VOLUME IX.-_NUMBER 2070 CHARLESTON, MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 2, 18^2._EIGHT DOLL4HS A YEAR. BACK TO THE BENCH. THE ELECTION OF R. B. CARPENTER TO THE FIFTH CIRCUIT JUDGESHIP, A Batch of Appointments-Passage of tho Fifteen Mill Tax Btu and the Bill Repealing the License Law-A Col? ored Hemher Going for the Financial Agent. [SP ?0 LIL TELEGRAM TO THE NB WS.] COLUMBIA, S. C., Friday, December 13. The two houses of the General Assembly met In Joint session at one o'clock to-day to electa jndge of the Filth Circuit to flu the unexpired term of Jndge Helton, the present attorney-general. Senator Jones, colored, of Georgetown, nominated B. B. Carpenter. Charles 8. Green, colored, nominated James Tradewell, ol Colombia. Senator Cain, colored, of Edge Held, nominated Leroy F. Youmans; the nomination being seconded by Timothy Hur? ley. The vote belog taken, resulted as fol? lows: Carpenter 66, Youmans 56, Tradewell 18, scattering 2. Whole number of votes 142. Necessary to a choice 72. Before the vote contd be announced, however, lt wac seen that Car? penter was ahead, and tbere was a stampede towards bim, thirteen members changing thelrwotes from Youmans to Carpenter, and one from Tradewell to Carpenter; so that the vote, when announced, stood Carpenter 80, YonmarjB 43, Tradewell 17 and scattering 2. Carpenter was accordingly declared elected. Nearly all the Pattersonlans voted for Car? penter. All tbe Conservatives voted for You? mans. The Charleston delegation voted orig aalry as follows: For Carpenter, Hessrs. Art ton, Bosemon, Bryan, Ford, J. J. Grant, W. A. Grant, North, Petty, Prloleau, Tlngman and Turner, colored, and Brennan, Greene and Levy, white. For Youmans, Messrs. Jervey, colored, and Andell and Hurley, white. Scattering, Spencer, colored, who changed his vote to Carpenter. .Tho Senate to-day passed to a third reading the bill to empower the Supreme Court to frame issues, and referred the remainder of the calendar to appropriate oommlttees. lu executive session the following nominations were confirmed : B. H. Seeby, trial justice, Charleston; T. C. Andrews, county treasurer ol Oraogeburg; and the tollowiog county au? ditors: L. S. Langley, Beaufort; W. H. Duncan, Barnwell; H. F. Heriot, Georgetown. The House to-day finally passed and sent to the Senate tbe following bills: The bill io amend tne act regulating the pay of the Gen? eral Assembly; the bill to repeal the license law; the bill to amend the act providing for the recording of conveyances of real estate; the fifteen mill tax bill; the bill to prevent county commissioners from being Interested In contracts or public works. Holmes, colored, ol Colleton, Introduced a MU to repeal tho act of lost session authoriz? ing a settlement .with the financial agent Smalls, colored, of Colleton, Introduced a bill to authorize county treasurers to receive Jury certificates and school claims In payment of taxes. The House then adjourned to Mon? day. PICKET. A LULL AFTER THE STORM. The legislature Settling Down to Ron- f tina Business-A Liberal Holiday Kc. I etas The Fifteen mills Tax Levy Pass- I ed Throng h the House. i [FROM OOH SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT.] j COLUMBIA, S. C., December 12. A comparative cai?*, has succeeded the tur? bulent scenes of tne last two days, and this morning's session, of both houses of the Gen-1 eial Assembly, was of the usual free and easy but peaceful and uneventtnl character* The Senate bad abrief but somewhat Impor tant session, ot which the principal Incidents I were as follows: Senator White, colored, of York, lat rod nc ed a joint resolution requesting tbe Governor to appoint two additional trial Justices for the County of YorK. Senator Jeter, Conservative, of Unloo, in-1 troduced a bill to charter the Spartanburg and Asheville Railroad Company. 1 Senator Lee, colored, ol Chester, intro-1 duoed si bill to repeal seotloos 55 and 56, chap ter 120, of the General b i at ut.es. Senator Dann, Conservative, ol Horry, In troduced an Important measure, entitled "A bill to amend the act for the better protection of holders of Insurance policies In the State." The bill provides that Insurance companies I iromttther States doing business In this State may deposit either Stale or United Sutes I bonds with the comptroller-general of this I State for the protection of their policy holders, I . at their option, instead of bonds ot the State I of Sooth Carolloa as ls now required by the law. The bill further gives the comptroller-1 general, upon proof of the Insolvency of a company, the power to sell as much of tbe bonds on deposit as may be necessary, with cut an order of court as ls now required, and devote the proceeds to reinsuring holders ol policies In such insolvent, companies in such other companies as may be designated by them. i ' Senator Gaillard, colored, of Charleston, in? troduced a bill to regulate the Inspection and measurement ot lumber In the City of Charleston, which ls precisely the same mea sore that was introduced during last winter's I sea sion ot the Legislature, and after going the rounds of several com mlltees was dually I lost tight of. He also Introduced a bill to re-1 new oBd extend the charter of the Charleston Floating Dry Dock and Harlne*Ballway Com-1 pany, Ino provisions of which were described upon its introduction a lew days ago in the House. i Senator Hash, colored, ot Richland, Intro-1 duced a bill to Incorporate the Stale Auxin-1 ary Joint Stock Company. This Is a measure desired by the State Agricultural and Meehan leal Society, and designed to Increase the el- I fidenoy ot that association, and to provide I lot additional resources for the attractiveness of the annual State Fair. The Incorporates named are Hessrs. B. C. Shiver, John B. Palmer, Wm. 0. S warfield and others, andi power 1B given them to ase any means they I may think proper "to develop and promote the agricultural, mechanical, manufacturing and mineral resources of the Stale, tor the I ?-emotion ot Immigration, the elevation ot ber and laboring people, the encourage-] ment ol stock raising, and the temperate ad-1 vancement and cultivation of turf and field sports." Tbe capital stock of the company is fixed at $10,000, with the privilege of in? creasing the same to $200,000, and with au? thority to go Into operation upon $10,000 being paid In, and the president and directors being elected. The seventh section provides . that all the property ot the company shall be exempted from State, city andoouniy taxation for twenty years, and that In addition thereto the State shall, annually appropriate the sum of $6000 for the benefit of tbe said company, which sum shall be paid In the month ot Oc? tober In saoh year during the continuance of this charter, and be devoted entirely for pre? miums, prizes and rewards at the fairs of the said company, wbleh shall be held annually In the City of Columbia. The Senate next proceeded to the considera? tion of the matters upon Its calendar and took the folio wieg action : The bill to repeal sections 5, 6 and 7, of chapter 83, of the General statutea received Its final reading In tbe Senate, was passed and gert to the House. The bill ceding to the United States the Ju? risdiction of the State of South Carolina over certain lands In the County ot Darlington, was also passed and sent to the House. Tnese landa are situated near the Town of Florence, are used as a mlltary burial ground, and known* as the National Cemetery, and the bill ^provides that the Jurisdiction thus ceded shall .not be ?vested until the title to the lands bas been acquired by deed or grant from the own fra thereof, and duly recorded; that the United States shall have jurisdiction only so lou the lands are used for their prefect purpi that the State snail have concurrent Juris tlon la certain cases, and that the prop shall be exempt from State taxa'lon. The bill to define the number of trial ces for tb? County of Aiken was also pas This provides for the appointment of e trial Justices for the new county, the ms terlai quota of which bas never before c defined. The Joint resolution to authorize the coi commissioners of Abbeville County to le' special tax of two mills upon the dollai provide, lt is supposed, for the consequei of the extravagance of those officials as potted in the recent presentment of the gr jury tor Abbeville County, was passed sen t to the House. The bill to repeal the general license was sent back to the judiciary commit which would seem to snow that this lm] taut measure is not likely to pass the Set so easily as it seems to be going through Bouse; and the bill by Senator Owens make appropriation lor the payment of l the salary and mileage of the members of General Assembly, and salaries of the sut d??ate officers and employees, and other penses Incidental thereto." was referred the finance committee. This latter meas ls suposed to originate in the very natl desire on the part of the members for a li pocket money, for use during the Ube holiday reces?, which they have voted to-< to allow themselves. It will be remembe; that last winter a law was passed fixing p iy of members of ihe General Assembly six hundred dollars per annum Instead ol dollars per diem, but no provision was me as to how or when this salary should be pa It has been stated that Treasurer Carde proposed to pay the amount in quarte instalments, either in their respecti counties, or at the 8iate treasu and lhere ls no doubt that some of the Incipient statesmen would find such quarte Instalments very convenient and accept ab but there appears now to be a unanimous c eire among them to set the whole or a part their year's pay as soon as they can In a way manaste to do so. A bill has airea been introduced In the House providing 1 the payment ol these salaries In one amou at the end of eaoh session, and the bill h every prospect of an easy passage; and nc comes another proposition lo pay one-half the salary immediately, or at least as foon .he money can be obtained at the treasury I the purpose. The bill Just introduced pr vldeB for the appropriation of $150.000 for it purpose, and, with the customary modesty e blblted by the members ol thia Leglslatu when their own claims are in question, it expressly provlJed, "That the treasurer hereby authorized and directed to pay ll said certificates at his counter, prior to at other claim or claims whatsoever, and to ho the certificates as his vochers therefor; and 1 Is aleo authorized and required to retain ! the treasury sufficient moneys from Incomlc taxes to meet the demands ot such orders < certificates." The question of the publication |of the ucl of the General Assembly In the newspapers i the Stale was azain discussed In l be Sen au and the sweeping prohibition proposed a fe days ago against the publication ol any < these laws id any of the papers was effectual disposed of by the adoption of the unfa vor. ble report of the committee on printing. O the other band, the House concurrent reeoh tlon lo restrict the publication in newspaper! at the expense of the State, to acts ot a publi character and general Interest, was conan red In by the Senate, and will, therefore, b che law to govern future publications ol thee acts. The bill to fix the time for holding tb April term of the Supreme Court was passe? to Its third reading, as was also a bill to In corporate the "Grand Lodge of Abstinence o the State o? Sou th Carolina." This Utter bil as Its title indicated, provides for the estab llshmentof a rather ambitious temperance and benevolent organization with an author ized capital ol $50,000, to be exempted fron taxation, and with various other rights anc powers similar ts those enjoyen by the hlghei oodles ot the Msgonio order. In the House this morning the first buBlnes: upon the opening ot the session was the re cepllon of the report of the judiciary commit tee upon a number of Important measure) which bad been referred to them. Tnis com mlttee had a long and Important session las' evening for the consideration of these bille and in fact Hs conduct ever since its organ! zai lon bas been such as to prove thrt for tn tel ll ije nee, dispatch In the transaction of bus! ness and practical efficiency lt has never beei equalled by any similar committee in the re constructed Legislature. It ls composed o Representatives H A. Meetze, Conservative ol Lexington; J. F. Myers, or Orangebnrg; J A. Bowley, colored, ol Georgetown; W. H Wallace, Conservative, or Union; Dr. B. A Bosemoo. colored, or Charleston; J. P. Moore Conservative, of Greenville, and Paris Simp kins, colored, or Edgedeld, and its recoin mandations thus lar have been uniformly in telllgenr, straightforward and non-partisan, and have commended themselves to the sup? port of tbe well disposed members of both parties in the noose. The commlltee reported favorably this morning upon the following bills and resolu? tions : Bill to amend Section 27, Chapter 45, of the General Statutes; bill to fix the time ol holding the April term of the Supreme Couri; bill in relation lo the service of the legal pro? cess; bill to empower the Supreme Court to frame issues ol fact and send them for trial to the circuit courts and concurrent resolutions to authorize the attorney-general to call to his assistance in drafting bill-, ?c., for tbe General Assembly two attorneys, two circuit solicitors and two clerks at a salary of six dollars per diem each. The committee reported unfavorably upon the following propositions: Bill to auiborize judges to assign counsel to the defence of indigent defendants. This bill proposes that the Judges of the Circuit Courts and ot the Inferior Court of Charleston shall be authorized to assign counsel for the de? fence of any prisoners who may make oath that they are not able to employ an attorney, and that such counsel shall be paid ten dol? lars for each case so defended out of the county treasury. Bill to amend section 3, chapter 51 of the General Statutes, and bill to amend section 2, chapter 45 of the General Statutes. The latter ol these propositions Drovides for the levy of an additional tax of eighteen cents on one hundred dollars, in the discretion of the county commissioners In the varions counties, for repairs ot highways and bridges. Bill to enable coroners to detect murderer j and other criminals. This bill proposes to allow coroners in their discretion to offer rewards ot one hundred dollars for the arrest of criminals, to be paid by the county In which the crime ls committed. Bill to regulate the sale of lands sold by order of court, which provides that such lands muy be sold in lots to suit purchasers. The judiciary committee bas also reported a substitute for the bill to fix tbe pay or cer? tain offlaers, the substitute providing that the county school commissioners or the several counties or this State shall each receive as compensation ror his services, Including ex? penses ol transportation within his county, an annual salary of five hundred ($500) dollars, exoept the school comlssioner of Charleston County, who shall receive an annual salary ol twelve hundred ($i200) dollars, and the school commissioner ol Beaufort County, who shall receive an annual salary of one thousand ($1000) dollars. Also a substitute to the bill "to set apart a lund for the payment of wit? nesses in State cases and of Jurors," which has already been described. The substitute con? tains a proviso to the effect that the Circuit Judge, at the last term ot the Circuit Court in each fiscal year, may direct the application ol any part of the said fund which may be then nuexpeBded to other county purposes upon the application of the board of county com? missioners showing that BO much thereof will not be required lor the specific purpose for which lt had been set apart. The following favorable reports were also made by other standing committees; Com? mittee on Incorporations, on bill to amend the oharter of the Town or Chester, and on bill to amend the act incorporating certain fire eugine companies in the City or Charles? ton by altering the name ot the Comet Stor Fire Engine Company to the Comet Ste ?rn Fire Boglos Company. Representative Nix, colored, ol Barnwell, gave not ice of a bill io reter to the voters ot Barnwell County the question or the removal ot the county seat. Brpreeentatlve Hurley, of Charleston, in? troduced a bill to amend the act lor the pro? teo lon ol useful animals. Representative Petty, of Charleston, gave notice of a bill to repeal the act to incorporate the Village of WrlghtsvlHe on Edlsto Island. Kif Representative Brennan, of Charleston, in trod nod a bill to nz the salary of certain offl eera; wnich provides that the circuit solicitors shall receive a Balary of one thousand dollars per annum Instead of their fees as at present. Representative Grant, colored, of Charles? ton, gave notice of a bill to apportion out the several Congressional districts. This measure ls intended to Increase the number of Con frressional districts from four to five, in con ormlty with the increased representation al? lowed the State under the census of 1870, and thus obviate the necessity of the election o? a Congressman at large. Representative Spencer, colored, of Charles-' ton, Introduced a concurrent resolution pro? viding for a holiday recess of the General As? sembly from December 21 to January 5, 1873. This proved an Interesting subject for discus? sion, and a number of amendments were suggested. It was finally decided by the House lo lake a recess from December 20 to January 10, and In this shape the resolution was adopted and sent to the Senate, where, however, lt was modified so as to make the recess extend from December 20 to January 7. The remainder of the business in the House this morning has already been fully reported by telegraph. It Included only the Pickwick? ian explanations in regard to the rough and tumble flzbt upon the floor of the House be? tween two of the colored members, and the d?bale upon the tax levy, which was ended by the passage of the bill with the amend? ments offered by the committee OB ways and means, providing for a levy of five mills for current expenses, two mills for schools, five mills for deficiencies and three mills for coun? ty purposes. PICKET. THE LOUISIANA EMBROQLIO. NEW ORLEANS, December 13. Judge Elmore ordered Lieutenant-Gover? nor Pincbback to be Imprisoned to-day and fined fifiy dollars for contemDt ot court. Atlorney-Qeneral Williams informs the Hon. John McEury that the President will not chance his decision, and the jooner lt ls ac? quiesced In the sooner good order and peace will be restored. The fusion Legislature has adjourned to the first Monday In January. The Mechanics' Institute senator has been expelled. The District Court ls ordered to sit dally until the trouble Is over. SPARKS FROM. THE WIRES. -An unknown steamer ls reported ashore at Smith Point, near Norfolk. -Official dispatches received lu Washing? ton Indicate that the two Alabama Legisla? tures accept Attorney-General Williams'd'plan of compromise. -The Tribune stockholders propose to give Schuyler Coltax, as editor, five tnousand dol? lars bonus and fifteen thousand dollars a year. -The Judiciary committee of the United States Bouse of Representatives will report lo favor of Increasing the President's Balary to fifty thousand dollars. -All of the passengers and three-eighths ot a million of treasure are saved from the wreck of the Pacific steamship Sacramento, which ls breaking up fast. JOTTINGS ABOUT THE STATE. -Capt. Joel N. Shrock, of Camden, died on Friday. -Bob Shelton, Col. Bacon's racer, has died of the epizootic -The postofflce at Dyeon's Mills, Edgefleld, la discontinued. -Toora were several inches of snow in Oraogeburg on Wednesday. -His Excellency, Governor F. J. Moses, Jr., has appointed Dr. E. S. J. Hayes as treasurer ol Lexington County. -Onex>i the colleagues of General Wallace, of Union, In the Legislature ls his former j body servant. -The Blore of Mr. George He} mao, of Ches? ter, was robbed of $3i) add some valuable pa? pers, oo Saturday. -Dr. Gibbes, ot Columbia, ligated the lea irlmltl ve carotid arte hy of Jack Manning on Monday. The patient ls doing well. -Mr. Wm. Karr, ol Abbeville, was acciden? tally shot and killed by Samuel Knox a few days ago -Mr. W. A. Moore was Bet upon near Cokes bury by some suspicious characters. Four J shots were fired, but ihe aim was bad, and Mr. Moore escaped unhurt. -Mr. Joseph Hart Deuck, of Columbia, a renowned pianist, has accepted a liberal offer from the Ole Bull Troupe, and joined the same for a three months' tour. -The Aiken Hotel has passed Into the bands of new proprietors-Messrs. Balley and Pegg-and has been fitted up for the conve? nience of Northern guests, especially those seeking after health. -Linus Buller, a white man, shot and killed a colored man by the name of Butler Duck, about four o'clock on Sunday afternoon, in the usually quiet City ot Greenville. No cause ls given for the deed. -Mrs. Nannie Gwln Coster, wife of L'eu tenant Geo. W. Cosier, United States navy, and daughter of Admiral Alfred Taylor, United States navy, died la Aiken, S, C., on the 7tb instant, -Governor Moses has appointed James Da? vis a notary public for Beaufort County; J. J. Molotiy for Cnariestun, and B. A. Lynch for Edgetleld; J. C. Dowling treasurer for Barn? well County, vice Teague, removed. -Tue Southern Standard ls the title of a new paper just Issued at Beaufort It will have the county advertising to the exclusion of the Times and Republican, which supported the Bolters' movement. -Advices from Beaufort announce the death from consumption of Mr. J. H. H. Millett, late treasurer of the Port Royal Baliroad. He died at the residence of his brother. S. C. Millett, superintendent Port Royal Raliway, at the Old Fort. -Mr. George Lucien Buller, of Greenville, killed a youog colored man named Butler Fair, on r riday. The evidence o ti the Inquest showed that both Butler and Fair were armed, and that the former had been drinking freely. Butler is in Jail. -The correspondent ol the New York Tri? bune, writing from Washington, December G h, states that "the appointment by the Pres? ident of James L. Orr as minister of Russia was made without the knowledge of Mr. Orr, he not having been an applicant for the posi? tion. -By bequest of the late Edward McIntosh, of Trinity Church, (Episcopal,) Society Hill, the sum of five hundred dollars has been left to the diocese to be expended by the bishop; also, five hundred dollars to be applied to keeping in order the churchyard of Trinity parish. -The Rev. F. Bruce Davis has accepted a j call to the rectorship of the Church ot the Na? tivity, Union, S. C., and expects to take charge about the first of January next. Mr. Davis has been in charge of the parishes of St. .Mark's, Clarendon, Holy Comforter, Sumter, and St. Philip's, Bradford Springs. -In Beaufort on sales-day the new sheriff, Mr. Wm Wilson, sold the following tracts : The Hermitage plantation, also known as the Stafford tract. 1287 acres, at the suit of ihe society for education ot children, sold for $2300 to B. F. Buckner. A ten acre tract near Port Royal City, sold to C. H. Wright for $25. A house and lot in Blufften were sold to George Holmes for $150. -The gin-house ot Mr. Jas. H. Fowles, of Oraogeburg. caught fire on Monday ; loss | trifling. The coru, fodder and cotton of Capt. J. Crocket, of Lancaster, were burned by in-1 cendiarles ou Friday. Tbe cotton, cotton gin and machinery of Mr. L. H. Green, of Green? ville, were burned on Friday; loss $1,500. The barn of J. P. Whlsonaub, of York, was burned (lt ?3 cup nosed, by incendiaries) on Thursday; IOBB $1,200. -On Saturday last the crew ol. the bark Henrletla, loaded with phosphates at Bull River, refused to go to work. They had Just been shipped (rom Charleston. Some of them Jumped overboard aud swam to the marsh, but were glad to be taken off. The captain refuses to call In the aid of the authorities as he would thereby loee his crew and his time. He hopes to get off to sea wlih them where they are easily tamed. -A terrible mistake occurred in Lancaster on Friday night, resulting la the death ol a Mr. Nixon, a very estimable citizen of that j town. The statement is that Mr. Carter heard his dog barking luriously In the yard on the evening named, and taking his gun, be went t o the window, from where he Baw a mao, at whom he discharged the contents, with the sad results above named. Mr. Carter, over? come with grief, surrendered himself to the authorities. An inquest rendered a verdict in accordance with the lacts stated, and Mr. Carter will be brought to trial. A MAX KILLED, SKID SED AND CUT IS DELAWARE. The Explanation of Him Who Did i Deed-He Remains In .the Custody the Sheriff; as the Theory ot Scir-Dc fence wlil not do. The Wilmington (Del.) Gazette gives particulars of a horrible homicide which oe curred in Dover on tho 2d instant, the victim being a colored man named Henry Turner, and the perpetrator ta yonng man named Isaac C. West, Jr., twenty-nine years of age and practicing as a professor for the cure of pulmonary diseases. West, it appeara, bad a laboratory lu his establishment in which there was a gasometer of his own, which he employed lu his profession. Occasionally he obtained the assistance of Turner to carry water and do similar service. On the eve nlng of the day above mentioned the house was discovered on fire, apparently from an explosion In the laboratory, where after the fire was extinguished, a dead body was found, minas skin, head, hands and feet. Underneath the body was discov? ered a bole, containing a quantity of gun powder. It was at first supposed that there had been an explosion of gas, and that the mutilated body was that ol tbe young profes? sor, but a suspicion soon arose that lt was all a plan devised by him to obtain by lodirect means insurance to the amount of $25,000 which he had upon his own life. The matter remained a mystery until Friday last, when tbe professor reappeared in Dover and dellv ered himself up to the sheriff, confessing that he had killed Turner In self-defence, and also confessing where he bad bidden the head hands and feet of his victim. Tbe remains were found In the places indicated, and the coroner's Jory was assembled, when tbe pris oner made a confession, ot which the follow? log is the substance : On the day of the murder, (Monday, the 2d Instant,) Turner had been em ployed, by West to perform several small Joba, and was to have come again In the evening lo West's office to carry water. In the evening, accordiez to the words of the prisoner, ri passed him and went on ap lo my office; I bad just got th-re ind unlocked the door when he Ct mn up; I went on up stairs ahead of bim, and unlocked the room door up stair?, and went lo ahead; I had taken my gasometer to pieces that day, intending to fasten A small Bledge hammer to the weights; the sledge hammer was sitting lust Inside of the door; the other weights were aver in the corner, about eight feet further on; sne of the weights was a bolt, or piece cf an iron axle; lt was about two feet long and ia Inch and a quarter In diameter; I just lot over about where this bolt was sit? ing, when I turned and Baw Turner with the jledge hammer ia bis hands; as he found that ? saw what be was doing, be said, 'Give me pour pocket-book, or i'll kill you !' I then matched up a bolt or a piece of axle, and Just ts I did so he struck at me with the sledge lammer, the blow falling on my hat, denting the hat In. but lt did not touch my head, as I ivas stooping over; I thea struck at bien with ;he bolt or axle, intending to strike him on ;he head, but I missed his bead and struck lim on the neck, below the ear; he fell and I lon't think he ever kicked afterward; this was list after sunset; he fell over on his side; I .ben lelt of him; felt his pulse and found he was dead; I did not intend lo kill him, but 3D ly intended to knock bim down so that ie would not kill me; (atler a long pause ;he prisoner continued:) I then lelt the )ody lying thero and came up to William G. fountain's Hotel ao, Jo.)raton, Crews A CO, Counts A Wro ton, W p I owilng, A J Sallase. Craw.ey A Dehon. Heeder A Davis, Mowry A Son, O W Williams A on. L I) DeSUusaure, A S smith, Lesesne A Wella, W C Courtney A co, P McQueen. J N Robson, W O Duke? A co, D Bin s A Son. F D O Kracke, Wage? ner A Montees, Tupper a Son, O H Waiter A co, W B Smith A cn, wunama Black A wunama. A S Duncan. Beattie A co, A B Mul Igan, Sloan A Belg nions, Tren holm A Son, Wtaa A co, and W O Bee A CO. NORTHS Ab TERN BAILBOAD. 71 bales cotton, 168 bb's rosin. 3 bbls spirits turpentine, cars lumber and wood, furniture, miise. Ac. Tc Stacie? A Whltmyer. Frost A co, W R Ryan. Mowry A Son. A J Salinas. Williams, Black * WlillaMe, Caldwell A Son. T P Smith. A a -nilen. W u Ooartoey a co, Barden A Parker. Whiiden A Jones, W O Bee a co. Tren not m a son. Pelser, Ko?gers A co, Murdaagb A Weekley, G W williams lt co, Heeder A Davis, Kinsman A Bow? ell, Ingra lam A SOO, W U Du (tes A CO, Witte Bros, 8 ll' Stoney, R Roper, Ptlngle A Son, E Welling, Ravenel A co. Dowle, Moise A Davis, Railroad J,gent, Order, and others. SAVANNAH AND CHABLBBTON RAILROAD. IT bales sea Island and 45 bales upland cotton, 150 bushels rough rice, cara lum Der. mdse, Ao. To J M Elmon A Bro, li McPnerson, T P Smith, Mnrdxugh A Weekley, Reeder.. A Davis, Barden A Parker. Pelt or. Rodgers A CO. P D 0 Kracke. W P Dowling, J Oolcock A co ? H frost a oo, J K Print-le A son. Crawley A Dehon, W stevenson. Witte Bro*, B Webo, Fraser A Dill, J Kirkland, J Drayton, W A uoyle. Dr B P Palmer, Qnacken bush, Esull A ci. P Brown, J B Glllltand. T wu. ron, J Walker. S Mitchell, s A A Gaillard. W O Bee A co. s tot ey A Lowndes Kinsman A Howell, J O H Claussen, Mowry A Son, Bavenel A co, and others. S ni IrrjaOs. ? N^tJB?SEA?TEBN RAIX?W?IT^^?MT' PANT. CHABLBBTON, S. 0., June 8.187Z Tra?na will leave charleston Dally at 10.16 A. M and 8.00 P. M. Arrive at Charleston e.00 A. M. (Mondays ex? cepted) and 3 P. M. Train ?loes not leave Charl eaton s.oo p. M., SUN? DAYS. Tram lsavtngio.is A. M. makes through connec? tion to New rork, via Richmond and Acquia Creek only, going through In 44 hours. Passengers leaving by 8.00 P. M. Train have choice or route, via Richmond and Washington, or via Portsmouth and Baltimore. Those leaving FRIDAY by this Train lay over on SUNDAY In Bal timore. Those leaving on SATURDAY remain SUN? DAY In Wilmington, N. C. This ls the cheapest, quickest and most pleas? ant route to cincinnati, Chicago and other points West and No thwest, both Trains making con nectlona at Washington with Western Trains ol Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. S. S. SOLOMONS. Engineer and Superintendent. ' p. L. OTiEAPOR. Cen. Tinker. Agent. mayal, SAY ANN AH AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD, cn ARL KS TON, June 13, 1873. On and after MONDAY. June nth, the Pas? senger Trains on thia Road will run as follows: EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Charleston dally.8.80 P. M. Arrive at savannah dally.8.46 P. M. Leave Savannah dally.-.11.80 P. M. Arrive ot Charleston dally.TA. M. DAT TRAIN. Leave Charleston, Sundays excepted.. 7.40 A. in. Arrive at Savannah, Sunday s excepted. 8.80 P.M. Leave Savannah, Sundays excepted... ll A. h. Arrive at Charleston, Sundays exo'ted. 6.60 P. M. Passengers from Charleston by 7.40 A. M. train make close connection with Port Royal Railroad; for all S tations oe that Road, (Sundays excepted. ) Freigut forwarded daily on through buis of lad? ing to points m Florida and by Savannah Une of steamships to Boston. Prompt dispatch given to freights for Beaufort and pointa on Port Royal itallroad and ai as low rates as by any other Une, Tickets on aale at thia office for Beaufort over Port Royal Railroad. 0. S. GADSDEN, Engineer and superintendent S. 0. HOYLETON, Gen'i Ft. and ticket Agent. Innn _ gOOTH CAROLINA BAILBOAD. CHARLESTON, S. 0., September 37, 1872. On ana after SUNDAY, September 2B, the Pas? senger Trains on the South Carolina Railroad will run au foll o wa: FOB COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston.~??.*~ 9.80 A B Arrive at Columbia.6.26 r * TOB AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston.9.80 A B Arrive at Augusta. 6.40 p ? FOR CHARLESTON. Leave Columbia.9.00 A B Arrive at Charleston.4.30 r ll Leave Ancona.9.oo A I Arrive at Charleston.4.80 r 1 COLUMBIA NIGHT HXPRB88. (Sundays excepted.) Leavo Charleston. 7.10 P l Arrive at columbia. 6.80 A I Leave Columbia. 7.60 p i Arrive at Charleston.6.46 a l AUGUSTA NIGHT BXPBBSS. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston..-.~.. 8.80 ri Arrive at Anguata..- 7.36 A I Leave Augusta............ . -.6.16 P 1 Arrive at Charleston.6.60 A i BUMMBBVLLLB THAIN. Leave Summerville at.-.7.26 A I Arrive at Charleston.-.. 8.40 A I Leave Charleston.AS6 r i Arrive at summerville.~.- 4.?o p i C ABD IN TRAIN. Leave Camden....................... 7.20a J Arrive at Columbia.IL?* * ? Leave Columbia.-.fi? i \ Arrive at Camden...Yr^ta witi Day and Night Trains connect^ Aognsta^i Macon and Augusta Railroad. ?2T2K?aatfS and oeorgia Railroad. ??t?^fiSeaK? most direct route and as ?^"*mna5, onioago any other route to Louise, ?Baan ?ortllwegt St. Louis and all oUae'P?to"_Egf ^tn Oreen villi Columbia Night Tram conn* NlgMTralni ind ?ranmbtaB??^??SS7^ points N9rtb. _ecta at Ringville dai'y (ex ??8 .?rough to OojTAmbla^ ^?jajjt. S.RPIOKEN8,G.T.A. /userai Oorir**. pat* SOLOMON'S LODGE, A. F. lt The officers and members of this Lodge are re? quest ed to meet at Holmes's Lyceum ??jrcux ? MORNING, at half-past 8o'clock, to.pay tba Jan tribute of respect to our deceased Brother Beere?, tary, ROBERT H. WARNER. By order of the W. M. S.D. HDTSOS, deon Acting Secretary. THE FRIENDS AND ACQUAINT? ANCES of Mr. acd Mrs. O Warner are respectful? ly lc vi ted to att< nd the Funeral of their BOD, R H. WARNER, from Ko. 118 Meeting street,To- . MOBBow (Sunday) MOBBING, at 0 o'clock. deci4-?_c ^**THB RELATIVES, FRIENDS AND ACQUAINTANCES Of Mr. MICHAEL MCEVOY, also of his sister, Mrs. E. McNamara, and of Mr. and Mrs. James Osrey, are respectfully Invited to attend the Funeral cf tbs former, at his lite raaf dence. No. 24 "Reid street, SUNDAT Aj?noov, the 16th instant, at 8 o'clock.,_declS-l THE RELATIVES AND FRIENDS of Mrs. Oathetioe Watkins, and her soo. Mr. tad Mrs. John Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Saltos and Mr. and Mrs. GEORGE ii. WATKINS are,re? spectfully invited to attend the Funeral of the latter, at the Centenary Church, on S?NDAT MORNING, ist h instant, at io o'clock. ' dael*-* I doa tate far (Classification. Q.RAND FTREMANS' BALL IN AID Ol' THE "4 ?*?t YOUNG AMERICA ST KAM PIRE ENGINE COMPANY, - TO BB GTVBH AT TBS ACADEMY OF M?S IC, WEDNE8DAT, JANUARY 8, 187$. ! _ . :. ; .v.*. . (A coiarrrrn: JAP. QUINN, J. J. OAXXJBAIT, J. O'CONNELL, H. A. coHBN, J. T. MAHXB, w. F. Moa narcs, C. L. BXAUDBOT. . JAMBS V? ESTENDORFF, " _ ? d eel 4 - ? 2 Ch airman. " ' OFFICIAL, LIST OF LETTERS remaining tn the 1 tt Charleston, for the week ending December ia. WOMEN'S LIST. Abbott, Mrs M B Antler, laura Alden, Mrs Cy rus G Angel, MUs R Baker, Sarah Ball. LUUe A Harren. Lucy Bee, Miss A Bell, Adela Beasley, Sallie Beasley, Deana Bonham, Har? riet Bode, Mary Booker, M rs ES Boras, Clara Barna. Mellie carroll, Martha Carreu, Mrs W a Casey, Mary Capers, Mrs Carr, Catherine Campbell, Mrs T 0 Ohlsolm, Mary Clark, Mrs A J Cornelius, Sal ile Cochran, Mrs L a Collina, Sallie Ooppenbnrg. Lizzie Oysco, Bcsanna Comers. Mrs Davis, Mrs F Dawson, Bar riet Durkin, Nellie Duffv. Mrs M B Eagon. Miss Caroline E Evans, Mrs M Fenwick, Anna J Fisher. Mrs Sara Furgeson, Seli? na Gadsden, Cath? erine E Gaines, Ellen Qalyard. Pattie Oates, MIPS w A Gerd es, Barbary (2) Gibbs, O Gibbs, Jolla W Gibbs, Marla Gibbs, Nellie oreter. Su-an Glover. Mrs T 0 Gordon, Julia A Gordon, Miss W O Grant, Miss Lil ly Graham, Han? nah Graham, Eliza Graine, Miss Ju? ba Grogan, Patsey Grave Laura Green, Louisa (2) Hall. Flora Harleston, Liz? zie Harper, Jane Ann Harrison, Cor? nella Hay. Lillie Barlee Alice H ar les ton, Ellen Hausmann, sa? rah F Hammond, Jen? nie Rennesey, Brid? get Herbet, Matilda Heldtmacn, MISS M F Bertzog, annie o Billen. Anna M Hllderbrandt, Catenae Holmes. Celia. . Hosegood, Vic torta Houck, Delphin Houston, farah w Holle, Alma Thier, Elizabeth Jackson, Myrah Johnson, Sophia Just, Mary s J .Kinneary.ElUa F King. Boee : Klencke, Mrs John Mino, Alice Laffan. Miss R Levy, Rachael Livingston, ?1 len Lee, Ann K Loynn, Mrs M Magill. Lucy Mannell, Rose Marshall, Mar grot Maxwell, Mrs Hav. Annie M colane Mrs M Middleton, Mrs Annie B Middleton, Adele Middleton, gusta Middleton, Alice H Miller, Rhina Miller, Battle Miller. F lia Minot t, Rose Mortimer, Ad? dle Morrisey, Brid. get Mood, Mattie Mnckenfnss, Miss H L McKewn, Mrs M i T McKenzie, Ellen Nelson, Made? moiselle Julia I A'oall, Ellen [Oberstadt, Mrs Obi lent, Alice OnellLMrs Miles osgood, Mrs E 8 Oxlalde. Mary Parks, Lorrie Parker, Sarah Parsons, Hattie O Pennell, U l Pine kney, ? Mar ria ? . Pringle, Mary H et amsaj, ?arah Randsdon, Har^ nab. u? Hobnson, Mrs AU -.?assen . Rollins, Miss , Qussssy fea* Ryan, Mrs A F !?*??,?? scots, Beaeretta, Scott, Bchar lottr ?.f. Semken, Mrs A. o- . sbinon. Mrs B > Sln^etonSoS singertoB* JH snah ???n ' Simmons, Ebne - malia, Cathe? rine7 Bunts, Mrs BLB Smith, Mrs B spring, Karta* Stockman, Laa? rs Staley, Bphsty stiman, fczrrma 'stroble. Sue.. Sumter, Fannie Surau, Heneret t? . .. , rayior Susan Tennent, Evas dene Thomson, Fan nie a . Tucker, Miss Bau ctsey, Emma ? Utaay, Laura K Wara ecke, ?Ma? rla waiker, Grace Wade, Mrs L Watson, Mrs A B Washington, iiizabetn ia H Washington, Harsh ann. Werner, Jane . Wetrel, Clara * Webb, caroline werner, Anna wbeeMer,?eltte Whits, Ann Ed SB: -;.r- .'?.; Webur, Dora Wlgfall, caro , line ?a . - Wills. Mrs IS Wilson, Mrs J F. ?. - jr;. Wilson, Jaita Wilson, Martha Ana ... wood, Mary Woning, .Misal 0 MEN'S LIST. anderkuo, An- Grant, James K Mc Alpin, D D. dreas Grant, Jehn McGnffle, J B Arthur, ur Lem- Grtffla, Joel ??l^rtn, WM uel Griffith, Edward O'Brien, Patrick Asher. Berny 8 Paullaon.Weeh Bovness. John Green, Capt Jos tagtoa^.--,,? Bali-y H H Greener, JE Penn, BTh Barkhausen, Grame. W A Phelp?, Wm Henry Haas.John Henry .... -T Bennett. S G Hastedt, H Power, Pierce Bmggemann, F Earlston, Bich- Pojas, Samuel > w ard . Puckhaber, H . ?rower. Mr i Bain?, Adams. Qna-h, Joseph Briggs, Richard Hammond, i?^Qainn, John-. . Brickweu, PN renee Kbed,Frt?V Brown, Evans Harvey. John . Blchison, Wtffi Brown, Abra- Hawood, Alfred braofcX_T ham Hawood. Jun Red dock. X Rntbaum. MO HanckeL chris Bight, Boaa Bnrns, Jerry ?an > "parte __ BnUard, ?ev Hali, B-M Boades, James Henry Hsppoldt, Jno P _8 -?j v Carson. B A Barf charley Bose, Jno W Candra, Ohas filler, RW Rosa, JonjO.:. Casera, Toby Hodman, 8 Roberson, Wu?, Carr, Rev Au- Horbach, JP Ho ? gusto* Hudson. RS Rodd, Thoa S . * Caropbell.Cross- Hntaon, John Sanders, 8 0 _, tova JaCRson, J An-schuckart, ? J H' campbell, Rev S drew L .^_^m-.-, Cenchcvlch. Jentlns, Casar Schucrert, 8 Cast John Jordan. J F Seabrook, O w Chace, D K Johnson, James ahsckeiford, ? darke. Tony E ? -H ? ' Clarke* Co, Jno Johnson, sam- simpson, Hon M uel R* Clonasen, J H Kahrs, RinrtchlSlmmoni. Wm Co lens, stephen Kennedy, Mich- smith, Pr . (oel'di aol O . ^ Connor. W H Keno, H H Soi?nWM *