The Wood Lake. From garish light aucl Ufe apart, shriofd la the woodland's sec: et heart, With delicate ml>ts or mom cg rurled Fantastic o'er Its shadowy world. The lake, a vaporous vision. gleam3 So vaguely bright, my laney deems Tis bat aa airy late o? dreams. Dream like ia carves or palest gold. Tho wavering mists-wreaths maairold Part in long rifts, tbroogh which 1 view Gray islets tb oned in tides as blue As if a piece of heaven, withdrawn Whence hints of sunrne touch the dawn Had br. UK fit to earth Its sapphire glow, And smiled, a lecoad beaven, b. low. Dream-like, in fitful, murmurous sighs, I bear the distant West wind rise. And, down ihe hollows wandering, break In gargling rlppl-.s on he lake. Koa na which the vapors, still octspread, Mount wanly widening overhead. Till flashed by morning's primrose-red. Dream-like, each slow. Bcft-puls surge Hath lapped tuc calm lake's emt <-_. ? verge, Sending where'er its tremors pas*, Low whisperings through the dew-wet grass; Faint thrills or fairy sound tbet creep To fail Ul neighboring nooks asleep, Or melt In Hon, low warbllngs made J> some winged Ariel or the glade. With brightening morn, the mock-bird's lay Grow? stronger, mellower; tar away 'Mid dusty reeds which even the coon Lights not, the lonely-hearted loon M ates answer, her shrill music shorn Of bali lis sadness; day, lull-born, Doth rout all sounds and sights forlorn. Ahl ? till a something arrange and rare O'errules this tranquil earth and air, t asttng o'er both a glamour known To their enchanted lealm alone; Whence shines, as't were a spl lt's face, Tbe sweet, coy Geni' s of tbe p.ace. Ton lake, beheld aa If in trat ce, 1 ne teauty or whose shy ro nance I feel-whatever shores and skies May charm henceforth my wondering eyes, Shall rest, undi mme I t v taint or stain, 'Mid lonely by-ways or tDe b-aln. There, wi b Its haunting grace, to seem Set.lo the landscape or a dream. [Paul H. Hayna in April Atlantic Sailicii?s. SAVANNAH ?ND CHARLESTON RAILROAD. CHARLESTON', March 15,1873 On and after TUXSDAT, March lsih, tbe Freight for Local Mariona on savannah and Charleston Railroad will be forwarded on MONDAYS, WKD HKSDATS aid FRIDAYS For stations on Port Boral Railroad daily heretofore. 0. s. GADSDEN, Engineer and Superintendent. 8. 0. B0YLvT0N, Qen'l Ft. and Ticket Agent. mchiT-mwno SAVANNAH AND CHARLES RAILROAD. CHARLESTON, March 15, 1873. On and arter TUBJDAT. Match 18, the Tas senger Trains on this Road wu run as tallows: NIGHT PA8SKK0 BB-DAI LT. L?6V? Charleston.4.00 P. M Arrive at savannah.',0.15 P. M Leave Savannah.U.30 P. M arrive an charleston.7 A. M. DAT PASSENGER-8UNDAT3 EXO-PTKD. Leave Charleston.7.40 A. M Arrive at Savannah.S.30 v. ? Leave A. M Arrive at Charleston.0 50 P. M Both trains matte con at ct ion with Pert Royal Railroad ior ail stations on that Read west of Yemassee and lor Augusta, Atlanta and the We?t Both trains make close connection at savannah for Jacksonville, Fla. Time through to Jackson Tille, 28K boars. Day train connects at Yemassee ro- Beaufort and ron Royal. c. s. GADSDEN. Engineer and Superintendent S. 0. BOYLSTON, utn'l Ft. and Ticket Agent. mchl7 NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD COM PANY. CHARLESTON, S. C., January 20, 1871 Trains will leave charleston Dally at ?o.oo A. M and 8. oo p. M. Arrive at Charleston 8.45 A. M. (MondayB ex cepted) and 3.30 P. M. Train does not leave Charleston 8 oo P. M. SUN? DAYS. Train leaving 10.00 A M. makes through connec? tion to New York, via Rlcnmond and Acqula Creek only, going through tn 44 hours. Passengers leaving by 8.00 P. M. Train have choice or route, via Richmond and Washington, or via Purtsmoutn and Baltimore. Those leaving FRIDAY by this Train lav over on > UND AT In Bal? timore. Those leaving on SATURDAY remain s CN DAT In Wilmington, N. C. This ls the cheapest-, quickest and most oleas ant route to cincinnati, thieu go and other points Westend Northwest, both Trains making con? nections at Waahlngio > with Western Trams ol Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. S.S. SOLOMONS, Y,- : Engineer and Superintendent. 1?, L. CLEAPOR, Gsa. Tlc kc, Agent. may 21 gOTJTH CAROLHIA RAILROAD. CHARLESTON, S. C.. December 14, 1872. On and after SUNDAT, December 16. the Pas? senger Trains on the South Carolina KU ll road will ron as follows: JT FOB COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston.9.30 A M Arrive at Columbia.5.20 p M TOB AUG [ STA. Leave Charleston.9.30 A M An ive at Angosta.5 2o p M FOR CHARLESTON. Leave Colombia.9.00 A M Arrive at Charleston.4 45 P M L?ave Augusta.9 00 A M Arrive at charleston.4.45 P M COLUMBIA NIGHT EXPRESS. (Mindays excepted.) Leave Charleston.7.30 P M Arrive at Colombia...;.6.30 A M Leave Columbia..7 30 r M Arn ve at Charleston.6 45 A M AUGUSTA MGHT EXPRESS. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston.6 33 PM Arrive at A aguata.7.35 A M Lettre Angosta.e.i6 p M Arrive at charles IOU.5.50 A U SUMMERVILLE TRAIN. Leave Summerville at.7.25 A M Arrixeat charleston.8.40 A M Leave charleston.8 36 p M Arrive at Sommerville.4 io p M CAMDEN TRAIN. Leave Camden.7.:o p M Arriva at Columbia.11.66 A M Leave Columbia.2.10 P lt AT ive at camden.6.65 p M Day and Night Trams connect at Augusta with Manon and Augu-u Railroad, Central Railroad and Georgia Railroad. This ls the quickest a< d most direct route and as com ortable and cheap as BOT o'her route to Louisville, Cincinnati, Chicago, st. Louis and all other point s West and Northwest. Columnla Night Train connects wltu Greenville and Columbia Kallroad;and Day and Night Trains connect with Charlotte Road. Through tickets on sale via this route to all pointa North. Camden Train connects at Ringville dally (ex? cept s an da vs) with Day Passenger Train, and runs through to Columbia. A. L. TYLER, vice-President. S. B. FICKENS, G. T. A. dec 18 Si)irt8 arti Jrnrnisb mg <$oo5s. BESH ARRIVALS! LATEST STYLES I COMFORTABLE FIT I LOWEST TRICES S S S S S S s s s s s s s SSSSSSSS SCOTf'S ssssssss s s S STAR SHIRTS AND COLLARS, S s s S ^ Ready-made and made S S to Order. s s s s - s S MEN'S S S S ^3 FURNISHING S 8S88SSSS GOODS. S S S S S S s's 8 S s S s s 8 8 S S s s s AT THE GREAT SHIRT EMPORIUM I LOOK FOR THE STAR SIGN, MEETING STREET, r SLAP.LT OPPOSIT MARKET HALL Drnys at CDtjoUsaLe. QRAY'S INVALUABLE IMPROVED OINTMENT. NASHVILLE, TENN., Janear; 1372. Thii ts to apprise the public that owing to the large and Increasing demand for "GRAY'S IS VALUABLR IMPROVED OINTMENT" In this 86C tlcn, I have appointed LOWIE, MOSE A OA VP, DBUQQISTS, OF t HA K LEBTON, S. C., Wholesule Agents for the State of outh carolina and from whom the Ointment can be obtained at roy lowest prices. W. F. GRAY, Janie th so e Proprietor. THE GREAT CUBAN BITTERS ! A MOST DELIGHTFUL TONIC AND APPETIZER, Composed of the best Liq or and West Indian FOOtS at.d Sj 1 c CURES DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION AND WEAK STOMACH. Prevents CHILLS andPEVEE, AND CREATES APPETITE, And In Warm Latitudes proves and almost INDISPENSABLE TONIC, P.ear-ant to the Taste, exlillarntlni to the Body, anil a ron- rrul aid to tue weik and Ner? vous System, enervated by disease. These BITTKKS are sold at SIX DOLLARS per dozen, and wh-n packed lo b irre's t f 6 and e dozen delivered at Depot free or dray tige. DOWIE, MOISE & DAVIS. Wholesale Agents fm the southern States. nov8-s.tb GETTYSBURG ??TAUSINE WATER. lt has been demonstrated, by a Ferles of prac cal experiments conducted t>y eminent phpsiclans and attested t.y ihnmauds or g nv- fol people who have been relieved from tneir sniiertngs by l s use. that the GETTYSBURG KATALYalNE WATER is the nearest approach to a spic inc ever discovered for Dyspepsia, Neuralgia. Rheuma? tism, G mt, Gravel, Diabetes, Kidney aud Urinary Diseases tr< uer illy, lt restates mum-alar power to the paralytic, t cures Liver Complaint, chron? ic Diarrhoea, Piles, Constipation, xstnma, Ca? tarrh aud .ti-?, DL-eases of the >kin, Gen? eral Oeblllty, and > e vous pros ration from men? tal and physical excesses lt. is thu greatest an? tidote ever discovered for Excessive Eating or Drinking. It corrects the stomach, pioinou s di? gestion, and relieves i be head almost immediate? ly. No housetioia shontd be without lt. Every hotel should keep lt on hand. gar "for a hiv. ot y cf tue Spi logs, for medical re? ports or the power or thu water over dis?aE O F 1873. THE SUBSCRIBERS, WHO ARE AMOSG THE MOST PROMINENT JOBBERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN TUE ol PT OF CHARLESTON, S. 0 , beg to call the attention or the merchants or the interior ot this aod the aojulolng S'ate* to this maricet, os being one or me moat desirable la which to procure mil suppllts uf all article? they may require. The advantage* ora near mv.ket la affording fact liles for frequent renewal of Stocks, and in saving interest on investments, cannot be over estimated. Tue wad's of the country having rapidly lucrea-ted. with amp e lacllltles ti enable us to procuro onr supp lea direct froin first hands In Europe and this country, we ara now prepared to exhibit more vaned and complete sucks or SEASONABLE GOOOs than at any period since the war, and will dixp< se or them on as good terms as any other market. "Dally facilities afforded lor shipment of goods to any point deBlred." DEY GOODS. EDWIN BATES A CO., NJ. 124 Meeting a reet. CRANE. BOYNTON A O K. corner Itavne and Meeting streets. JOHNSTON, CREiVS A CO.. No. 41 H ay ne street. NACHMANN A CO., No. ISO Meeting street. E. W. MARSHALL A CO, No. 143 Meeting street. JOHN O. MU.NOR A CO., No. 136 Meeting street. CLOTHING. EDWIS BATES A 00., No. 122 Meeting street. DEY GOODS, CLOTHING AND HATS. JOHN G. MILNOR A CO., No. 135 Meeting street. FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS AND MILLINERY, JOHN S. FAIRLY A CO.. No. 8? [layne street. SELL, A FOSTER, NO. 27 Jayne streer. BOOTS AND SHOES. D. F. FLEMING A CO., corner Hay ne and Church streets. T. M. RRISTOL.L A CO., No. 145 Mt etlng street. D. O'NEILL A SONS, No. 83 Hayne street. HATS AND CAPS. THOS. M. DORSEY A BRO., No. 166 Meeting streer, opposite Charleston Hotel. EDMOND j T. BROWN, No. 43 II tyne street. HABDWABE. j. E. ADDER A CO., No. 139 Meeting street. HART A CO., No. 39 Hayne street. c. GR?VELEY, corner East Bay and Boyce's Wharf. SADDLERY, SADDLERY HARDWARE, &C. WM. HARRAL, NO. 16? Meeting streer. DEUGS AND MEDICINES. DOWIE, MOISE Sc DAVIS, corner Meeting and Hasel streets.) i'll I LI i' WINEMAN A CO., No. 35 Hayne btreet. CEOCKEEY AND GLASSWAEE. WM. L. WEBB, No. 128 Meeting street. GEOCEEIES. GEO. W. WILLIAMS A CO., corner Hayne and Ohnrch streets. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, &C. HOLMES A CALDER, No. 206 East Bay street. FTJENITUEE. D. H. SILCOX, Nos ITS, 177 and 170 Kinn street, corner Clifford btreet. POEEIGN FEUITS AND PEODTJCE. PAUL, WELCH A CO., No. 215 East Bay street. STATIONEES, PEINTEES & BINDEES. WALKEH, EVANS A COQSWKLL, NOS. 3 Bioad street and 109 East Bay. mch7-lmo _ ?Uartin'a ?rick ??a rjinc. MARTIN'S IMPROVED Brick Machine Is simple- la Ita mechanism, built moue and dur? able, and can be operated hy ordinary help. The capacity ls s.OcO bricks an boor with steam power or '?510 wi ti horse po?cr. Manufactured and sold by the MARTIN BRICK MACHINE CO., mcb3-2mosD*w CI1ICOPEE. MASS. ?)0t?lS PJOLDMBIA HOTEL, COLUMBIA, 8. C. This well known Hotel, situated in the centre or the business portion of the city, mm ros every convenience and comfort to travellers on busi? ness or pleasure. Tae proprietor, having secured the services of polite and efficient assistants, pledges himself to Bpare no pains m its management, to sustain the high reputation so long enjoyed by tbe "Colum? bia,'' SB a first-class boase. Attached to the boase ls a bande?me Billiard Room, furnished with three of Phelan ? eolian - dar's bestand most Improved Tables. Telegraph Office in rotunda of the House. Also, Bathing Boonu equalled by none in tbe city. WM. GORMAN, Proprietor. E. T. BDBDIXI, late ol "charleston Hotel," and JAS. F. GADSDEN, Assistants. XebM QUtrdl (Dil. PRATTS ~ ASTRAL OIL, HAS NOW THE ESTABLISHED REPUTATION OF BEING IN EVERY RESPECT THE SAFEST AND MOST RELIABLE OIL MADE, FROM MILLIONS OF GALLONS SOLD, NO ACCIDENTS HAVE BYER OCCURRED. it barns In the ordinary Kerosene Lamp, ls Pare, uniform, Odorless and Perfectly Safe. For sale by the Agents for Sonth Carolina, DO WIE, MOISE A DAVIS, Wholesale Druggists, Charleston, S. 0. j ftb20 themes Sinrtixm eau?-Kt)is dap. By J. FRASER MATHE WES. PERFUMERY. AND FITLER'S RHEU? MATIC SYRUP. Will be sold. TU 18 DAT, 2?ttr Instant, at my ora ce, Mo. ?6 Broad street, ac li o'clock, by order of Collector of Intern tl Revenue, seized for vio? lation of i he Internal Revenue Laws: 140 bottles, more or less, or PERFUMERY. 18"ozen, more or lesa, of Pitier's Rheumatic Syrnp._mch27 By JOHN G. MLLNOR & CO. TICKING AND MARSEILLES QUILTS on account of all concerne.i, Dry Goods, Ac. THIS DAY, 27th loBtant, at half-past io o'clock, we will ?ell at onr store. No. I3i M. eting street, io pieces TlcKlNu and 26 Marseilles and Crocbet Quilts on account of all concern? d, Fancy Prints, Fancv Cottonades, Linen Drills, Kentucky Jeans. Bleached and Brown thining, Tick, Blue Denims. Blue Plaids, Ginghams, Shirting Stripes, Blue Drills, Whlteand Colored TUCK skirts, Mus? lin Aprons, Hosiery, Gloves, ?suspend?is, AC, Ac. Conditions o&sh. mch27 By J. A. E Ni LOW & CO. MATCH HOISTING HORSES. TH ls DAY, the 27th instant, at ll o'clock, wm be sold, front of Mr. c. W. Townsend's sta? bles, 71 East Bay, One pair of very superior Hatched HOISTING BORGES rt presented to be the best in tne city for heavy work. ALSO, HARNESS and HOISTING BLOCKS. mch27 By B. M. MARSHALL & BRO., Auctioneers. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. ' In the District court or the United States or America for i he Dist-let or South carolina. In the matter of WILLIAM H. WELCH. By virtue of an order cr the Hon George S. Bryan, Uer ed Stn tes District Judge, for the Dis? trict or South carolina, I wi l offer for sale, at the PoHtofflce, Broad street THIS DAY, the 27th tn. steint st ll o'clock * All that PARCEL OF LAND, with the buildings there, (2)i story wooden house and outbuildings; on the south side of Beau rain street, w< st of .smith, measuring on Beaufain street 82fc^t,on the ea;r line 72 feet, on the west line 02 feet o lockes and on the back line-feet, be tbe same more or less. Terms-One third cairn; balance by bond or npr chaser. pay ab o in two tqual annual Instalments from date of sale, with Interest semi-annually; buildings to bc imuied and policy astlgneu. Purchaser to pay for papen. A. T. SIMON'S, mcb27 Assignee. gtnftion gales--Jntnrt Oops. ~By~RT?? MARSHALL & BRO., Auctioneers.' REFEREE'S SALE.-C. B. COCHRAN, vs. T. A. Whitney, win be sold on THURSDAY, tne loth or April, at ll o'clock A. M., near the Poitoffl:e, Broad street, AU that PIECE OR PARCFL OF. LAND, situate on Charleston Neck, being parc of a piece, parcel or trsct lately conveyc d to Lewis M. Hatch by charles B. Cochran, c nt-oning eight 12-100 acres, more or le-1; bounded north by lands now ur late of Dr. Edward North, and land of the said l ewis M. Hatch, east by lands now or late of Edwaid rarnwe l, souHwardly by road called Green Street, and wenw.irdiy by lands of Dr. J. B. Pa'rick-the tract communty calltd Whitney's Farm. Terms-One-third ciah; balance In two equal successive annual instalments, with interest pay? able semi-annually, scored by bond of the pur? chaser and a mortgage of the premires told. Pur* chaser to pay roane for papers. ALEX. H. BROWN, Referee. mohl8-tuth8 Drnga ano ?fleo ic ines. T aa xi s s ES s OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS ALL STYLES. ABDOMINAL BELTS. ELASIIC STOCKINGS. PHYSICIANS' SADDLE-BAGS. Family Medicine Chests. FOUNTAIN SYRINGES THE BEST FOR FAMILY USE. Mattson's Family Syringe. DAVIDSON'S SYRINGES. HARD RUBBER SYRINGES GLASS SYRINGES METAL SYRINGES I RESPECTFULLY CALL TOE ATTENTION OF THE TRADE TO MY LARGE ASSORT? MENT OF DRUGGISTS1 GLASSWARE CORKS, PILL BOXES TOOTH BRUSHES COMBS, and everything pertaining to the Department of Druggists' sundries. These articles will be sold at the LOWEST FIGURES, and satisfaction guaranteed. H. BAER, No. 131 Meeting Streets dec7-tblyrncAW CHARLESTON. KIRKWOOD'S INHALER AND FUMIGATOR ! For if.haling Medicated Fames in the treat ment or Catarrh, asthma. Croup, Ulptherla, Laryngitis, Bronchitis, Ozenaand Headache, and for Purifying the Air or Sick Rooms, AS a fu? migator, U in cxcelent tn preventing the ap? proach of Smallpox and other infections diseases. Printed Directions and ForroulaB accompany tho Inhaler, tor sale, Retail and to the Trade, by DR. H. BARK. Wholesale and Retail Druggist. No. 131 Meeting street, Charleston, S. O. dec7-tblyrnc*w Sewing ?Uacrjines. rp H E NEW IMPROVED WHEELER ? WILSON SILENT SEWING MACHINE. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. we are now selling these superior MACHINES on Ten Dollar monthly payments. Adjusting and Repairing done promtly. WHEELER A WILSON MANUF'G CO., aprMyr Na 209 King street. %nttwn Qaltt^Jhsrax? gog? BJ ALONZO J. WH?TE & SON, Auctioneer?. . FOR PARTITION AND DIVffilON. cnder Judgment Coon of Commou Pie*? Cecilla Garden va. Alex. Qa: den, Ad m tn bur tor, et al. KT vtrtne of toe Judgment of Hon. R. F. Or ham. Jadge.of rho First circuit, In the abo? case, will be sol i oa TBURSDA Y, tba nih ? April, 1873. near the Poatofflce, Charleston, at 1 o'clock A. M, The folio wi ne REAL ENTATE. to wit: 1. A:I LO r OF LAN 11, with the Building thereon, situate on the south side of Beanfai street, measuring in front on Beauraln street! feet, in depth on east lino es feet, on west linet feet, and in width on bark Une as feet, more i less; bounding north on Be in fain street, sooth o Lot late of Marj Anti Smith, east on Lot c Richard Holloway, and west on Lot? nov or lat of Ann Mitchell and of Jos. Ney la 2. Ail that LO f, with Buildings thereon, oi west side or King street, belog part of Lot iso. i on plat of Bageley Lands, measuring on Kin street 44 feet e inch a-, and on ??rth and ao?t linea 216 feet, and on west/line 40 feet S inches more or less; bounding north; .on Lot Na 34 oi said lian now.or la'eof-Blum, eastonRlo| Bt? eet, south on Land of J. P. Reed. Trustee, am west on Land now nr late or Mary Whitaker. : s. AH mat Lor OF LAND, with the Bundine thereon, on the west side of coming areal known on plan or Lands of Trost Estate or Lue Desportes by letters G and H, meaanrlns- in non on coming street about 28 feet by 95 feet fa depth, more or less; bounding, aa per said plan nonhonLotsEaad-T, esst oa Coming??trtet sou tn on Lot N, std west on Lot J. 4. All that LOf OF LAND, wita the Buildlngi thereon, on west side of Coming street, knowi on pian of Lands of Luce Des portes by letter It measuring In front on Coming street 25 feet 1 inch s, and 28 feet 7 inches on baok Una, more oi less, by about 94 feet in depth; bounding noni on Lots H and G on said plan, east on Coming street, south on Lt t o, and west on Lot M. 6. Also, ail that LOT, with the Bondings there? on, cn east aide of Deaportts com t, known la said last mentioned plan as Lot M, measortnf t? front on said coon 24 feet 8 inches, and on back Ime 29 feet 7 Inches, more or less, by about 60 feel 8 inches t-n the north line, and M feet on sou.h line; botudlng north on Lot J on said pian, east Lot N, suuth Lot p, and weat cn Meipurta conrt. 6. All that LOT. ti Ith the Bondings thereon, on east side ot Desportes court, known on said plat by the letter J, measuring io front on said court 27 fee - 8 inches, by 60 feet tn depth, more or leas; bounding north on Lot D, east on Lot H, south on Lot M, and west on besportea court. Terms-"ne-thlrd oath: balance by bond or bonds of the pnrcbeser or purchasers, as may be required, payable in two eqnal annual in ?tai men s, with lnu rast from daioi f sale annually, secured by mortgage of p-emmes and policy or insurance assigned. Purchasers to pay me for papers, also to pay tech portion of the City Taxes tor the year 1873. aa the residue of the year 1878. arter day < f sale to end c f year, will bear to Whole year. ASHER D, COHEN, mcb27-thm6tbl .-pedal Referee. By H. H. De LEON, As Auctioneer. COHEN, ADMINISTRATOR, AGAINST DRUCKER, ET AL. la pursuance of and obedience to the Judgment of the Hon. H. F. Graham, Jndge or the First cir? cuit Oonrt of Common Pleas, at the February Term, 1878,1 will sell by mono aucilon, on the north side or the Posr-nfflce, in ? hariestoi, on TUESDAY, t he 8ih day of aprd next, at ll o'clock In the forenoon, lbat LOT OP LAND, the Buildings there? on, situate on Queen street, knows as number twenty five, twenty two feet front ly one hun? dred and arty two feet In depth, be tue said dimensions more or less. Bounded by property now or formerly or Joseph Spencer, of Thomas Bi ad lord, and of Ll. F. Bakerand on Queen Btreet. On the following terms-One-half cash; bal? ance tn on? year secured - by bond or purchaser, with Interest from date payable annually, witn mortgage of the premise* and policy or lasur ance oa the buildings in such sum as the Referee may require. Policy to bj assigned. Purchaser to pay city taxes lor 1878, and to pay the Rareres for papers. JAMES SIMON ti. mcbl7-mth7tnl Referee. By J. FRASER M ATILEWES, Auctioneer*. O'CONNOR Va DELARGE. - BT virtue or a decree of Judge R. F. Graham, made in this case, the-day or February, 1879? I will expose lor sale at Public Auction, In tbs City ot charleston, on THURSDAY, the - loth day or April ma, at ll o'clock, A. M., in front or the postofflce, The io. low la g REAL ESTATE: AU that TRAC t' oF LAND, called Clover, sit? uate on charleston Neck, state aioreeald, meas* nring thirty-seven and one-half (37KI acm, mora or leas, bounding north on Lot No. 8, designated in a plan of said lands, east on Lot No. 4, on said plan, sonta on public road leading from charles? ton Neck to Cement's Ferry, and west on said road. ALSO. All that other LOT, designated in said p'an by No 8, containing eighteen (18) acres and ninety nine (99) hundredth part ol an acre, more or less, bounding north on -, east on Lot Ko. 4, south on Lot NO. 7, on said plan, and west oa pnbllc road leading from Charleston. See Ib u o. Book. C, No. 8, pages 23i and 238. These Tracts constituting what was formerly known as Mir? er's Fsrm, about Ave miles from tba city. TertEH-one-naif cash; bu lance by bond and mortgage or the purchaser, payable In one year, bearing seven per cent, interest, secured by a mortgage of the premises. Purchaser to pay mt for papers. WM. J. GAYER, m ch 20-i h 4 lieferst. By W. Y. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS, Auctioneer?. LOPEZ Sc SON VS. THE CHARLESTON BOARD OF TRAD IS ET AL. by virtue of the judgment of the Hon. B. F. Graham, Judge of tue First Circuit, la tbs above case, will be sold at the Rooms of the Charleston Board or Trade, No. 191 Meetin? street, Charles? ton, S.O., on TUESDAY, 22d April, 1878, at ll o'clock A. M., All that UK, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, with the Bulls!logs thereon, sitaste, lying and being on the west side of Meeting Btreet, near Wentworth street, to the north on Laads now or late ol-Barrett, formerly of E. D. Winslow, to the west on Lands of-Park, formen v of K. D. winslow, to the south on Lands of F. P. t elgnl ons, now of the Estate of tiraitn Mow y, Jr., sad to the east sn Meeting street, being parcels of Lands of the heirs of Mary Ancrum, delineated in Purcell's plat thereof, dated nat; measuring and containing on the nortn line 163 feet, on the back line 67 feet 3 inches, on the south Une lil feet, and cn Meeting street 62 feet, and having such form and shape ss by a plat thereof annexed to the conveyance or said lot by E. D. Winslow to sml h Mowry, Jr., and recorded in the office ar the Register of Menne Conveyances for charles? ton county, in Book 2, Ko. ll, page 489, will fully sp pear. The aald Real Estate will be sold first. ALSO, The following Personal Property In the Build? ings on the said Lo:: 48 Oak cane seat CHAIRS, 12 Oak Case Seat Chairs (arm.) 24 Chairs (stuned and covered with green terry,) 4 Chairs (staffed snd covered with crimson terry,) l Arm Chair (in crimson leny,) l Double staffed Chair (In crimson terry.) a Linen Covers for Crlm-on Chairs, 2 Oak Tables (0 reet 1 ng, four feet wide,) l Umbrella stand, 3 Mantle Mlrrora. 6 aeta winnow Draperies. Cornices and Lace corral na, 8 Newspaper Racks, 48 News? paper sticks, l Fanoy Inkstand, Gsa Chandeliers, (complete with fixtures,) 1 oak Extension Table, 2 Oak hound Tables, 2 whist Tables, 1 Oak Tabla (marble top.) l oak Extension Table, A Marble* Top Saloon Tables, 4 small Walnut Tablea 0 Car? peta (S78K yarda) Oil cloth (148 yards,) cane and Cocon Maning (116 yards.) Stair carpet{3ft yards, rous and pads,) 0 Walton and Velvet R igs, 7 Mata, 10 Window Shades. 1 Large Slate, ?J Spit? toons, 2 Large Globe Lamps and Staads, step Ladder, Coal Hod and Hardware, Silver-plated Water cooler, 3 Goblets and slop Bowl, 1 Walnut Desk, 2 Billiard Tables and Fixtures. lerma of Sale-The personal property cash on delivery. The Real Esuu?, one-third cash;bal? ance payable In two equal sr.ccefslve annual In? stalments, with Interest thereon at the rate of seven per cent, per annum, payable annually, secured by bond or binds of the purchaser and mortgage of the premires, the buildings to be In? sured and policy of Insurance assigned. Pur? chaser to pay for all requisite papers. ANDREW SIMONDS, GEO. S. CA MK ?ON, CHASO. WITTE, rach20,apr3.22 Trastees. AUCTION SALF.-DEb-RABLE PHOS? PHATE FERTILIZ3R or other Factory Site, Mills, Machinery. Ac. Ibo undersigned will offer fo; aale In Charles? ton, at public outcry, at the east end of Broad street, on TH UR-DAY, the 17th day or April next, at ll o'clock A. M., The ENTIRE WORKS recently erected by the Farmers' Fertilizer Company Of South Carolina, situated leas than a ha r" mlle beyond the corpo? rate Umita o? the city of charleston. Tnese consist of a new eighty-bone power En? gine In complete preservation, la brick engine house. The Machinery, such aa Elevator, Crash era, Grinders, Mixer, shafting, Ac, Ac, ls built In a substantial three-story tin roof house, of 46 by 80 (eet in size. The Tract cons is ta or ove acres of high and seventeen of low land, having good outlets In the fee simple or a twenty-foot punk road, and a graded roadbed (or raliway on ?aa aUcand fine wharf on Ashley River on lu other or western side. It sdjolns and connects bf means of these roads wltn the South carolin? ud the Northeastern Railroads, and la tau? la prompt or the southern and Southwestern 8'ates. This DKsents a rare opportnnitj to capitalists SSSSSitSSffiS pr ?mi ??r ff* p0Porfnrther particulars apply to parson or by mM to JrsfsUBoSlFORD, Heil Estate Broker,