3CKEZTXGS THIS DAT. Frank li a Lodge, A. F. H., at 7 P. H. Hook aud Ladder, No. 2, at 7 P. M. TITEEMOSLE TRI CAL. The ? olio wing Ia the range of tbe thermome? ter yesterday at the drag store of Mr. Joseph Blackman, Broad street: SA. M., 40 ; 10 A. M., 46; 12 M., 60; 2 P. M., 52; 4 P. M.. 50; 6 P. M., 48; 8 P. M., 47. THE COURTS. . United States District Court. Tne argument upon the petition ol James P. Law, creditor, lor a decree of Involuntary bankruptcy against the Blue Bidge Railroad Company, which was to bave been made in tlie United States Court before Judge Bryan, yesterday, was postponed by consent ol coun liel until Wednesday, the 2.1 proximo. Court of Common Pleas. In tbe case of Joseph H. Oppenheim, agent, ? vs. A. Meyer ? Co., suit for collection of rent, i a verdict waa rendered In favor of tbe d?ten? dant. In tbe case of Oberstetten Franken ? burg ? Co. vs. Mrs. C. Stackley, suit for col? lection bi debt, a verdict of $166 07 ?as ren? dered lu favor of the plaintiff. The court then TadJoornp? until Monday next. Cuitod States Commissioner. " March Green, colored, another violator o? Internal revenue laws, was bound over yes? terday bj Commissioner Por te on?. Trial Ju?< le?a* Courts. ' George Lewis, colored, was fleed two dol- ? lars and costs, yesterday, by Trial Justice Adams, for wlfe-beaiing. Mayor's Court. 'Henry Dempsey, colored, for lying drunk In tbe streets, fined one dollar;-the fire, on Thursday, at tbe corner of Smith and Vander ' horst streets, was referred to the chief of tbe fire department for lnvesilgailon; Edward CUteii for trespassing on private premises-a supposed lunatic-was sent to the hospital; Robert.Washington, colored, for allowing bis chimney to take lire, case dismissed; H. Gard? ner, scavenger, for carelessness in bis work, caso continued. THE CITT HOSPITAL. Tbe Charleston City Hospital bas Just had its boundaries enlarged by the transfer to tbe 'City of tbe Roper Hospital, under tbe terms j o? tbe lease lrom the Medical Society depcrlo ed in THS NKWS some days ago, and tbe Ins.: talion ? now In a prosperous and flourishing condition. It bas now one hundred and seventeen Inmates, including fifty-eight white and flity-nlne colored patients. The Insane patients number twenty-two, and tbe diseases ot the other patients embrace a great, variety of medical and surgical cases. - A peculiar and useful feature of this Institution Is. the advantages lt affords to yoong men and strangers In the city, who j may be taken 111 while away from their fami? lies or friends. To these private patients s?pa? nte rooms are elven with fall medical atten-1 Hon and careful nursing, at the moderate charge of one dollar per day, and a large num? ber of patienta have availed themselves ot the -advantages of the ey stem. The medical and surgical 8 taff of the hospital ls composed of} the following gentlemen; Dr. J. 8. Buist, physician and surgeon In charge; Prof. R. A. Kinloch, consulting surgeon; Prof. F. Peyre Porcher, consulting physician; Prof. F. M. Robertson, consulting obstretrics. Resident physicians: Doctor? W. J. Toung and Thomas ] Legare; apothecary. Dr. C. H. Schroder. ?5 AMUSEMENTS. Owens as Solon Shingle. The Academy was flited last night with a | thoroughly delighted audience, whoso appre? ciation of Mr. Owens's exquisitely comic act? ing- was most liberally manifested. Tom Taylor's comedy of the '"Victims" was given ID . excellent style, tne support being In parts remarkably good. A* Josh?*. Bulterby, Mr. Owens waa irr- -istibly fun \ and his quiet and unjt*?med humor was JJ ?played to great pdvautage. The favorite taree of Solon Shin? gle concluded the entertainment, and was aeted wltb all that care lui and tborongh char? acterization which ls so distinctive a feature of Mr. Owens's comic parts. Ia naturalness and freedom from exaggeration lt would be bard to flod bis superior, and In this specialty Mr. Owens may certaloly challenge compar- J ison with almost any of the great ? the day. Helanau0****'11 comedian, be ls ; of a very high order, and no one can see him In any of bis favorite roles with? out feeling the infection of his real and spon? taneous humor. He will appear at a matinee to-day, and to-niant in two different charao-1 t ire. His stay ls too short lor any lover of j fan to miss either performance, Th? Creation on Wednesday. The announcement in another column of I the performance of the Oratorio ot the Cre? ation at Frenndschafisbund Hall on Wednes? day next will be noticed with pleasure by ali lovers of classical music. The public per? formance of this grand composition bas not been attempted In Charleston since 1854 or j 1855, but tbe careful preparation that haa been made for this occasion warrants the expecta? tion that the rendering will be worthy ol the greatness of the work. Tne co-operation of | the best singers in the city has been secured, ' the music bas been patiently and thoroughly rehearsed, and those who have had the pleasure of attending the recent rehearsals ex-1 press the opinion that the performance will be one that baa rarely If ever been excelled in Charleston. Mrs. P. J. Barbot has had the di- j rection and management of the undertaking from the beginning, and too mucb cannot be Bald In praise of ber energy in promoting the love and practice of classical music. It ls hoped that the coming performance will lead to the formation of a musical society, which will render In time tho masterpieces of Handel, Mendeisshon and Haydn. The main dif? ficulty lay lo taking the first step, which le about to be accomplished. The pubile may rest assured that the Crea? tion will be rendered In a way to please the most fastidious, and it is advised that no time be lost In securing seals, as the capacity cf I the hall is limited. . Cromwell's Art Entertainment. Proteseor Cromwell, last evening, exhibited to a large audience bis views of "Paris as lt was, and as lt la," and also conducted them througn a pictorial ramble among the White Mountains of New Hampshire. His last et. tertaloinent here was to have been given this evening, but the success which bas attended the entertainment during the present week has Induced him to give three more exhibi? tions on next Monday, Tuesday and Wednes? day evenings of next week, and be announces that one-half of the proceeds of these exhibi? tion* will bo given to the Confederate Home. Tn!? evening an attractive programme ls Offered, including views of "the homes of I Soglam?, from the palace of the monarch to the cot ol the peasant," and sketches of "a voyage across the ocean, from Europe to America." with the transition entitled "The Jrowning Glory," and the allegory, "Book of ?gee." A matinee Is also to be given this ftOfmoun, at three o'clock. THE MEDICAL COLLEGE In the list of gradu?tes of the Medical Col ege, published In THE NEWS of yesterday, Lhere were one ?r two typographical errors. The following ls a corrected list : J. W. Wide man, Abbeville, 8. C.; J. P. Minus, Cols? ton, 8. C.; Thomas Legare, Edisto Island, 8. C.; J. M. Richardson, Wllllamston, 8. C.; V. 3. Holton, Macon, Ga.; A. W. Vida!, Charles? ton. _ See First Page for other Local Matters. BUSINESS NOTICES. GENTS, do you know where to get one of | tbe latest styles of Hats ? At PLENOE'S, No. 201 Klog Btreet. A LARGE and varied stock of Sterling Silver? ware at James Allan's, King street. BEAUTIFUL, PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES at 10 cents each, at Von Santen's, No. 229 King street. PLATING CARDS, wholesale and retail, very cheap, at Von Santen's, No. 229 King street. AT ^CRCHGOTT, BENEDICT ?fc Co., Kid Gloves, one button, 70 cents-reduced from $1; two button, 95 cents-reduced from $1 25. ALL the popular grades of the Waltham Watch manufactory, at James Allan's. HOT BED SASH ! HOT BED SASH ?-TWO thou? sand Hot Bed Sash jus: completed, and now ready for delivery; price low. Call and ex? amine same at P. P. loale's, Nos. 20 Hayne, and 33 Pinckey streets, or on Horlbeck's Wharf. dec30 PLATED WARE, In new and exquisite de slgos. Tea Sets, Ice Pitchers and Castors, at Allan's, No. 307 King street. A UNIVERSAL REMEDY.-"Brown's Bron? chial TrocheB" for Coughs, Colds and Bronchial Affections stand first In public favor and con? fidence; thia result bas been acquired by a test of many rears. DOWIE, MOISE & DAVIS, Agis. nov20-wfmS_ VEST CHEAP.-A Handsome Box, cor tain lng One Quire Initial Note Paper, Twenty-four j Initial Envelopes, a Penholder and Pen, for only twenty-five cents, pt Von Santen's Ba? zaar, No. 229 King Btreet, next Academy ol Music._ JulyS-s ASK your grocer for Dooley's Yeast Powder, tbe best Baking Powder for preparing Bis- j cults. Rolls, Bread, Griddle Cakes, Waffles. 40. Depot, No. 69 New street, N. Y. Al retail by all grocers. mcbo-tbstuS COMMERCIAL NEWS. Exports. . NEW YORK-Per ba. k Narragansett-10 tierces rice, 900 bars apian tl cotton, 1179 bbl s rosin, S) tona logwood.Per sehr u?arles Moriord 2li,OOO leet lumber. Pu i LA DELPHI A-Per steamship Ashland-898 bales cotton. Iu0 bales domestics. 61 bois rosin, 0 toss old Iron, KO bags cocoannts a u sun? dries. KKNNETNKPORT, Ma-Per sehr Dione-156,000 J feet pine lu OJ ber._ LATEST COMMERCIAL NEWS. Tn? Charleston Cotton, Rice and Narai Stores Market. OFFICE UUAKLKVON NEW8, \ FRIDAY EVENING. March 7, IS73. J Corro;;.-i hii market showed a quiet and gen? erally unchanged character, good qualities being j In light supply and steady, white common' klaus were dull and nommai. Sales about ?fio ba es, say 6 at 16X. ?4 at 17, 7fi at ITS'. 33 at 16,166 at 19, 14 at 19^, 9 at li??', 77 at 19#, 6 at ia*, 45 at 19X. 4 at lex, 7 at 19X- 43 at 20c fl m. We quote: LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Stains and lnged.17 @17X Inferior, nommai.16 ?I]M? Ordinary io good otulnarv....i7 ?is* Low middUog.19X? Middling.19* ro? binet middling.?19X@ Rios.-There was a moderate business doing at steady rates. Sales about loo tierces clean caro? lina, say 6$ tts at 7X. il at 7 7-1 cc fl tb. We qnote j common to fair at ex@7x, good 7x@7Xc. NAVAL STORKS.-The receipts were 21 barrels spirits turpentine and 61O barrels rosin, 'lhere were no transactions announced. FREIGHTS.-To Liverpool, oy ateain, direct, xo on apia ds, ?fd on sea isl\udB; via New York, Md on uplands, IXd on sea islands ; by sail, 16 32d on uplands, and- on sea island?. To Havre, -- on uplands. Coastwise-co Net York, by steam, %c on npiands and - on sea islands; $3 fl tierce on rice; soo fl pol on rosin ; oy sail,-o fi tt en cotton; --* ft tierce on nco;60C1? bbl on rosin; $ll@u ft Moolumber: $12 013 ?o fi M on timoor- To Boat n, by steam Xe on npiands and $??0 fi tierce on rice; by sall, --c * it, on npiands; rosin 70c; resawed stan $i??!2 60;timbar $1S@1360; phosphate $5@6 so. roProvidence, by Ball $10? 11 9 H on boards: -c ft lb on cotton; by steam %c via New York. To Philadelphia, by steam xe on uplands; $1 It fi cask on rice; eoe ft bbl on rosin; $1 on spirits, rhrongh bills of lading given to Boston, Provt lenee and the New England cities are regularly .inned OB this route, and dispatch guaranteed. By san, $8 ft H on boards; $13 on timber;_fi con on clay; $8 60 on phosphates. To Baltimore. Dy steam xo ft lb; by sall |R@8 50 ft Mon soar de;- on timber; $3 60 fl ton at city; $4? 160 fl ton up river on phosphate rock. Vessels .re In demand by our merchants to take lumber 'relghts from Georgetown. S. C.. Darlen and Salli a River, Ga., and Jacksonville, Fla., to Northern jorts, and $io@ia ft M are tho rates on timber ind boards. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE.-Tho bankB purchase ig ht checks on New York at par to x per cent, iff, and sell at x pnmium. EXCHANGE.-sterling ec day bills 23X@24. GOLD.-14? 15 X. Markets by Telegraph. MONEY MARKETS. LONDON, March 7. Neon.-Consols 92Xa92X- Bonds 90X. PARIS, March 7. Noon - Bernes 67f 16c. NEW YORE, March 7. Noon.-Freights quiet, stocks Arm. Gold l&x. lone.? arm at 1-16&1-32 per cent. Exchauge, long X; snort 8X- Governments dull and atead> itate bonds dull and steady. Evenlug.-Moue, strong and Increasing, with 10 Imm?diate prospect; loans 2 10 6 for carrying lovernments steady all day; eighty-ones 18X, Ixty twos 16X; new aves j.3X. btates dull and inlet. COTTON MARKET.?'. . 1IVBKPOOL, March 7. Noon.-Cotton opened qolet; uplands t>Xa9Xd Irleaus 9Xal0d; sales io,0i.o D>ie?; week 78 ooo xports 6u00; speculation 6000; stock 688,oou imerlcan 286.000; receipts 137,000; American HO, OJ; actual exports 70oo. Liter.-coi ton quiet; actual exports are: an jat SS.OOO, A mt rican 278,000. Evening.-Cotton closed qnlet; sales 10,000bales, xporui 1000: american eooo. Cotton shipped rum savannah or Charleston fur March and .pr.;, at 9 9-iee. Yarns and fabrics at Manche* er quiet. NEW YORK, March 7. Noon.-Cotton dull and caner; sales 8849 hales; plands 20Xc; Orleans 2ix. Evening.-Cotton duli; sales 1611 bales; up inds 20XC. One .ns 2ix; sales for exrort to-day 6; lasL evening 636; sales of futures ll,9ou H IHR, as fullows: March, I9\al9 i5-ie; April, ixasox; May, 20Xa20X; June. 20Xa21; july, >Xa20X. PHILADELPHIA, March 7. Cotton quiet; middlings 20Xc; weekly net re ?lpta sss bales; gross receipts 3228. BOSTON. March 7. Cotton Bteady; middling* 2ic; net receipts lil alei;sait-8 30u; nock 8500; weekly net receipts PMIM140Q!wpi" WW; export" 10 Qreat Rnt?u? iw NN A~ i BALTIMORE. March 1.% Loton du,l and nominal: mid?linas 20?o -I receipts 494 bales; gross 686;TxD..rt8 to WSl Lttaln 8?;coonwse so; aatM^^^mr eneklynet recelp.a 494; gross isiv txnorts . Cotton steady ; lowmtddil? ga wx ^n^receim? 088 bales; exports to Great Si Kain sa: tsoStmS.. i 502; Balen 200; -tock 7880 Weekly regeln s 8622" xports 818; coastwise 7996; ?alea neo. I BAYANN AH, March 7. I I Cotton d?ll; middlings 19xo; net reoeipta 373 ales; exports to tbs continent 2754; coastwise, 2049; sales 947; stock 62.178. Weekly net reoelpta 6814; exports to Great Britain 1202; to Continent SOI; coastwise 661; eales 732. ACOC8TA, March 7. Cotton steady, demand moderate for middlings at i&%c; receipts 447 hales; tales 673; stock-, 1872, i6,isi; 1S73. 14,502; weekly receipts 2785; ship? ments 208S, soles 3336. MOBILE, March 7. Cotton dull, midd Inga lOalo^c; low middlings 18Xal8x; gtjid ordinary 17?al7#; net receipts 1132 bales; gross 1132; exuorts t-oasul-e 677; sales 6uo; t-tuck 43,121; weekly receipts 43ii;ex p ins io Great Britain 4918; coastwise 3S47; eales 6600. NRW ORLEANS. March 7. Cottm In fair demand; mtdJllugs I9nai9 6-if>; net receipts 10,865 bales; gross 10.980; exports coastwise 6j; sales 2000; last evening 4260; stoc-: 218,-21; w-ekly net r.celptt 41.667; gruj^ 48.6'8; exports to G Teat britain 14,199; continent 8910; coastwise 6183; sales 33,000. GALVESTON. March 7. Cotton steady; good ordinary 18>?c; receipts 824 bates; oports to Great Britain 3u2i; coast? wise 2S18; sales 800; block 71,446; weekly net re? ceipts 7704; exports to Great Untat* 46i4; conti? nent 1160; coastwise 6901; aa es 4360. PBOTI8IOSS AND PROBUCB MARKETS. Nsw YORK March 7. Koon.-Flour quiet. Wheat quiet corn steady. Pork armer; new $15 87>sal6, Job lng lots. Laid firm; Western steam 8 9 16. Turpentine dull at ?JS'C. Rosin steady tit $3 65 tur attained. Evening.-Southern fl ur ready J oommon to extra $6. good to choice $8 26ai2 75. Whiskey steady at 9?c. Wheat la2c better; tneauvanco a:keu cheeks buaine^-s; *l t>5al tfu foi red and am-er Western, $210 tor whue Westert.. Corn quiet and htlil nrm at 64J?c for good to choice old Western mtxtd. Foik ormer; new meas $16. Beet unll; prims mers $9all 76, extia mess $i2a 13 60. Dard active ana arm at 8*a8 15-i6c t utpentine dull at ei^c Rosin steady at $3 66a 8 70. LOCKVILLE, March 7. Flour dull and unchanged, aud mt e au mg. Corn unchanged. Whlak>y quiet at 88. PorK Arm. Bacon active aud stUT; ahoul te a 6X*7; clear ubi 8*a8\; clear aldea sjaja?, outetueou oruers. Dani blotter; steam "% ST. LOUIS, February 7. Flour steady. Corn sieany ana tn rair demand at 40342. Pt rk Arm at $i6 2sal66u for maud luis, bacon active and held hUner at eJIfaSX. sugar cured hams 13; plain 12aUii to 12 s pauaed. Lard 8Ha8\; choice leaf, keg,, s; steam, order lots, Ji?J4? mg;.er. Whiskey steady at 86. Interior Cotton Marketa. YOKKVILLE, March 6. The maiket ls quiet at the following quotations; Mid nings 18 Ji; low mlddlu.gal7Ji;gooaordluaiy lex ; low middlings 16*. CHARLOTTE, March 6. Market, nnchang d; sales 19 bal--. ANDERSON, March e. Cotton ls selling at I5al8xc. t LOhSNCH, March 6. Cotton per pound 16al8c. Now York Narai Stores Market. Nsw YORK, Maren 5. The Daly Bulletin says: . ece.pts to-day 4619 bbis roslu, 812 uu spirits tnrpei.tine. Theie la scarcely any demand fur t-plilia tuipcntlne. and the market whoi y notuinaL Holders iu-k 66)?C. The ujarKet tor trained rosin la decidedly low,r, leading to more ltquiry, but without rrioitli g lu aoy trans, ?tions. 'J he sappy of strained la pret? ty liberal, and no freight ruom to be had at the moment aie-1 he causea ot lie cepresalo.., bu. lt ls expected an active 11 ade will bo edecte t as 8 on aa tue latter obstacle ia removed. We quote at $8 o0u3 65 for cou m n strained, wuh (8 65 old. Tar remains quiet, tut. prices without 68 aemlal change. Pitch in fair Joboing request at j former prices. New York Rice Market. NEW YuRK. March 6. The Daiiy Bulletin says: Rice la In fair demand and at former prices. We he.ir or uo B?ICH to? day. Holder are fl m and prices are unca nged. Receipts per Railroad Marok 7. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. 785 bales colton, 71 bales '"0 bbis flour, 3 cars stock. To Railroad ??eut, . H Fiost A co. Q w Wilhams A co. A J >a Inas. T B amit h, A s Smith, Pi Ingle a Son, A B Mulligan. R A Prin? gle, ? elzer, Rodgers & co. J T hrwtu, Mowry A Sun, G H Walter .t co, Mr C Bee A cu, bu rd in A Parker, W A Reny n, Kinsman A Howe 1, W r Dowling, P u 'rrauho m. Trenholm A Son, Tiede' man. calder A co Ltaeene <* wan, u <.ot.u * c. * B O'Neill, stellen-, Werner A Ducker, D ii S leox, Jno Heh.3 a boyd W M Bird A co. t.lecko & Peterman, K Lafltto A co, J Ll W?hrmann A co.E B Oowperthwait. MORTHBASTIBN KAILHOAD 04 balea cotton. 360 bola rosin, 38 casks spirits tninentlne. 88 bbis erode turpentine, cars mm her, furniture md e,ac. 'low T White, Mrs M K Ooase, CF Levy. Pani. Welch A co, Mama A Mor? rison. Bardlu & Parker. E Diamond G C. J C Bedel Peizer. Rodge-s A co, P L Laplane Eu wan Works. T P smith, C D.eckhotT A uo, Riecko A Petsrmaa, H Blscnoti A co, 0 A Norw.,0.1. F Welters, Kennl k A T. II ct, J Isear. C claoius, td Perry, u Vogr, a D Money, THAW Dewees, 'r n i. lm A son, J A Enalow, F L Meyer, A Tie? ren' haL QuHOkenbosh, Ebtlll A co, u LU ben rood, Knock, Wickenberg A co, B Boyd, W Harral. Bod manu. Bros, Louts i el z, Jno F O'Neill, Kenntck A ral .ut, Kaveuel A co, A S Su-lih. So Ex cn, Jno Burkarop A co, W 0 Bei A o, CfiNolm'a Mill, Su Dens, Werner A Ducker, J cosgrove, Mr K uayn ?, w r Dowung. Geo u Iugiaham A Son, Wa gi ner A Monsons K ll Frost A co, w ha? den & Jones Caldwell A bon, A J salinas, E Well lng, Pringle A sou. h insman A Howell, Mowry A ?on, W K Kian. JOH Cenasen, Hoed r A DaVix. T T Uh?i>eau A co. Mutdaugn A Week loy, NER lt Agaut. Order, and otlierB. SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON' RAILROAD. 15 bales upland and 75 baits Bea island co-ton. - bbla rosin, 4 bb s spirits mn tm tine, 140 bushels grain, carn lomber. wood, mdse, Ac. To singer Manufacturing co, E Bates A 00, J K Adger A co, M Brace, w L Chaplin, Reeder A Davin, M TI lest, W ? Bee A co. Fraser A DHL st di, webb A 00, C R Perkins, Wagener A Monsees, Jaa Hamlin, B Gross. J HAnd-rson. G M nieves. W Krekel s DaBose. J M bryan, H Kiatte A CO, Witto 1 ros! Hardin A Parker. Peizer. Rodgers A co, Forward lng Agent, aud others. Pasoongsu. Per steamer Emilie, rrnm Georgetown-Mrs Macbeth, child and nurse. Mrs McMillan, Rev W W Lamar, wife and children, MN* Wesmr J Richardson, Col B H wilson, A Middleton, A W For-ter, Jr, W Mloton, and 18 on dtck. MARINE NEWS. CHARLESTON, 8. C.MARCH 8, 1873. Lat 82 deg 46 min S3 sec. | Lou 79 deg 67 mlu 27 seo Ah RIVED YESTERDAY. Commercial Line sehr J 0 Nam, oromley, New York-stilled rebru?ry 20. Mdae. To t. F Swen gan, r ailroad Agent, J Baker, E T Bi own, w M BIM A co, Dowl -.. M. lse A Davis, ? D Franke, W 0 nukes A co, Jno s Fairly A co Holmes, Calder 4 co, u Klatie A co, L> eke A Gronlng, B O'Neill, H Siegln g, Sardy A S.n. 'Iledeman, calder A co. Wagerer A Monsees. o W wunama A co, order ana others, i-xp> rl'ncd tenflo gate* entire pacage, during wh ch split salis, lost deck loan carboy a. stove bui warka, and carried away Jib boom and fore-topmast. Scnr witch HaeelL Springer, NorfVlk, Ta-s days. 7:0J bashela corn. Tu W H Jones A co. .-Chr Cordova, stedman, Philadelphia-14 days. Coal To T a Budd. steamer Emilie, White, Gerrgetown, S C. 181 tea noe. 1 bats cotton and Bananes. T > shark eifurd A Kelly, J K Pringle A Son, Mordecai A co, D Paul A co. J U Dawson. W OA R J For s;tue, c c Plenge, N Emanuel, and others. Received from ?hisultu'a MllL Si tierces rice To W ? Bee A co. BELOW. Sehr J Moans, Eaton, from Bostop. A Behr unknown. CLEARED TESTERDAY. Steamship Ashland, Hunter, Philadelphia-W A Courtenay. Bark r^arragansett, Hamlin, New York-E Willis. aclu Dione, McDonald, Kennebunkport, Me J A Eoslow A co. ?ehr charlea Morford, Parsons, New York-E F aweegan, agt. SAILED YESTERDAY. Steamship Ashland, Hohrer, Phllade'phin. sehr Geo Peaoody, Mcitay, New Yoik. Sehr Governor Goodrich, Snow, Boston. FROM THIS PORT. German bart Auguste, Onderberg, at Texel, February 14. UP FOR THIS TORT. Fchr Abby K Bentley, Menait, at New York, Mai oh 6. sehr Francis Satterly, stetson, at New York. March 6. CLEARED FOR THIS PORT. Sehr John E Dalley, Long, at Now York, ?arch 3. MEMORANDA. The following are the consignees per sehr Flor ince Rog ra from New York, which aimed on rhntsdai : Roach A Mntrett, Adams, Damon A :o, G W Almar. J E Adger A co, H Bl chorf A co, 3 Bulwlnkl , H Brown ET Brown, c J bower A Bro. cameron, Barkley & co. E R Cowper th wait. inoOampaen ? co. < avanaugh & Welsh, c cia Mus, Douglas A Miner, Do wie, Moise A DH via, Juo i Fairly A co, J uotham. J H nra fer. u Graveley, Jen'i Q A Gilmore, Hait Ac, Jno Hurkamp A 00, T M Horsey A bro, o A Johoson, Knobeloch A mall, CD Korn?hren*.G w King, Kllnck. WICK mbr-rg A co, Laurey. Alexaadrr A co. J W Lin? ey, P B Lalane A co. Af .m- une A 00. W Marscher. durtln A M. od S K Marshall A co, uti'.selil, 'Mer, D Paul A co. QuacKenbusn, Katiti A 0 >. D I sile x, w .>bepiiem A co, H - leg?uir. seb A ?oaier. A Tobias' sons. P P loale, >. H wilson * ro. p wmeman A co, O F Wt-lura wau er ?vans A Cogswell, Wagener A Monsees. w L ?yeob, w j 1 ates, A Mntelsb, J Thompson A co, i W Williams A co, and othen. married. BERRY-MAY,-at Augusta? Ga , February 23(1, by the Rev. Fainer O'Hara, Mr. THOMAS H. BERRY, formerly O? this city, to Miss EATS MAT, of Augusta THOMPSON-onALMHRS.-In Newberry. Feb* mary 27, oy Rev. H. r. Sloun. Mr. JOHN Y. THOMP" EON ai.d MISS DOLLIE CHALMBKS, (Db ttl arti MCLEAN.-Died, at Chrraw, S. C., on the 3d of Mai cn, Mis. CLAUDIA ELIZABSTH MOLBAN, wife of Dr John K. McLean, and only daughter of Mr. william Godirey, lu the thlriy-tirth year of her ace_ ft eli g. DUS Notices. Ja* .THEIFATSNI^ b? . pen for Divine Service every SABBATH MORN? ING, at half-past io o'clock, corner of Cunnii and Water streets, Kev. W. B. YATES, officiating. UNITARIAN CHURCH.-DIVINE Service will be held In this church TOMORROW MORMNQ, at haL'-pist 10 o'clock, the Rev. JAMES BOYO officia lng. AU strangers are cordially In vlied to attend. _mcli8 .JESTCALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH. The saored ordinance A Baptl-m will be per? formed by the Kev. JD,.IAN A. CHASE on SUN. DAT. March the 9 li, lnstaut, at hair-past 2 P. M., at thc foot of Council street, and the public are rtspectfully Inviter! to attend._mchg-l* ^FmST BAPTIST CHURCH WILL be open for Divine service 70 MORBO w MORNING, at ba'.f-past io c'ciock. sermon by the Pastor, Rev. L. H. SHUCK. Evening service at half-pist 7. Sermon by Rev. A. W. LtMAR, Agent o? the Baptist Srate Convention. Se-its free. mch8 Cut of ?e.iers. LIST OFT?TTERT REMAINING IN the Pustomcc at Charleston, ror the week ea ?uv. g March 7, 1873, and prlnred officially lu THE UAH. Y NSW* as the newspaper having the largest circulation in the City of Charles? ton. Persons calling for Letters In thia List should state that they are "Advertised." WOMEN'S LIST. Almes, Mri M J mavis, sallie P Merri*, Mrs M A Alson. sopha Grant. Carrie Morris, Angus Anzediey, Mrs Greene, ca rle ta Geo u 'laignt, Mri S A Murray, Julia Anson. Mary /> Han, Mrs L ti Murley.Mtsshlr Aveiy, Mary A Hail, Mrs J L ley AUS'OU, nunan uamllton, Lou- Murphy, Kate Austin Mary .sa M>-yer, Mrs Ann Bai e-, Ella T Hammand, Jen- Meyer, ida M Bating. Sarah E nie McAllister, Mrs Bee, t-lizabeth Hampton, Rhu-Mc-weeney,Ma Blgnon Mis Bar- dy ry nie Huppo. Mrs S Ness, Mrs C Baise, Mrs Wm -inr.erV n, MUS Oak-s, Mrs M 0 Ui.tnesi.M.s ag- E oeijjn,Mrs Hen? n?s am rison, Matu- ry Brooks, Susan da oliver, Mattha troiiie, Caroline arrlson, Else} ?neale, Ann 0 Baynes, Elita . olauc, alla Br^wn Mrs Geo IL.Bsemeyer, Patrick,Mrs K ?ulwlukie, Cai- Ml-s I'elot, Mr.- Wm rle Hasard, Koa B Burns. Ida Heriot. Mary Peters, Mrs 0 0 Cannon, Matilda uey ward, 1)1- Phillp, Jane Carroll, Martha auah Braylow, Ann Cad ', Mra Alice Balle. Alma Price, ?ira M E M H ..me?, chris- i'rico. Alice C.bi clark, Jos Hurae, Major Sly, Jno W Coyn, thomas Jacobi, F W Slattery. James Conyers, Capt Jenkinn, K R Smith, T J SE Jerway, W R -m.tii.Rev Fran Corel), P.ul Jin,mlngs, Gio cia A I rowen, T J Jones, WUrlch Smith, cesor Craig. James A Jonen, K K (col'd) cuuimtnsa, Wul- Jones, Jessie MI.I li, Thos B ter P Jones, Barney smyths, A H cunningham, Johueon, i aulel Suuwdeu, R L James J .husun, sam- sherry, A M Davis, Kiel i uel stratton, J H Dine. Winiam J nu-' n, F Mc Surraiett, H H 1 on. Patrick Kelley, James sweeney, Jno Oleren Lach Geo Kennedy, John Talbot, Cui ld n tener. H c Kingsland, ena: ihumpa?m,Lud Doscher, HG Klulo.li, Jae* wig Dorkewl c.Qeo King, Jehial | rhompson, Geo Donnelly, td- Koa.mann, JD ?ihouipson, Wm ward Lam!, OL 0 Hoi hage, Joseph Larnce, vim Tinsley, Samuel Dornu. W ? i.at son, Wm Prescott, Paul Douglas. Alben Lee, T Van, Thomas L Drew. KU ward Lea, Kichard 0 Duane, stephan Lesane, Cunan V?rone, John imano. Ws? i.e.eiska, Elchol- Waiker, WJ imggan, John na Ward. W W hbernardt, c B Lewis, James Warley, John 0 F.age es, Joseph Lewie. Frea R ?Vaiermann, F English. Wm Lllieuthal, Hen- Watermann, R hndioott, ??Hei rich H Evr cks. Benn Lortus, John WobBttr, D ? Farrabee, John ..ockwoud, J Weston, J Ed Flu k, Or Peter i ni ward Fl-her. Friday Lofvengreen, J Whaley. Jo j Fitzgerald, Mr Lord, KOL White, S R Fortune.Biuford Lonie. Ned White, Stephen (col'di Lucas, i r OB (col'd. 1 Gaillard, Theo M agni ty, John Wnltman, John i F Marc, G Whiteskks, Geo , GarbOD, Jos S Madsen, Chas w Gibbs Cicero Mar.in, Kdward Shittier, Re Gibos, JohnO Mariln, Wm, 2 True Gibos. Jus s Manln a W Wilkmett, Ben- , Git lard, 'Jheo-Maybank, Dan- Jamiu d re ir] Williams, Jacob < Glenn, Theo M Michael, Chas I williams, Ed- j Gotjen, Wm Middle on, A E I ward L B Graut, Mr Middleton, D W.l. urns, AI ram c. au-. Geo Miller, Joe j Wince, Michael 1 Grant, Alex.? Jin er, Jonas D I Green, Hugh L Miler, KC Wmar, FW . Or?-ene, captain ?irmejia,Ni:ho- Winley. oreen JO |,g Winters, Jack 1 Sreene, Benji. Mitch?ll, Arthur (c i'd) ] ?ula ?Itch il, Hillard Woodard,Henry ( Greene. Edward Ml.caen. Wm Wunnlkl, Her Gregory, M ch Uohu, Wm man ael D M r*e, wm H Wolfe, Plenty QailUott, Mons Miller, Frank w reden, Mr Eueene iaaio.JJ ?Wiedeu, Henry HsgermaQD Murray, D F I Wrlghton.Aron Henrich.lZerost, J D Soo ?ate for Classification. ^OADEMI OF MUSIC. SATURDAY, MARCH 8th. Last Night of the Great Comedian, JOHN E. OWENS. To night (Saturday,) ihe Comedy lo Three Acta, EVERYBODY'S FRIEND, To Conclude with the LIVE INDIAN. Mr. OWENS In Three Characters. mcliB l Sbippittfl. F OR GEORGETOWN, S. C. Time Table of Steamer EMILIE, " -JP^w C?ptame. C. White, for Waich, 1878: JaSSaeaC I.K AVK CHARLESTUN. 1 LEAVE QEORQKTOW.N. WBDNBS'Y. Mch a,.6 A M MONDAY, Mch 3, 6 A H MONDAY, Mch io, 6 A II FRIDAY, Mch 7, 5 A M FRIDAY, Men 14. a A M WBDNBS'Y, Mch 12,6 A M WBDNBS'Y. Mch 10, GAD MONDAY, Mch 17, 6 A M MONDAY, Mch 24, a A H FRIDAY, Men. 21,5 AM FRIDAY, Mch 28, 6 A M WBDNBS'Y, Mch 26,6 A M MONDAY, Mch 31, 6 A H SHACKELFORD & KELLY, Agents, mchl-stnthlmo F 0 R FLORIDA. VIA SAVANNAH, The Splendid Side wheel Steamers, PICT --To*, captain L M. coxeiter.. and CITY POINT, Caot a In ItlSteraflC wul ?ave chat leaton every i UKSOAY. TB?RSUAY aud SUN? DAY EVENING at 8 o'i-li OR picci-ely, for savan nsh Fernanaina. Jacksonville, Magn Un,. Ore-n cove springs, St. Augustine, i'aiatka and all Linnings on St. John's River. Connecting at Palatka with steamers for tne Oclawaha hiver and with the Steamer STARLIGHT lor Enter? prise, Melion\Me and all pjlnta on the Upper at, John's and indian Rivara. Connect at Fernandina with F'orlda Railroad for ali points In tue interior, and with Railroad ror New Orh-an* and Havana, via Cedar Keys. All way Freight tiltia be prepaid. For Freight or Passage, a ply to HAVEN H L A CO.. Agents, dec2 Cor. Vandenior-t'a Wharf and East Bay. Doors, Saslies ano jBiinos DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, VOOD MOULDINGS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELS AND ALL KINDS OF FANCY GLASS. LARCE STOCK-LOWEST RATES ORDER WORK SOLICITED. SEND FOR ESTIMATE AND PRICE LISTS. KEOGH & THORNE, 254 AND 256 CANAL TREET rleO0-lyr Mew York City. State Notices. QFFICIAL NOTICE TO PILOTS. In accordance with Instructions received at this Ofllce, from the Health Officer of this Port, Dr. LF.BBY, yon are hereby ordered to anchor all vessels arrivlag from Ports of Brazil, Rio Janeiro, Pera and Chill at QUARANTINE. By order. A. 0. STONE, Chairman fioard Commissioners of Pilots. tnch7-e 0 F F 1 0 I A L . FXKCCTiVK DKPARTMSNT, 1 OFFICE tr COMPTROLLKB UENKBAL, > OoLUMBIA, S. 0., March 1st, 1873. ) CIRCULAR NO. 12. To Auditor-County. SIR-in accordance with an Act of the General Assembly, approved February 27th, 1878, you will on reoelpt of this, Instruct your county Treasurer to issue hts executions for uipald taxes and pen aitics of 1872 S3 Boon as you return to hlio bis duplicate, with the twenty per cent, penalty charged thereon, as noted In " Circular 8," and re' qui e him to proceed at once to thefpeedy collec? tion of the same by distress or otherwise. The fees allowed Treasurers as costs are aa fol? lows, viz: On the amount delinquent.6 per cent. For lsauing execution.$ ?o For entry of B ? me in execution book. co For levy on propertv. 1 6) For adver sing property for sale. 2 00 For mileage, (uily one way,) per mlle, (to be computed from the county couithi uso to the p ac - or making distress). 09 section 6. Chapter 13, Title 8, of General Stat? utes gives the county Tieasurer ample power to enforce the i ollectlon of his executions promptly : aod you will remind him that he wi 1 be i eld res pgnslble for ad taxei and penalties due on his i duplicate, Sa ve for reasons specified In Seotlon 90, Chapter 12, Tl le 3, or Statutes aforesaid ; and that tho Treasurer must exhaust the personalty before ptoceedl. g against real estate of any taxpayer. On or before the loth of April next you wi 1 ex? amine the Treasurer's Duplicate and receive from him the delinquent Hst, on which Hst he wt 1 cer? tify to yon tho name of any taxpayer against whom shad appear any assessment, tax or penal? ty for A. D. 18f2unpaid.for or on account of any real estate in your county; and you will publish the same (delinquent Hst) weekly, for two weeks, between April 15th an i May 6,1873, in the manner aud form as presoilbed ia General Statutes, Title 3. Chapter 13, section 17. The day of sale will be May 6, 1873, aud yon win attach a notice to said list?n the manner and form as noted in Section 17 above. The above sale will be conducted In tho manner t reicribed In section 18 or above mcnilont-d Chapter, as amended by Section l, Act No. 126, approved March 12.1872. You will keep thc record or sale as noted lu Section 20, chapter 13, Title 3, as above, and on wnlch depends the correctness of assessments for 1873. and obviates the reference to this omce of j petitions for "erroneous assessments," often styled "olerlcal errors." Your attention ls Invite I to Section 34 and 85 of Chapter 13, abovo noted; ana lt ls absolutely cer? tain that if any of the above directions are not oompiled with, and on the days specified, that the j sales made wid be null and vuid lu law, and entat apon your oflhe a reputation undesirable. As soon as the sales are completed as abovo yon will be furnl.-hed with "Settlement Sheets" to :lose tneacoounts or 1872; and you are Instructed ;c prepare and forward the same, with the "For? feited Lis ," by thu County Treasurer, on or be? fore the lat day of June next, for a fl nal settle? ment of all taxes for 1872, thereby obviating any inpediment to the assessment or 1873. You will :ouvey to your Oounty Treasur r the Inrormatlon tere n noted, which will be binding on each or rou, a copy or same being sent by mall toyoDr iddress; and being so delivered, you will report roar action to this office. Respectfully, Ac, S. L. HOOF, Comptroller-General of South Carolina, Approved: F. J. MOSES, Jr., mcb5 Governor of South carolina. Sapping. fJIHE PHILADELPHIA STEAM LINE. THE FIRST-CLASS SCREW STEAMSHIPS EQUATOR, Captain Hinckley, ASHLAND, Captain Hunter, Are now regularly on tbe Line, insuring a flrat class sea connection between Philadelphia aud Charleston, and In alliance with Railroad compa? nies at both termini, afford rapid transportation to and from all points m ibe Cotton States, aud to and from Cincinnati, st. Louis, Chicago and the principal cities ol the Northwest, Hoston. Provl dence and the Eastern Manufactailng Centres. tO" The I QUATOK is appointed to sall from Brown's wharf on FRIDAY, HthMaroh at 0 o'clock P. M. Ay The ASHLAND will follow. For particulars of Freight arrangements, applj to WM. A. COURTENAY, Corner East Bay and Vendue Hange, up stairs. W. P. OLYDE A CO., General Agents, No. l? South Delaware Avenue. Philadelphia, mot>8-9tatb3fl F OB NEW YORK. fm The Splendid side-wheel Steamship MANHAT? TAN, M. S. Woodhull, Commander, will sall for the arove port OJ SATURDAY, 8th mat., at 18 o'clock M. For Freight or Passage engagements apply to mch8-3 J AM A pu KR A co.. Agents. QHANGE OP SAILING DAYS. INCREASED SERVICE. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S THEODOH LINE TO CALIFORNIA CHINA ANO JAPAN. FARES GREATLY REDUCED. Steamers or the above line leave Pier, No. ?j. North River, foot of i anal street,. New YorB. at 12 o'clock noon, or the Mu, and 801b of every mouth, except wheo these dat?e fallon Sunday, then the saturday preceding. AU departures conoec at Panama with Steam ers for South Pacido and Central american ports, Po Japan and china stearne! s leaveSan Fran cl-co first of every month, except when lt fal B 01 monday-then on the day preceding. N? California Steamers touch at Havana, but go direct from New York to AsplnwalL One hundred poonda baggage free to each adolt Me icti.o und attendance free. For Passage Tickets or other information, applj at the COMPANY'S TICKET OFFICE, on tbi Wharf foot of Canal street, North 1 iver, Nen Yoik. F. R BABY, Agent. augis lt r Orn (Sooos, Ut. THE FINEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF JUST UNPACKED, ? AT No. 375 King Street, S:i6llUS? (?flTG? J\ J. ADAMS, TRIAL JUSTICE, OFFICE NO. 1 COURTHOUSE SQUARE. RESIDENCE NO. 28 GEOBQE STREET. mehi 6?_ A. KENYON, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT AND FOR? WARDING AGENT, NO. 4 2 M A Ti K ST STE EST, In Pipe and Barrel Staves, Shingles, Spikes, Wood. Rough Rice, Peas, corn. Pindars, Apples, Peaches, Potaio-s, Onions, bide?, Furs, Beeawax, Tallow, Hogs, Fowls, Eggs, Game. Sond for quotation of market prices. feblG-stus* Dr nos ano meemnts. jyjEDICINE AND FOOD COMBINED. VALENTINE'S MEAT JUICE. TESTIMONY OF CHARLESTON PHYSICIANS. This valuable preparation, recently discovered, bas been extensively tested here and throughout the country during the past sommer, and aa-, fatty merited the charaoter claUned for it. KA oh bottle contains the Jalee of foar poonda pf the best be f, exclusive or fat. Mr. Valentine, the patentee and proprietor of ibis preparation, has in his possession numerous testimonials from the best and most experienced ph y siciai.s or the land. Among them tb? follow? loi; are presented to the readers of THE Narwa, who will need-no farther assurance of the quality and efficacy or the article here offered : CHARLESTON, S. 0., September 28, 1873. Dear Slr-some time ago t bad toe honor to re? ceive by express specimens of your "Meat Joice" for trial. I have not thoa far acknowledged yoor kind communication lor the simple reason that*1, never cert)"'' io ming" of which 1 fcnow nothing. I have, . cue meantime, teated yonr "Prepara* tion." fahy a>:d cautiously, and tho result of my ex perlene- has been, that.ln ail casea where-aup* poit ls demanded, whether In the teething child or the adult worn down by disease; your "Prep?? ration" has, under my observation, proved far more efficacious than all the farrago of farina* ceous articles and so-called extracts, which orten do more harm than good. lam, very respectfully, your obedient servant, ' E.GEDD.NG?,M.B. Mr. M. S. VALENTINE, Rlchao- Va. . C H AB LE B TON, S. 0., Sept ember'll, 1872. MR. M. S. VAtmmNB: . near slr-l have made quite an extensiva trial*' of your "Meat Juice" daring the past rammer, particularly ln'toose protracted and exhausting di e ses incident to Infancy and CBliahood, so familiar to our Southern physicians.. The trial bas i e olied lu a pjefereace for i y oar "Meat Juice" above all the Kxtracs which I nave hither? to u-ea. bo lar, lt. bas jolly come UP to all that has been claimed for it, and if Its preparation la conduct. d with tue same care, and the parity af the materials maintained- as heretofore, I bava no doubt Its u*e will oegreatly extended. Very respectfully your obedient servant, . TP. M.ROBERTSON. M D., . .. Professor of Gynecology and clinical Obstetrics ta the Medical College of the State of south. Carolina. - ?-. QU AH AST INS fl mex. j CHARLESTON, November so, 1872.X' Ma. M. S. VALENTINS: Dear sir-Yoor samples of "Meat Joice" were received through the politeness of yoor agent, and need very freely daring the sommer In cho? lera Infi ui um, tow forms ot rever and other dis? eases peculiar to this climate. I cheerfully add my testimony to Its dietetic value, and regard yoor "Meat Preparation" of great benefit, not ?my la tafantle, but also la ndu.it practice, lt ls with pleasure mat I caa recommend its ase to the profession generally from past experience and the happy resalta In my practice. Very respectfully, Ac. . . .. ? V ROBERT LEBBT, M. D.,, . Health. Officer. Harbor of u?arles wi. ; CaiBt.K8T0N,.S. C., September 20,1872. Mr. M. 8. VAXBNTINI: . Dear Slr- uuring the past summer I have Bad a fun opportunity il testing your "Preparation or Meat Juice." particularly amor.;?'- children suf? fering from Darrncea from ^Teething." I Undi that as soon as they lose their appetite and com? mence to deteriorate generally, your Preparatloa administered ls weil retained and most often en? joyed by the Uti le soffere. s. They improve rapid ly in health nod strength. Other preparations are not so easily tolerated, on account; or their un? pleasant odor and taste. *'... I consider the omen ts of yonr little bottle most invaluable in all acato wasting diseases. Very respectfully, W. M. FITCH, M. p. ~ Dr. S. Barnet), of Camden. S. C. writes: "I am using Valentine's Me ifJnlce with excel* lent e fleet la the case of a child, who Is exceed tasty rond or lt, while he positively refasei-all other food." .rv A fresh supply of the Meat Juice Jost received] and for sale, wholesale*and~ retail, by Dr. H. BAER,. No. 131 Meeting street, Charleston. decT-slyrncaw -; SoilTOi???. gOUTH CAROLMA BAILROAD. CHARLESTON, S. 0., December 14.1872. On and afier SUNDAY, December 18. the Pas? een ger Trains on the sooth Carolina Railroad will run as follows: FOB COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston..... ,1.80 x ic Arrive at COmmbla....0.20 p M FOB AUG I STA. Leave Charleston.i.9.80 A m Arrive at Augusta.6,20 P IC P0BCBABU8T0N. Leave Colombia....9.00 A ? Arrive at Charleston.... .c...4 45 t K L -ave Augusta.9.00 A M Arrive at Charleston.."..Iii i M COLUMBIA NIGHT XXPBS8S. ( ondays excepted.) j ' Leave Charleston.,."7.Sv ? K arrive at coombia..o.so A X Leave Colombia..'.7 80 p X Arrive at charleston.e ?s A x AUGUSTA NIGHT mrpniM . ? - (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston.......8,30 p x arrive at Augusta....7.85 A M Leave augusta.i..?.15 p M Arrive at charleston.C50 A-K SUMMER VI LLD TRAIN. Leave Snmmei vine ax.7.26 A M Arrizo at i haneatoa....8.?o A M Leave Charleston."8.86 ? M Arrive at Summerville.4 60 P If CAMDEN TRAIN.. Leave cam en.7.20 P M Arrive ai Columbia.-.... ..ii.65 A X Leav.- C 'lumoi*............2.10 P X Ar ive at uaraden.8.66 P x Day ?nd Mgnt Trains conneet at Augusta with Macon and Augu U Railroad, Central Railroad and GeorKia KaLroad. Thia la the quickest and moat direct r nie and as com unable and cheap as any o her route to Louisville, Clnclunatl, Chicago, St. Louis ann all utti er pulu i s V\'est and Northwest. Colum la Night Train counsels wltn Greenville and t oin mb a ?allroad;and Day and Night Trains connect with Charl ate Road. Ti ir. .ugh tickets on sale via this ronte to all points North. Camden Train connects at Ringville dally (ex? cept sundays) with Day Passenger Train, and rons throogh to colombia. , ?:. > A. U TYLER, VIco-Prealdont. S. B. PIOKENS, G. T. A. ' dacie SAVANNAH AND OHABLESTON RAILROAD. CH ABLEST .'N, January 18, 1873. On and a: ter MONDAY. J mn a ry 2\ toe Pas? senger Trains on i his Road wm ran as follows : ' EXPRESS TRAIN-DAILY. L?ave Charleston.4.00 P. WL arrive at >a> annan.io. 16 P. M. Leave Savannah.....11,80 jp-? M. arrive ac charleston..7 A. M. DAY TRAIN-SUSDAYS BXOIPTBD. Leave Charleston...,.7.40 A. M. Arrive at snvannah.8.80 P. M. Leave Savannah..'.,.ii A.M. arrive at charleston....e to p. M. Passengers from cn anent on by 7.40 A. M. train make cl t-e conn, otion with Port Royal Railroad for all Mations on that Ruad, (>ondaysexcepted.) 'i lckett tor Beau ron on tale at this Office, v. Freight tor warned dally on through btlis dr lad? ing io poin'.s in Florina and by Savannah line of steamshlp-i to Bo-ton. Prompt dispatch given to freights for Beaufort and points on Port Boyal Railroad and at as loir rates as by any other lin?. o. s. GADSDEN. Engineer and Snperlniendent- - . S. 0. BOYLSTON, i.tn'1 Ft. and Ticket agent. Janl4 NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD C01f> PANT. CHARLESTON, s. C., January 20, ira. Trains WIM leave charleston Dally at 10.00 A. M and 8 oo P. M. Arrive at charleston 0,46 A. M. (Mondays ex? cepted) and 3.80 P. M. Train doss not leave charleston 8.00 P. M. SUN? DAYS. Traia leaving 10.00 A. M. makes through connec? tion to New York, via Richmond and acaula Creek only, going throogh in 44 hours. Passengers leaving by 8.00 P. M. Train have choice or ronte, via Richmond and Washington, or via Portsmouth and Baltimore. Those leaving FBIDAT I y this Train lay over on SUNDAY in Bal? timore. Those leaving on SATURDAY remain SOW DAY In Wilmington, N. 0. This ls the che i pest, quickest and most pleas? ant n ote to i Incl i nat l, chicago and other pointe We-tand Northwest, both Trains making con? nections at Washlngio with Western Trains of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. S. S. SOLOMONS, . Engineer and Superintendent. P. L. OLEAPOR. Gen. Ticket Agent. may21 SAM'L W. MELTON, D. H. CHAMBERLAIN, Attorney-General. t'x-Attorney General. jyjTSLTON & CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, COLOMBIA, S?-O., ? .>.-.. wm practice In au the Courts of this state, an fl in me Dnlted States Courts for the District or sout h carolina. omce-i at colombia, S. C., in the statehouse i and la the Carolina National Bank Building rnD !???.>. Ja???lyr