The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, March 27, 1873, Charleston News Supplement, Image 6

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I LAWS OF THE STATE. ACTS AND JOINT RESOLUTION'S OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Set*ion of 1879-73-Published by An thorlty. AN ACT ; TO ABROGATE AND BINK ALL THAT PORTION OF THE DEBI OP IHK STATS OF SOU m CAROLINA INCURRED TH AID OP THE LATE REBELLION AGAINST THE UNITED STATES. Whereas aitiolo foorteeii, ia amendment of the Constitution of the United States, ia Sec? tion four thereof, among other things, enjoins that neither the United States, nor any state, shall aa some or paj an j debt or obhgation in? curred in aid of insurrection or rebellion I against the United States, or any claim tor the loss or .t-man'-.pation of any slave; bul all such debts, obligations and claims ahall be held i] le mjpX and void; and whereas the Constitution of Rae Bute of South Carolina, in Article nine "-Retiaajdxteen, enjoins that no debt contracted by thia State in behalf of the late rebellion, u> , whole or m part, shall ever be paid; therefore, SECTION 1. Be it enacted by tbs S?nate and louse of Representatives of the State of South '-Carolina, now met and sitting in Gooers! As > sembly, and by the authority of the same i That all of the i idebtedness and obligations fes/hataoe vex of the State of South Carolina, com? bing within the cons ti tu tiona 1 prohibitions afore? said, aa contracted t>r incurred in aid of the I said rebellion, or which ore covered or de I scribed by or under such prohibitions, or either - n/AjJitfr; and all authority for incurring or as suoh indebtedness or obligations on i part of the said State, are, all and singular, ' abrogated and declared and held to be ral and absolutely null and void. -All snob indebtedness and obliga? os tho said State, as aro mentioned in the preceding section shall be immediately and excluded from the debt of this and shall never be reckoned with nor j any part of tbe same. . 8. Whoever shall viola! o this act shall, conviction, be punished by a fine of one dollars, or by imprisonment in the . i vestiary for one y ear, or by both snob fine imprisonment, at the discretion of the rt. i, Th is act shall take effect apon its re. february 27, A D. 1873. AN ACT THE TUCE FOB CERTAIN STATE AND COUNTY oppress* TO REPORT. DH 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and cse-cr Representatives of the State of South fafeij now mat and sitting in (leneral As* ably, and by the authority of the same: I That on and'after the passage of this act, "fhe comptroller-general, and all other Stato xs who are now required by law to report tly to the General Assembly, be, and tey are hereby, required to make Buch report or before the first day of December, of j and every successive year. .2. That all county officers who are now ed by law to report to any superior toity or State officer, be. and they ara here y, required to make such report on or before 4first day of November, m each and every sive year. J). Any of the officers above enumerated ) ahall fail to comply with the provisions of ?sj'act, shall be deemed guilty of anne? lin office, and, upon conviction, shall liabed by a fine of not less than fire hun r?ti?fcnor-more than three thousand dollars, or ba imprisoned for a term of not less than ??aSsr^jncait is, nor more- ?nan two years, or . ??5er or both,~bt the discretion of tho court. ?zc. 4. Tne attorney-general is hereby epe -??al?y charged with the prompt and rigorous enforcement of the provisions of this aot. Bsc. 5. AU acts or parts of acts inconsistent ! with this aot, are hereby repealed. Approve?? February 27, A. I). 1873. AN ACT l STATE AND COUNTY OP.* ICE RS KLEOT 1XD BX TBS PEOPLE TO QUALITY WITHIN THIRTY JD AYS APTER RECEIVING OFFICIAL NOTLFICA t STXpH THEREOF. : BscrcoN 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Boose of Representatives of the.State of South Carolina, now mat and Bitting in General As ?nably, and by the authority of the same: That from the passage of this act it shall be the duty of each and every State and county : officer elected by the people tc qualify within -thirty days after receiving official notification thereof; and upon the filing of his bond and Ojaa?fyins* according to law, he shall enter M the duties of said office. 2. If any officer elected by the people 11o quality and enter upon the duties \ office as required by the provisions of | ; act, ho shall forfeit the office to which he been elected, and the Governor ia author ir od to order an election to be : within ninety days to fill the vacancy. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent pvo\ iPionn of this act are hereby re January 29, A.D. 1878. AN ACT 0 A BOND FROM COUNTY COMMISSION ENTERING UPON THE DUTIES OF ; OFFICE, ION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Ot Representatives of the State of nth Carolina, now met and sitting in Gen-, nobly, and by the authority of the iThat the county commissioners shall, be? lg 'upon the doties of their office, be, and they are hereby, required to give a lor the use of their respective counties, in the penal Bum of two thousand dollars -^acb, with three good and sufficient sureties, to be approved by the clerk of court of their respective counties, conditioned upon the ,aU&*p*--aoa impartial performance of tbe ".duties of their office: Provided, That the ?toasty commissioners of Charleston shall fur ^ Dish a bond, as hereinbefore provided, in the . pe?ol sum of ten thousand dollars each, and the county commissioners of the Counties of | ?Xmiopt, Barnwell and Richland, shall fur- [ nish a bond ol five thousand collara each, as hereinbefore provided : Provided, inrther. 'Tbat this act shall not be In force until on and after the next general election of county ocrnmiesloners. f-t Bsc. 2. That all acts or parts of acts Incon ?'?latent with this act are hereby repealed. "," Approved January 29, A. D. 1873. JOINT RESOLUTION rjKsJjBUOT THE TRUSTEES OF TBS STATE OE ysAB ASYLUM TO x-rvxxs PSOSOSAX.3 SOS A ? BITE AND BUILDING, AND FOB TS] A PP SOPHIA nos o? TWENTY THOUSAND HOLLASE TBXRS '?<*i x*fOS. WasssAa, T^State-Orphan Asylum, In i'xs ^?xSx-o?-t LaHeston, claims the fostering care of tbs, State, and some provision is urgently traded for a better building and a more suit? able site ; therefore, Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and Bitting in General Assembly, and bsLthe authority of the same : ipon tba passage of this aot, the Tina tees of the State Orphan Asylum bo, and they are hereby, authorized and required to adver? tise for sixty dava for proposals from the various cities, towns aod counties of the State for a site and building for an orphan asylum, at a cost not to exceed the sum of twenty thousand dollars ; that said proposals shall, at the expiration of the aforesaid time, be opened and considered by the trustees, who shall de? cide upon the location and contract with the loweat responsible bidder for the parchase of j the site and con at ruction of the building, and J report their proceedings, in detail, to the next session of the General Assembly. SEO. 2. That the sum of twenty thousand dollars, if so much bs necessary, be, and the same is hereby, appropriated for the purohase of the site and construction of the building : Provided, That said trastees shall each give a bond in the penal sum of two thousand dol? lars, with two good sureties, for tho faithful discharge of the duties herein entrusted to them, said bond to be approved by the judge Ct : ho Fir 91 Judici-1 Cue a it, and died in the office of the clerk of court. Approved February 27, A. D. 1873. AN ACT TO ALTEE ANO AMEND SECTION FORTY-FITS, (45) CF CHAPTER TWENTY FIVE, (23) OP TITLE SIX, (6) OT PAST FIRST, (I) OP THE GENERAL STAT? UTES RELATING TO TRIAL JUTICES. Be it enacted by the Sonata and House of Representative of the State of Sooth Carolina, BOW mst and Bitting in General Assembly, and by tbe authority of the Bama: That Section forty-five, (45) of Chapter twenty-five, (25) of Title six, (6) partflrat, (I) of the General Statutes be, and the same is hereby, altered and amended by striking out all of said section after the word 1 'office." Approved February 27, A. D. 1873. AN ACT CO AMEN D AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT TO PRO? VIDE POB THE ELECTION OP THE OFFICERS OP THE INCORPORATED CITIES AND TOWNS IN THE STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA." Be it enacted by the Senate and House of ] Representativo of the Slate of South Carolina, low met and sitting in General Assembly, and JV the authority of the same : That Section 3 of an Act entitled " An Act o provide for the election of the officers of he incorporated cities and towns in the State >f South Carolina,-' be amended ou line four ind five, as follows : Strike out *' sevea " (7) ind "five" (5) aad iusert "six" (6) la heal] hereof. | ? Approved January 25, A. D. 1873. 1 AN ACT ? O AMEND SECTION 12, CHAPTER CHI, OP THE ? GENERAL STATUTES OP SOUTH CAROLINA. c Be it enacted by tbe Senate and House of I tepreaentaiires of the State of Sooth Carolina, J ow met and sitting in General Assembly, and 0 y the authority of the same : That Section 12, Chapter CHX, of the Genera] tatntes of South Carolin?, be amended by dding after the word "dollars," line 15, these ords : "or bs imprisoned for a ported uot leas ban one montb nor more than one year, at be discretion of the court." Approved January 25, A. D. 1878. AN ACT O AMEND CHAPTER L, SECTION 4, OP REVISED STATUTES OP SOUTH CAROLINA. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and * louse Of Representativos of the State of Ho ut ti karolina, now met and sitting in Geaoral As? ie nobly, and by the authority of tbe samo: That Chapter fifty (L.) Section four (4.) of 1 he General Statute .> ol South Carolina, be, and he same is hereby amended by inserting at tbe md of the aocticn the following proviso: Fro? ide d , it shall not bo la wful for any person, res dent of the sea islands, in tbe County of Bean ort, to allow horses or mules to mn at large rom the first day of April lill the first day of Jo ve moor; nor cattle, sheep or goats, from he flt st day of April lill the first day of De ember; nor bogs, from the first day of March ill tbe first day of December. Ssc 2. That all acts or parts or acts incon iBtent with this act, or in any way conflicting nth any of its provisions, are hereby re. isa lad. Approved February 26, A. D. 1873. AN Ad CO PROVIDE POB AN ASSESSMENT 07 REAL PROP? ERTY IN THE YEAS 1873. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Souse of Representatives of the State of j South Carolina, now met and sitting in Gene? ral Assembly, and by the authority of the tame: That an assessment of the real property in this State shall be made in the year one thous? and eight hundred and seveaty-three (1873) at the same time that the assessment of personal property is made, and in the marmor, and ac? cording to the roles prescribed for the assess? ment of real property in Chapter XII of Title LU of the General Statutes. SEC. 2. The comptroller-general is hereby authorized and directed to adopt the measures necessary to carry out tbe intent of this act, and to exorcise, for the purpose of makiag and completing the assessment provided for in this act, all the powers relating to the assessment of real property conferred upon him by the chapter of the General Statutes hereinbefore sited. Approved February 27, A. D. 1873. ANACI ro AUTHORIZE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF CER? TAIN 00UNTIES TO LEVY AND COLLECT AN AD? DITIONAL TAX rOB CERTAIN PURPOSES. SECTION 1. Be if enacted by the Senate and Bouse of Representatives of the State of 3outh Carolina, now met and sitting in Gen ral A-sembly, and by tbe authority of the same: That the county commissioners of the sev? eral counties herein mentioned ba, and they are hereby, authorized aad direoted to levy aod collect a special tax as hereinafter speci? fied, on the taxable property of the said coon ties, said tax to be levied at the same time other taxes are levied for the fiscal year com mencing November 1st, 1873; said tax to ba devoted exclusively to the payment of the past due indebtedness of the said counties, viz: For tbe County of Marion, three (S) mills; for tbe County of Orangeburg, three (8) mills; tor the County of Bichland, one and one-half ( 1?) milis; for the County of Lancaster, two (2; mitis; for the County of Newberry, two (2) mills: Provided, That all olaimt, for the payment of which the special tax herein authorized is levied, shall be registered in the office of tbe Clerk tba Court of the County in which snob tax ls levied, on or before the first day of Ootobar, 1878, and all claims of claimants failing to register the same within the said time shall not be paid. Ssa 2. That the county commissioners of B?rry County be, and they are hereby, author? ized to levy and cause to be collected a special ax of (2) mills upon a dollar of all the taxable i < property in said county, the aaid tax to be de-1 ? roted exclusively to repairing the bridges, ia taid county, across Kingston Lake and Socas-11 tee Creek, and to the payment of the past in? debtedness of the county. Sso. 3. That the county commissioners of tho County of Williamsburg be, and they are hereby, authorized to levy aDd cause to be co! lected a special tax of two (2) mills on a dollar of all the taxable property of the said county ; said tax to be levied at tho same time other taxes ara levied for the fiscal year commoncinp November 1st, 1873; tbe same to be used ex? clusively for the purpose of paying the indebt? edness caused by the building of the jail in tbs said county. Approved February 20, A. D. 1873. A BILL TO m THE TIME OF HOLDING THE APB IL TERM OF THE SUPREME COURT. SECTION- 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Houso of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in Qeneral As? sembly, and by the authority of the same: That hereafter tbe April term of the Su? preme Court shall commence on the third Tuesday of april in each yeer. SEO. 2. That ali acts or parts of acts incon? sistent with this act, be and the same are hereby, repealed. Approved January 25, A. D. 1873. AN ACT IO AMEND AN ACT ENTITLED ''AN ACT TO GRANT, RENEW AND AMEND THE CHARTERS OF CERTAIN TOWNS AND VILLAGES THEREIN MENTIONED." SECTION 1. Be il enacted by the Senate and Honse of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General As? sembly, and by the authority of the same: That section 2 of an act entitled "An act : grant, renew and amend the charters of cer? tain towns and villages therein mentioned, approved March 9, 1871, be, and the same hereby, emended by striking oat on the fifth Une the words ."fourth Monday iu Marou, 1871, and insert the words "on tho fourtb Monday oi April, 1873." Approved January 29, A. D. 1873. AN ACT IO AMEND SECTION 6, OF CHATTER LXII, OF THE GENERAL STATUTES. Be it enacted by the Senate and Houso of | Representatives of the State of South Caro? lina, now met and a .tung ia General Assembly, ?tad by tbe autborlty of the same: 1 hat Section ii, of Chap tor LXII, of the Gen? eral Statutes, be amended so as to read os fol owe: "That it shall not bo lawful for any igent of any Insuranoe Company in tho United States, or any foreign State, aot incorporated >y the laws of this Stale, to take risks or j raoaaot any busiuess of insurance in this 5tate without first obtaining a license from the lomptroller-geueral, winch lioense shall et? an on the thirty-first day of March of each ear; and for every such liceose tbe company * agent taking out tho same shall pay, or nose to bj paid, to tho comptroller-general, be sum of five dollars." Approved February 22, A. D. 1873. AN ACT O AMEND SECTION 2, CHAPTER XXV, OF THE GEN? ERAL STATUTES OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Be it enacted by tbe Senate and House of tepresentatives of the State of South Carolina, tow met and sitting in General Assembly, and ty the authority of the same: That Section 2 of Chapter XXV of tho Gon ircl Statutes of South Carolina bo amended as ollovrs, va: "That ?rial justices shall be dis xibutcd ?? the convenience of tbo several lounties require, and the number in oomuais lion shall not exceed, in AbboviUo, thirteen; liken, ten; Anderson, sixteen; Barnwell,eight; Jeaufort, thirteen; Charleston, twenty-four; Jheater, eight; Clarendon, six; Colletou, twelve; Dbesterfleld, five; Darlington, ten; EJgefield, welve; Fairfield, eight; Georgetown, eight; ?reenville, niue; Horry, eleven; Kershaw, nine; [ancaster; nine; Laurens, seven; Lexington, line; Marion, ten; Marlboro', six; Newberry, tu; Oconeo, niue; Orangeburg, ten; Fie irena, tight; Richland, twelve; Spartanbunr, thirteen; Sumter, eight; Union, oight; Williamsburg, en; York, twelve. Approved January 25, A. D. 1?73. AN ACT ro AMEND AN ACT ENTITLED "AN AOT FOR THE PROTEO TION AND PRESERVATION OF USEFUL ANIMALS. " SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repr?sentatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General As? sembly, and by tbo authority of the same : That section 1 of an Act entitled "Au Act for the Protection and Preservation of Useful Ani? mals," approved March 12, 1872, bo, and is hereby, amended as follows, to wit, by striking out tbe word "September," in the sixth line of | the same, and inserting the word "August" in lieu of the same. SEC. 2. That section four of the same act be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows, to wit, by striking out the words "fifteenth day of February," in tbe second lice thereof, aod ioserting th; words "fifteenth day of April," in Usu of the same. SEC. 8. That section five bo also amended by striking out the word "robins" where it occurs in the ninth line thereof. Approved Februaiy 27, A. D. 1873. AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION III, CHAPTER CXI OF THI GENERAL STATUTES. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ot Representative of the Stale ol South Carolina, now met and silting In General Assembly, and by the authority ol the same: That Section three, of Chapter one hundred and eleven of the General Statutes, which re? quires that the board of Jury commissioners shall prepare a Jury Hst In each county io the month of January of each year, be so amend? ed as to make it lawful for the said board to prepare the Jury list for the Counties of Lex? ington, Sparianburg and E.igeUeld, during the year 1873, belore the tenth of Mar?h of said j ear. Approved February 26, A. D. 1873. AN ACT TO REPEAL AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT TO PRO? VIDE FOR A GENERAL LICENSE LAW." SECTION 1. Be il enacted by the Seuale and House of Representatives of the State ol South Carolina, now met and sittlug IQ Gen? eral Assembly, and by the authority of the tame: Thal the act entitled "An act to provide lor a general license law," approved March 13, A. D. 1872, be, and the same is hereby, re-1 pealed. SEC. 2. This act shall toke effect from tbe first day of April, 1873. Approved December 20, A. D. 1872. AN ACT ro REGULATE THE SERVICE OP PROCESS ISSU? ING FROM THE SUPREME COURT. SECTION 1. Be it enacted oy the Senate and Souse ol Representatives of the Slate of ioulh Carolina, now met and sitting In Gen ;ral Assembly, aad by the authority of the ?ame: Tnat the Supreme Court of thia State be, md is hereby, empowered to require the sb-riffoi each and every county In this S: to whom any order or process Issuing said court may be direcied, to serve and cute ihe same; and shall have the same p to eniorce such service und execution, at punish default therein, as ls now vest? the Circuit Courts In process issuing tl lr.'m. Approved February 20, A. D. 1873. AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION 12, CHAPTER CHI, OF GENERAL STATUTES OF SOUTH CAROLINA Be it enacted by the 8enate and Hous Representatives ol the State ol South C liua. now met and sitting In General As; bly, ?nd by the authority ol the same: That Section 12, Chapter CHI, ol the l eral Statutes of South Carolina, be amei by adding, after ihe word "dollars," lio< these words: "or be imprisoned for a pe not less lhan one month, nor more than year, at the discretion of the court." Approved February 25, A. D. 1873. AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOB THE ESTABLISHMENT AND i POET OF A STATE NOBUAL SCHOOL. Whereas, tho Constitution of tho Statt South Carolina, Article X, Section 6, declai "Within five years alter the first regular sion of the General Assombly, following adoption of this Constitution, it shall be duty of the General Asoembly to provide the establishment and support of a State ?i mal School, which shall be opon to all pera who may wish to b?come teachors; tberefc SECTION 1. Be tl enacted by the Senate : House ot Represen tau ves of tho State of Soi Carolina, now met and sitting ia General . sembly, and by the authority of the same : Tbat there shall bo established, in the c ot -fc-wd tn ba called " The Soi Carolina State Normal School,' lui tue tra tog and educating of teachers ia the arc of structing and governing in tho public sebo of this State, wbiob shall be open to all p SODS who may wish to become teachers. SEO. 2. That there shall be appointed by t Goveruor,by and with the approval of the Sen: iboard of regents to be cilled "Tho Boa af 8tato Normal School Regents,'' of which t 3overnor and State superintendent of edit lion shall be ex officio members ; this boa shall bc twelve m number, two of which sb JO appointed from each Congress io nal distT ind two from tho S tato at large. Tho term )ffice of all members of the board of regent ?ercafter to be appointed, (except when sui ippointment Is for an unexpired torm,) sbi iommence on the first day of April, and sh: tontinue for three years, and until others ai tppoiuted by law. The board of regents sha >e divided into throe classes, so that the ten >f office of one class shall expire each yea The Governor shall havo power to fill all v laucies which may occur by death, resign: ton or otherwise, until tbe next meeting < be General Assembly, or while the Gener Assembly is not in session, but the appoiu neu ts thus made shall bj confirmed by th tanate during the next preceding session. SEO. 8. Toat the officers of thc board of r? :euts shall bo a President, Vico Prosidoot an ieciotary ; they shall, aevorally, hold their ol icos for the term of one year, and uutil tbei accessors aro elected, and shall perform tb lutioa incident to their office. SEC. 4. That tho board of regents sha! iola an annual meeting ab Columbia, on th Iret Monday in November in each year, or o IUCU time as may hereafter bo designated b taid board. A majority of the board aha! lonstitute a quorum for tbs transaction o )usine8P, bat a less number may adjourn fror imo to time. Special meetings of tho boan if rogonts miy be culed by the Govornor. o be President of said board, on a petitioi ligoed tor thal purpose, by any three mern )ors of the board. At all special meetings o ,he board, two-thirds of all the regents abai jo necessary to constitute*h quorum. An; .ogent miy be removed from office tor cause jy a vote of two-thirds of the board. SEO. 5. That the board of regents and tbei; iuccossors in office aro horeby constituted i oody corporate with tho nome and stylo o "ThoBoard of Stato Normal 8chool Regatiti if tho State of South Carolina,"and undjr thal lame and style shall have perpetual succes? sion, with tho right to purchase, have, hold eontrol, possess and enjoy to them and theil successors in office, in trust for the Slate o: South Carolina, for educational purpoaos sole? ly, any lands, tenements, hereditaments, goods, uhattols, and effects of whatever nature oi Jcscriptiou tho same may bs, which may be necessary, and required for the legitimate pur po-es, o', j jets and uses of the Stato normal school, authorized by this aot, and noue other, frith full power to sell or dispose of such per ?onal property, or any part thereof, when, in their judgment, it shall be for the interest of the State, to make all such contracts and agreements aa shall be necessary to carry into effect tho purposes of this net ; to sue and be sued, to plead and be impleaded in all courts of this Stato ; lo have and to use a common seal, and the samo to chango, alter or ronew at pleasure ; to make such by-laws and regnla tions as they may doom proper for the well ordering and government of said corporation, and the transaction of ita business : Pro? vided, the said board of regents shall not have power to sell, mortgage, or dispose of, in any way, any real estate, so held by them as afore? said, without the express authority of tho General Assembly of this Stato, nor have power to borrow money, nor shall tho indebtedness contracted, nor Habilites incurred by the said board of regents ever, at any time, exceed, in the aggregate, the amount o. money, which, un? der the provisions of law, shall then boat their disposal, in the hands of thc State Treasurer : And provided further, That the procejds derived from the sale of any real or personal estate by said ooard of regents, shall ba paid by them into the State Treasury, and shall become a part ol.' the income of the State normal school fund. SEO. ?. That it shall ba tho duty of the board of regonts to prescribo a course of study, and the time and standaid of graduation, and to is? sue such certificates and diplomas as may from time to time be deemed suitable. Such cer? tificates and diplomis shall entitle the holders to teach in acy conney in the Stato, for the time, and in tho grade specified in the certifi? cate, or diploma, tho said certificates or diplo? mas to be countersigned by tho State superin? tendent of education. SEO. 7. That, at each annual meeting of the board of regents, they shall determino what nnmberof pupils may be admitted into the school, and this number shall be apportional among the counties or this Stale according to the number of repr?sentatives from said coun? ties in the General Assembly :_Frovided, Tbat teaobors bolding second and third grade cer? tificates may be admitted from the State at large. SEO. 8. That the county school commission? ers and the couuty board of examiners shall bold comp?titive examinations before the first Monday in July lu each year, of all persons do siring to become pupils ot the State normal school, which examinations shall bo conducted ,n the same manner as examinations for third grade teachers' certiricitos. A list shall be nude of tbe applicants thus examined, and they shall receive, recommendation in tbe order of standing in the examination : Provided, That tho county school commissioners may discrimina to in favor of those whose ago and experience specially fit thom tobe ;omo normal pupils. Alter the expiration of tho year a new list must bo made out, and tlioso not recom? mended must be re-examined or forfeit their right to recommendation. SEO. 9. That, to secure admission into tba junior class of the normal school, the appli? cant, if a male, must be fifteen years of age ; or if a female, must be fourteen years of age ; to enter an advanced class, the applicant must be proportionably older. Applicants must also present letters of recommendation from their county school commissioners, certifying to their good moral character and tbeir fitness to enter the normal school. Before entering, all applicants must sign the following declaration : We hereby declare that our purpose in enter? ing tho State normal school is to fit ourselves for the profession of teaching, and that it is our intention to engage in teaching in tho pub? lic schools of this Stato. SEO. 10. That no religious test shall be re? quired of any one connected with the State normal school, nor shall there be any discrim? ination in the appointment of regenta for or admission of pupils to the said school on ac? count of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. SEO. ll. That the State treasurer shall, by virtue of his office, be the treasurer of the board of regonls of the State normal school, but tbe said board shall havo power to appoint suitable persons to receive and pay to tbe State treasurer any tuition fees or other moneys that may be due from any student or other person. SEO. 12. That lectures on chemistry, anato? my, physiology, astronomy, the mechanic arts, urr,t...n ?. - --? -u auy utntii suimuui wanan - of literature that the said board of regents may direct, may ba delivered to those attend? ing said school in such manner and upon such terms and conditions as the said board may prescribe. That the Professors of the Univer? sity ot South Carolina shall, upon the recom? mendation of the said board of regents, deliver Irom timo to time such lectures as shall be opou to, and the benefits of tho same enjoyed by the officers and pupils of tho Stato normal school. SEO. 18. That the exclusive purpose of the State normal school shall bo tho Instruction iud training of persons, both male and female, n tbe theory end art of toacbing, and in all thc oranohes that pertain toa goodooromonschool ?ducation ; also to give Instruction in the me? chanic arts, agricultural chemistry, in tbe arts of husbandry, the fundamental laws of the United states and this State, and in wbat re : ?rda tho tights and duties of citizens. SEC. 14. That as eoou as the State normal ichool is prepared to receive pupils, the Stato superintendent of education sholl give notice )f the fact tcTtho couoty school commissioners, md tbe said board of regents shall causo notice i >f the same to bo published in at least one ? newspaper in each Congressional district, at oast tor thirty days. SEC. 15. That the President of the board ot .egonts shall make to tbo Sta:c Superintendent )f education an annual report, bearing date he first Tuesday in November, which shall :ontain a full and detailed account of the do? ues of said board, and of all their expendi? tures, and ot all moneys received, aud thc orospect, progress aod condition of tho achoo), ind such report, together with tho reports of ,he different boards of visitors, shall bo trans? mitted to tho General Assembly by tbe Stato superintendent of education, as a part of bia tnnual report and in addition to what is now roquired by law. SEC. 16. That after tho first term, and at least once in oach year thereafter, the State normal school shall bo visited by throe suitable persons, not members of tho board of regents, but to be appointed by the State superintend? ent of education, who shall exaniue thorough? ly into the condition, organization and man? agement of the school, and shall report to tho 3tate superintendent of education their views in regard to its success, usefulness and any other matters thoy may judge expedient. Such visi? tors shall be appoio ted annually,and tbeir report 3ball bear date of tbe first Wednesday after the Brst Monday of November, and cover tbo year preceding such date. The State superintend? ant of education shall audit the account of the visitors for expenses actually incurred iu ex? amining the said normal scaool, and the sums allowed shall be paid by the State treasurer out of too normal sobool fund. SEC. 17. That the board of regents and the board of trustees aforesaid, with the State su? perintendent of education, shall, os soon as practicable nfter the passage of this act, take possession of, and flt up such building or buildings, with tho grounds surrounding, now enclosed m what is known as the Stato univer? sity buildings and property, as shall be neces? sary to carry out thc purposes of this act ; and tbe board of trustees ot the university shall, on application of the board of regents afore? said, surrender tho same. SEC. 18. That there shall be an anno al ap? propriation of fl ft ecu thousand dollars by the General Assembly, for thc maintenance and euppoitof thc State normal school, which shall bo styled the S:ate normal school lund, to bo used solely for the purposes set forth in this act. SEC. 19. That all acts and amendments there? to shall bc so construed as to enable tbe board of regents to cir ry out tbe provisions of this act, and all acts or parts of acid conflicting with this act are hereby repealed. Approved February 26, A. D. 1878. AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF DERELICT ESTATES. SECTION 1. Be if enacted by the Senate and Souse of Representatives of tho State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General As? sembly, and by the authority of the same : Ibat whenever it shall come to the knowl? edge of any clerk of tho Court of Common Pleas, oC any couoty in this State, that the es? tate and effects of any deceased person, as to which administration could legally be granted by the judge o? probato of his county, remain for tho period of six months entirely or par? tially unadministerod, either by reason of no application for letters of administration, or from any other cause, so that there is no le? gally appointed representative of such deceasoJ person, it ahall be tbo duty of such clerk of tho court to make application to the juego of probate of the couoty for letters of adminis? tration on the estate of such deceased person, accompanied with a statement of the nature, condition au J value of the said estate, so far as it may be known to bim;and, thereupon, it it shall be the duty of such judge of ptobate to msert a notice of such application, in tho aaual form, for forty days tu some public newspaper published in such county, or if tbere be none such, in some adjoining county, and, also, at tho door of the courthouse; and, after such notice, to grant to such olerk of tho court letiera of administration on tho estate of such deceasoJ person, with the will an? nexed, in case there be a will; and such clerk shall givo bond, with two sureties, for tho taithful discharge of his duty, as such admin? istrator, in such amount as would bo required ot any other administrator. %s. 2. That upon the grant of such letti of admioittration, such clerk shah be entitl to all lhe>iKBto, powers aud authorities, a shall be subject to tbe same duties andoblif tiona aod ra,p0n8?biiitie8 in relation to et eBtate, and the administration thereof, as i now provided by \" ?D case of administrate: and ehall be entitled to five per centum of moneyB collected by "him, and ia addition the filing an inventory, Appraisement ano i oount in the office of the iudge of proba a ball, also, keep an official record of the san and all bis proceedings therein, in bis own flee, whicb shall be submitted, at each te: of the court, to tho circuit judge; and the st clerk shall have the right to possession of a of the gooda and chattels of such deceas person, and may, by authority of the judge probate, soil and dispose of the same, and a sale so made in pursuance of such order, 8h be good and valid, to all interns, as i?regul? ly made by any other administrator. SEC 3. That whenever, after the grant such letters of administration to such olor any other person, who would ba entitled to lc tera of administration on ench estate as ap cially designated by law, shall apply to tl judge of probate of the county granting tl samo, and be ready to give the required a ourity, the letters of administration previou ly granted to such clerk shall be revoked, at the same be granted to suoh person so appl. ing for the same; but such revocation shall, ; no wiso, be held to annul or impair any ai legally done, or right acquired, previous under or by virtue of such administration. Approved February 26, A. D. 1873. AN ACT TO REGULATE THE ELECTION OE Sf A TOE AND Al DERUEN OF THB CITY OF CHARLESTON. SECTION L U? U. enacted by tho Senate an Hoiss of Representatives bf the State of Soul Carolioa, now met and sitting in General As ?emu* and by the auth )rtt, 0f the same : That BO much ot " Mt of tbo General Aa Bembil entitled -An Act to mc^rate Char]ea ton," and the acts amendatory thereor, *r ii any way relating thereto, as determines th time, and recul?tes tho manner, of election tho mayor and alderman nf th? (?itv of Charles ton bo, and tho samo .ire hereby, repealeu. SEC. 2. Tnt? election for mayor and aldermei of the City of Charleston snail bo held on th Ural Wednesday In Octeber, eighteen hundret and sevonty-tbroo, and forever thereafter ot the same day in every second year. SEC. 3. For the purposes o', conducting suet election, it shall be tbe duty of the Governor at least thirty days prior to such election, tc appoint five persons who shall constitute i board of commissioners ot elections for thc city of Charleston. Ihe commissioners o elections shall appoint three managers of cleo tiona for each polling place. SEO. 4. The commissioners and managen shall take and subscribe tho oath of office pr?' scribed by the constitution, (section 30, art'cle 2 ) filing the same in the office of the clerk of tbe county. At their first meetings, respectively, (he commissioners and managers aforesaid shall select ono of thou* nnmber chairman. Tho commissioners and managers are hereby empowered to administer all necessary oaths. SEO. 5. Thc commissioners and each board of managers aro hereby authorized to appoiut a clerk to assist them in whatever duties may he required of them; euch clerks to qualify by taking tho oath of office prescribed by the constitution. SEC. 6. Tho polls shall bo openod at such voting place or places in each ward o's may be designated by the commissioners, at fire o'clock in the morning, and closo at six o'clock in tho afternoon, of the day of election, and ehall be kept open without intermission or td jojrnment, and the managers shall administer to each person offering to vote an oath that they are residents of tho City of Charleston, and aro duly qualified to vote according to the constitution of the State, and that they bave not voted at any other polling place during this election. The namo of each person voting shall be entered by the clerk on the poll list. . SEO. 7. Ths voting shall bo by ballot, written or printed, or partly written and partly printed, auch ballots to be oither written or printed on plain white paper, without any emblem or figure on either side, or any printing or writ? ing ol any description on tho back, by whicb tho contents of tho ballot moy be discovered. SEO. 8. Immediately upon the closing of the polls, and before leaving the same, the manag? ers shall at onco proceed to count publicly the votes and make a returu of the result thereof to tbe commissioners of election. They shall, at thc same timo, deliver to tho commissioners tho poll list, ballot boxes aud ballots. Aa soon as the returns from all the polling places are received, tbe commissioners shall meet in the City Hall or Courthouse p.nd proceed to can? vass thc samo, and to declaro what persons have boen duly elected. They shall bavo tbe power, and it is made their duty, to investi? gate and decido any protest or oontest that may arise. SEC. 9. Tho mayor and aldermen elected under this act shall, on taking Ibo oath of of? fice prescribed iu the constitution, bo indict? ed into office on the third Monday io Novem? ber succeeding their election, and sholl im? mediately enter upon tho discharge of their duties. SEO. 10. The managers of elections and clerks shall receive lor their services the sum ot three dollars per day, for the time actually employed. The commissioners shall approve all bills, and shal 1 receive four dollars per day for their services. All tbo expenses of tbe eleotion, including pay of commissioners, managers aud clerks, shall be paid by the City of Charleston. SEC. lt It shall be the duty ot the commis? sioners of election, and they are hereby in? vested with all the neoessary powere, to keep the peace during the wholo time that the polls are kept open, and until the election is com? pleted, and to prevent all interference with tbe managers or eleotors. All peaco officers present at or near the polls shall carry out their instructions. SEC. 12. All statutes providing against illa* gal voting, or the bribery and intimidation of voters, and for the closing of bar rooms and drinking saloons, not inconsistent with this act, are continued in full force, so as lo apply to any olection held under this act. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with or supplied by this acl are hereby repealed. Approved February 2C, A. D. 1873. ANACr TO AMEND SECTION SEVENTH (7,) CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND FOURTH (104.) OF TITLE ONE (I.) PART THIRD (3,) OF THE GENERAL STAT? UTE?. . ? SECTION L Be it enacted by the Senate and House" of Representatives of the State of South Carolina now met and sitting in General As? sembly, and by the tuthority of tue same: That Section Seventh (7,J Chapter One Han? dled and Fourth (104,) of Title One (1.) of Part Three (3.) of the General Statutes, be amended so as to read as follows: The sheriff ot Richland County shall attend every session of the Supreme Coart, to perfoiin such official servi 'es as by tho said court shall be required, and he shall be allowed, and paid therefor, at ibe rate of five dollars per day. The clerk of tbe said court shall give a bond, in tho sum of turee thousand dollars, to be approved by tbe Chief justice thereof, for the faithful perform arjoe of the duties hereinafter devolving opoa him. It shah be the duty of said clerk tapro vide for said court, necofesary^fornlture, print? ?ng, blank-bookflj^?****1^ ?aeI and hghts; and tho aownnta and vouchers for all aforesaid expenditures and service shall be certified to, under oath, by said clerk, approved hythe chief justice, audited by the comptroller-gene? ral, and paid by the treasurer of the State out of any funds not otherwise appropriated. Approved February 27, A. D. 1S78. AN ACT TO ENCOURAGE AND PROVIDE FOB THE IKCOR ronATTov OF AOBICT/LTUBAL ANO MECHANICAL SOCIETIES AND ASSOCIATIONS FOB THE PROMO? TION- OF THE ARTS AND SCIENCES, SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repr?sentatives of the State of South Carolina, nsw met and sitting in General As? sembly, an? by tho authority of tbe same: That seven or more persons witbm this State, hiving assooidted themselves by agree? ment, in writing, for the promotion of agricul? ture, mechanics and other industry and inge? ninty, and for the encouragement of the arts aud sciences, or for any of these purposes, un? der any name by them assumed, and upon complying with tho provisions of this act, shall, with their successors, be deemed a body poli? tic and corporate. SEO. 2. The purposes of such corporation, and the place where it is established and locat? ed, ahall be distinctly specif!od in its articles of association, which artioles and all amend? ments thereto, ahall be recorded in the office of the registrar of mesne conveyance for the county wherein snob place is situated, and such corporation shall appropriate its funds to no other purpose. ?% " " SEC. 3. Such corporation shall have perpetu? al succession of officers and members, and a common seal, with power to ohange, alter, break and maka new the same, aa often as it shall judge expedient, and it shall ba capable In law to purchase, have, hold, receive, enjoy, possess and retain to itself and its successors ind assigns, in perpetuity, real or personal es? tate, or both, whether Boorning to the same by rift, purchase, .d?vise or conveyance, not ex? ceeding in value one hundred thousand dollars';' indthe same, or any part thereof, to sell, aban, * may dee^TrfttfgM&JB16?achcorporation SEC. 4. Such oorporatiorT'sJwi oVn?a sapable to sue and be sued, . ", and be impleadtd, in yOy 0f tneUa'^e*d of this State of appropiay jurisdiction . t??** stockholder in #uoh eorporatioa ?**no ' Tor any of thVdebts 4r liabilities OA ",WE porafion bafond the amount of his sharos tbyeln. ' v SEC. 5 Such corporation shill be competent to ms*8 ah each by-laws and nies for its gov" j eminent and operations as'may, from time to. W tine, be deemed necessary, not repugnant to ! me laws of the land: Provided, That the aime ire made by such majority or qcorira as'may, jv tbe laws of snob corporation, be declared :ompetent to make the same. SEC. 6. Such corporation may hold fairs and exhibitions, at stated or occasional periods, und may establish regulations for Us preserv? ation of good order, at such fairs or exhibitions, consistent with the laws of the land. \ Approved February 26, A. D. 1873. . AN ACT PROVIDING FOB THE EXTENSION OF THE TUCE FOB THE F AIM ENI AND COLLECTION OF TAXIS FOB THE FISCAL Y BAB COMMZNCTJO NOVEM? BER 1ST, 1872. Whoroaa delay in the levy of ?ertain taxes t ) meet appropriations for the fisoal year com? mencing November 1st, 1872, ras con tina od beyond thc limo prescribed ?y law for the commencement of the colleotbn of the same, j? and time for the payment d the said taxes ? before penalties must attach "&now unavoida? bly and unusually limited; therefore^ " " Bs it enacted by tbs Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Caro? lina, now met and sitting in G?n?ral Assem? bly and by the authority of the same: That if any of the dtues required to be per? formed in an act ortitlod "An act providing for tbo assessment aid taxation of property," or in any act or amendment thereto, on or be? fore a certain dtf by any officer or person therein named, otsnot for want of proper time, be so porformel in the payment or collec? tion of taxes to ie levied to meet appropria? tions for the fiscal year oommenoing Novem? ber 1st, 1872, the oomplroUer-general, with the approval ct the Governor, may extend the time as low as may be neoossory therefor. Approve* January 13,1878. AN ACT TO AME?D SECTION 1 OF AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT -'0 SEOUL ATE PILOTAGE AT THE FORTS OF CHARLESTON, BEAUFORT AND GEORGETOWN." Bj it enacted by the Sena to and, House of Rep?80Dtativea of the State of South Caro* Ur>, now met and sitting In General Assembly, aid by the authority of the same: That Section 1 of "An act to regulate pilot ?ge at the ports of Charleston, Beaufort and Georgetown," approved Februaiy 27,1872, ba amended so as to read as follows: "That the Governor is hereby authorised to appoint sepa? rate and distinct Boards of Pilot Commission ers for the ports of Charleston, Beaufort, Georgetown and Little River, in Horry County, each board to consist oi three persons, of whom two shall be, or shall have been, sea? faring men, and the third a full branoh pilot The conimissioners o? pilotage for the port of Beanfort shall have jurisdiction over St. Helena, Port Royal, and all entrances south? ward. Approved February 27TA- D. 1878. AN ACT CEDING THE JURISDICTION OF THE STATE OF SOOTH CAROLINA TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OVER CURTAIN LANDS IN THE COUN? TY OF DARLINGTON, ENOWN AS THE "NATION? AL CEMETERY." SECTION 1. Be lt enaited by tbe Senate and . House ol Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and silting In Gen? eral Assembly, ard by tbe authority of the same: That the jurisdiction of the State of South Carolina is hereky ceded to the United States of America over certain lands situated In the County ol Darlington, and near the Town of Florence, known as the "National Cemetery:" Provided, That the Jurisdiction hereby ceded shall not vest tutu the United States of America shall bavi acquired tbe title to tho said lauds by grail or deed from the owner or owners thereo', and the evidences of tho same shall bave been recorded In ibe office where, by law, Ibe title to such lands ls re? corded; and the United States of America ara to retain such Jurisdiction so long as such lands Bhall be used for the purposes la this act mentioned, and no looser; and such Jurisdiction is granted upon nie express con? dition that the State ot Son h Carolina shall retain a concurrent Jurisdiction with tho United States in and over the said lands, so far as that civil process, U ail cases not aff^ct ing the real or personal properly of tho United States: ana eu/n criminal or other process as shall lesue/.inder the authority of the State of South Carolina against any per? son or persona c?arafcl with crimes or misde? meanors cora ml tte? within or without the limits of said land/ may be ezeoued therein, In the same way a/.J manner as If no Jurisdic? tion had been hereby ceded. SEC 2 That al/ lands and tenements which may be granted, as aforesaid, to the United States shall be and continue, so long as the mme shall be used for the purposes in this., * Ol men tl on ed. exonerated sud discharg from all taxes, assessments and other chars which may be imposed nader the authorlt, the State ot South Carolina. Approved January 16, A. D. 1873. J