TERMS OF THE NEWS. THB DAILY NBWS, by mali one year, $8; alz months, ti ; three months, $2 80. Served In the olty at EIGHTEEN CENTS a week, payable to the carriers, or $s a year, paid la advance at the oftloe. TnE TRI-WBRZLT NBWS, published on Tnosdays, Thursday s and Saturdays, one year, $4; Biz months, $2. TBS WBBKLY NBWS, one year, $2. Slz copies $10. Ten copies to one address, $12. SUBSCRIPTIONS la all cases payable In advance, and no paper con'triced arter thc expiration of the time paid for. ADVBHTISBM S.VT3 IN THE IUILT Sm -First insertion 16 cents a nne, subsequent insertions io cents a Une. Business Notices (by count) se cents a line. Marriage and Funeral Notices $1 each. Nor i OKS of Wants, To Rent, Lost and Pound, Boarding, Aa, notezceedlng 20 words, 26 cents eaeh insertion; over 20, and not exceeding 40 words, 50 seats each Insertion. Meetings 75 cents each. These rates are KKT, and must In? variably be paid in advance. CONTRACT ADVBBTIBBJ?BNTS, to nm one month or longer, for each line or solid nonpareil: l month, $1; 2 months, $1 76; S months, $2 60; 6 months, $l; 12 months, $*. TRANSIENT ADV SHTICK MK NTS will bs nuolished In Ti;s TRI-WBBXLT NBWS at the same rates as In Tris DAILY NEWS. Contraot advertisements at one half the rates for TUB DAILY NBWS. ADVERTISE MK NTS IN THB WBBZLY NBWS, per line of solid nonpareil, l Insertion, 16 cents ; 1 mocth, 60 cents; 8 months, $l;6 months, $176; 12 months, $3. RBMITTAKOBS should ba made by Potteflloe Money Ord r, or by Express. If this cannot bc done, protection against losses by mall may be secured by forwarding a draft on Charleston payable to the order of che proprietors of THE NBWS, or by sending tbs money In a registered letter. Address RIORDAN, DAWSON A CO . No. 19 Broad street, Charleston, S. C. THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1873. THE CHARLESTON DAILY NBWS "ls designa "ted as the newspaper for the publication of "all legal notices, and official advertisements, "for the County of Charleston, under the act "of February 12d, 1870, entitled an act to regu? late the publication of ali legal and public " notices. "_ _ NEWS OF THE DAT. -Mr. Samuel Sinclair has offered his resig? nation as publisher, to the stockholders ol tbe New Tork Tribune. It was accepted. -It is reported that a French surgeon has now Inserted successfully Into the skulls of hts dogs watch crystals, through which he can observe the processes ol the canine brain during sleep, in digestion, when Influenced by rage or other emotion, and Its normal movements. -A party of beys have been arrested near Albany, living In a but, where they "played Robinson Crusoe," and supported themselves by killing the hens and chickens of the neigh? borhood, under the apprehension that they were wild animals. The savages In the gnlse of policemen appeared on the scane, and overthrew the encampment. _r- ' -A great cock-fight, Troy vf/New York, took place on the 27th, somewhere between Albany and Troy, or between New York and Albany. Each party entered fifteen birds /500 on each light, and $5000 on the odd. Troy won. A great deal ot money was lost and won, and the lighting was bloody enough to satisfy the greatest thirst for blood. The place of comaat and the parties were kept concealed to avoid the police. -Some ol the mercantile firms of Boston, whose houses escaped untouched during the late fire, have since devoted a goad deal of at? tention to the subject ot fire extinguishing appliances. One ol the leading dry goods houses has just been provided with force pumps of such power as to be capable of sending water from the engine-room, through Iron pipes, to the top of the building, each floor having a connection to admit of the use of a special bose. The clerks, to the number ot sixty-five, are being drilled, so that upon the slightest alarm they may be available for duty. -A New York reporter bas scented out a new business. He saw a sign, "Dress coats lor balls and holidays, 4c., for hire," and of course went into the shop and Interviewed the proprietor. Swallow-tilled coats are hired three dollars a wear-twenty-five dollars deposit-sometimes vests, but never panta? loons. A gentleman nevar likes to wear another man's tro weera. The proprietor says he ls the only man in the business in the city, ajad he has a good thing of lt. His principal customers are not men who are too poor to purchase dress snits, but those who want to go to a DP" or fandango some night when they do sot want to go home and dress for the oc? casion. Impertinent Inquiries might be made and objections interposed In their own dress lig-rooms, and so they just step Into the ac? commodating coat-lender's and avoid trouble and coatentlon, and he ls quietly making a fortune. -The English ship Challenger has just been placed at the command of a surveying expedi? tion that will be one of the most Important of the century. Our little Hassler expedition sinks Into insignificance beside it. The Chal? lenger will be gone three or four years. By dredging, and by extensive observations of every description, the ocean-Us depths and Its Inhabitants-will be thoroughly explored. The vessel will visit Bermuda, the coast of America, the Cape of Good Hope, New Zea? land, New Guinea, the Celebes, the Torres Strait and the Aralura Sea and India Ocean. Then, again, Into the Pacific, when she will touch at the Pellew Island and Japan, and cross over to Vancouver's leland and to Val? paraiso, and then through the. Magellan Straits, and to Rio Janeiro. The Challenger will circumnavigate the globe, and traverse the three grout oceans from north tc south, and from east to west, and make one of the moB t thorough explorations of modern times. -The Mississippi Icebergs following BO soon upon the episodic, have interfered greatly with business along tba commercial Une which the Father of Waters ls usually depended upon to accommodate. O 'er 1500 bales of cotton have been sold at Memphis within the last three weeks and not yet paid for, because bills of lading are not obtained, and await shipment. By the close of navigation on the "Mississippi the railroads are overrun with freight, and notwithstanding extra rolling e ock, the Memphis and Louisville and their branches are so blocked as to Interfere with their regular shipment of what little cotton ls turned out by their presses. Usually the re? ceipts about holiday time are the heaviest of the season, but this year lt has been much injured. With the close of last week the six day's receipts of cotton were only 8289 bales against 19,092 for the week preceding. The number of boats Bunk by the Ice at Memphis, ls seven, and the damaged rafts thirteen. Seventy coal and produoe rafts were sunk or carried away. The total loss of property will be about $250,000. -Even those young ladies who decline to take the smallest interest in political matters will prick their ears to hear of a new bill which lt has been suggested might be brought before Congress. It is called "An act for the abolition ol Chaperons and for the Introduc? tion of more free, simple and natural modes ol Social Intercourse." The bill-to be shortly called the Chaperons act-alter reciting as preamble the "divers great Inconveniences arising from always keeping young ladies under the eyes of elderly persons at balls, croquet parties, and other social gatherings, and from discountenancing their walking, riding and driving with young persons of the other sex," proceeds to enaot that after the passing of the act the lady of the house In wbich any entertainment ls given shall be deemed the chaperon of all young ladles ' present to all intents nod purposes. Further, a whola string ol penalties are directed against dowagers, sisters-in-law, cousins and others who shall endeavor to abridge the free? dom of young persons by making malicious remarks or ^reading unfounded stories con? cerning them. -The State Treasurer of North Carolina paid, on the 3d Inst., to Wm. Wilson, of Robe? son county, the man whc killed Andrew Strong, the reward o? $50t9, offered for Strong's capture or death. The Conviction of Stokes. Murder trials in New York have so con? stantly of late years been a mere mockery of justice, that the sentencing of Stokes to death on the gallows for the murder of | Fisk, twelve months ago, hos taken the whole country strangely by surprise. The verdict was evidently aa unexpected to the prisoner as to the public. The New York papers, while conceding the guilt of Stokes, had uniformly treated hisescape rrom hang? ing as a foregone conclusion. As late as Saturday morning the New York Tribune said, briefly : '?The verdict In the Stokes case will doubl? ?es be reached to-morrow, and the long and tedious trial be forever ended; for whether I the verdict be acquittal or a disagreement of | the Jury, it will probably never be tried again.'' It was even announced in the newpapers, a few days before the verdict, that Stokes, in expectation of some such result as that foreshadowed by the Tribune, was making his preparations for a voyage to Europe. Yet, now that a jury boa bad the firmness and.common sense to do its duly regardless of the wealth, influence and social po? sition of the murderer, not a voice ls raised, outside the circle of the imme? diate family and friends of the doomed man, to question the justice and pro? priety of the verdict. Wilh the facts of the case our readers are sufficiently familiar. ItJs scarcely necessary to say who Fisk was, ornow, from the wagon of a New England i peddler, he suddenly burst upon-Saw York ' as a daring speculator in stocks, and, uki- j mately, by bold and -unscrupulous means got, with his associate, Jay Gould, control ( of the Erie Railroad and its enormous reve- j nues. Of Stokes, also, brief mention will i suffice. He is a man of good family, of a t speculative turn, and, like his quondam com- t panton Fisk, of loose habits. At one time, ' these two men were partners in an oil re- ? fining establishment, carrying on an exten- 1 sive business. But they quarrelled with each ( other about an abandoned woman, and had -? suits at law-Stokes against Fisk, and Fisk E against Stokes-in which Stokes was badly c worsted. From first to last it is a dreary ] and disreputable story-terminating in the t death of Fisk, the arrest of Stokes as bis e murderer, and his trial, ending on the first G occasion witb a disagreement of the jury, c and on tbis, the second trial, with a verdict * of murder in the first degree. t It remains to be seen whether the right- 3 eons sentence pronounced against Stokes, ? on Monday last, will be executed. New t York lawyers are ingenious and persistent, t and lt is not likely that any expedient will ? be left untried to save the murderer from the 8 halter. But, whether he be bung or not, the 1 effect of bis conviction and sentence cannot (L fail to be salutary. I A Wise Conclusion. | i t No class of advertisers are more shrewd I s than those who endeavor to meet the public 11 demand for amusement. To attract and to catch the eye o! the most people is to them as aim that has been with many a life-long study. Not a Hoe, not a beading, not a lit? tle parag.*?rtb as a preliminary purl, but is carefully weighed. Something new is always offering. The need of constant variety, to snit all the kinda cf entertainment, keeps the wits alive and invention on the alert. When, therefore, the managers of the New York theatres meet, as they have met, and resolve to discard most of their placards and hand? bills, it is fair to conclude that they have found that these means of attracting the public, after long trial, do not justify their cost Thia is the most effective blow yet struck at the defacement of the streets by posters. After all, the managers, in com? mon with other observant men, are coming ts? thc right conclusion that a few lines in a newspaper do more good and-reach more patron! than a hundred scattered here and . ' ? j ; The Case Plainly Stated. [From the Washington Chronicle ] Hon. John J. Patterson has issued a pamphlet containing what bo calls a refuta? tion of the oharges of bribery brought against him. We doubt whether this will help the case. The misfortune ls, that prior to the election there was a bold and defiant admie-1 sion ol the purpose to control the senatorial election by the use of money. It was just as well understood In Charleston, en the testi? mony alike of the press and the people there, that the election was to be controlled by the longest, purse as that an election was to take place. Those who were defeated may have been just as corrupt, just as willing to traffic for votes, as the man who was elected, but that fails to relieve the result from its fearfully demoralizing character. The poor, benighted creatures who sold their votes are to be pitied. Their unfltneBB to occupy the position of legislators is thus made too pain? fully evident. But we do not see how that lessens the guilt of Intelligent men who thus make a seat in the United States Senate a matter ot merchandise. The senatorial elec? tion in South Carolina is,unfortunately, not the only one in which lt has been publicly charged that money was used without stint, and the result compassed by that means, li uncheck? ed, will rob the Senate of that exalted char? acter that has made lt the pride and boast of the nation. Colonel Patterson may not be a [ sinner above all others, but the charges In his ' ' case have been so explicit as to make it un-1J pleasantly prominent. The publication of this pamphlet ls a proof of that fact. THE CHARLESTON NEWS FOR 1878. The general favor with which THE CHARLESTON NEWS is regarded by the read? ing public of South Carolina and the adja? cent Slates, has given it an unrivalled circu? lation throughout this section of the coun? try. We are resolved that nothing shall be left undone In the future to keep it up to the highest standard of modern journalism; and in order to place our various editions within the reach of every Southern household, we will furniBh the paper to clubs on very libe? ral terms. The friends of THE NBWS every? where are invited to assist us in extending its circulation. The following are oor CASH RATES TO CLUBS, FOR 1873 : THE DAILY NEWS. One copy, one year.$8 00 j Five ir more ooples, one year, each.7 00 THE TRI-WBBKLY NEWS. One ocpy, one year.$ i 00 Five ooples, at $3 50 eaoh. 17 50 Ten ooples, at $3 each. 30 00 THE WEEKLY NBWS. Single copy, one year.$ 2 00 Five copleB. 7 00 Tea copies.12 00 Twenty copies. 20 00 And larger clubs at the last named rale. THE WBBKLY NEWS will contain all the leading editorials of the DAILY; a care? ful and complete summary of the Foreign and Domestic news ; lateBt news by Tele? graph from all paris of the world ; full aDd reliable Stock, Financial and General Mar? ket Reports; a synopsis of the proceedings or Congress and State Legislatures, when in session; proceedings of Scientific, Agri-| cultural, Religious and Literary Societies; all important Legal Decisions of State and Federal Courts; reviews of tho most inter? esting and important New Books; and, Indeed, everything or interest to the Family G?rele, the Merchant, Farmer, Professional Man, Mechanic and Laborer. Comfort und Respectability. It has long been known lhat some people In rich or comfortable circumstances are not re? spectable, aDd that eome respectable people are not comfortable. An English InveslTga tor has Ignored the claims of itrOT?T reepecta Dlllty upon all classes cl the English people [or the purpose of measuring the whole popu? lation by a rooney gauge, and designates two Jlasses-comfortable people and respectable people. The first Includes those In wealthy and ?as> circumstances, and the second compre? hends those who are superior to paupers, but who do not possess the adequate means to se? cure the constant enjoyment ol' the desirable things of this world. This statistician Induced Parliament to give him a list of the assessed ?eutal of all houses In the kingdom, and from he data thus acquired he bas made his compo? rtions. He concludes that people occupy ng houses, the rental value of which ls isaessed at ?100 or more a year are com ortable. He estimates that a house rent it this rat? implies an Income of ?800 n the city, and ?600 in the country. There are fewer than 60,000 of these comfort? able people In all England, or not quite H per :ent. ol the entire population of the United kingdom. Many of these, of course, have Im neaBurably larger incomes than are repre- j lented by ?100 rental, but the great majority ire people who scarcely come up to the rank >f the comfortable by this est?male. The re ipectabie class ls much more numerous. About 50,000 families pay a house rent of from ?50 o ?100; 250,000 more pay from ?30 to ?50 and 00,000 pay ?20 and over, annual rent. Conni? ng five persons to a family lt 1B thus aBcer alned that lhere are about 3,550,000 people lu be kingdom, ar one-elgbtb of ihe whole pop ilatlon, who come up io the grade of respect? ?le, according to the definition ol this Btatle lclan. The political economists are informed hat the taxation ol the country, rich as it is alls upon a people seven-eighths of whom Ive In houses worth leas than ?20 a year. The issessed rental of ?300 and upwards, ls made ipon only 8123 buildings, and among these here are only 758 buildings which have an isse6sed reniai of ?1000 and more. So that I he number cf families who may be regarded \i rich are exceedingly small. A Growing Evil. [Prom the Wilmington Star.] We have more evidence of the inexcusable letentlon of freights on the Wilmington, Co? ombia and Augusta Railway, and will pro luoe lt If necessary. We assume that this ?vii growB out of the "cheap and rapid system 'of through freight." We hold no "local 'management" responsible for this gross out? age. The officers here are mere agsnts ot a ligner power, and are powerless to iemedy he evil complained off. We do not expect hem to supply the road with rolling stock or i double traok out of their private funds. But he evil exists nevertheless. So aro inc.. &ENTLEMEN^AT1)BTAIN PLEAS? ANT BOARD In a private family; terms $6 >< r week. Apply to H. H. Vernon, at Fogartle's ?ook Depository. Jao9-l? TWO GENTLEMEN CAN OBTAIN Board in a private family. Apply at No. 39 IVenworth street. Jan8-2* JHsniripal Notices. CITY HALL, CHARLESTON, 8. C.. JAN? UARY J, 187S.-NOTICE.-TblB offloe will be ipened from this date and remain open until the loth instant, for Issuing of Licenses for tile year 1873. WM. H. K ASTER BY, j an2-16 City Appraiser. CopartntrBrjips anij flhsfointioni WT^H^TFIBJ^JSAY ASSOCIATED with us m our business. Ur. W. F. BA iBR. The business hereafter will be conducted meier the name ot I10LME8, CALDER A CO. Charleston. Janoary l, 1873._Jan8-3 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. -THE s nbs or Ibers have this day formed a Copartner? ship for the pumose of conducting a Retail Dry 3oods business under the Arm name of HARBE ?ON A CO. JOS. HARBESON. janS-g_M. HARBESON. JJARBESON * OO. would respectfully inform their former patrons that they Intend opening store No. 264 KING STREET, (IN THB BEND,) Dn or abor.t the 20th Instant. Charleston, S. C., January ist, 1873. jane-?o RINGS' MOUNTAIN MILITARY 80HOOL, YORK.VILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA. The First Session of the School year, 1873, will jegin February 1st, and eud Jane 30th. Terms for School expenses, 1. e., board, tuition, mel, lights, washing, stationery, Ac, $lSa per Session, payable In advance. For Circulars, address COLONIL A. COWARD, deoii-wfmM Principal. ?Brnai iV alicea. pS* THE FOLLOWING ACKOSTIC was composed by P. C. Lawrence, and published by my request. FRANOIS O. DESVERSEX. ACROSTIC. My soul communes with your kimi retain, As lt reflects the joy time will Impart, Reconcl ed in hope as love gently burns, Giving comfort and peace to soothe my heart; Aspiring for the bright auspicious morn, Roils on the time I yearn for so. F,ventrul day. a brighter ne'er can dawn, To crown my comior' ana pi-ace below. Joy and Promise will meet my soul in union, A ii tracneriutr 'roana i.tie golden Kurland of Uve, Never to rc-liru their sweet communion, Eojoylng Euen on Harth aud Heaven above. For when Love and Proml-eln vows arc blended, Ou.: for the other in Eden's richest boon, Kecliulog opon Hope, freely condescended, De ight in meir bond with brightness or gloom. ps* CONSIGNSES PER STEAMSHIP FLAG, from Bolton, are not ia ed that she will di-charge cargo Ti,s DAT, at Vanderhorst's Wharf. Goods uncalled for at sunset will remain on the wharf at owuirB' risk. JanS-1 JAMES ADGER A CO., Agents. ^TAKE AYERS SARSAPARILLA TO purify the blood and purge out the humors, plraplCB, bolls and sores which are merely em? blems of the rottenness within. Jans thstu3D?w j^T?TT'S LIVER PILLS ACT MILDLY on tne stomach and liver, causing no griping. They contain no drastic element. jan9-6DAW pS* FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CHARLESTON.-CHARLESTON, JANUARY 6 1873.-The Annual r lection for Directors of this Bank will be held at the Banking Hou-e, on TUES? DAY, 14th or January, 1873. Polls open from 12 M., to hair-past 1 P. M. jans WM. C. BREESE, Cashier. ^DISTRICT TAX NOTICE.-OFFICE OF COONTY TREASURER. FIRE PROOF BUILD? ING, CHARLESTON, & C., DECEMBER 28, 1872. In compliance with instructions from the county Treasurer or Charleston County, the undersigned will be at the above named office from the first to the fifteenth of January, 1873, inclusive, to col? lect the State, county and highway TAXES or 1872 for the Seventh Tax District, according to the rates or levy as already notified by the County Treasurer. W. H. W. GRAY, Depnty Tax Collector, jan8-3 For the Seventh Tax District. pSB* NOTICE.-THE BRITISH BARK BLOMIDON, C. W. Shaw, Mas:er, Iront Demerara, U THIS DAT, the 8th Inst, entered under the Threj Day Act, and will commence discharging, under General Order, at southern Wharf,' on Friday, the loth inst. All persons are hemhj cautioned against har? boring or trQ8? lng any ol the crew or the above named vessel, as debts or their contracting will not be paid by the Matter, or jan7-3 HENRY CARD. Agent. ^OFFICE SOUTHWESTERN RAIL? ROAD BANK -The Transier Books of the Sooth Carolina Railroad Company and Southwestern Railroad Bank will be closed from the ninth to the twenty-third of January, 1873, Inclusive, for the pnrpose of making up the Annual List of Stockholders. JOHN M. HARLESTON. j m3-7 Cashier. pS* HALL'S VEGETABLE 8ICIL LIAN HAIR RENEWER restores to . ? heads a tine healthy growth of hair, ir the hali s are not closed np. Jan4-Btutt? w pW* BATCHELORS HAIR DYE.-T. S snperb Hair Dye is the best In the world, re rectly harmless, reliable and instantaneous. Nc disappointment. No ridiculous tints, or un pleas? ant odor. The genuine W. A. Batchelors Hair Dye produces immediately a splendid black or natural brown. Does not stain the atm. hut leaves the hair clean, sort and beautimi. The only sare and perfect. Dye. sold by all druggists Factory 18 Bond street, New York. rachS-tutbslyr PS* DISTRICT TAX NOTICE.-OFFICE OF COUNTY TREASURER, F1RE-PRO00F BUILD INO, CHARLESTON, S. C., DECEMBER 28TH 1872.-In compliance with Instructions from the County Treasurer of Charleston County, the un? dersigned will be at the above named office from the FIRST TO THR FIITTBB??TH OP JANUARY, 1873, in elusive, to COLLECT THE STATE AND HIGH? WAY TAXES OF 1672 for the Firth Tax District, according to the rates or levy as already noticed by the County Treasurer. S. 1). RUSSkLL, Deputy Tax Colleotor lor the Firth janc-mthl3* Tax district. pS* WILBOR'S COD LIVER OIL AND LIME.-The great popularity or this sare and i ra cactous preparation ls alone attributable to IIB intrinsic worth. In the cure ol Coughs, Colds. Asthmas, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Scrofu lous Humors, and all Consumptive Symptoms, lt has no superior, K equal. Let no one neglect the early symptoms or disease, when an agent ls thus at hand wh.ch will alleviate all complaints of the Cheat, Lunga or Throat. Manufactured only by A. B. WILBOR, Chemist, 188 court ?st., Boston, Sold by all druggists. jans-mwf3 pS* THE SOUTH CAROLINA LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. SAVINGS DEPART? MENT.-Depositors are requested to LEAVE THEIR BOOKS to be credited with thu january Interest due 1st Instant. All Deposits made on or before 20th January will bear Interest irom 1st January. Interest Six Per Cent., compounded quarterly. Jan4-smwf7 F. A. MITCHELL, Cashier. .J?-PLANTERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK OF SOUTH CAROLINA, CHARLESTON, S. C., JANUARY 4, 1873 -The Board ol Directors having this day declared a semi-annual Dividend or One Dollar per share, free of tax, upon the con? solidated stock or this Bank, the same will be pay? able on and after MONDAY, 6th January, 1873. Jan7-tuwf3 THOS. FROST, Jr., Cashier. pS* DISTRICT TAX NOTICE.-OF? FICE OF COUNTY TREASURER, FIRE-PROOF BUILDING, CHARLESTON, S. C., DECEMBER 28,1872.-In oompllance with Instructions Irom the County Treasurer or Charleston County, the undersigned will be at the above named office from the flrst to the fifteenth or January, 1878. inclusive, to collect the State and county TAXES or 1872 for the Sixth Tax District, according to the rates or levy as already notified by the Coun? ty Treasurer. ' MOULTON EMERY, Deputy Tax Collector. decSO-mwre For the Sixth Tax District. JWCLEAR AND HARMLESS AS WA TER-NATTANS' 0RY8TAL DI800VERY FOR THE HAIR.-A perfectly clear preparation in one bottle, as easily applied as water, for restoring to gray bair Its natural color and youthful appear? ance, to eradicate and prevent dandruff, io pro? mote the growth of the hair and stop tts falling out. It 1B entirely harmless, and perfectly free from any poisonous substance, and will therefore take tue place of all the dirty and unpleasant preparations now in use. Numerous testimonials have been sent us from many of our most promi? nent citizens, some of which are subjoined, in everything in which the articles now In me are objectionable, CRYSTAL DISCOVERY ls perfect. It l-i warranted to contain neither Sugar of Lead, Sulphur or Nitrate or Silver, lt does n-t soil the clothes or soalp, la agreeably perfumed, and makes one of the best dressings for the hair in use. It restores the color or the hair "more per reen and uniformly than any other preparation," and always does so in from three to ten days, virtually reeding the roots of the bair with all the nourishing qualities necessary te Its growth and healthy condition; lt restores the decayed and induces a new growth of the hair more posi? tively than anything else. The application of this wonder!ni discovery also produces a pleasant and cooling effect on the scalp and gives the hair a pleasing and elegant appearance. Price $1 a bottle. ARTHUR NATTANS, Inventor and Proprietor, Washington, D.C. For sale by the Agent, DB. H. BAER, No, 181 Meeting street, Charleston, S. C. decl6-mwf imo* meetings. WASHINGTON LODGE, No. 5, A. F. M.-The Regular Monthly Communica? tion < f Washington Lodge, No. 5, A. F. M., will beheld at the Masonic t? ali, at 7 o'clock. THIS EVENING. The Arrear List wm receive Its tlrst reading. Candidates for E. A. Degree will piesse be punctual. By order w. M. Jang_a. W. FISHER, Jr., Secretary. STONEWALL LODGE, No. 6, K. P. Tiie Reanlar MeetlDg nf inls Lodge will be held THIS EVENING, at Pyihlan Hall, at 7 o'clock. The grand officers will Install the officers for the ensuing term. RUBT. C. STARR, jan9?_K. of K. an.i S. CATHOLIC IN8TIT?TB.-THE ANNI? VERSARY Heeling of the Catholic In? stil ute will be hsld Tura (Thursday) EVENING, at 8 o'clock. A full attendance ls requested, as the Election of (juicers for the ensuing year will take place. JOHN E. HOLMES, Jang_Secretary. L1VI? OAK SOCIAL CLUB.-AN EX? TRA Meeting or this Club will be held THIS (Tnursday) EVENING, at 7 o'clock, at Ko. 43 Nas? sau street. Members win please be punct al in their attendance, as business of lap enanco will be transacted. By order. Jan9?_J. KOKNNECKE, Secretary. GBICULTUBAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH CAROLINA.-The Annual Meeting ot the society will be held on THURSDAY KVSNINQ. January 9th, at half-past 7 o'clock, at Holman's Lyceum, when an election tor o ilk cn for the year 1873 will take place. The revised Constitu? tion will be presented for consideration. Mem bo. s will please come prepared to pay arrears. A. BARON Liol,MKS, Jan9 Secretary and Treasurer pro tem. OJ ania. W~^^ED7~A 'GOOD"CO7S~T?D Washer; also a Honse Soy. Apply at No. 13? Queen street._Jan9 WANTED, A COLORED BOY TO walnt at table and do housework. Apply at No. 67 Wentworth street._Jan9-i" W~ ANTED. AN ENERGETIC MAN with tineen hundred dolla? capital, io engage In a permanent business paying one hun? dred per cent profit. Address, fur one week, ..Business," NEWS Office._JanP-4* WANTED, A COLORED WOMAN, TO cook and wash. Apply at No. 6 Liberty street._jan9-l? W~ ANTED. A WHITE NURSE, TO take care of children. Apply, with re? commendations, at northetut corner sm itu and Montague streets._jan9-2 HOUSE SERVANT WANTED. MUST be well recommended. Apply at No. 12 -?iKtrn's Row. _Jau9-2? OTTO SONNTAG, DYER -AND RE? NEWER of COATS, Pahis, Vests, Ac, cf every kind of Clolft-Ko. 84 Wentworth street, near Artesian Weif Jan9-1* WANTED. A PART OF A HOUSE ce ural.y located. References exchangsd. Apply Box No. 2tf0, Charleston P. 0. jan8-4? WANTED, A FIRST-CLASS SAWYER. Apply at the Charleston Steam Saw and Plaulng Mill, west end Beau aln street. jan7tntuB3?_ WANTED, AN EXPERIENCED, souer, Industrious, steady man to take charge as Salesman and Keep Booka ol a country store of general niercbaudlai. Good reeomnienda Hon required. Apply to J. H. KA1REY, Branch vibe. 8. C._Jau7 6 WANTED, A SECOND-HAND PROOF PRESS. Parties having such an anice for sale may find a purchaser by addressing "l'ypo," office of THE NBWS._deci9 WANTED IMMEDIATELY, FOR THE Ladles' Fuel Society, to supply present wauls, 40 corns ol Oak Wood until meir supply can be received. Apply uortbeast corner ot Ju? dith and Elizabeth streets before 12 or after 8 o'clock. _decil AYOUNG LADY WISHES A SITUA? TION, lu a healthy part of the State, as Teacher of ihe English Brandies sod Rudiments or Music. References given If neqnlred. Ad? dress J. R. E., throngh charleston P. u. novl9 to Qt and i orino. feet 2 laches loug; red stripe on sides. Ap? ply at corner Maricet and Slate streets. Jan8-8?_ FOUND ON THE 3D INST., A LaBGE DOO, either a Setter or Hound. The owner i au have the same by proving pr. party and pay? ing ext enaes. Apply at No. 40 Smith street. Jan8-2?_ STRAYED OR STOLEN FROM NO. 84 Beaufaln street, on sunday evening, l&tu In? stant, a setier Dog, with alternate patches of liver color and white, answering to the name ol "Czar." Mead almost wholly llver-col urcd. Somewnai peculiur but intelligent ex? pression of countenance. A suitable rewan will be paid for lils delivery at No. 84 Beaufaln street. uec24_ -for Salt. 110 ARBIVE ON THE 10TH, A LOT of HORSES and Mules, in addition io former stock, for sale at atablas, Qu.ee J street. P. WEST._jau9-4? AFINE COLLECJION OF LIGHT Biahma Fowls; aiao, Eggs or the Llghtand Dark B allman and Houdons. T. L. BACOT, NO. 34 smith street._Jan9-ihs2? JUST ARRIVED, A FRESH SUPPLY OF WEST INDIA FRUIT al the BROAD STREET FRUIT STORE. On hand, a rmi suppiy of Fruits, Candles, Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, Ac, at reason? able prices. Orders delivered to any part or the city. R. .sKERRlTT, Proprietor._Jan9-1? NEW YORK TURKEYS, CHICKENS, arouse, also Wild Docks, for sale at the uarae Sign, No. 9 Market street. TERRY A NO LEN._Jan8-6? KENTUCKY SALE STABLES, No. 89 Church street, have the largest and flnest collection ot saddle and Harness HORSE? and MARES, and the best lot of Dray, Timber, Tur? pentine and Plantation MULES in the city. For sale on time. BAMBERG A MoCOY. )an8-4? JUST ARRIVED, ONE CAB LOAD OF first-class MULES; low for cash or olty ac? ceptance,ar, R. OAKMAN'S Stables, Church street, jan7-3?_ SHINGLES I SHINGLES -200,000 No. 1 SHINGLES In bundles. For sale low for cash. C. J. sc H LE PKG KK LL, No. 37 Line street. decl6-mthl2?_ So Rent. TO RENT, SEVER?LTH?USES, SUITA? BLE for large families or boarding houses; also, several Small Houses. Apply to Mrs. C. H. BERNARD, No. 340 King street._Jan9-l? T~0 RENT, TWO COMFORTABLE ROOMS, either furnished or unfurnished. Apply at No. 61 Wentworth street. Jan9-2? TO RENT, THAT FINE STORE AND Dwelling occupied by Melcher? A Muller. No. 217 King street. Apply at No. 6 Liberty street._Jan7-4? TO RENT, FOR ONE YEAR FROM the lot Jannary, 1873, Harrietville Planta? tion, St. Paul's Parish. Apply to JOHN B. POYAS, No. 417 King street; JAMES PERRY, Summer? ville_Janl-wf2tmhB3 FOR RENT, THE TWO LARGE HALLS ou second and third stories of Building, southwest corner of Meeting and Market streets. Apply io THEODORE STONEY, Southern Wharf. Jan2-thm_ TO RENT, THAT LARGE AND COM? MODIOUS Building. No. 149 East Bay, re? cently occupied as the Publication Office or THE NKfVB, and formerly known as the French Coffee Uotise. For terms, Ac, applv at the Office of THE NEWS, NO. 19 Broad street. sep28 (EfcncationaC GANIST of the Church of the Holy Com mouton. Professor or the Organ, Melodeon, Plano Forte and Vocal Music For terms Inquire at any or the book or music Btores, or at No. 17 Bull street._Jftn7-tutha3? QHARLESTON FEMALE SEMINARY, NO. 60 ST. PHILIP STREET. The Exercises will be resumed on Thursday, January 2d, 1873. Applicants will please present themselve at or before that tim?. special Instruction in French, German and urawlng afforded to advanced pupils who do not desire to pursue the regular prescribed English and Mathematical course of th? Institution. For terms and particulars, apply as above. jan4.fi_Miss KKLLY, Principal. T\7"ASHIJNGTON & LEE UNIVERSITY, LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA. The Second Hair Session or the University will open on the lBt or February. Special arrangement* are made for students to enter classes at thia time. One hal' then gular fee Is charged. For further particulars, apply to jan4-10 WM. DOLO, clerk of Faculty. ftmnscments. ^CADEMY OF MUSIC! FOR FODR NIGHTS ONLY, COMMENCING JANDART13. The Beautiful Little Songstress and Come? dienne, MRS. JAMES A. OATES, AND HEH NEW COMIC OPERA COMPANY, Comprising 2? First-class Artists. MONDAY EVENING, tho Burlesque Extravagan? za hy Hauerie, entitled FORTUNIO AND HIS QI?T8U SERVANTS. The piece e .Uroly reconstructed, with new music, wardrobe and scenery. TUESDAY EVENING, fir tue fl st i (me In this city. Offenbach's Comic opera, LES BA VA Ri S, Translated and adapted to the English stage expressly for Mrs. OATES. WEDNESDAY EVENING, FLOWS lt GIRL OF PARIS. Box Sheeti open on and a'ter Friday, January 10, at the Boa Office. TRACY W. TITUS, decs Manager. JFinanrial. QOLD ^?R~~^LE.^ Apply to w. p. HALL, jan9-2 Brown A CJ.'S Wharf. ?JITIZENS' SAVINGS BANK OF SOUTH CAROLINA, CHARLESTON BRANCH, No. 8 BROAD STREET. On and after Monday, 20th January, 1873, the regular Semt-Annnal interest will be paid to De? positors, who are requested to bring In their Books at that Hmo, that the same may be en? tered. All in-crest not paid on the 31st January will be added lo the principal of the depositor, and will Itself draw Interest as If deposited on the 1st In? stant. Interest ls compounded and added to principal quarterly, but ls payable as heretofore la January and July. Deposits of One Dollar and upwards received dilly from s A. M. to 2 P. M., and on SATURDAY Evenings. This Branch ls under the management ot the following Local Finance Committee ; LOUIS D. PsSAOSSURE, CLELAND KrEDGER, F. MELCHERS, DR. A. C. ROSE, BEN J. F. RYAN*, C. WCLBERN, E. N. THURSTON. Collections promptly atteaded to, there being Branches of this Bank at the most prominent points in the State. D. KAVENEL, Jr., Jan7-10_Cashier. Joint Stock Company. QFFTCI?ITRAIS Or the Charleston Joint Stock Company for the benefit of the State Orphan Asylum : CLASS No. 841-WEDSK? hands high, and for beauty as a race Ir rae ls unsurpassed. Ia his three year old form heran, May 14, 1871, at Lexington, Ky., toe second heat in 1.43V._Jan8-lmo No? Publications. rpnE LOST CAUSE. Call and purchase the Elegant Chromo of the LOST CAUSE, a design by a Confederate soldier, containing Portraits or our prominent Generals and the "Ode to the Confederate Dollar." A Christmas Present suitable for all. For sale at W. G. WHILDEN'S, And at JOHN M. GREER A SON. Price only $1 60. ?CC23-30 QUR NEW BOOK LIST, No. 1. FOGARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY. Stanley's Expedition In search of Dr. Living? stone, (by sub. ) $6 and $e. The Unlverte, tuc Infinitely Great and the In? finite y Little, by F. A. Poucbet, with an lntro ductl n by Professor Guyott, Instructive, Fasci? nating aud Ennobling, subscription, $8 $10and .lt Seagull Rock, tranfllated from the French of Jolea bandeau, by Robert Black, M. A., Illustra? ted by Bayard, Ferat and Wannemaker, $3. Shelley's Early Life, by Denla Florence Mac Carthy, M. R. J. A.. $8 26. oriental and Linguistic Studies, by William Dwight Whitney, or Yale College, $2 50. Tue Life and Adventures ol ur. Livingstone in the Interior or Africa, by H. G. Adams, with Il? lustrations, $1 60. Keel and saddle, a Retrospect or Forty Years of Military and Naval Service, by Joseph W. Revere, ti. Darwin's New Book, The Expressions of the Emotions in Man and Animals, Illustrated, S3 60. The Romance or the Harem, by Mrs. Anna H. Leonowens, Illustrated, $2 fio. Nature, or the Poetry or Earth and Sea, from the Frenoh or Madame Mlchelet, upwards of 200 Engravings, Imperial, 8 vo, Morocco cloth, Gilt, $7 60. The Mountain, irom the Frtnch or Jule? Mlche? let, upwards of 60 Illustrations, Imperial, 8 vo, $6. The Marble Prophecy, and other Poema, by J. G. Holland, author of Bttter-Sweer, Ac, $1 SO. Vols. 3 and 4 Dr. Thornwell's Writings, per Vol. $4. God and Man, by the Rev. Pere Lacondalre. $2. some Elements ot Religion, Lent Lectures, 1870, by H. P. Lldd n, D. D., $1.60. Fifteen Years of Prayer, by S. Irenaous Prime, $1 60. Dr. Mahan's Works, Vol. 1, A Church History of tne First Seven Centuries to the close of the six General Connell, by Mlles Mahan, D. D., $4. Dr. Dolllnger's Lectures on the Reunion of the Churches, $l 60. Dr. Doiuager's Fables Respecting the Popes In :he Middle Ages, with an Essay on the Prophetic spirit and the Prophecies or the Christian Era, $2 26. The Class and tho Desk, a Manual for Sunday achoo* Teachers, in S parts, $4 60. Lire Leesons rrom the Book or Proverbs, by W. Stevens Perry, D. D., $i 78. Parsons in the country will bear In mind that by sending their orders to ns with the publisher's price tor any book published in America, bo >ks will be sent to them by mall or express free of extra charge. Address FOGARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY, JaaS-thBtu No. 260 King sti cet. ggiinm CftTQi* SAM'L W. MELTON, D. H. CHAMBERLAIN, Attorney-General. Ex-Attorney General. j^ELTON & CHAMBEBLAIN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, COLUMBIA, S. C., Will practice in all the Courts of this State, and In the United States Courts for the District or Sooth carolina. Offlces at Columbia. S. C.. In the Statehouse, and in the Carolina National Bank Banding, (up? stairs.) Jan2-lyr D. A. J. SULLIVAN, BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR, No. 113 MEETING STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO Desires to Inform his mends and the public that he ls prepared to carry on the GENERAL BUILDING BUSINESS. Repairs or all kinda at? tended to. D?signa and estimates furnished upon application. sep9 jyjT-OBES GOLDSMITH St SON, COLONNADE ROW, VENDUE RANGE. Highest Cash Price paid ror WOOL, WAX Hides, skins, Paper Stock, Iron, and all kinds or Metals. ALSO, Dealers Di COTTON, Naval Stores and scotch Pig iron. may20-mwflyr (groceries Curnors, &t. O EE WILSON? ADVERTISEMENT, _THIRD PAGE._ COEN, OATS, HAY, FLO?B, BACON AND BEE HIVE STROP. 3000 bushels White and Mixed CORN 7C0 bushels heavy Feeding Oats soo bal s Eastern Hay 200 barrels Family Flour 35 boxen Orv Salt Olear Rib Sides loo barrels Bee hive-yrup. Landing nnd for sate by HERMANN BUfjWINKLB. jano 2_ Kerr'a wharf. J^EMERARA SUGARS AND MOLASSES. luo hhds. Prime 'o Ch.?Ice Grocery SOGARS 100 puncheons Ciiolce Molasses, equil to New Orleans. Now landing from British Bars Blomldon, from Demerara, and for sale by W. P. H A LL. Jan9-thstufl Brown A Oo.'s Wharf. H ENRY COBIA & CO., 26 VENDUE RANGE, Offer for sale, at lowest market prices : 20 hhds Prime O. R. SIDES 20 hhds. Prime Sionlders ^ loo boxes Prim? Western D. S. Sides T Tlerccd and half barrels Lard Candies, Soap, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses of all kinds Mackerel, Raisins, Sardines and Tobacoo. Jan7-tuths8 _ gALT I SALTI SALTI 4000 sacks Liverpool SALT, now landing ex. "Georgiana," at South Atlantic Wharr. For sala by HENRY CARD, Jans_Exchange Range, Atlantic Wharf. gUGAR AND MOLASSES. Two hundred and twenty hogsheads Fair tq Prime How Orleans SUGAR. Two hundred and Arty birrels Fair to Prise Molasses. For sale by T. TUPPBR St SONS. Jans?_ s^jUANO AND LAND PLASTER. Fifty tons No. 1 Peruvian, Chincha IslaruL GUANO. --_-v One thooBand barreJa-L?nd Plaster. For sale by . HERMANN BU [.WINKLE, Jan3 /"_ Kerr's Wharf. ONE THOUSAND TONS PERUVIAN GUANO. The Bark Sappho has jost arrived with say 1000 tons Guanape PERUVIAN GUANO, which ls of. fered at Government terna by GEO. W. WILLIAMS A OO., Jan3-8_Ageata. "^yriNE OF THE ALLSPICE. Indos uterqne servlet uni. The greatest natural Tonio In the world and most certain care for Dyspepsia, indigestion, Diarrhoea, Cholera Infantum, Chol tra Mortana, or any other Derangement of tao Stomach or Beweis. Highly endorsed by the Medical Faculty or thai North. It ls nat an Alcoholic Compound, being manufactured only from the Juice of the ripe Allspice. Price $i per Bottle. Sole Proprietor, G. Di CORDOVA, No. 62 william street, New Tork. Agents, MARTIN Ss MOOD, oct28-BtnthCuiOB Charleston. JJ A E T 1 N * MOOD, (Successors to late E. E. Bedford,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, NOS. 127 and 129 MEETING STREET, Corner Market street, Charles wn, Sooth Carolina, Keep on band a well selected Stock of Choice Family Supplies. Country orders respectfully solicitad. No charge for packing, and goods delivered free of charge to any part or the city, Railroad Depots and steamers. W. H. WELCH-FLSBTWOOD LAWN BAU-L. RASON. OCt24-D4C3mOB ??gal -Notices. NOTICE.-ALL PERSONS HATING any demands agaln.it the estate or ALBERT KOENNECKB, deceased, will present them pro? perly, attested to ALEX. H. BROWN, at hla Of flee, Law Range, and those Indebted to sall estate will make payment to either of the sob scrlbsrs. fSjg^j alcot?n. Jan7-tuthss FINAL NOTICE.-ESTATE OF OLIVER D. SEYMOUR, JR.-The undersigned will apply to the Hon. Georg? Buist, Judge af Probate for Charleston county, on Friday, the lath of Jan? uary next, at li o'clock. A. M,, for Letters Dla mlssory on the said estate. OLIVER D. SEYMOUR, Administrator of the Estate of O. D. Seymour, Jr. December io, 1872._declStntnslmo ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Fataee of Mrs. JBSSIB LA ROEMPKR, are requested to present them attest? ed without delay; and those Indebted will please maka p.tyment to F. R. WIOKENBERO, Administrator. Charleston, December 28,1872._decaO "VTOTICE.-THREE MONTBS AFTER ll date application will be made to the Sooth Carolina Railroad Company for the renewal of certificate for six Shares south Carolina Rail? road and Rank Stock standing In the name of W. c. SONDLEY. the original being lost or mislaid. nov9-lamS* Card. J" O H N CHADWICK, CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA, REED k KEIM, LONDON, ENGLAND, LANDj BROKERS AND NEGOTIATORS. TO LAND OWNERS AND OTHERS. We having established a Burean In London, for the negotiation and sale or Oottea and Rles Plan? tations, large Tracts er Timber Land and other Estates, Mines, Water Pewers and Charters' for valuable franchises, Invite the attention ef all in? terested te our great facilities lor bringlag such property te tb? notice ol capitalists, farmers and manufacturers in Fngland, ireland and Scotland, and tb? Continent or Europe. For circulars, giving full particulars, address, enclosing postage stamp, JOHN CHADWICK St CO., dec24 Charleston, S. C. Shirts ano JTnrnisi}i;t9 (Bac?n. " BB SH O BTVATSI F LATEST STYLES I COMFORTABLE FIT I LOWEST PRIORS S * S S S S S S S 8 S S S 3 SSSSSSSS SCOTT'S SSSSSSSS 8u 8 S STAR SHIRTS AND 0OLLAH8. S s s S Ready-made and made S S S S to Order. S S _ S S - S S MEN'S S S S S FURNISHING S ? S SSSSSSSS GOODS. SSSSSSSS S 8 S s s s s s s s s s s AT THE GREAT SHIRT BMPORIUM t LOOK FOR THE (STAR SIGN, MEETING ?STREET,. NEARLY OPPOSITE MARKET HALL. f?tela AIKEN HOTEL, AIKEN, SOUTH CARO? LINA. Having recently purchased, thoroughly over? hauled and refitted the above Hotel, we resp?et rally anaonnce to our friends and the public that weare now ready to receive and entertain rnesta In first-class style. BAILEY ? PEGO v novso-?moa Proprietors. **