CITY AFFAIRS. MBBTINOS THIS DAT. Medici] Belief Society, at 7 P. M. Regatta Association, al half-past 1 T. M. German Fire Company, at half-past 7 P. M. Caarleston Light Dragoons Association, at 8 P.M. Pioneer Fire Company, at hall-past 7 ?. M. Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias, at half past 6 P. M. Hook: and Ladder, No. 2, at 7 P. ii. Charleston Riflemen, at half-past 7 P. M. AUCTION SALES THIS DAT. Miles Drake will sell at 10 o'clock-, at his store, clothing, hats, Ac. Leitch A Bruns will sell at 10 o'clock, at No. 143 Calhoun street, household furniture, Ac. THEBMOMETBICAL. The following was the range of the ther? mometer yesterday at the drng store of Mr. Joseph. Blackman, on the south side of Broad street: 8 A. M., 44; 10 A. M., 62; 12 M., 58; 2 P. M., 66; 4 P. M., 56; 6 P. M~, 52; 8 P. M., 51. LOCAL LACONICS. -The Northern mall failed yesterday from points beyond Wilmington. -THE NEWS yesterday received two dollars for the Ladies' Fuel Society. -lae return of the city registrar for the week ending January 4th, 1873, shows twenty one deaths Irom various causes, of which num? ber seven were while and fourteen colored. -Mr. C. P. Pelham, the general travelling agent of the Columbia South Carolinian, is now on a Visit to this city in the Interesta of his Journal. j -Prom the Sooth Atlantic and eastern gulf States to-day, easterly to southerly winds, veering to southerly and westerly, are pre- j dieted. -The dramatic performance given on the I occasion of the Christmas festival of the Ca-1 thedral Parochial School, were repeated last I evening in the hall of the Catholic Institute. I A large audience was present. j ? -Yesterday morning a silver watch and guard was brought to the detective office by a member of the force. It had been stolen from j the cook of a Spanish brig by a colored fe male who has more than once figured In the J police records. -Daniel Henry and Moses Ferguson, col-I ored,- were arrested about half-past five I o'clock list evening for disorderly conduct! and breaking the windows of Mr. Teck len burg's store, southeast corner of St. Phillip I and Wentworth streets. They were taken to I the main Guardhouse. -Captain T. J. Lockwood, of the steamship James Adger, In taking the Eu Klux prison-1 era from Charleston to New York, gave them I first-class state rooms and table fare. They also had the range of the vessel on the voyage J the aam? as any passengers, not being confined I la the least. { . -The anniversary meeting or the Charles-1 ton Light Dragoon Association takes place I thia evening, at Hibernian Hall. The asso elation is engaged In the commendable work I of erecting a monument to the members of their gallant corps who gave their lives In de* fence of the Southern cause. j -The Jory of Inquest in the case of Aleck I Dick niet fk the coroner's office yesterday, I and. alter to aclning a large number of wit-1 nesees, rendered a verdict to the effect that I he was wilfully murdered by Samnel Gaillard, colored, on the night ot the 28th of December, I 1872. Thc prisoner was then committed to I J alVstor trial. _ I AMUSEMENTS. j Ttxi Second Patti-Varlo-Cary Concert, The second concert of the Pattl-Maric Troupe was given last evening to a large and thoroughly appreciative audience, whose re? peated encores were liberally responded to by the several artists of the company. Signor Matio was In better voice than on the previ? ous evening. Miss Patti's superb vocalization was displayed to great advantage In the famous Echo Bong, and in the Bolero from "Lee V?pres' Siciliennes." fche sang, also, ai an encore, "Within a Mlle of Edinboro' Town,' with much archness and expression. The matchless contralto of Miss Cary achieved ito accustomed triumph; and In the duet with Signor Marlo from Trovatore, as well as In the simple and pathetic ballad, with whlob she afterwards responded to the enthusiastic ap? plause of the house,- she displayed all that tenderness and sympathy, as well as grace of artistic execution, which are fast making her famous In her profession. Altogether, we can commend the company as affording In its various elementa an entertainment of a very high order, and In some respects of most un? usual merit. Th? Oates C?ralo Opera Company. Mrs. James A. Oates, supported by a comic opera company, commences aa engagement of tour nights, at the Academy of Music on next Monday evening. A varied and attract? ive programme ls promised for each night The sale of reserved seats will begin on Friday at the Academy. DUB STEVEDORE AND COTTON PRESS WORK. Cotton for ttl? North of Europe. There was cleared yesterday, by Messrs. Lesesne Sc Wells, the British bark Jerome Jones, for Amsterdam, with 2194 bales upland cotton, weighing 975,302 pou Dds. This vessel was loaded here and cleared November 19, 1869, wi th full cargo, 1917 bales upland cotton and 62 bags sea island cotton, weighing 847,346 pounds. She also cleared from Savannah April 26,1871, with full cargo, consisting of 1970 bales upland cotton, weighing 945,857 pounds. Il will thus be seen that her present cargo ls larger in pounds than her former cargo from Charleston by 16 11-100 per cent., but allowing one bag sea Island to take the space of one balo and a third ot upland lt will be a gain of 12 92 -100 per cent. Her pres. ent cargo shows a gain In pounds on her Sa? vannah cargo of over 3 11-100 per cent. The cargo of the Jerome Jones was com? pressed by the Charleston Hydraulic Cotton Press Company, Mc W. H. Walker, superin? tendent, and was -slowed by C. Michaels, stevedore'. THE EUBL SOCfBTT. The ladies of the Fuel Society return their thanks to the gentlemen of the Northeastern Railroad for procuring wood for them. The society Is now able to distribute wood to the sick and needy. Thanks are doe the public for their donations of wood and money, dur? ing the severe weather of December. Thirty five dollars received through Mr. Fogartle's book store; the widow's mite, and other re? membrances, are gratefully acknowledged. FOBKION EXPORTS.-Messrs. George A. Hop ley ? Co. cleared yesterday the British bark Wentworth for Amsterdam with 2307 bales upland cotton. Messrs. R. Mure db Co. the 8panlsh brig Santona for Liverpool with 700 bales upland cotton and 90 tons phosphate rook. THE CI TT FATHERS. What City Council DI? Last Erenlng Alderman Kenny Resigns from the Committees-Abrupt and Unpleasant Termination of the Meeting. A regular meeting of Council waa held yes? terday afternoon, at which the Mayor and ten Aldermen were present Oa the call for petitions and memorials the following were presented: Petition of Mrs. C. H. Bernard for reduction of assessments. Referred to the oommlttee on retrenchment and relief. Petition ol insurance agents, protesting against the license on Insurance premiums, and calling attention to the alleged illegality o? ibo same. The petition was accompanied by a loiter lrom the board of underwriters, cxplalolrg that the petition could not be completed in time for the last meeting of Council, lo consequence of the meeting being held unexpectedly. Alderman Cage moved to refer the petition to the committee on retrenchment and relief. Alderman O'Neill wanted lt received as in formation. Alderman Pelzer wanted to know if the peti? tioners objected to paying aoy license at all. Alderman Bowen explained that they did not object to the license of one hundred dol? lars for the first one thousand dollars of pre? miums, bnt to the five dollars Imposed on every additional one thousand. It was then agreed to receive the petition as Information. Petition of the Young America Steam Fire Company for five hundred feet of new hose, to be paid for In monthly Instalments of twenty-five dollars, endorsed by the Board of Flremasters and recommended to be granted. Alderman Sweegan said that the ordinance regulating the pay of the Fire Department, which had recently been passed ny Council, referred all snch matters ss supplying the de? ficiency of hose to the Board of Flremasters. He regarded the action of the board as evi? dence of a disposition to shirk the responsi? bility which devolved upon. them. The peti? tion should be referred back to the board, and If they did not see flt to furnish the hose, the company oonld then either supply Itself or turn over Its apparatus to some other com? pany that would do so. Hs moved to refer the petition back to the Board ot Flremas? ters, which was agreed to. Petition of Henry Miles, asking that his agreement to lease a city wharf on Ashley Elver, between Broad and Beaufaln streets, be cancelled. Referred to the committee on city lands. Memorial of the trustees of the Boper Hos? pital, offering to lease that building to the city for ten years or more, to be used for hos? pital purposes. Laid over for further con? sideration later In the evening. The Mayor read a communication from the medical oommlttee of tha Board of Health, protesting against the use of city garbage In filling up low lots and streets, and asking that the ordinance permitting lt be repealed. In? closed with the communication was the draft ot an ordinance on the subject -which the oommlttee recommended for adoption. Action on the communication was postponed until the proper time for considering the ordinance. Communication of the Board of Flremasters giving the result of an election recently held for officers of the board, and asking confirma? tion ot the nomination or Mr. W. H. Smith as third assistant chief of the Fire Department to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. R. D. Waite. Received as l mor mat loa and the nomination was confirmed. The return of the city sheriff for December, 1872, was read, with an appended receipt ol the city treasurer lor $199171, and referred to the committee on accounts. A communltallon was read from the chlei of police, stating that one hundred new po? lice caps ordered for the department had ar? rived, and asking that they be considered city properly. The request was granted. Report of the physlolan of the City Hospital for December was read and received as In? formation. A note from Mr. L. D. DeSaussure, enclos? ing the title deed of a strip of land on Friend ilreet recently conveyed to the city by Major John E. Bcreven, was read and received as Information. The petitions of Mrs. Mulvaney, T. Q. Mc Kewn, Marlon Porcher, executrix of F. J. Porcher, and James Gibbes, for remission of penalties, were granted. The-oommlttee on retrenchment and relief reported favorably on a petition o? Mrs. Mary Moody for remission of penalties, and the pe? tition was grouted. Alderman Bowen oalled np .no petition of the vestry and wardens of St Philip's Church (or the exemption cf certain real estate from taxation and the remission ot taxes and pen? alties levied on otb sr pieces, which had been laid over lor several months. The following report lrom the oom.nit tee on retrenchment and relief, made upou the petition when it was first Introduced, was read: That the building at tbe corner of Church and Queen streets is "actually occupied and used as a charitable Institution, In the nature of an asylum for Infirm and indigent per? sons;" and aa such Ia expressly exempt lrom taxation by the constitution of 1868, Act JX, Section 6. It has been exempted from taxa? tion by the State on this ground. As to so muoh of the petition as refers to the houses and lots on Gleoe street, owned by petitioners, your committee report that according to the opinion of the city attorney, the City Council cannot exempt from taxation property which ls not exempt by tbe constitu? tion, aud petitioners admit 'their Glebe lands, generally, ar?) not so exempt; but petitioners claim that tbe bouses and luis?n Glebe street, which constitute but a small portion ot their Glebe lands, should not be taxed be? cause the church bas already paid to the city an equivalent for taxation upon this portion of its property. Although, according to i he opinion of the olly attorney, the agree? ment between the church and the city Tor the opeulog of Glebe street (which ls* printed herewith) ls not binding upon tbe city, as a covenant not to tax the lands on said street, yet as the church did pay a bonus lo the city In consideration of Its then Immunity from taxation, it seems io your committee that lt would be inequitable for the city now, with? out any previous notice, to exercise the right of taxation-conferred by the constitution, subsequent to the agreement, without refund? ing to the church the amount paid by it in consideration of immunity lrom taxation, or giving equivalent relief. Your committee, therefore, recommend that the levy ot taxes upon the houses aud lots on Glebe street, owned by petitioners, shall be prospective, and that the arrears be remitted. Your committee also recommend that all penalties, for the reasons staled In petition, lor non-payment of taxes to date, be remit? ted. 0. A. BOWEN, WM. MORAN. Alderman Gage moved that the report of the committee be agreed to, with the understand? ing that lt was not to effect the lax?s of 1672 except so far os concerned the penalties. Alderman Sweegan moved to divide the question, and consider separately th ; exemp? tion from taxation of the building at the cor? ner of Church and Queen streets. Alderman Pelzermoved to adopt the report as lt stood, but the vote being taken the mo? tion was lost. The question was then divided, and the building referred lo first exempted, and the rest of the report afterwards agreed to, with the limitations suggested by Alderman Gage. At this stage of the proceedings, Alderman Kenny stated thal, In consequence of.havlDg been treated in an ungentlemanly manner by the Mayor, he had refused to serve any longer upon the committee on licenses, ajnd he asked leave to resign. The resignation waa accept? ed by Connell. Tbe Mayor stated that, in consequence of the resignation, Alderman Glover became chairman of the committee. Alderman Gage stated that four estimates 'iad been received by the committee on con? tracts for the office o? pump contractor, but as tbeBe had not been properly prepared, and were without mentioning sureties, be" moved that they be referred back to the committee to report the lowest bid, with names of sure? ties, at the next meeting. Adopted, j Alderman Kenny here requested that bis resignation from all other committees be aleo accepte.!. Not agreed to. Alderman Gage stated that both the bids received for impairing the City Hospital, being over $30,000, were far beyond the limit Axed by Council, and therefore could not be enter? tained. He had a resolution to offer in con? nection with the memorial from the trustees of the Boper Hospital, previously read, which be would then offer il no objections were en? tertained by Council. At this point Alderman Kenny suddenly put a atop to the proceedings by leaving the chamber. The Mayor said that the quorum belog destroyed tba only motion In order was for adjournment. He also stated that Alder? man Kenny bad taken offence because an of? ficer bad been sent to investigate tbe cir? cumstances connected with two cases of ex? emption from license whiob were proposed by the alderman. He held that such was his only proper course of action, and remarked that no other members of the committee had ever objected to iL Tue aldermen present I seemed lo sustain the action bf the Mayor. Alderman Gage asked that the messenger of Council be sent io ask the alderman to return. Somer.alderman made a motion to adjourn, whereupon Alderman Sweegan asked that ad? journment be delayed for five minutes. That proposition was not agreed to, but fully as muoh time was consumed In discussing lt and In considering the possibility of punting up another alderman. The motion to adjourn finally prevailed, but not before ali had ex? pressed regret at the abrupt termination of the meei lng. THE COURTS. _ r,j.j Municipal Court. Richard Alston, Richard Frost and William Clyde, colored, disorderly and trespassing, thirty da\s each. Thomas Cochran, drunk, one dollar. H. Dickson, chimney on fire, continued. James Berry, drunk and disor? derly, one dollar. A cow at large, one dollar. United States Court. The grand and petit and pleas Juries were organised as follows: GRAM) JOBY. Artemus J. Burke, foreman: Wm. H. Burney, Mos?*1! G. Camplin, J. B. Dacoster, W. M. Dnflie, Primus Green, Luke U. Maddox, FrdBk Moses, Warren Menton, Christopher Moultrie, Abram Smith, colored, Henry G. Burle, Patrick D?lau, James Fuller, Warren B. Heston, T. Waring MtKeil, Jobo W. Nunan. Garsten H. Peters, Stephen Thomas, M. W. Vennlng, Prederlok Wleuhullz, white. J?KT NO. 1. Dr. David Geiger, ioremao; John A. Alston, Charles M. Browuiag, A Stelling, J. R. C. Cousart, Jae H. Cotburn, Patrick Duran, John G. Driscoll, Br h re nd DoBCUer, white; George W. Allen, Lawrence Campbell, rnomus W. DAVIB, colored. JU RT NO. 2. P. P. Locke, ioremao; James Hogan, James Luby, F. C. Miner, Jack Maybie, J. H. Osten dorff, Charles P. Pelham, wnlte; Benjamin E. Holloway, Moses Langley, Samuel Meares, H. C. Ml nott, D. C. Raioey, colored. SUPERNUMERARIES. J. P. Kirkland, Isaac E. Hertz, Henry Ho? garth, David Wilson, Edward Horlbeck, Rick? ard Wilson. Petition of Charles Kerrison, Sr., to estab? lish lien in the case ot Charles Kerrison, Jr., bankrupt. Beferred to Registrar Carpenter. The grand Jury made the following findings: Stephen Smilh, roting under age, true bill; Adam Cross, selling liquor and tobacco with? out an internal revenue license, true bill; Ed? ward Drake, illegal voling, no bill. United States Commissioner. Commissioner Porteous, yesterday, bound over James Gallagher for trial before the United States Court, on a charge of harboring seamen. Inferior Court. The grand Jury made the following findings: True bills: John anderson, alias John Wasblngtoo, grand larceny; Al ired Hulson, Joseph Young and Henry Taylor, grand lar? ceny; Richard Murphy, assault with intent to kill, and assault and battery. Jose Callajas and Francis Campbell, assault with Intent to kill, and assault and battery. No bills : Wm. Rivers, assault with iBtent to kill, and assault and battery; Chas. Ben? tham, house-breaking and grand larceny; Lou? isa Wilson, perjury. The following persons, convicted at the Oc? tober term of the court, were arrested on beroh warrants and sentenced as follows: William Cblsolm, twenty dollars fine and costs, or two months' Imprisonment; M. L. Davy, assault and battery, five dollars and costs, or three months' ImptUonment; William Cblsolm, having already been imprisoned lor two months, was dlscbarg. d. John H. Holmes, convicted ol carrying on business without a State license, proved that he bad not received a notice of the suit against him, whereupon the proceedings and verdict were set aside. Peter Goodwin was found gullly ol grand larceny. John Anderson, alias John Wash? ington, was lound guilty of the same charge?t Charles Williams was found not guilty ot house-breaking and grand larceny. Prince Bowen was found not gullly of assault with Intent to kill, aud assault and battery. The following cases continued from the Oc? tober term will be tried on Friday: Francis M. and George F. Kinloch, violation ot the act regulating the payment of laborers' wages; Henry Doscber, breach ot trust and larceny ; James H. Stephens, assault and battery; Ben? jamin Mason, assault and battery. AU other cases continued from the last term will be heard on Monday and Tuesday next. Benjamin Hernandez being a trial Justice, was excused from further duty on the grand Jury. SONS OF TEMPERANCE.-At the regular weekly meeting of Palmetto Division, No. 4, Sons of Temperance, held at their hall on Monday evening, the following brothers were Installed by Deputy G. W. P., J. L. Bel), to serve tor the ensuing term: T. Ogler Smith, W. P.; A. B. Bell, W. A.; R. Caldwell, R. 8.; M. S. limar, A.B. S.; W. E. Mongin, F. 8.; J. H. Wheeler, T.; A. Prince, Chaplain; W. H. 8chiffley, C.; H. Sonntag, A. C.; W. R.Whil den, E. 8.; C. F. B. Bremer, 0. S ; F. A. Shif fley, P. W. P._ ELECTION.-At the sevenly-flrBt anniversary meeting ol the Humane and Friendly Society, held January 6,1673, at the residence of Mr. P. 8. Wil .lnson, the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: Presi? dent, R. L. Button; vice-president, P. 8. Wil? kinson; secretary and controller ot burial ground, Robert Howard, Jr.; treasurer, W. T. Oliver; stewards, B. F. Smith and Joshua Misbaw; standing committee, L. F. Wall, F. C. Desverney, J. R. Edwards, R. R. Gordon and W. B. Chase; committee on charity, T. M. Holmes, Robert Houston and John W. Gordon.. THE WEEK OF PEATER. [COMMCNIC AT?D.] Oe Monday alternoon tbe united services of | Ibis profitable season were Inaugurated at tbe Glebe Street Presbyterian Church. The body of the house was Ailed. We were glad to notice that some o? our prominent business men were able to be In attendance. The ex? ercises were Introduced by the Rev. Dr. Girarde?u in a brief and feeling address, sue. ceeded by Rev. John Q. Drayton In fervent prayer and remarks. The Rev. J. A. Cham bliss, of the Baptist Church, aod Rev. R. D. Smart, ot the Methodist Church, also partici? pates. Deep solemnity pervaded the congre? gation as special spiritual blessings upon our entire community were Invoked. This Impressive spectacle of the .cordial union of ministers and people ot all com? munions was again presented yesterday after? noon. Notwithstanding the threatened rain the church was weil Ailed. In the indisposi? tion of the Rev. Dr. Wightman, the meeting was addressed by Rev. C. S. Vedder, by whom a brief, appropriate address was made, as also by the venerated Rev. Dr. Smythe. Prayer was offered by clerical and lay attendante upon the services. These gatherings are characterized by peculiar loterest. Special requests for prayer were presented by note, and frequent? ly remembered by those who led at the Throne ef Grace. This (Wednesday) afternoon, at four o'clock, the following subject will be presented at the Glebe street Church: Prayer for families, schools, colleges and seminaries, for young people in business and professions. Rev. L. H. Shuck is expected to officiate, assisted by Rev. George H. Wells, of Trinity Methodist ?Church. The public are earnestly Invited. THE GROCERY TRADE GROWING. The well-known and successful wholesale grocers and- commission merchants of East Bay, Messrs. W. H. Cbafee & Co., for the ac? commodation of their rapidly increasing busi? ness, have leased the commodious store next j south of their own building. Several large doorways have been cut through the parti- ] lion wall, both on the upper and lower floors, to connect the two stores. A roomy office has been separated lrom the store proper and handsomely fitted up; water works have been supplied to each Aoor, and the whole building has been overhauled and repaired lrom top to bottom. One of the principal features of their southernmost store is a Bates's patent eleva- J tor. This is a new expedient for raislDg heavy packages of merchandise. It is rendered partly sell-acting by a heavy weight, enclosed In a vertical box against the wall, and attached to a stout wire cable, which passes through a pulley near the roof of tbe building and sus? pends a square wooden platform, adjusted to travel up and down a vertical railway. This platform ts furnished on either tide, next to the vertical rails, with a bolt. The bolts will protrude in case of the breaking of the cable referred to, and catching upon Iron stops Axed along the rails, prevent the falling of | the platform. The work of putting up one ol these elevators is extremely difficult, and lt has hitherto been considered necessary to en? gage the services of a mechauic from the manufactory to have lt properly done. This, however, has been proved to be unoeoeesary, as the elevator in question has been erected by Messrs Sawner & Ferguson, contractors and builders, and works with perfect ease and satisfaction. As might be Inferred from the enlargement of their accommodations, Messrs. ChaCee & Co. have largely Increased their stock, aod they are now prepared to exhibit | on? of the most extensive assortments of gro? ceries and liquors ever seen In this city. They are also large Importers of ales and porter, being agents lor MoEwan's sparkling Edln burg ale. Bass & Co.'s pale ale, Guinness'? porter, ' A Hunt, J H Hillen, Johnston, crews A co, Jeffords dc co. Jjger Bros, D Jennings A son, A Johnson, H W Kricte, H Klatte k co, E?lnck, Wickenberg A co, Kana paus k Gonzalez. J Kennerty, Kinsman k How? ell. Louis Keuacke, Lauroy. Alexander k co, K Marshall k co, F Opdebeck, J F O'Neill, O'Neill, Ravenel k co. Rlecke A Peter? mann, O Roesaler, Kavenel, Holmes k co. O P Poppenhelin, w h. Pomeroy, B Perry, Quacfcen basil, Estill ? co. M H Rogers. J it Read A co. w f Ruaeell & co, W snepparu k co, R B Stoddard .v co. stet?ns, Werner A DncRer, H Siegllng. H sou bey roos J L Sheppard, street Bros A co. Sell k Foster, Tledemann, calder k co,Terry A Nolen, MTrlesr, S Thompson, F von Santen, a w wil? liams k co. P Wineman k co, and others. Steamship Georgia. Holmes, New Yorx-left 4th instant. Mdse. To Wagner, Unger ? co, J K Adger k co, D A Amine, J Apple, J Archer, C D AhrenB A co, B Boyd, E Bates A co, follmann bros, H Bischoff, B Baum, P L Breeden. G A Bow? man, E Bull, T M Cater, L chspln. Crane, Bov in? ion A co, T Campbell, H O Do-cher, Dowle. Moise A Davin, L Deuz, Forsyth, MeComb A co, Furca gotr, Benedict A co, E Fowler. J H Graver, Hart A LO, N A Hnnr, J Hur& A co, 1 Hyman A co, A Illing, Johnston, Crews A co, Jeffords A co, Ship Intrepid, Kllnck. Wlckenberg A co, Kinsman Bros, H W Knete, K Lee, Laurey, Alexander k co, H Leldlog, Martin A Mood, Mcuoy A Rice, K O'Neill. Murphy A Lil le, News office, J F O'Neill, D Pani k co, C B i oppenheim, Kavenel k co, J Ryan A co, J R Read A co, L Schnell, atoll, Webb A co, H Steoder, Steffens, Werner A Docker, A Sumner, M Tilt at, s Thompson, A Tleftnthal, J Thomson, A1 oblas'a Sons, W Ufferhamt, Wagoner A Mon eees, Walser, Evans A Cogswell, & H Wilson A A Bro. R Wing, O F Wleiers, So Ex co. s O K R co, N E R R oo, C A S R R co, W A Courtenay, and others, ?>ihr Old Chad, Mcclintock, Baracoa-6 days. Frail. To o Bari Sc. co. creamer Dictator, Coxeitnr, Palatka via Jack? sonville. Fernsndlna and savannah. 66 bales cot? ton, 22 tibi? ana boxes orangey 44 bois syrup, l bbl sogar, mdse, Buntine a, Ac. To Kavenel A co, Witto Bros, stone?, Lowndes A co. Ingraham A Son. Fjaser k Dill, W A WolT. J D Kirkpatrick, W B Williams A ?Sun, Plncfcney Bros, E H Fron & co, T P Smith. 0 Lltschgl. Sehr Uenrlelta Hill, Hill, Carlen, Ga. 3600 bushels rongh i Ice. To J R Pringle A Son. Received from West Polut Milt. 26 tierces rice. Toi K Pringle A Son. Sehr Char.oite, Peterson, Combahee. 2060 bushels rough rice. To w 0 Bee CLEARED Y ESTERDAX. Steamship James Adger, Lockwood, New York -James Adger A co. Steamship Maryland, Fisher, Baltimore--? O Trenholm. Br bark Jerome Jones, Kinney, Amsterdam Lesesne A Wells. Br bark Wentworth, Robbins, Amsterdam-G A Hopley A co. Spanish brig Santona, Oerlon, Liverpool-R Mare A co. SAILED YESTERDAY. Steamship Maryland, Fisher, Baltimore. ppauUh brig Segundo Romano. Carreras, Bar? celona. FROM TFJIS PORT. Spanish s:eamshlp Rivera, Anrtenccti, at Liver pool, January 7. Meamehip Champion, Lockwood, at New York, January 7. sehr Index, Garrison, at New York, December 28. ?P FOR THIS PORT. Br bark Annie Troop, Newell, at Key West, Jan? uary 7. SAILED FOR THIS PORT. Steamship Flag, Foster, from Boston, January 6, A M. MARINE NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. LIVERPOOL, January 7. Arrived, Rivera, from Chark st OD; Ben Nevis, from Mobile; Jatho, from New Orleans. N KW YOBS, January 7. Arrived, Zodiac, Morehead City, Champion, Montgomery. Arrived ont, Adriatic. MEMORANDA. Th? steamship Fl g. of. the Boston Adger line. sailed from ihat port on sunday last, wltu a full cargo. Captain Wilbur, or the bark Sappho, makes the following report: Westward of Falkland Manda ppoRe American ship St Johns, 66 days from San Francisco, bound to New York. LIST OF VESSELS DP, CLEARED AND SAILED FOR THIS FORT. FOREIGN. LIVERPOOL. Br bark Tiber, Lewis, np.dec 4 Br bark Galona, Smith, sid.December 10 CALLAO. Ship I lorella,-. aid.Oct 29 - HAVANA. Span brig Hngo, Gnaroben.sld.Dec 7 i DO M EST?O. NEW TORE. Steamship Georgia. Crowell, sailed.Jan 4 Sehr Osprey. Dukes, cid.Jan 4 Sehr A U Howe, Newbury, cid.wan 2 sehr Thomas W Havens. Brown, np.Dec 24 Sehr Jessie B bnilth, Willi tran, up.Dec 24 j Sehr Wm Penn, Thompson, cid.Deo 26 ! dir Abby K Bentley, M eh a trey, cid.Dec 24 PORTLAND, HE. Sehr Edward Walto, Ysrk, cid.Dec 29 Sehr Hannie Westbrook, McFarland, cid....Dec 24 J BOSTON. Br bark Emily Lowther, Cain, cid.Dec 26 Sehr Eugene Borda,-, ap...Jan 2 Scnr Ind Maman, Adams, up.Dec 20 Sehr Grave,-, np.Deo IS Sehr SkyUrk, Lorlog, cid.Jan S Sehr A L Butler, webber, cid.Dec ll steamer Flag, Fosur, sid.Jan 6 BALTIMORE. Sehr Willie Luce, Talbot, np.Dec 28 KEY WEST. Br Bark Annie Troop, Newe 1, up.Jan 7 POET OAZKHDAJL IIOON'B PHASES. First Quarter, 7th, 6 noam, 17 minutes, morning. Full Huon. 14th. 4 hours, 25 minutes, evening: East Quarter, 22d. 8 honra, ii minutes, evening. New Moon. 30th, l hours. 17 minutes, morning. Monday. tuesday. Wednesday, rhursday... Friday. saturday... Sondav. sun RISES. 7.'! 3 7.. a SDN BETd. 6.. 10 5..11 6. ll 6..12 6..13 6..14 6..16 HOON B, * 8. 12..2S 1.31 2.. 32 3..31 4..3> 6..32 6..28 mon WATHB 1..16 2.. 14 3.. 9 4..20 6.. 2 6..66 d..41 EJrngs at Wholesale. f GUYOT'S TAR CONCENTRATED PROOF LIQUEUR Mr Guyot has succeeded in depriving tar of its in'.ipportable sourness and bitterness, and in rendering it very soluble. Profiting by this happy discovery, he prepares a con? centrated liqueur of tar, which in a small volume contains a large proportion of the active principle. Guyot s tar possesses all the advantages of ordinary tar-water without any of its draw? backs A glass of excellent tar-water without any disagreeable taste maybe instantaneously obtained by pouring a teaspoonful into a glass of water. :> Any one- can thus prepare his glass of tar water at the moment he requires it, thus economizing time, facilitating carriage and obviating the disagreeable necessity of hand? ling tar. Guyot s tar replaces advantageously se? veral more or less inactive ptisans in the treatment of colds, bronchitis, coughs, and catarrhs. Guyot * tar is employed with the greatest success in the following diseases U AS-A DRAUGHT. - A tedsponfcl in a glass of waler, or two tablespoonfuls in a bottle. BRONCHITIS CATARRH OF THE BLADDER COLDS OBSTINATE COUGHS IRRITATION OF THE CHEST PULMONARY CONSUMPTION WHOOPING COUGH DISEASES OF THE THROAT AS A LOTION. - Pure or diluted wdh a Utile waler. AFFECTIONS OF THE SKIN ITCHINGS DISEASES OF THE SCALP G ny or s tar has been tried with the Greatest success in the principal hospitals of France, Belgium, and Spain. Experience has proved it to bc tlie most hygienie drink in time of epidemics. Detailed instructions accompany each bottle Depolin Paris, L. FRERE, 19, rna Jacob. Agents in Charleston,-DOW1E, MOISE A ^DAVIS, Wholesale Druggists. Stripping. jp O E LIVERPOOL. Tbe Oratclass Iron Baric MAGNET, har- Jj* lng a large ponlon of her cargo engaged, Juc will nave diapa'cti for the above port li For Freight Engagements apply to GI BB KS A BARNWELL, dec?_North Atlantic Wharf. JOE BOSTON. Tnescew steamship FL?Q, Foster, ^jSS??L Commander, will sail from Vauder-SUBK horst's Wharf for the above port on SATOEOST, the nth instant. JAMES ADGER A GO. Jan8-wf3_ QHANGE Of SAILING DAYS. INCREASED SERVICE. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S THROUGH LINE TO CALIFORNIA CHINA AND JAPAN. FARES GREATLY REDUCED. Steamers of the above line leave Pier No. 42, North River, root of Canal street,._ New York, at 12 o'clock noon, of the lota, : and 30th or every month, except when these dat?e . rall on sunday, then the Saturday preceding. -f AU departures connect ar. Panama with steam? ers for South Pacific and Central American porta. For Japan and China, steamers leave San Fran* cisco first of every month, except when lt falls on Sunday-then on the doy preceding. No California Steamers touch at Havana, but go direct from New York to AsplnwalL One hundred pounda baggage free to each adult. Medicine and attendance free. For Passage Tickets or other Information, apply at the COMPANY'S TICKET OFFIOE, on tbs Wharf foot of Canal street, North River, New York. F. R. BABY, Agent. augl9-lyr LIVERPOOL, VIA QUEENSTOWN CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAILS. THE LIVERPOOL AND GREAT WESTERN STEAM COMPANY Will dispatch one ol their first -clasa, foll powef Iron screw Steamships from PIER No. 40 N. R., EVERY WEDNESDAY, Cabin Passage $80, gold. Steerage Passage (Office No. 29 Broadway) |M, ourroncy. . For Freight or ?$?^?g?g& No. ea Wall street, H. Y. N. B.-Through Bills Lading to Liverpool laaned ij the Charleston and New York Steamers, which .nato close connection with the above line. For particulars and rate or Freight apply to JAMES i JIGER it CO., WAGNER, HUGER A CO., maya Or WM. A. COURTENAY. TjlOR WRIGHT'S BLUFF AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS ON THE S ANTEE BITER. The Steamer MARION, Captain r^a?d?? W. P. Adair, ls now receiving JHSHE Freight ar, Accommodation Wharf, ana wm leave on THURSDAY NIGHT, the otb inst. Freight and w hartase prepaid. .. w For engagements apply to Captain on board, or to RAVEMEL, HOLME* A GO., , jan8-2 _p No. 80 Bast Bay. ^TEEKLY LINE TO SAVANNAH, GA., AND SEMI-WEEKLY TO BEAUFORT, S. C. I The Steamer PILOT BOY, Captain W. T. McNelty, Will leave Accommodation Wharf , .?JJT^s every MONDAY MOBNIN<3, at BJpEBHE o'clock, for Savannah,. Beaufort, Hilton Head and Spanish Wells. Returning will leave Savan? nah every THUBSPAY MORNING. Will leave for Beaufort, raclflc and Chlcolm's Landings every THURSDAY MORNING, al 8 o'clock. Retnrnlng, will leave Beaofort every FRIDAY MORNING. Goods consigned to care of Agents will be for? warded free or storage or commission. Freight received WBDNBIDAYS and SATUBDATS must be prepaid to Way Laadloga' Freight received for points on savannah River,' to be transferred to Steamer CLYDE. For engagements apply to ?AVENEL. HOLMES 4 CO., Jan8-wa No. 80 Bast Bay. JP O B FLORID A,y; VIA SAVANNAH. 'The Splendid side-wheel Steamers, DICTATOR, CaotLln L. M. Goxetter,. __ and CITY POINT, Captain Fltsgerald, wiu leave Charleston every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and 8cir DAY STUNING, at 8 o'clock precisely, for Savon- ?? nah. Fernandina, Jacr.sonvti e, Magnolia, Graes Cove Springs, St. Augustine, Palatka and ali handings on st. John's uiver. Connecting as Paiatka with steamers for the Oclawaha River and with tbe steamer STARLIGHT for Enter? prise, Melloavillo. and all points on the Upper, St. John's and Indian Rivers. Connect at Fern?n Moa with Florida Railroad for all points In the 'fl ?nor, and with Railroad for New Orleans and Ei**ana, via Cedar Keys. All Way Freight munt bo prepaid. For Freight or Passage, apply to ' A RAVENEL A 00., Agents, i L Oerner Vanderhorst's Wharf and East Bay. dec2 Ti r--~ f i \urii8At. EmmKrnon OF ts** ri RS T-(XASS MEDAL . ALF. LAB A RM QUE AND Co Q?INI?M UBARRAQUE Approved by the Imperial Academy o f Medicine The Qoiriiam Laborraqne is an eminently tonic nnd febrifuge Wine, destined to replace all the other preparations of Peruvian Bark Thc Bark Wines usually employed inme dicine are prepared from Bork s which vary considerably in the degree to which they possess tlie desired properties. Besides, owing to the manner in which they are pre? pared, these Wines contain scarcely more than the traces of active principles, and these always in variable proportions. The Quttnium Labarraqae, approved bj the Academy of Medicine, constitutes, on the contrary, a m?decine of determined compo? sition, rich in active principles, and on wich Physicians and Patients can always rely. Thc Qainiuni Labarroque is prescribed with great success for persons of weak con? tinuion, or for those debilitated by various exhausting causes or past sickness; for youths fatigued by too rapid growth; for young girls whose development takes place with difficulty; for women in childbirth; and for aj;ed persons enfeebled by years or illness. It is thc best preservative against Fevers. In cases of Chlorosis, Anemia, orGreensik ness, ibis Wine is a powerful auxiliary of Hie ferruginous preparations. In conjunction, for example, with VALUT'S PILLS, the rapidi? ty oiits action is really marvellous, repot ia Paris, L. PHEBE, 19, rae Jitcb. I Agents In Charleston: DOWIE, MOISE L A DAVIS, Wholesale Druggists. V la* musical Soaks. QHOIRS, MUSICAL CLASSES, CON? VENTIONS. ACADEMIES. , Attention to the following Choice List of NEW CANTATAS I ORATORIOS I ANTHEMS t New and Attractive Cantatas. Forty-sixth Psalm, Dudley Buck, $i. Festival Cantata Eugene Thayer, $125. Gounod's Choral Music, 60 cents Well worthy of careful study. Musical Enthusiast, Hewitt, so cents. An amusing and very melodious musical ex? travaganza. NEW ORATORIOS. j St. Peter, J. K. Paine, $176. Prodigal Sen, Arthur Sullivan, $1. Fine effective compositions. ANTHEM BOOKS. Sabbath Guest, Emerson A Morey, $1 eo. Bock's ?ew Motette Collection, $2 60. Baumbach's sacred Quartettes, new, $2 60. IN PRESS-NEARLY READY. strauss' Dance Music, Violin and Plano, JL The above books sent, post-paid, for retail price. OLIVER DITSON A CO., j. 0. H. D1TSON k 00, Boston I Hew York. mch27-wsiyrnaw -v