CITY AFFAIRS. MEEHNOS IBIS DAT. Irish Bille Club, at T P. M. Fuel Society, at ll A. M. Charleston Social Mounted Club, at half-past 7 P. M. Marlon Lodge, I.0.0. F., at 7 P. M. Grant Cavalry, at 7 P. M. ?BJ * AUCTION SALES TUTS DAT. Miles Drake will sell at 10 o'clock, at his store, clothing, hats, ?o. Wm. McKay will sell at 10 o'clock", at his store, furniture, fancy goods, ic. Laure;, Alexander ? Co. will sell at ll o'clock:, at the corner of Magazine and Frank? lia streets, mules, horses, Ac ; F. P. Salas will sell at ll oV.ock, at Middle Atlantic wharf, wine, fruits, nuts, Ac. THE COLD. The thermometer, at the drug store of Mr. Joseph Blackman, on Broad street, registered during th ; pas; three days the iollowlng de? grees: A. M. P. M. 8 10 12 2 I 6 8 December io.33 ss 41 40 40 38 88 December ll.33 8S 38 86 36 3d 36 Decembers.33 34 ss 37 se .. .. Tba record for the same three days, last year, was as follows : A. M. P. M. 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 December 10.40 ?2 68. 64 62 62 61 December ll.42 48 64 66 65 62 60 December 12.44 to te 66 54 62 62 LOCAL LA CONICS. ? -- _Trie Chapmans bad another fine house last night In spite of the cold. A great bill ls offered to-nIght. -The cold weather ought to remind all the members of the Fuel Society to attend the extra meeting called for this morning at eleven o'clock. -The contents of tbe vestry room of St. Peter's Church, Colombia, were destroyed by fire on Wednesday. At one lime the chm ch was in danger. , -The attention of all interested ls Invited to tbe notice ot the chief or police In regard to tbe places assigned as stands for spring cart*. -Colonel A. Coward, the principal of the King's Mountain Military School, ls In Charles tot, and may be communicated with at the residence of Mr. Blum, No. 8 Mary street, until the 17th Instant, The next session of the school begloB on February 8. -At tbe sixth annual meeting of Charleston Dental Association, the following named gen tlemen were unanimously elected to serve tor the ensuis? year: Dr. B. A. Mockenfuss, president; Dr. C. 0. Patrick-, vice-president; Dr Wm. Boll, secretary and treasurer. .-Toe Newberry Herald corrects the state, ment o? tbe Lake City Herald, that John J. Barre, lately killed in that town, bad shot a United States marshal. Tbe fact was that Mr. Bane, while paying a visit to friends In Edgefleld, was flied upon by a posse under command of a United States marshal. -The bard freeze o? the last forty-eight hoars played many curious and unwonted pranks in tbe city; but perbaps Its most striking effect waa displayed on the pinnacle of St. Michael's hallowed spire. The arrow and Iron work surmounting and the ball Itself were thickly en* crusted with ice and bearded with Icicles. J When the afternoon son shone ont, the whv,: - top of the steeple glittered like burnished sil? ver, presenting a very curious and beautiful sight, which attracted crowds of admiring j ga ce rs. BEAL ESTATE SALES. At auction yesterday, by Lowndes A 0 ri ra? bal! : lot No. 12 Smith street, 60 feet by 210? for $3800, one-quarter cash, balance in one, two and three years;14 Springwood '' plantation, (2260 aeres.) noon Black Elver In Georgetown Corms?, for $9000, one-third cash, balance In three equal annual Instalments. By Louis D. De Saussure: two and a half story wooden res* | ldeoce north side of Wentworth street, next west of Lynch street, for $1800; a small four room dwelling on the adjoining lot. lor $810, sue-half cash, balance in one year. .a.. . THE COURTS. Manlclp?l Court. M. Cochran, colored, chimney on Ure, two dollars. Quash Green, Jacob Patterson and Peter Hudgins, colored, lodged by a trial Justice, delivered to warrant. John Middle? ton, colored, fighting, two dollars. The United States Court. ' In this court, on Wednesday, Alfred Lemas ter pleaded guilty of conspiracy. James A. Donaldson, charged with conspiracy, was arraigned, and several witnesses were ex? amined. Mr. Corbin for the government and Major S. P. Hamilton ior the defeBce. Guilty. BEAL ESTATE TBA S: VERS. Convey ? n c ci of Property In the County | oT Charleston for tbe Past Week. The following transiera of real estate in Charleston County bave been recorded at tbe Meine Conveyance Office daring the past week: November 2, 1872. Tract o? land, St. John's Parish, Anna L. Slnkier to Peter C. Gaillard, trustee.$ ---, 1872. Tract ot land. Su John's ' Parish, Anna L. Slnkier to Her ?ey K. Palmer, trustee. November 16, 1872. Lot Woolie street, * Henry and Mary E. Boylston to Jas. W. Brothers. 760 November 13, 1872. Fifty-seven acres , / in Charleston County, Wm. H. God? frey to John Jackson. 2601 A * Bee First Pstsre for other Xioeal natters. BUSINESS NOTICES. CHRISTMAS ls coming. For handsome Gold Bracelets, Studs and Sleeve Battons, go to Allan's, 307 King street. FLTHCHOOTT, BENEDICT A Co. have received a full assortment of Kid Gloves, and offer a good quality, one button Glove, for $1; two button Glove for $1 25. Also, sole agents lor the Celebrated Cbellly Kid Gloves, each pair sold ander guarantee. dec2 -FABM Booie.-"The Bural Accountant" ?'It is most conveniently arranged, and so graphically explained that lt would be almost Impossible to err lu keeping lt correctly. A ?ery little practice will render the task not only an easy but a pleasant one, and we urge those of our farmer Mends who have not heretofore kept an acoeunt with their farms to commence It at once."-South Land, New Orleans, February ll, 1871. It to invaluable to the practical planter or farmer-he who desires to keep his own ac? counts and know his own affairs. Prioe-smaU ??sc, $125; per mall, $140. Xarge size, $2; per mull, $2 30. "Farmers' Pocket Companion," a good memorandum book and Ume book combined Pocket size, full bound Wauk sheep, sent per mall for fifty cents. Published by WALXBR, EVANB A CoGBWILL, No. S Broad street 1, Charleston, a. 0. deoiw I, BUBLNXBS NOTICES. THE COLLECTION OP WORTS OF ART adver? tised by Messrs, Leitch & Brans for sale on Saturday next, on Broad street, are now on exhibition, and have been admired by all who have seen them. Among the oil painting are some very valu ble and choice pieces by Ed. Nortchote, Geo Hartwiok, Louis, Mayrant, and other celebra? ted artists. The steel engravings have attraoted much attention. Among the same are copies in color of those three valuable paintings, by Martin, of London : The "Great day of His wrath," the "Plains of Heaven," the "Day of Judgment," and some choice subjects after Landseer, Ansdell, Taylor, Ac. This collec? tion, to be appreciated, Invites the attention ot connoisseurs and the lovers of the arts, The sale will be positive, as Messrs. Leitch Sc Bruns. IF TOO want to purchase a Portable Writing Desk, go to Fo gar tie's Book Depository, where will be found a large assortment of the latest and most beautiful designs. They also offer exceedingly neat and convenient little Mahogany dud Walnut Desks at tbe low prices of $1, $1 25, $1 60 and $2 and upwards. decll-3 _ _ BURAL CAROLINIAN.-"it has not an article in it that would not please the most practical farmer, and yet there ls mnoh to entertain 1 and Instruct the general reader."-Charleston (b. C.) Dally News. 'Two dollars per annum. Its cheapness ls os marked as Its excellence."-Selma (Ala.) Argus. Strangers visiting the city can take this op? portunity of becoming subscribers. WALKER, EVANB & Co OSWELL, No. 3 Broad street, are tbe proprietors. decl2-2 KID GLOVES 1 Ero GLOVES !-J. B. Bead A ! Co., NO. 263 King street, have this morning I opened another complete assortment of Har? ris's Seamless Kid Gloves; also the "Victo I ria" Kid Gloves, two buttons, at tl 76. decll-wim ' _ PRINTING AND BINDING.-Having the largest and most complete establishment South, having only first class bands, and having tbe largest stock ot papers, cards, Ac., In this olly, we can offer the best facilities for first-class work, executed promptly and at tbe lowest | prices. WALKER, EVANS St COGSWELL, NO. 3 Broad street, Charleston, B. 0. dec 12-2 DISH COVERS, Plate Covers, Plate Warmers, Chafing Dishes, Toilet Sets, English Tea ' Trays, Plated Spoons, Forks and Castors, Bird Cages, Boys' and Men's Tool Chests, for sale, at low prices, by S. B, Marshall A co., corner j King and Society streets. dec6*mwfl2 MESSRS. LOWNDES A GRIHBALL will offer for sale at auction on or about the 1st January next, several Lots of Land ol suitable sute for building purposes, situated in the northeast? ern part of the city, and commonly Known as the Blake lands. Further particulars will be given In a future advertisement. nov27-wfm Km GLOVES I Km GLOVES I-J. R. Bead & Co., No. 263 King street, call attention to their large assortment of low-priced Kid Gloves, whloh they ar? offering at $1, $126, Si 60 and SI 76. decll-wim FANCY GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS.-French and German Ft ney Boxes, Glove and Hand? kerchief Fancy Boxes, Bets of four, five and six Boxes, Ladles' Searls, Handkerchiefs and Ties, Ladles' Fancy Flschus, Lace Collerettes, Sets and Handkerchiefs, Ac, Ac, Sta., now opening at J. R. Bead Se Co. decll-wim WRITING DESKB, covered with morocco ! doth, handsomely ornamented in gilt, can be had for 75 cents, SI, SI 60 and S2, at Fogartle's Book Depository. decll-3 S. R. MARSBALL. A CO., corner King and Society streets, have on hand an elegant as? sortment of Rodgers A Sons and Woslen holm's Table and Dessert Knives, Carvers and Steels; also, the greatest variety of Pocket Knives, Scissors and Razors In cases, and Ladles' Cutlery cases to be found In the city. These goods are of the best quality, and bave been selected expressly for the holiday trade, and are sold at low prices. dec6-mwfl2 FoBCHGOTT, BENEDICT A Co., No. 276 King street, are, for this week, offering great bar? gains In Carpets-great reduction made in this article. _ _ dec2 - NEW AND ATTRACTIVE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Fancy Note Paper-New and elegant de? signs-styles JuBt brought out, and exceeding? ly at trac tl ve. Games-Backgammon Boards, Checkers, Chessmen, Playing Cards, Bezique Cards and Dominoes. Carved Swiss Card Receivers-Bought' of | Importers, and very cheap. Inkstands-For the library, la elegant de? signs and much cheaper than heretofore. Diaries for 1873-the largest assortment in this city since the war. Choice styles and all prices, from 26 cents to S2. Gold Pens and Pencil Cases-Most lui table Christmas presents; useful, elegant and ot real value. Largest stock ever In this city. Staple Stationery, of all kinds, always on hand at lowest prices. WALKER, EVANS A COGSWELL, NO. 3 Broad street, Charleston, S. 0. To THE LOVERS OP NATURE AND THE BEAUTI? FUL, "The Universe," by Poucher, edited by Professor Guyot, now belog published by sub? scription only, will prove a perp?tuai source of Interest and delight. The copies for S8 are bound in handsome morocco cloth, gilt. Call and see a specimen copy at "Fogartle's Book Depository," the agency for the State. Coun? try subscribers will have their copies deliver? ed free of extra o barge. Persons In the coun? try sending In their names will please state the style or binding wanted, viz: Morocoo cloth gilt, S8; sheep, library style, $10; turkey merocco, extra, $12. decll-3 GIFTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS.-For Silverware, fine Watches, sold Opera and Yest Chains, go to Allan's, 307 King street. FURCHGOTT, BENEDICT A Co., No. 276 King street, have received 100 sets of Children's Furs, only $2 26; 100 seta of Children Furs, $3 and $4; 100 sets Ladles' Furs-sets from Si up. dec2 GOLD AND SILVER-HEADED CANES, In great variety. Just tbe thing for holiday gifts, at Allan's, No. 307 Klngjstreet. AN ESTABLISHED B B H E D Y. - "Brown's Bronc!al Troches" are widely known as an established remedy for Coughs, Colds, Brou 2hltls, Hoarseness and other troubles of the throat and lungs. Dowle, Moise A Davis, | t agents. , nov20-wfm3 BUILDING MATERIAL.-An extensive stock J1 md large variety of Doors, Sashes, Blinds, '1 Balusters, Mouldings, Ac, are kept constantly in hand by Mr. P. P. Toale, at his warerooms, So. 20 Hayne street and No. 33 Plnckney street, rhe above are all made at his own lac tory on g Eorlbeck's wharf. He keeps, also, French and ? imerlcan Window Glass, Stained Glass, Slate e Mantels, Builders' Hardware, Ac, from the f Mat manufacturers. mohS-fmwlyr ' t COMMERCIAL SEW8. The Charleston Market. FOB THU WEBK BNDIN8 TH?RSDAT, DIO. 12 1B7Z THE CROPS.-This period commenced dry and moderately cool, afterwards a sharp charge, with sleet and rain, with unfavorable con? ditions for outdoor work. The picking time over a considerable portion or the cotton belt having been to a great extent finished, the farm work will be limited until after the holidays, when a fresh s;art will be taken and steady esorts made to give a favorable commencement to the next crop. While prices daring the fall and winter have not been high, they were no donbt moderately satisfactory to planten, and should they not decline, exertions will probably be made to plant a fair aereo ge the coming year. THB RECEIPTS.-The arrivals at the cotton porte for the week up to Friday last were 188.9T3 bales, against 184 429 bales the week before, and 105,889 bales for the corresponding time last year. At New Orleans the supplies were 42,554 bales, and 35,44s bales for the week of the year pre? vious. The total receipts at the cotton ports from September l, 1872, up to the latest dates, were 1,503,860 bales, m contrast with 1,069,630 bales the previous year-showing an lacrease of 805,2f0 bales. The arrivals at the principal Southern ports from september l, 1672, np to the latest telegraphic intelligence, as compared with tue year before, were as follows: 1872. 1871. New OrleanB, Dec. ll.899,680 291.986 Mobile. Deo.ll......137,128 128.819 Savannah, Dec, ll.808,949 213.219 Charleston, Dec. ll.178,708 132,707 Galveston. Dec. ;i.133.846 79,880 Norfolk, Dec. ll.158.43? 124,755 Wilmington, Dec. ll. 26.445 22 ese Other ports, Dec. ll. 27,264 62,178 Total bales.1,888,860 1.059,000 Total increase to date.305,220 The receipts of c ot ton at the prlnoical Southern markets from December 6 to December 11, 1872, inclusive, as reported by telegraph, were aa fol? lows: Nsw ORLEANS ncc. 6....10.614.Dec. 6....7083} Deo. 7....V603.Dec. 9....2181 { 41,806 Dec. 10....8012.DSC. ll....6118) For the corresponding week last year....84,224 MOBILE Dec 6....-..Deo. 6....I860) Dec. 7 ...2601.Dec 9....42*6} 10,612 Deo. 10....2666.Dec ll-) Last year. 14,081 SAVANNAH Dec e....-.Deo. e....4864 ) Dec 7....4079.Deo. 9....4689} 20,260 Dec 10....6928.Dec H....-) Last year.18,212 CHARLESTON Dec. 5....8059.Dec c....2100) Deo. 7....1808.Dec 9....2080 . 13.799 Dec. 10....2188.Dec U....26i6) lia-t year.11,626 GALVESTON Dec 6 ...2219.Dec 6....28UI Dec. 7....1296......Dec 9....U87? 18,200 Dec. 10....2337.Dec 11....2C00) Last year. s,l?s Noavout Deo. 6....1964.Dec 0....1872* DOC 7....2819 .Dec 9....20001 11,664 Dec 10.1909.Dec ll ...2100) Last year.10,891 WILMINGTON Dec 6.... 142.Dec e.... 169) Dec 7.... 178.Dec 9.... 186 921 Dec 10.... 162.Dec ll.... I60) Last year. 789 Total 1872... Total 1871.m. The stocks of the article m sight at dates were as follows: 1872 3toes m Liverpool.bales....8i>2,000 Stock In London.Si*, ooo stock m llavrc.249,000 Stock In Marseilles. 12.760 stock m Bremen. 88,000 Stock in Amsterdam. 68,too stock la Antwerp.S2,ui>o Stock m Barcelona.....28,u00 Siock ta Tres te. 9,000 Afloat for Great Britain (Amer? ican,).121,000 Afloat for Havre (American and Brasil,) Afloatfor Bremen (American).... 11,760 Afloat for Amsterdam (Amari? ncan). 2,820 Total Indian cotton afloat ror Kur ope.105,000 Stock lu United acates ports.446,027 Stock m the inland towns. 78,871 Exports from United states pons for week up to Friday Dec. 6... 76,416 ...11LT68 ... 98,874 the latest 1871 4*6,000 144,544 lia,4uu 16..-8S 13,914 81,000 18,000 3>,U00 8,636 174,000 63,211 11,146 81,000 S62 796 389,867 66,829 66,622 Total.1,926,630 1,880,101 Increase of stock lo slgnt.... 40,638 The receipts at this port for the past week were 682 bags of sea Islands and Floridas and 18,208 bales or uplands, against 896 bags of Bea islands and Floridas, and 11,462 bales or uplands the week before, and 706 bags of sea Islands anti Floridas, and 10,862 baise of uplands for the week last year. These arrivals came as follows, say or uplands per South Carolina Railroad 10,468 bales; Northeastern Railroad 1782 bales; savan? nah and Charleston Ku Uro ad 831 bales; Peedee 696 bales; Georgetown 14 bales. Ol ssa islands, Northeastern Railroad, 103 bales; Savannshand ibarie-ton Railroad 126 bales; John's Island 91 bales; Christ thatch 42 bales; Beaufort66 bales; Waamalaw 18 bales; James island 46 bales; Edlato 28 bales; savannah 8 biles; Florida 72 bates. THE COTTON MARKET.-Tn ls article during the past week wes generally quiet and steady, but became armer, the foreign market ruling at lcd and moved to loxd 9 H? for middling uplands; at New York the rates were at luXc and hardened to i9\c; and at this point this grade was at 18Xc and stiffened to 18^918X0 * ft- The transactions and prices at Liverpool and New York during this period were as follows: On Friday, December 6th, tho 10: mer was steady, uplands lOd, sa es 12,000 bale*; the latter was quiet at 19 xe, salts 2792 bales. On Sat? urday the ronner was quiet, uplands lid, salea 10,000 bales; the latter was quiet, uplands 19KC aales 172( bales. On Monday the former was quiet, uplands lod, sales 15,ooo bales; the latter was easy, uplands 19Xc, sales 2641 bales. On Tuesday the former was quiet and firm, uplands lOd, sales 10,000 bales; the latter was irregular, uplands 19X0, sales 2766 bales. On Wednesday the for? mer was firm, uplands lod, sales 12,000 bales; the latter was quiet and steady atl9Xc, sales 1863 bale^. Yesterday the former waa firm, uplands loXd. sales 16,000 bales; the latter was firm at lBXc; sales 2200 balei. The transactions and prices of cotton in this market during the week Just terminated were as follows: On Friday, December 6, the demand was mode? rate and the market somewhat quiet but un? changed; sales 600 bales, Inferior being quoted at 14X@16X. ordinary to good ordinary 17?17X. low middling 18X?18X. middling 1SX, strict middling 18Xc ? m. On Saturday the article showed a quiet character; sales 400 bales; quota? tions as before. On Monday the market com? menced quiet and easy, but the demand after? wards improved, some transactions occurring at aoftecing figures, but quotably without important change; Bales 1200bales, inferior being quoted at I4X916X. ordinary to good ordinary 17@l7X. low middling 18X, middling 18X. strict middling j 18XC On Tuesday there was a well sustained demand at about previous rates; sales 2600 bales, Inferior being quoted at 14X?MfiXt ordinary to good ordinary I7?nx, low middling 18X?18X. mlcdllng i8x@i8Xi strict middling IBXC On Wednesday there was a good Inquiry at rather Qrmer rates ror good grades; sales IMO bales, in? ferior being quoted at 14X@18X. ordinary to good ordinary 17?17X. low miudllng 18X, middling 18X. stric- middling 18Xc Yesterday thers was a wellBUBtalned lnqnlry at full and rather firmer rates; salea 1600 boles, say, 2 at 14X( il at 16, 27 it 16X. 6 at 16X, 81 at le, 16 at lex, 09 at lex, S4 lt 17, 69 at 1?X. 09 st 17X. ll at 17X. 144 at 17X, 13 at 17Xi 07 at 17X, 128 at 18, 6 at 18X, 40atl8X, J4atl8X.68atl8X. 136 at isx. 9 at 18X. 2 at i8Xi86atl9c We quote: LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Inferior.:.14X017 Ordinary to good ordinary.17 X $18 Low midd lug.18X '?lax Middling.18X?18X Strict middling.1? @ SEA ISLAND COTTON.-The arrivals or this quat* ty of.tbe staple were to a fair extent, Bay 682 bigs if sea islands and Floridas for this time. There ras a marked improvement lu the general de* uand during this period for most qualities, with teady rate* for common grades and more Arm? less m one Carolinas, which are scarce. The rauBBCtlonsbave bren about 800 bags, nearly all larollnas, among which were 36 saut?es at as? 8o,8 at 40,18 at 46; of sea Islands 0 at 4 J, 26 at 0,46 at 66, 0 at 60, 24 at 68, 01 at 60, 17 at es, 0 at 6,1 at es, 80 at 70, 8 at 76, 8 at 80,9 at $1 i2x. loridas were quiet and were In demand but nth r?w sales, say 0 at 46c Rios.-The receipts of Carolina rough were noderate, say about 20,000 bushels for this pe? riod. There has beea a good demand, the market showing steady and Arm rates. The sales were ibout looo tierces of clean carolina, viz: s at OX. 9 at ex, 23 at e B-io sa at es, oo at ox, so at ox, SO at 0 18-10, 60 at 0 16-16, lie at 7, 20 at 7 l-ie, no at 7X, 106 at 7X, 42 at 7 6-10, 36 at 7X, 90 on prl vate terms. Tester Jay the market was quiet and steady. Sales about 80 tierces, say 8 at exe, 20 at 7X. We quote common to fair at ox03Xc; good 707XC NAVAL STORKS_There were moderate supplies of these anieles coming forward, say about 629 bbls spirits turpentine and 8224 bbls rosin for the week. There were limited transactions, with sales of 860 bbls spirits turpentine ar 66c fl gal? lon, and 1000 bbls rosin, strained to No 2, at about $326 ft bbl, and later sales of 600 bbls spirits tur? pentine at 64066. DAT.-There were received about 600 bales of North Elver kinds. There were no wholesale transactions reported. CORN.-About io, TOO bushels from Baltimore and 600 from Philadelphia came to hand. The busi? ness was mostly of a retail character. We note eales or 1200 bushels new white at Sic ft bushel, bags Included, and OOO bushels yellow at sic, baga Included. OATS.-Some soo bushels were received from Baltimore. Limited sales for the supply of the local trade ls the only business doing. PEAS.-In the absence of supplies of note the market was quiet and nominal. FLOUR.-The market la well supplied with most qualities of this article with a fair local and inte? rior demand. Northern and Western super may be quoted at $o 26?d 76 ft bbl; extra at $708 ft bbl; family at $8 6009 ft bbl. Southern descrip? tions are lu moderate stock, and super may be quoted at $o 6o?7 fl bbl; extra at $7 6o@s 60 ft bbl; family at $909 60 ft bbl, and extra family at $lo@tu fl bbl. BACON.-The stock of prime meat is moderate and of some kinds light. Prime smoked shoul? ders may be quoted atc0OXo ft th : prime smoked clear rib sides at io? io xe ft nt; prime salted clear rib sides 7X07Xc la large lots, and at 8xe fl ft in a limited way; prime salted shoulders at 606XC ft rb. suoAB ANO MOLASSES.-The stocks are mode? rate. Fair to rally ralr Louisiana sugar may be quoted at 9x0100 ft lb, good to prime grocery sugars may be quoted at-ft Bs, fair to good Cubas 1OX0HXC New Orleans molasses, prime new at 060700 ft gallon. Cuba musco? vado molasses may" be quoted at 830 In hhds and 40c m bbls, and in a jobbing way at 40042c; clayed at 83085o m hhds. and 860 87c in bbls; sugar-house a/rup sells at 160200 m hhds, and 22026o lu barrels. COFFEE.-The article ls in moderate request. Fair to prime Bio may be quoted firm at 20?28o ft lb. BUTTER AND LARD.-There is a fair stock or this article-fancy Goshen may be quoted at so?36c ; New York state, prime, 2130800; medium 20025c SALT.-Jobbing parcels of Liverpool received direct may be quoted at $1 ?601 76 ft sack, as to sise of lot. Ina wholesale way at $l 60. INDIA BAGGING.-There has been some de? mand for the country trade, and lots of domes t?o at 13X0140. Ludlow at -c TIMBER AND LUMBER.-The market 1B quiet. We quote timber for milling purposes 'rom $6?10. Shipping timber $10016. Bright timber, good merchantable, from city mills, ont to Bise, from $18022 ft M by the cargo; lumber per rall, $18016; river lumber, $11018; dressed umber, $S2026. FaKionTs.-To Liverpool, by steam direct, Xd on uplands, - on sea islands; via New York Xd on uplands, lxd on sea islands; by sall Xd on uplands, ls-iod on sea Islands. To Havre lo on uplands. Coas twine-to New Tork, by steam Xo on uplands and - on sea islands; *2 ft tleree on rice, sooft bbl on rosin; by sail, - ft lb on cotton; - ft tierce on rice; 60o ft bbl on rosin ; $11012 ft M on lumber; $12012 60 fl M on timber. To Boston, by steam Xo on uplands, and $2 60 fl tierce on rice; by sall, -c ft m on up? lands; rosin 70c; resawed stuff $12012 60; tim? ber $13013 60; phosphate $606 60. To Providence, by eau, $10 60?ll fi M on boards, -c fl Bi on cotton ; bj steam ttc^via New York. To Philadel? phia, by steam. Xo on uplands; $1 76 ft tierce on rice, 603 ft bbl on rosin, $lon spirits. Through hills of lading given to Boston, Providence and the New England cities are regularly issued on this route, and dispatch guaranteed. By sall, $8 $ M on boards; $12 on timber; - ft ton on clay, and $8 60 on phosphates. To Baltimore, by steam. -c fl ft ; by sall $S08 60 fi M on boards! - on timber; $3 60 fl ton at city, $404 26 fl ton np river on phosphate rock. Teasels are In demand by our merobhanta to take lumber freights from Georgetown, s. c., Derlen and sa? rnia River, Ga., and Jacksonville, Fia., to North? ern ports, and $10012 fl M are rates on lumber and boards. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE.-The banks are purcbas ing Bight cheeks on New Tork at X0X fl cent, off; time bills nominal. They are selling eight checks at par. EXCHANGE-STERLING BILLS.-The rate yester? day waa 20X021 ror eo days bills. GOLD.-The brokers were yesterday buying and selling at 12X, and selling at 13X. Exports. NEW TORE-Per steamship Georgia-176 bags sea lslat.d ootton. 1735 bales uplsnd cotton, 2ue tierces rice, loo bbls naval stores, and 76 packages sundries Exports ror the Week Binding Dec. 19. FOREIGN. LIVERPOOL-Per Br bark stormy Petrel-9 bags sea island and 1661 bales u land cotton, 140 tons pnospbate rock, 3 bbls beeswax, 2 tierces cotton seed. DOMESTIC NEW TORE-Per steamship South Carolina-171 bags sea island cotton, 1879 bales upland cotton, 139 tierces rice, 25 bsgs rice flour, and sundries. .Per steamship Cnamplon-79 bags sea Island and 1779 bates upland cotton, 186 ces rice, ?0 bales domestics, US packages. Per steamship James Adger-16o bags sea lsiaod cotton, 1090 bales uplam cotton, 45 tierces rice, 30 casks clay. 76 ba es domestics, 143 psckages. .Per sehr My rover-2 IT, ose feet resawed lumber. BOSTON-Per brig Elia Maria-486 bales cotton. 162 bb.c main. 75 casks clay, 16 tons Iron. PHILADELPHIA-Per steamship Gulf stream-664 bales cotton, 201 bales domestics, 640 bbls naval stores, 78 tierces rice, 26 casks clay, 26 hhds iron, 63 ctr wheels, 66 bbls oranges, 106 empty bbls, and sundries. BALTIMORE-Per steam ship Maryland-254 bales cotton, 270 tierces Bice, 200 bbls Rorln, 25 bales riomesilcs, 8 bales wool, 7 casks bones, 6 hhds, 84 bales huies, 94 packages, 22,000 feet lumber. SAVANNAH, GA-Per ache Eclipse-200 bbls and 280 bags guano. Comparan ve Kxpori? of Gorton and Hies from the Port of Charleston, from Sep? tember 1, 18T?, to December ll. 187?. EXPORTED TO 1872-78. S. L.Up'd.iRioe 1871->72. S. LiTJp'd.i Rice Liverpool... Other Br. PortB rofl G. Britain eeo 319 H Ul 34068 690 81928 Ul 84603 Havre. Other Fr. Porta 8175 12 1441 Total France N. of Europe fofl N.Europe a.or Europe.. W. Indies, A C. 47 $174 12 Total F. Ports. Boston. Rhode Island,. New York..... Philadelphia... Bait. & Nr'folk 3th. U.S. Ports rot'lC'eePorts, Grand Total. I 737 11 i?i?, 7625 7026 7 S3 48511 6684 12 233 1441 111 082711 8138 7713, 1218 54901 2278 2786 8572 0 1933 2870 90894 139405 10489 10601 2682 2932 644 89380 637 27671 2767 2868 66644 8881 3568 111 68576 102956 3337 872 2296 32S9 9793 I 9798 Stock or Cotton m the interior Town* at the Latevt Dates. TOWNS. 1872. 1871. ---_ tugnsta..December 0 1,018 18.262 Jolumbus.December 6 8.189 7,267 lacon.?.December 6 11418 10,605 ?ontgomery...Deoemoer e 12,078 9,9J?2 ?Ima-.Deoemoer 0 7,790 ?,7(>8 lem phis,.December 0 34,147 18,0.'?3 lashvllle..Deoember 0 4,285 1,877 Total bales.".... 78,871 66,8519 BK por ta of N?T a? S torca una Lumber rrom th? Port ot Cnsrleaton. from september 1, MTS, to December ll, ?rrOBtlDTO 1873-'78. NATAL BTOB'B ?bia. Feet, 1871-'72. NAVAL BTOB'S Bola. Feet. Boston....... Sew Tors:.... Philadelphia.. ?Baltimore .... Provld'ce,RI. ota'rUSP'rts T'alOoastw'ae Barcelona..... taj'a A M'ket. West Indies.. Rio de la Plata St John's, NB. London.. Bristol, Eng.. Liverpool. 3,162 14,012 8,807 8,219 586,041 1, BT 5,822 162,000 1,741,748 444 547 103,458 860 8,618 10,152 2,728 486.COO 1,808.470 462.204 L640.024 385.000 382.821 28,886 4 733616 22,257 4,641,516 144.800 822,600 184,178 140,600 01,865 4.484 8,803 12.10C 6,280 1.600 Total Foreign. Grand Total 8,877 87,063 668,478 6,839 241,856 6,462,089 20,006 4,782,870 B Iff " Il a lil H|f I il I ils S . S 3 ? ?a co 2"? BM 0 : 'S? I il S rigs 1 ! Il f ll f SI! g II i ?I ! iii ? : S?S : : fl j : 33 * : -M: : : 5 : : SS : : 5: i : $ \ : : s? . . : : S sJlSaliLlSJl 8851P ?NN bio 3D sis 881 sal Ml ?j _o>s S S ? ?si Ml ?! SS ?0 . I* ff " ? 9 B 3 A ? K - - - s 0 ll ! ii S3 gg S: a: to . S: B\ >. . 3j : 3 S i : I i SS ll :S i'll 11 Iii9 gfiliiil . . . . ic.?a; . : : ..BB 5 B B BB 3 SS,aii Ii s tj?ls aaa? g fi J? -5Se.???oo? -o? . S: o? o ?JO; o-8 miiiiiij ii 8S ll sistiisgitSs So ?3: : saggs: aa cn o o "co ao to o? ; 8g: ?; j? .. Oil?. *-* 5: gil lg -J M ao JJ. C. * O^o ~--J - V ? ? "CEO : : gSiliiigH -?Si i %\ S?: SJB ss; i H?iMJl : : : : : : : i ! . ! . : tf! : : o : : : r: ?: : i r la: : ; S: 8: : i 2 9 i8 i? s? So3 ss if : g SS: : : S: 28: SS Ol M * . ' O?. QC C?-? ?8i ?5! ; ; ?o??)co - i-??-? : : s s si ? S ag 1 s g HOW U CO cn . COJ. ^^omiBwooi; ^cocn S S ftS S* SSS^? ' CT ? 3 ia? Jute. & .. BCTTBB Goshen. 80 @ 36 Country. 9 COTTON, V ?J. Ordinary to Gcod Ordinary..., 18 Low Middling. 18X? 16H Mlddimg to strict Middling... i8#ft io Good Middling. ..A Sea Island. $ Corm, V fl?. RIO. so ? 28 Laguayra.... 24 cE 20 Java.. so O' tum, V bbl Fine. Super. Northern and Western Extra. Baltimore Extra. Southern-Super. Extra..TI Family. GRAIN, f. bushel Maryland Oats. Western Oats. Corn. HAT, * cwt North River. ... BJ .. LCMBSB, 9 M feet Clear WhLe Pine, Qrst quality. 60 00 & 66 00 White Pine, goo: run.88 oo (? 40 00 Yellow Piue. 20 00 (?a 24 00 Boards, rongh.ll oo ? 12 oo Grooved and tongued as oo a sa co MOL A 83 ss, fi gallon Cuba. 88 a 87 Hoscovado. 88. ? 60 Sugar house. 28 . 2? Sew Orleans. (b NATAL STOBBB, V bbl Tar... q .. Pitch. (? Rosin, pale. O R?sln, No. 1. fi? .... Rosin, NO. 2. Ii| Rosin, NO. I.. 8 26 ci 6 7 00 6 26 7 00 8 60 81 6 76 8 00 6 76 8 00 ll 00 82 Sarita Turpentine, fi gal.... 66 I vanced to 9. Gold 12K*13X. Governmenu firm. I Eighty-ones 17X ; a ix ty ? t w os 12 x ; sixty-fours 12X; I slxty-nvea 13X; new its. Tennessee sixes 81; I new 82. Vlrglu)asixes47;new60. consols 67X; I deterred 16. LouUlana sixes 60; new 60. Levee I sixes60;eights flo. Alabama eights 76; Aves 67. I Georgia sixes 70; sevens 80. Nonh Carolinas 84K; I new 21. special tax 12. south Carolinas 60; new I 24K- Apn: and october 25X. COTTON MARKETS. LIVERPOOL, December 12. I Noon.-Cotton opened Arm; uplands lOaloxd, I Orleans io*d. I Later.-cotton Arm; sales 16,000 bales: specula I tlon and export suo; sales of uplands tor Febru I ary 9Xd. Evening.-Cotton closed unchanged. I NEW YORE, Dec-ember 12. Noon.-Ootton Arm; sales 2200 bales; uplands 119\o, Orleans'20M. Evening.-Cotton Arm; sales 8614 bales at ?oxo j for middling uplands, and 2uxo for Orleans; ne' I receipts 788; gross 1128. sales of coton rotures E to-day 2i,5oo as follows : December, lsxa j l9Xc; January. 19 610*19X0; February, ?s'xa iexc; March. 19 13-lflo; April, 20X*20 6-lOc; May, I 20 7>l6a20 9.16c; June, 20Xa20Xo. BOSTON, December 12. J cotton quiet: net receipts 170 bales; gross 2147; I sales 260; stock 4600. i PHILADELPHIA, December 12. Colton Arm; middlings i9Xa20o. i BAL riMoBB, December 12. Cotton Arm; middlings i9Xc; gross reoeipts j 249 bales; exports coastwise 60; sales 760; stock I 8998. . 1 NORFOLK, Decembers I Net receipts 1780 bales; exports .coastwise 640 sales 800; stock 11,764. I WILMINGTON, December 12. Ootton Arm; middlings 18x0; net receipts 218 I bales; sales 124; stock 8148. _ . SAVANNAH, December 12. I Gotten Tery Arm; gcoi ordinary l7Xo; low mid I dungs i8Xc; middlings 18?; net reoeipts i828 I bales; ' exports to Great Britain 2080, continent I 7428; sales 6622; stock 72,806. I A?O?tTA December 12. Cotton strom; and In good demand,- offerings I light; middlings 18X; net receipts lu03 bales; saies I 846. I MBMPHIS, December 12. I Ootton Arm; middlings i9X>tl9X; receipts 37, I 800 bales; shipments 286; et' CK 88,734. MOBILE, uecember 10. Cotton In active demand; good ordinary nxa I 18c; low mlddllogs 18X; middlings 10; nee re? ceipts 2031; exports coastwtte 33i; sales 1600; I StOOk 46,070. Nsw ORLEANS, December 12. I Cotton active and higher; good ordinary v\. I lew middlings 18X, middlings 19X0; net receipts 110,241 uaiea;grosa 11.089; sates tooay isoo; Ust I evening 4500; stock 106,102. j GALVESTON. December 12. I Cotton Arm; good ordinary 10X0; net receipts 1 1827 bales; exports coastwise 166; sales 1200; I Stock 07,086. PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE MARKETS. - I _ LONDON, December 12. Evening.-Tallow 46s to IBs sd. I LIVERPOOL, December 12. I Evening.-P*rk 70s. Tallow 43s 6d. Nxw YORK, December 12. Noon-Flour du.L Wheat very quiet. Corn drm. Pork quiet at li 13. Lard steady ; steam 7X? I 80. Turpentine Arm at 60Xa6L noam dull and nominal, $8 t>7X. I Evening.-Southern Aour steady; common to fair extra $9 20812; good to obotoe, do. weis I key scarce and a snade Armer, soc. Wheat m moderate lequest; $1 osai 76 for winter red Weat I ern. Corn a mere shade A mer and in moderate I demand; csxaflOc tor steamer Western mixed. I Pork weak and lower at $i8al8 60. Meg-Janies Adger Aco. -, ? Virginia, 697 tons, HlnosO>y, at Brown A 'co's wharf, for Philadelphia, loadlng-W^ Courte Mercedlta, SST tons, Marhmin, at Vs^erh?rsvs wharf, for Boston, loading-Ju AdWPiA>cm Falcon, 972 tons, Heynle, at Onion wtadfrtolsi. I Omore, loading-P o Tranholm.. .. . - ? . j <%r ! . SHIPS. ' ? ? ?. I Uland Home, (Br)--tons, Sincisjr, at AUanttc J wharf, for Liverpool, mading- Henry Card. - ; I Intrepid. 1200 tons simmons, nt Union wharf, for Liverpool, loading-street, Bros A ea ?: holm A Son. . M'usa* Uncle Joe, 7aa tons. Kendall at VaadOThoTsVs wharf, for Havre, loading-o N Haber* I A CO. V-; , I Ida Lilly, 767 tons, Otis, at Marshall's wharf, for I . Liverpool, loading-B Willi*. . i .BARKS. rotliYt sr. I Fille de l'Air,- tons, Brown, at Accommoda? tion ?h*rf, from Liverpool, dlschargtnj Henry card. '. '' j^} _^ Magnet, (Br) 626 toni. Brown, at Atisdit?o wlsarf, from City Polat, vs, jost arrlved-Gibbes A I BarnwelL I?V??V"? j' Providencia, (Span)- - tons, Joan, at Atlantic wharf, from Rare doc a' disc barging-W P Jerome Jones, - tons, Kinney, at Bovo? A co's wharr, for Amatsrdam, loadlng-Lesesne 4 s Wells. ? ''' Auguste, (German.) - tons, onderbfrg.- at Boyoe a; Co's wharf, for a port on me north Sea, loadlng-Lesesne A WeBs. Elvira, (Spanish.) - tons, Slbert at Central I wharf, for Barcelona, lording-W P Hau. t. J B Doffus, (Br) - tons. Kulara, at AJMggD I wharf, for Bremen, loading-B G irskine ft co* Walter, 443 tons, Berrv, in Ashley Blver, for Boston, loadng-M Goldsmith A Son. Neptun, (German.) - ton-, Ploghoft, at Atlantic wharf, for Bremen, loadlng-Geo AHopiei* A co. - ? ' ? _ .: ' : Freihandel, (German,) - ,toni, . Waohter, .at Kerr's wharf, from Bremen, dlschargtng-CO Witte. . ? . . . L??? Wen worth, (Br) 676 tons, Robbins, at Royce A co's wharves, for Amsterdam, ioadtag-sQeoA Hopley ft co. . . j _: I Nlmroud, (Br) 826 tons, Phillips, at Atlantic wharf, I for Liverpool, loading-Globes A BarnwelL ; EmlL (German,)-tons, fechuyliten, ac Southern I wharf, from Milk ?Iver, Jamaica, waiting I Jcs A Enslow ft co. BRIGS. I Hellos. (Swedish) - tons. Holm, at Vanderhcrst wharf, from Stockholm, dlachsxglng-J. B I Adger 4 co. _, -. ?y- * . Melrose, -tons. Griggs, at Southern wharf, fromBo8ft>n, discharging-J A Enslow* co. Mary 0 Roosevelt, - tons, Roberts, at Centrai wharf, for Baltimore, loading-A J creighton. I Ella Marla, - tons, Boyd, in the stream, for Boston, ready-Conen A Weils. SCHOONERS. Florence Rogers. - tons, at Adget's whait, from New York, dUcharglng-Rcaok ft Mof- . I fett. J D Paige, - tons, Haley, at Usion wharf, from I Boston, discharging-Cohen A Wells, -, ?..?r.. I A Heaton, -tons, Rogers, at Central Wharf, I from New York, discharging-E FSweegan. Index-tons, Garrison, at Marshall's.wharf, I for New York loading-street, Bros A po. - Mary, - tons, Gilchrist, at Atlantic Wharf, I for Baltimore, discharg ng-J A EnilowASea B F Lowell, -- tons, Falker, at-fUhion whtrt I from Boston, dlsonarging-A J Creighton.* it I J H Stickney, 260 tons, Fooks, at Brown A dov I wharr. rr om Baltimore, dlscharglag-Street, Bros ft co. ?_ ... T-. . . I E A Hooper, - tons. Hooper, at Central Wharf, ' from Philadelphia, discharging-H F Bakers; I S V W himenona. -tons. Williams, at Union wharf, from Philadelphia, discharging-E F Came BonnelL 100 tons, Plohham. at Central I wharf, from Havana,, discharging-pani, I'll A CO Mary Man kin, --. tons. Tyler, in A*hley River, for Baltimore, loading-Street, Bros A flo. I Mvrover, 410 tons, Brown, at N E Railroad wharf, for Now TorK, ready-Roach A Monett. I 0 E Elmer, - tons, Conon, ls Ashley River, I for a Northern port, loading-E F Swegan. Sehr Albert Tooms* - tons. Rose, lo Ashley River, from Baltimore, loading-street, Bros 4 co. " .- -P Howard williams, 862 tons, Bnlon, in Athloy River, for camden, (N J,) loading-J A Baslow ft CO. il E D Finney, - tons. Elwell, in Ashley River, for a Northern port, loading-Master. LIST OF VISSELS OP, CLEARED AND BAHJBD FOB THIS PORT. ' FORETGH. LIVERPOOL. Br bark Tiber, Lewis,'np....deo ? Br Bars: Georgianna, Mann, sid.Nov ie Ths Galona, smith, np. The oawafd, Ballard, old......Got 30 TBOON. Tho Augusta, Onderberg, sailed.6 POET TALBOT. - ?HJ?M3 The Santander, Mlles, cleared.r..?)?bt 6 CALLAO. 1> Ship ilorena,-, ?ld.Oct? BarKSapho, wuour, up.^..Oct 14 MAT ANS AA. Sp brig Segnnde Romano, Oarrerdo, sid,. ..Be? I