The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, March 26, 1873, Image 3

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JBrngs ant ?tteomnes. T?T T ANS1 CRYSTAL DISCOVERY FOR THE HAIR, A CLEAN, CLEAR AND HARMLESS TOILET ARTICLE, IN ONE BOTTLE For restoring to Gray or Faded Hair irs original und yon th r ol Color, to prevent the Hair from Fall? ing and restore lu Growth, eradicate and prevent the Forming of Dandruff, and answers every pur? pose as an Elegant and Healthy Dressing for the Bair. Permit ns now tc direct yonr attention to a few remarks In explanaron to the above, least you should class lt with the hundreds of articles palm ed off dally, which produce many serlcns com plaints to Buch an extent that the press of the country has felt Itself called upon to warn the public against their further use. First. The style in which Rattans' Crystal Dis cqryery ls presented to the bnyer ls a convincing guarantee that he really gets the harmless preps ration he wants. Second. Toe theory of lu action ts an equally plain, rational and convincing argument of lu parity and effectiveness. By tts action the roots of the hair are supplied with the principle and virant? which they need, .rom the verv fact that the hair had begun to fall ont or become gray, When the hair shows thea: signs of decay, lt must be supplied with nourishment, in the same man nerthat vegetation, in want of lt? natural sus tamer, "water," must be supplied during the hear or summer .or lt will wither and die. The canses are vax; .us, snd"t"o lengthy to be properly explained here; bot they all produce the same re? sult, namely, falling ont of the hair or lu becom? ing gray, either of which are-effectually stopped by the nae of Nattans' crystal Discovery. Third. lu composition. In this, as io its action, lt ls based on entirely scientific principles, easily comprehended. Tears of deep stu ty and re? seat ch having been devoted to lu preparation, the Inventor flatters himself in his entire succefs as evidenced by the large and dally Increasing demand.. These explanations must convince the mest sceptical that this Invaluable article ls in no par? ticular like the poisonous nostrnms in use. That Crystal Discovery will perform ail 1U functions promptly is further proved by the mode of its in? troduction. Thousands of bottles have been given away gratuitously ror trial, rrom which the most sanguine hopes have already been realized. | j Any one troubled with dandruff or scurf may be readily relieved in a month or two. Those suffer lng from headache will also find lt a very useful j j cooling application. As a dressing to keep the haUftlean, moist and glossy, lt is unexcelled by any other preparation now tn ose, We subjoin a lew or the many testimonials in our possession, the original or w: lett may be seen at any time : WASHING ?OK, November 4, 1870, MB. ARTHUR NATTAKS-Dear Slr: Aller avery thorough and Impartial trial or your Crystal Dis covery for a month, I lee! compelled to acknowl edge ita very great superiority over any other article now in use for the parpiae designed-the speedy restoration or the color and growth or the hair, and none using it according to directions can fail, I am convinced, to attain this much de? sired result to perre: ion. The simplicity or this preparation and io? entire cleanliness affords a new opportunity to the vast numbers utterly disgusted with the poisonous nostrums In use. Having a large number ol my personal acquaint anees who use your preparation wim equal sue cess, I cordially recommend Crystal Discovery to all persons desiring to use asy thing or th ls kind Very respectfully, p. DOYuE, No. 701I street, N. W. WASHINGTON. D. C., Joly 25,1870. MR. A OTB CR NATTANS-Dear slr: It affords me pleasure to say that 1 have used, y our Crystal Dis c jvery with perfect success. Having tried many otbets, I find yours superior to any 1 have hereto- b fore n?ed. and I cannot too blgniy recommend lt as a rapid promoter or the growth or the hair, and u by a few applications restoring it io Ito original color. It ls perfectly clean and free rrom any ob- " jjeoUonable matter. Very respectfully yours, R. W. SILVOT. * K stree;, between 4 and 5th, N. W Price SI per bottle, OT $8 bottles for $6. I a Thia valuable preparation is tor Bale, wholesale I t? and retail," by . ? I . DR. H. BAER, j? No. 131 Meeting street, Charleston, S. C. declS-wlydcAw ? filnsic Books. t: QHEERFUL VOICES FOR SCHOOLS. GEMS OF STRAUSS 1 ALL BUY IT. There ls no ml9- CLARK'S take about the remarkable character or this MODEL IN? STRUCTION BOOK. NEW From the first t has taken the lead, selling largely, and elicit? ing high com- METHOD mendatlons from those wen qualified to judge. Kcsicai Wri? ters ror the papers FOR say: "Likely to j become as popular as Richardson's." "The very book 1"-"Among REED notices, every article has justly placed lt far above any similar p book.?-"Attractt ORGANS. and allures 81 w the pupil."-"Overflowing with pare melodies." K Price $2 60. For sale everywhere. IC SPARKLING RUBIES FOR SABBATH SCHOOLS MUSICAL TRE VSUrtE 1 ALL TRY IT I OLIVER D1TSON A CO., Boston. CHAS. H. DITS ON A CO., 711 Broadway, N. Y. mcfe27-3Wlyrr*w I g . 5 ero mg iUcrfjims. rJ\HE NEW IMPROVED WHEELER A WILSON SILENT I 0 V; JT THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. I L SEWING MACHINS. wetre now selling these snperior MACHINES on Ten Dollar monthly pay rreB ts. Adjusting and Repairing done promtly. WHEELER A WILSON MANUF'G CO., aprMyr No. 2no Klnar street. illartin's Srirk filairjins. MAR TUT'S IMPROVED Brick Machine Is simple in lu mechanism, built s tron? and dur? able, and can be operated by ordinary help. The capacity is ?.oto bricks an hour with steam power or 2500 wita horse power. Manufactured and sold by the MARTIN BRICK MACHINE CO., mch3-2m0SDAW CHICOPEE. MASS. Gotcis ?JOLUMBIA HOTEL, COLUMBIA, S. C. This well known Hotel, situated in the centre or the buMness portion of the city, affords every convenience and comfort to travellers on busi? ness or pleasure. The proprietor, having secured the services of ponte and ?tiolent assistante, pledges himself to spare no pains tn lu management, to sustain the high reputation so loog enjoyed by the "Colum? bia." as a first-class bouse. Attached to the house ls a handsome Billiard Boom, furnished with taree of Phelan A eolian dar''? bestand most Improved Tables. Telegraph Office in rotonda or me Honse. Also, Bathing Koomi equalled by none In the city. WM. GORMAN, Proprietor. E- T. BOXDXLL, late or " charleston Hotel," and JAS. 3-GADSDSN, Assistants. feb24 Sutrum?, GTljina, &i. STERLING SILVER WEDDING PRESE ri TS, NEWEST AND LATEST STYLES, AT THOMAS & LANNKAU'S NO. 289 KING STREET. OPPOSITE NEW MASOINO TEMPLE. mcti3-rawr A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF CHINA, GRANITE AND GLASSWARE, AT THOMAS & LANNEA?'S NO. 289 KING STREET. OPPOSITE NEW MASONIC TEMPLE. iRch3mwf Drays at ?JtiolesaiB. H kJiAA. m THE CELEBRATED H. H. H. MEDICINE Is beyond a doubt the creal e-.t discovery In Medical science Known to the world. The won? derful cuna lt hie made oa ail external diseases nf Horses has astonished thousands. For Man and Beast lt has no iqnai. All the readers or THU S'EWS should have lt in their famille-; jour lit? tle uno and yourselves will lind lt a sute fneai to relieve your pain. For Rheumatism. Neural? gia. Headache. Toothache, Sore Throat, Burns, Lamenessorall kinds, Paralytic. Swelled Joints md ali external diseases it ls a ready relier. No >ne will be wimont lt arter oucs tr.en, as lt proves Useif. send for catalogues free uf charge. Apeuts wanted in every conuty. Qi eat Induce nen ts ortet ed. FRANCIS A ELDRIDGE, Proprietors, No. 020 North Front street, Philadelphia, Pa, DOWIE. MOISE & DAVIS, Wholesale Agents, charlean. S. C. Sam?le Bottles tarnished gratis. ftbl9 wmlyr CAUDICHAUD'S SANDAL WOOD A Reliable Remedy for all DISEASES OF THE URINARY ORGANS, ls freo rrrm all unpleasant taste or rmell, elng a sweet aromatic conrcctlon, that can be tken by all ages and conditions. lt positively contains no Mercnry or other ilnernl or vegetable poison, and can bc taken dt'i perfect surety by children or adults. Unlike most preparations cont lining Copaiba nd Cabens, this extract does not nauseate, for ma reascn, whenever Copaiba and Cubebs, or lain Oil of Sandal are indicated, thia extract win e found preferable to either or the above. Sample- and pamphlets furnished on appllca lon or physicians by DOWIE. MOISE A- DAVIS. Wholesale Druggists, feblO-wmsmos Charleston, S. C., Agents. {Hemos, Organs, &t. Furnished at factory prices for Cash, or by lonthly Payments, on the mos* liberal terms. CHARLES L. McCLENABAN, Plano and Music Store, jans No. 101 King street. Soots, Sliots, src. BOOTS ANO SHOES or Ladles, Gents and Children, or the latest iyles and patterns, and from the best factories, 111 he found at our establishment, corner or lng and Wentworth meets. Our pricea are so >w that the purchaser may regard the articles as GIVEN AWAY, ecause we guarantee oar goods, and feel as ured that they will give satisfaction to all of onr nstomers, and the public in general. AT ur Emporium will be found at all times a large arlety of Ladles' and Gentlemen's Traveling run ks, made or the best materials, such as Sole eather, Zinc, Canvas. Ac .EWIS ELIAS & CO. esp constantly on hand Sole Leather Valises, atcbels, School Bags, and Ladles' Belt Satchels r all grades and prices. To which we Invite the mention of the public, at the MASONIC TEMPLE BOOT AND SHOE EMPORIUM, No. 264 King street, corner of Wentworth. nov28-mwf iOooIerj'a Daking JJomoer. hOOLEYC POWDER . now recurded as the STANDARD BAKING POW* > KR, and the best article prepared for making light, rholesome and delicious BISCUITS, ROLLS, IRE AD, GRIDDLE and other CAKES, Ac., Ao. It ia infallible, and always ready for Immediate BSi .Va best YEAST POWDER for nseon long SEA r OTAGES to ANT PART OF THE GLOBE. x?rJSb!?V!??S** ?ad economical. NO WASTE )P1li?C?El?BED Wrra IT. Sold CTsrywherf, >y GROCERS, SHIP-CHANDLERS'ind DEALER/.,. DOOLEY & BROTHER, Manufacturen j, ' WHOLESALE DEPOT. 09 NEW STREET, NE FF- TO. RR\ mch5- wf mSmos WxudSi ano M??izmt*. WINE MAN'S IMPROVED SUGAR-COATED LIVER PILLS ARE RECOMMENDED WITH CON? FIDENCE TO THOSE NEEDING A RELIABLE SPRING- MEDICINE. ALWAYS MILD AND PLEA8ANT IN THEIR EFFECTS ON THE SYS? TEM, AND CAN BE TAKEN WITH PERFECT SAFETY AT ALL TIMES. BOLD BX ALL RETAIL DRUGGISTS Iii CHARLESTON, PRICE-?5 CENTS PER BOX, AND AT WHOLESALE, BT THE PROPRIETORS, PHILIP WINEMAN & GO., IMPORTERS OF CHOICE DRU35 AND CHEMICALS. mch20 SDrtj ?DOCS. [fl NO. 275 KING STREET, ANNOUNCE TO THE PUBLIC THAT THEY ABB NOW DISPLAYING NEW SPRING STYLES ! IN DRESS SILKS DRESS POPLINS JAPANESE SILKS EVENING SILKS GRISELLE SILKS COLORED SILKS BLACK SILKS BLACK ALPACA. rae Finest Selection or DRESS GOODS ever Ex? hibited. IQ this Oity-Prlces to Snit all. ARE NOW DISPLAYING KEW SPRING STYLES [n Parasols In Lace Goods In Millinery Goods In Apnliqrie Laces ? In Straw Goods In silk Handkerchiefs and Tics In Fancy Goods In Bows, Collara and Ru01lng9 In Embroideries In Corset and Kid Gloves In Ladles' and Infanta' Hose In Silk and Lisle Gloves. IN ENTIRE NEW STOCK! NEW STYLES I a Piques and Marseilles In White and Colored Muslins In French and American Lawns In Crossbarred and Plain Cambric In French and American Cambrics In Swistea Mulls and Nainiooss. A FRESH SUPPLYI NEW GOODS. GREAT BARGAINS ! n Bleached and Brown Sheetings In Bleached and Brown Shirtings In Calicoes Cambrics and Percales In TabM Damask and Cloths In Doylies, Napkins and Toads In French Plano and Table covers in White Uncus In Marseilles Qullta In Bed Spreads In Linen Drills In Shirt Linens In Flannels. A Complete Assortment. NEW STYLES! Iprlng Cass I m e.-es Spring Meltons Spring doth Spring Doeskins Fancy Vestings White and Brown Drill Spring Tweeds Jeana, tasnmeres Ac, Ac, AO. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, at Reduoed Prices ! THGOTT. BENEDICT & CO. JRiliiiurs, Strum <SDOOOS,J?C. ct o o r> s. CHAS. A. LENGNICK RESPECTFULLY INFORMS HIS CITY AND lountry customers that his stock for the season i complete. Purchasers win And lt to their ad ant age to give me a call. mchi7-mwrimo JOHN RliGH EIMER. NO. Mi KING STREET, VEST SIDE A FEW DOORS NORTH OF QUEEN STREET, Fonld re .apectfully inform hlB friends that he has ist received from New York a large and well aiectr.d stock of THE LATEST STYLES OF AIBO, a fun assortment of SENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Including the CELEBRATED STAR 8HIRTS. mchiO-?-mwr-9 Dru (20oo?- #r. LOUIS COHEN & GO., Nos. 244 and 248 KING STREET, Beg re pectin 1/ to draw the attention of the public and their customers to the very complete Stock of SPRING GOODS, JUST RK0B1VKD, CONSISTING IN PART OP DRESS GOODS, SPRING SILKS LADIES' READY MADE GARMENTS, LATEST STYLE PARASOLS. LATEST STYLES SCARPS, FICHUS ANL RIBBONS. ALSO A PULL fcTOCj OF IMPORTED FRENCH AND ENGLISH SPRING CA8SIIHERE9, CLOTHS, TWEEDS, AND FLANNELS FOR MEN ANO BOTS' WEAR, AT REASONABLE PRICES, A call ls respectfully solicited. LOUIS COHEN & GO Nos. 214 and 248 KING STREET, BETWEEN HASEL AND MARKET STREETS mchlOsmwlmo Tlotljinj ano i'nrmsmnq ?coos BARGAINS IN CLOTHING! MENKE & MULLER CORNER OF WENTWORTH AND KING STREETS, ARE NOW CLOSING OUT WINTER CLOTHING AT REDUCED PRICES, TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING- STOCK GIVE US A CALL 1 {folioing material. WHITE PINE, WALNUT ANO FANCY LUMBER, BUILDERS' SUPPLIES AND HARDWARE. LARGEST STOCK. LOWEST PRICES. Sent) for Price List. I. H. HALL & CO., EAST BAY AND MARKET STREETS, VICINITY OP NEW CU8TOMIIOUBR. decfMnwriy DOORS. SASHES, BLINDS, VOOD MOULDINGS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELS, AND ALL KINDS OF FANCY GLASS. ILARCE STOCK-LOWEST RATES ORDER WORK SOLICITED. SEND FOR ESTIMATE AND PRICE LISTS. KEOGH & THORNE, |254 AND 256 CANAL TREET decMyr New York City, OF DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, STORE DOORS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BALUSTERS, Made at my ow a FACTORY, Horlbeck's Wharf. FRENCH AND AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, SLATE MANTELS. For sale at Wholesale and retail at my warerooms, Nos. 20 Bayne and 33 Plnckney streets. 30 Harne street. Office No. p. P. TOALE, mohs-rmwij JOBBING TRADE CHARLESTON, S. G. -o SPRING T RADE O F 1873. ?2?rlJ?%?2SlBJ9!%J^!? ARE AMONO THE MOST PROMINENT JOBBERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN TUE (JUT OE CHARLESTON, 8. 0., beg to call the attention of the merchants of tte interior of this and the adjoining states to this market, as belair one of the most desirable la which to procure lull supplies of all artlclei they may require. The advantage! or a, near market ia affordlog tact Hies for frequent renewal of Stocks, and in saving interest on Investments, cannot be over-estimated. Tne wants of the country having rapidly increased, with amp e facilities to enable us to nrocnre our supplies direct from first hands In Europe and this country, we are now prepared to exhibit more varied and complete stocks of SEASONABLE GOODS than at any period since the war and will dixpise or them on as good terms as any other market. ' "Dally facilities afforded for shipment of goods to any point desired." DEY GOODS. EDWIN BITES A CO., No. 124 Meeting street. CRANE, BOYLSTON A 00., corner Hayne and Meeting streets. JOHNSTON, CREWS A CO.. No. 41 Hay ne Street. NACHMANN A CO., No. 169 Meeting street. E. W. MARSHAL'. A CO, No. 143 Meeting street. JOHN G. MILNOR A CO., No. 135 Meeting street. CLOTHING. EDWIN BATES & 00.', No. 122 Meeting street. DEY GOODS, CLOTHING AND HATS. JOHN G. MILNOR A CO., No. 1.15 Meeting street. FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS AND MILLINERY, JOHN S. FAIRLY A CO., No. 87 Hayne street. SELL A FOSTER, No. 27 Hayne street. f, BOOTS AND SHOES. D. F. FLEMING A CO., corner Hayne and Chnrch streets. T. M. BRISTOLL A CO., No. 145 Meeting street. D. O'NEILL A SONS, No. 83 Hayne street. HATS AND CAPS. THOS. M. H0R3EY A BRO., No. 166 Meeting street, opposite Charleston Hotel. EDMONDS T. BRuWN, No. 43 Hayne street. HARDWAEE. J. E. ADGER A CO., No. 139 Meeting street. H A FIT A 00., No. 39 Hayne sirco:. 0. GRAVELEY, corner East Bay and Boyce's Wharf. SADDLERY, SADDLERY HARDWARE, &C. WM. BARRAL. No. 189 Meeting street. DEUGS AND MEDICINES. DOWirc, MOISE k DAVIS, corner Meeting and HaBel streets. PHILIP WINEMAN A CO., NO. 36 Hayne ?treet. CEOCKEEY AND GLASSWAEE. WM. L. WEBB, No. 128 Meeting street. GEOCEEIES. GEO. W. WILLIAMS A CO., corner Hayne and Church streets. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, &C. HOLMES A CALDER, No. 206 East Bay street. FUENITUEE. D. H. SILCOX, Nos 176,177 and 179 Kim; street, corner Clifford street. FOEEIGN FEUITS AND PEODUCE. PAUL, WELOH A CO., No. 215 Esst Bay street. STATIONEES, PEINTEES & BINDEES. WALKER, EVANS A COdSWELL, Nos. 3 Bioad street and 109 East Bay. mch7-lmo_ HDrngs at Wholesale. ~D^W??7T*0TSE ?no?AV?sT IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, CHARLESTON, S. C. Appreciating the success which hus attended our efforts In the past, we bave determined i to spare no pains to merit a cor.ilouance of the patronage so liberally bestowed: and, with this view, now offer to DRUGGISTS, PHYSICI xN9 nod COUNTRY MERCHANTS the largest and most complete stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, DYE 8TUFF8, PERFUMERY, GLASSWARE, DRUGGIST*' SUNDRIES, AND FANCY GOODS ever offered In Ibis market, and at prices that shall compare favorably with Nsw York, Philadel? phia and Baltimore. The quality of every article sold by us is guaranteed as to purity and alreneth. We are proprietors of the following STANDARD FAMILY MEDICINE3, which W6 offer with conttdeace as being equal to any before the Public, and solicit a trial for tbem : SUMTER BITTERS, the Great Southern MOISE'S FEVER AND AGUE PILLS, war Tonic, ranted to cure. MOISE'S LIVER PILLS, purely Vegetable. MOISE'S POPULAR WHITE WORM CANDY. MOISE'S HORSti, HOG AND CATTLE POW- MOISE'S MORNING STAR YEAST or BAKING DER9. POWDERS. MOUE'S 800THING SYRUP, Reliable and COLLIER'S RtMEDY FOR MAN AND BEAST, Hnrmless. i he bent Liniment ever used. MOISE'S READY RELIEVER FROM PAIN. GREYS VEGETABLE VERMIFUGE. BALLET'S MANGE OINTMENT. DAVIS'S PAIN CURER. CLAYTON'S KING OF PAIN. PARKER'S COUGH SYRUP. WHOLE8ALE AGENTS FOR VON GLAHNN'S ROYAL CROWN SCHNAPPS CUBAN BITTERS, THE GREAT WEST INDIAN TONIC BEVERAGE. novs-mw SHOWCASES! SHOWCASES! SHOWCASES! WITH PATENT &PKINO M roi : DOORS, which causes them to open .ind shut without noise, jar of j breaking or glass. Parties desiring to purchase are Invited to call and examine them and the hew style, Hound Ola s Frout, Nickle si,vcr Frames. New style. Bevel Front, Nickel Silver Frames. Sanare Front Mahogany. Walnut and Nickle silver Frames, double thick French Glass, all sises, ano keep a full supply always on hand. DOWIS, MOISE A DAVK, Agents, jaais-mwsdmos Corner Meeting and Hasel streets, Charleston, S. 0. ^Fertilisers. E^TE^R TBIUHIPHANT is THE CAROLINA FERTILIZER ! OFFERED BY GEO. W. WILLIAMS Ac CO, CHARLESTON, S. C. THOSE WHO HAVE U9BD IT KNOW ITS MKRITS. AND PRONOUNCE IT A "FIRST-CLASS FERTILIZER I" It meets the wants of the Planting Community, and its beneficial effects upon the Ctops cannot be surpassed. PRICES AT WAREHOUSES IN CHARLESTON: $48 00, CASH. PER TON, 20O0 POUNDS. S53 00, TIME, PER TON. 2000 POUNDS. PAYABLE NOVEMBER 1ST, FREE OF INTEREST. SEND YOUR ORDERS EARLY. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & GO., Cotton Factors, febl9-Wfm2m0S CORNER HAYNE AND CHURCH STREETS, CHARLESTON, S. C. Avaion %akr~W*r9*M^ m yuwJWiftnnnnnnn -fruin -nf - ir |LJwWyyyWMW ? ? ? ? By R. M. iimiuP BBQ? MARBLE TOP WALNUTFURNITURE, window uha?es. Ac. wm sell THIS DA7, at half-past io o'clock, at No. 83 Broad street. A lot of WINDOW SHADES, Pictnre Oord, Cur? tain Cord, Cushions, Ac ? ALSO, " ' ' A handsome set (MARBLE TOP) FURNITURE, Including a Wardrobe. - mohS* By ?ILES DRAKE. B00T8, 8HOES, HATS, 4o. THIS MO RN I NO, at 10 o'clock, I will sell at my store, cerner King end liberty, (in back store,) A mil line of Men's BROGANS. Conran, Bal? morals, Oxfords, Milses' ?ad Children's Shoe* Ladies' serge and Kid Polish Mlpp era, anti o Tie?, Men's Wool und Straw Hats, aprons, Ora vats, Bows, Tl?, Ac, Ac : Terms c uh._BjjjjjM WM. MCKAY BARGAINS OF SEASONABLE G00R8 at Auction from Boston. New York ana Philadelphia.per recenrarrivals.- Will sell THIS DAY, at his salesroom. No. 45 Wentworth street, a large assortment of Foreign and DoraesUo DRY GOODS. Custom made ciotWngT^we Hosiery, cutlery, Notions, Ac Terms I ?ah on delivery._mchta ?ocnon SaL?s-Jniart fflarjs. HrJylUFBASER MATHEWES. PERFUMERY AND FITLER'S RHEU? MATIC SYRDP.. . _ Will be (sold. THURSDAY. 27th lestant, at my om ce, No. 64 Broad street, at ii o'clock, by order of Collector of Internal Revenue, seized for vio? lation or the internal Revenue Laws: 140 bottles, more or less, of PERFUMERY. . ii 18 cozen, more or les?, or Fl tier'a Rheumatic Syrup._j_ mohgs-i ' Bj J. A. EXSLOff -ft CO. MATCH HOISTING HORSES. 7 g TO-MORROW, 27th luttant, at il o'door, wm oe Bold, front or Mr. O. W. Townsend's sta? bles, 71 East Bay, One pair or very superior Matched HOISTING HORSE i, represented to be the beac in the etty for heavy work. ALSO. . ... HARNESS and.HOISTING BLQ0K8., .muhga By IL M. MARSHALL & ERO., Auctioneers. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. In tb? District court or the United States of America for the Dlatilctof South Carolina; In the matter or WILLIAM H. WELCH. . vp5* By virtue of an order or the Hon. Georges. Bryan, United States District Judge, for the Dis? trict or South carolina, I will o O'er ror sale, at tho Postoffice. Broad street, on THDRSOAY, 27th in . stan;, at ll o'clock, ? All that PARCEL OF LAED, With the buildings there, (3X story wooden nome and outbuildings; oo the south side of Beanfaln street, wt at of smith, measuring on Beanfaln street ? ffet,on the east line 73 feet, on the west Une ea feet e Inches and on the baok Une-feet, be the tame more or lesa. Terms-One third cash; balance by bond of tant? eo, aser, payable in two equal annual instalment* from date Of Bale, .with Interest semiannually ; build inga to bo insured and poller aaslgnea. Purchaser to pay for papers. A. T. SIMONS, mew, 8,13.18,26,27 Assignee, j Cigars, ttobauo. mt. jr o i M p~o s I T i o H.; IMPORTED HAVANA CIGARS, ? Also the best Northern Brands. CHEWING AND SMOKINS TOBACCO, SNUFF AND PIPES. AW Five Cents Olgars a specialty at R. L MOBJLLO'S. No. 840 King street, ?eat aide; < ?-. mch4-tur9 Between Liberty and George Sta. CbiTopo?ist QORNS, BUNIONS, Ac, CUBED. Mrs. KEO0H having returned to the city is pre? pared to nive teller to those Buffering from CORN.?, BUNIONS or other oiseasea of the feet. AB to her skin and success aa a Chiropodist, as? rerers, by permission, to Dr. Fitch and Dr. Ed? ward North. She will, If desired, attend those who may require her services at their residences. She may be round at No. 08 Church ?treat, be? tween Broad and chalmers streets. feb? Ha?xoaia. SAVANNAH AND ' ! IA?LESTON RAILROAD. CHARLESTON-, March 16, 1878. ' On and after TUESDAY, March 18ih, the Freight for Local Maiiona on savannah and Charlestom Railroad will be forwarded on MONDAYS, WED? NESDAYS aod FRIDAYS. For stations on Port Royal Railroad daily; aa heretofore. a s. GADSDEN, ^ Engineer and superintendent." S. 0. BoyL1-TON, Gen'l Ft. and Ticket Agent. . mcbl7-mwrio SAVANNAH AND OHABtESTON RAILROAD. CHARLESTON, March 15, 1878. On and arter T?KSDAT, March 18, the Pas? senger Train? on this Road will run aa follows: ' HIGHT FASSEND KR-DALLY. Leave Ch ar les to a.4.00 P. M. Arrive at p. M. Leave Savannah...u.30 P. M. Arrive at, IL DAT PASSENGER-8UNDAY8 EXCEPTED. 1 Leave Charleston..-....7.40-A M. Arrive at savannah.....3,30 P. M. Leave Savannah...,.ll A. AL Arrive at charleston.-fl 60 P. M. Both trains maso connection with Port Boyal Railroad tor ??il stations on that Road weat pf y e mass?e and for Augusta, Atlanta and the Weat. Both trains makn close connection st savannah for Jacksonville, Fia. Time through to Jackson? ville, 2SX hoars. . Day train cou rac ts at Yemasaee for Beaufort and Port Royal C.?. GADSDEN. ? Engineer and Superintendent S. 0. BOYLSTON, uen'i Ft, and Ticket Agent. mchi7 NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD OOM PANT. CHARLESTON, S. C., Jannary 30,1871 Tra?na will leave charleston Dally at 10.00 A. M .At MO P. UV Arrive at charleston 0.48 A M. (Mondaya ex? cepted) and 8.30 p. M. . . " Tram does not leave Charleston 8.00 P. M. SUN? DAYS. Train leaving 10.90 A M. makes through connec? tion to New York, via Richmond and Acqoia Creek only, golua through la 44 hours. Passengers leaving by 8.00 P. M. : Train have choice ot route, via Richmond and Washington, or via Portsmouth and Baltimore. Those- leaving FRIDAY by this Train lay over on SUNDAY lu Bal - usnore. Those leaving on SATURDAY remain JON? DAY in Wilmington, N. 0. Thu la the cheapest, quickest and mott pleas? ant route to cincinnati, chicago and other pointa West and Northwest, both Trains making con? nections at WaahlngroD with Western Trains of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. S.S. SOLOMONS, Engineer and Superintendent. P. L. OLEAPOR. Gen. Ticket s gent. mayal; gOUTfl CAROLNIA RAILROAD. ? # '[ CHARLESTON, S. C., December 14,187t. ' On and after SUNDAY, December 16, the Pas? senger Trains on the south Carolina Railroad will run as follows: FOR COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston.9.80 A x Arrive at Co. umbi a..6.20 P if FOR AUGT8TA. Leave Charleston.?.80 A M Ari ive at Augusta.6.30 P X FOR CHARLESTON. Leave Columbia.MO A x Arrive at Charleston..*?? J JJ L?ave Aogusta.?.?[ * ? Arrive at charleston.* ? COLUMBIA NIORT EXPRESS. < (>nndays excepted.) Leave Charleston.?Jg '.JJ Arrive at columbia.0.80 A M Leave Columbia.?J ?p P M Arrive at charleston.0 46 A M AUGUSTA NIGHT EXPRESS. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston..880 P x Arrive at Augnata.-..7.36 A X Leave Augusta.8.16 P If Arrive at charleston.5.60 A X 8UXMIBYILL1 TRAIN. Leave Summerville at.7.26 A x Ar ri xe at charleston.8.40 A X Leave charleston......8.86 FX Arrive at Sommerville.4.60 F x CAMDEN TRAIN. Leave camden....-7.20 P X Arrive at columbia.1L66 A K Leave Columbia.2.10 F X Ar.lveat camden...6-66 p.,? Day and Night Trains connect at Augusta with Macon and Augusta Railroad, Central Railroad and Georgia Railroad. This ls the t^ott* ano most dlrSctr mte and as com ortafetoand eheapas and columbia KRllroad; andJ>ay and Night Trains connect with Oharlotte Road. Through tickets on sale via this rouw w au ^c??Traln connects at Ringvilleidally (ex? cept su? with Day Paaseuger Train, and runs through ??JgfttBB, yice-Prealdent. S. B. PICKENS, O. T. A. deol?