Cecal Notices. OTHTET^FRI^ date. appilc?ilu:i wlil be made to ihe Planters' and Mechanic' Bank for Ken? wal ot CERTIFI? CATE No. 16,878. for i.tneteen >harej i f Meek, standing in ike name of w. w. wilbur ana l.ojert Austin, Executors ol Jotin B. Womack. mch24-ai3_ THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. OoONTY OF CHARLESTON.-Court or Com? mon Pleas.-JOSKPH S. LEGARE and THOMAS ) EGARE. Pamtitrs. agalnm EOWAKD T. LE GARE, Devisee and Executor; JAMES LEGARE. Executor; FANNY BULEY, wire of ALONZO S. BAILEY: ROSA B. WHALEY, Wire of J iHN C. WHALE-'; Mrs. A M. LEGARE, widow of Gt ORO K W. S. LEG ARE, deceased, and ALSX. B. LEGARE, BERWICK LEGARE and QEORUE W. LEGARE, minor children of saine; JOUN L. MAOACLEY ISRAEL EDWARll WOOLF and JCL1AN MOSES ABRAMS, Defeodauts.-CODj summons.-For ?elief.-(Complaint not >erved.] To the Defendant? above named: You are he.eby summoned and required io answer the complaint in this action, which M died lu the office of the Clerk of Common Pleas, for the said County, aud to serve a co y of your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at their office, Na 43 Broad s ree-, Charleston, within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive or the day of service; and if you fail to atis wer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff la t !$s action will apply to the court for i ne re? lief demanded In the complaint. Dated 16th of March 1873 WHALEY A MIT03ELU Plaintiffs' Attor.,ey [L. S.] JACOB W1LLIMAN, C. C. P. To the D?fendants. JOHN L. MACAU LEY, IS? RAEL EDWARD WOOLF and JULIAN MOSES ABRAMO: Tube notlje that the summons In this action, of which the foregoing is a copy, together Wltk the complaint herein, was hied lu r.be office j or the Clerk er the Court of C< m i on Picas, at j Charleston, la the coanty of Charleston, lathe State of South Carolina, on the I6th day or March, 1873. WHALE Y A Ml ?'CH KL, PlalBt.nV Attorney. March 18th, 1873._mch24 me fTlHE STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA, A CHARLESTON COUNTY-By GEO ROE BUIST, Esq., Probate Judge.-wnereas. WILLIAM SHAW, or Charleston. Mitchlnkt, ma le suit to me o grant bim Letters of Administration oi the Estate and effects of MARGARET SHAW, late of Charleston, widow. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said MARGARET SHAW, deceased, that they be and appear before me in the Court of Probate, to be held at Charleston on the 3VC of March, 1873. arter publication hereof, at ti o'clock la ihe fore? noon, to show cause If any they have, why the said Administration should uot be granted. Given ander my hand thN 15 h day of March, Anno Domini 1873. GEORGE BUIST, mcbl7-m2 Probate Jndge. State Notices. Whereas Information has been received at this Department that a murder was committed by one MARYTON upon the body or a child, name, tr any, unknown, in Orangebarg County, and that the said Marr Yon has ned from justice. Now, therefore, I, FRANKLIN J. MOSES, Jr., Governor of the State of Sooth Carolina, In order that justice may be done and the majesty of the law vindicated, do hereby offer a reward cf Two Hand ed Dollars for the apprehension of the said Marj Yon, with proof to convict. EaM Mary Yon ls represented as being a white woman, 6 feet high, 25 years o age, dark com? plexion, and has one or two front teeth out. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State ! [L a] to be affixed, at Columbia, this 2lBt day or j March, A. D. 1873, and In the nlaety-sev enth y ear of the Independence of the United States or America. By the Governor: FRANKLIN J. ML SES, Jr. H. E. HAYNK, Secretary of State. mch26-2 SUrp ?oort. .j NO. 275 KING STREET, ANNOUNCE TO THE PUBLIC THAT THEY ARE NOW DISPLAYING NEW SPRING STYLES! IN PRESS SILKS DRESS POPLINS JAPANESE SILKS EVENING SILKS GRI8ELLE 8ILKS COLORED SILKS BLACK SILKS BLACK ALPACA. Tke Finest Selection of DRESS GOODS ever Ex? hibited In this City-Prices to Suit all. ARE NOW DISPLAYING NSW SPRING STYLES In Parasols In Lace Goods In Millinery Goods In Applique Laces In Straw Goods In Silk Handkerchiefs aod Tics " In Faa cy Goods In Bows, Collars and Ruffllngs In Embroideries In Corset and Kid Gloves In Ladles' and Infants' Hose in SUB: and Lisle Gloves. AN ENTIBE NEW STOCK! NEW 8TYLE8 I In Piques and Marseilles In White and Colored Muslins In French and American Lawns In Crossbarred aod Plain Cambric In French an t American Cambrics Io Swuuea Mulls and Nalusooks. * - A FRESH SUPPLY I NEW GOODS GREAT BARGAINS ! In Bleached aud Brown Sheetings . In Bleached and Brown Shirtings In Calicoes, Cambrics end Percales In Table Damask and Cloths In Doylies, Napkins and Towels In French Plano and Table covers In White Linens Jn Marseilles Quilts In Bed Spreads In Llaen Drills In Shirt Linens in Flannels A Complete Assortment. NEW STYLES! Spring Oasslmeres Spring Meltons Spring Cloth Spring Doeskins Fancy Vestings . White and Brown Drill Spring Tweeds Jeans, i a st I me res Ac., Ac, Ac. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, at Reduced Prices! FMG???, BMHCT & CO. Snsmess QI aro* rp T. CHAPEAU A C 0 DEALERS AND DISTILLERS OF TURPENTINE AND ROSIN. OFFICE, No. 173 EAST BAY. The highest prices paid for Crude. mch24 2mos W1 L LI AM C. MILLER, AT THE OLD STAND, 91 EAST BAY, (LATE DOUGLAS & MILLER,) Dealer In WHITE LEAD, Paints, Oils, Var? nishes, Brushes, Window Glans, Ac, Ac. Also, Ageut for the MINERaL SPERM OIL, BURNERS AND CHIMNEYS. I will continue to supply consumers in the City nv Wagon weekly as heretofore. Dealers throughout the Staie will have all orders h.led promptly. MINERAL SPERM OIL DEPOT, DiCul7-mwflmo No. sn East Bay. rJIHE CHARLESTON BAG FACTORY, NO. 9 HAYNE STREET, Is now In full operation, and ready to make contracts for all kinds or SACK"-Phosphate, Grain, Coffee. Flour, Feas. Rice. Ac,, Ac. Our work la In all respects nm class; with capacity of from 1200 to 4000 bags per day. This enterprise is begnn and controlled by Charleston men. All or? ders promptly attended to. mchl0-mwr2moD?c SAM'L W. MELTON, I). H. CHAMBERLAIN, Attorney-General. Fx-Attorney General. jyjELTON & CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, COLUMBIA. & O., Will practice In all the Courts or this State, and lathe United States Coarta for the District or Sooth carolina. Office* at Columbia. S. C., in the statehouse, and In the Carolina National Bank Building, (up? stairs.) jao2-iyr jjLJfOSES GOLDSMITH ? SON, SOLON NA DE ROW, VENDUE RANGE. Highest Cash Price paid for WOOL, WAX Rutes, skins, Paper Stock, Iron, and all kinds or Metals. ALSO, DealerB In COTTON. Naval Stores and Scotch PiB" Iron. mnvOn-mwrivr QOLUMBIA H?TELTCC?LT^^ This well known Hotel, situated in the centre or he bu>ineB8 portion nf the city, affords every :onvenience and comfort to travellers on busl less or pleasure. The r roprleti-r. having secured the services or sollte and < indent assistants, pledges himself to (pare no pains in Its management, to sustain the Heh reputation so long enjoyed by the "Colum? ba." as a first-class house. Attached to the house ls a handsome Billiard loom, furnhned with inree or Ptielan Jc eolian - lar's bestanii most Improved Tables. Telegraph Ofllce In rotunda ot the House. Also, ?athlug Koon? equalled by none tn the cltv. WM. GORMAN, Proprietor. E. T. BURDELL, late or u charleston Hotel." and AS. F. GADSDKN, Assistants. feb24 F Shirts ano inrnistnng ?ooog. R E S H ARRIYALSI LATEST STYLES 1 COMFORTABLE FIT I LOWEST PRICES S S S S S S S S S S S S S SSSSSSSS SCOTT'S ssssssss s s S STAR 8HIRT8 AND COLLARS. S s s S Ready-made and made S S s S to Order. S S S S - S S MEN'S S S S S FURNISHING S S S SSSSSSSS GOODS. SSSSSSSS S S S S S S S S s s s s s AT THE GREAT SHIBT EMPORIUM I X)OK FOR THE STAR SIGN, MEETING STREET, NEARLY OPPOSIT MARKET HALL iftilliiUTTJ, SiratD ?0008, Ul UILLIN?RY, STRAW & FiNCY O O ODS. GHAS. A. LENGNIGK RESPECTFULLY INFORMS HU CITY AND ;oantry customers that his stock for the season s complete. Purchasers will Ond It to their ad? vantage to give me a eau. mcnn-mwiinn tailoring, i-nrnisliing QJooos, &z. GEORGE CONNOR, No. 30 BROAD STREET, CHARLESTON, 9. C., Has opened his Spring Stock or all descriptions of COATINGS CASSIMERES and VESTINGS. ALSO, A FULL ASD VARIED ASSORTMENT OF SHIRTS ENGLISH HOSIERY NECK TIE8, SCARFS, Ac. PEINOT CIE MEDAILLE D'OR KID GLOVES ENGLISH, TAFFETA, SILK AND LISLE THREAD GLOVES. mchlT-mflmo JOHN RUGHEIMER, NO, 141 KING STREET, WESTSIDE, A FEW DOORS NORTH OF QUEEN STREET, Would respectfully Inform his friends that he has just received rrooa New York a large and well selected stock or THE LATEST STYLES OF SPRIG IND Huit GOODS. Also, a full assortment or GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Including the CELEBRATED STAR SHIRTS. mohio-s-mwr-9 Insurance. SOUTHERN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. T. A. NELSON, President. AMOS WOODRUFF, First vice-President. BEN MAY, Secretary. ATLANTA BRANCH. JOHN H. GORDON, President. W. C. MORRIS, Secretary. ASSETS July 1st, 1872-$1,372,265 44. OVER THIRTEEN THOUSAND POLICIES ISSUED. EBEN COFFIN, Agent, mciiis No. 6 North Atlantlo Wharf. Charleston, 8. C., 51) oro (Cases SHOWCASES! SHOWCASES! ? WITH PATE ST SPRING M - GI ! DOORS, which causes them to open and Phot without noise, Jar or | ireaklng of glass. Parties desiring to purchase are Invited to call and examine them aod the New style, Round Ola s Front, Nickle SI ver Frames. New style. Bevel Front, Nickel Sliver Frames. Square Front Mahogany, walnut and Nickle Silver Frames, donb e thick French Glass, all sizes, mo keep a rull supply always on hand. DOWIr, MOISE A DAVIS, Agents, janl3-mw8SmoB Corner Meeting and Easel streets, Charleston, S. 0. irerlilijers. je^TEl? TIR i JJ M P1??~X1VT 18 THE CAROLINA FERTILIZER ! OFFERED BY &EO. W. WILLIAMS Ar CO., CHARLESTON. S. C. THOSE WHO HAVE USSD IT KNOW ITS MERITS. A VD PRONOUNCE IT A "FIRST-CLASS ERTlLiZERl" lt meets the wants of the Planting Community, and Its b?n?ficiai effects upon He Ci ops cannot be surpassed. PRICES AT WAREHOUSES IN CHARLESTON: $48 00, CASH, PER TON, 2000 POUNDS. S53 OO, TIME, PER TON. 2000 POUNDS. PAYABLE NOVEMBER 1ST, FREE OF INTEREST. SEMD YOUR ORDERS EARLY. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., Cotton Factors, feblO-wfm2raos CORNER HAYNE AND CUUROfJ STREETS, CHARLESTON, S. 0. notting and itnrmsriina, ?OOOB. BARGAIN8 IN CLOTHING! MENKE & MULLER, CORNER OF WENTWORTH AND KINO STREETS, ABE NOW" CLOSING OUT WINTER CLOTHING AT REDUCED PRICES, TO MAKE BOOM FOR SPRING STOCK. GIVE US A CALL ! anno_ Drays at COtiolesale. CAU DIC HAU D S COMPOW IT tXTRACTOf SANDALWOOD A Reliable Remedy for all DISEASES OF THE URINARY ORGANS, Is free irrm all unpleasant taste or fmell, >elng a sweet aromatic confection, tr,at can be Aken by all ages and conditions. lt positively contains no Mercnry or other alneral or vegetable poison, and can bc taken wltn perfect safety by children or adults. Unlike most preparations containing Copaiba md Cubebs, tbls extract does not nauseate. Tor -his reascn, whenever Copaiba and Cubebs, or plain Oil of Sandal are Indicated, this extract wi 1 ?e found preferable to either of the above. Sample-ami pamphlets famished on applica? tion or physicians by DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS. Wholesale Druggists. feblS-wmemos Charleston, S. C., Agents. THE CELEBRATED H. H. H. MEDICINE Is beyond a doubt the greatest discovery In Medical science known to thc world. The won derful curtB lc his made on ail external diseases of Horses bas astonished thousands. For Man and Beast lt has no equal. All ihe readers of Tas NEWS should have lt in their families your Ut tie ones and yourselves will nnd lt a sure fr?en i to relieve your pain. For Rheumatism, Neural gla, Beadache, Toothache, Sore Throat, Burns, Lameness of all kinda, Paralysis. Swelled Jolotf and all external diseases it ls a ready relier. Nc one will be wltnout it atter ouce tried, SB li proves Itself, send for catalogues free of charge Agents wanted In every county. Great lnouce menes offered. FRANCI8 & ELDRIDGE, Proprietors, No. ?20 North Front street, Philadelphia, Pa. DOWIE. MOISE & DAVIS, Wholesale Agents, Charleston, S. C. Sample Bottles furnished gratis. febiD wmlyr iUrtj Ooooa, Ut. SPRING DRESS GOODS i M LOUIS COHEN ft CO. IVos. 244 and 248 KING STREET, Beg re pectin 1* to draw the attention or tl public and their customers to the very com pie Stock or SPRING GOODS, f J PST RECEIVED, OjNBISTINQ IN PART OP mm GOODS, SPRIGG SILE: LADIES* READY MADE GARMENTS, LATEST 6TYLE PARASOLS. LATEST STYLES SCARFS, FICHUS AN RIBB0N8. ALSO A FULL tTOCX OF IMPORTED FRENCH AND ENGLISH SPRING CASSIAIERES, CLOTHS, TWEEDS, AND FL.WVELS FOR MEN AND BOIS' WEAR, AT REASONABL1 PRICES, A call ls re.-pectrmiy solicited. LOUIS COHEN & CO., Nos. 214 and 248 KING STREET, BETWEEN HASEL AND MARKET STREETS mchio-smwlmo SilDenoarr, QEljina, &t. STERLING SILVER WEDDING PRESENTS, NEWEST AND LATEST STYLES, AT THOMAS & LANNEAU'S NO. 289 KING STREET, ORPO?lTE NEW MASOlNC TEMPLE. mcli3-mwf A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE I OP ; CHINA, GRANITE AND ! GLASSWARE, ) [ AT THOMAS & LAN?EAU'S NO. 289 KING STREET, OPPOSITE NEW MASONIC TEMPLE. mcns-mwi Drags at tt?rjoUsaU. DOWIE, MOISE & DAVIS, IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS AND WHO LES ALE DRUGGISTS, CHARLESTON, S. C. Appreciate the success which has attended our efforts in the past, we bare determined to spare no pains to merit a continuance of the patronage BO liberally bestowed; and, with this view, now offer to DRUGOI8TS, PHYSICIANS and COON THY MERCHANTS the largest and most complete stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, DYE 8TTJFF8, PERFUMERY, GLASSWARE, DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES, AND FANCY GOODS ever offered In this market, and at prices that shall compare favorably with New York, Philadel? phia and Ballimore. The quality of every article sold by us 1B guaranteed as to purity and streneth. We are proprietors ol the following STANDARD FAMILY MEDICINES, which we offer with confldeace as being equal to any before the Public, and solicit a trial for them : SUMTER BITTERS, the Great Southern MOISE'S FEVER AND AGUE PILLS, war Tonic, ranted to cure. MOIBE'S LIVER PILLS, purely Vegetable. MOISE'S POPULAR WHITE WORM CANDY. MOISE'S HORSE, HOG AND CATTLE POW- MOISE'S MORNING STAR YEAST or BAKING DEBS. POWDERS. MOISE'S 80OTHING SYRUP, Reliable and COLLIER'S REMEDY FOR MAN AND BEAST, Harmless. the best Liniment ever used. MOISE'S READY RELIEVER FROM PAIN. GREY'S VEGETABLE VERMIFUGE. VALLET'S MANGE OINTMENT. DAVIS'S PAIN CURER. CLAYTON'S KING OF PAIN. PARKER'S COUGH SYRUP. WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR VON GLAHNN'S ROYAL CHOWN SCHNAPPS CUBAN BITTERS, THE GREAT WEST INDIAN TONIC BEVERAGE. nov8-mw Charleston ttJIjolcsaie (ftraoe. JOBBING TRADE OF CHARLESTON, S. C. ?o SPR ING T RADE O F 1873, THE SUBSCRIBERS, WHO ARE AMONG THE MOST PROMINENT JOBBERS AND WHOLESALE DEALER? IN THE cLFY OF CHARLESTON, S. C., beg to call the attention or the merchants of the interior of this and trie adjoining states to this mantel, as being one of the most desirable in which tu procure lull supplies of all articles they may require. The advantage? ot a uear nuiketm affording fealties for frequent renewal of Stocks, and In saving Interest on investments, cannot be over-estimated. Tue wants of the country having rapidly Increased, with amp'e facilities to enable us to procure our ?urp les direct from first hands In Europe and this councrj. we are now prepared to exhibit more varied and completo mocks of SEASONABLE GOODS thiu at ?ny period since tao war, and will dispose ot them on as good terms as any other market. "Dally facilities afforded for shipment of goods to any point desired." DRY GOODS. ED WI S B VTES A CO., NJ. 124 Meeting sreet. CttANE. BOYi.sTON A C >., corner Havne and Meeting streets. j i iHNdTO v, CHE A's A CO., No. 41 Hayna street. NACH\iANN A co., No. 160 Mteiint street. E. w. MARSHALL A CU, No. 143 Meeting street. JOHN 0. MILNOR A CO., No. 135 Meeting street. CLOTHING. EDWIN BATES A 00., No. 122 Meeting street. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING AND HATS. JOHN Q. MILNOR A CO., No. 135 Meeting street. FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS AND MILLINERY, JOHN S. FAIRLY A CO., No. 8V H ay ne street. SELL A FOSTER, No. 27 Hayne street. BOOTS AND SHOES. D. F. FLEMING A CO., corner Hayne and Church streets. T. M. BR1ST0LL A CO., No. 145 Mi et lng street. D. O'NEILL A SONS, No. 83 Hayne street. HATS AND CAPS. THOS. M. HORSEY A BRO., No. '56 Meeting Btreet, opposite Charleston Hotel. EDMONDS T. BROWN, No. 43 H .yno Btreet. HARDWARE. J. E. ADDER A CO., No. 130 Meeting strc o T?I Hasel street, on north ?de. measuring 117 rest front, by nea ftet deep, more or less. Terms-One-third cash; balance in one and two years, with interest at seven per cent,, payable annually, the cred.t portion to be secured by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of tis? premises. Premise ito be insured and policy SJ - signed. Purchaser to pay me for papers.' mchl7-mwf3mtn2_ - .. > Bj ll. H. De LE OW, As Auctioneer. COHEN, ADMINISTRATOR, AGAINST DRUCKER, ET AL. in pursuance or and obedience to the Judgment of the Hon. R. F. Graham, Judge or the first Cl r oult Court, or Common Pleas, at the February Term, 1873, 1 will sell by imbi o auction, on the north side or the Postofflce, in i nanearon, on TUESDAY, the 8th day or April next, at ll o'clock la the forenoon, That LOT OF LAND. With the Buildings there? on, situate on Qneen street, known as number twenty five, twenty two feet front by one hun? dred and fifty two reet In depth, be the said dimensions more or less. Bounded by property now or formen v er Joseph Spencer, or Thomas Bi ad lord, and or H. P. Bakerand on Queen street. On the follow mg termB-One-hair cash; bal? ance In onr year secured by bond or purchaser, wim luttrest from date payable annually, with mortgage ortho premise, and policy or tasar ance ou the buildings in each sum as the Referee may reqnlre. Policy to b ? assigned. Purchaser to pay city taxes for 1873, and to pay tbe Referee for papers. JAMES SIMONS. mchi7-mth7tnl Referee. SHERIFF'S SALE, hld ward W. Marshall vs. John W. Linley, Administrator of Sarah Collins, deceased. By virtue of an execution m the above cu e. to me directed and delivered, will be sold on MOS* DAY, the Tin day or April. 1873. at ll o'clock A. M., In front or tbe Courthouse, In Charleston, 8. C., All the BIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST or tba defendant, sarah Collina, deceased, In tbe banda or John W. Linley, Administrator, io ail that LOV OF LAND sontn std? or Price's alley, City of Charleston, measuring 68 reet 4 inches on Price'? alley, on the east Une 36 reet 6 Laches, on the west line 34 feet 6 inches; bounding north on Price's alley, easr and weat on Estate M. D. Hyams, sooth on Lands or Walter Webb. Terms cash. 0.0. BOWEN, mchi7-ni4 s. c. c. SHERIFF'S SALE, samuel Lord, Executor or Martha R. Roper, against Geraldine Beattie, the Administratrix or James Beattie. By virtue or an execution against the property in the above case, to me directed and delivered, will be sold t-n MONDAY, the 7th day or April, 1878, at ll o'clock, A. M., In front of the Court? house, in Charleston, S. G., All the right, title and inter; st or James Beattie, ihe defend ant, in the hands of Geraldine Beattie, Administratrix, in and to all that LOr CF LAND, with the Tentme.it Buildings thereon, south aide or Burn's lane, in Charleston; measuring SS feet front from east to weat, and In depth ?boot 124 reet; butting to the'north on Barn's lane, easton a Lot formerly of Jahn MoKeegan, south on Lands formerly of Wm. swift, and weat bj Lands formerly of Miss Jane Johnson and Joseph Johnson. ALSO, AH that LOT OF LAND, on the east side of Ashley River, Upper Wards, containing 60 acres; bounding north on Lands forming the southern bound .ry or Murray or Oibbes's grant, now or lately owned by-Jonathan Locas, deceased, sonth by lands forming the northern boundary of the Guignard grant, now or lately or estate of said Jonathan Lncaa, east by Cl y Lands, and west by Ashley River; and ALSO, All that LOT OF LAND, containing 4 and 48-100 acres, situate on Charleston Neck, bounding to the north on a street 1 St feet wide, and partly on marsh land, now or late or Thomas N. uadsden, weat partly on said marsh land, and partly on lands of Tnomas J. Horsey, sooth on lands or said Horsey, and east on lands or said Horsey and lands or the State, and known ss No. 1 ta a Plat or certain landa recorded in om ce Keglstrar Mesne Convey* ance, and on Book 0, No. 8, Page 266. Terms cash. 0. C. BOWEN, mchi7-m4 aaa SHERIFF'S SALE. 0. R. Brewster, Ti us tee, TI. fienj. P. Coi barn. By virtue or an execution against property In the above case to me directed and delivered, ' will be sold on MONDAY, the 7th day of April, 1873, in iront or Ute Courthouse, at ll o'clock A. M., at Charleston, s. a, all the right, title and in? terest or the defendant m the cass above stated in and to the property as hereinafter set forth and described: t * All that LOT OF LAND, with the Buildings and improvements thereon, situate on the southeast corner or Charlotte and Elizabeth streets, city of Charleston, ti. G., measuring 230 feet front on charlotte si reet, by -?00 feet in depth OB Elizabeth street, bnttlog BIM Doonding north on Charlotte street, west un El zabeth street, sooth on lands Of j. G. Holmes, and east on lands or Thoa. White. ALSO, Tbe following six or Property, situated in St. James S antee : All that PLANTATION or TRACT OF LAND, ia Charleston County, and known as "Tibwln" Plantation, containing 1800 acres, more or lets, butilng and bounding north by lands of Legara and Smith tracts, south by the sea, east by landa ur_Palmer, aud wost by lands of - Wagner. ALSO, The PINE L ANO adjoining the above, measuring and containing 1400 acres, more er less, and bounding north by Landa of - Cooper and ..Fl.u?eJd" Pianuaion. ?out!? by Tibwln Planta? tion, tait by Lands of- skipper, and westby, LandB of - Wagner. ALSO, All that PLANTATION or Tract or Land knows as ''FiatQeid," containing 1800 acres, more or leas, bounded north by "unxsaint Plantation," som h by Lands or - cooper, - Wagner and the Legare Tract. ALSO, AU that PLANTATION or Tract of Land known as "Mill Dam," containing 1900 acres, more or less, bounded west by Springfield and Daxsatnt Plantation. AMO, AU that PLANTATION or Tract of Land known as ' Dnxsalnt or Bonneau," contsinlng 1200 acres more or less, bounded on the north by "Spring? field" Plantation, east by "MM Dam," sad west bv "Thompson" Plantation. J ALSO, AU that PLANTATION or. Tract of Land known as -Thompson" Plantation, containing4000acres, bo inded north by "Hell Hole Swamp," east by -.Springfield" and Doxaaint Plantations, and west by Lands of-Manlgault. _ Terms cash. a 0. BOWEN, mcbi7-ni4 _s. a a CITY TAX NOTICE-OFFICE OF CITY TREASURER, CITY HALL, CHARLESTON, S. C., MARCH 15, 1878.-Thia office ls now open and will be onen daily from 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. for the receipt cf Taxes. The following extracts or the ordinance to Raise supplies for the year 1878 ls published for information: %. 8?o. 2d. The taxes assessed under this Or? dinance shall be payable in three instalments, that ls to say, ene-thlrd thereof from the 16th of March to the 1st or April next inclusive; one third thereoi from the 16ib Jane to first Joly next Includive; one-third thereof from the 18tn September to the 1st october next inclusive: Provided, that all persous that shaU pay tneir taxes in one Instalment on or before the; lit day nf Amii next shall be allowed a dlocoutoffonr 5rAS "f5d iS all persons that shan partheir second snd third instalmentsonorbeloreiMt,Mt day o?Jniy next shall be allowed a discount of two per cent, on the third Instalment. vina That a Denalty of 20 per cent, shall at tacnU?? next, and that the. taxes on city Stock beir* tamed by the Treasurer oat of ttoJtttm there? ?mchiM6 ' ' ?ty Treasurer.