The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, December 21, 1872, Image 3

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_fohoog ?0Q?i._ ?HLY W CEHT8 ONLY. .Tai-finest and boat Mixture of CONFECTION? ERY tn tue city at (0 cen ta per pound, equ il to tue kind usually told for one dollar; PUG up ex? pressly for th? 1872 Oh ria tai aa by KINSMAN BROS. FRENCH CONFECTIONERY AND CRYSTALIZED FRUIT. A very large and colee assortment of Pure FRENCH CONFECTIONERY and CRYSTALIZED FRUIT at KINSMAN BROS. FRENCH FANCY BOXES. We have a full line of FRENCH FANCY BOXES, suitable for Christmas or New Year's Present?. KINSMAN BROS, TOYS, &c. Stock very large and sold cheap to make j room.' "PARLOR GAMES. Extensive line of these goods from 25 cents op. KINSMAN BROS., IVO. 3 7.9 J? ITV O STREET, deezi W3*I. Ta* WEBB, NO. 138 MEETING ST,, . NEAR THE CHARLESTON HOTEL, Bas, in bia extensive ?tock or Chins and Glass? ware of direct importation, a varied assortment of HOLIDAY GIFTS, Coimasrxe HANDSOMELY DXCOXATXD DINNER AND TEA SETS, FINE CUT GLASSWARE, A great variety of Vases and smaller articles j suitable for the approaching season. WILLIAM L. WEBB, NO. 128 MEETING STREET, Next tb the corner or Hasel Street. dec21-?_ I DOLLS! DOLLS! The Subscriber will close ont at Reduced Prices a pretty assortment of DOLLS. CHARLES A. LENGNICK, dec?a 4 ' NO. 81 HAYNK STREET. AT WHILDEN'S ISA LARGE-AND VARIED STOCK OF CHIiSTMAS GOODS. NO. 255 Kl NC STREET, CORNER BEAUFAIN. CHARLESTON, S. C. deeia-7 GREAT BARGAINS IN TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, AT FORRESTON'S, NO. 0?1 SINO STREET, ? UP TOWN SANTA CLAUS HEADQUARTERS. SELLING OFF AT SEDUCED PRICES DURING THE HOLIDAYS. ll li CO EASLY AND MAKE YO DB SELECTIONS. 11 dee]?-* l< FRENCH, ENGLISH T AND AMERICAN EXTRACTS,J' SOAPS * POMADES ' . . HAIS OILS, Ac. . JEAN MABIE FARINA'S i. VIOLET'S AND j j AIMAS'S PREMIUM COLOGNE WATERS, ' AT . CORNER KING AND VASDERdORST STREETS. doole ia._ _S?toing Machines. IMMENSE SUCCESS OF THE CELEBRATED i .I, 181,260 SOLD IN 1871. 52,784 MORE THAN ANY OTHER CO, THE ?INGER MANTJFAGTURINGr CO., NO- 186 KING STREET? deoio CHARLESTON, S. C. LOUIS COHEN & CO 246 AMO 248 KING ?T., Brtween Hasel and Markst Street*. Beg leave respectfully to announce that having annexed the building Ko. 216 King street to their j Old Stand, they can, with the Increased facilities they now enjoy, offer to their Customers and the Public generally GOODS lu their line with corresponding advantages to buyers. OCR STOCK OP JMRY i&OODS, wblch will be ai all times found complete, con? sists of: PRINTS, LONGCLOTHS, SHIRTINGS DRESS GOODS, SILKS CLOAKING VELVETS VELVET RIBBON! SASH AND TRIMMING RIBBONS FLOWERS, LACES EMBROIDERIES, HANDKERCHIEFS ] BROADCLOTHS, CASSIMEBES FLANNELS, BLANKETS SHAWLS, HOSIERY GLOVES And a Complete Stock of LINEN TA BLI NOS, TOWELS NAPKINS, DOYLIES, AC Particular attention ls requested to our full Unes of Ladles' SILK 8CARF8 AND FICHUS, in all Colors, Shades and Sty les. Attention is SHo directed to onr large Unes of HOLIDAY GOODS, Suitable for Presents. A call is respectfully requested. LOUIS COHEN St CO., decie-14 No. 348 KINO STREET. mm M No. 275 King Street. GIOOD8 FOR TUE We shall offer MONDAY, and every pf 2 ' ? day until Christmas, the Finest and ^ t m ' r M most Extensive Collection of GOODS ? *-? offered In this City, expressly select- ^ ? ? i . ~ ed for the coming HOLIDAYS. M |# 'lue French Gros Grain BLACK SILK, from tl 26 to $1 me French Gros Grain Colored Silks, from $176 to )2 60 ine French Silk Sateens Silk Velvets Silk Satins dsn and French Poplins. toU Assortment of PLAIDS, Poplins, Alpaca,. from 26 cents np .nil Unes of Mourning Goods. < CARPETS ! A NICE PRESENT. We are offering for the Holidays fine English BRUSSELS at fl 60, worth $1 76 Tine French Velvet Carpets at $s, worth $4 ftne English-Body Brussels at $2 26, worth $2 76. Jreat Reduction has been made lu Ingrain Two | and Three-ply Carpets. KID GLOVES rull A?sort ment of the Celebrated Ch?iUey KID GLOVES, each pair guaranteed. ALSO, A good One Button GLOVE, $1 A good Two Button Glove, $126. JEW FULL LINES OF HOSIERY, HANDKER? CHIEFS, LACE COLLARS. ?ibbons, Belts, Corsets, Ladles' Underwear, Flowers, Feathers, Jet Ornaments, Bows, Ties, Neck Handkerchief*. FINE SELECTION OF SHAWI.8 AND CL0AK8. Offered at greatly reduced prices. For Gents' wear we offer Bargains in Fine Trench and German CLOTHS, Gasalmeres, Doe iklns, Ac. Best selection In the city. BLANKETS, Flannels, reduced In price. Pull Assortment of Linen and Domestic Goods. FURS, in large variety. Our Wholesale Department consists of the best (election of Domestic Goods, Farmers' Supplies, Paney Goods, Notions, Hosiery, Ribbons, Ac, ftc. 3reat Bargains are offered in a l of our Depart? ments. Respectfully, PBBCH60TT, BENEDICT & CO. itoncrj (ftoobs, Notions, &t. HI?HNTMIRLY ?-coT" WHOLESALE DEALERS IN NOTIONS, MILLINERY. HOSIERY & WHITE GOODS, No. 37 HAYNS STREBT, Desire to call the attention of Merchants visit lug the city at this time to their very ATTRAC IVE STOCK of TO YS, AND OTHER GOOD8 SUITABLE FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Their usual Stock la also very FULL AND DE? SIRABLE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. They solicit lrom their Customers and the Trade gen? erally the favor of an early can. decll 10 J ?jate, Copo, Sn. JOHNSON ft BROWN HAVE NOW ON HAND THE LABGEST STOCK! -- . op "F U R ever offered in thia cly, la imitation and real im? ported goods. Seta lrom $3 to $1(0. Thia Stock has been well selected, and Fura sold DJ thia noose are warranted to be perfect. SILK HATS at $4, $5, $6 and $7. Also agents fer DUNLAP'S BEST HAT, $0. decal stothlmo_ O. O. PLENGE, NO. 201 KINO STREET, Invites the attention of the PabMo to his FINE STOCK OP MTS, HIPS MD FUS. AMD UMBRELLAS. CHILDREN'S FANCY HATS A Specialty. 201 King Street. dec7 Cloding ano inrni?fjmg ?oo?i. AND HOUSE! J. H. LAWTON, ACADEMY OF MUSIC BUILDING, Corner ot King and Market Street?, CHARLESTON decio (Stag ? Kim ts. OAS FIXTURES. A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF ' CHANDELIERS, - . ? .!" i* HALL LICHTS, PENDANTS, " BRACKETS. \ROAND BURNERS, PORCELAINE SHADES, GLOBES, AC., AC. ALL OF THE LATEST PATTERNS AT P. L. GUILLE MIN. NO. ?1 CUMBERLAND ST UK KT. GAS PITTING, PLUMBING AND TIN ROOFING. decl4-sms jPggg* ggMttC, Ut. CLOS ntcTouT TP CHANGE BUSINGS. In order to go into another Business, I will ilapose of my ENTIRE STOCK IT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. The Goods nost be sold by the last of this month, as I will lave no ase for them. Call at once and make your selections either in ?mall lots or ia bnlk. THE ENTIRE LOT OP MEERSCHAUM PIPES TOBACCO, CICAR8 AND FANCY GOODS MUST BE SOLD. WM. SCHRODER, Emperor William Cigar Store, No. 310 KING STREET, mch7-iyrooaw CHARLESTON, S, 0. .jftfribtott?, Sigrini?ttral Jmplenuttta, Ut._ Are AGENTS For AVERY & SONS' PLOUGHS. A Plough, with Scraper, Bull Tongue, Turning and Shovel Mould, Complete, for $15 25. Or if the Dixon Sweep be preferred to the Shovel Mould, price $15 25. We have also a Full Assortment of One and Two Horse Ploughs, both Cast and Steel, of AVERT & SONS, as well as other Manufacturers. ALSO A PI LL LINE OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLE?IENTS. BURDICK'S HAY AND FODDER j CUTTER. We are also in Beoeipt of a Full Line of SWEDES IRON, HOES, ENGLISH IRON, TRACES, HOOP IRON, NAILS, PLOUGH STEEL, ROPE, TURPENTINE HACKS, PLOUGH LINES, TURPENTINE TOOLS, GUNS, MILLSTONES, .PISTOLS, POTWARE, TINWARE, WOODWARE, BEST FISH LINES SEINE TWINE, FISH HOOKS, BOLTING CLOTH. H ?L R, T Ac O O ., 89 Hayne Street, and Corner of Kine; and Market. octl-tuthBDAO CHABIiEHTOW, 8. C. (Engines, Jflacrjiners, Ut. SMITH &c ^VAJUHL, MACHINISTS AND FOUNDERS, SHOPS EAST END HASEL STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. MANUFACTURERS OF. PORTABLE AND STATIONARY ENGINES, ^OENV??K QIH3, w,th or w,,lMmt h,a Attac?lni*" for" Feeding, H0R3E-P0WERS. i COTTON PRESSES, ?toter u?, ii quo ru, ??C. H. KLATTE & CO. AGENTS FOR CHARLESTON. We bare appointed Messrs. H. KLATTE A 00 Sols Agents for Charleston for this Celebrated Brand of PURE KENTDOK? WHISKEYS, both PYES aod BOURBON. """mrWv These Whiskeys are guaranteed pure KENTUCKY COPPER DISTILLED, free from au compound im? purities, and hlfthly recommended by eminent chemists for medical use. The Brand Ls patented topreyent^frlngemen?.^^ BROS. * CO., Louisville, Ky. We respect folly inform our mends and custom? ers that we keep constantly on hand a full supply ?f the above already favorably well taownWhte gs-0* offer Bame 10 TSttfttF P?ugWntt6ino NO. 186 East Bay. State Entices. QFFICE SmK??Gf?7NDC0M] : I COMPTROLLER- GENERAL 3 OFFICE, ) COLUMBIA, S. C., .)ece'mbcrl4,1872. j The fo flo wing i u a a te s f-om the Records of the 'Sinking Fand Commissi DD." are published for the Information of a l concerned : Besotea, That the Secretary of this Board be instructed by publication lu the Columbia Dally Union and TBS CHARLESTON DAILY NTWB, to give notice of the organisation of the "Slaking Fund Commission," and nat persons having bu? siness with the Board will hereafter call upon the Secretary at the office of the Comptroller-Gene craL Resolved, That the Secretary also, by such pub? lication, notify parties wto are Indebted for par chases made from the fo -mer Board, that they will be required to pay aiy Ifta taimen ta now or hereafter to become due, to the Treasurer of this Board. 8. L. HOGS, Comptroller General, decl8-3_Ami Secretary of S. F. C. VT7TI?PPING PAPES FOB SALE.-OLD rv NEWSPAPERS In 1 ?rge or small quana lea, Prloe 60 GENTS PEU HUNDRED. Apply at the omeo of THE KEWa. mejia tailoring, Cl?tijins, #r. NEW STOBE1 NEW/GOODS! EVERYTHING NSW ! MENKE ft NOLLER, TAILORS AHB CLOTHIERS. INVITE THE! ATTESTJON OF THE PUBLIC TO ] THEIR SPLENDID NEW STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING OP THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, ANO CHOICE MATERIALS FOR CUSTOM: WORK. - . AN INSPECTION OF THE GOODS AND PRICES IN THEIR NEW ESTABLISHMENT, COR, KING AND WENTWORTH STS., IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. octa CHASE & CUTOTNO, FASHIONABLE BOOT, SHOE AND TRUNK EMPORIUM, NO. 345 KING' 8TREET, j j OPPOSITE THE WAVERLY HOUSE. We Invite the attention of the public to onr large and varied Stock of Gents', Ladles', Boys', Miases', Youths', Children's and Infants' BOOTS AND SHOES. Also, a large assortment of TRUNKS, BAGS, VALISES AND . SATCHELS. All or which we offer at prices defying compet? tlon._?_deol9-6 BOOTS AND SHOES. ELIAS & BROS1:, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES, &C, 368 KING STREET," .CORNER OF GEORGE STREET, Respectfully solicit the continuance of the patronage BO libers Ur bestowed-on tbem by the citizens of Charleston and surrounding country. One or the Arm has JOB t re toroid from the Nortb, and rnrchased In Boetun jost before the large Ure terre ; all of which we offer to the Wholesale Boyera at great ad? vantages, and guarantee them a savin ? of at least io to 16 per cent. We are offering all or our purchases now at less than iurmer prices, and regardless to the advance of prices now. To onr Retail Custom era we would say that as heretofore we shall do our best to please them by polite attention and cour leons salesmen ' No tremble to show goods. We keep only a good quality of Boots and Shoes, and prices that defy competition. Oar motto ls, LARGE SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. AS A SPECIALTY I - To Mothers we would say that we con? tiene to keep a taree stock of that celebra? ted SILVER TIPPED SHOE, of Philadel? phia make. Oonstautly on hand an& receiving by every' steamer from Philadelphia a nae and well selected stock of Hand-sewed Boots sud Shoes, lor Ladles, Gents, Misses and Children, of the best Philadelphia manufacture, 811 or which we guarantee to give satisfaction, and would respectful? ly solicit ?callat ELIAS & BROS., No. 368 KING STREET, CORNER OF GEORGE STREET. J. FINNLEY, CHARLES NEWHOUSE, R. H. MU0KENF?SS, will be pleased to wale on their | friends. - nov28-toths Pianos, ?rgans, Ut. RIEGLING," SALES ROOM8 BEAUFAIN STREET ONE DOOR FROM KINC. -ESTABLISHED 1819. Just received a select lot or new PIANOFORTES and CABINET ORGANS, and for sale low for cash, or to rent conditionally, tbe rent applied as par? chase money. An excellent opportunity ls now offered to purchasers to secure a flue, well-toned instrument. Satisfaction guaranteed to the pur cb fl sor. On hand and to 1er, Pianofortes at.rednoed rates. Musical Instruments and Magical Merohnndiae, together with the latest fashionable Mot ic con? stantly receiving. Orders for taning and repair? ing attended to. novfflstnthlmo_HENRY SIEQLINQ. PIANOS ANO ORGANS, Furnished at factory prices for Gash, or by Monthly Payments on the most liberal terms. CHARLES L. McCLENAHAN, Plano and Muslo store, sep8-4mos No. 101 King street. DOOTS, Scell?s ano ?iinus. DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS; WOOD MOULDINGS, STAIR RAILS, VE WELS, AND ALL KINDS OF FANCY GLASS. {LARGE 8T?0K-LOWE8T RATES ORDER WORK SOLICITED. SEND FOR ESTIMATE AND PRICE LISTS. KEOGH & THORNE, 254 AND 256 CANAL STREET dec9-iyr York City. , Statiion 0alef~~8i)if fl?otj. . ? ,? .pj.WNL McKAT. ' t CLOSING OUT SALE OF A FIRST CLASS BetalhCIgarand Tobacco Store, BO. 810 King 6treet. M be sold on SATURDAY NIGH r, alai lnat?nt, commencing at r o'clock, at ?< o. 310 King streer, slgn o? "King William," an assortment of Fine M serf cheam Pipes, uneroo Im? poned and Domestic Cigars,. Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, and a variety*?* Jwcjrtlitk clea. Sale positive.: z<r.-c.-i Lvdealfrl BAILIFF'S SALB.. wm be sold THIS DAT, at li o'clock M., at Ma 147 Meeting street, ' SUD dr? articles, aonalstlng In part-of IRON SAFE!*, Stoves, Furniture, Coan tera, Ac . The above ls the property of the Charleston 0nantanie Association for UteBeneflt-of U??Knew School Fond, and Is to be sold aider ex?cutions from i he Conrt of John G. Mac tey, TrlalJrrstice, to fattsfy four Judgments obtained Meroin; i decal .-v auction Sal?a-Jntnrt Oops. Br J. FRASES MATHE WES, JAPANESE GOODS, DIRECT IMPOR? TATION. . -. . vcttv?t?El Will b? sold at Ko. fis Broad street, on MONDAY, 28d Instant, at ll o'clock, A variety of Japanese Goods, suitable lot Christmas presenta. , - -. _dec21-3 By H. H. l?e LE ON. VALUABLE BEAL ESTATE AT AUC? TION. . i will sell on TUESDAY, the 24th "day or Decem? ber, at the corner or East Bay and Broad streets, at ll o'clock, the following Tamable Property : AU that LOT OF LAND on west side of Coming street, one door sooth of wentworth street, and Known as No. 16, with the two and a half story dwelling .thereon, centalnlng nine (9; square rooms, large pantry and bathing room, wita hoc md cold water in bel rooms and marule basins, ras with complete fixtures; eel ll uga painted and md frescoed, marble mantels; kitche n with four iqnare rooms and No. l range; stable and ali necessary outbuildings, large cistern, pump. Ac: premises in complete order. Lot forty. Ava (46) 'eet front and one hundred and twenty (120) lees '?ep, more or less. 1L80, All that LOT OF LAND and two story Brick fore on west side of East Bay, measuring in front twenty-five (26) feet and one hundred and sine (109) feet In depth, more or less, formerly oc? cupied by Mesara Lauroy A Alexander. ALSO,. .. ? a .-.. AU.that LOT OP LAND, with dwelling there . rs, known as No. 63, St. Phillip street, con tato? ng BIX Bqoare rooms, with necessary ootbraid ngs, cistern. Ac rn good order. Lot thirty lett tlx Indies (80 6) front, by one hundred feet deep, nore or tea. ' .^?.....a-* ALSO, All that LOT OF LAND on west side Of Cora? ng street, known as NO. 21. with dwelling there? in, conUlnlng Ave rooms, and all necessary oat buildings. Lot fifteen (16) feet front and sixty. :hree (63) feet in depth, more or less.' ALSO, All that LOT OF LAND on west side of State jr ree t, with buildings thereon containing six rooms, and brick kitchen. Lot twenty feet front ind lo depth sixty feet, more or less.. , , ." Conditions-One-third cash; ba'ance payable by Dond and mortgage or property sold, in ene and ;wo years, with seven per cent, interest from date jf sale, payable annually; purobaaerj to pay auc? tioneer fe papers; property to bo Insured and policies assigned. * - d?dis NO. 289 KINQ .?TREET, OPPOSITE NEW MASONIC TEMPLE* PINE WATCHES? RICH JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED W?RE, BRIDAL AND HOLIDAY PRESENTS, THEY ABE NOW OFFERING A3 LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK AB . HAS EV ER BEEN PRESENTED TO THE CHARLES? TON P?RLIC.. . NO. 289 KWGc STREET. COUNTRY ORDERS promptly lilied, and? satis?", action guaran teed. ' non&-stnth3mos SILVERWARE ! WATCHES! JEWELRY ! : '. F. SOLDE WE Y respect -ally calls the attention cf hft cn s tom ero and the public to his now Terr rall and choice assortment or STERLING 31 LVETt WAHK, GuLD WATCHES AND SOLID JEWELRY, lately Imported. ALSO, " ". ? - ' . " To a beautiful piece or art, a MECHANICAL CLOCK WITH A MOVING FARM SCENE, which will be raffled shortly, and for which chances may still be had. WATCHES AND CLOCKS are repaired as usual in the very best manner, at reasonable prices, and the work WARRANTED. .. F. KOLDEWEY. No. 802 Klng street. Third door above Wentworth street. declo tnthsT ?.?>_? . Fist tide, .?. HHrngf aita iKe?irinei. ??ta SIMMONS' Mri, :.. 1. REGULATOR This unrivalled Medicine w warranted notto contain a single particle of Mercury, or any tn arl?os mineral au ba tan ce, but ls PURELY VEGETABLE. . . For forty years lt nas proved ita great value in all diseases of the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. Thousands of the good and great in an pans ot the country vouch for its wonderful and peculiar power in purifying the Blood, ?Umulattng the torpid Liver and Bowels, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. SIMMONS'S LIVER REGULATOR is acknowledged to have no equal as a ' * " LIVER MEDICINE. lt contains font medical elements, never nutted In the same happy proportion ? in. any other pre? paration, via: a gentle Cathartic, a .wonderful Tonio, an unexceptionable Alterative and ?cer? tain Corrective of ail Impurities of the body. Snob signal success has attended its, use that lt le now regarded ss the . ... j. GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC, . , for Liver complaint and the pal^ oflspnng thereof, to wtt: Dyspepsia, <?Mapt?ony Jenn, dice, BUloua attacks, Sick Headache, ^?jjgJ; pression of Spirits, Sour Stomach, Heart Bnin, Ac., AC T ' Segu?ate the Liver and prevent . CHILLS AND FEVER. SIMMONS'S LIVER REGULATOR Ia mannfaotnred only by , J.. H ZEILTN A OD., 1 Macon, Ga., and Philadelphia. PRIOE-*i per package; sent by niall Ppiw paid. $125. ?repared ready tor nee to eotttes, $ For sale by V- ? P.W?rtj^*Op. .. AND BY ALL DR^WTS. ?a- warp of ail coanterfelui aaa imita? tion* aqgs-thstnPAwsmos Dp VTTLER'S' VEGETABLE BHEU r ^^MATIO SYRUP- . araT,n?)d under oath never to have failed to WAN2^So certlDcates or testimon?ala of cure, R2?ra.HUswing. Media, P?hrisylven?a? .!&MS??tfeorEev&B.Davis, Highutowxw ?5S; ?5Tev- Rev. Thomas Murphy, FranWord, miff?emnu: Hon. J V. Greeley, member 0? P?omPn?alielphla; pn.Judge Lae Gm. H?n Nflw Jersey ex-Senator Stewart, Baltimore: others. Warranted to cure or money refunded, omero. YT?IT?U DiU CAULIER, Agent, jnivl-m _OTtarhwtanrBdl. ? 1 . " 1 A ION HOTEL, AIKEN, SODTHGASO A . . LINA. . . - ( rn;;.. . " Having recently purchased, thoroughly over hauled and refitted the above Hotel, we respf ou rn*?y announce to our friends and the publicist weiro now ready to receive and enterWngMftt, Inflrst-clasastyle. ... BAILEY A^^KW*, nov?osnos - Proprietcra, : . . .?.*.:... o"-'Vt? i?r- . . .. ?r?v 'p . . . ' . - 30*1? *V Jj' ;. .