THE- arr COUNCIL. Official Proceeding* of tue Last Regular Meeting. CO0- CI Ii t"H?MBBR, Mai ca 18.1S73 Council mct thl-i day at 5 lu P. M. Present-Hon. J. A. wakener, Mayor; Al k-rmen O'Neill. Bowen, Smith, Gage, Garrett, Kenny, VoUt. Sweeetm. Glover. Johnston, Mirau, L' un n, Slmonds, PWzeranl Slgw.ild, Tne minute*of tue last meeting were read and confirmed. PETITIONS. By Alderman Sweegan, or Pioneer stearn Fire Company for engine house. Befdrred to commit? tee on Ure department. or resident? of i.lne stre t for lamp. Referred toCommui-e ou lighting the oliy. rom m on ic u lon from Mr. Kelly In reg rd to contract for painting Roper Uo-pital. Received as Informai ton. Of Ellen J. Black, for remission or penalties. Referred to committee on reir.ncameut and re Uef. Of cttzens to Improve Bu'l dge st.eet p .nt. R' f. rred to committee on city ?av us. Of J. 4 B. Lucas, for remission of penalties. Eeferred to committee on retrenchment and re? lief. Of A. Foster Black, for r^mUslon of penalties on taxes. Referred to o mmlttee on retrench? ment and relief. The Mayor read the following letter from the primate secretary of President Grant: EXECTTTIVE MANSION,) WASHINGTON. D. C.. March li, 1873. . Dear Sir-The President directs me to acknowl? edge the receipt of your iee er of tne 7th Instant, conveying to him the resolutions of yonr City Conned, extending to Ulm the hospitalities of the City of Charleston upon the occasion of hts con? templated visit; and, in reply, to convey to you and your as-ocla:es his sincere thanks for their kind and considerate act t' n in extending Buch an Invitatio? which Itwou'd afford him great pleasure to accept If he were able to make the trip at thl* time, as he had designed, ms public duties have comneiied bim to postpone forihe present suca a toor through the southern state* which embracer a visit to the more prominent cities, Charleston among the number; th' ugh he hopes at some future lime to make the visit. I am air, your (bedient s?rvanr, LEVI P. LOCKET, secretary. To His Honor JOHN A. WAGENE.-?. Maj or, Charles? ton, s. c. Received as Information, and ordered to be en? tered on the minutes. CHARLESTON. Mar -h. fl. 1873 To the Honorable the Mayor ana Al??mm orche \ City of Char estan: Br a resolution ni the City Council adnp ed on the 4th instant, the petition of A. A. Bradley, praying a discontinuance of the "rule by which parties charged with offences lu the Mayoi's Ooo? are kept In duress un er bars and bolts, and fined and uunuhni without thc aid or coan b'.-i." was referred to me. It ls the undoubted right of every cltlz n that he should be r. presented by counsel in any court before which he ls brought.. But 1 k ow or no role adopted byHhfr'Poltee-Oourt by which any party who ls. or asks to ba represented by CL an? sel ls denied that right. Subject to this general right of the citizen, the Mayor, as the presiding officer of the Police Court, has the right to make such rules as may be necessary for the dispatch aud orderly con? duct of business before him. The officers and manners of the pi lice force have, by statutory and common law, as con? servators of the pf ace. toe right to arre.-t all per? sons 'committing affrays and breaches or the peace, and to hold them in confinement until an examination before the Mayor. . W.ALSTON PRINGLE, City Rf corder. Received as tn'ormatton. Tue commut?e on ways and means asited for | further tho? to report on the ma'ter referred to them at the previous meeting. Referred boes to the committee of ways and means together with the committee on accounts. The committee on retrenchment and relief made the following report on the petition of R. E. Dereef: The committee recommend the remission of | penalties only; they Lave no rower to reduce as? sessments, a A. BOWEN. (Signed) w. B. SMITH. Wu. MOBAN. Adopted. CHARLESTON, March 18,1873. TheTcommlttee on accouuts respectfully report that the bills against the Orphanhouse for the month or February last, amounting in all to $1228 02. seems ro be correct ai d properly vouched, and rt commend the same. Referred to the treasurer for payment. Adopted. W. B. SMITH. Chairman. Alderman Sweegan eave notice or a bili io reg? ulate the salaries of public weighers, and asked that It sh' nhl be considered lis first reading Ordered to be printed. The bill to establish the weight o' coal, to allow dealers in coal to weigh cool on their own scales, and to affix a penal t for not having coal weighed on the public scales when so desired by ihe pur? chaser. Alderman Garrett moved to indefinitely post pon-. Teas and nays ca Jed. Yeas-Aim ricen Gage, Garrett, Glover, Brown and Mg wad-6. Nays-Aldermen O'Neill, Bowen, .-mun, Kenny, Voigt, Sweegan, Johnston. Morao. Slmunds, Pel? zet and the Mayor-il. Ordered to be engrossed J or ratification as follows: AN ORDINANCE to establsh the weight of coal, to allovdealers In coal to weigh coal on their own 'scares', and to affix a penalty ror not having coal weighed on the pnbtlo scales, wlien BO de? sired by the purchaser. SECTION 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Mdtrmen, in Council assembled. That from and art? r the pas-Bane or this act, all coals sold for consumption wit hi a the city shall be at the rate of 2340 poonda to the too. Ssa 2. That dealers tn coals be allowed to weigh coal on their own ec ile*, such reales to be tested i rom time to time by the clerk or weights anf lots and streets with certain material, read third time and order? ed to be engrossed for ratification as follows : AN ORDINANCE to prevent the filling of lots or streets with certain material. f-EcrroN T. Bi it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen in City council assembled, That he.-e after lt shall not be lawful for any person or per loi' or body pout lo to fill np any lots or low lands, or street" within the city with offal, gar hage, scavenger's dirt, or sweepings, or the clean? ings or contents of the tidal or any other drains, or any other material containing organic matter (except rice chaff or sawdnst) nnder a penalty of fifty dollars for each and every offence; and also a further penalty of arty dollars for each and every day that such prohibited ma erial shall lie | I *jr be permitted to remalu on any such low lots ? low landa Or streets after twenty fonr hours' ' from the Mayor, etty registrar or city lu '"."Atora to remove the same; am one-hair of the . named penalty shall go t j the Informer in ?achcaae. SEO. 2. Beit Jurtherordained by the authority aforesal I, That the offal, garbage, street sweep? ings, contents of drains sud all other offensive material collected In the city, by the city contrac? tors, scavengers, inspectors, or other public offi? cers lo charge pf.streets, shall be deposited at the public cometery'landB, ?r at such point or pl ce as may be designated t>y the Mayor, nortn of Line street: Provided, however, that nabing herein1 contained snail prevent the Mayor from having the said offal, garbage, Ac, removed bv boats, or In any other manner, so that the same .hall be carried north of Line etreet, < r beyond the limits ? f the city, according to the true Intent and of this ordinance. Sta ?. AU ordinances, or parts of ordinances or resoiurinns, repugnant to this ordinance be, ana the same are hereby, repealed. OB motion, Council then adj GU-ned. W. W. SIMONS. Clerk of Council. f miliingrrj, Slr arr. ?oo?s, S?t. GOODS. CHAS. K LENGNIGK RESPECTFULLY INFORMS HU CITY AND Country customers that his sto:k for the season ls complete. Purchasers will find lt to their ad vanuge to give me a call. mcbn-mwfimo HEPATIC COMP JUNO OB LIVER CURE The very best LIVER REGULATOR AND IN TIGORATOK In the marker. It Is already pre? pared. Pat np In large bottle?. M-jre pleasant to take, and contales more Intrinsic virtue than any e'.milar preparation before the public. One trial convinces the most sceptical. DOWFE, MOISE ? DAVIS, Wholesale Agents for sooth Carolina. SPRING LOUIS COHEN & GO., Nos. 84* and 348 KIM? STREET, Ben re pectin l- to draw the attention of the pnbl?c and their customers to the very complete Stock of SPUING GOODS, JUST RECEIVED, CONSISTING IN PART OF DRESS GOODS, SPRLXG SILES LADIES' READY MADE GARMENTS, LATEST STYLE PARASOLS. LATEST STYLES 8CARFS, FICHUS AND RIBBONS. ALSO A FULL fe TOG H OF IMPORTED FRESCH AND ENGLISH SPRING CASSDIEKES, CLOTHS, TWEEDS, AND FLANNELS. FOR MtN AND BOTS' WEAR, AT REASONABLE PRICES, A call Is re?pe:tfully solicited. LOUIS COHEN & CO., Nos. 314 and 248 KINO STREET, BETWEEN HASEL AND MARKET STREETS, mchto-smwlmo SiJumuare, (Erjina, &z. STERLING SILVER WEDDING PRESENTS, NEWEST AND L1TEST STYLES, AT THOMAS & LANNEAU'S NO. 289 KING STREET. OPPOSITE NEW MASOiNO TEMPLE. mcbs-mwf A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF CHINA, GRANITE AND GLASSWARE, AT THOMAS & LANNEAU'S V NO. 289 KING STREET. OPPOSITE NEW MASONIC TEMPLE. rscliS-mwr Doors, Sashes ano Ciinos. WHITE PINE, WALNUT 8 AND FANCY LUMBER, . BUILDERS' SUPPLIES AND HARDWARE. .ARCE8T STOCK. A LOWEST PRICES. Send io: Price List. I. H. HALL & CO., 3AST BAY AND MARKET STREETS, VICINITY OF NEW CUSTOMHOUSE. decs-rawfiy IDOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, VOOD MOULDINGS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELS. AND ALL KINDS OF FANCY GLASS. ILARCE STOCK-LOWEST RATES ORDER WORK SOLICITED. SEND FOR ESTIMATE AND PRICE LISTS. KEOGH & THORNE, 1254 AND 256 CANAL TREET decfl-lyr New York City. OF DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, |? TORE DOORS, IOULDLNOS, IEWELS, SALUSTCRS. lade at my own FACTORY, lorlbect's Wharf. FRENCH AND AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, SLATE MANTELS. For sale at Wholesale and retail at my warerooms, Nos. 20 Bay ne and S3 Plnckney streets. 20 Hayne street. Office No. P. P. TOALE, uoaS-fmwiv I Uto (Soodf, Ut. 18 73. SPRING FllEW, BENEDICT &(()., NO. 275 KING STREET, (NEARLY OPPOSITE HASEL,) Respectfully announce their grand opening of a very large and choice selected .-tock of SPRING GOODS, viz: . f Black and Colon d Taffeta SILKS Black and Colorea Gros Orala all the new stiadei of Colored Silk* Splr:' did Mik fur evening wear Full Lines of Paney and Japanese Silks all Colors and shades of Gris? lie silk. Plain and satin S'rlpeu Black and Colored Silk Grenadine-something aew. x f Fall Llne3 of Lenos, Japanese, Grenadines ~ Spring Poplins, Mohair Goods, Mozamulquea .S -i Tue new sty Us of Alpine Japanese g Fnll Line of new styles Linea urcss Goods K I Mourning Goods la all grades, newest fashions tn Satin Striped Victoria and Bishop Lawns Piques, Mnils, Swisses, Nainsooks, Plain and Plaid cambrics Ruffling and Tucking In Lawns and Cambrics Full Line or the new Shades of Trimming, Scarf anti sssh RIBBONS, never before In style-some thing new. Fall and excellent a-suried btock of TIES. Scarfe, N> ck Handkerchief!, all In the newest l styles and shades. Fall stock of ARTIFICIAL FLO VERS and Hat Jtt Ornaments. HANDKERCHIEFS, Lisi? Thread, Silk and Taf? feta GLOVES. Fall Line of HOSIERY and NOTIONS carefully selected to suit this markst, tatroduclng all the novelties. Particular attention has been paid in the selec? tion o? our stock of CLOTHS, casstmeres, Doe iklas, Tweeds, Battlsts. for Gents' and Boys' (Pear, for and Summer sn ts. Al! kinds of LINEN, DUCKS, DRILLS, Ac. Our CLOTH DEPARTMENT Is the largest and >est selected ever brought to this market, belDg i specialty. Our DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT comprises the atest styles of PECALE*. Lawns. Muslins, Dress Anens. sheetings, shirtings, Prints, Table Dam tsks. Towels, Napkins, Fronting Linens, Dimities, >iano and Tablecovcra, m ail sizes, Flannels, Inllts, Ac. UPHOLSTERY AND CARPET DEPARTME NT. 'nu Lines of WINDOW SHADES, Lace and Dam? ask Curtains lair cloth, Furniture Damasks, Reps, Ac. 'apestry Body and Velvet Carpets, at reduced prices nerains and Co ton and Hemp Csrpets, at re? duced prices til widths of American and English Oil Cloths Fhlie. Checked and Figured Mattings, from 26 cents up. ss- Our Carpet and Upholstery Department IB a charge of a competent mao, whose work will e guaranteed to give satisfaction. o the Trade we are offering the best selected Stock of ?RY AND FANCY GOODS, DOMESTIC GOODS, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, ILLINERY AND WHITE GOODS. 8TRAW GOODS, &C, t Prices to compete with any Jobbing House Norto. The display of our SPRING GOODS will be at active and complete, as all Goods hava been sleeted with the utmost care. Respect 'tilly yours, F?RCHGOTT, BENEDICT & CO. ?rng? at ttJhoLeeale. THE CELEBRATED RADE> H. H. H. [MARK MEDICINE, D. D. T., 1868. AFE, SURE, MYSTERIOUS. W0RK8 LIKE MAGIC. Promptly relieving every kind ot PAIN AND INFLAMMATION and all external diseases of MAN OR BEAST, nd ls, beyond question, the best Liniment m the wot ld. PRICE, 60 CENTS PER BOTTLE. FRANCIS & ELDRIDGE, Proprietors. Philadelphia. DOWIE, MOISE & DAVIS, Agents ror South Carollua. Sample Bottles furnished gratis. feb?l-fiyr Atoota, Shoes, Ut. BOOTS ANO SHOES ar Ladles, Gents and Children, of the latest y les and patterns, and rrom the best factories, Ul be found at our establishment, corner of lng and Wentworth ttreets. Our prices are so w that the purchaser may regard the articles as GIVEN AWAY, ecause we guarantee oar goods, and feel as? tre J that they will give satisfaction to all of oar istomers, and the public In general. AT ur Emporium will be found at all times a large arlety of Ladles' and Gentlemen's Traveling runks, made or the best materials, such as Sole cather, Z nc, Canvas, Ac .EWIS ELIAS & CO. eep constantly on hand Sole Leather Valises, atchels, School Bags, and Ladles' Belt Satchels r all grades and prices. To which we invite the ttentlon of the pnbl.c, at the MASONIC TEMPLE BOOT AND SHOE EMPORIUM, No. 294 King street, corner of Wentworth. nov28-mwf ^JOSES GOLDSMITH pe and this country, we are now prepared to exhibit sore varied and complete moe ;s of SEASONABLE DOODS than at any period since tue war, and will [txprse or them on as good terms as any other martet. "Dally facilities afforded for shipment of goods to any point desired." DEY GOODS. EDWIN BITBS A CO., Na 124 Meeting s'reet. CRANE, BOY I ?ST? >N A 0 >.. corner Hame and Meeting streets. JOHNS ro\ CREWS A CO.. No. 41 Bay oe street. NACHtf ANN A CO., No. 160 Meeting street. E. W. MARSHAL'* A CO, No. 143 Meeting street. JOHN Q. MILNOR A CO., No. 136 Meeting street. CLOTHING. EDWIN BATES A 00., No. 122 Meeting street. . DRY GOODS, CLOTHING AND HATS. JOHN 0. MlLNOR A CO., No. 135 Meeting street. FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS AND MILLINERY, JOHN S. FAIRLY A CO.. No. 87 Hayne street. SELL A FOSTER, No. 2T tiayne street. BOOTS AND SHOES. D. F. FLEMING A CO., corner Hayne and Church Btieets. T. M. BKlaTOLL A CO., No. 145 Meeting street. 1). O'NEILL A SONS, No. 33 Hayne street. ? HATS AND CAPS. THO?. M. HORSEY A BRO., No. lbs Meeting street, opposite Charleston Hotel. EDMONDS T. BROWN, No. 43 H ?yue street. HARDWARE. i. E. ADOER A 00., No. 130 Meeting street. HART A CO., No. 30 Hayne street. 0. QRAYELEY, corner East Bay and Boyce's Wharf. SADDLERY, SADDLERY HARDWARE, &C. WM. ll A RR AL. No. 169 Meeting street. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. DOW! v, MOISE A D \ vis, corner Meeting ami Hasel street!. PHILIt' WINGMAN A CO., No. 36 Hayne street. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WM. L. WEBB, No. 128 Meeting street. GROCERIES. GEO. W. WILLIAMS A CO., corner Hayne and Church street. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, &C. HOLMES A CALDER, No. 206 East Bay s ti cet. FURNITURE. D. H. SILCOX, Nos 175,177 and 179 Kln;i street, corner Clifford street. FOREIGN FRUITS AND PRODUCE. PAUL, WELCH A CO., No. 216 East Bay street. STATIONERS, PRINTERS & BINDERS. WALKER, EVANS A COGSWELL, Nos. 3 B.oad street and 109 East Bay. mch7-lmo iflariiiTs Erick ?ilatrjinc. MARTIN'S IMPROVED Brick Machine ls simple In Its mechanism, built t trnne and dur? able, and can be operated by ordinary help. The opacity ls 4.0L0 bricks an boar with steam power sr 2600 wita horse power. Manufactured and sold t>y the MARTIN BRICK MACHINE CO., mch3-2mospAw_CUHOPEK, MASS. Iniermedlate.. 56 76 toi to Charleston, S.O..) to.;......... 67 76 Hamburg. Antwerp. Hoi-) Steerage.$38 75 land or Havre to Obarles-J Intermediate.. 67 76 ton.-..) Paris, Norway or Sweden ) Steerage.$42 76 To charleston.j Intermediate.. 61 67 Steamers equal to any on the Atlantic. Passenger accommodaslons unsurpassed. Parties wishine to send for friends will apply to RAVKNEL A CO., charleston, ?. 0. v WM. LAMB, General Agent, mchll-lmo Norfolk, Va, F OB G ABD NEB'S BLUFF, AND LANDINGS ON PEEDEE RIVER. The Steamer RELIANCE, Captafn ? _?B^"?ib, G. H. Hopkins, ls now receiving?sSKSHLi Freight at North Atlantic Wharf, and will leave as above OD SAT?BDAT NIGHT March 28. SH A CK ELKO KO A &1-.LLY, mcb2l-2 Agents, North Atlantic Wharf. F OR FLOBIDA. VIA SAVANNAH. Tho Splendid Side wheel Steamers. " _ ?JT^w DICTATOR, Captain L. M. Cozetter,^HSBHEBC and CITY POINT, Captain Fitzgerald, wm ?rave Charleston every TUESDAY, THURSOAY and SUN? DAY EVENING at 8 o'clock precisely, lor Savan nah Fernandina, Jacksonville, Magn Ha, Grern Cove Springs, St. Augustine, Palatka and all Undings on St. John's River. Connecting at Palatka with Bieamers for the Oclawaha uiver and with the Steamer STARLIGHT lor Enter? prise. Melloovlde. and all paints on the upper at. John's and Indian Hiv jrM. Connect at Fernandina with Fio.lda M "ad for all points In tne interior, and with KaUroad for s?w orlean? and Havana, via CeJar Keys. AU Way Freight rouai be prepaid. For Freight or Passage, ayply to *0T 1 RE 8 BAVENKL A CO.. Agents. decs Cor. Vanderhorst's Wharf and East Bay. JIOB GEORGETOWN, S. 5! Time Table or Steamer EMILIE, ?, -^?fc Captain 0. 0. White, for March, 1H73: BCBHC LBAVII CHARLESTON. | LKAVK GB0RG8TOWN. WKDNE-J'Y, Mch 6. fl A ii MONDAY, Men 8, im MONDAY, Mob io, 8 A M FRIDAY, Moh 7, 6 A M Fain AS , Mch 14. 0 A M WBDNBS'T, Mch 12,5 A M WBDNKS'T, Heb 19, fl A M MONDAY, Mch 17, 6 A M MONDAT, Heb 84. fl A M FRIDAY, Mch 21, 6 AM FBIDAT, Men 28, fl A M WBDNBS'T, Mch 26,6 A M MONDAT, MOh 81, 6AM SHACKELFORD A KELLY, Agents, mehi.-a tut hi mo &nttitmBaU$~~&hi* Atop* ~ ~~ Bj WM. McKAY. SMALL ONE HORSE BUGGY, LARCH lot Second-hand Furniture, 5 Rolla Sew Vat Mug, Augurs, Rasps, Table Cattery ?od Puuad fcpcoDs. and a lot Carpenter's Tools. TRIS DAT, ?110 o'clock, at bis Salesrooms, 4? Wentworth street. mchn Bj W. T. LEITCH & R, S. BRUNS, Auctioneers. DRAFT HORSE AT AUCTION. THIS DAY, the aw instant. In front or onr Cfflce. No. 3) Broad street, win be sold at Auctl m, at io o'clock, One DRAFT HORSE. Terms ca"h._menai ?nrnon ?dalta-irutnr* ?apr Bj LOWNDES & GRIM BALL, A ucl lonetri. - ? HENRY C. HABENICHT, ET AL, VS. ADELINE HABENICHT-(Action for Par? tition of heal Estate.) Hy virtu? of thejadament of the Court of Com mon Pleas for Charleston County, made tn the above action, on the ist i day of Maroo, ms, I will offer for sale at the Postofflce, at the corner of Broad and East Bav street*, in the City of charleston, on TUESDAY, tho 16th day of April. 1873. at ll o'clook A. M., All that J OT OP LAND sitaste on the north side of Tradd street, la the Oliy of Charleston, beiBg part of a Lot once known as No. "7" lo th? original Plan tf the city; more recency as No. 'i.s." and now as No. - ; measuring tn front on Tradd street eighteen feet, nine laches, more or 1'ss; in depth, ft\>m said street northerly, on the east Une of said Lot. ninety-four feet, inches, more orles; in breadth, on the back or north end thereof, of teen feet, more or leas, and ia depth, from the said street northerly, on the west side of said Lot. flfty-tnree six luchos;, from The northernmost point ot that tine, Inclining easterly i o a place where the sooth con? er of a frame of a wen formerly stood, two test, six inches; thence, from the said corner, running again northerly, through the site of the- IMS' well, un to tho aforesaid back line or north end or the said Lor., farty-one feet three irjeaes, mora or. less. Butting and bounding soma o a Tradd street, weston another part of said original Lot, No "7." belonging, in IBM, to Alexander Jones, north on Lands now or late of James Fife, east partly on a Lot belonging TO Ann Human, partir on a Lot belonging to estate of Mary Fife, and partly on Lands if-, the slid Lot having a rignt of wav from the northern end of said Lot to East Bay street, and through an allevway leading from the said end of'tbe said Lot to Ea t Bay street. Terms-One third cash; balance in ona,: two* and three years, with interest from the day of s ile. i he credit portion to be seen red by the bond of the parcha-ier and a-mortgage of the proper? ty, and the pro pert ? to ne UtsnreTLiand ins policy to be assigned. Purchaser to pay Referee for papers. JUS. W. BARNWELL,. mch21.28spr6.lfl_Referee. Bj B, M. MARSHALL & BRO. SMALL DWELLINGS NOS. 9 AND ll Magazine street On TUESDAY, 26tn InstJHt, at ll o'clock, will be sold, near the Postofflce. Broad street, TENEMENT BUILDING No 0 Magaatne Street, with kitchen of two rooms; lot IS by 89 feet TEN-MEST BUILD!N'U No, ll Magazine street, wu h a kitchen of two rooms, and a brtok. building or two rooms in the rear; lot 16 by loo feet. This property ls now rented to prompt tenant s at $21 per month. Terms of saie cash. Purchaser ti pay ns for papers._mchis-rathsmtoft* : Bj J. FB?8EB MATHE WES. LARGE AND DESIRABLE MANSION, Il ASEL STREET.' " wdi be sold on TC KS o A Y. the 26th instant, at the eau end or Broad street, at ll o'clock, That LOT, Wi h Briok Mansion thereon, con? taining about 10 rooms and ertenntvo outbuild? ings, known a3 ? o 72 Hasel street, on non h side, measuring 117 feet front, by 1163 feet deep, mom or lesa Terms-One-third caih; baiaocein ons and two years, with interest at seven per cent., payable: annually, the cred.t portion to be seemed by. bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the premises. Premise ito bs insured and policy as*: signed. Purohaser to pay me for papers. mchl7-mwf3mto2 (Tailoring, -furnishing (?0001, $fti JOHN RUGHEIMER, NO. 141 KING STREET, WEST SIDE, A FEW DOORS S?RTH OF QUEEN STREET, Would respectfully inform his friend! that hs has Just received from New York a large and ?eil selected stock of . ... THE LATEST STYLES OF . -V} Also, a foll assortment of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Including the CELEBRATED STAR SHIRTS. ' mchio-o-mwf-9 GEORGE CONNOR, No. 80 BROAD STREET, CHARLESTON, 8. C.. Has opened bis Spring stock of ail descriptions bf COATINGS C A 9 SI ME R E S and VESTINGS. ALSO, A FULL, AND YARIED ASSORTMENT OF BHIBTS ENGLISH HOSIERY NECK TIES, SCARFS, ?C. PEINOT GIB MEDAILLE D'OR KID GLOVES ENGLISH, TAFFETA, SILK AND LISLE THREAD GLOVES. mchlT-mflmo Ciottjing ano ?arnisrjing (Sooos, BARGAIN 3 I Nt CLOTHING I MENKE ft MULLER* ..'.7 CORNER OF WENTWORTH AND KING STREETS, ARE NOW CLOSING OUT WINTER CLOTHING AT REDUCED PRICES, TO MAE? ROOM FOR SPRING- STOCK. GIVE US A CALLI Jan30 _ Dooley's Daking bamber. h^TT^M al" esr A .N H w^*T'\P?? DER, and the best artie!e V^V^/^^^ATYa wholesome and deliclou- W**^ BREAD, CRIDDLE and other CAKES, f^*^ DOOLEY Ac BROTHER, Manufacturers, WHOLESALE DEPOX _ .,; G9 KEW STREET, KEW-YOBS* mch6-wfm3mos .. s .