The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, December 12, 1872, Image 3

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Cloding ano ?nrrusrrmg (80009. OMI Ml AND fi HOUSE! J. H. LAWTON, ACADEMY OF MUSIC BUILDING, Corner of King and Market Streets, O H A B L ESTO ls deals _Semitic Makiwa. IMMENSE SUCCESS OP THE CELEBRATED WER MN MACHINES. 181,280 SOLD IN 1871. 62,784 STOKE THIN AN Y OTHER CO, THE SINGER 11?NUFACTURING CO., NO. 186 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. declO_ ?Jaxxbtt. Jtvtirs, 4**r. AT~GH~?fS! WATCHES? Wo DATS jost opened au Assortaient o? Ameri? can and European WATO HES, which we offer at tee lowest New Tort pri?es: GOLD WATCHES from $25 to $120 . sorer Watches from $12 to $36. AD of wnlc ti are warranted. Call and see, an* be coarin oed. Also, a lari? assortment of JEWELRY. decio-tntua M. A A. ASHTON. THOMAS & LANMAU, NO. ?89 KING STREET, OPPOSITE NEW MASONIC TEMPLE. PINE WATCHES. RICE JEWELRY, -SILVER AND PLATED WARE, BRIDAL AND HOLIDAY PRESENTS. THEY- ABE NOW OFFERING AS LARGE ABD WELL SELECTED STOCK A8 HAS EVER BEES PRESENTED TO TBE CHARLES? TON PUBLIC. NO; 289 KING STREET. . COUNTRY ORDERS promptly filled, and satis action guaranteed. novW-atuthSmos SILVERWARE! WATCHES ! JEWELRY! F. KOLDEWEY respectfully calls the attention cf Ms customer* and the public to his now very ? lull and choice assortment of STERLING SILVER? WARE, GOLD WATCHES AND SOLID JEWELRY lately imported. ALSO, To a beautiful piece or art, a MECHANICAL ?LOOK WITH A BgnHg FARM SCENE. Which will be raffled ah?rtly, ?nd for .?rhlch chancea WATCHEM AND CLOCKS are i paired a3 usual In the " very best manner, at reasonable prices, ?od the work WARRANTED. KOLDEWEY. No. 802 King street, ' Third door above Wentworth street. dadO-tnthaT . ?_East side. I SjjjMS Btront " 4Bojoe, *u ( Tjrii,ir -o*s ju N G, NO. 804 KING STREET. Mm M. J. ZERNOW would respectfully an noonee to the pnbUo that she will open Tars PAT, october inn, a mil line or MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, Hoopsktrts, Bustles, Kid Gloves, "Ladles' and Children's Under Garments, Wrap? pers, Sacks, Pura, Ac Dress and Cloak Making attend ed to aa usual. Sole agent for if'me Demoreat'a PAPER PaT THRNS. Country orders will receive prompt at ^ntlon._;_octl7.thstn jDrrios, gipimuai?, *t. XaB. ITTLEB'S VEGETABLE^RF?I? Yj KATIO SYRUP. Warranted under oath never to have failed to -^core. 28,600 Cer?floatee or testimon?ala of cure, incradlne Rev. 0. H. Ewing. Media, Pennsylvania; Ber Josepft Begge, Falls of Schuylkm Phiiadel . ?Ma: tue wife of Rev. J. B. Davis, Hurhtstown, Sew Jersey: Re?. Thomas Murphy, Frankford, Philadelphia; Doctor Jennings and Doctor Walton, 'fphfladeiphia; Hon. 1 V. Greeley, member Gon? orrea? from Philadelphia: Hon. Judge Lee, Cam & Sen, New Jersey; ex-Senator Stewart. Baltimore: ~ ez-GoTernor Powell, Kentucky, and thousands of .others. Warranted to cure or money refunded. DB, GEO. GAULIKR, Agent, ijuryl-lyr Charleaton, S.O. iancg JBtoofte, ffotionB, gt, JOHN 8. FAIRLY ft CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN NOTIONS, MILLINERY, HOSIERY & WHITE GOODS, No. 37 HAYNES STREET, Desire to call the attention of Merchants visit? ing the city at thia time to their very ATTRA~ IVE STOCK of TOYS, AND OTHER GOODS SUITABLE FOR THE HOLIDAY8. Their uanal Stock la alao very FULL AND DE? SIRABLE IN EVE KT DEPARTMENT. They solicit I rom their custom a a and the Trade gen? erally the favor of an early call. decll lo tailoring, Clothing, *?ir. NEW^TOBET^ NEW GOODS ! EVERYTHING NEW ! MENKE ft MULLER, TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, INVITE THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC TO THEIR SPLENDID NEW STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING OF THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, AND CHOICE MATERIALS FOR CUSTOM WORK AN INSPECTION! OF THE GKOODS AND PRICES IN THEIR NEW ESTABLISHMENT, COR, KING AND WENTWORTH STS., Ii RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. ?oe?_ pURCHGOTT, BENEDICT ? CO., NO. '276 KISQ MKKKT, Will offer for the week commencing Monday, December B, and throughout the week, FX TRAORDINARY ATTRACTIONS In Every Department. A decided reduction has been made In all our prices, and we oiler thia week. GREAT BARGAINS, lu all of our Departement. And a:i In need or Gooda will do weil to call and examine onr stock. We mention below the prices of onlj few of our gooda : loo pieces 4-4 Wamsutta, Bleached,only 10 cen ta 5 caaes 4*4 Bleached, 12>? and 16, worth 16 and 18 cents 2 cases 10-4 Sheeting, only 40 cents 2 bales 3-4 White Flannels, 20 cents, worth 26 6 balea 3 4 White Flannels, 26 and 80, worth 80 and 40 cents 2 cases io 4 White Blanketa, only $3 60 loo pleoes Fine Cassi m ere, $1 $126, worth $160 50 rfeces Floe Caaslmore, $1 60, worth $2 1 caae Plain and Figured Dre as Goods. 26 cents 26 pieces Fine Poplin, 30 and 36 cents 60 pieces Blaok Alpaca, only 60 cents, worth 66 Great Reduct lon lo Black silks Great R?daction In Colored Silks Great Ked action In Va;ours,sii t FopUne and line Dress Gooda Great Reduction In Mourning Goods SDx-locl sashr Ribbon, only $1, all colors Qreat Bargains in all the New Shade; of Ribbons Qreat Bargains in Bows, Ties and Silk Handkerohlefa Great Bargains ia Kid Gloves, (Bee Business notlcea) Great Bargalna in Lacea, Handker? ohlefa, Cuffs and Collara . Great Bargains in Jet Sets, Hair Orna? ments, Ac, AC Great Bargains In Silk Trimmings, Silk Fringes Fall Linea of Ladles' Uaderwear Fnll Linea of Gents' Famishing Gooda Full Lines of Hosiery and Notions All at Great Bargains. GREAT INDUCEMENTS OFFERED IN CARPETS, OIL CLOTH, MATTINGS AND RUGS. Fine VELVET CARPETS marked down Fine English-Body Brussels Carpel marked down fine English Tapestry Brussels marked down Fine Three Ply Carpet marked down Fine Wool carpets marked down Fine Ingrain Carpets marked down Flue Hemp carpeta marked down Fine Venetian carpets marked down Good Quality Ingrain Carpeta for 66,66 and 76 cen ta Good 4-4 Matting marked down on dotb3, Hugs,Mats, all marked down. oar Wholesale Departmenta are com? plete, and we conatantly offer Greai Bargains to Merchants, Farmers, and all in need of Gooda. Our Millinery department is the beal assorted in thia market. Respectfully, FUR0HQOTT. BENEDICT & CO., No. 276 Klug Street. POSITIVELY FOB ONLY ONE WEEK MORE. The Public la respectfully informed that the BALANCE OF THE STOCK of the late T. KELLY, at No. 264 King street, will be offered tor Ol HORB WIE OMA' before the Anal closing. There la atm a good as aortment of SPOOL COTTON, GLOVES, HOI9ERY, Corsets, Underveata, Jaooneta, Swlsa MuaUna, Tarletan, Nainsooks, Towelling, White and Colored Linens, Orilla, Bine and Gray Flannels, Delaines, Plaid Homespun, Cotton ade J, Kentucky Jeans, Shawls, and Bress Goods. M. P. O'CONNOR, deoio-tathss Administrator. NOS. 205 AND 207 EAST BAY, OFFER TO THE TRADE AT THE LOWEST MARKET BATE9, A LABOE ARD WELL SELECTED STOCK OF G?OCERES,WmES & LIQUORS. CONSISTING* UV PART OF t GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. SUCA R8-CRUSHED, POWDERED, A, EXTRA 0, DE VIER ARA AND MUSCOVADO. MOLASSES-New Orleans, Porto Rico, Muscovado anl Sngar-House. COFFEE-Java, Bio and Lago ay ra B ACON-Smoked and Dry Salted Sides, Shoulders, Hams and Strips. FLOUR-Family, Extra and soper-Various Brands. FI8H-Mackerel, Salmon and Herrings-All Blzes and numbers. BUTTER-Cdt Edge, New Yurt State and Western in Firkins and Tubs. LARD-Pare Leaf in Tierces, Barrels, Firkins and Tabs. CHEESE-Prime Factory, Orange County, English Dalry, Gloucester and Yoong America. na Mai sr ri nnnno- S One and Two Pounds oysters, Lobsters and Salmon, Two Pound Cans ? uanntuuuuuB \ Tomatoes and Peaches, Quarter Box sardines, Ac FRUIT-Raisins, Currants, Citron, Prance, Almonds,Ac, Ac BISCUITS-Wine, Lemon, Soda, Batter, Ginger Oakes and Snaps, Jumbles, Ac. ALSO, 30AP, CANDLES, STARCH, CANDY, POWDER, SHOT, CAPS, MATCHES, BLACKING, WRAPPING PAPER, TWINE, Ao. LIQUORS. BRANDIES-Feaoh, Apple, Ginger, Cherry, French and Domestic, WHIbKEYS-Rye, Corn, Bourbon-all grades-Jamison's Dublin Whiskey. QIN8-Holland and Domestic-Varions Brands. RUM-Jamaica, st. Croix and New England. ALE-McEwan'e, Bass and Ycunger's. PORTER-GuinBess'sDoubun Stoat. WINE8-Port, Madeira, Sherry, Malaga and Claret m casks and cases. CHAMPAGNE-Dry Verxenay and Cabinet FRENCH BRANDT IN CASES, SCHEIDAM SCHNAPPS, CINNAMON CORDIAL, RASPBERRY SYRUP, ?c., ?c. TOBACCO AND CIGARS OP ALL GRADES. BRANDY PEACHES AND CHERRIES. BITTERS, &C, &C. declotuths8 _ Qaiamaxe, Slgricnlmral 3mpUm*rtt<, ttt. HART lt CO. Are AGENTS For AVERY & SONS' PLOUGHS. A Plough, with Scraper, Bull Tongue, Turning and Shovel Mould, Complete, for $15 25. ?> Or if the Dixon Sweep he preferred to the Shovel Mould, price $15 26. We have also a Full Assortment of One and Two Horse Ploughs, both Cast and Steel, of AVERY & SONS, as well as other Manufacturers. ALSO A FULL LIMB OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. ? -o FAIRBANK S SCALES. BURDICK'S HAY AtfD FODDER CUTTER. We are also in Beoeipt of a Full Line of SWEDES IRON, ENGLISH IRON, HOOP IRON, PLOUGH STEEL, TURPENTINE HACKS, TURPENTINE TOOLS, MILL STONES, HOES, TRACES, NAILS, ROPE, PLOUGH LINES, QUNS, PISTOLS, POTWARE, TINWARE, WOODWARE, BEST FI9H LINES SEINE TWINE, FISH HOOKS, BOLTING CLOTH. HART Ac O O ., 39 Hayne Street, and Corner of Kine? and Market. ocU-tathsDM CHARIiESTOlV, 8. C. 2L un ian BaUt-Eljif Oat:. Jj'A. TOBIAS' SONS. ESTATE SALE CHOICE COGNAC! BRANDT. At public auction, In United states Bonded Stores. > THIS MORMNG. 12th Instant, we will sell In United states Bonded stores, Elliots street, at ll o'clock, by order of aurvlvlnc' parties of an estate In France, 20 quarter casks ) 10 eighth casks \ Choice Old Cognac Brandy. 20 quln'a. casts ) dec?a By JOHN G. MILN'O i & CO. MEN'S, BOYS' AKD YOUTH'S PINE Felt, Oasslmere Wool Bats, on account or all concerned-sto;k 0f a Wholesale Hat House. THIS DAT, the 12th instaut, ai half past 10 o'clock, we will sell at oar store, No. l?6 Meet iDg street, 59 cases, assorted, Men's, Youth's and Boys', Hine and Common, Cassimere, Felt and Wool Hats. Conditions-Sams under $100, cash; $100 to $800, sixty days; over $800. ninety days, ror approved endorsed notes or city acceptances, Interest added. deol2 WM. McKAY, Auctioneer. SALE CONTINUED.-SHERIFf'SSALE. Stock of Messrs. Hahn A Oberge, valued at $10,000. WUI sell THIS DAY. at my Salesroom, No. 46 Wentworth street, coiumeaclng^*iirTo o'clook, a large and varied Btockof ?BT coons, consisting in part of : Pieces Black and Fancy Satinets, Beaver Cloth, Repel?ame, Alpacas, Jeans. White and Gray Blankets, Ready-made Clothing, Men's and Boya' Wool and Felt Hats, White and Mixed UndcirshllrtB and Drawers, 3-4 and 6-4 Bleached Shlrtlngd, 60 pairs Custom-made Punta, Coate, Yea'a Alao, two Show Cafes and a large aaaortment of Notions._dec?a By J. A. EI?SLOW & CO, Anet loneera. riERMAN BABE EMIL, FOB AC VX COUNT of whom lt may concero, by order of tne Consul of the German Empire. THIS MORNING, (Thursday,) ism December, at ll o'clock, at Southern Wharf, will be told, by or? der of the Conaul of the German Empire, for ac? count of whom it may concern. The Metalled and Copt er-fastened German Bark EMIL, of 6.0 tons reglan ir and eoo.tons coal capa? city, with Masts, Spare, Standing and Running Rigging. Cordage, Anchora, Chains, sails, Ac, Ac. And immediately aller, the Shlp'a Boats and Stores._;_deo!2 By LOUIS D. DeSAUSSUBti. TWO SMALL RESIDENCES ON NORTH SIDE OF WENTWORTH STREET, wear of I Lynch street. THIS DAY, ino 12th Instant, at ll o'clock j o'ciuck A. M., will be seid near the Postofflce, by order or the Mortgagee, nuder power or sale from the Mortgagor, G. W. Olney, The Twf.-and-a half Story WOODEN RESI. DENCE, with elate root, on the north aide of Wentworth atr et, weat of Lynch, wlih a Brick Eltchen on premises. The Lot measures 31 feet front, by about 121 fee: deep. House renta for $380 per annum. ATJO, A 8mall DWELLING with fonr Rooms. The Lot measures abont 2S feet by abant 121 feet deep, j House renta fur $132 per annum. On the back part of the anove Lots ls a small wooden betiding, which will have to be divided by the buyers. CondltIona-One-half cash; balance by bond bearing semi-annual Interest, payable in one | year, secured by a mortgage of th? property, houses to be marred and policy asaigned. Pur? chaser to pay for papen. dec?a By B, M. MAB SHALL & BRO., RESIDENCE No. 16 BULL STREET, west of Pitt. IBIS DAY, December 12th, at ll o'clock win be sold, near the, Broad afreet, The above Slate-KOO ' H EVIDENCE, containing fonr Bquare rooms, attics, pantry, dressing-room, doable piazza, large kl nilen and clBtero, goa, Ac Lot measures 42 by 181 feet, more or le*a. Terms-One-quarter cash; balance In one, two and three yeara. aecuretl by bond and mortgage. Interest seml-annuuly. Buildings to be Insured aod policy assigned. Pt ire Daser to pay R. M. M. A Bro, for papers._decl2 By R. M. MARSHALL & BRO. DWELLING AND STORE EAST UOB-1 NER Bogara and Line Btrceta. THIS DAY, December the 12th, at ll o'clock, will be sold, near the Poatoffice, Broad street, The above Tic-Roofed DWELLING of fonr square rooms and atore, with kitchen of two rooms. [ Lot ??7 by 86 feet, more or les8. Tenna-one-half casu; balance in one year, ae cared aa usual. Purchaser to pay R. M. M. A Bro. for papen. deois-tnath By LOWNDES & G BI MB ALL, Auctioneers. SALE OP VALUABLE PROPERTY near Mount Pieaamu William Lucas VB. R. a. Yenning. In pursuance of an order or aale In the above case, to me directed by the Hon. R. F. Graham, jar ge of the First Circuit. I will offer for sa e, at i ?ublio auction, THIS HORNING, the lam day of leoember, 1872, at the PostoOce, Charleston, at ll o'clook A. M., All that PLANTATION CR TRACT OF LAND known aa the Greenwich Milla property, situated In Ch i lat Choren Pariah near the Town of Monnt Pleasant, contait-lng about 601 90-100 acree, mord? or less, with metes and bounds aa laid down on a Plat of the aald landa, made by William Burne November 21at, 186?, ? nd recorded in Plat Book A, No. l, page 16, office Register ef MeaneCon? veyance for Oharlesto i County, which property ls exclusive or the lots marked on said plat aa A, B. C, D, E, F, 0, H, I. J and 0. The aald plat may be examined dally at the of? fice of Mesar?. Lowndes A Grlmball. auctioneers Broad street. In case no bid should be made for I the whole property, equal to the amount uow due I anon the boad of the defend int with the coate or the action, the property will then be offered In loteas laid down la said plat. Tarma-Ooe half cash; balance In one year, with Interest from day of ?aie, secured by bond of the purcnaaer or purchasers, with mortgage of the premises. Purchaser to pay Referee Tor papera. G. HERBERT SASS. decl2_'_Referee. By LOWNDES & G KIMBALL, Auctioneers. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION.-WIL? LIAM E. SPARKMAN, et al, VS. MARY A. E. SPARKMAM, Administratrix of W: E. SPARE MAN, et al-In the common Pleas for Charleston County.-In Equity. ' ln pursnancu.or an order of sale dated the 11th March, 1872, lu the above caae, to me directed by the Hon. R. F. Graham, Judge of the Flrat Cir? cuit, I will offer for sale at rab ic Auction, a: the Poatofflce, Broad street, THIS DAY, the 12th December, 1872, at ll o'clock A. M., All that PLANTATION OR TRACT OF LAND situate, lying and being on Black River. In the County of Georgetown, and State of s nth Caro? lina, generally known by tha name of Spring? wood, measuring and containing two hundred and llfty aerea or Rice Land and two thousand acres or Pine Land, more or less; bu ting and bounding on one aide by Black River, and on the other side by Peter's Creek, another Bide by Land, the property of Mrs. Guerard, and another aide by Land, tue property of Mra. Heriot. , . Terma-One-third In cash; the balance in Three equal annual instalments, bearing Interest from the day ol sale, tb? latines ton the whole princi? pal unpaid payable annually; to bs secured by al bond or bonds or the purchaser and mortgage of the property. THOMAS MoCRADY, .decl2_. _Bererce. Remouali. REMOVAL.-THE SADDLERY WARE? HOUSE of WM. HARRAL has been remov? ed from No. 19 H ay ne iitreet to No. 169 ME i> TING STREET, corner of Basel atraet, where will be found a general assort sent of SADDLES Bridles, Harness, Carriage an cl Harneas Materials, wit h all other Goods usually found in Bach an estab? lishment. dec7-6 Orortros * Ciqwn?? Ut. H. KLATTE & CO, AGENTS FOF! CHARLESTON. We have appointed Messrs. H. KLATTE A CO Sola Agents for Charleston for thia Celebrated Brand of PURE KENTUCKY WHISKEYS, both BYES and BOURBON. These Whiskeys are guaranteed pare KENTUCKY COPPER DISTILLED, free from all compound im? purities, and highly recommended by eminent chemists for medical usc. The Brand la patented to prevent infringements. r BACKHOUSE BROS. A CO., Louisville, Ky. We respectfully Inform our fri ends and custom? era that we keep constantly on hand a fall suppl; of the above already favorably well known Whla eya, and offer same to the trade at distiller's prices. H. KLATTE A 00., angh-stuthemo Ho. 18* East Bay. TT By W. T. LEITCH ? Bi & BRUNS, Ane tto neera, SPECIAL SALE OP WORKS OF ABT. Will be sold at Auction on SATURDAY, 14th Instant, at tbe Store corner or Church and Broad streets, ar. nu,, .A collect on of Bare and Choice Works of Art comprlflnj: Fine OIL PAINTINGS. Choice Imported Chro? mos in handsome and elaborate sold Leaf Frames. ALSO, A line assortment or Engllsh*8teel Engravings, after AnsdelJ, Landseer, Taylor, Williams and otters. This collection ta the finest of the kind ?xhlb lt ed In this section of the country, being copies of the genuine origina s m the Louvre, Dusseldorf and nthrr celebrated Gallerte*, by celebrated American and European artists. The attention of connoisseurs and lovers of art ls called to thia KxhlbMon. Goods now on Exhibition, and Catalogue? ready on Friday. __decl9 Bj W. T. LEITCH & B. S. BRU SS, Auctioneers. POSITIVE AND UNRESERVED Sale of va'uable BEAL ESTATE as Auction. At the Postofflce, at li o'cioctth TOESDAY. 21tn lnatantf- * " One-T?UUsE AND LOT No. os Beaufetn street The house ls of wood, two stories, double piazza, and contains six square rooms. Tue lot meas? ures forty-three, by one hundred and twelve feet In depth. One HOUSE AND LOT No. 93 Beaufaln street! The house ls 'hree stories, slate roof, double piazzas, and crntalns nine square rooms. The first story ls brick, the second and third wood; an or which ls ta thorough repair, and recei. tiv painted, with a two story kitchen confalng ive rooms on premises. Lot measures fifty feetlront by one hundred and twelve reet lu depth. -? yAUANT LUT, fifty feet front on Beaufaln street by one hundred and twelve lu depth. aU high land. une 8TO RB AND LOT corner Beaufaln and Lynch streets. lot meisurei twenty-five test on Beaufaln street by one hundred and twelve feet in depth on Lynch street. Also two LOTS on Lynch Btreer, each measnr. lng thirty-four feet iront by one hundred and six ty-elzht feet in depth. Plat ot the prnpei ty drawn by Louis J. BarOot can be seen at our office. ~ r Terras-One-hal' cash; balance in one year, se? cured by bond, with interest of the purchaser and mortgage of premises, Insurance and assignment ur the policy. Purchaser to pay m for p i pera. . This property as a whole or lo part can bs treat? ed fo r at private sale before tbe 24 h or Deee.n ber by application to W. Y. LEITCH A E. s. BR?NS, No. 86 Broad street._necia By J. A. ENSLOW Sc CO. SALE POSTPONED ON ACCOUNT OP the Inclemency of the weather to SATUR? DAY. 14th iastaut, at il o'clock. Standing and Bunning Hlgelng, Sails, Anchors, Chains BI. cfcs, cabin Furniture, Ac Ac. SATURDAY HORNING, the 14th Instant, at ll o'olock. on Central Wbarr, will be Bold, Lot of standing and Bunning Bigging Lot of Sails Anchors and Chains' Blocks and Oabln Furniture, consisting or Tablas ChnlrB, Ac. Conditions cash._dec?a By F. P, SALAS, Auctioneer. RAISINS, ALMONDS, WINES, Ac., Ac.; IMPORTED BY W. P. HALL. On FRIDAY next, the 13th taBt., at ll o'clock, A. M., will be sold at Hiddle Atlantic Wharf, The CARO'i or the Spanish Bark ProvUencla, Just arrived from Barcelona and Malaga, and es? pecially selected for this market : 800 whole boxes LAYER RAISINS j 16C0 hair ti lts Layer Raisins 2000 quarter b >xea Layer Raisins 10 boxes Figs 26 half barrels Grapes 60 boxes L?mons IT cases, of 12 cartoons each, Layer Raisins fl cases, of 24 cartoons ea?h, Layer Raisins 109 sacks Soft Shell Almo ada 25 sa 'ks Filberts 26 sacks Walnuts io barrels Canary Seed 95 boxes Vermicelli and Haccaronl loo case a Preserved Fruits 6 cases olivia loo Demijohns Olives 40 boxes Castile Hosp 26 oases olive Oil 26 barrels Olive Oil for Machinery 16 half barrels Salted Berringa 200 strings Garilo 3 bales Alicante Straw Mats 10 barrels Dry Malaga Wine 40 barrels Sweet Malaga Wine 86 barrels Sherry And Moscatel Wine 200 quarter casks Red Wine, or various brands so quarter casks Taja Wine 60 quarter casks Port Wine 60 eighth casks Rando Wine 40 eighth casks Garnacha Wine 60 sixteenth caskn Oarnaoha Wine 20 eighth casks White Wine 20 sixteenth casks Mistela Wloe. Conditions ol sale-All sums under $600, cash; from $600 to $1000, thirty days; above $1000, sixty days, with approved city endorsed notes; catalogues at Bale. ?-Columbia Phoenix, Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel, and Savannah Republican Insert once aud send bli s to F. P. Bj _declQ-4 By LAUREY, ALEXANDER & CO. INSTATE SALE, BY ORDER OP THE li EXECUTRIX. On FRIDAY, 13th insta it, will be sold at tbs corner ol Franklin and Magazine streets, at ll o'clock, on account or an t state, 6 MULES 1 Horse 6 Carts, Ac, AC. Conditions cash._ deolO-tnthfa By H. H. DeLEON. LARGE BRICK HOUSE ON EAST BAY KNOWN AS NEW YORK HOTEL. 1 will sell, on THURSDAY, December 19,1872, at the corner of East Bay and Broad streets, at ll o'cl' ck All that LOT OF LAND, with three story Brick Building thereon, on weat aide of East Bay street, known as New York Hotel, containing nine rooms, with store beneath; lot twenty-one Test three inches (21.8) Iront on East Bay, and on wast and back line seventeen feet Bli Inches (17.6). on north line one hundred and sixty-five feet six Inches (185.6), and on south line one hundred and sixty feet six Inches (180.6), m*re or less. On rear or building is a large Brick storehouse, with open? ing on Bedon'B Alley, said lot having the right of passage through said Bedon'a Alley on the south. "'T?rms-One-third (H) cash, balance in ene and two yean, by bond and mortgage or premises bearing seven per cent, interest, payable an? nually; property to be Insured and policy as signed. Purchaser to pay for papers, decll By LOWNDES & GRLMI3ALL, VALUABLE BICE PLANTATION ON COM BAH EE RIVER AT AUCTION. - Walter Blake, et al, va. Walter Blake, Jr., et aL In pursuance of au order of Bale in the aboye case, to me directed by the Hon. B. F. Graham,. Judge of the First Circuit, I will offer for sale at Public Anotlon, at the courthouse, Beaurort, 8. C., ou TUESDAY, the nth day of Dccemher. 1873, at ll o'olock. All that PLANTATION or Tract of Land, com? monly known as Bonny Hall Plantation, In Beau? fort lonnty, containing some sevea.een hundred (1700) acres or Btce and Upland. Bounding north OB Combahe*? Blver, weat on Latds now or late or Mrs. Arthur Middleton, east on Lands now or late o? Henry Middleton. Esq, south on LandB now or late of Henry Middleton, Ef q.. all of which ls more particularly described In a plan from Go? dard's Survey, traced by 0. J. Baker. Surveyor, London. Eng.. bearing date in July, 1867. Terms-One-fourth cash; balance la one, two, three and four years, the credit of the purchase money to be secured by the bond or bonds of the purchaser or purchasers, and a mortgage of the premises; the bonds to bear Interest at the rate ol seven per cent, per annum from the day of sale, payable annually, until the whole amount he paid. Purchaser to pay Referee for all necessary pipers. 0. H. SIMONTON, nov21-th-? Befereo. panes, GDraaits, &t. SALES ROOMS BEAU FAIN. STREET ONE DOOR FROM KINO. -ESTABLISHED 1819^ - Just received a select lot of new PIANOFORTES and CABINET ORGANS, and,ror sale low for ca"h, or to rent conditionally, the rent applied ss pur? chase money. An excellent opportunity is now offered to purchasers to secure a fine, weil-toned Instrument. Satisfaction guaranteed to the pur On band and to let, Pianofortes at reduced rates. Musical Instruments and ai a-1 cal Merobend t?e, together with the latest fash onabe Music con stantly receiving, orders for tuning and repair '?g?U,?.""M'"?- HEWBY SIEOI.IHO. PIANOS ANO ORGANS, Furnished at factory prices, fot Cash, or by Monthly Payments on the most liberal terms. CHARLES L. M'CLENAHAN, Plano and Muslo Store, sepS4mos Nfc iw Kin* street. Qnttismm* Priwrte Bolt*. Ut. By LOUIS D. DeSAUSSUBE, Broker, No. 93 Broad street. TESTATE SALK-REAL ESTATE, BY Vj OEDER OF EXECUTORS.-For aaie. Tko Two-Story WOODEN RESIDES OE, NO, SI warren street, next east 01 St. Paul's Church, containing 4 rooms, pantry, dressing; and garret rooms, S Pi? azzas, Kitchen, with 4 rooms. Lot 50 feet front by IM feet. deep. .. vSlSO,. The Two-Story DWELLING HOUSE, wita ? rooms and Kitchen, on west Bide of Rutledge avenue, betw>en Flahburn and Mount stree?. Lot 3? feet a inches by fl7 feet 6 Inclus. aiso, Th* adjoining LOT north or the above, sa feet 6 lechea in front by 07 feet e Inches deep. , ALSO, * The Two-Story DWELLING, With 4 rooms, OD Carrere's court, running from Cannon re Bot. Lp* 86 feet hy 60 feet. A180, The Two-Story DWELLING, with 4 noaa, fin Caxrere'a court, next to the above. Lot li feet by 60 feet. ALSO, >i tl r.. -..ii Toe Two-Story DWELLING, with 4 roo? on Oarere's court, next to the above. Lot 86 feet by 60 feet._ dsoiototpg By LOUIS D. DeSAUSSUBE, Broker, Bio. 93 Broad Street. SOUTH BAY RESIDENCE,-FOR SALE, the THREE-STORY WOOD PK RESIDBNOB, en Ronth Bay street, containing seven roona, pantry, Aa, two ptaiizaw. Ac, ac. Lot 60 fact rront by 180 feet deep. ALSO, ' ?< - The LOT OF LAND, on Lambell street, Adjoin? ing the above, with two small Houses thereon. Lot 60 feet front by 140 feet deep; deo*-mto4 By LOUIS D. DeSAUSSUBE, Broker, No. 93 Broad Street* KING STREET RESIDENCE NEAB . THE BATTERY.-FOR S ?LE, the THESE* SIL'KY wonDKN REMIDENOS, on b lek baae mn, r, on east aide of King street, a few deon from South Battery, contumaz eight rooms, two plBzzv, brick kitchen, Ac., Ao Lot 79 feet by iso feet deep. . dect-mm By LOUIS ?. DeSAUSSUBE, Broker, No. 23 Broad Street, DWELLING HOUSE ON LARGE LOT. FOB SALE, the TWO-STORY WOODEH DWELLING HOUSE,. No, 83 Cannon street, one door west of Coming street, containing eight room?, piazza. Ac. kitchen, carriage house and stable. Lot 200 feet front, by 174 feet deep; lacapa bie of being sob divided into several lota.' - deca-mtha ? f " " " "v v. By LOUIS D. DeSAUSSUBE^ ? Ko. 93 Broad street. tl OOD BRICK RESIDENCE ON HABEL X STREET -For sale or rent, the sube tan Ka 1 bout BKKK RESIDENCE on the son th sid* of Hasel street, east of Trinity Church, con talnlngJO Rooms, 2 Piazzas, Kuchen, Carriage House and Stable. Lot 60 feet front by 10? feet deep, decs-mint ; -i By LOUIS D. DeSAUfiSTJBE, ; Broker, No. 93 Broad street, " ,; BRICK RESIDENCE No. 58 TBADD STREET-For sale, the Three-htOry BRICK RESIDENCE, KO. ?8 'fradd street, a few doora rast of Meeting street, containing about 8 Ronans, Kitchen, Ac., ?io. decS-mtSH By LOUIS D. D e S AU8S?RE, Broker, Ko. 93 Broadjstroet. ' LARGE WOODEN RESIDENCE LAM? BO LL airest-For aaie, the large Three - story WOODEN RBalUENOB, on brick basement, south aide of Lambell street, one door east of Logare street. The Lot measures 67 feet rront by 180 feet deep. -, decs-nun* By LOUIS D. DeSAUSSUBE. Broker, K(i. 93 Broad street. CHARLOTTE STREET LOT OF LAND. For ade, the LOT OF LAND on the aoath Bide or Charlotte street, bet ween Elizabeth- and Alexander streets, measuring 80 feet front by SM feetdeep. . ??< ALSO, The LOT OF LAND on wes? side of Church street, north of Water street, measuring TS teat front by 188 feet deep. . dWtti, By LOUIS D. DeSAUSSUBE, Broke*. Ko, 93 Broad StraatV ^ HANDSOME RESIDENCE ON EAST BAY.-For sale, tho hands me BRICK RES - IDENOE. at the souihraJt C-Jmer of East Bay. and Vernon streets, contalolng in the basement two large rooms, a laundry and dalry, throe rooms os the second story, five rosma on the thud story and anio rooms, with water works and gas through the honse, piazzas. Aa, Ac, kitchen, car? riage noose, atable. The Lot lt ?nrroanded ou three stuea by brick walla, and. measures ai feet on Bast Bay. voo feet on Vernon street, and about PI fe?toa Wanhlngton atifet. rtrr? mtbt By LOUIS D. DeSAUSSUBE, Broker, Ko. 93 Broad Street. WOODEN RESIDENCE ON WALL srrtEBr.-For aale, the comfortable lWo and a half story WOODEN RESIDENCE on brick baaement, Na 26- Wall street, one door south of Calhoun street, containing seven rocas and aa anio, piazzas, kit hen, Aa, Aa The Lot ls ISO feet front by 108 feet deep. decv-mth4 By LOUIS D. DeSAUSSUBE, Broker,-Ko. 93 .Broad Street.. STOBE NO. 74 EAST BAY.-FOR SALE -the wen located STORE on East Bay street, known as Na 74, recently occnpleu"by Messrs. street Bros. A Co. Lot 90 fest 6 Inches by HO feel deep. The building occupies the entire lot. -?manaxu By LOUIS P. DeSAUSSUBE, Broker, Ka. 93 Broad Street, STORS AND RESIDENCE NO. 49 EAST BAY BTREET.-For aale-the STORE AMD DWELLING, No. 40 Bast Bay street, opposite North Commercial Wharf. Lot 84 feet rront by 121 feet deep. dees-mta4 QEijOYf, ?o?crco, Ut. - CLOSING OUT TO - CHANGE BUSINESS. In order to go Into another Business, Twill dispose of my - ENTIRE STOCK AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Tba Gooda must be aold by the last of this month, asl wm have no nae for them; ' Call at once and make y oar selections either In snull lots or In bulk. IHK ENTIRE LOT OF MEERSCHAUM PIPES TOBACCO, CI0AR8 AND FANCY GC )D8 MUST BB BOLD. WM. SCHRODER, Emperor William C?g?r Stan, No. 3?O KING STBEET, mohMyrnoaw CHARLESTON. 8. ? ?lonee, Rosiers, Ut. OHOSSON'S CELEBRATED KID ANO CASTOR GLOVE, VSOK oars TO soc BTOBSNBV Black, Whit?, Light, Mode and Dark. ARtaanaw fancy colon to match the prefacing abades of silks and Dre? Gooda. For sale, vrholeaala acd retafl, by . ARNOLD, CONSTABLE & GO., m? NEW" YORK, ? ?OLE AGENT FOR THE UNITED STATES, aogU-thjctmoa