The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, February 27, 1873, Image 2

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TERMS OP THE NEWS. TH? DULY Nsws, by mall one year, $8; tlx months, $4; three months, $2*0. Served in tbe etty at EIGHTH KN Givra a week, payable to tbe earners, or ts a year, paid In advance at tho office. TH? TRI-W??XLT Nxwa, published on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, one year, $4; six months, St 60. Til WXKLT Haws, one year, $2; six months, tl SS. Six copies $10. Ten copies to ose address tu. ?b?scmirYiosB in all cases payable In advance, and no paper cont inned after the expiration of the time paid for. ASVXRTHBKKNTS IN TH? DAILY N?WB -First insertion 15 cents a line, subsequent Insertion? io fiptf a" U?e. Business Notloes ioj const) so ^cents a line. Marriage and Fanerai Notices $1 each. ADVSRTISRHSNW IN TH? WEEKLY N?WS, per Use or solid nonpareil, 1 Insertion. 15 cf lia; 1 month. 60 oents; 3 months, $l;6 months, $176; 13montas, ti Manoa of Wanta, To Rent, Lost and Found, Boarding, Aa, not exceed lng 20 words, 25 cents each insertion; over 20, and not exceeding to words, 60 cents each Insertion. Meetings 75 oents etch. These rates are N ET, and must In? variably be paid In advance. TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS Will be DUOllDhed In TH? TJU-WBKXLY NEWS at the same rates as In TH? DAILY s s wa. Contract advertisements at one half the rates for TH? DAILY NEWS. CoKTitACT ADVERTIS EMENTS, to run one month or longer, for each line or solid nonpareil: 1 month. Si; 2 months, $1 76; $ months, $2 60; Q months, $4; lt months, $7. REMITTANCES should be made by Post?nico Money Ord tr. or by Express. If this cannot be done, protection against losses by mall may be secured by forwarding a draft on Charleston payable to the order of (he proprietors or TH? Nsws, or by Beading the money in a registered letter. Address RIORDAN, DAW80N A CO. If?. 19 Broad street. Charleston, s. OL 21&e <$\p?t?l*n |?cto? THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1873. TH? CHARLESTON* DAILY NEWS "ls designa ..ted aa the newspaper for the publication of "all legal notices, and official advertisements, "for the County of Charleston, under the act "of February Md, 1870, entitled an act to repu? diate the publication of all legal and public "notices.*' SEWS OE THE DAT. --In New York, lt Is said that varions trade organizations, principally German, are hold? ing meetings for the purpose of Inaugurating a general strike In favor of the eight-hour system and other favorite measure?. -Spain's new flag ls a trl-color-red, white and violet. Violet will serve tolerably well for ? t?lld bine. One ia half sorry, however, over the disappearance of the gorgeous old historical banner that bas so many grand as? sociations with Spain and the Indies. .-A gentleman handed up a ten dollar bill la ona of the Boston red line coaches, from ?hieb one fare, five oents, was to be taken. "Loo : a here," said the driver down through a hole, "which of these horses do you want tomboy with this ten dollars ?" "Well," coolly replied the gentleman, "I thought I might get both for tbat." -HsDry Clay once accused John Randolph of being an aristocrat. In a voice whose shrill, piercing tones penetrated every ear in tbe House, Randolph exclaimed: "If a man is known by the company he keeps the gentle? man who Just sat down ls mere of an aristo? crat than I olalm to be; for ne spends most of his nights In the company of kings and queens and knaves." -Some years ago an eminent publisher gave Lord Lytton ?10,000 for the use of twenty of bis novels for a raliway library. It is said that tbis Is the largest sum ever paid lu England tor a copyright. The most soc oeeslul publications of the day, however, from this point of view, are not novels, but ser? mons. It ls said that the representatives of She late Be v. F. W. Robertson, of Brighton, bave received, in tbe course of some years, upwards of 230,000 for the publication ot the varions volumes left at bis death. -The height of the architectural front of buildings In Paris ts by law determined ac? cording to the width of the streets. Thus, the bondings cannot exceed thirty-eight feet m height In streets less than twenty-six feet wide; forty-eight feet tn streets from twenty six to thirty-two ieet In width. For boule? vards and streets exceeding sixty-live feet lo width the municipal authorities have the power to permit the height to be carried to a maximum of sixty-five feet, provided that In no case the betiding shall have more than five stories aoove the first story. -The high price of coal In Eogland has led to the organisation ot the Diamond Fuel Com? pany with a capital of $1,000,000. It proposes to manufacture an artificial fuel, into which ocal dost, Black, cinders, peat refuse, and other combustible material will enter, so that the product will assume the form of solid blocks, which, however, can be out into any Use Which convenience may dictate, and the fuel Is pronouneed to be superior to any coal, however excellent, yet brought into nae. It burns with the clearness of an oak log, and endures with the persistence of the best seamed coal. -The lamana Bay Company, which has vir? tually ohtatoed the control of ihe Island ol St. Domingo for nearly a hundred years, ls making arrangements-to establish a coaling station off the coast, and will probably pur? chase or lease a portion of Ty bee Island, at the moult of the Savannah River, for that pur? pose. We learn that vessels are now loading and probably, are already on their way to this port with material necessary to commence the erection of suitable foundations tor wharves and buildings on the Island last named. Toe New York Times or Friday last says: "The failure ol the house ot Lizard i & Co., having their malo concern In London, with a branch house lo New Orleans, Intelligence of which was published yesterday morning, oc? casioned considerable talk In Wall street, A large amount of the bills of the concern was put on this mattet, and It ls generally be? lieved, were well distributed among various houses. These bills were mostly endorsed by New Orleans banks. Private dispatches from London elate the London Joint Stock Bank hen Intervened for bills endorsed by the Cres? cent City Bank, drawn by Lizard I, or New Orleans, noon Llzardl A Co., of London. It ls said that the major part of the bills was drawn against cotton shipments, in which case they would probably be protected. It ls not thought that the failure will seriously affect booses lo,this city.'' -The lectures of Father Burke lo this coun? try have netted a little more than three hun dred thousand dollars. The receipts for tho lecture delivered In the Boston Coliseum were about twenty thousand dollars; for the one at S\ Lou's nine thousand dollars, and a con? siderable number of others realized from four thousand to five thousand dollars each. In only one instance fa rainy day to a New Jer ?cy town) ?ld the receipts of a Lecture tall below one thousand dollars. Os hearing of tbe burning of the Catholic Orphan Protec? tory,. Father Burke promptly lu for mr j tb? trustees that he would d?lirer a lecture to sid lo rebuilding it, and this netted more than ionr thousand dollars. Of the large sums re? alized by Father Burke's lectures no part will go to the speaker. It will be devoted to church charities. Less than twenty thousand dollars have been forwarded to the monastery at Dublin, Ireland, to which Father Burke ls at? tached. -A French lady, married to a German Baron, and residing at Berlin, has, notwith? standing many influences, remained a staunch French woman. Recently at a dinner, she was so exasperated at some remarks made to the effect that Paris ls humbled for ever, and that Berlin will rapidly take her plaoe as capi? tal of the civilized world, that, unable to main? tain her aelf-oommand, she exclaimed, "Ber? lin can never rival Paris. Why, you cannot give me a single article, however ugly and useless, which Paris cannot embellish with its wit and grace." An officer drew irom his beard a white hair and said, "Madame, see what Paris can do with this; I will send another to Berlin to see what that elly will do with lt." The lady was at first somewhat disconcerted, but at last sent the hair she had received to a Jeweller in the Bue de Bivoli, with a full relalion ot the circumstances. It was returned with!o a week. Paris had made a brooch of lt. A Prussian eagle was repre? sented in gold and enamel, holding In its daws the white hair, suspended to the two ends of which were two little medallions, on which were written, "Alsace and Lorraine," and the words, "You only bold them by a bair." The Berlin Jeweller returned bis bair as lt was sent-he did not know what to do with lt. _________ Tine Work of tne Leg Isla t ure. The Legislature bas adjourned. The tax? payers will feel a sense of relief at tbe an? nouncement. A* session of three monthB bas been consumed In legislation that ought hardly to have occupied as many weeks. Some measures have been adopted which we cannot approve, and much has been left on done which might and Bhortld bave been ac? complished for the pnblic good. Bat, on tbe whole, we mast say that we are devoutly thankful that the Legislature has done no worse. Tbe number of bills and joint resolutions considered was between five and six hun? dred, about two hundred of which have be? come laws. Of these laut comparatively few are of any general interest. Let os see what bas been done. Glancing back at the work of the session, we find that the General Assembly has passed the joint resolutions necessary to carry into effect the constitutional amend? ments ratified by the people at the last elec? tion relative to tbe increase of the State debt and tbe time of holding tbe State elec LioD; it has repealed.the general License Law of last winter, tbe repeal to take effect on the 1st of April, 1873; it bas empowered the City Connell of Charleston to establish a Honse of Refuge and Industrial School for yoong vagrants and others; lt bas directed tbe Attorney-Genera! to institute criminal or other necessary proceedings against the late Commissioners of the Sinking Fand ; it bas provided for the more effectual collection of the poll tax by affixing a penalty of one dollar and sending the taxpayer to jail in defanlt of payment thereof; lt bas enacted a nev code of fees for probate judges, trial justices and clerks of courts ; it bas essayed to protect verdant speculators in real estate, by passing an "act to pnnisb any person "or persons wbo shall sell and convey "any real or personal property on which "a lien of any kind may exist, without "giving notice of the same to tbe pur? chaser;" it bas appropriated $35,000 of the taxpayers' money to reward Messrs. Major Lewis Merrill et al for catching Ka _lux; lt bas soogbt to aid and encourage manufac? tures by granting a rebate of tbe tax on capital invested therein for ten years from the present date (not from tbe date of in? vestment;) it has ordered county coroners to report their suspicions In cases of homi? cide to the Governor; lt bas altered the law relating to deposits from foreign insurance companies, so that they may be made either in State or United States bonds; it hos ab? rogated and sunk the war debt ol the State ; it has reduced the number of trial justices in Charleston to five, at $1200 per annum each; it bas authorized about half the counties in the State to levy special taxes varying from two to three mills on the dollar; and it has taken upon itself to regu? late anew the election of Mayor and Alder? men in Charleston. . The principal effect of this last measure is to fix the third Wednes? day in October as the day for holding the municipal election, and to take from tbe City Council the power of decking contested cases, vesting it instead in a ooard of five commissioners, to be appointed by the Gov? ernor. The most important of the bills that have been introduced and have failed to pass, are the following : Tbe bili to require trial justices to give bonds ; tbe bill to regulate the deposit of State aad county fonds; the various bills seeking to abolish the office of county auditor; the bili to repeal the fence law; the bill to Incorporate the Charleston Water and Canal Company ; the bill to in? corporate the Pharmaceutical Association of Sooth Carolina; tbe general Incorpora? tion law; tbe bill to make drunkenness on the part of solicitors and trial justices an in? dictable offence; the bill to provide for an investigation of the State debt and a regis? tration of the bonds, stocks, coupons, &c ; and the bill to encourage the rebuilding of tbe burnt district of Charleston. The rejection of this last measure was a wanton wrong to the metropolis or the State, which we ara at a loss whether to at? tribute to crass stupidity or disappointed cupidity. Taxing mortgages. I The New Yort Tribune urges the Legisla? ture of that State to pass the bill repealing the tax on mortgages, as recommended in Governor Dix's message. After expressing the conviction that lt would be difficult to find a score of intelligent men opposed to the repeal In New York City, the Tribune remarks: "Pew conditions go further toward making good citizens In this country than the own? ership, by residents, of land In small parcels. All law* favoring this result conduce to the general prosperity; all that Interfere with lt work Injury. The taxation of mortgages ls of j ilia laiuir class. A dlreot result of such taxa? tion is a dlmunltlon of tho amount of money put for Investment In mortgages; an Indirect result, tbe prevention o? division of estates and Improvement ot small holdings. The to? tal effect la the retardation o? development and prosperity throughout the community." Not for James t Has Mr. Jobn H. James thrown up the sponge? Twenty-five hundred shares of the stock of the South Carolina Railroad were eold under the hammer yesterday, and, as was to be expected when so large a lot was thrown upon the market, much of it was knocked down at a low figure. Who was the seller ? Nobody knew. Mr. James was present, but, we are told, did not buy. Unless the prevalent rcmor on the street is sadly at fault, Mr. James was himself the seller. If snob, be the fact, was bis adver? tisement for proxies a neat device to scare ap bidders, BO that he might advantageously unload what bad become an uncomfortable burden t We shall see. The Squabbles in Spain. The Spanish Republic begins to leel the stress ol the storm which Inevitably follows any change of government In that land. The army ls, in part at least, discontented and dis? organized, and many officers, who probably will find plenty o? employment beiore long, have resigned their commissions. The Car lists are encouraged, and are Increasing in numbers and aggressiveness. Throughout the whole ol Spain, in fact, there is an unrest, and an obvious opinion that the Republic cannot endure,tthat bodes 111 for President Figoeras and his ministers. Even Portugal, that staid and sober monarchy, la arming In anticipation of a civil commotion. It ls, at least, certain that the Republic doe3 not mean peace within its own borders. New Booka. A TWO-FOLD LIFE. By Wilhelmine Von Hil lern. Translated from the German. Phila? delphia: J. B. Llpplncott A Co. Charles? ton: Fogartie's. This is a pure, fresh and attractive novel, which ls full ol pleasant and truthful pictures of home lire in Germany. The author ls al? ready favorably known by ber previously translated romances, "Only a Girl," and "By 'his own Might;" and the story before us is destined to add to her popularity. PHILIP EARNSOLTFFE; OR, TBS MORALS or MAT FAIR. By Annie Edwards. New York : Sheldon A Co. Charleston : Fogartie's. The popularity of "Archie Lovel," "Ought 'We to Visit Her," and the other more recent novels of Mrs. Edwards, bas led to the repub? lication of "Philip Earlscliffe," which was her first literary venture. It ls interesting, but more crudely written than ber later books, and lt would have been but simple Justice to the author's reputation bad the publishers in? formed the public (hat this was her earliest, and not her latest effort, as most readers will naturally consider it. AN OPEN QUESTION. A Novel. By James De lillie, with liltisiraiions by Al ired Frede? ricks. New York: D. appleton A Company. Chatleston: Holmes's Book House. "An Open Question" ls the most ambitious novel that Mr. De Mille bas yet put forth, and has already secured tor Itself a large oircle of admirers through the columns of Appleton's Journal, In which lt was first published as a serial. The plot ls well constructed, and the style ls vigorous c_d lively. The Illustrations are numerous, and cleverly drawn. Clothing at iDijoiesale. gPKLNG AND SUMMER SALES 1873. M. N. BOGERS A CO., Manufacturers and Jobbers of MEN'S YOUTHS' AND B9YS' CLOTHING, 444 AND 448 BROADWAY, NEW TOBE. W. T. B?RGE, (Late Marshall A Burge,) Charleston, S. 0. We offer to the SODTHIRN TRADE this season a very LARGE and ATTRACTITB -tock of SPRING AND sou M HR, prices BB mw as any House in the Trade furnishing eqnal grades of Booda Oar Stock la manufactured EXCLUSIVELY for southern ?tates, south* rn dealers are more cer tain to find tbe Style of our 0<>oda, and a line of sizes better adapted 10 their wanta, than i- po.-sl hie In a Stock of Clothing manufactured fora Northern or Western tradp. OROBRS SOLICITED; satisfaction guaranteed; samples sent on application. M. N. ROGERS A CO., fet>0-2mo 441 and 446 Broadway, N Y. Notices in ?anKrnptrp. IN~Tl?E~blSTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, FOR TU t; DISTRIOT OF ?soUTH CAROLINA.-In the matter or Hrs. MART A. TAN LUNsON, Bankrupt, by whom a pell: lon for Adjudication of Bankruptcy waa flied on the 18th day of Febi nary, A. D. 1873, in said Court in Bankruptcy.-Thia ia to give notioe that on the 28th day of February. A. D. 1878, a Warrant lu Bankruptcy waa lasutd airainst the Estate of Mrs. MART A. ("AN LU NS ON, of Charleston, In the Ooonty of Charleston, and Stare of south Carolina, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on uer own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to Bald Bankrupt, to ber or fur her use, and the iransfer of any property by her are forbidden by law; that a meeting of i de Creditors of tbe said Bank? rupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more Assignees of ber Estate, will be held at a court of Ban snip tey, to be holden at No. 72 Broad street, charleston. South Carolina, before J.C. CARPENTER, Registe-, on the loth day or March, A. D. 1873, at io o'clock A. M. K M. WALLACE, feb27-thw2 ?. S. Marshal, aa Messenger. fflaniripal ?TotietB. C^TiTlsHMti^^ RUARY. 1873.-All unra'd Tax Executions tor tbe year 1872 are In the Shena's office for cd lection, and If not paid up by the first or March, will be advertised aa delinquent, and the prop? erty levied on. GEORGE ADDISON. rebiStuthss_City Sheriff. OFFICE CLERK OF COUNCIL, FEB? RUARY 22.1873.-Sealed Estimates will he received until Meriti 4th proximo, at 4 P. M.. for Alterations and Improvements to the Banding now occupied by the stonewall steam Fire En Sloe Company, according to p ans and specifica? tions to be seen in the City Engineer's Office. W. W. SIMONS, feb24-4_Clerk of Connell. OFFICE BOARD OF HEALTH, CHARLESTON, JANUARY 28. 1873.-The existence of Epidemic small-Pox In the Northern and Eastern States, aa well as in the Interior or this State, demands that active measures be em? ployed to prevent Its Introduction and develop? ment lu this city. Tue co-operation ot citizens or all classes ls therefore earnestly desired. Dr. T. S. THOM?ON, City Vaccinator, will be ar his ellice, No. 70 Wentworth street, dall) to vaccinate ali persons who apply, and fresh vaccine virus can be obtained from him, and at the office or the Registrar, City Hall, on npp ic alon, gratuitously. GEO. S. PELZ ER, M. D., Jan29 City Registrar. D Skuas, <Tij tamma, $9t. RT~CT F. BROWN'S YOUNG AMERICAN LINIMENT. The demand for this truly wondered remedy has induced the Proprietors to extend the area or its circulation and usefulness by placing its valuable qualities before the public. It ls truly asserted, aud facts prove lt tbat no Liniment ever before the peonie has grown so rapidly In public ravor for all the cases reached by this class of medicines. BROWN'S YOUNO AMERICAN LINIMENT has gained a 'as ti us reputation wherever used In cases wi ich require an EXTERNAL RKMKDT, and ls with the utmost confidence recommended to the public Manufactured hy the proprietors, u F. BROWN, chemical company, New Yore, and ror sale by all DrugglNta .ind Country De?lers. DOWIE. MOlsE ? DAVIS, Wholesale Agenta, Charleston, S. 0. febl8-tnthB8mo8 DR FITLER'S VEGETABLE RHEU? MATIC SYRDP. Warranted ander oath never to have railed to core. 28,500 Cenlflcatea or testimon?ala or cure, including Rev. C. H. Ewing, Media, Pennaylvanla; Rev. Joseph Beggs, Falls of schuylkill. Philadel? phia; the wife or Rev. J B. Davis, lllghtstown, New Jersey; Rev. Thomas Murphy, Frankrord, Philadelphia; Doctor Jennings and Doctor Walton, Philadelphia; Hon. J V. Greeley, member con? gress rrom Philadelphia; Hon. Judge Lee, Cam? den, New Jersey: ex-Senator Stewart, Baltimore; ex-Governor Powell, Kentucky, and thousands of others. Warranted to cure or money refunded. Cr. CIO. CA ULIER, Agent, J tiyi-iyr Charleston, s.c Special Notices. CHARLESTON COLLEGE.-THE Annual Commenoement of the CHBEsTOMA THlO sooiETT win take place In the College Chapel, on FRIDAY EYBNING, 28th Instant, at half-past 7 o'clock. A. B. CAPERS. 0- 0. SINK LE R, S. HYDE, Jn. feb27 * Committee of Arrangements. RUNION BANK OP SOUTH CABO LINA, CHARLESTON, FEBRUARY 26, 1873 - The Annual Eleetlon for Directors of this Bank will be hel l at the Banking House, on WBONBS DAY,l2tbday or March, proximo, between the hoars or ll A. M. and 2 P M. H. D. ALEXANDER, reb27-thstn6wl Cashier. ?&~ TAKE AI ER'S PILLS FOR ALL the par poses or a purgative for Constipation, In? digestion, Headache and Liver Complaint. By universal accofj, they a?e the best of all purga? tive? for family use. reb27-th8tu8D*.w DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. Don't neglect yonr Congo. It may get beyond control. Dr. Tau's Expectorant is a prompt, re? liable remedy. feb27-8B*w CONSIGNEES PER STEAMSHIP MERCED1TA, from Boston, are hereby notified that she la di-charging cargo at Vanderhorat's Wharf. All Goods uncalled .'or at sunset will re? main on the wharf at owners' risk. feb27-l JAMES A DOER A CO., Agente. /EST* THE DOLLAR REWARD SOAP washes the finest lace without injury, and renders all articles as clear and bright as new. COWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, Asente, Charleston, s. 0. WILLIAM BROOK BANKS, GAS FITTER, PLUMBER, Ac, LEAD BDKNINQ, cor? ner King and Clifford streets, Charleston, S. 0. Having purchased the stock or the late WILLIAM BKOOKBANKS, the subscriber will condnct the bnslaes' oraasfltting. Plumbing and Lead Burn? ing In all its branches at the old stand, corner King and Oliffjrd streets, an l respectfully so? licits a sh ire of the pabilo patronage. ftbZG-J* W. BROJKBAKKS, JR, J*- BATCHELORS HAIR DYE.-THIS superb Hair Dye ls the best in the world. Per? fectly harmless, reliable and instantaneous. No disappointment. No ridiculous tints, or unpleas? ant odor. The genuine W. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye produces immediately a splendid black or natural brown. Docs not stain the skin, but leaves the bair clean, sort and beautiful. The only safe and perfect Dye. Sold by all druggists Factory 18 Bond street, New Tork. moh6-tnthslvr ?WSEND YOUR PROXIES TO J. H. JAMES.-TO TH3 STOCKHOLOERS OP THB SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD ANO ?OCTHWBSTSRK BANK: I represent over Two Million Do. lars worth of Stock, and with the co-' Deration of others at the next meeting (on tbs 8th of April) I proposa to elect a Board or Directors who hold large amounts of the Stock, and who will run the Road to the In? terest of the stockholders. By'doing this our Stock will be worth $76 or $30 per share, Instead of its present price, 880, and pay handsome semi anuna) dividende I would advise you not to sell your stock now, bat work to this end, and y n can then sell for better prices. Below you will find a copy of blank proxy; pease lill oat one and send lt to me at once, or write to me for a blank to sign. Persons holding large amounts of Slock and wishing to be, made Directors will please write to me, as we wish some Directors ri om Charleston, and some from the interior. The Road made fourteen hundred thousand dollars last year and paid no dividends I refer to all the Banks in south carolina. The present Direc? tors bold bnt little Stock. J. H. JAMES, Banker, Atlanta, Georgia. 1 will pay ($2) two lollara to any county paper publishing this on time In Sooth Carolina. STATS OF-, - COUNTY. I appoint JOH S H. JAMES, or Atlanta, Georgia, my proxy to represent me and vote In my atead at the next regul-ir or any called meeting or the Stockholders of the South carolina Railroad Company or Southwestern Railroad uank. This proxy revoke s ali prior ones, and ls good until l au cd or sign ano her. My-snares. witness my hand and seal this - day or-, Uta. signed, sealed and delivered In presence or -. feblO oiowi ?oaroina. also sevei al Bingle gentlemen, caa obtain i*' ii nt with pleasant looma Apply at No. 70 Wentworth street._ft b27-i? AGENTLEMAN, WIFE AND CHILD desire Board in a private ram Hy. Piesse address, with location and terms, "Democrat" at 1MB office._febsj BOARDING.-GOOD BOARD, WITH comfort ible rooms, on reasonable terms, at No. 71 Broad street, Oct A em King aud Meeting stn et". Also a suite ol Rooms to rent. feb22 PLEASANT QUARTERS.-PERSONS deslronB of Private Board In a healthy ar.d ueilgbifnl p..rt of the edy, witt ple ine address "H." at this office. Northerners waining to apeiid the summer in the city will And the location par? ticularly advaniageons. feblo (Edncahonc? LADIES* FAl^rcY^^WORK^M^S. BOYD gives lessons la Ornamental Leatherwork, wax Fruit and Flower-making, Point Lace and Fancy Needlework. Terms on application, NO. 26 Pitt street, above Montagne reb26-iaths6* Herucr?s. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD. Lost or Stolen on the evening or January 20. from i he soutn Carolina hall road train, be? tween Charleston and Columbia, a CARPET BAG, containing Important papera, or no value lo any? one but the owner, as pavraent upon them lias been stopped. A reward or One Hundred Dol? lars will be pad, ai.d no questions asked, for tbe retnrn or the papers to this office, JOSEPH CREWS. rebl? ?egal Notices. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, CHARLESTON CODNTY- BY GEORGE BUIST, Esq . Probate Judge - Whereas, OOLDM , BUS o. TKUUBO, or Charleston, l.awy-r, made suit to ma to grunt him Letters or Administra? tion or the Estate and effects or JOHN BEfCH ' J EM ANN, late ot Cnarleston. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and Angular tho kindred and creditors or the salo JOHN B ETC ii JE id.\ NN. decease J. t hat they be and ? appear bef?te mu, In the Court of Probate, to be held at charleston on the lOih March, 1873, after publication hereof, at ll o'clock in the forenoon, to show, ir any they ha e, wh> the said admlnlstra'lon ahouiu not be granted. Given under my hand, this 22d day or Febru? ary, Anno Domini 1873. GEORGE BD 1ST, ieb2<-m2}_Probate Judge. IN CHANCERY IN ENGLAND. -HEIR at law. next of kin.-HENRY S?ARTH, GEO. ti KATH.-Pursuant to a decree In the High Court of Chance v tn Enaland, made In a canse, Dancer agalusi. Her Majesty's Attorney-General, the per-ona claiming tu ue heir or heLess at law or next of kin of Henry >carlh. late or Barnes, In me County of Surry, EBq'ilre, who died on the 16th of December, i870. a e to come In and prove their claims, as hereinafter meutlonel. From tbe proceedings ti ken in the cause lt appears that Oecrge Heath (sun or Itobert and Letitia Ueai h) would, li living on the 18 h December, 1870, have r een the heir at law and one or the next or kin or the Bald Henry scartn; or, ir ihe said George Heath died before such A etti December, 1870, th?-n ms Jlnerfl heir or nel ess at law wonld be the heir or helre-s at law or the faid Henry dearth. The sa:d Ge> rge Heath emigrate) tu Jamaica on or snout 1812, and was, in 1822, at charleston, tn South Carolina, and engaged as a sailor in the packet trade between charlestun and Ballimore, i ne s-M George Heath, If living on the said 16th December, mo. or If dead hts lineal heir or heiress at law, |, or are, by his or their solicitor, on or b-fore ihe 1st day of April next, to como 11 and provHh.s or ituir olalms to be such heir or heiress at 1 itv and next i f kio of the said Hf>ory ^ui th, at the chambers or his Houcr the Vlca chanc.)ii.r, Mr Richard ?allas, at No. 8 Stoae Buildings, Lincoln'* inn, Mid desex, or, In default thereof, heo> they will ne peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the sahl decee. Tnesuay. the lei h dav or April next, at 12 at n.vm. at th said chambers, ia appoluied for hearing d ad? judicating npon the claims. Dated this i day of January, 1873 ALFRED RAWLINSON, Chief Ole. FKAN IS ROBINSON, No. 88 Jermyn street, S itnt Jumes. I Solicitor for the above named plaintiff. rebl2,27,mchl6 j /beting?. STONEWALL LODGE, No. 6, K. OP P. The Regular Meeting of this Lodge win be held THIS ETBNINO at Pythian Hali, a - half-paat 7 o'clock, candidates for degrees will please be PanBy order 0.0. WM. E. MILLIGAN, feb27 _ K. of R. aBd 3. ATTENTION I NATIONAL ZOUAVES. Attend an Extra Meeting, THIS ETBMINO, ai nair-past 7 o'clock precisely, at Pythian Hall. By order of the President. B. G. VOIGT, reb27 _Secretary. AL. AND P. ASSOCIATION.-?T . TEND the Regular Monthly Meeting of the above named Association THIS EVXMNQ, at the usual time and place. fcb27-? T. S., Secretary. DJ ant?. W^?WDT?^?l^l??iriF^ A DRY Goods Store. None need apply unless well re ommendel. Inquire at No. 262 King street. feb27-l?_ WANTED, A GOOD HOUSE BOY. Recommendations required. Appy at No. ff Anson street._fcort-l* WANTED, AN EXPERIENCED NORSE with good recommendations. Apply at No. 10 Legare street. feb27-2 WANTED, A WHITE WOMAN AS assistant nurse and seamstress. Apply at 48 church street, between 10 A. M and 12 M. feb27-l* WANTED, A WBITE WOMAN TO GO to savannah,one who will work and make herself useful. Reference required. Apply at Northeast corner of coming and Wentworth streets._feb27-l* GENTLEMEN'S COATS AND PANT8. vX Clean ng. Dyeing. Repairing and Renew? ing for summer, winter and spring, OTTO SOMSTAG, Wentworth street, near Meeting. feb27-i?_ WANTED TO BENT BY THE 1ST OP March, a small House of fonr or five rooms. Address Postofflce Lock Box No. 23. feb271?_ WANTED, A WAITINGMAN. NONE need apply without best recommenda? tions, A raiddie*?ged man preferred. Apply ai No. 7 Waler street._feb26 o? WANTED, FOR THE COMING 8EA MON. a Bouse- on Sullivan's Island, con? taining 81 r io rooms, situated on Front Benah, within *asy walking distance of the cove. Fur? nished House preferred. Apply st No 26 Church street, corner Water._f-*b26 3? WANTED, AN EXPERIENCED SAW? YER, one thorongbly competent to take charge or and run a first clasa saw MIL Apply at Chlaolmfe Mills, weat end of Trad d street. feb26tuth2 _ WANTED, LADIES TO SAVE FIFTY per cent. Bustles 2ft to 60o ; Chignons 35c; Pompadours 20c; Plaits 85o ; French Cor? etta 76c; Hoop skins eoe; Fancy Goods and Hosiery far below any other h-u-e. ARCHER'S Wholesale and Retail Notion avi "Janey Bazaar, King street._ftb26-tnth?3* ASTEADY, SOBER, INDUSTRIOUS man wishes steady employment in any ca? pacity about a gentleman's establishment, hav? ing a p' act leal Knowledge of the dat1 es both in an i oat; the management and care of horses, hsrnesa and carriages; also ( lain gardening and stock raising; andean give the vt ry beat or oty reference aa to character and capability ; and ls anxious to have an engagement or any kind to assist bim to anpport bis f-mlly. Address CITI? ZEN, Na ws Onice. feb7 Coot ano Xonn?. LOST, YEsl^R^LAX^A^?rACK AND Yellow Camry Bird, from Nc 16 Rntiedge avt-une. A suitable reward will be given ror the ie turn of the samo._feb37 1? LOST, ON SUNDAY, TBE 25TH INST, between the Cathedral chapel and Broad or MaZvck streets, a small gold Breast Pin. The omer will receive the thanks nf the owner by (raving the Bame at Langley's King btreet man? ufactory. ftb27 1* FOUND, A MULE, WHICH THE OWN EK can have by proving propeity and pay? ing expenses. BURROUGHS seo rr, MeJUchamp's Plac, Dorchester Road . feb2?-w8* Sot Salt. FORMALE.- ?^F?NE~FRONT BEACH loton Sullivan's Isl md; eligibly situated; kuchen erected and enclosed. Apply at 206 Meeting 8 reet. ' reb27-2 JUST ARRIVED, FIFTY HEAD OF MULES and HORSES, For sal* low ror to?h or city acceptance, at HOCKADAY'S .?tables, Columbas street._feb26 6? FOB SALE, FIFTY HEAD OF FINE HORaES AND MULE\ at the subscriber's S ables. Queen street, bclweeu Frleud and May zyck. P. WEsT._feb26-4? JUST ARRI WED, AT PLANTER'S AND DRDVER'S STABLES, a fine lot Of HuRShS. Among them a fine pair of coach Horses. Also a lot ol extra flue Broke Mules, b. c. KIRK._feb26-6? FOR SALE, A FINE SPRINGER; WILL cave Ina few days. Apply at the corner ol Spr ng street and Rose Laue. feb26-wtns3* YACHT FOR SALE.-S C H O O N ER Yacht JENNIE, 23 feet long, BK feet beim. v\ eil fitted in every respect. Will do for a Ut-her? man or oystermau. Now lying at Boyce's Wharf. For particulars lnqnlre un board. feb26 8* JJORSES! MULES! MARES I KENTUCKY STABLES, No. SO CHURCH ST., BAMBERG A MCCOY, PROPRIETORS. We have just received a car load of A No. 1 Saddle and Harness HORSES and MULES; among them good family animals, for rockaway or light draft, and some sanable for sewing ma? chine wagons. Thia stock cannot be surpassed in the city. We also have on hand Arty head of No 1 Mules, amiable for Umber, turpentine or plantation work. Panics wishing stuck will nnd lt tu their interest to call aud buy from us. as we guarantee our nock aa represented or money reloaded. ieb4-lmo* BAM BM, G A MCCOY. FOR SALE, 600 BUSHELS WHITE SEED RICE, A crop lot grown In Anderson. J. L. SHEPPARD. rebe FOR SALE, LOTS IN THE TOWN Ot retigro, on the great plauk. road, three and a hair mites from the city limns, now stiling daily at my office. Some of the bett Stauda, fron-:icg en the road, atm on hand. Lota 30 by iou reet each at from $16 to $26. No charge ror papers. Apply at once and see pla'. A. C. MCGILLIVRAY, rebB lm .?_No. WM Bread street. TO CONTRACTORS.-FOR SALE, BEL? GIAN PAVING BLOCKS, the must approved and dnrable pavement, delivered at the Docka, direct rrom toe quarries on the Hudson River, N. J., opposite New York City. For information as to size, freight, ac, apply to ADOLPHE M ECKE KT, Dealer In Belgian Paving Blocks, No. 68 Bowery. New York._Jan2t-tof3mo3 PLANTATION FOR S \LE. -THE UN? DER- IGNEO offers lor sale his plantation, containing seven hundred and fifty-seven acres, more or le-s, witn the privilege or two hundred aerea more, recently conveyed, ou the place about 160 or 200 acres cleared and nnder feuce, located in Or?ngeburg county, Bio-eu miles due eas: of Orangenurg (.our: tmuse, and at tne Jonction or the ai ate aud Five .Notch ruad. On the place there la a comfortable i wo atory dwelling with eight rooms, a tire place la each; Gin House, screw, Blacksmith shop and all necessary outbuildings. Fur further particulars, applv either io Messrs. izlar A Dibble or myself, at Orangeburg Court? house, s. C. J. c. tu WARDS . rebl3-th6?_ SEWING MACHINES.-ALL DESCRIP? TIONS or Sew.qg Machines repaired on rea? sonable terms and at the shortest notice by J. L. LCNSFORD, smith street, just north or Went? worth B reet. jan22 (So Sent. TO LEND, ?l??lS?I?ls^ on City. Real Estate or approved Collaterals. Apply to LOWNDES A GRIMBALL, No. 27 Broad street._feb27-2* FOR RENT OR SALE, THE LARGE Three-story Brick House and Premises, on weat side of Wasnlngion street, between calhoun and charlotte stree'a. For terma apply to EDWAKD HOKLBEOK, United States Courthouse. feb22-Bmw6_ TO RENT.-TWO PLEASANT ROOMS, suitable for a couple, at No. 75 Broad st eet, west of Meeting. Good water faculties. U bl9 TO RENT, THREE ROOMS, OF A DE? SIRABLE residence, on the line of city Rail? way. Also a kitchen room. Apply at No. 20 Rutledge avenue._febio-mth TO RENT, THAT LARGE AND OOM MOD10US Building. No. 149 East Bay, re cent ly occupied as the Publication Office or Tua ! NEWS, and formerly known as the French Coffee House. For terms, Ac, applv ai the office of i HS NB wa, No. 19 Broad street, sep28 Am?sement?. ^CADBMT OP MUSIC. FAREWELL BENEFIT AND LAST APPEARANCE OF TUB DISTINGUISHED TRAGEDIAN LAWRENCE BABBETT, THURSDAY EVENING, PEBBUABY 27, 1873, WILL BE PRESESTED, MACBETH1 LAWRENCE BARRETT aa.MACBETH Supported by Mr. FREDERIC ROBINSON and bis SUPERIOR COMPANY. H IBEBNIAN HALL. ONE WEEK, COMMENCING MONDAT, FEBRUARY 24, 1873. CHARLES MACEVOYB ORIGINAL HIBERNICON. Illustrating the Boonery, Muele and Antiquities of IRELAND. New and appropriate songs. Scenery, Muslo, Dances, character Sketches, Violin and Plauo Solos, Ac. The New Dram av e Episode entitled IBI8H HEARTS Will be rendered by the HIBERNICON COMEDT COMPANT. Grand Matinee SATURDAY, at 2 o'clock, at re? duced prices. Admission 76 cents; Gallery 60 cents. IsMM J^OT A PANORAMA. PROF. CROMWELL, Or New fork, has the honor to announce a brie! season or his magnificent ART ENTERTAINMENTS, at Hibernian Hall, commencing MONDAY NIGHT, Maroh 3,187.1, with the representation of THE PALACE OF PALACES, with Statues and Grand Allegories. Ad mist'lon 60 and 76 cents. Tickets can be ob? tained at the usual places Doors open lor the evening entertainment at 7K, commencing at 8 o'clock. Doors open for the matinee at ax, com? mencing at 8 o'clock. Carriages may be ordered for the matinee at 4, and for the evening at <?% o'clock. Ieb20-10 P U B I H GRAND BAL MASQUE, AT ACADEMY OF MUSIC, ON THURSDAY EVENING, MARGE 13, 1878. SENIOR MANAGERS. M. ISRAEL, Chairman. D. JACOBS, A. FALK, S. STRAUSS, D. BBNTSOHNBH, J. APPLE, A. SECKENDORF. COMMITTEE OF ABBAHGBKBNTB. J. H. LOBB, Chairman. Louis ELIAS, CHAS. NBWHOUBB, I. W. GOLDSTEIN, M. TRIEBT. Tickets to be had rrom the above Committee. febl7,22,27 meb.3.10,12,13 ? ed ru ?a. JCTDEMY OP MUSIC. Fervid eloquence, earnest 1 avocation,passion? ate declamation, withering rarcasm. deep pathos, thrilling Incidents, soond reasoning, patriotic ap? peals, spicy witticisms and pleasant bnmor flnd a place In the STIRRING LECTURES by EDWARD CAR-SWELL, OF ONTARIO, CANADA, Whose word pictures are second only, and by many considered folly equal, to those of John B. Gough. Tbl8jastly celebrated Lecturer has been Invited to Charleston by PALMETTO DIVISION, No. 4, SONS OF TEMPER? ANCE, and will deliver two Lectures at the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, On MONDAY and WEDNESDAY EVENINGS, 8d and 6th ol March, fura laking as entertainment supe? rior io any our people have enjoyed for years, *nd a literary roast acceptable to tne most r?sili ions Ticket J, good for either Lecture, 60 cen s, foi both Lectures, 76 cents, may be had at the book atores and from the folio wlag COMMITTEE: [ T. A. BAYNAB0, E. E. SBLL, G. L. G. COOK, S. G. PROCTOR, F. A. SCHIFFLBY, T. 0. SMITH, M. S. SIMAR. Leotnres at 3 o'clock. reb20,24,27,mch3,6 F Shirts ano ifatnioriing <?>oob?. 1T?~8H AR RIVA LSI LATEST STYLES I COMFORTABLE FIT I LOWEST PRICES S S S . S S s s s s s s S s SSSSSSSS SCOTT'S SSSSSSSS S S S STAR SHIRTS AND COLLARS. S S S 8 Ready-made and made S S S s to Order. S S S s - s S MEN'S S S S S FURNISHING S S S BSSSSSSS GOODS. SSSSSSSS S S S S S S S S S S S S s AT THE GBEAT SHIBT EMPORIUM I LOOE FOR THE STAR SIGN, MEETING STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE MARKET BALL. Seining ?lacrjines. m H E NEW IMPBOVED WHEELER & WILSON SILENT SEWING MACHINE. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. We are now selling these superior MACHINES on Ten Dollar monthly payments. Adjusting and Repairing done promtly. WHEELER A WILSON MANDF'G 00., arrs-lvr _Wp. 20Q King tr??t. _flot?is_ j^OLUMBlTHOTEL, COLUMBIA, a 0. This well known Hotel, situa:ed in tbs centre of the business portion nf the city, affords every convenience and comfort to travellers on?busi nea-t or pleasure. Trie propriet r. having secured the services of polite and . mclent ass star ts, pledges hlmselT to spare no paiua in Its management, to sustain the high n-put^tlon so loug enjoyed by the " colum? bia " HS a Ami-class house. Attached to the iionse ls a handsome Billiard Room, lurnlsied with mree!of Phelan A Gollan dar's bestand most Improved Tables. Telegraph office in rotonda of .the Hoose. Also, Battiiug Koomi equalled bj none In the etty. WM, GORMAN, Proprietor. E. T. BURDELL, late or " charleston Hotel," and JAS. F. GADSDEN, Assistants. lebM .pR?IT! FBUrrt ; PB0IT ! -Ju? received per ScoiKMWf Ell? L. Trerethen, from Havana, _" 150,000 Choice Havana ORANGES loo dozen Bird Eye and Sogar Loaf Pine. . apples - IM STORE: 400bbla Selected Nerthern Apples. For sale at 0, BART a OO.'S. feb26 8 Noa 65, 67 and g Market street. J^O. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO. is tons No. 1 "Chincha island" PERUVIAN GUANO, tn One order. For sale by W. B. SM ITH 4 CO., fer?25 tntha Kapi er's Bange. gi O COFFEE. To arrive, 3ooo bags RIO COFFEE, per sohooner Hyaline, from Rio de Janeiro 6th January. ' ieb26-2 O. N. HUBERT A OX). Q.?ANOI GUANO! GUANO 1 too tons No. 1 Peravlan, Chincha Island, GUANO, warranted pore. For sale by HtRUASS BULWI s ELE, .feblfl_Kerr's Wharf. g A P O L I Ol ? For Hand and Honae nae. For aale at Whola, aale, by PAUL B. L ALANE A 00., feb4 No. 176 East Bay, Charleston, s, 0. M R. D. FITZ GIBBON Woo ld beg to annonc?e to his Friends and the Public generally that he has REMOVED to tba Large New store en King street, second door above Barna lase, where he will be pleased to re? ceive rhe continuance or their patronage, A fall and well assorted Stock or GROCERIES, Canned Gooda, Ac, always on hand. Gooda de? livered Free to any part of the city. jaaSS *t^7ILS0NS' GBO GEBT, No. 306 KING STREET. FRESH CRACKERS OF ALL KINDS AT WILSONS'. CHOICE BUTTER, ALWATS ON HAND, AT WILSONS*. YOU CAN SAVE 260. PER POU TOON TEAS : AT WILSON8\ FRESH GROUND C0FFEF8, A ?TECIALTY, AT WILSONS'. ALL GOODS DELIVERED TREE AT WILSONS'. NO CHARGE FOR PACKING GOODS AT WILSONS'. NO. 306 KING BTBBBT. Joint Stock QIompanTj. QFFICIAL BAFFLE NUMBERS Of the Charleston Joint Stock company for the benefit of the State Orphan Asylum : CLASS Ko. 426-WaxuaasAT MO RN wo, Pah. sc 51-44-60-G1-36-30-9-3-18-8T-30-70 CLASS NO. 426-WKDNISDAT EYXMIHO, Feb. 26. 3-57-?9-54-68-30-41-f>71-ia-<16-70 reb27-i A. MOROSO, Sworn Commissioner,, fcaitrooo* N~ ORTHEA^TfiBN RAILROAD COM PANT. ii OHABLWToii, s. a, Jannary so, is?. Tra?na will leave Charleston Dally ak 10.00 A. M and 8.00 P. M. Arrive at Charleston 6.46 A. M. (Monday i ex? cepted) ?nd 8.30 P. M. Train does not leave Charleston g.oe P. M., Mm Diva. Train leaving io .oa A. M. makes through connec Uon to New York, via Richmond and Aconta Creek only, going through in 44 honra. Passengers leaving by an P.M. Train have choice of rente, via Richmond and Washington, or via Portsmouth and Baltimore. Those leaving FRI OAT by thia Train lay ever on SUKDAT m Bal tl m ore. Those leaving on SATURDAY remain Bini' OAT lo Wilmington, N. 0. Thia ta the cheapest,-quickest and moat pleas? ant roate to cincinnati, Chicago and other pointa West and No* thweat, both Trams making con? nections at Washington with Western Trama ot Baltimore and Onie Railroad. 8.8. SOLOMONS, Engineer and Superintendent. P. L. c LE A PO R, Gen. Ticket Agent. maySI SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD. GHABLBBTON, Jannary IS, 1878. on and after MOWAT, january so, the Pas? ?enger Tra?na on thia Road will mn aa follows : EXPRESS TRAIN-DAILY. Ut ve Char leaton.~.AMP. V. Arrive at 16 r. M. Leave Savannah.HM . IUSO P. v. Arrive at Charleston. TA* Ta? DAT TRAIN-SUNDAYS EXCEPTED. Leave Cnarieaton.7.40 A. M. Arrive at Savannah.3.30 p. h. Leave Savannah. ll A. fa. Arrive at P. M. Passengers from Charleston by 7.40 A. M. train make close connection with Port Royal BsilTOad for all Stallone oa that Road, (Sunday s excepted > Tickets for Beaufort on aale at th's offlc e. Freight forwarded daily on through billa of lad' lng to points m Florida and by Savannah line of ateamanlpa to Boston. Prompt dispatch given to freights for Beaufort and points os Port Royal Raiirc ad and at as low rates as by any other una, 0. S. GADSDEN, Engineer and S uperintendent S. a BOYLBTOP, Gen'l Ft. and Ticket Agent iuni4 gOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. cnABLX8TOH, 8, C., December 14, Uti. On and after SUNDAY, December 16, the Pau? sen gor Trains on toe South Carolina IMBWSMI will ron os followa: FOB COLUMBIA. Leave a M Arrive at columbia.tja p x FOB AOeUBTA. Leave Charleston........ aso A II Arrive at Angosta.tatt x voa CHABLSSTOH. Leave Colombia.9.00 A K Arrive at Charleston.4.U r M Leave Augusta.9.O0 A M Arrive at charleston.4.46 p M OOLTJKUA MIGHT retra?as. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston. T.SO r M Arrive at Oolam bis..a.30 A X Leave coinmbia.7.8O p ra Arrive at Charleston.?46 a x ADODSV L NI8HT IXPBISC. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston..~.a.SJ T a Arrive at Augusta.T.M A X Leave Angosta.~*. mri arrive at Charleston.LM A M BUMMSH VILLI TRAIB Leave Summerville ut. i.u A X arrive at Charleston.,.A40 A K Laave Charleston.? ES ? x Arri ve at summerville _isa rx QAKnm aunt Leavre (Janiden....-".7.20 A X Arrive at Coinmbia.11.14 A, x Leave columbia.M.110 p x Arrive at Camdan.?4? p x Day and Night Trains connect at Augusta with Macon and Augusta Railroad, Central Railroad and Qeorcla Railroad. Thia la the quickest and moat direct route and aa comfortable and cheap aa any other roate to Louisville, Cincinnati, Chicano, st. Louis and all other pointa Weat and Northwest. Columbia Night Train connects ?Ith Greenville and Columbia Railroad; and Day and Night Tra?na connect with Charlotte Road. Through tickets on aale via this roeta tso all parnta North. Camden Train connects at KAngvuie, dalis (ax. ccpt Sundays) with Day Passenger Train;' and runa thronen to Columbia. ^V; . ?p?P ' .