TBRMB OE TSE HEWS* Tm DITLY NEWS, by mau one year, $8, s? month. $4; three month. ?2 60. Semd ta Os ?tty at EI9HTWN omnraa week, payab etothew M. or $8 a year, paid In advance at theomce, THE TBi-WBKLT NEWS, published on Tuesdays, Tfc and ay. an* saturday* one year *4; Bli months $8 50; three month. $12* tn* WSEXLY Rsws, one year fi. Six copie. $10. Ten coplea, to one address, iis. S?BSCKIPTIOKS In all cases payable to advance md no paper continued after the expiration of the time paid for... RB*nTANcsa should be made by Postofflce ?taney Order or by Express, ir thia cannot be done; protection against losses by mail may be secured by forwarding a draft on Charleston pay? able to the order or the proprietor? of Tra NEWS, "or ey .ending the money to a registered letter. Boca, of Wants, To Bent, Lost and Found, Boarding, JW., not exceeding 90 word., 26 cents each insertion; over 20, and not exceeding 80 words, 40 cent, each insertion ; over 80, and not exceeding 40 words, 60 cents each insertion. These rates are MST, and mast invariably be said to advance. Address RIORDAN, DAWSON A CO., . Ba 19 Broad street, Charleston, S. O. W)t jduots ot the Mississippi Valley are to be on exhibition at the room, of the company in Louden. Branch offices to the United States will be established. The central office of the society la the United States will be located at St. Louis, whioh will facilitate a more direct 1 interchange of products between the two ' countries. -In the Golden Age Theodore TU ton re- , lates the following of his last Interview with , Horace Greeley: "About three weeks ago ] Greeley said to us, (clasping our hand and j holding lt for the last time,) 'My dear friend, lor thirty days and nights I have not slept; I shall never sleep again; I pray (ar death.' During some idle hours in Brooklyn early in the campaign, he said to us, with a voioe of | sudden sadness and a tone of unwonted pathos, I have but one great ambition, and tint is not the Presidency, bot death.'" Mr. TH ton relates other incident, of a similar pur? port. -There is a great commotion in social circles In Europe in consequence of the im? pending marriage of one of the daughter, of the Rothschild family with a Gentile and a ,~ Christian. The intended groom is an "Hon? c orabie," and not without worldly distinction, i however he may be circumstanced in regard f to lucre. The latter essential qualification lor < matrimony, lt is needless to say, 1B possessed In . abundance by Miss Rothschild, whose I * lather, grown weary ol long opposition to the ' * strenooos will of the yoong lady, has finally given a reluctant consent to the match. The religions status of the parties, lt ls understood, j will undergo no change. She will remain a i Jewess and he a Christian. The technical i difficulties incident to such an abnormal state 1 o? things will probably succumb without delay i to the power of money. The great source of [ disquietude which troubles the family In this connection is of ooaree the consideration that the marriage will have a tendency to unlock and dissipate the Immense board of money which has been closely guarded and Increased tor ab many years, and mainly for the sake ot whloh the Rothschlids' marriages have hither to been contracted within the circle of their (Arn hear relatives. The entrance of an ont- 1 side: party will be very likely to break the c charm so assiduously cherished. -It ls pleasant to know that the fetes of 1 bee Imperial Majesty, the Empress Eugenie, ' which to France were celebrated yearly on .ach recurring anniversary of her birth, have not been discontinued now that she has been deprived by misfortune of a throne and all the semi-enchantment whloh courtly surroundings lend to life, j The royal revels, the chase, court bill* and other festivities were wanting at Chlselhurst this year, as they were not at Complegne when four years ago the Empress last eajoyed the occasion there, but one poeti? cal relio of the past remained, and with all its grace' and beauty was freely made use of. That was the presentation of offerings of flow, ere to the Empress. Bonqneti of Infinite number and variety were presented to her on the day o? her birth. All daylong packages were being brought to the mansion, received at the front door, opened in the entrance hall and amptled of their fragrant contents. Every corridor was lined, every table In every Clumber was laden, with masses of choice Bloom. After chapel service the bouquets and other oholce pr-sents were presented to their Intended recipient. Most of the offerings caro from Parts, the choicest flowers being g^ggjff*?** a nephew of the fanons finance minist*?. --A?terJtweWeeven months the inhabl- " tauts of Rheims have seen the Prassian ele pent removed from their borders and the town again become French. But the day which w Une ase d tba transfer, for which every citizen bad been an anxious watcher for months, waa something of a disappoint? ment. More of President Thlers's caution than was relished came in at this point, for Frenchmen do not consider liberty a thing to be welcomed like the dally bread and salt, but, on the contrary, an especial boon from Heaven, to bo signalled by all the means that "Go J and Nature" have supplied. What the townspeople could do was done. The place waB profusely decorated with French flags; the horses were adorned with trl-colors and flowers, and a blind beggar play? ing the Marseillaise on a discordant accord?on, with a female companion carrying a banner on which was in? scribed, "Vive la France,'' did a thriving business. The cabaret near the deserted Prussian barracks displayed the national col? ors, with the Inscription, uIn honor of the 79th Regiment ot the Line, from the grateful Town of Rheims." The troops that Were ex? pected did not come, and therein lay the dis appointment whloh elicited much murmur? ing. Instead were about sixty of the unpopu? lar Gendarmerie Mobile, who marched to the barracks without giving or receiving a cheer, and the orowd said, "Why did M. Thiers not let a regiment .come In, and we wonld have shown our enthusiasm?" To say that he did not do so from lear of fever is absurd. The Prussians have given an extra scrub to their barracks. Every Inhabitant in the town would have gladly housed a French soldier. Papa Adolphe forgets that we were forced to keep open house for the Prussians during twenty-seven long and dreary months." Hold Again! Mr. Jobo J. Patterson, maliciously dubbed "Honest John," has succeeded in buying up tbe majority of the members of the South Carolina legislature, as he ls credited with sacing that be would do. ' At all events, he waa elected United States Senator yester? day upon the first ballot. And if he was not elected for his money, what on earth, or below it, was he elected for? Hr. Patter? son has both brains and ready cash. Penn? sylvania gave him one, and from South Car? olina he took the other. The two together have made him senator from this State. P. S.-In the light of our latest advices from Columbia, it does not seem exactly clear, as yet, which is the more tboronghly "sold," the virtuous majority of the Son lb Carolina Legislature, or the modest gentle? man who has been buying np their votes. Flsby! John Lilly, the colored Representative from Chester, informs the Columbia Caro? linian that on Saturday night he detected a wagoner in the act of hauling coal from the Statehouse. When asked where he was taking this Statehouse coal to, the wagoner said it waa for the Supreme Court-Room up? town. Bat as the Supreme Court sits in the capitol the excuse was worse than none. Representative Lilly thinks it a very queer proceeding, and be is determined, as a new member, to bring the culprits to account Ornoo and iffieoiriius. ?QR. BAER'S IMPROVED VEGETABLE! CATHARTIC PILLS. The proprietor of these PILLS confidently be leves that ho has' succeeded, by a skilful cornel litton of veg? table remedies, la prodnolag a pre? paration that will bring health and happiness to .he unfortunate sufferer, in the following dis ?asea they. lura been used by thousands with nott wonderful success: Billons Disorders and jtver Complaint, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head- \ iche, Costiveness, Loss of Appetite, Neuralgia, I Dropsy, Dysentery, Pdes, Diseases of the Skin, ( ?ain in the Side, Back and Limbs, Sick Headache, 1 tod all derangements of the stomach. J These Pills may be taken with perfect safety by j persons of any age or sex. No family should be without them. i Price 26 cents a bex; 6 boxes for one dollar. < the usual discount to the trade. For sale tty DR. H. BAER, I No. 181 Meeting street. piTY THE TENDER BABE ! Give it not the deadly compound known as toothing Syrup. A certain popular artiole of this lame has launched thousands of helpless Inno ?nts into an early grave. This has been proven ?epeatedly, and beyond the shadow of a doubt, I 0' or whloh reason lt ls condemned by the majority I f >f physicians. 11 Seeing the necessity for an article of this sort, ! nu rely free from opiates, and other injurious irugs, Dr. BABB has putup the GERMAN SOOTHING CORDIAL, l i r Tor the noe of Infants Teething, and for children | i infferlng from Diarrhoea, "Dysentery, Ac This may be given with perfect confidence, and ls ap? proved by every physician who has examined the I a 'ormulo. ' Price 25 cents per bottle; 6 bottles for $1. Us na: Discount to the Trade. Manufactured and for sale by DR. H. BABB, No. 181 Meeting street, Charleston. jgXCELSIOR HAIR TONIC. This Preparation ls Just what many persons iced. They irish no Dye, bat only a Hair Wash, tr Hair Dressing-something that will keep the lair clean, and at the same time be a pleasant lair Dressing-net too greasy. The "Excelsior" neets all. these indications, and should be given a rial Fifty cants a bottle; 6 bottles for $2. A liberal Discount to the Trade. For sale by the Manufacturer, DR. H. BABB, Na 181 Meeting street. D R. BAER'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER. Equal to any Extract pr Essence of Ginger in he country. Only 26 cents a bottle; 6 bottles for $1. Try a bottle. For sale by DR- g? BAER, No. 181 Meeting street. QB. BAER'S COUGH MIXTURE. Pleasant, harmless, and effective. Try lt. Price 29 cents a bottle. For sale by DB. H. BABB, No. 181 Meeting street. J0MO0PATHIO MEDICINES. A full Stock or the beac and moat reliable of lase Remedies. Fresh supplies received csnatantty, by DR. BL BABB, D0T7 Ne, W Meeting street. J Spinal Staices. pa- CONSIGNEES PER STEAMSHIP FALCON, from Ballimore, are hereby notified that she la THIS DAT discharging cargo at Pier No. 1, Union Wharves. All Goods not taken away at sunset will remain on wharf at Consignees' risk. MORDECAI A CO., decll-l Agents. ^CONSIGNEES PER STEAMSHIP VIRGINA, from Philadelphia, are hereby notified that she ls discharging Cargo at Brown's Wnar?. All goods not removed by snnset win remain on wharf at consignees' risk and ex? pense. All claims must be made on wharf be? fore removal of gooda, decll-l W. A. COURTENAY, Agent. ?WKNIGHTS WISHING TO ATTEND the GRAND TOURNAMENT AND BALL to ba given at Walterboro'on Christmas Day,next are required to forward the character in which they will ride, also five dollars entrance fee, on or be? fore the 20th December. AU applications moat be made to J. W. WILLIAMS or L. B. O'BRYAN. dec6-fmw8 pa- NOTICE.-NEITHER THE CAP TAIN or Consignee or the British bark MAGNET will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew. GIBBES A- BARNWELL, decio Consignees. NOTICE.-THE BRITISH BARK FILLE DE L'AIR, Jones, Master, from'Ltverpool, ls Tins DAT, stn instant, entered under the Three (8) Day Act, and will commence discharging un? der General Order, at Accommodation Whair, on FRIDAY, the 13th Instant. AU persons are hereby cautioned against har? boring or trusting any of the crew or the above vessel, os no debts of their contracting will be paid by the Master or d 3C10-3 HENRY CARD, Agent. }W PALMBTTO GUARD RIFLE CLUB. The Members are requested to call at Messrs. BROWN A JOHNSON';} Hat Store, King street, opposite Hasel, and have their measures taken for the New Hats, where a sample can be seen. decs ~fk\T> BELL SCHNAPPS, DISTILLED by the Proprietors at Schiedam, in Holland. An invigorating Tonio and Medicinal Beverage. Warranted perfectly pure, and free from au deleterious substances. It ls distilled from Bar? ley of the finest quality, and the aromatic Juniper Berry ol Italy, and designed expressly for cases or Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Dropsy, Goat, Rheu? matism, General Debility, Cartarrh of the Blad? der, Pams in the Back and Stomach, and all diseases of the Urinary Organs, lt gives relief in Asthma, Gravel and Catcall ia the Bladder, strengthens and invigorates the system, and ls a certain preventative and core of that dreadful scourge, Fever and Ague. CAUTION I-ASk for "HUDSON G. WOLFE'8 BELL SCHNAPPS." For sale by all respectable Grocers and Apothe? caries. HUDSON G. WOLFE A CO., Sole Importers. Office, Na lfi South William street, New York. 86p8Q-3moa_ PB* BUBNHAM'S AROMATIC DENTI? FRICE, for Cleaning, Beautifying and Preserving the Teeth, and imparting a refreshing taste to the month. Prepared by BDW. S. BURNHAM, Graduate or Pharmacy, No. 421 King street, Charleston, S. 0. Recommended by the following Dentists: Dr I. B. PATRICK, Dr. B. A. MUOKBNFUSS". sep28-8mos ^.HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER is no new preparation for ibe pnbllo to experiment with, its saccess ls on parallelled for restoring gray hair to its natural ?lor, promoting its growth, and producing new lau- on bald heads. decT-Btath8n*w ^sVTHE MEMBERS OF THE GERMAN HUSSARS TILTING CLUB are requested to call on Mesara. MENKE A MULLER and leave orders for their Uniforms. By order of the President. J. 0 W. BISCHOFF, OG to_secretary. J39- THE CONSUMPTIVES OR SUF? FERER from any pulmonary disease will find TOTT'S EXPECTORANT the moat genial restora .lve ever offered an invalid. dec6-6D*w ?egal if ot ices rflE STATE OF SOUTH 0 ARO LINA COUNTY OF CHARLESTON.-OOUKT OF JoMMON PLEAS.-JOtlN L. MACAULAY. Plain Iff. against I- KA EL EDWARD WOOLF, JULIAN dos HS ABRAM?, GEOKUE DAVIS and MuRRlS JANTOR, Defendants.-Summons for Relief, Com Maint nut served. To the Defendants, ISRAEL FDWARD WOOLF, IULIAN MUSES ABRAMS, uEOKQE DAVIS ai d dORRIS CANTOR: Voa are hen by sum mooed and ?quired to answer the complaint In this action, vhich is filed in the office o the Clerk of Oom non Plea? for the said county, aod to serve a iopy of your answer to the said complaint ou the ub-crlbers at their office, No. 41 Broad street, charleston, S. c.. within twenty days after the lervice hereof, exclusive or the day of Bach ser rice; and If you fall to answer the complaint vltbla the time aforesaid, the plaintiff In this so? lon will apply to tbe Court for the relief de nanded la the comp alut. Dated 19th October, 1872. [SXAL.] A. U. RICHMOND, 0. 0. P. BUIST A BUIST, Plaintiff's Attorneys. fr the Defendants, ISRAEL EDWARD WOOLF, JULIAN MOSES ABRAMS, GEORGE DAVIS and MORRIS CAN i OR: Take notice that the Sammons In this action, of I vbich the foregoing ls a copy, wa? flied in the iffice of the Clerk of the Court cr common Pleas or Charleston County the 19th day or October, 872. BUIST A BUIST, nov20-w6 Plaintiff's Attorneys. rHE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA CHARLESTON UOUNTY.-By GEORGE j LIST, Ecq.. Probate Judge.-Whereas, KRQ. IRD C. JERVEY, or Christ Church Parish, Fur? ner, made salt to me to grant him Letters of Ad Dlnlstratlon of the Estate and effects o ITHOMAS 1AML1N, late or christ Church Parish, Farmer. These are therefore to cite and admonish all nd singular tl e kindred and creditors or the aid THOMAS HAMLIN, deceased, that they be ind appear before me in the court of Probate, to ie held at Oharleeton, on 18th J ecember, 1872, ifter publication hereof, at ll o'clock in the fore loon, to show cause, if any they have, why the etd administration should not be granted. Given Ui.der my hand, thia sd . ay ot Decem ?er, A. D. 1872. GEORGE BUlsT, dec4-w2_Probate Judge. Smsas, QLqjcmuais, JS?i. rr J. L?H N,~ * PHARMACEUTIST, MPOBTEB OF FINE CHEMICALS, PERFUMER) AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. Io. 450 KING STREET, CORNER OF JOHN. Now in Stock of my own Importation, .OW SO? AND HAYDEN'S SOAPS, Tor "a Bruah? i, Oar bollo Add, Pattey's cold cream, mglish Dolby's Carminative, British Oil, Roche's Embrocation and ohlorodyne. ??.** AQKNT FOB LLD EN A CO.'8 SOLID AND FLUID EXTRACTS, Pharmaceutical Preparations, Sugar-coated Pills, AC. A0INT FOB FORD'S SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. AGENT POB SOUTH CAROLINA FOB IB. JEROME KIDDER'S ELECTRO MEDICAL MACHINE AND APPLIANCES, Surgical Instruments and 3 o od s or foreign man facture imported to order. My Dispensing Department ls complete, em racing all New Remedies. A fall assortment of TrusseB and Bandages al? oya on hand. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS compounded 'Ith accuracy dav or night ianlOwfmty ?R. FITLER'S VEGETABLE ;iHEU MATIO SYRUP. Warranted under oath never to have failed to ire. 28,600 Certificates or testimon?ala of care, lauding Rev. C. H. Ewing, Medlo, Pennsylvania; *v. Joaepb Beggs, Foils of Schuylkill, Phtladel hla; the wife cf Rev. J. B. Davis, Hlsrhtstown, ew Jersey; Rev. Thomas Murphy, Frankford, hlladelphia; Doctor Jennings and Doctor Walton, hlladelphla: Hon. j v. Oreeley, member Con ress rrom Philadelphia; Hon. Judge Lee, Cam en, New Jersey; ex-Senator stewart, Bol?more; Bfg*BM?Wli Kentucky, ond thousands of mers. Warranted to cure or money rerunded. Da. GEO. OAULIKB, Agent, Julyl-lyr Charleston, s.e. P~ IONEER STEAM FIRE ENGINE COMPANY OF AX31ES.-Your are hereby summoned to attend an Adjourned Meeting or your Company THIS- (Wednesday) EVSNINO. the nth Instant, at 1 o'clock precisely, a full and prompt attendance ls required, as business or Importance will be submitted. By order or President AUGUSTINE T. Surras. J. W. McKENttY, decll*_Secretary. SURVIVORS' ASSOCIATION OP THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA.-The meeting OJ ihe Survivors' Acsoclatlou or the State or soutn Carolina, to be held in Charleston on THUKSDAY, the 12th lnatanc, will assemble at the ?loernian Hall at 12 M. The address by General J. B. HuOD, win ne delivered at 1 P. M. on Bame day, at the same place. __ By order or General WADS HAMPTON, President, decs A. C. HAS&EIAL, secretary, iDttntt. WANTED, WOMAN A3 COOK, ; washer and Ironer, for a small family. Good references required. Apply io Cdptaln WHiTc;, at the citadel. _deoil-2? ? WANTED, TWO PLEASANT ROOMS on a floor, with closet. In the upper part or the city. Address ..lenan!," DAILY NBWS office. deem*_ WANTED, A COLORED GIRL AS I House Servant. None need apply nnlesj can come well recommended. Appiy at -NO. 8 Lib? erty Btreet._deoll-l* WANTED IMMEDIATELY, FOR THE Ladles'Fuel aooiety, to supply present Wauis, 40 corus oi Oatt Wood until taelr supplj can be received, apply northeast corner ut Ju- 1 duh and Elizabeth streeta before 12 or after 8 | o'clock. _decll WANTED IMMEDIATELY, A MAN servant to wale in tne house, who ls wil? ling to go into the country. Apply at No. 12 Gieoe Btreet, irom . A. M. to 12 M. decil-wrm3*_ i WANTED, IN A RETAIL FRUIT AND Olgar store, an intelligent louth; also a 1 Gin (white preterredj to mase nerselr generally | useful In a sinau family. Good reoommeudations ! leqnlred. Apply st .NO. 67 hast Bay. flecll-l* WOOD.- WANTED, 400 CORDS j Oak and Pine Wool), for whlcn full prices will oe paid. A ply at tue northeast cor- ' ner of fradd and orange etreets._decll ' ENGINEER WANTED.-WANTED, AN ! ENGINEER to run a Tug Boat. Apply to 1 aa .CKELFORD A KELLY, North at.antic wnai f. deCll-l_ I SERVANT WANTED, A CAPABLE J Woman to coot and wash, or cook and do 1 lifework. Hecommeodailona required. Apply i ht NO. -A smith atreet, next north oi Beau/am. , dtcll-l_ WANTED.-TWO YOONG LADIES, who have had some years experience, and f wno are entirely cumpetent to teach, In addition to the ordinary course, the higher Mathematics, * Lai in and Music, d esl re a situation for next year, i Address, stating terms, B. and N., care box No. < 64, bennettsviUe, 8. a decil-18 WANTED, A WOMAN TO COOK AND wash for a small family. Apply at Nxws ] i I office._;_decl0-2? WANTED, A WHITE GIRL (PROTEST-1 \ AKT preferred,) to take charge of a ohtld and assist In the house. Apply at Na 121 Queen street._deoiO-8 WANTED, A STEADY WOMAN AS - Child's Nano and io assist tn Housework. I OL u to stay tn the house preferred. Apply at No. 19 Kutledge, near Montagne street._decB-8 WANTED, A WOMAN WITHOUT | ENCUMBRANCE, to Cook and do House \> urk for a small lanuly. Apply at No. S Meetlug Btreet, Detween the hours pf l and 4 P. M. decs_ I WANTED, LADIES TO SAVE FIFTY 1 PER CENT. FAN DY HATS, latest styles, I from 26c. to $1. French Corsees, 75c. ARCHER'S < Baziar._decB-mwls* WANTED, ALL TO KNOW MY STOCK I ia the largest and cheapest collection of FANOY GOODS tum Bide lae Potomac ARCHER'S | Bazaar. ?_dccfl-mwfa* WANTED, LADIES TO BU* THEIR FANCY GO??^at ARCHER'S BAZAAR, ana save Hi ty per oenc by so doing. deco-mwia*_ TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND BIOE IJ Barrel Staves wanted. Apply at bt?NNETT'3 11 M1L.L. NO. 208 East Bay street. deco-mwrma A?OUNG LtAJMf-WISHES A SUUA xi ON, lu a beaitby part of the State, as 1 luncher of ihe Kn*Usn Brauches and Rudiments 1 or Music. References given if required. Ad- ? dress J. tt. E., thrungli charleston P. o. novio AGENTS WANTED. - THE MASTER I ? bf l ul l's OF THU WORLO, TU t; TR?A&- I t ; liSE HOUSE OF AMERICA. THE GREAT BOOR ut THE YRAR. Agents report eales ol26 io 100 copies m a lew hours or days. Prospectus tree. AU a res.- J. W. GOUOSPEEO, New York, Chicago, 11 Cincinnati, S'. Louis, New Orleans. 11 octi-8mosD*w I \ dbl KA PER DA Y.-LABORERS 11 YJ JL?U \J Wanted, to Mine carolina F hos- |1 juica. Auie boulea hands can make irom $126 io $1-0 par day. Comfortable Lodgings pro? vided tree of charge. Appiy ac the Wurks or the Ashley Land Phos* phaiu Company, near sineath's station, South Carolina i.ailroad, or to C. R. HOLMES, Accommodation wharf, Charleston, S. 0. , nov8-imwHno I JJ tost ano ? armit. LOST, ~AT^ATA^NA?^AILROAD j Oepot Monday evening, December 2d, a t vii CAPE. The tinder will be rewarded If leic | sj NO. 10 Legare street. deos-mwa* So Urtu. TO RENT, TH^COMI?GDIOUS BESI DENCE, No. 66 Tradd Btreet. near Meeting, containing six square rooms, cistern, Ac. Apply at drug store, NO. Sfi Broad ai reet. deoll-2* FOR RENT, A FEW MORE COMFORTA? BLE ROOMS, from $2 10 $3 per month. Plenty of cistern water. ARCHER'a BAZAAR. decO-mwfa* ROOMS TO BENT, AT No. ll DOUGHTY Btreet. inquire on the premises, novis TO BENT, THAT LARGE AND COM? MODIOUS Building. No. 149 East Bay, re ceutly occnpled as the Publication Offlce of TUB NBWS, and formerly known as the French Corree House. For terms, AC, applv at the office of THE NEWS, NO. 19 Broad Btreet._?ep28 fox fiai*. THE FINE AND REMUNERATIVE GRO? CERY STORK. 0 .rner 01 Longitude lane and East bay,eau be bought at private sale on very lib? eral terms, the pre-eut own. ra desirUg co remove to their store, corner of Ring and> 'iradd streets. Apply at their blore for further Information, decli-tf JUST ARRIVED, ONE CAB-LOAD OF Heavy and Light Draft HORSES, young and bound. R. OAKMAN'S Stables, No. 85 Ohurch Btreet; declO 2* TWENTY HEAD' FINE BROKE MULES for sale on time at Kentucky Sale stables, No. 39 Church street. BAMBERG A MCCOY. deuio-s* FOR SALE, A LOT OF EXTRA FINE HORSES ANO MULES, at the BU Oser ibe r's Stables, Queen street. P. WEST. dcclu-4? MULES AND HORSES JUST RECEIV? ED FROM KENTUCKY.-A car load of cueap Plantatlou Mules and Horses. AU had the epizootic and well of lt. Apply at WILSON'S STABLES, No. 148 Meeting street. dec7 6* ii oar oin?. PLEASANT AND REASONABLE Board can he h sd 0-1 ihe Hue of the City Raliway hy apclyhtg to H. H. VERNON at FO uARTI l.'S BOOK DEPOSITORY. dedi l? SUMMERVILLE.-M RS. JENKINS tuvi: g taken and thoroughly refuted the weil known and pleas tntly situated Bouse lately occupied by Mrs. Doucju, la now prepared to ac? commodate BOARDERS comfortably. decT-amws* NO. 266 KING STREET.-FAMILIES and Bingle gentlemen can obtain board on reason Mt>, termB. declo-4* Confettumerg, Cogs, &t NEW AND BEAUTIFUL^TOCK^OF Rich Fancy Goods, Toys, Games, Fireworks, French confectionery, Rubber Goods, Ac, Is now openlog, (nearly every steamer brings In a fresh supply of the latest novelties until the Holidays are over,) ac VON S ANTEN'S BAZAAR, No. 229 King Btreet, nov2-smw24 Next to Academy of Music 1 Stmnsenunts. A01 DEMY OF MUSIC. Third Night and l:r men ie (access of the CHAPMAN SISTERS Only time of the beautlfdl Operatic Borleiqae, FRA DIAVOLO, TO-MORROW NIGHT, the Now York success this Besson, ALADDIN II. Grand Matinee on saturday. See small bills for particulars. decll-l insurance. JP IRELAND MARIN??n????lL?liCEr PHENIX INSURANCE COUPANT OF BROOK? LYN, NEW YORK. MANHATTAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YO BE. CASH ASSKTS.$2,600,000. Fire and Marine BISKS taken In the above reliable and substantial Coi apantes. S. Y. TOPPER, Agent, deco-mwfs East Bay street. .finan?ai. gEVEN PER CENT, SECOND MORT? GAGE BONDS SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL? ROAD COUPANT. The South Carolina Rai rosa Company having | areated a Second Mongaga, amounting to THREE MILLION DOLLARS, for toe purpose of retiring ail fa floating obliga? tions and arranging its Non Mertgage Bonds, and the Bonds authorised to be Issued under said Mortgage having been duly executed, they are ? now offered for sale at thia office at 76 per cent. Payment will be accepted as follows, vis : Two thirds of the purchase money will be received in the 7 percent. Non-Mortgage Bonds of the Com? pany at 76 percent.; balance tn cash. The value of the security now offered omi les lt to very high consid?ration. The Mortgage cov ?rs the entire property of the Company, eaibrac og Si] miles of first-class Bead, abundantly equipped with Locomotives and .Oars in fine con litton, and all the appurtenances ot a first-class Railroad, th? first Mortgage being only $3,000,000. The basin esa of the Road for the present year ls sst! mated at $1,400,000gros?, and ita net revenue it over $660,000. Its present prospects furnish imple ground for very satisfactory activations >f (nure earnings. The Bonds bear date October . .st, anu ave attached Coupons for 7 percent, jer anni, 'nterest payable in April andOcto >er in the 1 or New York. After the 8lst De? cember, 1 ist *, the price of the Bonds will be ?6 per cont, s accrued interest. ' J. T. WELS MAN, dece-fmws Treasurer. educational. &INGS' MOUNTAIN MILITARY SCHOOL, YORKYTLLE, SOUTH CAROLINA. The First Session of the School year, 1878, will )egla February 1st, and end Jane soth. avrma for School expenses, 1. e., board, tn'tlon, '?ol, lighu. washing, stationery, Ac, $186 per ienalon, payable la advance. For Circulars, id dreas COLON? L A. COWARD, decll-wfmis_Principal. jyjASONIC FEMALE COLLEGE, COKESBURY, SOUTH CAROLINA, W. CHRISTIE BESET, PRESIDENT. SESSION BEGINS MONDAY, 3D FEBRUARY, 1873. The Board or Trusteed take pleasure In an loaocing that they havo elected Mr. Benet to the iresideucy or the College. Mt. Benet ls well cnown as an experienced aud successful Teacher, id vi UR for several yeai s 0 ea rector or Oosesbury Hale Academy. He will be as*lsied in the Ller iry aaa Muslo T epartmunt by a properly quail led staff of teachers. The Board feel BU? that lader his presidency yo mg ladies can obtains Irst-claf H education. Fees for the scholastic year twenty (20) dollars, mirty-nve (86) dollars, and arty (60| douais, con lngent lee two (2) dollars. Mosto and other ex ra branches at the usual rates. Board can be obtained in the best families at (io per month, exclusive of washing and lights. The Board or Trna ees desire to make the col? eg e the pride of the Masonic fraternity; and tbey latter therese.?eB th-it. n having for President a vorthy Master Maaon of the highest attainments is a teacher, with a competent corps of OBBIS ants, with a iocalliy pioverbially healthy, with loard and tuition at tates so moderate, they nerlt and will secure th 3 patronage of tue public, iud of brother Masons iii particular. J. K. VANCE, President of Board. F. F. GARY. Secretary._Ueciip-ioi 6 ti ir ta ano -fat nis liing ($0000. pEESH AKBI7ALSI LATEST STYLES I COMPORTABLE FIT I LOWEST PBIOES S ll S S S S S S B S S S S SSSSSSSS SCOTT'S SSSSSSSS S S S STAU B HIRTS AND COLLARS. S S S S Ready-male and made B 8 S S to Order. S S S S - S S M I! N'S S S S S FURNISHING S S S SSSSSSSS GC ODS. SSSSSSSS S S 8 S S S S S fi s 3 S S AT THE GREAT SHIRT EMPORIUM ! OOK FOR TBE STAlt SIGN, MEETING STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE MARKET HALL. Seining ?larrjines. r HE NEW IMPROVED WHEELIE A WILSON SILENT SEWING MACHINE. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. We are now Helling these superior MACHINES a Ten Dollar monthly payments. Adjusting and Repal mg done promtly. WHEELER A WILSON MANUF'O OO., aprt-lyr No. 200 King street. Jflunicipal Wotitte. ^ITY TAX NOTICE.-OITY TREA8 J URY, CHARLESTON, S. C., DECEMBER 6, ?72.-By Ordinance the time Tor paying the last stalment of corporation Tax and all Arreara or ixea for thia year, will end on the 16th instant, id upon all Taxes due and unpaid on that day penalty of twenty p< r cent, will attach, and re? ?ros for such Taxes v^lll be on 1st January, 1873, nt to the sheriff for nxecutlou. deco-8 P. J. OOOQAN, City Treasurer. fttittoualf. J EMOVAL. -TB E SADDLERY WABE \ HOUSE of WM. BARRAL bas been remov [ from No. 19 Hayne street to No. 160 MEETING "KLET, corner of Hasel street, where win be und a general assorl ment of SADDLES, Bridles, arness, Carriage and Harness Materials, with I other Goods usually found in Bach an estab ihmeat, deo7-8 ?rorenes, Cloners, ??c. J^EWSTORE AND NEW 8Tec? The subscriber bege to announce to the pabilo that he toot possession or bis new establishment -MEETING, NEAR QUEEN STREET-yesterday afternoon, when lt was formilly thrown open rolly hupplled with a splendid stock or FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES, CANARIES AND FANCY CAGES, WILLOW WARE, NUTS OF ALL KINDS, Ac. Malaga Grapes soo per p DU od Delaware Grapes zoe per ponnd New Da*c316c per ponnd Layer Raisins 20o per ponnd Assorted Nnts 20c per pound Choice Bananas rrom 20c to soc per dosen Choice Apples from loo to 80c per dozen Oranges from 20c to 80c per dozen Limes fie per dozen Cn olee lot of Figs In baskets and boxes. He takes pleasure In informing the pnbllo that he has secured the service of a First-Class Confec? tioner, and will always be prepared to furnish the bett ot CANDIES, Sugar and Molasses, either at Wholesale or Retail. He ls now manufacturing the following delica? cies: CANDIES-Taffy, Yellow Jack, Cocoanut?, Strips, Honeycomb, Black Walnut, New York Cocoanut, Soft Cocoanut and many other kind?, whloh will be found fresh on his counters. He has on band a 1 area and unexcelled Stock ol FRENCH CONFECTIONERY. Determined to spare no pains to make his Es? tablishment perfect of its kind, he hopes for a continuance or that patronage whtoh has been so considerately bestowed upon him. A. BROOKBANK!*, decll-1 Meeting, near Queen street, .pp.Y AND APPLES. EASTERN HAT, choice, 00 bales Apples, 100 bbls. Strictly Al Apples, 25 bblB Prime, lindlog ex-Mercedlta. decll-1_ROACH A MOFFATT. g HIN G LE S 1 SHINGLES I SHINGLES I 20,000 SHINGLES for Bale. Apply at Tanning's Wharf, or to KINSMAN A HOWELL. deoll-2 g LATES 1 CEMENT I ?8,000 WELSH SLATES 18X0,16x10,16X8 100 barrels Fngllsh Portland Cement, now land? ing ex "Fille del'Lalr," from Liverpool. For sale by HENRY CARD, decll_Atlantic Wharf. QOAL I COAL 1 GOAL 1 LANDING. Do yon want good warm Area? Buy your COAL at the corner or Hasel and East Bay streets. Thai's the place yon can get the best quality Red Ash, Egg for parlor nae, Steve and i heBtnut for cooking ranges. Also, White Ash COAL for steam engines and foundries Ail at the lowest prices by applying to F. P. SEIONIOUS, decll-2 Coal Yard. JTEW STORE I FRESH GOODS I We would respectfully inform our friends and the citizens ot Charleston that we have opened a GROCERY STORE, AT NO. 818 KING STREET. OPPOSITE LIBERTY STREET, And are now offering First-class Goods at prices to Bolt the times. BYRNE A FOGARTY. IMPORTANT TO HOUSEKEEPERS. BYRNE A FOGARTY have opened a GROCERY STORE at No. 318 King street, opposite Liberty Btreet, on the cash system. Baying and seUlng for cash only, thereby giving their customers the advantage of getting their goods at the lowest poatlb e rates. Call and examine for yourself. Do not forget the number, 318 King Btreet, oppo site Liberty street._DOV28-fmw8moe -pOK SALE, BAGGING 1 BAGGING 1 Five hundred rolls No. 1 LUDLOW BAGGING. Apply at MOSES GOLDSMITH A SON. nov2i-lmo _ WOOL, HIDES, SKINS AND FURS WANTED. We are paying the highest cash prices for Hides, Wool, Skins, Furs and Beeswax, at MOSES GOLDSMITH A SON, oov2Mmo Tendne Range. JjlOOD FOR THE MILLION. THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE, AMERICAN OI.UB FISH-BONELESS YOUNG SHAD. The Cheapest and best Food In existence. In whole, halves and quarter boxes. PAUL B. LALANE & CO., No. ITS East Bay, Charleston, S. C., Bole Agents, Liberal discount to the trade. sepio-smos A R T I N & MOOD, (Successors to late E. E. Bedford,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GBOCEES, Nos. 127 and 129 MEETING. STREET, Corner Market street, Charleston, south Carolina, Keep on hand a well selected Stock of Choice Family Supplf.es. Country orders respectfully solicited. No charge for packing, and goods delivered free of charge to any part of the city, Railroad Depots and Steamers. W. H. WitLon-FLEETWOOD LAKNXAU-L. EASON, O0t24-DsO3mO8 _ jfoint Stock QLompang. OFFICIAL RAFFLE NUMBERS OF THE CHARLESTON JOINT STOCK COM? PANY for the benefit Gi the State Orphan Asylum. CLASS No. 203-T?RSOAV MORNING, Dec 10. 12- 4-63-28-34-88-75-43-24- 6-74-46 CLASS No. 294-TUESDAY EVENING, Deo. 10 13- 24-80-34-61-60- 2- 9- 7-73-66-29 decll-1 A. MOROSO, Sworn Co m m si st oe er. pACIHC GUANO COMPANY'S (CAPITAL $1,000,000) SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. This GUANO ls now sowell known In all the Southern States for Its remarkable effects asan agenoy for increasing the products of labor, as not to require special recommendation from ns. Its use for seven years past has established Its character for reliable excellence. The large fixed capital Invested by the Company in this trade affords tine surest guarantee of the continued ex? cellence of tbls Guano. The supplies pat Into market this season are, as heretofore, prepared ander the personal sn per intendence of Dr. Ht. Jallau Ravenel, Chemist or the Company, at charleston. S. 0., hence planters may rest assured that Its quality and composition la precisely the same as that heretofore sold. J. N. HOBSON, Selling Agent, Charleston S. C. JNO. S. RhESE ACO., General AsentB, Baltimore. TBBMIJ-$48 cash; $63 time, without interest. To accommodate planters they can order now ind have until the ist or April te decide as to whether they will take at time or cash price. When delivered from the Factory by the carload aodrayage will be charged. ari-Papers that Inserted my advertisement last rear win pleas? copy. nov20 wfmno*w8moa Mebital. rvFFIOE OF THE CHARLESTON MEDICAL INSTITUTE, COllNBB OF GEORGE AMD ANSON STBBST8. The Institute ls divided Into the following De lartmemts: FEMALE DEPARTMENT. In tbls Department every complaint known to romeo Is treated with unvarying Buccess. DEPARTMENT FOR HEART DISEASE, in this Department this formidable disease ls rested with the most gratifying results. DEPARTMENT FOR SKIN DISEASES. Every form of Skin disease permanently cured ere. ONSUMPTION AND CATARRH DEPARTMENT. In thia Deoartment I have made many lmpor inc discoveries In the treatment of Long, Throat nd Nose Diseases. EYE AND EAR DEPARTMENT. The Eye and Ear most tenderly and triumphant 7 treated. CANCER DEPARTMENT. Cancers and Tumors are here cured in ninety ases oat of every one hundred. CONFIDENTIAL DEPARTMENT. Devoted to the exclusive treatment of a clans of iaUdl.es nameless here. Alt consultations and Hairs of a private nature B trie ti y confidential., SURGICAL DEPARTMENT. I dally perform the most Important operations nowa to surgery. For additional information,, call or address, * . Da. R. B. HEWITT, Consulting Physician, decs Charleston, s. C. ?rorerita, frrruore, &t; WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSON'S WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSOSS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS* WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' WILSONS' 806 K INO ST. SM KINO ST. 806 KINO ST. 806 KINO ST. 806 KUHa ST. 806 KINO ST. 806 KINO ST. 806 KINO ST. 806 KINO ST. 806 KINO ST. 806 KINO ST. 806 KINO ST. 306 KING ST. SOC KIN Q ST. 806 KINO ST. 806 KINO ST. 806 KING ST. 806 KINO ST. 806 KING ST. 806 KINO ST. 806 KING ST. 30LIDAY GOODS ! HOLIDAY GOODS I Holiday Goods I Strawberry Jam In pound pet?, toe, each, - (finpor^.^.. Dandee Mirai slade, 8 pound pots for one dollar. Buy your ilouday Goods from ( , WILSO VS'. Smoked Tongues, ?ev 6Qty-flve otfita stony worth fl ii, ? Brandy Fruits, all kinda, from one to for? ty d ulla rs per Jar. -0- .*. Seedless Raisins, eight pounds for one dollar. Send TOUT orders to WILSONS'. Preserved. Fruits in all styles. GROCERY. GROCERY. ORO GERY. Pickled Fruits, some? thing new, att shapes. New Cition, New Lem on Peel. For anything Nice,, go ? ,w to . aROOEBY. W I LO O KB'.. a -O- . QRO?XBY. New Currants-sight j ' pounds for one donor. - -O- - GBOCKRY. Jellies from twenty cents to Ave donara : : par jar. ??.... GROCERY. -?O- . Sweet Older on draught To tee tte ?j GROCERY. Neatest store ia Uu city go to - ~ ? ? , - . WILSONS/. W I L 8 ONS'. Choice Table 'Butter ai- WILSONS*. ways on hand., . , Family flour: frond WILSOSTT. expressly for us. Parched coSee recelv WILSONS', cd dally. Ii you want anything WILSONS". rare go to _ WILSONS'. WILSONS'. Ground Coffees to order -O- ; WILSONS'. Try toe Teas nt fifty ? m H oanta, sold, only . ?? at WILSONS'. WILSONS'. I":'. -O- WILSONS' Best Tea, only one dd- . ?'...'" lar and forty oentsv %?bi? -O- WILSONS' Good Te? at eighty cents.' -O- WILSONS'. Yon can aa ve twenty five centaon * every pound of Tea WILSONS', bought at WILSONS'. WILSONS'. -0 Bo charge for deliver. -*? > lng Gooda. WILSON*. No chalga for Packing. WILSONS'. Port leola r attention to WILSONS'. : Country orders ^ ' WILSONS'. WILSONS'. WIL80H8'. Address BOX SSS I WILSONS'. Anns? BOX 888 I WILSONS. ADDRESS BOX8881 WILSONS'. T. GROCERY, QROJERY. OROOS RT. GROCERY. GROCERY. GROCERY. tl. GROCERY. r-.' t GROCERY. - * . Cv GROCERY. . , ..-.'St GROCERY. GROCRRY. ?0ROCERY. CrjrUtmas SuppILea. J? O B E I G N P B U l T . I ORANGES, BANANAS, PINEAPPLES, GRAPE FRUIT AND COCOANUTS. JOST ARRIVED PER BONNE LL: 100,000 Havana Oranges 1,000 sugar-Loaf Pineapples. SCHOONER O ABBIE ' fa ?sf-a?i JUST ARRIVED PER SCHOONER EQUATOR: 176,000 Heath sra Oranges 1,000 Bird-Eye Pineapples 3,000 Large crape Fruit JUST ARRIVED PEB SCHOONER OLD CHAD, AND NOW LANDING AT FRASER'S WHARF : 1,200 bunches Selected Baracoa Bansin 20,000 Half-Husked Cocoanuts 20,000 clean cocoanuts. . JUST ARRIVED PEE SCHOONER HEATON, AND NOW LANDING AT FRASER'S WHARE: MO barrels Prime Assorted Apples ,100 boxes Malaga Lemoas ~ 200 boxes Gold Drajon Fire Oracktn . 20 bales Tarragona Almonds " 20 bales Naples Walnuts 20 bales Spanish FUberta ; 20.bales Eraxil Nuts 20 bales Texas Pecans 6 cases, drums and hxlf-dunu Figs 6 cases Fancy Bsokets Flgs . 6 cases Fla? Boxes Figs 6 cases Small Oval Figs ^ 2 cases Lea horn Citron . 26 boxes Turkish Prunes 26 boxes Pressed Dates. TO ARRIVE PER STEAMER FALCON: loo boxes Layer Basins ? loo quarter boxes Layer Basins 60 boxes Loose Muscatels. TO ABRITE PEB STEAMER VIRGINIA : 600 ms. Candy-Fancy Mixtures 500 Bs. candy-Fine French Mixtures 200 lbs. Arabian Gum Drops 60 lbs. Royal Gum Drops ? 60 gross Assorted Prize Candies. . ALSO, IN STORE: Jackson White, Early Bose, Peerless ead Prince Albert Potatoes. North Carolina and African Peanuts. Cape Cod Cranberries. Canned Gooda, Jellies, Ac,, Ac. For sale by . ' PAUL, WELCH A GO., . deoio-3 so, as East Ray,