Ulf"' '"'*. Vi ' Ba fia mum-BgaSaV CITY AFFAIRS. MEETING* IBIS DAT. Orange Lodge, A. TU, at 7 P. at. German Rifle Club, at half-past 7 P. M. Grant Cavalry, at 3 and 7 P.M. Palmetto Division, B. T., at half-past 7 P. M. Book and Ladder, No. 2, at halt-past 7 P. Palmetto Fire Company, at half-past 7 P. M. Medical Society, at half-past 7 P. M. Irish Volunteers, al 7 P. M. AUCTION SALES IBIS DAT. William McKay will sell at 10 o'clock, at his store, showcases, cutlery, Ac. Leitch MMiif?iii?*Mi?taM*wi V'? ! TBS CANAL ACROSS THE NBCK. A Highly Ia portant Public Work-Tbs Advantage a, Direct and Indirect, willoh are Kxpected to Flow from lt. At a meeting o? the City Council, beldon I the 29LU ol October last, the Mayor read a communication from himself, setting forth, in part, the advantages of a canal aortss Charles? ton Neck, irom the Ashley River to the Coop? er; stating that a large portion of the desired route had been gratuitously tendered the city by Mr. John H. Devereux, and asking Council to authorize the making of the necessary surveys. The request was unanimously granted by Council, and that fact, together with the text of the communication, was pub? lished in THE NEWS of October the 30th. TM NEWS has also subsequently noticed the be? ginning of the survey. That portion of the work ls now about complete, and a map o? the surveyed route can be seen at the office of itu city engineer. The canal will be about one mlle and a hs If long, with a uniform breadth of water surface of seventy-tfve feet, anda low water depth of ten feet, Increasing at high tide to fifteen or seven tec*n feet. The Ashley River termi? nus ls located lu the m du tb. of n large creek a short distance -north ot Rose's Farm or Low nd ra's Grove. From that point the line runs In a northeasterly direction lor a little over three-fifths of a mlle, when ll makes a slight deflection to the north, crossing Meet log street a few hundred feet north of the' Weil known Paine or Cool Blow farm, and passing about fifty feet north of the Magazine walle, ' terminates In the bold creek, which, flowing In irom Cooper River, washes the northeast front of that property. The route for about half a mlle from Ashley River extends through a low marsh tract, taking In many elbows ol the winding creek, whose mouth marks the terminus on that side, thus utilizion the natural advantages of the loca? tion, and affording comparatively easy exca? vation. One-filth of a mlle further carries li over the high land and Into another marshy ' bottom, through which lt extends the remain? der of Its length. The first half mlle of tbe route irom Ashley River ha* already, as above stated, been gratuitously given to the city by Mr. John H. Devereux. A little more than three-fourths of a mile further remains to be secured, the recent, purchase of the magazine property by the olty having secured a suitable outlet to Cooper River without cost It ls sincerely to be hoped that the citizens owning the prop? erty through wblou the unacqulred three ! fourths of a mlle passes will have the public ! ' spirit to follow Mr. Devereux's example, as the enbanoed value of property in that vicin? ity resulting from the opening of the canal will far more than compensate them for the j loss o? the narrow strip of land required for the work. The advantages to be gained by the opening of the canal are manifold to the property holders on the nock. The gain from a j I sanitary and agricultural point of view will be I simply Incalculable. The healthiness of any local 1 ty depends, In great measure, upon the fa ! illltlea lt possesses for getting rid of Its surplus water; In other words, upon the perfection ol I its system of drainage. It is a well-known j fact that many of the farms on the neck, from their Inland position, possessing no outlet to j either liver, are very Imperfectly drained, and are, la consequence, quite unhealthy during .the summer. The effects of drainage upon cultivation need not be told to farmers. One of the most important objects of the canal ls to furnish facilities for properly draining these Inland farms, rendering them more val? uable for the purposes of cultivation, and habitable for white persons during the whole year. A vast quantity or vegetables and I other productions o? the farm will also find its way to the shipping through Hie canal, at a red need cost for transportation. To th* lumber and timber trade, the advan? tages will also be very considerable. The vast expanse o? marsh land which lies adja cent to the Ashley River mouth of the canal will afford a safe harbor lor the timber and lumber approaching the city from the west, while the canal Itself will furnish Bare and easy aacess for the same material to the ship? ping In Cooper River. Another advantage may result to the commercial Interests of Charleston tu the facility lt will afford the South Carolina and Northeastern Railroad Companies for transferring merchandise to and from their depots and the shipping by means of lighters. Tbls, lt ls claimed, by ob? viating the necessity for draying, will mate? rially reduce the ooet ol transportation, and add largely to the volume of freight which flows through this port. It ls calculated that the cost of cutting the canal will be fully counterbalanced by the sale of the sand and earth lt will furnish fer the purposes o? building and of filling up the low lot? throughout the city. The City Govern* ment for publlo purposes alone annually uses a vast quam Ity of sand, for whloh it pays at the rate of fifty cents per cart load, whereas the oanal will furnish lt at a cost of twenty? five cent? per load. The low lots In various | portions of tbe olty have long been regarded as less healthy than those on higher ground, and wonld have been filled up long a?o If a "ufflolent supply of cheap material could have been at any time obtained-so that If the ca? nal could be rendered useful for no other pur? pose than furnishing the earth necessary to fill up these lota, Ita opening would still be a great benefit. It Is Cno proposed lo make a wide tow-path on either baok of the canal, which will be planted with shade trees, so as to make splendid drives extending from one river to the other. The subject of opening the canal will be be brought, up for the consideration of Coun? cil at Its first meeting In January, when lt ls anticipated that action will be taken looking to the Immediate commencement of the work. HOTEL ARRIVALS-DECEMBER 7 ABD 8. Charleston. James E. Smith, Dan'l M. Willis, Eugene 8elU, H. B. Hunter, New York; Wm. Curry, C. Ssblamm, Savannah; E. U. Chester, wif?, ohlld and nurse, Fernandina; Wm. F. Smith] ML-s M. L. Smith, Glenn Springs, Geo. W Fox, E. W. Eetcham, Rlohmond; John Loohrane, Georgia; W. W. Murphy, Frankfort; 0. 8. Stetson, Jr., and wife, Philadelphia; Mrs. H.A. Butler, Mrs. W. H. Ellis and child, Miss Ovrle Wernfleld, Vermont; James B. Dey, J. E Hunt, Clarksvllle; A. J. Coe, Boston; Louis Lelderman, Blackville; B. J. Witherspoon, Lancaster; R. 0. Billings, Lancaster. 8. C.; W. A. Heddon, Louisville; P. L. 8. Vlrden, Philadelphia; A. W. Lebben, C. T. Aldrich, O. D. Carrlgh and wife, New York; H. Hendry, J. F. Goodrich and wlfr, Newark, N. J.; F. Good? rich. Mrs. C. B. Goodrich. Charlestown, Mass. ; H. Yeatman, Ballimore; Y. 8. Hair, Newoerry; , ?> Herndon, Cokesbury; C. H. Delano, Wil? mington; A. J. Currie, Northeastern Railroad: H. A. Matthews, Waterbury, Conn.; H. A. Sumner, R. R.Snyder,Savannah;R.A. Hayles and wile, Louisville. Pavilion. Thos. F. Hlgbee, Camden; J. T. Easly, Sa? vannah;!, a Sung, Florence; D. Byanebur. ger. New York; B. F. 8wlft, Alexandria; D. Magrath, Washington; T. F. H. Peck and wire Nt. Louis; H. NT Lathapl, Augusta; T V' Wal-h. Si'raier; Wm F. Porter and wire, Brighton; W B. Wright, W. 0. and B. E. R.; R. Mortimer, New York; Wm. Blake, 8par tanburg; Miss B. Chapman, Miss E. Chapman, Mrs. H. Chapman, H. 0. Ford, Savannah; 8. D. Killian. Columbus; Owen Smith, Hard Scrabble; J. F. Adden, Oraiigeburg. RELIGIOUS NOTES. The churches tbrougbout the city were largely attended yesterday, both morning and afternoon. Night services were held In the Citadel Square and First Baptist Churches, and were also well attended* Bishop Howe administered confirmation In the morning, at Saint Michael's Church, to eighteen candi? dates-four male and fourteen female. He also preached an appropriate sermon and ad? ministered the communion. The church was crowded.. The services In the other churches were of no ?special interest. IRE PALMETTO GUARD RIFLE CLUB. At a recent meeting ot this organization the new fatigue caps, already desoribed in thia paper, were formally adopted, and the club expect to bare them bet?re their next parade. The contract was given to Mesara. Brown A Johnson, on King street, and the members are requested to call at that store and have their measures taken. The Palmetto Guard also design procuring the winter pants-of the uniform, consisting of m Alertai ot the same color as the coat, with a green oord on the outside seam. Thia club la a lineal descendant of one ot the crack militia companies of yore, and when thoroughly uniformed, as ls pro posed, they wilt present an appearance In beeping with their ancient name and fame. LOCAL LACONICS. -Thia Is the time to advertise. To make money you must make business. -Tne civil docket o? the United States Cir* ouit Court will be called on next Thursday at Columbia before Judge Bond. -General J. B. Hood, who will deliver the annual oration before the Survivors' Associa? tion in this city on the 12 Ji Instant, did not ar? rive yesterday afternoon as expected. -The Freundsohaftabund will celebrate their until vere ?ry mis evening with a ball, ooncert, theatricals, and a supper, at their ball, corner ot Meeting and George streets. -Wlnnsboru' ls to have a national baok. Fifty thousand dollars' worth ol stock have been secured, and the baok will be put in ope? ration as soon as the necessary preliminaries can be arranged. -Prince Brown, colored, entered the bar? room ot A. E. Philippi, on State street, yester? day morning, and becoming disorderly sub bed the proprietor In the left band. The as* slstaoce of the police waa invoked, and the bloodthirsty African was taken to the Malo Guardhouse, In spite ot a desperate resistance. -On Saturday morning a party of colored men attempted ,lo carry several cows from tbe city to James Island tn a flat. When the ' flat reached the mldddle o? the river It sank, and consigned the crew and cows to the waves. Tee cows struck out In every dlrec tlon lor the shore, but the men held last to tbe flat. The state of affairs was ob? served by persons In the city, and several boats were sent to the rescue, which gathered together both cows and orew. THE COURTS. municipal Court. -->Hanberry,drunk and disorderly, ono dol? lar. Daniel Barnwell, colored, stealing coal from a cart in King street, ten days. Joseph Cole, colored, drunk aod disorderly, turned over to trial Justice. G. Slamer, lodged by a trial justloe, delivered to warrant. A goat at large, one dollar. A shawl and a boat sall, the former found upon the Market Hall steps, and the latter dropped by an unknown Individ? ual at the sight of a policeman, delivered to the owners. A bag of cabbages, dropped by a negro, who la supposed to have stolen it, was seat to the Orpbanbouse. Supreme Court -December G. Before Chief Justice Moses and Associate ., Justices Wright and Willard : Ex parte Thomas M. Wilkes. Petition for admission io practice. Mr. Chamberlain for petitioner. The petition was granted, and Mr. Wilkes was sworn and enrolled as an at? torney, solicitor and counsellor of the Su- i preme Court. , The case o? Kirkpatrick va. Atkinson waa resumed. Mr. J. J. Hempblil concluded his 1 argument tor respondent. Mr. MoAllley In \ reply. Mr. Richardson was reappointed reporter ot toe court, and Mr. A. M. Boozer reappoint- 1 ed clerk. e The court adjourned till Monday, Decem- t ber 9, wheu the First Circuit will be called. United -cates] LO ari-December 6. Belore Judges Bryan and Bond: The United SuteB vs. W. C. Whltesldes, John Whliner, Robert Moore and others conspiracy. These cases were assigned for trial to-day, but owing to an accident lo B. P. Hamilton, E=q.. defendants' counsel, were. I * upon motion ui Y. J. Pope, Esq., continued h till to-morrow. On motion of General Butler the case or George Street et al, indicted for conspiracy, was continued. Alexander McCloud va. G. W. Clark. Fraser, Campbell and Seabrook for plaintiff. Mr. Cor? bin tor defendant. Assigned for trial on Mon? day next. United States vs. Le?esne, executor of Pet Igru, defendant. Ooroin for plaintiff. Miles for defendant. Struck off. Hali. Smith ?fe Co. vs. C. N. Averill ? Co., de? fendants. Wnaley As Mitchell for plaintiffs. Wilaiuson for deiemiants. Conilnueti. 1 T. M"tie Allston vs. estate J. P. Richardson, - estate B. Manning and J. L. Manulng, ass um 1 flt. Three cases. Pringle lor plaintiff. Porter ? Conner tor defendants. 8. ? M. B. Davie vs. Churchill B. Jones. Trespass Farrow & Duucau for pialotlffs. Porter ? Conner for defendants. Continued. Judge Bond gave notice to tbe bar that ou Thursday next he would make a peremptory call of tbe dooket, and that such oases as were , not represented will be etrloken from the dooket. 1 The grand Jury returned true bills as to 1 Wm. Webster, HamletLoudelock, et'al, Synez c Walker, et al, for conspiracy against citizens of Airlcan descent as to voting. STRICT OBSERVANCE LODGE.-At (he annual communication of Strict Observance Lodge, No. 73, held on Friday, 6ih Instant, the follow- | J lng officers were elected and Installed to serve for the ensuing Masonic year: J. D. Easterlln. | ? W. M.; A. W. Taft, H. W.; B. F. McCabe, J. W.! F. J. Dawson, treasurer; W. St. J. Jervey, sec? retary; D. B. GU ll lauri, 8. D. ; E. 0. Marshall, J, 0.; J. D. Btocker, J. L. Sheppard, stewards; F. L. Meyer, liter. BUSINESS NOTICES. | J DON'T fall to see those wonderful things at Hibernian Hall to-night. Bring twenty-five 11 cents along. 11 OFF TBS SKELLI09, by Jean logelow, tbe c! English poetess. Price $l 75. At Holmes's t Book House. ? I No FAMILT once using Durand's Polish will f t ever be without a bottle In the bouse. 1 novlS-lmo * Go TO Hibernian Ha 1 to-night and hear r the great "Spiritual Band of Music." (July 11 twenty-five cents admission. r ? a THB "CIACULATINQ LIBRARY " attached to Foganle's Book Depository, ls now open. t? peel al arrangements will be made with Clubs In the ooantry._dec9mtutbs4 A No. 1 DTinraand cleaning of Gentlemen's Overcoats, Winter Sacks, Shawls, Pants, Ves:a. Ac, io , at Otto Bonntag's, Dyer and Scourer, No. 34 Wentworth street, near Ar-1? testan Well. THB MONEr will be refunded if Durand's French Poliah does not do what lt claims to do. novl3-lmo DR. WBIL, the distinguished German oen< 1st and optician, whose success here has been io marked, will, on account of professional iDgagetnents elsewhere, be compelled to eave tis at aa early day. We therefore ad? vise our friends and the public generally to risit the Doctor at the earliest moment. His apartments are at tbe Pavillon. The follow? ing letters from Dr.''Geddings and the'Eev. Dr. Girardeau give ground upon wbioh to build a good opinion of any one : CHARLESTON, December 2, 1872. Dr. M. Well having expressed a wish that I Bhould ?ive an opinion ia regard tolhe mer? its of bis eyeglasses, I hare carefully exam? ined the same, and do not hesitate to award to them my most favorable appreciation of j their superior excellence. (Signed) E- GEDDINGS, M. D. I cannot speak of Dr. Well's eye glasses upon trial of them, but I am personally ac? quainted with many of the gentlemen, espe? cially the Ministers of the Gospel, whose tes Umunlds ie has, and have perfcot confidence la their recommendations. (Signed) JOHN L. GOARDEAU. CHRISTMAS is coming. For handsome Gold Bracelets, Studs and Sleeve ButtonB, go to Allan's, 307 King street._ FCROHGOTT, BENEDICT A Co. have received a full assortment of Kid Gloves, and ofTer a good quality, one button Glove, for ll; two button Gt ave for $t 25. Also, sole agents for the Celebrated CoelUy Kid Gloves, each pair sold under guarantee. dec2 F?RCHOOTT, BENEDICT & Co., No. 275 King street, are, lor this week, offering great bar? gains in Carpets-great reduction made in this article. dec2 FORCHGOTT, BENEDICT A Co., No. 275 King street, have received 100 sets of Children's Furs, only $2 25; in sets of Children Furs, $3 and ti; 100 sets Ladles' Furs-sets from ti up. _^_ dec? GIFTS FOB THK HOUDAYS.-For Silverware, fine Watches, irold Opera and Vest ChainB, go to Allan's, 307 King street. ' 8. B. MARSHALL A Co., corner King and 8oolety streeis, have on hand an elegant as? sortment of Rodgers ? Sons and W?sten holm's Table and Dessert Knives, Carvers and Steels; also, the greatest variety of Pocket Knives, Scissors and Razors In cases, and Ladies' Cutlery cases to be found In the city. These gooda are of the best quality, and have been selected expressly for the holiday trade, and are sold at low prices. dec6-mwfl2 rwH COVERS, Plate Covers, Plate Warmerp, Chafing Dishes, Toilet Sets, English Tea Trays, Plated Spoons, Forks and Castors, Bird Cages, Boya' and Men's Tool Chests, for sale, at low prices, by S. B. Marshall ? co., corner King and Society streets. dec6-mwfl2 SODDEN CHAKQKS In the weather ore pro? ductive of Throat Diseases, Coughs and Colds. There Is no more effectual relier to be found, than in the use of Brown's Bronchial Troches. Dowle, Moise A Davis,.Agents. dec?-wfm8 MESSRS. LOWNDES A GRTMBALL will offer for Bale at auction on or about the 1st Januar.' BPXt, several Lots of Land of suitable size for building purposes, situated In the northeast? ern part of the city, and commonly Known as the Blake lands. Further particulars will be given In a future advertisement. nov27-wfm BOILDINO MAT?RIAU-An extensive stock and large variety of Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Balusters, Mouldings, Aa, are kept constantly sn hand by Mr. P. P. Toale, at his warerooms, So. 20 Hayne street and No. 33 Pl nek ney street. The above are all made at his own factory on Horlbeck's wharf. He keeps, also, French and American Window Glass, Stained Glass, Slate Hamels, Builders' Hardware, Ac, from the lest manufacturers. mchS-fmwlyr ODES MAT be termed the "Periodical Age,' ill the best literature ls first published in the Periodicals. The only method ol keeping pace rvith the current literary, philosophical, identifie and theological toplos ol the day ls to -ead the Periodicals. No family should be vi thou t one or more magazines suited to Its carious members. Specimen copies of all he English and American Periodicals can be leen on the tables at Fogartle's Book Deposl ory. Now ls the time to subscribe for the lew year. dec4-wfm3 COMMERCIAL NEWS. Mxpuria. LIVERPOOL-Per Br bark Stormy Petrel-o bags iea island and 1461 bales u land cotton, wo tons tnospbate rock, 8 bbls beeswax, 2 tierces cotton leed. Ntw YORK-Per steamship Champion-70 bBgs iea Island and 1770 bales upland cotton, 130 tea icc, 60 ba ea domestics, I'S packages. i he Charleston cotton, Rice and Naval Stores Markets. OFFICE CHARLERTON NEWS, ) SATURDAY EVENING, December 7, 1872. j COTTON-This staple was in somewhat limited lemand, the market showing a quiet and un ?hanged character; Bales abd at 400 balee, viz: 1 at 4, i at lex. is st 17, 4 at nx, ?0 at nx, 4 at TX, li at IT?, ll at 17X, 60 at is, 80 at isx, 22 at 8x> 34 at it>x, se at isx. &3 at lOc. We qaute: UVIBFOOL CLASSIFICATION'. Inferior.14 ?18X urdinnry to good oruinsry.17 Bs "H Low middilug-.;.if>x@i8X Middling.18X? htrlct middling.18X@ Rios.-lhere was a good Icq ?irv for this grain it firm rates; sales about 200 tierces clean Caro l?a, viz: a tierces at ox, o at ox, 28 at e e-ie. 20 tt 7, 81 at TX. in at TX, 84 at 7 610c. We quote lommon to fair at ox?ex c, good T?TXC. NAVAL STOBES.-The arrivals were 147 bbls ?pints turpentine, and soi bbls rosin. There vere no sales reported, FBEIOHTS.-TO Liverpool, by ?team, di root, Xi in uplands, - oa sos Islands; via Now York, fd on uplandH, ixd on sea islands; by lall x J on uplands, and x J on s<>a islands. Tb Javre, lo on uplands. Coastwise-to Kew fork, by sterna, Xo on uplands and-on sea H. and r, $2 ~? tierce ou rice; ouu fl bbl on rosin; >y sail,-c fl lb on cotton; -of tierce on ice;60c 9 bbl on rosin; SU? 12 fl M on lumber; (12912 60fi Hon timber. To Bost n, by steam l(o on uplands ?nd $2 60 ~~ tierce on rico; by sall, -e 1? rb on uplands; ro.?ln 70c; resawed mufi 112? 12 60; tlmner t is? 13 60; phosphate $6?8 60. To fr ovid eu ce, by sail |10?lt fl M on boards; -0 fi re on cotton; by steam Xo via New York To Phlladniphia, by sieam Xo on uplands; fl 76 * tierce on rice; ooo fl bbl on rosin; $1 on spirits. Through bills of lading given to Boston, Provl lenco and tho New England enies are regularly ?sued on this route, and dispatch guaranteed, ly eau, $8 p M on boards; s 12 on Umber; - fi on on clay; $8 60 on pnoephate*. To Baltimore, 9 si?am -0 fl lb; by sall $8?8 60 fi Mon loards; - on timber; $3 60 ft ton at city; $4? 60 fl ton up river on phosphate r?ok. Vessels ?rc In demand by oar merchants to take lumber rclghts frum Georgetown. 8. G.. Harlen and Betti. i River, aa, and Jacksonville, Fia., to Northern Orts, and ?lo? 12 fl M are the rates on timber ?nd boards. ExonA.voH.-stcrllng 60 day bills 21021X. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE.-The banks purchase Ight checks on New York at X? X per cent, orr, ?nd sell at par. GOLD-12X?18X. Wilmington Market. WILMINGTON, December7. eriRiTs TURP?NTINS.-sales of 160 esaks at IM 1er ga lon tor aouthern packages, a aecilne of lc ince last iepo'1. IIOSIN.-Market inactivo, with sales of 800 bbls I $8 ?0 fur Btrulned. CRUDS 1 ORPSNTINE.-Sales of 246 bbls at $8 20 sr hurd and ?6 au for virgin and yellow dip. TAR-Market steady, with sales of m bbls at $4 ar bbl. Marketa by Telegraph. HOKEY MARKETS. t, _ LONDON, December 7. Noon-Consols, 91tf. Five?, 89. " " Nsw i OBS, December 7. Noon-Stocks steady. Gold steady at 13. Money tight at x to a per cent, per day. Exchange, long 8J?; Bnort lo. Governments dnllbat steady, state bonds dall bat steady. Freiguts quiet but firm. COTTON MARKETS. LIVERPOOL, December 7. Noon-ootr.cn opened quiet; uplands lod: Orleans W^alOJid. ' ' Later-cotton closed dull; sales 10,000 bales: speculation and export 2000; uplands for Feb mary 9>?d. Nsw TORX, December 7. Noon-Cotton opened quiet; Bales 2817 balea; uplands ls?ic. Orleans 20xc Evening.-Cotton quiet; salea 1728 bales; up? lands 19*0, orleans -MX\ net receipts to-day 1162; gross 7657. Sales of o ?on lutures 6800 bales, aa follows: December 18X. 18 la-lS; Januar; \&% 18 16-16; February I9)i. March 19 6-18,19?; April 19 918,19*; May 19?; June ??o*. ' V -il; BOSTON, December 7. Cotton q?let-middlings 20c; net rectlptu l?males; grosa receipts 3681; sales ?0; stock 4500. PHILADELPHIA. December 7. Cotton quiet; middlings l9xai9\o bALTiM ins, December 7. Cotton Arm; mid nings i?S'c; tum receipts '.'64 bales; export!coastwise45; saies 3?0;stock 744. WILMINGTON, December 7. Cotton steady; middlings l8xc; net. rectlpiB iva bales; exports coastwise 214; sales 97: stock 2804. > OKFOLK, December7. Oot'on steady; low middling niaise; net rs ceipts 2819 bales; exports coastwise ina : Bales 2C0; stock 11,088. HAVANNAH, december 7. Cotton dull and but little d >ing; good ordlnairy i*Xai7Xc: mw middling 180; middling l8Kc; net receipts 4,079 bales; expors to Great Brliain ir; j, coastwise 1918; salea H44; st- ck 79,soa. AUOC-TA December 7. Cotton opened with a fair deland at 8c, and closed steady and uuohanged. bales 904 balta; receipts 1424. MEMPHIS, December 7. Cotton finn: middling 19 i9xc; lo? middling liaisjfc;good ordin?r? 17c; receipts. 8101 ba.ea; shipments 2698; atock 84,060. MOBILE, December 7 , Cotton quiet and eaay; good ordinary 17x;c; low middlings 18c; mlddlluga I8?c; net receipt* 8501; . x ports to tbe cOatlneut 486; coastwise 4V7; sales 600; stock 88,079. NEW OHLE AN 3, December 7, Cotton In fair de i ana ann easier; good ordi? nary i:Kal7>ic; low m ddllngs 18*0; middlings J8ai9>ic; net re elpt. 25oa bau af prosi 2502; ex p rta to ureat Britain SOO; to the Con luent 48B9; ?ales 1000; last evening 6600; stock 161.986. QALVKSTON. December 7. Cotton BU a9y ; good ordluaiy ie Vc; net i ecelpta 1:86 bale- ; exports to Great Britain 224; oontin?nt I4U&; sales 1000; stock 84,060 PROVISION AND PRODUCE MARKETS.' LIVERPOOL. December v. Noon - Breadstufls quiet. Fork, new, 744. NEW YORE. December 1. . Neon.-Floor doll. Wueat quiet, out flirm. Com steady. Pork dull; old mesa $14. Lard quiet; steam 7j?a8. '1 urpentlne dull at eiafll KC Ko?in dull at S3 90a4, Evening.-"-Pionr dall and unchanged. Wheat held D rm, with moderate transactions. Cora a shade Armer. Pork lisais lix Lard weaV ar. 7 as. Navals dull. Groceries quiet, bat steany. OT. Lor/is, December!. . Flour dalt and unchanged. Corn dull and un? changed ; No 2 mixed. 280 at East at Lunts, on tue track. Wniakey Arm &i92c. Pork nominally $12 ai2 60. Bacon quiet; olear rib sides and clear sid- a I sold in round lots at 7o lor March. Lard activa at 70, spot and future delivery. wiLMiNsroN, December 7. Spirits turpentine duh at 45a Rosin dull at $? 20 for strained Grade turpentine quiet st SO 20 for hard, $6 20 for virgin and y chow dip. I Tar steady at}4. LOUISVILLE. December 7. I lour in good demand; extra family $7 85. Corn quiet and small business. Pork In an improved demand, but email st.les at $ 12 60- Lard steady at 7Mc for tierce, 8* for kegs, strictly choice lear; prime steam 1??\ order lou jfaXc better. Whs key Arm at 880. New York Rice market. NEW TORS. December 7. Tbe Dally Bulletin says : There haa be n a fair I Inquiry, with sales reported ol'2 0 h g* Kaugoou at 7a7xc. and 44 tes Carolina at 7Xa8*o. Mi s-irs, Dan. Talmage'a Sons report me market lo tnelr.circular of December S aa follows: CAROLINA -1 he receipts at this point are very limited and all arriving parcels are quickly taken from wharfs1 fall rates. The course of tne mar? ket has thia f eison boen contrary to the expecta? tion of mo?-t of the trade, and the prospecta do not favor low prices. The reacuroes of the south areao much larger than la previous years ? by their own improved financial onndltlou and also the Aow of Northern capital hither, that tbe plau tera are now able to bold their crops when the markst lalla below a profitable producing p. int by any unnatural depression. Another fact m iy be noted as helping to saa am the markets at the [ booth. The freights from there weat wa? d are as ' elie,ip as from here, so that with the average pre? vailing rates Carolina has beea a cheap aa, or very olosely approximating In cont of laying down, to the East India kinda. In ci ti Ht-quito ce the demand bas been very liberal, and any hirge accumulation of stoct prevented. RANGOON.-Tr>e supply 1B quite small and likely so to remain, as the Carolina ts absorbing mont of the demandi . PATNA.-On y lair j;rade on hand. New York Naval Stores market. i From the Dally Bul - tin, Saturday, December 7: The atock of spirits df turpentine continues very large and the market evident y is weak, with soc bid. This, however, ls below the views of hohlere, and notblig of imp?rtanos has transpired. ?trained rosin ls qui it, with $*3 86 bid and $3 H0a4 asked Sales 100 obis at $8 87 x and soo boin la lots at $8 90. Tai't ?till acaree and firm. Puch moderately acive tu a jobbing way at former prices. Late *ln the day we hear of 2000 gall?os spirits turpentine la Imperial lins at70c; also800 bois pale rosin at $&, and 126 bbla extra pale at $e. Interior Cotton markets. LAURENS, December ?. Cotton ls quoted at :sxc ANDERSON, December ii. The coron market daring the paat weeklies beau quite aotive. The markets closed to-day firm at i7al7lCo for m'.ddltngs; aaies Xor the week amount io 600 bales. UNION, December fi. Out', n, low mum:cg 15XalflXc; 200 balea sold during the week. OH ER AW, December C. Cotton, strict, mid ir,ag isc, middling 17Xal7y(c, low middling l7xc. COLUMBIA. December 8. Sales of cotton to-diy 98 bale.-; middling i7Jic. WiNNSBoRO', Deci-mner e. For tho past two days 190 balen of cot to . ht.v been sold in this market at pr ces ranging from 1 iX to 17C. OoLCTOoa, December 8. To-day oar marke , li quiet, wita a limited de mano; eales 202 bales, at following flgarca: ur.ii nary naisse; good ordinary 17a!7Kc; low mM diing* i7.sai7Ji''; tnldlllugs 18c; week'n sales 2717 bales; wee*'a reoelpta 2481 against 3070 ire previo?one, and l>22 the corresponding week last season; shipments 2261 MONTO M gar. December 8. Market nominal; ordinary l6al6#o; go d ord! dary lexMfi0; strict good ordinary nxo; low ml idling l7Kal7Ko; ?ilddllng 17Xal7J?o. Boston market. lio&TON. Deoember 6. COFFEE -The demand for c ffee baa been rather limited tinco oar last, and in prices no raanga. Holders In fact a -e quite firm aud indifferent about selling except at full prices. We quote sales of Java at I9a:ic, Rio at I4^al9c, and small lo s Ma Domingo and other kinds at previous prices. COTTON.-The receipts of the week have been c insiders le, but mostly on msnnracturers' ac? count. Prices remain without material chani.'O, wi 11 a fair demand. Tue eales have been in io is a * wanted by manufacturers, at 10 x*17c for urdlna ry, 18tfal9c for a-uod ordinary, 18Xal9Jr low middling, and 19 ?a?OXc for middling, Including uplands and enif. OONY BAGS.-The market ls quiet but arm at ]4#ai6c correnoy. UONNY CLOTH.-This article is firm, with con? sid?rante speculative luquiry. The sales Cum pritie 600 roils at 12x0. 9 J days; 2000 rous, deliver ab e from April to July, 1878. at i8c; 600 rolls at 13Xo for future delivery, and large aaiea arc re? ported but thc particulars are not public. NAVAL brossa-Spirits turpentlue bas declined wltb ,-?ioi at 64*650 fl gal Tar Ia scarce and (Inn with -ales in small lon aa wanted at $5 :5ns 9 bbl. in Southern pitch, saies at $6 76*8 fl bbl. Rosin ls quiet ami prices are nomina ly the Bane, KICK.-Harket firm with a good demand. The salea comprise 150 cants Carolina at ix^hc; 450 bags R ingoor, tn bood, at axaaxo. gold; 300 bags do at f 6 9oa7, currency, and 126 baga Patna at 7 vc V lb. Klee, Coffees and Spices. BOSTON, December 2. Riot.-Oar mark9t for Carolina has tem active dnnug the past fortnlgnt until within (he lajt three days. The prospect of prices rem alu n. g firm and Mteady, at least till the c o-e or mu y car, has eau .cd a better demand from the trade. The demand ai Southern purts has Kept pace * icu the supplies. Tn? markets there have cons'j. qutntly been very steady. Tue demand has been almost entirely from the rrgular trade, very Utile | belog taken on speculation. Foreign.-The de? mand for foreign has been good, and the market la bare of choice lots, aod with the advanced figur?e on Carolina there ls more Inquiry from the trade. As the prices are to a great extent de? pendent up'in the price of gold, LO idea can te formed of-the probable range of prices. Rangoon Isla lair demand without change in price, patna ls higher, and as stocks both here .,nd la Europe are light, we cannot expect any decline in price 1. * oFFEE.-The raaiket has gene any ruled dull durmg the past fortnight, though a better feeling 0 n be noted durmg tbe past few da>s. The ou-l ness OOwdoai leen small, however, the trade ne log very Siow to realize any advai. ce lu price. In contrast to the dnll markets at home, all ocr foreign advices abow great ac lvity, and the pros? pect for the fature seems most encouraging for holders. We advance our Cg ares for|most kindii. Javas remain ?D Manged, though the market ls very muon stronger. The Btock of singapore ls steadily increasing, t hough still this kiud ls ba called for by the trade. We give belew the move men t* or Java since our last: Stock November 18,1872,168,907 mats ol co lbs eaoh; receipts since cur last 84,087 do do; total 188,844 do do; sales since our hst 13.666 do do. Total stock In first hands lr. ike Duned State? this date 170,179 do do. &PI0B8.-A fair Jobbing demand can be n ted, thougn the Trade from first Hands has been limit ?~ S?Ket,erally are a shade lower, and hold ?;!;,?.. i,more deposed to make concessions in i.nnXwoSr??- repDer 18 considered armer, and nnnh'odn^ab,ie B?8LNE?8 hf e been done. Ginger ls shade e sier plmenl? aoa a*81* 418 * Receipts by Railroad, December T. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. f447 bales cotton, 66 bales goods, 8 cars stock. To Jonnsion, Crews* co. HaWl4 ?7, H S mg. PA t koa il w O cortney 4 co, LD Le Saos sure Witte aros, O W Williams 4 co, AS ?mnh, William*, Biack 4 williams, A J Salinas. Pringle *,? *U,"Q H,Halter * co. G W Km?. Prizer. R..ug ers 4 co, Ulusman a Howell. W WSman. WO Ree A co. Crawley 4 De*ou. Murdaugh k Wees ?-?0?a?*'oaDla * w""ou. ?olcock ? op. W A Boyle, Reeder A Davis, fi H F OSO * co, F O May, Mowo, W B Will ams A son. W B Suntu A co, A a Duncan, 0 R Hoimes, Trenholm k son. M^S.T"C, Lowie, Moise k Davis, D y & ch. Elias Bros, Jas T Erwji, C I) Franke, R Ford, ? Fairley k co, B Foley, D F Flem.ng k co, For Hythe, Mccomb Ad, Furchgott, Kened let k 00, B Feldmann k co, L k B Fogartle. J Gervey, 0 U Cnel en, J Gray, J Hurkarap k co.-J U H ll A co, N A au ut, Holmes, Hart k co, R Hunter, F Heme, Hoimea's Book Siore, A Hiing ac., irwin k Ma. Ul, D Jacobs, J Jara, 0 Juhaton k co, Knock, wickenberg k 0 ., L Kenacke. Kinsman k Ho veli, T Kolo e wey, Kinsman. Bros, J P Kelp, H W Krlt-te, G Koteur, 0 T Lowndes. Lau rey, Alexan? der A 00, P B Lalane A co, J H Lawto.i A co, Ceo Little A CO, J W Lin'.ey, A N Lf boy, J H Lopez, H Lei Ung, Martin k M .od, J G Milner k CO, C Mc?ienuahan, M Mancher, D McPherson EC Mets, K H MoDonald, Mente k Muller. E W Mar "hali A- co, D MUben, Wm Matthleaseu, Melch.-rs k Maller, s K Marsha 1 k co, A Mmltz ft co. N E K R Co, D O'Neill k Sou. F L O'.s el 1, D O'Neill, B o'Nrlll, Pelzer, Kong, rs k co, Paul Welch k 00, J R Pringle, M Polnzer. C P Poppenhelin. D Pani Foo, J rt Mead A oo, Qaaokeaouaa, Estin A cu, Kavenel k D?lmes, Bleust * Petermann. E B so dard k co, C U suies, Steffens, Werner k Ducker, J Says-, Sell k Foster, Wm .-hepherd, L J schuell, Smith k Valle, D H Stloox, W Steele, R Thomiin, Baltimore-loo hours. Mdso. To Street Bros A co, J H Graver k Bro, P B LaUne k co, G W Williams k co, W ti Ona te k co, u F Wu torn, c Ltuenthai * oo, Tledemann, Ca der A co. J H Wuhruiann ko. li Feldmann k cu, J campeen a co. tur meister k Z-rbst. Rlecke A Petermann. F W Webmnnn. U BI sc in.ff k co, ri Klatte k co, F DU K.acke, Pani, Welch A co. W F Rice, a c Railroad Agent, w U Jones k co, Order and others. senr B F Lowell, Falker, Boston-7 days. Guano. To A J C elghton. St- amer Dictator, Coxetter, Palatka via Jack sonvine, Fernandina aud savannah. 22 bales cotton, 3i bbla and boxes orai.ges m i e and sun? dries. To Raveuel A c?, u lt io dion. Ingr ham k SH, Fraser k Dui, w B williams A Son Flockney Bros, Warulaw k Carew, C K Holm- B, and otuera. sehr Gen R E Lee, uradio?, cooper River, l*oo bushels rough rice. To W ? Bee a'co, and others, soar Ana S Dea?, GarbatiL West Point Mill, 0i tierc- M rice. To G A Treuhoim A Son. .-loop Jolla,-, cooper River. 1884 bushels rougti rice To G U lng ra na tn k son. -loop laabrila, Cosslch, Combabee. 1720 bushels rough ncc To W O Bee k co. Boat from Christ ch u ron. ll bags sea island cot? ton. To Kinsman k Howell. Boat from cnrist Church. 3 bags sea island cotton. To Kinsman a Howell. Boat from James Lland. 42 bags sea island colton. To Fraser 4 DIU. Boat fr. m Wadmalaw. 8 bags sea Hand cot? ton. To Fraser a mn. Boat fr m ndlsto Island. 6 bags sea Island cot ton. To Fraser a DilL Boat from J. nu's Island. 29 bags sea Island cotton. To Fraser k Dui. Boat from Christ Church. 2 bags sea island cotton. To Wm Gurney. Boat from John's leland. 2 bags sea Island cot? ton. To Wm uurney. Received irom Bennett's Ml IL 114 tierces rice. To W C Bee k co and H B ec nod & co. CLEARED SATURDAY, o.eamshlp Champion, Lockwood, New York James Adger k co. Br bark atormy Petrel, Dick. Liverpool-Henry Card*' SAILED YESTERDAY. Br bark Stormy Petrel, Dick, Liverpo L sehr Joba .-hoy, Tllton, Wilmington De,. Sehr Electric, Dole. Jacksonville, SC. FROM THIS PORT. Dr steamship Tyne Queen, oasaon at Liverpool, December 6. Steamship Charleston, Berry, at New York, Dec mber 7. steamship South Carolina, Beckett, at New York, December 7. UP FOR THIS PORT. Sehr Skylark, Lorlng, at Boston, December 4. CLEARED rOR Till M PORT. Sehr J E Simmons, Yoong, dt Boston, Decem? ber 6 MARINE NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. LIVBRPOOL, December 7. Arrived, bark Duke of Wellington, from New Orleans. . _ Nsw YORK, December 7. Arrived, Charleston, Leo, Java, Cabs, General Barnes, aouth carolin a and Hatteras. MEMORANDA. CThe sehr Joha D Paige, Haiev, from Boston for charleston, was at Vineyard Haven Dt-cernoer 2. and during the gale there dragged afoul ot the brig *nnaDTorrey oar lid away the brig's Jib b >om, top. aliantmas' aud carnead. Damage to sc .coner slight. The Br steamship Tyne Qaeen, which was freighted at thia p vi for Liverpool, by Mess is J A Enslow 4 co, and which was cleared November Beb and salted November lath, arrived at thai non abone December 6, as per cable. The Spanlih bark Pepito, Es cato, for Boll Bl ver 8 C, cleared at Havana, November so.. POET OF GEORGETOWN, 8. O. V. CLEARS D. f November 28.-Sehr Z R Floyd, Squires, New Turk, with naval atores. ,: November So.-Brig u?arles Wesley, Barding, for -, with, lutnvr: sobr Hary B Barris, -. for New Bedford. Me, with lamber. December 2.-Scbr John Winthrop, Lewis, for Boxsport, ile, with lumber. . * 'j PORT OT BEAUFORT, S. 0, :, , ARRIVED. December 8.-Sehr J B Keeling, Robinson, ft daya from Kassau, to Major Maaldfo, for lamber. CLEA BSD. November 20.-Bark Henrietta, Wishart, from Bun River, with 868 tons pnoapnate, for London LIST OF VESSELS UP, fJL EAR KD AND SAHXD FOB THTB, PORT. DOMESTIC. KEW TORS, , Sehr 3 0 Webb.-, np.Dej 4 Hohr LN Lovell, Gage, np.........Deo 2 Sor Ltly, Hoghes, ap..Nov? sehr Traveller, Hodges, old.Nov 80 sehr Horauoe Rogers, sheppard, pp........Nov 14 WOOD'S HOLE. Brig 0 0 Colson, Payson, op..Nov 36 BOSTOH. Br bark J- rome Joues. ?ienney, cid........Hov 20 sehr Saylirk, Lorlog. ap.V..ittt3Daa>a !?cnr M f. Smith, Greene dd..Nov TT Sehr Jennie B simmons. Yoongroi?.... .;..Der 4 WITp?O?TH. Sehr B F Lowell, Barton, up.........!.....j:oy ? FHILADKLFHIA. > Sehr S y W Simmons. Simmons, old..Deo s sour BtliRasielr, smith, cid.Dec l Bohr J D Pape, --, np...-.'Deo 6 bohr P St Clair. Edward?, cid............. .NovTO Sehr Caroline Yoong, Young, cid...........Nov 29 Scar George Barc?n, --, np. ^'..Novii BALTIMORE. \ Behr Ida Rte bardi on, Bedell, np....Nov 80 'ROCBTPOBT, io., : : ;r. '" Brig Gambia, G Way, np............tHfVlLV S li ip p lng. F OB LIVERPOOL. , The First-lass British Phip ISLAND HOME, sinclair. Master, Ravine- a portion! of her cargo engaged will h ve Immediate patch. Apply to BKNKTUAKD, ' Exchange Banca, ' deo7 _ Atlantic Wtinrt. NEW Y O BK. ' r~ ON THURSDAY, 12TH DECEMBER, AT 1 O'CLOCK P. IL - : ; -\ ' NEW IRON STEAM LINE-ESTABLISHED, 1870. 8TATE BOOMS ALL OK DECK. The Splendid New Iron Stdewheel. QE0BG1A, Crawell. Commander, willi York on TH?RS OAT. 12' h December, i P. M., from Pier No. 2,Un ion Wnjamfc r' v .':. Through Billa of Lading to Liverpool and tb? New England cities as usuaL' . ^????tfer MW Inauranoeby steamers or thia . line X per cent. ....... lt ' For Freight or Passage engagements, htYlng very fine Deck Stateroom acoummodatlons. ap? ply to WAGNER, HUGER 4 00., No. ,28 Broad street, or to WM. A. COURTENAY, No. * Wharves._? '.; de" QHANGE OF SAILING DAYS, LN ORB A 8 ED SERVICE. PACIFIC HAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S THROUGH LINE TO CALIFORNIA CHINA AND JAPAN. FARES GREATLY REDUCED. Steamers of tbe abd ve una leave Pier. No. 42, North River, loot of Canal street, J New York, at ia o>olook noon, of ifm and 8oth or every month, except wnei< these t fall on sunday, men the Saturday precetrfni AU departures connect at Panama with fl? ers for south PacUo and Ceatral Araiirican pona; For Japan and China, steamers leave san Fran? cisco fl rs 10 f every month, except when lt lalla oft ' Sunday-then on the day preceding. NO California steamers touutr at Havana, bot go direct from New York to AsplnwalL ?'!. " One hundred pounds baggage free to each adult, ? Medicine and attendance free. - For Passage Tickets or other information, apply, at the COMPANY'? TICKET OFFICE, ' on the Wharf toot of Canal street, North River, New York. F. R. BABY, Agent. ' aaglS-lyr_. ? FOB S A V A N N; X<;"H,; ..-.!'. . . ??=?. .a ?a? ?'?< TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SUNDAY EVENING, AT 8 O'CLOCK. r. V The Splendid si de-wheel steamers, DICTATOR and CITY POINT WllT, leave Southern Wharf as above. ?. . ? No extra charge made for Meals and state? rooms. , . T:. .' For Freight and Pa ? sage apply to--*;' RAVRNEL * co.. Corner Yanderhorst's Wharf and Eaic.Bay. decs _. -; ' B F LO BI D Ai, . VIA SAVANNAH. The Splendid a id e-wheel Steamers, DICTATOR. Captain L. M. Ooxetter,,. CITY POINT, captain Fitzgerald, wuipMaye ?harieaton every TUBBDAT, TOTBSDAT ana sxw DAY EviNiNO, at 8 o'clock precisely, for SAVANNAH, FERNANDINA,_ .. . ?. JACKSONVILLE, - MAGNOLIA, " _ GREEN COVB SPRINGS, ST. AUGUSTINE, PAUAT?A. AND ALL LANDINGS ON ST. JOHN'S RIVER. Connecting at Palatka with steamers for the Oclawaaa River "d wita the seamer STAR? LIGHT for i^^rj^?^^^^ P0*** on the Upper Sb John's aud indian Rivers. 0 These noe B-eam-rs balltIjNawJo*espa. CHI y adapted for tae Florida trade, are foralAhea with averv comfort and convenience, ajdaflbm t^e OHBAPHST. SAFEST AND MOST COJtFOBT- ; AB LE MEANs 6 F M40HIS0 FWUW. They prov.de a nrst-claaa table, ?^"^g: They land almost at tho doom ora Hoieis of all above P^Q^^f?^?b t :url8t the dangers and discomforts qr, ^ffiS?? at Fernandina *m ijfe? For Fracht ?j^^ijf?? Corner Vanderhorafa Wharf and P" J decs COOKING AND HEATING STOYES AX RETAIL. PICTURES AND PRICES OF EACH, With lists or Furniture lor Cook stoves, wUl be sent upon application. J WILLIAM SHEPHERD * CO., No. 29 BAYNE STREBT, CHARLESTON, S. C