for Reuben McCall, of York County, which was granted, and a bond of $3.000, with Dr. J. M. Lowry and Mr. J. T. Lowry, sureties. Mr. Staoberry presented the petition of Leander Spencer, of York, that the writ of habeas corpus might be issued to Major Levis Merrill, of the United States Army, by whom, as he stated, be was arrested without warrant, and held in confinement without having any charges ? preferred against bim, &o. The court withheld its deoision, and j adjourned till to-morrow, at ll o'clock, j APPLICATION OF TUB LBOAD REMEDY.- ? The Executive Committee of the Tax? payers' Convention met iu Columbia last week. We learn that tbe gentlemen in attendance bave given their attention to the troubled condition of our State finances, as is meet and proper, and that they are preparing to push legal reme? dies against participants in the despe? rate games enaoted by our State officials. It would not surprise us that the action of tho Executive Committee might be j anticipated by some of these officials, j ?n? >mii??i??i o? Mr. Kiuaptou, i'uui they should take flight to other regions Therefore, we hope to soe no unneces? sary delay in instituting whatever legal remedies against the thieves and plun? derers that learned counsel might sug? gest. We believe that the law will com? pel a surrender of their trusts, where it eau be shown clearly and unequivocally that high officials have exercised those trusts to their own private advantage, aud to tbe detriment of the public weal, i'beu, if there is law to protect the oiti z-us of this commonwealth from rapa uiouM plundering aud vile combinations, iel its a?\3 be invoked at onoe. We would earnestly urge the affiliation of all good men, irrespective of party politics, iu this tuovemeut to roaoh the conspira tors by dun process of liw. As iu New : York, so let lt be iu South Carolina, that ! Hie people demand redress of the courts, j Lt is the only safe, thorough remedy, in ' our judgment, and will prove a bulwark J? safety in the future. [Anderson Intelligencer. HOMICIDE-A difficulty occurred in : he upper part of thia County, one day net week, between Goorgo Green and Portmau Howard, wbioh resulted in the leath of the former at tho hands of the stier. When first seen, Howard was sn retiing Greeu with a pole, aud called )ut that he was out. Green at length itopped, and Howard struck bim over -he bead with the pole, fraoturiug his ikull aud causing instant death. Au in? quest waa immediately ht ld, and, after I ime investigation, adjoqrned over until Monday last. Howard at once aurreu it red himself, and is now in jail at this place.-Greenville Mountaineer. r.oo ?I It ? xrr ?. PHOSNIXJANA.-The price of singlo copies of the PHOENIX is five cents. The PUCENIX office is sapplied with ?ll oooeesary material for ss handsome cerda, bill heads, posters, pamphlets, band-bills, circulars, and other printing that maybe desired, as any office in the Sooth. Give ns a call and test oar work. Yesterday waa a delightful day. The sun shone brightly, and over-costs were below pur. At night, the inevitable rain set in, however, and, as a consequence, slop may be expected, The thermometer at the Pollock House ranged as follows yesterday: 9 A. M., 56; 2 P. M., 64; 9 P. M., 60. We have been requested lo say that lists for the fund to be raised under the circular of Generals Hampton and But? ler and others will be fonnd at the stores of Messrs. J. G. Seegers and W. CA Fisher. Our friends from the country, desiring to contribute, may find it con? venient to call at either of these two points. The several committees are re? quested to report as early as practicable. It gives us pleasure to be able to state that Bishop Paine, of Mississippi, one of the Bi nh ops of tba Methodist Episco? pal Church, South,, is in our. city, and will preach at Washington Street Chapel, to-morrcw morning, at 20>? A. M. The Bishop is on bis way to preside at the South Carolina Annual Conference, whioh begins on Wednesday next, at 8partanburg. Gov. Scott hos made the following ap? pointments: W. B. Myers and Lawrence McKenzie, Notaries Public for Beaufort County; Frank Goss, Treasurer for Ker? shaw County, otos Samuel Place, re? moved; P. A. Mo David, County Com? missioner for Greenville County. It is a poor libel suit that can't bring a man something. A Texas man whc claimed 812,000 got sixty cents. TEMPLETON'S TROUPE.-Irwin's Hal WOK even more crowded last evening I than on any of the previous nights o Templeton's popular entertainments "Too Nights iu a Bar Boom" was admi rably represented, and received by th? large audience with almost, if not quite as muoh enthusiasm as Bip Van Winkle the night before. Mr. Manager Temple ton did intend to close bis performance! here for the season with this play, bu the large attendance yesterday evening and the general satisfaction manifested have induced him to repeat "Bip Yal I Winkle," to-night. Aa this viii be tb ! last of the performances of Templeton' troupe for the winter, there will, doubt lets, be a crowded house. SOP?EME COURT, FRIDAY, Decembe 8.-The court met at 10 A. M. Prc sent-Chief Justice Moses and Associ?t Justices Willard and Wright. Mr. Wylie resumed and concluded hi argument in tho ouse of Alexander Cai ter rs. D. W. Browu. Mr. Allison wa heard for respondent. Mr. Kershaw fe appellant. It. A. Pringle, et ai, vs. Bela Sizer, < al. Motion to set aside order of Circa! Judge nud for re-argument. Mr. Moor for motion. Mr. Allison contra. Mc tiou submitted. Horace Maasot rs. O. A. Moses, et a Bill dismissed. Opinion by Willard, A J. At half-past 12 P. M., the con rt ac journed until Monday, 11th, at 10 ? M., when the First Circuit will be callei HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, NSW YORI We are glud to notice that this staune old compaov comes out of the Chioag dre with $2,383,021.15 after providiu for all ita loases outstanding ou the li day of November. Ita groan satiate, November 1, 1871, were. $4.813,560 ? Liabilities fur Chi? cago losaos, de? ducting re-in eurancti iu the Europeuu com? panies . $2,139.213 00 Other liabilities, tor losses, *c... 291,326 79 $2,430,539 Lcaviug Bocuritv fur present policy-holders. $2,383,021 Immediately after the Chicago fir the directors met aud resolved to mal up the stock at ouoe, aud as soon as S periuteudeut Miller was released fro the oonveution then in session in tl city, he mude au examination of tl affairs of the company and fixed tl amount necessary to he raised to ma) the assets up to the full s laudar d r quired by our lawa. The director without delay, called on the atookholde for $1,500,000, and the same is nc being rapidly paid io iu advance of tl time fixud by the Superintendent. Sm uciiou is w?ifthy of uii praise, and jn what the publio expeoted from tl wealthy stockholders of this oompan Thirty days from now will find the ooi pauy's assets over $1,000,000, and i future will be as brilliant as its past li been. Insurers appreciate such lib rality, aud thu company is now reapii a rich reward in premium receipts, mc tbau double those of the correspondu period of last year. It is right that should be so. The Homo continues make policies as strong aa any in t country. It has a corps of sterling ai active agents, who are resolved to pla it ut the head of American coropanii They have the will and power to do iud it will bo done. The Home Wronger uow in public confidence tb it was before tho Chicago fire. Mc thau half its losses have already be idjusted aud paid, and Vice-Preside Willmarth continues his headquarters Ohicago, aud will remain there till ev? loss is paid. The publio are quick notice such honorable and proa lotion, and, if wo mistake not, will equally quick to sustain such a comps by its patronage now moro than ever. The above is copied from the N ?ork Insurance Times-the leading iuraoce paper in this country. Capt. it. Lonphart in the agent of the Home his city. LIST OF NEW ADVEBTISBMBNTS. Edward Hope-Oats, ko. L. E. Johnson-Io Bankruptcy. IV Franklin-For Salo. S. P. Hamilton-Sommons. C. F. Jaokson-New Goods. John Templeton-Theatre.