TERMS OF TSE NEWS. TOT DULY NEWS, b? mall one year, $8; six months, ?4: three months,: $? 60. Served in the city at EIGHTEEN CK NTS .a week, payable to the Carriers, or $8 a year, paid in advance at the office. . TH? TBI-WEEKLY NEWS, published oa Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, one year, $i; six months, f 2 50. THE WEEKLY NEWS, one year, $2; six months, tl 25. six copies $10. Ten copies to one address m. ; SUBSCRIPTIONS ia all cases payable in advance, and no paper continued after the expiration of the time paid Tor. ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE DAILY NEWS - First insertion 15 cents a Une, subs?quent insertions io cents a line. Business Notices (by count) 30 eents a line. Marriage and Funeral Notices $1 each. APVBBTia RITE NTS IN Til 5 WB1XLY NEWS, per Huebr soTlcl nonpareil, 1 insertion, 15 cents; 1 jflabcth, 60oents; Smenths, $l;s months, $176; lt months, $?. N0TICB8 of Wants, To Rent, Lost an? Found, Boarding, Ac, not exceeding 20 words, 25 eents each Insertion; over 20, and not exceeding 40 words, 60 cents each insertion. Meetings T5 cents each. These rates are NIT, and must In rt>ly be paid In advance. SANBIBNT ADVERTISEMENTS will be nuollehed In TH? TRI-.WBBXLY NEWS at thesame rates BB In TH* DAILY Ns wa. Contract advertisements at one half the rates for TEE DAILY NEWS. CONTRACT ADVERTISEMENTS, to mn one month or longer, for each Une o? solid nonpareil: 1 month, |l; 2 months, $l 75; 3 months, $2 60; ? months, $4; 12 months, $7. REMITTANCES should be made by Postoffice Money Ord? r. or by Express, ir this cannot be secured by forwarding a draft on Charleston payable to the order of the proprietors of TH? Saws, cr by sending the money in a registered letter. Address RIORDAN, DAWSON A CO , No. is Broad street. Charleston, s. a \ THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1873 Tm CHARLESTON DAILY NKWB "ls designa "ted aa the newspaper for the publication of "all legal notices, and official advertisements, "for the County of Charleston, under the act "of February 22d, 1870, entitled an act to regu . "late the publication of all legal and public J "notices." _?. SEWS. Ol* THE DAT. -Edmund Tates, the English novelist, will write np the Inauguration ceremonies lor the New Torte Herald. -Mr. Bessemer now talks of making a can non, to throw a twenty-two thousand pound ball -The Duke of Btobmond sets the price five hundred thousand pounds on his house at Charing Cross, which stands in tbe way of ' certain proposed street Improvements. -The King or Bavaria has ordered a colos? sal sculpture of the Crucifixion to be placed on an elevation commanding tbe scene of the famous "Passion Play." -Twenty-five thousand dollars have been snbscrlbed in Barbour County, Oa., for the . building of a cotton factory, which will be begun io nh with -Mr. and Mrs. Field, of New Tork, are re ported to give the most brilliant entertain' menta had by Ibo "best society'' of Borne. Their daughter has become the Princess Trig glano. -General Colston ha? acoepted the offer or employment tn the service of the Khedive of Egypt, Professor Frank Alfrlend, formerly ot Richmond, succeeds him as principal of the tejte Fear Academy. -The House committee on appropriations ' on Fi ida y considered the Senate amendments to the pof tofflce appropriation bill, and agreed to non-concur In the amendment forbidding the transmission of all free matter so far as ihe ? same effects exenanges among newspapers. -The House of Representatives bas refused, ny a decided vote, to increase the salary of Its J j . own members. It ls gratifying to tblnk that J | these worthy fellows do not exaggerate the value of their services, and the public will : agree with them tbat they now get quite as much pay for their labor as they are worth -A tolerably ' difficult conundrum ls pro '? posed by the B )ston Globe : "If the Fnstofflce .Department can afford to transport the postal cards, even furnishing tbe card itself, for a cent, why cannot it transport a letter weigh? ing the sa me, and without the expense of fur? nishing any material at all F -The first cotton mill eve.r established In the Northwest was opened in Jonesville, Mich., a few days ago. The occasion was cele brated by a ball and banquet last evening, which waa attended by six hundred persons. The company bas a capital of $100.000, and is engaged In the manufacturo ot brown sheet Inga. -The valuation p'aced upon Mr. Greeley's estate Indicates that he never entirely lost his communistic notions. He probably always had do- ibts as to whether any man bad a right to bold much property. He abandoned the attempt to reform society In that particular .- direction, but .probably never divested bim self of a suspicion that Fourrier was a real .statesman. -A private letter received In Norfolk, Va., states that Major Hunt, of the Egyptian army, Who served on board the Confederate steamer Shenandoah, was killed late In January by a fill from his . horse. The hors9 became un? manageable, ran off, and the bridle broke In the hands of the rider. After this the animal was beyond control, and finally threw his rider against a stone wall, fracturing bis ek ml. ? -A Washington dispatch says: "From letters received here it appears that there ls no doubt 'of money being used lu tbe late senatorial election in Florida, not, however, to any very < large amount. The Bable legislators of that j State are not very blgh-toned in regard to i prices. According to the investigation ruling rates were a i'suit of store clothes," a big silver watch, or enough to pay for a buggy X?de. -Mr. Frederick A. Lane, one of the old Erie directors, bas published a circular in re? gard' to Jay Gould's removal as the president of the Erle Railroad Company, which has pro? duced considerable excitement In New Tork, The Times of Saturday says it Is alleged by those who claim to know all the tacts that BlsohoffsLeim and Goldschmidt actually paid ont the Bum of $750,000, In two payments, one | i io? $300,000 and another for $450,000, from walch it Brems that F. A. Lane received $100,- , 000 and Daniel sickles $125.000, with other amoonts to different Individuals, In the aggre- , gate $760,000. These payments secured the 1 resignations of Hw necessary number of old ' directors, and resulted In Jay Gould being ? turned out of the presidency. Mr. Lane ex? plains. In an interview with a reporter, that this circular was isalnd in England, where he was Informed that a large number of claims were presented to tbe representatives of the English stockholders for services rendered in the overthrow of tbe Gould management of the Erie Railroad Company, and who applied to him for Information on the subject. -The appropriation bill parsed by Congress last week contains i be following Items : Ap? propriating $72,081 52 for the completion of the Customhouse at Charleston, Including $33,226 06 for construction and repairs of jr. wharves; lor continuance of construction of the building fofthe courthouse and postofflce at Columbia, $800,000; for a screw pile light? house at the entrance ot St. AnJrew's Bay, Florida, $22,000; for completing the first or dered sea coast lighthouse at Alligator Reef, Florida, In addition to-former appropriations, $25 OOO; for completing the sea coast light? house at St. Augustine, Florida, In addition to the former; of appropriations ol $25,000 for day beacons OD the Savannah River; for a screw pile lighthouse to replace a lightship at Tybee Knoll, Savannah River, $18.oOO; lor completing sea. coast light, Hunting Island, South Carolina, in addition to iormer appro? priations of $50,000; for commencing the re? building of the first order sea coaot light on Morris Island, 8. G., destroyed during the wark $60,000; lor continuing the snrvey of the Atlantic Gull coast of the United States, In? cluding compensation of civilians engaged lu the work? &c $41,000; for surveying publio lands in Florida, $12,000; for expenses ol the office of surveyor-general ol Florida, $1500. -A correspondent of the St. Paul (Minn.) Pioneer describes the way In which the en? gines ot the Northern Pacific Railroad clear the track when lt la choked by such heavy snows as fell during the middle of the mooth Just passed. Iq one day nearly one hundred mileB were cleared when the snow was deep enough to cover the care completely. Tbe snow-plough plunges Into the embankment at a speed ol iorty miles an hour, and when lt is stopped the "shovel brigade," which ls some distance behind the plough, ls signalled, comes up and shovels the plough clear. Then ^work airain, the engineer keeping a clear ok oui Tor ugly "cuts, nuning into tbem with tremendous speed, backing out and then forcing its way Into, and, If possible, through them. Thus, even In the most boisterous weather, the trains are made to run with something like regularity, and the adventure of being aboard of one at suoh a lime amply repays one for any slight delay. Senator-elect Patterton. The credentials or Mr. John J. Patterson, a senator elect from the State or Sooth Caro? lina, have been presented in the Senate or the United States. The time, therefore, has come wheo the charges against tbe senator eleot should be rigidly and impartially ex? amined. The charges are that bis election was secured by systematic bnbery; by a wholesale purchase or the Radical members or the State Legislature. Tbe facts, so far as they are known, are printed elsewhere In such a shape as to give the public a clear idea of Mr. Patterson's operations, or the evidence agalost him, and of the way in which he has escaped a trial In the State courts. We have, also, reprinted some arti? cles from newspapers publish ed Io Mr. Pat? terson's native State, which throw a flood or light upon bis career, and show that his character in Pennsylvania ia no better tban lt is io Sooth Carolina, This ls all the evi? dence we are, at this time, able to produce, and we hold it to be sufficient to warrant the demand that the United States Senate do not allow the claimant to hold bis seat unless the pall or suspicion which covers bim be entirely removed. There are in ibe Senate of the United States a number ot honorable gentlemen who reel acutely the disgrace which Credit Mobiliers and carpet-buggery have fastened apon their body. Their daty to themselves and to the public is too plain to be mistaken ; too serions to be neglected. The people will not hold them guiltless ir they allow men like Patterson, accnsed or an in ram oas crime, to take their places among the law? makers or the nation. Aod Mr. Patterson, ir be be guiltless, will court a fall investi? gation. Nay 1 ir be be guilty, be may still, with bis nsual impudence, strive to brazen lt oat and to persuade the committee or tbe Senate that be is an injured individual. So 'ar bis <"?r:cr has beenvery euccessfu I. By idrolt manipulation of the Blue Ridge Bail road, and by miscellaneous jobbery, he has contrived to buy houses and lands, and lives like a Nabob at the capital of this State. The cap-stone or the edifice, the crowning speculation, was the United States senator ship, and at the close or his tern he expect? ed to count by hundreds where be modestly counts by tens. It was all lu tbe way or business. The politician wbo seeks office for the sake or what he can make ls not likely to hesitate to bay np convenient legis? lators. The whole case is now before tho people, and before the Senate of tbe United States. That body, ir it have any regard for its own dignity and desires to remove the stain npon Its fair fame, will arraign Mr. Patterson without delay, and conduct, with open doors, such a trial as will prove whether Mr. Pat? ter-on is a victim or misplaced confidence, or a rascal utterly unworthy of public confi? dence or private respect. Postmaster Trott. A memorial to President Grant, request? ing him to retain Postmaster Trott In the position whiob be bas filled so acceptably for a number or years, lies for signature io the rooms or the Chamber o? Commerce, and at the newspaper offices. We trust that it will be signed by the citizens generally, so that Lhere may be no room for mistaking the ?ense Of the community apon two points, riz: that Mr. Trott is a ihorongbly efficient jfflcer, and that Charleston can appreciate a gentleman whose integrity is no less staunch Lban his Republicanism is sincere. The innnSnr>l Address. President Grant is undoubtedly the author or the inaugural address which he delivered in Washington on Tuesday. In ita bungling Btyle and evident sincerity of purpose, it is characteristic or the man. Unfortunately, however, honesty or intention is not an an? tidote for the diseases which are produced by dogged obstinacy and invincible Igno? rance. It was hoped that. Mr. Grant would bave j riven the country some assurance that he would shake off the corrupt politicians who ?ave bad bim in leading strings since his Irse election, and that be would strive to be some tbe President or the people and not or i party. With the stolid complacency which vas his strength durlog the war, he simply leclares that be baa done bis best and will Jersevere In the same course during his ?econd term. This is not encouraging to my person who calmly surveys the history >r the past ronr years. To the country at large the striking fea ures In President Grant's address are his ' )old stand In ravor or an extreme Protective )0licy, and his shop-keeping talk abont the Indians. To the Southern people the most iregnant passages are those which contain t the unmistakable declaration that Mr. Grant is ready,-to go as far as the most rabid mem? bers of the Sumner school in Insisting apon tbe absolute equality of whites and blacks. The good sense of the Southern freedmen may be trusted to blunt the edge of the sharp measures of prohibition and inhibi? tion which will doubtless be proposed, but how far doss Mr. Grant carry out the doc? trines which be expounds? How often do the negro congressmen loll upon his lux? urious sofas and waltz with his wife and daughters? How often does the plebeian black guzzle Mr. Grant's luscious wines and smoke bis fragrant Havanas ? There is some reason to fear that Mr. Grant preaches what he does not practice, aud, if he gave to the Southern whiteB the same privilege of j selecting their own company which he claims for himself, there would be very little grumbling about civil rights. It ls the poli? ticians who stir up trouble by persuading the negroes that they are not truly free while they cannot thrust themselves into every corner and dictate to every citizen bow he should manage bis business. It is unfortunate that Mr. Grant is not clear sighted enough to see through the stale tricks of demagoguical offlce-bunters. As a whole the address is wretchedly dis? appointing, and holds out very little hopeful promiso to any section of the country. The saddest part or it is that Mr. Grant ie not | likely to change hisviewe; although If he .uvcjii tua cuiumi luviiuilou of tuc city Council, and pay a visit to Charleston, he may be persuaded that every negro is not a saint, and that even the "rebel demons" are not aa black as they are painted. Corni in California. I The Californians Bearch for coal with almost as muob eagerness as for gold. Tbat nature | should have given their land so muob, and denied lt this last blessing, ls more than the people can compreheBd. Coal, they argue, must be bid somewhere; coal like that of the Eastern States, inexhaustible, accessible and wealth-producing. So every discovery of a coal vein ls ballet! BB a possible solution of the dark problem. Cai vera County bas been in a state of "Intense excitement" lately on the subject. Unmistakable coal has b?en found. Speculators have at once.flocked there and taker, up land. Tbe seams have been tested, and are of different degrees of thickness, vary? ing from two feet for tbe upper to eight feet | for the lower layers. Th?se last He twenty feet below the surface, AB the mines will be IQ the loot hills this will not make m Ising difficult, as Inclines can be run to tap the j veins. _. .. _ IWMt RiTtllgS. Mr. Horace F. Clarie, president of the Union Pacific Ballread, says that over three thousand tree passes have been applied for this year, many of them In the Interest of members of | Congress, but the executive committee have J decided thai hereafter oo free pusses over the road shall be Issued. Now that the govern? ment withholds the pay for Its freight, the ne? cessity of culling off the free list 1B Imperative. Ou a recent through train on the Pacific Road there were eighty-one free paseeB. Joint Stock (Eompanrj. QFFiciAL BAFFLE NUMBERS Of tho Charleston Joint Stock Company for the benefit or the State Orphan Asylum : CLASS KO. 487-WEDNESDAY MORKINQ, March 6. 33-68-0-36-75-11-O1.J3O-3U-5-5O-58 CLASH No. 488-WEDNESDAY EVBNINO, March 6. 45-19-4-03-61-38-60-30-1-26-33-14 mchs-i A. MORORO, Sworn Commissioner. ?o fitru. TO BENT, THAT rTiRASArTTLY OTU AT KD BRICK. HOC >K No. 0 La m boll s: reet. with 4 apr.gt. t nunn, 2 attics, pantry, uresBins: room, kuchen, cistern, ?c. Apply at No. 4SI King stree;,_mch6-3? FOR RENT OR SALE, A PLEASANT RESIDENCE No. 71 Spring street, 6 rooms, kitchen, wa-er and gas; lohnender. Apply at No. 165 Meeting street._mch6-thsm6 TO RENT.-TWO PLEASANT ROOMS, suitable for a couple, at No. 75 Broad street west of Meeting. Quod water facilities, ftblfl TO RENT, THREE ROOMS, OF A DE? SIRABLE residence, on the line of City Rali? way. Also a kitchen room. Apply at No. 20 Rutledge aveu ne._febio-mth TO RENT OR FOR SALE. A HOUSE ON Sullivan's isl?n-', situated on Cove street, with four noms, kitchen, cistern and bibing togas Apply nt No. 461 K Hg street. mch6-8? 110 KliNT, THAT LARGE AND CUM . MODIOCS Building. No. 149 East Bay, re? cently occnpled as the Publication Office of THE StwB, and formerly known as the French Coffee ?ocse. For terms, Ac, applv at the office of TBS NEWS. NO. IO Broad street. ?ep28 2 ca rom a. P~WVAWlBO^RDr WITHHPLEASANT Rooms, can be obtained in central location, Hue of city KHilway. Address H., NEWS office. rochfl-thstu8*_ BOARD.-A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE, also several single gentlemen, can obtain Board with pleasant rooms. Apply at No. 79 Wentworth street._mch4-4* AGENTLEMAN AND LADY CAN BE accommodated with Board In a private family, wi'h pleasant room, at No. as Lynch street. Apply at residence. mch4-S* BOARDING.-GOOD BOARD, WITH comfort ble rooms, on reasonable terms, at So. 71 Broad street, between King and Meeting streets. reh22 PLEASANT QUARTERS.-PERSONS desirous of Private Board In a hean hy ai.d aeligbiful p. rt of thc ci y, will please address "B." ar this offl e. Northerners wishing to speud the summer in tbs city wm find the location par. Menially advantageous. ret?o CErjirojpo?isl QORNS, BUNIONS, ?c., CUBED. Mrs. KEOOH having returned to the city is pre? pared to give relier to those suffering from CORNS, B?MONS or other, leases of me feet AB to her skill and succ-ss as a Chiropodist, she refer*, by permission, to Dr. Fitch aud Dr. Ed? ward North, she will, If desired, attenu those who may require her services at their residences. She may be round at No. 98 Church street, be? tween Broad and chalmers streets. reba J^ATURAL BITTER WATER 0? FRIEDERIKE'S HALL! One of the moat Popular of the Numerous Mineral Waters of Germany. Not only does this Water possess a high reputa? tion among the purdie as a curative, but (?nd on thia w? lay tie ere-test stress.) IT ia HIOHLV RECOMMENDED BT THE FACULTY, lt regUl.iteS tue funcll?n? 01 1 ne digestive urgana, the Ouwe s and tue circulation of the hi od, promoting the r?nov?t I n of the organic 1 Issues, and thns miti? ga es and cure . many diseases. A fresh supply oftblsjust'y celebrated Mineral Water, direct from he sp i g?, received and for sale at Wholesale and Reiall, by 0. F. PANKNIN, Chemist and Apothecary, Charleston, s. 0. P. 8.-Pamphlets furnished free on applica ion. feb26-tuf4-? Special Satires. BOTTOMRY LOAN WANTED. - CAPTAIN DE LARUE, Of tbe French Brig THE? RESE, of Havre, with tbe approval of Consul of Fnip.ee at this city, desires io make a loan of $6000, more or less, (secured by Bottomry Bond on Vessel and Cargo,) to pay disbursements at this Port. For farther Information, apply at the FRENOH CONSULATE, Broad street. Sealed proposals must be deposited by 1 o'clock, P. M., Saturday, 8th instant. metis > ??-NOTICE TO BRIDGE CONTRAC? TORS.-Sealed Proposals will be received at the Office of the Bridge Commissioners, for one monta from date, for the completion of the Bridge crossing the Wateree River. Direct pro? posals to WILLIAM M. SHANNON, Shannon ? Shannon, or to J. J. SUTHERLAND, Secretary. J. J. SUTHERLAND, Secretary. Camden, March 6, 1878. mche-thstnlmo ^CONSIGNEES PER STEAMSHIP ASHLAND, from Philadelphia, are hereby noti? fied that she ls dlsohargtng Cargo at Brown's Wnarf. All Roods not removed by sunset will remain on wharf at consignees' risk and ex? pense. All claims mast be made on wharf be? fore removal of goods. mchS 1 WM. A. COURTENAY, Agent. ^-LADIES WILL FIND ELGIN'S Phantom Powder Just the nieest, softest, whitest, prettiest face Powder In the world, rar superior to any other Powder, Lily White, or Tablet in the market. Thousands of ladies who have used it are delighted wi n its effects, and pronounce lt the very best cosmetic they ever tried. For Im? parting youthful beauty and freshness to the j complexion, and dearness and softness to the ?kin, lt cannot be surpassed. For gale by all druggists. mche-thstusmos pst- BURNETT'S FLAVORING E7 TRACTS.-Tue superiority of these Extracts con? sists in their perfect purity and great strength. They are warranted free from the poisonous oils and acids which enter Int? the composition of many or the factltions fruit flavors now In the | market. They are not only true to their names bat are prepared from fruits of the beet quality, and are so highly concentrated that a compara? tively small quantity only need be used. "Pre-rmlnentiy superior."-Parker House, Bos? ton. "The best la the world.?-Firth Avenue Hotel, New Tork. "Used exclusively for years."-continental Hotel, Pennsylvania. JOSEPH BURNETT A CO., Boston, mcho-thetu3 Manufacturera and Proprietors. ?BSTDOCTOR AYER'S LABORATORY, that has done such wonders for the sick, now Issues a potent restorer for the beauty of man? kind-for the oomellneBB which advancing age Is so prone to diminish and destroy. Bis VIGOR J mo ?nts luxuriant locks on the bald and gray [ pates among na, and thus lays na under obliga? tions to him for the good looks as well aa health or the community. mchS-thstuBDAW IP YOU WOULD ENJOY LIFE, use TCTT'? PILLS. They produce a good appe? tite, sound digestion, and Impart vigor to body and mind mchs-ensw COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON. - The Baccalaureate Examination of the Senior Class will take place THIS DAT at the President's Room commencing at 0 o'c eek A. M. FREDS. A. PORCHER, mch4_Secretary Facnlty. RUNION BANK OF SOUT? CARO? LINA, CHARLESTON, FEBRUAR* SS, 1873 - The Annual Election for Directors of this Bank will be bela at the Banking House, on WEDNES? DAY, 12th day of March, proximo, between the hours of ll A. M. and 2 P. M. H. D. ALEXANDER, feb2T-thstuewl Cashier. pa*HAILS VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER prevents the hair from turning gray, and rei urn- gray hair to its natural color. mchl-stnthSpsw_ ?NT BATCHELORS HAIR DYE-THIS superb Hair Dye ls the best lu the world. Per? fectly harmless, reliable and Instantaneous. No disappointment. No ridiculous tints, or unpleas? ant odor. The genome W. A Batchelor "a Hail Dye produces Immediately a splendid black or natural brown. Does not stain the skin, but leaves the hair clean, soft and beautiful. The only safe and perfect Dye. Sold by all druggists Factory ls Bond street, Now York, mohs-tuthslvr Prags at Wholesale. -pj-QHSFORD'S SELF-RAISING BREAD PREPARATION. loo boxes Just received and for sale at Proprie? tors prices, by DO WIE, M018E4DAVI8, Corner Meeting and Hasel streets. JOHN WYETH 4 BROS. f COD LIVER OIL 1 j WITH [ PHOSPHATE OF LIME. BEEF, WINE AND IRON. ELIXIR TARAXACUM COMP. 8TRUP LAOTO. PHOS. L ANO MARVIN'S COD LIVER OIL I Fall Stock of the above always on hand, at Pro? prietors' prices. DOWIE, MOISE 4 DAVIS. Wholesale Agents. glMMONS'S HEPATIC COMPOUND OB LIVER CURE I The very best LIVER REGULATOR AND IN VIGOR AI OK in the marker. It ls already pre? pared. Pat up in large bottle'. More pleasant to take, and contatos more intrinsic virtue than any similar preparation before the public One trial convinces the most sceptical DOWIE, MOISE 4 DAVIS, Wholesale Agents for Sooth Carolins. ANSE BROTHERS & WHITE'S SUGAR-COATED PILLS I One Hundred and Fifty-seven Different Combina- j Hons-Soluble and Reliable FLUID AND SOLIDS EXTRACTS. Foll strength and guiranteed purity of every kind known to Pharmacy. All at Proprietors' prices. DOWIE, MOISE 4 DAVIS, nov? tuf Wholesale Agents, Charleston. S. C. Sewing ?fliuljincs. HR HE NSW IMPROVED WHEELER 4 WILSON SILENT SEWING MACHINE. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. We are now selling these superior MACHINES )n Ten Dollar monthly pav meats. AdjuBttngand Repairing done promtly. WHEELER A WILSON MANUF'G CO., arrs-iyr No. 209 King street. meetings._ YTHAGOREAN LODGE, No. 21, A. P. M.-A Kegal tlon or che above Lodge win be held at Maso'iic Ball, THIS (Thurs? day) HVKNINO, at 7 o'ct eic. Candidate* for the F. c. Degree will be punctual. Thu Arrear List win r-ccive ts third reading. By order or the W. M. E. STEWART, mch8 Secretary. AQU ARTE KL Y COMMUNICATION OF iHE MOST WORSHIPFUL GKANU LODGE, A. T. M.. mr the State of south Carolina wilt be held THIS EVENING, at their Hal, King street, at half-past 7 o'clock precisely. mcD6-? W. INGLISS, JB., G. Secretary. SUMTER RIFLE CLUB. -ATTEND AN Adjourned Meeting THII EVBNING. at half past 7 o'clock. W. M. BRUNS, mchG Secretary and Treasurer. LIVE OAK SOCIAL CLUB.-THE Rf gular Meeting of this Club wilt be held IBIS (Thursday) EVB.NINQ, at 7 u'clock, at their Club-ttoom. By order. J. 0. KOENNEOKE, mch?-* secretary. IRISH RIFLE CLUB.-THE REGULAR Meeting of your club will be held THIS (Tnursday) EVENING, at 7 o'cloo<,at Archer's Uail JA Mts F. WALSH, niche Secretary. LADIES' FUEL 80CIETY-THE REG? ULA* Monthly Meeting or the Fuel Socie? ty * Ul beheld at the Depository, Chalmers street, on THUBSDAT. the 6th Instant, at 12 o'clock M. By order of the President._mch6-2 STATE AGRICULTURAL AND ME? CHANICAL SOCIETY.-In pursuance or a Ktsolntlon passed at the Meetlog or the sta'e Ag? ricultural and Mechanical Society IM December last, the spring Meeting or the Socl"ty will be held in char,ea ton. on the first T?ESDAT in May nt-xt, beginning at il o'clock A. M. The place of meeting and programme of proceedings' will be published In toe (morning) Charleston papers or that date. The following subjects have been selected for discussion ex that rn? etlng, and the names at? tached are the appointees who will be expected to open the debate on the t espectlve subjects: The Cuitare or Upland Rice as a Staple Prodnct of South carolina.-UEO. T. WICKS, Richland. The comparative Advautige or Labor saving Machinery, aud their Adaptability to southern *)or and Products-M. L. DONALBaON, Green > n?Mng-Its Effects Unon Different Soll9at dittv at Seasons.-Ji)U?i H. FORMAN, Sumter. ?li heapest Fertilizer, whether domestic or comm. Mal, and the most Eoonoralc.il Time and M.-thoi ' its Application PAUL S. FELDER, Ia ?nfcJ iuslve Cotton Crop Good Polle? for any Single Farmer or Planter lu South Carolina. W. M. SHANNON, K- IShaw. The Most Economical Method or Wintering Stock.-i'HOS. o. MOUKE, spartanburg. ls south Carolina in Greater Need of Labor or Capital f-JA*. Mo UTOHEN. Williamsburg. With Cheap Hands and Inefficient, Labor, ls the Farmer Better R?mun?r?t o by Superti.lal or High Farming ?-K. M. SIMS. York. The above named gentlemen ure earnestly re? quested to attend the May Meeting of the society, aud be prepared to open the Discussion with Essays upon the subjects respectively assigned them. By order T. W. WOOUWABD, Tresl lent, mchs-rao D. WYATT AIKEN , secretary. CD oma. WANTED, A WOMAN TO COOK AND Wash for a small family. Apply at thlB Ofllce. mchOl* WANTED, A COLORED WOMAN TO took and Wash. Apply in Rutledge street, fi ur donn above Qaeen street. , mchB WANTED, A SERVANT TO MIND A Child. Apply ai No. 79 Wentwor h utreet, corner St. Phillp. _mche-l* WANTED, A CH MBERMA1D AND Seamstress; also a cook, kefermc.-s re? quired. Appiy at northwest corner or Ku>g ?nd Mon!-* streeis. _ B.cM-1* WANTED, AN ELDERLY MAN, WHO ls a good driver, and understands the care of a horse and buggy. Inquire at No 20fl Meeting street._mchB'i" WANTED, A THOHOUGBLY RE? SPECTABLE White Female Cook, abotu Mr'y years of age. None need apply without the beat lecommen allon* from tnelr last em? ployer. Apply at No. 7 Water aireet fa m 12 until ?i o'clock on Thursday dr Friday. mcbQ WANTED, A COOK. M?ST BR WELL rec mmeuded. Apply southwest con er pull and Smith rtrggta._mens-.* WANTED, PURCHASERS TO BUY my first quality Red Ash. Parlor and Stove Cual, in OJ. a. BUDD, No. li Boice'a Whatf. mch6-8* WANTED, A COMPETENT MILLER, to run a Circular saw. Apply at No 0 Broad street mch4-3 WANTED, A THOUROUGHLY COM PETENT BOOKKEEPER.to dil situation immediately. HART ? CO., No. 89 Hayne a tree t mchl-Bioth WANTED, A SITUATION AS G?)V h.KN Ess, by a yoong lady who has had some experience In teaon.ng. English. French and Music taugnt. References glveu li required Apply to Kev. Dr. Sh ind, Columoia, S. c m. hi-lo? WANTED TO DISPOSE VF A LIBRA? RY ot Six Hundred Volumen of valuable Wo, ks. Price three hundred and twenty-five dol? lars delivered to railroad. Catalogue furnlbhed oa application to Box No. QO, Benuettsvllle, S. C. febit?-lQ* for Salt. FOR SALE, A^TLciTcOW, AT A LOW price. Apply at the corner of Spring and Norman streets-No 86. mch?-tht-2* FOR SALE, A LOT OF BED-ROOM FURN 11 URE, uko and cheap. Apply at No. 46 East Bay street. mcuu-t* FOR SALE, GENTEEL RESIDENCE near weat end Spring. Fine Lot. Low price. App y to A. 0. MCGILLIVRAY, No. 27x Broad street. mchs-l* MULE?! MARES 1 HORSES I MULES I KENTUCKY SALE STABLES, NO. 89 iiiurch street, keepB constantly on hand a large supply ol TURPENTINE AND TIM HEH MULES. PLANTATION A\D DRAY MULES, SADDLE MARES AND SADDLE UOK-.E->, HARNESS ANI> DR-?FT MARES AND HuRsKS, which we will sell on the most favorable terms. Fresh car? lo-id received every week. Call ann examine our stock. All stock guaranteed as represented or monty rerutded. BAMBERU A MCCOY. mch5-lmo* JUST ARRIVED, ONE CARLOAD OF HoKSICS, MARES and heavy-bodkd MULES For sale on time, at R. 0ARMAN'S ?ale Stables. HcnM* JUST ARRIVED, FORTY HEAD OF Blocky bull-, small Mares and Horses and Mules, which will be sold cheaper than any stock hold nore ihls season. Apply at WILSON'S sta bles, No. 148 Meeting, near Wentworth s.reet. mch6-4? JUST ARRIVED, A CAR LOAD OF well broke MULE?, from four to BIX J ears ?id to be suid for cash or on time, at the Plan tera' and Drovera' Stable on Queen, between church and Mite streets. Purchasers will du well to call before purchasing elsewhere. B. 0. KIRK. mch4 6* FOR SALE-FRHSH EGG* I HO?DA? and Llnht aud Dark Brahma Fowls. T. L BAGOT, No. 34 Smith street. mcii4 4? PLANTATION FOR S^E.- THE UN? DERSIGNED offen for sale bis plantation, containing Heven hundred and fifty-seven acres, more or leia, wi tn the privilege or two hundred acres more, reomtly conveyed, on the place about 160 or uOi) aerea cleared and under fence, located In Orangebutg County, filtren miles due east of Orangenurg courthouse, and at tne Junction ol the state aud Five Notch road. Oa the place mere ls a comfortable two story dwelling with eight rooms, a Ure place In each; Oin House, screw, Blacksmith shop and all necessary outbuildings. For farther particulars, appt- either to Measrs. izlar A Dtuble or myself, at Orange-burg Court? house. S. 0. J. c. EDvVARDS. febl3-tluv* SEWING MACHINES.-ALL DESCRIP? TIONS or Sew.ng Machines repaired ou rea? sonable terms and at the shortest notice by J. L. LUNSFORD, smith street. Just north or Went? worth B'reet. Jan22 Ueroar?s. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD. - Lout or Stolen on the evening or January 20 from th* south Carolina Kailroad train, be? tween charleston and colombia, a CARPET BAG, coota nmg important papera, of no value to any one bat the owner, as pa ment upon them baa bern stopped. A reward or one Hundred Lul? lars will be pa d, aud BO qupstiuiis asked, for the return of the papers to this office. JOSFPH CREWS. fchlft (Educational LADIES' FANCY WORK.-MRS. BOYD gives leesons In Orna entai Leatherwork, vvax Fruit and Flower-making, polut Lace and Fancy Needlework. Terms on application. No. 2o Pitt street, above Montagu? reb26-iuthi6* ftmnsemenii. H IB E B NI A N HALL. P 0 PROFESSOR CROMWELL Bas the honor to announce to i he citizens of Charleston that GERMANY AND THE RUDSON, With Grand Allegories and Statues, will be re? presente'! ar. his ART ENTERTAINMENT TO-NIGHT, March 6, 1873. ADMISSION. 60 cents; Children, 86 cents. Re? served RI ats, 76 cents, to be secured at Holmes's Book store. GRAND MATINEE SATURDAY. Doors open for the Evening Entertainment at half-past 7, commencing at 8 o'clock. Doora open for the Matinee at half-past 3. commencing at 3 o'clock. Carriages may be ordered for tte Matinee at 4, and for the evening at hair-psst 0 o'clock._mcb.8-1 ^OADBMY OP MUSIC. w. E. SPALDING.Manager. Two Nights Onlv, FRIDAY AND SATDKDAY EVENINGS, MARCH 7 AND 8. America's Most Famous Comedian, MR. JOHN E. O WES S Supported by his own Dramatic Combination. FRIDAY EVENING, the Performaneo to corni menee with the Popular Comedy of THE VICTIMS. Joshua Butterby.MR. JOHN E. OWENS. To conclude with Mr. Owens's Great Specialty of SOLON SHINGLE. SATURDAY EVENING-HAPPIEST DAY OF MY LIFE, FORTY WINKS, AND THE LIVE INDIAN. Prices of Admission : orchestra and Dress Circle, $1; Reserved seats, $1 60; Family Gir?le, 60 cents; Gallery 2* cents. bale of reserved > eats to commence on TTJBS DAT MORNING, March 4, at the Box office of the Academy of Music. mch4-4 BIM GRAND BAL MASQUE, AT ACADEMY OF MUSIC, ON THURSDAY RYBNINQ, MARCH IS, 1878. SENIOR MANAGERS. . M. ISBASL, Chairman. D. JACOBS, A. FALK, S. ST RA cs 9, D. BB^TSCHNBR, J. APPLE, A. SECKENDORF. COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS. J. H. LOBB, Chairman. Louis ELIAS, CHAS. NEWHOOSB, I. W. GOLDSTEIN, M. TRIEBT. Tickets to be had from the above Committee. febl7,22,27 mch3,10,12,13 .financial, mm SOUTH CAROLINA LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY, BANKING OFFICE, No. 17 BROAD STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. PAID'UP CAPITAL.$800,000 Receives Deposits. Dlscoan s Paper. Buys and Sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange at Current Rares, and will attend to Collections thronghont the South. GEORG R S. CAMERON, President. FRANCIS A. MITCHELL, Cashier.. -n addition to the ominar t business of Bank? ing, the south Carolina Loan and Ti oat Company have a "SAVINGS DEPARTMENT," in which they lasne Deposit Books for ali amounts deposit? ed from One Dollar u: wards They alio issue In? terest Bearing Crt incites for au y amount, pay able on demand, at snch rate of interest as may be agreed upon; Interest collectable every three months, ir the Certificate bas not been previous? ly presented. Depositors are offered these ad? vantages, and the safety of their deposits ls gnaranteed by a paid up capital or THREE BUN* DR?D TBOUSANJ DOLLARS. Persons bavlng funds which they wish to invest, will lind this a sale means of Investment, returnable npon de? mand, and always ready for use should a more proflrab.e investment occur. feb2o-ttim3mos DESIRABLE INVESTMENT. NOT TAXABLE BT THE STATE, CITY OR COUNTY. A SAVING of nearly THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. PER ANNUM. CHARLOTTE, COL. AND AUGUSTA B. B. Seven per Cent. COUPON BONDS, Secured by a Mortgage on the entire Pro? perty of the Road. Interest Payable Seml-Annually, on the 1st of January and 1st of July. TBE PEOPLE'S NATIONAL BANK, OF CHARLESTON, o ire rs for sale a limited amount of above-men? tioned BONDS, at the following rates: FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, (only $10 ooo per mile,) at 82 cents and accrued Interest; SECOND MORT? GAGE, (only $5.000 per mlle,) at 76 cents and ac? crued Interest, and recoxmend them to Trastees and othen having money to Invest, as being the most desirable security on tfte market, for the following reasons, to wit : Fia>T.-THKT CANNOT BB TAXBD BT THE STATE, COUNTY OR CITY. The United states suprem? t?ourt, m the case or toe Northern centrai Rail? road vs. Jackson, (see 7 Wallace, supreme Conn U. a., page 207.) decided that, when a railroad mortgage ta a Joint one, on property lying In two or more States, lhe bonds secured thereby are not liable to be taxed by either or the states ; and the same principle relieves them from taxation by County, City or Town. The Charlotte, Colum? bi,? and Augusta bonds are secured by a joint mortgage ou property lying in North carolina, south carolina and Georgia. SECOND.-Because they are absolutety sajb, being secured by a first mortgage or only $10, ooo, and a second mortgage oi only $t000 per mlle on the entire road, rrom Cha lotte to au? gusta, and cn ail the workshops, bridges, fran? chise and equipments or said road. THIRD -Because the sale o- tne flr>t mortgage bonus will extinguish the floating dent or tn road, ano the proceeds of the *< cond mortgage bonds will he exclusively appllei to Improving the road and adding to lti equipments; inns en? hancing the vaiue or the property mon gaged. FOURTH.-Because the conda are coupon bond", aud the ?nteron payable in New York, charlotte, Colombia or Augusta, at the option of the holder. Taus they can be collected tn rough any bank without expense. FIFTH.-Tue business of tho road ls rapl 'ly ln cre-iBiLg and the property and rranohiae dally upcoming more vainable-the net enr lings for the last nve n onths being over fifty pur rent, moie i han for the corresponding mouths of the preordine v*-ar. SIXTH.-Tnese bonds are practically redeema Ne tn gold, fo- specie payment, will certainly oe reBom?'i oefore their maturity. Investors will therefore buy wi h greenbacks wortn 87M cents, and recelv . tb< lr pHy at par-thus addi? g a prout or OVER THIRTY OBNTS on the dollar on the First Mortgage Bonds an-? OVER THIRTT-SKVBN CENTS on the Second Mortgage Bonds, and In the mt-autimt rece vlng a higu ra?e ul ?utere-t FINALLY.-As the-e bum's h- ve a axed value in New york, iharlotte, columbia and Augusta, they are considere ) good co,laterals, on which m ney eau always be borrowed .or temporary purposes. v JOHN B. PALMER, President c. c. and ?, H. R. Farther Information will be furnished on appll cation to the undersigned, who will oil orders for the bonds. C. O. WITTE, Pretddent. H. G. LOPER, Cashier. fen 8 tn'nsie J^-O IMPOSITION. IMPORTED HAVANA CIGARS, Also the best Northern Brandi. JBEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO, SNUFF AND PIPES. 49- Five Cents Cigars a specialty st R. li. MORILLO'S. No. 849 King street, west side, mchi-tu'u Between Liberty and George Ste. (BrotetitB, &iqggrgf 8t. jgIGHTH D1BEUT IMPORTATION OF CALIFORNIA WINES AND BRANDIES, Snipped from San Francisco, December 4, Wi. SONOMA PORT WISE, ANGELIC 1 GRAPE BRANDT, i G RA PB BRANDY, A. D. 1865. For Bale by the casie, demijohn or dozen bottles by JOHN HC8KAMP.A CO, Southeast Corner Kins; and Broad streets. mch6-thstn3* jp RIME NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES. leo bbls. Prime New Orleans MOLASSES. - For sale by E. LAFITTE A 00.. mchs-thstui No. 4Central Wharf. QEMENT1 CEMENT! 60 barrels CEMENT to arrive per Matada Brooks. ROACH A MOFFITT, mcbfl-l_ Agents. ?piLOUR ! FLOUR ! FLOUR I 1000 bbls. Soper, ExtT and Family FLOUR. - For sale by HERMANN BULWINKLE, mehi 3 Kerr's Wharf. g A L Tl SALT! 2100 sacs s SALT, to arrive per barb Tiber from Liverpool, dally expected. ALSO, 100 sacks factory filled salt, In store. For sale by HENRY CARO, meni ' Atlantic Wharf Q.?AN01 GUANO I GUANO I loo tons No. l Peruvian, ObJnoha Island, GDANO. warranted nure. For sale by HERMANN BTJLWINKLB, tabU_Kerr's Wharf. g A P O L I Ol For Hand and House use. For sale at .Whole? sale, by PAUL B. LALANE ft CO., feb4 No. ITS East Bay, Charlsston, S. a M R. D. FITZ GIBBON woald beg to announce to his Friends and the Public generally that he has REMOVED to th? Large New store en King street, second door above Burns la? e, where he will be pleased to re? ceive the continuance or their patronage. A rall and wen assorted Stock or GROCERIES, Canned Goods, Ac, always on band. Goods de? livered Free to any part or the city. Jans w ILSONS' G B 0 C B RY. No. 806 KING STREET. FRESH CRACKERS OF ALL KINDS . . . AT WILSONS*. CHOICE BUTTER, ALWAYS ON HAND, AT WILSONS'. ..it: rx: , YOU CAN SAVE 250. PER POUND ON TEAS . AT WILSONS'. * .. ' jj ??JE;! N?i? FRESH GROUND COFFEES, A SPECIALTY, AT WILSONS'. ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE AT WILSONS'. NO CHARGE FOR PACKING GOODS AT WILSONS'. NO. 806 KING STREET. C*gul Notices. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CHARLESTON.-Court Of Oom mon Pleas.-KRISTOPHER P. POPPBNHE1M, Plaintiff, against J W. sPRAG?E, Defendant. Cepy summons for Money Demand.-Complaint not served. ' . To J. W. SPRAGUF, Defendant in this action: You are hereby summoned and required to an? swer the cora olain tin this action, which bas been filed in the office or the Clerk of the court of Com? mon Pieis for the said County, and to serf? a copy of your an*wer on tno subscriber at Hs of? fice. No. 64 Broad street, corner of Church street, within twenty days arter the service of this som? mons on you, exclusive of toe day of ne vier. ir yon fan to an-wer this complaint within tba time aforesaid, the plaintiff will take Judgment against, you for the sam of -thirty-seven dollars aud five cents and costa. v. J. TOBIAS Plaintiff's Attorney. Dated Charleston, S. 0., March 6th, 1878. fL. B ] JACOB WI LUM AN, 0. 0. P. To the Defendant. J. W. SPRAQUB: Take no? tice that the summons In this notion, together with the complaint therein referred to, was flied in i ne offloe of the clerk of the court or Common Pleas, for the conn ty or Charleston, in the state or south Carolina, on the fifth day or March, A. D., 1873. V. J. TOBIAS, Plain tire Attorney. Charleston, S. 0, March 6th, 1878. mche-ti 0 NOTICE.-ALL PERSONS HAVING claims against tba Estate of JULIUS MAT TlilESSEN, deceased, will band them In, ?inly at? tested, to the store of WM. MATT HI ESSEN, cor? ner or King a d Wentworth streets, and these Indebted to said Estate will make payment to me, at Beaufort, s. C. JOANNAH MATTHIESSEN, mchS-G Qualified Executrix. ?taime** Caros E J. ADAMS, TRIAL JUSTICE, OFFICE NO. 1 COURTHOUSE SQUARE. RXSmiNCB NO. SS GIOBOB STBXBT. mch4 6? Vj SAM'L W. MELTON, D. H. CHAMBERLAIN, Attorney-General. Ex-Attorney General. jy^ELTON & CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, COLUMBIA, S. C., Will practice in ali the conns or this state, and in the Uuited i-^tes Courts for the District of sou' h Carolina. ornees at colombia, S. C.. in tbe Statehouse, and In the Carolina National Bank Building, (up. stairs.) Jaas-iyr Clothing at UJrjoLeaaU. gPRING AND SUMMER SALES 1873. M. N. BOGERS ? CO., Manufacturers and Jobbers of MEN'S YOUTHS' AND B8Y8' CLOTHING, 444 AND 448 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, W. T. BURGE, (Late Marshall ft Burge,) Charlea ton, S.O. We offer to the SOUTHIBK 7 BADS this season a very LARGS and ATTRACT va stock of SPRING AND SL'UMF.R CLUTHING.Rt price? as Low &a any Honse m the Trade farnuhlng equal grades of Goods. Our Stock ls manufactured SXCLOSTVIXT for southern Mates, south' ru dealer? are more cer? tain to find the Style or our O ods, abd a une of sizes better adapted o their warns, 'han l po-sl tue tn a Stock of clo hing manufactured fora Northern or Western trad-*. ORDERS r-ouomo; satisfaction guaranteed;, samples sent on application. M. N. ROGERS A CO., rebfl-2mo 4M and 4M Broadway, N. Y. Y