The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, December 13, 1872, Image 2

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TKBMS Or TM* XMW8*' rsm DULT OT**. ?>T mftU one year, ?8; au months $4: a*ee months $860. Served in the 6itT ?t KISHTXSN ?KOT9 a wee*, payable to tbe ear i rlers, or $8 a year, paid In advance at tbe office. TH? TBI-WBUT NSWB, pnbllflbed on Tuesdays, thursdays and saturdays, one year $4; Biz months $360; three months $1 ss TH? WHMXT N?ws, one year $3. six copies Ito. Ten copies, to one address, $16. ' S?S8CRIPTI0N8 in all caliea payable in advance and no paper continued after the expiration of the tune paid rer. RsxrniNOsa should be made by Postofflce Heney Order or by Express. If this cannot be done, protection against losses by mau may be secured by forwarding a draft on Char leaton pay? able to the order of the proprietors of TH? NXWB, or bj sanding the money in a registered letter. ' NOTictxs of Wants, To Bent, Lost and Found, Bearding, Ac, not exceeding 20 words, 36 cents each insertion; over 30, and not exceeding 80 words, 40 cents each insertion; over 80, and not exceeding 40 words, 60 cents each insertion. These rates are HST, and must invariably be ?lld in advance. Attirai? RIORDAN, DAWSON A 00., . Ko? 19 Broad street, Charleston, 8.0. FSIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1872. Tbe Burnt District. ? The rebuilding of the. Burnt District of Charleston is of Importance to the whole State. As long aa it remains in its present dreary condition, the outside world will not believe, that the city ia thriving. The ap? pearance of active prosperity brings with it an increase of prosperity; andlt is rather j hard that a community, which bas made as < much solid progress as Charleston has done, should be cried down only because the houses destroyed in 1861 have not yet been I rebuilt. There is a demand for dwelling- ? nooses suitable for persons of moderate I' means, bot the demand ?B not sharp enough I to warrant capitalists in running the gaunt- 1 let o? State and Municipal taxation. The I "houses could be rented at once, withont detriment to the houses now in tbe market, I and capitalists and tenants are confident that in a few years the barren acres of the burnt district will be covered with pleasant homes. But ve cannot afford to wait I Every day of walting does the city some hann. And the work cannot be accom-1, pushed unless capitalists are offered some j sort of premium to induce them to lay out I I their money. This is proposed to be given 11 them in the shape of an exemption, for five I j years, from State and Municipal taxation. I, THE Nsws ls thoroughly In favor of offer-1 i lng every possible inducement to those who j t are' inclined to rebuild tbe Burnt District, j1 Bat this must be dose in such a way as to j1 avoid the infliction of loss upon any ciasB of 11 citizens. The people outside of the burnt I e district cannot afford to pay additional 11 . taxes, for the ben e?t, of persons in the burnt I ? district. There must not be any redaction ' in tho amount of property servlog as the basis of taxation. And here lies the objec-1 < tlo? to the bill now before the Legislature, li That bill proposes to exempt from taxation, I ( focl:svpnriod of Ave years, all bondings or I ' improvements in the burnt district, and the I ^ lots of land ' upon which they may stand. 11 The vacant lots are now taxed, and will j < continue to be taxed If no building or im- J1 pro vernen t be put upon them. The pro posed bill, therefore, would reduce the . amount ef taxable property ia Charleston j by the assessed value of the lots apon which J - any improvement might be made. The sum I j to be raised by taxation could not be dimin ished, and the rate of taxation, upon the I property not improved, and outside of the bare t district, would necessarily be increas-111 ed. This would be unfair to the taxpayers 1n at larga. They have a right to expect that j \ there shall be no reduction in the amount of I e taxable property, and that, at the end of I n five- years, the taxable value of the previous ly exempted property shall speedily make np for the previous apparent loss. We think that the bill before the Legisla? ture should be so modified as to prevent, for five years, any Increase In the assessed valne, for tax purposes, of any property in the burnt district, upon which houses may be built. This would leave the tax upon a boase abd lot at the figaro at which tbe vacant lot is taxed. It is ?quivalent to abott four per cent, upon the cost of the building, and that is enough to lead capital? ist? td put their money into the work. Take a lot worth $1000 with a bouse worth $5000. The tax would be only fonr per cent upon $1000, or $40; the exemption for Ave years belog equal to four per cent npon $5000, or $200 a year. And at the end of the five years the ground tax would be reduced, be? cause the buildings throughout the burnt district would then be taxed at their full value. A Distinction, With a Difference. We take pleasure in saying that Repre? sentative Charles Green, of Georgetown, did not vote for "Honest" John Patterson, as telegraphed to THE NEWS, but plumped for Congressman Elliott The two men, Patterson and Elliott, are as different as light and dark. Tom Scott's Work. A recent article ic the New Tork Finan? cier suggests an explanation of the persis taney with which Mr. J. J. Patterson plotted and planned to secure his election as United States- Senator. The financier showed that the 1 ou them Security Company, the mammoth monopoly, which is striving to swallow the principal railroad lines io the South and to the Pacific, contrives to enroll among Its stockholders Influential Congress? men from every State through which its lines pass. The bead schemers are Simon Cameron and Tom Scott of whom Mr. J. J Patterson ls the disciple and bosom friend. Hot long ago he is said to have gone North to obtain tbe money with which to bay bis election, and the public have a right to sup? pose that, in the United States Senate, Mr. Patterson will do the work cut oat for bim, and be the willing tool of the Pennsyl? vania Ballroad and the Southern Security Company, lt ia related of a moral member of the. Pennsylvania Legislature that, to? wards the close of a profitable session, he .rose in his seat and said : "Mr. Speaker, if *?Tom Scott ain't got no more work for us -"to do.I move that thia House do now ad 'joirn sine die.? Something of this tort will be heard in the United States Senate if many more or the Patterson stripe can buy themselves a sent j The Conssrv Hives In the Li eg Isl ?tare. Tbe Conservative vote, io the election o? | a United States Senator, on Tuesday, was BO split np as to cou nt for nothing. There are thirty-one Conservatives in the Legislature,* and only by acting together can they make their influence felt. Five of them voted for J. J. Patterson, seven voted for Pointer, nine voted for Judge Moses, seven voted for Saw? yer, and three voted for Graham. Thus the vote was frittered away. The Conservatives may have thought that lt mattered little which way they voted. It mattered much. A Conservative vote gave Patterson his ma? jority in the Senate. Who knows that a massing of the twenty-one Conservative votes in the House upon Graham or Moses would not have attracted sufficient outside votes to prevent the election of Patterson on the first ballot? However this may be, it ls certain that such a want of unanimity among the Conservatives as is indioated by their vote for senator gives confidence to the public enemy, and disheartens the peo? ple who look to the Conservative phalanx for decisive and, above all, united action. Whether the Conservatives number ten or twenty pr thirty, their only hope of producing any substantial effect upon the majority is j by standing together. A score of Intelli? gent men who cannot be Beared or bribed, who will raise their voice when danger threatens the State, who will be the watch? dogs of the treasury, who will oppose only what is foolish aod bad, and support only what is wise and good, must have a consid? erable moral influence in a body like the General Assembly of South Carolina, but that influence is lost when they show the world that, in the face of the enemy, they break tho line and fight each after his own plan of battle. We sincerely hope that, in Tature, the Conservative members will be found shoulder to shoulder. Unless they are, their presence le the Legislature will certainly be of no benefit, and may be of harm, to tho State. Jrnannol. g EVEN PER CENT. SECOND MORT? GAGE BONDS SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL? ROAD COM PA NT. The South carolina Railroad Company Having created a second Mortgage, amounting to TH KEE MILLION DOLLARS, brthe purpose of retiring all i's floating obliga? tions and arranging Ile Non- Mort gago Bonds, and ;he Bonds authorised to be Issued under said Mortgage haling been duly executed, they are | ww offered for sa:e at this om ca at 76 percent. Payment win be accepted ss follows, via : Two- j .hirds of the purchase money win be received In ;he 7 percent Non-Mortgage Bonds of the Corn >sny at 76 per cent.; balance in cash. The val ne of the security now offered entiles lt o very high consideration. The Mortgage oor? ia the entire property of the Company, embrac? e's 943 miles of first-class Road, abundantly ?quipped with Loco m o tl ves and Oars In fine con litton, and all the appurtenances ot a first-class railroad, the first Mortgage being only $3,000,000. The business of the Road for the present y ear ls ?ttlmated st 11,400,000 gross, and its net revenue it over $660,000. Its present prospects fnrnlah imple ground for very satisfactory anticipations >r future ear ninga. The Bonds bear date October ist, and have attached Coupons for ? per cent, ser annum, Interest payable In April and octo? ber in the city of Nsw Tort After the 81st De :ember, Instan t, the price of the Bonds will be 5 per cent, and accrued in wrest J. T. WE LS M AN, dece-fmwe Treasurer. BPrcgf ano Mttmrua. \ QB. BABE'S IMPROVED VEGETABLE CATHARTIC PILLS. The proprietor or these PILLS confidently be? eves that he has succeeded, by a skilful confl? ation of vegetable remedies, in producing a pre? action that will bring health and happiness to | he unfortunate sufferer. In tbe following dis ases they have been used by thousands with lost wonderful success: Billons Disorders and .iver Complaint, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head .che, Costiveness, Loss of Appetite, Neuralgia, >ropay, Dysentery, P.ies, Diseases or the Skin, *aln m the Side, Back and Limbs, Sick Headache, tad all derangements of the Stomach. These Pills may be taken with perfect safety by >ersons of any age or sex. No family should be j vi tbout t b om. Price 36 cents a bax; 6 boxes for one dollar, ne asnal cjsoonnt to the trade. For sal? by DR. H. BASH, No. 181 Meeting street. PITY THE TENDER BABE 1 Give lt bot the deadly compound known as oothlng Syrup. A certain popular article or this ame has launched thousands of helpless lnno enta into an early grava This has been proven speatedly, and beyond the shadow or a doun, ir which reason lt is cen dem ned by the majority f physicians. Seeing tt.e necessity for an article of this sort, ntlrely free from opiates, and other injurious rugs, Dr. BARR has put up the GERMAN SOOTHING CORDIAL, ir the nae of Infants Teething, and for children offering ftfom Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Ac This say DO given with perfect confluence, and ls ap . iroved by every physician who has examined the ormnla. Price 26 cents per bottle; 6 bottles for $1. Usual I) if count to the Trade. Manufactured and for sale by DR. H. BARR, No. 181 Meeting street, Charleston. gXCELSIOR HAIR TX)?lc! This Preparation ls just what many persons iced. They wish no Dye, bat only a Hair Wash, >r Hair Dressing-something that will keep the lair clean, and at the same time be a pleasant lair Dressing-not too greasy. The .'Excelsior" neeta all these indications, and should be given a rial Fifty cents a bottle; 6 bottles for $2. " A liberal Discount to the Trade, For sale by the Manufacturer, DR. H. BABR, Nb. 181 Mee Ung street. B. BABE'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER. D Equal*to any Extract or Essence or Ginger in he country. Only 25 cents a bottle; 6 bottles for $1. Try a bottle. For sale by _ DR. H. RAER, No. 181 Meeting street. BAER'S COUGH MIXTURE. Pleasant, harmless, and effective. Try lt. Price 25 cents a bottle. For aale by DR. H. BA.ER, No. 181 Meeting street. IJOMO0PATHI0 MEDICINES. A mu Stook or the best and most reliable or hese Remedies. Fresh supplies received constantly, by DR. H. BAER, dec7 wlyrocaw. No. m Meeting street. Special Notices. RUNION KILWINNING LODGE, No. 4, A. F. H.-A Lodge or sorrow will be held under direction of this Lodge, at the new Masonic Tem? ple, THIS EVENING. The doors will be opened at 8 o'clock, and the Ceremonies will begin at 7 o'clock precisely. A committee will be in attend? ance to assign ladles seats. The Street Oars will be in walling at the close of the exercises. By order. W. GEO. GIBBS, dec?s Secretary. pm- NOTICE.-ALL DEMANDS against the Spanish Bark PORD10HO, Cants, master, must be presented at our office in tripli? cate bills, at or before noon this day, 13th in? stant, or they wu be debarred payment. J. A. ENSLOW A CO., decls-1 - Consignees. /j**NOTIC E. -ALL CLAIMS AGAINST the German bark EMIL, Schalken, Master, mast be presented in triplicate bills at our offloe at or before noon this day, 13th Instant, or they will be debarred payment. J. A. ENSLOW A co., decl3-l Consignees. pf- NOTICE.-THE BRITISH BARK PILLE DE L'AIR, William Jones, Master, from Liverpool, will discharge Cargo under General Order THIS DAT, isth instant, at Accommodation wharf. No claims will be allowed arter goods . have been removed from tho wharr. decl3-2 HENRY CARD, Agent. pm- CONSIGNEES PER STEAMSHIP MEROEDITA, rrom Boston, are noticed that sne will discharge Cargo THIS DAT. at TanderhorBt's wharf. Goods uncalled for at sunset will remain on the wharf at owners' risk. declS-1 JAMES ADQER A CO., Agents. pm- CONSIGNEES PEE STEAMSHIP CHARLESTON, from New York-, are notified that she will discharge cargo THIS DAT, at Adger's Sonth Wharf. Goods uncalled for at sunset will remain on the wharf at owners' risk. decl8-l JAMES ADGER A CO., Agents. pm- N?TIGE TO LOT-OWNERS ON SULLIVAN'S I>LANP.-Notice ts hereby given that the Resolution adopted by the Town Council or MoultrierlUe, vacating all Lots on the drat day or January, 187s, upon which a Building has not been erected, or ls being erected, and subjecting them to a new allotment, will be rigidly eu forced. By order or the intendant, deco-r?. D. B. GIL ULAND, Recorder.. ^KNIGHTS WISHING TO ATTEND the GRAND TOURNAMENT AND BALL to ba given at Walterboro' on Christmas Day next are required to forward the character in which they will ride, also Ave dollars entrance fee, on or be? fore the 20th December. All applications most be made to J. W. WILLIAMS or L. B. O'BRTAN. dec8 fmw8 pWDR. TUTT'S LIVER PILLS FOL LOWED by Quinine ls a permanent cure for chills and Fever. They are purely vegetable. Sold everywliere._decl2-flPAw pm- NOTICE.-NEITHER THE CAP? TAIN or Consignee or the British bark MAGNET I will be responsible for any debts contracted by tho orew. GIBBES A BARNWELL, decio Consignees. pm- PALMETTO GUARD RIFLE CLUB. The Members are requested to call at Messrs. BROWN A JOHNSON'S Hat Store, King street, opposite Hasel, and have their measure? taken for j the N-: w Hats, where a sample can be seen. decs pm- BURNHAM'S AROMATIC DENTI PRICE, for Cleaning, Beautirying and Preserving the Teeth, and imparting a refreshing taste to the mouth. Prepared by EDW. S. BURNHAM, Graduate or Pharmacy, Ko. 121 King street, Charleston, s. 0. Recommended by the following Dentists: Br J. & PATRICE, Dr. B. A. MUOKBNFUSS sep28-3mos pm-TBE MEMBERS OP THE GERMAN ausSARS TILTING CLUB are requested to call in Messrs. MENKE A MULLER and leave orden ror their Uniforms. By order or the President. J. O W. BISCHOFF, octo Secretary. pm- BELL SCHNAPPS, DISTILLED ay the Pr o prie ts rs at Schiedam, in Holland. An invigorating Tonio and Medicinal Beverage. Warranted perfectly pure, and free rrom al. leleterlons substances. It ls distilled from Bar. ley or the finest quality, and the aromatic Juniper Berry or Italy, and designed expressly ror cases or Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Dropsy, Gout, Rheu? matism, General Debility, Oartarrb cf the Blad? der, Pains in the Back and stomach, and all diseases or the Urinary Organs. It gives relief in Asthma, Gravel and catcall lu the Bladder, strengthens and Invigorates tL-e system, and ls a certain preventative and cure of that dreadful scourge, Fever and Ague. CAUTION I-Ask ror "HUDSON G. WOLFE'S BELL SCHNAPPS.? For sale by all respectable Grocers and Apothe. naries. HUDSON G. WOLFE ? CO., Sole Importers. Office, No. 18 South William street, New York. sepgo-tmos ? _ pm- BATCHELORS HAIR DYE.-THIS superb Hair Dye ls the best in the world. Per? fectly harmless, reliable and instantaneous. No disappointment. No rldloulous tinta, or unpleas? ant odor. The genuine W. A. Batchelor's Oa? Dye produces immediately a splendid black or natural brown. Does not stain the skin, but leaves the hair clean, soft and beautiful. The only Bare and perfect Dye. Sold by aU druggists Factory io Bond street, Now York, mohs-tuthsiyr _?ot Salt._ FOR SALE, ONE TWENTY-FIVE HORSE POWER Portable STEAM ENGINE and Saw Mill, Timber Truoka, Bolting Tools, Ac, all complete and la running or er, ready for im mediate work; wm be Bold on reasonable terms to an approved purchaser. Appi;- to J. FRAAEK MATHEWES, No. te Broad street. decl3-8 TURKEYS.-SEVEN HUNDRED FOR sate at No. 688 Ring street, between Cu.urn bus and Spring, rrom one to two dollars. deol>2*_ MULES AND HOB SE8.-JUST AR? RIVED, at R. OAK M AN'S Stables, Heavy an.. Light Draft Horses and Plantation Mmes. For sale low._dacia-* MATCHED HORSES AT B. OAK MAN's STABLES.-A fine pair or Large iron Grey Horses, five years old, sound and gentle._dec!2 2 AFEW LOW-PRICED HORSES FOR sale at City RaUway Stables, Sh pherd street-_decl2-hfai8 JUST ARRIVED, A OAR LOAD OF Good Me 'lum MULES and HORSES. For sale low by P. WES f, Queen street._deol2 mHE FINE AND REMUNERATIVE GbO JL CERT STORE, o .rner ol Longitude lane and East Bay .can be bought at private sale on very lib? eral terms, the present owners desiring to remove to their store, corner or King and Tradd streets. Apply at their store ror further information. decll_. _ TWENTY HEAD FINE BROKE MULES for sale on time at Kentucky Sale Stables, No. 8?Charon street, BAHSKKQ A MCCOY. decl06?_*_j FOR SALE, A LOT OF EXTRA FINE HORSES AND MULES, at the subscriber's Stables, Queen street. P. WEST. declo-4* WANTED, A GOOD PLAIN COOK. Apply at the northwest corner or Rut edge and Montague streets. deol2-thsm8 (Rrncationai. RINGS' MOUNTAIN MILITARY SCHOOL, YORKVTLLE, SOUTH CAROLINA. The First Session or the School year. 1878, will begin February lat, and end Jnne suth. TermB lor School expenses. Le., board, tu'tlon. fuel, lights, washing, stationery, AC, $l3? per Session, payable m advanoe. For Circulars, address COLONEL A. COWARD, ' decll-wfmI8 Principal. Met?n%s._ MARION LODGE, No. 2, L O. 0. F. The Regular Weekly Meeting of this Lodge will be held THIS hvsxmo, at Odd Fellows' Hall, at 7 o'clock, Nomination ol Officers (or ensuing lerm. RObT. 0. STARR, dec?a-?_._Secretary. AN EXTRA MEETING OF THE FUEL SOCIETY ia partlonUrly requested at the Depository, at ll o'clock Tnrs DAT, (Friday,) lath December, 1872. By order of the President._deol3 IRISH RIFLE CLUB.-ATTEND AN Extra Meeting at Archer's Hall, THIS ET? KINO, at 7 o'clock. By order. WALSH, fleets._Secretary. HARLESTON SOCIAL MOUNTED CLUB.-Yon are hereby requested to attend a special Meeting of j oar Club, THIS EVENING, at huh* past T O'CLOCK, at the Hall, corner Mary and King streets. By order or the President. J. J. DOYLE, deois* secretary and Treasurer. ATTENTION I GRANT CAVALRY. You are hereby ordered io appear In lull I Uaiiorm, with sabre, for Iospeotlon, ac the Mili? tary i.all, ams EVSNINO. at 7 o'clock sharp, and .j.-? at.end Extra Meeting of your cornea*y, as business ol Importance will come belore the meeting. ^^^?^MA?TITO dec?a Secretary pro tem Qrant Cava.ry co. {Danu. WANTED, PART OF A HOUSE IN A respectable neighborhood, centrally loca? ted. Apply Box No. xtw, tnaneston p. o. dec?s-*?_ WANTED, A GIRL TO ASSIST WITH chitaren end do obamoer work. Apply at No. 88 Wentworth street, three doors west of sung Btreec._ _deciM* WANTED, A WOMAN TO COOK AND make herself /renerally useful. Apply at Ko. 39 Society atreet. _decla-i* WANTED, A PARTNER WITH SMALL capital to engage m Resident Bu-mess. AduresB V., NEWS offley_decla-2? WANTED, A COMPETENT W ALTIN G uAS. Apply at No. 8 Pitt street. Rec? ommendations required._dec?a WANTED, THREE COMPETENT fcervauts-a Norse, a cooa and a Seam ht;ess and cha<ubeimalu. Reterences ?equlred. apply at INO 2S George street._dee.8-1? INTELLIGENT AND RESPONSIBLE young mt-n bringing written recommenda tiuna win find emplojoient by applying at once at VuN ??Ni RVS BAZAAR, NO. Ot King street, santa claus's Htadqmtriera._ueoi8-2 WANTED, A COMPETENT FEMALE Servant, willing iv make herself useinl In ail departments of ho ?sekeeping and attendante upon a family, A ho and accommodations In the household ls offered. Apply by letter, with recommendations, to W. X. Y., at this office, dec 18*1 w ANTED EVERYBODY TO CALL THIS EVENING, AT 1'HE GREAT GIFT PHOTOGRAPH SALE. $1000 TO $1600 GIVEN AWAY, d0Cl2-8* iiT NO. 216 KING STREET. WANTED, A NURSE, WHITE OB Colored. Best reiereuces required, ln qmre at Room 17. M?nsl ?a House. deol2-2* WANTED, A COOK AND WASHER, for a small family. Apply at tho north? east corner broad and church streets. deci2 a WANTED, A WOMAN TO COOK AND Wash. Appiy m calhoun street,- two dugs west of Rutledge._dcoi2-2? WANTED IMMEDIATELY, A MAN servant to wal. m tue house, who ls wll Uug to go iii to the country. App.y at No. 12 Qicoe street, ?rom e A. M. w ls st. deoil-wlma*_ WANTED, LADIES TO SAVE FIFTY PE lt CEN l'. FANCY HAIS, latest styles, fiuui 26c. to $1. Freni h Corsets, 76c ARCHER'S Bazaar, i_ dec?-mwia* WANTED, ALL TO KNOW MT STOCK I la the largest and cheapest colled lon of r A.NO? uooua tins side tue Potomac AKcHcR'a j Bazaar._decO-iiiWfB* WANTED, LADIES TO BU If THEIR EANC? GOOD J at ARCHER'S BAZAAR, ana eave flt ty per cent, hy so doing. decQ-mwI8?_ TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND RICE Barrel Staves wanted. Apply at BENNETT'S ttluLj No. 2U8 East Bay atreeu dec9-mwim4 WANTED IMMEDIATELY, FOR THE Ladies'Fuel society, to supply present wants,40consoloas. Woud nntll toeir supply nun uereceived, apply uortheast corner ul Ju uah and Elizabeth streets betoro Li or after 8 o'clock._decil WOOD. - WANTED, 400 CORDS Oak and Pine WuOD, for whlcn foll prices wilt ne paid. A .ply at the northeast cor? ner orfrj?ddjL?d?rangej^_deon WANTED.-TWO YOUNG LADIES, who have had some years experience, and wno are entirely, competent to teach, In addition to the oi dinar; course, the higher Mathematics, La m ana Music, desire a situation for next year, address, stating terms, B. and m., care box No. 84, bennettavilie, ?. c._decll-i8 AYOUNG LADY WISHES A SITUA? TION, in a healthy parc of the State, as teacher of the English Branches and Rudiment* of Music. References given lr required. Ad dress J. K. E., through charleston p. o. noviB AGENTS WANTED. - THE MASTER j St'lklTS OF THE WORLD. THE TREAS? URE HOD.SE OF AMERICA. THE ORE AT BOOR OE THE YEAR. Agent* report sales or 26 to loo j copies in a few honra or days. Prospectus free. Address J. W. GOODSIPEEU, Ner/ York, chicago, Cincinnati, s\ Louis, New Orleans. oct I-3 ni USDA w dbl ^fl *ER DAY.-LABORERS KDJL*t)\J Wanted, to Mine Carolina Phos guates. Able-bouTed hands can make from fl 26 to $1 oO per day. Oomfortaole Lodgings pro? vided free or charge. Appiy at the Works of the Ashley Land Phos, phaie company, near Slneath's station, South Car ulm a hatlroad, or to C. E. HOLMES, Accommodation wharf, Charleston, S. 0. novS-fmwimo lost ano -f anne. FOUND ADRIFT ON MORRIS ISLAND Beach, a Batteau Boat 20 feet long, pa in tec green. The owner will apply at the Lazaretto f?? same. deoi2>2* <fo Vieta. TURPENTINE LANDS TO BENT.-| 6000 acre- superior Virgin Trees. Apply to B. P. COLBURN, No. ll Broad street. decl2-?*_ FOR RENT, A FEW MORE OOMFORTA BLE ROOMS, from $2 to $8 per month. Plenty or cistern water. AROHER'a BAZAAR. decfl-mwfB*_ TO RENT, THAT LARGE AND COM? MODIOUS Building. Nc 149 East Bay, re? cently occupied as the Publication Office of Tas NEWS, and lormerly known as the French Coffee Uouae. For terms, Ac, applv at the office of THU NEWS, No. 19 Broad street. sepas Joint Stock (Eompanp, O^l?iciAir RAFFLE NUMBERS OF THE CHARLESTON JOINT STOCK COM? PANY for the benefit of the State Orphan Asylum CLASS No. 297-THURSDAY MUBNINO, Dec 12. 66- 7-28-03-11-74-40-16 - 8-18-60-19 CLAaS WO 298- I HOBDAY EYSNIKO, Dec 12. 76-17- 1-14-44-23-78-60 -24-30-38-67 declS-1 A. MOROSO. Sworn Commslsloner. 2>n?int? Cavo*. j^JTOSES GOLDSMITH 4 SON, COLONNADE ROW, VENDUE RANGE Higheat cash Price paid lor WOOL, WAX Hides, SklnB, Paper Stock, Iron, and all kinda or Metals. ALSO, Dealers In COTTON, Naval Stores and Scotch Pis Iron. mayao-mwriyr J) A. J. SULLIVAN, BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR, No. 113 MEBTTNO STREIT, NEARLY OPPOSITE CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO Desires to Inform his friends and the public that he ls prepared to carry on the GENERAL BUILDING BUSINESS. Repairs of all kinds at? tended to. Designs and estimates furnished upon application. sep9 CADEMY OF MUSIC. LAST NIGHT BUT ONE AND BENEFIT OF THE CHAPMAN SISTERS I . LAST TUTS OF DON GIOVANNI I LAST TIMK OF DOV GIOVANNI I LAST TIME OF Bot GIOVANNI ! LABT TIKE OF Dor GIOVANNI I LABT TIME OF DOV GIOVANNI I LAST TIME OF DON GIOVANNI I Grand GOLD DE KO y MATINEE TO-MORROW for Ladles and Cb liaren. SATURDAY, LAST NIGHT OF ALADDIN Nd. 2. deol8l CADEMY OF MUSIC. FOR SIX NIGHTS-ONLY. THE TALENTED YOUNO ARTISTE, KATE PUTNAM, Supported by a snberb Comedy Company, com? mencing MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1872, On which occasion will bo presented DICKENS'S OLD CURIOSITY SHOP. MISB PUTNAM appearing in her great Dna! Char? acters or ?eM?oneaa.} KATE PUTNAM. . Introducing Songs and Dances; also her great Banjo Song. For iurttier particulars see small bills. dec 12-4 Jtisnrance. p?RlrTAl?bT M ARl7n?f^SUBANl5?7~ PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOK? LYN, NEW YORK. MANHATTAN FIRE INSURANOE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. CASH ASSETS.$2,600.000. Fits and Marine RISKS taken in the above reliable and substantial Companies. 8. Y. TUPPER, Agent, decO-mwfS % East Bay street. 8 uar ?) inc.. NO. 266 KING STREET. -FAMILLES and single gentlemen can obtain beard on reason vble ferme._declo-4* ?innicipa! STottaes. O^FFiCE^B???T^F POLICE, MAIN GUARDHOUSE, CHARLESTON, S. C., DE? CEMBER 18, 1812.-Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern, tnat the following named streets are assigned as stands !? r Spring Carts, and will be ob erved by all p rues driving such carte for hire on and arter this date, viz: Cal. bonn street, George street, Market Btreetj Beres? ford street and Clifford slireet, (west of Klag) So? ciety street and Hasel street. Not more than fonr carts w ll .be allowed at a stand at one and the same time. The Police are instructed to see that perfect order ls observed on the part of drivers of sold caris, and that they do nut obstruct the sidewalk themselves or place tnel<- carts nearer the corner or King street tuan thirty feet. JOHN c. MIN- -rr, decls-2_Chief of Police. CITY TAX NOTICB.-01TY TREAS? URY, CHARLESTON, S. C., DECEMBER 6, 1872.-By Ordinance the mme for pa> lng the last instalment of Corporation Tax and all Arrears of Taxes for this year, will end on the 16th instant, and upon all Taxes du-and unpaid on that day a penalty or twenty per cent, will attach, and re tarns lor such Taxes will be on 1st January, 1878, sent to the bheriff for eicecntton. deco-8 P. J. COGGAN, City Treasurer. Wtn%B at Wholesale. Y^E EAJ??ra?STLY INVITE THE AT TEN T?o N or Physicians, Druggists and the pabilo generally to the ELEGANT AND RELIABLE PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS OF MESSRS. JOHN WYETH A BRO., PRACTICAL CHEMISTS, PHILADELPHIA, PA., which have become so deservedly POP?LAS for their INTRINSIC worth, the SLBOAKT manner in which they are prepared, and the RELIABILITY of the QUALITY of SAOS SPIOIFIO article they are said to contain. First among them ls their COD LIVER OIL WITH PHOSPHATE LIME, a most valuable remedy in the large class or was ting diseases caused by IMPAIBMSNT or PSBVER SION or NUTRITION, the too rapid TISSCB TRANS FORMATION and the want ot certain anbstano* es sentlsl to the organism, and lt is offered with the utmost confidence as an IMPORTANT addition to the resources or med mine against tba diseases which, in this country, are the most numerous, and formidable, say -CROKCLA In children and PULMONARY COMPLAINS In BuUltS. "E&Ch 03008 of the mixture contains ie grams of the Phosphate of Lime.? . j BEEF, WINE AND IRON. This delightful nutritive tonic has been so uni? versally used ana sppp ved, lils unnecessary tc Bay more than that lt ls kept up to Its usual stand? ard of excellence. "Each tablespoonful contains 1 ounce of Beer, hair ounce or Sherry Wine and 2 grains or Citrate oriron." BEEF, WINE, IRON AND CINCHONA. The combination or Calisaya Bark with our pre? paration or Beer, Wino sad iron adda the nerve tonic and anti-period 12 effect or Cinchona to the nutritious and stimulating properties of the other ingredients. We donut IT a more efficient combi? nation ol tonio, nutritious and stimulating agents could be prescribid, E.nd ask the attention 0 phy? sicians to Its use, as a prompt and reliable remedy In the many cases In which lt would naturally be Indicated. Each tablespoonful contains 1 ounce or Beer, 2 grains OltrMo or iron, and bair ounce ot Wine or Calisaya Ears. SHERRY WINE AND BEEF. The advantage or administering Beer with Wine to patients requiring both nutriment and stimu? lant, will te r eau Hy appreciated-the sustaining and nutritions effect ol the beer orten enabling delicate at>d sensitivo invalids TO take the wine with benefit, when ordinarily thoy would be un? able to take lt even in email quantities without occasioning headache, Ac. Eaoh tablespoonful contains one-half ounce of Sherry Wine and one ounce or beer. We also call attention to the following as some among these preparations most lu use: Elixir Calisaya Bark, Iron and Strychnine. Elixir Phos? phate Iron, Quinine and Strychnine. Elixir Va? lerian ate Ammonia. Elixir Pepsin, Bismuth and Strychnine. Bitter Wine or Iron. Elixir Gentian, Ferrated. Wine ot Wild Cherry Bark Ferrated. Syrup Lacto Phos. Lime.. Tasteless God Liver Oil. Wholesale Agents lor Marvln'BPure Cod Liver OIL HOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, nove -tu r Agents for South Carolina. flJroas, rtitwiraifi, **t. Gk J. LOHN, PHARMACEUTIST, IMPORTER OF FINIS CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. No. 450 KING STE SET, CORNER OF JOHN. Now in Stock or my own importation, LOW 80N AND HAYDEN'S SOAPS, Tooth Brushes, Carbolic Add, Pattey's Cold Cream, English Dalby's Oaimlnatlve, British oil, Roche's Embrocation and Chlorodyne. AGSNT FOB TILDEN A CO.'S SC LID AND FLUID EXTRACTS. Pharmaceutical. Preparations, Sugar-coated Puls, Ac i G K>rr ron FORD'S SUB GIO AL INSTRUMENTS. AGENT FOB BOOTH CAROLINA FOB DB. JEROME Kir DER'S ELECTRO MEDICAL MACHINE AND APPLIANCES, SurgicalIniitrumsnts and Goods ol loreign man nfactureimported io order. My Dispensing iOepartmeat ls complete, em? bracing all New Remedies. A fall assortment of Trusses and Bandages al? ways on hand. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS compounded with accuracy dav or night._laniowfmiv DR. FITLERS VEGETABLE RHEU? MATIC SYRUP. Warranted unde.-oath never to have failed to oure. 28,600 Oertli?cates or testimonials of cure, including Rev. C. II. Ewing, Media, Pennsylvania; Rev. Joseph Beggs. Falls of Schuylkill, Philadel? phia; the wile of Rev. J. B. Davis, Hightstown, New Jersey; Rev. Thomas Murphy, Frankford, Philadelphia; Doct sr Jennmgs and Doctor Walton, Philadelphia: Hon. J V. Greeley, member Con Sress from Philadelphia; Hon.Jndge Lee, Cam en, New Jersey; ex-Senator Stewart, Baltimore; ex-Governor Powell, Kentucky, and thousands of others. Warranted to cure or money refunded. DB. GEO. GAULLE R, Agent, julyl-lyr Charleston, S.O. ?rccerus, ?irrnot0, #C. nSjORE? FB?E?R^GOODST We would respectfully inform oar friends and the citizens of Charleston that we have opened a GROCERY STORE, AT NO. 818 KING STREET. OPPOSITE LIBBBTT STREET, And are now offering First-class Gooda at prices to suit the times. BYRNE A FOGARTY. IMPORTANT TO HOUSEKEEPERS. BYRNE A FOGARTY have opened a GROCERY STORE ac No. 318 King street, opposite Liberty street, on the caen system. Baying and selling for cash only, thereby Riving their customers the advantage of getting their goods at the lowest posalb e rates. Call and examine for yonrself. Do not forget the number, 818 King street, oppo? site Liberty street. nov29-fmwarnos SEVENTH DIREOT IMPORTATION from San Francisco, of CALIFORNIA WINES AND BRANDY, consisting of: CALIFORNIA CHAMPAGNE California Riesling California Angelica California Sherry California Grape Brandy, The average number of vines to the acre ls ooo, ?nd the product soo gallons of Wine and 20 of Brandy-more than three times the average product lo France "-United States Commis? sioner of the General Lana Office. For sale by the 60 gallon cass: or In less quanti, ties, by JOHN HURKAMP A CO. decl0-tuthf3* QOAL1 COAL! CO ALI NOTICE TO CONSUMERS. Consumera of COAL will please bear in mind that I imp rt none but the very bear, qualities of of all kinds of Coal offered by me for sale (mali? cious reports of certain persons in our com m unity to the contrary notwithstanding.) AU ray Coal ls purchased at place of shipment at the highest prices, and co B quentl? the quality is at all times puiranteed. and If found to be "trash," the money paid tor the same will be refunded. Live and > et Live, ts an hoi est motto. A share of pat? ronage ls all I ask, all I expect. E. F. S WEEYAN, Agent. Coal Yard for the present Central Wharf. daoiM TN STORE AND TO ARRIVE. 1000 bbls. Saner, Extra and Family FLOUR. Also, Hoop Iron, Glue and Bungs ror distillers' use, for Bale low to close consignments. McINNIS A CO., decl2-2*_ No. 90 East Bay. gLATES I CEMENT! ?8,000 WELSH SLATES 18X9,16x10,16x8 loo barrels Knglish Portland Cement, now land? ing ex "Fille del'Lalr," from Liverpool. 1 For sale by HENRY CARD, decll .Atlantic Wharf. Jp O ll SALE, BAGGING 1 BAGGING! Five hundred rolls No. 1 LUDLOW BAGGING. Apply at MOSES GOLDSMITH A SON. nov27-lmo pEBUVIAN GUANO. To arrive direct from the "Gasnape" Islands, (2000) two thonnand tons of GUAN APE PERUVI? AN GUANO, which will be sold la lots of ten tons at feo, gold, per ton of 3240 pounds, by GEO. W. WILLIAM; A CO.. nov26-tuthslmo Agents. WOOL, HIDES, ?KINS AND FUSS . WANTED. We are paying the highest Cash prices for Hides, Wool, Skins, Fn*s and Beeswax, at MOSES GOLDSMITH A SON, nov27-lmo Vendue Range. TOOOD FOB THE MILLION. THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE, AMERICAN CLUB FISH-BONELESS YOUNG SHAD. The Cheapest and best Food In existence. In whole, halves and quarter boxes. PAUL B. LALANE ? CO., No. 175 East Bay, Charleston, S. C., Sole Agents. Liberal du count to the trade. sepia-smos jy? ABTIN ? MOOD, (Successors to late E. E. Bedford,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, NOS. 127 and 129 MEETING STREET, Corner Market street, Charleston, South carolina, Keep on hand a well selected Stock of Choice Fa rally Supplies. Country orders respectfully solicited. No char re for packing, and goods delivered (ree of charge to any part of the city, Railroad. Depots and Steamers. W. H. WBLCH-FLEETWOOD LAMNIAV-L, EAS OK, OCt24-D*03mOS Motitea itt gankroptctj. IN THE DISTRICT OOUBT OF THE UNITED STATES, FOR SOUTH CARO? LINA.-December Term, 1872.-In the Mat)er of EDWIN RUTHEON WHITE, of Charleston, Bank? rupt.-Petition for Fall and Final Discharge In Bankruptcy-Ordered that a hearing be had on the 27 th day of December, 1872, at Federal Courthouse, la Charleston, s. c.; and that all Creditors, Ac, or said Bankrupt appear at said time and place, and show cause, ir any they can, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. By order or the Court, the seventh day of De? cember, 1872. DANIEL HORLBBCK, Olerk or the Dlstrct Court of the rj. 8., decia-rs For south carolina. ftegal Notices. STATE OF SOUTB CAROLINA, WILLIAMSBURG COUNTY.-Wm. S. Camila, Administrator, vs. Josiah Norton, Jr.. Lydia ann Morris, Rachel Norton, Alice Norton, Burrill Nor? ton, William Norton, Daniel Norton, Josiah Nor? ton, sr., i y dla Marlow, Martha Tnomaj, A Len Norton, Elisabeth sessions, J t?. Dlnklu?, Wm. E. Dinttins, Isaac T. Hodge, Peter Hodge, N. A. Hod*e and Emma Bagget. To the above-named Defendants : You are here? by summoned to answer the petition in this ac? tion which has been tbla day flied in the offlco of the Jndge or Probate ror the said county, (the ob? ject or the petition being to settle up the Estates of BURRILL NORTON and ANNA JANE NOT? ION, and discharge the administrator.) and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber at his office in Kingstree within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive el the day of service. If yon fall to answer-this petition within the tune herein specified the Pi int iff wm apply to the Court for the relier demanded in toe petit un. SAMUEL W. MAURICE, plaintiff's Attorney, dec?a 16 KlBgstree, rs 0. NOTICE-AT THE NEXT SESSION of the General Assembly an application will be made to incorporate "THE cHARLKSTON COASTWISE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY." oct-5,llnovl,16,decl,l6 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF BARN WE L L.-Court of Com? mon Pleas.-DANIEL J. THOMAS, Plaintiff, against MAGGIE H. THO Si ' S, Defendant.-Sum. mons for Relief.-To MAGGIE H. THOMAS, the Defendant above named: Yon are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint la this action, which will be flied In the office or the clerk of the Court or common Pleas, for the said county, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the bobscrlber, at hts office at Blackville, In the county and Mate aforesaid, within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of suoh service, and if you rall to answer the com? plaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff m this action will apply to the conn for the relief demanded In the complaint. Dated at Blackville the twenty-eighth day of November, A. D. 1872. . SAMUEL J HAY, Plaintiff's Attorney, Blackville, S, C. To MAGGIE H. THOMAS, the Defendant la the above stated action: Take notice that the som? mons in tbla action, of wu len tue foregoing is a copy, and the complaint therein, was med m the office of the clerk of the Court or Common Pleas, at Blackville, for the County of Barnwell, m the State of South Carolina, on the twenty-eighth day of November, A. D. 1872. and that tbe object of this action on the part of the Plaintiff, DANIEL J. THOMAS, ls to ootaln a Divorce from yon, MAGGIE H. THOMAS, the said Defendant. SAMUEL J. HAY, Plaintiff's Attorney, Blackville. S. O. November, A D. 1872. novl9-i6 fi emeu a is. REMOVAL.-THE SADDLERY WARE? HOUSE of WM BARRAL has been remov? ed from No. 19 Hayne street to No. leg ME HING STREET, corner of Basel street, where will be found a general assortment of SADDLES, Bridles, Harnees, Carriage and Harness Materials, wita all other Goods usually foand in sach an estab? lishment. deo7-6 (Stotttke* fygnatSt 8t. WILSONS? , WILSONS' WILSON'S WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS* WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' 808 KING ST. 808 KING ST. 80? KING ST. 808 KING ST. SOO" KING ST. 806 KING ST. /.-.-irr .-. -, 806 KING ST. 806 KTNQ ST. 808 KING ST. 308 KING ST. 308 KING ST. 806 KING BT. 306 KING ST. 808 KING ST. 806 KINO ST. 806 KING ST. 806 KING ST. 806 KINO ST. 806 KING ST. 806 KING ST. 806 KTNQ ST. SOLID AT GOODS ! HOLIDAY GOODS I Holiday Goods l Straw jerry Jam lo pound nota, 40c. eac h, (Imported.) \ Dandee Maxmalade, 8 poc?d pots for one dollar. Boj y o ar Holiday Goods from - 1 WILSONS'. ?<-o- ' ' smoked Tongues; esr en ty-n ve cen te each, 'worth $125.. seedless. Ratatas, eight] poonda for one dollar. send your orden' to WIT-SONS'. Preserved Fruits in all styles. Pickled Fruits, some? thing new, nil snapes. Sew Citron, New Lem? on PeeL For anything Sloe, go to WILSONS'. Nev Currants -eight poonda for one dollar. Brandy Fruits, all kinds, trom one to for ty dollars per Jar. GROCERY. GBOOKBr. GROCERY. Jellies from twenty cen u to fl ve dollars per jar." ? _o~. a Sweet Older on draught ! To see the Neatest store in the j - city go to WILSONS'. GROCERY. GROCERY. Choice Table Botter ai-| wiLSorav ways on hana. Family Floor, ground expressly foros. Parched coffees recelv eddsiiy.1 . Ii yon want anything WILSON?. rare go to , WILSONS'. Ground Coffees to order. Try the Teas at flTty cents, sold only ss WILS OKS'." Best Tea only ose dol? lar and forty cent?. Good Tea st minty cents. . You can save twenty five cents on every - pound -.of Jes bought st WILSON'S*.' No charge for denver lng Goods. No charge for Packing. Particular attention to Conn try ordert st.' WILS 0:N S' Address Bax 8881. . ADOMSS BOX 888 1 ADDRESS BOX 88311 WILSONS'. GROCERY. G RC OKEY. GROO ERY. GROCERY. GROCERY. GHOOEBY. QRO?EBY. GROCERY. GROCERY. G? WILSONS'. WILSONS'. WILSONS'. WAGONS?. WILSONS': WILSONS' ' HJtfSOAjf W1L?ONBV rjHE NEW IMPEOT.?FTT WHBBLBlT 4 W?Lflf/r ? -'. > . 'j", liif- ? SILENT 8EWTN? MACHINE. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. &,. We are now selling these sa perter MAOHiSES on Ten DoUs/ monthly pay meats. ?", ^ " - AtlJastJmtand gggT^***}^^ L. sprHyr _ Nd ina King sltssfc Si)im ano JFniTiisrjinjj <fao$ul "Cl B SSH A B B ? TA?]L 8 ? ". ~ LATEST STYLES 1 -* j COMFORTABLE FIT l LOWB3T PRICES I A- rs-;.-: . SS -. .. 8 S . ... 8 ' :-8 :8- ; .?.8 .??..?. S S 8 8 SSSS88SS SCOTT'S SS 8 8 88-88 So - ? 8 S STAB 8 HIRTS ARD COLLARS, .. 8 S 8 S Ready-made and made 8 S : 8 8 toOrder. 8 s s . * S .-' 8 S MEN'S 8 S S 8 - S FURNISHING S S 8 SS S S SS SS GOODS. 8 8 8 8 6 88 8 S 8 ? : 8 8 8 8 88 8' -' - AT THE OBEAT 8HIBT EKPOBICTK I LOOK FOR THE STAR SIGN, MEETING BTBH?T?? NEARLY OPPOSITE MARKET HALL. J)ACrJT0 GUANO OOllPA?C?S^ (CAPITAL $1,000,000) SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. " " i ['tassa This GUANO is now so wea known m sn the southern States for les remarkable offsets assn ayencj ror increasing- tha producta of labor tl not to require special recommendation fromin? Its use ror seven years past has established its character for reliable excellence. The Lu-ja flied capital invested by the Company in thfi trade affords the surest guarantee or the contLjaed ex? cellence of this Guano. . Tt& r i r The supplies put into market this season are, as heretofore, prepared under the personal super? intendence or Dr. .st. Jniian SsveneL Chemist of the Company, at Charleston. S. 0., han?? pTtatsrs may rest aas ur ed that its quality and composition ls precisely the same as that hereumre sold. y. sr. HOBSON, Selling Agent, charleston 8. a ? JNO. a Rh fess A ca. General Asenta, Bal Um ere. Ts RMS-$48 cash; $53 time, without interest. To accommodate planton they can orderfcow and have un tu tb? let of April to decide aa tc whether they wlil take at ame or cash price, when delivered from the Factory by the carload nodrayagewui be charged. - rrtfS atk^?: vJSF^??ff?iS?1 lD,ert<Kl my sdvortisement last year wm piesse copy. novso-winioc?wsmos