TRKMB OW TH.E NKWB. " ins DAILY Haws, by mall one year, $s; montha $4; turee months $3 60. served in tis city at EI6HTBTN Csxrs a wee*. payableJ.the car riera, or $a a year, paid In advance at tbe office. Tbnradaye and saturday., OM year $4, elx montha Vt 60; three months $1 ? THSWBXXLT saws, one year $2. Six copies ?io. Ten copies, to one addreas, $16. strssoaiTTiONSlnaii cases payable in advance and na paper continued arte r the expiration of the sime paid I or. RrarrTANCXS should be made by Postofflce stoney Order or by Express. If this cannot be Ame, protection against losses by mall may be Moored by forwarding a draft on Charlea ton pay? able to the order bf the proprietor? of THU Nxws, or-by aendlng the money m a registered letter. TRANBTIJIT advertisements (by measurement) fifteen cents aline the first insertion, and ten cents* line eaoh subsequent insertion. Business Notices (by count) twenty cents a Une eaou lnBer tlon. NOTioxs of Wants, Tb Rent, Lost and Found, Boarding, AC not exceeding 20 words, 26 cents each insertion; over 80, and not excesding 80 words, 46 cents each insertion; over 80, and not exceeding 40 words, so cents each insertion. These rates are HIT, and must invariably be ,ajainAdvance.woRDAS DAW80N k 00., r Ko. ie Broad street. Charleston, 8. C. Wit (Ebat?ltpt&n -$m?. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1872. TBS CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS "Ia designa ..ted as the newspaper for the publication of "all legal notices, and official advertisements, "for the County of Charleston, ander tho act .'of February 22d, 1870, entitled an act to regu? late the publication of all legal and public ''"noticea." , , md >? * NEWS OF TBE DAY. ^-Helmbold Ia living very quietly In the BO burbs of Philadelphia, and has the calm satisfaction of knowing that he owes more creditors than *any other mas living or dead. Thfi: re'.c hsmar k, the new German Imper lal'coln, Is about equal In value to the English shilling or twenty-lour cents In gold. Here? tofore, these coins have been quoted by New York bankers in groups of three or four-thoa seventy-two cents gold for three relchsmarbs, or ninety-elx cents gold for loar relohsmarks. A movement, however, ia on foot to give the price In the New York market of the single reichsmark, so-as to avoid the contusing meth? od mentioned. -It will be Interesting to the publlo to learn that there ls a prospect that the long delayed postal cards will soon be Issued. Con? gress authorized them last June, but failed to make an appropriation to pay the expense ol engraving and printing? The Postmaster General estimates that $100,000,000 of the cards will be used In a single year, and to pay for the number that will probably be demanded between now and the 1st of July the House asked an appropriation of $60,000 among the Items in the dedotenoy bill. The bill will pass before the holiday recess, and th?) cards will probably, be ready soon a Oer the.l s t ot Jan nary. -Th? Louisiana troubles have had the most deplorable effect on business. Private ad? vices from New Orleans are to the effect that the contest has brought every department of business and industry to a stand-still. A deep gloom pervades the entire city. The move? ments of commodities, usually so active at this season of the year, have been practically .. suspended. Planters and farmers are afraid to ship their cotton and other products to that olly, and shipments to other Cities are sus? pended. The orders tor goods which former? ly went to New Orleans are sent to rival cities. The prospect tor the remainder of this winter, therefore, ls anything bat a cheerful one, and the end ls not yet? -The New York Court o? Appeals bas de olded that the usury laws of tho State of New York'apply to the transactions o? national banka on contracts made In tba State, and that a violation of such laws subj acta the of? fending bank to the penalty they impose. The decision hinged apon the osse of the First National Bank bf Whitehall against James Lamb aod others, the defendants pleading usury tareslat payment of a promissory note. Thejadge at circuit gave a verdict for the plaintiff, holding that the State laws against usury did not apply to national banks. This decision the Court ol Appeals set. aside, de? claring the defence of usury available, and o rders a new trial. -At seven o'clock, Monday evening, John Sifflmons arJd-NIcho!as H. Dn ry ea, well known lottery dealers, engaged In a desperate strug? gle m front o? a restaurant on Liberty street, New York. Simmons succeeded In throwing Duryea, and then stabbed him repeatedly with a dlrr,?Mii)tn? almost Instant death. Simmons, after the ijomlolde, took refuge in a neighbor? ing saloon; where be was arrested soon after? wards; bat ia getting away he fell, fracturing the lower bones bf his ankle. Simmons and the body^ of his ' Victim were brought to the police station, where Simmons refused to make any statement when Interrogated by the officer in charge, and persisted In his refosal . when visited by reporters. Dory ea was about tbJfcr y?ars of age, of genteel appearance, light build, and lived at Port Richmond, Staten Island, where he leaves a wife and two children. The. cause of the fatal quarrel la not known, but it was supposed to be con? nected with the lottery business, In which they wereengaged. ~3?u$rn? Sherman waa examined before the American and British claims commission in Ws?htagtcn,: on Tuesday last, in regard to the barning ot Columbia. He denied that he had Issued orders to burn Columbia, but ad? mitted that the'army waa greatly exasperated against South Carolina, and thia exasperation . wasgreatly increased by General Hamptons command firing Into his camp a night or two before entering Colombia, which exaspera? tion he and bia officers participated In, and this was known to. the men. A oorrespon dence was then shown to General Sherman purporting to have taken place between bim and General Hal le ck while on his march to Columbia. The communication from Hal look desired bim to destroy Charleston and sow lt with salt, so there might no more nullification and secession grow UR there. To thia Sherman In reply Wrote that Charleston and Columbia would soo? be-to Ms hands, and Halleck would ham no causa tQ^cojnplain of his treat? ment Of, them. That he had the Fifteenth Corps with him, and that corp* did their work well; and farther, that he (Sherman), would not spare the public buildings at Columbia aa he had at Milletlgeville. General Sherman admitted, on his examination, that this cor? respondence was authentic He stated that he occupied Columbia with tho Fifteenth Corps. In reply to the question whether be kept the menin ranks after taking poe session of the oity, he said, "No." He could not have done so to have prevented the burning ot .wry. town in the State of South'Carolina. !9Port,? were drawn oat bv the repre sentativeeof the British claimants, who al. lege that their property at Colombia was de SSS&fSS!0"^ *nd lQ flotation of the ?fral 8heraan manifested a^ddealol excitement during theexaml Spinal RrtittS. ?S- CONSIGNEES FEB STEAMSHIP JAMES AUGER, fro m Ne w York, ure notified that tue will dlschargo cargo THIS DAT, at Adger'a Sooth Wharf. Goods uncalled for at sunset will remain on the wharf at owners' risk, ^decai-i JAMES ADQER A CO.. AgentB. ^Skt-OFFIOE OF COUNTY AUDITOR, FIRE-PROOF BUILDING, CHARLESTON, 8. C., DECEMBER 20,1872.-This office wUl be opened on tbe 26th instant for the leaning of Licences for the fourth and last quarter ending April 1st, 1873, In accordance with an act providing for a gene? ral License Law, approved March is, 1872. Delinquent a will be dealt With as is provided by the act. SAMUEL L. BENN El T. m dec2t.24,26,3l Auditor Charleston County. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER does nt.t color, but restores the Hair to Its raturai color. decl4-8tnth8nao ?STJOO NEED NOT GO TO FLORIDA to cure your Cough. Take TUTl'S EXPECTO? RANT and enjoy the comforts of home. This is good advice. decl8-6n*w . PALMETTO GUARD RIFLE CLUB. The Members are requested to call at Messrs. BROWN A JOHNSON'S Hat Store, Kmg street, opposite Hasel, and have their measures taken for the New Hats, where a sample can be seen. deco_ jCS-THE MEMBERS OF THE GERMAN HUSSARS TILTING OLUB are requested to call on Mess rs. MENKE A MULLER and leave orders for their Uniforms. By order or the President. J. O. W. BISCHOFF, oo to_secretary. ^.HOLDERS OF SECOND MOBT GAGE BONDS of the Ch era w and Darlington Rail? road company are hereby notified that the inter? est doe on said Bonds 1st January, 1873, wUl be paid on presentation of tue Coupons at the Peo? ple's Bank of South Carolina. J. H. MolVER, deci4-atnthe_Treaanrer. ?&~ FOREIGN APPRECIATION O P I AMERICAN CHEMISTS.-P. H. MALMSTEN, Pro? fessor of Chemistry and Medicine at Serat! m er 'Hospital, Stockholm, wries: "I have tested .Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hau* Renewer, and can say that lt wiU beautifully restore gray bair to Its natural color." . decai-atnthsoaw BUBNHAM'S AROMATIC DENTI? FRICE, for Cleaning, Beautifying and Preserving the Teeth, and imparting a refreshing taste to the mouth. Prepared by EDW. 8. BURNHAM, Graduate of Pharmacy, NO. 421 King stree:, Charleston, 8. 0. Recommended by the following Dentists: Br I J. B. PATRICK, Dr. B. A. MUCKJLNFUSB. sep28-3mos ?raT- BATCHELORS HAIR DTE.-THIS superb Hair Dye is the best in the world. Per? fectly harmless, reliable and Instantaneous. No disappointment. No ridiculous tints, or unpleas? ant odor. The genuine w. A. Bachelor's Hair Dye produces Immediately a splendid black or natural brown. Does not stain the skin, but [ leaves the hair clean, soft and beautiful. The I only safe and perfect Dye. Sold by all druggists Factory ie Bond street, New York. mohB-tutbsivT _ ??* BELL SCHNAPPS, DISTILLED by the Propri?t?T at Schiedam, Di Holland. An invigorating Tonio' and Medicinal Beverage. Warranted perfectly pure, and free from ai. ! deleterious substances. It la distilled from Bar? ley of tho 'Anent quality, and the aromatic Juniper Berry of Italy, and designed expressly for cases of Dyspepsia or in dig ea ti o n, Dropsy, Gout, Rhen -madam, General Debility, Oartarrh of the Blad? der, Pains Ul the Back and 8 toma cn, and all diseases of the Urinary Organs. It ?rives relief j in Asthma, Gravel and Oaionll In ?e Bladder, strengthens ima invigorates the syatem, and la a certain preventative and cnn of that dreadful scourge, Fever and Ague. CAUTION i-Ask for "HUDSON G. WOLFE'S BELL SCHNAPPS." For sale by all respectable Grocers and Apothe* darles. HUDSON G. WOLFE A 00., Bole Importers. Office, No.18 South william street, New York. sepflQ-Smos_ iSbwical Booka. g Y STEM FOR BEGINNERS ON THE PIANOFORTE, BY MASON AH 0 AD L B Y Thia thorough and pracUcal method has ao- j j quired a golden reputation as one of the very best Instruction Booka. Sella largely. Published with American, also with Foreign Fingering. Price $8. GEMS OF STBA USS ! The surprising success of thia brilliant book continue*. Edition after edition ls eagerly called for. itv) large pages of the Best Strauss Musis. Price, B'ds, $263; OL, $8; Fine GUt for presents 14. EMERSON'S SINGING SCHOOL, has abundant m ate rial for the Instruction or eve? ning and other Singing Classe s. Widely used. Costs less than a Church Music Book. Price 76c. WINNER'S NEW SCHOOLS ron TBS Pianoforte, ctbinet Organ, Melodeon, Guitar, Cornet, Tlc lin, Fife, Accord?on, German Ac? cord?on, Clarionet, Flote,' Flageolet. Pince of each Book 7( cents. These little works are great favorites, because they are cheap, are full or. easy and Uvely music, and have enough of instructive matter for the wants of amateurs. The above 'Dooks malled, postpaid, for the retail price. OLIVER DITSON A 00., Boston. CHAS. H. DITSON A CO., New York. sepl4-awlyrn*w iWisceUatwona. GRAND OPENING AT No. 18 ST. PHILIP STREET, .BiTWjtl? WENTWORTH AND LIBSBTT. LOUIS ORTMAN has removed to the above place, and wlU open this day. Call and see him one and all. A FINE LUNCH wUl bs prepared. dec2l-l* L. OK TM AN'. inrnilnre, Ut. piRSTCLASS FURNITURE, AT REASONABLE PRICES. MILLING'S FURNITURE STORE, Na 444 KING STREET, NEAR JOHN, ls the place to get handsome and subtantiai FURNITURE of the latest and most elegant de? signs at pricer to suit the times. This establish- j ment has Just received a large supply of superior Parlor, Ouana ber and Dining Room Sets in Oak, Walnut and iniiratlon, which are offered at prices tenor fifteen per cent, lower than those charged elsewhere for less substantial Furniture. SUPERB BURIAL CASKETS A SPECIALTY, Call and examine tbe stock and prices. 8IGN OF THE MAN AND ROCKER. NO. 444 KING STREET. decl8 fc.. Ww* ?xottorg, Ut. C?U?AT^L?SS AND CR01SaST7~ * 1 AT THUS OLD STAND, KING STREBT, CORNER OF LIBERTY STREET. . The Subscriber would respectfully Inform his friends and the public that his stock ls now com? plete In OHINA, GLASS AND CROCKERY, Plain White and Fanoy China; Glass and Fancy China Goods, Lamps, Shades, Ac, Ac. octio-thstuamos R. H. MCDOWELL. Agent _Bgqrfruta._ PERMANENT, TRANSIENT AND DAY BOARD can be obtained, on reasonable terms, at No. li Coming street, between Went worth and Braufalc. dOOlT-tusi* jfleitingg._ . W~ ABBINGTON LIGHT INFANTRY CU ARITABLE ASSOC IATIO N.-Toe Heeling of the Association win be held THIS kVBUlNG. at the Hall of the Mere Danta' Hotel, corner ot Society and King streets, at 7 o'clock. - D. li. GI LULA ND, decal - Secretary and Treasurer. STONEWALL FIRE ENGINE COM? PANY.-A Regular Monthly Meeting of the company will be bela THIS KVBNING, at i o'clock: precisely, at the Ball of tue JEtoa Flie Company, Queen Btreet. A fall and punctual attendance ls desired. By order. : deosi WM. 0. MILLER, Secretary. tTJatus. family by a young single gentleman, near tue business purt on ol Meeting street. Address Q. T. A., Lock BO? 286._,_decta WANTED IN A MERCHANTS OF? FICE, a competent Bookkeeper. None nteu apply nnlesa thoroughly-conversant with the general routine of an ellice. Address by let? ter, Key Box 669, charleston P. 0. dec2t 2? WOOD! WOOD I WOOD ! WANTED, from 20 to 1,000 Cords of W?OD. The very highest cash price paid. Apply to McBRlUE A CRAIG. East end Calhoun atreet. dec21-9* WANTED, A SECOND-HAND PBOOF PRESS. Parties having such an anice f0i sale - may find a purchaser by addressing "Typo," office of THB Nswa._deoiO WANTED, BY A STEADY, EXPERI? ENCED man, a situation as assisi ant bookkeeper, Clerk or salesman In a store. Has no objection to go in the country. Address "AL LEN," DAILY NEWS office._decia-3? WANTED, THE LOAN OF THREE TO Four Thonsand Dollars, ior two to three y tars, on gcod security. per cent, inter? est will be paid quarterly. Apply at ihe Charles ton Posiomce to A. 8._decl7-tnthaa? WANTED, LADIES TO PROCUBE latest Styles in HAIR FIXINGS, prices low. Also, Frenca Corsets, 75c, Hoop Skirts 600, Bustles from 26c to 60c: endless Variety Fancy Goods. ARCHER'S BA Z A AK, King s tret t. deoi7-taths3*_._ WANTED, BOARD FOB A FEW weeks In a private family for a gentle? man, wife and chud. Please address, mating terms and location, T. W. B., at ihia ouice. tlsojg_._' WANTED IMMEDIATELY, FOB THE Ladles'Fuel Society, to supply present wants, 40 coras ol Oak Woud until meir supply can be received. Apply northeast corner u t Ju? dith and Elizabeth attenta before 12 or after S o'clock._._._decll NE THOUSAND DOLL ABS IN ONE WEEK.- To any shrewd man who can do business on the quiet, l guarantee an immense fortane, easily, rapidly and ta perfect safety. Addi eas, In perfect confidence, WM. WARREN, No. 28 West Fourth street, New York. dec2l-alyr_ WANTED.-TWO YOUNG LADIES, who have had some years experience, and wuo are entirely competent to teach, in addition to the ordinary coarse, the nigher Mathematics, La un and Music, desire a situation for next year. Address, stating lerms, B. and N., care box No. 64, bennettaviUe, 8. C._deoll-18 AYOUNG LADY WISHES A SITUA? TION, in a healthy part of the State, as i cacher of ibe English Branchesand Rudiments or Music References given If required. Ad? dress J. K. E., through Charleston P. u. novi9 AGENTS WANTED. - THE MASTEB Sf 1K1TS OF THE WORLD, THE TKEA& U?E HOUSE OF AMERIOA. THE GREAT BUCK OF THE YEAR, A gen ts report sales Ol 26 IO 100 copies m a few hours or days. Prospectas free. Address J. W. G GODSPEED, New York, Chicago, cincinnati, St. Loots, New Orleans. octl-8mosD*w_ fat Soi*. EXTBAI?INE.-KLEIN, NO. 339' KING STREET, Jost received from Florida, a lot ui oranges, surpassing in size, sweeine.-s and color any In the market. You better go and get them tor tne holidays._dec2i-l* FOB SALE, A THOBOUGHBBED POINTER DOG. For further particulars a, ply to F. G. Michel, No. 145 Coming street. declO tos4*_ FOR SALE, THE STOCK OF A WELL known Oigar Store, consisting of Tobacco, ripes, Fancy Articles, show cases, Ac Also, the privilege ol the house, yard, Ac, at a very small rent, apply this day at No. IBS King street. decal A*_ . ? MULES AND HOB8ES, AT B. OAK MA.NM ?TABLES, ao. 86 Church street, t,?ai- .Broad, for sale on time._' deol6-i* SHINGLES I SHINGLES -200,000 No. 1 SHINGLES lu Dandles. For sale low for ctash. C. T. SOHLEPEGRELL, Nc 87 Line street. deoie-12* JUST ABBT7BD, A GAB LOAD OF Good Meolum MOLES and HORSES. For sale low by P. WES r, Queen street. de cl2 FOB SALE, HOUSE No. 23 HAYNE s i REE f ; also sixt*-two LOTS on Rutledge i ven ne. Apply to OTTO SCHWEITZER, No. 806 Sang street. deoiemwee* PEBSONS WISHING TO PUBCHASE Horses or Males will lind it to their advan? tage to call at HOGAN A CO. 'S STABLES, NC 606 Sing street, before purchasing elsewhere decs tuthslmonac* LABGE SALE OF LANDS.-PATRICK P. JENNINGS, Administrator, vs. P.S. FEL L>cit and others.-In the Oommon Pleas, Orange ourg County. Notice is hereby given that the sale of LANDS In Oolleton Oounty, whereof John T. Jennings lied seized, which Hale was postponed last sales, day, will be made by the Sheriff of Oolleton Coun? ty, at Waiterboro', on the first MONDAY in Janu? ary, 187A for one-half cash, with the privilege of paying all cash, or giving bond and mortgage to the Referee ior the other hair, payaDle in one year, with interest from date, purchasers paying ior papers and recording. Tue Lands will be Bold in parcels of from 500 to 3000 acres, and with the reservation to each of ill canal and other easements hitherto common io all of them. The whole number of acres ls supposed tobe tiver 30,000 acres, and the facilities for market by the Edlsto are very great. M. GLOVER, deol4-2ljan4. Referee. A T PBIYATE BALE, THE PLANTA ix. TiON lying on Santee River, la St. John's berkeley, about two miles below Eu taw Springs, Known as "Walnut Grove," and property of the late James Gall.ard, containing a litte over 1200 acres. On the place ls a good Dwelling with eleven rooms and necessary outbuildings. # Tne Tract admits or division Into two parts, one immediately on the river, containing about 540 acres, or which 26 acres are In woods; the other, with the settlement, containing about 670 acres, of which loo acres are in woods. The place may be treated for as a whole, or for either one of the above portions. Terms or sale-One-third cash; balance In one and two years, secured by bond and mortgage, hearing seven per oent. interest. Purchaser to pay for papers. if not Bold by the 26th Instant, (Christmas,) the settlement tract will be offered for rent, for the year 1873, at public outcry, on the premises, on Wednesday, the 1st of Jannary next. For further particulars apply to P. O. GAILLARD, at Charleston, ) Qualified Or to JNO. G. GAJLLARD.on the prem- J Execu lees, or at Bonneau's Post?nico.) tors. decs-tnths_ . Coot ono ?orino. F^UN^ the owner can have by proving property and paying expenses. Address "J. B. B.," "Nswa ofhee" dec21-l* LOST, ON THE 18TH INSTANT, A Gold Open Face Skeleton English-made Lever Watch, A liberal reward will be given the Auder, if left at Port Wardens' Office, Exchange Btreet. . dcc2l-2* LOST, A LARGE WHITE AND BLACK DOG. A reward will be given for his re? covery. Apply southwest corner St. Phillp and LlneBtreeta. deci9 3* 8o Vieta. TO BENTr^STGBE~No. 3WKING street, now known as "Kaiser William Cigar Store." Possess-on given on 1st January, 1873. Apply to j. H. STEINMEYER, Charleston Steam Saw Mill, weet end Beaufain street. decn-mths7_ TO BENT, THAT LABGE AND COM? MODIOUS Building. No. 140 East Bay, re? cently occupied an the Publication Office or THE NEWS, and formerly known as the French Coffee House. For terms, Ac, applv at the Office of THU NEWS, NO. IO Broad Btreet. Bep28 Joint gtofjt gompong. OFFICLUT^BA^FFLE NIJMBEBS OF THE CHARLESTON JOINT STOCK COM? PANY for the benefit or the State Orphan Asylum. CLASS No.| 811-FRIDAY MOBNINO, Dec 20. - 2-72- 8-54-43- 61-33-30-27-32-76-44 CLASS No. 812-FRIDAY EVENING, Dec 20. 51-60-68-49-76-60- 6-11-14-53-32-74 dec2i-i A MOROSO, Sworr- Commsisioner, I &mn?*mBnte. j^CADBM? OF MUSIC. Farewell performances of the talented joans; KATIffiJOTJAM,..* And the Greatjpmedy Company. GRAND MATINEE. TjJr Afternoon St 3 O'Clock. Will b e presented the . CHILD OF THE REGIMENT. Josephine, (wltb Songs and Dan ce).KATIE PUTNAM Admission to Matinee-Adults, 60 cents; chil? dren 26 cents, . TO-NIGHT, SATURDAY, DECEMBER Slat, SANS SOUCI. Jacqueline ) f cupid, [ With Son gs, J KATIE PUTNAM. Elke Arnar, J ( To conclude with toe LAUGHING HYENA. . For particulars see Billa of the day. dec21 Q.RAND FIREMANS' BALL IN AD) OF THE YOUNO AMERICA STEAM FIRE ENGINE COMPANY, TO BB GIVEN AT THE ACADBMY OF MUSIO, WEDNESDAY JANUARY 8, 1873. . cONXnTBE: JA?. QUINN, J. J. CALLAHAN, J.-O'CONNBLL, H. A. COHEN, J. T. MAHER, W. F. MCGINNB?B, c. L. BRA tm EOT. JAMES WESTENDORFF, decl4-(2 j ;_Chairman. fairs._ A H .H U ; i[ I F A I B OP THE AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL ASSO? CIATION OF GEORGIA, Held at Savannah, commencing Monday, Decem? ber 33th, 1872, aad continue during the week. The Central Railroad and connections and At lantio and Golf Railroad and connections will transport visitors for one fare, returning Iree. BABEE OONTEST. There will be a Sabre Contest between the Sa? vannah and Augusta Sabre Clubs on January fid and 4th. BAUES. Open to the world,' three or more to enter* Fastest Trotting single-harness Horse, Purse, $100; Fastest pair of Trotting Horses, owned and used aa such. Purse, $60; Best Single-harnees Uoise, Pine, $20; fest pair sf Harneas Horse?, P?ate, ?26; Best Pacing Horse, Plate, $16; Run? ning Race, Sweepstakes, mlle beats, thro* cr more to enter, two to start, entrance io per cent,, Parse, $200. COTTON PREMIUMS. The Chamber of commerce offer the following preminms: ? For best three bales of upland cotton of one planter's growth on exhibition, premium to go to planter, $60. For three bales ranklcg second in quality, pre? mium to go to planter. $40. For three bales ranking third In quality, $80; premium to go to the plat. tera. For the bent bale of sea island cotton, $50; next best in quality, premium io go to planter, $40. For the best Gin for upland cotton, $100. For the best bushel-of Rough Rice, of the va i le ty known as gold seed, premium to go to plan? ter, $10. For the best bushel of Rough Rice, of the va? riety known as white, premium to go to planier, $10. No fee will be charged for entering ot exhibit? ing articles. i-or Premium Lists or other Information, apply to J. H. ESTILL, Secretary. deggjHj_ .financial. JAMBS H. -WILTSON, ~~ BANKING AND EXCHANGE OFFICE, NO. 6 BROAD STREET. INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS subject to oheck at?ight CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT bearing INTER? EST lassen. EXUHANGE, GOLD, SILVER, STOCKS, BONDS and UNOURRENT BANK NOTES bought and sold at CUBRENT BATES and OU COMMISSION. 1 DRAFTS ON ENGLAND, IRELAND, FRANCE and GERMANY sold. COLLBOTlONBmod?. I.OASB nogotlated. A GENERAL BANKING aad BROKERAGE BU? SINESS transacted. nov28-stnth-17 JHnnicipal JXotUee. CHARLESTON ORPHANHOUSE. Offers tor supplying r he above named Insti? tution with Beef, Mutton, Pork and Veal for one year from the 1st January, 1878, wi ii be consider? ed by the Board of Commissioners on Thursday, I it?th Instant. Souled oners to be left with the bnperlDtendent at the Institution before S o'clock P. M. on Tbuisday. dec2l4, _Cfggj ff ot ires. NOTICE.-THREE MONTES AFTER date application will be made to the Sooth carolina Railroad company for the renewal of Certificate lor ?ix Shares Sooth Carolina Rail? road and Bank Stock standing in the name of W. c. SONDLEY. the original being lost or mislaid. novo-lama?_ FINAL NOTICE. -ESTATE OF OLIVER D. SEYMOUR, JR.-The undersigned will I apply to the Hon. George Bnlat, Judge of Probate for Charleston County, on Friday, tau loth of Jan? uary next, at ll o'clock. A. M" for Letters Dls mlsBOry on the said estate. OLIVER D. SEYMOUR. Administrator or toe Estate of O. D. seymour, Jr, December io, 1872._decio tuthalmo THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF CHARLESTON-COURT OF CUM MON PLEAS.-Oatharine Bennett, plaintiff, against Louisa Castle et al., -defendants. Copy summons. To the defendants, Louisa Castle, Mary OaBtle, Annie Castle, Francis castle, Corne? lius Brown, an infant. Rebecca Brown, an Infant, sarah Brown, an infant, Maria Brown, an infant, Alonzo Smalls and John smalls, an Infant : You are hereby summoned, and required to an I s wer i he complaint in th ls action, which is flied in tho office of the clerk of Common Pleas for tfie Bald county, and to serve a copy of yonr answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at their I office. No. OS Broad street, Charleston, South Carolina, within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of suoh service ; and If yon fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff In this aotlon will ap? ply to the court for the relier demanded in the complaint Dated 18th Jane, 1872. BREWSTER, S PRATT A BURKE, Plaintiff's Attorneys. [L. S.] A. 0. RICHMOND, 0. C. 0. P., Charleston County. To Alonzo Smalls, one of the defendants above named : Please take no Ladles' and Ohlldrea's Under Garments, Wrap? pers, sac-ka, Furs, Ac. Dress and Cloak Making attended to as asnal Sole agent for MT ie Demoreet's PAPES PAT? TERNS, country 01 tiers win receive prompt at entlon. 1 . ._octn-thstn HAVING ADDBD TO MY UMBRELLA MANUFACTORY . The sale of Men's and Boya' HATS AND CAPS, I wUl keep on hand a Large Stock of THE LATEST STYLES Walch I will seU at the very lowest prices, for cash. Before purchasing $6 Dress bilk Hats, examine what I am selfing at $4 60, and extra flue quality at $5 60 and jo. Umbrellas of all kinds always on hand, made to order or repaired ac shortest notice, and a large stock of Walkin g Canes. JOHN R. JOHNSON, No. 801 King Street, 1 doors above Wentworth, deoio-tntnslmo MtrtQB at tt) holes alu. ?pOWIE, MOISE & 'DTVTB IMPORTERS, Y AMJFACTURKH3 AND WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, CHARLESTON, S. C., ?ffer with confidence to the Public the following VALUABLE PREPARATIONS, Of Which they are Proprietors: SUMTER BITTERS. ' What thlB great Southern Tonio will do must be gathered from what lt has done. The case of dyspepsia, or any other form of Indigestion, In which lt has been persistently administered with? out effecting a radical core, 1B yet to be heard from; and the same may be said of bilious disor? ders, intermittent fever, nervous affections, gen? eral debility, constipation, sick-headache, mental disabilities to wblch the feeble are so subject. It purifies all the fluids of tho body, including the blood, and the gentle stimulants which lt Imparts to the nervous system W not succeeded by tbe slightest reaction. This ls a chapter of facta which readers, for their own sakes, should mark and remember. QOLLDSR'S REMEDY. TBS BEST LINDI BXT FOB MAN AND BEAST f . This article has gained a well-deserved reputa? tion, wherever lt bas teen used, as an external remedy, and hundreds of our best citizens testify to ita good qualities on man and beast. Used once lt becomes a family comfort and necessity. jyjOISE'S LIVER PILLS, For the cure of Hepatitis, or Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia and Slok-Headache, and as a Cathar? tic and Anti-Bihous Pill have no superior. These Pilla possess that peculiar power or In? vigorating the stomach, and stimulating the liver and torpid bowels, Which render them of unequalled efficacy In cleansing from the blood all impurities, ema imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. Ttt-.y are entirely vegetaole and perfectly safe._ DB. VON GLAHNN'S ROYAL CROWN SUHNAPPS. An unequalled antl-dyspeptlo, tonic, nervine and invigorating cordial. This world-' - -7 jd 'ionic ls prepared nnder the persona. villon of Dr. Von Glahun, or Amsterdam, Holland, and has been pronounced by the best German physicians to be pore and free from adulteration, and by them have been recommended for the following pain lui com? plaints: Diseases of me Bladder, Kidneys and Urinary organs, Female Complaints, Collo, im? perfect Digestion, Gravel. Onronlo Diarrhoea, 1 Dropsy, and alLdlsea?? of the Stomach. jy?OISE'B FEVER AND AGUE PILLS. 'Are warranted t> cure in every case, or the money refunded. They contain no ?menlo or poisonous ingredi? ents or any kind-not Ung In the least degree In? jurious to the system ander any circumstances and may bo administered with perfect safety to an Infant. They never fall to ct re the most obstinate case when taken as directed 7hey cure immediately. In no case will the patient have more thin one chUl after the first dose, and In the majority of oases not even that. They accomplish tbs work .by destroying the canse of disease, whlolino other remedy pretends ?todo. : They are an effectual pr?ventive, neutralizing the malarious poison in the system, and thus averting Its consequences._novfl-sth jyjEDICLNE AND FOOD COMBINED. VALENTINE'S MEAT JUICE. TESTIMONY OF CHARLESTON PHYSICIANS. This valuable preparation, recently discovered, has been extensively tested here and throughout the country during the past summer, and has fully merited the character claimed for lt. Each bottle contains the Joice of fonr pounds of the best beef, exclusivo of fat. Mr. Valentine, the patentee and proprietor of this preparation, has i i his possession numerous testimonials from Hie best and most experienced physicians of the land. Among them the follow? ing are presented to the readers of TH s NIWB, who will need no farther assurance or the quality and efficacy of the article here offered : CHARLESTON, S. C., September 36,1872. Dear Slr-Some time ago 1 had the honor to re? ceive by express specimens or your "Meat Jalee" for trial. I have not thus far acknowledged yonr kind communication for the simple reason that I ?ever certify to things of wblch I know nothing. I bave, lu the meantime, tested your "Prepara? tion," lally and cautiously, and the result of my experience bas been, tbat In all cases where sup? port ls demanded, whether In the teething child or the adult worn down by disease, your "Prepa? ration" bas, ander my observation, proved far more efficacious than all the farrago of farina? ceous articles and so-called extracts, which .often do more barm than good. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, E. GEDDINGS, M. D. Mr. M. S. VALENTINE, Richmond, Va. CHABLBBTON, S. 0., September ll, 1872. MR. M. S. VAL? .STINK: Dear Slr-I have made quite an extensive trial of your "Meat Juice" daring the past sommer, particularly In those protracted and exhausting disses incident to Infancy and childhood, so familiar to our Sonthern physicians. The trial has resulted ia a preference for your "Meat jalee" above all the Extracts which I have hither? to used. Solar, in has lully come np to all that has been claimed for it, and if its pr?paration ls conductfcdostttlrtfQeBajno?aie, and the purity of ?theretofore, I have _ extended, lent servant, . M.ROBERTSON. M. D., ology and clinical Obstetrics .'College of the State of South QUARANTINE eFFIOX. 1 CHARLESTON, November 20, 1872.) MR. M. S. VAMINCTNZ: Dear slr-Your samples of "Meat Juice" were received through the politeness of yonr sgent, and used very freely during the summer in cho? lera Infantum, low forms of fever and other dis? eases peculiar to this climate. I cheerfully add my testimony to Its dietetic value, and regard your "Meat Preparation" of great benefit, not only in infantile, bat also in adult practice. It ls with pleasure that I can recommend Ita use to tho profession generally from past experience and the happy results In my practice. Very respectfully, Ac. ROBERT LEBBY, M. D., Health Officer, Harbor of Charleston. CHARLESTON, 8. C., September 20,1872. Mr. M. S. VALENTINE, Esq.: Dear Slr-During the past summer I have had a fall opportunity of testing yoor "Preparation of Meat Joice,1' particularly amongst children suf? fering from Darrboea from "Teething." I lind that as soon as they lose their-appetite and com? mence to degenerate generally, yonr Preparation administered ls well retained and moat often en? joyed by the little sufferers. They improve rapidly In health and strength. Other preparations are not so easily tolerated, on account of their un? pleasant odor and taste. I consider the contents or your little bottle most Invaluable In all acute wasting diseases. Very respectfully, W. M. FITCH, M. D. Dr. S. Baruca, or Camden, S. C., writes: "I am using Valentine's Meat Joice with excel? lent effect In the case of a child, who is exceed in sly fond of lt, while he positively refuses all other food." A fresh supply of the Meat Joice jost received, and for sale, wholesale and retail, by Dr. H. BAER, No. 131 .Meeting street, Charleston. deo7-aiyrsc?w (gang, Qatbjpaxe ano ggtltrg. TA BL ?" EU IVES, 4o. The fmbacriber has received a line asiortment of all kinds or Table and Pocket Cattery, which he 'offen for sale at low p ricca. ? V "^?'-?L?O, Wooden Bread Platters, with porcelain centres, Wooden Batter Platters, with porcelain centres, Englieh Japanned Tea Trays, Waiters and Plate. Warmers. 0. G RATE LEY, ? No. 62 East Bay, Sooth of the PostofflceV decai-8 " - .. G TS! GUNS 1 GUNS! Boys' Donble and single Barrel Gans, of war? ranted quality, made expressly to order-Ut Eng? land. * ALSO, Bird, Dnck and Deer Guns, of all sizes and qual? ities, for sale at very low prices. a. GRAVELLY, dec2i-s No. a East Bay Street. Coge, QTonfedioneig, Ki ?1ANDYI CANDY ! CANDY ! Who wants CANDY and CONFECTIONERIES ? Let them go to FLEMING'3 wen known Candy Factory, No. 841 King street, branch store corner of King and Ann streets. It ls there where they can get supplied with the beet and cheapest OAKES of all tinda, fresh every day. dec20-4 NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF A Rich Fancy Goods, Toys, Gamea, Fireworks, French confectionery, Rubber Goods, Ac, Is now opening, (nearly every steamer bringa In a fresh supply of the latest novelties until the Holiday B are over,) at VON SANTEN'S BAZAAR, No. 220 sing street, nov2-smw24 Next to Academy of Music . JJROAD STBEET, FRUIT AND CIGAR STOKF, Ko. 21 BROAD STBKBT, R. SKERRITT, PEOPEIBTOB, Das Jost opened with a fnU stock of Foreign and Domestic FRUITS, Candles, cigars, fro bacco, Fireworks, Ac, which will be disposed off on the most advantageous terms to purchasers. A liberal share of the public patronage ls solicited. deol9-l2 ^ M AS CHEER! "BUT ON OE A TE A RI? THE RICHEST ANO THI NICEST MINCE PIES MINCE PIES HINGE FIES In the City, always on hand or made to order at short notice. AL?O, ! TURKEYS GAME PASTRY IOED OAKES JELLIES, AC., Ac., AT TULLY'S OLD STAND, No. 124 KING STREET, dec?a is Near Queen street. BEAT INDUCEMENTS WILL BB OFFIRID AT MCLEAN'S TOY STORE \ in cons?quence of having to remov-j temporarily, " for repairs to Store, arter Hirst Jam ir y. SHOW CASES AND GLASS a Specialty. decl8-7- ., Sljirto anb Jhtrniorjmg (Booba. Gr F RESH ARRIVALS! LATEST STYLES I COMFORTABLE FIT I LOWEST PR10ES S 8 S S S 8 8 8 S S 8 8 S SSS8SSSS .SCOTT'S SSSSSSSS S 8 8 STAB B?IRT8 AND COLL ABS, 4 S S S S g Ready-made and made gS . S to Order. S 8 S S - S 8 MEN'S S S 8 S FURNISHING 8 S 8 SSSSSSSS GOODS. SSSSSSSS S 8 S S S 8 SS S S 8 S . 8 AT THE GREAT SH [RT EMPORIUM ! LOOK FOB TBE STAR SIGN, MEETING STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE MARKET HALL (groceries, ?iqnors, &r. ?piSH SCRAP. 1500 bbls or FISH SCRAP by the sehoonei Eclipse. For sale low pov80-sta8_KINSMAN A HOWELL. pEEUYIAN GUANO. To arrive direct from the "Goanape" Islands (2000) two thousand tons Of GUAN APE PER?Y1' AN GUANO, which wlU be Bold In lots or ten tom at $60, gold, per ton or 3240 poonda, by , GEO. W. WILLIAMS ?CO., nov28-tnthslmo_Agents. .p OR SALE, BAGGING ! BAGGING ! Five handred rolls So. i LUDLOW BAGGING. Apply at MOSES GOLDSMITH A SON. novzMmo_ WOOL, HIDES, SKINS AND 'F?RS WANTED. We are paying the highest Cash prices for Bides, Wool, Skins, Fa's and Beeswax, at MOSES GOLDSMITH A SON, noV27-lmo _ Vendae Range. JpRUIT FOR THE HOLIDAYS, Jost received per schooner George Washington, from Baracoa, a selected cargo of FRUIT, landing at Union Wharves: 1027 bunches Choice BANANAS. 11,000 Clean CocoanntB. 0200 Half Husked Cccoanuta. In store: 700 barrels Prime Selected Apples. 60,000 Prime Florida Oranges. 100 barrels 8.8. Oaiore. 200 barrels Early Ros?, Potatoes. loi) barrel-* Peerless Potatoes. soo barrels Jackson White Potatoes. 200 bags new Wilmington Peanuts. FnU line canned Goods, JelUes, candles, all va? rieties; Prize Pac sages, French mixture and stick assortment; Currants, Prunes, Dates, all kinds ol Nuts, Fire crackers, Ac, Ac KBESSEL A BRANDES, decio 18? East Bay, corner MaVket street. ARTIN A MOOD, (Successors to late E. E. Bedford,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, NOB. 127 and 120 MEETING STREET, Corner Market street, Charleston, sooth carolina, Keep on hand a well select ed Stock of Choice Family Supplies. Country orders respectfully solicitad. No charge for packing, and goods deUvered rree of charge to any part of the city, Railroad Depots and Steamers. W. H. WELCH-FLBXTWOOD LAKNEAU-L. RASON, O0t24-D*08mOB jp H BIgjT flffift, Q^ojOPB. ."""* Choice Selected Deblrs^Ljels Choice Se:ectea Crown, ta l*yeri Choice Selected Lonn LsJtrt U?oloegelecBedl?yeri^?^- 'lr. - ^DBIBD PIGS In Baskets and Boxes. , P3UNES, .'. French, In Glass Jars'. ? ' ?5 VJ, A880BTED GOODS. Dried Apples and Peaches, Choice ' 3 ''>'>:' Almonds, Walnuts and Pecana. ~ -'- ' PRESERVES, In Glass Jars. PeachesPineapples, Pears. Limes, Raspberries, Strawberries,, berries, Aa Ac Ginger in Jars, and Canton dried. In cans. ._. JELLIES p7it? t In Wineglasses, Goblets and Tnmbiiers, faasortod GASHED QC ODS. Peaches, Plums, Strawberries, Pineapples, Faa?, Quinces, Gagts, CherriM, Ac, *C Vegetables-Asparagas. Corn, Beans, Peas,Okra, Tomatoes, ?c. Ac Meats-Beef a la Mode, Beef, Mutton, 'Chicxen, Turkey. Yeal, Demed Ham, Yorkey and Tongues. ;< ? Sonps-Varieties In,cans. ? ' MINCE MEAT. Atmore'a and wright's, in cans, glass jars, ] and by the pound. ' SHOEED MEATS, Sugar-cured Hams, Champion and other? In can? vas, smofced Tongues, Breakfast Strips, Smoked Beet; Sausages in Lard, and fio SOUOEDTLAMBS^TOHGUES. ' CHAMPAGNES. Heldsleck, Green Seal, Clicquot, Mumm's and Do? mestic Champagnes. WINES. Shtrrlea, Madeiras; Port, ic, Ac," 1 BRANDIES. Fine French, in bottles and on draught. WHISKIES, Bourbons, Rye and Cern. Itt OLD WINES IN CASES. Bottled by w. s. Corwin A Co., Kew York, la 18??, consisting or L. V. Madeira, Reserved Madeira, South side Madeira. Topaz. Sherry, Old and Choice wines at muon reduced prices. ' CORDIALS/ . :<" Anisette, Noyaux, Rose, Perfect Love,. Curacco, Marischlno, Benedictines, Merit, VaAlOa, Kumil. Ac, 4c. -m-r For sale by MARTIN A MOOD, S. E. corner Me^ng and Mart? streets, dec21-8tu2 ' Tl ' ; ?piRUIT 1 FRUIT I FRUIT 1 JUST RECEIVED PER SCHOONER ANNE HAK* . BIS, FROM MAYAGUEE:,,...... . Oholoe Porto Rico GRANGES. Per Schooners Ella L. Trefethen and Mary El Mangam, from Baracoa : ??? ^-. ". 1,000 Run Ch i s BANANAS : ... : rrr, 60,000 Baracoa coooanuta 6,000 Grapefruit IH STORK : - . " . . < 1,000 barrels Choice Northern Apples SOO barrels Peach-Blow, Early Rosa and Jack, eon White Potatoes, ao barrels cape,OodCranraerriat , : . v-. 100 barrels Silver Skin Onlona ' so barrels White Beans 7 loo boxes Messina Lemons 60 kegs Malaga Grape* 60 boxes Turkish Prunes . 60 boxes Zante Currants 16 boxes Spanish Preserved FmliB - 26 boxes Assorted Jenter 60. frails Honey Date? >. - ... ? vv <> -HT 6 cases quarter and half pound boxes life 6 cases Drum Figs 5 eases Cartoon Elga . . ft cases Box ElgSs. .< . - ... ..",.", ' a6boxeBLeahWG?tron - goo boxes whole, half and quarter bores Ral atas >r -rfW?rtw?r Hal* loo barrels Assorted Vets soo strings Spanish Garlic' 600 boxes Gold Coop Fire crackers r 1,000 bushels Wilmington aroundnats. For sale at the lowest market prices, at * c. BART * oo.r dee? Nos.66,6T sadftOMarket|tresc , T I SB ON' 8;A L .Ti:''a : ? i " SOO sacks in One order. For tale at 058 DOL? LAR per tack by GEO. W. WILLIAMS ? co. deeai-flmws ? -? -?V-.-..B:?:???5?. WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSON'S WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' 808 KING ST. 80? KING ST. 808 KING ST. 805 KING 8T. 800 KING ST 808 KING ST. 808 KING ST. 80? KING ST. ?W KING ST. 806 KING ST. 808 KING ST. 808 KING ST. 306 KINO ST. 808 KING ST. 308 KING ST. 308 KING ST. 308 KING ST. 308 KING ST. 806 KING ST. 806 KING ST. 806 KING ST. HOLIDAY GOODS I HOLIDAY GOODS I HondayGoodsl Strawberry Jam is pound pota, 40c. each, (imported.) Dundee Marmalade, 8 pound pots for one dollar. ,. Buy yent Holiday Gooda from WILSOW. ; Smoked Tongues, aw enty-flve cents each, worth $125. ... Brandy Fr ul t B, ail kinds, from one to for ty doUarsperJar. Seedless Ra isms, eight pcunda for one do Jar. Send joni orden to WILSONS'. Preserved Fruits in ail ' styles. Pickled Fruits, some? thing new, an shapes. New Citron, Nev Lem onPeeL ... lissa GROCERY..' GROCERY. W. J." GR^r*i?; GROCERY. For anything Nice, go . to ; WILSONS'. -O New Currants-eight pounds for ose dollar, Jellies from twenty cents to five dollars per jar; . -o Sweet Older on draoght To see the Neatest store In the city go to w I LB ONS?. Choice Table- Butter ai. ways on hand. . -o- ."" Family Floor, ground expressly for os. Parched Coffees rece iv ed daily. if yon want anything rare go to WILSONS'. Ground Coffees to order Try the Teas at fifty cents, sold only at : W I L SONS'. -O- " Best Tea only one dol? lar and forty cents. Good Tea at eighty cents. Ton can save twenty five cents on every pound of Tea bought at WILSONS'. GROCERY. I GROCERY. GROCERY. GROCERY. G Gl GROCERY. GROCERY. GROOMBY. GROCERY. GROCERY. GROCERY. GROCERY. GROCERY.: GROCERY. . WILSONS'. No charge for denver lng Goods. No charge for Packing. Particular attention to Country orders at WILSONS'. Address Box 8881 ADDBBS8 BOX 888 I ADDRESS BOX 8881 WILSONS?. WILSONS'. '.- . .?? ... tH : I t(4U '? WILSONS'. WILSONS'. WILSONB'v Wi?BDNS'. ' WILSONS '. WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS'. WILSONS '. ff -V_ ... . WILSONS'. WILSONS'. WILSONS'? . WILSONS'. WILSONS'. WILSONS'. WILSONS'. WILSONS'. LSON8'*