The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, December 14, 1872, Image 3

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THE mW OF HONOR. A FULL AiWOVXT THE RECENT * CR mNGEBURG DUEL, Woe CMUS Belli-The Fighting Ground -Fra I tl eu Attempts to Settle the Quarrel-Two Shots Ezchmnged-No? body Hurt-How lt ?ll Boded. [From the Aliena ta Chronicle and Sentinel.] Band Bar Ferry ls rapidly regaining the reputation aa a duelling ground which lt had before the war, and ls becoming a favorite re? sort for belligerently inclined parties from tho Btates ol Georgia and Sooth Carolina. Bot a short time since two gentlemen from Athens resorted thither to settle their little unpleasantness, and on Monday a couple ol Carolinians went to the Ferry on a little ex? cursion gotten up for the same purpose. The Parties to the duel were two . NEWSPAPER EDITORS from OrLOgeburg, South Carolina-Mr. James T. Heyward, editor of the Orangeburg Times, ?Demouraiic,) and Mr. Malcolm J. Browning, editor of tn? Orangtburg Newe, (Badlcal.) From what we can learn ot the affa!r,the origin and c regress of the difficulty were as follows : When the news of the Boston fire came a par? agraph appeared In the Times, s tibs ia at lally, thus : "When General Sherman burned Co? lumbia the Bostonians fired cannon over the news. Who will shoot now ?" The Columbia Union (Badlcal) published a very harsh criti? cism upon the paragraph lo question, which the Times declined to notice on account of Its sonroer A few weeks ago tbe Orangeburg News also essayed a lecture to the Times upon Ita editorial. This provoked a severe reply from the Times. Among-other things stated In the reply was an assertion that Mr. Brown? ing's (who had recently taken charge of the News) editorial predecessor was'a negro man, named Clyde. In the Issue ol the News, wblebsppeared last;week, this statement was denounced an a willoi and malicious falsehood. Hr. Heyward then sent a demand for a re? traction, which was relnsed, and then a chal? lenge, which was accepted, and tba parties agreed to come to Georgia, to fight lt out. A FRDTTLKSS ARREST. The original agreement was that the car ties should fight near this city, on Sunday, tLe 8th Instant, at twelve o'clock. On Saturday night, however, when the train reached Branchville, Mr. Browning was arrested. Be'p?ha of the duel bad gotten ont and some one had sent Intelligence ahead in order to have tbe fight stopped. Mr. Browning, arter being detained awhile, gave bond to keep the peace In South Carolina, and wan released. The discharge came too late for him to keep the appointment, and the duel lor that day wai frustrated. The other principal reached the city In time without experiencing any de-1 tentlon, and on 8n-nd.ay-s? eleve n o'clock, ac companied by hlrlrleod, rode promptly to the ferry in bia carrlage^where he wafted some time lor his antagonist The other parties not I arriving he re tu rae* teethe city. On Sunday night Mr. BrownliraBSiraearn, came in from I Branchville, and Jacafoyward's Irlends and I the friends of Mr. Browning made an arrange- I ment for another meeting at the same placel on the next day (Monday), at 12 c'o lo cfc. THE WHOLE A-F?A?R WAS KEPT DABS, - I and scarcely any onej in the city knew any-1 thing about IL ll the duel had taken place on J Sunday, as was at first 'agreed upon, the chances are that no one would have heard ot lt In time to be present, and the only specta tors Would have been the surgeons and tbe seconds. Bnt after the carriage went out on Sunday morning, and Its destination became I known, suspicions were aroused, which re-1 suited In the discovery that a duel was on foot, though nothing could be learned from I ?he parties. As lt was, however, this Infor-1 mellon was confined to a fewvand at the time the carriages left the olty yesterday not more I than twenty persons knew that a duel was on the tapis. After tbe parlies left the town Baverai persons heard ot the affair and came down to ?the ferry In time to witness Its ter-1 alna?onT ! ON TEE GROUND. The carriage containing Mr. Browning, bis I second, Mr. Waller, and Mr. Van Tassels and another gentleman, was the first to leave tbe city, and arrived first ripen the ground, halt-1 lng near the bank of the Savannah river. In I a few minutes Hr. Heyward arrived In an I open phaeton, accompanied by his second, Mr. r, voss, and Dr. Legare, Colonel 0. A. Butler, ot this city, and Colonel Frederick, ol Orange-1 ' burg, his friends. Hr. Hey ward's carriage halted In the fringe o? trees r anni og parallel with the river, and Mr. BrowntogTs vehicle also entered the grove soon afterwards. A CONVENIENT LOCALITY. The beauty about tbe Sand Bar Ferry duel- j ling ground lavtbat-it- can be naed by persons I from either State^-the Carolinana fiehtlng in I Georgia and the1 Georgians In South Carolina. As tl?portie*to this' affair were South Caro? linians, of course the duel bad to be tought on this side cl the river, and lt was decided that thefightihonldtake place near the lerrv. A j bettexsSct could Dot have been chosen. Be tweeptiie river and the woods-a distance of eevenu hundred yards-there ls a space almost entirely devo?jN)f trees and un? dergrowth, and thickly carpeted with grass. This was the field selected. Through the thick grass the highroad to the ferry wound Its way. In the road, which runs almost at right angles to the Savannah, the men 'were lo be placed, I at a distance or about fifty yards from the I stream. THE DISTANCE I was to be ten <pabes, anff'the parties were to I be placed north and south from each other. gf^V ^^THB WEAPONS. Some Trouble, we understand, was expo-I rlenoed In agreeing upon weapons. Mr. Browning; as inf-challenged party, had the. right to decide what kind ol weapons should be used. Pistols, of course, were to be the weapons ; bot what kind of pistols ? Mr. Hey- f ward\ through his friend, proposed a pair of I Tegular duelling pistols, which were rejected. His friend next proposed a pair of Colt's navy revolvers, which have, become popular with duellists ot late, and which were also declined. A pair of strong-:shooting Derringers were M? offered, ahdfcttese also rejected. Mr. ffMgfcluli iji -friendittfien proposed a pair of VP A Wesson cartridge revolvers, which I Vfre finally accepted by Mr. Hey ward. ? CHOICE Or POSITION AND TUS WORD. j In a toss up for position the choice was won by Mr. Heyward's friend, who placed his prln- ! cipal with- his face to the north, and at the I mom elevated end or vtbe line-the road sloping a little as It approached the river. Mr. Browning's friend won the privilege of giving the word. ,-. ATTEMPT TO SETTLE. ! Io the meantime Dr. DeSaussure Ford, the surgeon of Hr.?Brownlng, (Dr. Barton, of I Booth Carolina, acting in that capacity for Mr. I Hayward,) and some of the otber gentlemen I present, attempted to nave the matter ad-1 justed without an exchange of shots. But the effort proved unsuccessful. Mr. Browning re fused to retract bis article nnless Mr. Heyward would first retract his, which the latter poal-1 tivelj declined. Nothing, therefore, remained to be done bnt to put the men upon the field and let the question be settled by lead. m roamoN. j At half-pint twelve o'clock' the men came from the grove to the field. Mr. Il ey ward had on a full dress snit of black, closely but toned np. Mr. Browning wore light pants and a dark coat Tbe pistols were banded tbe principals, and Messrs. Voss and Waller took position on the right and left of the centre ot the Une. The principals stood sideways, each I grasping bis weapon with the muzzle down. I - Sfj-.JW'aUQr gave the word, "Gentlemen, are I you ready ? Fire 1 One, two, (bree. Stop." The weapons were discharged between tbe words "one and "stop," but without effect both men aiming too high. % A SECOND SHOT. j Mr. Brownings second then asked the sec-1 ond ol Mr. Hey ward If he was Bailsfied. The I lather replied In the negative, and prepara tiona were made for another fire-all efforts L for a settlement again proving unavailing. [ Again the pistols were banded to the princi? pals, the word given, and the weapons dis charged. Both parties were uninjured-Mc. Browning's ball going In the ground, snd Mr. Hey ward's striking In rear or bis antagonist. HOW IT WAS ARRANGED. Dr. Ford, Colonel Butler, and other?, now I \again sought to arrange matters. Mr. Frown lng, we learn, claimed that under the code having exchanged two shots-he had already elven satisfaction, but declined to retract un? less there was a mutual retraction, which Mr. Hey ward refused. Urged by his friends, wno represented the view taken as above to bim, I Hr. Heyward consented to sarnie and leave the told without making lrlends. The two ?prinerpalu then advanced alone, each '.bree I fcinfff saluted; without speaking, and ?e tl red ?bm the ground. They then entered their I ?arrtages, and principals, seconds, surgeons I ^bd spectators returned to tbe olty. (Sm Sixtnxt?. GAS FIXTURES, A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF CHANDELIERS, HALL LIGHTS, PENDANTS, BRACKETS. ARGAND BURNER8, PORCELAINE 8HADE8, GLOBES, &C, AC. ALL OF THE LATEST PATTERNS AT I P. L. GUILLE M IN. NO. ?1 CUMBERLAND STREET. OAS FITTING, PLUMBING AND TfN ROOFING. decH-sms Clothing ano -? arru et) mg ?ooot. -P, AND H OUS E! J. H. LAWTON, ACADEMY OF MUSIC BUILDING, Corner of Ki ng and Market Streets, CHARLESTON, decio Soots, Srjors, Sfc. THE GREAT SECRET OP MASONRY Has been beld inviolate by the Craft for many centuries, and THU GBBAT ssoarr or snooess in the transaction or every business is comprised in LARGE CASH SALES, With small profits. The | ?ubBOilbers folly realizing this mercantile fact, have opened another Retail Establishment at the corner of King and Wentworth Btreetp, under the | Masonlo Temple, and have just received and DISCLOSED a Fresh and Complete S*ock of Boots and Shoes ot the latest and most fashionable styles, for Ladles, Misses, Gents. Boys and Children ; together with a large variety of Trunks, Vallaos Satchels and Ladles' Belt Bags, to all of which they invite the attention or friends, customers and the public generaUy, AT THE NEW MASONIC TEMPLE. LEWIS, ELIAS & CO., NO. 294, CORNER RING AND WENTWORTH STS. nov28 Suming ?flacrjineo. IMMENSE SUCCESS OF THE CELEBRATED sin mm mwm. 181,260 SOLD IN 1871. 52,734 MORE THAN AN? OTHER CO, THE SXIVOEifc MANUFACTURING- CO., NO. 186 KING STREET,. i ll CHARLESTON, S. C. decio Rotels AIKEN HOTEL, AIKEN, SOUTH CARO? LINA. SOME recenUF purchased, thoroughly over haniaKBd refitted tho above Hotel, we respect folly aHounce to our friends and the. pnbiic that we are now ready to receive and entertain ga esta m nrst-class style. BALLET ? PEGG, nov80-2moa Proprietors. (Engines, iKarrjiturrj, Ut. SMITH Sc VALE, MACHINISTS AND FOUNDERS, SHOPS EAST END HASEL STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. MANUFACTURERS OF PORTABLE AND STATIONARY ENGINES, HENEKEV3 IMPROVED ucCARTHT Qiss, with or without bia Attachment for Feeding, CORN AND SUGAR MILLS, * HORSE-POWERS, COTTON PRESSES, AND MACHINERY OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. Having purchased all the Patterns of the late W.LLlaM s. H ENERE Y, we aro prepared to receive orders for all Machinery formerly made by him. decfi-tbstnlmo Dr TI (Soo?;, Ut. POSmVELT FOB ONLY ONE WEEK MORE. Toe Public 1B respectfully Informed that toe BALANCE OF THE STOCK or the late T. KELLY, at No. 284 Klug street, will be offered for Ol MORE IEEE ? before the final closing. There ls still a good as sortaient, or SPOOL COTTON, GLOVES, HOIdERV, Corsets, Undervesta, Jaconets, Swiss Muslins, Tarletan, Nainsooks, Towelling, White aad Colored Linens, Drills, Blue and Gray flannels, Delaines, Plaid Homespun, Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans, Shawls, and Dress Goods. M. P. O'CONNOR, decio-tuthsa Administrator. J1?HCHGOTT, BENEDICT ? CO., NO. 276 KING STREET, Will offer for the week commencing Monfiay, Decembers, and throughout the week, EX fRAORDIN ART ATTRACTIONS m Every Department. A decided reduction has been made in all our prices, and we offer thia week. GREAT BARGAINS, In all or onr D?partement. And all m need or Goods will do well to cali and examine oar stock. We mention below the prices or only few or onr goods : too pieces 4-4 Warmatta, Bleached,only 19 cents 6 cases 4-4 Bleached, lax and 16, worth 16 and 18 coots 2 cases 10-4 sheeting, only 40 cents 2 bales 3-4 While Flannels, 20 cents, worth 26 6 bales 34 white Flannels, 26 and 80, worth 80 and 40 cents 3 cases lo 4 White Blankets, only $8 60 too pieces Fine Oaaalmere, $1 $1 26, worth Si 60 60 pieces Finn Caaalmere,$l 60, worth $2 l case Plain and Figured Dress Gooda 26 cen ta 26 pleoea Fine Poplin, 30 and 36 cents 60 pieces Black Alpaca, only 60 oents, worth 65 Great Redaction In Black Silks Great Reduction In Colored Stlks Great Redaction In vai on rs, 9 tit PopUoB and Fine Dress Gooda Great Reduction tn Mourning Gooda six-inch sash Ribbon, only $1, ali colors Great Bargains in all the New Shades ol Ribbons Great Bargains In Bows, Ties and Silk Handkerchiefs Great Bargains la Kid Gloves, (see Business notices) Great Bargatna la Laces, Handker chiefs. Coffs and collars Great Bargains In Jet Sets, Bair Orna menta, AC, AC Great Bargains In Silk Trimmings, silk Fringes Fall Liu es of Ladles' TJaderwear Fall Lines or Gents' Furnishing Goods Full Lines or Hosiery and Notions Ail at Great Bargains. GREAT INDUCEMENTS OFFERED IN CARPETS, OIL CLOTH, MATTINGS AN D RUGS. Fine VELVET CARPETS marked down Fine English-Body Brussels Carpet marked down fine English Tapestry Brnasola marked down . Fine Three Ply Carpet marked down Fine Wool Carpets marked down Fine Ingrain Carpets marked down Floe Hemp Carpets marked down Fine Venetian Carpeta marked down Good Quality ingrain Carpets lor 66, 66 and 76 cents Good 4-4 Matting marked down UH Cloths, Rags, Mats, all marked down Oar wholesale Departments are c?ra? mete, and we constantly offer Great Bargains to Merchants, Farmers, and iii In need of Uoods. Oar Millinery Department ia the brsi assorted in this market. Respectfully, FURCHGOTT, BENEDICT A CO., No. 275 Klag Street. barter) ($0000, Stations, Ut. JOHN 8. FAIRLY & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN NOTIONS, MILLINERY, HOSIERY & WHITE GOODS, NO. 3T H A Y IVE STREET, Desire to call the attention or Merchants visit ng the city at thia time to their very ATTRACT? IVE STOCK Of TOYS, AND OTHER GOOD8 SUITABLE FOR THE HOLIDAY?. Their usual Stock ls also very FULL AND DE? SIRABLE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. They solicit from their cost?me, s aod the Trade gen erally the favor of an early call. decll 10 ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE Batata or Mrs. SUSAN BROWN will please make payment, and those having claims present them, duly attested, to either or the undersigned. JAMBS JOHNSTON, W. O. WESTON, decS-tnS* Qualified Executors. O. C. PL.ENGE NO. 201 KINO STREET, Invites the attention of the Pabilo to his FINE STOCK OP II.ffi.tiPS AND FIRS, uni UMBRELLAS. CHILDREN'S FANCY A Specialty. 201 King Street. dec: HAYING ADDED TO MY UMBRELLA MANUFACTORY The sale of Men's and Boya' HATS AND CAPS, I will keep on band a Large Stock of THE LATEST STYLES Which I will sell at the very lowest prices, for cash. Before pnrobaslng $6 Dress Mik Hats, examine what I am selling at $4 60, and extra fine quality at $5 so and te. Umbrellas of all kinds always on hand, made to order or repaired ac shortest notice, and a large stock or Walking Canes. JOHN B. JOHNSON, No. soi King Street, 4 doors above Wentworth. decio-tnthslmo tailoring, (Clot!)mg, Ut. KEW ST?BET KEW GOODS ! EVERYTHING KEW ! MENKE ft MULLER, TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, INVITE THE ATTENTION ad THE PUHT.tO TO THEIR SPLENDID KEW STOCE OF READY-MADE CLOTHING OF THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE, RENTS' FURNISHING 600DS, AND CHOICE MATERIALS FOR CUSTOM WORK AN INSPECT ON OF THE GrOODS AND PRICES IN THEIR NEW ESTABLISHMENT, DOR, KING AND WENTWORTH 8TS., 14 RBIS PECT FULLY SOLICITED. OC18 Doora, Sashes ano ?iin?o DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, IV00D MOULDINGS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELS, AND ALL KINDS OF FANOY GLASS. ?LARGE 8TOCK-LOWEST RATES ORDER WORK SOLICITED. SEND FOB ESTIMATE AND PRICE LISTS. KEOGH ft THORNE, |254 AND 256 CANAL 8TREET, deoS-lyr Now York City. digan, Sobacro, Ut. CTL^INC^OIJT IO CHANGE BUSINESS. In order to go into another Business, I will dispose of my ENTIRE STOCK AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. The Goods must be sold by the last or this month, as I will have no ase for them. Call at once and make y onr selections either lo small lots or in balk. THE ENTIRE LOT OP MEERSCHAUM PIPES TOBACCO, CIGARS AND FANCY COOD8 MUST BE BOLD. WM. SCHRODER, Emperor William Cigar Store, No. 310 KINO- STREET, mch7-iyn>04W CHARLESTON, 8. 0. SILVERWARE ! WATCHES j JEWEL RY ! F. KOLDEWEY respectfully calla the attentton cf his customers and the pabilo to his now very fnll and choice assortment of STERLING SI LYE R WAKB, GOLD WATCHES AND SOLID JEWELRY lately imponed. ALSO, To a beautlfoT piece of art, a MECHANICAL CLOCK WITH A MOVING FARM 80ENE, Wblcr will be raffled shortly, and for which chances may etil] be had. WATCHES AND CLOCKS are repaired as usual In the very beat manner, at reasonable prices, and the work WARRANTED. F. KOLDEWEY, No. 302 King street, Third door above Wentworth street. decio-tuthtf East side. THOMAS & LANNEAU, NO. 889 KING STREET, OPPOSITE NEW MASONIC TEMPLE. FINE WATCHES? BICH JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, BRIDAL AND HOLIDAY PRESENTS. THEY ABE NOW OFFERING AS LABOE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK AS HAS BVEB BEEN PRESENTED IO THE CHARLES? TON PUBLIC. NO. 289 KING STREET. COUNTRY ORDERS promptly filled, and satis action guaranteed. novie-stuth3moa Pianos, CDrgans, Ut. PIAN08 AND ORGANS, Furnished at factory prices for Cash, or by Monthly Payments on the moat liberal terms. CHARLES h. Mc CI. KN AU AN, Plano and Musis Store, sep?-tmoH ? No. 101 KlngBtreet. 9ALE8 ROOMS BEAL FAIN 8TREET ONE DOOR FROM KINO. -ESTABLISHED 1810. Jost received A select lot of new PIANOFORTES ind CABINET ORGANS, and lor sale low for cash, ir to rent cundtrionally, the rent applied as pur thase money. An excellent opportunity ls now mered to purchasers to secure a fine, well-toned nstrnment. Satisfaction guaranteed to the pur ihaser. On hand and to let, Pianofortes at reduced rates. Magical Instruments and M a-leal Merchandise, ogether with the lateot fathlonsbie Muslo enn itantly receiving. Omers for tuning and repair ng promptly attended to. nov23-atnthlmo BENRY SIEQLINQ. Drags ano ?\tintinea. SJ M M 0 N S' This nnrlvalled Medicine is warranted not to lontaln a single particle of Mercury, or any In irions mineral sobs tance, butta PUB ELY VEGETABLE. For forty years lt bas proved lis great value in Ol diseases of the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. Pnousands of the good and great in all parts of he country vouch for Its wonderful and peculiar lower m purifying the Blood, Htfmolattng the urpld Liver and Bowels, and lm pardu tr new lire md vigor to the whole syBtem. SIMMONS'S JIVER REGULATOR ls acknowledged to have io equal as a LIVER MEDICINE. It contains roar medical elements, never united n the same happy proportion in any other pre laratlon, viz: a gentle Oat iartlc a wonderful ronlo, an unexceptionable /.iterative and a cor? am Corrective ol all imparities or the body, inch Blgnal success has a;ter ded Its use that lt ls low regarded as the GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC 'or Liver Complaint and tie painful offspring .hereof, to wit: Dy-pepsla, Constipation, Jaun llce. Billons attacks, Sick Headache, Colic De iresslon or Spirits, Sour Stomach, Heart Born, ko., Ac Regulate the Liver and prevent CHILLS AND 1?EVEB. SIMMONS'S LIVER REGULATOR Id manufactured only by J. B ZEILIN A CO., Macos, Ga., and Philadelphia. PRICE-fi per package; sent by mall postage jald. $125. "repared ready lor use ta bottles. UFor aaie by & WINEMAN A CO. AND BY ALL DRUGGISTS. mw Boware of ail couiterfelts and imita ,?2^ aig8-th>tnriaw6moB (S>roctiLts, tiqncrr?, Ut. H. KL ATT li & CO. ACENTS FOR CHARLESTON. We have appointed Mesiirs. H. KLATTE A CO Sole Agents lor Charleston for this Celebrated Brand or PURE KENTUCKY WHISKEYS, both BYES and BOURBON. These Wnlokeysare guaranteed pore KENTUCKY COPPER DISTILLED, free from all componed im pnrlUes, and highly recommended by eminent ohemlsts for medical use. The Brand is patented to prevent Infringements. BAKEHOUSE BROS. A CO., Louisville, Ky. We respectfully Inform our friends and custom? ers that we keep constantly on hand a fall supply or the above already ravorsbly well known wnis eya. and offer same to the trade at distiller's prices. IL KLATTE A CO., ang81-Btnth8mo_No. ISA East Bay. <M)iiia, CErotkiTD, Ut. ^amAT^M ?I?D CROCKERY/ AT THE OU) STAND, KING STREET, CORNER OF LIBERTY STREET. The Suaamiber would respectfully Inform his friends and the public that bu stock la now com? plete la CHINA, GLASS AN*D CROCKERY, Plata White and Fancy China, (Haas and Fancy China Goods, Lamps, Shades, Aa, ootio-thstu8mos R. R MCDOWELL, Agent, _gripping._ lip OR LIVERPOO Ii'. The At Iron Bark MAGNET, Wm. Ai Brown, Master, will have disparen for the^Bt a'ooveport. ; Fer Freigut Engagement! apply to i . GIBBES & BARNWELL, dec?s_ North Atlantic Wharf. fJWB PHILADELPHIA LEON STEAM TE!E FIRST-CLASS IRON SCREW STEAMSHIPS GULF STREAM, Captain Hunter, VIRGINIA, Captain Hinckley, Are now regularly on the Line, insuring a first, class sea connection between Philadelphia and Charleston, and In alliance with Railroad Compa? nies at both termlnL afford rapid transportation to and from al! points in the Cotton States, and to and from Cincinnati, St. Louis, Chicago und the principal cities of the Northwest, Boston, Provl dence and the Eastern Manufacturing Centres. JJVThe GULF STREAM is appointai to sall rrora Brown's Wharf oh FRIDAY, 20th December, at half-past io o'clock A. M. . JW The VIRGINIA will follow. For particulars of Freight arrangements, apply to WM. A. COURTENAY, Union Wharves. W. P. CLYDE ? CO., General Agents, No. 12 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. (Ieci4-8ttfthan P O ? BALTIMORE. FREIGHTS RECEIVED DAILY, AND THROUGB BILLS LADING ISSUED TO PniL.ADKI.PHIA, BOSTON, Aim THE CITIES OF THE NORTHWEST. The Fine Steamship FALCON, J. F. Hay nie Co tn manier, will sall for Baltimore, on SATOBOAT, 14th December, at 4 o'olock P. M. 19- Philadelphia Freights forwarded to that city by railroad from Baltimore without addi tlocnal Insurance, and Consignees are allowee am ple time to sample and sell their Goods fros the Railroad Depotin Philadelphia. Por Freight or Passage apply to PAULO. TRENHOLM, Agent, decio 6 No. a Union Wharves. QHANGE OF SAILING DATS, INCREASED SERVICE. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S THROUGH LINE TO CALIFORNIA CHINA AND JAPAN. FARES GREATLY REDUCED. Steamers of the above Une leave Pler^jr?fjfc No. 43. North River, root of Canal street.SjUH New York, at 1'i o'clock noon, of the loin. ?HS and 30th or every month, except when these dates fall on .sunday, then the saturday preceding. All departures connect at Panama with Steam era for south Pacific and ceupral American ports. For Japan and China, steamers leave San Fran? cisco first of every month, except when lt falls on Sunday-then on the day preceding. No California Steamers touch at Havana, bm go direct from New York to AsplnwalL One hundred pounds baggage tree to each adult Medicine and attendance free. For Postage Tiokets orother Information, appij at the COMPANY'S TICKET OFFICE,, on the Wharf foot of Canal street, North River. Net York. F. K? BABY, Agent. augio-lyr _... plOR SAVANNAH AND BEAUFORT. SEMI-WEEKLY, AND PACIFIC AND CHISOLM'S LANDINGS WEEKLY. The Steamer PILOT BOY, . Captain W. T. BcNelty, Will leave Accommodation wharf every MONDAY and l HUBSDAT KORN INO, at 8 o'clock, for Savannah i touching at Pacific and Chlsolm'sLandings every THURSDAY. Returning, will leave Savannah TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS. Freight received WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, and must be prepaid to all points except Beaufort snd Savannah. Freight received for points on Savannah River, to be transferred to Steamer CLYDE. For Freight or Passage apply to Captain on board, or to RAVENEL, HOLMES * cu., decl4-?w No. so East Bay. jO O R GARDNER'S BLUFF, AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS ON THE PEE DEE RIVER, VIA GEORGETOWN. The Steamer PLANTER, Captain P LT. Foster, will receive Freight nt Irfi-MllfT Accommodation Wharf, FRIDAY snd ?ATURUAY, the isth and nth instant, and leave on SATUB DAT NIGHT. Freight and Wharrage must be prepaid. For Freight or Passage apply on board, or to RAVENEL, HOLMES * 00. ducia 3 No. 80 East Bay J10R SAVANNAH, TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SUNDAY EVENING, AT 8 O'CLOCK. TlieSplendid Side-Wheel steamers - _ ?Xtr^*. DICTATOR and CITY POINT WlllJadfiflEBa leave Southern Wharf as above. No extra charge made for Meals and State? rooms. For Freight and Ta sage apply to KAVENEL A CO., Corner Van?1 er h ors t's Wharr and East Bay. dec? fi . _ Q HANGE OP SCHEDULE. . RECULAR LINE. FOR GEORGETOWN. S. C., TOUCHING AT SOUTH ISLAND. WAVERLY, KEITHF1ELD AND WEYMOUTH MILLS. FROM SOUTH COMMERCIAL WHARF. On. and after 1st December, the . _<4r-?w Steamer EMILIE, Capialn C. C^BBiESC White, will leave Ohaileston as aoove ev^ry SUN? DAY and WBDNS8DAY NIGHTS, at ? o'clock. And returning, leave Georgetown every TUSSDAY and FRIDAY MORNINGS, at 6 o'clock. Freight received every SATURDAY and WKDNRS DAY. Ail Freight and wharrage mast be prepaid. No Freight received after sunset. Dc plicate receipts required with all shipments. For Freight or Passage apply on board or to SHACKELFORD * KEiiLY, Attenta, North A t lan tlc Wharf. A. MORGAN, Agent, Georgetown, S. 0. ool.7-to.tbf 8 mos_ F OR FL O R I'D At VIA BAYAH NAB. The Splendid Slda-wheel Steamers, DICTATOR. Captain L. M. Ooxetter,_ OITY POINT, Captain Fitzgerald, win leave Charleston every TUBSDAY, THURSDAY and hw DAY SVEN INO. at 8 o'clock precisely, for SAVANNAH, FERNANDINA, JACKSONVILLE, MAGNOLIA, OREEN COVE SPRINGS, ST. AUGUSTINE, PALATKA. AND ALL LANDINGS ON ST. JOHN'S RIVER. Connecting at Palatka with steamers for the Oolawaha River and with the Steamer STAR? LIGHT for Enterprise, Mellonvlile, and all points on the Upper St. John's and Indian Rivers. These fine Steamers,, now In New York, espe? cially adapted for the Florida trade, are furnished with ever; comfort and convenience, and afford the CBKAPKST. SAFEST AND MOST COMFORT. AB LIS MEANS OP BEACHING FLORIDA. They provide a first-class table, well furnished, com? fortable Staterooms, and make NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR M8ALS AN? STATEROOMS. They land almost at the doors of the principal Hotels or all above points, saving the invalid and tourist the dangers and discomforts of frequent changes, ~ Connect at Fernandina with Florida Railroad for all points in the interior, and with Radroad for New Orleans and Havana, via cedar sreys. For Freight or Pavage, apply to RAVENEL & co., agent) Oerner Ysjiderhorst's Wharf and East decs f?totmtt* Caroi -pw A. J. SULLIVAN., BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR, . No. 113 MEETING STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE CAME ROS, BARKLBY AOO Desires to Inform hts friendo ?nd the public that be la prepared ta carry on the GENERAL BUILDING BUSINESS. Repairs of all kinda at? tended to, Designa and estimates fonnahad apon application. .eP9 Bj W. t. LEI?CH?? S. BR?NS, Auctioneer*. . ? SPECIAL ?ALE OF WORKS OF ABU Will be sold at Auction THIS DAT, the 14th Instant, ac the store corner of Church and Broad street*, ac lt M., .?. ' ... ?rr ? . . A collect on nf BafAand Qholflfl Works of Art comprirlng : Fine oil, PAINTIKOS, Choice Imported Chro? mos la handsome and elaborate Gold Leaf Frames. - .? . . ALSO, j A fine assortment of English Steel Engraving?, after Anede'l, Landseer, Taylor, williams sad others. ^ T ? i. This collection ls the finest of the kind exhibit? ed in this section or the country, being copi? of the genuine origina s in the luauvre, Dosaeidorf and nther celebrated Galleries, bj celebrated American and European artists. The attention of connoisseurs and loren of art ls called to this Exhib? ion. L Goods now on Exhibition, and Catalogue* ready on Friday. , ?_ oatoap By J. A, ENSLOW & CO. : " SALE POSTPONED ON ACCOUNT Of the inclemency or jhe weat h. r to 8ATCR DAT, uta Instant, at a o'clock. - Standing and Running macing, Sails, Anchors, Chains. Bi oks, Cabin Furniture, Ac Ap. THIS SATURDAT MORMNO, nm instant, at U c>'olock, on central Wharf, wm be sold, Lot ol Standing and Bunning Bigging Lot or Salis anchors and Chains ? - Blocks aod cabin Furniture, consisting of Tablas, Chairs, Ac Conditions cash. ? dooli Stadion Soles--'-Jitmr* f?Joss. LABOE SALE OF LANDS.-PATBJOi: P. JENNINGS, Administrator, vs. F.8, FEL? DER and others.-In the Common Pleas, Orang? burg County ?^-J Notice is hereby given that the sale of LANDS m Colleton County, whereof John T. Jennings died seized, which sale waa postponed last sales day". will be made by the Snenrr of Ooileton Coun> ty. at w al ter b oro', on the first MONDAT hi Jana* a ry, 1878, for one-half csa h. wi th-the privilege or pay mg ali cash, or girt n g bond and mortgage to the Referee for the otner hair, paraole la one year, wt'h Interest from date, purchasers'paymg ror papers and recording.- : : '.t-fen Tae Lands will be sold in parcels of from 500 to 5000 acTes. and with the reservation to each of ill canal and other easements hitherto common io all of them. .-.rV-^s?cr The whole number or acres ls f opposed tob . 3ver 80.000 acres, and the iaclUtte* rb? market Dy the Edlato are very great. . , , ? M. GLOfdB, *. . decM-'iljani ^efeweT By W.T. LEITCH & B^BBOB^ Auctioneers. RETAIL STOCK OF ??Y GOODS Of Estate or T. Kelly, by order of the Adm?rala, tr dior, st Auction. Will be ?old on W* D9E8PAY? the l?th Instant, at the Store AO. 263 King street, cornrjamctaf at to o'clock,' ' ? " r . The en ire remaining Stock in asid Store, coa> cuting or KENTUCKY J SAN?, Delaines, Blue and Gray Flannels. Shawls, Blankets, ''Towefltaf, wrdte and colored. Linen. Swiss, NalaaodJc-ana Tarleton MoalUa. j* T?ra ?*H?? AMP ' A fine assortment of HuUlERY, Gloves, Cotteta, [JD d erv ea ts, Spoul Cotton ?nd Silts, Ac, Ac ^ Terms cash. sale to oe continued noaa day ?dayonuicompletion, U '?'??'. decie-s. By W. T. LEITCH & B, 8. BBUS8, . Auctioneer?. POSITIVE. AND " U.-_ Sale of va'uabla REAL E STATE at" An c.??. At the Posiofflce, at lt o'clock on TUESDAY, Mth inarant, ? .-R .'.; 7 One HOUsE AND LOT Ko, J 5 Dean fain Street. Ihe house is ol wood, two stor?ea, double rrlatta, ind contalos six square rooms. Toe lot nsn jrea fort j-three, by one hundred and twelve feet u depth. .One HOUSE AND LOT No. 01 Beaufaln street rho house ls 'bree stories, ?late roof, aoubla Di aa zas, and 0 n tain s nine square rooms. ThO 3rat story ls brick, the second ?nd third wood, ill of walch ls lu thorough repair, and xeceiitij paiuted, with a two story Wt hen oottator?? rooms on premises. Lot measnrea fifty feet front hy one bundredaud twelve reatta depths -, tag One VACANT L- T, fifty feet front on Reaofain street by one hundred and twelve in depth, an high land. . i . . rc;.-..".- v one STORE AND LOT corner Britta and Lynch streets. Lot oeucroi twenty-fiveMNI Beaafain street by ona hundred and twt?Vtt?aflt in depth on Lvnoh street..- j^r^ *?im?l?u?l Also two LOTS on Lynch Btreet, each mWDtr tn^Uilrtj-tour leet trout bj o aa hundred sndtnTJfr ty-elaht feet lnde?|ta~,-i. . M" . jtu^jo* Plat or the" property drawn by Eon? T, Barbot can be seen at oar office. . ,C*i.,frw Teras-one-hair cash; balance ta oanjMr^jte. cured by bond, with Interest of the porcha#?r and mongage of premises," insurance and assignment of the poller. Pu roh aarer to pay na for papen. Thia property aa a whole or lu part can be treat? ed for at private Bale before the 2* hoi Deoamber by application to W. Y. LEITCH, ? B, 8. BRUNS, No. as Broad street. - ' ?ttit Bj H. H. BeLEOB. LARGE BRICK HOUSE OW EAST BAY KNOWN AS NEW YORK HOTEL.1 1 wUl sell, on THURSDAY, December 19, im, at the corner of East Bay and Bread streets, at ll j'cl'Ck, -. ?? , ??: : AU that LOT OF LAND, with -taree story Brick Bul lit lc g thereon, on west side dr Bast Bay street, foown aa Rev York Hotel, ?mtainrog nine rooms, with srore beneath; lot twenty??ne fees three inches (3LS) front on East Bay, and on lrtsrlatt hack line seventeen feet six in ches (17.8). on nortk Hoe one hundred and sixty five feet alx lechea (ie?.6). and on south ltae ono hundred^a^JOT fest six loches a?o ?)i m?re ot ?ss. ' oVjWgof building is a large Brick storehouse, with 03? lng on Bedon's Alley, said lot navmg the ngutM passage through said Bedon'a Alley on the south. Tt-rms-ODO-third (H) cash, balance ta aa? and two Min, by bond and mortgage of premian? bearing seven por cent, interest, payable an? nually; property to be In Bored and pottjry as? signed. Purchaser to pay tor papera, ?gasp Bj LOUIS B. B?SAUSSlTBi^"^ Receiver. RIOS PLANTATION, &0^?o.,????MT PON River, A. H. Heyward va/wui|A, Bassell aod others, Devisees or John Asl?, da. C^OneTBUBSDAY,the 19thdayof December'wm be sold ta the city or charleston, nea#*tt WR> offlce, on Broad srreer.lrr"Obedience to an ord? or the Court of common Pies,?, . The two BICE PLANTATIONS, at tte TOfBt pitch or tide, known as "WM-TOw*^,**? "Hlgfc waaflle." or ..Rotterdam," now merged Into one Plantation, situate In St. Bartholomew'sra?a, OOUeton county opposite W?U .Towri, -oo^'iarfe creek, watera of Pon Pon River, wntstatagiolav ly 1049 sores. orwhleh?oo aires are Blee Lang, under bank, (about too.of whioh^haw oean punted last year;) bonndini? ^"^?^^??* nor hwest by lands of estate or Baynard *?d ?d ward Barnwell, to the south on Wavne and to the east on said creek, on tn? ??"twosnail Dweuing House? an?aoeom modatlons for negroes. 'i nitaesLStt ALSO ; - rr A TBAOT OF PINE BARREN LAND, on the P?n POD River, St. Paul'a Parish, opposite tte^^LII Town? Plantation, containing 180 aenarnlaan. FIFTEEN TOWN Lorain the VlBa? Of'?WUl Town.? Hi ALSO, . Bi9ni-U? The TRACT OF LAND or leland' oonmoaily known as Whooping island,- on the Uawboo ?iver, Colleton Conn ty, containing about 'Slr acres of land. y . . t ?aj,a*^j?tl CondlUons-One-thlnrcash; balance Jw bowa payable in three equal snoceaslve aanual instal? ments, with interest, payable annnalij, ffO?BMflg or sale, to be secured by a mortgage or the prop? er tv. pur e assers to pay for papen. . . ; ' - ; deC4,6.Ml.l811W.18.19 * ? Zar?oiu?Ts' Priuau Saies, pi. Bj LOUIS B. LeSAUSSUBE/ : Wo. S3 Broad 9tr?et, VA mHE RETKEAT FARM ON COOPER X River tor sale; The beautifully situated FARM on Cooper Elver, known -aa "rn? Re? treat " commmandlng a line view or tae river, about seven miles from the city, containing frois 2 4 to 250 acr s. on tee Farm is a brick Dwell? ing, two brick Ontbnadlngs. stables, io The garden walka were laid ont with taste, and now have a variety of orn amen tal tren In them. To one desiring a conn try residence near the eley lt offers many ad vac cages._ debytaat Bj ?OUIS B. DeSA?SS?BJtV Mo. S3 Broad Street, . B- ICEFIELD RICE PLANTATION. OK PON. PON RIVER. . For sale, RICHFIELD RICE PLANTATION.' tit the Pcm Pen River and Penny Creek, contataraW ees acres la the whole, ol whloh 400 acm ?va prime Klee Lands, under banka and ditched at a good r Itch or the tide; ISO acres have been punted this year. On the place la a comfortable ?Wei. Ung, and Houees to accommodate about ll? W grues, with a plenty or Ubor "at wrmnnaa, -? dec8-tUS4 - ~.::-%> ? '. BrI<?ttISB. Dti?SSS^. " ^?an?j|feifjsit^>w: . mHE "REST" PLANTATION IN G?LLS JL . TON DIStRIOr-RSX ATE SALK., v.... _ rtie PL ANT m?iN ta '-Ob deten-Dlstnov ttflwa. na the --Rest," conr aim aooot 1800 morm'dtXJKS.X aoont 76 ot whioa am Rico Lani, and ??O aorea M Seared Cotton sod Corn Land-, tba. balance T4a\ sr Laad. The place iles on Horse Shoo Qreoki waters o? Aahepoo Elver. The Savannah ?nd Charleston Railroad runs near tu M$MM|