TSBXS OF TBBSBWS. TH? DAILY NSW?, by mali one y eur, $8; Biz months, $4; three months, $2 80. served lu the city at ?io OTE SK CENTS a week, payable to tbe oarriers, or $8 a year, paid In advance at the office. THI TKI- w B sr LT NKWS, pnbllshed on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday?, one year, $4; six -nonda,'$2 co. TBK WIMXT Niws, one year, $2; six months, $1SS. Six copies $10. Ten copies to one address SIS. Sr^scBJPTioNgU all ca?os payable !n advance, and no paper continued- after the expiration of tho time paid for. ADVERTISEMENTS IN THK DAILY NEWS-First insertion 15 cents a line, subsequent insertions io cents a line. Business Notices (by count) so cents a line. Marriage and Fanerai Notices $1 each. ADVXRTI3Jtll?NT3 IK THI WBBXLY Haws, per line of solid nonpareil, l insertion, \S cents; 1 month, 60 cents; 3 months, Si; s mouths, $176; 13 months, $3. KoncKS or Wanta, To Rent, Lost ana Found, Boarding, Ac, not exoeedlng 20 words, 26 cents each Insertion; over 20, and not exceeding 40 words, CO cents each Insertion. Meetings 75 cents each. These rates are NET, and mast In variably be paid In advance. TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS will be nnoltshed in THE TBI-WBEK.LT NEWS at the same rates as In THE DAILT Nxws. Contract advertisements at One half the rates for TH? DAILY NEWS. - CONTRACT ADVERTISEMENTS, to run one month or longer, for each line of solid nonpareil: 1 month, $1; s months, $i 75; 8 months, $2 50; 6 months, $4; 12 months, $7. . itiMiT" ANO ss should be made by Postoffice KonejOrdir, or by Express. If this cannot be done, protection against losses by mall may be secured by forwarding a draft on Charleston payable to the order or che proprietors of THE Nrwg, or by sending the money lu a registered letter. Addreti RIORDAN, DAWSON A CO., NA. 10 Broad -treet, Charleston, S. O. SAT?EDAY, MARCH 8, 1873 SEWS OF TSF. DAT. -Texas lunatics are tamed loose OD tbe Inhabitants of the town where they belong, lt board at the asylum lBu't paid promptly. -Senator Sprague represents the largest moneyed interest In the Senate, variously - estimated at irom $12,900,000 to $20,000,000. -Spurgeon, with his broad, bad taste, dis? likes old paintings, and foolishly avows the tact, to the horror of English journalists, ar? tists and connosslenrs. -Beecher describes Tyndall's face as 'long, thin, fringed with whiskers, without mous? tache or goatee, leaving his month like the embrasure of a fort, clear for action." -The first choral wedding ever celebrated in Washington took place at St. Paul's Church, in that city, recently. The bridal party, pre? ceded by a processional cross aud twenty-foor robed choristers, and tbe officiating priest, marched through the main aisle singing a wedding hymn. On arriving at the altar, which was surrounded with numerous lighted candles, the btlde and groom elect knelt In . silent prayer; after which the ceremony of the Episcopal Church was performed. -New Hampshire bolds the first spring elec? tion this year, and the candidates lor Governor are Ezekiel A. 8iraw, Republican, and James A. Weston, Democrat. The election ls n?ld. on March il. The next election will be held in Rhode Island, April 2d, and the third In Connecticut, April 7th. In the latter State Henry P. Haven, Republican, and Chas. R. Ingersoll, Democrat, have been nominated tor Governor. Both in New Hampshire and Connecticut members of Congress are to be chosen at these elections, the former having j three and? the latter lour, members. At the Presidential election the majorities tor Grant were, in New Hampshire, 6744; Rhode Island, 8636, and Connecticut, 4768. At the Govern ?-J- ?Ifl-Hnjn In t h PHP. States, in the spring of . last year, the Republicans carried New Hamp-1 shire by 2187, Rhade 'Island by 1065, and Con? necticut by 2001. * -?According to Miss Grondy, society in Washington isn't entirely given to epicurean? ism. Tbe refreshments offered at the differ? ent houses vary. Sometimes there are only chocolate and cake; again only cake and wine; and again there ls a handsome table set, and though calling appears to make people very hungry, and salads, croquettes and fried oy? tera disappear as lt it were aristocratic to be In a starving condition, still when simpler re? freshments are offered no one remarks upon it. In fact refreshments are by no means in? dispensable, lhere are some houses-favor? ite resorts-where every week Ufere are large reception:! at whioh no refreshments are of? fered. No one mikes an ill-natured remark about the ladles who dispense with a celia? Hon. Sandwiches appear to?be a favorite ar? ticle of diet at receptions. Toast, cut thin and in small squares, and bu .tered and placed on silver salvers, ls always found at the Peruvian Minister's, and ls always eaten with a relish. Bouillon (beef tea) ls as much relished as wine. >.-A recent lawsuit in Baltimore most be somewhat astounding to persons holding con? ditional insurance policies and contemplating Alpine tours. A physician of that city, re? cently starting on a European tour, took out . fire thousand dollar policy, which was for? feit in case he encountered tbe risks of hunt? ing or exploring expeditions. Of conree, a cosmopolitan traveller might as well visit England without seeing the Tower of London, aa Switzerland and not toil up the slippery Steeps ot Moot Blanc. So the dootor thought, and, as a matter of coorse made the ascent with .act idea of imitating Sir John Franklin or Captain Hail. Tne expedition was fatal, however, and the particular company In which bis policy was registered refused to pay lt because the decth which called for lt was met on an "exploring expedition." The law was not olear upon that point, and the case was adjusted by compromise. Probably insurance companies In general would hardly approve the action o? this one of their num? ber. If in these days of constantly Increasing European travel, Hie insurance policies are to be forfeited by all who insist upon enjoying one of the first attractions ol the grand tour, there will be found a marked diminution in the fattest .premiums. Every person who ?pends time, money and effort to see some? thing new, ls In one sense on an exploring expedition, but a business that confines Itself so closely to the letter of the law as-thlscan hardly be extensive or flourishing. -Whatever they may have done or left un? done lor the people, members ol Congress^ In the last moments of the sealion, were not un mindful of themselves. For fear, perhaps, that they might not receive from their con? stituents the reward of " good and faithful servants," they resolved to reward themselves. It most be confessed that they have done so handsomely. They have voted tbe Increase Of their own salaries with no niggard hand. Under the disinterested lead of General But? ler, whose motive in the matter may cer? tainly be conceded to be " above suspicion," the House amended the legislative, executive and judicial appropriation bill, as lt came back from the Senate, so ns to give the Presi? dent 160,000, vice-President and Speaker $10,000. judges of the Snpreme Conrt $10,000, Senators and Representatives $0600. In this shape the bill went to a con once committee of the two houses, i reported back, making the salary Benators and Representatives $7500, lnsteai $8500. In this form lt passed, with aprot that, as to the salaries of Congressmen, should take effect Irom March 4th, li Thus Congress have voted themselves an ac lion of $5000 back pay for the last two yet The point of order that members could vote upon a bill In whloh they were persont Interested was simply laughed down, and the votes of men whose terms expired on 4th of March, 1873, and who scrupled col make this last "raid upon the treasury," i bill was passed. While the vote was bel pur, the speaker (air. Blaine) had the tc upon bis own motion, to amend the bill sc to make the Increase ol the speaker's sal: to begin l,hereaiter," Instead of Irom Ma 4th, 1871, thereby taking himself out of "ring." The Jobbing Trade of Charleston. j It may be said without fear of contrat] tlon, and even if contradicted, it is capable cloar proof, that Charleston is, without i cepilon, the best market for tbe parcbi of goods by tbe smaller merchants ot l State, Georgia, Florida and Alabama. Ii true that it cannot compare in size w New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, a that the amonnt and variety of goods either of the places mentioned is immens greater than lt is in Charleston. It ls a true tbat there are a few jobbing bouses some of tbe interior cilles nearer to the m chants !n their respective localities. Bul comparing Charleston with other mark In regard to ihe facilities which it affords a Jobbing trade, it must be considei whether the larger stock and greater vari? offered io Northern cities is of any real t vantage to the small dealer of tbe South, moment's reflection will show that they i not. Tbe interior merchant needs for t conduction of bis business but a small sto of goods at a time, and tbat stock suited the peculiar wants of his neighborboc Manifestly tbe larger the stock and t greater the variety be bas to select from, t more difficult is tbe task of selection, a tbe greater tbe temptation to buy more tb he really wants, and some things that does not want at all. In addition to ll difficulty, the extra amount of time ai money required to go to these large but d! tant centres of trade renders it very inco ventent, if not impossible, to go more tbi twice a year. The consequence is that large amount of capital ls required to lay a sufficiently heavy stock for the season. Tl change in fashion, and tbe change in prie before tbe end of tbe season, often renders large part of the goods unsaleable, and tbi takes off a large portion of the profit c those sold ; to provide against wbicb it necessary to ask a higher price on goods i the opening of the season iban would othe wise oe done. It bas now become paten and is acknowledged even In New Yoi) tbat between two rival merchants in til same interior town, one of whom buys i New York twice a year and carries a larg stock, and the other buys at tbe neara market, keeps a small stock and constant renews lt, thus being able to keep up wit the changes of tbe fashion and tbe marke tbe latter ie sure to win the race. This Is t certain and so generally acknowledged th; within tbe last few years the jobbing trat of New York bas greatly fallen off, and bi merchants are gradually changing the business to tbat of warehousemen. In n gard to tbe jobbers In the interior cities < tbe South, they bave to pay almost as moe freight as their customers, and being genei ally new concerns, cannot compete wit Charleston either In experience or :c pi tal. Independent, however, of all comparison! Charleston has facilities which make be necessarily tbe centre of the jobbing trad of tbe ?South. With a fine harbor, and chea and rapid waler communication witb Bos ton, New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore wilb direct dally railroad commnnicatioi with ail parts of the Boult, witb a larg capital, which, if not equal to what lt wa before the war, ls ample for the presen trade and increasing every year; with i large number of experienced merchants am business connections of many years stand lng, and an unblemished commercial credit abe can bid defiance Lo competition. Io another column will be found an adver tisement of some of the leading houses lt various branches of business. All of these are responsible and successful concerns Some of them have a history dating back tc a period long antecedent to the war, ant their names have been as familiar as house hold words lo several generations of coun try merchants. Others are of more recenl origin, formed by young men of indastrj and energy, who have acquired their bust ness knowledge In this community, and havt by their successful careers shown themselves in every way equal to the task which they have undertaken. To those country mer? chants who are among our readers, and their name is legion, we would in view of the approach of the Spring trade oiler the above reasons for coming to Charleston in preference to going to any other market. We also specially in? vite their attention to those houses whose names appear in tbe advertisement alluded to. It does not by any means include all the jobbing houses in Charleston, but those it does Include are among tbe very best, and are well worlby the patronage of any mer? chant visiting Charleston. The Camdon Journal. Mr. John Kershaw, the editor and pro? prietor of the Camden Journal, bas re? signed its editorial charge to his father, Gen. eral J. B. Kershaw. The Journal was well managed by its former editor, who, strangely enough, has a wise head upon very young shoulders; but we cannot complain of any change which places General Kershaw in a position la which bis frank, generous and liberal views can be Impressed, week by week, upon the readiog public. It is not forgotten that General Kershaw was the leading spirit of ihe Reform movement of 1870, and we think now, as we thought then, that the social and political redemption of the State can be Becured only by a practical and lasting application of the principles o? which that movement was the exponent. Those principles were and are the recogni? tion in good faith of the constitutional changes growing out of the Confederate war, and a binding together of all honest men! without respect to color or party, for the purpose of securing an honest and economi? cal government of tbe State. Mr. G. W. Olney. Mr. G. W. Oloey, who baa been a member of the editorial staff of the New York World for a number of years, bas taken editorial charge of the Spectator, the leading insur? ance journal of the rnited States. Mr. Olney was the chief statistician of tbe World, and was, besides, the compiler o? tho World Almanac. Ic is pleasant to see a Cbarles tonian work bis way in journalism as rapidly as Mr. Olney bas done, and it is pleasanter still to know, by personal expe? rience, that his tact, energy and indisputa? ble talent will go far to establish the suc? cess and increase the prosperity of any un? dertaking with which he may be connected. Mr. Olney carries with him to bis new and responsible post the warm good wishes of j his Charleston friends. The Blue Ridge Scrip. It was reported In Columbia, a few days a:To, that the act repealing the section of the act authorizing the issue of tbe Blue Ridge scrip, and compelling its receipt for taxes, bal not been presented to Governor Moses for his approval. The chairman of the Senate committee on enrolled bills, whose duty it is to present Buch bills to the Gov? ernor, is 8enator Maxwell, who was, we be? lieve, an opponent of the repeal of the Blue I Bidge act. Will he be so good aa to Inform I the public what bas become of the act in question ? ???-??-_ The Commiulomers of Public Lands* The amount of $7500 noticed in our issue of yesteiciay aa having been expended by the commissioners of public lands is not a new item of expense. There were appropri? ated $6000 for the Old Folks' Home, and $3000 for the Honse of Correction. These amounts were transferred to the commis? sioners of pnblic lands, who have maintained the two institutions at an expense of only $7500, or $1500 less than the som allowed them, and they have, besides, carried on the public cemetery, the cost of which was for? merly charged to the Board of Health. Special Notices. SUMTES RIFLE CLUB.-MEM BSRS will please leave Measures for their Hats at JOBNaON 4 BROWN'? Hat storo, King street, wtihcut delay. D. HUGER BAGOT, mch8-amv?3 Chairman com. on Uniform". ?8~A SURE PREVENTIVE FOR GKAY Hair ls HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER, lry lt. mchS stuth3D*w ^*FOR THE OPERA, EVENING Parties and the Ball Room, Elgin's Phantom Pow? der will be especially esteemed on account or the surprising and snrpaBsing brilliancy and beauty lt gives to the complexion. No lady should fall to t:y lt. its effects are magical In transforming even the homeliest oomplexion into o: e of beauty and loveliness. Price 26 and 60 cents per box. For sale by all druggists. mchs-thsiusmos Jk%> B 'TTOMRY LOAN WANTED. Wanted, one Thonsand Dellars, more or less, on Bottomry on tne Spanish Brig HUQO, B. Onana ai cns, Master, on ber Intended voyage from Charleston to Barcelona, (?pain,) io defiay ex? penses ot repairing the vessel in this pork Settled proposals wlil be received at the office of the act? ing Spanish Consul nu tu MONDAY, the io. ti inst, at 12 o'clock M. mcb7 3 J&*ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY oantloned against trusting or harboring any of the crew of the British Bark AQNEs CAMPBELL. as no debts contracted by them will bo pal i by the Captain or Agents. WILLIAMS, BLACK A WILLIAMS, m ch 7 Agen is. ??-DOCTOR AY ER'S LABORATORY, that has done such wonders for the sick, now issues a po emt restorer for the beauty of man klud- for tut oomellness wbloh udvanong age I? so prone to d,mln sh and destroy. Ills ViGOR mo nts luxuriant locks on tho bald aud gray pates among ns, and thus lays us under ob iga tlons to him for the good looks as well as health or the community. mch6-thaiu3D4w GONION BANK OF SOUTH CARO LINA, CHARLESTON, FEBRUAR! 25, 1873 - The Annual Election for Directors of this Bank will be held at the Banking House, on WIDNES DAT, 12th day of March, proximo, between the hours of ll A. M. and 2 P. M. H. D. ALEXANDER, feb27-thstu6wl Cashier. ?BT-BOTTOMRY LOAN WANTED. CAPTAIN DE LARUE, of the French Brig THE? RESE, of Havre, with the approval of ccnsul of J France at this city, desires io make a lein ol $6000, more or less, (secured by Bottomry Bond on Vessel and Cargo,) to pay disbursements at this Port. For farther Inform?t cn. apply at the FRENCH CONSULATE, Broad street. Sealed proposals must be deposited by 1 o'c'ock, P. M., saturday, 8th instant. m-i.e 8 PB- IF IOU WOULD ENJOY LIFE, use TDTT'S PILLS. They produce a good appe? tite, sound digestion, and Impart vigor to body and mind mch6-6Dtw 30* LADIES WILL FIND ELGIN'S Phantom Powder Just the nicest, softest, whitest, prettiest face Powder in the world, lar superior to any other Powder, Lily White, or Tablet tn the market. Thousands of ladles who have us .d lt | are delghted wlih its effects, and pronounce It the very best cosmetic they ever tried. For Im? parting youthful bean y and freshness to the complexion, and clearness and eortne-s to the skin, lt cannot be snrpa sed. For sale by all retail druggists. DOWIB, MOISE A DAVIS, Wholesale Agents, Charleston, d, C. mch8-thbtu3moB ;firN01ICE TO BRIDGE CONTRAC? TORS.-Sealed Proposals win be received at the Office of the Bridge commissioners, for one month from date, for the completion of ihe Bridge crossing the Wateree River. Direct pro? posals to WILLIAM M. SHANNON, Shannon A Shannon, or to J. J. SUTHERLAND, Secretary. J. J. SUTHERLAND, Secretary. Camden, March 6, 1873. mcbe-thstnimo JfS- BURNETTS FLAVORING EX TRACTS.-The superiority of these Extracts con? sists In their perfect purity and great strength. They are wan anted freo ft om the poisonous oils and acids which enter int i thc composition of ? many or the factitious fruit flavors now In the market. They are not only trne to their names, but are prepared from fruits of the beet quality, and are so highly concentrated that a compara? tively small quantity only need be use1. .Pre-nnlnentiy superior."-Parker nouse, Bos? ton. ..The best ia the world."-Fifth Avenue Hotel, New york. "Used exclusively for yeats."-Continental Hotel, Pennsylvania. JOSEPH BURNETT A CO., Boston. mcbS-thBtuS Manufacturers and Proprietor?. fietoaros. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REW A RD. Lost or Sioleu on the evening of January 20 from ?h-* Pouth Carolina xatlroad train, be? tween Charleston and columbia, a CA RP KT BAG, coota nmg important papers, of no value 10 any? one but ihe owner, as pa ment upon them has been stopped. A reward or one Hundred Dol? lars wui oe pa d, and no questions asked, for the return of the papers to this office. JOSEPH OREWS. febl6 u?a:u?. INF?RM^IOT~W"AFT ?^D 0F~ THE whereaoouts of A! ELL UEID, a unain-ul ...cd gin, eight rears old, wno left the rtaldenee ut aa . uei rennick, Lucas atreet, uear Doughty aticet, ou Tiiuraday, tt7tli February. mch8-l* WANTED, A GIRL TO MIND CHIL? DREN iud do chamber woik. Apply ac No. iii King ?ircet, third dour above Uudsun sireeu_mch8-l? WANTED, BY A NATIVE OF Charleston, wlih the txpeilence of ECV bTttl years m buslueaa, a good leputattun, and acuvo habits, an lutereat lo a house of good standlug. can comoine a growing bunuess wlih that offered, AH communications ?ulctiy confi? dential. Address "coinmeice," ufflcc DAILY M:WS. mchs WANTED, A WOMAN TO COOK AND make herself generally uaelnl; aiso a houae servant. Appy at No. 24 Vauderuorst btreut. mchSi? SITUATION WANTED BY AN EXPE hlKNCED Weaver to taue charge of a weav lug room m a cotton mill, uood references g. veu. fiease address WM. LEUNAKD, Mauvllle, H. 1. meus-?* WANTED, AT FUBCHGGTT, BENE DioT ii co., iwo casu Boyd, from U to 16 yean) old. Kiforencea required._mch7_ WANTED, FOB CASH, A BUILDING LOr in Broad, Lugan, or New erect, or any street not far distant fiom City Ltall. Apply 10 a. A. WyOUslDE, Market ,atreet,i next to Kinsman's. _ILCII7 6 WANTED, A THOUROUGHLY COM FETJsNf BO'jKK.EKefcK. to Uil situation Immediately. HAKT A CO., .Nu. 39 Hayue street. muhi-Btuth WANTED, A MAN WHO ?NDER .- TANDS i he care of horses and can drive, fo a competent pei sou liberal wages will be paid. Apply at . o tTj Klug Street._mcli7-3 WANTED, A COLORED WOMAN TO look and Wash. Apply in Rutledge street, fear ?o.?r? above Queen street, moho WANTED, A THOROUGHLY RE OPEOTAULE Whit? Female cook, about hlriy years of age. Nuue need apply without the beat lecommeu.iatron* from tuelr last em? ployer. Apply at .NO. 7 Water street Inm 12 until i o'clock ou Thursday or Friday._m cu 8 WANTED TO PURCHASE, SECOND? HAND FURN1JUK?, of all descriptions, for which good prices wld be paid. Address Poat ugjoe Lock Hus, vu._mchs-mianu* WANTED, A SITUATION AS GoV tK.Nfiii.i, by a young lady who had had boiue experience lu teacu.ng. English, trench duo Music tuugnt. Kefereoces glveu If required. Apply to Kev. ur. Shind, coluuiola, a. tm. h 1-10?_ WANTED TO DISPOSE OF A LLBRA KY ol six Bundled Volumed uf Valuable rt 0. KS. Price three hundred aud t weuty-flve dol? ara delivered to railroad. cataiOKue furnished ou application to Box >o. 60, bennet avilie, S. C. Ieb28-16?_ ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS IN ONE WEEK.- To any shrewd man who cando ouoiueas on the qu.et, 1 guarantee au Unmet se foi tune, easily, rapidly uud lu perfect safely. Addi eas, lu perfect confluence, WM. W ARREN. i?o. 28 Weat Fourth street, New York. dec2l-siyr ?ax Bal*, W~ ILL BB SOLD TESS DAY, AT B. 0. KIRK'S tables, lu Queen street, between dtaie aud Church streets, a lot of cneap UoRsr.a aua MCUES. ut 10 O'CIOQK A M._mci.8-1* U'OR SALE, A LOT OF FINE LAKGE r DKAY MULh>, yong, f-ou..d and genie 11 av ng b?.eu used through the season in the dry, they aie well broke, aud ju-t what ia wanteu. tor Dray, Catt or Turpentine hauliog. Apply to u. P. ftCCABri, or T. ?. ci.-s.ELi, state Press, Corner EM Bay and Plnckuey streets. meh8-6_ AN OPPORTUNITY SELDOM GFFER EK.-Tocioae up HU e,tate, the Store and Hxtures formerly ucouiueu by Perez Frldenberg, 01 JcCk onv ile, Merida, deceased, ia otfcrtd for Kent, or wu! oa aold on easy terran, together with a poi tiou o st "ci la store. i he ?tore ls located lu the best business part of tne city, is built or brick, 80 by 8u feet, turee ?tu? ri a high, French roof, and Brick Warehouse tn rear, AU nouna required. Kor further lniorma Hon apply to the uuuc.-a geed. HAhKl? SOLOMON, No. 55 Rea. e st, eel, Now York City, Or to HENRY P. FKI?ENBKKG, Jacksonville, Florida. mch8-lmo Executors Estate Perez Uhlenberg. MULES i MARES 1 HOUSES i MULI?S; KEVIUlK? SALK STA BL tsi, NO. 80 uuruh street, keeps constantly ou hand a larne auppiy ot TUKr-fcM'lNE AND T1MBH.K MDL ES, rLAN ? ATIO .. A U DRA? ?LLES, SADDLE JUKES AMU SADDLE HOK-E -, H . KN ESS ANJ UK-.Fl' MARES AND UuRsEs, which we will st ll on the most favorable terms. Fresh car? lo d received every week- Call an examine our tock. All Mjek guaran eed as represented or monty ref ui ded. BA MB ER J & MCOY. mr-hs-izno*_ THE UNDERSIGNED OFFER FOR ?ale Dtbimble Building Lots In the City of Ore. nvlile, S. L.., near tue Depot o the Atlanta aud Klcbmoud Air Line nal road, those i esirluu io Beule lu ibis growing and prosperous city will Hud li to their Interest, to addi ess c .X, blRME dc . o . Pos'offloe Box No. 7, Greenville, s>. C. mch0-wsl8 JUST ARRIVED, ONE CARLOAD OF UnRSKS. MAREs and heaw-bodied MULES, cor paie nn time, at K. OAKMA.VS sale stables. mch6-t?_ JUST ABKIVED, FOBTY HEAD OF Blocky boll small Mares and Horses and Mules, welch will be sold cheaper than any ?tuck -oki i ere his season. Apply at WILSON'A sta? bles, NO. 148 Meeting, near Wentworth s reet. mchS-4?_ JUST ARRIVED, A CAR LOAD OF well broke MULE-, from four to six \ears id to be s id for cash or on time, at the Plan? ter?' and Envers' stable on Queen, between church and state B'reeis. Purchaiers will du well io call before purchasing elsewhere. B.C. KIRK._mch4 6? FOR SALE, A MILCH COW, AT A LOW price. Apply at the corner of spring and Norman streets-NO 86._mch6 ths2* FOB SALE-FRb SH EGGs I HOUDA? and Li?tit and Dark Brahma Fowls. T. L. BAGOT, No. 84 Smith street. mehi 4* SEWING MACHINES.-ALL DESCRIP? TIONS or sewing Machines repaired on rea? sonable terms and at the shortest notice by J. L. i.UNSKOKD, smith stteet, just north of Went? worth 8 reeu Jan22 Nits Jtobhtaiicn?. QuItT^F^^ LIST-NO & FOQABTIE'3 BOOK DEPOSITORY. (FOG A RUE, SI ILL M AN A CO.) FAMiLY BIBLE-. WR have just received an additif nal supply cf English uud Ameilcan Family Bibles. ?omeemlre ly new and beautiful stylen of blading, with Illus? trated lndrx and Dlcuonary to the Bible. Con? cordance. Photograph Curds, Ac. ftc 1 hey are off. red at much lower prices than they have ever been auld, ranging ! rom S3 to $50. Benediclte, Illustrations or the Power, Wisdom and u .odo CB ot (iou, as manifested la his works, by G Chaplin Guild, M. D. $2. ..Ever, advance m our knowledge of the nato ral world will, lt rightly directe i by the apir t i-f true humility ami with a prater for God!? biesH Inn, kdvance na tn our knowledge of Dlmsei. -d wi 1 prepare us to receive His revelations ot will wuh profounder reverence." Hallam'* Constitutional History or England, Student's series,) from the ac etalon or Henry Vii to the death or George il, cd.ted by William Smith. D C. L , L.L. j?. $2. The Napoleon Dynasty, a history of the Bona? parte r?mi y. brought down to the nre-ent time, by The Berkley M*n, (?*. Edwards Le3ter,) with 23 autnentlc portraits. $2 50. Vol. Il of '-Tne Speakers" Commentary, em? bracing Joshua, Judges, i.uth, samuel und ist Kings. $6. The Lite and Times of Phillp Schuyler, by Ben? son J. Loculug. Lu.I)., 2 vols. $5. Herbert .-pencei's Principles of Psychology, vol.2. $2 50. The Rerormail .n, by George P. Fisher, D.D., Professor of tcciealaatXAl History in Yale Col? lege. $3. ,? Da. dy-Book About Booka, for Bcok loverp, Rook-bayera and Bo kstl.ers, uttempte.i by John Power, LondOD. $4 26 Talma^e's -ermous, lst?id 2d Serled over the r ad to and iroui tue Meeting free of charge. J. R. EMERY, Secretary. mcb.8,12,16,18,22,26,29, aprl.7,8_ STATE AGRICULTURAL AND ME? CHANICAL SOCIETY.-in pursuance of a uesolutlon pugged ai the Meeting of the state Ag rlcultural and Mechanical Society 11 December last, the spring Meeting or the Sock ty will be geld in charlton, on t he first TUESDAY in May 0- Xt, beginning at il o'clock A. M. The place ol meeta g unit programme or proceedli.gs will be pubiisiu-d in me (morning) Clutiestoa papers of that date. The roi owing subjects h ive been selected tor discussion at that imetlng, and the names at iKoi.ed are the ap; -latees wno will be expected to ?peu the debate on the iespeotlvesui>Jecu>: Tue- Culture ol Upland Rice as a Sta p ie Prodnct or south . arolloa.-oEO. T. MICKS, R'Chland. The Comparative Advant ge ur Labor saving Machlmry, a jd their Adaptability to soutneru Labor and Products -M. L. DONALD-ON, Grei n vUle. Ploughing-Its EdectBUnon mir?rent Solls at dur?rent Seasons.-JoU.s H. FORMAN, Sumter. i he cheapest Fertilizer, whether domestic or commeiclal, and ihe most Economical Time and M? tho i or us Application PA OL S. FELOER, Orangebnrg. ls un Exclusive Cotton Crop Good Polle* for any Slugle Farmer or Planter In Soath carolina. VV. M. >UANNON, K- ishaw. Tho Must Economical Method of Wintering Stock.-I UDS. u. MOOKE, spartanburg. is south Carolina lu Greater .Need or Labor or Capba f-JA?. Mc U rou KN, williamsburg. With Cheap Hands aud Inefficient Labor, ls the Farmer Boner R?mun?r?t ?i by Sopers-lal or High Farming?-K. M. SIMS. York. The above named gentlemen ure c rnestly re? quested io attend i ho May Meeting of the society, and be prepare! io open thu Discussion wini i (.says upon the (-abjects respectively asBlgned them. By order T. W. WOODWARD, President. metis-: *c D- WYATT AiaE.\, secretary. Cost ano ?onn?. 06T\ A/pZ?kTISFISffi GOLD SPECTACLES. The Under will please icu ve them at WHILDEN'S. NO. 255 KIUCT street, where the owner eau obtain them. mth8-l* TAKEN THROUGH MISTAKE. ON Ttiursiiay afternoon, from Academy of Music Dancing Scm-ol, a Suit ul Child's clothes. Any one navluc me same will please leave lt ut .NO. 245 Kiug street, opposite waverley House, ruths i t?lo Ht nt FOR RE??^?R^ALE7X1PLTASINT RLSiDENcE NO. 71 Spring street, 0 rooms, kitchen, ?a er and gas; in one <-rder. Appiy at No. isa Meeting street._mchS-thame 'HORENT, THAT PLEASANTLY tITU A ATEO BUICK HOUsE so. H Lamboll street, with 4 upright rooms, 2 attlee, pautry, uressmg room, kuchen, cistern, Ac. Apply at No. 4SI King airest._mct)6-a? rpo RENT.-TWO PLEASANT ROOMS, A suitable fora couple, at NO. 75 Broad st:eet, west or Meeting. Uuod water faculties, f, bio TO RENT OR FOR SALE, A HOUSE ON sullivan'9 island, situated on Cove street, Vi uh four rt oma, kite lien, cuteru and bathing turnte. Apply wt No. 461 K ag street. melisa* fpOK RENT OR SALE, THE LARGE ' Tnree-stury Brick House and Premises, on west side of Wttsnlngiun street, uetween Calhorn. ?nd t harlutte stree s. For terms app.y to L?AMEL U?I.LBECK, United states Counhouse. lOD^-umwa_EDsVAhD HORLBEcK. 'HO RENT, THAT LARGE AND COM A. M0?10US Building. No. 149 Eas: Bay, re? cently occupied as the Publication Oillce or lux .NEWS, and lormeriy known as the French Cutlet Hunte. For terms, Ac, applv at the mace ol rm; NEWS, NO. 19 Broad street. t,ep28 Scar oma. ABINGLE GENTLE M A rT DESIRES BOARD lo a pilvate ta - Uv. Address, stating terns and location, Pustofrt.c ?lox, No. 413, Char.esiun, c._mch8-l? PRIVATE BOARD, WITH PLEASANT! Rooms, can be obtained In c- nt'al location, lue or city Kutlway. Address H., NEWS office. nich6-thstu3*_ BOARDING.-GOOD BOARD, WITH comfort i>le rooms, on reasonable terms,. at No. 71 Broad street, bctaetn King and Meeting streets. Ieb22 PLEASANT QU A RTE RS.-PENSONS desirous or Private Board lo a healthy a d delightful p. rt of the etty, will pie i?e address "B." at ibis offl e. Northerners wisntng tu ?pei d the summer tn the city will Hud the location par? ticularly advantageous. reblo Cloding at tt)t)olesaie. gPB?^?l^S?Mla^ M.N. ROGERS & CO., Manufacturers and Jobbers or MEN'S YOUTHS' AND B?Yd' CLOTHING, 444 ANO 446 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. w. rr. BURGE, (Late Mat shall A Burge,) Charleston, s. C. Wc offer to the SOUTHERN TRADE this season a \ v LAHOR and ATTRACTIVE stock of SPRINo AN SOMMER CLOTHING.at prices as lew as any HOL tn the Trade furnishing equal grades of Goos. Our Stock ls manufactured EXCLUSIVELY for Southern states, southern dealers fire more cer? tain to Ond the Style of our Goods, and a line of sizes better adapted io their wants, than 1- possi? ble in a Stock or Clothing manufactured rora Northern or Western trade. ORDERS tOLicrrxD; satisfaction guaranteed; samples sent on application. M. N. ROGERS & CO., reb6-2mo 444 and 448 Broadway, N Y. tjcncls QOLUMBIA HOTEL, COLUMBIA, S. C. 'J his well known Hotel, situated tn the centre of the bui-lness portion of the city, affoniB every convenience and comfort to travellers on busi? ness or pleasure. The t ropnet-r. having eecured the services of polite und . trident assistants pledges himself to spare no pains in Us management, to sustain the high reputation so long enjoyed hythe "Colum? bia." HS a first-class house Attached to the house ls a handsome Billiard Room. rumtBled with mree or PheMn 4 eolian dar's bestand most improved Tables. Telegraph Office tn torunda of the noose. Also, Bathing Boomi equalled by none in ihe cltv, WM. GORMAN, Proprietor. E. T. BURDELL, late of "charleston Hotel," and j AS. F. GADSDEN, Assistants. feb24 ilTnnsements. H I B E RN IAN HALL. Professor CROMWELL bas the honor to an? nounce- the last roar or his GRAND ART ENTERTAINMENTS. THIS AFTERNOON, AT 8 O'CLOCK, WONDERS OP NATURE AND BEAUTIES OP ART. TO-NIGHT, AT HALF-PAST 8 O'CLOCK, THE H??ES OF ENGLAND. Admission in the evening so and 75 cents. Ad* mission to the matinee no cents to all pjri? or me Hall. moh8 T HE CREATION. HAYDN'S ORATORIO OP THE CREATION, Will be Performed an the FREUNDSCHAFrSBUND HALL, OK WBDNBSDAY, MABOH 12, Under the direction and management of Mrs. P. J. ISARBOT, who wm be assisted by the bese Musical tal> nt in the city. The Oratorio will be conducted urn?er the patronage of the following gentlemen : C. T. Lowndes, James H Colburn, Henry GounUa, W. G. De3aassure, Wm. Raveael, James B, campbell, E. H. Frost, James Lownde?, f.ee Howard. Dr. W. T. Wragg, James >. M ardoch, James Simons, Dr. J. r. chazal, H. Z Lanrey, F. w. Dawson, Samuel wragg. A. O. Andrews, o. K, Wunderlich, F. G. Cart, G. Folllu, J R. Rua i, A. St Atnand, w. L. Uambruch, ? P. 0. Gaillard, C. P. Aimar, Iben. Hucuet, I,lenard Hoper, W. H. Cha ce, Geo. F. Babbage, E. Liane, W. I). Porter, Manley o. Trotr, Rudolph Slegllng, (>. A. scanlon, 0. 0. Witte. H. H. raymond, H. H. DeLeon, A. G. Magrath, ii K. Huger, Trios. Y. Mmons, W. c. Courtney, T. B. Hayne, A. Len g D lc K, Z Davis, Jac^b Small, s. Lord. Jr. D. Raveoel, Jr. James ion uer, W. L. Tieoholm, 1. W. Hayne, Ge". H. Waiter, Geo s. cameron, 8. Y. -nipper, A. H. Hayden. Ticket" (Pi Ice Si) mar bo obtained at Holmes'a Book House, at Fogartle'a Depository, at the Mu? sic Stores of H. Siegling and Char.esMoClcnahan at the stores of J. M. Greer ? Sons, and J. R. Read A Co., at the Offices of THE NEWS and Courier, and at the Charleston and Pavilion Hotels. The Poors will bs opened at 7 o'clock, ard the Or,-, torio will commence at 8 mch8 ?egal Notices? N~lmclTlS HEREBY GlTE?T*THAT three months from date, application win be made to thc Bani; o? Charieaio-i for the Renewal or sc lp No. 8144 for TWO WHOL --HAKES, standing In the nam . or E Magdalen Legare, and or scrip No. 4752, for FOUR HALK ?HARKS, standing In the name of Magdalen Legare on the Bonk* or the Ba-ik. CHAKLK.S INGLKSBY, feb81amo3_Administrator de bonis non. NOTICE.-ALL PERSONS HAVING claims against the Estate of JULIUS MAT ?j u I ESSEN, deceased, wi l hand them in, dnly at? tested, to the Btore of WM. MAITHIESSEN, cor? ner of King a y summoned and required to answer the complaint in tali acti> n, WHICH ls flied in the ? Dice ot he Cleik ol the cour of Common 1'ieas for tue said Connu, and to serve a copy of year answer cn the subscribe s at their office, NO. 2i B oad street, charlratoo, S. C., within tweaiy days after tue service or this summon s ou you, exclusive of tue day of service. if you tall to answer this complaint within the lime aforesaid the PlaL.titf will take judgment against yon for the sum of |02 35-100, with inter? est ai tue rate of tweive per cent, per annum from the elghieenih day of Feornary, one thou sand eight uundred and seveuty three, and costs. Dateu Charleston, s. C., February 18.1878 PKESaLbY, LOKD A INGLEaBY, Plaintiffs' Attorneys. JACOB Vi I LUM AN, [L.s.l C. C. 0. P. for C. 0. To thc Defendants, J. w. SPRAGUE and W. D. s PH AL. CE: take uotlce that ihotommuns In thia action, together wi h ;??e complaint therein re? ferred lo, waa flied In the office of the Clerk of ihe Court of Common ieJS fur i.ue county of charles? ton, m the S ate of sooth carolina, on the eighteenth tiny of Februaiy, 1873. I'KEsSLbY, LUK? A INGLES BY, fcb22-s6_Plaintiffs' Attorne' S. THE ST ATE OF SuUTu C. nu LIN A. COUNTY Oe' CHARLESTON-UuUKT OF CuMMON PLEA:*.-CHARLES K. COCHRAN, Plaintiff, against THEODORE A. WHITNEY, De? fendant.-Copy summons foriellef. couplalut not served. To the Defendant. THEODORE A. WHITNEY : You aie hereby summoned and required to answer th* complaint in this action, which la flltd lu tue office of the ck rk i f 1 h<* court of Com moa Pleas fir the aald county, and to serve a copy of y nur answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at their office. No. 21 Broad street, churleatou, a. c., within twenty days after ihe service hereof, exclusive of ihe day of auch service; and If yon fall to answer the compii-lut wi tiln the time aro i es itd, the p amtiffin ibis action wdl apply to tue court for the relier c.etuanded In the com? plaint. Dated Charleston 18th January, 1873. PKEsSLEY, LORD A INGLESBT, Plaintiff's Attcrneys. JACOB WILLIMAN. 0. c. p. [L. S.J To the Defendant, THEODORE A. WHITNEY: Take notice mat the summons lu this autlou, to? gether with the cumpLiut therein refer reu to, was flied in the office 01 the c erk of the court of Common 1 leas for Charleston County, In the state of sou'n carolina, ou the 28d duy or Janu? ary A. D. 1873. PKESSLEY, LORD * INGLFSBY, Plaintiff's Attorneys, febl-se No. 21 Broad street, charleston, s 0. THE STATE OF SOUTH OARULINA, COUNTY OF CHARLESTON-COURT OF COMMON PLEAS.-HERMANN BULWlNKLE, Plaintiff, against J. W. s PRAGUE, Defendant. Copy summons for money demand. [Complaint not aerved.] To J. W. SPRAGUE, the Defendant in this ac? tion: You are hereny gammoned and required to enswer the complaint in tuis action whicn ls flied lu the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for the said couuty. and to serve a copy cf your an.-wer on the subscribers, at their office, No. 2t Broad street, charleston, 8. G., within twenty days after the serv.ee of this summons ou yon, exc.usive of the day of service. ir you fall to answer this complaint within the time a.ureaaid, ih- Plain lu* win take Judgment agaiuht you Tor the sam of flf-y-tbree er-loo dol? lars, with luterest at the rate of twelve per cent, .er uniium. from me elghieenih ?Jay or February, one Umnsand eight hundred and aeveniy-three, and costs. ? Dated Charleston, isth Febmary. 1873. PKESSLEY, LORD A INULESBY, Plaintiff's Attorneys. JACOB WILLIMAV, [L. a.] 0. 0. 0. P. for C. 0. To the Defendant, J. W. SPR-tGUE: Take no? tice that the aummons in this action, together with the complaint ilierela refer id to. waa flied In t he oiUce of the Clerk of the court of Com mon Pira for the County of Charleston, In the State or South Carolina, on the eighteenth day of Feb-' ruar?, A. D. 1878. o w Charleston, Kebrnary 18th. I8i3. PRESSLEY .LORD & INGLESBT, feb22-R6 _I'lalntlfl'a Attorneys. HK STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CHARLESTON-COURT OF O'.MHDN PLEAS.-THOMAS G. BARRETT and THEODORE D. CRESWELL, Copartners under the name of BARREiT * CRESWELL, Plalnt?Ta, against P. H- FLAHERTY, Derendant.-Copy summons, for money demand, [complaint not H0RV6'l ] To P. H. FLAHERTY, ihe defendant In thia action : Y'ou are hereby aummoned and re? quired to answer the complaint in this action which ls flied lu the office or the Clerk of ihe Court of Common Pleas for ?aid County, and to serve a cory of your answer on the subscribers at tnelr office, No. 21 Broad street, Charleston. -. C, wltnln twenty days arter the service of this summons on you, exclusive of the clay of service? If yon fail to answer this complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff will take Judgment against you for tue sum of thine n hundred and sixty-eicht 68- lOO dolara and coats. Dated'Charleaton, February 17,1873. PRESsLK), L R .> A iNGLESBY, Plaintiff's At toi ney 3, JACOB WILLIMAN, [L. 8.] C. C. C. P. for C. 0. To the defendant, P. H. FLAHERTY 1 Take notice tba* the summons lu this action, to? gether with thc complaint therein referred, was filed in the office 01 the clerk of the Conn sf Common Pleas for the county of Charleaton, in the State of South Carolina, on the Seventeenth day of February, A. D. 1878. PKESBLHY, LORD A INGLES R Y, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Charleston, February 17, 1878. feb22-se jjrocmar, foguera, Ut. pIQ HAM?, SHOULDERS AND STRIPS. 4 bbl?. Pig HABA -.y ) Quality of 4 hols. Fig Shoulder* \ sogar-cu red Meats. IO boxes freakiest Fa?on. )."".. . ^ For sale by HENRY COMA k CO. mch8-l __ JQEMERARA SUGARS. 20 bads. Demerara 3CQARS, landing ex Scboooer J. O. Naab. ilriXli For salo by HENRY COBI* A400. mch8-2_m JJ A M S, ts 0. .I.ViVaU Pineapple. Kentuoky, ?nimptoh, Davis's Dla? mo'id and Nsw York PIQ HAM", (all atrlotly choice,) Snull Pig SHOULDERS, Breakfast Ba on, Smoked Beef and Tonxues, Foll on Mar? ket Beef, Sausages In Lard, add Choice Bolognas. A fail supply of the above Jast received bf MAUMU 4 MOOD, ?< No. 127 and 139 Meeting street, moh8-l Corner Market JURESE TEAS. Afresh supply cf Gunpowder. Young Hyaon. Imperial, Japan, English Breakfast and Oolong TWAS of all grades. Jost received by MARTIN A MOOD, A NOS. 127 and 139 Mee Una struct. ^ moh8-l _Corner of Market. T^yHITE SEED OATS. 600 bushels Selected White Spring OATS. Bow landing and for sale by JOHN OAMFSEiJ A 00. mensa jp RIME NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES. iso bbls. Prime New Orleans MOLASSES. ' For sale by E. LAFITTE A CO?, mchO-thsiat_No. 4 Central Wharf. HEAVY NORTH CAROLINA SEED RICE. ... KOO bas nels heavy Wilmington SEED BICE, quite pure. BAYENEL A CO. nvh7 e ? Q.UANOI GUANO 1 GUANO? loo tons No. 1 Peruvian, Chincha Island, GUANO, warranted pure. For sale by HERMANN BULWISKLE, feb ts Kerr's Wharf. S A P O L I Ol For Hand and House use. For sale at Whole? sale, by PAUL B. LALASE A CO., ' feb4 No. 176 East Bay, Charleston, s. c. M R. D. FITZ GIBBON Would beg to announce to his Friends and the Public generally that he has REMOVED to the Large New Store en King street, second door above Burns laue, where he wm bo pleased to re? ceive the continuance or their patron age, A foll and well assorted Stock of BRODERIES, Canned Cootie, Ac, always on hand. C -roda de livered Free to any part of the City. - Jan? JglGHTH DIRECT IMPORTATION OF CALIFORNIA WISES ABD BRANDIES, Shipped from San Francisco, December 4, ms. SONOMA PORT WINE, ANGELICA GRAPE BRANDY, GRAPE BRANDY, A. D. 1806. For sale by the cask, demijohn or dosen bottles by JOHN HUR KAMP A CO., Southeast corner King and Broad streets. mchs-thstnS* W ILSONS' G R O C E RT, No. 306 KINO STREET. FRESH CRACKERS OF ALL KINDS AT WILSONS'. OHOIOE BUTTER, ALWAYS ON HAND, AT WILSONS'. YOU CAN SAVE 250. PER POUND ON TEAS ' AT WILSONS'. FRESH GROUND COFFEES, A SPECIALTY. ^ AT WILSONS'. ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE AT WILSONS'. NO CHARGE FOR PACKING GOODS AT WILSONS'. No. 306 KINO STREET. Joint Stock (Eompantj. QFFICIAL RAFFLE NUMBERS 7. Of the Charleston Joint Stock Company for the benefit of the State Orphan Asylum : CLASS No. 441-FarDAT MORNING, March 7. 0S-61-70-3?-ai-36-57-3i-41-6&-54-63 CLASS NO. 442-FaiDAT EVIN INO, March 7. 30-10.73-5O-71-aa-55-45i-??-38-3a-TO mchS-l A. MOROSO, Sworn Commissioner. QftmiatUmal LADIES' FANCY WORK.-MBS. BOYD gives lessons In Ornamental Leatherwork. wax Fruit and Flower-making, Point Lace and Fancy Needlework. Tarma on application. No. 26 Pitt street, above Montague rebzs luthsc? ?ijirts and Jfntnisbmg ?ao??. RESH ARRIVALS!* LATEST STYLES I COMFORTABLE FIT I LOWEST PRICES F s ss s s s s s s s s 8 s SSSSSSSS SCOTTS SSSSSSSS . s s S STAR SHIRTS AND COLLARS. S' s s S Ready-made and made S s s s to Order. s s _ s s - s . S MEN'S S S S S FURNISHING S S S SSSSSSSS GOODS. SSSSSSSS S S S S S S s s s s ss S AT THE GREAT SHIRT EMPORIUM 1 LOOK FOR TBE STAR SIGN, .. . . .7 .? ._. . MEETING STiBEBT, NEARLY OPPOSITE MARKET HALK