CITY AFFALES. MEETINGS THIS DAT. Pioneer Fire Company, at hall-past7 P. II. '? Landmark Lodge, ?. F. M., at 5 and 7 P. M. Kew England Society, at 7 P. M. Young America Fire Company, at 7 P. If. Glgarmakers' Union, at half-past 7 P. H. AUCTION SALES THIS DAT. ,. If. Marshall & Brother will sell at ll O'cloJfc-At ?tables io Queen street, between Church and State streets, horses and mules. William McKay will sell at 10 o'clock", at his 'atore, dry goods, clothing, &c. Miles Drake will sell at 10 o'clock, at his store, clothing, bats and ?hoes. John G, Mllnor & Co. will sell at half-past 10 o'clock, at Btore No. 133 Meeting stree' fie w era, plants, &c._ FOREIGN EXPORTS. The British bark Onlona was cleared for Liverpool yesterday, by Mr. Henry Card, with 2*9 bags sea Island cotton, 1769 bales upland cotton, 619 barrels rosin and 1 barrel wax. A WINDFALL. Mr. J. J. E. Mccullum, a detective officer ol this city, received Intelligence yesterday morning lhat, by the death of a relative, Aris? tides Bennett, of Plaquemine County, La., he had fallen belr to a fortune of twenty-five thousand dollars. The fortune awaits his presence in Now Orleans. THE COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON. The final examination of the senior class ot the College ol Charleston for the degree of bachelor o? arts look place yesterday, lo the College building, and the result will be an? nounced to-day after due consultation and deliberation by tbe faculty. The annual com? mencement of the College will take place on the 25th Instant. THE COLD, YESTERDAY. The temp?rature yesterday was an apt illustration of "winter H?gering in the lap of spring." The range Of the thermometer was es follows: 8 A. M., 27; 10 A. M., 31; 12 M., 38; 2 P. M., 3?; 4 P. M., 33; 6 P. M., 33; 8 P. M., 33 These figures fhow that yesterday ls en titled to tne distinction ot being one of the Coldest days of the season, the comparison with tbe mean thermometer of the other cold days being as follows : December 28tb, 34; January 19th, 80 6-7; March ?th. 3? 1-7. THE ZEITUNG. The increasing prosperity of this excellent German paper bas encouraged the proprietors, Messrs. F. Melchers & Son, to remove from their old office In Bread street, west of Church, to more commodious quarters at No. 62 Broad Btreet, formerly occupied by tbe late John S. Byan. The editorial and business office occu? pies the front room, whl!e the rear ls taken up by the press and composition rooms. We wish the Geltung, lo its new office, a suc? cess commensurate with the enterprise of its estimable proprietors. FERTILIZING PROPERTIES OF SALT MUD. - A very interesting analysis of salt mod, with ? view to determining Its fertilizing proper? ties, was recently made at Professor C. ?. Shepard's laboratory by bis assistant, Dr. W. D. Warner. The mult ot this analysis ls pub? lished In the March number of the Eural Caro? linian, and shows that the mud contains 41.8899 per Cent, of soluble Ingredients, more than t ill ol which is composed of organic matter. The percentage ot phosphoric acid, a highly valuable fertilizing constituent, ls also large. - BAPTIST ITEMS. , At the Citadel Square Baptist Church last Sunday the ordinance ol baptism was adminis? tered to seven yoong ladles and five young men. Others,we understand, have been receiv? ed for membership, and will be baptised next Sunday. Special meetings for prayer and con? ference have been held in this church (lecture room) for two weeks past, dally, at halt-past seven o'clock P. M. These meetings ontlnne the present week. Some unusual religions interest exists In tbe congregation of the First Baptist Church Meetings are held dally at half-past seven o'clock P. M. LOCAL LACONISS. -Fifty Portuguese immigrants arrived in the city yesterday, and left on the 7.30 P. M. train for Colombia. . -Mr. John H. Sjmmes, the newly appointed Jailor, entereu upon the duties of his office yesterday. The miring Jailor ls a colored man named J. C. Clausen. -The steamer Volunteer, ashore at Hawk Beach, baa gone to pieces. Her cargo lie? on the beach, awaking shipment to Wil? mington. -An inquest was held, yesterday, upon the body ot a wblte woman, named Alice Blake, who died suddenly at her residence, No. 97 King street, early In the morning. A verdict was rendered to the effect that death resulted from apoplexy, caused by the excessive nee of alcoholic stimulants. AMUSEMENTS: Professor MUH'I Leetoros. f 1 The first ol the conree of lectures by Profes? sor J. W. Miles, opon the genius of Shakes- ? ' peere and the c?aoslo poets, ls to be given t this evening at the Confederate Home, Broad v street. These lectures have been anticipated I with pleaacre by all who are aware of the " lecturer's intimate acquaintance with the sub? jects of which he proposes to treat, and of hie G rare ability in pleasantly Imparting the In- I formation which he has himself acquired, I Tickets for this lecture, or for the conree, may i be obtained at Fogartle'a book depository and f et the door. u Cromwell's Art Kntertalments. 1 Another comfortably filled house greeted the c second of these refined and pleasing exhib?- li tions last evening. Perhaps tbe explanatory C remarks by Professor Cromwell were as much a enjoyed as the representations themselves, fl his quiet humor and keen sat ire eliciting much F applause. The closing picture, "Book of o Ages," wa? very beautiful. d Mr. Car? well's Lectare. f Another lecture ts to be given this evening bj Mr. Edward Carsweli at the Academy o? y Music, under the auspices ol Palmetto Dlvl Sion, No. 4, S. of T.. and upon the subject of u temperance. It ls confidently expected that all who had the pleasure ol listening to Mr. B Carsweli on Monday evening will attend toi tl Sight, and those who have not yet heard this tl distinguished lecturer should by all means ? embrace the present opportunity to do so. v, lit? Templar's Bell. a An enjoyable promenade concert and bop F was given last evening ax Temperance Hall, e nader the auspices ot the Washington and o Queen Cuy Lodges, I. O. G. T. The hall was ti tastefully decorated lor the occasion, the a Boii?'was good, and the whole arrangements, d walch were under the general management of hi Hr. A. Sahtrom, were such as to make the j st ?.cation aa extremely pleasant ooe. I tt UNIOS' PRAYER MEETINGS. Rev. G. R. Bracken 1B expected to conduct .he services at Glebe street Church, this alter ?ooo, at half-past four o'clock. At the Circular Church Leoture Boom, this Bvenlog, at half-past seven o'clock, Rev. John L. Glrardeau, D. D.. will officiate. OEATOBIO OF THE CREATION. The rehearsal will take place this evening, et eight o'clock, at the Freundschaftsbund Hall, Meeting street. A punctual attendance is especially requested by Mrs. Barbot. THE SWORD OF CAPTAIN SEMMES. A beautiful photograph of the sword pre? sented to Captain SemmeB, of the Alabama, after th? battle or Cherbourg, by the officers of the English navy and others, is now on exhibition at Messrs. Walker, Evans & Cogs? well. The sword appears to be a magnificent one. On the side exposed to view ls engraved In Roman letters : "Presented to Captain Raphael Semmes, C. S. N., by officers of the Royal Navy, and other friends In Eogland* as a testimonial of their appreciation of the gallantry with which he maintained the bonor ot bis country's flag, and the fame of the Alabama, in the engagement off Cher? bourg with a chain-plated ship of superior power, armament and crew, June 19tb, 1864." The hilt and scabbard are elaborately em? bossed with representations of statuary and other ornamental designs. MORTUARY REPORT FOB THE WEEK. The following ls the official return of deaths In the City of Charleston, for the week end? ing March 1,187S. OAUSX8 or DSATI?. ?WHITES. Adults. Ohlld'n. BUCKS OB COL? ORED. Adults. Chlld'n. Abscess.Pulmo? nary. Anasarca. apoplexy. Burn, tflects or. Bronchi tis, Acute.... B r o n o h lits, CDWDIO. Cancer. Uteri.. U >nsumptlon.. 0 o n v ulslons, Puerperal.... Dy a t i t la. Chronic . Diarrhoea.. lt nterltta, Cur onie.. Seart, Disease of., Bern on hage Puerperal... Ins ul ty. Liver. Conges? tion of. Lungs, Conges? tion or. lld Age. 'nen m nala.... Thrombosis..., rrismuu Nae ce : tl um. Vant or Vital 1 tj. Tota. RICH'ITUIOXION. Whites 12, Blacka and Colored is-total 38; and I Stillbirths. ASKS. Coder l year ot age. Between I and 5 years or age. Between 10 and 20 y< ar* ot age. Between 20 and 80 y*ars of ase. Between 40 and 60 years of age. Betweeu 60 aud 60 years or age. Between Bu and 70 years of age. Betwe n TO and 8ti years ot age. Between 8tt-anre appointed one ol two companies to go to Washington to attend Ihe Inaugural c?l?br?t loi;; and whet eas, he stated thai a sum of money bad already been subscribed by Individuals in Columbia tor the purpose of conveying the companies to and from Washington, and be bad every assurance that the balance of lt would be raised; and whereas, he did on tbe first day ot March, 1873, between the boura or ntoe and ten o'clock P. M., In company with several mem? bers of the Carolina Light Infantry produce an envelope said by him to contain three thousand dollars for the purpose of con? vening said companies to Washington; and whereas. General Smalls empowered a committee ol four to make arrangements for transportation to Washington with Bupeiln teudent 8. S. Solomons, ol the Northeastern Railroad, and which arrangements were made; and whereas General Robert Smalls did, by his promises and assurances, put the j Carolina Light Infantry to considerable ex? pense and trouble In preparing for ihe irip io Washington; and whereas the Carolina Light Infantry were assembled and marched to the South Carolina Railroad depot, and OeDeral 8malls not making his appearance at said de? pot, thereby causing us great disappointment. Therefore be lt Resolved, That General Robert Smalls, by his disgraceful action to the Carolina Debt Infantry, In mtBleadiog and disappointing i hem, ls unworthy ot the title of Brigadier General flrst brigade N. G. S. ?S. C. Resolved, That a copy ot these resolutions be published In THU CHARLESTON DAILT NEWS and Charleston Courier. (Signed.) R BERT HOWARD, Jr., 1 THOS. D. SMITH, | JOHN F. PuYAfi, r Committee. T. W. WILLIAMS. I JOHN F. DOMMETT, j BUSINESS NOTICES. AVERT THE DANGER-The "etherlal mild? ness" with which poets credit ibe vernal sea? son ls more au illusion of the fancy than a meteorological fact. Early spring lu temper? ate climates ls a tearful time, and the tears are usually too cool for health or comfort. To avert the complaints lo which the fogs and j winds of ihe season are apt to give rise, pru? dent people who Detleve in the proverb lhat "prevention ls better than cure" iortify tbelr Btomacbs and brace up ibeir nerves and muscles with Hosteler's stomach Bitters. Those who do this are wise, p.od are rewarded tor their wisdom by escaping the visitations of | chills and fever, rheumatism, biliousness, flatulency, constipation, stomach complaint, Ac, so common in damp, inhospitable weather. To the less prudent, who neglect this precaution and suffer for lt, we would say that the disorders which this potent vegeta? ble tonic prevents lt also cures. mcb5-wlm3D*w A UNIVERSAL REMEDY.-"Brown's Bron? chial Troches" for Couche, Colds and Bronchial Affections stand first In public favor and con? fidence; this result bas been acquired by a test of many 'ears. DOWIE, MOISE & DAVIS, Agis. nov20-wfm3 _ ALL the popular grades of the Waltham Watch manufactory, at James .lian's. OPERA, MARINE AND FIELD GLASSES In great variety, Including those of tbe finest make, at reasonable prices. Allan's, No. 307 King street. HOT BED SASH ! HOT BED SAS?I 1-Two thou? sand Hot Bed Sash Just completed, and now ready for delivery; price low. Call and ex? amine same at P. P. Toale's, Nos. 20 Hay ne, and 33 Pinckey streets, or on Horlbeck's Wharf. decSO PLATED WARE, In new and exquisite de? signs. Tea Sets, Ice Pitchers and Castors, at Allan's, No. 307 King street. FOR BRONCHIAL, Asthmatic and Pulmonary complaints, "Brown's Bronchial Troches' manifest remarkable curative properties. DOWIE, MOISE. A DAVIS, Agents. nov20-wfm3_ NEW AND CHEAP CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, Velocipedes, Roccklng-Horses, Carts, Wheel? barrows, Ac, Just received at Yon Santen's No. 229 King street, Charleston, S. 0. Junll-tu VERT CHEAP.-A Handsome Box, contain? ing One Quire Initial Note Paper, Twenty-four initial Envelopes, a Penholder and Pen, for anly twenty-five cents, at Von Santen's Ba? zaar, No. 229 King street, next Academy oi Music. July 6-s COMMERCIAL NEWS. Export?. LIVERPOOL-p.?r Br bark Gulona -249 baga ara laland colton. 1769 bales uplind cotton, 619 bbls rcs n. 1 wax NKW YORK-per sehr Geo Peabody-393 bbls rosin.Her sehr Czar-I6O.000 feet lumber. BOSTON-Per sehr Governor Goodwin-378 bbls rosin, 62 tons old iron. The Charlo iton Cotton, Rice and Naval Stores Market. OFFICE CHARLESTON NPWS, 1 TUESDAY KVBNINQ, MaTCh 4, 1873. | COTTON-There was on impoved demand which was largely upon stains and tinged quail*, ties, winch kinds sold at l7X@7lXo V lb. Good grades were In request, but there was little off-r int*, with full rates asked. Sales about 1200 bales; say 18 at i4Xc, ie at 16,15 at 16, 2 at 17,147 at 17-4. 46 at ITS'. 19 at 17X, 483at lix, 8 at 18, at 18? 221 at 18X, 2 at 18J?, 13 at 18X11 at IB, 18 at 19.?. is at 19.?, i at 19?, 8 at IBX, 7 at 20' 20 at 20X, io at 20X. We quote : LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Stains and luged.17X@17X Interior, nominal.u? ? Ordinary to good ot?. nominal..17 @l8x Low middling.19X?s Middling.19*a Strict middling.19X@ Bios.-This grain was In good demand at steady prices, bales 260 tierces ceau Carolina; say a tierces at 6jff\ 22 at ex. 3 at 7, 184 at 7?, ?0 at 7 3-16. 89 at 7 6 16,16 at TX- We quote com? mon to fair at fl??"?, good 7,?@"xc. NAVAL STORES.-The reclpts were 26 barrels spirits turpentine and 403 barrels rosin. Tnere were no sales reported. FRBIGUTS.-To Liverpool, by steam, direct, ?d ono pla' ds, n NBW YOBK. March 4. Noon.-Freights quiet. Stocks steady. Gold steady at 16. Mon y tight at 1-16 to X commis alor. Sterling 8k?;short9X. Lovernments dull and stradv. statea dull and steady. Kveulng_Money closed at ?a:-iu commis sion, st-Ding lower at 7X*8. God 16X- Gov ern [cents very dall and steady. States very quiet with little change In prices. COTTON MARKETS. i rvsBPuoi, March 4. Noon.-Cotton opened with a hardening tend? ency; uplanda 9Xd; Orleans lOd. Later.-cotton, Bale? 12.00O nales; r.-r specula? tion an t export 1000; shipped from Savannah or Cheleston, tiHivt r mle January or February, ?X; samo porta February or March, 0 11-16; same ports, deliverable Marcb, 9?. Kvealng.-Cotton clotted firm; salea Include 7000 tialea Amerlcm; from Savannas or Chartes ton. Mar?n ai d April, at 9?c; deliverable from Savannah and Charleston. March and April 9X0. Yarna and fabric? dull, but not l"*>, r. .NEW YORK, March 4, Noon.-Colton quiet; sales 1026 bales; uplands 20Xc; Ot leans 21X. hvenlng.-Cotton quiet; sales 1060 balea; up land? 2JXC, one ns 21 ?; net, reolpts 492; gross 4646; sales for export to-day 1813. ast evening 267; sales of ram rm 17,300 biles, as follows: Marcb, 20 8 i6a2u,X: April. 20?H20? ; May. 20 18 16 a20 16-16; June, 2iXa2l 6-16; July, 21 ?a21 9-16. bo8TON. Marett 4. Cotton steady; middling' 2<ck 8500. PHILADELPHIA, March 4. Cotton quiet; middlings 21c BALTIMORE. March 4. Cot on Aim; middling 2u?c; gross receipts 331 balei; expoits 87; ?ales 476; -tock 9637. NORF LK, March 4. Cotton stead-; low mlddw ga 19? ; n t re? ceipts v4J2 bales; exports coastwise 1093; sales 280; Stock 8663. WILMINGTON, March 4. Cotton generally enchanted, ana some t-aies rather lower; middling-* 10X"! net receipts 192 biles; exports coastwise 4:; t-ale* e; -toca 6027. ?-AVANNAH, March 4. Cotton firm; middlings I9?c. low middlings 18.V. good ordln rv lb; net receipts 1832 bales; sules 22*3; stock 66.427. AUGUSTA, Maroh 4. Cotton, the demand good tor export; mid? dlings 18?ic; receipts 860 bales;-ales 8c6. MEUPHI-, March 4. Cotton quio'; low middlings i8,?iu; ieee pis 1327 bales; suipmenia 1907; rtooic 8\445. MOBILE, Maroh 4. Cotton firm, ar.d demand moderate; middlings i9Xc, low middlings 18?. go d ordmaiy ?7X; net receipt-? ?tu bales;exporta coastwise et:; salea 600 ; btoclt 43,643. Nxw ORLEANS, March A cotton stropg for best grades; low middlings I8X0. middlings 19XalBX: net teoelpts 8 49 bales, gioss 8960; exports to Great Btltatn I61B; sales 12OU, last evening 7000; stocK 201.80S. GALVESTON, March4. Cotton unsettled; good ordinary ifl?ai6Xc; net receipts 2067 bates; sales lluu;s ock 70,129. PROVISIONS AND PBOSDOE MARKETS. LIVERPOOL March 4. Noon -Breadstut's steady. 1 allo* 441 3d. Nsw Y11BK March 4. Foon.-Flour dull. Wheat steady, corn Arm. Pork Arm; new mess $16 ar?. Laid Orm; steam 8 7 l6a8X- Turpentine Arm at 67a Hosln quiet it $3 75 fur strained. Evening-Flour quiet and unohanged, Whis? key quiet at 92c. spring wheat Armer; winter In? active. Oom a shade better and in moderate de mind. Blue steady. Pork, $i6e2?. Lani firm ann in good demand. Navals easier. Tallow quiet. CINCINNATI, March 4. Flour Btea dy at $7 60a7 76. corn quiet at 39a40. Provisions strong und excited. Pork strong at $16; delivered M*y l. Laid steady and oflerlnga light; steam 7X; kettie 8?. Bacon steady; shoulders 6X; sides 8a8X- w hlskey active at 85. L0CTWJLL3, March 4 Tobacco more active; Bales 320 hogsheads. Flour ea-ler; oxtra lamtly $7 26. Corn Armer at 40a42 Porn higher at $14 soal4 76. Bacon In good demand and higher; shoulders o?afl?; clear nb sides 8X; clear sides 8?. Lard, choi e leaf tn tierces 8xa8X: kegs 9?u9?; steam 7X; order lots xax higher. Wulskey In good demand at 8aat>6. f>r. Louis. March 4. Flnur dali, corn opsned dnll bm closed active and Armer for No 2 mixed; 8lc for east st. Louis on track, 28$ic In eleva or. whiskey steady at 88c. Purk Arm e t $14. Bacon Armer and higher; shoulders 6X0, clear ri - aides Su8?c, clear bides 8Xc Lard nominally 7Xc BALTIMORE. March4. Flour dull; market favors b.ijerB. wheat steady and unchanged, corn scarce and Armer. Kye qnlet at soa9oc. Hay unchanged. Provisions strong. Lard Arm; ?team a fcc, kettle 8?c. West? ern butter unchanged. V. hmlcey steady. Stead Brother's Sea Island Cotton cir? cular. LrvBhPoOL. February 14,1873. There has again been a very small business In seal-1 aids, tho demand being ch h Ay conAtied to the medium gTadei of Mains and Texas, for which holders have accepted rather easier rat-.s. The salt; of 13 bags of extra One sea lalatid aUo shows a d'cllne irom previous prices. The business incl 'des about 70 bags from 2ld to 23d. und 6 at 26d; 25 bags-io from 42d to 4?d, am' 13 at 60d; 25 to be forwarded; total 120 bBgs. Itt sibstitutes. 60 Peruvians have been 8 dd; 60 naiiois or good quality at 22d, and 20 partially stained at l4d. Receipts per Railroad Marok 4. BOOTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. i?689 bales coitoD. 19 bales go ?da, 2uo bbls hour, woani1 lumber. 4 cars stock To Rail? road Agent, relzer, Budgers A co, w p Dowd g a U Walter * co. Murdauah A Weekley. F L JO Ma lonee, K S Mlles. H Blschoit A co, w B williams ? ?on, Wardiaw A carew, W (J Jourtney & Co. AS Smith, Mowry* son, L D Desaussure. Witta Uros, K H Frost ? co, counts * wroton, J r bima, o w williams* co. Pringle fe bon, Williams, Black AWIUlams. A B Mulligan, i ? Follm * Son, W H Jones A co, A J saunas, ' sloan ft Seignious, W O Ben k co, w c Dnkes ft co. Jno Campben ft co. P D 0 Kracke, R White. B O'Nrlil, Martin ft Hood, Steffens, Werner ft Duck? er, v Macqueen, O Schnell, Lesesne ft Wells. NORTH BASTBF.N RAILROAD Md e. Ac. To W T White. Mrs M E Chase. Paul, Welch ft co, Alaiua ft Morrison, Bardlu ft Parker. E Diamond G 0, J c Bede.L D 0 Ebaugh, Peizer. RodgetsAco. P L Laplaue Eriwan Works. TP Smith, 0 D eckhoff ft co, Riecke ft Pcterman, L Nenmeyer. e bischoff ft co, 0 A Norwood. F wel? ters. Ken li lek ft T.-lhot, J isear. O F welters. G W Williams ft co. S D Money, S Pass. F L Meyer, lr-nm lm ft Son, J A Enslow, a MallUfort. A Tie fen hal, Quackenbush. Entlll A co. F W?hrmann, Kllnck, Wlckenberg A co, B Boyd, F Kllntwortn, J H Johnson, stoney, Lowndes ft co, Louis ueltz, Jno P O'Neill, Fuel Society, Order, and others. Passengers. Per steamship Manhattan, from New Torie Ml?s E Tyler, Mr ( Mg, Mr Jamison. Mrs Dnflus and child, Miss S, Mts K A Kent, Wm Mc? comb, W Forsytne, Ohas Walker. F F Waiker and oaughtpr, Mrs Ujer, A Spier, ti Stevens, S P Nichols, wm Duncan, s Bowe, U Marcus, A Ben? nett, a H Bennett, 'hos Martin, colored; l on deck, and so emigrants. Per steamer Pilot Boy, from Fernandina, via savai.nit?, Beaufort and Hilton Head-o pt T A Whitney. Capt J R Milne, j o Hubbird. O W Nalior, H Youmans. R A Culby, asd 12 on deck. POST CALENDAS. MOON'S PH ASKB. First Quarter, 6th, shouts, 6 minutes, evenlnar. Full Muon. 14th, v? hourn. 26 min- tes, morning. La t Quarter, 21st, 6 h'mr. 0 mlnu'en, evening. New Moon, i8tn, 7 hours. 35 minutes, morning. SCS BISES. SUN SKIS. MOON LAS. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday... Friday. saturday... and ay. a..25 6..24 e.. vs a..21 e.. 20 6..69 e.. o ll..18 morn 12..22 1..28 2..17 3..12 8.. 68 ll..16 morn 12.. 7 l.. 8 2.. 7 8..18 4..16 MARINE NEWM. CHARLESTON, S. G.MARCH 6, 1873. Lat32 deg46 min 33 sec | Lon 79 deg67 rain 27 seo AB RIVE 0 YESTERDAY. Steamship Manhattan, Woodhall. New York left lit lust Mdse. To Jas Adger A Co, S 0 R R Agent. N E R R Agent, S A O R Agent, so Ex cn, J ti Adger A co. A M Adger, D A Amme. Mrs H Armstrong, MAA Ashton. O D Ahrens ft co, Adams, Damon A co, ti Bull. E Bate- ft co, U Bart ft co, E T Browne, ur Baer. T W Buss, ti BlKChOff ft co, W M bird ft co, B Boyd, T M Una toll A co. WO Bee A co, crane, Boylston A co, J u ll ciaussen, T Campbell, Jas Cosgrove, chane ft Cuttin i, L Cohen ft co, L ihaplu. or 0 taulier, W H cbafee ft co T M Oater, Dowie, Moise A Davis, p Darcy, Douglas A Jackson, Mrs M Daeny, J T Kr*in, Erwin A Magill, For-ythe, Mccomb ft co. W 0 A R J Foray the D F Fleming ft co. Jno S Farly ft co, 1 L Faik ft co, Q Foiun ft s n, Farchgott, Benedict ft co. Ed Fowler, ? Gerdts ft co, 1' L Uulllemla, D Golds' ein, M H Garfa uk ie, W A Gibson, ci ll ulidded, O Gravelly, Harbesou A co, Jno uurkamp A co. T M Horsey A Bro, Uart A co. Wm Barral, Holmes ft calder, N A Hunt, j denis, F K Houston, J Heeseman A Bro, J U Hall ft co, F S Holmes, Johnston, crews ft co, D A Jennings. Kannpaux A Gonzalez, ll W Kn l e, Ki.nek. Wlckenberg A co. Kresstl A BraLdea, L ienacke, t Kold?way, H Riane A co, G Roasters, 0 A Lengnlcn. J W Limey, Wm Lebby, A Langer, Lanrey, Alexander A co, E Lee, E W Marshall ft co. RuMllllDgs. Man In A Mood, MantoueA co, Wm Mccomb, J Q M loor A co, J ll Mensing, S R Marshall ft co. Mc Loy ft Rice, R MulUr, N acaman A co. S A M!son, A Mmitz A co. 1) O'.MUlft sou. F L O'Neill, B O'Neill, R R Osgood, D Pam A co, Paul Welch A co, 0 P Poppenoeim, M A Pat? terson, MISB Potter, W H Pomroy, Ed Perry, Dr Peter Poreher, Quackenbush, Es lit A co, J R Read A co, Raventl ? co, F J Rnoklc, Jno Rng h-lraer, O O Lighter, Sunday Times. Steffens, Werner A Ducker, Mrs R B Savage, D H sucox. >i nw er Sewing Machine co, sell A Porter, G Slack, w shepherd ft co. E B Moddard ft co, J Stetber, H Stelukeu. M Mest, R Thom lnsun ft co, Tiede man. calder ft co. Jno F Taylor A co, Terry A Nolan. F Von Santeu, M A Walker, w L Webb, Waiker, Evans ft Cogswell, wagener A Mon pe s, L Welakopff, R D White. W J i ate--, and others, sa'urday, lat. 6 P M, off Long Bianeb, spoke sehr Florence Rogers, Sheppard, from New York for Charle ton. Monday, 1AM. Hatteras i li ht bearing NW, exchanged signala with steamship Champion, for New York. Ur bark Agnes campbell, Landry, Shelburne, N a. Ballast. To Williams. Black A Williams. Sehr Ann S Deas. UaroattL from West Point Mill. 186 tierces rice. To W cfice A co. steamer Marlon, Adair, Santee River. 178 bales cotton, 200 b 'la naval stores. 200 bushels rough rice, 100 bushels sweet potatoes, mdse. Ac. To Ravenel, Holmes ft co, J as M Caldwe 1 ft son. Jas R Pringle ft Son, Pezer, noogera A co. G H wa ter ft co. T P smith, Geo H lngraham ft SOD, W 0 Oakes ft co, W o Bee A co, L h Coan r A son, F L Meyer, S L Howard A Bro, w A royle. W P Dowling, Coonta A Wro'on, Jno Graver ft Bro, Jn J Ooluook ft co. Klines, Wlckenberg ft co, Barn lo ft Parker, J c H ciaussen. Steamer Pilot Boy, McNelty, irom Fernandina, Fla, via Savannah, Beaufort and Hilton Head. 161 bags seaUlanu cotton and indie. To Rive rel, Holmes ft co, Plnckuey Bros, ?avenel ft ci. S O K R co, H L P McCormL k, W B tt lniams ft Son, D MCPh>rsoB, Mrs W Harrison. M Triesr.. P Walsh, M McOoriy. Hart ft co, H Klatte ft co, Catholic Male Orphan Asylum, Kllnck. Wicken b.rg A co. Jas hivers. E Pei ry, K i Steamer Planter, Fo-ter, Peedee River via Georgetown. S 0. 182 bales cotton. 295 bbls naval stores mdse, ftc. To Ra ven el, Ho mes ft oo, LD Mo ?ry A son, W K Ry sn. Witte Bros, Jas M Bidwell ft Son. Quackenbush, Eutin A co. Bar diu ft P. rker, Wbiluen ft Jone'?, S R Marshall ft co. o U * alter ft co, bi u Frost ft co, Jos Cohen, M Goldsmith A Sou, Ordtr and others. Received from hlsolm'n Mill. 103 rice. To E N Thurston, and S L Howard A oo Received from Bennett's MLL 122 tierces rice To W 0 Bte ft OJ. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Br bark Culona. Smith. Liverpool-Henry Card. Sehr Governor Goodrich, Snow, Boston-Cohen ft Wt-llS. sehr Geo Peabody, Mc Say, New Yoi k-Cohen ft Wehs. Sehr Czar, Hammonr?, lew Yofk-Cohen ft Wi US. seor Casco Lodge, Walker, Jacksonville, Fla J A Enslow n, cid. NEWBURY? JET. lehr J Means, Eaton, np. .Feb 8 .Jan 4 Feb 14 .Jan 16 Jan 16 Dec 18 Dec 30 Dec 18 .F?b20 . Feb 20 Jan 6 Oct 29 Jan 24 .Feb 15 .Feb 10 .Feb 7 .Fen 17 .Feb 21 .Feb 25 .Feb 14 .Feb 1 .Feb 18 .Feb 25 .Mar 1 .Mar 1 .Feb 8 .Feb 6 .ftroer?l ?CSDUC?B. A RN HOLT-R.-Died. In this city March 3d, 1873. GKOBGE W. ABNHOLTBB, in the 27th year of I bis age. ?&*TEE RELATIVES, FRIENDS AND Acquaintances of Mr. GEORGE W. ARN BOLTER, and of bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Arn? heiter, are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral services or the former at his 1 .te resi? dence, No. 18 Cannon street, 'fo-MORBOW (Thurd day) AFTERNOON, at 2 o'ct> ck. mcbfi-2 ?tlUIDtt?S. NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD COM? PANY. CHARLESTON, ?. C., January 20, 1872. Trains win leave charleston Daily at lo.oo A. M and 8.00 P. M. -Arrive ar Charleston 6.46 A.M. (Mondays ex? cepted) and ?. JU P. M. Tram does not leave charleston 8.00 P. M., SUN? DAYS. Tram leaving 10.00 A. M. makes throngh connec? tion to Now Vor?, via lUcnmond and Acqula Creek onry"%oing through in 44 hours. Passengers leaving by 8 oo P. M. Train have choice or route, via Rlcumoud and Washington, or via Portsmouth and Baltimore. Those leaving FRIDAY by this Train lay over on SUNDAY lo Bal ti more. Those leaving on SATURDAY remain SUN. DAY in Wilmington, N. C. This ls the cheapest, quickest and most pleas aut route to cincinnati, Chicago and other points West and No thwest, both Trains making con? nections at Washington with Western Trains of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. S. S. SOLOMONS, Engineer and Superintendent. P. L. OLEAPOR. Gen. Ticker. Agent, may21 SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD. CHARLESTON, January 18, 1873. On and alter MONDAY, January 20, the Pas? senger Trains on thia Road will run an rollowst EXPRESS TRAIN-DAILY. Leave Charleston... 4 00 P. ll. Arrive at lo P. u, Leave Savannah.M.~~.ll.30 P. M. Arrive at Charleston.7 A. U, DAY TRAIN-SUNDAYS EXUEPTED. Leave ouarieaton.7.40 A. V, Arrive at savannah. 3.30 v.u. Leave Savannah. ll A. lb. Arrive at Charleston.....6.60 P. M. Passengers from Charleston by 7.40 A. M. train make close connection with Port Royal Railroad for all Stations OH that Road, (Sundays excepted ) Tickets for Beaufort on sa e at th B Office. Freight forwarded dally on through oinu of lad mg tu points In Florida and by Savannah line ol steamships to Boston. Prompt dlapatoh given to freights for Beaufort and points on Port Royal Railroad aud at as low rates as by any m Mer ?me. C. S. GADSDEN, Engineer and Superintendent s. o. BOTliSTO.v, Qenn Kt. and Ticket Agent. Innl4 gO?TU CAROLINA RAILROAD. CQABLKSTON, S. C., December 14,1872. On and after SUNDAY, December 16, the Pas songer Trains on tho South Carolina Railroad will ruc as follows: POB COLUMBIA. Leave A M Arrive at Columbia.6.20 r M FOB AUGUSTA. Leave charleston.9.80 A M lr rive at Augusta. 6.2P p M FOB CBABL HUTON. Leave Columbia.9.00 A ld Arrive at G nar les ton.,.4.46 r M Leave Auguhta. 9.ou A M Arrive at Charleston.4.46 p M COLUMBIA NIGHT EXPRESS. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston.7.30 p M Arrive at Columbia.6.30 A H Leave Columbia.7.30 p a Arrive at Charleston.6.46 A M AUGUSTA NIGHT BXPBBS6. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston..-.8.80 F a Arrive at Augusta.7.35 A M Leave Augusta.?.6.16 p M Arrive at Charlearon.- . 6.60 A M 8UMMBB7ILLB TRAIN. Leave Summerville at.?.7.26 A M Arrive at charleston....... 8.40 A M Leave Charleston..\ 8.85 p M Arrive ar, summerville.4.60 P M CAMDEN TRAIN. Leave Camden... - ...................... 7.20 A M Arrive at Columbia.11.66 A kt Leave columbia.?.3.10 p M Arrive at Camdon.6.66 p ? Day and Night Trains connect at Augusta with Macon and Augusta Railroad, Central Railroad and Georgia Railroad. This ls the quietest and most direct route and ns comfortable and cheap as any ot ncr route to Louisville, Cincinnati. Chicago, St. Louis and all other points West and Northwest. Columbia Night Train connects with Greenville and colombia Railroad : and Day and Night Trains connect with Charlotta Road. Through tickets on sale via this routo to all points North. Camden Tram connects at Ringville dally (ex. cept Sundays) with Day Passenger Train, and runs through to Columbia. A. L. TYLER, VIce PreBldoDt. 8. B. PI0KEN8. O. T. A. d*>Pl6 llotLjing ano jarmsiiing ?coos. BARGAINS IN CLOTHING I MENKE & MULLER, CORNER OF WENTWORTH AND KING STREETS, ARE NOW CLOSING OUT WINTER CLOTHING AT REDUCED PRICES, TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING- STOCK. GIVE US A CALL I Jan30 WM. SCHRODER, MANUFACTURER I AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, &C, No. 19 HAYNE STREET Sign of th? Emperor William. TRADE SUPPLIED. mch7-lyrDC*w W. A. KENYON, PRODUCE CONMISSION MERCHANT AND FOR? WARDING ACENT, No. 42 MARKET STBEET, in Pipe and Barrel stave*. Shingles, Spokes, Wood, cough Rice, Peas, corn. Pindars, Apples, reaches, Potatoes, Onions. Bides, Furs, Beeo wax, l'allow, Hogs, Fowls, Eggs, Game. Send for quotation of market prices. rebi6-Btu8* JpOaNEW YORK.-MERCHANT'S^E. TO SAIL ON SATURDAY. The first-class Regular Packet eotiooner ^JIA LILLY, BcOHEii Master, witt receive light SH? freight to HU, and leave as above.- - KOA OH A .MOFFE CT. mch4 2 vr Ajrenta. jp O E POUT S UM TEE, BATTERY WAGNER, PORT. MOULTRIE, AND ALL OTHER INTERESTING POINTS AROUND THE HARBOR^ The fas-, SA re and c m ror.ably appointed _ ?tg Yncnc ELEANOR, wm leave southern wharr^B? Eva RT DAT, at io o'clock morning, and 8 o'clock afternoon. For engagements, apply to CAPTAIN THOMAS TU?N?V' febjfi On Board. J O 8 BOSTON.,;; The Screw Sr earn-hip MERCEDITA, ^jt?f??m Man-hman. Comma'.a>r, will sall torSL?kml the above port oa WKDNBSDAT, the sta lostaut. For Freight or Passage engagements apply to mch3-3 J AM Ea ADUbK A 00., Agenta, The Splendid Side-wheel steamship JAMES ADOER, T, J. Lockwood, Commander, will sail for the above port 0 a WEDNESDAY, Stn Hut., at 10 o'clock A. M. For Freight or Passage engagements apply to mciid-3 JAMKS ADGER A CO., Agenta. -po B NEW TOBE. ON THURSDAY, ?TH MARCH, AT 1 O'CLOCK P. M. NEW IRON STEAM LINE- ESTABLISHED 1870. STATE ROOMS ALL ON DECS. I The Splendid New Iron Stdewheel Steamship GEORGIA, Cr owen, Commander, wm sall for New fork on THUHSDAT. ?th March, at 1 o'clock P. M., from Pier No. 2, Union Wharves.-1 Through Bills of Lading to Liverpool and the New England cities as usuaL 49" Insurance ey 1; tea m ers or this line K per cent. For Freight or Passage engagements, having very fine Deck Stateroom accommodations, ap? ply to WAGNER, BUGER A 00;, No. SS Broad street, or to WM. A. COURTENAY, corner Vendue Rang?- and East Bay (up-stalrs.) . feb28-fmw8ihl . ? . mHfl PHILADELPHIA STEAM LINE >. S? THE FIRST-CLASS SCREW STEAMSHIPS ASHLAND, Captain Hunter, EQUATOR, Captain Hinckley, Are now regularly on the Line, insuring a first class sea connection between Philadelphia and Charleston, and lo alliance with Railroad Comps* nies at both termini, afford rapid transportation to and from all points In the Cotton States, and to and from Cincinnati, st. Louis, Chicago apd the principal cities of the Northwest, Boston,, Ftp vi dence and the Eas'ern Manufacturing (Mntres: S3- The ASHLAND ls appointed to sall from Brown's wharf on FRIDAY, 1th March at 1 o'clock P. M. -..-,?> 5 Vt,--\ sv-The r QUATOR will follow next week. For particulars of Freight arrangements, apply to WM. A. C0UKTP.NAY, Corner East Bay and Vendne Range..upstairs. W. P. OLYDB A CO., General Agents, No, 13 Sonth Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. mcti8-mwf3_. QHANGE OP SAILING DAYS, * INCREASED SERVICE. . PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S THROUGH LINE TO CALIFORNIA CHINA AND JAPAN. FARES GREATLY REDUCED. Steamers or the above line leave Pier " No. 42. North River, loot of 1 anal street,,_ _ New York, at 12 o'clock noon, of the lum. Mia and Suth of every mouth, except wheo these dates fall on Sunday, thea 'he saturday preceding.1 All departures connect at Panama with Steam? ers ror South Pacific and Central american ports. Po Japan and china Steamers lea ve Ban Fran ct- c i first of every month, except when lt falls on munday-then ou the day preceding. N i calilonila Steamers touch at Havana, but I go direct, Imm New York to AspinwsiL One hundred pounns baggage free to each adult, tie lomo and attendance free. . ?L^SSJ For Passage Tickets or other Information, apply at the COMPANY'S TICKET OFFluB, on the Wharf foot of Canal street, North River, New York. F. R BABY, Agent. augio-lyr ?pOB FERNANDINA, FLA., DAMIEN, BRUNSWICK AND ST. MARY'S, GA., VIA SAVANNAH. GA.. BEAUFORT, PACIFIC, OHISOLM'S AND WAY LANDINGS. The Steamer 1 PILOT BOY? Captain W. T. MCNELTY, Will leave Accommodation Wharf, every TBTTBSDAT MORNING, at s, o'clock. Returning, will leave Fernand ma every SATUR? DAY AFTERNOON after arrival Of train, and sa? vannah every MOL DAT MORNING, at 7 o'clock. Freight received here every WSDNSSDAT, and must oe prepaid to Way Landings, Shipments to the ere of Agents will he for? warded free of storage or commission. For engagements apply to RAVENEL, HOLMES A CO.,. ruche-w Bo. 80 Easr 4Bay. OB GABDNEB'S BLUFF, F AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS ON FEE DEE RIVER VIA GEORGETOWN. The Steamer PLANTER, Captain J. T. Foster, ls now receiving?_ Freight at Accoram ?dation Whsrf, ana will leave on i HCRSDAY NIGHT, the eth instant. Freight mus. be prepaid. For Freight or Passsge apply to Captain otk board, or to RAVENEL, HOLMES A CO., mehi 2 No. 80 East Bay F OR GARDNER'S BLUF.P, AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS ON THE PEEDEE RIVER, - . The Steamer RELIANCE, Captain . .?JT*-.. G. H. U'.'FKINS, is COT- recelvingtflBrysjpf Freight at MMdie .? tlantlc Wharf, and wtfi leave as abov on WSKNBSDAT MO HT, 8th Instant. No freight received after sauset. All Freight and Wharfage must be prepaid. SHACKELFORD A KELLY. mcb.3-3 Agents. Y 0 B FLORIDA. VIA SAVANNAH. The Splendid Side wheel Steamers, DICT \TOK, captain L M. uoxetter,._ and CITY POINT, Captain Fiixgerald. will leave Charleston every l T/ESDAT. TH tras OAT and. atm DAT EVKNINO at 8 o'ekek pieolsely, for Sayan nsh Fernandina. Jacksonville, Magn lil. Green Cove Springs, St. Augustine, Paiatka and all Landings on St. John's River. Connectmg at Paiatka with steamers for the Ociawaha River aDd with the Steamer STARLIGHT lor Enter? prise. MelioDViiie, and rfu pjluta on the Upper at. John's and Indian KlT -rs . Connect?t- F?rna dioa with Fiotlda, Railroad for ali points in tue interior, and WRh^allTOfljir for >ew ot 1-un- and Havana, via Oeosr Keys. All ?"av Freight most be prepara. For Freight or Passage. appiV 'to RAVENEL yCQ., Agents; decs Cor. Vanderhor*i*f Wharf and Eaif Bay.