The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, March 11, 1873, Image 3

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{Drugs at L?iioicsaic. rjIHE MILLENNIUM NEAR AT HAND. It bu often been remarked by Eminent Di? vines that wnen all Human suffering cease i the Millennium will soon appear, and such b lng the case Its coming is not far distant, from the fact that GRAY'S INVALUABLE OINTMENT relieves alt suffering resulting [rom external diseases in less time than any other remedy In the world. No cu t. no pay. For sale by all Druggists. Price 25 cents per Box. DOW1E, MOISE A DAVIS, Charleston, S. 0., Wholesale Agents for Sooth Carolina. janXi-ta JJORSFORD'S SELF-RAISING BREAD PREPARATION. 100 boxes Jost received and for tale at Proprie? tors prices, by DO WIE, MOISE & DAVIS, Corner Meei lng and Basel streets. JOHN WYETH & BROS. f COD LIVER OIL 1 I i WITH \ [ PHOSPHATE OF LIME. J BEEF, WINE AND IRON. ELIXIR TARAXACUM COMP. SYRUP LACTO. PHOS. LIME AND MARVIN'S COD LIVER OIL ! Fall stock of the above always on hand, at Pro? prietors' prices. DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, _Wholesale Agents._ glMMONS'S HEPATIC COMPOUND OR LIVER CURE ! The very best LIVER REGULATOR AND IN VIGORATOrt in the market. It la already pre? pared. - Put np bi large bottle?. More pleasant to take, and contains more intrinsic virtue than any similar preparation before the public. One trial convince)) the most sceptical. DOWIE, MOISE & DAVIS, Wholesale Agents for South Carolina. jj AN GE BROTHERS & WHITE'S SUGAR-COATED PILLS ! One Hundred and Fifty-seven Different Combina? tions-Soluble and Reliable. FLUID AND SOLID EXTRACTS. Full strength and guaranteed purity of every bind known to Pharmacy. All at Proprietors' prices. DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, nore inf Wholesale Agents, charleston, s. 0. D S. C. P. BROWN'S YOUNO AMERICAN LINIMENT, its demand for this truly wondeful remedy bas Induced the Proprietors to extend the area of Its cir calai Lon and usefulness by placing its valuable qualities before the public It ls truly asserted, ?nd facts prove it that no Liniment ever berore the people baa grown so rapidly in public favor for all i be eases reached by this class of medicines. BROWN'S YOUNG AME RICAN LINIMENT has gained a lasting reputation wherever used in cases wiiico require an EXTERNAL KKKKOT, and ls with the utmost confidence recommended to ?he public Manufactured ny the proprietors, 0. F. BROWN. Chemical Company, New York, and lor sale by all Druggists and Coondy Dealers. DOWIE, MOIMI A DAVIS, Wholesale Agents, Onarleston, S. 0. febl8-tuths8mos_ GETTYSBURG KATALISINE WATER It bas been demonstrated, by a aeries of prac ?al experiments conducted by eminent phpsicianB and attested by thousands or grate fal people who tuvf-been relieved from their sufferings by lis use, that the GETTYSBURG KATALYSiNE WATER u the nearest approach to a specific ever discovered for Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Rheuma? tism, Gout, Gravel, Diabetes, Kidney and Urinary Diseases generally, lt res toi es muscular power to the paralytic it cures Liver Complaint, chron? ic Diarrhoea, Files, Constipation, astana. Ca? tarrh and Bronchitis, Diseases of : he fcklo, Gen-1 ?ral Debility, and Nervous Prostration from men? tal end physical excesses, lt ls the greatest an? tidote ever discovered for Excessive Eating or Drinking. It corrects the stomach, promotes di- : sealion, and relieves the bead almost immediate? ly. No household should be without lt. Every Hotel should keep lt on band. .JEfrFor a history ol the Springs, for medical re? ports of the power or the water over distase, for marvelous cores, and for testimonials Irem dis? tinguished nun, send for pamphlets. WHITNEY BROS., General Agents, No. ra south Front Street. Philadelphia, Pa., Gettysburg Spring Company. For sale by DOWIE. MOISE A DAVIS, And Druggists generally. feb2&-tath83mos* Ol Chronic and Acute Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney and Nervous Dis? eases, after years or-suffering by taking Dr. HITLER'S VEGETABLE RHEUMATIC SYKUP the scleutlflo discovery of J. P. Fl tier, M. D., a regalar graduate physician, with whom we are persoaeUy acqnelnted, wno bas for 89 years treated these diseases exclusively with astonish los resolta. We believe lt our Christian duty, after deliberation, to conscientiously request suf? ferers to use lt,especially persons In moderate circumstances wbo cannot afford to waste money and time on worthless mixtures. As clergymen we seriously feel ibe deep responsl Mitty resting on ns in pnbl.oiy endorsing ibis medicine. But onr knowlcge and experience of Its remarkable merit rolly Justices oar adlon: Sev. 0. H. Ewing, Media, Penn., suffered sixteen 7ear^.became hopeless; Rev. Thomas Murphy, D. Hr., Frankford. Philadelphia; Rev. J. B. Davis, High ta town. New Jersey; Rev. J. s. Buchanan, Clarence, lowe; Rev. G. G. Smith, Plttsrord, New Tora; Rev. Joseph Beggs, Falls Church, Philadel? phia. Other testimoni?is from Senators, Gover? nors, Judges, Congressmen, Physicians, Ac, for ?warded gratis with pamphlet explaining these diseases, one thousand dollars will be present? ed to any medicine for same diseases showing ?qa il merit under test, or that can produce oce fonrtn as many living cores. Any person Bend? ing by letter description or affliction will receive ?gratia a 1er ally alxned guarantee, naming the number of bottles to care, agreeing io refand money: upon sworn statement or Its failure to .enre. Afflicted invited to write to Dr. FI ri. ER, JPhlladelpMa. lils valuable advice costs nothing. . Do WIE. MOISE A DAVIS. Sole Wholesale Agents for south Carolin ?. For sale at Retail by E. BAER. W. A. SERINE. A. W. BOKEL A CO., Dr. GEO. CAULIER, G. J, LUHN, JOS. BLACKMAN, E. H. KELLERS. .anls-etnthly PAO_ Cigars, Govana, mt. .J^-O I'M P 0 S I fil N IMPORTED HAVANA CIGARS, . __AlfiOihe best Northern Brandi. CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO, SNUFF AND PIPES. jar Five Cents Cigars a specialty at R. L. MURILLO'S. Nc 349 Sing street, west side, m ch.*-tu r0 Between Liberty and George Ste. .y^T- A. KENYON, 1PB0DUCE CONMISSION MERCHANT AND FOR? WARDING AGENT, KO. 42 MARKET STEKKT, tin Pipe and Barrai Staves, Shingles, Spokes, 'Wood, Hough Rice, Peas, Corn, Plndare, Apples, ?peaches. Potatoes, Onions. Hides, Furs, Beeswax, -zraiiow, Hogs, Fowls, Eggs, Game. Send for quotation of market prices. vre*L5-5tns* Drrj ?00cs. s LOUIS COHEN ft CO., Nos. 844 and 9?? KINO STREET, Beg re-pectfu if to draw the attention of the public and their customers to the very complete stock or SPRING GOODS, JC8T KECKIVKD, CONSISTING IN TART OF DRESS GOODS, SPRING SILKS, LADIES' HEADY MADE GARMENTS, LATE8T STYLE PARASOLS. LATEST STYLES SCARPS, F1SCHUS AND RIBBONS. ALSO A FULL (TOCH OF IMPORTED FRENCH AND ENGLISH SPRING- CASSIMERES, CLOTHS, TWEEDS, AND FLANNELS, FOR MFN AND BOIS' WEAR, AT REASONABLE PRICES. A call ls re:pectfally solicited. LOUIS COHEN ft GO., Nos. 344 and 248 KING STREET, BETWEEN HASEL AND MARKET STREETS, menlo State Notices. "DROCLAMATION. STAT* OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EXSCOTIVK DKPAHTHKNT. Whereas, mrormution has been received at this Department that a brutal mnrder was com? mitted In Charleston County, on or abont the 8d day or March, 1873, by one AUCH PIPKIN, upon the body or bis wife. SUSANNAH PIPKIN, ard that the said AMOS PIPKIN has ned from Justice: Now, know ye that I, FRANKLIN J. MOSES, JR., Governor or the State or Sooth Carolina, in order that Justice may be done, aud the majesty or the law vindicate i, do hereby offer a reward TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS for the apprehension and delivery In any Jail in mis state or the said AMOS PIPKIN, with proof to convict. The said AMOS PIPKIN ls about five feet high, or black complexion, has black eyes and ha'r, ls thick? set, and speaks somewhat rapidly. When he effected his escape, be bad la his possession about sixty -five dollars In currency, and, being a des? perat character, ls doubtless armed with two revolvers and a dirk knife. The course which the murderer will, in all probability, pursue l'es through the Parishes or Christ Church (where the murder was committed) and st. James Santee, and Georgetown County, towards the Northeastern Railroad, In the direc? tion or Wllm'ngton, North Carolina, and from that city, by boat, to Kingston, North Carolina, at which place bis nearest relatives now reside. In testimony whereof I have hereunto Bet my hand, and caused the Great Seal to be affixed at Colombia, this 7th day or [LS] March. A. rx 1873, and In the ninety seventh year or the Independence or the United States or America. By the Governor: F. J. MOSES, JR. H. E. HATNR, Secretary or State. mehio-DCiwj QFFICIAL NOTICE TO PILOTS. In accordance with Instructions received at this Office, from the Health Officer of this Port, Dr. LLBBY, you are hereby ordered to anchor all vessels arriving from Ports of Brazil, Rio Janeiro, Pera and Chill at QUARANTINE. By order. A. 0. STONE, Chairman Board Commissioners ol Pilots. mcb.7-0 SLetral (Dil. PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL.P THE SAFEST OIL-THE BEST ILLUMINATOR. Has never exploded-has never been the cause of an accident, and has never failed to give the most per feet satisfaction wherever used. THE TESTIMONIALS OF TOE PRESS, LEADING SCIENTIFIC MEN, INSURANCE COMPA? NIES, AND HUNDREDS OF THOU? SANDS OF FAMILIES ARE GUARANTEES OF ITS SUPE? RIOR QUALITIES. For sale by the Agents lor South Carolina, LOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, Wholesale Druggists, Charleston, S. 0. feblStuCmo3 CDrnas ana fUeamruB. DR. FTTLER'S VEGETABLE RHEU? MATIC SYRUP. Warranted under oath never to have failed to cure. 28,600 Certificates or testimonials of cure, including Rev. c. H. Ewing, Media, Pennsylvania; Rev. Joseph Beggs, Falls of Schuylkill, Phlladel Sala; the wire or Rev. J. B. Davis, Hlshtstown, tew Jersey; Rev. Thomas Murphy, Frankford, PhUadelphla; Doctor Jennings and Doctor Walton, Philadelphia; Hon. J V. Greeley, member Con? gress from Philadelphia; Hon. Judge Lee, Cam? den, New Jersey; ex-Senator Stewart, Baltimore; ex-Governor Powell, Keatucky, aud thousands of Others. Warranted to cure or money refunded. DB. GEO. CAUL1ER, Agent, jnlyl-lyr Charleston, S.C Drrj (Soocf * Gt. SPRING ! Fl R? ?H?OTT, BENEDICT & CO.. NO. 275 KING STREET, (NEARLY OPPOSITE HASEL,) Respectfully announce their grand opening of a very large and choice selected stock of SPRING GOODS, viz: . f Blaclc and Colon d Taffeta SILKS S Black and Colored Gros Grain H J all the new shades of Colored Slits % j Splei did Silk for evening wear o ; Put] Lines of Fancy and Japanese Silks " i All Colors and Shades or Orlselle silk. Plain and satin S' riped Black and Colored Silk Grenadine-something new. m f Fall Unes of Lenos, Japanese, Grenadines ?2 Spring Poplins, Mohair Goods, Mozamulqaas Z i Tne new styli s of Alpine Japanese g i Fnll Line of new styles Linen Dress Goods ? I M.'urning Goods In all grades, newest fashions in Satla Striped Victoria and Bishop Lawns Piques, Malls, Swisses, Nainsooks, Plain and Plaid cambrics Raming and Tucking In Lawns and Cambrics Fall Line or the new Shades of Trimming, Scarf { and sash RIBBONS, never before m style-some thing new. Fall and excellent aborted stock or TIES. Scarfs, Ni ck Handkerchiefs, all in the newest styles and shades. Fall stock of ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS aad Hat Jet Ornaments. HANDKERCHIEF.", Lisi? Thread, Silk and Tar reta GLOVES. Full Line or HOSIERY and NOTIONS carefully selected to snit this market, Introducing all the novelties. Particular attentloa has been paid In the selec? tion of our stock or CLOTHS, casslmeres, Doe b>-l?H, Tweed?, Battlsts. for Gents' and Boya' Weir, fur and Sommer Sa ts. Al! kinds Ol LINEN, DUCKS, DRILLS, Ac. Oar CLOTH DEPARTMENT ls the largest and aest selected ever brought to this market, being a specialty. Our DOMESTIC DE PARI MENT comprises the I atest styles or PECALES. Lawns, Muslins, Press Linens, Sheetings, shirtings. Prims, Table Dam isles. Towels. Napkins, Fronting Linens, Dimities, Piano and Tablecovers, in ail sizes, Flannels, Jilks, Ac UPHOLSTERY AND CARPET DEPARTMENT. ?nil Lines or WINDOW SHADES, Lace and Dam AS IC OQrt&ll?B lair cloth, Furniture Damasks, Reps, Ac. "apestry Body and Yelvet carpets, at reduced prices narama and Cotton and Hemp Carpets, at re? duced prices LU widths ot American and English Oil Cloths Vhite, Checked and Figured Mattings, from 26 cents np. ear Our Carpet and Upholstery Department ls j n ebsrge or a competent man, whose work will j >e guaranteed to give satisfaction. To the Trade we are offering the beet selected Stock of )RY AND FANCY GOOD8, DOMESTIC OOOD9, HOSIERY. NOTION8, JILLIN"ERY AND WHITE GOODS, STRAW GOODS, Ac, Lt Prices to compete with any Jobbing noose North. The display or our SPRING GOODS will be at? ractivo and complete, as all Goods bava been elected with the utmost care. Respectfully yours, FURCHGOTT- BENEDICT & CO. JTlotiiing and -Turmoiling ?cooa. BARGA ! N sTlN CLOTHINGI MENKE & MULLER, CORNER OF WENTWORTH AND KINO STREETS, ARE NOW CLOSING OUT WINTER CLOTHING AT REDUCED PRICES, TO MAKE BOOM FOR SPRING- STOCK. GIVE US A CALL 1 J an 30 ?ttar?in'0 fJrick ?lairjine. MARTIN'S IMPROVED Brick Machine ls simple in Its mechanism, ballt strong and dur t?le, and caa be operated by ordinary help. The :apaclty ls 4.0io bricks aa hour with steam power ir ;5JO wita horse power. Manufactured and sold jy the MARTIN BRICK MACHINE CO., mch3-2mosrtw CUICOPEE. MASS. -furniture, Sfz. THIRST-CLASS FURNITURE, AT REASONABLE PRICES. MILLING'S FURNITURE STORE, NO. 411 KING STREET, NEAR JOHN, Is the place to get handsome and substantial ! FURNITURE or the latest aad most elegant de? signs at prices to suit the times. This establish* ment has just received a large supply of superior Parlor, chamber and Dicing Room feta In Oak, Walnut and imitation, which arc offered at prices ten or fifteen per cent, lower than those charged elsewhere for less sunstaatlal furniture. SUPERB BURIAL CASKETS A SPECIALTY. Can and examine the s toce and prices. SIGN OF THE MAN AND ROCKER, NO. 444 KING STREET. decl8-3mriBrnn_ fiouls ?JOLUMBIA HOTEL, COLUMBIA, 8. C. This well known Hotel, situated in the centre or the bat-lnesB portion or tbe city, affords every convenience and comfort to travellers on busi? ness or pleasure. The proprietor, having secured the services or I polite and efficient assistants, pledges hlmseir to spare no pains in Its management, to sustain the high reputation so long enjoyed by the "Colum? bia." as a first-class house. Attached to the house ls a handsome Billiard Room, furnished with three of Phelan A eolian dar's bestand most improved Tables. Telegraph Office in rotunda or the House. Also, Bathing Room 4 equalled by none in the city. WM. GORMAN, Proprietor. E. T. Btnpsu, late of " Charleston Hotel.? and JAB. F. G AD I DSN, Assistants. febM _Orage at fi?rjolisale. LOEFLUND'S CONCENTRATED LIEBIG S EXTRACT OF MALT. (Dnfermented, la the form of an inspissated Extract,) Ia a preparation for Congas. Sor? Throat, Wbooplog Congo, Difficult and Troublesome Respiration, and all Diseases of the Throat ana Langs, facilitating expectoration, and scorning the Macons Membrane. Principles of the greatest importance for med clnal cn rp oses, as well as for health, are here united in the moat concentrated rorm, and are at tne Bame time soluble and of easy digestion. These principles are: RESOLVENT AND EMOLLIENT-Sugar of Malt and Dextrine. NUTRITIOUS-Phosphates autt Albuminous Ingredients. Loeflund's Extract or Malt ls air o prescribed in preference to Cod Liver OIL TUE CHINESE EMKENAGOGUE, rsA-TSIN-Botanlcal name, Rhynchosla Exc?vala. This herb ls used by the females in China to regulate their menstruation, lt has been prescribed by American and European physlolaos with decided success, lt la not abortive, Agents for the United States, ALBERT DUNG A SON, No. 61 Bowery, New York. Agenta for South Carolina, DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, Wholesale Druggists, febl8 tossmoa_ Charleston, 8. C. ?i)anest:n tMjolesale fixate. JOBBING TRADE OF CHARLESTON, S. C. SPRING T^J^THE OF 1873. THE SUBSCRIBERS, WBO ARE AMONG THE ^ST PROMINENT JOBBERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN TBE CITY OF CHARLESTON, S. C., - to call the attention of the merchants of the Interior of this and the adjoining States to this mt ' et, as being one of the most desirable la whlob to procure lull supplies of all articles they may rei, -e. The advantages or a near market in affording racnli ?? Tor frequent renewal of Stocks, and In saving interest on Investments, cannot be over-estimate The wants of the country having rapidly increased, wit. mp'e facilities t3 enable na to procure our supp les direct from first hands in Europe and thia couatry, we are now prepared to exhibit more varied and complete stocka of SEASONABLE GOODS than at any period since the wir, and will dispt se or them on aa good terms as any other market. "Dally facilities afforded for shipment or gooda to any point desired. " DRY GOODS. EDWIN BITES A CO., No. 124 Meeting street. CRANE, BOYLSTON A CO., corner Hayne and Meeting streets. JOHNSTO V, ORE WS A CO., No. 41 Hayne street. NACHMANN A CO., No. 160 Meeting street. E. W. MARSHALL A CO., No. 143 Meeting street. JOHN G. MILNOR A CO., No. 136 Meeting street. CLOTHING. EDWIN BATES A CO., No. 122 Meeting street. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING AND HATS. JOHN G. MILNOR A CO., No. 135 Meeting street. FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS AND MILLINERY, JOHN S. FAIRLY A CO., No. 87 Hayne street. SELL A FOSTER, No. 27 Bayne street. BOOTS AND SHOES. D. F. FLEMING A CO., corner Hayne and Church Btieets. T. M. BRISTOLL A CO., Na 145 M-etlng street. D. O'NEILL A SONS, No. 38 Hayne btreet. HATS AND CAPS. THOS. M. HORSEY A BRO., No. 166 Meeting street, opposite Charleston Hotel. EDMONDS T. BRoWN, No. 48 Hayne street. HARDWARE. J. E. ADO ER A CO.. No. 130 Meeting street. HART A CO., No. 30 Hayne atreet. O. GRAVELE7, corner East Bay and Boyce's Wharf. SADDLERT, SADDLERY HARDWARE, &C. WM. u A RR AL. No. 169 Meeting street. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, corner Meeting and easel streets. PHILIP W1NEMAN A CO., NO. 86 Hayne atreet. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WM. L. WEBB, No. 128 Meeting street. GROCERIES. GEO. W. WILLIAMS A CO., corner Hayne and Church streets. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, &C. HOLMES A CALDER, No. 206 East Bay street. FURNITURE. D. H. S1LCOX, Nos 176,177 and 179 Elng atreet, corner Clifford street. FOREIGN FRUITS AND PRODUCE. PAUL. WELCH A CO., No. 215 East Bay atreet. STATIONERS, PRINTERS & BINDERS. WALKER. EVANS A COGSWELL, Nos. 8 Broad atreet and 100 East Bay. mch7-lmo Sljoro (Tases. SHOWCASES! SHOWCASES! SHOWCASES! WITH PATENT SPRING M (GIO DOORS, which causes them to open and shut without noise, Jar of >reaklng or glass. Parties desiring to parchase are invited tu call aad examine them and the New style, Round Ola s Front, Nickle Silver Frames. New style. Bevel Front, Nickel Silver Frames. Square Front Mahogany, Walnut and Nickle Silver Frames, dnnb e thick French Glaaa, all sizes, ino keep a lull supply always on band. DOWliC, MOISE A DAVIS, Agents, Janis-mwsdmos Corner Meeting and Hasel streets, Charleston, S. C. Shirts and /mema f) in g #ao?r F RESH ARRIVALSI LATEST STYLES I COMFORTABLE FIT I LOWEST PRICES S S S S S S S S S S S S 8 SSSSSSSS SCOTT'S SSSSSSSS s s S STAR SHIRTS AND COLLARS. S s s 9 Ready-made and made s S S S to Order. S S _ S s - s S MEN'S S S S S FURNISHING S S S SSSSSSSS GOODS. SSSSSSSS s s s s s s s s s s s AT THE GREAT SHIRT EMPORIUM ! LOOK FOR THE STAR SIGN, MEETING STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE MARKET HALL panos, ?roans, mt. Furnished at factory prices for Cash, or hy Monthly Payments, on the most liberal terms. CHARLES L. MoOLENAHAN, Plano and Music Store, jans No. 191 King street. Moots, ?i)oes, mt. BOOTS AND SHOES. ELI ?S&BROS., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES, &C, 368 KING STREET," CORNI R OP GEORGE STREET, Respectfully solicit the cont in nan ce or the patronage so liberally bestowed on them by the citizens or Charleston and surrounding country. One ot the Arm has just returned from th** North, and purchased In Boston just before the Isrge Ure there; all or which we offer to the Wholesale Buyers at great ad? vantages and guarantee them a saving of at least 10 to 16 per cent. We are offering all of ou^p ur chases now at less than former prices, and regardleaa to the advance of prices now. To onr Retail Customers we would sr?y that as heretofore we shall do onr best to please them by polite attention and cour? teous salesmen No trouble to show goods. We keep only a good quality of Boots and Shoes, and prices that defy competition. Onr motte in, LARGE SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. AS A SPECIALTY I To Mothers we wonld say that we con? tinue to keep a large stock or that celebra? ted SILVER TIPPED SHOE, of Philadel? phia make. Constantly on hand and receiving by every steamer from Philadelphia a fine and well selected stock of Hand-sewed Bootsand Shoes, for Ladles, Gents, Misses and Children, of the best Philadelphia manufacture, all or which we guarantee to give satisfaction, and would reapeotful ly solicit a call at ELIAS & BROS., No. 368 KING- STREET, CORNER OF GEORGE STREET. J. FINLEY, CHARLES NEWHOUSE, R. H. MU0KENFUSS, will be pleased to wait on their friends. nov28*tntbj RIECKE & PETERMAN WILL SELL BEFORE THEIR STORES, THIS DAI. at half-past 9 o'clock A. H., 6000 lbs. BACON SHOULDERS 6000 lbs. Dry Sal red Bellies 6000 lbs. Dry Satt-d Sbonlders 60bbls. Apples 6 boxes choice Western Sausages 16 tubs Butter, Ac, Ac ALSO, One Heavy Horse, Cart and Harness, excellent team for hauling coals. Term* cash._mchll By J. A. EN SLOW & CO. CHOICE NEW CROP CLAYED MO? LASSES, juRt imported from Havana. iHIS MORNING, Tuesday, at ll o'clock will be Bold alongside Schooner Donna Anna, at south Atlantlo wharf, 126 huas, l choice New Crop CLAYED MO 250 bbls. f LASSES. Condltiona at sale. _ inchH BY H. H. DeL EON. VALUABLE DWELLINGS FOR SALE. I will sell THIS DAY, Marob ll, at corner E ist Bay and Broad streets, at ll o'clock, All that LOT OF LAND, with Two-story Wooden House, on south tide of Liberty street, and known as No. 7, containing thirteen rooms; Lot 63 fee- fronr, and 146 feet deep, more or less. This House ls welt adapted for a boarding-house or Behool, having all necessary outbuildings, with largo building next to the kitchen. ALSO, All that LOT OF LAND, with Two and Half story Wooden Bul.ding, next east io above, con? taining four rooms, dresslug mom and pantry, with all necessary outbuildings; Lot3t leet iront, and 146 feet deep, more or less, A large gateway between ai ove houses will be held and kept open as a comm n em r.nee to both places. Terms-One bair cash ; balance in one year, by bond and mortgage of premises ei ia. with seven per cent. Interest. Premer G to be Insured and policies assigned. Purchasers to pay for papers. mchll_ By ALONZO J. WHITE & SON. E8TATE SALE FOR DIVISION. T IS HORNING, the nth instant, at ll o'clock A M., east end Broad sn eec, will be told. Those five LOIS OF LAND, situate on the west side of Drake street, Immediately In tne rear of that elegant mansion, known formerly as the property or J. W. Faber, deceased. Bach lot measures 40 feet froot on Drake street by 80 feet deep, as prr plat. Two of these lots are corner lots, one at corner of Drake and Reid, and the other at oDrner of Drake and Amherst streets. Will be sold ai five separate lots. Conditions-ono third cash; balance In one and two years, with Interest, payable annually, se? cured by bonds and mortgage of property. Par chasers to pay for papers._mchll Bj ALONZO J. WHITE & SON. WILL BE SOLD THIS DAY, THE I nth Instant, a t ll o'clock A. H., at east end of Broad street, All that LOr OF LAND, with the buildings thereon, on the east side of Ashley street, between Bee and cannon streets, me as QI lng ld front on Ashley street 40 feet, and in depth 180 feet, be the same more or less. House j con tn ins three rooms on a floor and two attic finished rooms, two and a half stories high, doable piazza, water works and gas, floe cistern, ontbuilJingH, Ac Tats property ls within one square or the City Raliway. Terms-One third cash; balance In one and two yean, secured by bond ami mortgage of premi? ses, Interest at seven per cent per annum, pay? able annually: property io be kept insured and poilcy assigned. Purchaser to pay A. J. White A Son for p ipers._mphil BJ R M. MARSHALL & BRO., Auctioneers. ASSIGNEE'S SALE, in the District Conn of the United states of I America for the District of South Carolina, la the matter of M. A. TANLUNSON, lo Bankruptcy. By virtue or an order from the Hon. George s. Bryan, United states District Judge for the Dla trlct or south Carolina, I win offer for sale at No. 314 King street, THIS DAY, March inn, com? mencing at ic o'clock A. M., The entire STOCK OF UPHOLSTERY in said store, consoling of Window Shades, Curtains, Paper Hangings, Cornices, Ac, Ac. Conditions cash. Articles tobe removed Imme dlately. FREDERICK J. SMITH. mchll_ Provisional Align?e. Bj SAMUEL C. BLACK, Auctioneer. REFEREE'S SALE. FELIX F. CHAPEAU, Executor, vs. THOS. T. CHAPEAU et al. Under and by virtue or an order or sale made In this case by the Hon. R. F. Graham. Judge ol the First Circuit, 1 wul offer for saie at Public Auction THIS DAY, the eleveoih day ol March, A D. 1878, at li o'clock A. M., at the old Post* office, Charleston, e. C., Thd following REAL ESTATE, viz: All that LOT OF LAND, with the dwellings and other bandings thereon, situate on the east side ol chm ch street, m the City of Charleston, meas urlng and containing In front on sala Church street fifty-nine (69) reet four (4) Inches, more ur leBS; on the Boalh Une from west to eastons hun? dred aud twenty-six (120) feet one (ij Inch, more or lesa; then on the east ur back Une from south to nona thirty-one (31) feet three (?j tuches, more or less: thea on tne north Hue from east to west forty-six (46) feet BIX (6) menes, more or lesa; then on the east or back .lue twenty-six (20) rent six (6) loches, mere or less; thea lastly on the north line from east toward the west to Church street aforesaid seventy-seven (77) feet one fl) Inch, more or lesa; butting and bounuiog to tua we&J. on Church street aforesaid, to the north on Laad formerly or Rosana Thens, to the east oa Laad formerly of William Veitch and Land formerly or Mis. Leuder, and to the soo.h oa what was for? merly known ns Billing's atables. The said Lot contains three (') Dwelling HOLISLs aud outbuildings, two brick and one wooden. ALSO, All (hat LOT OF LAND with the Buildings thereon, on the west Eide or King- street, Charlestjn, S. C., formerly known by i he num? ber 41, measnrlug in (rout oa King street twen? ty one (21) feet; and in depth ninety-nine (99) feet; bounding to the south end west on Lana for? merly of John Stevenson, to the east oa King street, ac d to the north oa Land rormerly of the Estate or samuel Muller. The said premises are now known by the num? ber sixty-nine (06.) ALSO, All that LOT OF LAND and Double Tenement Hou-e thereon, at the northeast corner of Line and St. Phillp streets, messarlrg oa Line street one hundred and twenty ( 12U) reet, mure or less, by one hundred and ten (HO) feet in depth ; bounding south on Lins street, west on St. Phillp street, n irth on Lands of F. Sires and D. Biker, and east on Lands or R. Llmehonse. ALSO All that LOT OF LAND, with the bandings thereon, oa the south side or Elliott street, (now spring street,) Oanuonsboro', measuring fifty (60) feet front on said street, by one hundred and seventy-five (176) reet la depth, more or less, ad? joining lands of Tiiomis Ohrletzoerg and others, and known as the property rormerly of Ann E. Carpenter. ALSO, All that LOI'OF LAND, and the bolldldgs there? on, oa the westside or Sires street, cannoasboro', measuring on said street thirty-six (36) reet by eighty (8u) feet In depth; bounding io the east en Sires btreet, south on lands bf Joseph Zeaiy, In trust, north on lands of Mrs. Rutherford, and west on lands of Mrs. Shlrer. Terms-One-third cash; r alan cc In one and two years, secured by bond and mortgage; buildings to be insured and policy assigned. Purchaser to pay for papers. .'* lt. Vf. MILLER, mchll_ Refe;ee. By W. Y. LEITCH & R, S. BRUNS, Auctioneers. UNDER FORECLOSURE OF MORT OAGE.-MARY MCKNIGHT, Execntrix, VB. ObOROE W. OLNEY, et AL By virtue of aa order or court la the above case to me directed aa i dellverud. will be sold on MORNING, ibe 11th or Mart/a, 1873, in front of the Postofflce. at ll o'clock A M. All that LOT or LAND, with buildings thereon, situate oa sooth Bide Vendue Range, City of barleaton, la eiy distinguished by letter E la plaa or landa made by J. wilson, in Joly, 1810, and now or lately koowa ss No ll, measuring in width 20 leet, and m depth 60 feet, more or less; bounding north on Ven me Raoge, south on Brown's wharf, east on Letter D in the said plan, and west on letier E or the same. ALSO, All that LOT OF LAND, now divided Into two (2) lots, situ ite oa the east side of Coming street, between Morris and Radcliffe, measuring in front on coming street lol feet, on tne north imo 208 feet io inches, on the east line 104 feet e Inches, and on the south Hoe 2U7 reet 0 laches; bounded north on hinds now or late of Francis Sires and of Dr. Wm. Hume, east on lands or Hev. Wm. Ca. pera and others, south by lands or Geo. W. Olney, and west by Coming street Terms-une-thlrd [X) cash; balance la two equal successive annnai instalments, with Inter? est from day or sale, payable semi-annually, at the rate nf io per cent, per annum, and ir interest be not punctually paid when due, to bear Interest at the same rate and upon tne same ternui as the principal; to be secured by bond or purchaser and mortgage or the premises; buildings to be Insured and policy ? sslgoed. Purchasers to pay tor papers, and to have the pilvll ge or paying the whole purchase money In cash. mchll C. 0. BOWEN. 8. 0. 0-1 (2It)iropooiBt. lORNS, BUNIONS, Ac, CURED. Mrs. KEOGH having returned to the city is pre? pared to give relief to those suffering from CORNS, BUNIONS or other < lseases of the reet As to her skill and success as a Chiropodist, she refers, by permission, to Dr. Fitch and Dr. Ed? ward Nona. She will, If desired, attend these who may require her services at their residences. She may be found at No. 98 Church street, be tweeu Broad and Chalmers streets. feb6 Asrtian Salti-S bis 8Jag By PAUL B. LAL ANE * CO. TT7TLL BE SOLD THIS DAY BBFORH VV oar Store, No. ?76 East Bay, at half-past OO'C'OCK' * 17 hhd's. boxes and bbls. CROCKERY, Glsas ware. Ac, consisting of Lamps, Sogar Dishes, Glass and Crockery Sets, Goblets, Tumblers, Bat? ter Dishes, Jars. Salt Stands, Soap Slabs, Castors, ? Cage Bottles, Brooms, Backets, Tabs, Wash? boards, Ac, Ac 12 cases Glass Chimneys, assorted. Conditions cash._._mchll STEFFENS, WERNER ft DUCKER WILL SELL THIS DAY, BEFORE their stores Vendne Range, at 9 o'clock:, loo kegs and tabs BUTTER 25 barrels One Eating Poiatoea Smoked shoulders, N. Y. strips. Bama D. 8. Bellies, D. S. Strips, Shoulders and Sides. Terms cash._mcfcil Bj JOHN e. MLLOR ft CO. HATS, NAILS, WELL BUCKETS, Paper Collars and Trunks, on account or Underwriters and all concerned, Dry floods, Ac. - THIS DAY, nth Instant, at half past ia o'clock, we will sell at oar atore, No. 186 Meeting street, 8 dozen lien's Black Felt HATS, s dosen Men's 1 Black Wool HatB, 4 dozen Ladles' Trimmed Bon? nels, io Packing and Express Tranks, 1 case, 6 M Paper Collara, 6 dozen Iron Hoop Well Buckets, 4 dozen Galvanized Hoop Well Hackets. 4 keg? Cat Nails, sd, 10 kegs > ut Nails. 8d, 4 kegs cot Nails, 12.1; also a general assortment desirable Dry Goods, consisting In part of Marseiiles Quilts, Maslin Aprons, lu-k atirtu, Fancy Cottonades, Kentucky Jeana, Fancy Prints, Bleached and Brown SBlrtlng. Linen Drills. Ticking, stripes, H< leery, Handkerchiefs, Ac. Conditions cash. On account of underwriters and all concerned 1 case. f>3 pieces, Sears icker Prints. mchll brutton Sales-? mme Oap?. ~BjmY. LEITCH ft R. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers. BALANCE OF STOCK OF FANCY GOuDS. NOTIONS. Ao., of the late tra of Steele A wardell. No. 167 Hefting street. wm be sold on FRIDAY, 14th, at io o'clock, at No. 167 Meeting street, 1 he Balance of stock of FANCY GOODS. No? tions, Ac, of the late firm of steele A Wardell. ALSO, ?> A large lot of FASS. Terms cash._mobil tnthf By J" FRASER MATHE WES. BRICK DWELLING AND OFFICE, No. , 24 BA8T BAT wm be sold, at the east end of Broad street, on ' THURSDAY next, 13'h instant, at ll o'clock, ai-: That Tbiee-story BRICK RB81DBN0K, and Of- , flee on fl rat floor, belog ra ddie tenement or team known as "Vanderho st's North Ror," ito. 34, between Adger's and Vanderhorst's Wharves, with Kitchen, Cistern and cellar; ?3 feet rront bf 84 feet deep. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay. me for papen. mchll_ ? Bj B, M. MARSHALL ft BRO. LOTS IN PINE RIDGE AT AUCTION. OH THURSDAY, I3tn instant, at ll o'clook, . w in be sold near the Poatofflce, Broad street, LOT-? .*A," '-c and "O," in Section 9ft, and Lot? "A" and "B" in section 104, of Pine Ridge, s. c.-each Lot containing one acre. Pine Ridge h near the Twenty One Mlle Post, Sooth carolina Railroad, and about a mlle from sommerville. Plat to be seen ai No. 33 Broad street. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. mchlltntM_ ESTATE SALE.-DRAINING TILE I DRAINING TILE I Will be sold on the Plantation or Colonel Thoa. 1 Davis, twelve (12) miles below columbia, 8, C., on WEDNESDAY, tho ism instant, together wita omer personal property. -Thousand DR* IN TILES, m good Order, i and of the moat approved pattern. For particu? lars, apply to C. O. MARSHALL, and J. K1NSLER DAVIS, mchll Columbia, 8.0? By IL M. MARSHALL ft BRO. HORSES AND MULES AT AUCTION. On WEDNESDAY, 12th instant, at U o'clock, will be told, at the Plantera' and Drovers' Stables, Queen street, between Church aad State streets, A lot ot HOBS ES AND MULES well adapted to Plantation ase._mchlQ-8 * WM. MoKAY. LARGE SALE THIRTY-FIVE HHDS. of crockery and twenty boxes of Glassware, wm sell nu WEDNESDAY next, ism day of 1 March, at his Salesroom, Nc 45 Wentworth street, a large assert ment of 0. C. and White Granit?, Rockingham and Yellow Ware.' crharhbers, l lr chere, Bowls, Caps and saucers, Dlshis, Plates, . Spitioons, Glassware, Goblets, Tumblers, Wine?, Ac; also a fine lot of Table and Pocket cutlery. Conditions strictly, cash on delivery, mchio-3 tDrogt and MLtemns?. s UOAR-COATED PILLS. RELIABLE, SOLUBLE, PERMANENT. WILLIAM B. WARNER A CO. We are prepared to claim for oar Sugar-coated Pills the indispensable qualities, solubility and Permanency. These Pills are prepared of the purest materials, and are warranted to be per? fectly reliable Oar method of sngar-oaetlog pills without the application of neat, as employed by us only, avoids the necessity of drying so hard as to render them insoluble. ' These Pills are constantly kept on band and sold wholesale and retail by DB. H. RAER, ? sole Agent for south Carolina. Send for Catalogue and Price List. ^-ARNER'S PIL. IODOFORM ET FERRL Each containing iodoform.One Grain. Ferrum and a quarter Grains. A POWERFUL GENERAL TONIO AND ALTER? ATIVE. Valuable as a remedy in Scrofula, An as m la. Neu? ralgia, Chlorosis, Rheumatism, Phthisis, Ao. ' We maka special mention of these PRU of oar manufacture, as the medical Journals throughout the country contain contributions from rei lab e authors who have made wonderful cures, after having used, without success, all other known - Each label bears the formula-Dose, a raia ' three times a day. J We give below a brief extract from a report of the Lehigh County Medical Society, as published la the Transactions of the Medical Society of Pennsylvania, Jane, 1868: ' internally, I give quinine and iron and a good nourishing dieu Still I fe and great trouble In keeping up healthy granulations; they would be? come sluggish. 1 tried a number of alteratives, as iodide of potassium end lime, still the case 1 progressed vety slowly, ontu my attention twas attracted to an article in the Medical and surgical Reporter, *On Iodide andiron.' I at once cen- * eluded to give this remedy a fslr trlaL 1 discon? tinued ali other constitutional treatment, and gave three pills three times a day, manufactured - by W. R. warner A Co., of Philadelphia.. I soon had the satisfaction or seeing a rapid Improve? ment. The pain at once left her limb, with which she had suffered continually; the granulations became more healthy and more abundant, and I : now bave the satisfaction of seeing my patient engaging in aU h. r household duties. Not a ves- '* tige of the disease la to be seen. The pattens ts enjoying perfect health, ls aottve and lively. .'Since, I have treated two other cases, one of tin ce and one of four years' standing, with the same good result, l feel convinced of the efficacy of the remedy." P. L. REI0HABD, Chairman sanitary Committee. For sale by DB. H. BABB, Charleston. TTTARNER'S PIL. PHOSPHORUS COMP. Each containing , Phosphorus.0ae'?Sl Ext. Nux V?mica.One-fourth Grain. Phosphores ls an important constituent of the ' animal economy, particularly of the brain and nervous system, and ls regarded as a valuable remedy for diseases common to them-as In caaea or Lapse of Memory, Sortening or the Brain, Loss of Nerve Power, Phthisis, Paralysis and UKW? ; tener The pill ul ar form has been'deemed toe most desirable for the administration or Phot* ph o us. It ls in a perfect state of subdivision, aa lt ls incorporated with Glycerine, Ac, in solution. Price $2 per hundred: sent by mall. For i ale by Da. H. BABB, Charleston. ?^7ABNER'S NEW REMEDIES. . BEEF.WINE AND IRON. Beer, wine, Iron and cinchona. Elixir or .Bark, Iron and Strlchnla. Elixir Pipsln, Bismuth and Strlchnla, Elixir Valerlanate or Ammonia. Eilx'r Valerlanate of Stricbnla. El.T T?cuTcomp.. (a new and valuable Dandelion, Wild Cherry and Gentian, witn aro Bllxir Bromide or Jomalum. Comp. Syrup of the l*ct^Phoepnates. AU the above constantly kept on band, and for sale, wholesale and retail, by ^ & BAER, NC 181 Meeting street, ?0V7-IU ^fcwletton.