BANK ELECTIONS. Directors First National Bank. The following gentlemen, were yesterday elected directors of th? First National Bank : Andrew SI monds. George W. Williame, E. W. Maxahall, F. J. Pelzer, D. Jennings, Joseph L. Tobias, W. L. Trenbolm. Upon the organiza? tion of the board, alter the election. Mr. An? drew Simonds was unanimously re-elected president ol the bank. The People's National Bank. At a meeting of the stockholders of this bank, held yesterday, the following directors were unanimously re elected: C. 0. Witte, Jas. S. Gibbes, Jno. S. Biggs, Wm. Aiken, W. E. Byan, C. H. West, Jr., A Lengnlck, Geo. W. Witte, Edwin Bates, Richard Lathers, B. Bollmann. At a meeting of the directors, held yester? day, 0. 0. Witte, Esq., was unanimously re? elected president. CHARLES TON LIBRARY 80CIBTT. .At a regular quarterly meeting of the Charleston Library Society, held yesterday, the following gentlemen were elected mem? bers: Revs. James Boyd, Oliver F. Gregerie, J. O. Schachte, and Messrs. Hugh Wilson and John H. Boper. The library contains a very S-ge collection of choice and rare books, and -the annual dues are only six dollars, pay? able quarterly, lt ollera to all who are fond of reading the cheapest method o? access to all the best literature ol tba past and present. REAL BSTATX TRANSFERS. Conveyances of charleston Property | \Reeorded During the Past Week. The following transfers of real estate In harleston County have been recorded at the esne Conveyance office during the past week: November 4, 1872. Lot, e. s. Anson street, sheriff Charleston County to Geo. Addison.$ 180 | March, 1870. Lot, St Stephen's Parish, Francis Davis to Rob-ri Sparr. ' 50 j January 3, 1873. Lot, Blkersville, John Williamson to South Carolina Phos? phate Company. 2000 j December 14, 1873. S. w. end ol Ashley place, trustee?, Robert and Eliza Leb oy, to Margaret A. Graeser. 800 j January 10, 1872. Lot, Mt. Pleasant, Elisa Morrison to intendant and war? dens town Mt. Pleasant. 1001 October 10,1872. Lot, Mt. Pleasant, Han? nah Harris, exeoutrlx, to town Mt. Pleasant.. 125 January 7, 1873. Lot, a. s. Hayne street, Bank of Charleston to Andrew 8. Brown..".. 760 Becember 27.1872. Lot, s. s. West street, "c. W. Soignons to John Anornm- 460 November 12, 1872. Lot. Summerville, \ Jos. C. Cammer to F. W. L-ese man.. 460 j March 9. 1868. Lot, Summerville, Jos. Nettles to Jos. C. Cammer. 700 ^December 31,1872. Lot, Alexander street, executors, Wm. Mazy ck, to M. and C. M. Randolph and Jos. Singleton.... SOO j January 1, 1873. Lot, America street, Robert W. Disher to Sarah A. Yeadon. 30001 March 1, 1872. Lot, w. a. Bast Bay street. Moses D. Hyams to Hannan G. A ack? er.,. 3825 December 26, 1872. Lot. a. s. Cannon street, H. H. Knee to Mary Deas. 825 December 19,1872. "Whooping Island," L. D. DeSaussure to A. M as tom. 500 January 7. 1873. Tract ef land, part of "Yoogli Hall," Daniel B Wheelock, administrator, to Benjamin Gaillard, Jas. Seabrook, Cain Bryant, Thomas Seabrook, Thomas Brown, 8. Grad dick, C. Dingle, G. Frederick. S. Rich? ardson, Toney Flagg. N. Glover, Wm. Cohen, 8. Caper, Nathaniel Palmer, Samuel Edwards, E. Glenn. Paui Sea? brook, and Lewis Howard, In various sums ranging from.$50 to 150 | January 20. 1872. Lot s. e. Be au lam street, Peter Goutvenler to Wm. H. Welch. 9601 November 8, 1872. Two lote, village Lln colnvllle, R H. Cain to Martha Goff. 36 OUR BOUTS ATLANTIC NEIGHBORS. Georgi a. -Jefferson plays Rip Tan Winkle In Savan? nah to-nlgnt -An attempt waa made o ry he nth Inst to horn the Atlanta Jail, but was frustrated In . time. -One of the churches In Savannah publish? es the* Dames ot tbe singers In the choir, and the musical programme to be carrldout. -A laborer named Patrick Walsh was mur? dered at Yamacraw on Sunday last, by some j person or persons unknown. -Col. W. L. Goldsmith, who has been elect ed cqmpt ro ller-ge n sral of the State of Georgia, ls a native of Charleston, but removed to j Georgia when a boy. -Ex-Governor Johnson and General Ben- ] sing hare withdrawn from the senatorial contest. Senator Gordon and afr. Stephens are now the prominent candidates. -A liberal contribution was taken up on Sunday night last, In St John's Church. Sa? vannah, after tbe address of Bishop Quin tard and General Kershaw. In the interests of tbe University of the South. -Miss Anna DeLyon, an aged and esteemed Jewess ol Savannah, died on Saturday last and was burled on the following day. Rey. Mr. Rosenfelt performing the lunera! services according to tbe Jewish ritual. Miss DeLyon was in her 74th year, was tte daughter of the late Abraham DeLyon, of Savannah, and a granddaughter of Levi -Bneftall, paymaster lo the United States army during President Mon? roe's administration. -' BUSINESS NOTICES. Nsw RATE.-On and after January 1, 1873, the ra .e for Business Notices In THE NEWS | S Viii be Jh?rtj Cents a line, each insertion. "A SLIGHT COLD," COVOHS.-Few are aware of the Importance of checking a cough or j " .'slight cold" which would yield to a mild ^remedy; if neglected often attacks e lungs. "Brown's Bronchial Troches'* give sure and almost Immediate relief. Dowra, MOUE A J DAT?, Agents._ _Janl5-wfm3 TEN PIECES more ol that choice Black Al- j pact, worth 66 cents, will be sold at 60 cents per yard, at MELCHRBS & MULLER, at their new store under the Masonic Temple, 292 King street _^ Janl3-3 SHAWLS.-A choice lot at reduced rates, at MELCHEBS & MOLLER, Masonic Temple, 292 King street Janl3-3 y ?J WE INVITE attention to J. R. READ & Co.'s advertisement of HARRIS'S "SEAMLESS" KIO GLOVES, which are universally acknowledged to be the best Imported. J. R. READ A CO. have again received a full line In all sizes. Jan9 _ NEW YEAR SONGS.-Havo yon heard the wonderful Mechanical Singing Bird? If not, go to Allan's, 307 King street HARRIS'S "SEAMLESS" KID GLOVES, in opera colors, dark, medium Shades and Black, all sizes, from 6? to 8, with ene, two and three buttons, now opened by J. B. BEAD & Co., BOLE AGENTS ron CHARLESTON. Jan9 t Kn> GLOVES at fl, $i 25 and $1 60 per pair in assorted colors-light and dark, black, Ac. Also, the "Victoria" White Kid Glove, very superior, at $1 50, to whlob special attention is directed, by J. R. READ A Co. Jan9 Hov BED SASH 1 HOT BED SASH !-TWO thou? sand Hot Bed Sash Just completed, and now ready for delivery; price low. Call and ex? amine same at P. P. Tedie's, Noa. 20 Hayne, and SS Plnckey streets, or on Horlbeck'a Wharf. dec30 GIFTS FOB THE HOLIDATS.-For Silverware, Une Watches, cold Opera and Vece Chains, go to Allan's, 307 King street KID GLOVES l KID GLOVES I KID GLOVES ! J. B. BEAD A Co. have again opened s tull Hoe of HAXBIS'S superior "Victoria" Kid Gloves, two buttons, at 51 76, In street colors, operas ,jwd bl?k. Jan9 BUSLSESS NOTICES. NOTICE.-Meisrs. Lowndes * Grlmball will continue the sale of the Blake property thia day, at ll o'oloofc, at the north of the Post office. Among the lots to be offered are seve? ral eligible building Iota on Meeting and King atreeta. Small plats may be obtained at their office, No. 27 Broad street. BARGAINS DJ DRESS Goons.-Stol!, Webb ? Co., No. 287 King street, in order to reduce their very ext' naive stock ol DrecB Goods, will I offer the same at and under coat for the next I thirty daya. JanlS-wlmwlS TEN THOUSAND Hot Bed Sash for aale at lower prices than any other house, at I. H. Hall ? Co's., Eaat Bay and Market streets. Janl6-wf2 _ FOB SANTKS RIVER.-The attention of ship persia called to the advertisement of the steamer '-Louisa," to be found In another column. Thia fine new steamer 1B now load? ing for all landings on the Bantee Biver as high as Buckingham's Point. She has been f specially built tor thia route, and ls a first class steamer In every respect. She will leave this evening, 16th Inst. Janis COUNSEL FOR AILTNO.-Nothing la cheaper to tboae who give it than good advice; noth? ing 1B more valuable to tboae who receive lt la the right spirit and promptly aot upon lt. Wei!, then, we advise the feeble, the ailing, the despondent to become strong and hearty and cheerful. "Ah !" reply all these unfortunates In a breath, "lt needa no wlaeaore to teach na that auoh a ohange ls desirable, but how la lt to be effected ?" Tour patlenoe, sick and sorrowful friends, and we will inform you. Learn then that there ls such sanitary value In the famous vegetable restorative known as Hostetter'a Bitters, that no phase of muscular or nervous debility, no species of bilious disorder, no va? riety or that torment called dyspepsia, no case o? chills and fever, no form of hypochondria, that may not be cored by tbe persevering use of thia harmless but Irresistible 1 n vigoran t, al? terative and corrective. JanlS-wfmSnao GOLD AND SILVER-HEADED CANES, In great variety. Juat the thing for holiday gilts, at Allan's, No. 307 King street. dijon) Cases, SHOWCASES. ALL STYLES! ALL SIZES! ALL PRICES WALNUT GASES! MAHOGANY OASES! SILVER-PLATED GASES IHOWCA8E3 FOB CONFECTIONERS I BIO WC ASES FOR DRY GOODS MERCHANTS I 1HOWCASES FOR MILLINERS l HOWCASES FOR DRUGGISTS 1 ?. HOWCASES FOR CIGAR DEALERS ! HOWCASES FOR EVERYBODY ! CALL ANO EXAMINE FOR YOURSELF. These SHOWOASES are for sole at New York lanufactnret ? ' Prices, by DR. H. BAER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, io. 131 MEETING STREET, decl8-W CHARLESTON. P. P. TOALE. Manufacturer and Dsalsr in DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, TORE DOOKS, FRENCH AND AM t RICAN HOLDINGS, WINDOW OLA SS, EWFLS, BUILDERS' HABI ?WABE, ?i AL?STERS, SLATE MANTEL: ?. j IFFICE AND 8 A LES RO>OM8, No. 30 Havxie stre et, ACT OBY, H O B L B 10 K'S WHABF uohs-fmwly toitoon'B ?rorertj. SEIVI> YOUR ORDERS TO COPYRIGHT SECURED. 306 KITVO STREET. 306 ^ALL, GOODS DELIVERED FREE. "Urg (?000*. &t. SELLING OFF OUB WINTER STOCK. FtTRCHGOTT, BB1VEDIGT&CO.. No. 375 King Street, -t^ Will offer from tala date their -t4^ .jj entire ?tock, comprising a very ~m^j large and elegant line of winter ana seasonable DRY GOODS. ?2 CARPETS, AC, at ?2 n H QBEATLT BEDUCED PBICES <3- G O GREATLY BEDUCED PRICES O X T GREATLY BEDUCED PRICES T X Clothe, Flannels, ?3 Oasaimerea, Blankets, Jb? Jeana, Shawls, jgm Tweeds, doaks, Cloaking, Black Beavers jgj and Black Velours, -j?* Colored silks, Poplins, Velvets, Satins, j Velveteens and Black Alpacas. ~JT_ O AU kinds of JL DESIRABLE COLORED DRESS GOODS A Sc ?ac AND FOLL LIM33 OF D O ?> MOURNING GOODS, O PRINTS, RIBBONS, BROWN and HANDKERCHIEFS, BLEACHED BOSIEBY and SHIRTINGS, MILLINERY GOODS, HEETLNGS, TICKING Li NEN, BTBTPES, DAMAREB, AO. ?APKINB, TOWELS, TOWELINGS, CBA8H, ic. Our Wholesale Department is complete, and orohasera will do well to gave DB a call. Samples sent and given 'Vhen applied for. An early call ls solicited. No. 375 King Street. i s . ? Cigars, Sooiitro, *t. WM. SCHRODER, MANUFACTURER AND WH0LE8ALE DEALER IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, &C, No. 19 HAYNE STREET. Sign ot the Emperor William. TRADE SUPPLIED. Insurant*. CAROLINA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, -O JEFFERSON DAVIS, President. WADE HAMPTON, Vlce-Presldent. JT, D. KENNEDY, General State Agent, South Carolina. -0 THE UNDERSIGNED H ATI SQ BEEN APPOINTED AGENTS OF THE ABOVE COMPANY for Charleston, are now prepared to receive offers. STONEY, LOWNDES ft CO., AGENTS. WM. H. HUGER, M. D., Medical Examiner. Janu-wa Shorn Qlaeta. SHOWCASES! SHOWCASES! SHOW CASES! WITH PATENT {?PRING M . GI i DOORS, wh'ch oansee tnena io open and shut wimont noise. Jar or breaking of glasB. Parties desiring to parchane are lav .ted to call and examine them and the New style, Ronni French Plate Ola's, Nickle SI ver Frames. New style. Bevel French Plate Glans. Nickel silver Frames. Walnut. Mahogany Frames, donb.e thick Glas8. all sizes, constantly on naod, and for sale by the AeeDta m J > DOWK, MOISE A DAVIS, Jaal8-mws6moa Corner Meeting and Hasel streets, char.eaton, S. 0. ?Urnas at fflbalesale. DOWIE, MOISE & DAVIS, IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, .CHARLESTON, S. C. Proprietors of the following STANDARD FAMILY MEDICINES, which they offer wltb confidence as being equal to any before the Public, and solicit a trial for them : SUMTER BITTERS, the Great Southern Tonic. MOISE'S LIVER PILLS, purely Vegetable. MOUE'S HORSB, HOG AND CATI LE POW? DERS. MOI-E'S 800TBINO 8YR?P, Reliable and Harmless. MOISE'S READY BELIEVES FROM PAIN. VALLET'8 MANGE OINTMENT. CLAYION'8 KING OF PAIN. MOISE'S FBVEB AND AGUE PILLS, war? ranted lo cure. MOISE'S POPULAR WHITE WORM GANDY. MOISE'S MORNING STAB YEABT or BAKING POWDERS. COLLIER'S RcMEDY FOB MAN AND BEAST, the best Liniment ever uaed. GREY'S VEGETABLE VERMIFUGE, DAVIS'S PAIN CUBER, PARKER'S COUGH SYRUP. WHOLESALE ACENTS FOR SIMMONS'S HEPATIC COMPOUND, OR LIFER CURE. VON GLAHNN'S RIV', CROWN SCHNAPPS. OXJBA.1V X ITTERS, THE GREAT WEST INDIAN ^ONIO BEVERAGE. nov8-mw JJianos, ?roans, &t. PIANOS ANO ORGANS, Famished sc factory prices for Cash, or by Month!j Payments, on the most liberal terms. CHARLES L. MOOLENAHAN, Plano and Music Store, JaaB Ko. 101 King Ptreet. SOOtS, 81)0X8, &t. BOOTS AND SHOES For Ladles, Cents and Children, of the latest styles and patterns, and from the best factories, wlil be found at our establishment, corner of King and Wentworth streets. Onr prices are so low that the purchaser may regard the articles as GIVEN AWAY, Becanae we guarantee our goods, and feel as? sured th at tbey will give satisfaction to all of onr customers, and the public In general. AT Oar Emporium will be round at all times a large variety of Ladles' and Gentlemen's Traveling Trun ks, made of the best materials, snob aa Sole Leather, Zinc, Canvas, io. LEWIS ELIAS & GO. Keep constantly on hand Sole Leather Val ses, Satchels, School Bags, and Ladles' Belt Satchels of all grades and prices. To whlob rwe Invite tne attention of the public, at the MASONIC TEMPLE BOOT AND SHOE EMPORIUM, Mo. 2M King street, corner of Wentworth. nov2*-awr Doors, ?aotiea and ?iin??. DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, ?VOOD MOULDINGS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELS, AND ALL KINDS OF FANGT GLASS. LARGE STOCK-LOWEST RATES ORDER WORK SOLICITED. SEND FOR ESTIMATE AND PRICE LISTS. KEOGH ft THORNE, 254 AND 256 CANAL 8TREET dec9-lyr New York City. mses, BLT, DOORS, WHITE FINE, WALNUT AND FANCY LUMBER, BUILDERS' SUPPLIES AND HARDWARE. LARGEST STOCK. LOWEST PRICES. Sen* for Price Ll*t. I. H. HALL & CO., EAST BAY AND M A BK BT STREETS, vioiKirr OF Nsw OVBTOKBOVSS, deofl'jnwnr gtsttiimma* griggs SBUS, gc. Bj ALONZO J. WHITE & SON. WILL BE SOLD FOB DIVISION. At Private sale will be sold that DESIRA? BLE PROPERTY, formerly belonging to Nathaniel Hey war.i, situate ou East Bay, between Society ana wentworth streets, mis property will oe sold as a whole or In lois to snit purchasers. For parilcnlarj and plat, apply as above, No. 68 Ess: Bay._Janis-i By R. M. MARSHALL BBO. C1H0ICE RESIDENCE OPPOSITE ST. J Paul's Ohnrch, Jtadohffeboro.' At prlVbte sale, tbat Deiignfol RKSIDENCE, No. IIB Coming Btreet, containing 8 square rooms ami s ailles, dressing room and pantry, doable Kitchen, Carriage-house, elstern ana well on the premises. Lot measures 08 by 188 leet, more or "t._Janl6-wfintha By LOUIS D. DeSAUSSURE, Broker, No. 23 Broad street. TTENEREx'S FOUNDRY AND MACHINE UL WORKS. For Sale or Rent, tne eaiabllshment on Meeting street, near Line street, known as the FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS of the late Wm. 8. Henerey, suitable for mechanical works or any kind, or PS a mill for spinning cotton yarn. The Lot ls 180 feet front. On the premises is a Steam Engine or 20-herae power, which will be sohl with or wlthont the properry. A pply as above._Janl6-wmfl By J. FRASER MATHEWES, No. 56 Broad Street. KALMIA RESIDENCE AND LANDS. NEAR AIKEN, at Private fale. the HOMKSTEAD of the late Wm. Gregg, Bltuated at Kalmia, two miles from Aiken. The house contaloa fifteen rooms and modern conveniences, including gaa. The tract contains five hundred acres, more or leas, with extensive and beautiful grounds, green house, orchards, Ac. Large accommodations for servants and horses. decSS-m _Shipping. POB LIVERPOOL The American Al Bark SAPPHO, 700 fta tone, J. P. Wilour, Mastor, will receive r Branfort, Pacific and Chlsolm's Landings every THURSDAY MORNING, at 8 o'clock. Returning, will leave Beaururt every FRIDAY MORNING. * Good-? consigned to care of Agenta will be for? warded Iree ol storage or commission. Freight received WKDMXSDAYB and SATURDAYS must be prepaid to Way Landings. Freight received fer points on savannah River, to be transferred to Steamer OLYDE. For engagement? apply to RAVENEL, HOLMES A CO., janB-wa _so. ?i Bast Bay F OR F L O B I *> A . VIA 8AVANNAH. rms Splendid Slde-wheel steamers, DICTATOR, Captain L. M. coxetter, and CITY POINT, captain Fltsgerald. irw leave Oharleston every TURBDAT. THURSDAY and SUN? DA' EVBNiNO, at 8 o'clock precisely, for Savan? nah Fernandina, JacksonvU e, Magnolia, Green Cove springs, bt. Augustine, Palatka and all Landings on St. John's hiver. Connecting ai Paiatka with steamers for the Oclawaha River and wlih the Steamer STARLIGHT for F.nter prise. Mellon ville, and all points on the Upper st. John's and Indian Rivers. Connect at Fernandina with Florida Railroad for all points in the Interior, and with Railroad (or New Orleans and Havana via uedar Keys. All Way Freight mast be prepaid. For Freight or Pansage, appiy to RAVENBL A CO., Agenta, Oerner Vanderhorat'a Wharf and East Bay. decs QUrtiira Bal**-X?j i? Hap. _fe M- MARSHALL & BRO. \\7T|TE^ THIS DAT. AT HALF By WILLIAM McKA?, Wo. 43 Wentworth Street, DAMAGED LTNEN A'SD BURLAPS. Ladle* Mananas, Clotnlns;, Hats, 40. on account o? Underwriters and all concerned ' at 10 o'clook, wdi be sold : - pleoes BttOWN LINKS . - pieces Burlaps, Mantillas, coats, Panta, Hau! Conditions cash._Jania Bj MILES DRAKE. " CLOTHING, HATS, *c. THIS MORNING, at 10 O'clock, I Trill sell, at my store, corner King and Liberty striate, A Lice of MEN'S COATS, Pants and Vests, Boya' and Men's overcoats. Cravats and Drawers, La? dies' Shawls, Nunlas and Searls, Toread, aprons. Soaps, Ac, to close consignments. ALSO, Men's and Boya* Wool Hatti._JanlA By WM. McKAY, Ho. 45 Wentworth strt-t. CATALOGUE SALE OP 8IX HUNDRED Lou Dry Goods, clothing, Notions. Hats Boote and Shoes, Hardware, Ac., 4c THIS DAT, (Wednesday,) commencing at IO o'clock, DRY GOODS-Alpaca?, Poplins, Prints, Woela and canton Flannels, Caaslmereu, SprLae. Pant stuffs, Ac, Ac CLO! H INO-fcpnug cassi mere salta, Coats. (Crock and Business.) Pants, Vean, Ladles' Cloaks and covering*. Overcoats, Ac, Ac NOTIONS AND 1 JOSIE 41-Fancy Baga, Porte mo -iaies, i-xtrac h. Ac, Ladles' Waite, Brown and Mixed Ho*-, Undershirts, Hair Hose, ic CUT LE RT, AC-Floe Back and white Bandle Pocket Knives, tin'cher Knives, Steels, An? gers. Rasps. Fi es, Ac, Ac. C nditlona a* ner Catal'gae._" Itali* REECKE & FETEHMAS ~~. WILL SELL THIS DAT, THE lara IN? STANT, at 10 o'cloe f; A. M., .i ho Entire Stock of a well kept GROCERY STO rtE, at the northwest corner of Concord- and Inspection streets. Sold for no finie, only aa tko owner desire J to change bin business. - .. Terms casb. Janis gtnnion ?a?*~~?iuatt fl?jp> By LOWNDES Ss GR?MBALL, SATE CONTINUED.-EX TEN SI VB SALE OF REAL ESTATE tn the norttea?tarn portion of the etty. By virtue or an order of tba Court of Common Pleas la this case, I will offer for sala THIH DAT, at ll o'clock, at the north of the old P. swfflce Ah those LOTS OF LAN 11 on the east aldoof Meeting street, from Cooper street extended, on i he sou'h to Payne's Farm, on the north ?nd west of Nassau street extended, varying lo. ante from fie to loo feet front. ALSO, Several LOTS on the esat aide of King street, or various dimensions. ALSO, Several LOTS on the uorth and south aide of Moultrie street, extended to. Meeting street, of various dimensions ALSO, Several LOTS east side of America street, ex? tended. ALSO, sevorai LOTS on both sides of Drake street, ex? tended. ALSO. Several LOTS on weat sida of Bay street, ex? tended. AVOa 11810-100 acres MARSH LAND on west aids Town Creek. All of which ls more partflsjjper shown by refer? ence to piai. of W. Burne, surveyor, made De? cember 12, 1873, which may be Been at tho office of the Auction* era. No. 37 Broad stn et. Terms-One-fonrth cs*b; balance lo one, two; th re 1 and four > ears, the oreti.' p*rt of the oar cnase mono? to be sernred by bond or bonds of the purchaser or purchasers, and a mortgage of the property sold; the bon? 4 to bear interest at the rate nf Reven per cent, per annum from the day of aale, payable ananally until the waote amonnt be paid. Purchaser to pay Kefaree for papers. O. H. SIMONTON. Janis Referee. Dy LOUIS H. DeSAUSS?RE. ROVE PLANTATION, ON OOOPER ITT RIVER. / cn TUESDAY, the 28th last, at ll o'clock A. M., wm be sold, near th?, on Broad street, by order ot the Trust?e, The PLANTATION on Cooper River known as the "," conudnlnu 8344 acres, or which - sores are Rice Land. The tract 1* heavily wooded, and is more particularly described by the plat made by R. Q Pluckney. surveyor, tn April, i a*. On the place U a Dwelling Hon e with ten rooms, surrounded by handsome oak trees, 1 Steam Thrashing Ulli, Ba n, and neg'0 bouses. Cond tiona.-One third cash, balance by bond, payaole lo one and two yeera, with Interest es?' nnaily from day of sala to bf- seoured by a mort? gage of the property. Perchas dr to pay for pa? pers._janl6,18,21,23,3*737,? By R. H. MARSHALL St BRO. STORE AND DWELLING, NORTHEAST corner Marsh and Inspection streets. 01 TfaUit-DAY, iflth (?st.. at 11 o'clook, will be sold, ne ir the Pistofflce, Broad atreets. The above STU HE AND DWELLING, of four roomi and attics, with double Kuchen, cistern, Ac. Lot 84 s 12 by 110 feet, more or ie -g. ierras eas? ; n ad 3 known at sale Jan9-thstuth4 Bj R* M. MARSHALL & BRO. NO. 188 MEETING STREET, KNOWN aa Howard's Hall, on THURSDAY, letti mst., at ii o'clock, will be sold near the Poa ionice, Bioad street, The PREMISES above described, containing on first floor two Stores, on 11-cone a large Hall, oh. third Ave rooms, with at. lea aoovc Lot ST by iouX leet, more or lesa. Terms easy; made known at aalc jau9-thatuth4 By W, T. LEITCH Ss R, S. BRUNS. . Auctioneer?. POSITIVE SALE OF. REAL ESTATE In John Street, between Elizabet! and Meeting Streets.. Will be sold on THURSDAY, 10th instant, at the east end of Broad street, at ll o'clook. All that LOT OF LAND on the south aide of John street, known aa No. 8. un the premises are three Buildings. Lot measures in front 28 feet by 126 In depth. .? - Terms Cash-Purchaser to pay ns for papen. Janil-stuthS By W. T. LEITCH & R, 8. BRUNS? J Auctioned rs. Vi ESTATE SALE OF MRS. SUSAN BROWN, by order of the Exectrors. Will be sold, en THURSDAY, the 10th inst., at the east end of Brottd street, at ll o'clock. The Two and a half Story WUODKN RESI? DENCE No. 17 Henrietta street; bona? cont?is: four nprlght and two attic rooms; lot measures 26 by loo feet ALSO, The Small GOTTAO? BUILDING, NO. ST St Phillp stieet. Lot measures 16 bj 9i feet. lenna-One-half caan; purohasara to give bond, wltn interest ar- seven par cent., seoured bi mort? pace o' the property, on a credit or one year?. Purchaser to pay na lor papera. JauTQ-ftnth! / By W. f. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers. LOT AND BUILDING IN LINE STREET. ? Wld be aold at Auction on THOBtDAY, the letn instant, at the east end of Broad street,'at ll o'clock. _ . The DWELLING and Buildings In Line street west of Percy street, adjoining the property of John R. Dukes, Esq.. measuring on line street at feet by 72 feet in depth. , Terms cash. Purchaser to pay ns for papen. )ani4-3 _' By LOUIS ?. DeSATJSSURE. DESIRABLE STORE No. 74 EAST BAT. On TUESDAY, the 2'st January, .at ll o'clock A. M., will be aold. sear the PoswlDce, All that LOr OF LAND, with the Bri-X .-toro thereon, known by the No. TA ajtnate, lying ?Pg berne on the east side of East Bay street, (a ftw, doors north of rho PoBtofllce) la the etty of Charleston. In the State aforesaid, recently occu? pied by Messrs Street Bros -,measuring and coa WUilng in rront twenty nine (M) eeuix W L> ches, and in depth ODO hundred and nt >tteen (119) feet, more or leis; butting a d bounding 10 ?t? north on Land' now or laie of E. H. Locke, tn.the sooth , on Lands of Estate of-Condy to the eat 0? Land- late of-?heit and- Robein, and to the west on rast Bay ttreet aforesaid. ? Condir.ons-une third ca-h; ba ance by bond, pu aDle in one and two year-1 rum dny of sale, with internst payable tem;-annually, to be se? cured by a mortgage of the property; b Hiding to be kept luau-ed and policy aa-lgned. Pnrcheeer te pay for papera,'A17.2t>.2l , By H? H. DeLEON. DESIRABLE DWELLING AT AUG TTON. I will sell on TUESDAY, 2lst January, at cern.r East Bay and Broad streets, at ll o'clock, AU that LiOr OF LAND on non h side of George street, three doors east of Biog street, wlih four Bt'>ry wooden Dwellne thereon, entailing el. ht - 16) i-qnare rooms, dressing roums. pantry, gas and water, gond cistern. A-., with two story \ brick Kitchen wl'h four rooms, and aU oth>r n4> i e*Bary ontbnlldlnirs. Lot forty-Dine (<9)> wet fmn and one hundred and sixty (ISO) feet deep, more or le??. . : .. Term--One-third casi, balance b? bond ana a'd mortgage of prom! es aold, 1 ayable m one and two ysars. with internt. at 7 p-r wntjrom day or sale, payabla annually; premises t > be in? sured and policy aasign??-. ^SSJMS?t? papers. ?BJUsi-awa?jj?w