CITY AFFAIRS. MEETINGS IBIS DAY. Franklin Lodge A. F. M., at five and 7 P. M. Pioneer Fire Company, at half-past seven P. M. Alina Fire Company, at half past seven P. M. AUCTION SALES IBIS DAT. Leltoh * Bruns will sell, at twelve M, at the atore corner of Broad and Church streets, oil paintings, chromos, dec j. A. Bnslow A Co. will sell, at eleven o'olock, on Central Wharf, running rigging, chaina, anchors, Ac. THEBMOMETBICAL. The ranga ot thermometer at the drug store of MT. Joseph Blaokmac, on tr-d south side of Broad street, yesterday, was as follows : 8 A. M., 29; 10 A. M., 33; 12 M., 36; 2 P.M., 39; 4 Pl" M., 38; 6 P. M., 36; 8 P. M.", 36. RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. The Bev. James Boyd will officiate at the Unitarian Church, at 10.30 A. M. to-morrow. Service will be conducted In the Orphans' Chapel at half-past three o'clock to morrow afternoon by the Rev. C. C.IPInckney. -The Bev. W. B. YateB will deliver a fanerai discourse on the late Captain McMillan at the Manner's Church to-morrow morning. The services at the Citadel Square Baptist Cb arch to-morrow, will be at 10.30 A. M. and 7.15 P. M. Preaching by the Bev. J. A. Ch am bliss, The Bev. H. F. Ghreltzberg will preach In Trinity charca to-morrow morning at half-past 10, and the Bev. Dr. Oirardeau will preach In the same church at 7 o'olock at night. There will be service at St. Phillip's Church at 7.30 P. M. to-morrow, when addresses In regard to the University of the South will be given by Bishop Qulntard, General Kershaw and other gentlemen. . Tb e servi ce a to-morrow at Christ Choreta, Bo?edgfl ?venne, will begin at eleven o'olock A. M., and'will begin at that boar every Sun? day'morning until further notice. No service In the afternoon. Sunday so ho ol at four P. M. , . LOCAL LACONICS. i_W? have received, anonymously, two dol? lars for the Ladles' Fuel Society. . _ikOid Probabilities" promises ns for to-day southwesterly and southeasterly winda, with partly cloudy and warmer weather. -Mr. J. H. Estlll, secretary ot the Agricul? tural and Mechanical Association of Georgia, has kindly sent Tue NEWS an invitation to .the second annual exhibition of the associa? tion^ which opens at Savannah ou the 30th Instant. MOUNT T?LEASANT. A Thriving ?.nd Promising Town Across the RI rer* Few places are more happily situated than the Town of Mount Pleasant, which has a bold location, with Charleston harbor In full view and within fifteen minutes' run of the city. The back-country ls well adapted to farming! ncrposeb, and .fruits and vegetables may I there be raised to perfection. So numerous axe the advantages ot the town, as a com? fortable dwell log place, that the time cannot be far distant when lands In the neighborhood j will oe very valuable. The census of Mount Pleasant has lately been taken, and Mr. Kin? loch, the clerk ot the Town Council, furnishes j THU HEWS the foll? win g figures: Popula? tion- white males, 181; white females, 199- [ total Whites, 380. Black malea, 167; black I females, 202-total blacks, 369. Total popula? tion, 749. Daring the year there Were twen? ty-four deaths and the same number of births. AMUSEMENTS. Tht Coup m an i To-D?y and To-night. The Chapman matinee, with the Gold Demon and the wonderful change business, promises to be a strikingly attractive affair. With his .usual kindness Mr. Ford baa Invited all the orphan children to witness the per? formance. Go and keep them company. At night there ls a strong bill. Kate Putnam. Thu young aotress, who appears at the Academy on Monday, must be a very attrac? tive somebody. Richmond Ie "enthused," and the Wilmington Star "gushes" In this wise: Kft?e Putnam ls In herself a bright little i picture, In appearance tho embodiment of childish Innocence, light hear .ed neas and trol- | MOme glee, with golden, sunny bair, pure transparent complexion, eyes of bright glanc? ing splendor, yet with a fervor and feeling in their mellow blue depths, and with lips that la their mellifluous coral richness would melt to.tenderness a sterner than Mars. And her i voice pierces to the veiy recesses of the soul, wolle* the sylph-like grace of person, the essence of ethereal movement, completes and ratifies the charm. Of ail actresses of her style, she most resembles Maggie Mitchell, though in stature somewhat taller, and In figure more slender. To complete the picture, the ls as captivating a little witch as we have ever seen._ THE COURTS. Th? State Supreme Court, in this oomt OB Thursday the case of Beall va. Lowndes A Bebb was resumed. Hr. Buist concluded his argument for the respon? dent, and was followed ?y Messrs. Simona and Campbell. The case of the State vs. Graham A Chapeau, Chapeau 4 Heffron, I. W. Hayna and T. J. Plckens (refusals to take out licenses) were COD tinned. The case of the State vs. Cain Simmons, Jack Drayton and CL Lyona was struck off. j ,-,7.. -. United. States Court. Tn this court on Thursday the following business waa disposed of: xlifaMgBmii M.. MWer-aesumpslt. Verdict of flwlwltii Interest from 8th December, 1860. L^for??0m W' Qlenn-deM _ Adolphus C. Schaeffer, Jr., va. James 8. Campbell and Wm. Jones, copartners as Campbell A Jones-aasumpslt. Decree by de? fault In the sum of $932, with Interest. > peter A, Brassen and Cornelia, hu wife, et aL va. Dr. J. 8. Solomons. Settled. The court was occupied for the most of the aay lu the case of Jonathan T. Davis vs. John ?JS^0,0' '??oJBPalt- The Jury returned a waa gtvSu deien4aat- ?o"ce of appeal ?lA;!i'l!Iip? was appointed United Wtatea commissioner for Oconee County. Municipal Court. Maurice Williams, colored, drunk and dls ardsriy, two dollars. John Shumaker, United States soldier,, wrested with two bags of oat8 supposed to have been stolen irom the Oi??,lel .tables, turned over fo-the post commandant. Joalah White, drunk and disorderly, two dol lars. Robert Gaillard and Charles Carpenter, colored, disorderly and fighting, two dollars Or twenty days eaoh. James L ad so n, colored, driving a loaded dray through King street, two dollars. Daniel Green, colored, lodged by s trial justice, delivered to warrant Rachael Mazyok. oolored, disorderly, two dol lars or twenty days. Henry Carran, oolored, applied for lodgings, discharged. A dog at brge, one dollar. Kssosro ELECTION.-Ai the annual commu nloa?oo of Washington Lodge, No. 5, A. F. 'lhe bowing officers were elected for the ensuing Masonlo year: Maning 8lmona, W. ?drlCl1' 8' W- =* P- C?atele, J. W.; Saa'l Webb, treasurer; s. W. Fisher, Jr., sec? retary; W.J.Wfialey,' S.D.; 0. H. DeLorme, W- * Bowmui, chaplain; T. P! O'Neale, organist; 8, B, Daniela, tiler. THE LOD&B OF 80BB0W. An Interesting and Impressive Ceremo? nial. Tbe high estimation In which Masonry ia held by the Charleston public was strikingly manifested last evening, when a dense crowd of ladies and gentlemen thronged the Grand Lodge room of the Masonic Temple, tor the purpose of witnessing the solemn ceremonies of the Lodge ol Sorrow. Every seat and available lnoh of standing room was occupied, aad eaoh avenue of approach to the room waa closely packed for many feet outside of the doors. The room was brilliantly illumi? nated by a large circular burner, sus? pended from the centre of the celling, which shot forth a hundred Jeta of flame from Ita radiant circumference. There were also three two-light brackets, with cut glass globes, against the west wall, over the platform, which stands on that side of the room. The gas fixtures were the handiwork of Mr. P. L. Gulllemln, and the manner In which they Illumined the room waa a atrlklng testimonial to that gentleman's good Judg? ment and workmanship. The chairs in the room were arranged so as to lorm an open square In the centre of the floor. In the mid? dle of this square stood the catafalque, a struc ure composed of two distinct parts. The first or malu part waa a pyramid of steps about four feet high. The steps were draped in black and the top step was covered with velvet of j the same color. The second part of the cata falque consisted ot a black canopy,* supported above the steps by pillars, one at each angle, and draped In black and white. The canopy terminated In an urn-ehaped ornament of j glided material, down the sides of which drooped a long white fringe. The heads of J the pillars, which supported the canopy, ter? minated lu similar ornaments, which were fringed lu like manner. The curtains of the canopy were fringed with white, and caught up lu gracelul folds with white rosettes. The top ot the canopy waa lined on the Inside with white. The drapery was arranged by Hr. W. J. Trim, and' the result waa highly creditable to him. Beside each of the pillara stood a small pedestal draped lu black. Upon each pedestal stood three black candles burning together In a white candlestick. Upon the top step of the pyramid stood a mag? nificent coffin of ebony, richly mounted with white metal of elaborate workmanship.. Upon the centre ot the coffin waa a black velvet cushion, and upon the cushion stood an urn ot white porcelain. Around the sides of the ! steps upon which the coffin rested were eleven I small ahleld8 of bright metal, each bearing lu. black lettera the name of one ot the deceased Masons In whose memory the Lodge waa held. At each corner of j the catafalque sat a Maaon in regalia, holding a wand In bis hand. Between the eataialqne and the platform before notloed stood an altar of white marble; opon the altar was an open Bible, and upon the open page ? rested the emblems of Masonry, the 8quare I and the Compass. Threes pedestals occupying j ! respectively the middle and either end of the j I platform, were draped In black and bad a nar? row atrip of white crossing the black on the aide next the audience. The middle pedestal bore two black candles burning In white can- j dlestloks. The platform waa occupied by Grand Master j B. S. Bruns, Deputy Grand Master J. B. Ker? shaw, members of Union Kilwinning Lodge, and the masters of other Lodges, while the row ef chairs which surrounded the square waa devoted to the remaining members of the Lodge. At seven o'clock precisely the ceremonies i were begun by the masters and wardens of { Union Kilwinning Lodge, In accordance witn the Masonic ritual. A prayer by the chap? lain, Bev. P. J. Shand, and a hymn by the j choir came next. Thea followed an address by the worshipful master, upon the uncer? tainty of life and the lesson of the occasion. Another hymn by the choir, and an appro? priate passage of Scripture were followed by an Interval of profound silence, when thetapers were extinguished and the lights dimmed. Atter a prayer had been offered by the chap? lain, the officers of the lodge lett their seats, an d marched several times around the catafalque, their footsteps falling with solemn cadence upon the almost death-like stillness. After two or three pauses, during which the master and wardens deposited wreaths and flowers upon the coffin, the procession drew up In line belore the altar facing the catafalque. In this position each member of lt bowed with the rest three times, repeating, In deep low tones, "Farewell I farewell ! farewell !" The officers then returned to their seats, and after a passage of Scripture had been read by the chaplain, the lights were raised, the tapera relit, and the cere monon lea proceeded In accordance with the programme already pnbllahed. VALUABLE WORKS OF ART. Messrs. Leitch ? Bruns will Bell at auction to-day, beginning at twelve o'clock, a collec? tion of fine oil paintings, chromos and steel engravings, which are now on exhibition at the southeast corner of Broad and Church streets. These pictures are the work of emi? nent artists, and comprise many beautiful designs. The engravings are exceedingly flue. Thia aale affords a rare opportunity for aeonrlog a valuable picture at a low price, and lt should be attended by all who have a love for the boan timi and the ability to grati? fy lt. ___ HOTEL ARRIVALS-DECEMBER 18. Charleston. D Mitchell, Pocotallgo; John Osley, Augusta; B D WeUe, Philadelphia; O N Pani, I Hopkins, W E Law tc n, John K Platt, Alex Freer, Peter Frat' ner, B F Marsh, wife and son, M B Buggies, 8 Y Mal lal/, F o Bishop, WD Magruder, Mr and Mrs Wm O Stuart, j W Vand rhorst a jd wile, J Frank infield, New York; L G Barkaess, S V Harkness, Clln:ance, o; TM A Hore ford, England; Major P O Harris, USA.; AB Johnson, Washington; JO GrafSln, Colonel Grafflin. H u Caoslday, wilming? ton, NC;F Webber, Louisvale, Ky ; F W Williams Cl y ; M B Friedberger, Union; S J Brooks, face? field. S O; W J Poliara st Louis; W L cowardtn, ?, John Whanu. Richmond, Va; woMagUi, Atlanta, 1 Qa; Jno B still, savannah; Mrs G ne >ny. Jackson- " ville; j K Bulloc it, ara Bullock, servant ?nd maid, ? Oreen ove. Fia; A Nororoas, Miss Norcross, Mrs J w Dickenson, J B Thomas and wife, Boston, Mass: H 8 Wilhams, Ballimore, Md ; J kV McCu -ry camden, S 0: J s McCutchen and wife, Sumter, S c (J; A Corrie, P B Stratton, North-astern Railroad; , F G Perry, sirs Bammond. Florida. 1 Pavilion. ? G F Pilnley, S M Holsak, lady and two children, ? New York; W Spalding, Boston ; H H Basterling, i Hardevllle; M F Hair, Blackville; J L Cooper, TB s Wilson, sooth Carolina; W F PhBllps, Orange 8 burg; R Tozer, Columbia; J J Nettles, Master Net "es, Lane's, Northeastern Railroad; s A Robert? son, Florence; Mrs c P Hubert, Summerville^ ? Dearborn, Beaufort; W Y Lee, Kingtree, Wm 1 Spears, Stephen's; J R Boyce, Roosebloom; W F 1 ?ni**W0rtll'K8umter; J Rlce' Baltimore;OB h Joiner, Savannah. ' t! GOOD TESPLARS, A new lodge to be styled Queen Olty,tto,24,1. O. G. T., waa Instituted on the evening of the 12th Instant by G. W. C., T. A. Kalstrom. - The officers for the present quarter are: Geo. T. Andrews, W. C. a r.; Mrs. W. E. Cook, W. V. T.; B. M. Butler, v Ir., W. R. aecretary; D. P. West,-W. F. Becre- a :ary; Mrs. J. P. Bond, W. T.; W. E. Cook, W. n 1; Otto Sonntag, W. M.; Henry Sonntag, W. p J. ; Geo. Gladden, W. 8. ; Mrs. ? M. Butler, Jr., t W. B. H. 8.; Mra. Mary Turner, W. L. H. 8.; v r. H. Bondi lodge deputy. BUSINESS NOTICES. THU MOST useful and beautiful Christmas present yon can present your lady friend with ls an Improved Home Shuttle Sewing Ma? chine. Be sore and not forget them. decU, 16,18,20,21,23,24 LITTLE ONES, go to Matinee to-day. A HANDSOME assortment of Hats and Caps, at Plenge's, 201 King street MEN OF BCSTNESS find the American House, Boston, their most convenient stopping place. With Ita new furnishing, cafe, passenger ele? vator, telegraph, billiard hall, 4c, this hotel ls second to none In New England. A NEW STOCK ol improved and extra or? namented Home Shuttle Sewing Machines have Just been received at the agency for Christmas Gifts. Nothing more suitable. decU,16,18,20,21,23,24 GRAND Gold Demon Matinee to-day. NOTICE.-Bootor M. Well, the optician, will leave thia city Monday next Those In waut j of bia services will avail themselves of this their last opportunity. A CHARMING BOOK, tor boys and girls, ls ?The Chatterbox," for 1872, bound In orna-1 mental boards. It Is profusely Illustrated. The | reading matter ls of a pure and elevated tone, indeed there la much in lt to instruct "children of a larger growth," but written In so pleasing' and simple style aa to make lt highly Interest- j lng to the youthful mind. We would advise parents at once to go to Fogartle'B Book De? pository and secure a copy, as the advices from fie English publishers are that the edi? tion i . exhausted, and no further orders can be supplied. declO-tutheS CHILDRENS' FANGT Hata a specialty at Plenge's, 201 King street WHO WILL CABS FOR MOTHER NOW Buy her a Home Shuttle Sewing Machine and she will take care of herself. decl*,16,18,20,2l,23,24 BLANCHE as Fernando at Matinee to-day. GIFTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS.-For Silverware, fine Watches, gold Opera and Yest Chains, go to Allan's, 307 King street ELLLA aa Flustereno at Matinee to-day. FORCHGOTT, BENEDICT 4 Co. have received a full assortment of Kid Gloves, and offer a good quality, one button Glove, for $1; two button Glove for $1 25. Also, sole agenta for the Celebrated Chellly Kid Gloves, each pair sold under guarantee. dec2 CHRISTMAS Ia coming. For handsome Gold Bracelets, Studs and Sleeve Buttons, go to Allan's, S07 King street. JOHN MORRIS lu hts changea at Matinee to? day. BEAUTIFUL PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, at 10 cents each, at Von Santen's, No. 229 King street. Junl-s FURCHGOTT, BENEDICT 4 Co., No. 275 King street are, for this week, offering great bar? gains in Carpeta-great reduction made In this article. _ _ dec2 THERE IS no more refining Influence, partic? ularly to the rising generation, tbau the Fine Arte. In thia respect, the wonderful art of | "Chromo Lithographing" may be considered as one of the Important Invention of the age. The luxury of adorning our residences with good pictures Is no longer a monopoly of | th?* wealthy. Th? worko ot tho hoot artlsto are usually selected by the cbromolet A good chromo is much preferable to a second 'or third-rate painting, and can be had at one tenth the price. The collection of chromos now on sale at "Fogartle's Book Depository" ls the largest, and contains the most choice specimens from foreign artiste, ever displayed In thia oliy. They are surprisingly exqulBlte lu design and execution, and at prices which wlil enable all to Indulge their tastes for the beautiful._decl2-thatu3 VERY CH.'.AP.-A Handsome Box, contain? ing One Quire Initial Note Paper, Twenty-four Initial Envelopes, a Penholder and Pen, for only twenty-five cents, at You Santen's Ba? zaar, No. 229 King street, next Academy ol Music. _ July6-B GALLERT OF FINE ARTS.-A stroll Into the capacious and well arranged establishment ol Fogartle's Book Depository will well repay the visitor. The combination of the "Arte" with Literature ls* here beautifully exempli? fied. In addition to the universally large and varied siock of English and American Books In all the various departments of literature, every available spaoe ls adorned, with "Chro? mos" from the most charming Gems of Art. Hours can be spent with pleasure In this at? tractive Gallery ot Fine Arte. Most ot the de? signs are new and from the best foreign and American artiste. decl2-thstu3 FOROHQOTT, BENEDICT 4 Co., No. 275 King street have received 100 seta of Children's Fura, only $2 25; 100 sets of Children Fun?, 13 and $4; 100 sets Ladies' Furs-sets from U up._ dec2 GOLD AND SILVER-HEADED CANES, In great variety. Just the thing for holiday gifts, at Allan's, No. 307 King street FRENOS BOOKS.-At Fogartle's Book Depos? itory can be found a select stock of the latest French Literature, Paris editions. Many ot the volumes are ot a conversational and dramatic character, suitable for the young ml persons learning the French language. These have been Besoted with a view to their moral character by a person familiar with French Literature. decl2-thstu3 PLAYING CARDS, wholesale and' retail, very ?heap, at Yon Santen's, No. 229 King street. Junl-a _ THE "CIRCULATING LIBRARY" attached to fogartle's Book Depository, Is now open, special arrangements will be made with Clubs n the country._ dec9mtutha4 UNPRODUCTIVE FRAUDS. - Imitations and iou nterf ells ot an established, popular rea orative, although mischievous In their direct : fleet?, are indirectly beneficial In some re pecte. They teach the community to rate at ts Just value the preparation that has been Imitated and pirated. The reputation and ale or Hoatetter's Stomach Bitters, for exam ile, have been greatly enhanced by the at empts that have been made to supplant lt. i, 'he dupes of Imposture who from lime to ' ' Ime have been Induced by plausible false oods to try some worthless succedaneum for he standard tonic of America have invariably eturned to lt Io an enthusiastic trame of lind, ready to champion its merita to the ttermoBt. The warmest panegyrists of Its 11 inventive and curative properties are those 1 ?ho have weighed the nostrums of envious 1 dventurers in the balance and found them \ ranting. in a pecuniary point of view, all I ttempts to undermine the popularity ot this 1 aedlclne have proved advantageous to the iroprletors, and except for the sake of pro- , ectlng the public, the game of exposure I rould not be worth the candle. i deolO-tuthsiDaw [ COMMERCIAL NEWS* The Charleston Cotton, Rice sm Stores Markets. OFFics CHARLESTON NEW FRIDAY EVENING, December IS, COTTON_Tais market opened firm a what signer, with a moderate inquiry stock, bat closed rather quiet; aales near I say 6 at 16, o at IT, IO at 17x, 23 at : 17K, 83 at 17X, 61 at 18, ll atl8X, 76 al at 18%, 86 at i8>?, 109 at 18% loi at 19, i 2atl9)i. We quote: LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Inferior.l4X? per cen and sell at par. GOLD-12X?18X. _ Markets by Telegraph. NONET MARKETS. LONDON, Deem ber Noon.-Consola 91XB91X- Fives 89. PARIS, December Koon.-Rentes 64f 42c. Specie decreased ti million francs. NEW TOBE, December Noon.-Freights unchanged. Stocks Honey Arm at 7. Gold dui! at i2>?. Exchai long 9Ji; ihort lux. Governments dull and st st p. i e oonda heavy and quiet. Evening- Kr em nw quiet and Arm. H acllve at 1 to 1 l-ie cm mission. Sterling c H troup er at 8#aB. cold 12* al2Ji. G ve mn steady a- d Omi. states don; 'tejnesaees ri heavy ; Virginia consolidated strong. COTTON MARKETS. LrvKKPooL, December Noon.-Cotton opened arm; uplands loan Orleans w%\ sales of uplands for December 1 bales; eales 16,000; Bales for the week 04,000 ports 3000; speculation 8000; stock 366 American 64,000; receipts 62,000: American SS actual export 7000; afloat 218,000;' Amer 129,000. Later.-Cotton firm; sales 18,000; speen'a 4000 bales. Evening-Cotton closed unchanged. T< and faeries Erm with an np? ar i tendency. Nxw YORE. December I Noon.-Cotton dull; sales 6021 bales; nplc 19!ic; Orleans 20,*ic Evening.-Cotton quiet; sales 1708 bales; landa 19^0, orleans 2u#; net receipts 6261; g 1277. bales of c tton futures 18 200 bale? foduwa: December I9)f, 19X;January ioj?, ie ' Faornary 19*. 19?; Marun 19 13-16. 19J?: A 20, 20J? ; May ?OJjfijg >-IE> J ?oe -?OX, 20 16-10. " " 3O?TON, December ] Cotton, net receipts 68 bales; gross 791: s 300; stock 4600; weekly receipts 957: gross li aales 2100. PROVIDENCE. December l Cotton, net receipts of the week 249 bales; s 370. ; stock S0J0. PHILADELPHIA. December l Cotton, net receipt? 628 t.aie-i; gross 4072. BALTIMORE, December 1 Cotton, middlings l?xc; exports coastwise sales 400: Block 8918: weekly net receipts ; gross 28a0; exports tb Great Britain 199; co; wise 464; Balea 2120. NORFOLK. Deoemher l; Cotton, receipts 1616 bales; exports coast? 117;sales400; mock 18.122; weedy net recel 11,701 ; exporte coastwise 9oi6; saiea 1700. CITY POINT, December li Cotton-Net receipts for the week 1036 bales. WILMINGTON, December l! Cotton-Net receipts 219 bales; sales 66; su 8367; weekly net receipts 1069: exports coastw 387; sales 138. SAVANNAH, December is Cotton-Low rrlddllngs l8Jic; middlings 18??, net receipts 6S96 ba es; exports to continent ie sales 1888; stock 77,402; weekly net receli 26,676; expone to Great Britain 8814; exports continent 14,368; coastwise 4912; sales Minus. AUGUSTA December 13. Cotton-Net receipts 1012 bales; SAles 181 stock 2203; weekly net recelpta 7641; shlpmei 6951; sales 6164. COLUMBUS, December 18. Receipts of the wsek 2772 bales; shipments 196 spinner* 166; stock 8795. * " ; . ' MACON, December ls. Receipts 2701 bales; sh lp mi? nts .404; steok 171 MEMPHIS, December 13. Receints ?39? bales; ahlprneuts 8010; atuck 3 99t; recelp'B of the weet 18,107; ahipments 402 sales 16,010. NA8HYILB, December 18. Rf celpt? of the week 2154 baleB; shipments 232 stock 6119. F SELMA, December 13. Recepta or the week mo bales; shipmen ts 26o? stock 7798. . _ . ? UONTOOMBKY. December 13. i Beoalpta 2558 bales; shipments 2718; sioc MOBILE, December 18. Net receipts Tall bales; exhorts to Great Brita! 2226, coastwise Poo ; Bales 1800; stock 44 067; weekl net receipts 14,264; exports to Great Brita! 22,250, Continent at>, ooastwise 4031; aales 12 ocx Vsw ORLEANS, December is. Cotton in good demand; good ordinary 18C* lot middling i8>ial8?ai9Xc; net receipts 1974, gros 10.421; exports 10 Great Britain auf, coastwis 1774; sales to-day 1000, last evening 4000; g-ocl 176 638; weekly net receipts 87,180, gross 40 914 exports to Great Britain 18,144, Continent 8436 coastwise 6287; sales 36,000. _ -. GALVESTON, December 13. Net receipts 2518 bales; exports coastwise 70 Ba:es 1000; Btock 69.62?; weekly net reoelpti 11,436; exports to Great Britain 6900. to the Con tlnent 1409, coastwise 1816; eales 6700. PROVISIONS AND PROD COB MARKETS. " ", NEW YORK, December 13. Noon.-Flour dall. Wheat dull and unchanged. Corn Btearty. Pork quiet at $13 85. Lard doll steam 7Xa8c. Tnrpenttue doll at 69tfc. Rosin Even-ng.-Flour qniet and unchauged. Whiskev decidedly higher at 87*. Wheat rather anaer and qmer. corn a shade firmer and very o iiet Rice quiet at 7Jia8*. Pork firmer at $13 7 5 al 4' Lard weaker. Naval atores dull. LONDON," December 13. Evening.-Common rosin 12s to 12s ed. LivBHPooL, December 13. Evening.-Breadstuff* ateady. Corn 28s 6d to 28s 9d. Flour 80S. , . LoravrxLB, December 13. Flour In fair demand; ex-famHy $6 26. Corn quiet and unchanged. Provision! unchanged Pork in round lots $12 50. Lard firm; choice ^,Bw?S? 7Xa7?c; kegs 8*c. Bacon, none here. Wniakey Arm at 89o. N. _ CINCINNATI, December 13. Flour firm at $7 60a7 76. ern steady: new Ma4lc. Provisions dall and drooping, pork dull and unchanged. Lard-steam rendered at 7wc kettle 7%c. Bacon sliouldera dull at 6c* sides linet and unchanged. Whiskey firm at 89c _, ST. LOUIS December 13. Flour qn'et and unchanged. Corn firmer; No 2 white 84aS6 on east side or track. Wnirkev ??ady at 92c Pork q let at $12. Bacon dull ?Tid nomina ; shoulders held at 16K; rio sides at 8*; clenr sides at9c. Lard firm; steam ro.; for January 7X0. Weekly Report of the Wilmington Na? val Store? Ma i ke t. WILMINGTON, December 12 SPIRITS TURPENTINE-since last week there las been norning of Importance doing in the narkec for this article. Throughout the entire reek the tone or the market has bcoa very a ri et ind easy, and the daily transactions, though ir?e ?ave bee i a prices unchanged. Thursday the lay preceding theopeolng or onr review the roi nu qu. tati n mr sale- was 67 cents. RIA.! the ; uarketw.s very quiet la lone, wita no diso-si on amena buyer- to purchase,"and no sa e * !?l?e mar6et dr(,PPed 10 ?ne condition' 1 loten above where it has lain daring the wees, ind closes to-day quiet and steady at 66 cents. , Lhe receipts tor the week wt re 1412 casks, against ooo casks for last week-an Improvement of 412 asks. Tne exports were 1897 cask, and the stock n market ls eats casks. 1 CRUDE TURPENTINE.-in the early part of ?ie week nothing new ol importance worthy of men? tion transpired. Prices ruled very quiet and steady and both snippets and "lstlller's orders were met freely at tue ml lng quotations. Wedmis day t .ere was consldeiable excitement in tue market, and prices wen unsettled and fluctua? ting. There were sales it 875 bblB at $8 60 for -hard and $6 for yellow dip and virgin, an ad? vance of soc on bard, and a decline of ano on yellow dip and virgin, "aere were also sills'! of 881 bbl j ac $8 26 for hard, and $6 so for yellow dip and virgin. To-day at tl:e time of closing our re P' rt the market still libors nuder the excite? ment of the previous day. and closes quiet and Arm at $s 26 for bard and $6 for yellow dip and virgin. The general opts inion ls that the advance ls merely temporary, aoil that the market will io bacK to its old figures. '?he receipts for the weic middlings 18. The receipts to-day were 420 bales; shipments 824; sales 818. Mc-NTGOMBRY, December ll. Market ls qnlet and moderate demand. Ordi? nary 16KR16X0, good ordinary iexa:83?c. strict Bool ordinary 17al7>?c, low middling 17)iaU?ic, j middling 18c Pai sensers. Pei: steamship Charleston, from New York Mlai Pannell L M Holorook and wi e, Mr Nacross, J K Bullock and wife, Dora Miller, J R Norwood, Mrs Creaser and two :h:Mr. n. Captain BF Marsh sui wPe. Mn Marsh. M B Buggins. Miss J N Bar? bo:, j R Prait, P Weauor, A Freer. Misa Narcro-s, Wlsa E W Denny, J W Lynnett, nra i W Dlcfeln Bon, J Mcconkey, and loin steerage. -Per steamer Dict?t Dr, from Palatkavla Jack? sonville, Fernandina and savannah. Ga-nias Richardson, J s Richs rdson, J A Boyd, R Harper, Mrs Elkin, H F Hainsworth, Mr Evers, and 9 on deck. Per steamer Emile, from Georgetown-Mrs Richenbeck. Hrs J H Kalney, child and nursp, F and J Dauer. Hem a Brioh, H Johnson, J Helnman, and 6 on deck. MAH XX NE ff ti. CHARLESTON, S, (!... .DECEMBER 14, 1872. Lat 38 deg 40 min S3 soc. | Lon 79 deg 67 mm 27 seo. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. steamship Chanel ton, Berry, New York-left loth. mst. Mdse. To Jas Adger A co. J Apple, D A Amme, c D Abren i A co, adams. Damou & co, B Boyd, E T Brown, F O Borner, J P Brown, T M bri? ion A co, ll Bischoff A co, W M Bird a co, P Brodie, Byrne A FoL'artie, G A Bowen, agent, L conon A co, c dacia.), u dawson, L Chap?n, cha? pean A Herrron u A Canman, B A Dnc * Son, M Dr J KC, J B Duval A Mon, h ii as Bros, J T Ewen, D * Fleming, mrchgott. Benedict A co. GFolltn. B Feldmann A co, Pofartle's Book Store, B Foley, D Goldstein, P L Giullemln, H Gerdts A co. J H Billen, Holmes' Bool: Store, J W ueesemud. F K Houston, J Hnrkamp A co, J M Horsey & Bro, Je - fords A co, i noise A co. Johnson A Brown, Kllnck, Wickenberg A co, Kressel A Brande*, Knobeloch A ?mail, H W Kreit:;, Klatte A ce, J P Kel]), Kor nahrens A co, Laure f, Alexander A co, R Lathers, Lilien' hal A co, Wis CO, E Lee, G J Lunn, S R Marshall A co J G Manor A co, McLoy A Ric -, R K Neui ville, W Mc'^ean, M McQorty, J Maloney, M H Nathan,' T S Ni )s m, C F Pan Knln, Ravenel A co, Ravenel, Holmei; A co, Rlecke A Pet? rman, E B s todoard A co, W shepherd A co, E ?ebriog A co, J ll sassard, southern Express Company. W Sen rod er. P Schuck mann, J Shaw, M Ti lest, J H V?llers, Teldemann, calder A co. F von panien, Wagem r A Monsee.i, Walker, Evans A Cogswell, P w in em an, P Walsh, O F WleterB, S H W|T, : .-.?..??": \'-?y'.r- .. Lomon, Soda, Batter, Ginger Cakes and Snaps, Jumbles, Ac. ALSO, SOAP, CANDLES, STARCH, CANDY, POWDER, SHOT, CAPS, MATCHES,, BI^ACKINO^ WRAPPD?G PAPER, TWTNE, AC ' LIQUORS. BRANDI ES-Peach, Apple, Ginger, Querry, French and Domestic WHIbKEYS-Sye, Corn, Bonrbon-ali grades-JamlBon's Dahlia Wniskey. . ta> Cl NS-Hollaed and Domestic-Yarloos Brands.' RUM-Jamaica, St. Croix and New England. ALE-McEwan's, Bass and Yonnger's. PORTER-GnloBess'sDonblln Stoat. WI NES-Port, Madeira, Sherry, Malaga and Claret in casks and cases. CHAMPAGNE-Dry Yerzenay and Cabinet FRENCH BRANDY IN CASES, SCHEID AH SCHNAPPS, CDiNAMON CORDIAL, RASPBERRY SYRUP, ?9., ?0. TOBACCO AND CIGARS OF ALL GRADES. SHANDY PEACHES d'?cio.tat?ss BITTERS, &C.