The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, March 24, 1873, Image 4

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CITY AFFAIRS. -o JCEETINGS THIS DAT. _ Friendship Lodge, at 8 P. M. ' " Washington Fire Company, at 8 P. M. " Washington Rifle Club, at 8 P. M. " Brotherly Association, at 8 P. M. \- ' -m AUCTION SALES THIS DAT. iii' William McKay will sell al 10 o'clock, at his store, spring dry goods, Ac. RELIGIOUS SERVICES. " r The dally onion prayer meeting will be held In Glebe street Church this (Monday) after? noon at half-past lour o'clock. The Rev. B. Nail will preach ibis morning at eleven o'clock, and to-night at half-past seven o'clock. AN INDIGNANT CORONER. Coroner Logan, In retaliation probably for . Ute proceedings instituted against him by Col? onel L. W. Spruit, on various charges, already _ Hilly detailed la THE NEWS, on Satur Jay sued out a tarrant before Trial Justice Artson lor . tba arrest of Colonel Spratt on a charge ol .. Illegal arrest and malicious prosecution. The affidavit upon which this action ls based was made by the coroner himself, and charges Colosel Spratt with attempting lo obstruct the administration of the coroner's duties by riotous and disorderly conduct, aod affirms that lt was all done through prejudice against the coroner's race and color. lu Justification .lor holding the inquest, which Colonel Spratt charges was unnecessarily and illegally held, ; the affidavit alluded to states that Dr. Ravenei, tba physician who attended the dead man ; dering his sickness, refused to give a burial certificate, and ordered a notification of the ? death to be sent to the corone'. Colonel Spratt gave the required bond to answer the charges ol Ihe coroner. THE NEW CIRCULAR CHURCH. The effort to erect a new edifice upon the site ot the Circular Church, which was de? stroyed In the great fire of 1861, has already been mentioned In THE NEWS, and the plan for the new .church has now been decided upon by the congregation and has been placed . OB exhibition at Fogartie's book store on King street. The design ls by Mr. G. B. Dolman, a Northern architect, and represents a hand? some edifice lo tbe Gothic style of architect? ure, with the gable end of the main building fronting on Meeting street. At tbe southwest corner of the building ls a square tower sur? mounted by a li ?ty steeple, and the northwest corner ls finished with a circular tower con? tain 'nig a spiral stairway leading to the chair seats and organ loft At the rear ot the building are two short transepts making the church cruciform, each of them hering a door open? ing into the church from the churchyard. AU the gables or both transepts and the nave are surmounted by light Iron finials In the shape of sn ornamented cross, and the ridge pole is ornamented with light Iron work of a similar .pattern.' Altogether, the design ls extremely appropriate and effective, and the edifice promises to be a credit to the congregation, sud one of the most striking architectural or? naments of the city. THE COURTS. .L:V _ United State? Court. ' The fellowing special Jury has been organ hied for to-day'a session of the United States Court: Dr. David Geiger, foreman; John A. Alst?, Lawrence F. Campbell, (colored,) James H. Cclburn, J. J. Driscoll, Thomas A. Davis, (colored.) P. f. Locke, James Hogan, JamesLuby, Benjamin Holloway, (colored,) F. C. Miller and H. C. Minolt, (colored.) Supernumeraries-Henry Hogarth and Sam? uel K Meares, (colored.) Court of Common Pleas. Tba hearing ol the suit ol Catherine Stack ley vs. the AndeB Insurance Company lor twenty-five hundred dollars was concluded on Saturday morning, and the Jury after a short absence rendered a verdict tn the plaintiff's favor for sixteen hundred dollars, with In? terest. Trial Justices' Courts. Frank Campbell, Jacob Singleton, Paul Ray and Godfrey Bryan, colored, were sent to Jail, on Saturday, lor thirty days, by Trial Justice McKinlay, lor stealing a lot of clothing lrom a shopkeeper on King street and selling lt to another on East Bay. Mayor's Court. William Brice, colored, for acting disorderly ia the streets, was given bis choice between paying a fine of two dollars or spending twen? ty days in Jail. Thomas Green, colored, for the.same offence, was fined one dollar. Ellen Brown, colored, for the same offence, was abo fined one dollar. W. H. Buckmer, tor being drunk and unable to take care of him? self, was allowed his choice between paying ona dollar fine or spending ten days in Jail, LOCAL LACONICS. -It was Alderman Glover, not Representa? tive Greene, who was thrown from a buggy on Friday last. -Tho Beaufort branch of the Freedmen's Saving's Bank Is represented as being In a very flourishing condition, and ls teaching the freedmen habile ot economy and thrift. -Deputy Coroner Miller, while proceeding Ino buggy to hold an Inquest In the suburbs on Saturday, was overturned Into a ditch by a refractory horse. HTbeWilmington (N. 0.) colored fire com? pany, "Cape Fear, No. 3," have Invited the colored Bremen of Charleston and Columbia to visit Wilmington In May next. .-A watch, raffled for the benefit of the Catholic Male Orphan Asylum a few days ago by Mr. Wm. Magher, has been won by Con doctor Duffle, ot the South Carolina Railroad. -A clerk of Trial Justice McKialay's, name i Robertson, in retaliation for an Insult offered his wife, administered a severe cowhiding on Saturday morning to a colored maa named MldgetC. -r-It was announced in the Catholic Churches yesterday that Tuesday (to-morrow) being the Feast of the Annunciation will be a holiday of j obligation, and that the services will be as on Sunday. -The Rev. Mr. Carew, assistant pastor of | BL Patrick's Church, was attacked with spasms o? the heart yesterday morning. In consequence ot his Illness there was no High Mass at St. Patrick's Church yesterday. Last night Father Carew was better. -The new suburban Town ol Petlgru, situ? ated near Die 8lx-mlle House on the Neck, ls Showing BlgnB ot improvement. Several houses have already been erected, and others ?re In prospect. Tne streets are named aller the dlffereat Varieties ol trees, and are soon to ? be laid out. -Saturday afternoon the pedestrians in Broad and Meeting streets were startled to behold a man sitting npon the ball at the pin? nacle of SL Michael's steeple, palming the arrow above with as moch coolness as if he were reclining in an "old arm mair." The j same feat may be witnessed again to-day. -It is Miss Charlotte Thompson, the charm-1 lng New Orleans actress, and not Miss Char? lotte Cushman, as was announced in the Courier-of-Saturday, who la to appear-at ihe Academy on the 9th proximo. Mles Thomp? | ] .oil will be well supported. ST. JOSEPH'S TOTAL ABSTINENCE AND BENEFICIAL SOCIETY. At the anniversary meeting of the St. Joseph's Total Abstinence and Beneficial So? ciety, held last evening, the following gentle? men were unanimously elected to serve for the ensuing year: Rev. C. J. Croghan, presi? den!; James F. O'Connell, flrBt vice-president; Daniel Sullivan, second vice-president; James F. Bedding, recording secretary; Wm. Moran, financial secretary; F. F. Paturzo, correspond? ing secretary; P. Daly, treasurer; P. Slattery, marshal; Edward O'Dea, banner bearer; T. Dunn, flag bearer. THE COLLEGE COMMENCEMENT. The annual commencement of the Charles? ton College takes place this evening, at the Academy ot Music, and will doubtless attract the usual crowded and fashionable audience of lriends of the Institution, and or the young gentlemen to whom this occasion marks the conclusion of their collegiate course, and the beginning ol their life ol manly responsibili? ties, duties and pleasures. The exercises, which will be opened with prayer by the Rev. L. Muller, include the salutatory and valedic? tory addresses, to be delivered respectively by Messrs. Robert Atmar Smith and Matthew Fitzslmons Tighe; orations by Mepsrs. Smith, Norman M. Porter, Jr., J. Kersley Blackman, Francis L. McHugh and Tighe, and the con? ferring of degrees by the president, Professor N. H. Middleton. The annual address to the graduatinc class will be delivered oy Presi? dent Middleton, In the College Chapel, to? morrow evening, at eight o'clock. Se? First Page for other LOCH 1 Matters. BUSINESS NOTICES. THE HOME INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW TOBE.-We publish in another column the annual statement ol this staunch and reliable company, showing an aggregate of assets amounting to nearly four and a half millions of dollars, with liabilities or about onp-elghth oftbat amount on January 1st, 1873. The lo'ses of this company by the Boston fire was t lillie less than three-quarters of a million, 'ind coming so soon after having contributed, directly from Ite resources, over two {and a half millions to the Chicago disaster, no bet? ter testimony io the skiliul and efficient man? agement of the intji'tutlon can be adduced, than the annual statement for the year 1872. now published. The past eighteen months have sorely tried the fire insurance interests, and we congratulate all who have come safely through the fiery storm-and that company which, like the "Home," bas in the past two years paid to policy-holders the princely sum of two and a half millions and still bas four and a half millions of assets, is entitled to every confidence end a large patronage. Ma? jor Hutson Lee, at No. 36 Broad street, is the Charleston agent. FOB BALTIMOBB.-Passengers aad shippers will please note change in sailing of steamship Falcon. COATS ANO PANTS, for Spring, are now in order to be cleaned at Otto Sonntag's, No. 34 Wentworth street * ALL THE new styles of Parasols, also an ex? cellent assortment of lieht colored Kid Gloves, Just unpacked. A full supply of Win? dow Shades, also La:o Curtains, at Furch gott, Benedict * Co.'s, No. 275 King Btreet. LUXURY, Health, Economy insured by using Dooley's Yeast Powder. Elegant Light Rolls, Biscuits, Ac, prepared in ten minutes. Try j it. mch20-lhBtu3 PLATED WARE, in new and exquisite de? signs. Tea Sets, Ice Pitchers and Castors, at Allan's, No. 307 King street. A PAKA G ma H FOB DrsPEPTICS.-If jon have a weak stomach, and wish to make it weaker, take violent purgations. There ls no surer way to render indigestion ohronlc. But lt you are dyppepilc, and like a sensible per? son, desire to strengthen your digestive or? gans and compel tbem lo perform their essen? tial duties thoroughly and regularly, take a dose or Hosteller's Stomach Bitters before every meal, until your delinquent stomach ls restored to a healthy condition. It should be understood that dyspepsia ls always complica? ted with disturbances ol the liver and an un? natural state or the bowels, and that no medi? cine which does not reach and recHly these irregularities can possibly cure this agon? izing disease. Hostetter's Stomach Bittere ls an anti-bilious agent and a gradual cathartic, as well as a tonic and stomachic, and hence Its unparalleled efficacy in the severest cases c! chronic Indigestion. mcbl9-wfm3D*w CHARLESTON MANUFACTUBKS.-The develop? ment of manufactures of various kinds ls fast becoming a principal source of Improvement ?nd revenue to Charleston. High In the list ls the manufactory or Mr. P. P. Toale. Estab? lished immediately after the war, lt has been uniformly and increasingly successful, and now affords unrivalled facilities for the manu? facture of doors, sashes, blinds or anything else in bis line. See his advertisement. mcblO-mwflmo THBOAT AFFECTIONS AND HOARSENESS.-All suffering from irritation ot the throat and hoarseness will be agreeabk surprised at the almost immediate relief afforded by the use of | "Brown's Bronchial Troches." DOWIE, MOISE & DAVIS, Agents. nov20-wim3 COMMERCIAL NEWS. Exports. NEW YOBX-Ter steamship Manhattan-28 bags sea island cotton, 3' 6 hates upland cotton. 65 t?s rice, 50 ca-ki clay, 49 bales domestics, 108 bal?s moss, 182 bundles staves, 15 loss cedar, 23S6 bolte cedar, 62 empty, 78 plcgs sundries. PBiLADBLfniA-Per stet m^htp Ashland-300 i??nP ??i!c2?t0n' 80 lcs ,Sce-188 totea domes IMS, 8*0 bbls naval nores, io casks clay, 16 tons r.i^Jl5,0 P.*?9 series.p?r schrJCNash uo ooo feet lumber. The Charleston Cotton, Rice and Naval Stores Market. OFFICE CHARLESTON NEWS, SATURDAY EVKNING, March 22, 1873. ; COTTON.-The market showed a more steady Inquiry, with a firmer tone lu good qaalitles, which showed a partial improvement or about Kc fl lb;sales near 700 bales.say 2 at 14; 27 at ie; 65 at 16X;26 atiex;i67at ia*; 35 at 17; 84 at ?4 at 17X5 35 at 17X; 40 st 18; 21 at IS*; 6 at 18X; 65 at 18>;; 8 at 18X; 4 at U%; io at I9j fi m. We quote : LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Stains and tin? 017 inferior.13 @,5 Ordina ry to good ordinary.10 fil7M Low middling.18 <a Middling.18X@ Strtct middling.18X@ RICK.-There was a good demand for this gram at steady prices; sales 260 tierces clean Carolina, , , say 52 tierces at 6? ; s at 6*; 10 at 01616,60 at TX; 1 tiSr7?"5 6? T*?6"*X;l9at7X;4lonprl. vate terms. We quote common to lair at ex? TX. good 7XOTXC fi ft. NAVAL STUBBS. The receipts were 42 bbls spirit, turpentine and no bbls roTn Batano t Z lZ hbt8Plr,t,8 ,DrpenUne 0a P^ate^ ? and lOOJbbls. rosin, str.iued to extra No 2 st * 1260 ?bbL crude turpentine I tt $t 25 for virgin, $8 ht yellow dip, Si ? rot ! tard. e FBMSHTB.-To Liverpool, by steam, direoc, t nominal on uplands, -c on Et-n Isluuiis; via New York, #d on uplands, ld on sea island?; by sui'. Kd ou upinuds. and Xe on aca islands. To lia vre, - ou uplands. Coastwise-tn New York, by meara, Xe on uplands and fcc on 6ea islands; $2 ft tierce on rice; eoe fl bbl on rosir, by sall,-c fl te en cotton; -efl tierce OD rice;SOC ft bbl on rosin; $11.312 1? M os '.umber: $12g>12 50 fl M on timber. To Bust n, by steam Xe on uplands and $2 50 fl tierce on rice; by sall, --c onfl te uplands; rosin "Oe; resawed stun $12@12 60; timber $13@13 60; phosphate $;???'. 50. To Providence, by sall $10@U ft M on boards: -c ft te on cotton; ty steam Tic via New York To Philadelphia, by si earn y,c on uplands; $1 Ii fl cask on rice; 60c ft bbl on rosin; $1 on spirits. Through billa of lading given to Boston, Provi? dence and the New England cities are regularly leaned on this route, and dispatch guaranteed. By sall, $8 fl M on boards; $12 on timber; - f? ton on clay; $8 60 on paosphates. To Baltimore by steam >ic fl te; by sall $S@s50ft Mon boards;- ou timber; $3 60 ft ton at city; $4@ 4 50 ft ton np river on phosphate r?.ck. Vessels ure In demand by our merchants to take lumber freights from Georgetown. S. C.. Carlen and Saul la River, Ga., and Jackaonvillc, Fla., to Normern ports, and $10@13 ft M are the rates on tlmbet aud boards. DoMBSTio EXCHANGE.-The banks purchase sight checks on New York at par to H per cent, premium, and sell at pr minm. EXCHANGE.-Sterling 60 day bills 24 GOLD-14K@'.6. Markets by Telegraph. MONET MARKKTS. LONDON, March 22. Koon.-Finances unchanged. Weather through- j Ont tug ami fair. NEW YORK, March ?2. Noon.-Stocks dall. Money nrm at i-ia ner cent. Gold fl m at 16X. Excnauge, longs;-,'; short 8X- oovernmentidull but steady, state bonds dull but steady. evening.-Freights quiet, >oom scarce. Meney clo-ed ut 4. ?terang TH 18. Gold UXeMX. Gov? ernments very dull but prto a nightly higher. States dull. 'lennesfetB very heavy. COTTON MARKETS. LIVERPOOL, March 22. Noon.-Cotton opened quiet, bat steady; up lands t>Xd, ur kan - P\'<J. Later-Cotton closed u'clianget'; sale? 10,000 bales; speculation and export loto; American 7000; from savannah or Charleston, February ano March, 9Xd: March and April, 0 3-iCd; de .tveruble tcarch 9 M6d. NEW YORK, March 22. Noon.-Cotton Armer; uplands wxc; orleans ?Xe livening.-Cotton steady; sa'es 622 bales; up? lands 191?c. Urleans 19X; net r. celpta 20>; gross 2733; salts fir export io day 1206, last evening 250. Sales of futures ls.300 balea, as follows : April, 18Xai&Xc; May, i9>?c; June, I9%dl9>?c; July, 19Xal9 la-lee. BOSTON. March 22. Cotton OOH; middling 19,sc; mt receipts bales; groaj 676; salea too; stuck 11,000. PHILADELPHIA. March 22. Cotton quiet; middling i9*c; net receipts of the week 9S1 bales; gross 3303. HALT, M ORR, March 20. Cott n quiet bnt flrrn; middlings lao; nei re? ceipts 40 bales; voss 202; exposts coastwise 15; sales 76; stock me. NORFOLK, March 22. Cotton quiet; low middlings 17Xc; net receipt? 942 bales; exports coastwise 2718; Hales 25; f tock 1:315. WILMINGTON, Marrn 20. Cotton dall; middlings 18; net receipts r,3 baies: exports c -astwise 211; Block 5134 SAVANNAH, March 22. Cotton arm; ml idling lax?; mt receipt* 944 bales; exports to Great Bilialn 825; sales 7uu; Stock 49,343. AUGUSTA. March 22. Cotton steady and In fair demand, aid closed quiet at i7??c f jr middling, sales 266 oales; re? ceipts 8.0. M EM pm J, March 22. Cotton firmer; low midd.lim i7>*al7Xc; good ordinary ISXatO; receipts 1203 ba es; shipments 212; stock 48,843. MONTQOMERT. March 21 Cotton-low middling 17X; rl-ceiptn 856 bales; shipments 621 ; stock 1872,4601 ; 1878, 7654. MOBILE, March 22. Cotton firm; middling; net receipts 640 baleo; gross eil; exports coastwise 528; saics 600: stock 34.911. * aw ORLEANS, March 22. Cotton-demand good; Rood ordinary lsxc; low middling 17X; middling issi; net receipts ?480 balts: g. uss 3517; expoitscoa-twiie 6/; sales to day 1800; last evening 4000; stock 212,212. UALVE8TUN. March 22. Cmton qalet; good ordinary 16>? ; uct receipt 1117 bales; exyoriB io ureat Brita,u 989; coastwise 4t; sales 400; MOCK 64,307. PROVISIONS AND PKODCCE MARKETS. LIVERPO' L March 22. Breadstuff* steady. Pore 6O1 c.-rn 27s 3d. Nsw YOKE. Maren 22. Noon.-Fl ur 6teady. Wneat quiet t.ui suady. Corn uah-oid western mixed 66*c. ?noa'. Pork quiet and easy; new me-s $16 for lound lot-; S16 26 asked fer J ibblug kita, hurd dull and In buyers'favor; weitem steam 8Xu8Jic Turpen? tine dall at 66)fa67c. Rosin steady ut $3 40 fur strained. Kveulng.-Floor In fair demand for ?-hipping, bat cloning dun. Wheai la2c better, with au ad? vance, wh ch checks business. Com more active mid fl rm ei ; demand chi< fl., f r expot t Purk and lard steady. Groceries a..d navals qule'. S-T. 1.0eis, March 22. Flour quiet and unchanged, corn du 1 ind rt* dining closing unsettled; mixed 3lxa32:; .-a*t st. Louis, on track, 8IX0; in . leva'or 34.1..4 v? . Pork dull and declining; me.-s $15 25 alo 60. bbccu quiet and M cadi, not much oui of r-m kent. OXc; clear rio sides ?Xe, clear sites tsJi-.9c. J->u bine and order lo a. laird nomi ia!; steam 7 xe. Whiskey cult at 87c LOC18VII.LB, March 22. Flou- qnlet and iinchang? iL Grain Uim. Corn, sacked, neld at 04c for mix. d. 67c for white. 1 ro visions t-trong. Mes-s pork $16 50ai6 Bacon In good demand ates. 6X, ss. sjiaSXo packed; sales mox casks clear rib at 8Xc, de avered - lr. .? In sixty days; loo half casks ai 8Xc, delivered Jnne 1st ; hams firm at $13 for plain; $1350,11410 sugar cured; sa es or 10 J tierces suwar cured, de? livered In august, $16. Lard arm at sx?8Xc <or tierce; 9tia9Xc for keg choice lenf; prime sieim 8a8>ic; oider lois XaXc h gher. Wniskey Arm at 8>a86 Tobacco firm lor desirable quuliues; eales 132 hhds. CINCINNATI, March 22 Corn qalet and steady at 39a4Jo. Pork nomi? nal at $i5il5 25. Fleur null and decllniug. Lard quiet; steam nominal ar. 7Xa8c; kettle 8>?c Bacon steady at 6X&8X to 8Xc. Whiskey firm. Interior Cotton Markets. ROCK RILL, March 21. The leading American, markets are inactive at the late nee I ne, and prices may be: (gard cd as n> mlnal. except lor the high grades Our mar kert ls dud at 16>iaiexc rJr middling ; sui. a or i he week 66 bales. LACHENS, March 20. Cotton ls selling at 16c. UNION, Mar.h 21. Low middling I4ai7c; 60 bales sold uuilug the week. ORANOEB?BG. March 22 Sflles during the week 125 bales. Wc quote or? dinary 12al6, low middling 17. middling v:-?. BENNKTTaVILLK, March 21. Cotton ls selling at 16al6Xc. < HEBAW. March 21. Strict middling 17X. middling I7t?an>?, low middling 17. CUABLOTTB. March 12. 6alC8 io day 80 bales. Pr.ce* nave declined since yesteiday; extremes to-day 12 to 16>jat7c. Market unsettled. _ MACON. March 20. The market la still depressed and dull. There has been no changa in several days. All grades may be quoted nominal. The receipts since last report have been H8 baleB; shipments 202; sales 161. The receipts ror the week h*ve been 3u9 bales; the fhlpmenta tor the same time reached 439; sales 340. COLUMBUS, Maren 21. To-day little rtolng; sale s 43 baies at the fellow? ing ligures; ordinary 14c, good. rdlna'y 16*. low middlings 16KS16X. m ddii- gs 17Xal7X- Week's Baies 1204 balts-sou tor Northern spinners, 154 fer hon e co sumption, loo lor New York, 50 tu Savannah.. Total sales since September 1st, 45 077 bales. w eek's receipts 282 "bah s, against 387 the previous one. and 284 the corresponding week last season, shipment-* 1647 bales. _ " MONTGOMERY, March 21. ordinary nomin>l. gocd ordinary 16?c, Btrlct good ordinary 17, low middlings 17?, middlings 18. Market dull and nommai. Georgetown Market. fwm,T ur GEOBQKTOWN, March 20. COTTON-We report tho sale of l bale this week We qnoteordinary to good oidlnary from 17 to 18c; low ml.idltog i7>?c . Jv??p^T?NBv~Wfc'.reDOri; ror the week ending I9ih lnsiaut. the arrival or 14? bbis. which sold ai -rree or chips aud straw. New York Rice Market. ~T . ??KW YORK, March 22. The Dally Bulletin say*: Tnere ls no business in first haoda bat with the usual sales to the ;rade. SAles have be-n 175 bags Kangoan 6??a7c lo tierces Carolina 6Xa9.'. * w New York Naval Stores Market. Nfivr \ ORE. March 22. The Dally Bulletin says: Reoeipis lo-dny, 3009 ?Dis. Spirits turpentine has ruled v-ry quiet o-day, bat tneie appears to be n trifle filmer one, wini holders asking 6?ttfa57c ror lots in nerchantable order, und 67 ??aosc for New york iarr-i8. An easier feeling lu freight, room has taased an active demabd ror strained rocln ror xport, and transactions, though mostly c cfln-d o small lota, in the aggregate loot np a large ?nsineas. included la taits neve been 260 hols common Mr.ined at |32fi, '?M bbls g. oil doi.l $3 30. 350 bbls do ar. $3 35. 600 bbls nt $3 30a i 40, 947 co at $3 40.1000 bbls ?flOAi at S3 40, 600 bbls frpeon board at $3 40.70 bbls good strained at $3 45, foo small bbls at $3 45. and 1000 bbls at a pilvat* pru e. We understand th.t. lu addition ..oiliOhbove sales, refusals have been given for 12.000 to 15,000 more. Th- Oner grades are In light request at about form'r prices, sales 160 bbls No i at ti. and 300 b ils do do at $412>i. Tar remains quiet and nominally a tilde eaaler. We quote Washington ?nd Newberu $la4 12X. and WU' logion $4 25a4 37X fitch seldng talrly In aj ibbing way at. $4a4 2a for prime city delivered Receipts per Railroad March ?a. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. 652 bales cotton, 51 bales Roods, 80 bbls flour. 13 curs wood and lumber. 2 c irH stock. To Rail? road Agent, w w smith, Wife bros, J 0 Malio nee, E s Ml'e?, E LI Frost A co, W u Courtney A co, Pfizer, Rodgers A co, Johnston, Crews A co, Counts A Wroion, Trenliolm & son, E itttes A co. Crane. Boylstop A co, H Gerdts A co, C Bart A co. W C Dukes A co Quackeubush, Esttll A co. 0 K Wieter8. Ceo w Williams A co, Roach A Mullett, Sloan A Slegolons. ll Oubli A co, Williams. Black A w illiams, c R uolmes. W B Williams A son, Prlnjtle A son, A J saunas, W t? smith A co.Q ll Walter A co. NORTHKA8TBHN RAILROAD. 38 balea cotton, 173 bbls ro In, 6 bbl9 spir ts lurprullne, 81 pugs tob?ceo, kegs nail", ploughs, bart and bolts non, cars lumber, mdse, Ac. lo M earner Emilie, Wagener, Mcnseea A co. Anent Gi'OreetO An Steamers, Hachan, B A co. Holmes, calder A Oft, P B Liliane A co, S R Marshall A co, J Hinds, D H stlcox, W H 0 A co, T H L s, D w G. A Diamond G 0, Ellnck, Wittenberg A co, JHH McCall, W T White. O FW, M Trit-st, Bardln ft Parker, E Diamond G C. Wm M Bird A co, S D Money. Tnntiulca A Son, H Bischoff A co, A Tiefenthal, J E Adger A co. O ciados, B Boyd. E ll frost A co, V\ Milden A Jonen, caldwell A ion, E Welling, kinsman A Howell, N E R K Aireut. Jno ? O'Neill, P Walsh, W K Ryan. J M Fredsberg. W J Harral, F weh ra an, J Baker, F O Hf j, \\ ?t e Bros, J c tl cl.iu.-8eu, s u Railroad Aireut. s ft c Kal r< nd Ag nt, T ustendorf, E Welling, Howard Bros, Order and others. Passengers. Per steamship Charleston, from New York Henry K Morgan, D C wiuhrop. Miss Q Robin? son, W H Bro wer, C F Mabbley, and 30 In the steerage. Per hteamshlp Jiercedlia. from Boston-Miss Qtacc s.oren, Miss May Living, MNs Louisa Liv lng, Miss u A Barm s, Folly Mcbride, colored; Wm Harding. J Barry. Per uieamshlp Falcon, from Baltimore-Mrs C Q Burgess and child, Mr aud Mrs A L Hos*, Alas? ter U i.O s. Per steamer City Point, from Palatka, via Jack? sonville, Fernandina atm savannah-Miss Buck, Ge. rge K Dunn and wife, J M .-oUnd. s D Clark aud wife. W 0 Beecher. C Laird, Jos Bradford, E Kutirr. 1-d Miller. J no B Dlelard, Wm o Butler, O B Doud, W G Olea on, B French, G P Baker, E w Ul .ver, W B White, Mr Furchgutr, and o on deck. Per steamer Pilot Boy, from i arlen, via savau natl. Beaufort. Pacific an I Gnisolm'a Landings Mrs > Sweet, Mrs .1 K Mathe wes, Miss M Jenkins, Mr . Como. E C Values*, ? Sweet, Capt J R Miine, and 2 on deck. Per s i eumer M S Allison from Ed ls to, Enter pri-e, Rockville and Way Landings-Dr H Baer and lady. Cul Wm Whaity, J F TowuBend, If Hup * ms ra, G Thomas Per steamship Manhattan, for New York-T F. li y, W Dftvl.l. MUs B Post. W 8 Purnell, J W Echoic, J '? Pout, N M Carter. J W Mltcnell, L Pen kinir. w Mitchell, J Meyer. M Lahrs, W Wilcox, 0 L Mouth, H i. o ott and wife, Mrs Pritchard, L Pauiiling. K Pierson. L A Lindley, G E Truesrt.ile, u Ulbb ehouse. F atender, ll Hamilton, H John sou, and 8 deck. PORT CALENDAR. MOON'S rn AS ES. First Quarter, 5th. 8 hours, 6 mloutea, evenlnz. Kuli Muon, 14th, 12 hours, 25 ruirn.tes, morning. La-t Querier, 2ist, ?hour. 0 minutes, evening. New Moon, 28th, 7 hours 36 minutes, morning. HOON B. A 8. HIOH WATER. > ? i MARCH. SON RISKS. 5..68 6..67 6..(>5 6..64 6..63 6..61 6 49 PUN St IS. 6..Ii 6..1? 8..17 6..18 6..18 6 19 3.. 36 4..17 6.. 8 6..40 sei s 7..48 .8..64 4..27 6 34 6..23 7. IO 7. .58 8..37 9..17 Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday... Friday. saturday... nndny _ MARINE NEWS. CHARLESTON, a. C.MARCH 24, 1873. Lat32deg40min 33acc. | Lou 79dug57 cuiu27 sec ARRIVED SATURDAY. Steamship Charleston. Adkins. New York-left ist: lusi. Mdse. To .ia5 Adger ft co, J E Adger A co, M ft A Aaiitou, Jas Archer, D A G W Aunar, Adams, Damon ft Co, C D Allic is, H tioyd, U Bart A io. TM Brlsloll ft co, H Biaciio?* A co. Mm M i. Bi.ctv.ty, J il Ht un lug, t?ium A Miller, J A B.iWiuau. agt, K BAIL'S ft co, Loma ueiijdinl., Buickeu ft WouLmanu, CUUB? ft Uuttluu, C L C L'uehan, B Carnet un ft co, u e.lac,us. H coola A co. J c ii Cl lUsaea, . auierou, Bark ey A CU, li LTOUCU, R carpenter, Crane, Uojiatun ft cn, Muwie, Muhe ft Davis, Duuglas ft Miller, K L> David, tl & Dutterer, Erwin A Magill D F Flem? ing ft co. Juo S Kal: ly A cu, W G A R J F ray the, Kt gar.le's Hook. Stuie, B Feldman ft co, Furch gu.i, Bei edict ft c J, r Flacher, O M o ld .en, J Ll Ur..ver, J u craver A Bru, u Graveley, Hulme.s, earner A- co, H t? iJurlbeck, llaroeaon ft cu, N A li un:, Uart ft co, Juo Hu; Lump ft co, Miss t. ? a is. D B il ase, toa. G S Uacxer, Wm Marrai, J .'ly luau ft co, i M Horsey ft Bro, F K ?oostuu. R Hun er, Johnston, ire s ft co. Jeff.rds ft co, A LU g, Jaeg r b rua, Jose Jara. Kinsman A Mo wen, Knox ft L, Kics-el s Brundei, li blatte ft c ., Kuo. e ocn A ?mall, Kliuck, WicKeuncrg A C >. M N KltlO, A, J \> Linley, Locke ft Groulng, R Lathers, Lighiliuusc K.i.lue, AI .moue A CO, uuLuy ft Bice, W A Me'.it-us. Hob. Morion, S iv Marah.i.1 ft co, W c /ullier, Leo li Moire t, Wm Muliiileaatn, W J Lee. tl i.emin g. Luuny, . lex auder A co, Jno G Muuur ft LO. J ii Muruu, Meuke ft Muher. M li Nuihau A SOU, Nachinaa A cu. U .sore c, J F O'Neill. U L osteuuorff, J F O'Nei.l, J W u'Brleu A Bru, D raul ft cu. U F Pau kn tu. Ed Terry, Paul. Welcti A cn, II Perkins. C P Poppe? rn nu Qunckeubutih h.auil ft co, J R Hean ft co, Riiveuei, Uuimes ft co, Kl. eke ft Peteruiau, Rave nel A co, W ?tee.e, E B .Modi.ard A cu, T P smith, nu tx co. lienry slender, sell * Foster, G ti schweizer. E E aebring, A o Stone, U scott. P ?luckmau, Terry ft Nola,, J F i'ayiorft io,P P. Tuale, R Tnoiiiitnt-on * c. M Tilest, K Vogt, P Wmeinuii ft cu, Walker, evans ft Cugsweil, 0 E WH.luis, S ll ?lrauu ft cu, Unuteiiiore ft Rhodes, Wakener A Mouses. Geo W Williams ft CJ, J rt catii- n. A J Willard, J H Weat. Mad strung hen u wi ids the entire passage. Steamship F koo, iiuyuie, Bulmore-left - ins' ait t. Mdse. To Mot decal ft cu. P c Tren holm. ?Ci'.k Ageut, NEBR Ageut, G W Amur. Ju i ileitis, E li tied A co, W ll chufee ft co. A W r ckel ft cu, li w Briete, W C Bee * co, J F Tay? lor A c \ J r Kiep, J ? Brows, Lllleuthal ft co, r a .Nip-ou. Blum A Miller, Chas Luschgi, E Perry, SieuVns, Werner ft Lucker, wm Muraouer, Atlau nc Pho-phaie c>, Eu wau Puuaphate cu, Mrs M UuueKen Walker, Evins ft Cugoweil. W J i nm, E K Cuwperuwait, U i.e.ding, M Lubra, J H Wchmau A cn, J H Voilera. J J Mldoletun ft co, Ed rowler, Tiedeman. calder ft co. Otto wietera, Munt me ft co, T P Muruau^U, W A Me nena, D Fitz Gibbon, .-teamer Dictitor, Smith ft ValK, P P foale, P Wineman ft co, Wugeui r. Monsees ft co, K U McDowell, ll Klatie ft co, Ravenel ft co, Quackenbush, Estill ft co, li Gerdts A co, Hart A cu, Rieake ft Peterman, J A Enaluw ft co, M 'J nest. Fisher Bros, R C Mlliugs, P U talaue ft c i, i-, avenel, Uuimes ft co, F ? Boruer, W r" Rice, L Neu m ey er. Jeffords ft co, Hoi, mann Brus, D A Aium-, O Graveley, J N Rubsun. ?cur Ann ? ucas. Uuroauu from West Point Mill. 146 tierces rice. Io E N Th urson, J R Prin? gle ft Sun, and W c Bec ft co. Steamer Pilot Buy, McNelty, from Darlen, via Savannah, Beaulort, Pactuc und Chisolni'a Laim? ings. 1 oag ata ialano oottuu, sud mdse-. To K.venei, Hulmes ft cu. Fraser ft uni. cameron, Uaikley ft co, Juo F Tay .i r ft co, Mra W Harrison, J C ll CiUUfdeu. Cai ? Male Orphan Asylum, Kilt,ck, Wlckcuberg A co, Hulmes, cal ler ft co. St' amer city Point, Fitzgerald, PalatKa via Jacs Bonville. Fernandina aud savannah, a bales cot? ton, 10 bbls sugar, 45 pickages mdae. To tsavenel ft co, Piuckue ' Bros >v B Wllllama ft Son, E C Metz, M Uoldaiilth A Son. W C Bee A co. steamer M S Aliisun, loglto, Edistu, Enterprise, Rockville and Way Landluga. Bbls oysters, cot? ton ?eed. mdse and sundries. Tu D Nesbit, Fraser A Dill, Kavenei ft co, Raventl, Holmes ft co, c colcock, Stouey, Lowndes ft co, J S Wells, L Iv nacke. Received fiom i hlsolm's Mill. 86 tierces rice. To Geo A j reuuulm ft Son. AH RIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Mercedita, Marsnman, Boston-left lui h instuut. Mdae Tu Jas Adger ft co. Rall road Agent, Order and others. Sehr Eliza Merrick,-, Noifolk, Va. Corn. To Order. steamer Fire Fly. Dennlssnn, Noifilk, Va-6 days. Mdee. To Master. Bound to oavana, and put m for ooal. CLEARED SATURDAY. Steamship Manhattan, McKoe, New York James Adger A co. Steamship Ashland, Hunter, Philadelphia-W A Courtenay. sehr Mary D Ireland. Ireland, Philadelphia, via JacKsonvilio. Fla-K " Swe<g n. sgt. sehr J c Nash, Crumley, Philadelphia-E F Sweegan. sgt. Sehr L:zzie Florence, Llpplncott, Mosquito In? let. Fia- unen ft Weils. Sciir Matilda Brooks, Jones, Jacksonville Roach ft Moffat. SAILED SATURDAY. Steamship Manhattan, MeKep. New York. Steamship Ashland, Hunter, Plillade pinn. Steamship Fiai, F'oBter, Busion, Sehr Marj aud Eliza. Robb;na, Wilmington, Del Sehr Daniel Brlt'aln. Carroll, Port Royal. S C. Sehr F'annie Butltr. sherman, Kinuebunfcport, Me. sehr J Means. Eaton, a Northern Port. ^Schr Lizzie Florence, i ip.lncott, Musquito In 5-chr Minnehaha. Douglass, a Southern Port. Sehr Matilda Brooks. Jones, Jacksunvllle. SAILED YESTERDAY. Sehr J 0 Nasb, Oromlsy, Philadelphia. V?Oil TU IS P?KT. Br bark Fille de l'Air, Jones, at Llverpcol, March ?. Spanish bark Familia, dray, at Liverpool, March e. spanish brig Pan ch lt a, Calzado, at Barcelono. March 2. Br achr Ancona, Munson, at Oibona, Cuba, March io. Sehr M E Vancieaf, Thorndike, at New York, Ma; on 20. sehr Ella L Trefethen, Sterling, at Havana, March 15. UP FOR THIS PORT. Brig Mary Pennell, Eaton, at Mayaguoz, P R, Maren 2 Scnr Beijamla Garside, Stanford, at New York, March 20. CLEARED FOR TL1IS PORT. Steamship Sonth carolina, Beckett, at New Yoik, March 20. .??cur Abby K Bentley, Mthnfly, at New York, March 21. sehr stephen Bencett, Bennett, at Baltimore, March 21. SAILED FOR THIS PORT. Tne Else Eschrloht, Eachricht, at Liverpool, March e. MEMORANDA. The sehr B J Hazzard, Brewster, from George? town, S O, arrived at hew York-, March 20. Sehr John McAdam, Montgomery, at New Haven, March 10. from charl: a.on, via New York, reports: February 21, in Lat 35.05, Lo -g 75.28, experienced a seve-e northwest gale, lost lore, ran, st;,ve galley and commenced leaking; on the 22d, in Lat 74.80 tonk a northwest gale, lasting (Ive days, during which she lost her main gad, stove hi at and continued leaking badly; threw ott* 15,00) feet of planks and 4 sticks of umber; nu the ?7ih took a southeast gale, In La. 37.12, Long 73 2'j; on the28th northwest gale. blowl> g h - rd, wi h snow and rain; March 6, a sea st TUCK the stern and quarter, whi h caused the schooner to leak worse; all hands were at the pun pi four dav*, and then btopped from exhaustion; threw balance of deck 'oad overboard, which eai-ed her from 8700 s rut ? pi r hi -ar io ISO: March (>, bo rd ed German bark, and got provisions ; arrived at New Haven, 19th Instant, having been 23 days at sea. PORT OF GEORGETOWN, S. C. ARRIVED. March 13-Steamer Swan, Corde.", from Peedee, with cotton and naval stores. March ie-steam lighter Mingo, Comb. e. from Bla-k Mingo, with naval store*. March 17-Sehr Annie Murchle, Cobb, from Charleston. CLEARED. March 13-U S Revenue Cutter Racer, Eamlln, for Charleston. March 17-Sehr William Suv er, Killen, for Thomaaton, Me, with lumber. LIST OF VE88ELS UP, CLEARED ANO SAILED FOR THIS PORT. FOREIGN. LIVERPOOL. The Else Kschrlcht. Eachricht, sid.Mar 6 Ship Richard III. Hubbard, cid.Feb 8 BRISTOL. KN G. Br bark Architect, Doddridge, aid.Dec 18 HAYAODXZ, P. R. Brig Mary Pennell, Eaton, up.Mar 2 DOMESTIC NEW YORE. Steamship Sonth Carolina. Beckett, cid....Mar 20 Schf Frauds aatterly, .-tetson, cid.Mar 17 Sehr Abby K Bentley, Meharry, cid.Mar 21 Sehr Allod M Lewis, Lewis, cid.Mar io Sehr My rover. Brown, up.Marl! Sehr Benjamin earlside, stanford, np.Mar 20 BOSTON. Sehr BN Hawkins, Wyatt, up.Mar 6 PHILADELPHIA. Sehr Anna Barton, Frlnk, np.Mar 16 Sehr Lena Lreed,-, np. ..Mar 16 BALTIMORE. Sehr J U Stickney, Colllneon. cid.Mart3 Sehr Stephen Bennett, Benneu, cid.Mar 21 RICHMOND, (VA.) VIA RAPPAHANNOOK. Sehr Mattie Helmes, QoS, cid.Mar 8 PORTLAND, ME. Sehr Sophie, Robinson, np.Mar 13 BELFAST, MB. sehr Joseph W Fish, Saavey, eld.Mar 8 Dr noe ano itt to innes. rjTIHB UNIVERSITY MEDICINES. These preparations are Die result of an im? mense pr ici ice, a nfe-1 ng aud experience. They have neen popularized to place wlimn easy reach ot all, S leutttlc and Reliable Remedies tor i he most prevalent diseases. Their present dis? semination gives them the wid.; Ucld of tue gen eradv ignorant, inj irlcu? aud worthless Puteur. M. diclnes. and preseuts io the people well-tested ?nd valuable teinedlos, of Hie etllcaey of which there are hourly proofs from all paris or the coun? try and even Europe, so succe-<bful jre these no? ted restoratives, tuey have been adopted by many m inners of the profession In their practice. They are safe-and never reduce a patient-never render anv one more liable to take cold-never ob ikte a person to leave business-never require theirconiinuous use as a condition or cure. They odeu restore health III cases pronounced Incura? ble. They are desiderata never before attained. Tney can be relied cn io effect all thal ia po.-sib.i: fur any medicines to accompllih in tue cure of disn -f-e COMPOOND FLUID EXTRACT OF CANCER PLAXT.-The Cancer Plant ls a true puriOer ol human blood. Ii ls evidently destined io take Its rankin thc Pharmacopoeia as thc most powerful altrative Known to modern therapeutics. In ever, form of scrofulous. Cancerous, Infec? lons, Mc curial and Constitutional blood Complaint, it -rands wlthont a compeer-rapidly cn.lug Ulcers, Pustules, Carbuncles Kxzewa. Salt Hueum, Pru? rigo, Psoriasis. Pemphigus, Melasmn, Arne, Kf doresceue. Lichen, and the eighty-eight different v melles of skin affe. tlous. lt ls a positive cuta uve for SOTO ula. Its purifying, vivifying and toulc prop- ri ?es exercise the most heall hy InUu erne tu every known tnaiody. lt ts narmlesi io au In ant, au 1 can never be used amiss. Price S2 p. r package, (with book) or three packages for 15. ll Y DRATED OXYMKL OF PHOSPHORUS AND FD-EL-O?L.-Our perfected curative for Con? sumption, Bronchitis, Croup, Cough, Ac. War? ranted far superior to Cou Liver On. Cures any I Cough in a few boars. Price $2 per package, wu h book) or three packages for $5. K. nus ii li AL PHOSPHORUS.- The great remedy mr exhausted vitality. Hie celebrated ap?eme for seminal weakness. Price $3 per package, (With book or two packages for $5. NE?KALGO-RHfc UMATIC ELIXIR.-The popu? lar remedy ior r-euraigla, Rheumatism, Gout, Sciatica, Lumbago and Ankyioam. One hollie i fien gives perfect relier. Pi Ice $2 per package, (with book) or three packages ror $5. AlLANTHUS EXTKACT.-The sovereign cure for Epilepsy (Fits.) This Extract cores st. Vitus's Dance, Paralysis, Agltut.s and Spasmodic Tremor. ?'aube used with perfect s ilety lu cases ol Con? vulsions in Children. Prtee $2 ,.er package, (wlih book) or turee packages for $5. FLD1D EX TH AC I OF YELLOW JESSAMINE. This preparation will be round almost a specific lu every rurm or Heart Disease, lt is pre? sented by many of our leading physicians in practice, lt hhould be employed in Valvular De? rangement of i he Heart, Palpitation, Enlarge? ment or Wasting of tue Heart a d Functional uisorg.tniz^ilon. Price $2 per package, (wlib book) or three packages for $5. ALKALI > b KKSOLVENT.-This Iodized Alka lac Water ls a roagulilcent chemical prodnc lon. lt la one of the best general remedies in use. It corrects tne Bilious Habit, and cures Dyspepsia, cusuveut o-, sour .-tomacii. Flatulence and ind. gestion Prie fi per bottle, ur six bottles ror $5. KATALPA EXTRACT.-Thia ls one or the very beti! remedies ever employed In Female Com plaints. Hs soothing, healing properties render lt of the utmost value, lt acts ina manner en? tirety different lrom any other remedy. Many il. heat e. suffering women bless the day it was brought to their notice. A single bo tie orien gives more reuef ihau the mosr. (lab?rate pre gcilpttous or skilful praciLionera. Price $3 per package, (with book) or two packages fur $6. sTUKNoiTUlSU TONIC OF-PKKU_T.:e great si i engt" Restorative. Especially designed for tue Languid and Debilitated, ir use i in the morning wilt produce strength, Appetite Warmth and Gem le Exhiliration. For the week? ly, delicate Females simply invaluab.e. Price $2 ncr package, (with book) or three packages S.r So. NERVE FOOD.-Strengthens and Quiets the Nervous syisem, promptly caring Nervous and Menial Exhaustion. Fsoeclnily adapted for Ncr vous Ladies, A substitute for ail Narcotics. Guaranteed to contain no opium. Price $2 per package, (with book) or three package- for $5. CHEMIC vL 1LBAI?L>G OIN i MP.NT.-A most powor.ul Healer. Tenetrates through the Flesh, Blood and Bone- Heming Ulcers, Nodes, Copper colored Blotches. Ringworm, scurvy. Los* of Hair, Ac. Price $1 per box, or six boxes for $5 CASI'ORtUM.-A restorative for Loss or Power and Virility. Price $3 rer package (vrlth book) or two packaues for $5. COMIOU.ND SUGAR-COATED MAY-APPLE PILLS.-These are Hie finest Antl-Blllous Cathar? tic Pills extant. Totally unlike the ordinary Dra: tic Pills, they do not cause Griping or af ter Constipation. By their balsamic properties they overcome inveterate Costiveness, ?-nd restore tun-: to ibe stomach, Ltveraud Bowels. Price 60 cents per box, or $5 per dozen. COMPOUND SUGAR-COATED HEADACHE PILLS.-Immediate Curatives for SICK, nervous, Htlluus or Neuralgic Headacnes. They also cure Heat In the Head, Pressaie upon the Bruin, con? gestion, Ac. Price 60 cents per box, or $6 per dozen. For sate by DR. H. BAER, NO, 131 MEETING STREET, dfrc"-ml?r Sole Aient 1er south Carolina. s iflarru?. THOP E-WFN DE L K I^X?t^rim^aTM^ri^jr, bv Rev. J. IL shlrenbeck, Mr. E. H. THODB and Misa ADELINE M. WKNDBLKIN. MINTOS-FIELDS-On the 20th Instant, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. John Johnson, Mr. WAKKEN MINTOS, or Oolambla, 8. C., to Miss MODESTINE SOPHIA FIKLDB, or this city "Columbia papers please copy. * r>i'.\:tCiV SA VAN NT?TAND CHARLESTON KAlLKOiD. CHARLESTON, March 15,1873. On aud after TUESDAY, March lath, the Freight fi-r Local >ta lous on savannah and Charleston Railroad will be forwarded on MONDAYS, WED? NESDAYS ai d FRIDAYS For >tau,ILS on Port Royal Railroad daily as heretofore C. S. GADSDEN, Engineer and Superintendent. S. C. BO vL TON, Uen'l Ft. and Tlc^et Agent. mchlT-mwflc A V A N N A H AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD. CHARLESTON, March 15, 1873. On and alter TUESDAY. Match 18, tne Pas? senger Traine on thia Road wi.i ruo as follows: NIGHT FASaENQBR-DAILY. L-ave Charlestou.4.00 P. M. Arrive at savannah.10.15 P. M. Leavo Savannah.11.30 P. M. Arrive at charleston.7 A. M. DAV PAS8BNGER-SUNDAYS EXCEPTED. Leave Chai leston.7.40 A. M. Arnve at savanuah.3.30 P. M. Leave Savannah.ll A. M. Arrive at charleston.0 60 P. M. Both trains make connection with Port Royal Railroad lor ail stations on that Road west of Yemaaaee aud for Augusta, Atlanta and tne Weat. Both trains make cluae connection at Savannah for Jacksonville, Fia. Time through to Jackson? ville, 23?? Hours. Day train connects at Temassee for Beaufort and fort Royal. C. h GADSDEN. Engineer and Saperlniendent S. C. BOYLSTON, t.en'1 Ft. and Ticket Agent. mchl7_ NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD COM? PANY. CHAKLESTON, s. C., January 20,1872. Trains will leave charlestou Dally at 10.00 A. M and 8.00 P. M. Arrive at charleston 6.45 A. M. (Mondays ex? cepted) and 3.30 P. M. Train does not leave Charleston 8.00 P. M. SUN? DAYS. Train leaving 10.00 A. M. makes through connec? tion to New York, via RicumuDd and Acquia Creek only, golug through m 44 hours. Passengers leaving by P. M. Train have choice or route, via Richmond acd Washington, cr via Portsmouth and Ballimore. Those leaving FRIDAY by this i ram lay over ou - USDAY in Bal* Minore. Those leaving on SATURDAY remain SUN? DAY lu Wiimingion, M. C. This ls the cheapest, quickest and m. st pleas? ant TL ute to t lucii, nu I, chloago and other points Weat and Northwest, both Trains making con? nections at Washing'o with Western Trains of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. S.S. SOLOMONS, Engineer and Superintendent. P. L. CLEAPOR. Gen. Ticket Agent. may21 gOUTH CA K?LN IA RAILROAD. CHARLESTON, S. C., December 14,1872. Onandafier SUNDAY, December 16. the Pas senger Trains on the south Carolina Railroad will run aa follows: FOB COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston.S.30 A M Arrive at Co.umbia.6.20 p H FOB AUOL8TA. L?ave Charleston.9.30 A M An Ive at Augusta.... .6.20 F M FOB CHARLESTON. Leave Columbia.8.00 A M Arrive at Charleston.4 46 F M L ave Augusta.0 00 A M Arrive at charleston.4 46 P M COLUMBIA NIGHT EXPRESS. ( undays excepted.) Leave Charleston.7.30 p M Arrive at commbia.6.30 A M Leave coiumnia.7 30 p a Arrive at charleston.6 45 A M AUGUSTA NIGHT EXPRESS. (Suudaya excepted.j Leave Charleston. 8 30 p M at - ugusta.7.35 A M Leave Augusta.8.16 P M Arrive at charlestou.6.60 A H SUMMERVILLE TRAIN. Leave Summei ville ac.7.25 A M Arrixeat Uiarieatou.8 40 A M Leave charleston.3 35 F M Arilve at Summerville.4 60 p M CAMDEN TRAIN. Leave Cam en .7.:o p M Arrive ai. Columbi I.11.66 A M Leave Columbia.2. to p M Ar ive at am den.6.55 P M Day und Night Trams connect at Augusta with Maa nand Augu-ti Railroad, Ceutrul Kaliroau and Georma Rnliroad. This ls the quickest a d must direct r ute and as com or table and cheap aa any 0 her rome to Loui-vlile, Cluclunati,, st. Loulsand all other poluis West andNorthwe-t. Gulum la Night Train connecta wit? Greenville and Colomb a naJlroad; aud Day and Night Traine connect wu h Charlotte Road. Through tickets ou sale via this route to ail points North. Camden Train connects at Ringville dally (ex cppi. sundays) with Day Passe ger Trula, and runs through to columbia. A. L. TYLER, vice-President. S. B. PICRENS, G. T. A. deci? Bunding Material WHITE PINE, WALNUT AND JP .VIV CY LUMBER, GUILDERS' SUPPLIES AND HARDWARE. L ARCEST STOCK. LOWE8T PRICES. Sena for Price List. I. H. HALL & CO., EAST BAT AND MARKET STREETS, "VICINITY OF NSW CUSTOMHOUSE. tlrco-mwfly DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, VOOI) MOULDINGS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELS, AND ALL KINDS OF FANCY GLASS. LARGE STOCK-LOWEST RATES ORDER WORK SOLICITED. SEND FOR ESTIMATE AND PRICE LISTS. KEOGH ft THORNE. 254 ANO 256 CANAL TREET I deco-lyr N#tw York City. PJBBWBBHHBVBHSHBSI JJianos, (Drgans, P?AWMIR?T Furnished at factory prices for Cash, or hy Monthly Payments, on the most liberal terras. CHARLES L. McCLENAUAN, Plano and Music Store, ian!) No. 191 King street. martin's t?rick i&atrjinc. MAjar?^^j^iRav^D Brick Machine Is simple In its mechanism, built strone and dur? able, and can be operated ny ordin?r? ti- ip. The capacity ls 4.0 0 bricks an hour with steam power or -.6 ,o Witu horse power. Manufactured and sold by the MARTIN BRICK MACHETE CO., mchMmOSMW OHICOP&U, MASS. Quipping. pOB POET S UM TBE, BATTERY WAGNER, FORT MOULTRIE, AND ALL OTHER INTERESTING POINTS AROUND THE HARBOR. The fear, a a re and comfortably appointed 4A*' Yacht ELEANOR, will leave Southern wharf SH EVERY DAY, at io o'clock morning, and 3 o'clock, afternoon. For engagements, apply to . CAPTAIN THOMAS YOUNG. feb25 - ? On Board. QLYDE'S PHILADELPHIA LINE. The F QU ATO R, Captain Hinckley. Is appointed to sall fr. m Brown's Wharf on e RI DAY, 28th In? stant, at half-past 4 o'clock P. M.. mating alose conned ions with OLYufc's STEAM LINE to #RO Yi 1ENi'E, and thence by Batt to all the NEW ENGLAND owTToN MILLS. No cartage any? where on tus great Cotton Route. For freight engagements apply to WM. A. COURTENAY, m ch 24 Corner East Buy and Venu ne Raige, QLYDE NEW YOi*K LINE. ELEGANT PASSE NGE L SALOONS ON DECK. THO Splendid New Iron Sldewheel Steamship. "SOUTH CAROLIN A." J. E. t ecke Lt, Commander, ls appointed to sall nom Pier No. 2, Union Wharves,on THURSDAY, situ March, at 6 o'clock, P. M., making cose co?nectl n with the First ilaas S'earners from FLORIDA and the several Ritiiioads arriving that day. The Cabin accom? modations are ad on neck, and the tables are rap piled wuhan the lnxn'leaof tee-New York and Charleston Markets. Through Billa Lading Issued tc Liverpool and the i ONTINENTAL PORTS. For Freight er Passage apply t> WAGNER, RUUER A Cu., orto W. A.COURTENAY, Agents, Office corner East Bay and Vendue Range. mcb24-mwth3 OE NEW YO SK. The Splendid side-wheel Steamship CHARLES, TON, Sim Adkins. Commander, will sall for the/ ano ve port?n 1 CISDAY, the 26th inst., at. naif past 3 o'clock P. M. For Freight or Passage engagements apply to ' mch24-2 JAMES ADOSE A CO.; Agents. ? jp O B BALTIMOB E.. FREIGHTS RECEIVED DAILY, AND THROUGH BILLS OF LADING ISSUED TO PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON, AND THE CITIES OF THE NORTHWEST. The Fine Steamship FALCON, J. F. Rayale, commander, making close connection with t Tri? weekly Line of dne steamships to Boston, will sall for Baltimore ?Ith dispatch. ^Philadelphia Freight? forwarded" to that cliy by railroad from Baltimore wltboat addi? tional Insurance, and Coi sign?es are allowed ample time to sample and sell their Goods from the Railroad Depot in Philadelphia. Fer Freight or Passage apply to PAUL il. TKENHOLM, Agent. mch20-5 No. 2 Union Wharves. ^LLAN LISE OF STEAMSHIPS. LIVERPOOL TO NORFOLK:' PREPAID TICKETS FROM EUROPE. GREAT REDUCTION OF RATES. The Magnificent Steamers of the ALLAN LINE will leave Liverpool forj_ Norfolk, Va., every alternate TUZSDIY, uim. the spring and summer of 1873. . * ~ _' ' PERUVIAN. IU8SDAY, March 28. HIBERNIAN..TUISDAY, April 8. N elSTORIAN.10B8DAY, April 22. Connecting with Coast Line Railroad tochsr:es-C tun. steerage and Intermediate Passage as fol? lows : Liverpool. Queenstown, ) Steerage.......$M 76 Olasgow,LondonorBris > Intermed?ate;. 68 76 toi to Charleston, S.o...) to. 67 76 Hamburg. Antwerp. Hoi-) Steerage.$3& 75 land or Havre to Charles-S Intermediate.* 67 76 ion..-.-.) Paris, Norway or Sweden) Steerage..I42-T5 i'o charleston. .j Intermediate.. 61 67 Steamers equal to any on the Atlantic:.. Passenger aecomraodaslons unsurpassed. ? - Partlea wishing to send for friends will apply to RAVEN EL A CO., charleston, sf. 0. - WM. LAMB, General Agent. . mchll-lmo Norfolk, Va. JpOB LIVERPOOL VIA QUEENSTOWN. CARRYING UNITED STATES MAILS*. THE LIVERPOOL AMD GREAT WESTERN STEAM COMPANY Will disp-uch one of their first-class, fall power Iron >crew steamships fromJ. PIER No. 46 N. R., EVERY WEUNEsI Cania Pas m ge $80, gold. steerage Passage (infice No. 20 Broadway) $30, currency. For Freight or Gabln Passage, applv to WILLIAMS A GUION, No. 63 Wall street, N. Y. N. B.-Through Bills Lading to LlverpoulIssac 1 I by the Charleston and New York Steamers, which I make dose connection with the above line. For part?cula s and rate of Freight apply to JAMES AUGER ? CO.,' WAGNER, HUGER A CO., mays Or WM. A. COURTENAY. ?HANGE OF SAILING DAYS. INCREASED SERVICE. .3 PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S TH200GB UNE TO CALIFORNIA CHINA AND JAPAN.? ? FARES GREATLY REDUCED. Steamers of the above line leave Pier, Ni. 42. North River, foot of canal street, IL- .l1T> New York, at 12 o'clock noon, or the lum, .uta and Suth of every mouth, except when these dates fallon Sunday, then the Saturday preceding. All departures conneor at Panama with Steam? ers for South Pac ldc and Central American ports. Po - Japan aud China Steamers leave San Fran cl-co Orst of every month, except when lt falls on sunday-then on the day preceding. No California Steamers touch at Havana, bnt go direct from New York to AsplnwalL One hundred pounds baggage free to each adnu. Me deine and attendance free. For Passage Tickets or other Information. appl7 at tne COMPANY'S TICKET OPFI-JK, on the Wharf foot or Canal street, North River, New Yoi k. F. R BABY, Agent. angio-lyr JP O E P L O B I D A. VIA SAVANNAH. . :' The Splendid Side wheel Steamers, " -JT**^ DICTATOR, captain L. M. Coxetter,?SLW and CITY POINT, Captain FDMeraiuTwuTTave charleston every TUESDAY, TH HHS DAY aud SUN? DAY EVENING at 8 o'clock precisely, lor Savan? nah Fernandina, Jacksonville, Magn Ila, Green cove springs, Sr. Augustine, Paiatka and all Lmdings on St. John's River, connecting ac Paiatka with steamers mr the Ociawaha River aud with the Steamer STARLIGHT lor Enter? prise, Mellon vide and all poluta on the Upper st. John's and indian Rivera. . Connect at Ferna .dina with Florida Railroad for ali points in tne interior, and with Railroad for .\ew urlran-i and "Havana, via Ceaar Keys " All Way Freight mos; be prepaid. For Freight or Passage, a ply to" KAYEMEL & CO., Agents, ?. decs Cor. Vanderborst'a Wharf and East Vkj