The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, December 28, 1872, Image 2

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TERMS Of THE NB ff S. THB DAILY NEWS, by mau ono year, $8; tlx months $4; three months $2 60. served in the eity at EIGHTEEN CENTS a week, payable to the car riera, or $8 a year, paid m advance at the office. THXTRr-WaTcixT NEWS, published onTuesdaya, Thuradaya and saturdays, one year $4; alx mouths $2 so; turee montha $12* TIT* WKBKLT year $2. Six coplea $io. Ten coplea, to one address, $15. SDBS0BI7TIOKB m au caaes payable In advance and no paper continued after the expiration or the time paid ter. RSJCTTANCES should be made by Postofflce Money Order or by Express. If tnls cannot be done, protection against loases by man may be secured by forwarding a draft on Charleston pay? able to thearder of the proprietors of Tn NEWS, or by sending the money in a registered letter. TRANSIENT Advertisements (by measurement) fifteen cents aline the first Insertion, and ten ce ote a Une eaoh subsequent insertion. Business Notices (by count) twenty coats a Has each inser? tion. NOHOW of Wants, To Rent, Lost and Pound, Boarding, *c., not exceeding 20 words, 28 cents each insertion; over SO, and not exceeding 80 words, 40 cents each insertion; over 80, and not exceeding 40-words, to cents each Insertion. . Toase rates are K KT, and must invariably br paid In ad van ct. Artdrees RIORDAN, DAWSON * CO., No. io Broad street, Charleston, s. 0. Wit glyatkzt?n Jfetog. SATRTJDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1872. TH* CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS "ls designa ?.ted as -the newspaper for the publication of "all legal notices, and official advertisements, "for the County of Charleston, under the act "of February 22 J, 1870, entitled an act to regu? late the publication of all legal and public "notices." .??tr SEWS OV IBB DAT. rt "? ?. - It is reported that Rev. Dr. Halght will decline the Episcopal bishopric of Massachu? setts, to which he was recently chosen. - The Berlin sem!-official paper announces that the military levy in Alsace and Lorraine baa passed off with tranquillity. Between seven and eight thousand yoong men have been enrolled, besides a large number of vol? unteers - A tunnel for transit between New Torie city and Brooklyn ls now proposed, in addition to the great East Blver bridge. Street rail? roads In connection are also proposed In order that the people may get to outlying sections in and around Brooklyn. -Pera Hyacinthe is about to start a paper to be called La R?publique Evangellqne. If Mrs. Hyacinthe's eighty thousand dollars are going to embark In that enterprise, saya the New York Commercial Advertiser, we are apprehensive that the result will leave Mrs. Hyacinthe; In anything but an evangellqne frame of mind. -At . meeting of the building committee or 8t. Paul's Reformed Church, Titusvllle, Pa., It was resolved to ask of King William one of the French oannon taken by him in the late war, to be cast as a bell for the new edifice. The, following letter from Charles H. Meyer, the German consul at Philadelphia, tells the result: "I am happy to state to yon that his Majesty the Emperor William, in reply to the petition Of St. Paul's Reformed Church, at Titusvllle, bsa presented one of the captured French cannon to them, weighing about two thousand pounds. Yon will please communi? cate thia fact to the congr?gation, and also state to them that this piece ol artillery ls now ' .walting tra a ? por ta tl on at the depot In Berlin. I sun ready to forward lt at yoor conve? nience." ?-A; Washington telegram says: "Borne sensation bu been created here by the an. nounoement of the Chicago Tribune that lt Intends for the roture to adhere to what ls still termed the Liberal Republican party. The Chicago Tribune ls the moat powerful and In? fluential Journal of the Northwest, and Its con? tinued adherence to the principles ol the Cin? cinnati platform, In the face of the decisive majorities'ra all the Western States for Gene? ral Grant, has caused considerable surprise amongst the Western politicians. ThlB action on the part of the far-seeing men who control the Tribune la taken as a cheering indication that the principles laid down at Cincinnati and reaffirmed at Baltimore are gaining foroe with the people as time rolls on, and that good fruit ls yet to be borne of them. Thia view Is still farther strengthened by the news fr?nt New York that tbe Tribune of the East Will stin be ranged under the same banner with the Tribuns of the West. That Mr. Whitelaw Beid ls able to control the large amount required to purchase fifty shares of the Tribune at the large advance ol twelve thousand dollars per share, cannot be regard? ed as' a symptom that the advocacy of "Libe? ral" doctrines In the Rast does not pay." -A recent telegram In the NBWB briefly men? tioned that a JnnoUon of the headings from the central shalt of the Hoosao Tunnel and from the east end had been effected, and that workmen had passed through irom one sec? tion to the other. This ls the moat important event so far In the history of that great work. Two blasts of nitro-glycerine, each from four? teen holes, whloh required eighty-four feet in length of the explosive, weighing abouty six? ty-three pounds- the largest quantity ev<r be? fore used at one time in the tunnel-made breaches through whloh the waterrun,and the men of the two gangs conversed. Lamps held at the opening were immediately extin? guished, se strong was the draft from the end toward the shalt. The last blast made a hole about a foot In diameter between the two sections. This was speedily enlarged by hand-power, and a small boy was let down from the central shaft Into the east end, amid tbe abouts and cheers ol both ganga, Another person o? larger size followed, and then the east end reciprocated by sending np two of the men of its gang, who proceeded to the shaft, and where the first to reach the top of the monntaln from the east end without ascending its slope. Although the engineers have not yet had an opportunity to verify their calculations by the result, lt ls certain that the error ls scarcely more than a foot either In grade or In line, and lt may prove to be very much less. Another fact, which is likely to have an Important bearing on the matter or ventilation, after the tunnel ls finished, ls that the draft from the eastern end into the central shalt tunnel ls so strong that it can only be likened to a very powerful wind. Work may r.ow be begun on the west heading of the cen? tral Phaft BO that on October 18, 1873, If all goes well, there win be an opening through the Hoosao mountain from east to west, nearly five miles In length. Not quite half a mlle west of the central shalt remains lo be pierced. 3JX*4 New York telegram, describing th? burning of Barnum's Circus and Menagerie In Fourteenth street, on Christmas Eve, Bays: The fire was first discovered at 4.16, bursting through the roof of the circus, Immediately over where the giraffes were kept, and Imme? diately after animals and birds began bowling and screeching in a terrific manner. An alarm was sounded, which quickly brought tbe' district engines on the spot. A second and third alarm was sent ont, but the flames spread with such rapidity that almost belore the firemen could get the water on the circus was gone. Borne of the firemen, who were first on the ground, state that the roan of ? the animals were something frightful to listen to, during the short time that it lasted, as [.they, were speedily put out ol misery by the rapidity with which the devouring element lapped up the Under-like structures In which they were caged. The only an?? mala saved out ol the valuable col" lection, which Ur. Barnum had taken such pains to secura, were two elephants and a camel. The banding was two stories In height, and composed nearly altogether of J corrugated iron and wood, which, with that portion of the building used as a circus, was totally destroyed-the whole building burning as thongh lt were a tlnder-boz. Nothing could be done to Bave any more o? the animals. The firemen state that they would aooner risk falling walls, any time, than enter that den of wild or tame beasts In a case of this kind. Firemen, policemen and others wbo were In the vicinity were unable to Btand within one hundred feet of the burning build? ing, the heat was so intense-which is veri? fied by the fact that the windows o? the Academy of Music were cracked and broken by the heat; doors were blistered, and the bill-boards in front of the Acade-1 my were burned on that side towards the circus. Ic was very much feared that the Academy ol Uuslc would also be consumed, and lt evidently would had not the wind chang? ed. Tbe fire next extended to tbe church ad? joining, which ls known , as Grace Chapel or Church o? the Redemption, and although the firemen used their ntmost endeavors ' save the building, they were unavailing, as lt shared almost the same late as the circus, only the j front walls being left standing. Barnum's i losses are pot down at different sums, varying J from $150,000 to 1300,000. As those parties that do know anything about lt cannot be found, lt ls Impossible to make any true esti? mate of his losses. Ur. Barnum ls said to be In New Orleans at present. Pay Vp I The State and county tax of fifteen mills, for the fiscal year ending October 81, 1873, I is payable before January 15 next, after j which day delinquents will become liable to a penalty of twenty per cent, which pen? alty will be rigidly enforced. Ii anything were to be gained by delay, and if any hanging back would give tbe taxpayers any additional security that the public revenue wonld be faithfully appropriated to the pur? poses for which it is levied, THE NEWS might advise the people to withhold the taxes for a time, or altogether. Bot snch a course would be foolish in the extreme. The rate of taxation is enormously high. It la, how? ever, somewhat less than the people had reason to expect and the prompt payment of the tax will go far to enconrage friendly relations with the government, by proving that there is no disposition to engage in factions opposition to the administration. This is something gained. It should be dis? tinctly understood, nevertheless, that tbe i people pay this tax aa the only tax which is J to be levied npon them daring the year. That if the understanding, and the specu? lators in Colombia need not imagine that because aillions are to be paid into the treasury in fifteen or twenty days, millions j more can be had for the asking. So far and | no farther, is the temper of the people. The Sonta Carolina Railroad. The subjoined article from the New York Stockholder, an authority in financial mat? ters, ls a pleasing indication that the Sooth Carolin a Railroad Company is beginning to obtain, in the money markets of the co an try, the recognition to which Its sound position and fine prospects entitle lt The Stock? holder might bave gone farther, and still have Bald ranch less iban the troth. In bollding op its road and equipping it with? out any increase of debt, the Sooth Carolina Railroad Company accomplished a work without parallel in American railroad histo? ry; nor B3 on ld it be forgotten that tbe en? tire cost ol $42,180 a mlle, which the Stock? holder deems a moderate figure, includes an investment of one million dollars in railroad and steamboat connections, as well as the cost of the large landed estate of the com? pany in Charleston and along the line of road. Wo ventare to say that there is no railroad in the Southern country which, con? sidering the difficulties of its position, has been more admirably managed than the Sooth Carolina Railroad, and no railroad in the money market offers a better invest? ment to t&ose wbo seek a high rate of inter? est coopled with solid and unquestionable secority : [From the New York Stockholder, Dec. 22.] "It ls noticeable In regard to the best man-1 aged and most successful railroads In the Southern States that they are operated and maintained at a ninon less percentage of gross income than even the most prosperous trunk lines In the Northern and Western States. Taking the average of the latter class, it will be fonnd that the annual expensee rather ex? ceed than tall short oi sixty-six per cent of the earnings. Probably the difference la in some degree accounted for In the fact that the competition for trafilo ls sharper in the Northern and Western States, and that conse? quently much busluess ls done which barely pays a profit But stl!l we think that more ls due, In tho case of a few conspicuously well managed companies in the Booth, to a closer and more conscientious scrutiny by the di? rectors of tbe expenditure Incurred in run? ning and maintaining the roads. "In the case o? the railway mentioned at the head of ibis artlole, owned by the Booth Carolina Railroad Company, the directors of j which are some of the most eminent and wealthy cl?zens of Charleston and other towns fn the State, we find that for a period of five years The aggregate earnings were....$6,822.913 86 And the aggregate expenses.4,002,117 12 Showing net earnings of.$2,600,796 74 'The expenses are thus but a little over 58$ per cent of the earnings, leaving 41J per cent o? the Income as net earnings, and this upon a trafilo o? little over $6000 per mlle. "We should be pleased to be able to an? nounce that the State finances of South Caro? lina were and had recentj been In as good condltien and in as sale and responsible bands as are those of this prosperous and well managed company. "We have noticed the same large ratio of net earnings In the case of a few other of the best railways in the South. High rates for freight and Pausengers are obtained, while upright and careful management secures low outlay In all departments of expenditure. "The South Carolina Railroad connects Charleston, the ohlef port of South Carolina, with Augusta, Georgia, one hundred and thirty-seven miles, having two branches, one to Camden, S. C., and another to Columbia, the capital o? the State. The branches are J one hundred and eight miles in length, making the whole mileage operated by the company two hundred and lorty-three miles. The company's capital stock and funded debt amount to $10,159,505, showlDg the road Lo be capitalized at about $42,180 per mlle, which ls considerably lower than the average rate of cost of our Northern roadB. Tbe road is well equipped, having 43 locomotive eDgines and cars to the number of 532. "Messrs. William J. Magrath, George A. Trenbolm, L. D. DeSaussure, and other citi? zens of like character and standing, compose tbe board of directors. Mr. Magrath la presi? dent, Alfred S. Tyler, vice-president, and J. j T. Welsman, treasurer. "Tbe company aonounces that it ls about to retire its non-mortgage bonds and other tem- j porary obligations through the proceeds of second mortgage bonde, the amount of the | issue of which will be $3,000,000. The price ol these, so the treasurer gives notice, will, after the 31st day of December instant, be 75 per cent, and accrued interest. The bonds thus offered bear date October 1, and have attach ed coupons for 7 per cent, per annum interest, payable in April and October, in the City of New York. "The first mortgage upon the company's valuable properly, which is fully equipped and In excellent condition, amounts to only $3, 000,000, or about $12,500 per mlle. " For the new bonds payment will be ac? cepted as follows, viz : Two-thirds of the pur chase money will be received in the 7 per cent, non-mortgage bonds of the company at 76 per cent, and the balance in cash. "The low rate at which these bonds .are offered, and tbe abundant security supplied in the value of the property and the profitable trafile ol the road, make the Investment a de? sirable one, paying nearly 10 per cent, per annum. The bonds may be purchased and re? ceived in exchange at the Fourth National Bank, in this oity, where John C. Cochran, Esq., the company's agent ior this purpose, is in attendance." The Bine Ridge scrip. The Columbia correspondent of THE NEWS fears tbat there ia mischief in the manoeuvrings of tbo unlucky holdera of Blue Bldge scrip. It is not likely tbat these mean anything more than a fixed determination, on the part of the holders, to get their money If they can. We do not think that they can. But the speculators who hearkened to the syren voices of the Bing cannot be expected to look upon this question with that lofty mo? rality which controls the minds of the peo? ple in general. These look upon the issue of the Blue Bldge scrip as a swindle of the first magnitude, and as they decidedly ob? ject to giving any countenance to a swin? dle, they decline to be taxed for the liquida? tion of that scrip. The people of South Car? olina, in other words, appeal toa law higher than that which is framed by legislatures and expounded by courts. ' That higher J law Is the law of s elf-pro t ec Hon. which comes into active operation whenever, under the forms of a so-called law, a swindling job is attempted to be fastened npon them. So for the decisions of the courts are on the side of right; and even if the holders of the fraudulent scrip contrive to give a color or | legality to their claims, they will still break down, because the people will refuse to pay them or to have anything to do with them. Let them try it-just once 1 The Weenie IiftW. The license law, proposed to be adopted by the City Council, has excited considera? ble discussion on the streets and at the fire? side. It is denoancsd OB unconstitutional, and as being unequal and oppressive in its provisions. THE NEWS does not pretend to decide whether it is, or is not, unconstitu? tional-that is a matter for the courts to determine. There is little doubt, however, that the ordinance, as it stands, presses with undue weight upon certain classes of citi? zens. It is to be hoped that the whole ques? tion will be carefully considered. And we most not forget that, whatever deficiency in the city revenue may arise from a total abolition of the license law must be made up by an additional tax upon real and personal property; and every article of property, from a dwelllog house to a child's cradle, must submit to an extra tax. Let us, at least, know what we are doing. Help the Shivering Poor. Christmas week, so far, has been a trying time for all persons employed outdoors, like policemen, car drivers and conductors, newspaper carriers, Ac. Even in the clear, bright sunlight of yesterday the cold was catting and severe. Hard os it was, how? ever, for those whom we have mentioned, how terribly severe it must have been for the poor, shivering wretches who have scarcely enough clothing to cover them, and who have neither fires nor fuel. Think of them, you who gather around your own raddy hearthstones, and send a Christmas gift to the Ladies' Fuel Society. Of o neat io ns! D~ANUING S^HOOL^H?T SOIREE - Moue BERG KR'S Dancing School will re? open on the 2d or January over Kinsman's Saloon. The first Soiree will take place SATURDAY, the 4th, and continue every saturday. Free to punis. Apply at Mo. 882 King street. dec28-Btuth8* ?carcina. PEBMAIM???^ BOARD can bs obtained, on reasonable terms, at No. ll Coming street, between Went wortn and bean fain._decn-tns4? PLEASANT AND REASONABLE BOABD can be obtained by applying to H. H. VER? NON, at Fogartle's Book Depository. dec27-2? Joint Stark Oompatrrj. OFFICIAL RAFFLE NUMBERS OF THE CHARLESTON JOINT STUCK COM? PANY for the benefit, of the State Orphan Asylum. CLASS No. 821-FRIDAY MORNING. Dea 27. 68-39-26-74-58-48-65-11-36-78-27-50 CLASS No 322-FRIDAY EVENING, Dec. 27. 71-12- 6-61- 3-33-22-66-80-14-36-26 dec28-l A. MOHOSO. Sworn Commslslooer. fttnrtiriuai If o? i ees. C^TY^HAT^LTOITIUE^^ DECEMBER 23, 1878.-Contractors offering bids for the alterations and repairs of the old Workhouse building tor Its conversion Into a building for a City hospital, will please estimate for square-headed frames for trie openings of the second and third stories, instead or the semi? circular as called for In speclilca< lons. The splay . mg of the Jambs and heads, Ac, ol the openings wul also be omitted and square ones estimated for Instead. LOUIS J. BARBOT, dso34 City Engineer. fiotela AIKEN HOTEL, AIKEN, SOUTH CARO? LINA. Having recently purchased, thoroughly over? hauled and refitted the above Hotel, we respect? fully announce to our friends and the public that we are now ready to receive and eniertaln guests In ffrst-class Btyie. BALLEY A PEGG nov804mos Proprietors. jfttetings. PALMETTO GUARD RIFLE CLUB. - Attend the quarterly rn; eting o', yoar .-lab. at Archer's EUH, THIS EVSNINO, ar, 7 o'clock. Basin s.-? o? importance will U9 Introduced, and a ?uli attendance I . required. Members wi I cove i repare i to pay aiTdaW- as the list will reo uve a final readlug. Bj o dir U R. noiAiss, President. dec'-S* j. j. WESUOaT, Secretary. HARLESTON T?POGRAPflICAL UNION, No. 43.-The RegularMonthly Meet? ing of the Union will be bela Tins EVSNINO, at half-oast seven o'clock, at the hall, on King street. K. B. BRADLEY, Secretary. dcc28_ I. 0. O. F.-SCHILLER LODGE, NO. 30. The regular quarterly meeting oi thia Lodge wai be hela on TO-MOBBOW, (sunday,) the 29th Inst., at the edd Fellows' Hali, at 7 J 'o ock P. M. Thu members will please COIL e prepare* to pay t-.elr an ears. By order oi the IN. G. TH. HSNRIOHSON, dec28* hecoidlng Secretary. mania. WANTED, A WOMAN TO COOK AND do Housework ; also, a Bmali boy. Ap ply .t No. 2 Aiken's KOW._deo28i? WANTED, A WHITE FEMALE servant to do general housework. Apply at .NO. 31 Montagne street._dec28^*> WANTED, A GOOD COOK TO COM? MENCE on the 2d of January. None need apply unless with good recommendations. Ap I piy at Ho. 1 Maiden lane, corner Pinckney street. deu28 2_ WANTED, A GOOD WOMAN COOK, and a man house servant. None but those w. li recommended. Apply at No. 33 Broad stree;. dtC27_ WANTED, A COMPETENT AND RE? LIABLE Man to take charge of a set ol Drays. App.y at state nfc?, comer Pinckney and East bay streets._dec27-2* WANTED, A WHITE WOMAN, GER? MAN preferred, to uo general work or a ?mail family. Gool wages and a pleasant home, j Address J. H. Bj, Ns WS Quice._flagg WOOD I WOOD! WOOD I WANTED, from 20 to Cords or WOOD. The ve.y highest cash price paid. Apply to MaBRIAiE A CRAIO. east end calhoun street. deo2t-8* WANTED, A SECOND-HAND PROOF PRESS. Parties having such au anice roi sile may Und a purchaser by addressing "l'ypo," offloe ot THB NBWB._rjgOjj WANTED IMMEDIATELY, FOR THE Ladles'Fuel Society, to supply present wants, 40 cor uta ot Oak Wood until ia cir supply can oe received, apply northeast corner ut Ju? dith and Elizabeth streets bslore ia or after 8 ! o'clock._deoll WANTED.-TWO YOONG LADIES, who have had some y oars experience, and wno are entirely competent to teaoh, in addition to the ordinary course, the higher Mathematica, Latin and Music, desire a situation lor next year. Address, stating terms, a. and h., care box No. 04, hennettsviUi, S. c._dscll-18 AXO?NG LADY WISHES A SITUA? TION, in a healthy part or the Bute, as icacner 01 ite J?nglisu Brancaes and Itadimenta of Music References given if required. Ad areas J. K. E., through charleston P. u. novio ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS IN ONE WEEK.-To any shrewd man who cando buaiuess on the quiet, 1 guarantee an immense foi tune, easily. rapidly ?md lu perfect, safety. Addiess, lu perreot confidence, WM. WARREN, No. 28 west Fourth street, New York, deciil-siyr AGENTS WANTED. - THE MASTER SfltuLl'S OF THE WORLD, THE TRKAS e url HOUSE OF AMERICA. THE UREAT BOOK OF TUE YEAR. Agents report sales or 25 to loo copies In a few hours or days. Prospectus free. Adurese J. W. UOODSPEED, New York, chicago, ciuclunatl, Sf. Louis, New orleans. octi-8mosDAW foi Sait. FIFTY-FIVE MULES. HORSES, MARES and Ponies, just arrived at E. u.iKMAVa Stables, 86 church street, and lor sale on time._deo27-4? FOR SALE, HOUSE No. 28 HAYEN SiRfcET ; also sixty - two l.uTs on Rutledge avenue. Apply to OTTO SCHWEITZER, No. ase King street,_deolO mweg* PERSONS WISHING TO PURCHASE Horses or Mules wu And lt to their aovan Lo^e to cad at UOUAA * CO.'? aTARLUS, Mo. 60S Klug street, beiore purchasing tdsewhere. decs tutnaimopfto*_ TT" EN TU CK Y SALE STABLES, 89 ?V church street.-Forty heed of MOLES and uuioE?just received. For sate on time. deoSi-4 BAMUs.RO A MOIOY. Ho atm. TO BENT, HOUSE No. 76 WENTWORTH street, near St. Phillp, ^oasiselon given on mst January. Apply io J. L. uo&Ea, No. 34 moad street._de?7-8* rilO BENT, STORE No. 310 KING JL street, now known aa "Kaiser W?nam cigar ?siure.:' Possession given on ist January, 1878. AppiytoJ. a. blElNMb?ER, charleston steam saw Mill, west end Beauralu street. deci7-.utus7_ TO BENT, THE SIORE NO. 264, IN the bend of Klug street, a splendid dry good* 3U.U?, lately occupied by T. Keny. PobaesB.ontgiveu immediately. For ternis, appiy to M. 1*. O'uuN -NUK, Admiuistrator, urflee .NO. io Broad street. uec26-wfsiui mO BENT, THAT LARGE AND OOM JL MODloUS Building, Na 149 East Bay, re? gally occupied us Ute I'ubUcatlon omeo oi TBS Ms?'?, aud lormeny known aa the French (jodee uuutte. For terms, Aa, sppiv at the crace of l ax NSWH, No. 10 Broad street. sep28 toot ario -forme. LOST OR STRAYED FROM 166 MEET? ING street, a bewroundla.d Pup, blaok, w,ia whiie breast and tlpp.dwhte on tall. A suitable reward wll. be gi.en .o; its return to aoove a-ures-. dec28-l* LOST, CHECK NO. 1132, OF MUR u AUG H A WEEKLY, on Fl st National Hank, iur $40 60. Pay meut of same having been stopped a re wai d wiU be given lt .eft at Teller's desk, fe. C. LQ.iN A TRUST CO._dec28-l? STRAYED OR STOLEN FROM NO. 84 Beauialn street, on sunday evening, 16th in? stant, a better Dog, with alternate patches or liver oolor and white, answering to the name ol "czar." Head almost wholly llver-ool ored. Somewhat peculiar but Intelligent ex? pression of countenance. A suitable reward wm be paid for his delivery at No. 84 li ea alain street. dec24_ LOST, ON FRIDAY, BETWEEN RING street, near Wentworth and Rutledge ave? nue, a Russia Leather Purse, containing some grenbacks and pieces of sliver. The Under will Le rewarded upon leaving the Purse and contents at THB NBWS ornee. dec33 tt%a\ ftotktB. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, CHARLESTON COUNT Y.-By GEORGE BUIST, Esq., Probate Judge.-Whereas, J CL I A E. WAGNER, of Charles: o.i County, Widow, made snit to me to grant her letters of administration or the Estate and effects of LEVI P. WAGNER, late of Charleston County. Physician. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all andi-lngnlar the Kindred and creditors of the said LEVI P. WAGNER, deceased, that they be and appear before me, io the Court or Pr; bate, u be held at Charleston, on the eleventh Jannary, 1873, after publication hereof, at ll o'clock in the fore? noon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand this twenty-seventh day or December, Anno Domini 1872. GEORGE EU1-T, dec28-s2_Judge of 1 r?bate. FINAL NOTICE.-ESTATE OF OLIVER D. SEYMOUR, JR.-The undersigned will apply to the Eon. George Buist, Judge ol Probate for Charleston county, on Friday, the loth or Jan? nary next, at lt o'clock A. M" for Letters Dis mlssory on the said estate. OLIVER D. SEYMOUR, Administrator or the Estate of O. D. Seymour, Jr. December to, 1872. decio tnthslmo S&sncnltn?, flortirnUijM, Ut. Jg LUM ? MILLEE, Proprietors of Landreth's Old Established House, NO. 863 KING STREET, Has on hand a large Assortment of Fancy BASKETS, Bird Cageo, Chamber Sets, Fish Globes, Hyacinth Glasses, Table Mats, Door Mats, Wood enware, Tinware, Boys' Carts, Wagons and Wheelbarrows, Knife Boxes, all of whloh are Tor sale low at the SOOTH CAROLINA SEED AND AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE, dec23 6 Sign or Plough. ?mneerrumia. A? ADEM-Y OP MUSIC. FIVE NIGHTS AND MATINEE, COMMENCING FRIDAY, DECEMBER 37. G SAND HOLIDAY MATINEE WEDNESDAY, JAN? UARY 1, AT 3 O'CLOCK. CAL WAGNER'S MINSTRELS, J. B.HAYERLY, Manager, Will nave the honor ot appearing before the cu? llens of ibis city in a sanes of meir Soirees de F.thiope, introducing each entertainment entire change of programme. Haring many popular and talontea Artists, prominent among whom are Cal Wagner, barn Price, Ken Brown, Johnny Booker Comedians. Canfield and Booker, Song end Dance Artists. Great California Quartette I composed of Wellisg Bros. and J. W. Freeth. Also, Mr. Fred Wilson, the great and wonderful Char? acter Actor and Original Grecian Staines, with i floe Orchestra and Brass Band. Prices aa usual. Doors open at 7; commencing I at 8. Reserved Seat* on sale at Box Office dur [ lng each day. D. B. HODGES, Gen'l Agt. BL CLAPHAM. Advertising Agent. decM-8 A^ GRAND FIREMAN'S' BALL, IK AU) 07 TEX CHARLESTON HOOK AND LADDER COMPANY, No. 3, WILL BB SITH AT TH! (ACADEMY OF MUSIC, FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 8,1878. ookorrrrxB: J. ti. MARKEE, Chairman, j E. A LOYD, F. LORD, A. DUFFT, J. ARMSTRONG. B .A LOYD, Floor Manager. decie-mwfstuatnifl financial. JAMES H. WILSON, BANKING AND EXCHANGE OFFICE, NO. 6 BROAD STREET. INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS subject to j check at eight CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT bearing INTER? EST issued. EXCHANGE, GOLD. SILVER, STOCKS, BONDS and UNOURRBNT BANK. NOTES bought and sold at CURRENT RATES ind on COMMISSION. DRAFTS ON INQU.ND, IRELAND, FRANCE and GERMANT sold. COLLECTIONS mada. LOANS negotiated. A GBNEBAL BANKING and BROKERAGE BU? SINESS transacted. nov28-stuth-i7 d*? gublitatiem. fTYHE LOST CAUSE. Call and pnrohase the Elegant Otaromo of the LOST CAUSE, a design by a Confedeiate soldier, ; contalnlDg Portraits Dr oar prominent Generals and the "Ode to the Confederate Dollar." A Christmas Prosen suitable for all. For sala at W. Cl. WHILDEN'S, And at JOHN M. GB BER A SON. Price only $i M. dec2t-so fllniii al Soaks. g Y STEM FOB BEGINNERS ON THE PIANOFORTE, BY MASON ? H 0 A D L E Y . This thorough and pras'lcal method bas ac? quired a golden reputation as one or the very best Instruction Bookiu Sells largely. Published with American, also witta Foreign Fingering. Prloe $i. GEMS Ol' 8 TI, AU 881 The surprising success or this brilliant book continues. Edition a 'ur ed Ul DU la eagerly called for. 360 large pages of the Beat Stn uss Muslo. Price,B'ds, $3*3; CL, fl; Fine Gilt 'or pre?ca's J EMERSON'S HINGING SCHOOL, has abundant material for the instruction of eve? ning and other Singing Classe a. Widely usad. Costs leas than a chm ch Music Book. Price 76c. WINNER'S NEW SCHOOLS ri* rai Pianoforte, Cabinet Organ, Melode:m, Gallar, Cornet, Violin, Fife, Accord ton, German Ac eordeon, Clarionet, Flute, Flageolet. Price or ea? ih Book 76 oentii. These little works are great favoritos, because ! they ara cheap, are full of easy and lively maila, and bave enough ol instr active matter for the wants of amateurs. The above books maded, postpaid, for the retail j price. OLIVER DIT80N A CO., Boston. CHAS. LL DITSON A CO., New York. mc&37?ewlyrnAw Sone, ConfeitiOiUXfl, Ut ' NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF L Rich Fancy Goods, Toys, Games, Fireworks, French Con rec t lc nery, Robber Goods, ?to., Is now opening, (neiriy every steamer brings in a fresh supply or tho latest novelties until the Holiday B are over,) at VON 8ANTEN'S BA2AAS, No. 339 Kini; street, nov3-smwl4 Next to Academy or Music. X MAS C H B Bil F "BUT ONCE A Y E iL R !" TEX RICHI* r ANO TBB NIOBST MINCE PIES M :NCE PIES M INCH PIES [ In the City, always on hand or made to order at | short notice. ALSO, TURKEYS GAME PASTRY ICED CAKES JBLLU18, AC, Ac, AT TULLY'8 OLD STAND, No. 124 ICING 8TRBBT, deas it Near Que sa street. gfairtg ano jrogWgjj (Sicoos. R E S H ATB I V ATSI LATEST STYLES I CC M FORTAB LR PIT I LOWEST PRICES S S S s s s s s s 8 S 8 S SSSSSSSS SvOTT'S ssssssss SD s S STAB SHIRT S AND COLLARS S 1 8 S S Ready-made and made S S S S tc Order. S 3 S S - S S MEN'S S S S 8 FURNISHING S S S SSSSSSSS GOODS. SSSSSSSS 8 S S S S S SI s s s s s s AT THE GREAT SHIRT EMPORIUM ! LOOK FOR THE STAR SIGN, MEETING "STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE MARKET HALL. ?ailrrjo?s. OFFIOE OP TBE SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD. CHARLESTON, S. C., Dec. 27, 3872. Escansi?n Tickets for one fare will be sold over tbis Road, to enable parties to attend the Fair at Savannah. S*lea will commence on SUNDAY. December 20th, and cease on FRIDAY, January 8d. AU tick? ets gcod to return on aud ant 1 MONDAY, January *tni 1873. 0. 8. GADSDEN, o " ""w_. . Engineer and Snp't. S. C. EOYLSTON, * Gen. Freight and Ticket A gt dec 28-5 gOOTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. 0HABLB8TON, s. o., December 14, 1873. On and after SUNDAY, Decemoer 16, the Pas? senger Trains on the South Carolina Railroad will run as follows: FOB COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston..-.9.80 A M Arrive at Columbia. 6.20 F K FOB AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston.0.80 A M Arrive at Augusta.6.20 r H TOB CK AB LESTON. Leave Columbia.O.oo A M Arrive at Charleston.4.46 r M Leave Augusta.9.00 A if Arrive at charleston.4.46 r ii COLUMBIA HIGHT KXFKB8B. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston.7.30 p H Arrive at Columbia.6.80 A M Leave Columbia.7.80 r u Arrive at Charleston.6.46 A M AUGUSTA MIGHT KXPBB86. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston.....8.30 P m Arrive at Augusta.7.36 A M Leave Augusta.-.;.e.16 p x Arrive at Charleston.6.60 A M 8 UM MB H VILLB THAIN. Leave Summerville at.7.26 A u Arrive at Charleston.8.40 A M Leave Charleston.a86 p M Arrive at summerville. 4,60 p M C AMD BK THAIN. Leave Camden.7.20 A X Arrive at Columbia.11.1,4 a M Leave columbia.2.10 p M Arrive at Camden.6.66 p M Day and Night Trains connect at Augusta wltb Macon and Augusta Railroad, Centra) Railroad and ac?rela Railroad. This ls the quickest and most direct route and as comfortable and cheap as any other route to Louisville, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Lonls and all other points West and Northwest, Columbia Night Train connects with Greanvhle and Columbia Railroad ; and Day and Night Trains connect with Charlotte Road. Through tiokets on Bale via this route to all points North. Camden Train connects at Ringville dally (ex. oept Sundays) with Day Passenger Train, and rune through to Colombia. A L. TYLER, Vice President. & R. PICK ENS. a. T. A. dSSl6 NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD COM? PANY. CHABLB8TON, S. C., Jun? 8,1872, Tra?na will leave Charleston Dally at 10.15 A. M and 8.00 P. H. Arrive at Charleston coo A. H. (Mondays ex* cerned) and 8 P. M. Tram docs not leave Charleston 8.00 P. M., SUN HATS, Train leaving 10.16 A. M. makes through connec? tion to New York, via Richmond and Aoqula Crook only, going through in 44 hours. Passengers leaving br 8.00 P.M. Train have choice of route, via Richmond and Washington, or via Portsmouth and Baltimore. Thuse leaving FniDAY by this Train lay ever on SUNDAY lu Bal timore. Those leaving on SATURDAY remain SUN? DAY tn Wilmington, N. C. This la the cheapest, qulor.est and moat pleas? ant route to cincinnati, Chicago and other points West and Kg th west, both Trains making con? nections at Washington with Western Trams of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, S. S. SOLOMONS, Engineer and Superintendant. P. L. OLE A POR. Gen. Tickst Agent. may21 SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD. CHAJILXS TON, June 13, 1872. On and after MONDAY, June 17 tb, the Pas? senger Trains on this Road w ill run as follows: EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Charleston daily.8.80 P. M. Arrive at savannah dolly......9.46 P. M. Leave Havannah dally.1L80 P. M. Arnve at Charleston dally. TAH, DAT TRAIN. Leave Charleston, Sundays excepted.. 7.40 A M Arrive at Savannah, Sundays excepted. 8.80 P. M. Leave Savannah, sundays excepted... ll A. k. Arrive at Charleston, Sundays exe'ted. 6.60 P. M. Passengers from charleston by 7.40 A. M. train make close connection with Port Royal Railroad for all Stations OB that Road, (Sundays excepted. ) Freight forwarded dally on through bills of lad? ing to points in Florida and by Savannah Une of steamships to Boston. Prompt dispatch given to freights for Beaufort and points on Port Royal ital [road and at aa low rates as bj any ofior Une. Tickets on sale at this office for Beaufort over Port Royal Railroad. O. S. GADSDEN, Engineer and Superintend ent 9, O. BOYLSTON, Gen'l Kt. and Ticket Axent \rniU_ drags at HOboiesaLt. JITEDiCINB AND FOOD COMBINED VALENTINE'S MEAT JUICE. TESTIMONY OF CHARLESTON PHYSICIANS. ! This valuable preparation, recently discovered, has been extensively tested here and throughout the country during the past summer, and has muy merited the character claimed for lt. Each bottle contains the Juice of four pounds of the best beef, exclusive of rat. Mr. valentino, the patentee and proprietor of this preparation, has in his possession numerous testimonials from the best and most experienced physicians of the land. Among them the follow? ing are presented to the readers of TH B NIWS, who will need no further assurance or the quality and efficacy of the article here offered: CHARLESTON, s. C., September 26,1872. Dear Slr-Some time ago 1 had trie honor to re? ceive by express specimens of your "Meat Juloe" for trial. I bave not thus far acknowledged your kind communication for the simple reason that I never certify to things of which 1 know nothing. I have, in the meantime, tested your "Prepara? tion," fully and cautiously, and the result of my experience has been, thar In all oases where sup? port ls demanded, whether In the teething child or the adult worn down by disease, your "Prepa? ration" has, under my observation, proved far more efficacious' than all the farrago or farina? ceous articles and so-called extracts, which often do more harm than good. I am. very respectfully, your obedient servant, E. GEDDINGS, M. D. Mr. M. S. VALENTINE, Richmond, Va. CHARLESTON, S. C., September ll, 1872. MR. M. S. VALBNTINB: Dear slr-I have made quite au extensive trial of your "Meat Juice" dur luz the past summer, particularly in those protrac ted and exhausting dit e^ses Incident to Infancy and childhood, so familiar to our Southern physicians. The trial has resulted lo a preference for your "Meat Juice" above anthe Extrada which I have hither? to used. So far, ic has tully come up to all that has been claimed for lt, and If its preparation ls conduct!.d with the same care, and the purity of ihe materials maintained as heretofore, 1 have no doubt its use will oe greatly extended. Very respectfully your obedient servant, 1 F. M. ROBERTSON. M. D., Professor of Gynecology and clinical Ona t?trica ia tbe Medical College or the State of South Carolina. QDARAVTTNB GFFIGK. 1 CHARLESTON, Novamber 20,1872.J MR. M. S. VALBNTINB: Dear Slr-Your samples of "Meat Juice" were received through the politeness of your agent, and uBed very freely during the summer In cho? lera infantum, low forms of fever and other dis? eases peculiar to this climate. I cheerfully add my testimony to its dietetic value, and regard your "Meat Preparation" of great benefit, not only In inland e. but also in adult practice. It ls with pleasure that I can recommend Its use to tho profession generally from pact experlenoe and the happy results in my practice. Very respectfully, Ac. P ROBERT DEBBY, M.D-, Health Officer, Harbor of Charleston. CHARLESTON, S. ci, September20, 1872. Mr. M. S. VALBNTINB, Esq.: * Dear Slr-During the past Bummer I have had afuiropportnnlty if testing your "Preparation of Meat Juice." particularly amongst children suf? fering from Darrhota from "Teething." I And that as soon as they lose their appetite and com? mence to degenerate generally, your Preparation administered is well retained and most often en? joyed by the little suffere/s. They improve rapidly in health and strength. Other preparations are not so easily tolerated, on account of their un plea?ant odor and taste. K??M? I consider the contents of your little bottle most invalusble In all acute waji lng,d Besses. Very respectfully, W. M. ?ITCH, M. U. Dr. S. Barucb, of Camden, S. C., writes: "I am uBlng Valentine's Meat Juice with excel? lent effect In the case of a child, who ls exceed ?nely fond of lt, while be positively refuses all other food." A fresh supply of the Meat Juice Just received, and for sale, wholesale and retail, by Dr. H. BAEP, No. Ul Meeting street, Charleston. dec7-slyrDOAW (Brocmgg. ?iqnorg, gt. J M P O B T ED GBO GIERT 40 crates o BOCKERT, imported direct to Charleston per British baric Onward, now in oort, and ship Guiana, expected dally; such aa Siren ard Basins, hand; Chambers. Bowls, hand; Teas, Plates, Jags, Poner Mugs, Ac, ic.^For sale by dec28-2_No. 22 Vendue Range, B ACONl BACON! 16 hhds. Choice Western-O. R. 8IDB3 io hhds. Choice Waitera Shoulders. 20 box aa Bscon Sides, Shoulders and Jowls, Ac. SO boxes Mew Torie Cheese. U. For sale low by PETER MACQUEEN, dec37.2 . Ko. as Vendue Range. "y^riNE OF THE ALLSPICE. /; Indus merque s erriet uni. M The greatest natural Tonie In the world sad most certain cure for Dyspepsia, indigestion, Diarrhoea, Cholera Infantum, Cholera Morbos, or any other Derangement ofthe Stomach or Bowels. Btghly endorsed by the Medical Faculty or the North. It ls net an Alcoholic Compound, being manufactured only from the jule? of the ripe Allspice. Price $i per Bottle..'' Sole Proprietor, G. DB CORDOVA, No. S3 William street, New Tort. ? .""_ Agents, MARTIN A MOOD, oct2s-stnth8mo8_ Chanaston. . ASTIN & MO OD, (Successors to late E. E. Bedford,) "' WHOLESALE! AND BBTAIL GROCERS, NOS. 127 and 129 M BETING STREET, Corner Market street, (marleston, south Carolina, Keep on hand a well selected stock cf Cholos Family Supplies. Country ordrn respect fully solicited. No chano for packing, ar d goods delivered tree of e-harire a?> pf the city, Railroad Depots and steamers. , W. H. WBXOH->FLKSTWOOD Lunrain-lEWjnju oet24-n*o8mos ri^v* WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSON'S WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' 805 KING ST. 806 KING ST. 806 KING ST. 806 KING ST. 306 KING ST. 806 KINO ST. 306 KINO ST. 306 KING ST. 806 KING ST. 305 KING ST. 806 KINO 8T. 306 KING ST. 306 KING ST. 806 KING ST. 306 KING ST, 306 KING ST. 306 KING ST. 806 KING ST. 306 KING ST. 806 KING ST. 806 KING ST. HOLIDAT GOODS ! HOLIDAY Goons'! Holiday Goods ll strawberry Jam la pound pets, 40c each, (imported.') ? ' GROCERY. >! t??tb l y GROCERY. GROCERY. GROCERY. GROCERY. i tu>. ? tOROOIRT. Dundee Marmalade, S pound pots for one GROCERY. dollar. ? yj ", ?ny your H ol Idar Gooda GROCERY, from WILSONS?. GROCERY. ' Smoked Tongues, sev fi en ty-fl ve cents each, GROCERY. worth $126. jjv ; ?randy Fruits, all GROCERY, kinds, from one to for? ty dollars per Jar. -O- GROCERY. seedless Raisins;' eight .. pounds ror one dollar. ?. . > -c- GROCERY. ?end your orders to WILSONS'. GROCERY. EWiierved Fruits in all styles. . GROCERY. -o Flokled Fruits,- some- M : thing nsw, tn snapes, GROCERY. -o Kew Citron, Now Lem ?ot PeeL . VlWKJlBT. For anything Nice, go tO GROCERY. WILSONS'. ?? .-O-. ' GROCERY. Mew Currants -eight pounds for one dollar. -O- GROCERY. Jemes from twenty cents to Ave dollars 1 per jar. GROCERY. s weet Older on draught To see the GROCNRT. Neatest atora in the city goto ?- w , WILSONS*. WILSO H S'. -O Ohoice Table Butter al* WILSONS', ways on hand. ' Family Flow, ground wiL80B8'. expressly for ns. Parched coffees recelv WILSONS'. cd dally. -o If you want anything WILSONS', rare goto WILSONS'. WILSONS'. Ground coffees to order -o- WILSONS'. Tiy tbs Tess at fifty cents, sold only at WILSONS'. WILSONS'. J -O- WILSONS* mst Tea only one doV . '.ar and forty cents, -O- WILSONS' Good; Te a'at eighty cents. . -O- WILSONS'. Ton can save twenty-. five cents on every pound of Tea WILSONS', booghtat ' WILSONS'. WILSONS'. Mo charge for deliver- . lng Goods. WILSONS'. No charge for Packing. WILSONS7. Particular attention to WILSONS'. Country orders WILSONS'. at WILSONS'. WILSONS'. Address Box sss l WILSONS'. AnSKBSS BOX SSS I WILSONS'. ADDRESS BOX8881 WILSONS'. Card. JOHN OHADW IO K, CBA.RUNTON, SOUTH CAROLINA, BEBD ? KEIM, LONDON. ENGLAND, LAND AGENTS.AND NEGOTIATORS. TO LAND OWNERS AND OTHERS. . We havlDg established a Bureau in LBdon, for the negotiation and sale or Ootton and BIOS Plan? tations, large Tracts of Timber Land and other Estates, Mmes, water Powers and Charters for valuable franchises. Invite the attention of s ll in? terested to our grt?t faeUltlsaior bringing such property to the notice ol sapltaliats, farmers and manufacturers m b'naland, ireland and Scotland, and the Continent of Europe. ' For circulars, giving foil particulsis, address, enclosing postage stamp, _ 'J* JOHN CHADWICK A CO., dec24 Charleston, 8. c. 5tmirq iKcurjnttfl. rp H E NEW IM PB 07 ED WHEELEB A WILSON SILENT SEWING MACHINE. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. We are now selling these superior MACHINES on Ten Dollar monthly pav mes ta. Adjusting and Repairing done promtly. WHEELER A WILSON MANOF'O CO., aprs-lyr No. SM King street ^TALLET'S MANGE OINTMENT, A SAFE AND CERTAIN CURB FOR MANGE 15 JlNIMALS. .?No injury caa result from Its use," this article having been used with perfect success for years on aggravated chronic cases. We know lt to be a CERTAIN CURE, and a trial ls all that is nefjkd ta make lt the vade mecum lc tts list of sports? men's specifics. DO WIE, MOISE A DAVIS, Ag.?nt? for the United sutes.