The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, February 22, 1873, Image 3

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Implora Pace. BT B?TARD TAYLOR. Toe clouds um stoop from yonder sky, Discharge their bardens, and are free; The streama mat take ir ena hasten by, To And relier io lake and sea. The wildest wind In vales afar Sleeps, pillowed on its ruffled wlDgs; And sung-, through many a siormy bar, Beau} into silence on the strings. And love o'ercoraes bis young unrest, And first ambition's fl ght ls o'? r; And doubt ls cradled nu me breast Uf perfect, lai'h, and speaks no more. Our dreams And pissions cea-e to dare. And homely i a' lenee learns her part; Yet still some keen, purs Ung care Forblda co?tent to brain and heart, The gift, un rr ached, beyond the hand; The r-iult la all of beauty won, The mildew of the harvest land. The spots np on the i ?sen Ban I And still some cheaper a rvice claims The will that leapa to loftier call; Some cloud la cast on splendid alms. On power achieved nome common thrall. To spoil each beckoning victory. A thousand pigmy handssre thrust; And, round each height, at alned, we see *"Oor ether dim with lower dust. Ab, could we breathe Borne peacerul air, And a 1 save parp?se mere forget, Till eager courage learn to bear The gadfly's sting, the pebble's fret. Let higher gcal and harsher wav. To test oar vlrtae. then combine l 'Tis not for idle ease we pray. Bat freedom for oar task divine. [77ie Galaxy for ilarcJi ?nrnuersarus. WASHINGTON LIGHT INFANTRY CHARITABLE ASSOCIATION.-Ia ac? cordance with an invitation extended by the W. L. I. Rifle Club to the Association, thootacers ansi members are requested to attend the celebration at the Academy of Music on THIS DAT, Satur? day, at 10 o'clock A. M. All members or me As? sociation, whether connected with the Rifle Cinb or not, are requested to wear meir badges. Members desiring badgee can proenre them of I the Steward8. The anniversary meeting of the | Association will be held at 5 o'clock P. M.. at Rifle Clnb Hall, over Wilson's store. In King street, for the transao'lon of business and the election of officers for me ensuing year. Mem? ber- will please come prepared to liquidate their does. At the Close of the business meeting, mentors wlB partake or a collation. fry order. D. H. GI i.LI LAND, MM Secretary and Treasurer. ?egal Notices. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTT OF CHARLESTON-COURT OF CuMMON PLEAS.-THOMAS Q. BARRETT and THEODORE D. CRESWELL, Copartners under the?name of BARRET." A CRESWELL, Plaintiffs, against P. H. KL>AH':RTT. Defendant.-Copy summons, for money demand. [Complaint not served ] To P! H. FLAHERTY, the defendant in this action : Toa are hereby summoned and re? quired to answer the complaint In this action which la flied in tbe office or the Clerk or the Conrt of Common Pleas for said County, and to serve a cony of your answer on the subscribers at their office. No. 21 Broad street, Charleston. M. C., wi m in twenty days arter me service of this summons on yon, exclusive of the day of I service- - ? If yon fall to answer this complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff will judgment against you for the sum of thine a hundred and sixty-eight 68-100 dollars and coats. Dated Oharlestoo, February 17, 1873. PBESSLEY, L R-) ft iNGLFSBY, Plaintiff's Attorneys. JACOB WILLIMAR, ru S.] C. C C. P. for 0. C. To the defendant, P. H. FLAHERTY: TBK?. notice tha- the anmmona in mis action, to pether with the complaint therein referred, was flied In the office or uTe Clerk of the Court ear c..ramon Pleas for the County of Charleston, in the State of Sooth Carolina, on the a-J ven teen th day of February, A. D. 1873. PRESSLBY, LORD ft INGLE8RY, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Cnarle-ton, February 17. 1873. feb22-s6 THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF CHARLESTON-OOO RT OF COMMON PLEA>.-HERMANN BULWINKLE, Plaintiff, agalast J. W. SPRAGUE. DeieadanL ' Copy sommons for money demand. [Complatat not served.] To J. W. SPRAGUE, the Defendant In this ac tlon: Yon are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in trna action which ls flied In ?he office of the Clerk of the court of Commua PleasVor mc said County, and to serve a copv c f your answer on the subscrito, rs. at their office, No. 21 Broad street, charleston, S. C., wubin twenty days after the or this summons on you, exclusive of the day of service. If you fall to answer thia complaint within the time a oresald, UH Plain Iff win take judgment against yon for the earn of flOy-three 67-100 dol? lars, with interest at tha rate of twelve per cent, per annum, rrom the eighteenth day or Febrnary, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, and costs. Dated Charleston. 18th Febrrary. 1873. PB ESS LEY. LORD A 1NGLESBY. Plaintiff's Attorneys. JAOOB WILLIMAV, [L. ?.) C. a C. P. for 0. 0. To the Defendant. J. W. SPRAGUE: Take no tice that the summons in this action, together with the complaint i herein referred to. was flied In the office of the Clerk of the Conrt of Common Plea< for the County of Charleston, la the State or South Carolina, on the eighteenth day of Feb ruare-, A. D. 1878 Charleston, February 18th, 1873 PRESSLEY, LORD A INGLESBY, feb22-s& _ . . _Plaintiff's Attorneys. mHE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, X COUNTY OF CHARLESTON-COURT OF Common Pleas.-THOtfAS J. K>UR and HER? MANN BULWISKLE. late Co par -s umt-r the firm of T. J. KERR ft CO.; Plain , againat J W. SPRAGUE and W. D. SPRAGeJB, la'e Co partners under the name of J. w. SPRAGUE ft BRO., Defendants.-copy Summons for Money Demand. [Complaint not eemd.] ToJ. W.aPR*GUEaud W. 1). ?PRAGUE, Co nat tners ss aforesaid, Defendants In (his action: Von are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint In tull acth n. widen is filed in tbe i mee or he Cleik or the cour of Common Picas for me said County, and to serve a co; y of your answer di the sunsenbe s at their ofnte No. St B oad street, charleston, S. c.. within twenty days after the service of this sommons on you, exclusive of tne day of service. If you (autoanswer inls compla nt within ihe Unie aforesaid trio Plal <iiff will take Judgment against, yon for the sum of 192 36 100, with inter? est ai the rate or twetve per cent, per annum from the eighteen i h dav uf. Febrnary, one thoa Band eight hundred und seventy three, and costs. Dated Charleston, S C., February 18.1673 PRESSLEY, LO KD A INGLE ..BY, _?. Plaint iris' Attorney s. JAC&BWILLIMlN, [L.S.I C. C. C. P. for 0. C. To tb? Defendants, J. W. SPRAGUE aud tv. D. SPRAGUE: Take notice that tbeaummons In thia Action, together wlib the rompUtut therein re? ferred io, was flied In the office or the Clerk- or ihe Conrt or Common tiensfor tho county or Ck irita too, tn the S ate of south Carolina, oa ihe eighteenth day or February, 1&73. PRESSLEY, LORD ft INGLESBY, feb22-86 Plaintiffs' Atioraevs. ALL INDEBTED TO ESTATE OF T. W. JOHNSON will make payment to 0. E. JOdNSOV, to whom all claims agalost said es? tate, troperly attested, must be m?sente d febs-as ELLEN S. J 'HNSON, Executrix. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. COUNTY 0? CUAKLESTON-OOURT OF COMMON PLEAS-CHARLES H. COCHRAN, Plaintiff, against THEODORE A. WHITNEY, De? fendant.-copy summoas for relief. Complaint not served. To the Defendant. THEODORE A. WHITNEY : Yon are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint la this action, which ls flied lu tue office or the Clerk e f itu conrt o? Common Pleas fe.r the Bald county, and to serve a copy o? your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at their office. No. 21 Broad street, i b incaton s C., within twenty daya alter ihe seivue ber?V exclnalveor ihe day of Bach service; and if 70a fail to answer the complaint wi hin me time aforesaid, the p a miff in this action w:U apply io the ewart for the relier demanded in mc com plaint. Dated Chark sion, 18th January. 1873. PRESSLEY, L0KD ft INGLESBY, Plaintlff's Aile meya. JACOB WILUMAN. 0. 0. P. [L. 8.] To the Defendant, THEODORE A. WHITNEY: Take notice that the sommons in tblB actloa, to? gether with the complaint therein referred to, waa filed tn the office or the c erk of the Conrt of Common fleas for Charleston County, in the Mate or Sooth carolina, on the 28d elay of Janu? ary A. D. 1873 Pi'. ESS LEY, LORD ft INGLEBY, Plaintiff's Attorreya, iebi-a6 No. 21 Broad street, charleston, S. 0. P &?tral ?il._ PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL. SAFE, PURE, UNIFORM, ODORLESS. BURNS IN ANY LAMP, _ WITHOUT DANGER OP EXPLOSION OB TAKING FIRE. Recommended by the leading Scientific Men, the Press, and hundreds of thou? sands of families. THE INSURANCE CO,?J HAVE NEVER PAID a loss arising from Ita ose; while millions of dol? lars have tren saved them on account of Its gen? eral Introduction. ?eb2J sattmos dru <?oo??. Ut. LOUIS COHEN & GO., Nos. 244 & 248 King St., BEQ RESPECTFULLY TO ANNOUNCE THAT THEY ARE JUST IN RECEIPT OP SPRING- SILKS AND DRESS GOODS. SILK FICHUS AND Scarfs. Lace Collars & Grieves. ALSO, FULL LINES OF SPRING TWEEDS & CAS8IMERES. FOR MEN AND BOYS' WEAR, TOGETHER WITH A COMPLETE ASSORT. MENT OF LONGCLOTHS AND SHEETINGS, AT REDUCED AND POPULAR PR10ES. A call ls respectfully solicited. LOUIS COHEN & CO., Nos. 244 & 248 Kine: St. feb22-2_ FlIROHeOTT, B?NBDICT & CO.. No. 275 King Street, ARE OFFERING EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS FOR THE NEXT FEW WEEKS. Great closing out Bale of our extensive stock of DRY GOODS AND CARPETS. To make room for oar Spring Stock we will now offer CARPETS IO pieces 4-4 HEMP CARPETING, only 30 cents. 25 pieces 4-4 Wool and Cotton Carpets, only 60 cents. 25 pieces 4-4 Wool Carpets, only TS and 86 cents. 25 pieces all Wool Ingrain, only 90c. and $1. 60 pieces English Brussels, only $1 60. Full lines or Rugs, Mau, OU Cloths and Matting. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. 5 cases 3 4 Bleached at 0 cents. 6 cases 4-4 Bleached at \2X cents. 5 cases 4 4 extra One at i& cents. 2 cases 4-4 Wamsutta, at 20 cents. 6 cases 10-4 bleached Sheeting at 42 cents, loo dozen Towels at $1 26, 200 dozen Towels at $176 and $2. Foll Unes of better quality Huck and Damask Towels at fl and $6. Fud lines of Linen Sheeting, Linen Pl lowcaslng Sh.rt Linens, Napkins, Doylies, Table Damasks, ftc Blankets, Fiances, Shawls, Cloaks have been greatly reduced In price. DRESS GOODS. 20 pieces SILK. VALOUR, all colors. 85 cents, formel ly $1 lu 5 cases Dress Goods, all styles, 25 to 40 cents, formerly 35 to 60 cents. 2) pieces Black Silk, $1 2d, SI 60. $1 TS. S2, $3, reduced 20 per cent. Our entire Mourning Stock has undergone a re? duction of from 50 to 25 per cent. Black Alpaca, only 60 cents, worth 6C, the best In the city. Full lines or Satins. Silk Valours, gilk Velvet, ftc, are ottered at great bargains. CLOTH DEPARTMENT, The best selected stock a this market, conBlst iug or Foreign and Domestic manufactures, has been marke 1 down, and we offer great bargains to purchasers. NOTION DEPARTMENT. Full lines ot Ladles, Mtosei' and Gents' HOSIERY ind UNDERWEAR. Full linea of Kid Gloves at following prices: 1 button Kid Glove. $t. 2 button Kid Glove, $1 26. Also, Bole Agents for the celebrated Chellly's Kid Gloves, each pair guarantesd. Ribbons, Flowers. Feathers, Corsets and Hand kerchiefs in great variety. See specula. Respectruyiy, FM0TT}BENMT&lJ0., Searing iXluclnttes. SINGER OFFICE, NO. 186 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. dcclo-tuthsSmo Drnys at CDtiolesale. OINTMENT For the care of Barns, Piles, scalds, Rheuma? tism, Poisonous Dites of Insects, or from having come In contact with sn; Poisonous Plants, Broken Breasts, Sore Nipples, Chare lnthl'dren, Dancers and Carbonees, Pain In the Chest and Sides, Fistula and Fever.'.Sores, Head and Ear aches, Brown, Rough, Pimpled, Sunburnt, Blotched, Cracked, Red, Heat M? and Irritated Skin; so e Eyes, Swelling of all kinds; Outs, Blis? ters, Contracted and stiff Cords, Sprains In Man or He se, Galls, Scratches, sore Throat, Chapped Upi and almos: every external disease that afflicts man or bra te. DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, Wholesale Agents, Charleston, S. C. The Trade supplied at Manufacturer's prices. Janis s D R. C. P. BROWN'S YOUNG AMERICAN LINIMENT. The demand for this truly wondtfol remedy bas induced the Proprietors to extend the area of Its :lrcolatlon and usefulness by planing Its valuable inalities before the pub dc It ls truly asserted, ind faca prove it that no Liniment ever before the peonle has grown so rapidly la public favor for ill the cases reached by this class of medicines. BROWN'S YOUNG AMERICAN LINIMENT has rained a ' reputxtion wherever used in :ase8 which require an EXTERNAL REMEDY, and s with the utuost confidence recommended to Republic. Manufacmred by the proprietors, o P. BROWN, Chemical Company, New York, and lor sale by all Druggies ind Country Dol?is. DOWIE. MOISE A DAVIS, Wholesale Agents, Charleston, S. 0. frbis-tuthssmos pOWIE, MOISE & DAVIS, IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, CHARLESTON, 8. C. Appreciating the success which bas attended mr efforts la the past, we have determined to pare no patna to merit a continuance of thc pat on ago so liberally bestowed; and. with this dew, now offer to DRUiiGI^TS. PHYSICIANS and 30DNTRY MERCHANTS the largest and most :omplete stock or DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY, GLASSWARE, DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES, AND FANCY GOODS iver offered In this market, and at prices that thall compare favorably with New York. Phlludel >hla and Baltimore. The quality or every article loki by ns ls guaranteed as to purity and nrengib. FRESH GARDEN SEED. SOOO dozen JOHNSTON, ROBBINS A CO.'S FRESH GARDEN SEEDS Just received and for lale at wholesale only. CAROLINA INDIGO. lioo pounds PRIME QUALITY on hand and lor lale low. CUBAN BITTERS. 600 dozen Of this POPULAR TONIO BEVER? AGE, In cases or one dozen and barrels or Ave li zen, on hand and for sole low to the trade. VON GHLANN'S ROYAL CROWN SCHNAPPS. so cases In quarts and pints. This article li jqual In quality to any In market and much ower In price. nova-ath >r Chronic and Acu-e Rheumatism. Neuralgia, i ombago. Sciatica, Kidmv and Nervous Dis? eases, after years ol suffering bv taking Dr. FiTLEK'S VKW. TAHLK RHEUMATIC SYnUP the scientific di-cn very of J. P. Pitier, M. H., a regular grad nato plivsic-an, with whom we ai c un soi. ally acqu tinted, who Mas r<ir 39 je ir? treated theae dis? a*es exclusively with astuulsu lng rerults. We believe lt nur ClirlHtlnn duly, a'ter deliberation, to conscientiously requestHuf rerers to use lt, cspeciady persons in mod?rai e circumstances who cannot alford to waste money and Mme on worthless mixtures. As clergymen weseitnusly feel the deep responsi? bility ?esttng on ns lu publcly endorsing itu* medicine. But our knowiege aud experience or Its umarkable merit fully justifies our acion: Rev. o. H. Ewing, Media, Penn., suffered sixteen vea*s, becime hoptlebs; Rev. Thomas Murphy, D. D , Frankford Philadelphia; Kev. J. H. Davis, Higlitstown. New Jersey; Rev J. s. Buchanan, Clarence, Iowa; Rev. G. G. Multh. PlttBford, New York; Rev. Joseph Beggs. Fall- Church, Philadel? phia, other testimonials from Senators, Gover? nors. Judges, Congressmen, Physicians. Ac, for warded gratis with pamphlet explaining thei-e diseases, une thousand dollars will be present? ed to auy medicine for sa ne diseases showing tqual merit under i (St, or that can produce one fourth as many living cures. Any person Bend? ing by letter description or affliction will receive gratis a legally signed guarantee, naming the number or bottles to care, agreeing to refund money upon sworn statement or its falluie tu cure. Afil?ete i invited to write to Dr. Ft ri.ER, Philadelphia. His valuable advice costs nothing. DOWIE. MOISE A DAVIS, Sole Wholesale Agents for South Carollm. For sale at Retail by H. BABR, W. A. SERINE. A. W. ECKEL A CO., Dr. GEO. OAULIER, G. J, LUHN, JOS. BLACKMAN, E. H. KELLERS. jani8-?tnthiy Pto_ Chiropodist QOBSSTB?OT^ C?RED7~ Mra. KEOOH having returned to the el'y 19 pre? pared to sive i eher to those sneering from CORN", BUNIONS or other < heanes of the feet. AB to her skill and success as a Chiropodist, she refer*-, by permission, to Dr. Fitch aud Dr. Ed? ward North, .sue will. If desired, attend those who may require her services at their residences. She may be found at No. 98 Church street, be? tween Broad and Chalmers streets. . ret? Drags at Wholesale. LOEFLUND'S CONCENTRATED LIEBIGS EXTRACT OF MALT. (Dnfcrmente?, in the form of an Inspissated Extraer.) In a preparation for Co"ghi Sore Throat, Whooping Cough. Difficult and Troublesome Respiration, and all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. f?clilte.<lng expectoration, aud s .-outing the Mucous Membr, ne. Principles of the greatest Importance for med.cnal ourposes, aa well as for health, are here united in the most coccentrated form, and are at the same time soluble and of easy digestion. These principles are: RESOLVENT AND EMOLLIENT-Sugar or Malt and Dextrine. NDTHiriOfJS-I'hosphatea ard Albuminous Ingredients. Loeflnnd's I- xtract or Malt Is a to prescribed In preference to Cod Liver Oil. THE OH IN ESE EMMEVAOOUUR, TS A-TSIS- Botanical name. Rbynchosla Excsvata. This herb is used by the fei.aea In China to regulate their menstruation. It has been prescribed by Amer.can ano European physiclaLS with derided success, lt Is not abortive, Asen ts for the Uolted states, ALMERT D?NQ A SON. No. 61 Bowery. New Y rk. Agents f ir Sooth Carolina, DOW1E. MOISE A DAVIS Wholesale Druggists, febi8 tusemi s Charleaton, S. c. ifertiliiers. IMPORTANT TO COTTON PLANTERS! THE M:^R,Y]L^TVr> HAVE PREPARED A SPECIAL FERTILIZER ADAPTED TO THE COTTON PLANT UNDER THE NAME OF COTTON FOOD, WHICH THEY CLAIM TO BE OF THE HIGHEST GRADE OF FER? TILIZER SOLD IN THE SOUTH, EQUAL IN ITS RESULTS TO PERUVIAN GUANO AND OF MORE PERMANENT BENEFIT TO THE SOIL. It has been used by SEVERAL HUNDRED PLANTEES in North and South Carolina and Georgia, for five seasons, with the following results: lt Increases ihe Crop irom 75 to 200 per cent. It produces a better quality or Cotton. It reBlsta drought lu all Cuaes. 'ihe Crop li not affected by mir,. It matures the Crop three or fonr weeks in advance, than insuring against early frosts, or in the event or a bscK ward season euabl-s the Planter to put in hN Crop as late us June ls', with a certainty or sue-' ss. The r He -t on the second year's Crop, without additional manure, ranges Irom one-third to one-hair o' tue first vear. lis mechanical preparation snrpaanes that of all other Fertilizers, belog at ul! times and In all c mditl ms or weather in perfect order fer drilling. lt ls sold on a basis In qusliryor Peruvian On mo pound for ponnd. Agents are Instructed, Where Planters use lt side by ebie with thebes-, eeruvliu Quino, in equal quantities, to refund such amount as will make lt equal ir lt rails to produce as much cotton. The Intelligent Planter ?Ul readily comprehend tue uees-ty or using nothing bnt the highest grade or Fertilizer*, and or SD lei.y avuidlng those whose value hat been reducid by adulteration or the use of ch: au materials nnder ptctenceoi meeting the low price or conon. ir lus Crop ls only d uUcd by ihe use of -COtToN FoOu." lt w.JJ give ulm rrom one to two hun dred per cent, profit on his outlay, with Cotton at IS cents per pnu,d, and enab ea him to plant fewer acres with a correspond la g reduction or labor and expense, wini better remits. L^WKENCE SANGSTON, President. J, EDWIN MYERS, General Agent, NO. 58 EXCHANGE PLACE, BALTIMORE. JAMES R. PRINGLE & SON, f0bl2W8lm0D4C ACE MTS, CHARLESTON, S. C. Insurance. CAROLINA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, MEMPHIS, TEIV1VE?8E E. JEFFERSON DAVIS, President. WADE IIA.M17X01V, vice-President. J, X>. KENNEDY, General Slate Agent, Sou m Carolina. TOE UNDERSIGNED DAVINO BEEM APPOINTED AGENTS OF THE ABOVE COM PANT for Charleston, are now prepared tj receive offers. STONEY, LOWNDES & CO., AGENTS. WM. H. HUGEE, M. D., Medical Examiner. J;nl5-wa tamps, QErj.mnetn, &t. SAVE YOUR EVE8. USE THE CELEBRATED CFRMJN mmm UMP, Ihe Brightest, Cleareet, Softest aid Best Light ever used. FOR SALE BY THOMAS & LANMAU NO. 289 KINC STREET, OPPOSITE NEW MASONIC TEMPLE. SHADES, CHIMNEYS AND WICKS ALWAYS ON HAND. novic-stuth SI]OUJ (Eases SHOWCASES! SHOWCASES! SHOW GASES ! Wi rti PATEST SPrtlNO M ?CI ; DOORS, wh'ch causes them 'o ripen and shut with mt noise. Jar of breaking or glass. Parties desiring to purchase are luvited to call and examine i hem and the Kew style. Hound Ola s Front. Nickle SI.ver Frames. New style. Bevel Front, Nickel Silver Krames. Sqanre Front Mahogany, walnut and Nkkle Silver Frames, donb e illicit French Glass, all sizes, ano keep a iud supply slwaysou hand. HOWIK. MOISE A DAVIS. Agents. janl3-niwBdmos Comer Meeting and Hasel streets, Char eston, S. 0. illus; c i3ooks. NEW METHOD POR THU PIANO. UNHQO"ALLKD-INCOMPARABLE ! So a l milted by the leading Pianoforte Teachers of the conntry, and Its annnal sale of 25,000 copies abundantly testifies to the fact. THE TEACHER-Cannot use a more thorough or effective method. THE PUPIL -Cannot study from a more con . else or attractive system. THE DEALER-Cannot keep in stock a book for which there is surer and greater demand. Soil everywhere. Price $3 75. OLIVER DITSON A CO., Boston. CHAS. H. DITSON A CO., Til Broadway, N. Y. mch2T-BwlyroAW furniture, &t. pms -CLASS FORNITUBE, AT REASONABLE PRICKS. MILLING'S FURNITURE 8TOEE, NO. 444 KINO STREET, NEAR JOHN, ls mc place to get handsome and sobstantla FURNITURE of thc latest and most elegant de? signs ar. prices to suit the times. This establish? ment lias jost received a large supply of superior Parlor, Chamber and Dining Room bets In Oak, wainui and imitation, which are offered at prices ten or fifteen per cent, lower than tri?se charged elsewhere for lesa substantial Furniture. SUPERB BURIAL CASKETS A SPECIALTY. Call and examine the stock and prices. SIGN OF THE MAN AND ROCKER, No. 444 KING STREET. dec1B-3moBDAC_ SEWING MACHINES.-ALL DESCRIP? TIONS of Sewing Machines repaired on rea? sonable terms and at the shortest notice by J. L. LUNSFORD, Smith street, jost north of Went? worth B.reec. Jan22 QTlotljiitg ano Jrnrnisbing <9oobt. BARGAINS IN CLOTHING! MENKE ft MULLER, CORNER OF WENTWORTH AND KINO STREETS, ARE NOW CLOSING OUT WINTER CLOTHING AT REDUCED PRICES, TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING- STOCK. GIVE U3 A CALL ! JanM Uoots, 5t]0?s, Ut. BOOTS AND SHOES. ELIAS & BROS., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS Vt BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES, &C, 368 KING STREET, CORNER OP GEORGE STREET, Respectfully solicit the continuance of the patronage so libers liv bestowed on them by the CKIZT.B of O ti ar las too and surr 'undiae country. One or the Arm has Jost returned from til- North, and purchased In Boston just, before the large fire there; all or which we offer to the Wholesale Buyers at great ad v ' ri cages And guarantt-e them a saving of at least 10 to 16 per cent. we are offering all or tor purchases now at less than former prices, and regardless to the ad van ce of prices now. To our Retail customers we would say thar, aa heretofore we shall do onr best to please them by polite attention and cour? teous salesmen No trouble to show gooda. We keep only a good quality of Boots and Shoes, and prices that defy competition. Our motte IR, LAROE SALES AND SHALL PROFITS. AS A SPECIALTY 1 To Mothers we would say that we con? ti D ue to keep a 1 a ree stock of that celebra? ted SILVER TIPPED SHOE, of Philadel? phia make. Constantly on hand and receiving by every steamer from Philadelphia a fine and well selected stock ot Hand-sewed Boots and Shoes, tor Ladles, dents. Misses and Children, of the best Philadelphia manufacture, all or which we guarantee to give satisfaction, and would respectful? ly solicit a call at ELIAS & BROS., No. 868 KING- STREET, CORNER OF GEORGE STREET. J. FINLEY; CHARLES NEWHO?3E, R. H. MUCRENFDSS, will be pleased to walt on their friends. nov28-tutha Agricultural implements. RICE DRILLS, GUANO DISTRIBUTORS, AND COTTON SWEEPS. WAGONER ? MATTHEWE8' IMPROVED RICE DRILL at reduced prices. WEST'S HAND RICE PLANTER AND GUANO DISTRIBUTOR. Price $5 50. THE DOW LAW COTTON PLANTER AND GUANO DISTRIBUTOR. COLLINS & CO.'S FROM 12 TO 26 INCHES. FARQUHAR'3 SWEEPS, all kinda and BlZ08. RIVER'S SWEEP, SOLID SWEEPS, TURN SHOVELS. TW?3TERS, SCOOTERS, BULL TONGUES, ?fcc, ?fcc. PLOUGHS of all raakers-COLLlNS. WATT, DIXIE. STONEWALL, AMES, MOORE, LEE, ?c., ?c. THOMAS'S SMOOTHING HARROW. MONROE'S ROTARY HARROW. NI8HWITZ PULVERIZING HARROW with a full assortment of Agricultural Imple menta of all kinds. HABERSHAM'S COTTON PLANTER ANI COVERER, depositing the Seeds tn bills Iron 12 to 22 Inches apart. For Bale low by J. E. ADGER & CO., AGENTS FOR SOUTH CAROLINA No. 81 EAST BAY, CHARLESTON, fi. C. Send for Circulars. jaB29-tpths In ct ion Sales-? Iii? Sap By J. X^NSLOW & CO. SALE POSTPONED FEOM YESTERDAY on accoant of ihe weather. HAY t Hay I Hay I For account of whom it may concern. n??i? ?52R:?IN0' al11 o'clock, will be sold on Cemral WhHrf, 100 biles HAY, (slightly damaged ) feb22 By MILES DRAKE. G.BEAT 8ALE OP BOOKS, STATION ERY, Ac THIS EVENING, at 7 o'clock, I will ML at mr Store, corner King and Liberty streets. A large collection of standard and Mis'ells, neons BOOKS. . .... feta bunion Hales-ininti fl)up?. BJTW. Y. LEITCrJlTl^ Auctioneers. SALE CONTINUED AT THE STORE OP N. M. Porter. King s reet, by order of A. P . Caldwell. Assignee, On MONDAi. the 24 h Instant, will ba sold at 10 o'clock. The Ba'anceof the Stock, consisting of barrels VINEGAR, Jars, Jugs, Pot Ware, Stands, Ooffeo Mill and Roaster. Tin and Brass Scoop-, Counters, Show Cases, Clock, Ice-Uonse, coffee Oana. Ac, AC AL'S, EMPTY BOXES. Hogshead', Barrels, Ac Terms cash._ieoM By SAM. C. BLACK, SALE OF STOCKS AND BONDS AT ADoTION. On WEDNESDAY, 26th February, 1878.1 vUl Bell, at ea>t end or Broad sir.-et, in the City of Charleston. >. c.. at ll o'clock, A. M., The following sEoUKITIrS, say: 1800 SHARES S. O. HAILKOAD fcTOOK '?00 Shares Georgia Kal road Stock 300 Snares Charlot e, Columbia and Angosta Railroad stock 171 Snares savannah and Charleston Rail? road stock 320 Shares Memphis and Charleston Railroad Stock 75 Shar s Central Railroad or Georgia Mock 110 Shares Southwestern Railroad of Georgia Stock J BOCO South carolina Railroad Seren Per Cent. Bonds, First Mortgage $11 ooo Soutn carolina Railroad Seven Per Cant Bonds, sr cond Mortgage ? - $21,000 Cen 'ral Railroad of Georgia First Mort? age Bonds .'' And r ..ii other securities aa may hereafter be added to the list. Terms cash. Per chasers can arrange to have their parchases carried for thirty days, as bank rate of interest, upon deposit of proper margin. lew?_ By J. FRASER MATHLWES, HOUSE AND LOT BURNS LANE. Will ne sold on THURSDAY, 27th Instant, I near the Post oft! ce, at U 0>cK)C*? LOT No. S Bnrns Lane with Two Story Wocden nw ELLIN'*. Dimensions or Lot 20 reet front by 87 feet deep. .. Terms-One hair ca?ta; baiatce In twelve month?, secured by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of t e premises, wlih luie-est; proper* ty to oe munie i and policy assign*d. Purchaser to psy me for papera._n 020,2X26.26,27' :; By W. Y. LEITCH & R, 8. BRUNS,. Auctioneers* ACHOICE LOT AND FRAME BUILD? ING OS SULLIVAN'S ISL \ND. Will sell on 1FJCRSDAY, 27th inst., at ll o'clock, eas: end Broad s.reet. A L \ HO K 2S S rORY FRAME BUILDING. Frame complete In every particular. AU par- . tltlons located, stnddlfgs in position. Alte frame work of piazza. Rafters are ail np, abd entire roof covered with laths ready for tb? shingles. Tne b isement fl or is 8 feet high In the* olear, ' arranged to contala kt chen, servants'rooas, P 'm try. stove room, with large double halla 12 ny 18 and 14 by 24. 1 he second story, or main floor ii 13 feet high In the o ear, divided in two large rooms 16 by 1? and 13 by is, and hallway In T shape 12 hy io and 13 by 24. The attic ls 8 feet high, divided into thrro rooms; with holes for stairs running from base ment to this point. Piazza fronts the south with a return to tne earn and west. Building ls 66 feet front. Frames of good material, and erected In a workmanlike manner, unwin oe confirmed by Mr. Daniel Sul? livan, builder. -t The lot ls known na No. 126 Holmes' plat, Mut? ated on Front Beach, at the corner of a atrres, s lew loi s east of the tort, and regarded aa one of the be t lots on the island. Gn the premises there ls a frame kitchen one story high. Plan can be seen, and farther information ob ta'ned. by application to as. Terms-One-half cash, balance In one year.with interest. Purchaser to pay us lnr piper and etamps._ftb?i)-trumwth8 By LOWNDES & GRIM BALL. FINE BRICK BUILDING, STORE? HOUSES, Ac, on the west side of East Bay, nearly opposite Adger's Wharf. Will he sold on TUESDAY, the 55th of February, 1878, at the old ?o s torn ce, at ll o'clock. Ail that LOT OF L *. > o on the west side of East Bay, known more particularly aa the late omeo j of Uerckf-nrath, Lsseane A Hager, measuring on hast Bay 42 reer, co bcdon'Bailey 64feet 7 Inches, on tue north line ao4 fett 2 Inches on the south 20& feet io inches, be the same more or lesa; bounding east on East Bay, west on Bednn's Al? ley, north on land now or late of H. E. ViBcent, sooth on land or i ho*, t lgbam. all or which ls more pai tlcnlarly set forth by reference to plat of Charles Parker, re -orded ia plat bo-k, No. 1, p. 86. Thu. property runs through to B.-doo's Alley, on which there ls a Une ht orrhon - e. AU the Louses on the premises are of brick Terms-one third casn; b ?lance tn one and two years, seemed by bond and m ort gag ?, with lu termi fr m day of cale, payable annually; pro? perty to bo 11.surr d and policy assisses. Pnr chaser to pay ns for papers._febl642tnl. UNDER FOBEOLOSUBE OF MORT? GAGE.-MA KV McK NIGHT, Executrix, Tl. Or.ORGE W.OLNEY, eta! By virtue of an order sf court ia the above case to me directed an t delivered, will he sold on TUKSDAY. the nth doy or March, 1878, In front or the Posioftlce at ll o'clock A. M. All that LOT of LAND, witta bonding* thereon, sltuato on sooth side Vendue Range, City of charleston, la-ely distinguished by le'ter Fl in plan of lands made by J. wilson. In Joly, 1816, and now or late1 y known as No ii, measuring in width 20 feet, and in depth 60 feet, more or lesa; boona lng nortb on ven me Range, south on Brown's wharf, east on Letter D in the said plan, and weat on letter E or the same ALSO, All that LOT OF LAND, DOW divided into two (2) lots, situ 'te on the east side ol Coming street, between Morris and Radcliffe, measuring in front on Coming street lol reet, on tne north Une SOS leet lo inches, on the east line 104 feet 6 inches, and on the south line 207 reet 6 inches: bounded north on landa now or late of Francis Sires and of Dr Wm. Hume, east on lands of Rev. Wm. Ca? pers sod othois, south by lands of Geo. W. Olney, and west by Coming street Terms-? ne-ihird (Kt cash; balance la two eqaai eucce-sive anona1 Instalments, with Inter? est frcm day or sate, payable semi-annually, at the rate of io per cent, per annnm, and ir interest be not punctually paid when due, to bear Interest at the same rate and upon ti e same terms as the principal; to be secured by bond of purchaser and mortgage or the premises; buildings to be inrared - and po ley r sslgted. Purcnasers to pay for papers, and to have the prlvll-ge of psylng the wnole nurchate money in cash. ' frbl4.22.m. h3.1l C. C. BOWEN, 8. C. O. 3.ntliontcTS? flrinate Salti, Ut. By R. M. MARSHALL & BRO. VALUABLE PLANTATION ON BULL'S ISLAND. A PLANTATION or SOHO acres, about Sixteen miles from the city, most admirably a <apted to stock-raising or sea H and cotton. For lurther particulars, apply as above, at Ho. 33 Broad street. " .Janal-*! By K. M. MARSHALL & BRO. Real Eiist? Brokers, No. 33 Broad street. T PRIVATE SAL", 13 BUILDING i.A. LOTS west of Summerville; 2 LOW at Rikeravllie, on Mecnanlc ?>. d Division acres of LAND in Holleton County, formerir owned by W. A. Owens, deceased ft _ Plats to be seen at our cfljee. No. 33 Broad street. Residences and City Lota, Farms, *c, for sale._feb61-gtna SnsintM Caro?. SAM'L W. MELTON, 1). E. CHAMBERLAIN, Attorney-General. F.x-Attorney General. jy?ELTON Sc CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, COLUMBIA, S. C., wm practice In au the Courts of this state, and in the United States Courts for the District or south carolina. _ ? Otncei at colombia. S. C.. to the Statehouse, and lo the Carolina National Bank Building, (up? stairs.) jans-lyr _ xrr A. KENYON, PRODUCE CONCUSSION MERCHANT AND FOR? WARDING AGENT. NO. 42 MARXKT STBKIT, In Pipe and Barrel Staves. Shingles, Spnlm, Wood. ?oag? ?tee, WM, corn Pinda peaches. Potato s. Onions. Uides, Furs, Bceiwax, Tallow, Hogs, Fowls, ^gs. Game. send for quotation or market pnces. febl6-Btuf>*