Only ? Song. Only a sens; tba* ? maide- kia*;. Tet lt stayed In the y- ung inan'a Heart all day; And hui mind from business wandered away. And the bright blue eyes and sort brown hair ouaraed ont from tbe pages before him there. And the silvery tonea througb-hls memory rang. The song was of love, and he thought, "Can lt --b*~ That ihe thought of me as she pang so sweet f And ab, bor the t Drills of a love complete Seemed stirring his heart, and filling his bram, And he thought, "She will slog me the song again. And I will ask her to live with me." They walk together Lire's paths to-dav. And their ft. arta are merry, light and free, And-life ls as sweet as life can be; And the happy yean glide swiftly from view, And their love though old seems ever new, Which tr 3 u ble or grief eau never decay, THE CHARLESTON' NEWS EOE 1873. The general favor with which THE CHARLESTON NEWS 1B regarded by the read? ing pabilo Of SoGth Carolina and the adja? cent Slates, has given lt an unrivalled circu? lation throughout this section of the coun? try. We are resolved that nothiDg shall be left undone In the future to keep lt up to the highest standard of modem journalism ; and In order to place oar varions editions within the reach of every Southern household, we! will famish the paper to clubs on very libe? ral terms. ..The friends of THE NEWS every? where are invited to assist as ia extending Its circulation. The following are our CASH RATES TO CLUBS. FOR 1873 : TOE DAILY NEWS. One copy, one year..$8 00 Five or more oopleB, one year, each. 7 001 THE THJ-WXHKLY NEWS. One copy, one year.$ 4 00 Five copies, at $3 60 eaoh. 17 50 j Ten copio?, at $3 each. 30 00 j THE WEEKLY NEWS. Bingle copy, one year.$200 Five copies.....'. 7 00 Tea copies.12 00 Twenty copies. 20 00 And larger clubs at the last named rate. THE WEEKLY NEWS will contain all the j leading editorials of the DAILY; a care? ful and complete s am m arv of the Foreign and Domestic news; latest news by Tele? graph from ail parts of the world; foll aod reliable Stock, Financial and General Mar? ket Beports; aoynopsisof the proceedings of Congress and State Legislatures, when in session; proceedings of Scientific, Agri? cultural, Religions and Literary Societies; all important Legal Deelsions of State and Federal Courts; reviews of the most inter? esting and important New Books; and, Indeed, everything of interest to the Family Circle, the Merchant, Farmer, Professional Man, Mechanic and Laborer. Boola* 5boes. Ut. BOOTS AND SHOEST ELIAS & BROS., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS 2 ~"BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS,"" VALISES, &C, 368 KING- STREET^ [CORNER OF GEORGE STREET, Respectfully solicit the continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed on them by the CIWZ?L B of Charleston and surrounding country. One or the Arm has just returned from Mle North, and purchased in Boston Just b ?fore the large fire there ; all of which we o Ter to tbe Wholesale Bayers at great ad v*" Tvtntsgea and guarantee them a saving or at leos-- io to 16 per cent. We are offering all or our purchases now at less than former prices, and regardless to the advance of prices now. To our Retail Customers we would say that as heretofore we shall do our oes: to please them by polite attention and cour? teous sale-men No trouble to show goods, we keep only a good quality or Boots and Shoes, and prices that dey com petition. Our motte 18, LARGE 8ALBS AND SMALL PROFITS. AS A SPECIALTY 1 To Mothers we wonld say that we con? tinue to keep a taree stock c f that celebra -ted blLVER-TiPPfi? SHOK, or Philadel? phia make. constantly on hand and receiving by every steamer from Philadelphia a fine and. well selected stock of Hand-svwed '. Boots and Shoes, for Ladles, Gents, V.lvses and Children, of the best PhueSelphla manufacture, al) or which v? guarantee TM "togive satisfaction, and wojld respectful? ly ??licit a call at ELIAS & BROS., .. ra s tn toi??.v .-?..! ..- . rt: NO. 868 KING STREET, CORNER OF GEORGE STREET. J. PINNLEY? CHARLES NEWE0?SE, R. H. MUOKENFUSS, will be please-J to walt on their ftispas;" ".'"i . ?' novas-tutus .. jJionog, (Drflanat Ut. JIANOS AND ORGANS, Furn?hed at factory prices for Cash, or by Monthly Pay men ts, on the most liberal terms. CHARLES L. MCGLEN AH AK, Plano and Muslo Store, jan? ; Na 191 King street. y gfrirts ano Jfr.rmsiiirig ?oo?s. F RES HA R R I V A L S I ftZiiT ft j r ii* LATEST STYLES I COMFORTABLE FIT I LOWEST PRICES 8 S S 8 S S 8 8 S 8 8 -8 S 8S88SS8S SCOTT'S SSSSSSSS . 8 . 8 . ?Si 3TAB S HISTS AND COLLARS, 8 8. S S Ready-made and made S "S S S to Or 1er. S S _ S S . -- S S MEN'S S 8 S S FURNISHING S s s ' - SS 8 8 8 SSS GOODS. SSSSSSSS S s 8- S SS 8 S 8 S 8S S AT THE GREAT SHIRT EMPORIUM ! LOOR TOR THE (STAR SIGN, 1 MEETING ?STREET, X '"' NEARLY OPPOSITE MARKET HALL. tOatrijes, iroeiig, tte. JUST ARRIVED DIRECT FROM ENGLAND PER BARKS FILLE DE L'AIR AND ONWARD, Plain White and Decorated CHINA TEA SETS, FORTY-FOUR PIECE*, $T 50 To $30 PER SET. FM CUPS MD mm AT ALL PRICEa ALSO, CHINA AND GRANITE DINNER & BREAKFAST SETS AT NEW YORK PRICES. CALL AND FX AMINE. AT THOMAS & LAMEA?'S, OPPOSITE NEW MASONIC TEMPLE. novlS-stuthSmos Drays at ttlliolesaU. 1T7E EARNESTLY INVITE THE AT? TENTION of Physicians, Druggists and the public generally to the ELEGANT AND RELIABLE PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS OF MESSRS. JOHN WYETH A BRO., PRACTICAL CHEMISTS, PHILADELPHIA, PA., which have become so deservedly POPULAR for their INTRINSIC worth, the ELEGANT manner in which they are prepared, and the SILTABIUT'T of the QUALITY" of KAOH sPsoiFio article they are Bald to contain. First among them is their COD LIVER OIL WITH PHOSPHATE LIME, a most valuable rem edy In the large class of was ting diseisf s caused by IXPAIRMINT or PSRVIR SION of NUTRITION, the too rapid TISSUS TEAKS FORMATION and the want of certain Bubstanoa es? sential to the organism, and lt Is offered with the Btasoat cou (Hence aa an IMPORTANT addition to the resources of medicine against th J diseases which, In this country, are the most numerous, and formidable, say t CROFUXA In children and PULMONARY COMPLAINTS in a .nits. "Each ounce of the mixture contains IS grains of the Phosphate of Lime." BEEF, WINE AND IRON. This delightful nutritive tonio has been so uni? versally used ana appr> ved, lt ls unnecessary to say more than that lt ls kept up to Ita usual stand? ard of excellence. ..Each labiespoontnl contains 1 ounce of Beef, bair ounce of Sherry Wine and 2 grains of Citrate Of iron." BEEF, WINE, IRON AND CINCHONA. The combination or Calisaya Bark with our pre? paration of Beer, Wine and Iron adds the nerve tonic and antl-perlodio effect of cinchona te the nutritious and stimulating propertlss of the other Ingredients. We doubt ir a more efficient combi? nation of tonto, nutritious and stimulating agents coo ld be prescrit)- d, and ask tte attention o phy? sicians to its uno, a? a prompt an i reliable remedy In the many cases In which lt would naturally be indicated. Each tablespoonful oontalos 1 ounce or Beef, 2 grains Citrate of Iron, and half onnoe ol Wine of Calisaya Bars. SHERRY WINE AND BEEF. The advantage of administering Beef w th Wine to patients requiring both nutriment and stimu? lant, will i-e readily appreciated-the sustaining and nutritious effect ol the beef often enabling delicate a'd sen-1: Ive Invalids to take the wine with benefit, when ordinarily they would be un? able to take lt even in small quantities without occasioning headache, Ac. Each tablespoonful contains one half ounce of Sherry Wine and one ounce of beer. We also call attention to the following as some tmong these prepatatlons most in use: Elixir Calisaya Bark, Iron and Strychnine. Elixir Phos? phate Iron, Quinine and strychnine. Elixir Va erianate Ammonia. Elixir Pepsin. Bismuth and jtrycnnine. autarwins or ii ??nblicatioris. JIBE LOST CAUSE. Call and parchase the Elegant Chromo of the [.OST CAUSE, a design by a Confederate soldier, containing Portraits of onr prominent Generals ind the "Ode to the Confederate Dollar." A Christmas Present suitable for all. For sale at W. G. WHILDEN'S, And at JOHN M. GREER A SUN. Price only $1 60. dec23-80 Doors, Sasrjes ano ?iin?e. DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, I WOOD MOULDINGS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELS, AND ALL KINDS OF FANCY GLASS. 'LARGE STOCK-LOWEST RATES ORDER WORK SOLICITED. SEND FOR ESTIMATE AND PRICE LISTS. KEOGH & THORNE, |254 AND 236 CANAL STREET dec9-lyT Ne.w York City. Sewing Matinee. rjIHE NEW IMPROVED WHEELER ? WILSON SILENT SEWING MACHINE. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. We are now selling these superior MACHINES on Ten Dollar monthly payments. Adjusting and Repairing done promtly. WHEELER A WILSON MANUF'G CO., arrs-lyr . No. sos King street IMMENSE SUCCESS OF THE CELEBRATED 181,260 SOLD IN 1871. 52,734 MOKE THAN ANY. OTHER CO. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING- CO,. NO. 186 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. decio-tnthaimo 306 /?"ALL GOODS I B1SSEIX?S~C PORTY PRIZES. 200 CHANCES-0 THE DRiWIVG or thia Oread GUN RAFFLE will FEIJKUAKY, Monday evening, at 8 o'clock, under t Hutson Lee, Henry T. Peake, Esq., Ed ward B. Meat First Prize, doubl?' cen tre-flre breech loading gun, complete, value.tioo Seeond Prize, doable floe muzzle leading gun. 80 Third Prize, doublecentre-flro breeca loading gun... 70 Fourth Prize, doable fine muzzle loading gnu. 60 Fl th Prize.doublebreech load'g gun,pin cart'g 60 Sixth Pr>ae. muzzle loading sun. 40 seventh Prize double muzzle loading gun.... ss Eighth Prize, muzzle loading gun. 35 Sinth Prize, muzzle loading gun. so rentb Prize, mnzsle load Inf gun. 8t) Eleventh Prize, muzz e loading gun. 26 twelfth Pnz.', doable muzzle loading gun.... 26 rtiirteenth Prize, double muzzle leading gun.. 26 fourteenth Prize, muzzle loading gan. 26 ffirtesn:h Prize, doable muzz eloading gun.. 20 Sixteenth Prize, double muzz ie loading gun.. 20 teveateenth Prize, doable muzzle loaa'g gue 20 SUhteenth Prize, double mutzie load'g gan. 18 nineteenth Prize, double mus.zle loading gun. 18 Twentieth Pr?za, doable mnzzle loading gan., is rwsuty-Qrst Prize, doable muzzle load'g gun. 16 Twenty-second Prize, doable m'zle load'g gan. 16 rwenty-tblrd Prize, doable muzzle load'g gun. 16 AU parties who have taken chances end have not tame. If notpa.d for they will be strloken off. A ifflce, corner Ring and Beaufala streets. IDrnas, Qlbtmicai*. &z. 2 UGA2-0OATSD PILLS ~ RELIABLE, SOL?BLE, PERMANENT. WILLIAM B. WARNEB A 00. Wo ?reprepared to claim for our Sugar-coated Ills tbe indispensable quailtiea. Solubility and 'ermanency. These Pills are prepared of the mrest materhls, and are warranted tobeper ectly reliable. Oar method or sugar-coating illls without the application of heat, as employed ly as only, avoids'tne necessity or drying so hard is TO render tbetn insoluble. These Pills are constantly kept on band and sold vholesale and retatl by DB. H. BA KR, Sole agent for Sooth Carolina. Send for Catalogne and Price List. ^TARKER'S PIL. IODOFORM ET FERR!. Each containing Ioaoform.One Grain. Ferrum Bed.One and a quarter Grains. . POWERFUL GENERAL TONIO AND ALTER ATIVE. 'aluable a* a remedy la Scrofula, Anosmia, Neu? ralgia, Chlorosis, Rheumatism, Phthisis, Ac. We make sp?cial mention or thew Pills > f our lanuracturo, ss he medical Journale throughout he country contain contributions from redan e uthors wbo have made wo .dormi cares, aTer laving need, without success, all 's guu.... 16 Thirty-first Prize, one flue single boy's gun... 10 Thirty-second Prize, one floe single gnn. 10 Thirty-third Prize, one fine English shot pouch and powder flask.. 6 Thiny-tourth Prze, ons fine Engllth '->t ponch sod nowder flask. 6 Thlrty-ofth Prize, English shot ponch an. powder flask. rhlrty-Klxth Prise, English shot ponch and powder flask. t Thl'tr-seventh Prize, one English Btiot pouch and powder flask. 6 rtilrty-e phth Prize, flne shot pouch and pow? der flask. 6 Thlrry ninth Prize. No. 1 home shuttle sewing machine. 25 Fortieth Prize, No. 2 home shuttle sewing ma? chine. 43 settled for the s .me will pleaie do so prior to the few chances can be obtained at T. L. Bl ss ELL'S Janl4-tns2 Crags at Wholesale. < SirvW?NS' RECULATOR /r This unrivalled Medicine ls warren fd not to uontaln a pingle particle of Mercnry, or any in urious mineral 6Ubst ance, but ls PURELY VEGETABLE. For forty years lt bas proved Its great valued in ill diseases of the Liver. Bowels ana Kidneys. Thousands of the good and great In all nana of . , . ?jnuci itre f- wvuimjui o nu j?trcU : i HT lower in purifying trre-?POd, rtimuUMng tue i rpld Ltverand Bowels. and^rj?patW?^w life i J md vigor to the whole system. SlMMOSS^sL alVEK REGULATOR ls acknowledged to have 10 equal as a LIVER MEDICINE. It contains four medical elements, never nni*.od n tne ?ame nappy proportion In any other pre >aratlon, viz: a gentle Cathartic, a wonderful toute, an unexceptionable Alterative and a eer? ala Corrective of ail Imparities of the body, inch signal success hos attended its use that lt ls low regarded as the - GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC or Liver Complaint and the painful offspring hereof, to wit: Dy-pepsla, Constipation, Jaun Hoe, Bilious attacks, Sick Headache, <"oiic. De iresslon of Spirits, Sour Stomach, Heart Burn, fcc, Ac Regulate the Liver and prevent CHILLS AND FEVER. IIMMONS'S LIVER REGULATOR Id manufactured only hy ? J. H ZEILIN A CO., Macon, Go., and Philadelphia. PRICE-$1 per package; sent by mail postage told, $126. "repared ready for use in bottles, 11 60. For sale by P. WINEMAN A CO. AND BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ta- Beware of all counterfeits and imita loni?. aiur8-ttutun*w6inoe 4?a:s, (?Tape, &c. JOHNSOPTFBFOWN iAVENOW ON HAND TUS LARGEST STOCK OF FURS 3ver offered In thu cry, In imitation and real im? ported goods. Sets from S3 to $160. This Stock has been well selected, and Furs sold by this house are warranted to be perfect. SILE HAT? at $1, $6. $0 xnd $7. Also agents tor DUNLAP'S BEST HAT, $9. dec21 -siuthlmo viii o tex ic?, jtiquoifi, &\. HTKLATWXCCT. AGENTS FOR CHARLESTON. We have appointed Messrs. H. KLATTE A CO Sole Agen's for Charleston for this Celebrated Brand or PURE KENTUCKY WHISKEYS, both h YE-* and BOURBON. These WniBkeysare guaranteed pure KENTUCKY COPPER DISTILLED, rree from all compound ira purities, ai d highly recommended by eminent chemists for medical use. The Brand la patented to prevent Infringements. BARKHODSE BROS. A CO., Louisville, Ky. We respec f o liv inform our friends and custom ere that we keep constantly on band a full supply of the above already favorably well known Whls eye. and offer same to the trade at distiller's prices. H. KLATTE A CO., augsi-atnthemo No. 186 East Bay. fcS TO T. 306 ?Drrj Qtoooa , Ut. SELLING OFF OUE WINTER STOCK. PURGHGOTT, BBNEDICT&CO., No. 275 King Street, Will offer from this date their WT entire stock, comprising; a Terr TJJ large and elegant line of winter ?t? and seaaonable DRY GOODS, H? CARPETS, AC, at s?J H H GREATLY REDUCED PBICBS & o O GREATLY REDUCED PRICES O r T GREATLY REDUCED PRICES X T Cloths, Flannels, Ca es I m eros, Blankets, P2 J can II, Shawls, -w^ Tweeds, Cloaks, Cloaking, Black Beavers -Uf yr^i and Black Velours, Colored Silks, Poplins, Velvets, Satins, X Velvetftfttis and R!*'* Alnara*. I C All kinds of O T Vmt&BLB COLORED T ? DRESS GOODS^7 Sc ?Sc i.ND FULL LINES Or D C [> MOURNING OOOD9, O PRINTS, RIBBONS, BROWN and HANDKERCHIEFS, BLEACHED HOSIERY and SHIRTINGS, MILLINERY GOODS, IHEETINGS, . * TICKING LINEN, STRIPES, DAMASKS, Ac. ?APKINS, TOWELS, TOWELINGS, CRASH, AC. Onr Wholesale Department ls complete, and arenasen will do veil to give ns a eau1. Samples sent and given wh*n applied for* An early call is solicited. No. 275 Kins Street QLigars, (Bonaira, Ut. WM. SCHR?DER? MANTTFAGTrTJRER ANTj WHOLESALE DEALER IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, ft C., No. 19 KAYNE STBEIST. Sign ot the Emperor William. JADE SUPPLIED. mchMyrj ,c*w By HENEY CO BIA, A CO. FLO?B. THIS HAT, at half-past 0 o'clock, wa win Bell In front of oar Store, 76 bb.8. Soper FLOUR. ? Conditions oaBn._JanU Bj HENRY COBLA & CO. SPICED PIGS PEET. THIS DAT, at balf-past 0 o'clock, In front of cur store, we will sell, 6 barr?is, > 10 Arkins, j Coolee Sneed Pigs FEET. 20 ke?B,? J Conditions cash._Janl4 STEFFEKS, WERNER & DUCKER TTTILL SELL THIS DAT, BEFORE TT 'heir stoies. Vendue Range, at 9 o'clock, 40 kegs and tubs BOTTeR 26 boxes Cheese 10 tierces Pig Hams la boxes Small strips 6 bb ia Sausage ld eat 60 bbls. Br. Syrups D. S. Bellies, Strips and Sides. JanU_,_ By JOHN G. MIXNOR & CO. DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. THIS DAT. I4ch Instant, at hair p ta: io o'clock, we will sell at our store, No. 186 Meeting street, Fancy and Mourning Prints, Kentucky Jeans, B ack satinets. Bleached and Brown Shl'Ung, Blue Plaids, Blue Denims. Ginghams. Balmorals, Head Handkerchiefs. Gloves, Hosiery, Ac, with a general assortment of desirable Goods to close lots. Conditions cash._jani4 By J. FBA8ER MATHE WES. WILL BE SOLD, THIS DAY, 14TH initant. at the corner of Broad and Kast Ba; streets ,at ll o'clock, the following securities: JO SHARKS Marine and Elver Phosphate Min? ina and Manufacturing: comoany Stock. 86 shares bonth Carolina Railroad Stock. $5000 city Charleston Six per Cent. Stock. Terms cain._janI4 By W. Y. LEITCH & E. S. BEONS, A nc tlonccrj. PALMETTO SHADES, EAST BAY, AT Auction. THIS DAY, the 14th instant, win be sold at Auction, at the east end of Broad street, at ll o'clock. That desirable BUSINESS STAND on East Bay, two doors north of the Courier office. Lot mea? sures lo feet 0 inches on East Ba; by 107 feet in deptb. Terms-Cash enough to pay expenses of sale and perfecting or titles through the court; bal ance in one, two and three years, with intereet. payable semi annudly, secured by bond of the pure wer and mortgage of the property. Pur? chaser t J pay fur pao rn and city tax l r 1873. Property to bu insured and policy assigned. Pos* session given Immediately. Janis By W. Y. LEITCH & R.S. BBUNS, Auctioneers. ROBB'S COOPERAGE SHOP AT AUC UO>. will be sold THI3 DAY, the 14th instant, at the east end of Kmad street, at ll o'clook. All that L<>T OF LaND. with the BUILDINGS thereon, formerly n ed as a Cooperas-e for Bobb's Mills, and suitable for the storage of Naval Stores, situated at the northwest corner ot Inspection i snd Wharf streets; measuring in front 120 jeet on . Wharf street, by ns feet iieep. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay ns for papera. Janl4_ By J. FRASER MAT HE WES, Auctioneer. REFEREE'S SALE, S. Davin va. J. P.Mnrdsngh, et al. , by virtue of an order of Bon. R F Oraiiam. Judge of the Flr.t Clrouit, made m said pause l will sell . at the Old Poatofflce. THIS DAI, January I4th, 1878, at ll o'clock A. M., ? .. - ?'. au that PLANTATION m the Parish of 3t. George's, Dorcnester, Coller?n County, contain? ing six hundred acree, more or Us?; butting and bonn'1 mg to the north on Lands now or late of James Miran, to the BO'ith on Dorchester Creek, and land now or late of fcdward L. Hutchinson, Ksq. to the east on 1 tods also ot E. L. Hutcblu* son, and of R Bunch, and to the west on Ashley River. ' Terms-One-fourth cash; the balance In three equal auccessive annual instalments, with inter, i est from ?be nay of able, payable annually, secur? ed by bona and mortgage or the premix. Pur chaaer to pay ?or papera. J. E. BERKE, jania_fteferee. By LOWNDES & GRIM BALL. HOUSES 21 AND 23 MORRIS STREET AT AUCTION. Will be sold TU IS DAY. ut h January, VTs, at ll o'clock, ut the tdd Poatofflce, Brosd street. That Two-Story WOOUKN HOU?E on the soutn oMo nttlnmm i ll edit >nn?? *? n Si. fnnrilni*? 4 square rooms and Kitchen attached. Lot 20 leet front by 108 feet, more or leas. ALSO. Two-Story WOODEN HOUSE, next west Of the above. No. 23. containing 4 square rooms and Kitchen attached. Lot 20 feet front by H8 feet, mo e or less. Tarma cash. Purchaser to pay na for papers. Jan i4 _. - Ky LOWNDES & GRIMBALL, ~ ' . ii SMttlsagSgyai EXTENSIVE SALE oF^fiSAL ESTATE in thenortheanern portion olTOr?N& suit? able for Building or Farm Lots. By virtue of an order of the Court of Common i Pie in IB thu case I will orr- r for sale IRIS DAY, 14th January, ?t tne Old Poatofflce, at ll o'clock, AU those LOTS OF LAND on tne east side of MPH lug street, bounded so uh by lands of Bis chou', and north by New Mark-t Creek, varying In Mze from 40 to 160 leet front,-and-150 to 17fl feet oeep. ALSO, Several LOTS on the north and south side of Shepherd street, (extended.) varying la else from 60 to 110 feel norn, io J t > m leet deep. ALSO, Several LOTS on tho went side ot Aiken street, .extended,) 48 by lia feet each. - ALSO. Several LOTS on both bides or Hanover street, (extended,) of various dimensions. ALSO, Several LOTS on both aides of Nassau street, (extended,) or var ons dimensions. ALSO, Several LOTS on both sides or America street, (extended,) ol various dimensions. ALSO, Several LOTS on both sides or Drake 6treet, (exteudod,) or vailous dimensions. ALSO, Several LOTS on west side of Bay street, (ex? tended,) of various dimensions. ALSO, Several LOTS on the east side of King street, various dimensions. ALSO, Several LOTS on north and south side of Moul trie street, extended to Meeting street, or various dimensions. ALSO, One Hundred and Eighteen 10-100 Acres ct MARSH LAND, on the weit side of Town Creek; all or which is more particularly shown by reier ence to platof Wm. Burne, surveyor, made ne camber, 1872, and which may be seen at the office or tne auctioneers. No. 27 Bioad tttreet. Terms-One-rourth cash: balance in one, two, three and rour years, . he credit part of the pur? chase money to be Becured by bond or bouda of tiie purchaser or purchasers and a mortgage of the proper y, the bonds to bear interest at the rate or seven per cent, per an nm, payable annu? ally until the whole amount be paid. Purchaser to paleteo ror PaPers? ^ " By H. H. DeLEON, Auctioneer. _ UNDER JUDGMENT OF COURT OF COMMON PLKAS.-The South Carolina Loan and Trust Company vs. L S. K. Bennett, 6tB7 virtue or-the Judgment of the Hon. R. F. i Manara, Judge ot the First Circuit., In the aboye cae?, will be sold THIS DAY, the 14th or Jan uai?y.i87J, at the Poatofflce, a- ll o'clock A. M.. A'I that LOT OF LAND, with the DweUlng hooso and improvements toereon, uituate in the Citv Ot Charleston, on the Bouth side of Broad street-- measuring and containing in front on Broad street < 9 feet 6 Inches, more or less, on the Bowline 67 reet. more or lesa, on the east line 121 feet" montA mire or les?, and on the west on Bioad street, ifl the south on Land of I. S. K. Benneu easton LK'UdB of Estate Breuberg-and Mr? Uran** and Wk'st on Land of Estate M. B. Marsha?" as uer p^.a? of William Hume, dated November 2,1872. ALSO. . All that LOT OF LAND, with the lmprovementa thtreon si,?ateon tfce Westside or King street, n the said City or Charleston; measuring aad containing in Iront on King ?^"?"12 inch'ja, more or less, and on tue we^Ul-.e M.feet 8 inches, more oriels, on the oort, line Siree6 in. hes. theoce running?p?'*??** V ,~7 j nuning e-.etwar.ny v KI? g ?*H*ifi 3 nT es or less, and on the soon, li- r JW feet 3 "nu es. ??t on Klug street. ^?J&f?* 0' annual instalmenu, with inter .fterrotfaa the rate 01 twelve per cent, per annum pivable annually, secure by hond or Ks ot tue purch,aer and mortgage^ toe nrnuiuea. The buildings to be lnaured ana policy or insurance asaigned. Purchaser to pay for papera. w< J? ?-V f li I . pjanu _ Beferee. AIKEN HOTEL, AIKEN, SOUTH CARO? LINA. i Having recently purohnaed, thoroughly over? hauled and relined the above Hotel, we resp, ct rullv announce to our mends and the public thai weare now ready to receive and enterta.nguesti in nrat-clasa style. BAILEY A PEGG, nov80-amos Proprietors, By WM. MIT, *?- 4? Wentworth ItTNt. CATALOGUE SALE OF BES HUNDRED Lots Dry uooda. Clothing, Notions, Hals, Boots and Bitnet, Hardware, A?* AC.3H?5 IdU TO MORROW, tWednesday J^nunenctti's? 3? o'clock, 1 i.-i-.. DEY GOODS-Alpaca?, Poplins, Prints, .wools and Canton Flannels, -OasslmereaT florins; Pant ?uffs, Ac, Ac ' "^."f""* CLO! HING-Spring Casslmerc Suits, Coat? (Frock and Business.) Pants, Yean, Ladies' Cloaks and Coverings. Overcoats Ac, Ac NOTIONS AND HOsIE-tT-Fancy -Bags, 'Porte mon ales, t-xtrac H, Ac, Ladles' wane,-Breen and Mixed HOHI', Undershirts, Hair Hose, Ac. CUTLERY, Ac-Flue Bnck and white Bandle .. Pocket Knives, KU'cher Knives, steel*,Au? gers. Rasps Fl cs, Ac. Ac. Q nditlons ai per Patau gae._Jania RIECKE & PETERMUN WILL 8ELL. ON WEDNESDAY NEXT, the 16th tnsr., at io o'clock A. M., ., ? The Entire Stock or a well kept GROCERY STOKE, at the northwest corner of Concord and la spec tic n streets. Sold for, no.f-nBt only, as toe owner desire i to change bis business. ? , Terms cash. ? jan 14 3 Bf H. H. DeLEOX. ': '." ' DESIRABLE DWELLING AT AtJO TION. I will sell on TUESDAY. 21st January, at ccrnsr Easr-Bay and Broad streets, at ll o'clock. All that LO r OF LAND on nor ? side of George street, three doors east of King s tr? et.- with four story wooden Dwelling thereon, containing eh ht (6) t-qnare rooms, dressing rooms, pantry, gal and water, good cistern, A"., witta two story brick Kitchen wirb four rooms, and all other ne ressary outbuildings. Lot forty-nine (<9) feet from and one hundred and suety (160) feet deep, more or le'". Term"-One-third cash, balance bv bond and and mortgage of pre ral-es sold, payable in one and two years, with Interest tx 7 per cent, from day of sale, payable annually; premises to be m sured and policy assigned. Purchaser to pay f- r papers. _ JanM-tathamtu* By W. f. LEITCH & R, 8. BRUJ?S, Auctioneers. LOT AND BUILDING IN LINE STREET. Will be sold at Auotlon o'i THURSDAY, the iota instant, at thc eas;; end of Broad street, at ll o'clock. - - Tile DWELLING and Bandings In Line street weet of Percy street, as-jolulug the property of John R. Dukes, Esq., measuring on Line street ss feet by 72 feet in depth. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay us for papers. jam<-3_;_.'- " By W. T. LEITCH & B. S. ?SSS Anetioneera. ESTATE SALE OF MRS. SUSAN BROWN, by order of the Execu'ors. ' " will be sold, en TBURSDAY, the UH?InsWat the east end or Broad sweet, at ll o'clock, . The Two and a half Story WOODEN REST. DEN Cf, No. 17 Henrietta street; h ouse-contains four upright and two attic rooms; lot measures 26 by looreec ALSO, ' cWiHIOl The small C01TAG?. BU'LDTNG. No. ST St. Philip Street. Lot measures IS by.91 feet.. ,,,,, 1 erm?-One-half oath; purchasers to give bond, with interest a seven per cent., secured bx mort zsge o' the property, on a credit ox one year. Purchaser to pay ns for papers janlo-ftothS By W, Y. LEITCH & R, S. BR?NS. Aactlonetri, ' ' I POSITIVE SALE OF REAL ESTATE in John Street, between Eimabttn and Meeting Streets. ' "' Wm be sold on THURSDAY, :8th instant, at the s?st end of Broad . treef, at ll o'clock. All that LOT OP LAND on the Booth side of fohn street, known as No. s. rif? un the premisas are throe Buildings. .Lot measures in front 26 feet by 136 l&de?th. Terms Cash-Purchaser to pty us for pacer*. Jinil-stntba ; _? - By R. M. M ABSHALL k BRO. FINE PLANTATION. ST. JAMES GOOS .CREEK.-: ! ?'MS On THURSDAY, lfl h Inst., at ll o'clock, will fee icM, ne ir the Potofllce, Broad street, ' - 1 hat Valuable TRACT OF LAND, lu Pt James Qoosecreek, opposite and two and a half- rail?? from Ten Mik elation, Northeastern Ratir?id, known aa the Bowen Tract, containing 843 swes High Land, web timbered with oak and yellow pine; soil rich; also 128 sores of Rice Lan i, under bank and lately cu Hvatea, and ITO acres of Us rh Land, easily reclaimed, wish large .?sd ample power of baok warer; there are four lau* lugs on Go secrtek. Tnese lauds are m th? Phos? phate Belt, aa can be seen from nodules ?a the groun d. Plat can be ?eeo ac our efflee ', Term? easy; made known as sale. JanT-tmshi Dj It, M. MARSHALL & BBQ'f~~ STORE AND I WELLING, NORTHEAST corner Marsh and Inspection streets. - ' O . ?hUn-D AY, loth lust., at it o'clock, will be sold near the Postornce, Broad street*, . The above STOKE AND DWELLING, or four Moms and attics, with doubie: Kuchen, cittern, Ac Lo? 84 612 by lio feet, more or le-s. 7 .- ,?>/ Terms eas. ; made known at sale. ', ' - JacS-thsmrb4 _?_?'"' ?? ? * . 'f .il" By R. M. MARSHALL & BRO. NO 188 MEETING 8T RE ET, KNOWN as Howard's Ha?. . .-imTHCRSD A Y, lStb inst., at ii o'clock.' will be Jold Qp?Tt?o-iC?itofflce, Broad street, ..?.". .iho PKEMlSKS?T5o>fi?d??cribed, containing On ant floor twi Soros, nu noftTTA j larjri Hj?Jt,*rfe third five looms, wirti gt.les ano vc ZwRfefP 164K leet, -nor- or less. Terras "nay; made known at sale. ' i?H?T' Jan8-thatnth4 _ , By IL M. MARSHALL St BBO. Auctioneer 4hilB& IN BANKRUPTCY-IN THE MATTER OF WM. G BB id, BANKRUPT. Pursuant tuan order of sale In this ease, to me dlreci4d by the Hon. George rf. Brynn. Judge" or the District Court of the United Staus for the District of south Carolina. I will offer for sale, at pab lo auction, on TOE?DAY, the sut dav of Jan? uary, A. D. 1873, at the corner of Broad and Hast Bay streets, in the City of Charleston, at ll o'clock A. M., . ,, All that PLANTATION or Tract of Land, situ? ate, I? log and being on Klawah island, charles? ton County, and State or South Carolina, measur? ing and containing one thousand acres, more or lesa; baning and bounding to the north and-wrst on Klawab River, to the south on the Atlantic Ocean, and to the west on lands or Isaac Wilson. Terms-One-half cash; balance In one year, with Interest at the rate of seven per cent nm per annnm from the day of sale, to be secured i>y bond of the purchaser, with mortgage of the premises. Purchaser to pay Xor all pacers. , decal tu4 ^??^ Assignee. AattitTtima1 {f?sate Sales, tft. By R, M. MARSHALL & BRO. AT PRIVATE SALE, A WELL. SET? TLED FARM, two and a half miles from hummei ville Depot, South carolina Railroad, ad? joining Lauds or L. F. LeBleox, containing eoo acres, of which loo are cleared, the balance well timbered .vito oak ard pine Si nation healthy all ihe year. Water line. For farther particu? lara, app y at No. 83 Broad street. tn ?.it, jani-tnstuth* By ALONZO J. WHITE & SON, * Brokers. TT7TLL BE SOLD AT PRIVATE SALB. Vf All that LOT OF LAND, with the buildings and improvements thereon, on the north side society street next to Si ira's Dispensary, known ss No. 42 society1 Btreei ; dwelling built or wood, two stories, with slate roof, .containing Are room ?, piazzas, Ac Kitchen of brick, tin roof; on premises a line well of water. For terms and particulars apply as above at No. 68 East Bay._jAull-ata By J. FRASER MATH EWES. VALUABLE SEA ISLAND PLANTA? TION AT PRIVATE SALE. That Valuable Sea Is and PLANTATION, known as Seabrook's Island, situated on the~ar???lL ceean. at the entrance of North ?dlaio Hiver, euS^*?w tainlng abuut 4200 sores, well settled, with a f ne Residenoeand outbuilding*. barn?, stables, cot ton hous s. and quarter- for laborers. .| bu property la well known as one of the best Plantations on the Coast, and afford*, the aa vantagrs of a healthy residence the entire year, being a sea i.laud on tbe Atlantic ocean, and anonada with game, fish snd oyster.-. The Tract la he?vl y timbered wltn live oak and. other tint* uer, and ls acces-lMeat an times by vesseie'draw log twenty fee-water. A flue sea beach? washed by the At tan tic, affords facilities for riding, driv? ing, battling. AC ' "' " - ' '-' ' A Plat of the above can be seen at my ?flee. No. 60 Broad street dec26-wtnthswsS jania, |A 18.20 fOnnitipal STotiee*. CITY HALL, O i FIOE CLERK OFOO?H t-IL, CB ARLESTON. h. C.. JANUARY ?. 1878.-sealed estimates will be Teo Ivel at this nffke until Monday, January 14th, at 12 M. for furnishing OIsTK* SEELt? for cl y purpose', during i be ensuing year, to be delivered tn MOD. quantities and at ruc h olacea ss ; he City hiSDee ! tors shall designate. Estimates to state prloe {i-r bushel. The City reserving the rignttore ect any or all estimates. W. W. si ii0 <&, : Jan ll-3_ Clerk otCnoqcO. OFFICE OP THE CITY APPRAISER. Cl i Y HALL, CHARLESTON. ^ JAN OAKY 2. 1873.-NOTI E.-Thia offlce . will ?s opened from this date and remain open until tte 20th lustant, for Issuing of Licenses for the year 1878. W?L H. EASTBRST, jan2-l? CltyAppralssT,