The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, December 30, 1872, Image 4

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CITY AFFAIRS. MEETINGS THIS DAT. La Ci?deur Lodge, A. F. H., at half-past 6 P.M. Stonewall Lodge, K. P., at 7 P. M. Clumber of Commerce, at 7 P. M. o AUCTION 8Ali SB THIS DAT. WQllarn McKay will ? ell at 10 o'clock-, at his store, dr; goods, notions, Ac. B. M. Marshall & Brother will sell at ll o'clock, at residence* west side of Jasper's Court, household farnltnre. TSE COURTS. Municipal Court. The Stonewall Fire Engine Company, run? ning hosereel npon the pavement in King street, between Market and Beresford streets* continued. The fire at No. 13 Legare street, wat referred to the chief of the Fire Depart? ment and the city recorder for investigation. THE PORTRAIT OF THB ZATH ALFRED HUGER. Tbe portrait or the Hon. Alfred Enger, whloh was disposed of at the Cb a m ber of Oom- j maree rooms on Friday, was painted by Mr. Bogle during the winter of 1871-73. It ls a striking likeness, and does great credit to the well known skill or the artist who painted it for the Confederate Widows1 Home. Mr. Hngerwas known and honored thoroughout South Carolina, and lt ls a great satisfaction to his friends that so fine a portrait of him ?boald have been taken In almost the last days of his life. THE MINSTRELS. - The audience at the Academy of Music OD Saturday evening, though not as large as on the opening night, was as good as even happy Gal Wagner himself could have hoped for in snob biting cold weather. Tbe programme, as had been promised, was entirely new, with the exception of Fred. Wilson's Grecian Statue act, which ls loo good to be omitted. The singing, especially In the quartettes, was realy fine. Cal Wagner and Sam Price were, as nsnal, the bright stars in the galaxy, bat | whilst OD the first night Price took the palm, old Cal's B tar wasln the asoendant on Saturday evening, and he bore Ute laurels. A new bill to night. LOCA L LACONICS. -Another mite of $1 60 received for the Fuel Society. More wanted I -A rehearsal of the oratorio of the Creation will take place at eight o'elock to-night. -Easterly and southerly winds, wlthln . creasing cloudiness, ls predicted for lae Southeastern States to-day. -A chimney at No. 376 King street blazed op about half-past eight o'clock on Saturday morning. The flames died out without doing any damage. -Alderman W. B. Smith, with his wife and daughter, and Kiss Gibbon, arrived In New York yesterday on the steamship Oce?nica, o? the White Sbir Line, hating bad a very ronghpassage. -The Rev. C. B. Northrop, of St, Mary's Church, was presented with a gold-headed cane on Christmas evening, by the teachers .nd pupils of the catechism classes or that church. -On Saturday evening the South Carolina train, on the Camden branch, about twenty ~ two miles Ito m Ringville, ran over some cows, which threw the engine from-tub traca,-rmr engineer, Mr. Miles, broke hts leg. None of the passengers were In any way Injured. -There was a very pleasant entertainment on Saturday aboard of Mr. Morgan's new steamer, the Louisa. Hearty good wishes s wore expressed for the prosperity of the steamer, of ber owner, Mr. Morgan, of her captain, Mr. N. T. Slawsoo, and of her agents, Meters; Shackelford ? Selly, la all whlob, In spirit, Tax News Joins. -A depraved wretch, without regard for ? the feelings of the oommunlty, etc'- Dr. Joseph> Blackman'! thermometer on Sunday evening-that thermometer whlob has so often -made the passers-by button up their coats with a shiver. May it give cold oomfort to Its dishonest possessor. The next will be guarded by a torpedo, filled with a ohemical compound, warranted to kill a thief at Sight. IT. X. I.-BIRTH DA F BULLETINS. .Letter* fro tn General Coaster, Colonel Simons ?nd Or. Robert Lobby, "a Meaeberr of 1934.'' CUABLISTON, November 4, 1872. To 0. 0. Trumbo, Esq., Secretary: DEAR Brx-I am In receipt of your note of ? 11th October, enclosing resolutions of the W. L. I. Rifle Club, and with pleasure accept the In? vitation to resume honorary relations with the company, and beg to express my g ratification at tne revival ot the military features or the old W. L. L Yery truly yours, JAS, CONNER, Bx-Captaln W. L. L Vols. Io G. 0. Trumbo, Esq., Secretary: DEAR Sm-Your letter requesting me to accept and reassume the relations ol honorary member of your company has boen received, and the invitation ls cordially accepted. Whether regarded as an association with those who have preceded me, or a renewal ol the many ties which have connected me per? sonally in the bonds of friendship and frater? nity, the call ls equally inspiring and gratify? ing. The names of my family who have In the past been honored with your confidence, the very flag of Eutato, presented by those who are akin to me In blood and marriage, and the many acts of kindness and regard extended to me while an active member of the Wash? ington Light Infantry, all bind me, In the eloseat ties, to your corps, and ID the warmest wishes lor your success and prosperity. Permit me to congratulate you on the hap? py auspices under whloh you will assemble in February next, and on the futnre which thns brightly opens, and to assure you that there la no one who more highly appreciates the past or ls more Identified with your present, and hopeful of your future, than yours, with the highest regard and esteem. THOMAS Y. SIMONS. CBAKLEBTON, November 6, 1872. fo 0. O. Trumbo, Esq., Secretary : DKAR SIR-I have the honor to acknowl? edge the receipt of your commanicatloa trans? mitting the resolutions of the Washington Light Infantry Bifle CrvAb^invitlog me to hon? orary membership witn^tqis organization which yon DOW represent. I accept slr this Invitation with feelings of prideiSd pleasure especially as lt brings to recoUecSon that when a youth, I was In the ranks of thraonie corp?, which, with the old Frenoh Fnslle&v Captain Foll?n, formed and composed the body guard of the Illustrious Marquis de La? fayette, wheo fae visited Charleston; also when the widow of the gallant Colonel Wil? liam Washington presented the Eutaw flag to our noble corps, I was present in the ranks, .nd was detailed as one of the color guard on receiving the flag from our beloved captain. W. H. Miller. r Identified in mrny other memorable eveots I ' connected with the old corps, lt ls with ead I < and melancholy feelings Impressed upon me that I see very few of my old comrades in ranks ol the W.L. I. or that date. 1 Again thanking your club for this kind and 1 Olatloguished remembrance of an old comrade < in arms, let me urge upon the youtbtul mern- \ a;rs of your clubto preserve and perpetuate i stogie defendant remains to keep lt Intact, ( ?nd hand lt down to posterity. With great respect, I remain, an old comrade, - ROBERT LIBBY, Sr.. M. D A member yt the W. L. L 1834. A BARK OK WIRE. Two ThoBiaud Bales ot Cotton Barned or Sank-A. Loss of 9900,000. The sharp clanging of the alarm bells be? tween seven and eight o'clock on Saturday evening camed considerable uneasiness, un? til lt was ascertained that tbe fire, In all prob, ability, would be confined to the place ia whloh lt brake out, the hold o? TES BAR? J. E. D?FF?8 lying at South Atlaatlo wharf, nearly ready for sea. The stevedores had been at work until the uBual hour for knocking off, andas late as six o'clook some of the orew, who were in the forward hold, saw no signs of anything wrong. At hall-past Beven o'clock, however, the steward Baw a oloud of smoke above the forecastle. This was the first sign of danger. The smoke soon became BO dense that the captain and orew could not er4? the hold, and a messenger was dis? patched to the Malu Guardhouse to give the alarm and call lor help. T3S ALARM WAS SOUNDED, sind in a few minutes several powerful steam? ers came up, ready for action. A cataract of water was poured into the hold of the vessel, and during the night the engines were stead j Hy at work. Before morning the firemen were completely exhausted, and at six o'clock A. If. the alarm was again sounded, calling out as a relief the eoglnes of fire district No. 2. This ringing of the bells led to tbe erroneous belief that a second Ara had broken out. AB soon as the smoke oleared away there was A VM0RCTJ8 ATTEMPT TO SAVE THE CAROO of the Daffi.?. The hold was broken open, but only a small number of the precious bales could be taken out. Even these were so much burned as to require to be thrown over? board. As IB usually tbe case with burned oolloo, :the flames were ready to break out afresh as soon as the staple was exposed to the air. THE ORIGIN OF THE FIRE remains a mystery, as the storage of tbat part of the bark ia whloh the fire made its appear? ance was completed a week ago. Ia dealing with the fire the only proper course was to endeavor to Bink the vessel, whloh now Uee on th? mud, with a Hst to the port side. Aa sooo as possible the bark will be pumped out aod the cotton removed, but lt ls feared that there will be NEARLY A TOTAL LOBS OF THE CAROO, wbloh consists of 2249 bales upland cotton, shipped by the following merobants : Gibbes * Barnwell.1099 bales Lesee ne ? Wells.600 bales Pinckney Bros.300 bales T. B. Havne.100-bales B. G. Wilkins St Co.250 bales Total.2249 bales The cargo was worth about $200,000, and ls probably covered by insurance inlorelgn and Northern companies, including a risk of $20, 000, gold, ia tho Orient Insurance Company, of which Mesan. Hager Si Bavenel are the Charleston ageuts. THE DLL-FATED BARK was nader charter to Messrs. B. 0. Wilkins & Co., of Charleston, and was about to sall for Bremeo. She belongs to Yarmouth ($. 8.1 and ls of about 676 tons burden. She was built la 1864, and L&d tbe largest cargo ever taken by ber, amounting to about one million pounds, against eight hundred thousand pounds, whloh formed her cargo when she sailed ont of Savannah. ACCIDENT AT THE FIRE. During the rush to the burning vessel oa Saturday night, when the alarm was given, several mea ware knocked overboard, sad lt ls feared that some of them were drowned. The c?ptala of a neighboring vessel, wbofaH overboard, would certainly have found a watery grave but for the prompt assistance of Lieutenant Fordham, of the police, and or a gallant fireman, wbo plunged into the freezing water and rescued bim. At dark last evening the engines had oeased working, and the fire appeared to be extin? guished, tba vessel belog submerged nearly to the dook, and about ona hundred or more bales ot cotton had been placed OD the wharf. SUNDAY SCHOOL CELEBRATIONS. St. John's Luther?? Sunday Behool. The Christmas festival of BL John's Lutheran Sunday School took place in that church yes? terday afternoon before a fair congregation. The children sung a Christmas chant with mrch sweetness and efleet, after which the pastor, the Bev. T. W. Doab., preached an In? teresting sermon upon the duty of all to be bappy. In conclusion, the children, accom? panied by the choir and congregation, sang "Nearer, my God, to Thee." Thc First Baptist Charon. A pleasing oeremoay took plaoe at the First Baptist yesterday afternooa, lt belog the quarterly [celebration of its Sunday school. There was a good attendance ot children and grown persons. The exeroises were opened with prayer, and, [after reading a portion of the Scriptures aod einging some appropriate hymns, tbe report of the superintendent was read. This gave a very flatterlog exhibit of the condition of the school, showing a punc? tual attendance of both scholars and teachers during the past quarter. Appropriate remarks were then made by the superintendent, and, after again uniting In staging, a collection was taken up, and the exercises were closed with benediction. THE ALLEOED.KIDNAPPINO. } Ja .-?s Gallagher, the keeper of a sailors boarding house, who was arrested about three weeks ago, charged with beating aod kidnap? ping a white man named Edward Selly, was examined on Saturday last, by Trial Justice Mackey. Kelly had no witnesses. The wit? nesses brought forward by Gallagher testified that he was assaulted by Kelly, and that he aoted wholly upon the defensive. Mr. Mackey thereupon dismissed the oase. Gallagher was subsequently re-arrested, however, upon a warrant of Trial Justice Levy, issued at the instance of Solicitor Buttz, and bound over for the inferior Court. It Is said that Solicitor Butte, while la Washington recently, received several anonymous letters intimating that the oase against Gallagher would be dropped. HOTEL ABBI VALS-DEC. ?8 AND SP. Charleston. Samuel TD Ford, Baltimore; G A Townley, F B Lawrence, W R Wright, Frank Kerns, Kew York; A J O'Brien, Georgia; Jas Talmage, Jae D Whitman, Houston; T Wosborne. Florida; WH Daniel. Savannah; J B Bau aod wire, Melton, N Y; aw Barton, A A Conner, South Carolina; A J Dorrie^Northeastern Railroad; M A Glynn, Ma tanzas; j H Burgess, Columbia; W G Brown, J Farrell and wire, New York; R O Boss and wife, airs W G Brown and daughter, Wilmington; Q Frledlandey. Brunswick, Ga; E A Marshall, Phlla lslphla; S W steels. Worcester, Mass; W Aiken md wife, New Haven; Mrs 0Hawkins, Savannah; ?eaerai W B Tlbbets, Troy, N Y. PaTlllon. B R Scott, Spring fi; ld, Tenn.; A Knox, Mt. Pleasant; Mrs Mrs M Dunnahay,-Miss H Dunna lay, south carolina; A S Duran, Baltimore; - J.alg, city; s P Bryan, Salters, NB R h; B Winthem, Gourdln'a; Geo Eggleston, Chicago, lil; t M Flyn, New York; Fred Averts, Jas B Grant, Connecticut. GIFTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS.-For Silverware, Ine Watches, gold Opera and Vest Chains, go o Allan's, 307 King street. Fey EBAL OF MB. BASON.-The funeral of Mr. T. D. Bason took plaoe at the Unitarian Church, Arc?dale street, at hall-past twelve o'clock cn Saturday. The church was crowd? ed with friends of tue deceased. After the performance of the services by the Rev. Jas. Boyd, the body was carried to Magnolia Cem? etery and Interred iq the family burial ground. ? _ _ _ ? BUSINESS NOTICES. Nsw YEAR .BONOS.-Have you heard the wonderful Mechanical Singing Bird? If not, go io Allan's, 807 Bing street FCRCHGOTT, BENEDICT A Co., 276 King street, have this day reduced all their winter and seasonable goods, comprising the best se? lected stock of Dry Good?, Carpets, Ac. dec30 FCRCHGOTT, BENEDICT A Co. are the sole agents of the celebrated Chellly Kid Gloves, each pair warranted; also, offer a good One Button Glove at $1; Two Button Glove $1 26. dec30 ._* HOT BED SASH ! HOT BED SASH l-TWO thou? sand Hot Bed Bash Just completed, and now ready for delivery t price low. Call and ex? amine same at P. P. Toalers, Nos. 20 Hayne, and 33 Pinckey streets, or OD Horlbeck's Wharf. . dec30 WE WOULD call the attention of our young men who are out of employment, and are competent to rnn a small engine, to the ad? vertisement in this day's NEWS of our neigh? bors, Messrs. Walker, Evans A Cogswell. It ls a good chanoe for one of them to get a steady place. OTTO SONNTAG, Dyer and Scourer, No. 34 Wentworth street, near Artesian Well, has dyed, cleaned and renewed over 1600 gentle? men's coats, overcoats, sacks, pants, vests, Ac, the past year, and begs for the kind patronage for the coming year. dec30-l* DIARIES FOB 1873_A large and varied stock. All the Hoer kinds are prefaced by an almanac, rates of postage and other valuable Information, and have at the end pagea for cash accounts. Diaries with one, OT two, or three days to page, and all substantially bound, prloes from 26 cents to $2 60. For aale by WALKER, EVANS A COGSWELL, NO. 3 Broad street. dec28-3 LEDGERS, CASH AND DAT BOOKS, AND JOUR? NALS-In all the standard sizes, and In various Dindings. Prices and qualities to suit all wants. Prices ranging lrom 20 cents per quire to $2 60. Oar oew style of Full Bussia, and also of Half Busala, are most elegant and durable, and not more expensive than the old style of J Busala Bands, which they are last superseding. We use on our C and H grades ot Book the best paper to be had In this country,an d having the Books mada here, we know that the work ls thoroughly done,'.anda most serviceable, durable and elegant Book made. WALKER, EVANS A COGSWELL, NO. 3 Broad street. dec28-3 _ Ix FtTEOBAsiNG a Sewing Machine it is always safest to trust known dealers, who will be here when wanted. Never trust to thoie who warrant for five years, as they do not expect to be where you eau reach them a ! quarter of that time. dec21 THE WEED F. F. Sewing Machine bas never been beaten In a fair test, and has a!wayB taken the highest position as a simple, dura? ble and reliable machine. D. B. Haselton, 307 ElDg street, _ _dec21 Tana ARK Weed F. F. Sewing Machines In this city whloh are doing all the work re? quired, from ooach trimming and shoe making to the finest work wanted in family sewing, on the same machines. D. B. Haselton, 307 King street._ dec21 FANCY GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS.-French and German Fancy Boxes, Glove and Hand? kerchief Fancy Boxes, Bets of four, five and six Boxes, Ladles' Searls, Handkerchiefs and Ties, Ladles' Fancy Fisc h us, Lace Collerettes, Sets .md Handkerchiefs, Ac, Ac, Ac, now at J. B. Bead A Co. decll-wtm S. B. MARSHALL A Co., corner Biog and Society streets, have on hand an elegant as? sortment of Rodgers A Sons and Wosten holm's Table and DesBert Boives, Carvers and Steels; also, the greatest variety of Pooket Knives, Scissors and Razors la cases, and Ladles' Cutlery cases to be found In the city. These goods are of the best quality, and have been selected expressly for tbe holiday trade, and are sold at low prices. dec6-mwfl2 Bro GLOVES 1 Km GLOVES I-J. R. Bead A Co., No. 263 King street, call attention to their large aseortment of low-priced Kid Gloves, whloh they are offering at ll, $126, ll 60 and $176. _ decll-wfm PISH COVERS, Plats Covers, Plate Warmers, Chafing Dishes, Toilet Sets, English Tea Trays, Plated Spoons, Forks and Castors, Bird Cages, Boys' and Men's Tool Chests, for sale, at low prloea, by S. B. Marshall A co., corner King and Society streets. dec6-mwfl2 KID GLOVES 1 KID GLOVES l-T. ?.. Bead A Co., No. 263 King street, have this morning opened another complete assortment of Har? rie's Seamless Kid Gloves; also the "Victo? ria" Kid Gloves, two buttons, alfi 76. decll-wfm COMMERCIAL SETTS. Exports. KEW YORK-Per steamship Manhattan-OJ baga sea island cotton, 12*0 b lea upland cotto:>, ei tea ric.*, 28 tes colton seed, 44 bales domestics, 45 packages. BOSTON-Ptr steamship Mercedita-697 balee cotton, 20 tierces clay, 200 bola rosin, and aun dries. .PHILADELPHIA-Per steamship Virginia-381 balts cotton, 281 balea domestica, 128 tieices rice 27S bois naval st ores, 60 bags cocoannta, 60 pack ages fruit, 21 tona old metal, 44 packages aun dries. BALTIMORE-Per steamship Falcon-188 bales cotton. 246 tierces rice, 68 bales domestics, 46 casks clay, 863 bolt rosin, 269 empty bbls 17 hbds sugar, 12 oates rags, 4 balea hides, 21,000 feet lum ber, 86 packages. NEW ORLEANS-Per achr Traveller-680 tierces rices, 70 bags peas. Th? Charleston Cotton, Rice and Naval Stores Marketa. OrncB CHARLESTON HEWS, \ SATURDAY EVENING, December 28, 1872. j COTTON.-This staple was in fair demand, the market showing steadiness and rather more In qniry for the lower qualities, while the line grades wete srarce and firm; sales aboutnoo bales, say 2 at 14*, so at ie*, 21 at 16*, 60 at io*, 25 at 17, st at 17LL 70 at 17*. 84 at 17*, 69 at l?, 34 at 18*. 192 at 15*, 44 at IB*, 42 at 18*, 92 at 18*, 100 at 18*, 81 at 19,68 at 19*, S at 19*, 67 at 19*, 14 at 19X. We quote: LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Inferior.I4*?n* Ordinary to good ordinary.17X918* Low mlddiug....:.18*019 Middling.19*@19* Strict middilog.19*0 Bm.-There was a moderate demand for this grain at firm rates; sales about loo tierces clean Carolina, jay 20 Heroes at 6*c, 20 at 7. ?a at 7*, is .at 7*. We quote common to fair at 6*@7o, good 7*07*o V S). NAVAL STORIS.-The arrivals were light ; say about U5 bbls rosin. There were no transactions reported. FREIGHTS,-To Liverpool, by steam, direct,_ on nplanda, -- on sea islands; via New York, *d on uplands, - on sea islands; by sall *d on uplands, and *d on sea islands. To Havre, lc on uplands. Coastwise-tn New 'ort, by steam, Xe on uplands and -: on sea llanda; $2 fl tierce on rice; eoe . bbl on rosin; ty sall,-c V ft sn; cotton; -cv tierce on 1ce;60o * bbl on rosin; $11@12 fl M on lamber; S ia 912 50 IV M on timber. To Boat. n, by steam Ko on uplands and $2 GO fl tierce en rice; by sall, -o ? ft on uplands; rosin 70o; resaired staff 1124)12 fie; timber $18018 fio; phosphate $6@s so. re Providence,' by sall $10@ll ft M on boards; -o ?i ft on cotton; by steam ftc via New Tors. Po Philadelphia, by steam f?o on uplands: $1 75 St cask on rice; eoe ft bbl on rosin; $1 on spirits. Through bills of lading given to Boston, Provi? dence and tbe New England cities are regularly issued on thia soute, and dispatch guaranteed. By eau, $8 ? Moa boards; $12 on timber; - $ ton on clay; $8 60 on tnospbataa. To Baltimore, by B toara -o ? nt; by sall $8@8 60fi lion boards; - on tim mr; $8 60f ton at city; $i@ 4 60 ft ton up river on phosphate rock. YeBBels are in demand by our merchants to take lamber freights from Georgetown. S. 0.. narien and Sat Li? la River, Qa., and Jacksonville, Fla., to Northern ports, and $10012 fi U are the rates on timber and board?. EXCHANGE.-Sterling 60 day bills 20j?. Do niano EXCHANGE.-Tue banks purchase sight checks on New York at ft@ft per cent, off, and sell at par. Gorj>-i2*ei8x;. Markets by Tclegrapn. MONIT MARKETS. ,' LONDON, December 28. Noon.-Consols 8l*a9lft. Fives 89?. PAEJB, December 28. Neon.-Rentes 53f 10c NEW YOBK, December 28. Noon.-stocks dull Gold quiet at ii Jv Money Erm at fta8-m per emt. per day. Exchange long BX; short lotf. Governments dull but cteady. State bonds very dull. Evening -Freighti quiet. Bank Statement loans decreased oneand a quarter millions; legal tenders decrease tnree and a hair mllllocs. Mosey closed at MG commfealon. Gold mian c. Gov? ernments strong and steady with but little busi? ness states'quiet.i Tenneeaees and virginia* considered rather heavy. S COTTON MARIETA. LIVERPOOL, December 28. Noon.-Cotton opened Arm; uplands l0.xd, Or? leans loftaioftd. Evening.-Cotton easier and unchanged. NEW YORK. December 28. Noon.-Cotton firm; sales 1624 bales; uplands 2o*c, Orleans 20ftc. Evening.-Colton arm; sales 1624 bale?; mid? dling uplands no*c; Orleans 2uft; net receipts 458 baits; gross 2(64 fcal;? or cotton futnies 20,400 bales, as follows: December 19ft, ie*; January lax. ie 16-18; February 10 1MB, 20 l ie; March 20 6-16, 20 :.;?; April 7?K\May 21, 211-10; June 21*. BOSTON, December 28. Cotton-Net receipts 6B baled; gross 87; salea 800; stock 5600. BALTIMORE, Deoember 28. Cotton Arm; groas receipts 106 bales; exporta cosatwiae 26; Balea 60; stock 1063. NOBFOLK, December 28. Cotton steady; net receipts 401 bales; exports coastwise 182; sales 20O; stock 18.710. WILMINGTON, December 28. Cotton firm; net receipts 221 bales; stock 4046. SAVANNAH, December 28. Cotton Arm; ordinary l8ftc, low middling ie*, middling 19ft; net lecelpte 4802 bales; exports 10 Great Bntaki 0022; coastwise 138; sales 3162; stock 87.868. AUGUSTA, December 28. cotton opened with a fair demand for all grides above ordinaries, closng steady at isftc for Liverpool middlings; sales 821 bales; receipts 1636. MEMPHIS, December 29. Cotton quiet and weak; receipts 747 nales; sales flaO; stock 38,28?. MOBILE, December 28. Cotton Arm; net receipts ie ?7 bru es; exports csist wise 1134; sales 160; stock t>B,9so. MW ORLEANS, December 28. Cotton Arm; good ordinary lssc low mlddUng 19ftc; net recepta 8484, groBs 3464; exports to Great Britain 46tw; to the Continent 2682; consi itel; aales to-day 700 bales, last evening 88O0; stock 162,236. GALVESTON, L scomber 28. Cotton firm; net receipts 1.80 bales; Bales laoo; exports to Great Britain 862; stock 60,808. PROVISIONS AMD PRODOCE MARKETS. LONDON, December 28. Noon.-Tallow 446 3d. LIVERPOOL, December 28. Evening.-Wheat, red western 12s 2d; red win? ter ils lodalla luftd. Corn 20a. Pork, new Ola Cumberland cut Dscon 86s. common rosin 10a aies 8J. NEW YOBK, DI comber 28. Koon.-Flour ?steadier. Wheat strong, cora ?tMttrrold western mixed 66*c. Pork unhand nominal at sis Maia 76. Lard quiet; steam lTfta 17 ftc. Turpem lae nun at sa^aouc. Boola $3 06a 8 7U. Evening.-Flour quiet but Arm, Wheat a shade armer. Corn quiet aod a shade easier. Pork Arm at $13 60ai3 76. Lard steady. Navals duli and he-vy. Groceries quiet bnt steady. LouisviLLk, December ?8. Flour In good demaud; CA tra family $0 76. Corn Steady. Provisions strong and in fair de mand. Pork $12 60. Bacon-shoulder^ 60; tides 8*a8*, packed. Whiskey quiet at 8t>c. Weekly Augusta. Harket. AUGUSTA, December 27. COTTON REVIEW.-Durlug the week under ie view our cotton market has malutalutd a Arm tone, although mai ked wita but little activity, i 'titringo have bxen limited or the hu uer grades, m*.si in ri quest by cayera, and the intervention or christmas combined to ehectc transau lona. Tue exceeding uuid weather prevalent caoaird great diaculty lu securing iranaportatlou of cot? ton from the ml.roaus to thc wareliouaes-anoth? er beiloiiB drawoack to a fuUwtek's ousluesa. Tue estimate of the crop nov generally reacues 3,6uO,uoo ou?es, but no appreoeuaiun of an appre? ciable decline in pilce li iel'.; at least noi- until the tranapoitallou avenues io ?he great centres are need from tue obstructions interpcatd by the ? leoeut extraotdinury freeze, and 1 he accumula? tions or colton In the interior go forward to swell the receipts at tue principal porta. We annex a resume of tue week's transactions: saturday, 21- suatket opened witb a modera' e demand for high grade*, and closed quiet at 18ftolor Llveipool middling; sales ila baits; re Ccu td 1806. Monday, 23.-Market opened steady, with a i air demand, but oiterlnga were ligut, cloning quiet at isftuisfto lur Liverpool mtudling; SEMS 1360 bales; receipts 1437 bales. Tneaoay, 2<-The mai ktt opened with a fair demand, mostly ror the belter qualities. t>nd closed quiet at I8ftat8ftc for Liverpool middling; salee lois bales; receipts i960. Thursday, 26.-Tue market lulcd quiet durlug the dav, with only a limited demand ror good cottons, lt closed quiet at 18ftal8ftc for Liver? pool middling; salea 630 balea; receipts 170. Tile apiareot smallness 01 tuc receipt-, this uay was due to the taut that there were 1800 bates ur un deilvereu cotton at the Georgia Raimad, whion could not be haudled for lack of local uanspurta (loo. Friday, 27.-The market opened with a moderate demand, but owing to the difficulty la getting cotton irom the depots, offerings nave beetrlight r nd trune act lon P. pin all. cloding at lb ftc tor Liver? pool middling, aalen 778 balea; receipts 1U27 baku. Total Balea or the week 4480 bair s ; receipts 0s95. Colton Fulares.-The transacilous on 'change lu iutare t-ales wi,s limited to Ku balee, May de? livery, at i9ftc, on Saturday. Receipt? per Kaiiroati, December ?48. SOOTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. 1418 ba es cotton, 41 bbis spirits turpentine, 13u hula rosin, 2 cats stock, To Railroad Agent, Bar? den A Parker, Whilden A Jones, Lesesne A Wells >trett, Bros A co Trenholm A ton, Bollmaun Bros. 0 F Wletera, G H Walter A co, Pclzer, Hedg? ers A co, A J salinas. G W Williams A CO, E ll Frost A co, A il Mulligan, W B smith & co, Wil? liams, Black A Williams, C R Hoiniea. Wiss A OJ, Kringle A sen, sloan A selgnlous, A Gage A 00. NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD. 116 tales upland cotton, 79 bbla rosin, cars lum tier, mdse, Ac. To E U Frost A CO, W K Ky du, A J Salinas, T P .smith, A S Smith, Mowry A bon Caldwell A ton, W 0 Courtney A co. Trenholm A ion. Haven el A co, G W wan am s A co, Pelzer, Kodgera A co. Murdaugh A Weekley, J D Kirk? patrick, W 0 Bee & co, Witto Bros, Reeder A Davis, E Welling, R R Agent, and others. rum (JAJLKM?AU. MOON'S PHASES. ?lret Quarter, 7th, 6 honra, 17 minnies, morning Pull Muon, li th, 4 noniB, 26 minutes, evening. I.aat Quarter, 22d, 8 hours, 62 minutes, evtnlag. Sew Moon, 30th, 1 hours, 17 minutes, morning. Monday. Tuesday..... Wednesday. Thursday.... Friday....... Saturday... Sunday. su* Blaise. 7.. 3 7.. 8 BUN BUTS. 6.. 3 6.. 8 MOON LAS seta. e..40 HIGH WATSh 8.. 2 8.. 64 Passengers. Per-steamship South Carolina, rrom New York 3r Brock, wire and 2 suns, Mr Walker, T E Mitch :11, J wunama, W Fettle. Per Bteamer Pilot Boy, rrom Beaut rt via Paclflc ind OuleolnTs Landings-Rev Mr Carew, R B itanley. W a Calven, and 1 on deck. Per Bteamer City Fuint, rrom Palatks via Jack lonvlile. Fernandina and Savannah. (Ja- G B Fisher and wife, John Monroe, Mr Brown, and 6 >n deck, Per steamer M S Allison, rrom Edlato, Ent?r? in?e. Rockville and Way LandingB-Mr- Dr r P Hiked and daughter. Mrs H B Bentz. Mra K H sea irook, Mr E B seabrook Mr J Mitchell l.idv. child ind zervant, Colonel W Whaley, G L Muraibllor, A 11 lark, W Whaieo, Jr. colonel H Weldon, Dr E renkins, E 0 Whaley, Major J Jenkins, T u Mur ay,.H ATowles, MABINS NBWB. CHARLESTON, S. C_DECEMBER 30, 1872. Lat 80 deg 40 mia 83 sea. | Loa 70 deg 67 mia 27 eeo. ARRIVED ? ESTER, DAY. steamship Son th Carolina, Rooken, Kew Tors -left 27th Inst. Mdse. To Wai.ner, Hoger A co, W A Courtenay S u Railroad Agent, N * Railroad Agent, J Apple, E Batea A co, tum A Miller, T M Briatoii A co, L Chap?n, Dowls, Moise A Davis, Ellas A Bros. Fogat tie's Book S ore, D F Fleming A co, W Carney, N A Bunt, M Lnbrs, McLoy A Rice, J a Mtlnor A co, S R Mitrsnall A co, Man tone A co, M H Nathan, J c OJemaan, E Perry, O P foppen he: m, Ravenei A co, noach A Monett, W P Russel, Ravenei, Holmes A co, W Steele, E B Stoddard A co, W Shepherd A no, Steffens. Wer* ner A Ducker, D S Sub Dept, and others. - Spanish brig Panchito. Oalsa lo, Clenfaegos-13 days. Ballast. To W P Hall. : M L sehr B M Hawkins, Wjatt, New York, - days. Mdse and hay. To Reach A Monett, c D Ahrena A co, J E Adger A co, Adams, Damon A co, A M Adger, ti Bischoff A co, j u Voesch, J O Brandt, Bollmann Broa, L Binder, T M Bristoll s co, Bulcken A Webliinann. H Urloch, Cameron, Barkley A co. Douglass A MllHr, Dowie, Moise a DaviB, B Feldmann A co, Wm Barral. Hart A co, Knobeloch A small, Kltnck, V/iclenberg A co, Q W King, O Llllenthal A co, M Lnhra, J H Loper, Marun A Mood, S K Marshall A co, L D Mowry. A son, W Maracher, Mordecai A co, Mantone A co, M Marka, A Nimitz A co, Order, D McPherson, ti Gerdts, A co. D Goldstein A soi., 0 Gravelly, N A Hunt, i H Hall A co. Holmes A Calder, H Blatte A co, Kressel A Brandea, Raniipanx A Gonzalez, Quackenbuab, Estin A CO. Havenel A Holmea, Dr ti Pluckney, Steffens, Werner t Ducker, D H Sli? ces. Tiedemann, calder A co, J Thompson A co, S C R R Agent, J N Ruhson, Wagener A Monseas, D A Waiker, Walker, Evana A Cogawell, W L Webb. H wllllama, 0 F Wietera, P Wiueman A co, 0 w Wllllama A co, and other:i. Sehr J 0 Wyman, Ferry, Boston-17 days. Mdse. To Roach A Moffatt, Kinsman A Howell, O W wunama A co. Veasel to St alu meyer A Stokes. Encountered very heavy weal her. Steamer city Point, Fitzgerald, Palatka via Jack Bonville, Fernaodlna and savannah. 20 balea outtoB, 2S bales moas, 25packsges mdse, 76 pack ogea oranges. To Ravenei i; co, Plnckney Bros, Wardlaw A Carew. Fraser A Dill, W B Williams A St n, C Royal, Paul, Welch A co. ARRIVED SATURDAY. Br bark Algeria, Anderson, Hamborg. Ballast. To A J Creighton. Brig R S Has dell. HodBden. St Thomas, W1-12 day s. Baila-1. TO J A EnslC W A CO. Steamer Pilot Hoy, McNelty, Savannah. Bean fort, Cblsulm's. and Pacific Landinas. 88 bbls dissolved bone, 1 bale cotton, and mdse. To Rave? nei, Holmes A co. Wilcox, Oi lba A co, J McPher? son, O Murray, J Davis, M Trieste, p Walsh, lt Tbomllnson A CO, SO EX Co, F Campbell, B C Adams. steamer Planter. Foster, Peedee River via Oeorgetown, s 0. io;s. bales cotton,757bbl?.naval atoreB, mdse and sandi lea. To Ravenei. Holmes A co, i M Caldwell A son?, G W Williams lt co, Q w williams A co, LD Mowry A son,TP Smith. Witte Bros, ? ti Frost A co. vv o Bee A co, O ti Waiter A co, J D Kirkpatrick, Quackenbuac, Eal lil A co. W K Ryan, Reeder A Davis, Wbllden A Jonas, J Hancket, A J salini.s, Bardin A Parker, Murdaugh A Weekley, Josepn Conen, Shackelford A Kelly. A B Molllaaa. Johnston, Crews A co, G S Allord, H Bischoff A co, Bo,Imana Bros, H Klatte A c>, 0 F Wieters, J sayas Tiedemann, calder A ! co. Kresael A Brandes, L Delts, J C H Claufisen. A S Smith, K Bates ? co, E B i,to leard A CO, 1 Isear, Smith A Valk, E F Sweiigao, agent, Walker, Evana A Cogswell, S R Marshall A co, Rleoke A Petermann, W M bird A co. O I Thompson A co, Fenwick A Talbot, Order, and others. steamer M S Alliaon, Tog lo, Edlato, Enterprise. Rockville and Way LanJlni;s. is baga eoe, Island cotton, seed, mdae and susdites. To D Nesbit, Fraser A 1 Ul, stoney A Lownde.*, Mowry A Son, Ravenei A co, W M Lawton A son, Dr A W Eckel, D McPherson, J a Thorn. Steamer Reliance, Hopkins, Peedee River Land? ings, Ac. 471 balea cotton, 617 bbia rosin, 05 bbls spirits larpent ne, 40 bales hay. and ma ce. To Shackeiford ? Kelly. L D Mowry A Son, Witte Bros, T P Smith, J M caldwell A Son, J W Mc? iver, E H Frost A co, A B Mulligan, Pelzer, Rodg? era A co, W K Ryan, Fenwick A Talbot. Barden A Parker, WhUden A Jones, w c Wh te, TS Gleason. Scar Ann S Deas, Oambatte, from Weat Point Mill, so tierces rice. To (leo A Trenholm A Mon. sloop Harietts,-. fr om San tee. luco bash els rough rice. To W 0 Bee A co. Sloop George Washington, Kelly, Pon Pon. 667 bushels rougn rice. To B Roper. Boat from Church Flata. 7 baga sea island cot? ton. To R Roper.. Boat from John's Ialard. 2 bags sea Island cotton. To R Roper. Boat from Edlato. 2 wags sea island cotton, To R Roper Received from Chlsolm'.i Mill. 86 tea rice. To E Thurston. OFF THE PORT. Br bark Tranmere, from st. johns, N B. CLEARED SATURDAY. Steamship Manhattan, Woodhull, New York James Adger A co. steamship Virginia, Hlr.ckley, Philadelphia-W A Courtenay. steamship Falcon, Hay nie, Baltimore-P c rtenholm. Steamship Mercedita, itfarahman, Boston-Jan Adner A co. Sehr Traveller, Hodges, New Orleans-T Tapper A Son. SAILED YESTERDAY. Steamship Mercedita, Marahman, Boston. Sulp Ida Lilley, Williams, Liverpool. Ship menai a i ha Third. Hubbard, Liverpool. Scbr Traveller, Hodges, New Orleans. SAILED s.'.TU'iDAV. Steamship Manhattan, Woodhull, New York. Steamship Virginia. Hinckley. Philadelphia. Steamship Falcon, Hay nie, Baltimore. FROM THIS POKY. Steamship James Adger, Lockwood, at New York, December 28. steamship Gun stream Hanter, at Philadelphia., December 24. Meamahip champion, Lockwood, at New York, December 34. CP FOR T3IS PORT. Sehr Thomas W Havens, Brown, at New York, December 24. sehr Jeanie B Smith, Willama, at New York, De? cember 24. CLEARED FOR THIS PORX. Sehr Edward Waite, York, at Portland, Me, De? cember 24. Sehr Hannie Westbrook, McFarland, at Port? land, Me.. December 21. MARINE NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. L.vBKPooL, December 23. Arrived, Crique, from .New Orleans; steamship Calabria, fruin New York, with 1771 bales of cot? ton. Nsw YORK, December 28. Arrived. Tb ?ringla, Ocean Queen. City of San Antonio. Oceanic and James Auger. Arrived out, Calabria. MEMORANDA. The Br bark Freeman Denme, from Charleston for Amsterdam, waa apoken Decemoer ll, lat 47 3J, lon 26 10. The abbr Carrie S Webb, Homan, from New York Rir Charleston, arrived o ir live Ml e Beach, near Cape May. N J, December 13, her crew being badly fiosti.iitc?i. Assistance was rendered by thc crews from tbostatiun Housea Nos 26 and 27. and tue sehr put back for New York at 3 A M on 24th. Tao sehr Earl P Mason, of Providence, C?p alo Hardlpg, has been Chartend, aud sailed irom Pro? vidence on Tuesday for Wood's Hoie, to load guano for savannah, at fl j 6 per ton. thence to chmulm's Landing, S 0, to load phosphate (orNew York, at $4 60 per ton. The sehr Lewis Ehrman, at Baltimore 24th, from Charleatou, reports encountering a succession of heavy N E galea, with high Bea, from Oth to 14th Inst, and on the 32th. lat 35 20, crrled away main and mizzenmasts and lost small apara ana ?alls; on the 14th spoke a brig, unknown, fifty dayz from New Orleans, bound to Bos on, which re? ported bad spoken bark June D Foley, totally di?, masted; loth mt 87 20, lon7840, was >upplled with provisions bj brig Annie R stover, from Marseil? les to Philadelphia, (since arrived in Delaware Bay;) also, 76 m.lea eau uf Hog Island, poseed the deck of a wricked vuisel. The steamer Granada, 764 tons built at New 1 oik In 1864, and recently badly damaged by Hie. was sold at auction December 17, for J6600, pur? chased by J DeKlvera A co. LIST OF VESSELS OP, OLE Alt KD AND SAILED FOR THIS TOUT. F 0 R"?TG N. LIVERPOOL. Br bark Tiber, Lewis, up.tlej o Br Bark Georgianna, Mann, ski.Nov itt CALLAO. Ship Horella,-. sid.Oft t'O Bark Sapho, Wilbur, up.UBI ?4 j DKMKRAUA. Br bark Blomedon, Shaw, up.l*? I HAVANA. Span brig Dago, Onaroben, ?ld.Deo 7 oissruKOUs. Spanish brig Paco, Eatrejla. std.Deo 7 DOMESTIC. NSW VOR?. Sehr Thomas W Havaua. Brown, up.Deo M ScbrJesale Bsiuiih. Walilema, up.Ileo tl Sehr Wm Penn. Thompson, up.Deo 18 Sehr Anny K Hamley. Mehafley. old.Deo 24 Sehr Carrie s Webb, Doman, old.Deo 16 ro sr LA NU. MC Sehr Kilward Walts, Y?rk, cid.Deo 24 Sehr nanum Westbrook, McFarland, ell....Die 24 adir Johu MoAduui, Willard, old.Dec 10 B08TON. Sehr Iud SluniKU, Adams, up.Dec 20 sour dravo,-. up.Deo 13 SohrSkyl'irk, Lorlng, up.Deo 4 sehr A L Ratler, webber, cid.Dec ll-1 Steamer Flag,-, up.Dec 22 PHILADELPHIA. Scar Eaton? DafrCesey, cid.Dec 14 floh?mrj (Snoods. FRENCH, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN EXTRACTS, SOAPS POMADES HAIR OILS, AO. JEAN MARIE FARINA'S VIOLETO AND AIMAB'S PREMIUM ? COLOGNE WATERS, AT AIMAR'^, CORNER KINO ANO VASDERHORST STREETS. d 001912_ WM. T^. WEBB, IVO. 138 MEETING ST,, NEAR THE CHARLESTON HOTEL, Hes, in his extensive stock of China and Glass? ware of direct Importation, a varied assortment of HOLIDAY GIFTS, COMPRISING HANDSOME i. Y DECORATED DINNER AND TEA SETS, FINE OUT GLASSWARE, A great variety of Vases and smaller articles suitable for the approaching season. WILLIAM L. WEBB, NO. 12? MEETING STREET. Next to the corner or Hasel Street. dec2t-9 Cloding, tailoring, &t. NEW^?OE?^ NEW GOODS ! EVERYTHING- NEW ! MENKE & MULLER, TAIL0R8 AND CLOTHIERS, INVITE TOE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC TO THEIR SPLENDID NEW STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING OF TBEIR OWN MANUFACTURE, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, AND CHOICE MATERIALS FOR CUSTOM WORK. AN INSPECTION OF THE GOODS AND PRICESI IN THEIR Vm NEW ESTABLISHMENT, COR, KING AND WENTWORTH STS., IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. oct?_ WINTER GLOTHING. THE BEST SELECTED STOCK OF BM' & BEH f LOTH ISC, CORNER KING AND WENTWORTH STS. ELEG-ANT IN" STYLE AND MODERATE IN PRICES. ORDERED WORK DEPARTMENT. SUPPLIED WITH CHOICE IMPORTED ENGLISH & FRENCH GOODS. deoL3-12 Drays at tUiioIcsale. 7 CAI vims AL nnsmoN ?r **).* FIRST-CLASS SKOAL ALF. LABARRAQUE ARD Co QUINIUM LABARRAQUE Approved by the Imperial Academy of Medicine Tho Quinium Labarraque is an eminently Ionic and r. hrit'uyts NY me, destined to replace ult th? other preparations of Peruvian Bark Tho Hark NN im? dually employed iniue duine are prepared trow Barks which vary considerably in the degree to which they passem the desired properties. Besides, owing lo I he manner in which they are pre? pared, these NNines contaiu scarcely more than the traces ot active principles, and these always in variable proportions. t he Quinium Labarraque, approved by the .Vcadeniy>o? Medicine, constitutes, on the contrary, a m?decine of determined compo? sition, rich in active principles, and on wich Physicians and Patients cnn always rely. The Quiniuin La barraque is prescribed willi great success for persons of weak con? tinuion, or loi* those debilitated by various exhausting causes or past sickness ; for youths fatigued hy t:?o rapid growth; for young girls whose development takes place with liifllciilly; lor women in childbirth; and for aged persons enfeebled by years or illness. lt is Ute best preservative against Fevers. In caves of Chlorosis, Anemia, or Greensik ni'ss, this Wine is a powerful auxiliary of ihc ferruginous preparations. In conjunction, hr example, with VALLI T'S PUL?, the rapidi ly o! ils ;.clion is really marvellous. . ! (Virti? Pan?, L. FltE!lE,19,raeJifob. j Agents tn Charleston: DO WIE, MOISE J i A DAVIS, Wholesale Druggists. J Shipping. LIVEBPOOJi. Tbs first-class British Bark ALGERIA, anderson, Hasler, haying a large porMon H >r her cargo enesged, will hare good dis paton for The above port. fer balance irelght engagements, apply to ALFKED J. UK H IGH ros, decso_ Rorta Atlantic- Wharf. JOE LIV ? B P 0*0 L. The Al l'on Bark MAGNET, Wm. ^A* Brown, Master, will have dispatch for the%flk above port. . . For Freight Engagements apply to . ? GIBB P s A BARNWELL, dccl3_North AtlanUc Wharf. JP 0 Ii NEW YOEE. ON TUESDAY, 31ar DECEMBER, AT - O'CLOCK. ; : - r* NEW IRON STEAM LINE-ESTABLISHED 1870. BTATE BOOMS AT.T. OH DECK, a The Splendid New Iron Sidewheel 8t?ansabip SODTd HA ROLIKA. Becket. Oom ra allder, will sall Tor New fork on TTE BOAT. G tat Ina t., ai - o'clock, from Pier No. 2, Union Wharves. . ;;V; Through Bills or Lading- to Liverpool' and toe New England cities as nsosL r ?- Insurance by steamers of this lina % per cent. For Freight or Passage engageiaenta^havlng very fine Deck Stateroom accommtidatiftis, ap? ply to WAGNER, HUflER A CO.. Noi'SoBroid street, or to WM. A. COURTENAY, Hq. l Union Wharves. deCTrfmia* J! 0 B B A T A ? N|?.?? TUESDAY, THURSDAY And SUNDAY EVENING, AT 8 O'CLOCK. The Splendid Side-Wheel Steamem DICTATOR and CITY POINT wfll, leave Southern Whare as above. No extra charge made for M?tis and State? rooms. For Freight and Passage apply to K AVES EL A CO., V Corner Vanderhorst's Wharf and Eaa t Bay. deca . . . ,. .,f-* . 0 B .GABO NB B'S BLUFF, AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS ON TEE PEE? DEE RIVER, VIA GEORGETOWN. The Steamer PLANTER, Captain ? .^?T*?*k, J. T. Foster, ls now receiving Frrlg:n?ajSHBjBjC at Accommodation Wharf, and wm leave To NIGHT, 80th instant. Freight win ba transferred to steamer SWAN on the river. Freight moat be prepaid. ' . For Freight or Passage apply on hoard, or to RAVEN EL, HOLMES * CO.' dec80i_ Ha so. Bast Bay ? JP OB GABDNEJB'S .BLUFF, AND ALL INTE S MEDI VT KL All DINGS OS TBS PEEDEI? sfl&R- * The Steamer RELIANCE, Captiila r G. H. Hopkins, ls now receivingJiaflB^B^ Freight at Atlantic Wharf for BODVO pola is, AU Freight and Wharfage must be prepaid. For Frei a ht en gage mt nts apply on board or tov SHAOKELFOED ATREfJiY, Agents,. ; decao_North iittan?o Wharf. QH ANGE QF SAT UNG- DAYS, INORB?:? bERVlCE. PACIFIC MAIL OTEAMBHIP COMI U?TS THROUGll MHB IX) ? ; CALIFORNIA OHJCNA AND JaWfc' . ' . . nf IR? J? -'i .' : FARES GREATLY REDUCED. ? Steamers or the shove Une leave Pter^Mfc No. 42. North River, root of Canal street, 2aW9B New York, at 13 a'ciook noon, of the loui, aaa? and aoth of every month, except when these dates fall on sunday, then the Saturday preceding. ' . AU departures connect at Panama with Steam? ers for south Pacific and Cer fal American porta. For Japan and China, steamers leave San Fran* dsco first of every month, except when lt falla on Sunday-then on the day p rec? i lng. . u No California Steam jr* tench at Havana, but go direct from New York to AirolnwalL One hundred pounds baggage free'to each adult. Medicine and attendance free - " For Passage Tickets cr other (information, apply at the COMPANY'S -TICKET OFFICE, on'thc Wharf foot of Oana! street,' north Elver, Hew York. F. E. BABY, Agent. auglB-iyr j F OB FLORID A, VIA SAVANNAH.* , .' The Splendid side-wheel steamers, _ DICTATOR. Captain L. M. Coietter. JBalBPK OITY POINT, C?ptale Fltsgerald, wm leave charleston every TOISDAT, TISUBSDAT and sun DAT EVENING, at, 8 o'clock precisely, for - SAVANNAH, . FERNANDINA, . . JACKSONVILLE, MAGNOLIA, GREEN COVB SPRINGS, 'ST. AUGUSTINE; TALAWA, AND ALL LANDING?. ON I5T. JOHN'S RIVES. Conneorlng at Palatka vrlth steamers for the Oclawaba River and with the Steamer STAR? LIGHT for Enterprise, Mellon nue, and aU points on the Upper st. John's and indian Elvers. These fine Steamers, built In New York, espe? cial y ad ap:ed for the Florida trade, anyarnianrd with every comfort and convenience. Sod afford the CHEAP* ST. SAFEST AND MOST COMFORT? ABLE MEANS OF REACHING FLORIDA. They provide a first-class table, '?ell furnished, com? fortable staterooms, and make NO .EXTRA CHARGE: FOR MB ALS ADIO STATEROOMS. They land almost at the doors of the principal Hotels or au above points, ei.ving the invalid and tonrlst the dangers and discomforts of frequent I chantres. Cen neet at Fernandina with Florida Railroad for aU points In the interior, and with Railroad for New Orleans aad Havana, via Cedar Keys. For Freight or Passage. apply to RAVEN HL * co.. Agents, Cerner Vanderhorst's Wharf end East Bay. deca_-_. ffianoa, ?Tiw*' PIANOS AND ORGANS, Furnished at factory prices for Cash, or by Monthly Payments oe the moat liberal tarma. - CHARLES L. af CC LENAH AN, I Piano and Musis Store, aei?s-4moa Wa? 1st King atreet. <Eiqari. ttabctito? Ut. CLOSING OUT TO CHANGE BUSINESS. In order to go Into another Business, I will dispose of my ENTIRE STOCK. J AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. The Goods must be sold by the last of thur month, as I will have no use for them. Call at once and make y oar selections either in small lots or in bulk. THE ENTIRE LOT OF MEERSCHAUM PIPE? TOBACCO, CIGARS AND FANOY GOODS MUST BE SOLD. WM. SCHRODER, Emperor William Cigar Store. . J No. 310 KING STKEET, mohT-iyrocew o HAR LISTOS, S. O. 4