The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, December 27, 1872, Image 3

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TBxv ?Oed?, Ut. HOLIDAY GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES. 1 GREAT BARGAINS IN FANCY GOODS. DRESS GOODS LOWER THAN EVER, AT FURCHGOTT, BENEDICT &? CO.'S AT FURCHGOTT, BENEDICT & CO.'S AT FURCHGOTT, BENEDICT & CO.'S NO. 375 KING STRBET. SHAWLS ( Black Cashmere, Ottoman Striped, Reversible SHAWLS < Black Cashmere, Ottoman Striped, Reversible SHAWLS ( Black Casnmere, Ottoman Striped, Revers'ble BLACK ALPACAS, at redaced prices. BLACK ALPACAS, at reduced prices. BLACK ALPACAS, at reduced prices. Broche ) SHAWLS Broche [ SHAWLS Broche t SHAWLS DRIBS GOODS Reduced; SHOT DRESS GOODS Reduced; SBOT DRESS GOODS Seduced; SHOT POPLINS, at 20 cents per yard. POPLINS, at 20 cents per yard. POPLINS, at 20 * cents per yard. SHIRTINGS, Superior Quality, at 12} cents. SHIRTINGS, Superior Quality, at 12} cents. SHIRTINGS, Superior Quality, at 12} cents. KID OLOTES, new dark abades, at $1; OPERA Double Button KID, at $1 25 per pair. ETD GLOVES, new dark shades, at $1; OPERA Double Button KID, at $1 26 per pair. KID GLOVED, new dark shades, at $1; OPERA Double Button KID, at $1 SS per pair. BLACK DRESS SILKS, at $1 25 and upwards. COLORED SILKS, Superior, at $2. VELOURS and SATINS, JAPANESE ROBES. 1, WO dosen HANDKERCHIEFS, at 6 cents and np wards; HEMSTITCHED, all linen, at 12}o 1,000. donn HANDKERCHIEFS, at 6 cents and upwards; HEMSTITCHED, all Unen, at 12}c LOOO down HANDKERCHIEFS, at 6 cents and upwards; HEMSTITCHED, aU Unen? at 12}? GREAT BARGAINS In HOSIERY. GREAT BARGAINS in LADIES' VESTS. GREAT BARGAINS In GENTS' VESTS. LUCCA SCARFS, BOWS, TIBS, FANCY BOXES, GBEAT VARIETY. CORSETS, CORSETS, CORSETS, See Our 75 and $1 75 CORSETS. CORSETS, CORSETS, CORSETS. See Our 75 and. $1 76 CORSETS. BLANKETS, White, li Superior Quality, at 15. * BLANKETS, White, 14, Superior Quality, at 15. BLANKETS, White, 14, Superior Quality, at $5. IMME NSE STOCK OF HOLIDAY GOODS AT WHOLESALE. IMMENSE STOCK OP PRINTS AND SHIRTINGS. AT WHOLESALE. IMMENSE STOCK OP FLANNELS AND JEANS. AT WHOLESALE. afc AT FUROHGOTT, BENEDICT & OO-'S AT FUROHGOTT, BENEDICT & OO.'S AT FUROHGOTT, BENEDICT & CO 'S MERCHANTS and CITY DEALERS are invited to examine oor WHOLESALE DEPART? MENT, which ie now complete In every class of DRY GOODS. ICH No. 275 KING STKEET. ggrpnrtttie ggpjg, Coopers' Sools, garateare, Ut. TCEPENTIM TOOLS. COOPERS' TOOLS. S A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF HACKERS. BRASS WIRE CLOTH. DIPPERS. IRON WIRE CLOTH. AXES. TRUSS HOOPS. GLUE. HOOP IRON. FOR SALK BY HART i CO., CORNER ICING AND MARKET STREETS, AND 8? HAYNE STREET, i iii ? CHAJILESTON, S, O. deot (Snginco, ?tacrjinerrj, Ut. SMITH Ac V-AJLK, MACHINISTS AND FOUNDERS, v SHOPS EAST END HASEL STREET, CHARLESTON, S- C. MANUFACTURERS OF r PORTAULE ANO STATIONARY ENGINE8, H ENS Bf T'S IMPROVED MoCABTHT GINS, wltb or Wltbout his AM achinen t for Feeding, CORN AND SUGAR MILLS, _ HORSE-POWERS, ip ~ COTTON PRESSES, P- ? AND MAOHINEUT OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. Having purchased all the ratterns or the ute WILLIAM S. H ENERBY, we are prepared t**ecelve erdenrrjar aftMaoolatry iornHrtj made by him. oeci-tastuimo IMptograpl) ano lat ?ciJ^~~ Sofort'? Annual %nntmrutwttttL WHERE TO SET THE FINEST PHOTOGRAPHS. No. 263 KINO STREET, IS NOW EXECUTING ORDERS FOR All Kinds of Portraits, IN THE HIGHEST1 STYLE OF THE PHOTOGRAPHIC ART. THIS ESTABLISHMENT HAS A CORPS OP THE TO BE FOUND ANYWHERE IN THE SOUTH. CABTES DE VISITE, CARTES IM PERI ALE, INDIA INK PORTRAITS, ORATON PORTRAITS, OIL PORTRAITS, PORCELAIN MINIATURES, LOCKET PICTURES. FRAMES. Nearly every Photograph, larger than a earte, should be, and is framed. A careful 'aspeo tl on of oar s took before yon i ur chase la, there? fore, politely rf gu ea ted. We like to see our pictures hung In tasteful frames, Ac, and are, therefore, willing to sell them al; a small advance, tn order to bave our work present a creditable appearance in yonr drawing-room or parlor. COPYING. Careful attention is given to making copies of other pictures. Eolarged pictures may be made as large as life from tbe tiniest locket pic? ture, and made In every way satisfactory by careful and Judicious COLORING. Photographs from nature or from other pictures we color In the best styles In Oil, Water colors, Crayon, Pastel or Ink, a t rates to snit all :lrcu instances. PRICES. Oar prices are kept at reasonable rates. There may bo work done for less, bat we ask that QUALITY be given the prefeience. OUT-DOOR VIEWS. 3HIPS, BUILDINGS, MANUFACTURING- ESTABLISHMENTS, PLANTATIONS, MACHINERY, &C, Photographed with Promptness and Dispatch, and npon Reasonable T?rms. Orders by Mail will mest with Duo Attention. SJ OTK.-The ".Negat 1 vei," sams Biz Thowsnd (6000) In Number, maxie by QCIIVBY Si GO. daring tbe) psst Ta? Tears ire all Preserved, ?nd pictures from tbsm can be bad at any time. S. T. SOUDER, ARTIST AND PHOTOGRAPHER, NOv 263 KING STREET, OPPOSITE HABEL STREET( 9Urti*ti Balt?~~&i)i* Pag. I rnHIS. DAT, 27TH INSTANT,. WILL BE JL Bold.At No. S3 Broad street, two work I MOLES. _. dec27-? WM. MeKAY, AueUoaerr. TWENTY-FIVE PAIR 7AH CY P?Q. EONS, belonging to tue estate or the Ute E. E. Bedford, Esq. Also aa assortment, of Cus? tom-made Clothing, Brogans, Shoes, AC The above will be sold THIS DAT, at io o'clock, at his salesroom, NO. 46 Wentworth street. dec27-i , , --^ . By MILES DRAKE? CLOTHING, HATS, Ac.; THIS MORNISG, st io o'clock, I Will fl?ll.'at my Store, corner Kin"? and Liberty streets, A line of Men's Frook and Sack COATS, Pea Jackets, Overcoats,-Pants and Vests, Ladles' Aprons, Nubia*, Shawls and Scarfs, Men's Wool and Felt Hats, Ladies1 Trimmed, Plu?h and Velvet Hats. Handkerchiefs, Soap, Thread, 4a, Aa dec27 , , 3Uaura Seles-?rimrt fflarji. By H. H. DeLEON', Aaetloneer. TTNDEB. JUDGMENT OP COUBT OP U C CM MON PLEAS.-The South carolina Loan and Trust Company va. L s. E. Bennett, etsi ' By Virtue or the Judgment of the Hon. R. F. Graham. Judge of the First Circuit, Un the above ease, will be sold TOES DAT, the ist h day of Jas uary,l87?, at the Postofflce, a- ll o'clock A. M., AU tbat LOT OF LAND, with the Dwelling noose aa J Improvements taereon, sitaste In the City or Charleston, on the south sid? or Broad street; measuring and containing lu front on Broad street to leets inches, more or lesa, on tho !2Qihllne47 feel;' more or ie*8- on the east line I ii.-?SS?i??ei>..mirB or Ie8*" ana on the west! line 1? feet; battme and bounding to the north on Broad street, to the sooth on Land of L S. K. 5??D?5 east on Landa or Estate Bredenberg and Mia. Franks, and west on Land or Estate H. S Marshall, as per or William Hume, dated Nuvember s. 187X 7 ALSO.' <-'-. All that LOT OF LAND, with the improvements thereon, situate on the westside or King street, in the ssid City of Charleston; measuring and containing In front on Klug street 63 feet s | inches, more or less, and on tne west Hoe 60 feet [ 3 inches, more or leas, on the norn Unes? feet 6 inches, thence running southwardly 7 feet, thence running eastwsrdly to King street 101 feet, more or lesa, and on the soutn Hue 187 feet 8 Inches, more or less; butting and bcandlng to the north on Lands or I. s. K. Bennett, -Marshall and Mrs. - Frants, south on Land of K. J. Le with, ! east on King street, and wt st on Land or - Marshall, as per plat already referred to. Terms-One-third cash; balance payable in two equal successive annual instalments, with Inter - est thereon at the,rate of twelve percent.per annum payable annually, secured by bond or bonds of the purchaser and mortgage or the premises. The buildings to be Insured and policy , or insurance asslgued. Pnrobaser to pay for papers. ' W. J. GAYER, decW-Janl.16_ Referee. By LOWNDES SB GBIMBiLL, Auctioneers, EXTEN8IVE SALE OP VALUABLE , Ballding and Farm Lot-* In the nor incas tern parr of trie city at auction.-Walter Blake, et al, vs. Wailer Blake, Jr., et aL By virtue or an. order or the Court of Common Pleas ia this case I will orto for sale TUESDAY, 14th January,'at the Old Postofflce, at ll o'clock. Several LOTS OF LAND on the east side or | Meeting street, ex tem Ung. tro m Lots bounded on the north by Shepherd street, northwardly to Payne's Farm, and eastwardly to the river. ALSO, Several LOTS on toe west side of Meeting street, running westward to King, and subdl-. vlded luto Lots bounding north and south on Moultrie street, extended, all or wbtch is more particularly shown by reference to a plat made, bv Wm. Busse, surveyor, December, 1873, and' which may be seen at the office of che auctioneers, No. 27. Broad street. Terms-One-rourth cash; balance la one, two, ihree and fonr years, the credit part of the pur? chase money to be secured by bond or bonds of the purchaser or purchasers and a mortgoge of the properly, the bonds to bear Interest from day or sale at the rate or seven per cent, per an' nm, payable annually until the whole amount be paid. Purchaser to pay referee for all necessary papers. 0. H. 8IMONT?N, dec30-f4tal _Referee. By LOWNDES & GBIMBALL, Auctioneers. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION -ELLI? SON CAPERS, aa executor or the E tate or Dr. William Michel, decease i. vs. Middleton Mi oheL-In the Common Pleas for Charleston County. In pursuance of an order or sale dated the 4th December, 1872, in the above case, to me direct ed by the Hon. R. P. Graham, Judge or the First I circule, I will offsrror sale at Public Auction, at the Post?nico, Broad street, Charleston, g. c., an PRIDAT, the 10th Janusry, 1873, at ll o'clock A. AU that LOT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, with a one story Brick Bul di g thereon, situate, lying and being on the sonthwen corner or Qaeen and Fr nklln streets, in me City cf Charleston, sod State aforesaid, known and distinguished in the plan of the Lands of Sifley and Mintzlng, made by Charles Parker, Esq., and dated Ita Jane, 1840, by the number seven (7,) measuring and containing on the north line one hundred and thirty-three (133) Ieee, on-the east line forty eight (48) ree\ on the south line one hundred and thirty-three (IS") fe* t, and on the west Une forty eight (48) feet; batting sud bounding north on Queen street, east on Franklin street, south on Lot Na e In said plan, and ?vest on Lot No. 8 m said plan. Terms-ODO.half cash, tbs balance payable in ene year, with interest from the day or sale, the interest on tho whole principal unpaid pay? able annually; to be secured by a bond or bonds of the par chaser and mortgage of the property. Purchaser to pay Referee for papers. T. W. BAGOT, deo20-f? Referee. OBEBTSON ET AL, EXEC ?TOB, VS. ALSTON et al. and the Executors of W. A. AbSTON vs the Devisees of W. A. ALSTON. . By virtus or a decree of the Court of Common Pisas for Cbarlestoo County made in the above cases on the istb or December, 1873, will be sold in a body at the Courthouse in Georgetown, Sooth Carolina, at ll o'clock A. M. on WEDNESDAY, January 16.1878. All tbat valuable PROPERTY formerly belong? ing to the late Joseph Alston, deceased, known by the general name or Friend fl eld, consisting more particularly ol the following tracts or Land: 1. Marietta, containing 130 acres or River Swamp Bice Land, and MO sores of Pine Land and salt Marsh Laud, more or less. a. Strawberry Hill, containing 180 acres or River Swamp Rice Land and -- acres of High Land, more or less. 3. Friendueld, containing 700 acres, partly River Swamp Bice Land, and partly High Land, more or leas. ; 4, Marsh Island, containing 10} acres, more or less. ? 6. Ml che an x's Point, containing 2816 acres, more or less. e. Calais, containing 1301 acres, more or lesa. 7. Clegg'a Point, containing 604 acres, more or lesa i ine above trac*s of Land ali Ue contiguous to each o- her, forming a peninsula, with the Wac cam aw Hiver on the west and tbe Atlantic Ocoan or ita waters on tbe ear,. The Lands are sa table for tbs cultivation of rice and cotton and the raising or stock, possessing the advantages or a range on te salt marshes and Inland swam ps. A single renee or rrom two to time miles serosa tbe peninsula will mel?se the entire tract. ; Terms-Oue-iourth cash; balance ba one, two ?nd ihres years, with I merest at the rate er 7 per cent, per annum, payable annually, from, the day ofn.e, [secured by mortgage of the premises. Purchaser to pay for all necessary paper*. W. ALSTON PRINGLE, dec28-ml_Executor. PHOSPHATE LANDS FOB SALE. By virtue of a decreetal order or tbe Court of Common Pleas for Oolleton County, I will sell at nnbllo outcry, befare the Courthouse at Walter boro', 8. C., on MONDAY, the flth day of January n 6460 ACRES OF LAND, situate on tbe Edlsto River, in colleton County, consisting or Ave dif? ferent Tracts of Land, snd to be sold by tracts, belonging to the estates rf Lewis o'Bryan and Charles Brown. A plat of tbe whole wUl be ex? hibited on day of sale. _ . ""_ Terma made known on dayor sale. Pureba*, era to pay for papen. A. F. O'BBYAN, decia-mthO_Ex'or. a.gciionmgT fflripotc Bait*, Ut. By LOUIS B.BeSAUSSUBE, Broker, No. 03 Broad street? ESTATE SALE-BEAL. ESTATE, BY ORDER OF EXECUTORS.-For sale. The ? ?-Story WOODEN RESIDENCE, No. 31 Warren street, next east oi St. Paul's Church, containing 4 rooms, pantry, dressing and garret rooms, a pi? azzas. Kitchen, with 4 rooms. Lot 60 feet front by lao feet deep. ALSO, The Two-Story DWELLING HOUSE, with 4 rooms and Kitchen, on west side or Rutledge avenue, betw. en Fisbburn and Mount streets. Lot as feet e inches by 07 feet e incbea The adjoining LOT norLh%r tbe above, aa feet 8 Inches in front by 07 feet 6 Inches deep. ALSO, The Two-Storv DWELLING, with 4, rooms, on cSsreVcoui?donning from Cannon street. Lol 88 feet by ?0 feet. Tbs Twc-Story DWELLING, with 4 rooms, oi Ogre's court, next to the above. Lot 86 feet bj A1SO, Tue Two-Story DWELLING, with 4 rooms, or Garere's court, next to tbe abova Lot 35 reet by soreet. decio-tuth? _gripping. -'U jp OB LIVERPOOL. The fLrat-class bon Brig SANTONA, *?f (capacity 7Qtf. batts-cotton,) Antonio de SK CirioD, Master, will load for toe above port Por Ire*? wgagemeiita^p?to . BOBEBT H?BE A co., dec21 central Wiarf. pOE LIVERPOOL. The Al l'on Bark . MAGNET, Wm. Jkh Brown, Maater, will nave dispatch for taeSBK above port. For Freight Engagements apply to GIBB KS * BARNWELL, decl3 North Atlantic Wharf. F OB BOSTON The Flnt-claia Screw Steamship MEE- ^$Bk CEDlTA, Msrshman, Commander, win^JJUC Ball for the above port-en SATUBSAT, toe s8? instant. For Frelgnt or passage engagements U>ply to JAMES AUGER A CO., docas-wfa_Agenta. pOR NEW TOBE. . ON TUESDAY, 31ST DECEMBER, AT - O'CLOCK. NEW IRON STEAM LINE-ESTABLISHED 1870. STATE BOOMS ALL ON DECK?3 Tlie Splendid New iron Sldewheel Steamship SOUraOAROU^A. Bectot, Commander, will sall for New fork on TSISDAT. Slat last, at -. o'clock, from Pier No. 2, Union Wharves. ' ' 1 Through Bills of Lading to Liverpool and the Kew England cities aa uauaL W Insurance by steamers of tua line X per cent For Frelgfat or Passage engagements, having very one Deck Stateroom accommodations, aa> ply to WAGNER, HUGER k CO., Na 23 Broad street, or to WM. A. COURTENAY, Na 1 Uoioa \yaarvea. .. decS7-fmto? TEE PHILADELPHIA IRON STEAM LINE. THE FIRST-CLASS IROS SCREW STEAMSHIPS VIRGINIA, Captain Hinckley,.. GULF STREAM, Captain Hunter, Are now regnlarly on the Line, insuring a first* deas sea oonneciloo between Philadelphia and Charleston, and in alliance with Railroad Compa? nies at. both termini, afford rapid transportation to and from all. pointa In the Cotton states, and to and from c a iel ? n au, St Louis, Chicago and the principal cities of the Northwest Boston; Provi? dence and the Eastern Manufacturing centres,. , tor Tue VIRGINIA ls appointed to sall from Brown's Wharf on FBIDAT, 27th December, at s tfclorS P. M. tW The GUI F STREAM Will follow. ' For particulars or Freight arrangements, apply to WM. A. COURTENAY, Union Wharves. w. P. CLYDE A co.. General Agents, Na li South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. deoai-sImwfB_. . jp O QR BALTIMORE.. FREIGHTS RECEIVED DALLY, ABD THROUGH ff??tt TO tfSBb PI?ILADKLPHIA. BOSTON, 4 AND TEE CITIES OF TEE NORTHWEST., The Fine steamship FALCON, J. F. Haynle, Commander, will Ball for Baltimore, on SAnmoAT, 28tri December, at 4 o'clock. P. M. ' kW Philadelphia Freights forwarded to that city by railroad from Baltimore wlthoat addi donal insurance, and Consignees are allowed ample Mme to sample and sell their Gocds from the Railroad Depot in Philadelphia. For Freight or Passage apply to PAUL a TBBNHOLM, Airest, . decK 4_Na a Union WI tarves. pOR WEIGHT'S BLUFF? BUCKINGHAM POINT, AND ALL LANDINGS OH SANTEE RIVER. The steamer LOUISA, Captain . JT^kt T. N. SlawBon. will receive FreightJafaftflaEV at Atlantic Wharf on FRIDAY and SATUKJUY, and leave as above on SATURDAY- NIGHT, December 28th. For engagements, apply te SHAOKELFOBD A KELLY. Agents,. dec2&-3_North Atlantlo WT? art. pO B SAVANNAH, TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SUNDAY EVENING, AT 8 O'CLOCK. _ The Splendid side-Wheel Steamers DICTATOR and CITY POINT will, leave Southern Wharf as aoova No extra charge made lor Meals and State* room?. For Freight and Pa-sage apply to RAVENEL k CO., Corner Vanderhorefs Wharf and East Bay. deca _.__ C HANGE OF SCHEDULE. REGULAR LINE. FOR GEORGETOWN. 8. C., TOUOBIJNG AT SOUTH ISLAND. WAVERLY, KEITHFIELD ^AND WEYMOUTH MILLS. FROM SOUTH COMMERCIAL WHARF. On and after 1st December, the wtTwllf Kve^Ohagas^Veevery BE D^ 9 ?^^JJ-w^n?? returning, leave Georgetown every TUSSDAY and FBIDAT MoBiriNOs, at fl o'olock. _ mfchfrecelved every SATURDAY and WBDNSS ? iii Freight and wharfage most be prepaid. No Freight received after sunset. _ Duphcaterecelpta required with alimenta. For Freigh? or Passage apply on board or to SHAOKELFORD k KJ^bY,. Agents, North Atlantic Wbart A. MORGAN, Agent Georgetown, 8, a oot7-tnthi8moa_" F OB FLORIDA, TIA SAVANNAH. The Splendid Slde-wheel steamers, DICTATOR, Captain L. M Ooxetter. , fi ITV POINT, captain Fits g?rai a, win s?w Chariest every TtrssDAT, THCWAY and SUN DAY EVSNINO, at 8 o'clock precisely, for SAVANNAH, FERN ANDESA_L^ JACKSONVILLE, MAGNOLIA, G RE KN COVE SPRINGS, ST. AUGUSTINE, PALATKA. AND ALL LANDINGS ON ST. JOHN^BJVBB. Connecting at Palatka with steamers foe the Oclawaha River and with the steamer STAR? LIGHT for Enterprlaa,Meuonvlile,add?UP*0? on the Upper St John's and indian Rivera. P^!?t52rooms. and make NO EXTRA ft&ME FORMBA!* ANO STATEROOMS. TheT mud almost at the doors ol the prtoclpal Hmeis of aU above points, saving the Invalid and ?ouri? thedangers and discomforts or frequent ^cwnect at Fernanda with ?ojida Byroad for all points in tue mterior, andwrth Railroad for New Orleans aad Havana, via Cedar Key?. FOr Freight or^a^app^?, Oerner vanderhorst'a Wnart and Baas Bay. dec2 ' MisteWflXuans* WOOL, HIDES, SKINS AND FURS WANTED. We are paying tba highest Cash prices fer Hides WOOL. Skins, Furs and Baue wax. at mae?, M0SE3 GOLDSMITH * SON, BOTlT-imo vendue Range,