The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, March 28, 1873, Image 3

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F r ESO A K ll IVA LS! LATEST STYLES I OCMFORTAULE FIT I LOWEST PRICKS S S s s s s s s s s 8 S SSSSSSSS ?SCOTTS SSSSSSSS s s S STAR SHIRTS AND COLLARS. S s s S Ready-made and made S S - s S to Order. S S S s - s S MEN'S S S . JJ S FURNISHING S it- S S wrS S S S S S GOODS. SSSSSSSS SS s s S s s s s s 8 S s AT THE GREAT SHIRT EMPORIUM I LOOK FOR THE STAR SION, MEETING STREET, NEARLY OPPOSIT MARKET H VU, tailoring, .tarnishing ?so?s, Ut. lolR?G?EI1ER. NO. 141 KING STREET, WEST SIDE, A FEW DOORS NORTH OF QUEEV: STREET, Wonld respectfully inform tils friends that he has Jost received from New York a large and well selected stock of THE LATEST STTLES OF . MUMU -MU BtJIUlTlUll UUUVUt \ Also, a foil assortment or \GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, J Io clading the ) CELEBRATED STAR SHIRTS, s mchio-s-mwf-o \ GEORGE CONNOR, Nb. 30 BROAD STREET, | s ; CHARLESTON, 8. C.. Hag openeo bis Spring Stock or all descriptions of j COATINGS OASSIMERES ?nd VE8TINGS. ALSO, A F?LL A SD VARIED ASSORTMENT OF SHIRTS ENGLISH HOSIERY NECK TIES, SCARFS, &c. PEINOT CIE MEDAILLE D'OR KID GLOVES ENGLISH, TAFFETA, 8ILK AND LISLE THREAD GLOVES. mchl7-mfimo Milliners, Straw ?ooos,Ut. G- o o x> s. CHAS. A. LENGNICK RESPECTFULLY INFORMS UH CITY AND Country customers that his stock for the season la complete. Pnrohasers will find it to their ad? vantage to give me a call. mchl7-mwrimo SDOOTS, Sashes ano Siinbs DOORS; * SASHES, BLINDS, VOOD MOULDINGS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELS AND ALL KINDS OF FANCY GLASS. LARGE STOCK-LOWEST RATES ORDER WORK SOLICITED. SEND FOR ESTIMATE AND PRICE LISTS. KEOGH & THORNE, 254 AND 236 CANAL TREET deeO-lyr New Torie City. {Drays at CDIjoLesale. IMPROVED SUGAR-COATED LIVER PILLS ARE RECOMMENDED WITH CON? FIDENCE TO THOSE NEEDING A RELIABLE SPRING- MEDICINE. ALWAY8 MILD AND PLEASANT IN THEIR EFFECTS ON THE SYS? TEM, AND CAN BE TAKEN WITH PERFECT SAFETY AT ALL TIMES. SOLD BT ALL RETAIL DRUGGISTS TN CHARLESTON, WOE-88 CENTS PER BOX, AID AT WHOLESALE, BY THE PROPRIETORS, PHILIP WINEMAN & CO., IMPORTERS OF CHOICE DROGS AND CHEMICALS. *mch20-wfmlmo ?HisccIlaneons. Horstmaiin Brothers & Co., PHILADELPHIA. PA., 38 Fue Meslay, Paris, Manufacturers and Imp?...ors o? MILITARY, SOCIETY, CHURCH AND THEATRICAL GOODS, BANNERS AND FLAGS, BI NTI VG for Railroad Signals, Decorations, Ac, Ac. MAIL ORDERS AND INQUIRIES wi 1 rec. Ivo our prompt attention. HORSTMANN UROS. & CO., 5th. and Cherry Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA., mcri:s-fmw3mos Oiotljmg ano inmiBnin.:; ?ooo*. BARGAINS IN CLOTHING! MENKE & MULLER, CORNER OF WENTWORTH AND KING STREETS, ARE NOW CLOSING OUT WINTER CLOTHING AT REDUCED PRICES, TO MAKE BOOM FOR SPRING STOCK. GIVE U3 A CALL ! sn.10 Si.oertDart, (?l)ina, Ut. STERLING SILVJLOR I WEDDING PRESENTS, NEWEST AND LATEST STYLES, AT THOMAS & LANNEAU'S NO. 289 KING 8TREET. OPPOSITE NEW MASOlNO TEMPLE. mct?3-mwf A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF CHINA, GRANITE ANO GLASSWARE, AT THOMAS & LA??NEA?'S NO. 289 KING STREET. OPPOSITE NEW MASON'IO TEMPLE. mcb3-mwr 150DtO, 01)0*5, Ut. BOOTS ANO SHOES For Ladles, Gents and Children, of tue latest styles and patterns, and from the best factories, will be found at onr establishment, corner of King and Wentworth . t reels. Our prices arc so low that the purchaser may regard the articles as GIVEN AWAY, Because we guarantee our goods, and reel as? sured that they will give satisfaction to all or our customers, and the public In ger eral. AT Our Emporlnm will be fonnd at all times a large variety of Ladles' and Gentlemen's Traveling Trunks, made of the best materials, such aa Sole Leather, Zinc, Canvas, Ac. LEWIS ELIAS & GO. Keep constantly on hand Sole Leather Valises, Satchels, School Bags, and Ladles' Belt Satchels of all grades and prices. To which we Invite the attention of the pubic, at the MASONIC TEMPLE BOOT AND SHOE EMPORIUM, No. 294 King street, corner or Wentworth. nov28-mwf Poole's Caking flouter. POO LE YQ POWDER Is now regarded as the STANDARD BAKING POW DKR, and the bestartlclc primaredformnktagiiplir, wholesome and delicious BISCUITS, ROLLS, BREAD, ?RIDDLE and other CAKES, &c., Seo. Itls Infallible, and BIWBTS ready for immediate usc. The best YEAST POWDER for use on long SEA TOTAGES to AN? PART OF THE GLOBE. It is conTenlent and economical. NO nAMr, OF FOOD PREPARED WITH IT. Sold ererywhere by GROCERS, SHIP-CHANDLERS and DEALERS. DOOLEY & BROTHER, Manufacturers, WHOLESALE DEPOT, 69 NEW STREET, NEW-TORE* mch5-wrm3mos Sewing iflacljines. _ rp H E NEW IMPROVED WHEELER & WILSON SILENT SEWING MACHINE. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. Weare now selling these superior MACHINES on Ten Dollar monthly payments. Adjusting and Repairing done promtly. WHEELER A- WILSON MANDF'Q CO., aprviyr No. 209 King street. Drp ?oo?s. NO. 275 KING STREET, ANNOUNCE TO THE PUBLIC THAT THEY ARE NOW DISPLAYING NEW SPRING STYLES i IN DRESS SILKS DRESS POPLINS JAPANESE SILKS EVENING SILKS GBISELLE SILKS COLORED SILKS BLACK 8ILK8 BLACK ALPACA. The Finest Selection of DRESS GOODS ? ver Ex? hibited la this OUy-Prices to suit all. ARE NOW DISPLAYING NEW SPRING STYLE In Parasols in Lace Goods In Millinery Goods In Applique Laces In Straw Goods In Silk Hand Kerchiefs and Tics In Fancy Goods In Bows, Collara and Ruining* In Embroideries in Corset and Kid Gloves In Ladles' and Infants' Hose in Silk and Lisle Gloves. AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK ! NEW STYLES I In Piques and Marseilles In White and Colored Muslins In French and American Lawns In Crossbarred and Piala Cambric In French an I American Cambrics In s wist ej Mulls and Nainsooks. A FRESH SUPPLY I NEW GOODS. GREAT BARGAINS ! In Bleached and Brown Sheetings In Bleached and Brown Shirtings lu Calicoes, Cambrics and Percales :.n Table Damask and Clothi In Doylies, Napkins and Towels In French Plano and Table Covers in White Linens Ic Marseilles Quilts In Bed Spreads In Lliten Drills In Shirt Linens In Flannels. A Complete Assortment. NEW STYLES! Spring Casslmeres Spring Meltons Spring Cloth Spring Doeskins Fancy Vestings White and Brown Drill Spring Tweeds Jeans, casslmeres Ac., Ac, AC. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, at Reduced Prioes ! PliRCHGOlT, BENEDICT & CO. ?mi?ing itt aim ti i. DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, STORE DOORS, FRENCH AND AMERICAN MOULDINGS, WINDOW GLASS, NEWELS, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, BALUSTERS, SLATE MANTELS. Made at my own For sale at Wholesale FACTORY, and retail at my warerooms, Horlbeck's Wharf. Nos. 20 Flayne and 33 Plnckney streets. Office No. 30 Havne street. P. P. TOALE, mrihH-fniwlv JP WHITE PINE, WALNUT AND FANCY LUMBER, BUILDERS' SUPPLIES AND HARDWARE. LARGEST STOCK. LOWEST PRICES. Send for Price List. I. H. HALL & CO., EAST BAY AND MARKET STREETS, VlCrNITY OP NSW C08TOMHOD8B. deoe-mwfly panos, QDrgans, Furnished at factory prices for Cash, or hy Monthly Payments, on the most liberal terms. CHARLES L. MoOLENAHAN, Plano and Music Store, j aa s Na lei Ring street. ^Fertilisers. EVER T J?T?^^XF^Il J^WT IS THF CAROLINA FERTILIZER ! * OFFERED BY GEO. W. WILLIAMS Sc CO, CHARLESTON, S. C. THOSE WHO HAVE CS^D IT KNOW ITS MERITS. AND PRONOUNCE IT A "FIRST-CLASS FERTILIZER !" lt meets tbe wants of the Planting community, and Its beneflclal effects up the Ciops cannot be surpassed. PRICES AT WAREHOUSES IN CHARLESTON: $48 00, CASH, PER TON, 2000 POUNDS. S53 00, TIME, PER TON, 2000 POUNDS. PAYABLE NOVEMBER 1ST, FREE OF INTEREST. SEND YOUR ORDERS EARLY. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., Cotton Factors, febl?-wfm2moS CORSER HAYNE AND CHURCH STREETS, CHARLESTON, S. C. Orjar ?st:n iDljolesale QCrabe. J?BBINC TRADE OP CHARLESTON, S. C. -o SPRING T RADE OE 1873. THE SUBSCRIBERS, WHO ARE AMONG THE MOST PROMINENT JOBBERS AND WHOLESALE )EALERS IN TUE CI I'Y OF CHARLESTON, S. 0 , beg to call the ai ?eui lon or the merchants or the nterlor or ibis and tiie adjoining States to this market, as being one of the most desirable In which to procure lull supplies, of all articles they may require. The advantage? or a uear m<i'ket lu affording fact 1<I>'S for frequent renewal of Stocks, and In laving interest on Investments cannot he over estimated. Tue wama or ino countT having rapidly luoreased. with amp e lacllltlas t> enable ni to procure mr supples direct Iroiu first hands in Europe and Hus country, we are now prepared to exhibit nore varied and complete mocks of SEAHONARLK QOOO.S Hun at any period since the war, and will Imp. se or them on as pood term9 ns any othpr market. "Dally facilities arrorde I tor siilpmeut or gooda to any point desired." DEY GOODS. ELWIN BITES A CO., NJ. 124 Meeting s'reet. CRANE, BOYLSTON A C >.. corner (layne and Meeting streets. JOHNSTON', CREWS A CO.. No. 41 ?layne street. NACH ?AN N A CO., NU. 169 Meeting street. E. W. MARSHAL'. A CO., No. 143 Meeting street. JOHN G. MU.NOR A CO., No. 135 Meeting street. CLOTHING. EDWIN BATES A CO., No. m Meeting street. DEY GOODS, CLOTHING AND HATS. JOHN G. MILNOR A CO., No. 135 Meeting street. FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS AND MILLINERY, JOHN S. FAIRLY A CO.. No. 87 Hayne street. SKI.i, & FosTKK, No. 27 Hayne street. BOOTS AND SHOES. D. F. FLEMING A CO., corner Hayne and Church streets. T. M. BRISTOL!. A CO., No. 145 M etliig street, D. O'NEILL A SONS, No. 33 Hayne street. HATS AND CAPS. THOS. M. HORSEY A BRO., No. 165 Meeting street, opposite Charleston Hotel. EDMONDS T. URUVVN, No. 43 lliyue street. HAEDWAEE. J. E. ADGER A CD., No. 139 Meeting street. HARTA CO., No. 39 Uaynesuect. C. QRAVKLEY, corner East Bay ami Boyce's Wharf. SADDLERY, SADDLERY HARDWARE, &C. WM. UARRAL. No. 1G9 Meeting street. DBUGS AND MEDICINES. IM WI E, MOISE A DAVIS, corner Meeting and Hasel streets.) PHILIP W1NEMAN A CO., NO. 36 Hayne .-tree!. CEOCKEEY AND GLASSWAEE. WM. L. WEBB, No. 128 Meeting street. GEOCEEIES. GEO. W. WILLIAMS A CO., corner Day ne and Church streets. PAINTS, OILS, GLA SS, &C. HOLMES A CALDER, No. 206 East Bay street. FUENITUEE. D. H. SILCOX, Nos 175, 177 and 179 Ring street, corner Clifford street. FOBEIGN FEUITS AND PEODUCE. PAUL, WELCH A CO., No. 215 East Bay street. STATIONEES, PEINTEES & BINDEES. WALKER, EVANS A co i sw h LL, Nos. 3 Bioad street and 109 East Bay. mcnT-lmo_ SrjotD (Eases. _ SHOWCASES! SHOWCASES! 8H0W CASES ! WITH PATENT SPRING M GI : DOOKS, winch causes them io open and shat without nolRe, Jar or breaking of glans. Parties deslrln? to purchaoe are Invited to call and examine Hiern and tne New style, Hound Ola s Frotit, Nickle SI ver Frames. New style. Bevel Front. Nickel Silver Krames. _ . ",___ .".,_.. Square Frott Mahogany Walnut aud Nickle Sliver Frames, rlonh J thick Frenchi Glass, au sizes, ano keep a full supply always on hand. IMiWH*. MOIS.K A D?AVIS,? Ajgnt* _ janlS-rnwsdmos Corner Meeting and Hasel streets, Charleston, S. 0. THE CELEBRATED TRADE] H. H. H. [MARK. MEDICINE, D. D. T., 1868. SAFE, SURE, MYSTERIOUS. WORKS LIKE MAGIC. Promptly relieving every kind or PAIN ANB INFLAMMATION and all external diseases or MAN OR BEABT, And ls, beyond question, the beat Liniment in the world. PRICE, 50 CENTS PER BOTTLE. FRANCIS & ELDRIDGE, Proprietors. Philadelphia. DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, Agents for south Carolina. Sample Bottles famished gratis. f?b2l-flyr (Cigars, <&0oar.C0, Ut 0 I il P 0 S I T ? Oi ?T IMPORTED HAVANA CIGARS, Also mc beit Northern Brands. OUEWTSG AND SMOKING TOBACCO, SNDPF AND PIPES. $er Five Cents Cigars a specialty nt R. L MORILLO'S. No. 343 King btreet, west side, mch.l-tn'9 Between Liberty and George Sta. i?lariin's Crick fflairjine. MARTINA IMPROVED Is aim pie in its mechanism, built strong and dnr< able, and can bc operated by ordinary help. Tnt capacity ts 4.O1O bricks an honr with steam powei or i5 JQ wita horse power. Mannfactnred and ?old by the MARTIN BRICK MACHINE CO., mchS-2moss*w CHICOPKE, MASS. Machine -pOR BO?TON. The Screw Steamship MKROEDITA, ?fiffb Captain Marshman. will sall for thci?USfi above pore on THURSDAY, 27th instant, at o'clock P. M For Freight engagements apply to mcim JAMES ADGEK A- CO.. Agtnts. jpOB LIVERPOOL. The ( lipper Iron Bark "TIBER." elapsed JB* 33-1-1 French, and first-class In Liverpool'JuBBL Underwriters Registry for Iron Vessels, D. Lewi*, Commande . having a large portion or ber cargo ongaged, and going on board, will have dispatch ror the above port. For balance room, apply to HENRY CA KU, mcli27_Atlantic Wharr. JP OR FORT SUMTER, BATTERY WAGNER, FORT MOULTRIE, AND ALL OTHER INTERESTING POINTS AROUND THE HARBOR. The fast, safe and comfortably appointed Yacht ELEANOR, will leaveSoutherD whar:3Sfc EVERY DAT,at 10 o'clock morning, and half-past 3 afternoon. For engagements, ?pply to CAPTAIN THOMAS Yc?NQ. feb25 On Board. QLYDE'S NEW YO UK LINE. ELEGANT PASSENGER SALOONS ON DECK. The Splendid New Iron Sldewheel Steamship "GEORGIA," 8. CroweirT Commander, ls appointed to sall from Pier No. 2, Union Wharves, on THURSDAY. 8d *pru. at 6 o'clock P. M., making close connection with the First class Steamers from FLORIDA and the several Railroads arriving that day. The Cabla accom? modations ore ad on <ieck, and the tables are mp piled wuhan the luxmleaof the New Y*rk and charleston Markets Through Bills Lading issued to LIVERPOOL and-the CONTINENTAL PORTS. For Freight or Passage apply ti WAGNER, HUGER A CO., orto W. A. COUKTENAY, Agents, Office corner Fast Bay and Vendne Range. mch2&-rmw8ihi The Splendid Side-wheel Steamship CHAMP? ION, P.. W. Lockwood Commander, will sall for the a nove port ou SATURDAY, - the 29th inst., at 6 o'clock P. M. For Freight or Paisage engagements apply to mcjflTj JAMES ADOEK A CO.. Agents. QLYDE'S PHILADELPHIA LINE. The FQUATOR, Captain Hinckley, ls appointed to sall fr m Brown's Wharf on h SIDA V, 28th In Btant, at half-past 4 o'clock P. M.. matting close connections with CLYut'a STEAM LINE to PRO VI.'ENuE. and thence by Rail to all the NEW ENGLAND O0RUN MILLS. No cartage any? where on t*>ia great Cotton Route. For freight eugagements apply to WM. A. COURTENAY, mch24 Corner East Bay and Venone RaBge. P O B BALTIMORE. FREIGHTS RECEIVED DAILY, AND THROUGH BILLS OF LADING ISSUED TO PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON, AND THE CITIES OF THE NORTHWEST. The Fine Steamship SEA GULL, N. P. Dutton, Commander, makmg closo connection with a Tri? weekly Line of Une steamships to Boston, win sall lor Baltimore on SATUUDAY, !?9t!i Instant, at 6 o'clock P. M. 49-PhlladelphlJ Freight* forwarded to that city by railroad from Baltimore without addi? tional insurance, and Coi sign?es aro allowed ample time to sample and sell their Goods from the Railroad Depot in Philadelphia. Fer Freight or Passage apply to PAUL 0. TREN'HOLM, Aeent, mch26 4_No a Pnlnn wharves. ^LLAN LIME OP STEAMSHIPS. LIVERPOOL TO NORFOLK. PREPAID TICKET? FROM EUROPE. GREAT REDUCTION OF RATES. The Magnificent Steamers or the ALLAN LINE will leave Liverpool for; Norfolk, Va., every alternate TUESDAY, uunug the spring and summer or 1873. PERUVIAN.TUESDAY, March 25. HIBERNIAN.TUKSDAY, April 8. N KSK) KI AN.1 UE8DAY, April itt. Connecting with Coast Line Railroad to ch ir ea? ton, steerage and Intermediare Passage as fol? lows : Liverpool. Queen6towo, ) Steerage.$84 75 Glasgo w.London or Bria (Intermediate.. 56 75 toi to Charleston, s.e..) to:. 67 76 Bamburg. Antwerp. Bol-) Steerage.$38 76 land or Havre to Charles- J Intermediate.. 67 76 ton.-.) Paris, Norway or Sweden I Steerage.$42 75 To charleston.j Intermediate.. 61 67 steamers equal to any on the Atlantic. PasHeoger accommodaslons unsurpassed. Parties wisblnir to send for friends will apply to HAVEN EL A CO., Charleston, ti. 0. WM. LAMB, General Agent. mehi l-l mo_Norfolk, Va. QHANGE OF SAILING DAYS. INCREASED SERVICE. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S THROUGH LINE TO CALIFORNIA CHINA AND JAPAN. FARES GREATLY REDUCED. Steamers or the above line leave Pier ^?<s?m. No. 4'.'. North River, foot or? anal street aMffiB New York, at li o'clock noon, or the lom, -u,.u and Suth or every mouth, except when these dates fall on Sunday, thea <he saturday preceding. All departures connec' at Panama with Steam? ers for South Pacido and central American ports. For Japan and China Steamers leave San Fran cl-co first or every month, except when lt falis On sunday-then ou the day preceding. N" California Steamers touch at Havana, bnt go direct from New York to Asplnwall. One hundred pounds baggage free to each adult. Me ilcluo and attendance free. For Passage Tickets or other Information, apply at the COMPANY'S TICKET OFFICE, on the Wharf foot or canal street, North River, New York. F. R BABY, Agent. angl91yr_ pOR GARDNER'S BLUFF AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS ON THE PEE? DEE RIVER VIA GEORGETOWN. The Steamer PLANTER, Captain . .?dT-?L. J.J, Minn, ls now receiving Freight jgaSSjjgafi at Accommodation Wharf, and wuTieave^u NIGHT, the 28th instant. Freight must be prepaid. The Hiver being low, Freight will be transfer red to the Light Draft Steamer Swan. For Freight or Passage apply to Captain on board, orto RAVENED, dObM2- A CO., mch23 1_ No. 80 East Bay Jp ORF L O R I D A. VIA SAVANNAH. The Splendid Side wheel Steamers, DICTATO?, Cantain L. M. Coxetter,. and CITY POINT, Captain Fltagerald. Wul ?eavi Charleston every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and Sro DAY EVKNINO at 8 o'clock precisely, for Savan nah Fernandina. Jacksonville, Maga lia, Gre* cove springs, St. Augustine, Palatks, and al Landings on St. John's River. Connecting a Palatka with steamers for the Oolawaha hive and Wh "?& Steamer STARLIGHT tor Entei prise, Mellonviile and all points on the Dppe St. John's and indian Rivers. .?.'., Connect at Fernandina with Florida Ra roa for all points in tue interior, and with Raliroa for New Orleans und Havana, via Cedar Keys. All Way Freight must be prepaid. For Freight or Passage, auply to RAVEN EL A CO.. Agents. dec2 Cor. Vanderhorst's Wharf and East uaj By WM. Mcl??~ BfANDSOME MARBLE TOP WALNUT L Bed i oom set, ene Show Case, and sundry articles of Furniture. Also loo chulee G erac tams, wu , bo sold, THIS DAY, &t 10 o'clock, at hts saiea r. om, No. 45 Wentworth * tree t. Im me-' lat? ly after [ the above, a large Invoice of SPRING GOuDS; Prints Cashmeres, Dress Goods, Hosiery, No? tions, Ac. menas a nt i ion Sairs-fnmt Oaj? Bj LOWNDES & G RIM BALL, Aaciloneeri. 1 HENRY G. HABENICHT, ET AL, VS. ADELINE HABENlGHT.-(Actlon for Par? tition of neal Estate.) Hy virtu-'of the judsment of tire Court of Com? mon Pleas for charleston County, male ID the abDve action, on the rati day of March. 1873. I wm offer for sale at the Postoffice, at the corner of Broad and East Ra? street*, lo. ibo City of ? - ha nea ton, on TUESDAY, the 15 th day O? April. 1873. at ll o'clock A. ut;, All i bat j OT OP LAND s Un ate on the north side of Tradd street, in the cuy of .jcnarleston, being part of a Lot once koowu ai No. "7" In i ha original Plan cf the city; more re-ently as NO. '1.3,'' and now as No. -; measuring in front on Trad;' street eighteen feet, nihe menes, more or l?w:.<. depth, from said street northerly, on the e sst line or said Lot. ninety-four fret, nine Inches, more or le-s; In breadtb. on the back or north end thereof, fifteen feet, more or leu, and lu depth, from the said street northerly, on -the west side of said Lot. ff ty-turee feet, six Inches; thence, rrom the Dortt'jrnmos-. point of tbst Une, Inclining easterly '0 !. place where the sooth com? er or a trame of a well formery stood, two feet, SIT Inches; thence,'from the said corner. running again northerly, through the site or the same1 well, unto the aforesaid baot Une er north end of the saidXot, forty-one.feet three inertes, more or less. Butting and bounding soutb oa Tradd street, west on another part of said original Lot, No. ?'7.'' belongtnsr, in moo, to Alexander Jones, north on Lands now or late of James Fife, east partly on a Lot belonging to Ann Hllman. partly on a Lot belonglog to estate or Mary Fife, ana partly on Lands of-, the said bot having a rlgnt of wav from the northern end of said Lot to East Bay street, And through an alleyway leaalng from the said end of the said Lot to Ea-1 Bay sireet. Terms-One-third cash; balance In one, two and three years, with interest rrom tba day of sile, i he credit ponton secured by the bond of the purchaser and a mortgage of tue proper? ty, and the property to be Insured, and the policy tobe assigned. Purchaser to pay Referee for papers. JOS. W. BARNWELL, mch21.28apr$,18 - Referee. 1 municipal flotfoes. CITY TAX NOTICETI^FFIGE OE CUT TREASURER, CITY HALL, CHARLESTON, S. C., MARCH U, 1878.-Thia office is now open and will bo open dally from 9 A. M. to 2 p. M. for the receipt or Taxes. The following extracts of the ordinance to Raise supplies for the year 1873 fa published for Information: *.* SEO. sd. The taxes assessed under this Or dlnance t-batl be payable in three instalments, thar, is to say, one-' hird thereof from the 16th of March to the 1st or April next inclusive; one third thereof from the 16th Jane to first July next Includive; one-third thereof from the Uta' September to thc 1st October next inclusive: Provided, that all persona that shall pay their taxes In ose instalment on or before the lat day' or April next ?ball be allowed a dlsooutef four per cent., and tnat all persons that shall pay their second and third instalments on or before the lat day of Ja ty next shall be allowed a discount of two per cent, on the third Instalment. BBC. a. That a penalty or 20 per cent, ?hall at? tach to all unpaid taxes arter the first of october next, and that the taxes on cit j Suck be re? tained by the Treasurer ont of the in ten Bt there? on. P. J. COO (J AN, mcb 16-16 City Treasnrer. flotela QOL?MBIA HOTEL, COLUMBIA, a 0. Tills well known Hotel, situated la the centre or the tnifle.esa portion of the city, affords every convenience and comfort to travellers on busi? ness or pleasure. The proprietor, having secured the services or polite and < indent assistants, pledges himself to spare no pains in ita management, to sustain the high reputation so long enjoyed by the "Oolam- ? bia," as a flrat. class bouse. Attached to the House ls a handsome Billiard Room, furnished with three of Phelan A Coilan dar's best and most Improved Tables. Telegraph o m ce in rotunda of the House. Also, Bathing Koom-i equalled by none In rbe city.. WM. GORMAN, Proprietor. E. T. B JBDE^L, late or " charleston Hotel." and JAB. F. O A r>?n KN. Assistants. feb34 I S ?outoau* A V A N N~A^H~ANDT CHAELESirON RAILROAD. CHARLESTON-, March 16,1879. On and after TUESDAY, March lsih, the Freight ror Local Mutions on savannah and Charleston Kallroad will be forwarded on MONDAYS, WED? NESDAYS and FRIDAYS. For Mat lu LB ou Port Royal Railroad dally aa heretofore. c. s. GADSDEN, Enginee- and Superintendent* S. 0. BO Y L1-TON, ?en'l K. and Ticket Agent. n mcbl7-mwflo NORTHEASTERN BAlLBOAD COM PANY. CHABLISTON, S. 0., Jannarv 30,1871 Trains will teave charleston Dally at 10.00 A. M and s.oo p. M. Arrive at Charleston 6,46 A. M (Mondays ex? cepted) and 8.30 P. M. Train does not leave Charleston 8.00 P. M. SUN? DAYS. Train leaving 10.00 A. M. makes through connec? tion to New York, via Rico mond and Acanta Creek only, going through In 44 hours. u Passengers leaving by 8.00 P. M. Train have choice ol route, via Richmond and Washington, or via Portsmontn and Baltimore, Those leaving FRIDAY ty this Train lay over on s UNDAY in Bal? timore. Those leaving on SATPKDAY remain SUN? DAY in Wilmington, N. C. , This is the cheapest, quickest and most pleas? ant reute to cincinnati, chicago and other pointa West and Northwest, both Trains making eon* nectlons at Wasblngio with Western Tra?na of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. S.S. SOLOMONS, Engineer and Superintendent. P. L. CLEAPOR Gun. Tloket Agent. maya SAVANNAH AMD CHARLESTON RAILROAD. CHARLESTON, March 16, 1878. On and after TUESDAY, Match 18, the Pas? senger Trains on this Road win run as foUowa: ? HIGHT PA s s E N fi BB-DAILY. L^ave Charleston.4.00 P. M. Arrive at savannah.10.16 P. M. Leave Savannah.11.30 P. M. Arrive at charles tor?.7 A. M. DAY F ASS BNG?R-SUNDAYS BXCEPTgD. Leave Charleston.7.40 A. M. Arrive at savannah.3.80 P. H. Leave Savannah.ll A. M. Arrive at Charleston.. ....ft50 P. M. Both trains make conBeciion with Port Royal Railroad tor all stations on that Road wen of Y?ma?see and for Augusta, atlanta and the Weat. Both trains make close connection at Savannah for Jacksonville, Fla. Time through to Jackson? ville, 28X hours. Day train connects at Yemassee for Beaufort and fort Royal. 0. s. GADSDEN, EDgloecr and Superintendent S. 0. BOYLSTON, ?en'i Ft, and Ticket Agent. nebl? gOUTH CAROLNIA RAH.ROAD. CHARLESTON, S. C., December 14.187?.' On and after SUNDAY, December 15, the Paj seoger Trains on the South Carolina Hall road witt ran as follows: FOB COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston.9.80 A X Arrive at Co-um bia..6.20 F X FOB AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston.9.30 A K Ari ive at Augusta.6.20 F X FOR CHARLESTON. Leave Columbia.?.oo A X Arrive at Charleston.??JJ Leave Augusta.?-T *- ? Arrive at Charleston.*.*.? p * COLUMBIA NIGHT EXPRESS. (Mindayi excepted) Leave Charleston..J.w p x Arrive at colombia.8.80 A X Leave Columbia..J W PM Arrive at charleston.e.45 A X A ra CST A NIGHT EXPRESS. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston......8.80.p x arrive at Augusta.7.86 A K Leave Augusta.All P X Arrive at charleston......5.50 A X SUMMERVILLE TRAIN". Leave Summerville at.7.25 A X Arrlxe at charleston.8.40 A X Leave charleston.3.86 F x Arrive at Summerville.4 60 F X CAMDEN TRAIN. Leave Camden.7.20 F X Arrive at Columbia.f * Leave Columbia.HS T ? Ar. Ive at >.amden.. . . . . :.?.M Day and Night Trams connect at ?min Macon and /ngu.ta Railroad. C^ UUoU and Georgia Kaiiroad. This ? ^jgggfi*1* most direct nate and as ^ nSSS^SSSS c*^'i^Bh> thia route ?all cepc sundays) with Day Passenger mut, HU runs through toCommb^^ ^p^^ S. B. PICKERS, G. T. A. dOOM