The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, January 17, 1873, Image 3

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A Mystery. The river Hemmed with leaning trees Wound through ?ti meadows green; . Alow, blue Une or mountains thowed T?e open pines between. One sharp, tall peak above them all Clear Into sunlight sprang ; I saw the river ol my dreams. The mountains that l sang l No clew or memory le l me on, Bot well the ways I knew; A feeling or familiar things With every footstep grew. Not otherwise above tts crag Could lean the blasted pine; Not otherwise the maple hold ?lort Ita red ensign. So up the long and shorn root-hills The mountain road should creep; So, greeo an > low, the meadow fold lu red-haired kine asleep. The river wound as lt should wind; Their place the mountains took, The white, torn fringes or their clouds Wore no unwonted look. Yet ne'er before that river'* rim Was pressed by reet or mine, Never before mine eyes had crossed That broken mountain line. A presence, strange at once and known, Walked with me as my guide; The skirts ot some forgotten Ufo Trailed no seles s at my side. Waa lt a dim remembered dream r Or glimpse ih'ough sons old ? The secret which the mountains kept, TheriVtr never told. But from the vision ere lt passed A tender hope I drew. And, pleasant as a dawn of Spring, The thought within me grew, That love won li temper every change, And soften all surprise. And, misty with the dreams or earth, The hiUs or Heaven arise. THE CHARLESTON NEWS FOR 1S73. The general favor with which THE CHARLESTON NEWS is regarded by the read? ing public of South Carolina and the adja? cent States, has given it an unrivalled circu? lation throughout this section of the coun? try. We are resolved that nothing shall be left undone in the future to keep it np to the highest standard of modern journalism ; and in order to place our varions editions within the reach of every Southern household, we will famish the paper to clubs on very libe? ral terms. The friends of THE NEWS every? where are invited to assist ns in extending 'ts circulation. The following are onr CASH RATES TO CLUBS, FOR 1873: THE DAILY NEWS. One copy, one year.$8 00 Five or more coplea, one year, each.7 00 THE TBI-WEBKLY NEWS. One copy, one year.$ 4 oo Five copies, at 13 50 each. 17 50 Ten copies, at $3 each. 30 00 THE WEEKLY NEWS. Bingle copy, one year.$ 2 00 Five copies. 7 00 Tea copies.12 00 Twenty copies. 20 00 And larger clubs at the last named rate. THE WEEKLY NEWS will contain all the leading editorials of the DAILY; a care? ful and complete summary of the Foreign , .and Domestic news; latest news by Tele- i graph from all parts of the world; full and ; reliable Stock, Financial and General Mar- i ketReporta; a synopsis of the proceedings 1 of Congress and State Legislatures, when in session ; proceedings of Scientific, Agri? cultural, Religions and Literary Societies; all important Legal Decisions of State and Federal Courts ; reviews of the most inter? esting and important New Books; and, indeed, everything of interest to the Family Circle, the Merchant, Farmer, Professional Man, Mechanic and Laborer. AFFAIRS TN AIKEN. Thrifty and Steadily Improving Town. [FROM orra OWN OORBSSPO? WENT ] AIKEN, S. C., January 13. As formerly Aiken was a favorite resort of Charlestonians, a resume of what ls going on here may be of Interest to your readers. January was the lime appointed for the first court of the new county, but as the jury commissioners ot the fonr counties from which parts were taken to form Aiken County have neglected to lurnlsh jury lists, there is some doubt as to the legality of holding a court When the jurors are not drawn in ac? cordance with the requirements of the act. The docket is a large one, and includes a number of criminal cases that should have immediate attention. No Bteps further than the drawing of plans has yet been taken to provide a Jail for the* new county. Most of the commissioners ap? pointed to provide the public buildings being politicians, and as without a special act no tax can be levied to pay the expenses, 'there has not been a quorum present at any called meet? ing for several months. The tax levied last year was absorbed ia the purchase of a dwell? ing-house, with a view of converting lt Into the courthouse, but as lt Is ill-adapted lor that purpose there ls now a disposition to sell in? stead of using it. The rumors afloat a? to the influences which induced the purchase of this house accord with those so common at Co? lumbia, and as a majority of the commission? ers are members of the Legislature, It is more than probable they are based on lads. The town hall has-been flited up for the temporary accommodation ol the court, and ii Is antici? pated that large numbers of persons will be In attendance. Although the progress of Aiken is not as rapid as the more sanguine would wish, yet each year there ls a marked Improvement. The intendant of the town, Mr. John McKay, lsJndeiatlgable in bis efforts to Improve the streets and sidewalks to the extent the means at bis disposal will admit of. Among the new houses now in course ot construction, the rec? tory for Episcopalians will be quite an Impor? tant one. A public hall, forty-eight by seven? ty-five feet, bas been commenced, and ls being pushed forward so as to be used this spring. The citizens ol Edgefleld are moving in the matter ot the Aiken and Ninety-Six Railroad, but at this end of the line but little or no Interest is manifested. It Is to be re? gretted there is so little spirit exhibited, for unquestionably this road would develop and open up a section which is cow far removed from railroad communication. We suppose lt ls attributable to the want of confidence, for the crops of this section have been far belter than an average, and the county ls in a healthier condition than lt bas been lor years. Owing to the political aspect of affairs In this State, comparatively little property has changed hands during the past year. Various rejects for the advancement ot the place are elDg discussed, but whether they will be car? ried out or not remains to be seen. The As? sociation for the Promotion of Amusements has arranged a programme which if carried ont will do much to dissipate the monotony ot hie incident to all small towns. On the list lor March is a tournament. It ls hoped that knights from various sections of the State will be among the contestants tor the prizes. -In his views upon the Sandwich Islands, Mark Twain says: "Having explained who the 3000 whites are, and what sort ol people the f 0,000 natives'are, I will now shovel In some Information as to bow this toy realm, with its toy poDulatlon, ls governed. By a constable and six policemen ? By a justice of the peace ?nd a jury ? By a mayor and a-bOard of alder? men ? Ob, DO. But by a king-and a parlia? ment-and a ministry-and a privy connell and a standing army (200 soldiers)-and e navy (steam ferryboat and a raft)-and a grand bench ol supreme justices-and a lord high sheriff on each island. This ls the way lt ifMone. It la like propelling a sardine dish with th? Great Eastern's machinery." 1 J ?ava. OHN CHADWICK, CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA, HEED & KEIM, LONDON, ENGLAND, LAND BROKERS AND NEGOTIATORS. TO LAND OWNERS AND OTHERS. We having established a Bnrean In London, for the negotiation and sale of Cotton and Klee Plan? tations, large Tracts or Timber Land and other Estates, Mines, Water Powers and Charters for valuable franchises, invite the attention of all In? terested to our great facilities lor bringing such property to the notice ol capitalists, farmers and manufacturers in Kngland, Ireland and Scotland, and the Continent of Europe. For circulars, giving fnll particulars, address, enclosing postage stamp, JOHN CHADWICK A GO., dec24 Charleston. S. 0. T Jv ero G ?ap cr 3. HE MA^I^?PsTAR Is the only newspaper published at Marlon Courthouse. Merchants and dealers In fertiliz? ers 6honld remember this at the beginning of the season If they desire to extend their business la the Peedee section, one of the best agricultural districts In the State. Address jaD14-12 W. J. McKERALL. Drugs and Mtbmnts. JJRTBAER^^ CATHARTIC PILLS. The proprietor of these PILLS confidently be? lieves that he has succeeded, by a skilful combi? nation of vegetable f "dies, In producing a pre? paration that wlU bring health and happiness to the unfortunate sufferer. In the following dis? eases they have been used by thousands with most wonderful success: Billons Disorders and Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Head? ache, Costiveness, Loss of Appetite, Neuralgia, Dropsy, Dysentery, Piles, Diseases of the Skin, Pain In the Side, Back and Limbs, Sick Headache, and all derangements of the Stomach. These Pills may be taken with perrect sarety by persons of any age or Bex. No family should be without them. Price 25 cents a box; 6 boxes for one dollar. The usual discount to the trade. For sale by DR. H. BAER, No. 181 Meeting street. T>1TY THE TENDER BABE ! Give lt not the deadly compound known as Soothing Syrus. A certain popular article of this name has launched thousands of helpless Inno? cents into an early grave. This bas been proven repeatedly, and beyond the Bhadow or a doubt, for which reason Ula condemned by the majority of physicians. Seeing ttle necessity for an article or this sort, entirely free from opiates, and other Injurious drugs, Dr. BAER has put up the GERMAN SOOTHING CORDIAL, for the use of infants Teething, and for children suffering from Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Ac This may be given with perlect confidence, and ls ap? proved by every physician who has examined the formula. Price 25 cents per bottle; 6 bottles for $l. Usnal Dlpconnt to the Trade. Manufactured and for sale ty DR. H. BAER, No. 181 Meeting street, Charleston. EXCELSIOR HAIR TONIC. This Preparation ls Just what many persons need. They wish no Dye, but only a Hair Wash, ar Hair Dressing-something that will keep the i Hair clean, and at the same time be a pleasant | Hair Dressing-not too greasy. The "Excelsior" meets all these indications, and should be given a \ ?rial. Fifty cents a bottle; 6 bottles, for $2. A liberal Discount to tho Trade. For sale by the Manufacturer, DR. H. BAER, No. 181 Meeting street. BAER'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER. Equal to any Extract or Essence of Ginger in the country. Only 25 cents a bottle; 5 bottles for $1. Try a bottle. For sale by DR. H. BAER, No. 131 Meeting street. jQR. BAER'S COUGH MIXTURE. Pleasant, harmless, and effective. Try lt. Price 26 cents a bottle. For sale by DR. H. BAER, No. 181 Meeting st reet. JJOMOOPATHIG MEDICINES. A roll Stock or the best and most reliable of these Remedies. Fresh supplies received constantly, by DR. H. BAER, dec7 fly mc* w No. 131 Meeting street. SDrnrjS at Wholesale. TOTE EARNESTLY mVlTE^TRE^AT. TENTION or Physicians, Druggists and the public generally to the ELEGANT AND RELIABLE PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS OF MESSRS. JOHN WYETH A BRO., PRACTICAL CHEMISTS, PHILADELPHIA, PA., which have become so deservedly POPULAR for their INTRINSIC worth, the ELEGANT manner In which they are prepared, and the RELIABILITY of the QUALITY of BACH SPKCUIO article they are said to contain, First among them ls their COD LIVER OIL WITH PHOSPHATE LIME, a most valuable remedy In the large class or was ting dise mes caused by IMPAIRMENT or PERTER BION of NUTRITION, the too rapid TISSUE TRANS? FORMATION and the want of certain substance es? sential to the organism, and lt ls offered with the utmost oonQdence as &n IMPORTANT addition to the resources or medicine against tha diseases which, In this country, are the most numerous, and form id a ti le. say .-CROFULA In child rt a and PULMONARY COMPLAINTS in a J mts. "Each oanoe or the mixture contains ie grains or the Phosphate or Lime.? BEEF, WINE AND IRON. This delightful nutritive tonic has been so uni-1 versally used ana approved, lt ls unnecessary to say more than that lt ls kept up to Us usual Brana-| ard ot excellence. "Each tablespoonful contains l ounce or Beet, hair ounce or Sherry Wine and 2 grains of Citrate or iron." BEEF, WINE, IRON AND CINCHONA. The combination or Calisaya Bark with our pr?? parai ion or Beer, Wine and iron adds the nerve tonic and anti-periodic effect or Cinchona to the nutritions and stimulating properties or the other ingredients. We doubt ir a more efficient combi? nation or tonic, nutritious and stimulating agents j could be prescribed, and ask the attention o. phy? sicians to its use, as a prompt and reliable remedy In the many cases tn which it would naturally be Indicated. Each tablespoonful contains 1 ounce or Beer, 2 grains Citrate or Iron, and hair ounce or Wine or Calisaya Bark. SHERRY WINE AND BEEF. The advantage ol administering Beer with Wine to patients requiring both nutriment and stimu? lant, will re readily appreciated-the sustaining and nutritions effect or the beer orten enabling delicate and sensitive Invalids to take the wine j with benefit, when ordinarily they would be un? able to take lt even In small quantities without occasioning headache, Ac. Each tablespoonful contains one half ounce of Sherry Wine and one ounce of beer. We also call attention to the following as some j among these preparations most In use: Elixir Calisaya Bark, Iron and Strychnine. Elixir Phos? phate iron, Quinine and Strychnine. Elixir Va lerlanate Ammonia. Elixir Pepsin, Bismuth and Strychnine. Bitter Wine of Iron. Elixir Gen Han, Ferrated. Wine or Wild Cherry Bark Ferreted. Syrup Lac? Phos. Lime. Tasteless Cod Liver OIL Wholesale Agents for Marvin'sPure cod Liver OIL BOWIE, MOISE k DAVIS, no vj . t ur Agouti for Sonta Carolina. turpentine Stools, Coopers' to?lo, ^aromare, ?t. T?EPENTM TOOLS. COOPERS' TOOLS A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OP HACKERS. BRASS WIRE CLOTH. DIPPERS. IRON WIRE CLOTH. AXES. TRUSS HOOPS. QLUE. HOOP IRON. FOR SALE BY HART & CO., CORNER KING AND MARKET STREETS, AND 39 HAYNE STREET, CHARLESTON, S, <X dec4-wfm3mosD4c -fertilisers. lACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S (CAPITAL $1,000,000) SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. Thia GUANO la now eowell known In all the Southern States for Its remarkable effects as an agency for Increasing the products of labor, as not to require special recommendation from ns. Its nse for seven years past has established Its character for reliable excellence. The large Axed capital invested by the Company In this trade affords the surest guarantee of the continued ex? cellence of tbls Guano. The supplies pot Into market this season are, as heretofore, prepared under the personal super? intendence of Or. St. Julian Bavenel, Chemist of the Company, at Charleston, S. c.. hence planters may rest assured that its quality and composition ls precisely the same as that heretofore sold. J. N. KOBSON, Selling Agent, Charleston S. C. J NU. S. RH ESE A OO., General Agents, Baltimore. TBRMS- $48 cash; $68 Mme. without interest. To accommodate planters they can order now and have until the ut of April to decide as to whether they will take at time or cash price. When delivered from the Factory by the carload nodrayage will be charged. .flypapers that Inserted my advertisement last y oar win please copy. novso-wfmooawsmos IDoors, dasi)es arie Danos. SASHES, BLINDS, DOORS. WHITE PINE, WALNUT ANO FAJVCY LiTJ3I BER, BUILDERS' SUPPLIES AND HARDWARE. LAR CE ST STOCK. LOWEST PRICES. Sena for Price List. I. H. HALL & CO., EAST BAY AND MARKET STREETS, VICINITY or Naw CUSTOMHOUSE. der.e-mwfiy BMHgHSBggM-MM ll I ll HUI?.I.I DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, tfOOD MOULDINGS. STAIR RAILS, NEWELS, AND ALL KINDS OF FANCY GLASS. LARGE STOCK-LOWEST RATES ORDER WORK SOLICITED. SEND FOR ESTIMATE AND PRICE LISTS. KEOGH ft THORNE, 254 AND 256 CANAL 8TREET dec9-lyr New York City. P. P. TOALE, Manufacturer and Dealer in DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, STORE DOORS, FRENCH AND AMERICAN MOULDINGS, WINDOW GLASS, NEWELS, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, BALUSTERS, SLATE MANTELS. OFPIOE AND SALES ROOMS, No. 30 Havne street, FACT OBY, HOBLBBO K'S WHABF mchs-rmwiy I Boats, ?fjoes, #c. BOOTS ANO SHOES For Ladles, Gents and Children, of the latest styles and patterns, and from the best factories, will ba fonnd at our establishment, corner o King and Wentworth streets. Onr prices are so low that the purchaser may regard the articles as GIVEN AWAY, Because we guarantee oar gooda, and feel as? sured that they will give satisfaction to aU of our customers, and the public In general. AT Oar Emporlam will be found at all time? a large variety of Ladles' and Gentlemen's Traveling Trunks, made of the best materials, such assole Leather, Zinc, Canvas, Ac. LEWIS ELIAS & GO. Keep constantly on hand Sole Leather Valises, Satchels, School Bags, and Ladles' Belt Satchels of all grades and prices. To which ?.we invite the attention of the public, at the MASONIC TEMPLE BOOT AND SHOE EMPORIUM, No. 294 King street, corner of Wentworth. nov28-mwf OJignrs, Sobarco, Ut. WM. SCHRODER, MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, AC, No. 19 HAYNE STREET. Sign of the Emperor William. TRADE SUPPLIED. mchMyrnc?w partos, ?rgans, &t. Furnished at factory prices for Cash, or by Monthly Payments, cn the most liberal terms-.. CHARLES L. MoOLENAHAN, Piano ^nd Music Store? Jaa9 No. 181 King streei. tioUls LINA. Having recently purchased, thoroughly over? hauled and retitled the above Hotel, we respect? fully announce to our friends and the public that we are now ready to receive and entertain guests In first-class style. BAILEY J, PEGG, novw-amce Proprietors. tt%a\ Notices. 4 DMINl STR ATOR'S NOTICE.-A L L xjL persona having demanda against the late JOHN H. TIETJEN are hereby notified to hand In the same, properly attested, to Messrs. SIMONS k SIMONS, Attorneys at Law, No. 77 Broad street, and all persons Indebted to him will please make payment to the undersigned. N. 0. L?DEN, Jana ra? _Administrator. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, CHARLESTON COUNTY.-By GEORGE BUIST, Esq., Probate Judge.-Whereas, JAMES WEGGIN?, of Charleston, Farmer, made suit to I meto grant him Letters or Administration or the Estate aod effects of DA VI LI 0. GIBSON, late i of Charleston County. Tiiese are therefore to,clte and admonish all and ! singular the kindred and creditors or the said DAVID O. GIBSON, deceased, that they oe and appear before me. in the Court or Probate, to be held at charlean on 24th January rest, after publication her. of, at ll o'clock In the fore? noon, to snow canse, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 9th day of January, Anno Domini 1878. GEORGE BUiST, Janlo-12 _Judge or Probate. STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA, WILLIAMSBURG COUNTY,-Wm. 8. Camila, Administrator, vs. Josiah Norton, Jr., Lydia Ann Morris, Kuchel Norton, Alice Norton, Burrill Nor? ton, William Norton, Daniel Norton, Josiah Nor? ton. Sr., i y dla Marlow, Martha Thoma*, Alien Norton, Elizabeth sessions, J u. Dlnklns, Wm. K. Dlnkins, Isaac T. Hodge, Peter Hodge, N. A. Hod.e and Emma Bagget. To the above-named Defendants : You are here? by summoned to answer the petition In this ac? tion which has been this day hied in the office of J the Judge or Probate for the said county, (the ob? ject of tue petition being to settle up the Estates or BURRILL. NORTON and ANNA JANE NOK 7ON, and discbarge the administrator.) and te serve a copy or your answer on the subscriber at his office In Elngstree within twenty days after thc service of this summons, exclusive et the day or service. IT yon fall to answer this petition within the time herein specified the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relier demanded In the petition. SAMDEL W. MAURICE, plaintiff's Attorney, decis-re Elngstree, a. 0. Drp (Eooos, &t. SELLING OFF OUR WINTER STOCK. IVA IV WM No. 37 o King Street, Will offer from this date their JJ entire stock, comprising a very jj large and elegant lice of winter Im? and seasonable DRY GOODS, H> CARPETS, AC, at H H GREATLY REDUCED PRICES GJ- G O GREATLY REDUCED PRICES <> T T GREATLY REDUCED PRICES T T Cloths, Flannels, U Oaaslmeres, Blankets, -gq^ Jeans, Shawls, jgi TweedB, Cloaks, Cloaking, Black Beavers and Blaok Velours, JJ* Colored Silks, Poplins, T> T> M-w Velvet?, Satins, T Velveteens and Black Alpacas. J C/ All ninds or T DESIRABLE COLORED T m DRESS GOODS ? AND FULL LINES OF c c O MOURNING QOOD8, O PRINTS, RIBBONS, BROWN and HANDKERCHIEFS, BLEACHED HOSIERY and SHIRTINGS, MILLINERY GOODS, I SHEETINGS, TICKING LINT. N. STRIPES, DAMASKS, Ac. [ NAPKINS, TOWELS, T0WELING8, CRASH, Ac. Our Wholesale Department ls complete, and purchasers will do well to give ns a call. Samples neut and given when applied tor. An early call ls solicited. l5' No. 275 King Street. Drnys ai: COIjolesaLe. SSBSP I IM\MS*L FX HI emory or FIRST-CLASS MEDAL ALF. LABALBAQUE AND Co QUINIUM LABARRAQUE Approved by the Imperial Academy of Medicine Tlie Quinlans Labarraqae is an eminently tonic and febrifuge Wine, destined to replace all the otiier preparations of Peruvian Bark. The Bark Wines usually employed inrne dicine are prepared from Barks which vary considerably in the degree to which they possess tlie desired properties. Besides, owing to the manner in which they are pre? pared, these Wines contain scarcely more than tlie traces of active principles, and these always in variable proportions. Thc Qaininm Labarraqae, approved by the Academy of Medicine, constitutes, on the contrary, a m?decine of determined compo? sition, rich in active principles, and on wich Physicians and Patients can always rely. The Quininm labarraqae is prescribed with great success for persons of weak con titution, or for those debilitated by various exhausting causes or past sickness; for youths fatigued by too rapid growth; for young girls whose development takes place with difficulty ; for women in childbirth ; and for aged persons enfeebled by years or illness. lt is thc best preservative against Fevers. In cases of Chlorosis, Anemia, orGreensik ncss, this Wine is a powerful auxiliary of thc ferruginous pr?parai ?ons. In conjunction, for example, with VALLIE'S PILLS, the rapidi? ty of its action is really marvellous. Depot in hm, L. FRERE, 10, rue Jicob. Agents la Charleston: DOWIE, MOISE k DAVIS, Wholesale Druggists; J F _Stripping. OE LIVERPOOL The British Bark ONWARD, classed Al, American Lloyd's, Ballard, Master, hav-i_ lng a large portlou of her cargo on beard, viii load with dispatch. For balance of room apply 1 to HENRY OA RD, No. 4 Exchange Building, J ann Atlantic Wharf. JjlOB LIVERPOOL. The American Al Bark SAPPHO, 700 jfct tons, J. P. Wilour, Master, will receive SB il qalofc dispatch. For Freight Engagements apply to WM. 0. BEE A CO , Janll_Adgei'e Wharf. ?pOB LIVERPOOL. The Flrst-ClasB British Bark EMILY LOW-^A* THEK, Wm. Cain?Master, baviog a largeflBl ponton of her cargo engaged and going on boara will have dispatch for above port. For Freight Engagements apply to WATSON A HILL, Janll_Adger's North Wharf. Jp OB NEW YO BK. ON THURSDAY, 23D JANUARY, AT 2 O'CLOCK P. M. NEW IRON STEAM LINE-ESTABLISHED 1870. STATE ROOMS ALL ON DECK. The Splendid New Iron Stdewheel Steamship GEORGIA, crowell, Commander, will sall for New York on THURSDAY. 28d January, at 2 o'clock P. M., from Pier No. 2, Union Wharves. Through Bills of Lading to Liverpool and the New England cities as usual. j?' insurance by steamers of this line % per cent. For Freight-or Passage engagements, having very fine Deck stateroom accommodations, ap? ply to WAGNER, BUGER A CO., No. 26 Broad street, or to WM. A. COURTENAY, corner East Bav and Vendue Range, (up-stalrs.) jaal7 fmw8thi_ 1HE PHILADELPHIA IRON STEAM LINE. THE FIRST-CLASS IRON SCREW STEAMSHIPS ASHLAND, Captain limiter, VIRGINIA, Captain Hinckley, Are now regularly on the Une, insuring a first class sea connection between Philadelphia and charleston, and In alliance with RaUroad Compa? nies at both termini, afford rapid transportation to and from all points In the Cotton States, and to and from Cincinnati, st. Louis, Chicago and the principal cities of the Northwest, Boston, Provi? dence and the Eastern Manufacturing Centres. Or The ASHLAND ls appointed to sail from Brown's Wharf on SATURDAY E VIM NO, 18th, January, at 8 o'clock P. M. 4W The-will follow nezt week. For particulars of Freight arrangements, apply to WM. A. COURTENAY, Corner East Bay and Vendue Hange, np stairs. w. p. CLYDE A CO., General Agents, No. la South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. Jani8-mwf3sl_ QHANGE OF SAILING DAYS, 1NORBASED SERVICE. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COUPANTS THROUGH LINE TO CALIFORNIA CHINA AND JAPAN. FARES GREATLY REDUCED. Steamers of the above line leave Pier faa No. 42, North River, root of Canal street,XSJ*sK New York, at 12 o'clock noon, of the lom. 33 and 80th of every month, except when these dates 'allon Sunday, then the Saturday preceding. All departures connect at Panama with Steam era for south Pacido and Oeatral American porto. For Japan and China, Steamers leave San Fran? cisco Orb : of every month, except when lt falls on Sunday-then on the day preceding. No California Steamers touch at Havana, but go direct from New York to AsplnwalL Une handred pouads baggage free to each adult Medicine and attendance free. For Passage Tickets or other Information, apply at the COMPANY?? TICKET OFFICE, on the Wharf foot of Canal street, North River, New York. F. R. BABY, Agent. anglMyr_ J! O R GARDNER'S BLUFF, AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS ON THE PEE? DEE RIVER, VIA GEORGETOWN, S. O. The Steamer PLANTER. Captain _ . J. T. Foster, will receive Freight at Jj^j+jk-ad2 Accommodation Wharf FRIDAY, the 17 tn* lu* ian i, and leave with dispatch. Freight must be prepaid. Freight wm be transferred to steamer SWAN on the river. For Freight or Passage apply to RAVENEL, MULMES A 00. Janie_No. 80 East Bay TO O B FLORIDA, VIA SAVANNAH. [The Splendid side-wheel Steamers, - .?a-1 DICTATOR, CaptainL. " Coxctter riTlMff and CITY PU1NT, Captain Fitzgerald, wm leave Charleston every TUSSDAT, THUBSDAY and SUN? DAY EVBNIKO, at 8 o'clock precisely, for Savan? nah, Fernandina, Jacksonvll.e, Magnolia, Green Cove Springs, st. Augustine, Paiatka and all Landings on St, John's hiver. Connecting at Paiatka with steamers for the Oclawaha River and with the steamer STARLIGHT for Enter prise, Mellon ville, and all points on the Upper st. John's and Indian Rivers. Connect at Fernandina with Florida Railroad for all points in the interior, and with Railroad for New Orleans and Havana, via cedar Keys. AU Way Freight must be prepaid. For Freight or Passage, appiy to RAVEN EL A cu., Agents, Corner Vanderhorst's Wharf and East Bay. decs_ jftstmm (LLaroi. SAM'L W. MELTON, D. H. CHAMBERLAIN, Attorney-General. Ex-Attorney General. jyjELTON & CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, COLUMBIA, S. C., Will practice in all the courts of this State, and lu the Uiilred States Couria for the District Of south carolina. omce-i at Columbia, S. C., in the Statehouse, and in the Carolina National Bank Building, (up? stairs.) Jau2-lyr J) A. J. SULLIVAN, " BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR, No. 113 MEETING STREET, ' NEARLY OPPOSITE CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO [ Desires to Inform his friends and the pnblic that he ls prepared to carry on the GENERAL BUILDING BUSINESS. Repairs of all binds at? tended to, Designs and estimates furnished upon j application. sepo jyj-OSES GOLDSMITH i. SON, COLONNADE ROW. VENDUE R|A N 0 E. Highest Cash Price paid for WOOL, WAX Hides. Skins, Paper Stock, iron, and all km? or Metals. Dealers in OOTTON, Naval Sto^and^teh Pig Iron. . ?r^~lrrLER'S VEGETABLE RHEU 11"' M ATI 0 SYRUP. warranted under oath never to have failed to care. 28,600 Certificates or testimonials of cure, including Rev. 0. H. Ewing, Media, Pennsylvania; Rev. Joseph Beggs, Falls of Schuylkill, Phlladel Sbia: the wife of Rev. J. B. DavlB, HJKbMCnwn, ew Jersey; Rev. Thomas Murphy, Frankford, Philadelphia; Doctor Jennings and Doctor Walton, PhUadelphta; Hon. J V. Oreelev, member Con? gress from Philadelphia; Hon. Judge Lee, Ot\m Sen, New Jersey; ex-Seuator Stewart, Baltlmere: ex-Governor Powell, Kentucky, and thousands of others. T^,\ffii??ffi?**\V^ uiyi-lyr Charleston, 8.0, WM. McX?? TX7ILL SELL TH?S DAT, AT HIS T T Store, No. 45 Wentworth 'it io O'clock, a Large &f?K%S! Furniture, ?arpeta, Rn,T Lot Vrnniiintnd Clothing. Cutlery and a iftalM te5ffi?5SS estate! f WaiClie8' ?Wip ?nnifm Solei- -^um? ata*-?. * By ALONZO J. WHITE & SOU, Auctioneers. RESALE BY ORDER OF THE COURT at the risk of former purchaser, who has failed to comply. Under Judgment or Conrc or Common fleas-The Homestead Loan and Band? ing Association vs- Olney et UL under Judgment of Hon. K. F. GK ham, Jodee of i be First circuit, in the above case, will be sold near the ros to a ce, Charleston, on THURS? DAY, 6th day of February, 1373, at 110 cl -ck A.M.. All that LOT, PIECE or PARCEL OF LAND,, with the Improvements thereon, situate on the eaat aide of Coxing street, lo the opper wards,city or charleston, which said lot ls made up of throe (3) lots, purchasedby Abraham Wilson at different times as follows, to wit : one on north and west? ern part on nth November, 1835 from J. Fraser; another on the eas1 ern part on the 20th January 1836. from J. Fraser, and the third on the south? ern and western part, from G. 0. Elliott. Muter In Equity, on 30th January. 1836, and which was purchased by G. W. Olney from the said Abraham wilson on 2d June, issi, which three fl) lott united Into one have the following boundaries an t dimensions, to wit : on the north 207 feet on land late of estate of-Corrie, now of said G. W. Olney; on the east 02 feet, on lot of F. Blum; south 207 feet, on lott or W. B. Taber, Thomas Gates and G. W. Olney, next to Bad oliffe street, and on the west 07 feet, on Coming street, all of whtch lots constituted a part of what is known as the Morris Lands. Terms-One-third cash; balance In seven (8) equal successive annual Instalments, with interest thereon at tha rate or seven (7) per cent, per an? num, payable annually, secured by bond or bonds ot the purchaser and mortgage of premises; buildings to be insured and poiioy of Insurance assigned. Purchaser to pay ror paper*, j ann 24, rebe_w. J. PAYEE, Referee. By LOUIS D. Dt SAUSSURE. DESIRABLE STORE No. 74 EAST BAT, On TUESDAY, the 21 st January, at 11 o'clock A. M., will be soldi, ?ear the Postofllce,. All that LOT OF LAND, with the Brick store thereon, known by the No. 74. situate, lying snd being on the east Bide or Eist Bay street, (a iew doors north of the Postofllce) in the City of Charleston. In the State aforesaid, recently oocu ple 1 by Mesera Street Bros, measuring and con taliuog in front twenty nine (29) teet sLx (6) in ones, and in depth one hundred and nlaetesn (119) feet, more or less; butting aad bounding to the north on Lands now or late of E. IL Locke, to the sonto, on Lands of Estate of - Condy, to the east on Lands late of-Rhett and-- Robson, and to the west on East Bay street aforesaid. \ Conditions-one third cash; balance by bond, payable tn one and two yean from day cf sale, with interest payable semi-annually, to be se? cured by a mortgage of the property; banding to be kept Insured and policy assigned. Purchaser to pay for papers. j?.n7,io,ia,i5.i7,io,3i 2Urt!ortefrs' Jirina,* Salt*, 0t. By B. M. H?BSH1LL BBO. CHOICE RESIDENCE OPPOSITE ST. Pad's OburCh, Radollffeboro.' At priVbte sale, that Dellgh ful RESIDENCE, No. 119 Coming street, cont arning 8 square rooms and 2 attics, dressing room and pantry, double Eltchen. Carriage-house, cittern an 1 well on tba premises. Lot measures 08 by 168 rent, more or lesa. Jani5-wftutu4 Snilbing Material. J^ETDT^?DB HO'USBT! The undersigned begs to Inform persons tn the interior that he ls now prepared to snip READY MADE HOUSES or VILLAGE CHURCHES either to order upon plans sent to hun, or will furnish piasa for projected work. Tbs framing, Ac, being principally doue by steam power upon the Northern plan, he bopes to sup ply all demands upon him at prices that win en? courage building. A considerable expense baa been incurred, and extensive ? shops erected to meet this, trade, by inls plan persons can boy a noose cheaply and employ whom they please to pot it up, getting at - manufactory prices hardware, nails, sash, doora,. stairs and all the appliances for a flrst class house. It ls hoped by the projector of thnse mills that the trade now opened will be as advantageous to Oas oners as it is expected to be pron: abie to him. JGHN a DEVBREOX, Janl-wfm Architect and Contractor. Railroad!. NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD COM? PANY. CBABLHBTOW, S. C., Jane 8,1873. Trains will leave charleston Dally at 10.16 A. M and 8.00 P. M. Arrive at Charleston 0.00 A. M. (Mondays ex* copied) and 8 P. M. Train does not leave Charleston 8.00 P. M., SUN? DAYS. Train ieavlngio.16 A. M. makes through connec? tion to New York, Via Richmond and Acqula Oreck only, going through in 44 hours. Passengers leaving by U.00 P. M. Train have choice ot route, via Richmond and Washington, or via Portsmouth and Baltimore. Those leaving FRIDAY by thia Tia in lay ever on SuiroAT In Bal timor?. Those leaving on SATITHDAT remain Sex. DAT m Wilmington, N. 0. Thu ls the cheapest, quickest and most pleas* inc route to Cincinnati, Chicago and other point* Weat and No-thwest, both Trains matting con? nections at Washington with Western Trains of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. 8. S. SOLOMONS, Engineer ana superintendent. P. L. CLEAPOR. Gen. Ticket Agent. mayg SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD. CHARLESTON, Juno 13, 1872. On and after MONDAY, Jone 17th, toe Pas* aenger Trains on this Bond will mn au follows: EXPRESS TRAIS, ceavo Charleston dally-a.30 p. rn. Arrive at savannah dally.......9.46 KM. Leave Savannah dally,.-.-1L80 p. M. Arrive at Charlearon daily.... 7 A.M. DAY TRAIN. Leave Charleston, Sundays excepted.. 7.40 A. M. Arrive at savannah, Sundays excepted. 8.80 T. H. ueavo Savannah, Sundays excepted... U A. a* Arrive at Charleston, Sundays exe'ted. cw P.M.. Passengers from Charleston by 7.40 A. M. train mar.e close connection with Port Royal itallroad for aU Stations on that Road, (Sundays excepted,) Freight forwarded daily on through billa of lad? ing to pointa in Florida and by Savannah line of steamships to Booton. Prompt dispatch given to freights for Beaufort and points on POW Boy? Railroad and at as low rates as by any other une, Ticket* on sale at this omeo for BsauJort over Port Boval Railroad. C. a. OAiraimH. Tr * Engineer and Supermtendear s. 0. BOYlaSTOJi, uen'l Ft. and Ticket Agent. Iunl4_,. OOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. " OHABLSBYON, s. 0., December lt, 18T1 mi ?>,-'*. alter SDWDAT, December 16, tJse Pas? selSer? ^ *E 0**"TiaaUrwd run as follows:. . . . ron ool ^lt?lL Leave Onarieston.'...~-? 0.30 A it Arrive at colombia...................... 6.30 r M iron AUGUSTA. Leave Onarieston.-9.30 A M Arrive at Augusta.6.20 r st FOB OABLB8TOK. Leave columbia.*.-. 9.00 A X Arrive at Charleston.4.4* r x Leave Augusta.M* A r. Arrive at charleston.....4.? ' x COLUMBIA NIGHT xxraxss. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Onarieston.?**. 2*2? F u Arrive at Columbia.-. ?.80 A U Leavo columbia.?~. 7.30 ' 5 Arrive at Charleston.? 46 A ST AUSTJ8TA NIGHT KXP2K85. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston... 8.30 ? a Arrive at Augusta.-.~- Wli? Leave Augusta.--.?.-0.16 p x Arrive at Charleston.6.50 A K 8D10ISBV3LLI TBAIIT. Leave summerville at.."..... T.S6 A X Arrive at onarieston .._.-~~.. 8.40 A K Leavo Charleston........ 8.85 r x Arrive at Summerville.-4.60 r x CAJtDXN TBATN. Leave Pamden..-. 7.2c A x Arrive at columbia....1L6? A X Leave oolnmbla.-.2.10 r x Arrive at Camden. ?.64 rx Day and Night Trains connect at Augusta wita Macon and Augusta Railroad, central Railroad and Georgia Railroad. This ls the quickest and moat direct route and as comfortable and oheapa* any other roate to Louisville Cincinnati OW?ago, St. Louis and aU other poma West and Ntattwe^ columbia Night Train connects wlW Greravuie ind ?o^irThta Railroad: ?ndDayandNlgWTrams connect with Charlotte Boad. Through tiokets on sale via this route io til ^amdN?ain connects at KHigvpe d^y(ex; ceSr8n?avif*itb ?gf*??MD?? Train, and B. B, P10KSNB, . *. ***