Sanen ?oo?e, Sioticn?, &z. JOHN S. FAIRLY & CO., f WHOLESALE DEALERS IN NOTIONS, MILLINERY. HOSIERY &. WHITE GOODS, So. 37 HAYSE STREET, Desire to call the attention of Merchants visit lng_the city at thia time to their very A TTE.- *" IVE STOCK Of TO YS, AND OTHER GOODS SUITABLE FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Their nsnal Stock la.also very FULL AND DE SIBABLE IN ?VERY DEPARTMENT. They solicit irom their custome-a and the Trade gen orally the favor of an early call. decll 10 Sewing iUacijines. IMMENSE SUCCESS OP THE CELEBRATED wm SEWING MICH? . \;' Vi ; .. r.. 181,260 80LD IN 1871. ?2,784 MOKE THAN INF OTHER CO. THE jSHV&ER MANUFACTURniQ- CO., NC 186 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. deoio Hats, Claps, Ut. NO. 201 KINO 8TREET, Invites the attention of the Public to his FINE STOCK OF mn, MPS AND FOBS. AND UMBRELLAS. CHILDREN'S FANCY ?ATS A Specialty. 201 King Street. deer Agencies. Jj A Y 1 S 4 CO., PATENT, LAND, INFORMATION AND CLAIM AGENCY, WASHINGTON, D. 0. A GREAT PUBLIC WANT, AT LAST, SUP? PLIED. Knowing that there are hundreds of men in all parts of tue country who dally need INFORMA? TION In regard to Pensions, Bounties, Patents, Internal Reven ue Licenses and Decisions, the con? dition of Contractors' Accounts, or some othersl of the endleu claims which go before the several Departments of the Government, which informs tlocu li it can bi. tarnished RELIABLY and PROMPTLY, saves them the loss of time and the expanse of a visit to the seat or Government, has indo oed us to establish, in connection with oar Patent. Land and Claim Agency, an INFOR? MATION BUREAU. Wa can furnish, upon the shortest notice, SPE? CIFIC AND RELIABLE Information in regard to any poJert involved m the basin ess of the varions Departments, or can transact any of the business before, them. The.aid Congressmen will, from obvious rea? sons ba very.willing to afford us, (when necessa 2J eur long acquaintance and familiarity with e officers and with the routine or public busi? ness, and .our prompt and unremitting atten? tion ta all matters eu trusted to os, enables ns to offer the best facilities ior obtaining informa? tion; and we desire to afford lt on the most rea sjQSjM?I terms. All letters enclosing One Dollar, with a stamp for return postage, will be immediately answered and explicit and satisfactory Information given. In ita pursuit no efforts will be spared, and lt will he communicated with the utmost and scrupu? lous fidelity, so as to be absolutely reliable. We axe determined to merit-and secure-the un qual? ified coondenoeO: our patrons. jay Parties having lanas for sale, especially la th? Southern States, will find it to their advant? age to lend us a foll description of their premises, with tarros, Ao., as we now have an application, from ? Colony of 8WEDES, for One Hundred Th pans nfl Acres or Land in the Southern states. Dsscrtpttves of land must be accompan,ed with ! ONE DOLLAR to pay for translating, Ac lr sold, " a moderate fee (2* per cent ) charged. SBKQon trac tors' Ac counts for conveying the United states Msll prior to 1880, as also Assistant Marshals' AooouniB for taking Census of I860 bought ox received ror collection. WIBSFEETO: - ^ Hon. J.J. MARTIN, Sixth Auditor of the Trea? sury for the Poa tornee Department. ' Hon. D. P. HOLLOWAY, late commissioner of Patents. M. W. BARR. Agent Southern Associated Press. RITES A BAILEY, Proprietors Congressional Globe. A. ROMAN A CO, Publishers, San Francisco, dal . JOHN CUMMINS, late Associate Justice, Sn ' - nrente Qsnrt, Boise City, idaho. MOSES KELLY, Esq., Cashier National Metro? politan Bank. OHAS. A. ?AXES, Esq., Cashier Bank of Wash a1aE3. MCDONALD, Esq., Chief Clerk or United tates Senate, Washington, D. 0. CLINTON LLOYD, Esq., Pay Clerk, House of Representatives, Washington. D. 0. His. HAYES, Esq., Reporter Asscolated Presa, House of Representatives, Washington. F. H. SMITH, Es?? Official Reporter House or .-Representatives, Washington, D. c. 0. P. CULVER, Attorney-at-Law, Washington, D. o. And to the members generally or Congress. Address DAVIS A CO.. Patent, Land, information and f Claim. Agents, Pos tomeo Glacs Box, deoa-wsmos No. sst, Washington, D. C. Sofituff GOTOS. J\ A . J . s ULT?TA N , BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR, NO. 113 MEETING STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO Desires to. Inform his friends and the public thai ne u prepared to carry on the GENERAL BUILDING BUSINESS. Repairs of all kinds at? tended to, Designs and estimates furnished upon application. _WP8 jyj-oSES GOLDSMITH k SON, COLONNADE BOW, VENDUE RANGE. Highest Cash Price paid for WOOL, WAX ' JS&k**' p*per 8t0C**Iron'80(1811 Und*of ALBO, k Dealers in COTTON, Naval Stores and Scotch 7 pig iron. utayao-mwiiyr AND HOUSE J. H. LAWTON ACADEMY OF MUSIC BUILDING Corner of Kins; and Market Streets, CHARLESTON deolO _goose, gfroea, gc. THE GREAT SECRET OP MASONRY BM been held inviolate by the Graft for many centuries, and THE GRBAT SECRET o? 800CeB9 tn the transaction or every business ls comprised In LARGE CASH SALES, with small profits. The rabscilbers rally realizing; this mercantile fact, lave opened another Retah Establishment at the ?mer of King and Wentworth streets, ander the iasonic Temple, and have Jost received and DISCLOSED > Fresh and Complete S*ock or Boots and Ihoes of the latest and most fashionable styles, or Ladles, Misses, Gents. Boys and Children ogether with a large variety of Trunks, Valises latchels and Ladles' Belt Bags, to all or which hey invite the attention of friends, cn8tomara .nd the public generally, \T THE NEW MASONIC TEMPLE. LEWIS, ELIAS & CO.. 0. SM, CORNER KING AND WENTWORTH STS. nov28 wfm Drp ?coos, &t. J. R. READ ft CO. Invite special atttentlon to their choice Stock of DRESS GOODS, SILKS, VELVET? EENS, BLACK QUODS, KID GLOVES, (m all grades, Si 00 to $8 00.) HOSIERY, LAOS?, EMBROIDERIES, FANCY GOODS. ALSO. CLOAKS, SHAWLS AND F?RS. IV O. 363 KING, OPPOSITE HAS BL 8TB RT. I 1 Poors, Gasljes ano Slinos DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, WOOD MOULDINGS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELS,; AND ALL KINDS OF FANCY GLASS. LARGE STOCK-LOWEST RATES ORDER WORK SOLICITED. SEND FOR ESTIMATE AND PRICE LISTS. KEOGH ft THORNE, 254 AND 286 CANAL STREET,] deoo-lyr New York City. SIMS, BLINDS, DOORS. WHITE PINE, WALNUT AND FANCY LUMBER, tUILDERS' SUPPLIES AND HARDWARE. .ARCE8T STOCK. LOWE8T PRICE8. Sen* for Price List. I. H. HALL & CO., AST BAY AND MARKET STREETS, VlCT WITT OP NKW OU8TOMHOU8I. . deo?mwfiy Serpentine Koola, Coopers' ffiools, Ijaronmre, #r. TURPENTINE TOOLS. COOPERS' TOOLS. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OP HACKERS. BRASS WIRE CLOTH. DIPPERS. IRON WIRE CLOTH. AXES. TRUSS HOOPS. GLUE. HOOP IRON. FOR SALE BT HART & CO., CORNER KING AND MARKET STREETS, AND 39 HAYNE STREET, CHARLESTON, S, O. BOVt-wfm3mosD?o l?BCHGOTT, BENEDICT ? CO., MO. 276 Kl.Mi aTKKKT. Will offer for tho week commencing Monday. December o, and tbrooghoot (he week, EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTIONS| in Every Department. j A decided redaction bas been made la all our prices, and we offer tb ia week. GREAT BARGAINS, In all of oar Departement. And ail in need of Goods will do well to call and examine onr stock. We mention below tbe prices of only few of onr goods : 100 pieces 4-4 Wamsutta, Bleached,only io cents 5 caaes 4-4 Bleached, 12* and 16, worth 16 and 18 cents 2 cases 10-4 Snooting, only 40 cents 2 bales 8-4 Wadis Flannels, 20 cents, worth 26 6 bales 3 4 White Flannels, 26 and 80, worm so and 40 cent* ? cases 10 4 White Blankets, only $3 60 too pieces Fine Oaaslmere, $1 $1 26, worth si 60 60 pieces Fine 60, wortb $2 i case Plain and Flgnred Dress Goods. 26 cents 25 pieces Fine Poplin, 30 and 36 oenta 60 pieces Black Alpaca, only 60 cents. worth 66 Great Redaction la Black Silks Great Reduction m Colored Silks Great Redaction ia Vatours.Sllk Poplins and Fine Dress Goods Great Redaction in Mourning Goods Six-inch Bash Ribbon, only $1, al) colors Great Bargains in all the New Shade? of Ribbons Great Bargains in Bows, Ties and Silk Handkerchiefs Great Bargains In Kid Gloves, (see Business notices) Great Fargnlns ia Laces, Handker? chiefs, Cuffs and Collara Great Bargains In Jut Sets, Hair Orna? ments, Aa, Ac. Great r rgalns In Silk Trimmings, Silk 1 rlnttcs Fall L. .sof Ladles' Underwear Foll Lines of Gents' Furnishing Goods Foll Lines of Hosiery and Notions Ail at Great Bargains. GREAT INDUCEMENTS OFFERED IN CARPETS, OIL CLOTH, MATTINGS AND RUGS. Fine VELVET CARPETS marked down Fine English-Body Brussels Carpel marked down Fine English Tapestry BraBBels marked down Fine Three Ply Carpet marked down Fine Wool Carpets marked down Fine Ingrain Carpets marked down Floe Hemp Carpets marked down ' Fine Venetian Carpets marked down Good Quality Ingrain Carpets for 66,66 and 76 cents Good 4-4 Matting marked down Oil Cloths, Rags, Mat a, all marked down. Oar Wholesale Departments are com? plete, and we constantly offer Great Bargains to Merchants, Farmers, and ali in need of Gooda. Oar Millinery Department is the best assorted in this market. Respectfully, FUROHGOrr, BENEDICT A CO., No. 276- King Street. P. P. TOALE, ?anufacturer and Dealer in DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, to RE DOORS, FRENCH AND AMERICAN OULDINGS, WINDOW GLASS, EWBLB, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, 1LU8TER8, SLATE MANTELS. ?FPIOE AND 8ALE8 ROOMS, No. 20 Kayne street, ACTOR Y, HOBLBEC K'S WHABF tailoring, (Eloping, Sf t. [NEW STORE! NEW GOODS ! EVERYTHING NEW MENKE ft MULLER, TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, INVITE. THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC TO j THEIR SPLENDID NEW STOCK OP READY-MADE CLOTHING OF THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE, GENTS' FURNISHING. GOODS, AND CHOICE MATERIALS FOR. CUSTOM WORK. AN INSPECTION OF THE GOODS AND PRICES IN THBIH NEW ESTABLISHMENT, COIL KING AND WENTWORTH STS., 14 KESPECTKl'IiLY SOLICITED. OC13 .furniture Polis I). rp ^Y j rp TOU WILL FIND IT HANDY, USEFUL AND CON CONVENIENT. THE BEST ARTICLE EVER INVENTED TO OLEAN AND RENOVATE OU) FURNITURE, MAKING IT LOOK PERMANENTLY Bil IO QT, EQUAL TO NEW. Sold by G. w. AIM AR, Klag street. 0. F. SCH WATTMAN, Klag street. DR. H. BAER, Meeting street. C. F. PANK.NIN, Meeting street. DR. A. RAOUL, King street. D. TOUT, King Btreeu 0. J. LUHN, King street. And for sale by all Grocers and Fancy Goods Stores In Charleston. ' Price fifty cents per bottle. JOHN F. HENRY, # No. B College Place, New Yorlt. The trade supplied try PHILIP WI NEMAN & CO., No. 86 HAYNS STREET, - Wholesale Agents for the southern states. novi8-imo GLijarf, ?aoauo. Ul. CLOSING OUT TO CHANGE BUSINESS. In order to go Into another Business, I will dispose of my ENTIRE STOCK AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. The GoodB most be sold by tbe last of this month, as I will have no use for them. Call at once and make y our selections either in small lota or in bulk. THE ENTIRE LOT OF MEERSCHAUM PlPES TOBACCO, CIGARS AND FANCY GOODS MUST BE SOLD. WM. SCHRODER, Emperor "William Cigar Store, No. 310 KING STREET, mohMyrooAW CHARLESTON, S. 0. F OB LIVBEPOOL Tho First-class British Phip ISLAND ^?1* HOME, sinclair, Master, havine a portlonSSS of her cargo engaged will hi ve immediate dis paioh. Apply to HENRY CA KU, . . Exchange Ranne, dec7_Atlantic Wharf. THE PHILADELPHIA IRON STEAM LIKE. -J&L THE FIRST-CLASS IRON SCREW STEAMSHIPS VIRGINIA, Captain Hinckley, GULF STREAM, Captain Hunter, Are now regularly on the Line, insuring a first class sea connection between Philadelphia and Charleston, and in alliance with Railroad Compa? nies at both termini, afford r?pld transportation to and from all points In the Cotton States, and to and from cincinnati, st. Lonls, Chicago and the principal cities of the Northwest, Host on, Provl dence and the Eastern Mannfaotnring Centres. Sf The VIRGINIA ls appointed to sall from Brown's Wharf on FRIDAY, 13th December, at a o'clock P. M. aa- The GULF STREAM will follow. For particulars of Freight changements, apply to WM. A. COURTENAY, Union Wharves. W. P. CLYDE A CO., General Agents, No. 13 south Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. deon go R NEW YORE. ON THURSDAY, 12TH DECEMBER, AT 1 O'CLOCK P. M. NEW IRON STEAM LINE-ESTABLISHED 1870. 1 STATE BOOMS ALL ON DECK. The Splendid New Iron Sldewbeel Steamship GEORGIA, Orowell, Commander, will sall for New York on THURSDAY. I2ih December, at 1 o'clock P. M., from Pier No. 2,Union Wharves. Through Bills of Lading to Liverpool and the New England cities as usual. &g~ Insurance by steamers of this line >i per cent. For Freight or Passage engagements, having very floe Deck Stateroom accommodations, ap? ply to WAGNER, HUGER A CO., No. 26 Broad street, or to WM. A. COURTENAY, No. I Union Wharves. decs-fmwSthl F OR BALTIMORE. FREIGHTS RECEIVED DAILY, AND THROUGH BILLS LADING ISSUED TO PHII.ADKI.PHIA, BOSTON, ?ND THE CITIES OF THE NOBTHWEST. The Fine Steamship FALCON, J. F. Haynte, ?om mander, will sall for Baltimore, on SATURDAY, 4th December, at 4 o'clock P. M. tt~ Philadelphia Freights forwarded to that il ty by railroad from Baltimore without addi ional insurance, and Consignees are allowed imple time to sample and sell their Goods fron; be Railroad Depot in Philadelphia. For Freight or Passage apply to PAUL 0. TRENHOLM, Agent, decio 6 No. a Union Wharves. PIHANGE OP SAILING .DAYS. INCREASED SERVICE. ?ACTFIO MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S THROUGH LINE TO' CALIFORNIA CHINA AND JAPAN. FARES GREATLY REDUCED. Steamers of the above line leave Pier lo. 42, North River, loot of Canal street,,_ lew York, at 12 o'clock noon, of the IKE -?om nd 80th of every month, except when these dates all on sunday, then the saturday preceding. All departures connect at Panama with steam rs for south Pacific and Central American ports. For Japan and China, steamers leave San Fran Isco first of every month, except when lt falls on unday-then on the day pre noding. No California Steamers touch at Havana, bul o direct from New York to AsplnwalL One hundred pounds baggage free to each adult ledlclne and attendance free. For Passage Tickets or other Information, apply t the COMPANY'S TlOKEr OFFICE, on thc vharf foot of Oanal street, North River, New ort. F. B, BABY, Agent. angio-lyr EXCURISION TRIP TO FORT SUM? TER. The f-teamer POCOSIN, Captain - ?ff-?w 7. H. Canoon, wi 1 leave Ferry?SjESBsha fhart, foot or Market street, THIS DAT, ati* 'clock M.. and return to City at half past 2 o'clock '. M. Fare for trip Si. deal l-l p O S SAVANNAH, UESDAY, THURSDAY and SUNDAY EVENING, AT 8 O'CLOCK. The Splendid Side-Wheel Steamers _ _ mPT^t* 'IOTATOR and CITY POINT will feffifll-S iave Southern Wharf ae above. No extra charge made fer Meals and 'State For Freight and Passage apply to I.AVENEL A CO., Corner Vanderhorst's Wharf and East.Bay. deoa _ EEKLY LINE TO SAVANNAH, GA., AND SEMI-WEEKLY TO BEAUFORT, S. C. The Steamer PILOT BOY, Captain W. r. McNelty, Will leave Accommodation Wharf . Jr?w very MONDAY MORNING,at 8 o'clock, jpJggSSf: ir Savannah, Beaufort, Hut DU Head and BttSEa relis. Returning, will lei,ve Savannah every CK9DAY MOKNDi'G. wm leave for Beaufort, Pacific and Ohisolm's endings every THURSDAY MORNING, at 8 o'clock, lemming, will leave Beaufort every FRIDAY [ORNING. Goods consigned to care cf Agents will be for rarded free of storage or c? nm lesion. Freight received WKDVES.D AYS and SATURDAYS mst be prepaid to Way Lan lings. Freight received for point* ou Savannah River, o be transferred to Steamer CLYDE, which leaves evannah every TUKSDAV MORNIKO. N. B. After the l&tb Instant. 26 per cent, addi Ional will be oharged on Freight to ail points, zcept Savannah and Beaufort. For engagements apply to RAVENEL, HOLMES A CO., oetd-wa _No. so East Ray. OR FLORIDA, VIA SAVANNAH. The Splendid side-wheel St earners, HOT ATO R. Captain L. M. Oozetter, uTY POINT, Captain Fitzgerald, marleston every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SUN JAY EVKNLNO, at 8 o'clock precisely, for SAVANNAH, FERNANDINA, JACKSONVILLE MAGNOLIA. GREEN COVE SPRINGS, flT. AUGUSTINE, PALATE A IND ALL LANDINGS ON ST. JOHN'S RIVER, Connecting at Palatka with steamers for ;he Oolawaha River and with the Steamer STAR? LIGHT for Enterprise, Mell mvllle, and all points >n the Upper st. John's and Indian Rivers. These fine Steamers, bout In New York, espe rial y adapted for the Florida trade, are fnrnished with every comfort and convenience, and afford the CHEAPEST, SAFEST AND MOST COMFORT? ABLE MEANS OF REAOHINO FLORIDA. They provide a first-class tabla, well furnished, com? fortable Staterooms, and make NO EXTRA CHARGE FUR MK ALS ANu STATEROOMS. They land almost at the doors of the principal Hotels of all above points, saving the invalid and tourist the dangers and discomforts of frequent changes. > , Oenneot at Fernandina with Florida Railroad for au points In the interior, and with Railroad for New Orleans asd Havaia, via Cedar Keys. Fer Freight or Passage, apply to _-, . RAVEOTL *0O., Agents, Cerner Vanderhorst's Wharf and East Bay. deofl . -j,?-.... . " .,. . Sygjrtiott gttUi~g|ji? ?Dux, WM. McKAY, Auctioneer. SHEEUFF'S SALE-STOCK OF MESSRS. Bahn A Oberge, valued at 110,000. wm be aol J THIS OAT, at my Salesroom, No. 46 Went worth street, commencing at io o'clock, a large and varied stock or DRY' GOODS, cona lsi Lng tn part o? pieces Black and taner Satinets. Beaver Cloth, Repellante, Alpacas, Je?ns, White and Gray Blankets, Beady-made Clothing, lien and Boys' Wool and Felt Hats, White and Gray Un dei shirts and Drawers, 8-4 and 44 Bleached shirting, 160 pair Custom-made Pants, Coats, Yea ta, Ac deoll Bj WM. MCKAY. FANCY PIGEONS AND FOWLS, wm resold at my More Wentworth street, near Meeting, at io o'clock THIS MORNING, ll varieties of Fancy Pigeons, consisting of White and Black Fans, Pouters, Black Carriers, Turbita, bine winged; Mottled Ruffe, Bine Bald Tumblers, ArchangeLi, Snells. Almond Tumblers, Moors, AC. Aiso, l Trio Bult coenins, l Trio Light Brah mas, 4 Light Brahma Cooks. Conditions cash deoll By MILES DRAKE. CLOTHING. HATS, Jbc. THIS MORNING, at io o'clock, I will gell at my atore, comer or King and Libeny streets. A Une of Men'SISA CKS, Frock*, Derbys, uver Si?SrS&! ?ac?S& Pdnt3- Ve8W. P'oe Suits, La? dlea' Oioahs, Nnbiaa, scarfe, Aprons, Breakfast shawls, Soaps, Gloves, Ac ALSO Men's and Boya' Wool and Felt Hats. declO By J. A. ENSLOW & CO. STANDING AND BUNNING RIGGING, 8aiis, Anchors, Chains. Blocks, Oabln Fur nun re, Ac, Ac. THi? MORNING, the lite instant, at ll o'clock, on central Wharf, will be sold. Lot or iaUfi*108 aD(1 Runnln*" Bigging Anchors and Ohains Blocks and Cabin Furniture, consisting of Tables. Chairs,, Ac. Conditions cash. decll gigrtion Qa\tB~~future Claps. " By H. H. DeLE0NT~ LARGE BRICK HOUSE ON EAST BAY KNOWN AS NEW YORK HOTEL. I will sell, on THURSDAY, December 10, 1872, at the corner of East Bay and Broad streets, at "kl o'ci ck. All that LOT OF LAND, with three story Brick Build in g thereon, on west side or East Bay street, Known as New York Hotel, containing nine rooms, with atora beneath; lol twenty-one feet three inches (21.3) front on East Bay, sad on west and oack line seventeen feet atz loches (17.6). on north ?me one hu od red and sixty-five feet six inches :i?5.e), and on sonth line one hundred and alxtr reet six inches (160.6), more or le?. On rear of Dulldlns: malarge Brick Storehouse, with open ng on Bed.m's Ailey. Bald lot having the right of passage through said Berton's Alley on tbe south. Terms-One-third (H) cash, balance in ene and ; wo years, by bond and mortgage of premises searing aeren per cent, interest, payable an anally; property to be lo Bured and policy as ilgced. Purchaser to pay for papers. deoll iDrugs at ftijolisale. Q.RIMAULT'3 SYRUP OF HTPOPHOS FHITE OF LIVE. This new French Medicine has been need hy nany of oe r citizens with the greatest success in he care of COUGHS and the different affections >f the lunga. Pleasant to the taste and certain n its effects. Prepared by GBIMAULT A CO., No. 46 Bne Richelieu, Paris, And for t ale by their Agents, D0WIE, MOISE A DAVIS, Chi ri alon, S. 0. SIMMONS'S HEPATIC COMPOUND OR .IVER CURB, already prepared for use, has the iighest reputation now of any Liver Medicine be? ere the public. Pat ap ia large bottles, with foll ilrections; no lamlly should be without it; all rho have once used lt will use no other Liver Me* leine, It ls free from Mercury and entirely re? ntable. For sale by DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS. ^OISE'S MORNING STAR YEAST POWDERS Are used in all the hotels and many boarding? houses and private families la this city, and are eaUytbe . BEST IN USE yt making Wholesome, Light, Spongy and DI ea tlble (READ, BISCUITS, BUCKWHEAT OAKES, ROLLS, WAFFLES, MUFFINS, Ac For sale by the box, donen or pound, by the rop rle to ri :, DO WIE, MOISE A DAVIS. yjEDIGAL SADDLE-BAGS, MEDICINE HESTS, POCKET VIAL OASES AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS OF ALL KINDS, A fnll supply of tbe latest improvement* on and, and rcr sa e by < DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS. JTALLET'S MANGE OINTMENT, SAFE AND CERTAIN CURE FOR MANGE IN ANIMALS. ' No injury can result from its use," this article avlng bee n used with perfect success for years a aggravated ohronlo oases. We know it to be a E RTA IN OURE, and a trial ls all that ls needed i make lt; the vade mecnm la the list of epor ta? lon's sp?cifies. Downs, MOISE A DAVIS, Agents for the United States. y^OISFS HORSE AND CATTLE POW? ERS. The best in use. It has proved most val? able in the care of the prevailing horse epidemic DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, novs mw Proprietors, KISLEY'S BUCHU, FOR ALL DISORD? ERS of the Urinary Organs, (the Kidneys,, ladder, Urethra, Ac) from whatever cause, his elegant preparation of the concentrated Innes of the best diuretic tonics known-os pre-; ared by il. W. BISLEY, the originator-f? war in ted equal to the best, and superior to most all thor preparations for thia purposn, besides being ut np in large (8 oz.) bottles for the low price or 1. Physicians are invited to compare the effects, a well ae. the appearance of RIPLEY'S BUOBU ritn anr other. RI S LET'8 PH ? LOTO KEN, OR FEMALE'S Ri END, a remedy expressly Tor the beoeflt of ?males, sud well wormy of their attention. For alievlng nausea, and for all those nervous roubiei ts which they are orten subject, it is Iso sn excellent sedative, or Nervous Antidote, rodoclnt: natural refreshing sleep tn caaes of ervous irritation, exhaustion or excitement in amona of either sex. Price $1. ?av"? med in my family BlSLEY'S PHILOTO . EN and EXTRACT BUCHU, and observed iheir ivariabiei eiHcacy in cates among my fr.ends for number of years, I consider each a most excel int remedy for the purposes recommended; and, in my own case, the PhUotoken proved a ood remedy for sleeplessness arising from ervous exhaustion. HENRY VEHSLAQE, Ja., Pastor Reformed Church. Irvington. N. J., May 22,187L Sold bj' all Retail Druggists. The trade sup lied by PHILIP W1NEMAN A CU.. Wholesale Druggists, novla-walmo No. 8: Bay ne street. iHnsical Socks. ^LIVER1)ITSON A CO unounce that they were happily untouched by he recent Great Fire, and are busy, as usual, in tte nelle g to their extensive orders. They now call attention, also, to their STANDARD COLLECTIONS, OF VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. The whole set ls one or the most valu able Musi? al Libraries that could be devised, as each con alus from 200 to 250 pages or the moat popular nualc of the day. Price or each book in Boards, $2 60; Cloth, SS: ?ull Gilt, for Presents, $4. The prlue would b? it retail, for the pieces separately, about $40O. n this form, all the books, inoludlng the new ind favorite Gems or Strauss (now having a iplendld sale,) may be had for $32 6c Musical Treasure, Vocal and instrumental. Vocal Only: Silver Cord, Wreath or Gems. Jems Of German Seng, oems of Scottish Song Gems or 8acred song, Shower of Pearls, Dnets. Operatic Pearls, instrument?t: Home Circle, vol. l; Pianist's Album; Home Circle, VOL 2; Plano Forte Gems. Any of the above Books mailed, post-paid, fot sepl-ws S '? ' ? f?? Luttum Baltn~~Siimt ff opt. By ALONZO J. warra ft SON, Auctioneer?. TTNDER JUDGMENT OP COURT OP U Common Piena.-William. Gurney re, Mm Wright ft aL . ?^?'r'i^r-^-'.^: By virtue of the Jndgraeht cf Hon. R. F. Gra? ham, Judge of First ci rc nit, in above cass, will bo Bold, on TUESDAY, tbe 7th day or January, VBXX, near tbe Poa wm ce, charleston, at n o'clock, AM., . cj-fffaasa AUthat PLANTATION OB TRACT OF LAN?, called Shed House, situate, lying and beingan EdiB'o island, state of South Caroue*ttesaarta and containing foar hundred end four acre* sad iwenty-Blx-one hundredths of an acre, more or less. Butting and bounding on the north on ianda of James H op tin son, south by lands of John P Townsend and John Wright, east by land? o? f state of Charlea Bulley ana John Wrigox and on the west by lands cf John F. Townsend, 'J^f" Edlogs and Winiam Whaley Terms-i-me-hair cash; balance payable ia two (2) equal successive annual instalment?, with to? teres t thereon at tbe rate or teven (7j per oenr. per ann n m, pay n be annually, secured by Mad tar bonds of the purchaser, and mortgage of prem? ises; porcbaser to pay for papers; M. P. O'CONNOR, decii,i8,8ijan7_ gpeclsl Referee. I . By LOUIS D. BeSAUSS??E. . TWO SMALL RESIDENCES ON NORTH SIDE OF WENTWORTH STREET, .weat Of Lynch (treet. On THURSDAY the 13th instant, atno'cloclt o'cloofc A. M., will be sold near the Postofflce, by order or the Mortgagee, under power of sala from the Mortgagor, G. W. Olney, . zas& The Twr-and-a half Story WOODEN RESI? DENCE, with slater root, on tho nor tb ?de of Wentworth str et, weat of Lynch, wim a Bdck Kitchen on premises. The Lot measures il feet rront, by about 121 feet deep; Monas marte 1*60 per annum. -, . ALBO, . A small DWELLING with roar Rooms. Tl? Lot mea BU rea about 29 feet by about 131 feet dec?. House rents for $132 per annum. on t hf ?j ac lc part of the. anora Leis ls a small gooden building, which will nave-to be divided by the buyers. Conditions-One-half cash; balan?a by bond bearing semi-annual interest, payable' in one year, secured by a mortgage of tbe property, houses to be insured and policy ai sign ed. Pur shaser to pay for papen. * de^tnthstuwtin BJ P. P. SALAS, ; ^ . Auctioneer. , . RAISINS, ALMONDS. WINES, 4c, 4c, IMPORTED BY W. P. HALL. On FRIDAY next, tbe lath laax,et ll o'clock, L M. will be sold at Middle- At lan tlc Wharf. The CARO ) of the spanish Bart Providencia, net arrived rrom Barcelona and Malaga, andes teclally selected dor this market ~> SOO wbole boxes LATER RAISINS 16C0 half boxes Layer Railton 2000 quarter boxes Layer Retains ; 10 boxea Figs 25 Half b?rrele Grapes - ? ~ 60 boxes Lemons ? 17 oases, of 12 cartoons each, Layer Raisins 6 casea, or 24 canoona ea*h. Lajer Raisins ITO sacks sort Shell Almonds . ' 2C sacks Filberts 26 sacks Walnuts 10 barrais Canary Seed _? . - 05 boxes Vermicelli and Macearon! 100 cases Preserved Fruits 6 oases Olives 100 Demijohns Olives ,. ' 40 boxes Castile Soap ' 26 oases Clive oil 26 barrels olive Oil for Machinery 16 half barrels Salted Berringa soo strings Gturiio 3 bales Alicante Strew Mats 10 barrels Dry Malaga Wins 40 barrels Sweet Malaga Wine 86 barrels Sherry ?nd Muscatel Wine 200 quarter casus Red wine, of Tarions breads 80 quarter casks Taya Wine 60 quarter casks Port Wine 60 eighth casks Rancio Wine 40 eighth casks Garnacha Wine 60 sixteenth cask-? Garneena Wine 20 eighth casks White Wine n 20 sixteenth casks Mistela Win?. Conditions Of tale-All arima under $600, cash; ?om $600 to S1000, thirty dsys ; above 81000, ix ty ii ay a, with approved city endorsed notas., catalogues at sale. as-Colombia Phoenix, Angosta Chronicle ?nd entine], and Savannah Rep?blica Insert?nos nd send- bil a to F. P. 8. dedo*.. ?jj?t By JOHN a MLNOB ?CO. IT EN'S, BOYS' AND YOUTH'S FINE TX Felt.OasaimereandWoolflu? niiif iissssT f ?il concerned-?took of a Wholesale Hat [ouse, ?on THURSDAY, 12th instant, at half'Bast ) o'clock, we will sell at our store, NO. lae Meat ig street; 60 cases, assorted, Men's, Tonia's. *od oya', fine and common; Cammers. Ptit end rool Hats. Conditions-Soma under $100. oaab; 100 to $800, sixty days; over $aoo. ninety days* ir approved endorsed notes or city acceptances^ 1 te i est added. decio By A. TOBIAS' SONS. if.' ESTATE SALE CHOICE COGNAC BRANDY. At public auction, tn Untied tates Bonded Stores. on THURSDAY. 12th instant, ve- wtu di In United Mates Bonded Mores, Elliott ,reet, at ll o'ci- ct. by order of sum vin j irtiesof an estate to France, . - ,? .,.-; I quarter casks ) . i eighth casks \ Choice Old Cognac Brandy. I qnln'8. casks ) ' declo-S By J. A. ENSLOW & 00, ~ Auctioneers. "1 ERM AN BABE EMIL, FOB AO' X COCTNT of whom It may concern, by order trie Consul of iho German Empire, on THURSDAY MORNING, wi h December,'lt o'clock, at Southern Wharf, will be ?old, by or ? of the Consul of the Germ sn Empire, for io* mut or wnom it may concern. The Metalleo and Copper-fastened Germa? Bark MIL, of 0 J6 tons register and 80o;tons coal capa ty, with Masts, Spars, Standing ead Running Igging. Cordage, Anonors, Chains, Sias; ac; ?e. and imm'edtattly after, the Ship's Boat? ?nd tores. deer By LOUIS D. DeS?USSUBE, Receiver. } ICE PLANTATION, Ac, Ac, ON PON \ PON River, A. H. Hey ward vs. John A. assail and ochers, Devisees of John Asha, de lased. ni] On THURSDAY, the 19th day of December .wm > sold in the city of Charleston, near tue Post nee, on Broad street, in obedience to an order the Court or Common Pie .>, ' The two RICE PLANTATIONS, at the best ich or tide, known aa "Win Town," aaa "Hlgn ?sale," or "Rotterdam," now merged into one an tat lon, situate in St. B*r tholomew's Parts?, jlleton County opposite win Town, on a large eek, waters of Pon Pon River, contain lng jolnt 1049 acres, or which 400 acres are Bios Land, ider bank, (about 900 of which have been sited last year;) bounding to the north and jrthwest by lands of estate of B ayn a ra an a w? ard Barnwell, to the sooth on lands of Mrs. 'arne, end to the east on ?aid creek. On the soe are two smad Dwelling Houses and aocom iOdatlons for najroei^ A TRAOT OF PINE BARREN LAND, on the Poa - on River, St. Paul'a Parish, opposite the "Witt ^%??? )wn" Plantation, containing iso acres of land. ?%^%?E FIFTEEN TOWN Lorain the Yiiitire of ..W1U-* >wn." , - ALSO, , The TRACT OF LAND or Island commonly; town ss Whooping island, on the Daw boo iver, OoUeton County, containing ?boat SIT ?res orland. ? rr .? ? . ?J.. ? ' Conditions-One-third cash; balance by nonda lyanleln three equal successive annual Inst?l? ente, with interest, payable annually, rrom day sale, to be secured by a mortgage or the prop* ty. Purcnssers to pay for papers. de04,6,9,ll,18 14,16,18.19_. - By LOWNDES & GRIJOALL, " Auctioneers. 1 ALE OP VALUABLE PROPHBTY j near Mount Pleasant. William Lucas TS. B. , Yenning. ^ . In pursuance of an order of sale-tn the above we, to me directed by the HOB. E.P. Graham, ia ge of the First circuit, I win offer te ?est, afc abUd auction, on THURSDAY, the 13th dey Of eoember, 1872, at the Postofflce, charleston, at L O'Clock A. M., !::.. ... . . AU that PLANTATION OB TRAOT OP LAND no wu as Ure Greenwich Mills property, situated, i Christ Church Parish near the Town ?filtrant leaaaoc containing about MI 90-1? acree, niora r less, with metes and bounds as 1?^"0W??Bn* lat or the said lands, made by WIRIm BQBt rovember 21st, 1859. S!\SSS^^^SSJ& S& Ve examined daily at tbe of ^?f. LsnMTQrimbaiU^tloneere, M ?reeT Incaaeno bid should be made tor L??h?ie^roMrt^squal to the amount now doe he action, the property will then beoflhred la i? ?a laid down in said plat. M*?. Te??ne.half cash; Salanoalnoiiej^.wlto remues. Purchaser to pa^R^ree SASS. io nov2i,27,dec4,li,i2 Befares,'.'-: ; " ~By W. T. LEITCH Sc SSS3BK > fJlOB SALE OB RENTi A HANDBCWB V RESIDENCE at SnmmerviUe, with doeOot