THE HOLIDAY SEASO? WEESE TO FIND TBE NICEST CB, XAS AND NEW TE AB PRESENS .The Qilt-Haater's Directory. A sacoeBsiol merchant, who had riser small beginnings to great wealth, on questioned as to how ho got his start ic ness, replied: "By always keeping mj replenished and advertising." This Is l perlenoe of all our successful business for It ls true the best paying custome those who read the newspapers. Now time to advertise for the holidays. B people make their purchases early In th SOD, and have better stock to select fron those who delay until the last days. I column we shall continue from day t< as new advertisements appear, to dlrei readers where to go tor holiday goode. Holmea'a Book House ls the place I suitable holiday presents. An extraon stock ot books, displaying the art of pri binding and illustration in a wonderful ner, and a variety of articles of fancy st .ry almost Innumerable, exhibiting i ment of taste with uselulness, are tamp displayed on shelves and tables. The Ju bo oks are really remarkable lor their t and artistic merit Mrs. Zernow, of No. 304 King street, di herself to the adornment of the better j. society, and does her beat to improve lt. old adage was that a graceful woman wa; adorned when adorned the least; but t an exhausted idea. It is now understoo to grace, and beauty, and virtue are di tribute of high decoration. To these m devoted unmeasured textile fabrics, vari hues, feathers, humps, and furbelows wi precedent. Mrs. Zernow has studied he this is to be achieved, and gives the proof i art in every species of feminine head gear, the latest "love of a bonnet" to the Alpin with ita perpendicular feather, which I sign of triumph and unconquerable splr whloh we poor men In short coats and m< unmentionables bow in meek submission, what we will, the fair creatures will trim and the most monstrous ot their fashlot ways become lovely and adorable. Mrs. now will flt out a sweet head and divine in style worthy of Christmas. Those desiring articles of use, as wc comfort and beauty, usually visit that ah popular and universally known headquai of energy, enterprise and Industry, the shirt and furnishing goods emporium o Scott, Meeting street, opposite the Mai As celebrated as this establishment has < been for all that ls novel, elegant and ei lent, in all the varions lines connected i lt? calling, lt never possessed such a lai varied and magnificent collection as at present time. The furnishing goods as un< wear, hosiery, gloves, line shirts, Ac, sole thi? hOQse,"have attained a reputation uni passed. Nothing would be more acceptable to a 1 -In these practical days than a first-class si lng machine; and the "Singer," Judging by enormous sales and the high esteem In wb lt Is hejd by every housewife, who 1B for tun enough to own one, ls Just the article that v be sure to please. The agency ls at 186 Ki street. To those who have no gas, the long evi lugs ot the holidays will be gloomy, lndei without a bright and safe light. There Is article in the market that fills both those i qulrements so admirably as the mineral spe: oil. Bold by Douglas St Miller, of 93 Esst Bay A broche- long shawl ls one of the most e gant and useful o? presen ts. Melonen ? M 1er are selling a choice lot at 217 Kine stre prior to their removal to their new store the Masonic Temple. People ought not to get careless about th personal appearance as they grow old. T loss of hair, or gray hair, changes the appet anoe-anddestroys good looks. In manyi stances these misfortunes and infirmities ci be corrected, li not avoided altogether. Nt tan's Crystal Discovery ls said to restore 1] natural color and growth of the hair, and r move eil dandruff. The general depot for tb article ls at the wholesale and retail drng s to ; pl Dr. H. Beer, 131 Meeting street. 'Throw physic to the dogs" may be a vei good maxim, but, in fact, we all need more < lesa medicine, and at no time more Badly the in the mid-winter holidays. The mammoth e tabllshmentofDowle, Moise & Davis base hand drugs enough of every kind to cure i the ailments that can possibly afflict the go< people of the South from now until Christina 1873. The family furniture should be shone up fi the holiday receptions, and in Durand's pom Messrs; P. Wineman A- Go. oiler an artic which will do the business to a obarm. Those who want bargains in the line of chic ware, toys and notions, sold "regardless < pnce," should drop in at the wonderful wan rooms of William McKay, No. 46 Wentwort street. That 1B the plaoe to get your money1 worth. Klein, the King street fruit man, bas bean tiful blrdB-Uve or Btuff-jd. ?Ton pays yon money and you takes your choice." II yon oro In doubt what to buy, andhav a slim purse, go to Archer's Bazaar, Kin street, corner of George, where you can gi anythlDg you want or don't want, at rldloi lonely low prices. Everybody ought to have a new hat fo Christmas, and a good plaoe to get one is a Martin's, No. 119 Market street. For genuine Shine wines, and excelien Philadelphia lager, so Indispensable tb th proper observance ol Christmas In man; households, go to Tiefenthal's, No. 107 Marke street. What Christmas table ls complete unie? liberally garnished wlUi the luscious fruit o the tropics? Messrs. C. Bart A Co., the wei known Market street fruiterers, present thli morning a tempting array of delicacies In th? fruit line, from which the most fastidious wll be able to make a select-Ion that will please. VNTVEBSITT OF THE SOUTH. Meeting at th. Bank of Charleston Yesterday. A large meeting or gentlemen intereated in the University ot the South was held yester? day at the Bank ol Charleston The HoH D.Lesesne was invited to preeide, and Judge Pringle was requested to act as secretary After the objects o? the meeting and the best means of attaining them had been thoroughly considered, a committee was ap? pointed, with power to appoint sub-commit, ieeefor lQe purpose of making personal ap. p?fffl^bthe citizens in aid of the Institution, The: following gentlemen were appointed on the committee: Colonel B. H. Rutledge, Messrs. John Hanckel, Julian Mitchell and W. 0. Courtney. This committee met at Bishop Howe's residence at half-past seven o'clock last evening and appointed the Biib-commlt tees, whloh will be made known to the public as soon as lt is ascertained whethei the gentlemen who constitute them will consent to eerve. . COST?N POR GRUT BRITAIN.-The BritlBh - iulp A. en cotton; -c f? tierce on rlce;6(ic fl bbl on rosin; $11@12 9 M on lumber; $12912 60 9 M on timber. To Boat n, by steam Mc on uplanda and $2 60 fi tierce on rice; by sail, : 'R te on uplands; rosta "Oe; resawed stuff $12@I2 60; timber $13@13 60; phosphate $6@5 60. j To Providence, by sall $10@11 fl M on boards; c fl te on cotton; by steam Tic via New York. To Philadelphia, by steam ?ic on uplands; $1 76 f tierce on rice; soc ft bbl on rosin; $1 on spirits. Through bills of lading given to Booton, Provi? dence and the New En gland cities are regularly issued on this route, and dispatch guaranteed. By sail, $8 fl M on boards; $12 on timber; - 9 ton or? clay; $3 60 on phosphates. To Baltimore, by steam -c ? te; by aall $S@8 60 fl Mon board3;-on timber; $3 60 fl ton at city; $4? ?60 ll ton up river on phosphate rack. Vessels ure In demand by our merchants to take lumber Creigh ts from Georgetown, S. C.. Dation and sat li? la River, Ga., and Jacksonville, Fia., to Northern ports, and $10,312 ft M are the ratea on timber and boards. EXCHANGE.-Sterling so day bills 20X@20X. DOMESTIC EXOHANQB.-The banka purchase sight checks on New York at %?X per cent, orr, and sell at par. G0ID-12*@13>i. marketa by Telcgrupn. MONEY MARKKTH. LONDON, December 16. Noon.-Consols 91X. Fives 81X PABIS, December 16. Noon.-Rentes 64r 02c. Later.-Rentes ouoyant, 54' ex interest. Evening.-Rentes heavy at 63f 70c. Nsw YORK, December 16. Noon.-Freights Arm. Stocks strong. Gold heavy at 12*. Money Arm at 7. Exchange, long 9; short 10X. Governments dall and steady. State bonds dull and steady. Evening.-Money stringent, closing at 7, with 1-16 commission. Sterling Arm; commercial bins scarce. Governments Arm all day. states duli nnd steadv. Tenueasees rather heavy. Virginia consolidated strong. COTTON MARKETS. LIVERPOOL, December 16. Noon.-Cotton opened firm; uplands ii>xu, ??ate?.-Co?on strong;sales 16.000 bales; speen lation and export 8000. ^"""oH tvenlng.-Cotton closed ^gtcember 16. Noon.-Cotton firm; sales 3163 bales; uplands ^??^otton Arm; salsa 3983 bales; up lands aocrbneans zoxc; net receipts 366 bales; ttross 7652 sales of cotton futures 16,600 balee, as follows: December ?M, ?*j January 19*. ion-id-February 19?, 19 13-16; March20,203-16, "arti ?tt 20* ; May 20X, 20X; June 21. APR * BOSTON, December 16. Cotton active; ml-ldllngs 20Xa20Xc; net re? ceipts 86 bales; gross 2365 balea; salea 600; stock 65??- " " PHILADELPHIA, Decemosr 16. Cotton firm; middlings 20*20*0. BALTIMORE, December 16. Cotton firm;middlings i9J?c; groas receipts 624 bales; exports to Great Britain 812; coastwise 30; sales 260; G ock9293. NORFOLK. December 18. Cotton firm aaa boldon MUD? nigher prices; low mi di nags lanaisKC; net receipts 1898 bales; exports coastwise 8691; sales loo; stock 12,884. _ " WILMINGTON, uecember 18. cotton steady ; middlings 18*ic; net receipts 206 bales; exports coastwise 571: stock 3183; sales 72. ' . . SAVANNAH, December 18. -?L. ESFr* and flrm; middlings \i%c\ net re? ceipts 8814 balea; exports to Great Britain 1012; coastwise 4427; sale j 8292; stock 77.381. AUGUSTA, December 16. MEMPHIS, December 16. JST&SL acLtl7e5 middlings i9?iai9Xc; receipts 6074 bales; shipments 3637; stock 33,904. roooipw -.".."_ - MOBILX. December 18. . Cotton flrm: (rood ordinary l7Xal8o, low m d dllDgslSH. middlings i9al9K; net receipts 8667 SS' exports coastwise 1166; sales loooj ?took Nsw UBI.R.INS, December 16. Cotton strong; middlings 18, low middlings 18*, good middlings 19*; net receipts 3343 bales: gross 6132; exports to Great Brit an 3339? Conti! pent 3itt0; coastwise 2507; sales2000; last evenln* 6000; stock 164,741. umR p",f"" m- . GALVESTON, December ie. Cotton flrm; good ordinary i6Val7c; net re? ce pts i604 bales; exports to the continent 1426 sales 600; stock 70,634. ' PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE MARKETS. "?_. LIVERPOOL, December 16. Evening.-Breadstuffs closed quiet. Turpen? tine 446. ?? NEW TORE. December 16. Hoon.-Flour dull. Wheat unchanged. Corn steady. Pork quiet; new mess $13 62ais 75. Lard dull; steam 7Jia8c. Turpentine dull at 68c. Uosln doll at S3 60. Evening.-Flour In fair request and Bteady. Whiskey and wheat unchanged. Corn heavy. Rice qniet at 8 to 8Kc. Pork and lard steady. Navals dull. Freights neavy and lower. LOUISVILLE, December 16. Flour quiet and unchanged. Corn lower. Pro? visions In ralf demand; pork $12 60. Bacon sloes 8aSJic, packed. Lard, choice leal In tierces 7Kc; kegs 8X; steam nominal. Whiskey firm at 60 J. ST. LOUIS, December 16. Flour quiet and unchanged. Corn, - demand light and holders flrm; No 2 mixed 3lc on east side track; 83 In elevator. Whiskey 92c and flrm. Pork doll at $12. Bacon lower; small lou clear rib sides at 7>?c; clear sides 7X. teller this month. Lard quiet at 7 K on the spot or January. New Torie Rice Market. NEW YORE, December 14. Thc Dally Bulletin says: The market ls quiet but steady, with eales of 200 bags Rangoon at 7a 7KC ana 80 tos Carolina at 7Xa8j?c. New Torie Naval Stores market. NEW YORE, December 14. The Dally Bulletin says: Receipts t>dav2S33 bbls rosin and 192 do splritus turpentine. Spirits turpentine are again easier, with rather more activity at the decline, Sales 600 Kew York bbls lu shipping order at 62c time, 860 bhis at 69c, 100 bblsutsaxc, 3J0 bbls at 68c, and 118 bbls at 68c flat, strained rosin is quiet and more or less nominal at $3 76a3 80. Sales last evening 600 bbls st $8 80. The finer grades are very difficult to move unless at a large o incision, sales 400 bbls No. l at $4a410. Tar is a trifle easier. Sales, 90 bbls Newborn at $4 76. and 60 bbls Wilming? ton to arrive at $4 60. Pitch unchanged. New Tork Cotton Market. Nsw YORE. December 13. The Financial Chronicle says: There has been a general and decided advance in cotton during the past week. On Saturday quotations were re? vised, good ordinary being rednced Kc, strict good ordinary reduced l-iec, middling advanced Kc, apd good middling advanced KC There wa? but a moderate degree of activity during Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, and no decided change in prices, though there was a hardening tendency apparent. The demand was mainly for consumption. But on Wednesday the market af sumed a Armer tone, and futures were higher. The receipts at the ports for the four days or the week showed a failing off of more than 6000 bales compared with the same days of the p-evlons week, and of more than 8000 bales compared with the corresponding period last year. At the same time the export demand became brisk. On Thursday (yesterdav ) the market opened buoyant, and excited The demand for cotton on the spot was good from both shippers and spinners; ad? vices from abroad reported small stocks of American cotton, and the shorts becoming alarmed purchased eagerly to cover their con tract-, causing an advance of KC on the spot and for future delivery, with the principal demand for this and the following three months. To day there was some reaction, with a decline of KC in lower grades, under more lloeral receipts at the ports, and futures, with reduced short interest, fell off l-leaKo for months, i he prices of futures last reported were, basis low middling. 19 8-16 for December, 19X for January, lg 9-16 for Febrnary, 19j{ for March. 20 8-18 Tor April. 20 7-16 for Hay. and 20Xo for June. For Immediate delivery the total sales foot up this week 17,961 bales, including 7968 for export, 6695 for consumption, 752 for spec? ulation, and 2859 In transit. English Iron and Coal. LONDON, November 28. The principal Ironmasters ol Monmouthshire and South Wales have unanimously resolved npon a reduction of ten per cenc?a the tate of wages. This step has been decided npon In con? sequence or the scarcity or orders for manufac? tured Iron, lt having been found impossible to keep the works going at present prices The Iron? masters also deolded npon reducing the price of rail* from 40s to sos per ton. or from ?io los to ?8 10s or ?9. This re net lon will affect not only the Iron workers, bot the col lera employed by the Ironmasters, and also, nnder the terms or the arbi? tration agreed to last Febrnary, the colliers em? ployed hy the steam coal owners throughout Monmouthshire and sonth Wales. It will now be seen whether the men will act opon the resolution passed at the annual conference or the Amalga? mated Miners' Association at Walsall and resist the threatened reduction. The price of the best Northumberland steam coals was yesterday offi? cially reduced 2s per ton; that ls, from 20s to i8a per ton; but they can he bought at a lower figure in the market. The official fall ls 79 per ton from the extreme rate current in the early part or oc? tober. QHANGE OF SAILING DAYS. INCREASED SERVICE. PACIFIC MALL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S THROUGH LINE TO CALIFORNIA CHINA AND JAPAN. FARES GREATLY REDUCED. Steamers of the above line leave Pter^ftBBh No. 42, North River, footof Canal streets5^?|2 New York, at 12 o'clock noon, of the lotu. onh and 30th or every month, except when these dates rall on sunday, then the Saturday preceding. All departures connect ht Panama with steam? ers for south Pacific and Cestral American ports. For Japan and China, Steamers leave San Fran? cisco first of evory month, except when lt falls on Sunday-then on the day preceding. No California Steamers touch at Havana,but go direct from New York to AsplnwaiL One hundred pounds baggage free to each adult. Medicine and attendance free. For Passage Tickets or other information, apply at the COMPANY'S TICKET OFFICE, on the Wharf foot of Canal street, North River. New fork. F. IL BABY, Agent. augio-lyr ?_' C HANGE OF SCHEDULE. OH - REGULAR LINE. FOR GEORGETOWN. S. C.,TOUCHING AT SOUTH ISLAND. WAVERLY. KEITHFIELD AND WEYMOUTH MILLS. FROM SOUTH COMMERCIAL WHARF. On and after 1st December, the - _ ^TTT"*?. steamer EMILIE, Captain O. C.^SbsSsHs White, will leave Charleston as above every SUN? DAY and WEDNESDAY NIGHTS. at 9 o'clook. And return!rig, leave Georgetown every TUESDAY and FRIDAY MORNINGS, at 6 o'clock. Freight received every SATURDAY and WEDNES? DAY AU might and wharfage mast be prepaid. No Freight received arter sunset. Duplicate receipts required with all shipments. For Freight or Passage apply on board or to SHACKELFORD A KE11LY, Agents, Nortn Atlantic Wharf. A. MORGAN, Agent, Georgetown, S. C. "oct7-tuth'3mos _ pi OB FLOBIDA, VIA SAVANNAH. Tho Splendid sido-wheel Steamers, DICTATOR. Captain L. M. Ooxetter,. CITY POINT, Captain Fitzgerald, win leave uharleston every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SUN? DAY EvsNiNo, at 8 o'clock precisely, for SAVANNAH, J' FERNANDINA, JACKSONVILLE, MAGNOLIA, GREEN COVR SPRINGS, ST. AUGUSTINE, PA LATEA. AND ALL LANDINGS ON ST. JOHN'S UIVER. Connecting at Palatka with steamers for the Oclawaha River and with the Steamer STAR? LIGHT for Enterprise, Mellonvllle, and all points on the Upper St. John's and Indian Rivers. These fine Steamers, built in New York, espe? cula adapted for the Florida trade, are famished with every comfort and convenience, and tifford the CHEAPKST. SAFEST AND MOST COMFORT BLE MEANS OF REACHING FLORIDA. They provide a first class table, well furnished, com? fortable staterooms, and make NO EXTRA" CHARGE FuR MBALS AND STATEROOMS. They land almost at the doors of the principal Hotels of all above points, saving the Invalid and nrlst the dangers and discomforts or frequent cbanges. Connect at Fernandina with Florida Railroad for all points in the interior, and with Railroad for New Orleans and Havana, via Cedar'Keys. For Freight or Passage, apply to RAVENBL A CO., Agents, Corner Vanderhorst's Wharf and East Bay. deo2 grtlpping._' pOEl?EW-TOBi-MERCHANTS LINK Tue Regular Packet Scaooneer FLO- A. BEN OB HOGERS, Sheppard, Master.SMI wants Cotton and light 'relght to fill np. - BO AOE A MOFPETT, decl7-3 _ Agenta. LIVERPOOL. Tbe Al Iron Bark MAGNET, Wm. jfc? Brown, Master, will have dispatch for theSBIi above port For Freight Engagements apply to GIBBES A BARNWELL, decl3_North Atlantic Wharf. JOE BALTIMORE. FREIGHTS RECEIVED DAILY, AND THROUGH RILLS LADING ISSUED . TO PHIL ADKTJFIU A, BO STOBT, AND THE CITIES OF THE NORTHWEST. The Fine steamship MARYLAND, J. V. Johnson, Commander, win sall for Baltimore, on SAT?BDAY, 2tst December, at l o'olock P. M. ?5T Philadelphia Freights forwarded to that city by railroad from Baltimore without addi tlooal insurance, and Consignees are allowed ample time to sample and icu their Goods fron the Railroad Depot in Philadelphia. For Freight or Passage apply to PAUL C. TBE?HOLM, Agent, declT-5_No. a Union Wharves. F OR NEW TOSE. The splendid side-wheel Steamship CHARLES TON, James Berry, Commander, wai sall from Adger'* Sooth Wharf, on WEDNESDAY, the TSth Instant, at 8 o'clock A. M. For Freight or passage engagements apply to de0l7-l JAKKS ADGER A 00.. Agenta. THE PHILADELPHIA IRON STEAM LINE. THE FIRST-CLASS IROS SCREW STEAMSHIPS GULF STREAM, Captain Hunter, VIBGINLL Captain Hinckley, - - Are now regularly on the Line, insuring a flrst class sea connection between Philadelphia and charleston, and In alliance with Railroad compa? nies at both termini, afford rapid transportation to and from au points in the Cotton States, and to ona rrom Cincinnati, St. Louis, Chicago and toe principal cities cf the Northwest, EOS ton; Provi? dence and tbe Eastern Manufacturing Cenares. 49? The GULF STREAM ia appointed to sall from Brown's Wharf on FBISAT, 20th December, at half-past io o'clock A. M. ? JO- The VIRGINIA will follow; For particulars of Freight arrangement*, apply to WM. A. COURTENAY, Union Wharves. W. P. CLYDE A CO., General Agents, Ha 12 Sooth Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. _.";., deol4-atoth8fl_?<>???*. OR S A V A N NAH, F TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SUNDAY EVENING, AT 8 O'CLOCK. The Splendid side-Wheel steamers DICTATOR and CITY POINT will, leave Southern Wharf as above. No eztra charge made for Meals and State* rooms. For Freight aud Passage "? j??**'< Corner Vanderhorst's Wharf and EastBay. dec2 ' _ ii a Uro ac ?. ~~ 0HABXS9T0N, S. c.. December lt, 187?, On and after SUNDAY, December iv the Pas sen ger Trains on the Sooth Carolina RaiWn^ will run os follows: FOB COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston.e.30 A IC Arrive at columbia....~.......5.20 p ic YOB AUGUSTA. Leave A M Arrive at Augusta.....?..6.30 r x FOB OBABLXSTON. Leave Columbia....coo A M A. rive at Charleston.4.48 r x Leave Augusta.?... 9.00 A M Arrive at Charleston.Alfi p M COLUMBIA NIGHT BXPBI8B. (Sundays excepted.) . Leave Charleston. 7.80 t X Arrive at A M Leave Columbia.u..rso r x Arrive at Charleston. a.? A M AUGUSTA NIGHT XXFXBBS. . (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston......&J0 r M Arrive at Angosta. Mix Leave Angosta.................. Him Arrive at Charles ton.....MO A X BTJTOfilB VILLI TRAIN. v__i Leave Summerville at.Y.38 A x Arrive at Charleston................ &V40 A K Leave Charleston.a 34 p x Arrive at Summerville. 160 t X OAXDBN THAIN. . Leave Camden.....?ci x Arrive at Columbia.;.1L6> A x Leave Colombia.i.3.10 r u Arrive at Camden.?. 8.W P X Day and Night Trains connect at Augusta with Macon and Augusta Railroad, Central Railroad and Georgia Railroad. This ls the quietest and most direct route and aa comfortable and cheap as any other route to Louisville, Cincinnati, Chicago, st. Louts and all other points Weet and Northwest. Columbia Night Train connecta with Greenville and colombia Railroad; and Day and Night Trains connect with Charlotte Road. Through tickets on sale via this route to all points North. Camden Tram connects at Ringville daily (ex? cept sundays) with Day Passenger Train, and runs through to Columbia.. A. L. TYLER, vice-President. g. B. PICKETTS, O. T. A._ ?MU NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD COM? PANY. CHARLESTON, 8. C. J Oh9 8, 1872. Trains will leave Charleston Daily at 10.16 A. M and 8.00 P. M. " ", . Arrive at Charleston 6.00 A. M. (Mondays ex* cepted) and S P. M. _ '_ Train does not leave oiiarieston 8.00 P. M., SUN . D ftaln leading lO.l?fiS?-iaties through connec? tion to New York, vtfcmBtonmond and Aoqula Creek only, going throogtFln 44 boora. . Passengers leaving by 8.00 P. M. Train have choice of route, via Richmond and Washington, or via Portsmouth and Bal?moro. Thoa? I ea. vin** FKIDAY by this Train lay over on SUNDAY in Bul timora. Those leaving on S Aman AT remain 8dB| PAY m Wilmington, N.e. W. This ls the cheapest, quickest and most pleas? ant route to cincinnati, Chicago and other points West and Northwest, both Trains making con? nections at Washington with Western Trains of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. S. & SOLOMONS. Engineer and Superintendent. P. L. OLEA PPR, nen. Ticket Agent. maym SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON. RAILROAD. CHARLESTON, JOnO 18, 1872. On and after MONDAY, Jone nth, the Pas* senger Trains on this Road will run as follows: EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Charleston dally.8.80 P. M. Arrive at savannah dally.9.46 P.M. Leave Savannah dally.?.TL80 P. x. Arrive at Charleston daily.... 7 A.M. DAY TRAIN. Leave Charleston. Sundays excepted.. 7.40 A. M. Arrive at Savannah, Sundays excepted. 8.80 P.M. Leave Savannah, Snndays excepted... ll A. a. Arrive at Charleston, Sundays exe'ted. 6.60 P.M. Passengers rrom Charleston by 7.40 A. M. train make close connection with Port Royal Railroad for all Stations oa that Road, (Sundays excepted) Freight forwarded dally on through bills of lad lng to points m Florida and by Savannah Une of steamships to Boston. Prompt dispatch given to -freights for Beaufort and pointe on Port Boyal Railroad and at as tow rates as by asy other Une. Tickets on sale at this office for Beaufort over Port Boyal Railroad. C. S. GADSDEN, Engineer and Superintendent 8. C. BOYLSTON, Gen'l Ft. and ticket Agent, Jnnl4 NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF Rich Fancy Goods, Toys, Games, Fireworks, French confectionery, Robber Goods, Ac.,, Is now opening, (nearly every steamer brings in a fresh supply of the latest novelties un tu the Holidays are over,) at VON S ANTE N'S BAZAAR, No. 229 King street, nov2 smw24 Next to Academy or Moxie