Cm AFFAIRS. _-?.> MEETINGS THIS DAT. 8. C. Commander*, at half-past. 7 P. M. Marion Lodge, at 8 P. M. Ashley (?range, ai 8 P. M. .National Zouave?, at hall-past 7 P. M. Palmetto Guard Rifle Club, at naif-past 7 P.M. Phoenix Fire Company, at 8 P. M. AUCTION SALE THIS DAT. William McKay will ?ell at 10 o'clock, at his ?tore, furniture, dry goods, &o. FOREIGN EXPORT. Mr. Henry Card cleared yesterday the Brit? ish bark David McNutt, for Liverpool, with s 168 bags sea island colton, 1554 bales upland . -colton, and 297 barrels rosin. REAL ESTATE SALE. R.M. Marshall 3087 bales of uplaud-*, agalast 63 bags or aea Islands and Floridas and 6209 bales of uplands the pre vlous week, and 22 bags of sea islands and Floridas and 2686 bales of uplands for the time last year. These arriv.ib came as fullows: say of uplands, per Sooth carolina Kallroad, 2798 ? aies; Northeastern Kallroad, 2>6; Savaanab and Char.eston Kadroad, 43; Georgetown, io. of sea Islands-Northeastern Kallroad, -; Savannah and Charleston Railroad, 16; Florida, 7; Beaufort 1; Ed ls io, 4. THB LOTTON MARKET.-Arter a period or much depression this anid? assumed a firmer charac? ter, and th : loreign rates, Which ope.,ed at 9X @9Jid, improved to 9X@9%a H lb for middling ui hu is. At {tew furs prices commsucd at 19Xc; advanced to ia*c "g lb, while at this point this grade was at lBJie, and stlrfened io 18X@ isJ?c V lb, the upward movement being fell mostly in the bette.* glades, which are scarce, while common kinds were abundant and not much sought arter. Toe iraasactlous and pricer at Liverpool and New York during this period were as follows : Oa Friday, March 21, the former was quiet, uplands 9X@9.Xd, sale? 12,coo bales; the latter was firm, up.autis los'c, ?ales 25is bales. On Saturday the former was steady ; ap? laude 9,xd, sales 10.000 bales; the latter was firm? er, apanda lexc sales 622 bal.s. ou Mooday the former was hardening, uplauds 9xd, sales 16,000 bales; the ia ter wat firm and held higher, up lauds i9Jic sales 2636 bales. Oa Tuesday the former waa quiet and Arm, uplauds 9>?s9??d, sales 12 OOJ bales; tbe lau r was quiet, aplau s i9Kc, salea 614 nales. Oa Wednesday the former was quiet ano fl. m, aplauda ?x@?Xd, sales 16, OJO balea; ibe lauer was steady, uplands 19tfc, sates 2728 ba.ts. Yesterday the former was quiet and steady, upland, 9)??, Bales 12,000 bales; the latter was steady at ia,sc "A ri. The salts aud prices or cotton In this market darlag ihe week under review were as follows: On Friday, Mavch 21, lhere waa a limned inquiry at firm rat' s for line qualities and easy and somewhat, nominal price- for comm. n kinds; sales 350 bales; a tu ins and tlcged i elng quoted at io? 17, lDferl ir 18@15, ordinary to good ordinary 16Q17X, low middling 18, middling 18\', strict middling 18J?o V tb. Oa Saturday there waa rattier more inquiry, with a steady tone to tue market, and the better klads hardened in some instances to the exteat or about xe $ lb; eales 700 balts, stains and tinged being quoted at ic@irc, Inferior 13@15c, ordinary to good ordinary I6@t7^c, low middling 18c, middling 18XC, strict middling 18Xc V lb. on Monday the e was a good demand, with an advance of j X@\c V lb in tue better grades; sales looo bales, status and tiuge i belog quited at 16?.7, Infer? ior at 13@15. oruluary to good ordinary i6@i7X', low mldullng 18X@'8X, middling 18x@18X. and strict middling i9c V rb. On Tues Jay tue lt quit y was mainly for commua qualitlot; sales 700 bales at unchanged raus; quotations as before. On Wednesday there was a moderate demand, with firmer rates for high grades, steady prices for middling and eas-y figures for low middling ai d the common grades; sales coo bales; stains and tinged b-lng quoted at 14C, low mid? dling l8@i8Xc, midd lng 18X@'8>?, strict mid? dling I9@i9.xc $ lb. Yesterday the Inquiry was moderate al firm rates for good qualities, and easy prices for common grades; Balt s 450 bales, say A at 13, 13 at 13X. 28 at 14, 16 at 16, 35 at 15X, SS at lex, 32 at lex. 31 at 17, 3 ai IT X, 18 at 17X, 8 at lt), 6 at isx, 8 at 18X, 32 at is x, ?2 at ; 16X, 5 at 19.XC. We quote: LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Stains and .luged.16 @17 Inferior.13 wl6 Ordinary io good ordinary.16 @i7,x Low middling.1.18 ?1SX Middling.18X0 Strict SBA ISLAND COTTON.-There were i lg nt arrivals of this quality of the et pie, say 28 bags of Caro? linas and Floridas for this period. The racket has chown a better inquiry, which has been free.y met by fa tors, with sah s cf about 500 bags or Carolinas and Floridas, among which were of J Caro loss io Saut?es at 25@28c or sea Islands 18 bags at 26c, 9 at 30,16 at Si, 16 at 35, 20 at 40, 16 at 46. or Flori tas, 90 bags at 29@30o, 62 at 30, 34 at 31,26 at 32. 6 a 33, 14 at 46. 2 at 60,1 at 60. R?es.-The receipts of Carolina rough were uu- J imper ant and amounted io about 10,000 bushels. T?tere baa been a fair demand at unchanged rates, with light supplies of good grades. Sales about 800 tierces of clean Carolina, among which were 62 tierces at axc, 9 at ex, 8 at 6>i. 23 at ex, 10 at 6 16-16, 267 at 7, 73 at 7 3 16, 30 at Iii, 46 at 7J?, 1? at ix, 81 on private terms. Yesterday there was a good demand at Arm and full prices, sales about 200 tierces clean Carolina; say 25 tierces at ex, 20 at ex, 37 at 7,70 at t%, 2 at 7X-. 23 at ix, 7 at 'Xe fi fl). We quote common io fair ey,? TX. good 7>?@7XC fi lb. NAVAL STORKS.-There were received or these articles about 70 bbls spirit J turpentine, 1402 bbls rosin, and loo bbls crude turpem inc. There has been a ralr business doing, with sales early in the time of looo bbls spirits turpentine at 49c ? gallon, and 60 bbls do at 60o fi gallon; looo bbls rosin, say strained to extra N > 2 at $2 50@2 60 fl bbl, aad loo bbls pale, low pale aad extra No 1 on private terms; also 600 bbls rosin, No 2 and low No 2 at $2 60, and low No land Ko 1 at $2 75 fi bbl. Later, 400 bbls rosin, strained to extra No 2 at $2 ac fi bbl. Yesterday tho market was quiet and without reported trantaclons. Crude tur? p?n t lue may be qaoted at $4 fi bbl for virgin, $3 for yellow dip, and $2 for hard. HAY.-There were light receipts, say about 64 biles from Philadelphia. The market, has been quiet aad without transactions of note. We quote North Uiver at $1 65?1 70, and Eastern at $1 70? 176 fi hundred. COBS.-The arrivals were about 10,000 bushels from Baltimore,6000 from Norfolk and Kio Lom Philadelphia. A cargo ur8030 bnshels North Car? olina white was so.u ac s7c bushel, baga in? cluded. OATS.-About 2000 su: hela were received from Baltimore and COO from Norfolk. There weie no wholesale transactions. PEAS.-The receipts or this grain were limited, with moderate sales at $l bbl,and choice family at $11 ?12 60 fl I bl. BACON.-This article ls In fair supply, with a somewhat quiet roarkot, and we quute prime smoked shoulders at 7X?7\o f> ?, prime smoked clear rib sidos at. 9X@9Xc fi lb, prime salted sh'.uldera al 6>?@63?c f? lb, and prime salted Fides at 8*?8Xc fi lb We note sales or 20 hlids clear rib sides st 9>ic fi ?. SUGAR AND MOLASSES.-New crop Cuba clayed raola-ses is lu moderate supply, With salts at 33c fi gallon for fair; als 1 Muscovado molasses, new crop, willoh ls quoted at 3t>@38?, In hhds and tierces. Demerara molasses at 45a47c. New oneaas moia-isen, good to. prime, may be quot jd at 73@75c fl gallon ; Sugar-house hy ru p may bo quoted at 2i@23e la hhds. and 26? 27c in bbls. Louisiana fair sugar ls held at ox? 10c fi tb. COFFER.-There was a quiet feeling In this mar? ket, with easier twe\ but thc last news from Rio Indicate a better tone. Fair t j good qualities Rio may be quoted at 22 s ??ic. y UTTER AND LABD.-mere ls a ralr stock or this article-fancy Goshen may be quoted at 36@45c; Sew York Slate, prime, -; medium-. SALT.-Recent arrlval? from Liverpool sell at $1 45 rrom shlpbotrd. M\y be quoted at $166 @l 75 V sack in smaller pire ls from store, as to siz ? of lot. INDIA BAGGING.-There has been some de? mand ror the conntry trade, and lots of domes? tic at -c. Ludlow at -c TIMBRE AND LUMBER.-Tho market is qnlet. We qnote timber for milling purpose* from $6? 10. Shipping timber $10@16. Bright timber, good merchantable, from city mille, cut to size, from $18?22 fi M by the cargo; lamber per rall, $13?16; river lamber, $U?13; dressed lamber, $22?26. KRBIQHTS.-To Liverpool, by steam direct, nom? inal or. uplands, -d on sea Islands; via New Vork \'d on uplands, ld on sea Islands; by sat, o 161 on uplandB. % 1 on sea island*. To rlavn lXcon uplands. Oosmtwian-to New York, bv steam xe on uplands and Vc 011 nea Islands: 2 ? tierce on rice, 60c fi bbl on rosin; hy sall, - ^ lb un cotton;-y tierce on rice: Mc V bbl ou rosin;$11@12 s lion lamber: $12@12 60 * hi outtmher. To Boston, by steam Xe ou uplands, and $2 60 f) tierce on rice; bv sall, -c * lb ou up K; rosin 70c; resawed stuff $12(312 60; tim? ber $13@13 5'?; phosphate $5@5 60. To Providence, by sail, $10 6??ll y U HM wards, - 0 ? m on cotton; bj steam Xe via New Tork. To Philadel? phia, by steam X^ on uplands: $1 76 fl tierce on rice. 60} fi bbl on roBin, $1 on spirits. Tnroagh lillis nf lading given to Boston, Providence and tue New England cities are regularly Issued on this route, and dlspatcn guaranteed. By sall, $ .i M mi imam* $12 on timber;-fl ton on clay, and $3 soon phosphates. To Baltimore, by steam. He fi tt; by Ball $8@8 60 fl M on boards; -on timber; $3 6u fl tun at cikv, $4?4 25 fi ton np river on phosphate rock. Vessels are lo nemand by our 1: erchhanrs to take lumber freights from Georgetown, s. 1!., Harlen and sa? lida hiver, Ga., and Jacksonville, Fia., tu North? ern ports, and 110? 12 ft M are rates on lumber and boards. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE.-The banks are purchas? ing sight checks on New York at >i@>?'c pre? mium. They ate selling Mgm chechs at y, premium. , EXCHANGE-STERLING BtLLS.-The rate yester? day was 24%?.6)< ror 60 days hills. GOLD-The broker-i were yesterday buying at 15, and selling at ie*. Exports. LiVRRPOOL-Per bark David McN'ntt-168 bacrs so-i island cotton, 1651 bales upland cotton, 297 bbia ro-ln. NEW YURI-Per Btennnhlp South Carolina-121 bag-tSF-a island cotton, 326 bal s upland 0 non, 49 tiercel rice, S24 bbls roMn, 67 ca-ks clay 60 bou oil, 46 balen donvetlc*, 37 pkgs mdse, 61 sacks rice flour, 97 boxes pencil wood, and sun? dries. SOSTON-Per Kteamshp Merced ita-270 bales npland cou n. 1*4 bbl* naval store*. 599 Backs meal, 101 sacks rice Hoar, 47 casks clay, a id a lot of lion.Per sehr Adj le Bialsdell-495 tons phosphate rock. Exports of th 3 Week Ending Alaren 97 DOMESTIC. NEW YORE-Per steam-h p Georgia-75 bags sea Island cotton, 947 bales upland cotton, 101 tes rice, 73 bales domestics. 3oo bags coituu seed meal, et haie-i hides. 618 empty camoys, 66 cedar keg.?, 600 bags rice chaff. 206 pkg* sunorliB. I er steamship Manhattan- 2s bags sea island cot toe. 3 6 bales upland cotton. 65 tes rice, 60 ca-kn clay, 49 bales domestics 106 hal's muss, 182 bun? dle staves 15 logs cedar, 2356 bons cedar, 62 empty, 78 pkg* sundrieB.Per steamship Charlen on-66 bags sea Island cotton, 347 bales upland cotton, U3 tes rice. 263 bbls roam, 37 bales domeatlcs, 44 toutlrnn, B2pkgs sundries.Per sehr David Faust-141,46a feet yellow pine lum? ber. PH ILA DELPHI A-Per Bteim-hlp Ashland-300 bales npland cotton, 60 tes lice, 188 bales domes tlc-,, 3-SJ bbls naval stores, lu casks clay, 16 tons Iron, iso pkgs suadrles.Per sehr J C Nash 120 ooo feet lumber. BALTIMORE-per steamship Falcon-83 bales cotton, 202 tes rice, 74 bales domestics, 2007 t-acks ground ph73. Boston. Vew York.... Philadelphia., ualtiroore.... Provid'ce.R I. Oth'r D S P'ru r'alCoaBtw'se Barcelona..... Maj'a&M'ket. West Indies.. Rio de la Plata Nortn sea.... uuudon. .'.nsto;. Eng.. Liverpool. GlaBgow. Fal moir h Al a market, j St. John's, N ti NAVAL] STIIK'B NAVAL HTOK'8 Bbls. Feet. 6.247? 878.941 29 4JIII 2 991,816 '.iii 5 787.H7B 6 114 2,850.646 . 456 547 . 1,499,4581 66.679 766 20B 1.810 0.784 22 882 2,300 Total Foreign.! 34,602! 1,153.67a 9.468,285 11.000 148.600 798.01.0 184,173 12, 00 Bbls. 2,617 12 352 13,0.4 3,327 Feet. 31,326 1,297 11.73 8,460 3.048 Grand Total' 01,871. io,?i,958 24,542 55.168 1.307,800 l,6n9 476 462.374 2.HO3.407 811.411 912 739 7,967.817 149,600 434,255 137,000 718,755 8,654,072 comparative Exports of Cotton and Rice rrom the Port of Charleston from Sep. tember 1, 187?, to March 36, 1873. KXrORTBD TO Liverpool. Other Br. Ports Tot'l Q. Britain Havre. Other Fr. Ports l872-'73. S. I.iUp'd. I Rice 234 Total France..i 234 N. of Europe.. Tot'l N.Europe S.of Europe.. W. Indies, ?c. Total F. Ports., Boston. Rhode island.. New York. Philadelphia... Bait. A Nr'foU Oth. U.S. Ports Tot'l O'sePorts Qrand Total 5101 ll 6?S8 86303 66303 10695 10695 16911 15911 6374 119583 13034 283 127098 12 ia 407 1871-'72. S. L.Up'd.lRlce 2274 2274 2274 90 74S0 ,| 16968| 2261 .1 89611 6719 3 3098 6740 16B377 23607 ll61fl!28S960.23fi23 7369 257 76766 76766 2235 2235 10713 10713 8672 97276 2006 1046641 7368 100841 2590 7346 6766 217 7ul0 7736 10010 121246 221'22 23713 23713 Stock of Cotton In tbe Interior Towns at the Latest Dates. 1872. Augusta..March 21 Oolnmbna.March 2i Macon.March 21 Montgomery.March si Selma..March 21 Memphis.March 21 Nashville..March 21 Total hales. 14 379 10,687 11.174 7,768 4.2SS 47,852 12,173 108,211 16,490 7,004 7 620 4,368 1,043 33,806 6,9 3 77,034 cooc rain ? P~B MM g-: *?"o co co ? a . co - V U< O 00 . *. 4k Soco; ?a S ]5ij5; _5,f3 on J. bo* ^oTtoaoocn. a co CjOa1 MHOOIH. Oto a -4 S. oaacoM- - to Ole -i ? sr Bia 9 ' 3 Jo O sss Lj2 rP >- CJ -' tC W ?o to -J X- 03,0? pi OB JO tl'^'llCCJ^-C-OOX O C0 4> O *J .? U U Ul M-^oaucaK'too) o?o api o CD ?. ^8 CC JJ o o V? w .** o* r? o? O O ? o H *? ^ M ' ^ *o-.^?o? OOO O?OOU WOOODO' tOOt< EB NOTB.-WC have aeauctea from New Orleans 138,361 bales uplands, rrnm Mobile 1434 bales up la''is; (rum!Savannah 6740 bags sea island and 4868 bales up lau J. and rrom Charleston 3537 bags sea isianri ami 894 bales upland cotton; being tue quantity received at those ports rrom Mo? bun. Florida. Texas and Havannah. Charleston Wholesale Prices. ARTICLES. PRICKS. BAGGING, V yard Dundee. @ G'JUDV Cloth. @ Nt-w YorK Double Anchor, 45 Inches, 2H'hs. @ BALK BOPB, H ft. Manilla. ? Westein. 8 @ Jure. @ K?TTBR- -, Goshen. 35 @ 40 Country. @ COTTON, V ft.- ," _ lufenor. . 13 ? J? Ordinary to Ooo? Ordluary... 16 @ 17J Low Middling. 18 <$ 18> Middling to strict Middling... 18X? 19> Good MUdltng. @ Sealsland. ? %Fo":.!.a:.-. gag a CHARLKSTKN FACTOBY BAGS corree nsg-. OT g j| Flour ba*s. 0SX@ " Grain bags. JJ ? " rnos.h*ic bags. 21 @ -? FLOOR, V boi ?""-.^:::-:::::::::::: .? s ISS Northern and Western Extra. 7 26 & ? 0? Baltimore Extra. . Southern-Saper. e 50 ? 7 00 Extra. 7 26 ? 8 60 Family. 0 60 ? 12 50 GRAIN. T> bushel Hary land Oats. ? Western Oats. ? Corn. 80 @ 87 HAT, y cwt Norm River. 1 66 ? I 70 LUMBER, $ M fee: ' Clear Whlre Pine, erst quality. 60 00 ?5600 White Pine, good run.38 oo ? 40 co Yellow Plue. 20 00 ig? 24 00 Boards, rough. ll 00 (Si 12 00 Grooved and tunened 28 00 ? 32 00 MOLASSES, fi ganoo Cuba. 33 ? Muscovado. 36 ? Sugar house.- 28 ? 28 New Orleans. 72 ? 80 NAVAL STORES, fi bbl Tar. @ Pitch. & Rosin, pale. ? Kosla, NO. 1. 2 76 @ Rosin, No. 2 . 2 60 ? Ro-ln. No. 3. 2 60 ? Spirits Turpentine, fl gal.... 60 ? Crude Turpentine, fl bbl. 4 00 ? Hard Turpentine. 2 00 ? Oakum, fl lb. 16 ? NAILS-American4@20d, fi Eeg .. ? POWDER Dupont's, F. F. F. g. 6 00 ? Dupont's, F. F. F. 6 00 ? Dnpont's. Blasting. 4 00 ? PROVISIONS, ft ls Bacon, Hams. ? Sides. 09>?@ 09X Shoulders. o:x? 07X Strips....... ? Lard, in keg. ll ? 12 Cheese. ? Eggs. ? Poultry-OhlckeuB, fl doz. ? Fowls, fl doz. ? BICE, V lb-Carolina. oe w@ 07V East India. ? .. SALT, fl sack-Liverpool, coarse 1 46 ? 1 65 Liverpool flne. ? S CG AB, fl tt - Porto Rico. ? Muscovado. lox? 12X BEESWAX, ft ?. 88 ? 40 Potatoes, Irish, fl bbl. ? Sweet. ? Onions. ? Apples. ? FERTILIZERS Carol na Fertilizer, fl 2000 Usa. CiiBh. 48 00 ? Time (payab.c 1st Novem? ber, free of interest,)_ 63 00 @ Wando Fertilizer, cash. 66 00 @ _ Time.60 00 @ Peruvian Guano, Chinchas.... 90 00 ? Peruvian Guano, Guanape.... 80 00 ? Pacific Guano. 2000 tba., cash.. 48 00 ? Time (without interest). .63 00 ? Phoenix Guano. 47 60 @ Baugh's Phosphate, f) 2000 Uss. cash. 46 00 ? Land Plaster.12 00 @ Zell's Ammonlated Bone Phos? phate i$70 time).6000 ? Bnsaell Coe's Ammonlatea Bone Superphosphate ({50 time).4C 00 ? Cotton Food, per ton. 60 00 @ Wilcox, Gibbs A- Co.'8 Manipu? lated. 60 00 ? Stono Soluble Guano ($63 time) 48 00 ? Stono Dissolved PhoBDbate ($31 time). 28 00 ? Atlantic Phosphate Co.. .cash. 48 00 ? Time, free of interest.63 00 ? Acid 28 00 ? Time, free of Interest.81 00 ? Eureka Arno, Bone Phos, cash 45 00 ? Time. 60 00 ? Philipa's Carrlbean sea Guano, per ton of 2000 60 00 ? 1st November, per ton.... 65 00 ? Mapes's Superphosphate, fl 2000 60 00 ? Time, payable lBt Novem? ber. 60 00 ? Sardy'a Phosphate, Peruvian, oash. 66 00 ? Sardy's Pacido Guano, cash.. 60 00 ? Patapsco Guano. 66 00 ? E. Frank Coe's Superphos? 60 00 ? Time. 65 00 ? Coe's Pure Dtasol'd 50 00 ? Time. 65 00 ? .. Whann's snperphoaphato.64 00 ? 60 00 56 00 ? Time.60 00 ? EU wan Crop Fe 40 00 ? Time. 45 oo ? EU wan Dissolved Bone., cash. 36 00 & Time. .40 00 ? Markets by Telegraph. MONET M ARK H TS. LONDON, March 27. Noon.-CODSOIB 92X; Aves 90X. I-vening.-Bullion aecreased nearly one million pounds. PARIS, March 27. Evenir?.-Bullion increased four minion francs. Renies ?sf 61c. NEW YORK, March 27. Noon.-Freights quiet. Money firm. Gold I0X Government* dun und arm. Slates very quiet. Evening.-Fretgtu quiet. Money 1* and inter. Sit. sterling st atty. Gold ioiiai6%. Govern in ems advanced X toX. States very dull. COTTON MARKETS. 1 IVBRPJOL, March 27. Noon.-Cotton firm; uplands 9Xa9Xd, Orleans ?XafXd. Later.-Cotton u-changed; sales 16,000 bales; speculation and export soou. From Savannah or Charleston. February and March, 9 6-18d. Evening.-Cotton steady; sales 3103; nplahds l"X?", 01 leans 20c; net receipts 283 bales; gru-s 458?; sales ror export to-day 2626 Sales of cotton rutnrea 28.900 bales, a* fol owe: March 18 si; 16 916.18 13-16; May lo, lux; June lox, l?XTJuly 19 9-16,1?X; October 17X. ?>EW YORK, March 27. Norn -Cotton steady; sales 1277 bales; np ands 19X. orleans 2uc. Evening -Cotton closed steady and qn'et; np latid - o vi. orleans 9Xa9Xd; sales Include 10,000 bales american; from >avanna . or Charleston, Marchand ?pill, 9Xd BOSTON, March 27. Cotton firm; middlings l9Xa20c; net receipts 28 bales; gross 267;sales .'00; stock 12,000. PHILADELPHIA, March S7. Cotton firm; middlings l9Xc KALT HORS, Man tl 27. Cotton Armer; middlings MXC; gross receipts 215 bales; exports coastwise .26; sales 361; stock 98. NORFOLK, Maren 27. Cotton qttiet; low middling i?xc: net receipts 1425; exports coastwise 18; nales 30: stock 7u58. WILMINGTON, March 27. C tton quiet; middlings 18c; ner. receipts 67 bales; exports coastwise is2; stock 4983. SAVANNAH. March 27. Cotton quiet; ml 'dlin&s 18Xc; net rece pts 303 hales; export? coastwise 33; nales 696; Block 48.6.0. AcorgTA, March 27. Cotton Arm and In fair demand; middlings 18Xc; receipts 77 bales; sales 192. MEMPHIS, March 27. Cotton Arm; low middlings 17Xal8Xc; mid? dlings 19al9X; receipts B16 bales; shipments 987; stock 48,728. NKW ORLBANF. March 27. Cotton l i moderate demand; middlings 19j; net receipts 1294 bales; grass 1412; exports to Great Britain -.8657; to Continent 3067; coast? wise 7.0; sales 1000; last evening ?ooo: ?nock 203,068. MOBILE, March 27. Cotton quiet and little doing; middlings 18Xc; net rec ip ts 167 b.ilei; exports coastwise 633; sales 400; stock 37,717. GALVESTON. March 27. Cotton unsettled; Texas ordinary l?Xai6; good ordinary iee; net receipts 898 bales; exports coastwise 18.0; sales 200; Btock 6878. PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE MARKETS. LIVERPOOL March 27. .'? oon - Breadstuff's qui T. cumuerluud cut 38s. 1 vening.-Short libs 39J 3d. Common rosin 8s 9d. NEW YORE. March 27. Noon.-Wheat firm and quiet. Corn Arm; We r. em mixed 68XaOJX- Pork very arm; new mess $16 0 Jaie I a. Lard Arm; Wes tem ste,, m bXa 811-16. Turpentine Arm at 69. hoiin Bteady at $3 40 for strained. Ev. ni t. g.-Flour quiet and steady. Whiskey 92c. WneatOrm, bu.ers and sellers 2a3c apart; red winter Western $1 7oal SIX- Oom in mode a e request and a shade armer. Klee quiet and steady. Pork very strong at 16*16 80. Beef Bteady Lard Armer and in good ..emandfor fu? tures. Turpentine active ana higher at 6lc. Rosin Arm. Tallow steady. BALTIMORE, March 27. Flour quiet and steady. Wneat quiet but Arm. Rye 80a?oc. Corn 11 rm. Provisions decidedly firmer and active. Mes i pork $16 26al6 60. Bois meats active and higher. Bacon active and Arm; shoulders 7c, rib sides 8X- Lard 8Xa8Xc. Weis key Armer at 90xa92o. WILMINGTON, March 27. Spirits turpentine steady ai (.60. Rosin quiet at ?2 70 for brained. Crude turpentine quiet at $2 26 tor hard, $4 lor yellow dip and virgin. Tar ?jrm at $2 60. CINCINNATI, Mai ch 26. I Flour dull and a shade lower, com quiet at 88a 89c Provisions strong and active. Purk In de? mand at $16 60, but held higner. Lard quiet but j Brm Bacon Armer; snoold. rs 6Xc. clear rib held nt bX: s,|es of elear aI "ow neld al for next we?.k. Whiskey steady at 8a. LOUISVILLE. March 27. Flour quiet and unchanged. Grain Arm. torn active at 5/c for mixed. 64c for white. P-.rk held at ila 75ai6. Eacon sold at ?X. ?Xc, 8X, ? and 9KC; sugar-cured nams 13X?HC. plain i8Xc. Pucked lard 8Xa8Xe; tierces. 9*al0. ; ke?n, steam, 8Xc; ama 1 order lots XaXc higher. Whis? key 88a87c. , ST. louis, March 27. Flour quiet and unchinged. corn steady. WhH key dull at 87c. Pork Arm and a shad better at f 15 50a 6 i2X- Bacon aready; clear rb sides 9J buyers May. 9o bm ers A' st hair ol April, luxe selle , ?ti, us'. Lard held higher at 8c. Msw York Rte? Market. NEW YORK. March 26. The Detiv Bulletin Bays: Tue traue m th s staple ls light and only m a jobbing way. saes are 80 tes Carolina at 7a?o; 126 bags Rangoon at eXaTc. i Interior Cotton Marketa. LEXINGTON, March 26. Cotton la Boiling at nxaisxc ABBBTnxi, liaren 26. Cotton Is selling at ?exaiexc ficwsiBBT, March 25. Cotton u selling at 17c. SPARTA NB CEO, March 26. Cotton ls selling at lexo. SUMTER, March 28. About 20 bnlrs have been sold since last report The market h s reen doll and depressed. We quote: Ordinary ]3sc. good ordinary 15c low middling iexc, middling l6Xc. strict middling 17XC COLUMBUS, Marora 26. Market light demand. Ord nary uxc; good ordinary 15*al6X; low middlings 17; middlings 17Xaux; salts ai8 bales; receipts 86; shipments MONTGOMERY, March 26 Ordinary 16c; good ordinary lax; strict good ordinary l7Xai7X; low middlings i7X; mid? dlings 18si. Tne market ts steady. Sew York Coffee Market. Nsw TOBX, March 27. Cc ff e one quarter or a cent higher, closing strong; Rio I6xal9c, gold. Yew York Maral Stores Market. NEW TOBI, March 26. The Dally Bulletin says: Receipts today. 116 bbls ros n, 26 do spirits turpentine, splrttainr pentp e has been In fair request to day ht 6oTlor merchantable order, the market closing Armer with some holders refusing to sell below 66X0 A bid was made on toe floor of the kixcbange of eic ror I6O0 bbls or spirits in Wilmington, fal es a-re include 4.50 bbls at 56c. Strained rosin bas ruled rather quiet to day, but a fair quantity was taken last evening at st-, ady figures, sales 4600 bbls Issi . vening at $8 40. and 660 bbls at same price. In the Ane grade s we notlcs 270 b ila No 1 at $4. Tar quiet and unchanged. Pitch In mode? rate Jobbing request ac $4 rur prime city de? livered. Passengers. Per steamer City Polar, from Palatka, via Jack? sonville, Fernandina ana Havannah-Mrs Pr Tyler, Miss Fannie Llv.ngson, Mr Brown, Mrs Kornahrenn and child, J U Forbes, wife two chil? dren and maid. Mr Baldwin and wire, Mr Otten? burg and brother. Juo Popham and wire. F B Taylor, J Wi Harrison. Mr shepherd and wife,Mr bnilarri, Mr Hi lssenbuttel, w E Whitney, J Liv? ingston, Mr Me-ks, wm Fiynn, Mr Tuttle, Mr stockwell, and a on deck .. ?S Per steamship -South Carolina, for New York D F Johnton, Michael'ABDID; T ? winthrop, B Atierbury. Mr and Mrs Jno Popham, B William BOB. W E Whitney, M McDermott, D O Pickman. rdrsQrev, two Misses Robinson, A Aiterbary. W Helssenbut iel, Miss Nut igen. M H Bullard, ?wd Mason, E Howell, and 6 tn steerage. PORT CALENDAR. KOON'8 PEASES. First Quarter, 6th, 8 hoars, 6 minutes, evenlug. Full Moon, 14th,-12 hours, 26 minutes, morning. Last Quarter, 2 ist, 6hour. 0 minutes, evening. New Moon, 28tn, 7 hours. 85 minutes, morning. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. : j Brig E M Pennell. Eaton, Demerara-a days. Sugar. To W P Hall. s ch r Albert L Batter, Butler, North Wey mooth, MOSB-8 days. Oaano. To Alfred J .Creight cn, and S u Railroad Agent. sehr E L Treiethen, starling, Havana-4 days. Fruit. To O Bart a co. sehr A nula Farrow, Farrow, from Santee. 180O bushels rough rice, 'lo deo A Tren holm * Son. Steamer Planter. Foster, Peedee River via Georgetown. S 0. S2 bales cotton, 229 bbls naval stores. 860 bushels rough rice, mdse, Ac. To Ravenel, Holmes A co, u D Mowry A son; W O Bee A co, Jas M < aid wen A Son, witto Bros, J 0 H claussen, A B Mulligan, T P Smith, Hardin, Parker A co. Lobs A co, Qnackenbosh, Estlll A co. L Chap?n, J M Eaaon A K ros, Terry A ex lan, and others. Steamer City Point, Fitzgerald, Palatka via Jack? sonville, Fernandina and Savannah. 14 bags sea Island cotton. 14 crates peas, 76 pkg? mdse, and 89 empty bbls. To Rtvenel A co. Wi ti Bros, Plnckney Bros, E 0 Metz, W U Chatte A co, Wm M Lawton A son. Received rrom Chis am's Min. 83 tierces rice. To Waidlaw A Carew and Bardia, Par ter & co. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship South Carolina,, Beckett, New fork -Wagner, Hnger A co, W A courtenay. steamship Merce-Jlta, Marsuman, Boston-Jas A CO. t team er Fire Fly, Dennison, Havana-HF Baker, agt. , . . s Br bart David McNutt, Lockhirt, Liverpool Henry Card, sehr Addle Blaladell, Peterson, Boston-Cohen ? Wells. SAILED YESTERDAY, steamship South ot.rouna. Beckett, Kew York Steamship Mercedita Marsh man, Boston. B ?rk Don J us to. Bennett, Liverpool. - Sehr Addie ulalsd< ll, Peterson, Boston. - sehr Mary and Elisa, Robbins, Wilmington, Del. FROM THIS PORT. . g? Sehr Elizabeth Magee, Magee, at Boston, March 24. OP FOR THIS PORT. Br bark Fille de l'Air, Jones, at L.verpool, March 12. MARINE NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. NEW YORK, March 27. Arrived, Mississippi and Colombia. MEMORANDA The sehr William Slater, from Georgetown, S 0, lor Thotnastoa, Me, was at Vineyard Haven, March 23. The sehr Caroline E Kelly. Haynes, with lum? ber for cuba, c.ea red at Port Royal, 8 0, Meron 36. List of ?nipping IN TBK PORT Or CHAHLSSTON, MASCH 27. . vessels under loo tons, and steamers coasting within the state, excepted. STEAMSHIPS. Ohamplon, 1418 tous, Lookwood, at Adger'a wharf, for New York, loading-James Adger A CO. Fqna'or. 1000 tons. Hinckley, at Brown's wharf, tor Philadelphia, loading -W A Courtenay. Sea Gull, 616 tons, Dutton, at union wharf, for Baltimore, loading-P 0 Trenholm. Fire Fly, - tons, Denison, tn the Stream, for Havana, ready-H F Baker, agt. SHIPS. Superior, (Swedish,) -tons. Chasse, at Boyce A co's wharf, for liverpool, loading-j M Fredsberg. Flor, lia, 823 tons, Mears, off the Port, from Guanape, discharging-Q W Williams A co. BARKS. David McNutt. (Br) 602 t-na, Lockhart, at Union wharves, for Liverpool, ready-u?nry_CgBL_-. Agnea campbell, (ir.) ? tons, Landry, ac At? lantic w ti arr, for Liverpool, loadlo g-w 111 lams, Biack A Willi mt, . Floren oe,- tons, Mayo, In Ashley River, for Boston, le ?ding-Master. Tiber, (er,) - tons, at v-nderhorst's wharf, for Liverpool, loading-Henry Card. r Jardine Brothers. (Br,) -- iona, Neilson, at Marshall's wharf, for Liverpool, loading K M ure A CO. Granton, (Br,) - tons, Rowlands, at Marshall's whait for Liverpool, loading-Henry card, Draupuer, (Nor,) -tons, ingvolosen, at Bovce A cu's wharf, for Havre, loading-w B Smith A co. Oarloa M, (Ital ) 634 tons, Rivera, at Union wharf, rrom Martinique, to be repaired-Jos A Ens low A co. BRIGS. E M Pennell, -tons. Eaon, at Brown's wharf, from Demerara, P B, discharging-W P Hall. SCHOONERS. Florence Rogers. - tons, shepherd, at Adger's wharr, for New York, loading-Roacn A Moffets. Condova, 169 tons, 8tedman, in Ashley River, for a Northern Port, loading-Jos A Enslow A co. Trade wind, 199 tons., Wolford at Marsh's wharf, from Clenfnegos, walting-Jos A Ens low A co. Roque Alayo. (Span.) 120 tons Valhomat, at Union wharf, rrom Baracoa, repairing Jos A Enslow A co. J E Dalley, - tons, Lonir. in Ashley River, for New York, ready-B F Sweegan, agu Thomas tf smith, -'- tons, -. m Ashley River, for Philadelphia, loading-Master. F P Frye, - tons, Alexander, in Ashley River, for Baracoa, loading-Cehen A Wells. Alice BO'da,- tons, Dukes. In Ashley River, fur a Northern Port, loading-T G Boag. Mary Mankln, 235 tons, Tyler, at Northeastern Railroad wharf, for New York, loading Cohen A Wells. Hyaline, (Br,) - tons. Mardon, at Commercial wharr, from Rio Janeiro, discharging-o N Huoert A co. ... ?" \ . Jenn's Middleton. t ns. in Ashley Rivtr. ror Philadelphia, load lng-Jos \ Ens.ow A CO. J H stickney,- tons Atlantic wu-rf, from Ballimore, discharging-Street BR08 A CO. ; JJ Clara uetricK, - ?ons, Hand, at' Kerr'sJ"Wharf, fi om ."orr.dK Va, discharging-Maa ter AL f^tler, - tons: Butler, at Onion whams, from Jroston, dUcharglng-Alfred H Creigh? ton. - Ella L Trf fethen, - tons, Sterling, at Oeuwu whari, from Havana, disoharglag-Maatsr